* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Static functions for imum
#include <bldvariant.hrh>
#include <miutset.h>
#include <s32file.h>
#include <eikenv.h>
#include <eikrutil.h>
#include <eikbtgpc.h>
#include <iapprefs.h>
#include <StringLoader.h>
#include <aknnotewrappers.h>
#include <AknGlobalNote.h>
#include <sendui.h>
#include <ErrorUI.h> // CErrorUI
#include <AknQueryDialog.h>
#include <aknnotedialog.h>
#include <StringLoader.h>
#include <MuiuOperationWait.h> // CMuiuOperationWait
#include <MuiuMsvUiServiceUtilities.h> // MsvUiServiceUtilities
#include <imapset.h>
#include <pop3set.h>
#include <smtpset.h>
#include <MTMStore.h> // CMtmStore
#include <mtmuibas.h> // BaseMtmUi
#include <messaginginternalcrkeys.h> // Messaging keys
#include <centralrepository.h> // CRepository
#include <CoreApplicationUIsSDKCRKeys.h>
#include <cemailaccounts.h>
#include <bldvariant.hrh>
#include <messagingvariant.hrh>
#include <MNcnInternalNotification.h>
#include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh> // KDC_MTM_RESOURCE_DIR
#include <ImumUtils.rsg>
#include <bautils.h>
#include <muiuemailtools.h>
#include "ImumInMailboxUtilitiesImpl.h"
#include "ImumInMailboxServicesImpl.h"
#include "SenduiMtmUids.h"
#include "ImumMboxManager.h"
#include "ImumMboxData.h"
#include "EmailFeatureUtils.h"
#include "EmailUtils.H"
#include "ImumUtilsLogging.h"
#include "ImumPanic.h"
#include <ImumUtils.rsg>
#include "ImumMboxSettingsCtrl.h"
#include "ImumUtilsLogging.h"
#include "IMSSettingsNoteUi.h"
#include "ImumInternalApiImpl.h"
#include "ImumDaSettingsKeys.h"
#include "ImumInSettingsData.h" // CImumInSettingsData
const TInt KBytesInKiloByte = 1024;
const TInt KImumSizeBufferSize = 32;
const TInt KImumReplaceCharacterCount = 2;
const TInt KIMSMaxAoMailboxes = 2;
const TInt KImumExtraStringLength = 4;
_LIT( KImumDefaultNameFormat, "%S(%02d)" );
_LIT(KEmailUtilsComma, ",");
_LIT(KEmailUtilsSpace, " ");
_LIT( KIMSDirAndResFileName,"z:ImumUtils.rsc" );
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::CheckAvailableDiskSpaceForDownloadL
// This is static function
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::CheckAvailableDiskSpaceForDownloadL(
TInt aMsgSize,
CEikonEnv& aEikonEnv,
CMsvSession& aSession )
// Check there is enough disk space on the specified drive to fetch a message
// of aMsgSize bytes. If not, display a message and return EFalse.
