* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: smilmedia declaration
#include <e32base.h>
#include <smilmediainterface.h>
#include <smilfocusinterface.h>
#include "smiltimecontainer.h"
#include "smilregioninterface.h"
class MSmilMediaRenderer;
class CSmilTransitionFilter;
class CSmilTransition;
class CSmilArea;
class CSmilMedia : public CSmilTimeContainer, public MSmilMedia, public MSmilFocus
public: // Constructors and destructor
virtual const TDesC* ClassName() const { _LIT(KN,"CSmilMedia"); return &KN; }
static CSmilMedia* NewL(CSmilPresentation* aPresentation);
virtual ~CSmilMedia();
public: // New functions
* Returns the region where this media is supposed to be rendered on. May be NULL.
MSmilRegion* GetRegion() const;
* Returns the rectangle (region) where the media is supposed to be rendered on.
TRect GetRectangle() const;
* Invoked by renderer to ask redrawing of area covered by the media.
* This should be invoked when (visual) media appears, there are changes to it, and
* when it is removed.
void Redraw();
* Invoked by a MSmillMediaRenderer object when there is a change
* in (known) state of its intrinsic values. For example, duration of
* video clip is not typically known until it is at least partially
* decoded. This method should be invoked by the renderer when this
* information becomes available.
void RendererDurationChangedL();
* Invoked by a MSmillMediaRenderer object when the associated media
* ends (end of the file or stream is reached). Renderer should also
* move to frozen state at this point (that is, to keep showing the last
* frame).
void RendererAtEndL();
* Presentation
CSmilPresentation* Presentation() const;
* Get name media parameter, or empty TPtrC if not found
TPtrC GetParam(const TDesC& aName) const;
* Returns begin time of media relative to presentation begin time.
TSmilTime MediaBegin() const;
* Returns end time of media relative to presentation begin time.
TSmilTime MediaEnd() const;
TPtrC Src() const { return iSrc.Text(); }
TPtrC Alt() const { return iAlt.Text(); }
TPtrC Type() const { return iType.Text(); }
void SetAltL( const TDesC &aPtr );
void SetSrcL( const TDesC& aString );
void SetTypeL( const TDesC& aString );
void ForceRepeat( TBool aBool );
void SetRegion( MSmilRegion* aRegion ) { iRegion=aRegion; }
MSmilMediaRenderer* GetRenderer() const { return iRenderer; }
void TransitionFilterEnd(CSmilTransitionFilter* );
void SetFocus(TBool aFocus) { iFocus = aFocus;}
TBool HasFocus() const { return iFocus; }
TBool IsFocusable() const;
void SetFocusable(TBool aFocusable) { iFocusable = aFocusable;}
void Unfreeze();
virtual void SetPaused(TBool aPaused);
TPoint Center() const { return GetRectangle().Center(); }
TSmilTime ClipBegin() { return iClipBegin; }
TSmilTime ClipEnd() { return iClipEnd; }
void AfterL(MSmilActive* iActive, const TSmilTime& aDelay, TBool aLazy = EFalse);
void CancelActive(MSmilActive* aActive);
CSmilTransitionFilter* ActiveTransitionFilter() const;
void AddParamL(const TDesC& aName, const TDesC& aValue);
TBool IsVisible() const;
TBool IsScrollable() const;
TSmilTime PredictedRemovalTime() const;
CSmilArea* GetArea();
protected: // Functions from base classes
virtual void ProceedL( const TSmilTime& aTime );
virtual void ResolveL( const TSmilTime& aTps );
virtual void RepeatL( const TSmilTime& aTime );
virtual void BeginL( const TSmilTime& aTime );
virtual void EndL( const TSmilTime& aTime );
virtual TSmilTime ImplicitDuration() const;
TSmilTime NextActivation( const TSmilTime& aTime ) const;
TBool IsMedia() const { return ETrue; }
// from MSmilFocus
TRect Rect() const { return GetRectangle(); }
TShape Shape() const { return ERect; }
const CArrayFixFlat<TPoint>* PolyPoints() const { return 0; }
TBool IsSelected() const;
void CreateRendererL(const TSmilTime& aRecalcTime);
RSmilTextBuf iSrc;
RSmilTextBuf iAlt;
RSmilTextBuf iType;
TBool iFocus;
TBool iFocusable;
private: // Data
MSmilRegion* iRegion;
MSmilMediaRenderer* iRenderer;
CSmilTransitionFilter* iTransitionFilter;
CSmilTransition* iTransitionIn;
CSmilTransition* iTransitionOut;
struct CNameValuePair
~CNameValuePair() { delete iName; delete iValue; }
HBufC* iName;
HBufC* iValue;
RPointerArray<CNameValuePair> iParams;
TSmilTime iClipBegin;
TSmilTime iClipEnd;
#endif // ?INCLUDE_H
// End of File