* Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Utility methods for UI and engine modules. Provides help for address
* string parsing, resource files and contact database access.
* General address format is either
* alias<real-address>
* or
* <real-address>
* as used in the Client MTM API.
#include <barsc.h> // resource file
#include <bautils.h>
#include <miutpars.h> // e-mail utilities
#include "cimconvertcharconv.h"
#include "cimconvertheader.h"
#include <miutconv.h> // CharConv
#include <flogger.h>
#include <e32svr.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <imcvcodc.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <UiklafInternalCRKeys.h>
// #include <telconfigcrkeys.h>
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include <CoreApplicationUIsSDKCRKeys.h>
#include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
#include "telconfigcrkeys.h"
#include "mmsgenutils.h"
#include "MmsEnginePrivateCRKeys.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
const TInt KLogBufferLength = 256;
_LIT( KLogDir, "mmsc" );
_LIT( KLogFile, "mmsc.txt" );
const TUint KExtraSpaceForConversion10 = 10;
const TUint KExtraSpaceForConversion30 = 30;
// ==================== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ====================
// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
// Constructor
EXPORT_C TMmsGenUtils::TMmsGenUtils()
// Destructor
EXPORT_C TMmsGenUtils::~TMmsGenUtils()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::AddressTypeAndRealAddress
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt TMmsGenUtils::AddressTypeAndRealAddress(
const TDesC& aAddress,
TMmsAddressType& aType,
TDes& aRealAddress,
TInt aMaxLength,
const TDesC& aOpen,
const TDesC& aClose )
aType = EMmsAddressTypeUnknown;
TPtrC realAddress;
realAddress.Set( PureAddress( aAddress, aOpen, aClose ) );
if ( realAddress.Length() > aMaxLength )
return KErrTooBig;
if ( IsValidMMSPhoneAddress( realAddress ) )
aType = EMmsAddressTypeMobile;
else if ( IsValidEmailAddress( realAddress ) )
aType = EMmsAddressTypeEmail;
// we returned earlier if address was too big.
if ( aType != EMmsAddressTypeUnknown )
aRealAddress.Copy( realAddress );
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::IsValidAddress
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool TMmsGenUtils::IsValidAddress(
const TDesC& aAddress,
TBool aReal,
const TDesC& aOpen,
const TDesC& aClose )
TPtrC realAddress;
if ( !aReal)
realAddress.Set( PureAddress( aAddress, aOpen, aClose ) );
realAddress.Set ( aAddress );
if ( !IsValidMMSPhoneAddress( realAddress ) )
return IsValidEmailAddress( realAddress );
return ETrue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::IsValidEmailAddress
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool TMmsGenUtils::IsValidEmailAddress(
const TDesC& aAddress,
TBool aReal,
const TDesC& aOpen,
const TDesC& aClose )
// Strip off alias part if necessary
TPtrC realAddress;
if ( aReal )
realAddress.Set( aAddress );
realAddress.Set( PureAddress( aAddress, aOpen, aClose ) );
TImMessageField email;
return email.ValidInternetEmailAddress( realAddress );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::IsValidMMSPhoneAddress
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool TMmsGenUtils::IsValidMMSPhoneAddress(
const TDesC& aAddress,
TBool aReal,
const TDesC& aOpen,
const TDesC& aClose )
// global_phone_number = [+] 1*(DIGIT, written-sep)
// written_sep = ('-')
// Strip off alias part if necessary
TPtrC realAddress;
if ( aReal )
realAddress.Set( aAddress );
realAddress.Set( PureAddress( aAddress, aOpen, aClose ) );
TInt length = realAddress.Length();
if ( length == 0 )
return EFalse;
TInt pos = 0;
TInt ich = realAddress[0];
TChar ch = ich;
if ( ch == '+' )
if ( pos == length )
return EFalse;
while ( pos < length )
ich = realAddress[pos];
ch = ich;
TInt fch = ch;
// do not check for fch == '.'