// static
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::CheckAvailableDiskSpaceForDownloadL, 0, utils, KLogUi );
if ( MsvUiServiceUtilities::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL(
aSession, aMsgSize ) )
CErrorUI* errorUi = CErrorUI::NewLC( aEikonEnv );
errorUi->ShowGlobalErrorNoteL( KErrDiskFull );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( errorUi );
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::CheckActiveAOLimitsL()
// This function goes through all the mailboxes and checks, if there are any
// Always Online enabled boxes around. The included mailbox id is ignored
// during the search. If less than 2 ( <2 ) always online mailboxes are found,
// ETrue is returned, otherwise EFalse is returned.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::CheckActiveAOLimitsL(
CImumInternalApi& aEmailApi,
const TMsvId aMailboxId )
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::CheckActiveAOLimitsL, 0, utils, KLogUi );
// Get the list of healthy mailboxes from the API
TInt count = 0;
const MImumInHealthServices& healthApi = aEmailApi.HealthServicesL();
MImumInHealthServices::RMailboxIdArray mailboxes;
// Get the list of mailboxes in array. Gather the list based on the smtpId,
// since the aMailboxId is actually also the smtpId
if ( healthApi.GetMailboxList( mailboxes,
MImumInHealthServices::EFlagIncludeSmtp |
MImumInHealthServices::EFlagGetHealthy ) == KErrNone )
for ( TInt mbox = mailboxes.Count(); --mbox >= 0; )
if ( aMailboxId != mailboxes[mbox] )
// Create object for the extended mail settings
CImumInSettingsData* settings =
mailboxes[mbox] );
CleanupStack::PushL( settings );
TInt aoState = 0;
if ( settings )
TImumDaSettings::EKeyAutoRetrieval, aoState );
// If always online is on, increase the count
if ( aoState != TImumDaSettings::EValueAutoOff )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( settings );
settings = NULL;
return count < KIMSMaxAoMailboxes;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::DoCEntryCopyMoveL
// This is static function
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CMsvOperation* MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::DoCEntryCopyMoveL(
CMsvEntry& aEntry, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSel, TMsvId aTargetId,
TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus, TBool aCopy)
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::DoCEntryCopyMoveL, 0, utils, KLogUi );
CMsvOperation* op = NULL;
op = aEntry.CopyL(aSel, aTargetId, aCompletionStatus);
op = aEntry.MoveL(aSel, aTargetId, aCompletionStatus);
return op;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::StripCompleteEntriesLC
// This is static function
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CMsvEntrySelection* MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::StripCompleteEntriesLC(
const CMsvEntry& aParent, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection)
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::StripCompleteEntriesLC, 0, utils, KLogUi );
CMsvEntrySelection* entries=aSelection.CopyLC();
TInt cc = entries->Count();
TMsvEntry tEntry;
tEntry = aParent.ChildDataL((*entries)[cc]);
TMsvEmailEntry eEntry( tEntry );
TBool complete = tEntry.Complete();
TBool partial = eEntry.PartialDownloaded();
if( complete && !partial )
return entries;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::StripDeletedEntriesLC
// This is static function
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CMsvEntrySelection* MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::StripDeletedEntriesLC(
const CMsvEntry& aParent, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection)
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::StripDeletedEntriesLC, 0, utils, KLogUi );
// static
CMsvEntrySelection* entries=aSelection.CopyLC();
TInt cc = entries->Count();
const TMsvEmailEntry mailEntry(aParent.ChildDataL((*entries)[cc]));
if(EDisconnectedDeleteOperation == mailEntry.DisconnectedOperation())
return entries;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::SetMessageInfoDataLCCCCC
// This is static function
// sets fields in the message info data array using TMsvEntry and CImHeader
// information; the TDes parameters are needed so that the strings have
// persisted memory to live in since the info data elements are all TPtrs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::SetMessageInfoDataLCCCCC(
TMsgInfoMessageInfoData& aInfoData,
CBaseMtm& aMtm,
CCoeEnv& aEnv,
TDes& /* aDateBuf */,
TDes& /* aTimeBuf */,
TDes& aSizeBuf,
TDes& aPriorityBuf )
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::SetMessageInfoDataLCCCCC, 0, utils, KLogUi );
//retrieve header
CMsvStore* store = aMtm.Entry().ReadStoreL();
CleanupStack::PushL( store );
CImHeader* header = CImHeader::NewLC();
header->RestoreL( *store );
HBufC* tmpSubj = header->Subject().AllocLC();
aInfoData.iSubject.Set( *tmpSubj );
//date and time
TMsvEntry tentry = aMtm.Entry().Entry();
aInfoData.iDateTime = tentry.iDate;
TInt size = tentry.iSize / KBytesInKiloByte; //in bytes
if ( tentry.iSize % KBytesInKiloByte )
TBuf<KImumSizeBufferSize> kB;
StringLoader::Load( kB, R_IMAS_MESSAGE_INFO_KB, &aEnv );
StringLoader::Format( aSizeBuf, kB, -1, size );
aInfoData.iSize.Set( aSizeBuf );
MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::GetPriorityString(tentry,aEnv,aPriorityBuf );
aInfoData.iPriority.Set( aPriorityBuf );
//to field
HBufC* toList = TurnArrayIntoCommaSeparatedStringLC(
header->ToRecipients() );
aInfoData.iTo.Set( *toList );
//cc field
HBufC* ccList = TurnArrayIntoCommaSeparatedStringLC(
header->CcRecipients() );
aInfoData.iCC.Set( *ccList );
//bcc field
HBufC* bccList = TurnArrayIntoCommaSeparatedStringLC(
header->BccRecipients() );
aInfoData.iBCC.Set( *bccList );
//from field
HBufC* tmpFrom = header->From().AllocLC();
aInfoData.iFrom.Set( *tmpFrom );
//take HBufCs out
CleanupStack::Pop( 5 ); // CSI: 47 # tmpFrom, bccList, ccList, toList, tmpSubj.
