Merge redundant head.
// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// CImImap4Session header
#if !defined(__IMAPSESS_H__)
#define __IMAPSESS_H__
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32cons.h>
#include <mentact.h>
#include <msvstd.h>
#include <miuthdr.h>
#include <imcvcodc.h>
#include <imcvsend.h>
#include "impsmtm.h"
#include <miutatch.h>
#include <cimcaf.h>
#include "imapio.h"
#include "fldindex.h"
// Forward declarations
class CMsvBodyText;
class CRichText;
class CParaFormatLayer;
class CCharFormatLayer;
class CImQPDecode;
class CImImap4Settings;
class CImImap4Synchronise;
class CImImap4FolderSync;
class CImCalculateMsgSize;
class CImSendConvert;
class CImConvertCharconv;
class CCnvCharacterSetConverter;
class CImConvertHeader;
class CImapCancelTimer;
class MImapSessionObserver;
// States of ImapSession
enum TImapState
EImapStateLoginSendPassword, // 5
EImapStateCreateWait, // 10
EImapStateSynchroniseWait, // 15
EImapStateUnsubscribeWait, // 20
EImapStateAppendWait, // 25
EImapStateCloseWait, // 30
EImapStateClearSeenWait, // 35
EImapStateFetchCancelWait // 40
// States of a synchronise
enum TImapSyncState
// Modes updating Seen flag
enum TSeenFlagUpdateMode
// Positive completion errors
const TInt KErrIMAPNO =1;
const TInt KErrRFC2231Encoded =2;
// IMAP text
//TDes8 over flow handler
class TDes8OverflowHandler : public TDes8Overflow
void Overflow(TDes8&){return;} //nullifies USER:23 panic
//cached TMsvEntry data
class TMsvCacheData
TBool iOrphan;
TUint32 iUid;
// Remote directory structure
class CImImap4DirStruct : public CBase
void SetLeafnameL(const TDesC& aName);
TPtrC Leafname();
HBufC* iLeafname;
TBool iIsMailbox;
TBool iIsFolder;
// Class which will defeat the timeout
class CIdleTimeoutTimer : public CTimer
static CIdleTimeoutTimer* NewL(CImImap4Session& aOperation);
CIdleTimeoutTimer(CImImap4Session& aOperation);
void RunL();
CImImap4Session& iOperation;
class CImImap4SessionDummyRead : public CActive
static CImImap4SessionDummyRead* NewL(CImImap4Session& aOperation, CImapIO& aImapIO, TInt aPriority);
void Start();
CImImap4SessionDummyRead(CImImap4Session& aOperation, CImapIO& aImapIO, TInt aPriority);
void DoCancel();
void RunL();
CImImap4Session& iSession;
CImapIO& iImapIO;
class CImImap4SessionIdleRead : public CActive
static CImImap4SessionIdleRead* NewL(CImImap4Session& aOperation, TInt aPriority);
void Start(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
CImImap4SessionIdleRead(CImImap4Session& aOperation, TInt aPriority);
void DoCancel();
void RunL();
CImImap4Session& iOperation;
TRequestStatus* iOperationStatus;
// The session class
class CImImap4Session : public CMsgActive
public: // functions
// construct/destruct
static CImImap4Session *NewL(TInt aId, MImapSessionObserver& aObserver);
static CImImap4Session *NewLC(TInt aId, MImapSessionObserver& aObserver);
// Return the service settings of the current service
CImImap4Settings* ServiceSettings();
// Connect & disconnect to/from a server, and 'are we connected' status
void ConnectL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId aService);
void DisconnectL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
TBool Connected();
TBool Busy();
TBool IsCancelling() const;
void CancelAndIdleL(TBool aReissueIdle);
// Folder information/manipulation
void ListL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId aFolder, CArrayPtr<CImImap4DirStruct>* aList);
void LsubL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
void LocalSubscribeL(const TMsvId aTarget, const TBool aSubscribe);
void RemoteSubscribeL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId aTarget, const TBool aSubscribe);
void Create(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId aParent, const TDesC& aLeafName, const TBool aFolder);
void CreateL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId aParent, const TDesC& aLeafName, const TBool aFolder);
void Rename(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId aTarget, const TDesC& aNewName);
void RenameL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId aTarget, const TDesC& aNewName);
