+OK demon POP3 server ready (demon.co.uk)
+OK 38 872441
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11 1613
12 2378
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15 1608
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23 2377
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29 1003
30 1705
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33 2372
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36 1706
37 1709
38 382063
+OK 38 messages
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37 psion7.951226664:20:18615:63
38 psion7.951554999:20:07849:2
-ERR Unknown Command "CAPA"
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Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2000 08:49:05 GMT
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Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 16:52:36 +0100
From: Ralph Greenwell <ralph-greenwell@psion.com>
Organization: Psion Plc
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.0b2 (WinNT; I)
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To: "Greenwell,Ralph" <ralph.greenwell@virgin.net>
Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_3
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Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 16:52:36 +0100
From: Ralph Greenwell <ralph-greenwell@psion.com>
Organization: Psion Plc
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.0b2 (WinNT; I)
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To: "Greenwell,Ralph" <ralph.greenwell@virgin.net>
Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_3
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Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 16:52:36 +0100
From: Ralph Greenwell <ralph-greenwell@psion.com>
Organization: Psion Plc
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.0b2 (WinNT; I)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: "Greenwell,Ralph" <ralph.greenwell@virgin.net>
Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_3
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Date: Wed, 3 Aug 97 21:53:28 BST
From: Ralph Greenwell <ralph.greenwell@virgin.net>
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Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_1
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This is a test mail with no hi-order characters or anything nasty that will
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Return-receipt-To: vamsi kamineni
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Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_2
To: josephf@ibm.net (Joe Fernley), gbllbz7v@ibmmail.com (Jon McClure), 1
01536.475@compuserve.com (Anthony Mac), i.p.morns@ncl.ac.uk (Ian Mor
ns), jim@sirrius.demon.co.uk (James Shaw), mollusc@bongy.demon.co.uk
(Ashley (Alan) Oakes), ed@curtains.demon.co.uk (Karl Edwin),
ralph.greenwell@virgin.net (Ralph Greenwell (Home)), sdixon@gdc
arc.co.uk (Sean Dixon), 101712.453@compuserve.com (Neil Hubbard
), andy.jenkins@ic.ac.uk (Andy Jenkins), peter@tiverton.dem
on.co.uk (Peter Martin)
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 1997 10:02:38 +0100 (BST)
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This is a bit of text to go with a rather long header
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Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 16:52:36 +0100
From: Ralph Greenwell <ralph-greenwell@psion.com>
Organization: Psion Plc
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.0b2 (WinNT; I)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: "Greenwell,Ralph" <ralph.greenwell@virgin.net>
Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_3
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
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This message body contains a few QP encoded characters.....
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Subject: Test message No.2 - Dot stuffing test
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 15:33:54 +0000
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X-Mailer:EPOC Email Version 2.00
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This message contains a block of dot characters, arranged into the shape of =
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id RAA04098; Tue, 29 Apr 1997 17:00:47 +0100
Message-ID: <33661944.1A7F@psion.com>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 16:52:36 +0100
From: Ralph Greenwell <ralph-greenwell@psion.com>
Organization: Psion Plc
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.0b2 (WinNT; I)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: "Greenwell,Ralph" <ralph.greenwell@virgin.net>
Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_3
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
This message body contains a few QP encoded characters.....
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id 951310095:20:27897:19; Wed, 23 Feb 2000 12:48:15 GMT
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From: SMTP Test1 <test@psion9.demon.co.uk>
Reply-to: SMTP Test1 <test@psion9.demon.co.uk>
To: test@psion7.demon.co.uk
Subject: Test message No.5 - Empty message body
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 12:50:06 +0000
Disposition-Notification-To: SMTP Test1 <test@psion9.demon.co.uk>
Priority: high
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Message-ID: <VH9g0Jk7Nzft.lr1WGH4Z@smtp.demon.co.uk>
X-Mailer:EPOC Email Version 2.00
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From: SMTP Test1 <test@psion9.demon.co.uk>
Reply-to: SMTP Test1 <test@psion9.demon.co.uk>
To: test@psion7.demon.co.uk
Subject: Test message No.2 - Dot stuffing test
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 12:50:12 +0000
Disposition-Notification-To: SMTP Test1 <test@psion9.demon.co.uk>
Priority: high
Importance: high
Message-ID: <1twww6lrCypm.99jPVb3H@smtp.demon.co.uk>
X-Mailer:EPOC Email Version 2.00
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Language: i-default
Content-Disposition: inline
This message contains a block of dot characters, arranged into the shape of =
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Received: from punt-2.mail.demon.net by mailstore for test@psion7.demon.co.uk
id 951310089:20:27208:74; Wed, 23 Feb 2000 12:48:09 GMT
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From: SMTP Test1 <test@psion9.demon.co.uk>
Reply-to: SMTP Test1 <test@psion9.demon.co.uk>
To: test@psion7.demon.co.uk
Subject: Test message No.3 - Wrapped lines
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 12:50:09 +0000
Disposition-Notification-To: SMTP Test1 <test@psion9.demon.co.uk>
Priority: high
Importance: high
Message-ID: <sVKz5vTndFXV.MGxB1DFR@smtp.demon.co.uk>
X-Mailer:EPOC Email Version 2.00
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Language: i-default
Content-Disposition: inline
This message contains a series of lines - which range between 90 and 70 =
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Received: from punt-2.mail.demon.net by mailstore for test@psion7.demon.co.uk
id 951310087:20:27915:20; Wed, 23 Feb 2000 12:48:07 GMT
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for test@psion7.demon.co.uk; Wed, 23 Feb 2000 12:47:40 +0000
From: SMTP Test1 <test@psion9.demon.co.uk>
Reply-to: SMTP Test1 <test@psion9.demon.co.uk>
To: test@psion7.demon.co.uk
Subject: Test message No.4 - Trailing spaces and tab characters
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 12:50:08 +0000
Disposition-Notification-To: SMTP Test1 <test@psion9.demon.co.uk>
Priority: high
Importance: high
Message-ID: <5YjyBT0mkkrB.MFQxqJtZ@smtp.demon.co.uk>
X-Mailer:EPOC Email Version 2.00
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Language: i-default
Content-Disposition: inline
This line has 1 trailing space character >=20
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Received: from punt-2.mail.demon.net by mailstore
for David.Newcombe@psion7.demon.co.uk id 951305385:20:09162:36;
Wed, 23 Feb 2000 11:29:45 GMT
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Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 11:29:30 GMT
To: David.Newcombe@psion7.demon.co.uk
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Subject: JobServe // Wednesday, 23 February 2000
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// JobServe // Wednesday, 23 February 2000
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Date: Wed, 3 Aug 97 21:53:28 BST
From: Ralph Greenwell <ralph.greenwell@virgin.net>
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Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_1
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To: ralph-greenwell@psion.com
This is a test mail with no hi-order characters or anything nasty that will
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Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_2
To: josephf@ibm.net (Joe Fernley), gbllbz7v@ibmmail.com (Jon McClure), 1
01536.475@compuserve.com (Anthony Mac), i.p.morns@ncl.ac.uk (Ian Mor
ns), jim@sirrius.demon.co.uk (James Shaw), mollusc@bongy.demon.co.uk
(Ashley (Alan) Oakes), ed@curtains.demon.co.uk (Karl Edwin),
ralph.greenwell@virgin.net (Ralph Greenwell (Home)), sdixon@gdc
arc.co.uk (Sean Dixon), 101712.453@compuserve.com (Neil Hubbard
), andy.jenkins@ic.ac.uk (Andy Jenkins), peter@tiverton.dem
on.co.uk (Peter Martin)
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 1997 10:02:38 +0100 (BST)
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This is a bit of text to go with a rather long header
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Message-ID: <3367B148.7DE4@virgin.net>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 97 21:53:28 BST
From: Ralph Greenwell <ralph.greenwell@virgin.net>
Reply-To: ralph.greenwell@virgin.net
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Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_1
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To: ralph-greenwell@psion.com
This is a test mail with no hi-order characters or anything nasty that will
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Message-ID: <3367B148.7DE4@virgin.net>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 97 21:53:28 BST
From: Ralph Greenwell <ralph.greenwell@virgin.net>
Reply-To: ralph.greenwell@virgin.net
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Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_1
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To: ralph-greenwell@psion.com
This is a test mail with no hi-order characters or anything nasty that will
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From: <c.browne@ic.ac.uk>
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ID# 0-33929U70000L2S50) with SMTP id AAA3632
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id 0wMVPm-00016y-01; Wed, 30 Apr 1997 10:11:06 +0100
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Message-Id: <14004.9704300902@battersea.ee.ic.ac.uk>
Return-receipt-To: vamsi kamineni
Precedence: first-class
Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_2
To: josephf@ibm.net (Joe Fernley), gbllbz7v@ibmmail.com (Jon McClure), 1
01536.475@compuserve.com (Anthony Mac), i.p.morns@ncl.ac.uk (Ian Mor
ns), jim@sirrius.demon.co.uk (James Shaw), mollusc@bongy.demon.co.uk
(Ashley (Alan) Oakes), ed@curtains.demon.co.uk (Karl Edwin),
ralph.greenwell@virgin.net (Ralph Greenwell (Home)), sdixon@gdc
arc.co.uk (Sean Dixon), 101712.453@compuserve.com (Neil Hubbard
), andy.jenkins@ic.ac.uk (Andy Jenkins), peter@tiverton.dem
on.co.uk (Peter Martin)
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 1997 10:02:38 +0100 (BST)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL23]
Content-Type: text
This is a bit of text to go with a rather long header
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Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 16:52:36 +0100
From: Ralph Greenwell <ralph-greenwell@psion.com>
Organization: Psion Plc
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.0b2 (WinNT; I)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: "Greenwell,Ralph" <ralph.greenwell@virgin.net>
Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_3
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
This message body contains a few QP encoded characters.....
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id 951229716:11:05903:515; Tue, 22 Feb 2000 14:28:36 GMT
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by mail1-gui.server.virgin.net (Post.Office MTA v3.0 release 112
ID# 0-33929U70000L2S50) with SMTP id AAA937
for <ralph-greenwell@psion.com>; Wed, 30 Apr 1997 21:51:37 +0100
Message-ID: <3367B148.7DE4@virgin.net>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 97 21:53:28 BST
From: Ralph Greenwell <ralph.greenwell@virgin.net>
Reply-To: ralph.greenwell@virgin.net
Return-Receipt-To: ralph.greenwell@virgin.net
priority: 3
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01 (Win95; I)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_1
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
To: ralph-greenwell@psion.com
This is a test mail with no hi-order characters or anything nasty that will
Return-Path: <test@psion7.demon.co.uk>
Received: from punt-1.mail.demon.net by mailstore for test@psion7.demon.co.uk
id 951236742:10:00158:371; Tue, 22 Feb 2000 16:25:42 GMT
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for test@psion7.demon.co.uk; Tue, 22 Feb 2000 15:31:29 +0000
From: SMTP Test1 <test@psion7.demon.co.uk>
Reply-to: SMTP Test1 <test@psion7.demon.co.uk>
To: <test@psion7.demon.co.uk>
Subject: Test message No.1 - 1000 character line in message
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 15:33:51 +0000
Disposition-Notification-To: SMTP Test1 <test@psion7.demon.co.uk>
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X-Mailer:EPOC Email Version 2.00
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Content-Disposition: inline
The line in the following 3 paragraphs each contain 1000 characters: the =
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id 951229007:11:29843:185; Tue, 22 Feb 2000 14:16:47 GMT
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for test@psion7.demon.co.uk; Tue, 22 Feb 2000 13:47:11 +0000
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id KAA12136; Wed, 30 Apr 1997 10:22:12 +0100
From: <c.browne@ic.ac.uk>
Received: from romeo.ic.ac.uk ([])
by mail1-gui.server.virgin.net (Post.Office MTA v3.0 release 112
ID# 0-33929U70000L2S50) with SMTP id AAA3632
for <ralph.greenwell@virgin.net>; Wed, 30 Apr 1997 10:12:18 +0100
Received: from judy.ic.ac.uk []
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id 0wMVPm-00016y-01; Wed, 30 Apr 1997 10:11:06 +0100
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id AA03650; Wed, 30 Apr 97 10:02:40 BST
Message-Id: <14004.9704300902@battersea.ee.ic.ac.uk>
Return-receipt-To: vamsi kamineni
Precedence: first-class
Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_2
To: josephf@ibm.net (Joe Fernley), gbllbz7v@ibmmail.com (Jon McClure), 1
01536.475@compuserve.com (Anthony Mac), i.p.morns@ncl.ac.uk (Ian Mor
ns), jim@sirrius.demon.co.uk (James Shaw), mollusc@bongy.demon.co.uk
(Ashley (Alan) Oakes), ed@curtains.demon.co.uk (Karl Edwin),
ralph.greenwell@virgin.net (Ralph Greenwell (Home)), sdixon@gdc
arc.co.uk (Sean Dixon), 101712.453@compuserve.com (Neil Hubbard
), andy.jenkins@ic.ac.uk (Andy Jenkins), peter@tiverton.dem
on.co.uk (Peter Martin)
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 1997 10:02:38 +0100 (BST)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL23]
Content-Type: text
This is a bit of text to go with a rather long header
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id 951227783:10:08245:29; Tue, 22 Feb 2000 13:56:23 GMT
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; Wed, 30 Apr 97 21:54:18 GMT
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id WAA19318; Wed, 30 Apr 1997 22:01:26 +0100
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by mail1-gui.server.virgin.net (Post.Office MTA v3.0 release 112
ID# 0-33929U70000L2S50) with SMTP id AAA937
for <ralph-greenwell@psion.com>; Wed, 30 Apr 1997 21:51:37 +0100
Message-ID: <3367B148.7DE4@virgin.net>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 97 21:53:28 BST
From: Ralph Greenwell <ralph.greenwell@virgin.net>
Reply-To: ralph.greenwell@virgin.net
Return-Receipt-To: ralph.greenwell@virgin.net
priority: 3
Precedence: bulk
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01 (Win95; I)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_1
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
To: ralph-greenwell@psion.com
This is a test mail with no hi-order characters or anything nasty that will
Return-Path: <test@psion7.demon.co.uk>
Received: from punt-1.mail.demon.net by mailstore for test@psion7.demon.co.uk
id 951232724:11:02400:500; Tue, 22 Feb 2000 15:18:44 GMT
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for test@psion7.demon.co.uk; Tue, 22 Feb 2000 15:16:48 +0000
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; Tue, 29 Apr 97 16:52:48 GMT
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id RAA04103; Tue, 29 Apr 1997 17:01:01 +0100
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ID# 0-33929U70000L2S50) with SMTP id AAA8809
for <ralph.greenwell@virgin.net>; Tue, 29 Apr 1997 16:51:11 +0100
Received: from ralphg by server.psion.com (8.6.12/PIPEX simple 1.26)
id RAA04098; Tue, 29 Apr 1997 17:00:47 +0100
Message-ID: <33661944.1A7F@psion.com>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 16:52:36 +0100
From: Ralph Greenwell <ralph-greenwell@psion.com>
Organization: Psion Plc
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.0b2 (WinNT; I)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: "Greenwell,Ralph" <ralph.greenwell@virgin.net>
Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_3
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
This message body contains a few QP encoded characters.....
Return-Path: <test@psion7.demon.co.uk>
Received: from punt-1.mail.demon.net by mailstore for test@psion7.demon.co.uk
id 951233922:11:19305:338; Tue, 22 Feb 2000 15:38:42 GMT
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for test@psion7.demon.co.uk; Tue, 22 Feb 2000 15:16:51 +0000
Received: from server.psion.com by smtpgate.psion.com (SMTPLINK V2.10.08)
; Wed, 30 Apr 97 10:14:07 GMT
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id KAA12136; Wed, 30 Apr 1997 10:22:12 +0100
From: <c.browne@ic.ac.uk>
Received: from romeo.ic.ac.uk ([])
by mail1-gui.server.virgin.net (Post.Office MTA v3.0 release 112
ID# 0-33929U70000L2S50) with SMTP id AAA3632
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Return-receipt-To: vamsi kamineni
Precedence: first-class
Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_2
To: josephf@ibm.net (Joe Fernley), gbllbz7v@ibmmail.com (Jon McClure), 1
01536.475@compuserve.com (Anthony Mac), i.p.morns@ncl.ac.uk (Ian Mor
ns), jim@sirrius.demon.co.uk (James Shaw), mollusc@bongy.demon.co.uk
(Ashley (Alan) Oakes), ed@curtains.demon.co.uk (Karl Edwin),
ralph.greenwell@virgin.net (Ralph Greenwell (Home)), sdixon@gdc
arc.co.uk (Sean Dixon), 101712.453@compuserve.com (Neil Hubbard
), andy.jenkins@ic.ac.uk (Andy Jenkins), peter@tiverton.dem
on.co.uk (Peter Martin)
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 1997 10:02:38 +0100 (BST)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL23]
Content-Type: text
This is a bit of text to go with a rather long header
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ID# 0-33929U70000L2S50) with SMTP id AAA3632
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Return-receipt-To: vamsi kamineni
Precedence: first-class
Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_2
To: josephf@ibm.net (Joe Fernley), gbllbz7v@ibmmail.com (Jon McClure), 1
01536.475@compuserve.com (Anthony Mac), i.p.morns@ncl.ac.uk (Ian Mor
ns), jim@sirrius.demon.co.uk (James Shaw), mollusc@bongy.demon.co.uk
(Ashley (Alan) Oakes), ed@curtains.demon.co.uk (Karl Edwin),
ralph.greenwell@virgin.net (Ralph Greenwell (Home)), sdixon@gdc
arc.co.uk (Sean Dixon), 101712.453@compuserve.com (Neil Hubbard
), andy.jenkins@ic.ac.uk (Andy Jenkins), peter@tiverton.dem
on.co.uk (Peter Martin)
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 1997 10:02:38 +0100 (BST)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL23]
Content-Type: text
This is a bit of text to go with a rather long header
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Message-ID: <3367B148.7DE4@virgin.net>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 97 21:53:28 BST
From: Ralph Greenwell <ralph.greenwell@virgin.net>
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Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_1
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This is a test mail with no hi-order characters or anything nasty that will
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Message-ID: <3367B148.7DE4@virgin.net>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 97 21:53:28 BST
From: Ralph Greenwell <ralph.greenwell@virgin.net>
Reply-To: ralph.greenwell@virgin.net
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Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_1
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To: ralph-greenwell@psion.com
This is a test mail with no hi-order characters or anything nasty that will
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From: <c.browne@ic.ac.uk>
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by mail1-gui.server.virgin.net (Post.Office MTA v3.0 release 112
ID# 0-33929U70000L2S50) with SMTP id AAA3632
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id 0wMVPm-00016y-01; Wed, 30 Apr 1997 10:11:06 +0100
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Message-Id: <14004.9704300902@battersea.ee.ic.ac.uk>
Return-receipt-To: vamsi kamineni
Precedence: first-class
Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_2
To: josephf@ibm.net (Joe Fernley), gbllbz7v@ibmmail.com (Jon McClure), 1
01536.475@compuserve.com (Anthony Mac), i.p.morns@ncl.ac.uk (Ian Mor
ns), jim@sirrius.demon.co.uk (James Shaw), mollusc@bongy.demon.co.uk
(Ashley (Alan) Oakes), ed@curtains.demon.co.uk (Karl Edwin),
ralph.greenwell@virgin.net (Ralph Greenwell (Home)), sdixon@gdc
arc.co.uk (Sean Dixon), 101712.453@compuserve.com (Neil Hubbard
), andy.jenkins@ic.ac.uk (Andy Jenkins), peter@tiverton.dem
on.co.uk (Peter Martin)
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 1997 10:02:38 +0100 (BST)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL23]
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This is a bit of text to go with a rather long header
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Received: from romeo.ic.ac.uk ([])
by mail1-gui.server.virgin.net (Post.Office MTA v3.0 release 112
ID# 0-33929U70000L2S50) with SMTP id AAA3632
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id 0wMVPm-00016y-01; Wed, 30 Apr 1997 10:11:06 +0100
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id AA03650; Wed, 30 Apr 97 10:02:40 BST
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Return-receipt-To: vamsi kamineni
Precedence: first-class
Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_2
To: josephf@ibm.net (Joe Fernley), gbllbz7v@ibmmail.com (Jon McClure), 1
01536.475@compuserve.com (Anthony Mac), i.p.morns@ncl.ac.uk (Ian Mor
ns), jim@sirrius.demon.co.uk (James Shaw), mollusc@bongy.demon.co.uk
(Ashley (Alan) Oakes), ed@curtains.demon.co.uk (Karl Edwin),
ralph.greenwell@virgin.net (Ralph Greenwell (Home)), sdixon@gdc
arc.co.uk (Sean Dixon), 101712.453@compuserve.com (Neil Hubbard
), andy.jenkins@ic.ac.uk (Andy Jenkins), peter@tiverton.dem
on.co.uk (Peter Martin)
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 1997 10:02:38 +0100 (BST)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL23]
Content-Type: text
This is a bit of text to go with a rather long header
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id 951226726:11:17469:185; Tue, 22 Feb 2000 13:38:46 GMT
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ID# 0-33929U70000L2S50) with SMTP id AAA8809
for <ralph.greenwell@virgin.net>; Tue, 29 Apr 1997 16:51:11 +0100
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id RAA04098; Tue, 29 Apr 1997 17:00:47 +0100
Message-ID: <33661944.1A7F@psion.com>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 16:52:36 +0100
From: Ralph Greenwell <ralph-greenwell@psion.com>
Organization: Psion Plc
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.0b2 (WinNT; I)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: "Greenwell,Ralph" <ralph.greenwell@virgin.net>
Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_3
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This message body contains a few QP encoded characters.....
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id 951227817:11:26824:168; Tue, 22 Feb 2000 13:56:57 GMT
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by mail1-gui.server.virgin.net (Post.Office MTA v3.0 release 112
ID# 0-33929U70000L2S50) with SMTP id AAA937
for <ralph-greenwell@psion.com>; Wed, 30 Apr 1997 21:51:37 +0100
Message-ID: <3367B148.7DE4@virgin.net>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 97 21:53:28 BST
From: Ralph Greenwell <ralph.greenwell@virgin.net>
Reply-To: ralph.greenwell@virgin.net
Return-Receipt-To: ralph.greenwell@virgin.net
priority: 3
Precedence: bulk
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01 (Win95; I)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_1
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
To: ralph-greenwell@psion.com
This is a test mail with no hi-order characters or anything nasty that will
Return-Path: <test@psion9.demon.co.uk>
Received: from punt-1.mail.demon.net by mailstore for test@psion7.demon.co.uk
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From: SMTP Test1 <test@psion9.demon.co.uk>
Reply-to: SMTP Test1 <test@psion9.demon.co.uk>
To: <test@psion7.demon.co.uk>
Subject: Test message No.1 - 1000 character line in message
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 12:50:16 +0000
Disposition-Notification-To: SMTP Test1 <test@psion9.demon.co.uk>
Priority: high
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X-Mailer:EPOC Email Version 2.00
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Language: i-default
Content-Disposition: inline
The line in the following 3 paragraphs each contain 1000 characters: the =
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id 951310332:10:28042:25; Wed, 23 Feb 2000 12:52:12 GMT
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for test@psion7.demon.co.uk; Wed, 23 Feb 2000 12:47:34 +0000
From: SMTP Test1 <test@psion9.demon.co.uk>
Reply-to: SMTP Test1 <test@psion9.demon.co.uk>
To: test@psion7.demon.co.uk
Subject: Test message No. 7 - MIME text and attachment
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 12:50:02 +0000
Disposition-Notification-To: SMTP Test1 <test@psion9.demon.co.uk>
Priority: high
Importance: high
Message-ID: <hfHW0mhhZkpd.ssvKWbvf@smtp.demon.co.uk>
X-Mailer:EPOC Email Version 2.00
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Language: i-default
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
This is a MIME Message
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id 951310224:10:27493:17; Wed, 23 Feb 2000 12:50:24 GMT
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for test@psion7.demon.co.uk; Wed, 23 Feb 2000 12:47:36 +0000
From: SMTP Test1 <test@psion9.demon.co.uk>
Reply-to: SMTP Test1 <test@psion9.demon.co.uk>
To: test@psion7.demon.co.uk
Subject: Test message No.6 - Encoded "=" characters
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 12:50:04 +0000
Disposition-Notification-To: SMTP Test1 <test@psion9.demon.co.uk>
Priority: high
Importance: high
Message-ID: <11xYbHdrbby4.jDPnsq3x@smtp.demon.co.uk>
X-Mailer:EPOC Email Version 2.00
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Language: i-default
Content-Disposition: inline
The following line contains 5 "equals" characters. These should arrive =
Return-Path: <test@psion7.demon.co.uk>
Received: from punt-1.mail.demon.net by mailstore for test@psion7.demon.co.uk
id 951245179:10:21094:555; Tue, 22 Feb 2000 18:46:19 GMT
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ID# 0-33929U70000L2S50) with SMTP id AAA8809
for <ralph.greenwell@virgin.net>; Tue, 29 Apr 1997 16:51:11 +0100
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id RAA04098; Tue, 29 Apr 1997 17:00:47 +0100
Message-ID: <33661944.1A7F@psion.com>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 16:52:36 +0100
From: Ralph Greenwell <ralph-greenwell@psion.com>
Organization: Psion Plc
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.0b2 (WinNT; I)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: "Greenwell,Ralph" <ralph.greenwell@virgin.net>
Subject:Testing SmtpTestSend_3
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
This message body contains a few QP encoded characters.....
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id 951245177:10:21094:553; Tue, 22 Feb 2000 18:46:17 GMT
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Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2000 08:49:05 GMT
To: David.Newcombe@psion7.demon.co.uk
From: jobs@jobserve.com (JobServe)
Subject: JobServe // Monday, 28 February 2000
Precedence: bulk
X-Jobs: 825/8934
// JobServe // Monday, 28 February 2000
// One2One are seeking experienced Test Managers, Senior Test Analysts &
// Test Analysts with some of the following core skills: Test Automation
// (Mercury Winrunner & SQA Robot,Oracle & Unix, Billing/Customer Care
// Systems,Test Management, PL/SQL, VB,GSM, WAP & GPRS. Perm South Herts
// Jonathan@resource-matters.com Tel: 0117 930 9200 Fax:0117 930 9201
Ty: Contract
Po: Amdocs Developer
Sk: Must have Amdocs development experience using Unix & C. Previous work
with Amdocs Usage Procesing Module (MUF) is highly desirable.
Lo: Australia
Du: 6 months
Ag: RP International
Cn: Annouchka Schoch
Te: 01293 443890
Fa: 01293 443888
Em: as@rpint.com
Ty: Contract
Po: Analyse/Programmer
Sk: GSM Micro Node development, Corba, O&M, C/C++, VXWorks, Tornado &
protocol know-how (GSM and/or UMTS or others).
Lo: Ulm, Germany
Du: 1/2 year++
Ra: Above market rates
Ag: Esmarch Datentechnik GmbH
Cn: Wolfgang Esmarch
Te: +49 89 749848 11
Fa: +49 89 749848 33
Em: wolfgang@esmarch.de; ess@esmarch.de
Re: JS/20000225-145
Ty: Contract
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: 1-3 years exp with Unix & either C/Cobol or Powerbuilder. Customer care
& billing exp would be an advantage. Analysis of system functionalities
& specs. Running routines & de-bugging programs etc.
Lo: UK
Du: 2 months (maybe longer depending)
Ra: Market Rates
Ag: Computer People
Cn: Charlie Beatons
Te: 0171 440 2065
Fa: 0171 440 2120
Em: charliebeaton@cpeople.co.uk
Re: JSCB/899
Ty: Contract
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: 1-3 years exp with Unix & either C/Cobol or Powerbuilder. Customer care
& billing exp would be an advantage. Analysis of system functionalities
& specs. Running routines & de-bugging programs etc.
Lo: Israel
Du: 2 months (maybe longer depending)
Ra: Market Rates
Ag: Computer People
Cn: Charlie Beatons
Te: 0171 440 2065
Fa: 0171 440 2120
Em: charliebeaton@cpeople.co.uk
Re: JSCB/899
Ty: Contract
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: An experience Analyst Programmer wanted for Front Office development
work. C/C++, Sybase, Crystal Reports, Visual Basic & Excel are all
essential skills. Good working commercial knowledge of Bonds,
especially Emerging Markets.
Lo: London
Du: 26 weeks
Ra: 55/hour
Ag: Monroe (city)
Cn: Nick Davenport
Te: 0171 556 7052
Fa: 0171 556 7553
Em: nickfd@city.monroe.co.uk
Re: JS/6102216
Ty: Contract
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: Analyst Programmer required for application support. Must have Murex,
Unix, C/C++ experience & knowledge of Front & Back Office trade
systems., Role will involve some 24 hour support 1 week in 3.
Lo: Frankfurt, Germany
Ag: Citygate Data
Cn: Mark
Te: 0171 247 7200
Fa: 0171 247 5100
Em: mark.sweatman@citygatedata.co.uk
Re: JS0002-20
Ty: Contract
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: C Pro C PL/SQL Unix Oracle.
Lo: Heathrow, Middlesex
Du: 6 months
Ra: 272/day
Ag: Modis International (formerly Hunterskil Howard)
Cn: Alex Thyer-Jones
Te: 01628 786611
Fa: 01628 675411
Em: alex.thyer-jones@modisintl.com
Re: JSRV_994443
Ty: Contract
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: C. PRO C. PL/SQL, Unix/Oracle 5 years Project management & planning
Oral & written communication.
Lo: Heathrow, Middlesex
Du: 6 months
Ra: 34/hour
Ag: Modis International (formerly Hunterskil Howard)
Cn: Fiona Dawborne
Te: 01628 786621
Fa: 01628 675411
Em: fiona.dawborne@modisintl.com
Ty: Contract
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: C/C++, Unix, Sybase, Java skills advantageous.
Lo: City, London
Du: 6 months initially
Ag: Elan Computing
Cn: Geoff Smith
Te: 0171 830 1349
Fa: 0171 830 1333
Em: gxs@elan.co.uk
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Ty: Contract
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: Crystal Reports, C/C++, Sybase, Visual Basic, Excel to work for
Investment Bank. Desirable exp of Bonds especially Emerging Markets, to
work on a Risk Management application for Credit Bond Traders.
Lo: London
Du: 6 months
Ag: Executive Recruitment Services
Cn: Jennie Tott
Te: 01442 847462
Fa: 01442 215794
Em: jennie_tott@erscity.co.uk
Re: JS/48J008
Ty: Contract
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: Devloping changes from requirements through to implementation in the
C/Oracle services running under Topend. Skills are C, PROC, PL/SQL,
Unix, Oracle, & possibly Java Topend & 3 tier architectures.