//destroy store and header. if not, message info in outbox prevents
//mail sending!
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // CSI: 47 # header, store.
//put HBufCs back, so no need to change function name.
CleanupStack::PushL( tmpSubj );
CleanupStack::PushL( toList );
CleanupStack::PushL( ccList );
CleanupStack::PushL( bccList );
CleanupStack::PushL( tmpFrom );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::SetMessageInfoDataLCC
// This is static function
// sets fields in the message info data array using TMsvEntry and CImHeader
// information; the TDes parameters are needed so that the strings have
// persisted memory to live in since the info data elements are all TPtrs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::SetMessageInfoDataLCC(
TMsgInfoMessageInfoData& aInfoData,
CBaseMtm& aMtm,
CCoeEnv& aEnv,
TDes& /* aDateBuf */,
TDes& /* aTimeBuf */,
TDes& aSizeBuf,
TDes& aPriorityBuf )
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::SetMessageInfoDataLCC, 0, utils, KLogUi );
//retrieve header
CMsvStore* store = NULL;
CImHeader* header = NULL;
TRAPD( storeError, store = aMtm.Entry().ReadStoreL() );
if ( storeError == KErrNone )
CleanupStack::PushL( store );
header = CImHeader::NewLC();
TRAP( storeError, header->RestoreL( *store ) );
// if restore leaves then we can find out lots of info from
// TMsvEntry's fields.
if ( storeError != KErrNone )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, store ); // CSI: 47 # header, store.
header = NULL;
store = NULL;
// if no errors, then store and header should be left to cleanup stack.
TMsvEntry tentry = aMtm.Entry().Entry();
if ( header )
aInfoData.iSubject.Set( header->Subject() );
aInfoData.iSubject.Set( tentry.iDescription );
//date and time
aInfoData.iDateTime = tentry.iDate;
TInt size = tentry.iSize / KBytesInKiloByte; //in bytes
if ( tentry.iSize % KBytesInKiloByte )
TBuf<KImumSizeBufferSize> kB;
StringLoader::Load( kB, R_IMAS_MESSAGE_INFO_KB, &aEnv );
StringLoader::Format( aSizeBuf, kB, -1, size );
aInfoData.iSize.Set( aSizeBuf );
MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::GetPriorityString(tentry,aEnv,aPriorityBuf );
aInfoData.iPriority.Set( aPriorityBuf );
if ( header )
//to field
HBufC* toList = TurnArrayIntoCommaSeparatedStringLC(
header->ToRecipients() );
aInfoData.iTo.Set( *toList );
//cc field
HBufC* ccList = TurnArrayIntoCommaSeparatedStringLC(
header->CcRecipients() );
aInfoData.iCC.Set( *ccList );
//from field
aInfoData.iFrom.Set( header->From() );
// to field
HBufC* toList = HBufC::NewLC( 0 );
aInfoData.iTo.Set( *toList );
// cc field
HBufC* ccList = HBufC::NewLC( 0 );
aInfoData.iCC.Set( *ccList );
// from field
aInfoData.iFrom.Set( tentry.iDetails );
return ( header != NULL );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::TurnArrayIntoCommaSeparatedStringLC
// This is static function
// returns an HBufC* which contains all of the lines in aTextArray concaternated
// together with commas separating them
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC* MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::TurnArrayIntoCommaSeparatedStringLC(CDesCArray& aTextArray)
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::TurnArrayIntoCommaSeparatedStringLC, 0, utils, KLogUi );
TInt totalLength=0;
//first calculate the length of string required
TInt index = 0;
totalLength += aTextArray[index].Length();
//don't count comma and space for last item
if(index != ( aTextArray.Count() - 1 ) )
totalLength+=2; // CSI: 47 # comma and space.