//Even # and * are valid characters now
if ( !( ch.IsDigit() || fch == '-' || fch == '#' || fch == '*' ) )
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::Alias
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TPtrC TMmsGenUtils::Alias(
const TDesC& aAddress,
const TDesC& aOpen,
const TDesC& aClose )
// syntax is :
// <alias><separator1><pure_address><separator2> |
// <pure_address>
TInt firstPos = 0;
TInt lastPos = 0;
TInt length = aAddress.Length();
TInt sepaLen1 = aOpen.Length();
TInt sepaLen2 = aClose.Length();
TInt firstSeparatorPosition = 0;
while( firstSeparatorPosition >= 0 )
firstSeparatorPosition = aAddress.Mid( firstPos ).Find( aOpen );
if ( firstSeparatorPosition >= 0 )
firstPos += firstSeparatorPosition + sepaLen1;
if ( firstPos <= 0 )
// No alias
return TPtrC();
// Search another separator after the first separator from
lastPos = aAddress.Mid( firstPos ).Find( aClose );
if ( lastPos == KErrNotFound )
return TPtrC();
firstPos -= sepaLen1; // point to first separator
if ( lastPos == length - firstPos - sepaLen1 - sepaLen2 )
// Alias part found
// remove trailing and leading spaces
lastPos = firstPos;
firstPos = 0;
while ( firstPos < aAddress.Length() &&
aAddress.Mid( firstPos, 1 ).Compare( KSpace16 ) == 0 )
// remove leading spaces
while ( lastPos > 0 && aAddress.Mid( lastPos - 1, 1 ).Compare( KSpace16 ) == 0 )
if ( lastPos > firstPos )
return aAddress.Mid( firstPos, lastPos - firstPos );
// No alias defined - spaces alone do not count as alias.
return TPtrC();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::PureAddress
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TPtrC TMmsGenUtils::PureAddress(
const TDesC& aAddress,
const TDesC& aOpen,
const TDesC& aClose )
// syntax is :
// <alias><separator1><pure_address><separator2> |
// <pure_address>
TInt firstPos = 0;
TInt lastPos = 0;
TInt length = aAddress.Length();
TInt sepaLen1 = aOpen.Length();
TInt sepaLen2 = aClose.Length();
TInt firstSeparatorPosition = 0;
while( firstSeparatorPosition >= 0 )
firstSeparatorPosition = aAddress.Mid( firstPos ).Find( aOpen );
if ( firstSeparatorPosition >= 0 )
firstPos += firstSeparatorPosition + sepaLen1;
if ( firstPos <= 0 )
// No alias
return aAddress;
// Check if the second separator ends the address
TPtrC last = aAddress.Right( sepaLen2 );
lastPos = length - sepaLen2;
if ( !last.Compare( aClose ) )
// Alias part found
if ( lastPos > firstPos )
return aAddress.Mid( firstPos, lastPos - firstPos );
// No alias defined - return the original string as pure address
// If syntax is weird, namely
// alias <>
// with nothing between the separators, we return the original string as is
return aAddress;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::GenerateDetails
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt TMmsGenUtils::GenerateDetails(
const TDesC& aAddress,
TDes& aAlias,
TInt aMaxLength,
RFs& aFs )
TInt err = KErrNone;
// alias search order: Local alias, remote alias, none
TPtrC realAddress;
realAddress.Set( PureAddress( aAddress, KSepaOpen, KSepaClose ) );
TRAP( err, DoGetAliasL( aFs, realAddress, aAlias, aMaxLength ) );
if ( err != KErrNone || aAlias.Length() == 0 )
// No alias found from Contact db, see if there is a local alias
TPtrC myAddress = Alias( aAddress, KSepaOpen, KSepaClose );
if ( myAddress.Length() > 0 )
// Alias was found from the address
aAlias.Copy( myAddress.Left( aMaxLength ) );
return KErrNone;
if ( err == KErrNotFound )
err = KErrNone;
// just keep the original address
aAlias.Copy( aAddress.Left( aMaxLength ) );
return err;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::GetAlias