void Delete(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId aTarget);
void Delete(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, const CMsvEntrySelection& aTargetSel);
void DeleteL(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, const CMsvEntrySelection& aTargetSel);
void DeleteAllMessagesL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
// Append to a folder
void Append(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId aEntry, const TMsvId aDestination);
void AppendL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId aEntry, const TMsvId aDestination);
// Folder selection
void Select(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId aFolder, const TBool aReadWrite);
void SelectL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId aFolder, const TBool aReadWrite);
// Post-folder selection commands
void Synchronise(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TBool aNewOnly);
void SynchroniseL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TBool aNewOnly);
void Copy(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId aSource, const TMsvId aDestination, TBool aUnSelectIfSameFolder);
void CopyL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId aSource, const TMsvId aDestination, TBool aUnSelectIfSameFolder);
void Close(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TBool aExpunge);
void CloseL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TBool aExpunge);
void FetchBody(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus, const TMsvId aPart,TImImap4GetPartialMailInfo aGetPartialMailInfo);
void StartIdle(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus);
void StartIdleL(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus);
void StopIdle(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus);
void SyncStopIdleL(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus);
void StopIdleL(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus);
void DoIdleRead(TRequestStatus& aIdleReadStatus);
void CancelIdleRead();
void IdleReadError(TInt aError);
void IdleTimerExpiredL();
void CancelTimerExpired();
// Progress
void IncSyncStats(TImap4SyncProgress& aSync);
TImap4GenericProgress Progress();
void ResetStats();
TBool FolderChanged() const;
TBool ImapIdleSupported() const;
TBool IsIdling() const;
// Save msvserverentry that Mtm hands us
void SetEntry(CMsvServerEntry *aEntry);
// Log stuff
void LogText(const TDesC8& aString);
void LogText(TRefByValue<const TDesC8> aFmt,...);
// Orphan a local message
void OrphanMessageL(const TMsvId aMessage);
// Delete a local message
void DeleteMessageL(const TMsvId aMessage);
// Copy a message, leaving the structure behind (with a new TMsvId)
void CopyMessage(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId iSourceFolder, const TMsvId iSource, const TMsvId iDestinationFolder, TMsvId* iNewSource, const TBool aRemoveOriginal);
// Park entries
void Park();
void ReissueIdleL();
void ReissueDummy();
void DummyComplete(TInt aError);
TInt CommandFailure() const;
// Calculate the total size of the messages to be downloaderd in this selection.
TInt CalculateDownloadSizeL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
// This selection should not be deleted during a synchronisation
void SetSynchronisationSelectionL(CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
void SetInbox(TMsvId aInbox);
TMsvId GetInbox();
// Only going to be set on the secondary session
void SetPrimarySession(CActiveWrapper* aPrimarySession);
// Returns Current TextServerSession
CImTextServerSession* GetTextServerSession();
CImImap4Session(MImapSessionObserver& aObserver);
void ConstructL(TInt aId);
void RunL();
void DoRunL();
void DoComplete(TInt& aStatus);
// The get more/send some calls
void GetReply(const TBool aPartial);
void SendMessageL(const TDesC8 &theMessage);
void SendUntaggedMessageL(const TDesC8 &theMessage);
void SendUntaggedMessageWithTimeoutL(const TDesC8 &theMessage, TInt aTimeout);
void NewTag();
void NewTagSent();
void LostConnection(TInt aError);
void IssueIdleRead();