HBufC* list = HBufC::NewLC(totalLength);
//now fill out the string
//don't add for last item
if(index != ( aTextArray.Count() - 1 ) )
return list;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::ReplaceCharacters
// This is static function
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::ReplaceCharacters( TDes& aText )
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::ReplaceCharacters, 0, utils, KLogUi );
TBuf<KImumReplaceCharacterCount> replaceChars;
replaceChars.Append( CEditableText::EParagraphDelimiter );
replaceChars.Append( CEditableText::ETabCharacter );
CEditableText::ESpace );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::StripCharacters
// This is static function
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::StripCharacters( TDes& aText )
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::StripCharacters, 0, utils, KLogUi );
TBuf<KImumReplaceCharacterCount> stripChars;
stripChars.Append( CEditableText::EParagraphDelimiter );
stripChars.Append( CEditableText::ETabCharacter );
stripChars );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DisconnectMailboxL
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::DisconnectMailboxL(
const TMsvEntry& aService, CMsvSession& aSession )
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::DisconnectMailboxL, 0, utils, KLogUi );
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aService.iMtm != KSenduiMtmSmtpUid,
User::Panic( KImumMtmUiPanic, EPanicRcvServiceMustBePOP3OrIMAP4) );
if ( CIMSSettingsNoteUi::ShowQueryL(
CMtmStore* mtmStore = CMtmStore::NewL( aSession );
CBaseMtmUi& relatedMtmUi = mtmStore->GetMtmUiAndSetContextLC(aService);
CMuiuOperationWait* wait =
CMuiuOperationWait::NewLC( EActivePriorityWsEvents + 10 ); // CSI: 47 # <Insert comment here>.
CMsvOperation* op = relatedMtmUi.CloseL(wait->iStatus);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( wait );
delete op;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, mtmStore ); // CSI: 47 # release mtmui.
return ETrue; // did disconnect succeed?
return EFalse;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::DoOfflineChecksL()
// Function to check offline mode
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::DoOfflineChecksL( TMsvId /*aService*/ )
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::DoOfflineChecksL, 0, utils, KLogUi );
if ( !MsvEmailMtmUiFeatureUtils::LocalFeatureL(
KCRUidCoreApplicationUIs, KCoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionAllowed, 1 ) )
// offline mode has been set
HBufC* text = StringLoader::LoadLC(
CAknInformationNote* note = new (ELeave)
note->ExecuteLD( *text );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::RemoveOfflineDeleteL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::RemoveOfflineDeleteL(
CBaseMtm& aBaseMtm,
TInt aFunctionId,
TMsvId aEntryId )
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::RemoveOfflineDeleteL, 0, utils, KLogUi );
TBuf8<1> params;
// Create the selection and add the id into it
CMsvEntrySelection* selection = new(ELeave) CMsvEntrySelection;
CleanupStack::PushL( selection );
selection->AppendL( aEntryId );
// Create waiting operation and the main operation
CMuiuOperationWait* wait = CMuiuOperationWait::NewLC();
CMsvOperation* op = aBaseMtm.InvokeAsyncFunctionL(
wait->iStatus );
// Start the waiter operation
// Get the error from waiter
TInt error = wait->iStatus.Int();
// Cleanup the objects
delete op;
op = NULL;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, selection ); // CSI: 47 # wait, selection.