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt TMmsGenUtils::GetAlias(
const TDesC& /*aAddress*/,
TDes& /*aAlias*/,
TInt /*aMaxLength*/,
RFs& /*aFs*/ )
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::GetAliasForAllL
// This function searches aliases for all addresses in a
// address field by opening the contact db only once for all
// addresses. This significantly reduces processing time
// when executing "Create Reply to all" with a lot of addresses
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void TMmsGenUtils::GetAliasForAllL(
const CDesCArray& /*aAddress*/,
CDesCArray& /*aAlias*/,
TInt /*aMaxLength*/,
RFs& /*aFs*/ )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::GenerateAddress
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C HBufC* TMmsGenUtils::GenerateAddressL(
const TDesC& aRealAddress,
const TDesC& aAlias,
const TDesC& aOpen,
const TDesC& aClose )
TInt sepaLen1 = aOpen.Length();
TInt sepaLen2 = aClose.Length();
TInt length = aRealAddress.Length() + aAlias.Length() + sepaLen1 + sepaLen2;
HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewL( length );
buf->Des().Copy( aAlias );
buf->Des().Append( aOpen );
buf->Des().Append( aRealAddress );
buf->Des().Append( aClose );
return buf;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::GetDescriptionL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void TMmsGenUtils::GetDescriptionL(
RFs& aFs,
const TDesC& aPath,
TInt aFileSize,
TPtrC8 aMimetype,
TInt aCharSet,
TDes& aDescription )
TInt fileSize = aFileSize; // file size in characters
TInt error = KErrNone;
// set empty description if we cannot get anything
aDescription = TPtrC();
// No subject set, so we have to
// find the first text/plain attachment.
// Update iDescription if necessary
if ( aMimetype.CompareF( KMmsTextPlain ))
// no description available
TInt outLength = aDescription.MaxLength();
// Open the attachment file
RFileReadStream reader;
error = reader.Open( aFs,
EFileShareReadersOnly );
if ( error != KErrNone )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &reader ); //reader
// cannot open file, cannot get description
TInt firstSize = 0;
if ( TUint( aCharSet ) == KMmsIso10646Ucs2 )
// Read the content
TUint16 word = 0;
TBool bom = EFalse;
TBool nativeEndian = EFalse;
// Check if first character is BOM and if so, then what kind it is.
TRAP ( error, {word = reader.ReadUint16L();});
if ( error != KErrNone )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &reader ); //reader
return; // no description available
// reserve extra space for conversion
firstSize = outLength + KExtraSpaceForConversion10;
HBufC* buf1 = HBufC::NewLC( firstSize );
TPtr tp = buf1->Des();
if ( word == KMmsByteOrderMark )
bom = ETrue;
nativeEndian = ETrue;
else if ( word == KMmsReversedByteOrderMark )
bom = ETrue;
if ( bom )
fileSize -= 2;
fileSize = fileSize / 2;
// Read the rest of the characters
if ( nativeEndian )
// No need for byte order changes
reader.ReadL( tp, Min( firstSize, fileSize ));
else if ( bom )
// Change byte order.
TUint8 byte1 = 0;
TUint16 byte2 = 0;
TUint16 word1 = 0;
TInt numChars = Min( firstSize, fileSize );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < numChars; i++ )
byte1 = reader.ReadUint8L();
byte2 = reader.ReadUint8L();
word1 = byte1;
const TInt KMmsBitsInByte = 8;
word1 <<= KMmsBitsInByte;
word1 |= byte2;
tp.Append( word1 );
else // no bom
// Return the first character if it was not BOM.
// should not happen regularly
// Read the characters
reader.ReadL( tp, Min( firstSize, fileSize - 2 ));
TBuf<2> auxBuf;
tp.Insert(0, auxBuf);
// Replace CR and LF with SPACE.