Lo: London, South East
Du: 6 months
Ag: Ajilon
Cn: Claire Hough
Te: 01782 224060
Fa: 01782 208002
Em: clairehough@ajilontf.co.uk
Re: JS200/2/00
Ty: Contract
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: Embedded C on 16bit; would suit graduate with 6mnths+ experience or
first time contractor.
Lo: Essex
Du: 3 months
Ra: Market Rates
Ag: Pathway IT Resourcing
Cn: Kim Miller
Te: 0181 661 4222
Fa: 0181 661 9050
Em: pcdev.co@pathway-it.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: Frankfurt Banking client requires experienced Equities/trading
application Developer.Summit,Murex,Eurex & knowledge of German
Wertpapier trading.C++/C/Unix.
St: 27/03/00
Du: 6 months
Ra: Excellent
Ag: Progressive
Cn: Thomas Gregory
Te: 0181 971 8888
Fa: 0181 971 8800
Em: pcdev.germany.contract@progressive.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: If you have Crystal Reports (2yrs), Sybase (2yrs), C/C++ (3yrs), Visual
Basic (1yr) & Excel (2yrs) then apply. CV's with investment banking
experience will get interviews so don't delay.
Lo: West London
Du: 6 months
Ra: Market Rates
Ag: ComputAppoint
Cn: Tony Ristic
Te: 0171 287 2550
Fa: 0171 287 0717
Em: t.ristic@computappoint.co.uk
Re: JSTR0002-137
Ty: Contract
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: Real Time, C++/ADA, Security Cleared, (desirable skills = C, pascal,
coral, teamwork, intel 80x86, Motorola 68000).
Lo: South Coast
St: ASAP - Very Urgent
Du: 3 months
Ra: Good
Ag: Pathway IT Resourcing
Cn: Kim Miller
Te: 0181 661 4222
Fa: 0181 661 9050
Em: pcdev.co@pathway-it.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: To work as part of a product development team. Require stong knowledge
of VAX & C preferably within a financial services environment. Any
experience of Pascal would be advantageous.
Lo: London City
Du: 6 months
Ag: Certes Computing
Cn: Kathryn Horton
Te: 0121 712 6704
Fa: 0121 712 6789
Em: kathryn.horton@certes.co.uk
Re: JSRV_15821
Ty: Contract
Po: Analyst Programmer - Unix/Sybase
Sk: Unix - writing Unix scripts, C Shell or Born Shell. Perl scripting.
Sybase - stored procedures. 7/8 years IT experience required. Degree
education essential. Can do attitude.
Lo: London
Du: 3 months
Ra: Top Market Rate
Ag: InterQuest
Cn: David Mitchell/Val Arrowsmith
Te: 0181 347 9500
Fa: 0181 347 9555
Em: interque@netcomuk.co.uk
Re: JSDM/VA497
Ty: Contract
Po: Analyst Programmer X2
Sk: Netscape Enterprise Server, C/C++, Perl, Unix, Oracle.
Lo: Berkshire
St: ASAP. 4 weeks
Du: 6 months
Ra: Excellent
Ag: DP Connect
Cn: Paul Darkins
Te: 0181 466 3658
Fa: 0181 313 3632
Em: pdarkins@dpconnect.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: Analyst Programmer/Designer/Engineer
Sk: Exp of software design & coding using C language under Open VMS,
Software documentation, software analysis & design. Useful to have
Oracle SQL, PL/SQL & knowledge of Visual Basic.
Lo: London
St: 29/02/2000
Du: 4 months
Ag: TCS Resources
Cn: Julie Elms-Lester
Fa: 0171 664 5707
Em: cvs@tcsr.co.uk
Re: JS99615
Ty: Contract
Po: Analyst Programmer/Developer
Sk: C or C++, JavaScript, GSM an advantage.
Lo: Dublin, Ireland
Du: 6 months +
Ag: Elan Computing
Cn: Kerry Byrne
Te: +35 31 6705070
Fa: +35 31 6705080
Em: dubl.cvct@elancomp.ie
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Re: JS8683KB
Ty: Contract
Po: Analyst/Programmer
Sk: Call-Processing: Embedded experience, GSM or UMTS, c/C++.
Lo: Ulm, Germany
Du: 1/ year++
Ra: Above market rates
Ag: Esmarch Datentechnik GmbH
Cn: Wolfgang Esmarch
Te: +49 89 749848 11
Fa: +49 89 749848 33
Em: wolfgang@esmarch.de; ess@esmarch.de
Re: JS/20000225-146
Ty: Contract
Po: Analyst/Programmer
Sk: Crystal Reports 2yrs+, Sybase 2yrs, C/C++ 3years, Visual Basic 1yr,
Excel 2yrs. Desirable: Bonds, especially Emerging Markets.
Lo: London
Du: 6 months
Ra: Good
Cn: Lynette Akwei-Howe/Chris Hollyman
Te: 0171 830 1374
Fa: 0171 830 1333
Em: czh@elan.co.uk
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Re: JSLAH-388
Ty: Contract
Po: Analyst/Programmer
Sk: Insurance/Banking experience. Java programming & analysis. Excellent
opportunity in new Internet bank. All Elan contractors have access to
over 1500 free on-line training courses.
Lo: Edinburgh, Scotland
Du: 4 months +
Ra: Excellent
Ag: Elan Computing
Cn: Kevin Fairbairn
Te: 0131 220 6638
Fa: 0131 220 6640
Em: kjf@elan.co.uk
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Re: JSKJF/8824
Ty: Contract
Po: Analyst/Programmer Team Leader
Sk: Oracle 8i, Forms 8 (Web Forms), WebServer 3, Designer 2.2, PL/SQL (all
essential). Pro C/C (Batch Programs) desirable, Unix. Good design &
development skills. Strong commercial focus & business acumen. High
pressure role.
Lo: Staffordshire
Du: 3 months initially
Ra: Very good
Ag: Computer Futures - North (Contract)
Cn: Sarah Wilson
Te: 01625 418418
Fa: 01625 549966
Em: rdbms.north.con@compfutures.com
Ty: Contract
Po: Analyst/Programmer X 10
Sk: C/C++, Windows SDK essential, any experience of OOD or GUI an
Lo: London
Du: 6 months
Ag: FI Recruitment
Cn: Gemma O'reardon
Te: 0161 848 7070
Fa: 0161 848 3083
Em: firecruit@figroup.co.uk
Re: JS/LQ/GO15500
Ty: Contract
Po: Application Delivery Specialist
Sk: SQL preferably in Sybase/Unix, Expert in at least 3 of the preferred
tools; C++, C, Excel, Applix, Powerbuilder, Sybase, Unix. Investment
banking exp, at least one year working with Front Office/Traders
securities industry knowl. 2/5 dev or support exp.
Lo: Central London
Du: 6-12 months
Ag: Elan Computing, London
Cn: Hannah Trevorrow
Em: ht@elan.co.uk
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Ty: Contract
Po: Application Support Manager
Sk: Must have strong Line/Project Mgt exp 5/8 years within Telecomm's
industry - particular emphasis an Billing Sys. Strong exp of Visual
Lo: City, London
St: ASAP - 5 weeks
Ra: 60/70/hour
Ag: Rullion Computer Personnel
Cn: Kraig Smith
Te: 0207 929 0404
Fa: 0207 929 0505
Em: cv.ksmith@rullion.co.uk
Re: JS/KS/19949
Ty: Contract
Po: Bonds Analyst Programmer
Sk: Crystal Reports, C/C++, Sybase, Visual Basic, Excel to work for
Investment Bank. Desirable exp of Bonds especially Emerging Markets, to
work on a Risk Management application for Credit Bond Traders.
Lo: London
Du: 6 months
Ag: Executive Recruitment Services
Cn: Jennie Tott
Te: 01442 847462
Fa: 01442 215794
Em: jennie_tott@erscity.co.uk
Re: JS/43J008
Ty: Contract
Po: Bonds Analyst Programmer Developer
Sk: Essential: Crystal Reports, Sybase, C C++, Visual Basic, Excel, strong
mathematical person & banking knowledge. Desirable: Bonds, especially
Emerging Markets. To work on a Risk Management application for credit
bond traders.
Lo: West End, London
Du: 6 months +
Ag: Capita Tomkins
Cn: Graeme Bailey
Te: 01753 850007
Fa: 01753 857449
Em: catherine@otltd.co.uk
Re: JSGBCP/96/388
Ty: Contract
Po: Business Analyst/Project Manager - Billings/Teleco
Sk: 5yrs+ in simiar role-telecoms industry with switch technology,
wholesale & resell of telephony, traffic processing, debt recovery,
marketing, Foxpro, C, SQL Server, MTS & VB exp. Communication &
Documentation skills a must as is Teleco Billings exp.
Lo: Docklands, London
St: March 2000
Du: 3 months +
Ra: 350-375/day
Ag: Enterprise Solutions Management
Cn: Tony Hornbuckle or Patricia Alderton
Te: 0181 255 5295
Fa: 0181 255 5296
Em: tony.hornbuckle@esm-ltd.com
Re: JS.TP.600
Ty: Contract
Po: Business/Change Process Consultant X3
Sk: Top Internet Blue Chip req. Consultants to work on global a/C
management process. You will have: exp. in the telecoms sector, top
down analysis & strong generic BPR. Exp. of Siebel advantageous. Simply
a great opportunity!.
Lo: Bracknell, Berkshire/London/Staines, Middlesex
St: Urgent
Du: 3 - 6 months
Ra: Attractive
Ag: Alto Resources
Cn: Anthony Stick
Te: 01285 641641
Fa: 01285 641649
Em: contract@alto.co.uk
Re: JS1974AS
Ty: Contract
Po: C Analyst Programmer
Sk: Back Office, very strong C(large applications), Sybase, Unix, pref with
some financial experience & Web development skills (HTML, Perl, Java).
To develop & maintain large scale business apps supporting the swaps
activity of this Major bank.
Lo: City, London
Du: 6 months +
Ra: City Rates
Ag: Modis International
Cn: Steve Johnson
Te: 0207 391 8401
Fa: 0207 387 2048
Em: steve.johnson@modisintl.com
Ty: Contract
Po: C (C++) Analyst Programmer
Sk: Front Office - SWAPS. Must have min 4 years advanced C, Unix, & shell
(ksh) with good C++, Sybase & Perl. Must have all of the above for
initial consideration.
Lo: City, London
Du: 6 months
Ra: City Rates
Ag: Modis International
Cn: Steve Johnson
Te: 0207 391 8401
Fa: 0207 387 2048
Em: steve.johnson@modisintl.com
Ty: Contract
Po: C ++ Programmer
Sk: My client specialises in banking systems. Currently they are looking
for exceptional experience in C++ with knowledge of Perl in an Internet
Lo: South East
St: Urgent
Ag: Sapphire Consulting
Cn: Samantha Hudson
Te: 01753 560230
Fa: 01753 560233
Em: samantha.hudson@sapphireintl.com
Re: JSERC/PL/2320
Ty: Contract
Po: C Analyst Programmer X8
Sk: C, Unix Developer required with minimum of 3 years experience. Exciting
new project. Working within an english spekaing environment.
Lo: Belgium
St: Will wait 2 weeks
Du: 6 months
Ag: DP Connect
Cn: Stephen Hydes
Te: 0181 466 3623
Fa: 0181 466 3632
Em: shydes@dpconnect.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: C Developer
Sk: Business knowledge of financial services & knowledge of German an
advantage. Knowledge of Mercury testing tool required as is C in an NT
environment. Knowledge of Cyrano Tools & SQL Windows essential.
Lo: Edinburgh, Scotland
Du: 3 months +
Ag: Anite IT Personnel (Scotland)
Cn: Mark Durham/Debbie Docherty
Te: 0141 248 9505
Fa: 0141 248 9565
Em: cvsscot@aniteitpersonnel.com
Re: JS27963
Ty: Contract
Po: C Developer
Sk: C programmer needed with Stratus & Vos systems admin experience.
Lo: Hampshire
St: Immediate
Du: 3 months
Ag: Huxley Associates/Contracts Thames Valley
Cn: Scott Fulton
Te: 0171 335 5898
Fa: 0171 335 5899
Em: tvalcontracts@huxley.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: C Developer/Tester
Sk: C within NT environment, VBA, SQL Windows & Mercury Test tool (i.e.
Winrunner, Test Director) & Cyrano all essential. Good German an
Lo: Edinburgh, Scotland - Some European Travel
Du: 3 month initial
Cn: Carol Francis
Te: 0131 228 8680
Fa: 0131 228 8681
Em: carolfrancis@cpeople.co.uk
Re: JS/CF/24280
Ty: Contract
Po: C Embedded Systems Developer
Sk: New development of an embedded system & real-time systems for telecom
equipment using C on UNIX. Knowledge of TCP/IP & Unix file system know
how is important. German speaking skills very nice to have.
Lo: Frankfurt - Germany
St: April
Du: 6 months +
Ag: Parity Eurosoft
Cn: Brendan Mccann
Te: 0121 354 9911
Fa: 0121 354 1565
Em: bmccann@parityeurosoft.com
Ww: http://www.eurosoft-nl.com/
Re: JS6271BM
Ty: Contract
Po: C On Unix Developer/Systems Administrator
Sk: Dutch solution provider is looking for C developers on a Unix platform
with experience of System Administration. Any experience with realtime
development & new generation software development a plus. Dutch not
Lo: Netherlands
Du: 12 months
Ag: Computer Futures - Netherlands (Contract)
Cn: Jason Miller or Erik Toemen
Te: 0171 446 6565
Fa: 0171 446 6543
Em: nl@compfutures.com
Ty: Contract
Po: C or C++ & ADA Programmer
Sk: World leading engineering group based on the Hampshire South Coast. Is
urgently seeking C or C++/ADA programmers. The company are offering
competitive rates & long rolling contracts. ADA is essential.
Lo: Hampshire, South Coast
Du: 3 months +
Ra: c30/hour
Ag: Computer Personnel
Cn: Paul Martin
Te: 0181 974 9876
Fa: 0181 546 0726
Em: pjmartin@computer-personnel.org.uk
Re: JS402PM
Ty: Contract
Po: C Programmer
Sk: Analyst Programmer required. Must have TCP/IP, C, socket programming
skills, Unix, COMS, UDP & OSI.
Lo: Berkshire
Du: 6 months
Cn: Tim Hodges
Te: 0181 427 4000
Fa: 0181 427 4400
Em: tim@review.co.uk
Ww: http://www.review.co.uk
Re: JSC437063
Ty: Contract
Po: C Programmer
Sk: Leading telecommunications company requires & experienced C & Assembler
Developer. Assembler 6502 or Rockwell/Conexant chipset would be
Lo: Northen Home Counties
Du: 3-6 months
Ag: Real IT Resourcing
Cn: Tony Kakouris
Te: 0181 490 1919
Fa: 0181 490 1900
Em: net.contract@realit.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: C SQL Software Developer X2
Sk: Do you have solid software development experience? My client needs good
Unic C SQL Oracle to work on internal projects developing products for
telecomms industry. Highly desirable telco background. eMail & Info
Server products.
Lo: Netherlands
St: March 2000
Du: 1 year
Ag: Silicon Executive
Cn: Andrew Corbett
Te: 0171 661 5300
Fa: 0171 726 6325
Em: andrewc@siliconcontracts.com
Re: JS/AC1022H
Ty: Contract
Po: C Unix Software Engineer
Sk: With an understanding of Yourdon and/or OMT coupled with experience of
working on military systems. Knowledge of SCADA & control monitoring
software would prove useful.
Lo: Hertfordshire
Du: 3 month rolling
Ag: Anite IT Personnel
Cn: Paul Good
Em: pgjobs@aniteitpersonnel.com
Re: JSPG29192/C
Ty: Contract
Po: C++ Software Engineer/Developer/Analyst Programmer
Sk: 2-3 years exp needed. Early stages of project: opp to dev Java skills.
M Vis C/ C++, Win NT, MS- Win, are req as skills. A banking bkgd is
pref. Due to the urgency of the org. an Irish based person is pref.
Contact Aoife immed: eva:@computerpeople.ie
Lo: Dublin, Ireland
Du: 6 months
Ra: Negotiable But Attractive
Ag: Computer People Ireland (Contracts)
Cn: Aoife Donnelly
Te: +35 31 6633456
Fa: +35 31 6633434
Em: eva@computerpeople.ie
Ty: Contract
Po: C++, Unix Senior Analyst/Programmer
Sk: Must have excellent C & C++ knowledge, along with excellent up to date
working knowledge of Unix, Informix & 4GL. Knowledge of Banking,
Investment Management, Securities etc. would extremely advantageous.
Lo: South
Du: 3 months
Ag: Summers Associates
Cn: Marie Scott
Te: 01920 460116
Fa: 01920 460120
Em: marie@summers.demon.co.uk
Re: JSDS197
Ty: Contract
Po: C, C++ Protocol Engineer ,Wireless ATM ,Java
Sk: ATM, SQL, TCP/IP, Corba, ODBC. SNMP is beneficial. Understanding of
operating system threading, BSD style sockets. Our client requires
candidates to develop a wireless ATM product for high speed Internet
Lo: Buckinghamshire - London - Cambridgeshire
Du: 6 months +
Ag: Intelect Recruitment
Cn: N/A
Te: 0207 759 4848
Fa: 0207 759 4800
Em: london@intelect-recruitment.com
Re: JS/SM10B
Ty: Contract
Po: C/C ++ Developer
Sk: Strong C & C++ development exp with Sybase & Unix. Scripting skills
essential. Telecomm's exp a big bonus.
Lo: City, London
St: 4-5 weeks
Du: 6 months
Ra: 45-55/hour
Ag: Rullion Computer Personnel
Cn: Kraig Smith
Te: 0207 929 0404
Fa: 0207 929 0505
Em: cv.ksmith@rullion.co.uk
Re: JS/KS/19936
Ty: Contract
Po: C/C++,Crystal Reports,Sybase,Visual Basic,Excel/Analyst Programmer
Sk: Analyst Programmer required for Investment Bank. You require 2 years
exp of Crystal Reports, 2 years exp of Sybase, 3 years exp of C/C++, 1
year of Visual Basic & 2 years exp of Excel, together with exp of
Bonds, ESP Emerging Markets.
Lo: London
Du: 6 months
Ag: Executive Recruitment Services
Cn: Jennie Tott
Te: 01442 847462
Fa: 01442 215794
Em: jennie_tott@erscity.co.uk
Re: JS/40J008
Ty: Contract
Po: C/Unix Software Developer
Sk: We are seeking C developers with skills such as Unix, TCP/IP, Embedded
systems & multi-threading. Telecoms, Clearcase, RPC & Project Leader
skills are nice to have. International telecoms company with English as
company language. Degree/HND req.
Lo: Zurich, Switzerland
St: ASAP, lastest May 2000 (due to work permit)
Du: 6-12 months, extendable
Ra: Competitive
Ag: Swisslinx
Cn: Monika Daehler
Te: +41 12 244999
Fa: +41 12 244990
Em: monika.daehler@swisslinx.com
Re: JS159
Ty: Contract
Po: C/Unix Software Developer
Sk: We are seeking C developers with skills such as Unix, TCP/IP, & rel.
database (pref. Sybase). Multi-threading, Telecoms & Datacom, IPC &
3-tier arch. nice to have. International telecoms company with English
as company language. Degree/HND req.
Lo: Zurich, Switzerland
St: ASAP, lastest May 2000 (due to work permit)
Du: 6-12 months, extendable
Ra: Competitive
Ag: Swisslinx
Cn: Monika Daehler
Te: +41 12 244999
Fa: +41 12 244990
Em: monika.daehler@swisslinx.com
Re: JS160
Ty: Contract
Sk: Urgent requirement for experienced Developer with strong C & VMS within
leading City player. Experience of Real Time systems & X25 very useful
as is some knowledge of Pascal. Fast moving environment - fairly
technical apps. Prob renewal.
Lo: City, London
Du: 6 months
Ra: 38-45/hour
Ag: Futures
Cn: Peter Hatherley
Te: 020 7631 4296
Fa: 020 7436 6043
Em: peter@futuresltd.co.uk
Re: JS9335CPH
Ty: Contract
Po: Cold Fusion/Spectra Developer
Sk: My client requires C/f Developer who has Spectra experience, if no
exposure to Spectra will teach. Candidates must be quick learners &
enthusiastic. Great opportunity for right candidate.
Lo: London
Du: 3-6 months
Ra: Excellent
Ag: Austen Consultancy
Cn: Matthew Evans
Te: 01252 350333
Fa: 01252 350078
Em: matthewe@austen.co.uk
Re: JSME4747
Ty: Contract
Po: Compliance & Validation
Sk: We are looking for anumber of C & V consultants to carry out QA Audit
duties. Pharmaceutical knowledge useful.
Lo: North
Du: 3 months
Ag: Technology Recruitment Solutions
Cn: Neil Thornton
Te: 01422 377377
Fa: 01422 377777
Em: admin@trs.uk.com
Re: JSRV_TRSNT250205
Ty: Contract
Po: Consultant Engineer
Sk: Over 3 years experience of software design & coding using C languauge
under Open VMS. Additional useful knoledge/experience Oracle SQL,
PL?SQL & Visual Basic.
Lo: London SW1
St: March 00
Du: 4 months with a possible extension for a futher 6 months
Ra: Very Good
Ag: Keltec Progress Resourcing
Cn: Amanda Bartlett
Te: 01344 306700
Em: amanda.bartlett@keltecprogress.co.uk
Re: JSAB027
Ty: Contract
Po: Designer/Developer
Sk: software design & coding with C under Open VMS, any experience of
Oracle v7, PL/SQL, SQL, Visual Basic or Pro* C are desirable.
Lo: London
St: Mid March 2000
Du: 4 months initially
Ag: Nextep Resources
Cn: Lucy
Te: 0208 307 7665
Fa: 0208 287 9595
Em: mail@nextep.co.uk
Re: JSKH0002-9
Ty: Contract
Po: Designer/Developer
Sk: software design & coding with C under Open VMS, any experience of
Oracle v7, PL/SQL, SQL, Visual Basic or Pro* C are desirable.
Lo: London
St: Mid March 2000
Du: 4 months initially
Ag: Nextep Resources
Cn: Lucy
Te: 0208 307 7665
Fa: 0208 287 9595
Em: mail@nextep.co.uk
Re: JSKH0002-9
Ty: Contract
Po: Designer/Developer (Hardwarenear)
Sk: Softwaredesign & implementation in a hardware environment with C &
Assembler. You also need experiences with DSP &
telecommunicationprotocols. On site working is a necessary
Lo: Bayern, Germany
Du: 12 months +
Ag: Ascena Information Technology GmbH
Cn: Thomas Schwoerer
Te: +49 62 11788273
Fa: +49 62 11788299
Em: jobserve@ascena.de
Re: JS-ASK3751
Ty: Contract
Po: Developement Engineer
Sk: Embedded C++,C, Java & DVB Experience.
Lo: Middlesex
Du: 3 months
Ag: Progressive Computer Recruitment
Cn: Hannah Johns
Te: 0181 971 8888
Em: unixdev.contract@progressive.co.uk
Re: JS/2059/HNJH
Ty: Contract
Po: Developer
Sk: C, Sybase, Unix. Desirable - Perl, HTML, Excel Front Office experience,
2 years in Development Swaps Business knowledge.
Lo: Central London
Du: 6 months
Ra: Market Rate
Ag: Parity Resources
Cn: Jaswinder Sangha
Te: 0171 881 2120
Fa: 0171 881 2019
Em: jas@parity-resources.co.uk
Ww: http://www.parity-resources.com/css/html/main_menu.html
Ty: Contract
Po: Developer
Sk: Investment bank urgently requires developers with many years Unix, C, &
C++ experience. At least 18 months Java experience is also needed.
Lo: Europe With Possible Travel
Du: 6 months rolling
Ra: 600-700
Ag: Raft International
Cn: Jeremy Kaye
Te: 0207 847 0400
Fa: 0207 847 0401
Em: jkaye@raftinternational.com
Ty: Contract
Po: E-Com Developer - Excellent Opportunity!
Sk: Our client, a telecommunications service provider, has an immediate
requirement. To design, development & help implement a set of Internet
software products. The main skills required are Java, SQL, ASP, C, IIS
& development skills on NT platform.
Lo: Dublin, Ireland
Du: 3 months
Ag: Computer Futures - Ireland (Contract)
Cn: Alison Moran
Te: +3531 661 6888
Fa: +3531 661 7333
Em: pcdev.ireland.contract@compfutures.ie
Re: JS00235147-00
Ty: Contract
Po: Embedded C Programmer
Sk: Embedded C Programmer required immediately for a variety of new &
existing projects, proactive, team player with enthusiasm only please.
Good opportunity to expand existing knowledge.
Lo: South Wales
Du: 3 months
Ag: Computer Futures - South West (Contract)
Cn: Stephen Hughes
Te: 0117 910 3355
Fa: 0117 910 3377
Em: pcdev.sw.contract@compfutures.com
Ty: Contract
Po: Embedded C Programmer
Sk: We urgently need a programmer with embedded C, experience & Windows
programming experience. If you have Assembler experience that would
help. Proactive candidates only please.
Lo: South Wales
Du: 3 months +
Ag: Computer Futures - South West (Contract)
Cn: Paul Wandless
Te: 0117 910 3355
Fa: 0117 910 3377
Em: pcdev.sw.contract@compfutures.com
Ty: Contract
Po: Embedded Real Time C
Sk: Real Time Embedded C software engineer. Experience of telecoms a big
bonus. Full life cycle design. Working on a Real Time Operating system
& 68K chipset.
Lo: M4
St: March 00
Du: 6 months +
Ra: 35
Ag: Aerotek
Cn: Matt Poulton
Te: 0118 967 1674
Fa: 0118 967 1323
Em: mpoulton@aerotek.co.uk
Ww: http://www.aerotek.co.uk
Re: JS-MP-RTEM-25/02
Ty: Contract
Po: Embedded Software Engineer
Sk: Real Time software development engineer required with good C &
Assembler skills (6502) for comms products, modem related.
Lo: Buckinghamshire
Ag: Executive Recruitment Services
Cn: Andrew Mcleod
Te: 01442 847416
Fa: 01442 243313
Em: andrew_mcleod@ers.co.uk
Re: JS04AC08
Ty: Contract
Po: Embedded/C/GSM Software Engineer
Sk: Software Engineers with 3-5 years experience using Embedded C/C++ &
Real Time software are urgently required preferably with Set Top
Box/MPEG. You will be working for Europe's premier telecommunication
organization using leading edge technology.
Lo: Bedfordshire
Du: 6 months
Ag: Intelect Recruitment
Te: 0207 759 4848
Fa: 0207 759 4800
Em: lc1@intelect-recruitment.com
Re: JS/C++1
Ty: Contract
Po: GSM Software Developer C C++ Corba TMN X4
Sk: SW developers with good Real Time C C++ experience & TMN knowledge for
very long term project with major telecomms company. GSM or UMTS
background essential. German lang skills pref.
Lo: Germany
Du: 6 months minimum
Ag: Abraxas
Cn: Lucy Theaker
Te: 0207 255 5615
Fa: 0207 636 0322
Em: ltheaker@abraxas.co.uk
Ww: http://www.abraxas.co.uk
Re: JSRV_49634_LJT
Ty: Contract
Po: GSM Software Engineer
Sk: Develop Real Time embedded software using C in a Windows NT environment
for multi-band handsets. Knowledge of CMTs (ClearCase), GSM & RTOS
Lo: Hampshire
Du: 6 months
Ra: Good
Ag: Corporate Services Group (Technical Division)
Cn: Max Strover
Te: 0208 572 7363 Ext 209
Fa: 0208 577 3259
Em: max.strover@csgtechnical.co.uk
Re: JSMJS828
Ty: Contract
Po: Internet Developer
Sk: Excellent opportunity for Global Internet company to work on high
profile development. You will need good C, Perl or Java skills
preferably on Unix/SUN. Any Web/Internet exp. an advantage.
Lo: Continental Europe
St: Immediate
Du: 3 months +
Ag: IT Recruitment Network Contracts
Cn: Rob O'callaghan
Te: 0121 454 1223
Fa: 0121 454 8608
Em: jobserve@itrnet.co.uk
Re: JS/12743A/ROC
Ty: Contract
Po: IS Development Consultant
Sk: IS Dev Consultant with excellent C/C++ & OOD skills is required for the
development of an Intranet (military) application & general IT
Consultancy support.Jave skills would be useful.
Lo: Lincolnshire
Du: 3 month rolling
Ag: Anite IT Personnel
Cn: Paul Good
Em: pgjobs@aniteitpersonnel.com
Re: JSPG29172/C
Ty: Contract
Po: IT Specialist
Sk: C,C++, NT, Unix (AIX/Solaris),TCP/IP, MQ & event driven development,
Lo: Belgium
Du: 9 months
Ra: 30-33/hour
Cn: Spencer Shalka
Te: 01708 376544
Fa: 01708 376541
Em: cv@icrg.co.uk
Re: JS2653
Ty: Contract
Po: Java Analyst Programmer
Sk: An exciting opportunity to work for one of the worlds largest
pharmaceutical companies on a core DVLP Project. Key core skills,
Oracle 8.x, PL/SQL, Java, HTML, Unix. Desirable skills: CGI, C, XML
IDE'S (JBuilder).
Lo: North West
St: ASAP - 4 Weeks
Du: 3 - 6 months
Ag: New Technology Recruitment
Cn: Roger Griffith
Te: 0171 831 8090
Fa: 0171 269 5150
Em: roger@ntr.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: Java Developer
Sk: Blue chip client requires graduate with 2 years Java development to
create WAP products. C,C++, Visual Basic, XML an asset. OO design
necessary, ability to master new technologies quickly.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
St: Immediate
Du: Negotiable
Ag: Alexander Mann Solutions
Cn: Alex Manning
Te: 01753 560203
Fa: 01753 575567
Em: alex.manning@alexmann.com
Ty: Contract
Po: Java Developer
Sk: Java, XML,Oracle,EJB,MQ Series,Siteserver,MTS,COM,DCOM,Corba. Excellent
oppor in new Internet Bank. All Elan contractors have over 1500 free
on-line training courses,every aspect of IT.
Lo: Edinburgh, Scotland
Du: 4 months initially
Ra: Excellent
Ag: Elan Computing
Cn: Kevin Fairbairn
Te: 0131 220 6638
Fa: 0131 220 6640
Em: kjf@elan.co.uk
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Re: JSKJF/8820
Ty: Contract
Po: Java Developer
Sk: Required to work for a leading E-business. Candidates will have ideally
2yrs Jave development, with min 3yrs C++, C, Unix & SQL - JSP, Java
Servlets or Websphere would be beneficial.