wait = NULL;
selection = NULL;
return error;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::AcquireDiskSpace()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::AcquireDiskSpace(
RFs& aFileSession,
const TInt aDriveNo,
const TInt aSize )
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::AcquireDiskSpace, 0, utils, KLogUi );
// Try to reserve diskspace
TInt error = aFileSession.ReserveDriveSpace(
aDriveNo, aSize );
// If reserving ok, get access
if ( error == KErrNone )
error = aFileSession.GetReserveAccess( aDriveNo );
return error;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::SendAOCommandL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::SendAOCommandL(
const TAlwaysOnlineServerAPICommands aCommand,
TMsvId aMailboxId )
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::SendAOCommandL, 0, utils, KLogUi );
// Create connection to Always Online
RAlwaysOnlineClientSession aoclient;
// Prepare the parameters to be forwarded to AO-server
TPckg<TMsvId> param = aMailboxId;
// Send message to server and close it
aoclient.RelayCommandL(aCommand, param);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::GetAccountId()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::GetAccountId(
const CImumMboxData& aAccountSettings )
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::GetAccountId, 0, utils, KLogUi );
if ( aAccountSettings.iIsImap4 )
return aAccountSettings.iImap4AccountId.iImapAccountId;
return aAccountSettings.iPop3AccountId.iPopAccountId;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImumMboxSettingsCtrl::CreateCenRepConnectionL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::CreateCenRepConnectionL(
CRepository*& aRepository,
TUid aRepositoryUid )
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::CreateCenRepConnectionL, 0, utils, KLogUi );
// If session doesn't exist, create one
if ( !aRepository )
aRepository = CRepository::NewL( aRepositoryUid );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::StoreSecuritySettings()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::StoreSecuritySettings(
CImBaseEmailSettings& aSettings,
const TIMASMailSecurity& aSecurity )
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::StoreSecuritySettings, 0, utils, KLogUi );
switch( aSecurity )
case EImumSecurityOn:
aSettings.SetSecureSockets( ETrue );
aSettings.SetSSLWrapper( EFalse );
case EImumSecurityMs:
aSettings.SetSecureSockets( EFalse );
aSettings.SetSSLWrapper( ETrue );
case EImumSecurityOff:
aSettings.SetSecureSockets( EFalse );
aSettings.SetSSLWrapper( EFalse );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::StoreSecuritySettings()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::StoreSecuritySettings(
CImBaseEmailSettings& aSettings,
const TImumDaSettings::TSecurityValues& aSecurity )
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::StoreSecuritySettings, 0, utils, KLogUi );
switch( aSecurity )
case TImumDaSettings::EValueSecurityTls:
aSettings.SetSecureSockets( ETrue );
aSettings.SetSSLWrapper( EFalse );
case TImumDaSettings::EValueSecuritySsl:
aSettings.SetSecureSockets( EFalse );
aSettings.SetSSLWrapper( ETrue );
case TImumDaSettings::EValueSecurityOff:
aSettings.SetSecureSockets( EFalse );
aSettings.SetSSLWrapper( EFalse );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::RestoreSecuritySettings()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::RestoreSecuritySettings(
const CImBaseEmailSettings& aSettings )
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::RestoreSecuritySettings, 0, utils, KLogUi );
TInt security = 0;
// Security: TLS
if( aSettings.SecureSockets() )
security = TImumDaSettings::EValueSecurityTls;
// Security: MS
else if( aSettings.SSLWrapper() )
security = TImumDaSettings::EValueSecuritySsl;
// Security Off
security = TImumDaSettings::EValueSecurityOff;
return security;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::GetDefaultSecurityPort()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::GetDefaultSecurityPort(
const TIMASMailSecurity aSecurity,
const TBool aIncoming,
const TBool aIsImap4 )
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::GetDefaultSecurityPort, 0, utils, KLogUi );
TUint32 port( 0 ); // this should never be returned
switch( aSecurity )
case EImumSecurityOn:
case EImumSecurityOff:
if ( aIncoming )
port = aIsImap4 ? KIMASDefaultPortImap4 :
port = KIMASDefaultPortSmtp;
case EImumSecurityMs:
if ( aIncoming )
port = aIsImap4 ? KIMASDefaultSecurityPortImap4 :
port = KIMASDefaultSecurityPortSmtp;
return port;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::CallNewMessagesL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::CallNewMessagesL( const TMsvId aMailboxId )
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::CallNewMessagesL, 0, utils, KLogUi );
MNcnInternalNotification* notification = NULL;
// Create a dummy array. It is not currently used to anything.
