* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* State machine for sending a delete request to network
#include "mmsbaseoperation.h"
class CMmsHeaders;
class CMmsEncode;
class CMmsDecode;
class CLogClient;
class CLogViewEvent;
class CLogEvent;
class CMmsLog;
* State machine for sending forward request
class CMmsDeleteOperation :public CMmsBaseOperation
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aFs file system session
* @param aLogClient log client for writing into log
* @param aLogEvent log event for writing entries into log
static CMmsDeleteOperation* NewL( RFs& aFs, CMmsSettings* aMmsSettings );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CMmsDeleteOperation();
public: // New functions
* Start the state machine.
* @param aDeleteType specifies the scope of the notification delete
* @param aSelection list of message entry ids to be handled.
* @param aServerEntry CMsvServerEntry pointer from CMmsServer
* @param aSettings MMSC settings (entry points)
* @param aService current MMS service id
* @param aStatus TRequestStatus of the calling active object
void StartL(
TMmsDeleteOperationType aDeleteType,
CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection,
CMsvServerEntry& aServerEntry,
TMsvId aService,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
public: // Functions from base classes
* Overriding the StartL of the base operation
* This should not be called with DeleteOperation.
* Leaves with Not implemented
void StartL(
CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection,
CMsvServerEntry& aServerEntry,
TMsvId aService,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
protected: // New functions
protected: // Functions from base classes
* DoCancel
virtual void DoCancel();
* Default constructor
CMmsDeleteOperation( RFs& aFs );
* By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
void ConstructL( CMmsSettings* aMmsSettings );
// We don't need to prohibit copy & assignment constructors here,
// as they are in CBase already
private: // Methods representing states that are overriden
* Encode one message
void EncodePDUL();
* Connect to GPRS AP
void ConnectToIAPL();
* Initialize the session
void InitializeSessionL();
* Submit transaction
void SubmitTransactionL();
* Decode Response
void DecodeResponseL();
* Update the trigger entry status
void UpdateEntryStatusL();
private: // Other private methods
* DeleteNotificationEntryL deletes the entry
void DeleteNotificationEntryL();
* MarkSelectionAsFailed clears the flags of all the entries in iSelection
void MarkSelectionAsFailed();
public: // Data
protected: // Data
private: // Data
TMmsDeleteOperationType iDeleteType; // specifies the type of the delete operation
CMmsHeaders* iMmsRequestHeaders; // request PDU
public: // Friend classes
protected: // Friend classes
private: // Friend classes
// End of File