Lo: Hampshire
Du: 6 months
Ra: 40-55/hour
Ag: Kenda Systems
Cn: Andy Moncur
Te: 0171 464 4070
Fa: 0171 464 4390
Em: ld@kenda.com
Re: JS/SB/251180
Ty: Contract
Po: Java Devloper
Sk: Our client needs persons in their several sites in the UK with at least
12 months Java experience. For more information please contact or send
C.V via email. Must have an EU passport.
Lo: London/Surrey/South & Midlands
St: Available Now
Du: 3-6 months
Ra: Good Rates
Ag: Greythorn
Cn: Simon Sheldon
Te: 0171 576 6035
Fa: 0171 831 2233
Em: simon.sheldon@greythorn.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: Java Software Development Engineer
Sk: Java, C & SQL. (Development )1-2 years of Java, Some Swing, 2yrs of OO
experience & C++ or Objective C. 2yrs of C. & UML knowledge. Other
technical skills.
Lo: France
St: Urgent
Du: 6 months +
Ag: Elan Computing
Cn: Nik Varley
Te: 0171 830 1328
Fa: 0171 830 1333
Em: nsv@elan.co.uk
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Ty: Contract
Po: Java Software Development Engineer
Sk: Java, C & SQL. (development )1-2 years of Java, Some Swing, 2yrs of OO
experience & C++ or Objective C. 2yrs of C. & UML knowledge. Other
technical skills.....
Lo: France
St: Urgent
Du: 6 months +
Ag: Elan Computing
Cn: Nik Varley
Te: 0171 830 1328
Fa: 0171 830 1333
Em: nsv@elan.co.uk
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Ty: Contract
Po: Java Software Engineer
Sk: 1+years of Java, 2+years of OO (C++, Smalltak or objective C) UML, SQL,
Unix, IBM Visual Age for Java. Pref Banking experience & little
Lo: Paris, France
Du: 3-6 months
Ag: Elan Computing (London)
Cn: Rick Van Wijlen.
Te: 0171 830 1361
Fa: 0171 830 1333
Em: rvw@elan.co.uk
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Ty: Contract
Po: MQ Specialist
Sk: MQ Series Development Support Role within AAA investment Bank Skills
Required are 2-3 Years MQSeries Solid Installation Configuration &
Administration, Basic Unix Admin. Desirable C or C++, Java, BSP,
Lo: City, London
Du: 12 months
Ag: Citygate Data
Cn: Paul Evans
Te: 0171 247 7200
Fa: 0171 247 5100
Em: info@citygatedata.co.uk
Re: JS0002-16
Ty: Contract
Po: Network Support
Sk: We are looking for someone with several years experience of Unix,
C/C++, Scripting, Oracle & SQL. Experience of Network Equipment &
Management software & protocols (including SNMP & TCP/IP) being
essential. Some travelling will be required.
Lo: Hampshire
Du: 3 months
Ag: Computer Futures - Thames Valley (Contract)
Cn: Kris Rides or Andy Smith
Te: 01628 789100
Fa: 01628 782110
Em: pcsup.tvalley.contract@compfutures.com
Re: JSKR00238749
Ty: Contract
Po: Network Support Specialist
Sk: We require a candidate from a background of communications &/or IT
network projects with exp of network equipment. 2 years + exp of C,
C++, Unix, Oracle & Scripting experience Knowledge of satellite
technology such as switching & transmission is desirable
Lo: Hampshire
Du: 3 months
Ag: Computer Futures - Thames Valley (Contract)
Cn: Kris Rides or Andy Smith
Te: 01628 789100
Fa: 01628 782110
Em: pcsup.tvalley.contract@compfutures.com
Re: JSGJ2364900
Ty: Contract
Po: Networking/Comms-Comms Engineer
Sk: Dev of Embedded s-ware for GSM products & solving problems found in
field trials, user testing & type approval. 5+years in Real Time
software design ideally for a mobile environment.ARM/GSM desirable.Real
Time op systems. C, design, test, debug, GSM.
Lo: Cambridgeshire
St: February
Du: 6 months
Ag: Generic Software Consultants
Cn: Sarah, Vicki, Camilla, Lisa
Te: 01908 544400
Fa: 01908 200666
Em: jobs@generic-software.com
Ww: http://www.generic-software.com/
Re: JS3003920ML
Ty: Contract
Po: OO Analyst Programmer
Sk: C/C++/Unix/Sybase 3 years + must have Java/Corba/UML/OOD methods strong
RDBMS & Perl/SYB Perl Siebel, Billing & telecomm's exp a clincher!.
Lo: City, London
Ra: 55/60/hour
Ag: Rullion Computer Personnel
Cn: Kraig Smith
Te: 0207 929 0404
Fa: 0207 929 0505
Em: cv.ksmith@rullion.co.uk
Re: JS/KS/19948
Ty: Contract
Po: Oracle Analyst X 10
Sk: A major project to which we are a preferred supplier. Essential: Oracle
8/7.3, Unix, PL/SQL, SQL*Plus, ability to write design documents/specs,
testing exp. Desirable: PRO*C, PRO*Cobol, Forms 5/4.5, Reports 3/2.5,
Dev/Des 2000, retail experience, Retek.
Lo: North West
St: Now until March 2000
Du: initially 7-9 months
Ra: Dependent On Experience
Ag: Compucare - North
Cn: Karl Bilby
Te: 0161 476 0476
Fa: 0161 480 6272
Em: compucare@north.compucare.co.uk
Re: JSN2637
Ty: Contract
Po: Oracle DBA
Sk: Exciting opportunity with leading E-commerce company for experienced
Oracle DBA. The ideal candidate will have strong solaris skills, SQL,
Shell Scripting. Experience of Visual Basic, C, C++, & Web
infrastructures would be advantageous.
Lo: City, London
Du: 3 months
Ag: ComputAppoint
Cn: Tom Ketley
Te: 0171 287 2550
Fa: 0171 287 0717
Em: t.ketley@computappoint.co.uk
Re: JSTK0002-16
Ty: Contract
Po: Oracle Developer
Sk: Required by a city based institution to join their RIMS project. Good
technical skills in particular Pro C, PL/SQL & previous RIMS experience
would be a distinct advantage. Previous banking experience is a
Lo: City, London
Ra: Excellent
Ag: Morgan McKinley
Cn: Sarah Condon
Te: 0171 557 7222
Fa: 0171 836 3456
Em: mbroad@morgan-mckinley.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: Oracle Developer/Analyst Programmer X 6
Sk: A major project to which we are a preferred supplier. Essential: Oracle
8 (or 7.3), Unix (pref Sun), PL/SQL, SQL*Plus, PRO*C, Developer 2000,
ability to write specifications. Desirable: PRO*COBOL, Forms 5.0/4.5,
Reports 3.0/2.5, retail experience, Retek.
Lo: North West
St: Now until April 2000
Du: initially 5-7 months
Ra: Dependent On Experience
Ag: Compucare - North
Cn: Karl Bilby
Te: 0161 476 0476
Fa: 0161 480 6272
Em: compucare@north.compucare.co.uk
Re: JSN2636
Ty: Contract
Po: Oracle Developers/Analyst
Sk: Oracle Developers & Analysts. Developer 2000, Forms 4.5 or 5, Pro*C,
PL/SQL. Full project life-cycle experience. Please call James at
Lo: North West
Du: 6 Months
Ra: 35-41 per hour DOE
Ag: Sanderson Recruitment
Cn: James Sparey
Te: 0117 970 6666
Fa: 0117 970 6665
Em: oracle@sanderson-recruitment.co.uk
Ww: http://www.sanderson-recruitment.co.uk
Re: JS/RDBMS/JS/4355
Ty: Contract
Po: Principal DSP Engineer
Sk: DSP Engineer , C Assembler experience TI TMS DSP experience.
Lo: Farnborough, Hampshire or South East
Du: 6 months
Ag: Alexander Consulting
Cn: Nick Marsden
Te: 01483 451145
Fa: 01483 440001
Em: nick@alexcons.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: Principal Quality Analyst
Sk: C, Pro C, SQL, PL/SQL Unix shell scritpting Java QA Experience.
Lo: Staines, Middlesex
Du: 6 months
Ag: Capita Tomkins
Cn: Matt Barclay
Te: 01753 850007
Fa: 01753 857449
Em: matt@otltd.co.uk phil@otltd.co.uk
Re: JSMBP253
Ty: Contract
Po: Principal Quality Analyst
Sk: Excellent role, must have C, Pro C, SQL, PL/SQL, Unix, Java & QA exp.
Working with project development team, comparing code, inspecting code,
standard checking. Call now!!.
Lo: Middlesex
Du: 6 months
Ag: Volt Europe (Formerly Gatton Volt Group)
Cn: Rachel Williams
Te: 01737 774100
Fa: 01737 772949
Em: rew@gatton.co.uk
Ww: http://www.gatton.co.uk
Re: JSREW17544
Ty: Contract
Po: Principal Quality Analyst
Sk: Must have excellent QA experience as well as skills in C, PRO*C, SQL
(esp performance aspects), PL/SQL Unix Shell Scripting (Korn, Bourne),
Java, TopEnd & or Tuxedo.More details from Justin Friend.
Lo: Middlesex
Ra: 30-40
Ag: RDL (Relational Designers )
Cn: Justin Friend
Te: 01483 888999
Fa: 01483 888998
Em: justin@rdlplc.co.uk
Re: JS/JXF/21505
Ty: Contract
Po: Programmer - Unix & C/Alpha & Open VMS
Sk: Must have either Unix & C or Alpha & Open VMS experience for
development maintenance & bug fixing. Nice to have Financial
Lo: City, London
Du: 3 - 6 Months +
Ra: Good
Ag: Jenrick CPI
Cn: Kathryn/Chris
Te: 01932 245500
Fa: 01932 245900
Em: kathryn@jenrick-cpi.co.uk
Re: JSCC562
Ty: Contract
Po: Programmer/Tester
Sk: Are your main skills C/VMS & do u have a banking background?And you are
familiar with Unix & Cobol, then I have an excellent position for you
in Frankfurt, so call me now!.
Lo: Frankfurt, Germany
Du: 9 months
Ag: fdm group
Cn: Elsie
Te: +32 27 206900
Fa: +32 27 218550
Em: elsiet@fdmgroup.com
Ty: Contract
Po: Progress Consultant
Sk: Progress.embedded SQL & C Development experience to clean up a
Migration problem, Italian language fluency is a must
Lo: Italy
Du: 1-3 months +
Ag: DPCS Datamasters
Cn: Heidi Courtney
Te: 01462 440722
Fa: 01462 442205
Em: hc@dpcs.demon.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: Project Leader
Sk: Banking experience. Excellent Java/Oracle exp. New opportuntiy for
Internet Bank. All Elan contractors have access to over 1500 free
on-line training courses - all disciplnes covered.
Lo: Edinburgh, Scotland
Du: 4-10 months +
Ra: Excellent day rates
Ag: Elan Computing
Cn: Kevin Fairbairn
Te: 0131 220 6638
Fa: 0131 220 6640
Em: kjf@elan.co
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Re: JSKJF/8823
Ty: Contract
Po: Project Manager
Sk: Skills Project management, strong Real Time distribution processing
experience. An understanding of C, C++, Unix & Sybase.
Lo: London
Du: 12 months
Ag: LA International Computer Consultants
Cn: Julie Bestwick.
Te: 01782 203040
Fa: 01782 203050
Em: julie@lainternational.co.uk
Re: JS/JDB/017510
Ty: Contract
Po: Protocol Software Engineer
Sk: Development & implem of 3G UMTS 5 yrs+ exp of Real Time or Embedded
development. Strong k/ledge of C and/or C++ some knowledge of SDL
and/or Perl, GSM LAPDm, RR, MM, CC. Exp of GPRS SM, LLC. Knowledge of
Tornado/VXWorks desirable.
Lo: Cambridgeshire
St: February 2000
Du: 3 months +
Ag: Generic Software Consultants
Cn: Camilla, Sarah , Vicki, Lisa.
Te: 01908 544400
Fa: 01908 200666
Em: jobs@generic-software.com
Ww: http://www.generic-software.com/
Re: JS3003915ML
Ty: Contract
Po: Real Time Embedded Software Programmer
Sk: Design, implem & testing Embedded software in a Real Time env. RTOS.C
or C++ programming for Real Time Embedded sys. Familiarity with
VXWorks, RTOS principals. Experience with Built-In-Self-Test, Flash
booting & VME desirable.
Lo: Cambridgeshire
St: February 2000
Du: 3 months
Ag: Generic Software Consultants
Cn: Camilla, Sarah , Vicki, Lisa.
Te: 01908 544400
Fa: 01908 200666
Em: jobs@generic-software.com
Ww: http://www.generic-software.com/
Re: JS3003913ML
Ty: Contract
Po: Real Time Software Engineer
Sk: C/C++ Embedded Engineers urgently required preferably with Set top box
/MPEG experience.For more info please contact us immediately.
Lo: Buckingham/Bedfordshire/London
Du: 6 months
Ag: Intelect Recruitment
Te: 0207 759 4848
Fa: 0207 759 4800
Em: lc1ondon@intelect-recruitment.com
Ty: Contract
Po: Real-Time Embedded & Visual Programmer
Sk: Long term roles in the South. C, C++, Assemblers, Graphics, Image
Processing, ISDN, Embedded, Telecom, Video, Datcom, Satcom, GSM,
Medical, Windows, GUI, PLM, Yourdon, Teamwork, OLE, DLL.
Lo: Various
Du: 6 months
Ag: Data Recruitment
Cn: Gary Stangroom
Te: 0181 541 5455
Fa: 0181 549 8034
Em: datarecruit@cableinet.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: Realtime Embedded Software Engineer
Sk: Good Realtime Embedded Software Design Engineers required with Embedded
C/C++ skills. Ideally with Set-Top Box/MPEG experience. Commutable from
London Bucks Beds Essex Cambs Herts.
Lo: London, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Buckinghamshire
Du: 6 months
Ag: Elite Computer Staff
Cn: Syd Chapple
Te: 0208 942 0088
Fa: 0208 942 0099
Em: schapple@elite-cs.co.uk
Re: JS/1610/10/SAC/1
Ty: Contract
Po: S/W Engineer
Sk: An engineer with experience of C on VXWorks to work on an exciting new
telecomms project.
Lo: M4 West, Solomon Islands
Du: 6 months initial
Ra: Negotiable On Experience
Ag: WA Consultants
Cn: Niccie Richardson
Te: 01392 666060
Fa: 01392 666061
Em: nr@waconsultants.co.uk
Ww: http://www.waconsultants.co.uk/
Re: JS/RV/NR-W1000507
Ty: Contract
Po: S/W Engineer
Sk: Experience of C/C++, Real Time & Embedded. Knowledge of Set-Top
Box/MPEG an advantage.
Lo: Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire
Du: 6 months initial
Ra: Negotiable On Experience
Ag: WA Consultants
Cn: David Brewer
Te: 01392 666060
Fa: 01392 666061
Em: db@waconsultants.co.uk
Ww: http://www.waconsultants.co.uk/
Re: JS/RV/DBW1000505
Ty: Contract
Po: SDH Switch/I&C Engineer
Sk: Strong SDH experience within either Switch implementation or at the
Installation & Commissioning stage - STM1/4/16/64. Long term
opportunity within various leading Telco's.
Lo: UK Wide
Du: 6 months +
Ra: Top Rates
Ag: New Recruitment
Cn: Kevin Durrant
Te: 01276 673105
Fa: 01276 676755
Em: k.durrant@new-recruit.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: Securities Test Engineer
Sk: C/C++, Java, NT/Unix, Testing background but must understand security &
Lo: South Midlands
Du: 3 months
Ag: Computer Personnel (UK)
Cn: Tony Tallant
Te: 0207 240 7337
Fa: 0207 240 0261
Em: contracts@computerpersonnel.com
Ty: Contract
Po: Senior Analyst Programmer
Sk: To carry out support, maintenance & enhancement work. You will have
proven structured programming skills, Unix, Informix, 4GL, C & C++.
Lo: South Coast
Du: 3 months init.
Ag: Harvey Consultants
Cn: Mark Newham/John Wood
Te: 01283 568093
Fa: 01283 516550
Em: hcl_cvs@harvey-consultants.co.uk
Re: JSPDC2645
Ty: Contract
Po: Senior Analyst/Programmer
Sk: Designing a system to provide a successful migration from VMS Gembase
to a Client/Server environment. Advanced Gembase knowledge is
essential. Additional C, C++, Delphi, SQL, Unix & Oracle skills are
also required.
Lo: Edinburgh, Scotland
Du: 6 months +
Ag: IBNIX Recruitment
Cn: Uk North Division (london)
Te: 0131 558 8000
Fa: 020 7247 5471
Em: cv@ibnix.com
Ww: http://www.ibnix.co.uk/
Re: JS/TR1/7150
Ty: Contract
Po: Senior Designer
Sk: Essential: 4 years experience in Web/information design of software
products. HTML, Photoshop, Illustrator. Some knowledge of JavaScript,
Unix, C, Perl, Java Excellent English essential, & European second
language an asset.
Lo: Central London
Du: 6 months +
Ag: Best People
Cn: Lorna O'brien
Te: 0171 300 9029
Fa: 0171 300 9090
Em: lobrien@best-people.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: Senior Project Manager
Sk: SPM required to work on a new Outsource project for ICL to manage a UK
wide Network Transition. It is essential that candidates have
experience of working for Financial organistations & Network Trnsition
projects. Project value is C.100million.
Lo: London
St: Immediate
Du: 7 months
Ra: Market Rate
Cn: Sonia Brown, Jamie Hardiman, Andy English
Te: 01344 472493
Fa: 01344 472783
Em: itcs@icl.com
Re: JS/AE/712
Ty: Contract
Po: Senior Software Developer. Unix /C /C++, Java.
Sk: You will have at least 10 years software Development exp with
Unix,C,C++,with Ample exp in Java.Desirables might include
Oracle,Corba,MQ-Series & Control-M.
Lo: Switzerland
St: ASAP - Need Cvs Immediately - This Is Live!
Du: 12 months +
Ra: Very Good.
Ag: JiveCom Resourcing Solutions
Cn: Philip Clifford.
Te: 01892 619111
Fa: 01892 619222
Em: phil@jivecom.com
Re: JS/SW009/PC
Ty: Contract
Po: Smart Card Developer
Sk: Looking for people who possess good working knowledge of smart card
development in telecoms industry or other smart card technologies,C,
C++, Java.
Lo: Italy
Du: 6 months
Ag: Concept Telecom
Cn: Donna Tomlinson
Te: 0115 958 6600
Fa: 0115 958 6633
Em: donna@concept-telecom.co.uk
Re: JS/CT/DT1488
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Developer
Sk: A large multi-national company is looking for several software
developers. 2 years recent experience of C/C++ is required. Experience
of Real Time envrionments is desirable.
Lo: Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire
Du: 6 months
Ra: Above Market Rate
Ag: Badenoch & Clark
Cn: Jenny Askew
Te: 01923 220909
Fa: 01923 212523
Em: wit@badenochandclark.com
Re: JSV0013
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Developer - Unix & C & Erlang Experience
Sk: Software Developer with Unix, C & Erlang Experience. Implementation in
Erlang in a Unix Environment. Skilled in C in a Realtime environment a
bonus.Previous Experience with System Design, Testing & Verification
Lo: Sweden
St: Urgent
Du: 3-6 months
Ag: Olympian Consultancy - European Division
Cn: Gareth Notton
Te: 01342 331233
Fa: 01342 331244
Em: gnotton@olympian.co.uk
Ww: http://www.olympian.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Development Engineer
Sk: Develop Platform software in C on OS/2 platform. Writing Technical
specs. Experienced in the following an advantage: Visual Age, C6,
Delphi, Assembler, OS/2 kernel debug, BIOS or Hard Disk technology.
Lo: UK
Du: 11 months
Cn: Cheryl Davie
Te: 0131 331 3030
Fa: 0131 331 2518
Em: jserve-sqf@tps.co.uk
Ww: http://www.tps.co.uk/
Re: JS/SQF1849/CD
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Embedded Engineer
Sk: Software development coding in C in a Windows NT environment,
Lo: Hampshire
Du: 6 months
Ra: 30+
Ag: The Orion Group
Cn: Emma Tanner
Te: 01296 737304
Fa: 01296 395436
Em: emmat@orion group.co.uk
Re: JSET3165
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: ADA & Basic 'C'. Aircraft systems knowledge would be useful. must have
security clearance (S/C level).
Lo: Lancashire
Du: 12 months plus
Ag: Ajilon
Cn: Abigail Lisle
Te: 01782 224060
Fa: 01782 208002
Em: abigaillisle@ajilontf.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: ADA, C, VMS, Unix.
Lo: North West
Du: 12 months
Ag: QA Myriad
Cn: Lisa Brough
Te: 01565 750450
Fa: 01565 750452
Em: lib@qamyriad.com
Ww: http://www.qamyriad.com
Re: JS/LIB5/
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: C on Motorola processors, Assembler on DSP devices & general digital
processing. Coding protocols, networks, device drivers.
Lo: Dublin, Ireland
Du: 6 months
Ag: Olympian Consultancy
Cn: Steve Granger
Te: 01342 314000
Fa: 01342 314200
Em: sgranger@olympian.co.uk
Ww: http://www.olympian.co.uk
Re: JS/17062/SJG
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: C programming GSM Layer 1 experience to work on integration of single
to dual band on new platform. Diagnosing signal/trace issues & able to
fix problems, understanding of frame extraction from air interface.
Good team player.
Lo: Berkshire
Du: 6 months
Ag: Olympian Consultancy
Cn: Steve Granger
Te: 01342 314000
Fa: 01342 314200
Em: sgranger@olympian.co.uk
Ww: http://www.olympian.co.uk
Re: JS/16400/SJG
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: C, Embedded, Real Time, Yourdon, electronics projects, Flash memory?
Variety of work H8. P/C instrumentation.
Lo: Hampshire
Du: 4-6 months
Ag: BK Technical Recruitment
Cn: Barrie Portman
Te: 01703 254033
Fa: 01703 271688
Em: bktechnical@cwcom.net
Re: JSBP00213
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: C/C++, Real Time Embedded software development. Preferably at least 1
year Set-top box/MPEG experience.
Lo: Northern Home Counties
Du: 6 months
Ra: Up To 50/hour
Ag: Key people
Cn: Simon Ellis
Te: 01727 811634
Fa: 01727 844838
Em: sellis@keypeople.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: C/C++, Real Time, Embedded. Preferably 1 years experience & Set-Top
Box/MPEG experience.
Lo: Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire
Du: 6 months
Ag: Capital Software
Cn: Uk Resource Team
Te: 01444 235577
Fa: 01444 243574
Em: capital_software@compuserve.com
Re: JSDST310
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Embedded 'C', Test Harnesses, In Circuit Emulators, Module Testing.
Lo: Midlands
Du: 3 months
Cn: Ce
Te: 01926 313133
Fa: 01926 422165
Em: contract@rtc.co.uk
Ww: http://www.rtc.co.uk/
Re: JS/4937
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Embedded C & (windows + Unix. Radio protocols experience such as GSM,
DEC or Tetra).
Lo: Bedfordshire
Du: 6 months
Ag: Olympian Consultancy
Cn: Steve Granger
Te: 01342 314000
Fa: 01342 314200
Em: sgranger@olympian.co.uk
Ww: http://www.olympian.co.uk
Re: JS/16415/SJG
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Embedded C. Design & development of data products for the wireless
communication market (Wireless Modem & GPS with MAP27).
Lo: Cambridgeshire
St: 13/03/00
Du: 3 months +
Ag: Olympian Consultancy
Cn: Steve Granger
Te: 01342 314000
Fa: 01342 314200
Em: sgranger@olympian.co.uk
Ww: http://www.olympian.co.uk
Re: JS/17064/SJG
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Engineers required with Unix systems, TCP/IP, socket level programming
& C skills.
Lo: Berkshire
Du: 6 months
Cn: Tim Hodges
Te: 0181 427 4000
Fa: 0181 427 4400
Em: tim@review.co.uk
Ww: http://www.review.co.uk
Re: JSC437062
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Essential: 2 years+ C/C++, Unix, Perl, HTML & Internet related
software. Preference given to Degree education or equivalent
Lo: Central London
Du: 6 months +
Ag: Best People
Cn: Lorna O'brien
Te: 0171 300 9029
Fa: 0171 300 9090
Em: lobrien@best-people.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Exp of Embedded C Real Time operating systems. Exposure to Digital
Video Broadcasting (DVB) & port & test driver code. Exp of Digital Set
Top Boxes absolutely essential.
Lo: Hampshire
Du: 6 month
Ag: Contract Zone
Cn: Matt/Polly
Te: 01204 388875
Fa: 01204 388874
Em: polly@contractzone.co.uk
Re: JSCZNW1429
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Have you got 2 years experience in C programming for Real Time
applications in conjuction with embedded microcontrollers? Are these on
your skills list? DSP, OOA/OOD & Transputers. If you want to work for
the market leader, CONTACT ME NOW !!!!!!.
Lo: Yorkshire
Du: Perm
Ra: Too Much To Mention !!!!
Ag: Silicon Valley Consultants
Cn: Tristan Ovenden
Te: 01342 304020
Fa: 01342 304030
Em: t.ovenden@london.silicon-valley.co.uk
Re: JS9911-87
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Leading edge company requires a Unix System Programmer with C
experience for a 6 month contract. It is essential that you have
network database practical knowledge. Rates are fully negotiable &
extensions are highly likely.
Lo: West Sussex
Du: 6 months +
Ag: Insight Resources
Cn: Niall Cook
Te: 01403 216216
Fa: 01403 216222
Em: niall.cook@insightrl.co.uk
Re: JSI-00660/NC
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Major Company seeks exp. Software Engineer with extensive exp. of
systems ussing C/C++ on either Unix or NT & an indepth knowledge of
Real Time Systems. Great opportunity.
Lo: Woking, Berkshire
St: ASAP - Now - Immediate
Du: 3 months +
Ag: Dart Resourcing Group
Cn: Jon Pearce
Te: 01753 828900
Fa: 01753 828909
Em: slough@dart-resourcing.com
Ww: http://www.dart-resourcing.com/
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Real Time Embedded software engineer required to work on Modem related
communications products. C/Assembler 6502 or Rockwell/Conexant chip
Lo: Buckinghamshire
St: Immediate
Du: 3 months
Ag: Technical Recruitment
Cn: Steve Rodgers
Te: 01582 450054
Fa: 01582 458685
Em: srodgers@technical-recruitment.com
Re: JSC1564SR
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Real Time environment & Embedded C, Assembler. If you have all this
above skills please contact me ASAP.
Lo: North West
Du: 2 months
Ra: Excellent
Ag: Computer Futures - North (Contract)
Cn: Lucie Pugh
Te: 01625 418418
Fa: 01625 549966
Em: pcdev.north.con@compfutures.com
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Software Engineers required with solid C C++ skills with MPEG driver
experince to work on a new multimedia product. Knowledge of video
systems would be an advantage.
Lo: Buckinghamshire
Du: 6 months
Ag: Data Recruitment
Cn: Gary Stangroom
Te: 0181 541 5455
Fa: 0181 549 8034
Em: alancorb@datarecruit.com
Re: JS/GS/01044
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: To write highly efficient C for high speed signal processing
application. Security cleared, also ADA position open.
Lo: Ise of Wight
Du: 6 months ?
Ag: BK Technical Recruitment
Cn: Barrie Portman
Te: 01703 254033
Fa: 01703 271688
Em: bktechnical@cwcom.net
Re: JSBP209
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Unix development & networking, C, (hard) Real Time software
development. Skills inc. VXWorks, Hatley Phirbai, XFacemaker, XMotif,
PowerPC7xx/Motorola 68k.
Lo: Eindhoven Netherlands, Netherlands, Benelux, Europe
Ag: Objet Services BV
Cn: John Paulssen
Te: +31 43 3524477
Fa: +31 43 3524478
Em: admanager@observe.com
Re: JS1041
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Various roles in telecomms, Network Mgmt & military avionics looking
for Skills in C, C++, Corba, DSP, PowerPC, real-time embedded systems &
Lo: Germany
Du: 6 months
Ag: Data Recruitment
Cn: Paul Hollington
Te: 0181 541 5455
Fa: 0181 549 8034
Em: alancorb@datarecruit.com
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer ('C', C++, Real Time, Embedded)
Sk: Software Engineer ('C', C++, Real Time, Embedded). Preferably at least
1 year Set-Top box/MPEG experience.
Lo: Northern Home Counties
St: ASAP/February/March 2000
Du: 12 months +
Ra: High Contract Rates!
Ag: DataSource Computer Employment
Cn: Lee Franklin
Te: 01242 521358
Fa: 01242 222295
Em: contracts@datasource.demon.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer (Telecomms)
Sk: Software Engineer from a telecomms background with 2 yrs+ experience
programming in Embedded 'C', with good knowledge of ISDN protocols &
signaling, TCP/IP,ATM & Frame Relay. Knowledge of Nucleus O/S a
distinct advantage.
Lo: Home Counties
Du: 6 months
Ag: GCS Computer Recruitment Services
Cn: Julien Turner
Te: 0118 956 3900
Fa: 0118 959 4554
Em: julien.turner@gcsltd.com
Re: JSJT/6956
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer C/C++
Sk: C/C++ Real Time Embedded. Set-Top Box MPEG experience.
Lo: Buckinghamshire
Du: 3 month initially
Ag: Aerotek Europe
Cn: Farid Jahanian
Te: 01462 758000
Fa: 01462 758001
Em: fjahanian@aerotek.co.uk
Ww: http://www.aerotek.co.uk
Re: JS-RTE743251
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer Telecommunications C & C++ GSM
Sk: GSM application programming on Unix, Solaris & Linux) with C++ & C.
English speaking position.
Lo: Germany
Du: 6 months initially
Ra: Excellent
Ag: Computer Futures - Germany (Contract)
Cn: Katherine Rummery
Te: 0171 446 6789
Fa: +49 69 95925362
Em: jobs@computerfutures.de
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer Telecommunications C And/or Assembler GSM X 2
Sk: GSM C development, microcontroller in C and/or Assembler preferably on
Siemens C16x. Familiar wit IDEs & Debuggers. English speaking
Lo: Germany
Du: 6 months
Ra: Excellent
Ag: Computer Futures - Germany (Contract)
Cn: Katherine Rummery
Te: 0171 446 6789
Fa: +49 69 95925362
Em: jobs@computerfutures.de
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer Telecommunications C++ DSP
Sk: C, C++ Texas Instruments TMS320C6202 on Unix with Clearcase, previous
experience with digital signalling, processing, software development,
OOD, OOA, Real Time development experience. English speaking
Lo: Germany
St: April 2000
Du: 4 months initially
Ra: Excellent
Ag: Computer Futures - Germany (Contract)
Cn: Katherine Rummery
Te: 0171 446 6789
Fa: +49 69 95925362
Em: jobs@computerfutures.de
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer X 5
Sk: C, Assembler - low level software development for GPRS & GSM handsets.