ReplaceCRLFAndTrim( tp );
// Set output parameter
aDescription = tp.Left( Min( outLength, tp.Length()) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf1 );
else if ( aCharSet == KMmsUsAscii )
// reserve extra space for conversion
firstSize = outLength + KExtraSpaceForConversion10;
HBufC8* buf8 = HBufC8::NewLC( firstSize );
TPtr8 tp8 = buf8->Des();
// Read the characters
reader.ReadL( tp8, Min( firstSize, fileSize ));
// Replace CR and LF with SPACE
ReplaceCRLFAndTrim( tp8 );
// Copy 8 bit data to 16 bit description
HBufC* buf16 = NULL;
buf16 = HBufC::NewLC( tp8.Length() );
TPtr tp16 = buf16->Des();
tp16.Copy( tp8 );
// Set output parameter
aDescription = tp16.Left( Min( outLength, tp16.Length()) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf16 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf8 );
else if ( aCharSet == KMmsUtf8 )
if ( fileSize > KMmsMaxDescription )
fileSize = KMmsMaxDescription;
// reserve extra space for conversion
firstSize = outLength + KExtraSpaceForConversion30;
HBufC8* buf8 = HBufC8::NewLC( firstSize );
TPtr8 tp8 = buf8->Des();
// Read the characters
TRAP( error, reader.ReadL( tp8, Min( firstSize, fileSize )));
if ( error == KErrNone )
// Convert 8-bit UTF to Unicode
HBufC* buf16 = HBufC::NewLC( tp8.Length() );
TPtr tp16 = buf16->Des();
CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8( tp16, tp8 );
// Replace CR and LF with SPACE
ReplaceCRLFAndTrim( tp16 );
// Set output parameter
aDescription = tp16.Left( Min( outLength, tp16.Length()) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf16 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf8 );
// Free memory
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &reader ); //reader
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::ReplaceCRLFAndTrim
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void TMmsGenUtils::ReplaceCRLFAndTrim( TDes16& aDes )
TInt position = -1;
// Find all <CR> and <LF> characters and replace them with spaces
for ( position = 0; position < aDes.Length(); position++ )
if ( aDes.Mid( position, 1 ) < KSpace16 ||
aDes.Mid( position, 1 ) == KMmsUnicodeLineSeparator ||
aDes.Mid( position, 1 ) == KMmsUnicodeParagraphSeparator ||
aDes.Mid( position, 1 ) == KMmsIdeographicSpace ||
((TChar)aDes[position]).IsControl() )
aDes.Replace( position, 1, KSpace16 );
// Delete leading and trailing space characters from the descriptor’s
// data and replace each contiguous set of space characters within
// the data by one space character.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::ReplaceCRLFAndTrim
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void TMmsGenUtils::ReplaceCRLFAndTrim( TDes8& aDes )
// This function should be used for US-ASCII only
TInt position = -1;
for ( position = 0; position < aDes.Length(); position++ )
if ( aDes.Mid( position, 1 ) < KSpace8 )
aDes.Replace( position, 1, KSpace8 );
// Delete leading and trailing space characters from the descriptor’s
// data and replace each contiguous set of space characters within
// the data by one space character.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::Log
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void TMmsGenUtils::Log( TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt,...)
#ifdef _DEBUG
VA_LIST list;
VA_START( list, aFmt );
// Print to log file
TBuf<KLogBufferLength> buf;
buf.FormatList( aFmt, list );
// Write to log file
RFileLogger::Write( KLogDir, KLogFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, buf );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::DoGetAliasL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void TMmsGenUtils::DoGetAliasL(
RFs& /*aFs*/,
const TDesC& /*aAddress*/,
TDes& /*aAlias*/,
TInt /*aMaxLength*/ )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::DoGetAliasL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void TMmsGenUtils::DoGetAliasL(
const TDesC& /*aAddress*/,
TDes& /*aAlias*/,
TInt /*aMaxLength*/,
CContactMatcher& /*aContactMatcher*/,
TInt /*aDigitsToMatch*/ )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::ConvertEscapesFromUri
// ---------------------------------------------------------
/*TInt TMmsGenUtils::ConvertEscapesFromUri(
const TDesC8& aInput,
TDes8& aOutput )
TInt retval = KErrNone;
// Checkings
if( aOutput.MaxLength() < aInput.Length() )
retval = KErrArgument;
return retval;
// Loop through aInput and find the number of '%' chars
for( TUint8 i = 0; i < aInput.Length(); i++ )
if( aInput[i] == 0x25 ) // '%' found
// Store the chars representing the hexvalue
TUint8 highbyte = aInput[i+1];
TUint8 lowbyte = aInput[i+2];
// Check the bytes
TUint8 result = 0;
// Map the highbyte to correct upperbits of result
// (In order to save code lines and keep code readable,
// the following does not follow the coding convention.)