void Fail(const TInt aError);
void DoDisconnect();
// Construct full mailbox/folder path from a TMsvId
HBufC8* MakePathL(const TMsvId aTarget, const TBool aIncludeLeaf);
// Cancel current operation
void DoCancel();
// convert to and from Modified UTF-7 if needed
HBufC* DoUnModUTF7LC(TDesC8& aBuffer);
// Enquote string if needed
void DoQuoteL(HBufC8*& aBuffer);
// Update last sync date on folder
void SyncCompleteL();
// Get children of a folder: ONLY the message ones, though
void GetMessageChildrenL(const TMsvId aFolder, CMsvEntrySelection* aChildren);
// Make sorted folder index
void MakeSortedFolderIndexL(TBool aUseCachedEntryData=EFalse);
// Show atom tree (debug only)
void showtree(CImapAtom* aAtom,TInt aIndent);
// Reset subscription flags (recursive)
void ResetSubscriptionFlagsL(const TMsvId aFolder);
// Start new synchronise phase
void SynchroniseNewL();
void SynchroniseNewL(const TUint32 aLowUid,const TUint32 aHighUid);
// Process replies
TInt ProcessGreetingL();
TInt ProcessCommandReplyL();
TInt ProcessContinuationResponse(CImapAtom *aAtom);
TInt ProcessUntaggedL(CImapAtom* aAtom, const TBool aCancelled);
TInt ProcessFetchL(const TUint aMsgnr, CImapAtom* aAtom);
void ProcessListL(CImapAtom* aAtom);
void ProcessLsubL(CImapAtom* aAtom);
TBool ProcessFlagsL(CImapAtom* aAtom, TMsvEmailEntry& aMessage);
void AppendExtendL(HBufC8** aBufferPtr, const TDesC8& aText, TBool aOnStack=ETrue);
void ProcessAddressL(HBufC8** aBuffer, CImapAtom* aAtom);
// processing address list using envelope
void ProcessAddressListL(HBufC8** aBuffer, CDesCArray& aWhere, CImapAtom* aAtom);
// proccessing address list without using envelope
void ProcessAddressListL(CDesCArray& aWhere, HBufC8** aAddresses);
void ProcessEnvelopeL(CImHeader* aHeader, TMsvEntry& aEntry, CImapAtom *aAtom);
void ProcessHeaderExtraL(CImHeader* aHeader, CImMimeHeader* aMimeHeader, TMsvEmailEntry* aEntry, TPtrC8 aText);
void ProcessSearchL(CImapAtom *aAtom);
// generate a file name for an attachment based on its type
void GetDefaultFilename(TDes& aName, const TMsvEmailEntry& aMessage, const CImMimeHeader* mime);
void BuildTreeL(TMsvId aParent, CImapAtom *aAtom, const TDesC8& aPath,
const TMsvId aThisMessage, TInt& aAttachments, TBool& aIsMHTML, TInt& aRelatedAttachments);
void BuildTreeOneL(const TMsvId aParent, CImapAtom *aAtom, const TDesC8& aPath,
const TMsvId aThisMessage, TInt& aAttachments, TBool& aIsMHTML, TInt& aRelatedAttachments);
// Fetch helpers
// AddFetchItem adds item and appropriate fetchable children to
// the current fetch list
void AddFetchItemL(TMsvId aPart, TImap4GetMailOptions aPartTypes, TBool& aHasTextParts);
void AddFetchItemL(TMsvId aPart, TImImap4GetPartialMailInfo aGetPartialMailInfo, TBool& aHasTextParts);
// FetchAnItem issues command to fetch a fetchable part
void FetchAnItemL(const TMsvId aItem);
// Decode received data
void DecodeAndStoreL(const TPtrC8& aData, const TBool aEndOfStream);
TInt WriteToAttachmentL(const TDesC8& aText);
void WriteToBodyL(const TDesC8& aText);
// Helper function to decode UUEncoded attachment in MIME emails
TBool CheckUUEStartL(const TDesC8& aSourceLine);
// Called when we get a tagged completion code
void CommandCompleteL(TInt aResult);
// Dummy read operation queueing
void IssueDummy();
void CancelDummy();
// Set entry, leave if error (not related to setentry() which sets iEntry)
void SetEntryL(const TMsvId aId);
// Change entry, leave if error
void ChangeEntryL(const TMsvEntry& aEntry);
// Change entry, leave if error
void ChangeEntryBulkL(const TMsvEntry& aEntry);
// Get children, leave if error
void GetChildrenL(CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
// Scan content-type list for filename information, copy if necessary
TInt FindFilename(const CImMimeHeader& aMimeInfo, TPtrC8& aFilename);
// call FindFilename, default if necessary and QP decode it
void FindFilenameDecodeL(const CImMimeHeader& aMimeInfo, TFileName& aFilename);
// Copy a message, leaving the structure behind (with a new TMsvId) - use CopyMessage() instead