To develop layer 1 software & integrate with DSP's. Must have at least
6 months GSM experience with other embedded development experience.
Lo: M4 Corridor
Du: 12 months
Ra: 35-50 Dependant On Experience
Ag: Key people
Cn: Simon Ellis
Te: 01727 811634
Fa: 01727 844838
Em: sellis@keypeople.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer X3
Sk: 2 years experience of C/C++, Real Time Embedded. At least 1 year
Set-top box/MPEG experience.
Lo: Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire
Du: 6 months
Cn: Louis Spence
Te: 0115 985 9939
Fa: 0115 985 9581
Em: louiss@spanonline.com
Re: JSNOC4061S
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Engineer/Satellite
Sk: software engineer,real-time embedded,design proving,
integration,testing,signalling protocol stack,gsm protocols
04.08,embedded systems, c,structured design methods,familiar with test
equip(rohde/schwarz,crts/ p/c )config
Lo: Hampshire
Du: 6 Months
Ag: Advanced Resource Managers (ARM)
Cn: Rob Wrixon
Te: 01705 377111
Fa: 01705 377222
Em: robw@arm.co.uk
Re: JSR_1734
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Integrator
Sk: Responsable for overlooking integration activities. Detection of
software problems & input into trying to solve these problems. Using
modern tools in a complex Real Time software env. Unix, configuration
management, C, Script languages & HTML.
Lo: Eindhoven, Netherlands, Netherlands, Benelux, Europe
Ag: Objet Services BV
Cn: John Paulssen
Te: +31 43 3524477
Fa: +31 43 3524478
Em: admanager@observe.com
Re: JS1054
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Test & Integration Engineer
Sk: C/C++; RS6000; Cantata; Real Time Systems/Avionics experience
desirable; Strong test skills including high risk test & audit
Lo: Scotland
St: March 2000
Du: 6 months +
Cn: Sg/Pj
Te: 01926 313133
Fa: 01926 422165
Em: contract@rtc.co.uk
Ww: http://www.rtc.co.uk/
Re: JS/4903
Ty: Contract
Po: Software Test Engineer
Sk: Java, Unix, NT, C/C++, TCP/IP. Must have a a structured testing
background. Cutting edge technology.
Lo: South Midlands
Du: 3 months +
Ag: Computer Personnel (UK)
Cn: Tony Tallant
Te: 0207 240 7337
Fa: 0207 240 0261
Em: contracts@computerpersonnel.com
Ty: Contract
Po: Software/Systems Engineer
Sk: You must have C & Visual C++ with exposure to real-time operating
systems & Matlab or similar systems simulation package experience.
Lo: Rochester, Kent
Du: 3 Months +
Ag: Matchmaker Personnel (Engineering)
Cn: Tony Malt
Te: 01489 576555
Fa: 01489 579279
Em: tonym@matchmaker.co.uk
Re: JSE247T
Ty: Contract
Po: Strong C/C++ Developer
Sk: Very strong C++ & OOD/OOA skills required pref. On Unix, this is a very
good opportunity to pick up many valuable skills.
Lo: Flexible, North, Scotland, Glasgow
Du: Months
Ra: More Than You Might Think
Ag: Intelect Recruitment
Cn: Quote Ref:
Te: 0161 236 3776
Fa: 0161 236 3770
Em: mc2@intelect-recruitment.com
Ty: Contract
Po: Support Analyst
Sk: Windows NT development, Sybase, Visual Basic. Unix, Perl & C
beneficial, 1-2 years experience in a support role.
Lo: Central London
Du: 6-12 months
Ag: Elan Computing, London
Cn: Hannah Trevorrow
Em: ht@elan.co.uk
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Re: JS/HT/SA72
Ty: Contract
Po: SW Engineer
Sk: C/C++, Real Time, Embedded.
Lo: Midlands
St: ASAP - 4 weeks
Du: 6 months
Ag: Progressive Computer Recruitment
Cn: Maria Kieran
Te: 0121 632 5555
Fa: 0121 631 1133
Em: unixdev.contract.mids@progressive.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: SWE C/C++, OOD, Unix,
Sk: Top notch SWE, required to develop network management systems, 3y+
C/C++, OOD, Unix,will have the opportunity to pick up - TCP/IP, Perl,
Shellscripts, Objectstore, Ilogview. Purify & quantify, Clearcase,
DDTS.Professionals only.
Lo: North, Scotland, Glasgow
Du: 6 months
Ra: Around 40/Hour
Ag: Intelect Recruitment
Cn: Quote Ref:
Te: 0161 236 3776
Fa: 0161 236 3770
Em: mc2@intelect-recruitment.com
Ty: Contract
Po: Sybase Developer
Sk: Are you looking for a top class contract to take you through the rough
ride of IR35? Recent invest.banking exp.will get you an interview at
this city site. Excellent Sybase Dev (C programming + Unix shell
programming required).
Lo: City, London
Du: 4 months
Ra: Up To 55/hour
Ag: ComputAppoint
Cn: Tony Ristic
Te: 0171 287 2550
Fa: 0171 287 0717
Em: t.ristic@computappoint.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: Sybase Developer With Experience Of Version 11.03 & Perl
Sk: Apps must have several years Sybase coding exp which must include
version 11.03. Also reqd is exp of working with Perl against Sybase as
opposed to Web dev. Any exp of C programming & Unix, preferably HP-UX
would be helpful but not essential.
Lo: London
Du: 12 months
Ra: 45/hour
Ag: DP Connect
Cn: Mark Crowther
Te: 0181 466 3638
Fa: 0181 313 1716
Em: mcrowther@dpconnect.co.uk
Re: JSMC1151E
Ty: Contract
Po: Sybase V 11 Developer With Experience Of SYB Perl or SYB Tools
Sk: Apps must have several years Sybase coding exp, which must include
version 11.03. Also req'd is exp of working with Perl against Sybase
using either SYBPerl or SYBTools. Any exp of C programming & Unix,
preferably HP-UX would be helpful but not ess.
Lo: London
Du: 12 months
Ra: Approx 45/hour Possibly For Right Exp
Ag: DP Connect
Cn: Mark Crowther
Te: 0181 466 3638
Fa: 0181 313 1716
Em: mcrowther@dpconnect.co.uk
Re: JSMC1151F
Ty: Contract
Po: Systems Administrator
Sk: Internet Systems Administrator with experience of designing,
configuring, installing & maintaining Internet based servers.
Experience of Web Servers, SMTP, DNS. Desirable would be Perl, C,
Lo: London
Du: 3 months +
Ra: 25-35/hour
Cn: Joe Lewis
Te: 0181 522 1155
Fa: 0181 522 1166
Em: esa@fastnet.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: TANDEM/COBOL Developer/Switzerland
Sk: Still time to catch ski season. Prominent Client in Zurich needs: TAL,
Nonstop/Programming + Testing, COBOL85 Programming COBOL/Pathway
running on Guardian, C/C++ special in Tandem. 3 areas running
Real-time. Complicated. GERMAN language VERY important.
Lo: Zurich, Switzerland
St: Now
Du: 1 year
Ra: 70-75 per hour
Ag: Computer People - Europe
Cn: Michael Zering
Te: +41 1 445 2750
Fa: +41 1 445 2760
Em: michael.zering@cpeurope.com
Ty: Contract
Po: Team Leader - System Analyst
Sk: 3-5 yrs exp with Unix & either C/Cobol or Powerbuilder. Exp managing
team of up to 4 professionals. Defining reqnts, assiging them for
performance. Managing, guiding & motivating team by periodic
evaluations, providing feedback & acting as role model.
Lo: Israel
Du: 2 months (maybe longer depending)
Ra: market rates
Ag: Computer People
Cn: Charlie Beatons
Te: 0171 440 2065
Fa: 0171 440 2120
Em: charliebeaton@cpeople.co.uk
Re: JSCB/900
Ty: Contract
Po: Team Leader Software Engineer
Sk: C, Assembler - low level software development for GPRS & GSM handsets.
To develop layer 1 software & integrate with DSP's. Must have at least
5 years experience.
Lo: M4 Corridor
Du: 12 months
Ra: c50-60/hour
Ag: Key people
Cn: Simon Ellis
Te: 01727 811634
Fa: 01727 844838
Em: sellis@keypeople.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: Telecom Software Developer
Sk: We are seeking C, Unix developers with telecoms skills such as SS7,
UMTS, GSM, GPRS, Datacom (VoIP, IPv6). Project Leader skills are nice
to have. International telecoms company with English as company
language. Degree/HND req.
Lo: Zurich, Switzerland
St: ASAP, Lastest May 2000 (Due To Work Permit)
Du: 6-12 months, extendable
Ra: Competitive
Ag: Swisslinx
Cn: Monika Daehler
Te: +41 12 244999
Fa: +41 12 244990
Em: monika.daehler@swisslinx.com
Re: JS162
Ty: Contract
Po: Telecomms Business Analyst
Sk: Role will be concentrating purely on dvlpmt of cust. care systems for a
US telecomms co. At least 3 years of telecomms exp is reqd, ideally in
cust. care areas such as trouble ticketing, order mgmt etc. Literacy in
C & C++ would be most advantageous.
Lo: Hong Kong
Du: 6 - 12 months
Ag: Elan Computing
Cn: Helena Wormald
Te: +85 22 5444293
Fa: +85 22 5444296
Em: helena.wormald@elan.com.hk
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Ty: Contract
Po: Telecoms Billings Business Analyst/Project Manager
Sk: 5yrs+ within simiar role in a telecoms industry with switch technology,
wholesale & resell of telephony, traffic processing, debt recovery,
marketing, Foxpro, C, SQL Server, MTS & Visual Basic exp. Communication
& Documentation skills a must.
Lo: Docklands, London
St: March 2000
Du: 3 months +
Ra: 350-375/day
Ag: Enterprise Solutions Management
Cn: Tony Hornbuckle or Patricia Alderton
Te: 0181 255 5295
Fa: 0181 255 5296
Em: tony.hornbuckle@esm-ltd.com
Re: JS.TP.600
Ty: Contract
Po: Test Engineer/Programmer
Sk: Design & implement software to semi-automatically test the final
product. Support & enhance the current test s/w. Competent in writing
high quality C or C++ program. Competent in signal generators,
oscilloscopes, etc.
Lo: Cambridgeshire
St: February 2000
Du: 3 months
Ag: Generic Software Consultants
Cn: Camilla, Sarah , Vicki, Lisa.
Te: 01908 544400
Fa: 01908 200666
Em: jobs@generic-software.com
Ww: http://www.generic-software.com/
Re: JS3003912ML
Ty: Contract
Po: Tester
Sk: C, Realtime embedded systems carry out 'C' module testing within a
realtime software control environment any experience of system
simulation advantageous Security clearance preferred.
Lo: Kent
Du: To Mid March 2000
Ag: Elan Computing (Midlands) - Contract
Cn: Dominic Richards
Te: 0121 711 4481
Fa: 0121 705 9598
Em: soli.cvct@elan.co.uk
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Ty: Contract
Po: Trainer
Sk: Huge organisation at forefront of IT seeks Trainer to mentor
technicians/developers through HP Unix to Sun Solaris conversion. Must
have exp of Oracle 8, C prog including Pro C for Oracle & Sun Solaris
Lo: Newbury, Berkshire
Du: 3 months
Ra: Please Quote
Ag: Gresham Computer Personnel
Cn: Tamsyn
Te: 0118 939 1155
Fa: 0118 939 1297
Em: gcp@gresham-computing.com
Re: JSLW1593
Ty: Contract
Po: Trainer
Sk: MCT required to deliver two, five day courses in C++.
Lo: Central Belt, Scotland
St: Between April/June
Du: Each course 5 days long
Ra: Competitive
Ag: Progressive Computer Recruitment
Cn: Audrey Fanning
Te: 0141 248 8555
Fa: 0141 248 8444
Em: a.fanning@progressive.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: Tuxedo Admin & Developer
Sk: Middleware project require skilled Tuxedo Administrators & developers
to maintain their large infrastructure. Unix,Tuxedo, C,.
Lo: Belgium
Du: 6 months +
Ra: Excellent Rates
Ag: Pacific International Recruitment
Cn: Vicky Fowles
Te: 0208 8795511
Em: vicky.fowles@pacific-international.com
Re: JSVF0329
Ty: Contract
Po: Unix C/C++ Developer
Sk: Our client is looking for a Unix C/C++ Developer with good experience
of Business Systems (i.e Stock Control, Acoounts, Distribution etc) An
excellent role with a true market leading Internet company.
Lo: West Midlands
Du: 3 months
Ra: Excellent
Ag: Connex Recruitment
Cn: Peter Andrews
Te: 0121 452 5100
Fa: 0121 452 5125
Em: peter.andrews@connex-recruitment.com
Ty: Contract
Po: Unix Support Consultant (SUN Solaris)
Sk: Urgently required to join large multinational banking corp. Excellent
SUN Solaris experience essential gained within banking environment, as
well as good knowledge of C, C++, Perl, Shellscripts.
Lo: Frankfurt, Germany
Du: 6 months +
Ag: PSD Technology
Cn: Christa Suggett
Te: 0171 970 9700
Fa: 0171 936 3976
Em: city.contracts@psdgroup.com
Re: JS/CS/621045
Ty: Contract
Po: Unix Sys/Admin
Sk: Client runs Solaris, HPUX, AIX, Dynix & Digital Unix. You will need 3/4
of these. Tech support & installation of C, C++ compliers, disk
management. In addition a knowledge of Oracle and/or Clearcase will be
a plus.
Lo: London
Du: 3 months
Ra: 35-40/hour
Ag: GCS Computer Recruitment Services
Cn: Bradley Warwick
Te: 0118 956 3900
Fa: 0118 959 4554
Em: bradley.warwick@gcsltd.com
Re: JS/BD/6999
Ty: Contract
Po: Unix System Programmer
Sk: E-commerce company requires a Unix System Programmer with good broad C
experience for a 6 month contract. Knowledge of network data management
protocol highly desirable. Rates are negotiable with extensions highly
Lo: West Sussex
Du: 6 months +
Ag: Insight Resources
Cn: Niall Cook
Te: 01403 216216
Fa: 01403 216222
Em: niall.cook@insightrl.co.uk
Re: JSI-00661/NC
Ty: Contract
Po: Unix Systems Administrator
Sk: Joining the property mngmt division of a highly successful insurance
co. General systems Administration experience ideally on SEQUENT
however will x-train from Sun or HP-UX. Any NT, C programming & korn
shell scripting a bonus.
Lo: City, London
St: Immediately
Du: 6 months initially
Ag: Eaglecliff Recruitment
Cn: Jennie Harrison/Abigail King
Te: 01732 464644
Fa: 01732 454543
Em: info@eaglecliff.co.uk
Re: JS/JHAK/C0103
Ty: Contract
Po: WaveLAN Software Engineer
Sk: Exciting new large project with large telco client offering high
quality solutions in WAP techn! Key skills required: structure & coding
of C & Assembler, Windows system software progr. Adv: Linux, Macos,
VxWorks, Real Time Ops System & Data Comms.
Lo: Netherlands
Du: 6 months +
Ag: Computer Futures - Netherlands (Contract)
Cn: Sigrid Voorbrood or Marcel Vlietstra or Richard Fisher
Te: +31 20 520 7523 or 0171 446 6565
Fa: +31 20 520 7524 or 0171 446 6543
Em: nl@compfutures.com
Ty: Contract
Po: Web Application Engineer
Sk: A Software Engineer from a creative multimedia env is required with
expertise in C/C++. A thorough understanding of Object Orientated prog
& design tech is ess. Skills sought include HEG5,Open TV,HTML,
JavaScript, Perl, XML, SQL & UML.
Lo: London
Du: 2 months initially
Ag: Intelect Recruitment
Te: 0207 759 4848
Fa: 0207 759 4800
Em: lc1@intelect-recruitment.com
Ty: Contract
Po: Web Developer
Sk: Excellent opportunity! Oracle 8, Unix, Java, C, HTML, JavaScript & MUST
have experience in Web Development. Will be working on Various
Projects. Apply now Don't Miss out!.
Lo: North
Du: 3 months initially
Ra: Market Rate
Ag: Sequelogic
Cn: Kelly Plotzke
Te: 01252 736953
Fa: 01252 736743
Em: cvs@sequelogic.com
Re: JS/KP2585A
Ty: Contract
Po: Web Developer X2
Sk: Corporate company needs developers with HTML, DHTML, JavaScript,
Macromedia & Java servlets to handle feeds. Tope rates paid for more
information please contact or send C.V via email. Must have an EU
passport/work permit.
Lo: London
St: In 2 weeks
Du: 3 months
Ra: Top Rates
Ag: Greythorn
Cn: Simon Sheldon
Te: 0171 576 6035
Fa: 0171 831 2233
Em: simon.sheldon@greythorn.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: Web Devloper X2
Sk: Fantastic opportunity has arisen for the right persons. Our client
needs persons for interesting work using the best technology. You
should have experience with HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Macromedia & Java
with servlets. Forward C.V for instant response.
Lo: London
St: Available Now
Du: 3 months
Ra: Excellent Rate
Ag: Greythorn
Cn: Simon Sheldon
Te: 0171 576 6035
Fa: 0171 831 2233
Em: simon.sheldon@greythorn.co.uk
Ty: Contract
Po: Z80 Assembler Developer
Sk: Z80 Assembler, C, C++ skills required, strong development skills
required, this is a good project.
Lo: Reading, Berkshire
Du: 3 months +
Ra: Market
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Hira Digpal
Te: 0121 237 3103
Fa: 0121 237 3163
Em: hirad@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Ty: Contract/Permanent
Po: Application-Supporter
Sk: Bankanwendungs-Kenntnisse, AS400, SQL, Access, PM-Skills (DWH, MIS),
Kommunikativ, gutes Deutsch & Englisch, Support, Test,
Fehlerbeschreibung, Archivierung, Equalizer-Supp.... nur Schweizer oder
mit Bew. C.
Lo: Zurich
Du: 3 months +
Ra: Nach Vereinbarung
Ag: Datamasters Sarl.
Cn: Regula Garbely
Te: +41 32 836 36 70
Fa: +41 32 835 11 42
Em: regula.garbely@datamast.ch
Re: JSLN1102
Ty: Contract/Permanent
Po: C Developer
Sk: C Developer required to join UKs leading financial software house. You
will have 2 years C on Unix or Windows. Oracle/SQL/Informix advantage.
You must be dynamic, client facing & a team player to join this
expanding team. Exc training & bens. Call now!.
Lo: Berkshire
Ra: 30k
Ag: Phoenix IT Recruitment
Cn: Julia Karayiannis
Te: 0208 543 4437
Fa: 0208 543 4317
Em: permanent@phoenix-recruitment.com
Re: JS/JK-018669
Ty: Contract/Permanent
Po: C Software Engineer
Sk: Experience in design development & support of complex embedded software
systems. Need solid C with experience in Power PC or 68302. Knowledge
of telecommunication systems & protocols beneficial.
Lo: South East
St: ASAP/Flexible
Ag: Silicon Executive
Cn: Andrew Corbett
Te: 0171 661 5300
Fa: 0171 726 6325
Em: andrewc@siliconcontracts.com
Re: JS/AC1018
Ty: Contract/Permanent
Po: C++ Unix
Sk: Leading Developer of electronic trading platforms requires experienced
C++ SunOS, Solaris developers. No previous financial exp required - any
low level, embedded, comms knowledge useful. Financial training
Lo: City, London
Du: 6 months
Ra: To 45/hour/To 45k + Benefits
Ag: Karlson Gray
Cn: Fraser Shearer
Te: 0181 941 9076
Fa: 0181 979 0190
Em: fraser@kglimited.demon.co.uk
Re: JSR2
Ty: Contract/Permanent
Po: Gloss Developer
Sk: Leading International Investment Bank requires Gloss HV Developers to
develop new trading application. You will have strong Gloss skills with
C, Sybase & SQL.
Lo: London
Ag: JM Contracts
Cn: Kate Greener
Te: 0171 251 7344
Fa: 0171 251 0613
Em: kateg@jmms.co.uk
Re: JS/KG/1027
Ty: Contract/Permanent
Po: Gloss Developer X3
Sk: Challenging settlements & upgrade project requires a number of
C/Unix/Sybase developers. Solid banking experience necessary & a high
priority will be given to individuals with Gloss experience. Team
leader opportunities also available.
Lo: London
St: March/April Slots
Du: 6 months +
Ra: Negotiable, Depending On Experience.
Ag: Interim Technology (UK)
Cn: Darren Page
Te: 0208 633 9010
Fa: 0208 633 9148
Em: darrenpage@interim.com
Re: JS829/DP
Ty: Contract/Permanent
Po: Java Trainer X2
Sk: Software Development Organisation are currently looking for 2 Java
Trainers. Candiadtes must have min 1 year hands-on Java development.
Training experience is not essential but a desire to train is.
Lo: City, London
Ra: Depending On Experience - Negotiable
Ag: Octopus Computer Associates
Cn: Katie Barth At Favia
Te: 0208 349 4660
Fa: 0208 343 0061
Em: katie@octocomp.demon.co.uk
Ty: Contract/Permanent
Po: Junior Java Developer
Sk: Large Bluechip Company based in High Wycombe are looking for 2 junior
developers. Graduates will be accepted if they have 6-12 months
experience in C, C++ or Java. They will train to their specifications.
If this is you..then call me Now!.
Lo: High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
Du: 3m+/Permenant
Ra: Market
Cn: Gaby Sainsbury
Te: 01932 701801
Fa: 01932 701800
Em: gabysainsbury@asaltd.co.uk
Ty: Contract/Permanent
Po: R&D Engineer
Sk: International Telco client requires research & development candidates
for this excellent opportunity. Candidates must have C/C++ programming
skills, script programming, TCL/TK programming & HTML programming.
International travel is a must.
Lo: Midlands
St: Immediate
Ag: Comms Global
Cn: Stuart
Te: 0171 661 53300
Fa: 0171 726 6325
Em: stuartl@commsglobal.com
Re: JS/P4
Ty: Contract/Permanent
Po: Software Design Engineer
Sk: C Assembler Embedded, some digital experience, understand existing
design. Document test.
Lo: North Hampshire
Du: 6 months
Ag: BK Technical Recruitment
Cn: Barrie Portman
Te: 02380 254033
Fa: 02380 271688
Em: bktechnical@cwcom.net
Re: JSBP00214
Ty: Contract/Permanent
Po: Spacecraft Operations Engineer
Sk: Degree in relevant discipline. Experience of spacecraft and/or ground
segment operations; preparation of operational procedures; man machine
interface aspects of m&c including procedure & schedule execution.
Meteorological satellite experience desirable.
Lo: Darmstadt, Germany
St: July 2000
Du: 3-5 years
Ag: Nova Space Associates
Cn: Mr. A. Parkes
Te: 01225 334774
Fa: 01225 444773
Em: parkes.nova@dial.pipex.com
Ty: Contract/Permanent
Po: Spezialist In Netzwerk-Management
Sk: gute Netzwerkerf. (100+ Kunden) LAN/WAN, TCP/IP, Unix, NT,
Internet/Intranet/Extranet, Configuration aktive Komponenten (Routers,
Switches, Bridges), gutes Deutsch & Englisch, Schweizer oder Bew. C.
Lo: Zurich, Switzerland
Du: 3 months +
Ra: Nach Vereinbarung
Ag: Datamasters Sarl.
Cn: Regula Garbely
Te: +41 32 836 36 70
Fa: +41 32 835 11 42
Em: regula.garbely@datamast.ch
Re: JSLN1102
Ty: Contract/Permanent
Po: SQL Server DBA
Sk: Major website company requires solid database DBA (mainly SQL Server,
some Oracle), with experience of Transact-SQL including development of
stored procedures & triggers. Ideally with some VB, Java C/C++. Very
fast growing & progressive company.
Lo: M4 Corridor
St: ASAP, ideally before 3rd March
Du: 3-6 months
Ra: Market Rates
Ag: Mortimer Charles
Cn: Bruce Gamble
Te: 0171534 9016 Direct
Fa: 0171 534 9088
Em: bruce@mortimercharles.com
Re: JS/C8120
Ty: Contract/Permanent
Po: Technical Consultant
Sk: A Consultant with a strong/in-depth knowledge of the Unix & NT
operating sys is required.You will be responsible for the
design,implementation & docu mentation of sys mgnt solutions on Unix &
NT p/ Forms.Some exp of C;Perl;Sun's SyMon preferrd. Call Now!
Lo: London
Ra: Up To 40k
Ag: Swingsoft IT Solutions
Cn: Adam Wilson
Te: 01628 421702
Fa: 01628 421501
Em: adam@swingsoft.co.uk
Re: JS/77/P/ZIM2
Ty: Permanent
Po: 'C' & Unix/Windows Developer
Sk: 'C' & Unix/Windows Developer is required by this company that provide
healthcare software all around the world. Solid growth, hence require
more techy's. needed with 'C' software skills - very flat structure &
good scope for advancement.
Lo: Maidenhead, Berkshire
Sa: To 32k + Car Allowance
Ag: Aaron Millar Associates
Cn: Nick
Te: 01908 507075
Fa: 01908 501787
Em: nb@amituk.com
Re: JS/AMN1214
Ty: Permanent
Po: 'C' & Unix Application Programmer
Sk: 'C' & Unix Application Programmers are required by this software house.
Useful skills would be Pro 'C', Oracle, Java. This company are growing
at an exceptional rate so are looking for developers from 1 years
experience up to principal engineer.
Lo: High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
Sa: 22k-35k
Ag: Aaron Millar Associates
Cn: Nick
Te: 01908 507075
Fa: 01908 501787
Em: nb@amituk.com
Re: JS/AMN1087
Ty: Permanent
Po: 'C' & Unix Application Programmer
Sk: 'C' & Unix Application Programmers are required by this software house.
Useful skills would be Pro 'C', Oracle, Java. This company are growing
at an exceptional rate so are looking for developers from 1 years
experience up to principal engineer.
Lo: High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
Sa: 22k-35k
Ag: Aaron Millar Associates
Cn: Nick
Te: 01908 507075
Fa: 01908 501787
Em: nb@amituk.com
Re: JS/AMN1204
Ty: Permanent
Po: 'C' Software Development Engineer
Sk: Software Engineers are required by this large software house. The
company has well known software to it's name & is growing at a huge
rate. Other than strong 'C', you may also have low level development
experience & also you must be a team player.
Lo: High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
Sa: To 35k
Ag: Aaron Millar Associates
Cn: Nick
Te: 01908 507075
Fa: 01908 501787
Em: nb@amituk.com
Re: JS/AMN1202
Ty: Permanent
Po: 'C'/Pro'C' & Unix Developer
Sk: Either 'C' or Pro'C' are required by this growing utilities billing
company to help continue the growth which has been occurring. A
structured approach to your programming is a must as is a team
attitude. Flat management structure & very friendly.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: To 41k
Ag: Aaron Millar Associates
Cn: Nick
Te: 01908 507075
Fa: 01908 501787
Em: nb@amituk.com
Re: JS/AMN1101
Ty: Permanent
Po: 'C'/Pro'C' & Unix Developer
Sk: Either 'C' or Pro'C' are required by this growing utilities billing
company to help continue the growth which has been occurring. A
structured approach to your programming is a must as is a team
attitude. Flat management structure & very friendly.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: To 41k
Ag: Aaron Millar Associates
Cn: Nick
Te: 01908 507075
Fa: 01908 501787
Em: nb@amituk.com
Re: JS/AMN1213
Ty: Permanent
Po: 12 Months Visual Basic Developer
Sk: Major international bank require jnr Developer to join existing team
developing & enhancing new/existing applications. Superb opps for
career development & training on Java & Powerbuilder. Any financial exp
Lo: City, London
Sa: 28k-35k + Benefits
Ag: Pathway IT Resourcing
Cn: Sam O'neil
Te: 0181 661 4242
Fa: 0181 642 8887
Em: vbdelphi.perm@pathway-it .co.uk
Re: JSSO1828H
Ty: Permanent
Po: 2nd Line Support
Sk: Knowledge of Win NT and/or Unix & appreciation of software development
(pref. C or C++) are all essential. This is a pre & post sales role for
a leader in security products which is expanding with new products in
line. PKI knowledge desirable.
Lo: Staines, Middlesex
St: March 2000
Sa: To 35k + Benefits
Ag: Extech Computer Resources
Cn: Gavin Roriston
Te: 01784 477712
Fa: 01784 477713
Em: gavin@extech.co.uk
Re: JSGR1791
Ty: Permanent
Po: 3D Software Engineer
Sk: 2+ years in C/C++ Support or Development environment. 3D package
knowledge, Visual Basic, HTML & JavaScript. Degree in computer science
or related.
Lo: Hook, Hampshire
St: Immediate
Sa: To 25k + Benefits
Ag: iSR
Cn: Bob Kerr
Te: 01256 883428
Fa: 01256 883971
Em: bobk@isr.ltd.uk
Re: JS.SS.102
Ty: Permanent
Po: 3GL Programmer
Sk: Working for this dynamic & rapidly expandng telecoms based company you
will have strong development experience using C & SQL in an Oracle or
Ingres environment. Superb opportunity for career progression.
Lo: London
Sa: To 40k + Car Allowance
Ag: GCS Computer Recruitment Services
Cn: Kelly Palin
Te: 0118 956 3900
Fa: 0118 959 4554
Em: kelly.palin@gcsltd.com
Re: JS/KP6518
Ty: Permanent
Po: Active Server Pages/ASP For Internet Apps Development
Sk: ASP Internet SQL C++ Java. Large software solns company has set up a
company which develops products to enable E-commerce & then integrates
for clients. Lots of roles for Developers & consultants. Training
Lo: London
Sa: 25-45k + good bens
Ag: 4th Dimension Recruitment
Cn: Paul Whitehead
Te: 0171 529 5959
Fa: 0171 529 5958
Em: pwhitehead@4dit.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: ADA or Coral - Get Into Telecomms
Sk: Due to continued expansion, this world leading mobile telco require
Software Engineers at all levels.It's a C/Unix environment but
essentially we need Real Time programmers who can X-train. Any GSM or
telecomms experience advantageous.