if(highbyte == 0x30) result = 0x0;
if(highbyte == 0x31) result = 0x1;
if(highbyte == 0x32) result = 0x2;
if(highbyte == 0x33) result = 0x3;
if(highbyte == 0x34) result = 0x4;
if(highbyte == 0x35) result = 0x5;
if(highbyte == 0x36) result = 0x6;
if(highbyte == 0x37) result = 0x7;
if(highbyte == 0x38) result = 0x8;
if(highbyte == 0x39) result = 0x9;
if(highbyte == 0x41 || highbyte == 0x61) result = 0xA;
if(highbyte == 0x42 || highbyte == 0x62) result = 0xB;
if(highbyte == 0x43 || highbyte == 0x63) result = 0xC;
if(highbyte == 0x44 || highbyte == 0x64) result = 0xD;
if(highbyte == 0x45 || highbyte == 0x65) result = 0xE;
if(highbyte == 0x46 || highbyte == 0x66) result = 0xF;
if( ( result == 0 ) && ( highbyte != 0x30 ) )
retval = KErrArgument;
result <<= 4;
// Map the lowbyte to correct lowerbits of result
// (In order to save code lines and keep code readable,
// the following does not follow the coding convention.)
if(lowbyte == 0x30) result += 0x0;
if(lowbyte == 0x31) result += 0x1;
if(lowbyte == 0x32) result += 0x2;
if(lowbyte == 0x33) result += 0x3;
if(lowbyte == 0x34) result += 0x4;
if(lowbyte == 0x35) result += 0x5;
if(lowbyte == 0x36) result += 0x6;
if(lowbyte == 0x37) result += 0x7;
if(lowbyte == 0x38) result += 0x8;
if(lowbyte == 0x39) result += 0x9;
if(lowbyte == 0x41 || lowbyte == 0x61) result += 0xA;
if(lowbyte == 0x42 || lowbyte == 0x62) result += 0xB;
if(lowbyte == 0x43 || lowbyte == 0x63) result += 0xC;
if(lowbyte == 0x44 || lowbyte == 0x64) result += 0xD;
if(lowbyte == 0x45 || lowbyte == 0x65) result += 0xE;
if(lowbyte == 0x46 || lowbyte == 0x66) result += 0xF;
if( ( ( result & 0xF ) == 0 ) && ( lowbyte != 0x30 ) )
retval = KErrArgument;
// Abort if error has occurred
if( retval != KErrNone )
return retval;
// Insert the value to output parameter
aOutput.Append( result );
i += 2; // Jumping over the two chars already handled
aOutput.Append( aInput[i] );
} // for
return retval;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::DecodeMessageHeader
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void TMmsGenUtils::DecodeAndConvertMessageHeaderL(
const TDesC8& aInput,
TDes16& aOutput,
RFs& aFs
// Create CCnvCharacterSetConverter
CCnvCharacterSetConverter* characterSetConverter
= CCnvCharacterSetConverter::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( characterSetConverter );
// Create CImConvertCharconv
// (this is a wrapper for the actual char converter)
CImConvertCharconv* converter
= CImConvertCharconv::NewL( *characterSetConverter, aFs );
CleanupStack::PushL( converter );
// Create CImConvertHeader that actually does the task
CImConvertHeader* headerConverter = CImConvertHeader::NewL( *converter );
CleanupStack::PushL( headerConverter );
// Perform the decoding and charset conversion
headerConverter->DecodeHeaderFieldL( aInput, aOutput );
// Clean up and return
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( headerConverter );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( converter );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( characterSetConverter );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Return the free space in a drive identified by the aDrive parameter
// and the media type of the drive.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
static TInt64 FreeSpaceL(RFs* aFs, TInt aDrive, TMediaType& aMediaType)
RFs fs;
TInt err = KErrNone;
if ( !aFs )
User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect()); // Create temp session
fs = *aFs;
TVolumeInfo vinfo;
err = fs.Volume(vinfo, aDrive);
TDriveInfo driveInfo;
TInt errorCode = fs.Drive( driveInfo, aDrive );