void CopyMessageL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId iSourceFolder, const TMsvId iSource, const TMsvId iDestinationFolder, TMsvId* iNewSource, const TBool aRemoveOriginal);
// private leaving versions of public non-leaving versions
void FetchBodyL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId aPart);
void DeleteL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId aTarget);
void DeleteEntryL( const TMsvId aTarget);
// convenience function to fix up the colon-separated header list
// into a space separated list
void ColonSeparatorToSpace(TDes8& buf);
void StripSpace(HBufC8* aBuf);
void PropagateCompleteFlagL(TMsvId aId, TBool aDoBodyText, TBool aPartialFetched);
void SendLoginL();
void SendCapabilityL();
TPtrC FileNameFromRFC2231(const TDesC8& aEncodedFileName);
static void SetMessageFlagsL(TMsvEmailEntry& aMessageEntry, CImapAtom* aRootAtom);
void FetchLargeHeaderL(TUint aUid, TBool aRange);
void FetchHeaderL(TUint aUid);
void DoFetchL();
// Set or clear a set of message \Seen flags
TBool ProcessSeenFlagsL(TSeenFlagUpdateMode aUpdateMode);
// Search through all Sibling Atoms for an Attachment
TBool DoesAtomContainAttachment(CImapAtom *aAtom);
TInt32 Minimum(TInt32 aThisPartTypeSizeLimit,TInt32 aTotalMailSizeLimit);
TInt32 GetFetchSizeL(TInt32 aSizeLeft, TInt32 aSizeDownLoaded);
void AttachFooterInfoL();
void CheckForDiskSpaceL(TInt aSizeToBeDownloaded);
TInt32 FetchSize(TInt32 aMinimumLimit,TInt32 aSizeDownLoaded, TInt32 aSizeLeft);
void CheckForPartialPopulate(TImImap4GetPartialMailInfo aGetPartialMailInfo);
void RemoveHtmlPart(TMsvId aPart);
void ProcessFooterMessageL(TInt aSizeLeft);
void DoSynchroniseL(TBool aNewOnly);
void DoStartIdleL();
void DoStopIdleL();
void DoDisconnectL();
void CreateAttachmentInfoL(TMsvEmailEntry& aMsvEmailEntry);
void CreateUidStringL();
void DoSelectL(const TMsvId aFolder, const TBool aReadWrite);
enum TImap4SecurityState
// Copy of the service's settings
CImImap4Settings* iServiceSettings;
// Copy of the service's iap settings
CImIAPPreferences* iPrefs;
// Our connection
CImapIO* iImapIO;
// FS handle
RFs iFs;
// Current state and line being processed
TImapState iState;
TImapState iSavedState;
TBool iSendQueued;
TBool iReceiveQueued;
TBool iGotWholeLine;
TInt iCommandsOutstanding;
TBool iSizeWait;
// Generic space to store completion information about commands in progress
TBool iCommandFlags[4];
TMsvId iCommandIds[4];
TBuf<256> iCommandBuf;
TInt iCommandSize;
// Synchronisation state
TImapSyncState iSyncState;
TInt iFolderPosition;
TUint iHighestUid;
TInt32 iSyncLimit;
// Current tag
TInt iTag;
TInt iCancelledTag;
// Mailbox hierarchy
TBuf8<1> iHierarchySeparator;
TBuf8<64> iFolderPath;
// List bits
CArrayPtr<CImImap4DirStruct>* iList;
// Seen IMAP4rev1 capability?
// IMAP capabilities
TBool iSeenVersion;
TBool iCapabilityStartTLS;
TBool iCapabilityLoginDisabled;
TBool iCapabilityIdleSupport;
TImap4SecurityState iSecurityState;
// Host/username/password
TBuf<64> iHost;
TInt iPort;
HBufC8* iUsername;
HBufC8* iPassword;
TBool iLiteralUsername;
TBool iLiteralPassword;
// Mailbox state information from remote host
TMsvId iMailboxId;
//TBool iMailboxIsInbox;
CImImap4FolderIndex iFolderIndex;
TBool iMailboxReceivedExpunge;
TBool iMailboxReceivedExists;
TBool iMailboxReceivedFlags;
TBufC8<128> iMailboxName;
TInt iMailboxSize;
TInt iMailboxRecent;
TBool iMailboxWritable;
TUint iUidValidity;
TUint iUidNext;
CArrayFix<TMsvId>* iDeletedUids;
TBool iSomeUnread;
CArrayFix<TUint32>* iSearchList;
TUint32 iMissingUidLow;
TUint32 iMissingUidHigh;
// Fetch in progress
TMsvId iMessageId;
//TMsvId iMessageDestination;
TUint iMessageUid;
TUint iMessageFetching;
CBufBase* iBodyBuf;
CMsvBodyText* iBodyText;
CRichText* iMessageBody;
CParaFormatLayer* iParaLayer;
CCharFormatLayer* iCharLayer;
CArrayFix<TMsvId>* iFetchList;
TBool iFetchIsText;
TFileName iAttachmentName;
CImMimeHeader* iAttachmentMimeInfo;
TImAttachmentFile* iAttachmentFile;
TImAttachmentFileState iAttachmentFileState;
HBufC* iAttachmentFullPath;
TInt iSizeOfThisPart;
TInt iDecodedSizeOfAllParts;
TInt iSizeLeftToFetch;
// Bool to indicate that we are in between of a UUEncoded start and end tag.