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: 25k-40k
Ag: Informatiq Consulting
Cn: Stuart Myrants
Te: 01923 224481
Fa: 01923 224493
Em: permanent@informatiq.co.uk
Re: JSSM2706
Ty: Permanent
Po: Advanced C/C++ Software Engineer
Sk: Typically Visual Basic 2 years, Visual C++ & MCF 2 years, SDK 2yrs.
Java 1 year, overall 5 years Postgraduate Programming experience,
Financial Market Data & Real Time experience. Active X & OLE
Lo: Central London
Sa: 30k-43k
Ag: Dawood
Cn: Quote Reference Number
Te: 0208 683 2126
Fa: 0208 683 4357
Em: cv@dawood.demon.co.uk
Re: JS/GB/1150
Ty: Permanent
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: AS400/RPG400 Developer for expanding software house. 18 months RPG400 &
CL exp. Full project life cycle. Any PC, C prog a bonus but will train
in RPGILE & C. Ex opportunity to expand skill set. Comm- West Susses,
East Susses, Surrey, Kent, South East.
Lo: West Sussex
Sa: 25k-35k
Ag: Elite Computer Staff
Cn: Phil Kidd
Te: 020 8942 0088
Fa: 020 8942 0099
Em: pkidd@elite-cs.co.uk
Re: JS1461/8/PNK
Ty: Permanent
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: C,Unix programmer with Oracle to work for multi-million pound US
company developing Real Time applications.
Lo: Reading, Berkshire
Sa: Up To 45k
Ag: Elan Computing
Cn: Jayne Clarke
Te: 0171 830 1448
Fa: 0171 830 1480
Em: jyc@elan.co.uk
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Ty: Permanent
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: Capable of undertaking a range of analysis & programming tasks
throughout the systems development life cycle. Must have Unix & C or
C++ will receive excellent training in Web technologies.
Lo: London
Sa: 35k+Dependent On Experience+Benefits+Flexible Working Hours
Ag: Computer People
Cn: Riana Howlett
Te: 01727 841351
Fa: 01727 841356
Em: rianahowlett@computerpeople.co.uk
Re: JS/15201A/RH
Ty: Permanent
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: Capable of undertaking a range of analysis & programming tasks
throughout the systems development life cycle. Must have Unix & C or
C++ will receive excellent training in Web technologies.
Lo: London
Sa: 35k+Dep On Exp + Benefits + Flexible Working Hours
Ag: Computer People
Cn: Riana Howlett
Te: 01727 841351
Fa: 01727 841356
Em: rianahowlett@computerpeople.co.uk
Re: JS/15201A/RH
Ty: Permanent
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: DEC VAX development skills, under VAX VMS particularly programming in
basic & C. Excellent opportunity to cross train to Web technologies.
Flexible working hours. Excellent training prospects.
Lo: West Yorkshire
Sa: Negotiable Dependent On Experience + Benefits
Ag: Computer People
Cn: Riana Howlett
Te: 01727 841351
Fa: 01727 841356
Em: rianahowlett@computerpeople.co.uk
Re: JS/15201B/RH
Ty: Permanent
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: Dynamic company req's enthusiastic indivduals to join a team of
programmers,must have full project life cycle exp & at least 2 of the
following Oracle 7/8,SQL,PL/SQL,SQL*Plus or PRO*C.
Lo: Lancashire
Sa: Up To 30k + Excellent Benefits
Ag: BCL North West
Cn: Sarah Fallon
Te: 01925 576000
Fa: 01925 570066
Em: jobs@bcl.com
Re: JS/SF/0026
Ty: Permanent
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: Global communications company have a number of challenging roles for
strong developers with solid C,C++,Java & Oracle experience. Exposure
to leading edge technologies. Fantastic training & career
Lo: Brussels, Belgium
Sa: 50k
Ag: Lorien
Cn: James Mitchell
Te: 0171 654 1123
Fa: 0171 654 1011
Em: cityperm@lorien.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: Investment Bank seek an Analyst Programmer of graduate level, with a
minimum of 2-3 years development experience. Skills include Solaris,
Unix, C/C++, Corba/Java (1yr exp). Financial background an advantage.
COM/DCOM useful.
Lo: City, London
Sa: 30k+ + Benefits
Ag: Michael Rothstein
Cn: Andrew Boas
Te: 0171 600 7888
Fa: 0171 600 7887
Em: andrew@rothstein.co.uk
Re: JS/AB292
Ty: Permanent
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: loading softwarehouse specialising in advanced hightech solutions for
major financial client require an Analyst/Programmer to carry out
extensive upgrades & enhancements to meet new client requirements. C on
a mix of 16 & 32 bit platforms.
Lo: East Midlands
Sa: To 27k
Ag: Elan Computing
Cn: Jason Blackwell
Te: 0121 711 4481
Fa: 0121 705 9598
Em: soli.cvp@elan.co.uk
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Ty: Permanent
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: Looking for an Analyst Programmer to work within a clientservice
department with 2-3 years experience in
Powerbuilder,C,C++,Delphi,Visual Basic,Designer/Developer 2000.
Database Administration, Networking on Unix Database.
Lo: Brussels, Belgium
Sa: Good
Ag: M3 Consultants
Cn: Mark Vroon
Te: 01732 467519
Fa: 01732 465486
Em: mark.vroon@m3group.com
Re: JS/MV/0009
Ty: Permanent
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: Minimum 1-2 years OO development experience (e.g. C++, Visual Basic).
Analysis of business processes plus development of Client Server,Web
based & ERP business applications. Extensive training & exposure to
latest technologies.
Lo: Brussels, Belgium
St: April 2000
Ag: Eurocity
Cn: Fiona Mullan
Te: +32 2 285 4010
Fa: +32 2 285 4019
Em: consult@eurocity.be
Re: JS/EC486
Ty: Permanent
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: Sound analysis & programming skills,3 years experience.Understanding of
development life cycle & experience of a standard methodology.
Access,VB,Oracle PL/SQL skills & training in Java. Friendly enviroment
with potential to climb the ladder to success!.
Lo: Docklands, London
Sa: 35k + Benefits.
Ag: Integrated Computer Technologies
Cn: Fern Rouuse
Te: 01279 461133
Fa: 01279 461136
Em: fern.rouse@ict.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: The successful applicant will have sound, practical backgrounds
(minimum 1 year) developing in C on a Unix Platform. We may consider
high calibre graduates with a relevant degree including work placement
experience. SQL essential.
Lo: West Midlands
Sa: To 34k
Ag: Chase Recruitment
Cn: Karen Cunningham
Te: 0121 246 6000
Fa: 0121 246 6001
Em: karen@chaserec.co.uk
Re: JS/KC/03763
Ty: Permanent
Po: Analyst Programmer
Sk: To design & develop s/ware delivering F/O sales & research functional
requirements. You should have 2-5 years full SDLC exp . Powerbuilder on
the front end; Sybase on the back & Jaguar in the middle! Any C would
also be beneficial.
Lo: London
Ag: Parallel International
Cn: Antonia Macrides
Te: 0171 236 4288
Fa: 0171 236 4277
Em: antonia@parallel-int.com
Re: JS/5376/AM
Ty: Permanent
Po: Analyst Programmer C/C++ In A Sunsolaris/Unix Environment
Sk: Multi-national Pharmecutical Co require experienced C/C++, Analyst
Programmer,, with exposure to Unix Environment, Sunsolaris
advantageous. Desire to move to new technologies including Oracle,
Java, EJB.
Lo: West Midlands
Sa: 25k-28k
Ag: Net 1
Cn: Kerry Quinn
Te: 01509 889100
Fa: 01509 889110
Em: kiquinn@net-1.co.uk
Re: JS/00302/KQ
Ty: Permanent
Po: Analyst/Programmer
Sk: A large marketing organisation who work with blue chip clients are
looking for an experienced Developer. Experience of C/C++, 00 design
essential as well as database knowledge. Advantage to have Oracle & SQL
Server exp.
Lo: North East
Sa: 25k Dependent Upon Experience
Ag: MIS Resourcing
Cn: Giovanni Amella
Te: 0191 422 8888
Fa: 0191 422 0035
Em: permanent@misresourcing
Re: JS1000228
Ty: Permanent
Po: Application Engineer
Sk: Required for the company about to revolutionise cellular hand set
technology.WAP (training offered) WML, Java, DHTML HTML, testing fault
finding role. Pressurised Real Time environment. Buzzing team.
Lo: High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, M40 area
Sa: Neg, Exc salaries to create the right team, + stock options!
Cn: Joe Temple
Te: 0181 315 9000
Fa: 0181 315 9867
Em: joe.temple@msb.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Application Support Analyst
Sk: Major local utilities co are looking for focused team players to work
as part of bus driven team,supporting users across number of internally
developed systems.Skills to incl (min 12mths) of one/more
following:VB5,PL/SQL,Foxpro,C,PRO*C.Oracle RDDBMs,& SQL
Lo: UK
Sa: To 24k Depending On Experience
Ag: Computer People North Permanent
Cn: Karen Leather
Te: 0161 491 8846
Fa: 0161 428 4495
Em: karenleather@computerpeople.co.uk
Re: JS16014
Ty: Permanent
Po: Application Support Analyst
Sk: One years progranning exp. good Unix more than one good would be
HP-UX/Sun Solaris, Unix Shell Scripting,C/Pearl programming, Oracle
database design & SQL query tools. If this is you send cv quick.
Lo: Manchester
Sa: 20k-27k
Ag: HW Technology
Cn: Jon Musgrave
Te: 0161 832 7728
Em: jonmu@hwgroup.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Applications Software Engineer
Sk: Good Deg. Min 2 years 'C' or C++ experience in an Embedded environment.
You will enjoy the challenge & excitement of working at the leading
edge in TV post-Production equipment development. Exp. of Graphics or
with VXWorks would be advantageous.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: Up To 30k
Ag: Interact Consulting
Cn: Kevin Haselton
Te: 01908 255516
Fa: 01908 607752
Em: kevin.haselton@interactconsulting.co.uk
Re: JS/KH/P3372
Ty: Permanent
Po: Applications Support - Front Office
Sk: SQL (pref' Sybase), C, Powerbuilder & HP-UX proficiency all essential,
(18 months min'). Shell scripts/C++ a bonus. 100% support. Flexibility
& adaptability a must. Ideal first role in financial sector. Offers
exposure to many industry-specific products.
Lo: London
Sa: To 40k
Ag: Executive Recruitment Services
Cn: Heather Lambert
Te: 01442 847467
Fa: 01442 215794
Em: hlambert@ers.co.uk
Re: JS38HX08
Ty: Permanent
Po: ASIC/Soc Design Engineer
Sk: Good university degree (ideally elec eng or comp. science), 1-2 years
microprocessor, ASIC systems or HDL & Synthesis design exp.
Understanding of microprocessor & peripheral design techqniques.
Assembly language, C or Pascal, Unix & shell programming.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
St: Immediate
Ag: PCR Permanent
Cn: Helen Dingwall
Te: 01223 224310
Fa: 01223 224311
Em: helen.dingwall@pcrweb.co.uk
Ww: http://www.pcrweb.co.uk/
Re: JSHD177
Ty: Permanent
Po: ASP Guru or Developer.
Sk: ASP, Perl, Java. Heard about the range of opportunities out there?
Better salaries, massive share options, career progression, training?
They all exist & we have hundreds of jobs offering them. Call now to
hear more.
Lo: London, South East
St: Immediate
Sa: 20k-55k + Shares + Benefits
Ag: Computer Futures London Permanent
Cn: Barry I'anson
Te: 0171 446 6644
Fa: 0171 446 0099
Em: internet.london.perm@compfutures.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: ASP Guru or Developer.
Sk: Listen to this. Better salaries, massive share options, career
progression, training. They all exist with this leading E-commerce
specialist. All you need is commercial ASP exerience. Call now to hear
more.ASP, Perl, Java.
Lo: London, South East
St: Immediate
Sa: 20k-55k + Shares + Benefits
Ag: Computer Futures London Permanent
Cn: Barry I'anson
Te: 0171 446 6644
Fa: 0171 446 0099
Em: internet.london.perm@compfutures.com
Re: JSBI1973
Ty: Permanent
Po: Assistant Postmaster
Sk: Must have knowledge of SMTP POP3 mail protocols, DNS, TCP/IP DHCP,
Perl, JavaScript, Visual Basic Script, C/C++, Helpdesk exp, Unix based
Lo: London
St: Immediate
Sa: Up To 25k
Cn: Brett Dickinson or Ed Rudd
Te: 0181 649 9229
Fa: 0181 649 9214
Em: bdickinson@eurolink-consulting.co.uk
Re: JSLO502
Ty: Permanent
Po: Business Analyst
Sk: Min 3 years exp to analyse business needs, translating them into
processes & solutions. Must be very customer focused able to do
feasibility studies, very 'hands-on'.Must also have a strong technical
understanding of a C/s env.E-commerce an advantage.
Lo: Hertfordshire
Sa: 33k + Excellent Benefits
Ag: InterQuest
Cn: Teresa Joseph
Te: 0181 347 9500
Fa: 0181 347 9555
Em: interque@netcomuk.co.uk
Re: JSTJ496
Ty: Permanent
Po: Business Analyst/Process Consultant
Sk: Pre IPO US ecomm startup in Europe. Oracle SQLSrv RDBMS NT you will
have some development exp. You will be the interface between tech
teams/end users. Also help clients with bus PRO*C imps, system config,
bus PRO*C to develop a complete business solution.
Lo: South West London
St: Now
Sa: Excellent & Negotiable + Bonus +Stocks
Ag: ComputAppoint
Cn: James Fleming
Te: 0171 287 2550
Fa: 0171 287 0717
Em: j.fleming@computappoint.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C & Unix
Sk: Our client develops systems & instruments for companies working within
mathematics & statistics. . They require 2 Senior C developers with a
minimum of 3 years experience of C & Unix.Opportunities include project
Lo: London
Sa: 27k-60k
Ag: Progressive Computer Recruitment
Cn: Frances Lane
Te: 0181 971 8787
Fa: 0181 971 8700
Em: c.c++.perm@progressive.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C C++ Corba - Specialist OO Systems Development
Sk: C++ programmers needed for leading provider of specialist object
orientated tools. This challenging role offers good basic & benefits
with a friendly environment. Knowledge of Corba very desirable.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: Excellent + Benefits + Relocation
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Mark Ashton
Te: 0121 237 3187
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: marka@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Re: JSRV_MA.099
Ty: Permanent
Po: C C++ Graphics CAD/CAM Programmer
Sk: C++ Unix/NT developers (at least 1 years commercial) are urgently
sought by successful graphics house. Writing & developing code for use
in the CAD/CAM applications. This stable firm offers full training &
undisputed technology.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: Excellent
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Mark Ashton
Te: 0121 237 3187
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: marka@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Re: JSRV_MA-23
Ty: Permanent
Po: C C++ Realtime - Audio (HI-FI) Programmer
Sk: C or C++ Realtime Audio Engineers are invited to apply for this high
profile position. With a five fold increase in sales their audio
(HI-FI) products are setting the market place alight.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: Excellent + Benefits
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Mark Ashton
Te: 0121 237 3187
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: marka@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Re: JSRV_MA.020
Ty: Permanent
Po: C C++ TCP/IP Developer - PDA's & Smart Phones
Sk: C C++ developers are needed immediately for this influential telecom
firm designing software for the PDA/mobile industry. TCP/IP very
desirable. Ongoing training & great regular bonuses.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: Excellent + Benefits
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Mark Ashton
Te: 0121 237 3187
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: marka@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Re: JSRV_MA.32
Ty: Permanent
Po: C C++ Unix Software Engineer
Sk: C or C++ & Unix software engineer with 3 years experienced required by
global Unix distributor & designer. Shell programming, Java, TCl ideal.
Problem solving, new design by Unix leader.
Lo: Watford, Hertfordshire
Sa: To 35k
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Marie Buchanan
Te: 0121 237 3109
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: maried@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C C++ VOIP SS7 INAP CS1- Intelligent Network (IN) Developer
Sk: C C++ Java with knowledge of some of the following -SS7,Corba ORB
development, INAP/CS1 development, Oracle & Unix. Challenging work
environment with plenty of Euro/International (on-site) placements if
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, East Anglia
Sa: Excellent + Benefits
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Mark Ashton
Te: 0121 237 3187
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: marka@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Re: JSRV_MA.041
Ty: Permanent
Po: C C++ Windows - PDA Pen SensoringTechnology
Sk: C C++, preferably & a knowledge of Electronics desirable. The company
has designed a 3d positioning pen for PDA's etc. Your role is to
design, create & implement Windows applications for the pen.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: Excellent
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Mark Ashton
Te: 0121 237 3187
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: marka@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Re: JSRV_MA.033
Ty: Permanent
Po: C Developer
Sk: C Developers req to join leading Software Consultancy. You will have at
least 2 years C, Unix or NT exp. X-training to Visual C++. You must be
a team player & client facing to join this dynamic organisation. Exc
progression & Benefits. Apply now!.
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: 30k-45k + Benefits
Ag: Phoenix IT Recruitment
Cn: Julia Karayiannis
Te: 0208 543 4437
Fa: 0208 543 4317
Em: permanent@phoenix-recruitment.com
Re: JS/JK-018624
Ty: Permanent
Po: C Developer
Sk: C on Unix developers are required by my client - a major player in the
investment banking world. All levels will be considered from 1 years
commercial experience to guru. Banking experience would be highly
Lo: London
Sa: 50k
Ag: Elan Computing
Cn: Nicola Myerscough
Te: 0171 830 1621
Fa: 0171 830 1480
Em: ncm@elan.co.uk
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Ty: Permanent
Po: C Developer
Sk: C on Windows/Unix. OO, Smalltalk, HTML & Javascript. role: Working for
a dynamic & innovative organisation as part of a development team!
Fantastic opportunities!.
Lo: London
St: Immediate
Sa: To 35k
Ag: Computer Futures London Permanent
Cn: Ilhan Mehmet
Te: 0171 446 6644
Fa: 0171 446 0099
Em: pcdev.london.perm@compfutures.com
Re: JSL229177
Ty: Permanent
Po: C Developer
Sk: C, Unix/NT.
Lo: Midlands
St: Immediately
Sa: 25k-40k
Ag: Chamberlain Scott International
Cn: Rebecca De Monet
Te: 0171 251 6464
Fa: 0171 251 6412
Em: cvs@cscott.clara.net
Re: JS/RD1236
Ty: Permanent
Po: C Developer
Sk: Must have 2-3 years experience as a C Developer, must be used to
working from a Unix platform & as part of a large team.
Lo: Hampshire
St: Immediately
Sa: 25k-35k
Ag: Chamberlain Scott International
Cn: Rebecca De Monet
Te: 0171 251 6464
Fa: 0171 251 6412
Em: cvs@cscott.clara.net
Re: JS/RD7889
Ty: Permanent
Po: C Developer Aspiring Analyst
Sk: Strong constant C programming for at least 2 years. The need to
progress into analysis. A complete team player not afraid to move into
other areas, must be flexible, its all hands to the deck at this
growing young company. Call Joe now.
Lo: Hampshire
Ag: Westbrook Morton
Cn: Joanne Callis
Te: 023 8033 3311
Fa: 023 8024 8510
Em: jcallis@westbrookmorton.co.uk
Re: JS/JC/22
Ty: Permanent
Po: C Embedded Software Engineer
Sk: C & Real Time software engineers required by leading Mnufacturer for
the Research sector. With 2 years 8/16 bit Embedded Microcontrollers &
strong C and/or Assembler you will work on the design of a portable
electronic system.
Lo: Bedford, Bedfordshire, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire
Sa: 20k-33k
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Marie Buchanan
Te: 0121 237 3109
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: maried@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C Embedded Telecoms
Sk: C Embedded Developer to be involved in state-of-the-art telecoms proj
ISDN testing equipment. Working in small focused teams. Europe travel &
worldwide if desired. Quality design delivery is reqd C, ISDN, X25,
GSM, FDDI, SS7, or Frame Relay.
Lo: Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire,
St: February/March
Sa: To 40k + Benefits
Ag: IT Manpower
Cn: Howard D'silva
Te: 01908 550840
Fa: 01908 550789
Em: mkperm.it@manpower.co.uk
Re: JS979-HD-CEMB5
Ty: Permanent
Po: C Here You Visual C++ Software Engineer
Sk: Visual C++ Software Engineers required by Blue Chip Company. You will
have a minimum 3 years commercial experience of Visual C++ & have
knowledge of ATL & MFC, COM/DCOM . Act NOW or Miss Out on this great
Lo: Hythe, Hampshire
Sa: Upto 40k
Ag: Excal IT
Cn: Jo-Ann Clover
Te: 01908 567756
Fa: 01908 262826
Em: jo-ann@excal-it.co.uk
Re: JS/JO/060/P
Ty: Permanent
Po: C On Unix Programmer
Sk: C on Unix experience, SQLServer/Visual Basic/Access des. Min 1 years
experience Experienced Developer with a minimum of one years
programming experience of C on Unix req'd for int'l company in WMids.
Access/SQL Server/VB advantageous. Salary+Bens.
Lo: West Midlands
Sa: To 26k + Benefits
Ag: Hays IT
Cn: William Schirmer
Te: 01203 555366
Fa: 01203 231644
Em: coventry.response@hays-it.com
Ww: http://www.hays-it.com
Re: JSWFS00226261
Ty: Permanent
Po: C Programmer
Sk: 2 years commercial exp in C development across a wide range &
platforms. Exc career opportunities , cross training & worldwide
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: 50k + Benefits
Ag: Rullion Computer Personnel
Cn: Alex Ness
Te: 0207 929 0404
Fa: 0207 929 0505
Em: cv.aness@rullion.co.uk
Re: JS/AN/C/19938
Ty: Permanent
Po: C Programmer
Sk: Leading Internet Consultancy is seeking several talented C programmers
with 12 months plus commercial experience. Tuxedo experience is a big
plus. Chance to Learn Java & BroadVision.
Lo: Sheffield, South Yorkshire/North East
Sa: 25k-35k + Benefits + Pension + Car
Ag: Real IT Resourcing
Cn: Justin Armstrong
Te: 0181 490 1999
Fa: 0181 490 1900
Em: jobs@realit.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C Programmer
Sk: Wanted! C Programmer with 1 years C solid experience.Programme design 1
year+ experience. Unix(inc.scripting),Objectstore,Sybase & Banking
experience all important.
Lo: London
Sa: 35k
Ag: Lexstra
Cn: Dave
Te: 0181 255 6100
Fa: 0181 255 6106
Em: dave@lexstra.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C Programmer - Get Into Web Development.
Sk: Superb opportunity to join exciting digital media company. Do you have
excellent SQL & Unix skills, & have developed in C? Are you looking for
a fun company that can offer a superb career? Look no further & call
Lo: West London
Sa: Negotiable On Experience
Ag: Informatiq Consulting
Cn: Rob Talbot
Te: 01923 224481
Fa: 01923 224493
Em: permanent@informatiq.co.uk
Re: JSRT3201
Ty: Permanent
Po: C Programmer Cross Train To Java
Sk: Local communications company requires strong C programmers to continue
current development programme before crossover to Java. Java X-training
will be provided.
Lo: Hampshire
Ag: Apex Computer Recruitment
Cn: Richard Wilson
Te: 0208 336 6836
Fa: 0208 942 2424
Em: richard.wilson@apexcr.co.uk
Re: JSRV_181/WILSON/JS39460
Ty: Permanent
Po: C Programmer X5
Sk: Ess: Solid C development with low level systems programming & mix of
PC, Unix, Windows and/or Macintosh. Desirable: X11, Win 32, Graphics
SW, Device Drivers, C++ or EPOC 32. Career position for the above
average, grad. calibre candidate.
Lo: High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
Sa: 20k - 50k + benefits
Ag: Extech Computer Resources
Cn: Gavin Roriston
Te: 01784 477712
Fa: 01784 477713
Em: gavin@extech.co.uk
Re: JSGR489
Ty: Permanent
Po: C Real Time Developer
Sk: C Embedded Developer to be involved in state-of-the-art telecoms proj
ISDN testing equipment. Working in small focused teams. Europe travel &
worldwide if desired. Quality design delivery is reqd. C, ISDN, X25,
GSM, FDDI, SS7, or Frame Relay.
Lo: Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire
St: February/March
Sa: To 40k + Benefits
Ag: IT Manpower
Cn: Howard D'silva
Te: 01908 550840
Fa: 01908 550789
Em: mkperm.it@manpower.co.uk
Re: JS979-HD-CEMB51
Ty: Permanent
Po: C Software Developer
Sk: Leading Vendor of Internet Server Software requires bright C/C++
programmers ideally with Computer Science degree to work at the cutting
edge of Internet Software Technology. Knowledge of Perl, Unix, TCP/IP,
LAN/WAN & Software Engineering.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: Very Negotiable+Package
Ag: Nationwide Technology Recruitment
Cn: Ronnie Bettles
Te: 0171 379 3939
Fa: 0171 240 3934
Em: ronnie.bettles@nationwidetr.com
Ww: http://www.NationwideTR.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: C Software Engineer
Sk: C, exposure to Shell Scripting, SQL, DBMS, concepts & either Unix, NT
or VMS exp. Exc career or cross training opportunities along with
future opportunities for worldwide travel.
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: 50k + Benefits
Ag: Rullion Computer Personnel
Cn: Alex Ness
Te: 0207 929 0404
Fa: 0207 929 0505
Em: cv.aness@rullion.co.uk
Re: JS/AN/19942
Ty: Permanent
Po: C Software Engineer
Sk: Leading supplier to global aerospace industry requires Software
Engineer with C. You will have HND/equivalent in Electronic Engineering
or similar with 2 years exp in Software development, verification &
validation or support.
Lo: Birmingham, West Midlands
Sa: Negotiable On Experience+Pension+Bonus+Bupa+Relocation
Ag: Best People
Cn: Rickie Josen
Te: 0121 335 9000
Fa: 0121 335 9090
Em: birmingham@best-people.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C Software Engineer - Gain Oracle
Sk: With at least 18 months post graduate C software engineering experience
you will develop analysis/design skills & xtrain to Oracle !. Our
client Works at the leading edge of automated warehousing &
distribution & will double in size next year.
Lo: Bedford, Bedfordshire
Sa: To 35k
Ag: Informatiq Consulting
Cn: Stuart Myrants
Te: 01923 224481
Fa: 01923 224493
Em: permanent@informatiq.co.uk
Re: JSSM1561
Ty: Permanent
Po: C Software Engineer X 3
Sk: Senior C & Unix Software Engineers required by leading provider of
telephony solutions for network operators. TCP/IP, SQL, C++ experience
an advantage. 3 years experience min. Opportunities for European
Lo: Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire
Sa: To 35k
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Marie Buchanan
Te: 0121 237 3109 DL
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: maried@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C Unix - Learn Java, RDBMS, SQL, Etc
Sk: Great career openings with fast growing supplier of software to
telco's. In-house development req strong commercial C & Unix skills
working on large complex systems. Knowledge of Java, RDBMS, SQL useful
although you will be able to gain these skills.
Lo: London or Manchester
Sa: To 40k
Ag: Informatiq Consulting
Cn: Simon Reeves
Te: 01923 224481
Fa: 01923 224493
Em: permanent@informatiq.co.uk
Re: JSSR3374
Ty: Permanent
Po: C Unix E-Commerce Developer
Sk: Ideal opportunity to get involved in the future of online investment
services with a global leader. Develop your established skills in C to
those of C++ for the full development life cycle of exciting E-trade
projects. No financial experience necessary.
Lo: London
Sa: 35-45k + banking benefits
Ag: E-Business People
Cn: Rowena Clarke
Te: 0207 439 3432
Em: rowena.clarke@ebusinesspeople.co.uk
Re: JS/C3
Ty: Permanent
Po: C Unix Linux Solaris Sun OS - Internet Software
Sk: C Unix developers are required by this awesome leading provider of
Internet Server software to the likes of Ebay, Sony, C&W. You will be
an IT enthusiast, open to new ideas & developments.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: Excellent + Benefits + Shares
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Mark Ashton
Te: 0121 237 3187
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: marka@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Re: JSRV_MA.01
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ Analyst & Programmer
Sk: This leading software in the automative industry require 2 C/C++
programmers & an Analyst with Unix & Open VMS knowledge.
Lo: Middlesborough, North East
Sa: 17k - 27k depending on experience
Ag: HW Technology
Cn: Matt Bird
Te: 0161 832 7728
Fa: 0161 839 1375
Em: matthew.bird@hwgroup.com
Re: JS/MATT/180201
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ Analyst Programmer
Sk: Cutting edge Technology & media company are looking for a bright C++
Developer.Must have a Degree,minimum.grade of 2:1,with 2 years
commercial C++.Other relevant experience in
SQL,RDBMS,UNIX,Delphi.Fantastic career & training opportunity.Need work
Lo: Hertfordshire
Sa: 40k
Ag: Lorien
Cn: James Mitchell
Te: 0171 654 1123
Fa: 0171 654 1012
Em: cityperm@lorien.co.uk
Re: JSRV_JM/39237
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ & Java Engineer Required Immediately
Sk: C++, Java (if not company will invest in training for this skill), must
have experience in designing software for Oil/Gas platforms. Degree
Lo: Surrey
Sa: c40k + Benefits
Ag: S.Com Group
Cn: Nick Bowkett
Te: 01296 311216
Fa: 01296 436895
Em: nick.bowkett@scom.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ COM DCOM Software Engineer X 4
Sk: C, C++ Software Engineers required with Windows 95/98/NT & Client
Server experience, by process configuration management systems house.
COM, DCOM, Corba, Java skills ideal- training given for those without.
Opportunities for travel.
Lo: St Albans, Hertfordshire
Sa: 20k-35k
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Marie Davies
Te: 0121 237 3109
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: maried@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ Developer
Sk: 2 years C++ in a Windows NT environment is essential. Some knowledge
COM, ASP & Internet development experience is desirable. The role is to
be involved in Blue Sky 3D design & Internet projects. Excellent
training is provided.
Lo: Kent
St: Immediate
Sa: To 35k
Ag: Computer Futures London Permanent
Cn: Jonathan Fraser
Te: 0171 446 6644
Fa: 0171 446 0099
Em: pcdev.london.perm@compfutures.com
Re: JSCWD109
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ Developer
Sk: C++ Developer req to join leading Communications Co. You will have at
least 1 years C++ exp with Viusal C++, OO, GUI advant but full training
will be given. Excellent opportunity to gain cutting edge technologies
& progression to team leader.