if ( errorCode == KErrNone )
aMediaType = driveInfo.iType;
aMediaType = EMediaUnknown;
if ( !aFs )
fs.Close(); // Close temp. session
if (err != KErrNone)
return TInt64(vinfo.iFree);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool TMmsGenUtils::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL(
RFs* aFs, TInt aBytesToWrite, TInt aDrive)
TInt64 free;
TInt64 criticalLevel;
CRepository* repository = NULL;
TMediaType mediaType = EMediaNotPresent;
free = FreeSpaceL(aFs, aDrive, mediaType);
TInt64 newFree = free - (TInt64)aBytesToWrite;
// Querying Critical Level from CenRep
TInt error = KErrNone;
TInt level = 0;
TRAP( error, repository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidUiklaf ) );
if ( error == KErrNone)
error = repository->Get( KUikOODDiskCriticalThreshold, level );
delete repository;
if( error != KErrNone )
// Default value 0 means "anything goes"
level = 0;
#ifdef _DEBUG
if ( error != KErrNone )
_LIT( KMmsCriticalSpaceError, "- Get critical disk space threshold returned error %d" );
Log( KMmsCriticalSpaceError, error );
_LIT( KMmsCriticalSpaceLog, "- Critical level: %d, free space: %d" );
Log( KMmsCriticalSpaceLog, level, newFree );
criticalLevel = level;
return newFree <= criticalLevel;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::NetworkOperationsAllowed()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool TMmsGenUtils::NetworkOperationsAllowed()
TBool networkAllowed = ETrue; // optimist
// If there is no such key, we will continue normally.
// This means that in a system where online/offline mode switching
// is not supported, we behave as we were always online
CRepository* repository = NULL;
TInt error = KErrNone;
TInt value = ECoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionAllowed;
TRAP( error, repository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidCoreApplicationUIs ) );
if( error == KErrNone )
repository->Get( KCoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionAllowed, value );
delete repository;
repository = NULL;
if ( value == ECoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionNotAllowed )
networkAllowed = EFalse;
return networkAllowed;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::GetLoggingSettings
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void TMmsGenUtils::GetLoggingSettings( TBool& aDecodeLoggingOn, TBool& aDumpOn )
// Consult CenRep for decodelogging and binarydump settings
CRepository* repository = NULL;
// default values are false if not found in repository
aDecodeLoggingOn = EFalse;
aDumpOn = EFalse;
TInt retval = KErrNone;
repository = CRepository::NewL( KUidMmsServerMtm );
CleanupStack::PushL( repository );
TInt temp = 0;
retval = repository->Get( KMmsEngineDecodeLog, temp );
if( retval == KErrNone )
aDecodeLoggingOn = ( temp != 0 );
retval = repository->Get( KMmsEngineBinaryDump, temp );
if( retval == KErrNone )
aDumpOn = ( temp != 0 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository );
repository = NULL;
#ifndef __WINS__
// turn decode logging on in armv5 version
// Release versions never log anyway
aDecodeLoggingOn = ETrue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::AddAttributeL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void TMmsGenUtils::AddAttributeL(
const TDesC& aName,
const TDesC& aValue,
CDesCArray& aAttributeList )
TInt position = FindAttributePosition( aName, aAttributeList );
TInt error = KErrNone;
if ( position == KErrNotFound )
// not found, append to end
aAttributeList.AppendL( aName );
TRAP ( error, aAttributeList.AppendL( aValue ) );
if ( error != KErrNone )
// could not add value, delete name, too.