CDesCArrayFlat* dummyArray = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat( 1 );
CleanupStack::PushL( dummyArray );
// No need to tell user, that we could not connect to NCN
TRAP_IGNORE( notification =
MNcnInternalNotification::CreateMNcnInternalNotificationL() );
if ( notification )
// Ignore result, user is not interested about it, hopefully.
TInt result = notification->NewMessages(
EMailMessage, aMailboxId, *dummyArray );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dummyArray );
dummyArray = NULL;
delete notification;
notification = NULL;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::LoadResourceFileL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::LoadResourceFileL(
RConeResourceLoader& aResourceLoader )
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::LoadResourceFileL, 0, utils, KLogUi );
RFs fs;
TFileName resourceFileName(KIMSDirAndResFileName);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 );
TFileName fileName;
TParse parse;
parse.Set( resourceFileName, &KDC_RESOURCE_FILES_DIR, NULL );
fileName.Copy( parse.FullName() );
// Attempt to load the resource
aResourceLoader.OpenL( fileName );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::GetMailboxName()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::GetMailboxName(
TDes& aDest,
CMsvSession& aMsvSession,
TMsvId aMailboxId )
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::GetMailboxName, 0, utils, KLogUi );
// Get mailbox
TMsvEntry mailbox;
TMsvId serviceId;
TInt error = aMsvSession.GetEntry( aMailboxId, serviceId, mailbox );
if ( error == KErrNone )
aDest.Copy( mailbox.iDetails.Left( KIMASMaxMailboxNameLength ) );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::CreateConnectingToText()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::CreateConnectingToText(
TDes& aDest,
CMsvSession& aMsvSession,
TMsvId aMailboxId )
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( CBaseMtmUi::EProgressStringMaxLen, 0, utils, KLogUi );
// Get mailbox name
TBuf<KIMASMaxMailboxNameLength> name;
MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::GetMailboxName( name,
aMsvSession, aMailboxId );
// Combine mailbox name with a resource string
TRAP_IGNORE( CIMSSettingsNoteUi::MakeStringL( aDest, R_EMAIL_CONNECTING_SERVER,name ) );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::ContinueRenamingL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::ContinueRenamingL(
CImumInternalApi& aMailboxApi,
TInt& aResult,
TDes& aAccountName,
const TMsvId aOwningMailbox,
const TInt aNumber,
const CMsvEntry& aAccount,
const TBool aGenerate )
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::ContinueRenamingL, 0, utils, KLogUi );
// Max number of mailboxes is checked
// Allow name generating. This is for Email Wizard, which attempts
// to generate the mailbox name.