Lo: Essex
Sa: 35k + Benefits
Ag: Phoenix IT Recruitment
Cn: Julia Karayiannis
Te: 0208 543 4437
Fa: 0208 543 4317
Em: permanent@phoenix-recruitment.com
Re: JS/JK-017970CT
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ Developer
Sk: C/C++, Windows NT From conception to testing/implementation, you will
develop Real Time connections between the clients software & customer
systems. International travel possible!!!.
Lo: North East
Sa: To 24k + Benefits
Ag: Hays IT
Cn: Mark Worrall
Te: 0113 245 4880
Fa: 0113 245 4530
Em: perm.leeds@hays-it.com
Ww: http://www.hays-it.com
Re: JSMJW00227055
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ Developer
Sk: Excellent US opportunity. Essential minimum 3 yrs C++ on UNIX, strong
SQL & experience with CORBA technologies. Benefits include permanent
salary, accommodation & car for 1st month, visa, flights, paid
vacation, medical & dental ins., training allowance.
Lo: USA various
St: Dependent on visa approval
Du: 18 months to permanent
Ag: Computer Consulting Services Corporation
Cn: Denise Jones
Te: +1 770 393 8646
Fa: +1 770 393 0706
Em: gbird_uk@ccsc.com
Re: JS/MW/0201
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ Developer
Sk: Opportunity in London with Major International Consultancy for C++
Developer with minimum. 2 years experience, preferably with Unix or NT.
Training in latest technologies will be provided, especially Java.
Lo: Central London
Ag: Mortimer Charles
Cn: Marie Farrell
Te: 0171 534 9013
Fa: 0171 534 9088
Em: marie@mortimercharles.com
Re: JS6109
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ Developer (Recent Graduate)
Sk: Recent Graduates required by leading edge telco. Must have C, C++ (min
1 year). Excellent opportunity to work, train on Real Time
Applications. Travel opportunities available for the right candidate.
Lo: Cardiff, Wales
Ag: QD Technology
Cn: Simon Hughes
Te: 0171 440 7484
Em: s.hughes@qdgroup.com
Re: JSSH2025
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ Developer - E-Commerce.
Sk: Consultant with 2 years C++ exp req for global Blue Chip software
consultancy. You'll receive training in one of the best OO tools
around. Skills in RDBMS/ JavaScript/ HTML or Java are a massive plus.
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: High + Excellent Bonus + Car
Ag: Newred
Cn: Paul Derry
Te: 0181 939 9015
Fa: 0181 939 9090
Em: paul@newred.co.uk
Re: JS/PD/82/2502/
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ Developer - Join A Leading E-Business Consultancy
Sk: C++ Berkshire-London. Leading E-business Consultancy requires C++
developers with scripting/Web skills eg JavaScript,
VBScript,XML,Perl,TCL,HTML. Working in a varied consultancy role with
cross training to Java.
Lo: Maidehead, Berkshire, London + Travel
Sa: To 50k + Bonus + Car + Travel
Ag: JM Selection
Cn: Mark Godfrey
Te: 0171 251 7312
Fa: 0171 253 0420
Em: markg@jmms.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ Developer - Learn Banking - Exciting/Hard Work/Fun
Sk: 4yrs+ any C++(we use Vis C++).Top A levels or good degree ideally with
Internet or realtime comms/elect.messaging or Reuters).Later may use
Java.Java not essential as training avail.Interest in Eurex type deriv
markets useful.
Lo: City-very Close Most Trains/Tubes
St: March/April - ASAP
Sa: 35k-70k + Bonus/Benefits
Ag: Sector Permanent
Cn: Bill Theobald
Te: 0171 489 0165
Fa: 0171 236 2824
Em: bill@sector.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ Ecommerce
Sk: As a C++ Developer you will be working in an Ecommerce environment! You
will be given full X-training to Java, within a environment that will
enable you to use the latest development tools. Fantastic
Lo: London
St: Immediate
Sa: 45k
Ag: Computer Futures London Permanent
Cn: Ilhan Mehmet
Te: 0171 446 6644
Fa: 0171 446 0099
Em: pcdev.london.perm@compfutures.com
Re: JS_325_553
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ GUI Software Engineer
Sk: C/C++ Software Engineers with 2-3 years Unix experience required by
leading European provider of anti-virus & data-encrypted software.
Corporate client base, hi-tech environment. GUI design, OO skills
Lo: Abingdon, Oxfordshire
Sa: To 35k
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Marie Buchanan
Te: 0870 603 9071
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: maried@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ Internet Developer
Sk: C and/or C++, Unix (any flavour - Linux,Solaris etc). Other useful
skills include TCP/IP, Perl, Oracle & Java. This is a rare chance to
help shape the future of the Internet in the UK.
Lo: Oxford,South,Oxfordshire,Midlands
Sa: c35k + Benefits
Ag: Compustaff
Cn: Recruitment Team
Te: 01865 408200
Fa: 01865 408209
Em: jobs@compustaff.ltd.uk
Re: JS/857
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ Modelling Software Engineer
Sk: C++ Modelling Engineers are urgently needed. Skills will include 1-3
year's experience of Mathematical or Geometrical modelling ideally
combined with a mathematical degree. Knowledge of COM &/or MFC a bonus
but not essential as training will be provided.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: 22k-33k + Benefits Total package 28k-40k
Ag: Vision iT Recruitment
Cn: Dan Woolacott
Te: 01908 319600
Fa: 01908 319638
Em: dan@visionit.co.uk
Re: JSDW8820B/P
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ OO Analyst Programmer
Sk: C++ & OO Designers with: C, Windows 95/ NT, COM, MFC are in demand at
this Global consultancy. With good client facing skills & a team
oriented approach leading edge work with Engineering giant beckons.
Call now for details.
Lo: Oxford, Oxfordshire
Sa: 22k-34k + Car
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Marie Buchanan
Te: 0121 237 3109
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: maried@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ OO Analyst Programmer
Sk: C++ or Visual C++ Object oriented developers with 16 & 32 bit
application development sought by growing software house. Engineering,
E-commerce & financial clients, working to tight deadlines in small
teams. C, HTML or Java an advantage.
Lo: Oxford, Oxfordshire
Sa: To 30k
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Marie Buchanan
Te: 0121 237 3109 DL
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: marieb@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ PC Analyst/Programmer (Junior)
Sk: Coding, testing, design of software & software supp. Win32 (NTor 95),
Windows based C++ prog (6-12 months min) Good PC s/ware, h/ware
knowledge reqd.To dev, test & spec new modules,support & maintain
existing codes.Good opportunity & training.
Lo: Docklands, London
Sa: 23k + Benefits
Ag: Cousins & Partners
Cn: Cameron Livingstone-Smith
Te: 0118 975 5222
Fa: 0118 975 7578
Em: cvs@cousins.parcgrp.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ Programmer
Sk: 'C', Java, You'll have a min. of 5 years exp. of working within an
Object Orientated, Visual development enviro. A strong Java programming
background is ess for this role. You will be happy to interact directly
with customers, & have had exposure to J2EE
Lo: Manchester
St: Immmediate
Sa: Up To 30k
Ag: Vision iT Recruitment
Cn: Neal Butler
Te: 01908 319600
Fa: 01908 319638
Em: neal@visionit.co.uk
Re: JS/13633
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ Research & Development Engineer
Sk: C, C++, HTML & Javascript, along with knowledge of NT/Unix. OpenTV or
HTML-based systems for broadcasting interactive services.
role:Developing interactive multimedia systems. Must be able to travel
UK & abroad.
Lo: Surrey
St: Immediate
Sa: To 40k
Ag: Computer Futures London Permanent
Cn: Ilhan Mehmet
Te: 0171 446 6644
Fa: 0171 446 0099
Em: pcdev.london.perm@compfutures.com
Re: JSL230668
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ Senior Software Engineer - GSM Mobiles
Sk: C++ Senior SE for dev of Protocol software for 3G systems.3- 5 years in
protocol software design for a mobile environment.Exp of IS-95 or GSM.
C or C++ programming for Real Time Embedded systems & exp of mobile
comms protocols.
Lo: Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Cambrige
St: March,April,May
Sa: Excellent Negotiable + Package
Ag: IT Manpower (Permanent)
Cn: Chris Bryant
Te: 01908 550840
Fa: 01908 550789
Em: mkperm.it@manpower.co.uk
Re: JS979CBC++
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ Software Developer
Sk: We are looking for outstanding developers with C/C++ experience to be
based in Cambridge. An understanding of Web technologies such as
HTML/DHTML, JavaScript will be desirable as will a knowledge of COM
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, South East
Sa: Competitive + Bonus
Ag: Informatiq Consulting
Cn: Karl Scrivener
Te: 01923 224481
Fa: 01923 224493
Em: permanent@informatiq.co.uk
Re: JSKS3330
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ Software Development Engineer
Sk: C++ Software Engs are needed to join a team of consultants & devs.
Skills should inc 1-3 years commercial exp of C++ ideally combined with
good numerate degree. Knowledge of COM &/or CAD an advantage but not
essential as training is provided.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: 22k-33k + Benefits Total package 28k-40k
Ag: Vision iT Recruitment
Cn: Dan Woolacott
Te: 01908 319600
Fa: 01908 319638
Em: dan@visionit.co.uk
Re: JSDW8820A/P
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ Software Engineer
Sk: C++ & C Software Engineers required with 1-5 years experience required
by designer of printer drivers. You will be of graduate calibre with
experience of Unix or Windows, OO & low level design work in team
focussed environment.
Lo: Oxford, Oxfordshire
Sa: 20k-32k
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Marie Buchanan
Te: 0121 237 3109
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: maried@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ Software Engineer
Sk: C++ software engineers with 3 years experience & ideally: C, Real
Time,Electronic, Telecomms, EPOC or SIBO skills required by premier
provider of portable computer systems. Leading edge design withion a
flexible, talented team based in Abingdon.
Lo: Abingdon, Oxfordshire, Oxford
Sa: 20k-35k
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Marie Buchanan
Te: 0121 237 3109
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: marieb@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ Software Engineer
Sk: C/C++/Visual Basic based software engineers required to further the
development of PC based RTC (real time control) systems). Ideally the
candidate will have an engineering background. Knowledge of Microsoft
Networking technologies would be beneficial.
Lo: Leicestershire
Sa: 20k-25k
Ag: Reed Computing Coventry Perms
Cn: Giles Nunn
Te: 02476 227 200
Fa: 02476 257 054
Em: giles.nunn@reed.co.uk
Re: JS/33299/GMN
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++ SQL Unix NT - Xtraining To Corba
Sk: Excellent chance to use your C++ on Unix/NT to develop Equities
applications in this major US Investment Bank - Corba/COM is a bonus
although training provided - good dev background & academics needed.
Lo: London
Sa: Excellent
Ag: Executive Recruitment Services
Cn: David Webbley
Te: 0171 242 4646
Fa: 0171 242 3800
Em: david_webbley@ers.co.uk
Re: JS99DE08
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++/'C' & Unix Analyst Programmer
Sk: C++/'C' with Unix are the primary skills required by this telecomms
company. They require good team players to be part of a small team
structure & have a structured approach to programming. Very good
benefits & package for the right individual.
Lo: Camberley, Surrey
Sa: To 32k
Ag: Aaron Millar Associates
Cn: Nick
Te: 01908 507075
Fa: 01908 501787
Em: nb@amituk.com
Re: JS/AMN1097
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++/'C' & Unix Analyst Programmer
Sk: C++/'C' with Unix are the primary skills required by this telecomms
company. They require good team players to be part of a small team
structure & have a structured approach to programming. Very good
benefits & package for the right individual.
Lo: Camberley, Surrey
Sa: To 32k
Ag: Aaron Millar Associates
Cn: Nick
Te: 01908 507075
Fa: 01908 501787
Em: nb@amituk.com
Re: JS/AMN1210
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++/C Software Engineer
Sk: C/C++ software engineers with 2-3 years commercial development required
by leading European provider of anti-virus & data-encrypted software.
Corporate client base, hi-tech environment. Windows, MAC, Unix, GUI
design, OO skills ideal.
Lo: Abingdon, Oxfordshire Oxford
Sa: To 35k
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Marie Buchanan
Te: 0121 237 3109
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: marieb@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++/Internet Developer
Sk: C or C++, HTML, Visual Basic-Script, JavaScript Looking for strong C++
with Internet dev exp in HTML, Visual Basic-Script, JavaScript, ASP,
Java & MS-IIS. 80% of your time will be out of the office travelling
around the UK.
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: To 40k + 12k Bonus + Car
Ag: Hays IT
Cn: Mark Brown
Te: 01628 676576
Fa: 01628 675966
Em: maidenhead.response@hays-it.com
Ww: http://www.hays-it.com
Re: JSMCB00229853
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++/Java Unix/NT + NetDynamics + Sybase - Banking/Equities
Sk: Junior C++ or Java Developer. Client + Server development, NT +
Unix/Solaris. Sybase useful- training provided. VC++ (MFC). Large, high
profile project. Exposure to Repo & Equities business. Plenty of
on-going training. Must have a degree.
Lo: London
Sa: To 43k + Banking Bonus + Benefits
Ag: JM Selection
Cn: Claire-Louise
Te: 0171 251 7358
Em: claire-louisem@jmms.co.uk
Re: JSCLM/66
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++/Unix E-Commerce Investment Bank (Train To Java)
Sk: This investment bank is looking for 9 developers to work on e-commerce
projects. In forthcoming year you will be exposed to the latest
Internet technologies & gain full training in banking products. You
will be required to make occasional trips to NY.
Lo: Canary Wharf, London
Sa: 30k-50k Depending On Experience
Ag: E-Business People
Cn: Paul Steggall
Te: 0207 439 3432
Em: paul.steggall@ebusinesspeople.co.uk
Re: JS7
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++/Unix Programmer
Sk: To work for a software house that specialise in network management
systems. You will need to have a good background in C/C++ on Unix.
There will be the chance to train on Java & Corba.
Lo: London
Sa: upto 40k
Ag: Logistix Recruitment
Cn: Zane O'driscoll
Te: 0181 742 3060
Fa: 0181 742 3061
Em: zane@logistixrec.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++/Unix Server Developer/Middleware - E-Commerce Company
Sk: C++, Unix, Corba/Tuxedo developers. London based role, part of global
team. Internet Stockbroker/dotcom Co. New project to build global
online trading application. Must have atleast 3 ys exp. Tuxedo training
& Java Server provided.
Lo: City, London
Sa: 45k-70k + Bonus X2, Stock, Benefits Package
Ag: JM Selection
Cn: Claire-Louise
Te: 0171 251 7358
Em: claire-louisem@jmms.co.uk
Re: JSCLM/64
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++/Unix Server Developers/Middleware- E-Commerce Company
Sk: C++, Unix, Corba/Tuxedo developers. London based role, part of global
team. Internet Stockbroker/dotcom Co. New project to build global
online trading application. Must have atleast 3 ys exp. Tuxedo training
& Java Server provided.
Lo: City, London
Sa: 45k-70k + Bonus X2, sTock, Benefits Package
Ag: JM Selection
Cn: Claire-Louise
Te: 0171 251 7358
Em: claire-louisem@jmms.co.uk
Re: JSCLM/64
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++/Unix/Corba - XTrain To Java. E-Commerce Company
Sk: C++ Server development, Unix/Solaris, any middleware product accepted.
Java training provided. New project, small team in London, but global
team. Involved at start of project to build online trading
Lo: City, London
Sa: 40k-60k + Bonus, Benefits Package, Stock Options
Ag: JM Selection
Cn: Claire-Louise
Te: 0171 251 7358
Em: claire-louisem@jmms.co.uk
Re: JSCLM/64
Ty: Permanent
Po: C++/Visual C++/C Analyst Programmer
Sk: Prosperous National Company seeks high calibre programmers with a
minimum 2 years working experience, in either C++ or Visual C++, to
occupy numerous & varied roles within the company depending on their
relevant quality & experience.
Lo: Norwich, Norfolk
Sa: Excellent + Benefits
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Jovan Marcetic
Te: 0121 237 3125
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: jovanm@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Re: JSRV_JM1201
Ty: Permanent
Po: C, C++ Developer X 5
Sk: Superb opportunity to join blue chip company in either programming or
team leader role. Do you have strong development skills? Willingness to
work away for periods of time? Combination of C, C++, PL/SQL, SQL, Unix
or PRO*C? Ring now for more info!.
Lo: London & South East
Sa: 25k+
Ag: Informatiq Consulting
Cn: Rob Talbot
Te: 01923 224481
Fa: 01923 224493
Em: permanent@informatiq.co.uk
Re: JSRT3347
Ty: Permanent
Po: C, C++ or Java-European Projects-Learn Intl Banking
Sk: Well run/fast growth systems co,superb Java bank system-projects
UK/Europe.Known Director 18yrs-v.fair, good team builder.You need 1
of:Java,JDK,C/Unix,C++,Oracle (or German).Gain Banking experience.
Lo: London, Travel To Germany, Switzerland
St: Februar/March or ASAP
Sa: To 40k + Bonus + Expenses
Ag: Sector Permanent
Cn: Bill Theobald
Te: 0171 489 0165
Fa: 0171 236 2824
Em: bill@sector.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C, C++, Perl - Birmingham Telecoms Company
Sk: Midlands site of this blue chip company require 20 engineers with good
OO & either C, C++ or Java - telecomms, networks, Embedded, Real Time,
Internet, HTML, Perl, JavaScript, VBScript, Corba nice to have.
Lo: Birmingham, Coventry, Warwickshire, West Midlands
Sa: 25k-40k + Benefits
Ag: Huxley Associates/Midlands
Cn: Tim Walker
Te: 0121 236 4777
Fa: 0121 236 9777
Em: c.mids@huxley.co.uk
Re: JS/TMWL/55060
Ty: Permanent
Po: C, C++, Visual C++ Analyst Programmer
Sk: C, C++ or Visual C++ Analyst Programmer with 2-4 years Windows
experienced sought by leading Financial services organisation.
Developing software to enhance to functionality of CTI products. Unix,
Oracle or telephony experience ideal.
Lo: Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire
Sa: 25k-35k + Banking Benefits
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Marie Buchanan
Te: 0121 237 3109
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: maried@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C, Games, X-Train Visual C++
Sk: C programmers at world renowned games company. 6 months commercial, not
necessarily games exp. essential. Good education (2:1 degree), a games
player, & a good C or C++ programmer are the essentials.
Lo: Leamington, Near Rugby Warwickshire, Oxfordshire, Northamptonshire
Sa: All Levels 20k-45k & Bonuses
Ag: Huxley Associates/Midlands
Cn: Tim Walker
Te: 0121 236 4777
Fa: 0121 236 9777
Em: c.mids@huxley.co.uk
Re: JS/TMWL/65040
Ty: Permanent
Po: C, Pascal or Fortran Analyst Programmer
Sk: Excellent opportunity for programmer with 2 years experience of any 3GL
preferably C but will accept Pascal or Fortran. Unix required, it is a
preference to have exp of Shell Scripting & Oracle or another RDBMS.
Lo: East Midlands
Sa: Excellent + Benefits
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Lisa Cartwright
Te: 0121 237 3127
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: lisac@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Re: JSRV_LC03003
Ty: Permanent
Po: C, Real Time, Embedded, Unix. Do You Know What Blue Tooth Is.
Sk: Choice? Develop the skills that every other Developer has. Do a search
on Blue Tooth & find out why Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Nokia, Toshiba, 3
COM, Lucent, Microsoft, Motorola are looking for the developers of
tomorrow with a blue smile?.
Lo: London
St: Immediate
Sa: 25k-80k
Ag: Computer Futures - London (Permanent)
Cn: Sean Fay
Te: 0171 446 6644
Fa: 0171 446 0099
Em: unixdev.london.perm@compfutures.com
Re: JS219650
Ty: Permanent
Po: C, Unix Get Into Thin Client Server Computing
Sk: Launch your career with one of the sharpest software development teams
in the world. Working on some of the most innovative Client Server
software in the business.A science degree, & 6 months - 2 years
commercial low level C, Unix experience required.
Lo: High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
Sa: 28k + Benefits
Ag: Informatiq Consulting
Cn: Mary Hirst
Te: 01923 224481
Fa: 01923 224493
Em: permanent@informatiq.co.uk
Re: JSMH817
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/C++
Sk: GSM Mobile telecomms company nr. Cambridge need C, C++, Visual C++
developers - nice to have is GUI, networking, telecomms, Win NT,
Embedded, Real Time. They win awards - do you have what it takes!.
Lo: Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire
Sa: 25k-40k + Benefits
Ag: Huxley Associates/Midlands
Cn: Tim Walker
Te: 0121 236 4777
Fa: 0121 236 9777
Em: c.mids@huxley.co.uk
Re: JS/TMWL/65024
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/C++ - Learn Java
Sk: You will need a strong academic record (2i Hons or above) & at least 2
years solid development experience using C or C++ on Client/Server or E
-projects. This is an up & coming Web Integration supplier offering
training in Java & other related tools.
Lo: West London
Sa: c35k
Ag: Informatiq Consulting
Cn: Stuart Myrants
Te: 01923 224481
Fa: 01923 224493
Em: permanent@informatiq.co.uk
Re: JSSM2930
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/C++ - Learn Telecomms
Sk: Chance to work at the leading edge of mobile comms on the development
of GSM products. This is low level, Real Time Embedded programming in
C/Unix. We are looking for graduate calibre Developers with a min of 12
months C or C++ experience.
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: 25k-40k
Ag: Informatiq Consulting
Cn: Stuart Myrants
Te: 01923 224481
Fa: 01923 224493
Em: permanent@informatiq.co.uk
Re: JSSM2703
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/C++ Analyst Programmer
Sk: C/C++ dev with SQL, Crystal Reports, Unix & NT, Lotus Notes adv. 3yrs
exp of project based dev env. Exp in controlled version releases, inc
user acceptance, regression & integration testing, SDM techniques.
Graduate calibre & some travel to London.
Lo: Halifax, West Yorkshire (travel to London)
Ag: Citygate Data
Cn: Sharon
Te: 0171 247 7200
Fa: 0171 247 5100
Em: info@citygatedata.co.uk
Re: JS0002-18
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/C++ Consultant
Sk: IT Services company delivering both skills & solutions to leading UK &
global organisations reqs good all-rounder consultants with C++, Oracle
& Java/HTML. Must have 3 years commercial exp & BSc in relevant
Lo: London
Sa: 30k-40k
Ag: Mortimer Spinks
Cn: John Andersen
Te: 020 7432 2700
Fa: 020 7432 2701
Em: jandersen@mortimerspinks.co.uk
Ww: http://www.mortimerspinks.com/
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/C++ Developer
Sk: C/C++ development skills on either Unix or NT required by dynamic &
thriving Internet company. This is a very exciting opportunity for
someone with experience of Internet technologies or who wishes to move
into this fast moving arena.
Lo: London
Sa: To 50k Depending On Experience
Ag: Elan Computing
Cn: Nicola Myerscough
Te: 0171 830 1621
Fa: 0171 830 1480
Em: ncm@elan.co.uk
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/C++ Developer X 7
Sk: Exciting, Dynamic company seeks people at a variety of levels from
Junior Developers to Project Managers for their Telecoms division.
Developing & supporting complex solutions you will have C or C++,Unix.
Chance to gain Java, OO skills.
Lo: London, Bath
Sa: Negotiable + Benefits
Ag: Resource Matters
Cn: Jason Ashton
Te: 0117 930 9200
Fa: 0117 930 9201
Em: jason@resource-matters.com
Re: JS/2238
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/C++ For The Playstation - 50k For Playing Games
Sk: C/C++/Programmer/Dreamcast /2 years experience in working for a games
company, a relaxed culture & working with a young & dynamic
team/company. The C/C++ is all on a microsoft platform, interested in
the games industry.
Lo: London
Sa: 50k
Ag: Active Search & Selection
Cn: Justin Raybould
Te: 01827 262947
Fa: 01827 261266
Em: justin.raybould@activesearch.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/C++ Graduate Software Engineer
Sk: C/C++ Graduate Software Engineer wanted with a 1st or 2:1 degree ONLY.
An exciting role for Immediately Available recent graduates with 0-1
years exp. You will be involved with cutting edge telecoms projects.
You MUST be a car owner.
Lo: Hampshire
St: March
Sa: 15k-20k + Benefits
Ag: Vision IT Recruitment
Cn: Louise Marchant
Te: 01908 319600
Fa: 01908 319638
Em: louise@visionit.co.uk
Re: JS/LOM/134063/P
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/C++ On Unix Programmer
Sk: C/C++ on Unix Develop. 1 Years Exp Min. C/C++ Developers with exp of
developing on Unix platforms required for International Company Based
in Warks. Exc Career Prospects! Salary + Benefits.
Lo: Warwickshire
Sa: 18k-25k Depending On Experience
Ag: Hays IT
Cn: William Schirmer
Te: 01203 555366
Fa: 01203 231644
Em: coventry.response@hays-it.com
Ww: http://www.hays-it.com
Re: JSWFS00228050
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/C++ Programmer
Sk: C/C++ on Windows/Unix, Proven Commercial Exp. Projects Exp des. Exp
C/C++ Programmers on either Windows or Unix req'd for Birmingham based
Software House. Must have proven commercial exp in development. Salary
+ Benefits.
Lo: Midlands West
Sa: To 25k + Benefits
Ag: Hays IT
Cn: William Schirmer
Te: 01203 555366
Fa: 01203 231644
Em: coventry.response@hays-it.com
Ww: http://www.hays-it.com
Re: JSWFS00229303
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/C++ Programmer
Sk: Would you like to be an innovator in an interactive IT system? We
require candidates with a technical education at university level &
familiar with C & C++ programming.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
St: Urgent
Ag: Perpetual Resources
Cn: Ann Aken
Te: 01223 240799
Fa: 01223 244701
Em: ann@prl.uk.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/C++ Programmer & Junior Programmer
Sk: Experience in C/C++ (ideally Visual C++), Win32 & DirectX. Educated to
Degree level in Computer Science or similar. Together with one or more
of the following: 3D Engines, CAD, Mac, Animation, Video playback.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
St: Urgent
Sa: 18k-25k
Ag: Perpetual Resources
Cn: Ann Aken
Te: 01223 240799
Fa: 01223 244701
Em: ann@prl.uk.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/C++ Programmer/Team Leader
Sk: Role involves leading a team that designs & develops Windows-based
graphics related software. Strong hands-on C/C++ development experience
under Windows & 5+ years development experience essential. HND or
degree level education required.
Lo: Oxfordshire
Sa: To 35k + Benefits
Ag: Qualserv Consulting
Cn: Aninda Chaudhuri
Te: 0181 970 2121
Fa: 0181 970 2122
Em: aninda@qualserv.co.uk
Re: JS/1057C++TL
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/C++ Project Developer
Sk: Must be competent with C/C++, able to work through full project life
cycle. SQL for Access & Visual Basic an advantage. Must have some
commercial experience & be a team player. Must have good standard
written & spoken English, spoken French useful.
Lo: Kent
Ag: Positive Selection
Cn: Mandy Hubert
Te: 01473 221227
Fa: 01473 214062
Em: positive@aspects.net
Re: JSMH/3316
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/C++ Software Engineer
Sk: C/C++ Software Engineer with Embedded & Real Time development skills
sought by billion dollar supplier to the electronics industry.
Experience of Java & STB Embedded software ideal to design leading edge
multimedia products.
Lo: Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire
Sa: 24k-32k + Relocation + Bonus
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Marie Buchanan
Te: 0121 237 3109
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: maried@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/C++ Software Engineer
Sk: Leading Global organisation are looking for experienced C/C++ engineers
with a 2:2 degree or higher.Need real Time, Embedded Computer or Kernel
development & a minimum of 6 months solid commercial experience.
Lo: Hertfordshire
Sa: Up to 40k
Ag: Lorien
Cn: James Mitchell
Te: 0171 654 1123
Fa: 0171 654 1012
Em: cityperm@lorien.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/C++ Software Engineer
Sk: You'll have 1 year or more C/C++ & SQL Server. An excellent opportunity
to join this dynamic company developing database driven software &
Internet applications. Internet development experience desirable.
Lo: Farnborough, Hampshire
Sa: To 30k + Benefits/Stock Options
Ag: REED Computing Personnel
Cn: Ross Williams
Te: 01483 569061
Fa: 01483 301151
Em: ross.williams@reed.co.uk
Re: JS/120000/RAW
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/C++ Unix E-Trade Developer
Sk: Ideal opportunity to travel to New York from your London base, whilst
gaining exposure to E-commerce & finance methodologies. Utilise your
exceptional C++ Unix development skills for the exciting future of
online investment with a global leader.
Lo: London
Sa: 35-45K + banking benefits
Ag: E-Business People
Cn: Rowena Clarke
Te: 0207 439 3432
Em: rowena.clarke@ebusinesspeople.co.uk
Re: JS/C5
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/C++ Unix Sybase - Enter Banking, Learn Derivatives, Learn Java
Sk: Superb opportunity for junior Developer with 6-18 months C/C++, Unix &
Sybase to build a long-term career by joining the debt derivatives area
this leading US investment bank. Training provided in Java, JavaScript,
CGI & PHP as required.
Lo: City
Sa: 30-38k plus exceptional bonus & benefits
Ag: JM Selection
Cn: Conrad Hills
Te: 0171 251 7306
Em: conradh@jmms.co.uk
Re: JSCH42
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/C++ X-Train To HTML, Java, ASP
Sk: Getting bored at work? Want to get into Web Development? My client has
a cutting edge application waiting to be re-designed/re-developed for
E-commerce. You will be fully trained in all new technologies but must
have min 12 months C/C++ experience.
Lo: London
Sa: 25k-30k + Benefits
Ag: Mortimer Spinks
Cn: John Andersen
Te: 0171 432 2700
Fa: 0171 432 2701
Em: jandersen@mortimerspinks.co.uk
Ww: http://www.mortimerspinks.com/
Re: JSRV_JXA/153
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/C++/Vis C++ Analyst Programmer
Sk: Large Multinational Company seeks C/C++/Vis C++ programmers with 2
years working experience to fulfill a number of roles within their
company. The variety of roles offered depends largely on the
individuals skill set.
Lo: Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
Sa: Excellent + Benefits
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Jovan Marcetic
Te: 0121 237 3125
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: jovanm@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Re: JSRV_JM1101
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/OpenROAD Software Engineer Support
Sk: C Programming & either OpenROAD or Windows 4GL Exc career
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: 50k + Benefits
Ag: Rullion Computer Personnel
Cn: Alex Ness
Te: 0207 929 0404
Fa: 0207 929 0505
Em: cv.aness@rullion.co.uk
Re: JS/AN/C/19941
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/Real Time Programmer
Sk: Apps will offer minimum of 2 years Embedded Software/Hardware
engineering which will include programming in C & Assembler, while
working in both DOS & Windows environments. You will be responsible for
the design/implementation of applications.