TBool iUUDecoding;
// Decoder used for fetch in progres
TImCodecB64 iB64Decoder;
TImCodecUU iUUDecoder;
TImCodecQP iQPDecoder;
TImEncodingType iEncodingType;
HBufC8* iPartialLine;
HBufC* iDefaultAttachmentName;
// Characterset conversion
CImConvertCharconv* iCharConv;
CCnvCharacterSetConverter* iCharacterConverter;
CImConvertHeader* iHeaderConverter;
TBool iPreparedToConvert;
TBuf8<20> iLeftOver;
// Bits used when appending
CImCalculateMsgSize* iMessageSizer;
CImSendMessage* iMessageSender;
TTime iMessageDate;
HBufC8* iLineBuffer;
// Tree of atoms
CImapAtom* iRootAtom;
// Access to message database
CMsvServerEntry* iEntry;
CMsvServerEntry* iMoveEntry;
TMsvId iMoveSource; // What we're moving
TMsvId iMoveSourceFolder; // Where we're moving it from
TMsvId* iNewSource; // Where we save the newly created TMsvId in the source folder
CMsvEntrySelection* iSelection;
CMsvEntrySelection* iSynchronisationSelection;
// Dummy operation issued to CImapIO to notify us of connection problems?
CImImap4SessionDummyRead* iDummyRead;
// Used to issue and handle responses for IMAP IDLE
CImImap4SessionIdleRead* iIdleRead;
TBool iUseIdleCommand;
CIdleTimeoutTimer* iIdleTimer;
TBool iReissueIdle;
TBool iDisconnectAfterIdleStopped;
TMsvId iInbox;
TBool iIdleTimerExpired;
// Hideous kludge for brain-dead CC:Mail servers
TBool iTalkingToCCMail;
TBool iTalkingToOpenMail;
TRequestStatus* iRequestStatus;
TUint iCharset;
TInt iHeadersFetched;
TInt iOrphanedMessages;
TInt iRemoteMessagesDeleteTagged;
TInt iMsgsDone;
TInt iCheckDiskSpaceCounter;
TInt iCurrentDrive;
CArrayFixFlat<TMsvCacheData>* iCachedEntryData;
CArrayFixFlat<TMsvId>* iSetSeenList;
CArrayFixFlat<TMsvId>* iClearSeenList;
TBool iJustSentFetch;
TImap4GetMailOptions iGetOptions;
TImImap4GetPartialMailInfo iGetPartialMailInfo;
TMsvId iGetPart;
// If a Copy/Move/Delete fails with IMAP server.
// Store the fact. May need information.
TInt iCommandFailure;
// bearer timeout value in microseconds
TInt iIdleTimeout;
TInt iStore8BitData;
TBool iFetchPartialMail;
TInt32 iBodyTextSize;
TInt32 iHtmlEntrySize;
TInt32 iBodyPartRemainingSize;
HBufC* iFooterString;
TBool iIsDiskSpaceChecked;
TMsvId iHtmlEntryPart;
TInt32 iSizeOfToBeFetchedAttachments;
// if set, the there is no IDLE reissued after a synch
TBool iCompoundStopIdle;
CImCaf* iCaf;
TBool iIsICalendar;
TBool iIsVCalendar;
HBufC8* iUidString;
// test to see if the uid is present in the fetch response. If it is, then it is part
// of the fetch command sent by the client. Otherwise it is a server message flag update,
// so just process flags
TBool iFoundUid;
// Indicates that we are stopping idle at the request of the synchronise active object
TBool iStoppingIdleForSync;
// Observer for callback notifications from session
MImapSessionObserver& iObserver;
// Only going to be set on the secondary session to take ownership of primarysession
CActiveWrapper* iPrimarySession;
// Progress information
TImap4GenericProgress iProgress;
// The service we're connected to
TMsvId iServiceId;
// If we sent FETCH BODY MIME
TBool iParsedTime;
CImapCancelTimer* iCancelTimer;
TBool iCancelAndIdle;
#if 0
class CImImapMoveWait: public CActive
inline void Start();
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
inline void CImImapMoveWait::Start()