TBool doContinue = ( aNumber <= KImumMaxMailboxes );
// Check if the name is already used
if ( doContinue )
doContinue = IsAccountNameUsedL(
aMailboxApi, aResult, aAccountName, aOwningMailbox, aAccount );
return doContinue && aGenerate;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::CheckAccountNameL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::CheckAccountNameL(
CImumInternalApi& aMailboxApi,
TDes& aAccountName,
const TMsvId aOwningMailbox,
const TBool& aGenerate )
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::CheckAccountNameL, 0, utils, KLogUi );
// Remove illegal characters from the name, such as tabulators and enters
ReplaceCharacters( aAccountName );
// Get entrypoint of the root
int result = KErrNone;
CMsvSession& session = aMailboxApi.MsvSession();
CMsvEntry* root = session.GetEntryL(
KMsvRootIndexEntryIdValue );
CleanupStack::PushL( root );
// Sort the root
root->SetSortTypeL( TMsvSelectionOrdering(
KMsvGroupByType | KMsvGroupByStandardFolders,
EMsvSortByDetailsReverse, ETrue ) );
// This is the first suggested name of the mailbox
TMuiuSettingsText originalName;
originalName.Copy( aAccountName );
// Find an account name
TInt mailbox = 0;
for ( TInt number = 1; ContinueRenamingL(
aMailboxApi, result, aAccountName, aOwningMailbox,
number, *root, aGenerate );
++number )
// Rename and set the result
result = ChangeAccountNameL(
originalName, aAccountName, ++mailbox );
// User must be notified, when invalid name is offered
if ( result == KErrAlreadyExists && aGenerate )
result = KErrNone;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( root );
root = NULL;
User::LeaveIfError( result );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::IsAccountNameUsedL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::IsAccountNameUsedL(
CImumInternalApi& aMailboxApi,
TInt& aResult,
const TDesC& aAccountName,
const TMsvId aOwningMailbox,
const CMsvEntry& aAccount )
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::IsAccountNameUsedL, 0, utils, KLogUi );
// Because the unhealthy mailbox's name is not used.
// So try to filter the unhealthy mailbox's name.
aResult = KErrNone;
const MImumInHealthServices& healthServices = aMailboxApi.HealthServicesL();
// Search through all the mail account entries until duplicate name
// is found, or all entries are searched through
TInt item = aAccount.Count();
while ( --item >= 0 && !aResult )
const TMsvEntry& entry = aAccount[item];
// If the mailbox is unhealthy, ignore it.
if ( ( !healthServices.IsMailboxHealthy( entry.Id() ) ) &&
( !( ( entry.iType == KUidMsvServiceEntry) &&
( entry.Id() != KMsvLocalServiceIndexEntryId ) &&
( !MuiuEmailTools::IsMailMtm( entry.iMtm, ETrue ) ) ) ) )
// Interrupt the search if mailbox entry with same name is found
if ( !aAccountName.CompareC( entry.iDetails ) &&
aMailboxApi.MailboxUtilitiesL().IsMailbox( entry ) &&
entry.Id() != aOwningMailbox &&
entry.iRelatedId != aOwningMailbox )
aResult = KErrAlreadyExists;
aResult = KErrNone;
// If mailbox account with the same name is found, return ETrue
return ( aResult == KErrAlreadyExists );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::ChangeAccountNameL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::ChangeAccountNameL(
const TDesC& aOriginalAccountName,
TDes& aAccountName,
const TInt aNumber )
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::ChangeAccountNameL, 0, utils, KLogUi );
// Make sure the is enough room in the mailbox name for the string "(%d)"
const TInt maxLength =
KImasImailServiceNameLength - KImumExtraStringLength;
// Remove KISIAExtraStringLength amount of letters from the string in
// case the max length has been exceeded.
if ( aOriginalAccountName.Length() > maxLength )
aAccountName.Copy( aAccountName.Left( maxLength ) );
// Add the brackets with number inside to the end of the string
TMuiuSettingsText tempText;
tempText.Copy( aAccountName );
tempText.Format( KImumDefaultNameFormat, &aOriginalAccountName, aNumber );
aAccountName.Copy( tempText );
return KErrNone;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::GetPriorityString()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::GetPriorityString(
const TMsvEntry& aEntry,
CCoeEnv& aEnv,
TDes& aPriorityBuf )
IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( MsvEmailMtmUiUtils::GetPriorityString, 0, utils, KLogUi );
TInt emailPriority = EMsvMediumPriority;
emailPriority = aEntry.Priority();
if ( emailPriority == EMsvHighPriority )
StringLoader::Load( aPriorityBuf, R_IMAS_MESSAGE_INFO_PRIORITY_HIGH, &aEnv );
else if ( emailPriority == EMsvLowPriority )
StringLoader::Load( aPriorityBuf, R_IMAS_MESSAGE_INFO_PRIORITY_LOW, &aEnv );
StringLoader::Load( aPriorityBuf, R_IMAS_MESSAGE_INFO_PRIORITY_NORMAL, &aEnv );
// End of File