Lo: Watford, Hertfordshire, South East
Sa: To 40k
Ag: Informatiq Consulting
Cn: Karl Scrivener
Te: 01923 224481
Fa: 01923 224493
Em: permanent@informatiq.co.uk
Re: JSKS2984
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/Unix Developer Xtrain OO Technology
Sk: Leading Telecommunications Network Management organisation require
developers with strong C/Unix experience & the desire to work in the
fast paced telecomms field, & the ability to move into OO development
in the near future.
Lo: London
Sa: 25k -40000 +bens
Ag: Huxley Associates/Commercial
Cn: Rob Hamilton
Te: 0171 335 5888
Fa: 0171 335 0008
Em: programming.perm@huxley.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/Unix Developer Xtrain OO Technology
Sk: Leading Telecommunications Network Management organisation require
developers with strong C/Unix experience & the desire to work in the
fast paced telecomms field, & the ability to move into OO development
in the near future.
Lo: Surrey/SW London
Sa: 25k -40000 +bens
Ag: Huxley Associates/Commercial
Cn: Rob Hamilton
Te: 0171 335 5888
Fa: 0171 335 0008
Em: programming.perm@huxley.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/Unix Developer Xtrain XML, Oracle
Sk: Based in Central London this leading Internet based Information
provider require developers with good C/Unix skills who want to be
trained in Oracle, XML & other Internet based technologies. Established
company, 70 in development, 200 in company.
Lo: London
Sa: 25k -40000 +bens
Ag: Huxley Associates/Commercial
Cn: Rob Hamilton
Te: 0171 335 5888
Fa: 0171 335 0008
Em: programming.perm@huxley.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/Unix or C++/Unix - E-Trading For City-Based US Investment Bank
Sk: This is your opportunity to break into the bank. You'll need 2 years
apps development/support in a Unix (pref. Solaris) environment,
including good shell scripts (pref. Perl), SQL & database (ideally
Sybase) experience. Training if required.
Lo: City,London. Leading US investment bank
St: ASAP. Chance To Gain Skills With E-Trading Technologies
Du: Remarkable Career Development Prospects
Sa: 30k-45k + Excpetional Bonus & Benefits
Ag: JM Selection
Cn: Conrad Hills
Te: 0171 251 7306
Em: conradh@jmms.co.uk
Re: JSCH42
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/Unix Software Developer
Sk: We are seeking C developers with skills such as Unix, TCP/IP, & rel.
database (pref. Sybase). Multi-threading, Telecoms & Datacom, IPC &
3-tier arch. nice to have. International telecoms company with English
as company language. Degree/HND req.
Lo: Zurich, Switzerland
St: ASAP, lastest May 2000 (Due To Work Permit)
Sa: Competitive
Ag: Swisslinx
Cn: Monika Daehler
Te: +41 12 244999
Fa: +41 12 244990
Em: monika.daehler@swisslinx.com
Re: JS161
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/Unix Software Developer
Sk: We are seeking C developers with skills such as Unix, TCP/IP, Embedded
systems & multi-threading. Telecoms, Clearcase, RPC & Project Leader
skills are nice to have. International telecoms company with English as
company language. Degree/HND req.
Lo: Zurich, Switzerland
St: ASAP, Lastest May 2000 (Due To Work Permit)
Sa: Competitive
Ag: Swisslinx
Cn: Monika Daehler
Te: +41 12 244999
Fa: +41 12 244990
Em: monika.daehler@swisslinx.com
Re: JS158
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/Unix Software Engineer 'Leading Edge Telecoms Company'
Sk: C C++ Unix. Fast growing Telecoms start up requires C/C++ Unix Software
Engineers with 3-6 years exp, ideally in Telecoms/Datacoms. Ideally you
have exp of switching/ATM/Voice-over/IP tech. Lead the
design/development of a leading edge product.
Lo: Bracknell, Berkshire
Sa: To 40k + Profit Share + Benefits
Ag: JM Selection
Cn: Mark Godfrey
Te: 0171 251 7312
Fa: 0171 253 0420
Em: markg@jmms.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/Unix Software Engineer X 3
Sk: Excellent Opportunities within a major UK owned company for C/Unix
developers with full lifecycle experience & Team working skills. Any of
the following a bonus, though training provided:, Java, C++, OOA/D or
scripting languages.
Lo: London
Sa: Negotiable + Benefits
Ag: Resource Matters
Cn: Jason Ashton
Te: 0117 930 9200
Fa: 0117 930 9201
Em: jason@resource-matters.com
Re: JS/1924
Ty: Permanent
Po: C/Visual Basic Software Engineer X4
Sk: For leading global player in financial administrative software.
Candidates should have 3+ years experience. Financial systems exp an
advantage. Must be a team player.
Lo: Dublin, Ireland
St: Immediately
Sa: 30k+
Ag: Vantage Resources
Cn: Karen Herbert
Te: +35 31 6681800
Fa: +35 31 6681805
Em: karen.herbert@vantage.ie
Re: JS-KH09
Ty: Permanent
Po: CAD Engineer
Sk: CAD Engineer with demonstrable s/w skills, exp of Unix, C & shell
programming a distinct advantage. Basic understanding of electronics
with an appreciation of IC design flows. Good degree in Computer
Science or Engineering subject. Industry exp useful.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
St: Immediate
Ag: PCR Permanent
Cn: Helen Dingwall
Te: 01223 224310
Fa: 01223 224311
Em: helen.dingwall@pcrweb.co.uk
Ww: http://www.pcrweb.co.uk/
Re: JSHD53
Ty: Permanent
Po: Change Analyst
Sk: Large utilities company in Glasgow looking for a C Analyst. Good SQL
exp essential. The main pupose of the role is to interface between the
users & the technical team & monitor system defects & carryout SQL
reports, queries & enquiries.
Lo: Central Scotland
Sa: 16k-18k
Ag: Contract Zone
Cn: Alison
Te: 0131 331 2731
Fa: 0131 331 2732
Em: recuit@contractzone.co.uk
Re: JSCZ5564
Ty: Permanent
Po: Clearcase/Clearquest Administrator
Sk: Administering & Managing a complex configuration management system
based on Clear Case & Clear Quest on SUN Solaris. Candidates will have
expereince of some of the following C, C++ Make, Imake, Unix, Solaris,
NT or Shell Scripting.
Lo: West Midlands
Ag: Lorien
Cn: Ann Mcnab
Te: 0113 200 2202
Fa: 0113 245 8893
Em: ann.mcnab@lorien.co.uk
Re: JS/ALM/78
Ty: Permanent
Po: Client Server Development
Sk: Visual Basic, C, NT, C++, Java, full development life cycle. Exc
worldwide career opportunities.
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: 50k + Benefits
Ag: Rullion Computer Personnel
Cn: Alex Ness
Te: 0207 929 0404
Fa: 0207 929 0505
Em: cv.aness@rullion.co.uk
Re: JS/AN/VB/19935
Ty: Permanent
Po: Cobol CICS DB2 Systems Development Team Leader
Sk: World's largest investment banks seeks a systems development team
leader with exp of Cobol/CICS/DB2 + any VSAM/ims/idms to join a dynamic
team where x-training to Java is a neccesity & there will be a chance
to gain essential trading knowledge.
Lo: London
St: Immediate
Sa: To 60k
Ag: Huxley Associates/Commercial
Cn: Adam Buck
Te: 0171 335 0005
Fa: 0171 335 0008
Em: ibm@huxley.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Cobol/CICS/DB2 Systems Developer
Sk: The world's largest investment banks seeks a systems Developer with exp
of Cobol/CICS/DB2 + any knowledge of VTAM/IMS/IDMS to join a dynamic
team where x-training to Java is a neccesity & there will be a chance
to gain essential trading knowledge.
Lo: London
St: Immediate
Sa: To 55k
Ag: Huxley Associates/Commercial
Cn: Adam Buck
Te: 0171 335 0005
Fa: 0171 335 0008
Em: ibm@huxley.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: COM, Visual C++ Developer
Sk: We are seeking a number of Visual C++ progs who are passionate about
developing leading-edge software. Skill should include 1-3yrs solid
development exp with a good knowledge of COM & Win32. You will be
offered excellent training & benefits.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: 25k-35k + Benefits
Ag: Vision iT Recruitment
Cn: Dan Woolacott
Te: 01908 319600
Fa: 01908 319638
Em: dan@visionit.co.uk
Re: JSDW12351B/P
Ty: Permanent
Po: Compact C Programmer
Sk: This established games company requires a programmer with knowledge of
C & Direct 3D. Experience of Microsoft Visual Source Safe would be
useful. If you have one published title, & an interest in racing games
please apply today.
Lo: Warwick, Warwickshire
St: Immediate
Sa: 16k-25k + Bonus & Royalties
Ag: Vision IT Recruitment
Cn: Iain Dainter
Te: 01908 319600
Fa: 01908 319638
Em: games@visionit.co.uk
Re: JS/IED/6506
Ty: Permanent
Po: Consultant
Sk: A kwdge of system Administration functions, Sybase, Oracle or Informix
databse kwdge is required. You will also demonstrate kwdge in any
programming languages that include C, C++, Perl, Shell Script, GI,
Java. Excellent client interfacing skills a must.
Lo: Middlesex
Ag: Alicon Resourcing
Cn: Kim Roberts
Te: 0207 422 9352
Fa: 0171 375 3927
Em: kroberts@alicon-resourcing.com
Re: JS/KR/020
Ty: Permanent
Po: Consultant
Sk: Java, HTML, C++ Java, HTML, OO, GUI, CGI, JavaScript, C++, C are all
skills in demand by our client. Exc packages are available for
successful candidates.
Lo: Surrey
Sa: Up to 40k + Benefits
Ag: Hays IT
Cn: David Philpott
Te: 01525 229229
Fa: 01525 237864
Em: tech.support@hays-it.com
Ww: http://www.hays-it.com
Re: JSDJP00229008
Ty: Permanent
Po: Consultant
Sk: Would you like to get training with the latest technologies - Java,
Silverstream? If you have Visual Basic, Powerbuilder or some
understanding of OO, UML & would like to work for an expanding company,
please contact me.
Lo: Leeds City Centre, West Yorkshire
Sa: c25k + Free Parking + Bonus + Benefits
Ag: Computer People Leeds
Cn: Joanne Berriman
Te: 0113 218 6854
Fa: 0113 243 4528
Em: joanneberriman@computerpeople.co.uk
Re: JS/YP/23563/JB
Ty: Permanent
Po: Consultant Programmer
Sk: Wide variety of programming langauges required by good financial
consultants in the City, any variation of C, C++, Java, Visual C++,
etc. experience of middleware/ Front Office systems an advantage.
Lo: City, London
Ag: Aegle
Cn: Rick Fuggle
Te: 01689 820820
Fa: 01689 825700
Em: rick@aegle.co.uk
Re: JS_ID_1698-492
Ty: Permanent
Po: Consultant/Senior E-Business Consultant
Sk: US E-commerce specialist venturing into the European Market has
openings for good enthusiastic C++ Java specialists to act as
consultants. Fantastic training & travel good salaries & stock.
Lo: West London
Sa: To 50k + Stock
Ag: Elite Computer Staff
Cn: Dan Collier
Te: 0181 942 0088
Fa: 0181 942 0099
Em: dcollier@elite-cs.co.uk
Re: JS/7933/2
Ty: Permanent
Po: Consulting Services Engineer
Sk: 'C', HTML, Perl Shell Scripting, RDMS, Solaris. Required by printing
legends. You require four years commercial experience of Oracle or
Sybase RDMS administration with three years Perl Shell Scripting & 'C'.
Excellent career prospects offered.
Lo: London, E14
St: Closing Date 6 March 2000
Sa: 35k-50k + Benefits
Ag: Vision iT Recruitment
Cn: Andrew Percival
Te: 020 7839 2626
Fa: 01908 319638 (Central Resource)
Em: andrew@visionit.co.uk
Re: JSAP-CS10220/C
Ty: Permanent
Po: Corba Consultant
Sk: Position has arisen for experienced Corba Consultant to work for large
systems integration, software development & training organisation. The
job will may involve training clients dev teams in regards to Java &
related technologies.
Lo: Portsmouth, Hants
St: Immediately
Sa: neg on experience
Ag: Logistix Recruitment
Cn: Chris Siavelis
Te: 0181 742 3060
Fa: 0181 742 3061
Em: chris@logistixrec.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Corba Software Engineer
Sk: Able to develop Corba tools for the telecommunications market. C/C++
Unix exp needed. Experience of Java & other Web based technologies are
an advantage. Some international travel expected.
Lo: Manchester
Sa: Highly Competitive
Ag: IT Executive
Cn: Db@it-Executive.Com (by Email)
Te: 01908 506506
Fa: 01908 506226
Em: db@it-executive.com
Re: JSDB250201/NSL
Ty: Permanent
Po: Core Development Team
Sk: A variety of positions within the core development team with the
company about to revolutionise cellular hand set technology.C C++ COM
DCOM WAP (will be trained in WAP) Desirible telecoms background.
2nd/3rd job probible.
Lo: High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, M40 area
Sa: Neg, Exc salaries to create the right team, + stock options
Cn: Joe Temple
Te: 0181 315 9000
Fa: 0181 315 9867
Em: joe.temple@msb.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Customer Service Analyst Programmer
Sk: Looking for highly motivated ambitious graduates. Successful applicants
will benefit from a substantial career package including company car.
Must be customer focused & be prepared to travel. Experience of HTML,
Javascript, C & C++.
Lo: Hertfordshire
Sa: 20k-30k
Ag: COBA IT Services
Cn: Russell Cole
Te: 01604 636333
Fa: 01604 636397
Em: r.cole@coba-it.com
Re: JSP0162-RC
Ty: Permanent
Po: Data Processing - Programmer
Sk: Mainstream language - C Unix environment, Basic, Korn Shell, DOS
Leading provider of direct mkting services seeks dp programmers to work
at Northern base. Proficient in mainstream lang such as C &
understanding of Unix & Direct Marketing experience.
Lo: Bradford, West Yorkshire
Ag: Hays IT
Cn: Lisa Church
Te: 0113 245 4880
Fa: 0113 245 4530
Em: perm.leeds@hays-it.com
Ww: http://www.hays-it.com
Re: JSLJG00229202
Ty: Permanent
Po: Database Developer
Sk: Leading Internet Software Company seeks bright programmer with min 1
years Oracle PL/SQL coding, desirable skill would Java but full
training will be given.Rare opportunity for development & cross
Lo: London
Sa: 23-27k+Bens
Ag: ARC Recruitment
Cn: Jon Malone
Te: 0171 287 2525
Fa: 0171 287 9688
Em: arc@itjobs.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: DBA Oracle Applications Junior
Sk: 2-3 ans d'experience sur Oracle V8, PL/SQL, C/C++, AO V11, Unix et
serveur Web pour ce poste junior (evolution rapide). Assistance equipe
projet, maintenance applicative, exploitation, production... Bon
anglais indispensable.
Lo: Paris, France
Ag: Parity Eurosoft In France
Cn: Gaelle Nasse
Te: +33 15 6591103
Fa: +33 14 2895163
Em: agnasse@parity-eurosoft.com
Ww: http://www.eurosoft-nl.com/
Re: JSGN86
Ty: Permanent
Po: DBA Oracle Applications Senior
Sk: Excellentes connaissances d'Oracle V8, PL/SQL, C/C++, AO V11 et Unix
pour ce poste a responsabilites. Assistance equipe projet, maintenance
applicative, exploitation, production. Bon anglais indispensable.
Lo: Paris, France
Ag: Parity Eurosoft In France
Cn: Gaelle Nasse
Te: +33 15 6591103
Fa: +33 14 2895163
Em: agnasse@parity-eurosoft.com
Ww: http://www.eurosoft-nl.com/
Re: JSGN87
Ty: Permanent
Po: Delphi - Senior Software Engineer
Sk: Must be able to plan & deliver & lead others to develop new &
innovative software solutions to products being developed by this
company. C/C++, Delphi, SQL Server, Active X. Be the one to join this
co who has a new approach to home shopping.
Lo: Fleet, Hampshire, South
Sa: Excellent
Ag: Informatiq Consulting
Cn: Jamie Cooper
Te: 01923 224481
Fa: 01923 224493
Em: permanent@informatiq.co.uk
Re: JSJC3556
Ty: Permanent
Po: Delphi Developer: A Class Of Their Own
Sk: Growth from 4 to over 70 in 9 years is impressive, but to maintain a
profit & be deemed 2 years ahead of the nearest competition borders on
showing off. SW House with style are looking for an experienced Delphi
Developer (OO,C/S,RDBMs).
Lo: City, Near Trains & Tube, London
St: ASAP, New Project
Sa: To 35k + Good Benefits
Ag: Abraxas
Cn: Ben Watson
Te: 0207 255 5510
Fa: 0207 636 0334
Em: bwatson@abraxas.co.uk
Ww: http://www.abraxas.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Delphi Programmer
Sk: Delphi programmer with good knowledge of C,C++.Any RDBMS experience
would be acceptable.SQL most beneficial.Call me now for more
Lo: Surrey
Sa: Excellent
Ag: Lexstra
Cn: Dave
Te: 0181 255 6100
Fa: 0181 255 6106
Em: dave@lexstra.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Delphi RAD Software Engineer
Sk: 'C', C++, Delphi, OOA/OOD. Reqd by world leader in global financial &
economic services. An exc. opportunity to become an expert in the
financial market. Min of eighteen months commercial development with
Delphi & C/C++ in an OO environment.
Lo: Woking, Surrey
St: Closing Date 6 March 2000
Sa: 25k-33k + Superb Benefits
Ag: Vision iT Recruitment
Cn: Andrew Percival
Te: 020 7839 2626
Fa: 01908 319638 (Central Resource)
Em: andrew@visionit.co.uk
Re: JSAP-PR13437/A
Ty: Permanent
Po: Delphi Software Engineer
Sk: This very large media company requires individuals who are experienced
in developing new software products. Using you extensive C/C++ Delphi
SQL Server COM/DCOM Active X & Automation skills. Call for more
exciting opportunity details !.
Lo: Fleet, Hampshire, South
Sa: Excellent
Ag: Informatiq Consulting
Cn: Jamie Cooper
Te: 01923 224481
Fa: 01923 224493
Em: permanent@informatiq.co.uk
Re: JSJC3555
Ty: Permanent
Po: Design & Validation Engineer
Sk: Degree qualified + a min of 3 years exp of EDA tools. You will define a
new installation process for EDA tools, validate methodology & work on
release functionality. Exp of some of C, C++, Unix, Shell, CAD, IC,
CMOS, SoC & usability requirements.
Lo: Dublin, Ireland
Sa: Excellent + Benefits + Relocation
Ag: Quantum IT
Cn: Jayne Chappell
Te: 0131 220 6656 (e mail preferred. Guarantees rapid response)
Fa: 0131 220 6646
Em: jayne@quantum.net.uk
Re: JS/JC/2-101
Ty: Permanent
Po: Developer
Sk: 18+ months C++ exp on Unix. Any Python,Apache a benefit, although
training avail. to successful applicants. You will be working closely
with s/w engineers/producers w/wide to develop client's product
campaign. Projects incl. interactive Web publishing.
Lo: C. London
Sa: 25k-40k + Benefits
Ag: Pathway IT Resourcing
Cn: Andrew Mcneill
Te: 0181 661 4242
Fa: 0181 642 8887
Em: c/c++.perm@pathway-it.co.uk
Re: JSD27564
Ty: Permanent
Po: Developer
Sk: A large US/UK solutions provider is seeking a Developer with 18 months
plus commerical development experience in C or C++ & Unix. Exposure to
banking sector a plus but not necessary. Start in the City, London
Lo: City, London
Sa: 30k-55k + Benefits
Ag: Operations Resources
Cn: Anthony Lunn
Te: 0181 667 9000
Fa: 0181 667 9123
Em: anthonyl@opsres.com
Re: JSWAL543
Ty: Permanent
Po: Developer
Sk: C Developer preferably with PRO*C, Oracle (Oracle 7 or Oracle 8) , Unix
or PL/SQL, to work for a financial software house on new systems
Lo: West Yorkshire
Sa: 30k + Highly Attractive Benefits
Ag: QA Myriad
Te: 01565 750450
Fa: 01565 750452
Em: cvknup@qamyriad.com
Ww: http://www.qamyriad.com
Re: JS/030671/SDU
Ty: Permanent
Po: Developer
Sk: C with Unix is mandatory. Desirable skills are Oracle or any RDBMS with
GUI. Distribution & financial systems experience would be beneficial.
Training will be provided for the right people lacking in certain
Lo: Manchester
Sa: To 26k + Benefits
Ag: Cooke Recruitment
Cn: Malcolm Green
Te: 01282 410702
Fa: 01282 410701
Em: cooke_recruitment@yahoo.co.uk
Re: JS/CR134
Ty: Permanent
Po: Developer
Sk: Excellent opportunity for individual who is proficient in a mainstream
programming language such as C & who has a good understanding of Unix
environment linked to Direct Marketing experience.
Lo: Bradford, West Yorkshire
Ag: Spring IT Personnel
Cn: Clare Lowther
Te: 0113 245 5320
Fa: 0113 242 3528
Em: clare_lowther@spring.com
Ww: http://www.spring.com/
Re: JSRV_CLL58885
Ty: Permanent
Po: Developer
Sk: This major local utilities company requires developers with a min of
5yrs exp of one/more of follow- Visual Basic, PRO*C, PL/SQL gained in
Oracle/SQL*Server + Unix/NT envir. Must have structured maths
Lo: West Yorkshire
Sa: To 28k Depending On Experience
Ag: Computer People North Permanent
Cn: Karen Leather
Te: 0161 491 8846
Fa: 0161 428 4495
Em: karenleather@computerpeople.co.uk
Re: JS20104
Ty: Permanent
Po: Developer
Sk: Top A Levels and/or degree from Red Brick University is req by this
telecomms company. Small in relation to the industry & very focused on
academic accomplishments. 'C' and/or C++ are two languages which could
be of use here, as is a team attitude.
Lo: Fareham, Hampshire
Sa: To 25k-45k
Ag: Aaron Millar Associates
Cn: Nick
Te: 01908 507075
Fa: 01908 501787
Em: nb@amituk.com
Re: JS/AMN1211
Ty: Permanent
Po: Developer
Sk: Top A Levels and/or degree from Red Brick University is required by
this telecomms co. Small in relation to the industry & very focused on
academic accomplishments. 'C' and/or C++ are two languages which could
be of use here, as is a team attitude.
Lo: Fareham, Hampshire
Sa: To 25k-45k
Ag: Aaron Millar Associates
Cn: Nick
Te: 01908 507075
Fa: 01908 501787
Em: nb@amituk.com
Re: JS/AMN1098
Ty: Permanent
Po: Developer
Sk: With a minimum. 1 year practical, commercial experience of any of:
interest rate derivatives, interest rate options, fixed income
instruments, FX or Equity Derivatives. You will have a minimum. 2 years
C development experience & C++ knowledge.
Lo: London
Sa: Tell Us
Ag: Harvey Consultants
Cn: John Wood/Mark Newham
Te: 01283 568093
Fa: 01283 516550
Em: hcl_cvs@harvey-consultants.co.uk
Re: JSJBP2622
Ty: Permanent
Po: Developer - C/Unix - Web Technologie
Sk: Global leader in scaleable Web & E-commerce solutions requires a solid
C SW eng/Developer. Working on Unix platforms,incl. Perl,C++ & Web
authoring you will gain FPLC exp. 5yrs development exp plus good Maths
degree essential, 2yrsC++ desirable.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: c35 + Benefits
Ag: Choice Consulting
Cn: Paul Lane
Te: 01625 433633
Fa: 01625 433600
Em: paul@choiceuk.com
Re: JS/PL4128
Ty: Permanent
Po: Developer - Visual Basic
Sk: Major US Investment Bank seeks Developer with 2 years min exp in C,
C++, Visual Basic to work on F/O applications for I/R Dervs Trading
Floor. Must have 2:2 in engineering, science, computing, maths
Lo: City, London
Sa: 35k-75k
Ag: Aston Carter
Cn: Bryan Sherwood
Te: 0207 739 5500
Fa: 0207 739 2200
Em: bryan@astoncarter.co.uk
Ww: http://www.astoncarter.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Developer Support Engineer
Sk: C, Visual Basic, NT, preferably with C++, MFC, Java, Unix, & Web based
applications, able to travel to US on short notice.
Lo: M4 Corridor
Sa: 35k-55k, + Bonus, Great Benefits Package
Ag: Chamberlain Scott International
Cn: Simon Johnston
Te: 0171 543 3821
Fa: 0171 251 6412
Em: cvs@cscott.clara.net (pls mark for the attention of simon johnston in s
Ty: Permanent
Po: Developer Support Engineer
Sk: C, Visual Basic, NT, preferably with C++, MFC, Java, Unix, & Web based
applications, able to travel to US on short notice.
Lo: Slough, Berkshire
Sa: 35k-55k, + Bonus, Great Benefits Package
Ag: Chamberlain Scott International
Cn: Simon Johnston
Te: 0171 543 3821
Fa: 0171 251 6412
Em: cvs@cscott.clara.net (pls mark for the attention of simon johnston in s
Ty: Permanent
Po: Developer/Analyst
Sk: Developer requireired with a minimum of 2 years commercial exposure to
C/C++ development on Unix, must also have exp of ksh or Perl scripting
& Real Time programming. Knowledge/experience of financial/market data
feeds highly adv.
Lo: London
Sa: neg with excellent benefits
Ag: Summers Associates
Cn: Mike Geaney
Te: 01920 460116
Fa: 01920 460120
Em: mike@summers.demon.co.uk
Re: JSMGGP1802/10
Ty: Permanent
Po: Developer/Support
Sk: Back Office role with investment bank to support developers - debug
code & manage bugs, strong emphasis on problem solving & continuous
improvement. Candidates will need min 3 years support experience with
in depth VB, Visual C & Visual Studio.
Lo: City, Docklands, London
Sa: Excellent + Bank Benefits
Ag: Genesis Computer Resources
Cn: Beverley Phillips
Te: 01892 709702
Fa: 01892 709701
Em: beverley@gcr.co.uk
Ww: http://www.gcr.co.uk/
Re: JSRV_3920
Ty: Permanent
Po: Development Engineer
Sk: Background in R&D. Role will cover all aspects of application
development. Applicates must be highly motivated with an EE or CS
degree. Programming skills in C, C++ or LDS.
Lo: Near Edinburgh, Scotland
Sa: Very Competitive
Ag: Elan Scotland
Cn: Olga Raftos
Te: 0131 220 6638
Fa: 0131 220 6640
Em: or@elan.co.uk
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Ty: Permanent
Po: Development Engineer
Sk: C/C ++ programmers of al levels sought by expanding software house in
the Financial & E-commerce sectors. Experience in Windows NT/95 Unix or
IBM AS400 & a good academic background. Fantastic opportunity in
dynamic young company.
Lo: Coventry, West Midlands
Sa: Negotiable + Excellent Benefits
Ag: Kingfisher Consultancy
Cn: Joanne Ashall
Te: 01527 404600
Em: joanne.ashall@kingfisher-group.com
Re: JS/KF004899/JAC
Ty: Permanent
Po: Development Manager
Sk: Development manager reqd to aid in the creation of dvlpmt tools. Role
involves line mgmt of up to 8 staff, working closely with product
managers. Ess. exp incl: 3yrs exp in C/C++/Java & host/ target dvlpmt
cycle exp. Desirable exp includes visio studio.
Lo: London
Sa: 40k-45k + Benefits + Bonus
Ag: Progressive Computer Recruitment
Cn: Simon Clarke
Te: 0181 971 8787
Fa: 0181 971 8700
Em: pmanager.perm@progressive.co.uk
Re: JSSC38376
Ty: Permanent
Po: Development Manager
Sk: E-business-ISP requires an experienced Development/Project Manager with
exceptional customer facing skills & a technical background in Oracle,
C & Unix. Aggressive growth targets indicate that fierce ambition will
also be required.
Lo: North West
Sa: To 45k + Benenfits
Ag: Virtual Resources
Cn: Ian Byrne
Te: 01606 854445
Fa: 01606 854424
Em: ian@virtual-resources.co.uk
Re: JS/VR-376
Ty: Permanent
Po: Development Manager
Sk: Software Development Manager with C/C++ & Delphi required. Min 6 years
hands on management exp coupled with Development exp. An excellent
opportunity to further your career in a top flight company with
exciting projects & a strong future.
Lo: Croydon, Surrey
St: Immediate
Sa: c38k
Ag: Vision iT Recruitment
Cn: Ashley Cooper
Te: 01908 319600
Fa: 01908 319638
Em: ashley@visionit.co.uk
Re: JS/AC/12920CF
Ty: Permanent
Po: Development Support
Sk: Essential: min of 3 years previous support experience on an NT
platform. In depth knowledge of VB+, Visual C + Visual Studio.
Lo: Docklands, London
Ag: Apex Computer Recruitment
Cn: Carol - Ann White
Te: 0171 250 4387
Fa: 0171 336 7731
Em: carol-ann.white@apexcr.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Developpeur Oracle Applications Junior
Sk: 2-3 ans d'experience sur Oracle V8, PL/SQL, C/C++. Connaissances sur
HTML, Java, Unix et sur les modules GL/AP/PO/IC/AR/FA appreciees pour
ce poste de developpement, maintenance applicative et conception.Bon
anglais indispensable.
Lo: Paris, France
Ag: Parity Eurosoft In France
Cn: Gaelle Nasse
Te: +33 15 6591103
Fa: +33 14 2895163
Em: agnasse@parity-eurosoft.com
Ww: http://www.eurosoft-nl.com/
Re: JSGN88
Ty: Permanent
Po: Device Driver Engineer/Programmer
Sk: Device driver programmer with Windows WDM driver experience. Embedded
drivers for other O/S's experience would be handy,as would C/C++
Windows 2000 or 98 handy.Must have Comms protocols USB,GSM,ISDN - Call
now for more.
Lo: North London
Sa: Excellent
Ag: Lexstra
Cn: Fletcher Easton
Te: 0181 255 6100
Fa: 0181 255 6106
Em: fletcher@lexstra.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Domino/Web Developer - R5 & Web Consultancy
Sk: Developing cutting edge corporate/brand loyalty Web sites this
consultancy of 58 seeks Domino/Notes Developer with some Web
skills.Training in Java/Web design.Client facing role in stunning
office environment.Development in R5/JavaScript & HTML.