// It is the last item in the list
aAttributeList.Delete( aAttributeList.MdcaCount() - 1 );
// delete old value and insert new one
aAttributeList.Delete( position + 1 );
TRAP ( error, aAttributeList.InsertL( position + 1, aValue ) );
if ( error != KErrNone )
// could not add value, delete name, too.
aAttributeList.Delete( position );
User::LeaveIfError( error );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::GetAttributeL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TPtrC TMmsGenUtils::GetAttributeL(
const TDesC& aName,
const CDesCArray& aAttributeList )
TInt position = FindAttributePosition( aName, aAttributeList );
if ( position == KErrNotFound )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
return ( aAttributeList.MdcaPoint( position + 1 ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::FindAttribute
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool TMmsGenUtils::FindAttribute(
const TDesC& aName,
const CDesCArray& aAttributeList )
if ( FindAttributePosition( aName, aAttributeList ) == KErrNotFound )
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::DeleteAttribute
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void TMmsGenUtils::DeleteAttribute(
const TDesC& aName,
CDesCArray& aAttributeList )
TInt position = FindAttributePosition( aName, aAttributeList );
if ( position == KErrNotFound )
return; // not found, nothing to delete
// delete both name and value
aAttributeList.Delete( position, 2 );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::FindAttributePosition
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt TMmsGenUtils::FindAttributePosition(
const TDesC& aName,
const CDesCArray& aAttributeList )
TInt position = KErrNotFound;
TInt i;
for ( i = 0; i < aAttributeList.MdcaCount() - 1; i+=2 )
//It is not possible to index out of bound (codescanner warning)
if ( aAttributeList[i].Compare( aName ) == 0 )
position = i;
return position;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::DigitsToMatch
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt TMmsGenUtils::DigitsToMatch()
// Find the number of digits to be used when matching phone numbers
TInt digitsToMatch( KMmsNumberOfDigitsToMatch );
CRepository* repository = NULL;
TRAPD( err, repository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidTelConfiguration ));
if ( err == KErrNone )
err = repository->Get( KTelMatchDigits , digitsToMatch );
delete repository;
if( err != KErrNone )
return digitsToMatch;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::OpenAllStoresL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CContactMatcher* TMmsGenUtils::OpenAllStoresL( RFs& /*aFs*/ )
// Use contact wrapper to open all databases
/* CContactMatcher* contactMatcher = CContactMatcher::NewL( &aFs );
CleanupStack::PushL( contactMatcher );
CleanupStack::Pop( contactMatcher );
return contactMatcher;*/
return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::GetContactNameL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC* TMmsGenUtils::GetContactNameL(
const MVPbkContactLink& /*aContactLink*/,
CContactMatcher& /*aContactMatcher*/)
return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::GetContactNameInLowerCaseL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC* TMmsGenUtils::GetContactNameInLowerCaseL(
const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink,
CContactMatcher &aContactMatcher)
//get the name
HBufC* nameBuff = GetContactNameL( aContactLink, aContactMatcher );
CleanupStack::PushL( nameBuff );
//Convert to lower case , since this name buffer is used to compare names.
HBufC* nameInLowerCase = HBufC::NewL( nameBuff->Length() + 2 );
nameInLowerCase->Des().CopyLC( *nameBuff );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( nameBuff ); // nameBuff
return nameInLowerCase;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::ShowContactNameL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool TMmsGenUtils::ShowContactNameL(
CVPbkContactLinkArray* /*aLinkArray*/,
TInt& /*aNameIndex*/,
CContactMatcher& /*aContactMatcher*/)
return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TMmsGenUtils::GetCurrentStoreIndexL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt TMmsGenUtils::GetCurrentStoreIndexL( CVPbkContactLinkArray& /*aLinkArray*/ )
return 0;
// ================= OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS ==============
// End of File