Lo: West London
Sa: To 38k + Benefits
Ag: Abraxas
Cn: Peter Ferries
Te: 0207 255 5580
Fa: 0207 636 0334
Em: pferries@abraxas.co.uk
Ww: http://www.abraxas.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: DSP Programmer
Sk: DSP Programmer with 1-3 years+ in DSP implementation to work on Porting
of algorithms onto fixed & floating point DSPs.Exp of DSP programming
in Assembler & C preferably including C6x + testing DSP code &
Lo: Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire Border, Cambridge
St: April
Sa: Negotiable + Package
Ag: IT Manpower (Permanent)
Cn: Chris Bryant
Te: 01908 550840
Fa: 01908 550789
Em: mkperm.it@manpower.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Dutch Speaking Visual Studio Developer
Sk: International consultancy firm is currently looking for Dutch speaking
Visual Studio (VB, C & Java) developers to join their growing team. Pls
call or email us for more info.
Lo: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Sa: Good
Ag: Michael Bailey Associates (MBA)
Cn: Caroline Tjader
Te: +31 20 5753275
Fa: +31 20 5753277
Em: info@mbanl.com & cvs@mbauk.com
Re: JSCT/2147
Ty: Permanent
Po: E-Commerce Application Support
Sk: Rollout of E-commerce applications, User support & training, provide
documentation. Previous IT support desirable, Experienced in at least
one of the following programming technologies would be an advantage:
Java,C, C++, Visual Basic; HTML.
Lo: Munich, Germany
Sa: Market Rate
Ag: Mondial Placement
Cn: Deirdre
Te: 0171 823 2737
Em: recruit@mnpl.com
Re: JS/EAS0200
Ty: Permanent
Po: E-Commerce Database Administrator
Sk: Minimum of 2 years production DBA experince to support Web/E-Commerce
installations. Good knowledge of Java, C++/C & Oracle DBA. Great
opportunity, UK permit holders only.
Lo: North West or South + extensive travel
Ag: Octopus Computer Associates
Cn: Claire Macgloin
Te: 0181 343 0060
Fa: 0181 343 0061
Em: claire@octocomp.demon.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: E-Commerce Developer
Sk: Looking for exceptional proven ability in the following areas: C, C++,
Perl, PHP3 Coding in a Linux or Unix environment. E-commerce
experience. Applicants with predominantly Microsoft skills would not be
suited to this vacancy.
Lo: North East
Sa: Up To 40k
Ag: Compucare - North
Cn: Liam Mooney
Te: 0161 476 0476
Fa: 0161 480 6272
Em: compucare@north.compucare.co.uk
Re: JSN2836
Ty: Permanent
Po: E-Commerce Developer
Sk: Must have Unix/Linux & C (inc C++, Perl, PHP, Java) Plus DB2, Oracle,
Informix & MYSQL/PostgreSQL.Intelligent, & preferably a postgraduate
education. Skills we do not want: Microsoft-related (NT, SQL Server,
IIS, ASP, Active X, VB, Visual C++).
Lo: West Yorkshire
Ag: Charterhouse Recruitment
Cn: Neil Adams/David Horth
Te: 0113 242 5599
Fa: 0113 243 0606
Em: it@charterhouseltd.com
Re: JSRV_NTA00228
Ty: Permanent
Po: E-Commerce Expert
Sk: You are an expert in the Web development area & have abundant training
experience leading to Web certification. As well as training you will
also develop new courses. Skills include: Dreamweaver, Flash, Java,
Frontpage, HTML, XML etc.
Lo: North London
Sa: Excellent - Negotiable
Ag: Plan-Net Services
Te: 0171 353 4313
Fa: 0171 353 4314
Em: cvs@plan-net.co.uk
Re: JSV2196/SA
Ty: Permanent
Po: E-Commerce Expert
Sk: You are an expert in the Web development area & have abundant training
experience leading to Web certification. As well as training you will
also develop new courses. Skills include: Dreamweaver, Flash, Java,
Frontpage, HTML, XML etc.
Lo: North London
Sa: Excellent - Negotiable
Ag: Plan-Net Services
Te: 0171 353 4313
Fa: 0171 353 4314
Em: cvs@plan-net.co.uk
Re: JSV2196/SA
Ty: Permanent
Po: E-Commerce Team Leader
Sk: Team Leading, Windows NT, Visual Basic Java C++ You will have 5 yrs+
software development exp with strong C & NT skills. You must also have
exp with Web applications. Visual Basic, Java & C++ programming
Lo: Slough, Berkshire
Sa: To 50k
Ag: Hays IT
Cn: Claire Ashton
Te: 01628 676576
Fa: 01628 675966
Em: maidenhead.response@hays-it.com
Ww: http://www.hays-it.com
Re: JSCLA00225814
Ty: Permanent
Po: E-Trade C Unix Developer (Will Train C++)
Sk: Join a highly progressive, market leader in E-trade in the development
of their Front Office sales & trading systems. This is an excellent
opportunity covering the full systems development life cycle. No
financial background necessary.
Lo: London
Sa: 35k-45k + Banking Benefits
Ag: E-Business People
Cn: Rowena Clarke
Te: 0207 439 3432
Em: rowena.clarke@ebusinesspeople.co.uk
Re: JS/C1
Ty: Permanent
Po: Education Specialist
Sk: 3 years + experience as a trainer with at least 2 years hands on skills
in 2 of the following: Java, Rational Rose, Visual Cafe, Oracle (8
Preferred) & Web browsers. E-mail CV for full spec.
Lo: UK/Europe
Sa: Excellent
Ag: BRS Group
Cn: Stefan Mclachlan
Te: 01483 410062
Fa: 01483 410065
Em: stefan@brs-group.com
Re: JS/SMW/1
Ty: Permanent
Po: EJB/Java Designer/Developer
Sk: EJB, XML, Java - You must have a min 1 years experience. Working for a
E-commerce solutions provider to will work closely with major clients
providing them complete solutions. - Training in Cold Fusion,
XML,Rational Rose, Visual Cafe will be given.
Lo: North London, Harrow, Middlesex
Sa: 27k + Share Options
Ag: Vision IT Recruitment
Cn: Vera Pankhania
Te: 01908 319600
Fa: 01908 319638
Em: vera@visionit.co.uk
Re: JSVP/1213
Ty: Permanent
Po: Electronics Engineer
Sk: This post is an exciting opportunity to work with in a world leading
company, the team develop inspection tools. A degree in electronics is
essential & exp in two or more of the following. USB, CPLD design, PCB
layout, C/C++ Embedded in NT/Unix.
Lo: Wokingham, Berkshire
Sa: 25k-45k
Ag: IT Selection
Cn: David Hood
Te: 01483 453381
Fa: 01483 453382
Em: davidh@itselection.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Embedded C++
Sk: Expanding organisation require a Software Design Engineer to develop
Embedded Real Time software for Microprocessor based systems. Degree
qualified you will have knowledge of C/C++ for Embedded systems & good
Microprocessor system design experience.
Lo: Glasgow, Scotland
Sa: 25k
Ag: Quantica SWP
Cn: Neil Jarvis
Te: 01442 212555
Fa: 01442 231555
Em: mail@swp.quantica.co.uk
Re: JSV/NJ464
Ty: Permanent
Po: Embedded Software
Sk: Automotive company with Formula 1 & commercial interests seek Software
Engineers with 1yrs+ experience of working with Embedded C. Working on
top of the range software you will have the opportunity to get involved
in the complete software life cycle.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire/West London/Kent
Sa: 20k-28k
Ag: Quantica SWP
Cn: Graham Scott
Te: 01442 403512
Fa: 01442 231555
Em: mail@swp.quantica.co.uk
Re: JSV/GS196
Ty: Permanent
Po: Embedded Software
Sk: Large, well known player in the Broadcast/Hi-Fi market seeks Software
Engineers with at least 3 years exp of coding Real Time embedded
systems in C & Assembler. Application areas include speech processing,
graphics & video compression.
Lo: Slough, Berkshire
Sa: 22k-35k Depending On Experience
Cn: Graham Scott
Te: 01442 403512
Fa: 01442 231555
Em: mail@swp.quantica.co.uk
Re: JSV/GS161
Ty: Permanent
Po: Embedded Software Engineer
Sk: 2-3 yrs exp. of Real Time s/w dev. in Embedded env. on high speed h/w
with DSPs and/or high speed processors. Exp of C/C++, programming in
Assembler. Adv: Visual C++, COM & Active X controls,Windows device
drivers & DDK, Digital broadcast technology/MPEG.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
St: Immediate
Ag: Carousel Recruitment
Cn: Amelia Hart
Te: 01603 626278
Fa: 01603 626279
Em: amelia@carouselrecruitment.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Embedded Software Engineer
Sk: 3 years software design, coding & test using C & Assembler, experience
in embedded systems. Familiarity with custom hardware & development
equipment. Creating prototype & demonstrations systems working on
advanced pre-market products.
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: c25k ++
Ag: Capita Tomkins
Cn: Andrea Laidler
Te: 01753 850007
Fa: 01753 857449
Em: perm@otltd.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Embedded Software Engineer
Sk: 3 years software design, coding & test using C & Assembler, experience
in embedded systems. Familiarity with custom hardware & development
equipment. Creating prototype & demonstrations systems working on
advanced pre-market products.
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: c25k ++
Ag: Capita Tomkins
Cn: Andrea Laidler
Te: 01753 850007
Fa: 01753 857449
Em: perm@otltd.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Embedded Software Engineer - C Motor Racing
Sk: Leading technology company involved with motor racing & Formula 1
requires Embedded Engineers with 3 yrs+ exp of Embedded C. This is an
exciting opportunity to be involved in leading technologies for motor
sports & the automotive industry.
Lo: Cambridge, South East, East Anglia
Sa: To 45k Depedent On Experience
Ag: IT Connections
Cn: Please Call
Te: 01234 405504
Fa: 01234 405508
Em: mail@itconnections.co.uk
Re: JS-DT266
Ty: Permanent
Po: Embedded SWE C Or C++/ADA
Sk: Leading software engineers required for a company with several sites in
South West London - possible x-training on to Windows platforms -
excellent working environment.
Lo: London
Sa: 24k-35k With Excellent Benefits.
Ag: Intelect Recruitment
Cn: Please Quote Reference
Te: 0207 759 4848
Fa: 0207 759 4800
Em: lp4@intelect-recruitment.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Emerging Technologies Developer
Sk: Financial Organisation urgently require OO Developers of various
disciplines & levels,including C/C++/Visual
C++/Java/Corba/VB/HTML/COM.Excellent opp to enter Financial Market &
expand on existing technologies,working throught the project life
Lo: London
Ag: ARC Recruitment
Cn: Lucy Quinlan
Te: 0171 287 2525
Em: arc@itjobs.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Engineering Analyst Programmer
Sk: CAD s/w co (for structural steel industry) looking for analyst with
C++, Fortran & C on engineering applications. Your role? To take the
overall view & suggest ways to improve. Vital that you understand steel
detailing work.
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: 45k-50k
Ag: Towers Recruitment Services
Cn: Sara Harris
Te: 0118 946 1200 ext 204
Fa: 0118 946 3318
Em: sarah@towers.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Entry Level C++ Developer
Sk: Good academic or pro qualification background & be interested working
with City Financial applications - excellent opportunity to gain
complex financial expertise - training.
Lo: City, London
Sa: To 22k + Good Investment Banking Benefits
Ag: Verity TMC
Cn: Mike
Te: 0171 495 7266/0171 493 0437
Fa: 0171 355 2577/0171 493 0467
Em: mike@veritytmc.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Excel/VBA Developer
Sk: Us investment bank seeks ap for interest rate derivatives dept.
Developing tools, in C, Excel/VBA. At least 1 years exp & a 2:2
Lo: City, London
Sa: 40k-50k
Ag: Aston Carter
Cn: Bryan Sherwood
Te: 0207 739 5500
Fa: 0207 739 0020
Em: bryan@astoncarter.co.uk
Ww: http://www.astoncarter.co.uk
Re: JSBS72
Ty: Permanent
Po: Financial Programmer (Jnr&Snr)
Sk: C/C++ &/or Java, SQL Servers. Must have Front Office financials
experience. Senior position requires database & project management
Lo: Netherlands
Sa: Excellent package
Ag: Elan Computing (Amsterdam)
Cn: Louise Rees
Te: +31 20 3116503
Fa: +31 20 3116509
Em: lxr@elanitresource.nl
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Ty: Permanent
Po: Financial Systems A/P
Sk: A FTSE100 listed company is looking for 4 A/Ps. You will have 2+yrs exp
of C or Pascal & preferable exp of either/both insurance industry &
EDI. A great opportunity to further develop your skills in the
financial industry.
Lo: Worcester, Hereford & Worcester
Sa: to 25k
Ag: Sanderson Recruitment
Cn: Adrian Waddy
Te: 0117 970 6666
Em: pcdev@sanderson-recruitment.co.uk
Ww: http://www.sanderson-recruitment.co.uk
Re: JS/PERM/AW/5007
Ty: Permanent
Po: Firewall Consultant - Investment Bank
Sk: Top tier investment bank requires a highly skilled Senior Unix Analyst
with DNS & Sendmail. Solaris is preferred the successful candidate will
also have working knowledge of Java, Perl,C & OO. Money is no object
for the successful candidate.
Lo: Docklands, London
Sa: 45k-70k
Ag: Intellimark
Cn: Jonathan Harris
Te: 0171 915 6967
Em: jonathan.harris@uk.intellimark-it.com
Re: JSSEC058965
Ty: Permanent
Po: Fortran OR C Software Engineer
Sk: Good numeric degree 2 years s/w exp, ideally Real Time. C &/or Fortran.
Math modelling, validation, test/integration. Focus on the design test
integration of simulated perf models, systems in a Real Time env on
latest comm training devices. Int'l travel.
Lo: Surrey/Sussex Border
Sa: To 32k
Ag: Dawood
Cn: Quote Reference Number
Te: 0208 683 2126
Fa: 0208 683 4357
Em: cv@dawood.demon.co.uk
Re: JS/GB/1118
Ty: Permanent
Po: Front Office/CRM Consultant
Sk: CRM/Front office consultancy needs 30 to 60 additional technical &
business consultants. Experience of a CRM software product is
desirable, but training will be provided to those with base skills that
include VB, VC++, Java, Oracle or SQL Server.
Lo: UK Based With European Client Assignments
St: January Through April
Sa: 30k-70k + Healthcare, Pension & Stock Options
Ag: Princeton Consulting
Cn: Greg Blais
Te: 01753 578870
Fa: 01753 578999
Em: gblais@princecon.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: GAIN MCSD Training
Sk: Internet/E-commerce Software House is seeking 5 Analyst Programmers
with Visual C++ or Visual Basic, SQL Server, COM/DCOM ideally with
exposure to Internet skills. Superb training to MCSD level, excellent
working environment.
Lo: Aldershot, Berkshire, Hampshire, Thames Valley
St: ASAP - 1 month
Du: Work Permits Required
Sa: To 40k + Excellent Benefits & Training
Ag: Computer Futures - Thames Valley (Permanent)
Cn: Amanda Nuttall
Te: 01628 763444
Fa: 01628 763445
Em: pcdev.tvalley.perm@compfutures.co.uk
Re: JSPCDEV/233077
Ty: Permanent
Po: Games Developer
Sk: Junior C programmers & recent graduates with C programming experience
to X-Train into MHeg, Open TV & Open Highway within a leading games
development organisation.
Lo: London
St: Immediate - Urgent
Sa: 18k-22k
Ag: Networking People (UK)
Cn: Tracy
Te: 0171 632 2000
Fa: 0171 632 2001
Em: tracy@npuk.com
Ww: http://www.npuk.com/
Ty: Permanent
Po: Games Developer
Sk: Minimum 2 years C/C++ development experience preferably from a games
background, very exciting opportunity with one of the worlds leading
development companies.
Lo: Midlands
Sa: Up To 30k
Ag: Reed Computing
Cn: Colin Crawford
Te: 0117 914 7340
Fa: 0117 914 7338
Em: colin.crawford@reed.co.uk
Re: JS30791/CJC
Ty: Permanent
Po: Global 1
Sk: Leading Investment Bank seeks Global 1 specialist ideally with solid
support & development skills. Working closely with the business you
will play an integral projects-based role. C,Sybase, Unix ideal.
Excellent position.
Lo: City
Ag: JM Contracts
Cn: Graeme Mapstone
Te: 0171 251 7348
Fa: 0171 251 0613
Em: graemem@jmms.co.uk
Re: JSGM1036
Ty: Permanent
Po: Graduate Java Developer 4 Great Web Products Outfit
Sk: If you have a 2:1 IT + specialised in OO/Web technologies this company
can offer you all the training & nurturing you could want. Get involved
in hardcore Java (beans, swing, API) as well as security, XML, HTML
etc. The best jnr opp around.
Lo: West London
St: Urgent
Sa: 20k-30k
Ag: Abraxas
Cn: Matthew Lilley
Te: 0207 255 5643
Fa: 0207 636 0334
Em: mlilley@abraxas.co.uk
Ww: http://www.abraxas.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Graduate Software Engineer
Sk: Graduate software engineer wanted with 0-1 year commercial C/C++exp.
You must possess a 2:1 or above in a computer related degree & be
available to start work March/April only. You must possess a car &
either live locally or relocate.
Lo: Winchester, Hampshire
St: March 2000
Sa: 15k-20k + Excellent Benefits
Ag: Vision IT Recruitment
Cn: Louise Marcahnt
Te: 01908 319600
Fa: 01908 319638
Em: louise@visionit.co.uk
Re: JS/LOM/134061/P
Ty: Permanent
Po: Graduate Software Engineer
Sk: Graduate Software Engineer with 0-12 months C/C++/Java exp reqd. You
will possess a 1st or 2:1 deg only, (2:2's not considered). A
challenging, rewarding role within a telecoms service provider. Only
March/April starters Please, others are not eligible.
Lo: Hampshire
St: March/April
Sa: 15k-20k + Benefits
Ag: Vision IT Recruitment
Cn: Louise Marchant
Te: 01908 319600
Fa: 01908 319638
Em: louise@visionit.co.uk
Re: JS/LOM/134064/P
Ty: Permanent
Po: Graduate Software Engineer
Sk: Working for world-wide leader in development of electronic sys &
products for aviation, expected to successfully complete intensive
training programme to develop your ADA & C programming skill. You must
have a degree in Computing, Electronics or similar.
Lo: Surrey/London
Sa: Negotiable Plus Excellent Benefits Package
Ag: Hayden Pearse Group
Cn: Pearse Digan
Te: 0207 2360151
Fa: 0207 2362888
Em: pdigan@haydenpearse.co.uk
Re: JSP5014PD
Ty: Permanent
Po: Graduate Systems Engineer
Sk: Rational Rose, Clearcase, C or Visual Basic Your role will be to
produce & maintain test procedures & test software in an OO
environment. You will have experience of Clearcase/Rational Rose &
Visual Basic or C.
Lo: Uxbridge, Middlesex
Sa: 22k-28k
Ag: Hays IT
Cn: Shaun Annis
Te: 01525 222222
Fa: 01525 229289
Em: comms@hays-it.com
Ww: http://www.hays-it.com
Re: JSSZA00229182
Ty: Permanent
Po: Graduates - C/Unix
Sk: Major telephony solutions co looking for Y2K grads. You? Exp in C &
Unix vital. Exposure to telecoms, networking & telebanking helpful.
Them? They'll give you the opportunity to work on a wide range of
projects. An ideal 1st position for good exp.
Lo: Cambridgeshire
Sa: 17k-21k
Ag: Towers Recruitment Services
Cn: Sara Harris
Te: 0118 946 1200 ext 204
Fa: 0118 946 3318
Em: sarah@towers.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: GSM Software Engineer
Sk: Embedded, C, Assembler Leading telecomms company requires software
design engineers with experience of Real Time Embedded software. You
will be h appy working with C/Assembler & ready for a challenge.
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: 40k
Ag: Hays IT
Cn: Shaun Annis
Te: 01525 222222
Fa: 01525 229289
Em: comms@hays-it.com
Ww: http://www.hays-it.com
Re: JSSZA00227840
Ty: Permanent
Po: GSM Software Engineer
Sk: Embedded, C, Assembler Leading telecomms company requires software
design engineers with experience of Real Time Embedded software. You
will be happy working with C/Assembler & ready for a challenge.
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: 40k
Ag: Hays IT
Cn: Shaun Annis
Te: 01525 222222
Fa: 01525 229289
Em: comms@hays-it.com
Ww: http://www.hays-it.com
Re: JSSZA00227840
Ty: Permanent
Po: Hardware & Software Developer
Sk: We are seeking several engineers for development of digital signal
processors (DSP) applications using skills like PBX and/or VHDL, C is
nice to have. This is for a international telecoms company with English
as company language. Degree/HND req.
Lo: Zurich, Switzerland
St: ASAP, Lastest May 2000 (Due To Work Permit)
Sa: Competitive
Ag: Swisslinx
Cn: Monika Daehler
Te: +41 12 244999
Fa: +41 12 244990
Em: monika.daehler@swisslinx.com
Re: JS157
Ty: Permanent
Po: Hardware Design Engineer
Sk: Degree (min 2:2) in Electronic Eng/Applied Sciences or similar. 1+ year
experience in Embedded systems design, VHDL & CPLDs/FPGAs essential.
Basic C programming. Experience in data communication systems, or
telecoms interfaces an advantage.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: Salary Flexible Depending Upon Experience
Cn: Andy
Te: 01268 240812
Fa: 01268 240803
Em: andrew.parsons@brunel-it.com
Re: JSAP4005
Ty: Permanent
Po: Hardware Design Engineer
Sk: Good knowledge of Mentor CAE Tools v.8, Design Architect & Quicksim II.
Also required is knowledge of Microprocessor based systems along with
FPGA's CPLD's & PAL/GALs. C or C ++ beneficial. Comfortable with PC &
Unix environments.
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: c28k ++
Ag: Capita Tomkins
Cn: Andrea Laidler
Te: 01753 850007
Fa: 01753 857449
Em: perm@otltd.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Hardware Development Engineer
Sk: Exp. of product development with Elec. Eng. degree adv. Design skills
in digital & analogue h/w design with some firmware or s/w exp, pref.
in C or Assembler languages. Exp.in EMC & safety complaince, Mechanical
design skills & AutoCAD/AutoSketch exp adv.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
St: Immediate
Sa: Renumeration Package Will Reflect Individual's Experience
Ag: Carousel Recruitment
Cn: Amelia Hart
Te: 01603 626278
Fa: 01603 626279
Em: amelia@carouselrecruitment.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Head Of Applications Development E-Commerce
Sk: Working for this global recruitment services company you will have a
proven track record in managing E-business projects within a commercial
environment. You should have a good understanding of Java, C, RDBMS &
Corba in a Unix environment.
Lo: Slough, Berkshire
Sa: To 70k + Benefits
Ag: Devonshire IT
Cn: Devonshire It
Te: 0171 670 1700
Fa: 0171 670 1795
Em: it@devonshire.co.uk
Re: JSRV_DG576
Ty: Permanent
Po: Head Of Unix Programming
Sk: Join exciting ISP. Must have background in programming C/Perl in a Unix
environment, Project management/leadership skills. Ability to hire +
train staff & deliver to deadlines.
Lo: West London
Sa: 50k
Ag: Marshall-Wilkins
Cn: James Graham
Te: 01252 736655
Fa: 01252 736656
Em: perm@marshall-wilkins.co.uk
Re: JS/AH2253
Ty: Permanent
Po: Help Desk Team Leader
Sk: Well respected software house require communicative, experienced
Helpdesk Team Leader to support bespoke software applications (based on
C). Previous experience of dealing with external clients is
Lo: Yorkshire
Sa: To 25k
Ag: Apex Computer Recruitment
Cn: Alex Richardson
Te: 0161 228 3666
Fa: 0161 228 3777
Em: alex.richardson@apexcr.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Helpdesk
Sk: Well respected software house require communicative, experienced
helpdesk professional to support bespoke software applications (based
on C). Previous experience of dealing with external clients is
Lo: Yorkshire
St: Immediate
Sa: To 22k
Ag: Apex Computer Recruitment
Cn: Alex Richardson
Te: 0161 228 3666
Fa: 0161 228 3777
Em: alex.richardson@apexcr.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Helpdesk Support - 2 Years PC Visual Foxpro C Programming
Sk: 2yrs+ helpdesk support, & 1yr programming in C/Vis. Foxpro. Learn SQL
6.5,Intranet HTML, & be client-facing consultant in 18 months.If you
want to be part of an exciting media company, with great prospects,
then send your CV's now! Don't wait.
Lo: London - Old St Tube
St: ASAP - Consultant In 18 months
Sa: 25k + Benefits
Ag: Abraxas
Cn: William Rowe
Te: 0207 255 5623
Fa: 0207 636 0334
Em: wrowe@abraxas.co.uk
Ww: http://www.abraxas.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Helpdesk Support - 2 Years PC Visual Foxpro C Programming
Sk: 2yrs+ helpdesk support, & 1yr programming in C/Vis.Foxpro. Learn SQL
6.5,Intranet HTML, & be client-facing consultant in 18 months.Where do
you want to be next year-on the phone, or on-site?Send your CV's now!
Don't wait.
Lo: London - Old St Tube
St: ASAP - Consultant in 18 months
Sa: 25k + Benefits
Ag: Abraxas
Cn: William Rowe
Te: 0207 255 5623
Fa: 0207 636 0334
Em: wrowe@abraxas.co.uk
Ww: http://www.abraxas.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Helpdesk Support - 2yrs PC Visual Foxpro C Programming
Sk: 2yrs+ helpdesk support, & 1yr programming in C/Vis. Foxpro. Learn SQL
6.5,Intranet HTML, & be client-facing consultant in 18 months.Move into
programming?Send your CV's now! Don't wait.
Lo: London - Old St Tube
St: ASAP - consultant in 18 months
Sa: 25k + Benefits
Ag: Abraxas
Cn: William Rowe
Te: 0207 255 5623
Fa: 0207 636 0334
Em: wrowe@abraxas.co.uk
Ww: http://www.abraxas.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: HTML Coder
Sk: E-commerce company need an experienced HTML coder to join their dynamic
company. You will have a minimum of 12mths experience it could be at
Uni or in a commercial environment. You must have examples of URL's.
Share options + training into Java.
Lo: Birmingham, West Midlands
Sa: To 25k
Cn: Rebecca Walton
Te: 0181 864 1200
Fa: 0181 864 4424
Em: rebecca@secrecruitment.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Ingres 6.4 Developer
Sk: Ingres 6.4 on Unix, 1 year's commercial exp. Access/Visual
Basic/C/SQLServ des. Ingres Developer with a min of 1 yrs commercial
exp on Unix req'd for Blue Chip West Midlands client. Know of
C/Access/VB/SQL Server all a bonus. Sal + Benefits + X-Training.
Lo: Warwickshire
Sa: To 30k + Benefits
Ag: Hays IT
Cn: William Schirmer
Te: 01203 555366
Fa: 01203 231644
Em: coventry.response@hays-it.com
Ww: http://www.hays-it.com
Re: JSWFS00228941
Ty: Permanent
Po: Integration Test Laboratory Mgr
Sk: Lead test lab engineering team, own & manage resources, planning,
methodology & delivery of testing & roll out processes, exp of
deleloping test plans & scripts in a distributed C/s environ,
load/stress testing tools, full life cycle, fluent in German adv
Lo: Luton, Bedfordshire
St: Urgent
Sa: To 35k + Benefits
Ag: IT Manpower
Cn: Sallie Mcintyre
Te: 01908 550840
Fa: 01908 550789
Em: mkperm.it@manpower.co.uk
Re: JS979-SM-NA02C
Ty: Permanent
Po: Internet Consultant/Java Developer
Sk: C++ Fantastic opportunity for experienced C++ programmer to cross train
into Java with cutting edge Internet consultancy. Full training given
in project based role. Good exposure to leading technologies in
challenging, high profile role.
Lo: Central London
Sa: To 40k + Benefits
Ag: Computer People
Cn: Brenda Carter
Te: 0171 440 2112
Fa: 0171 440 2120
Em: brendacarter@cpeople.co.uk
Re: JS/BC/NC/C++
Ty: Permanent
Po: Internet Developer
Sk: 2+ years developing Internet applications & Web sites, (ASP's, SSI,s,
Java Servlets) Kowledge of MS Internet Server technology, C/C++, Unix &
3D modelling.
Lo: Hook, Hampshire
St: Immediate
Sa: To 30k + Benefits
Ag: iSR
Cn: Bob Kerr
Te: 01256 883428
Fa: 01256 883971
Em: bobk@isr.ltd.uk
Re: JS.SS.101
Ty: Permanent
Po: Internet Software Engineer
Sk: Javascript, HTML, Perl, SQL, Java, XML, TCP/IP. You must possess at
least 3 of these skills, be ambitious & have a history of career
development. Ongoing training in latest technologies provided.
Lo: Leeds, West Yorkshire
Sa: 22k-32k
Ag: Senitor Associates
Cn: Gerry Gualtieri
Te: 0161 486 1599
Fa: 0161 486 0497
Em: gerryg@senitor.com
Re: JSGG518
Ty: Permanent
Po: Internet/Intranet Architect
Sk: Web infrastructure design, apps server, content management, development
guidelines, Solaris, NT, web servers, proxy servers, Jscript, VBScript,
Perl, C/C++, Java, Browsers, M-ware (Corba & Java), HTML, Firewalls &
Lo: City, London
Sa: To 60k + Benefits Depending On Experience
Cn: Georgianna Kirkwood
Te: 01932 701801
Fa: 01932 701800
Em: georgiannakirkwood@asaltd.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: IT Manager
Sk: Exclusive instruction to recruit an IT Manager with strong hands-on
skills. Windows NT network, C.60 users, MS Office, lots of new project
work. Support, training, implementation of new systems. Wide remit,
full autonomy.
Lo: Leamington Spa, Warwickshire
Sa: c30k + Car + Pension + Health Insurance
Ag: HW Group
Cn: Neil Darwell
Te: 0121 633 0010
Fa: 0121 643 6931
Em: neil.darwell@hwgroup.com
Re: JS83708
Ty: Permanent
Po: IT Programme Team Leader
Sk: Knowledge of Java, C++, Visual Basic also needed. Background as a
trainer/IT lecturer essential.
Lo: Manchester
Sa: Open
Ag: Elan Computing, Manchester
Cn: Immy Suleman
Te: 0161 877 8942
Fa: 0161 876 5367
Em: is@elan.co.uk
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Re: JSM8132IS
Ty: Permanent
Po: IT Project Manager
Sk: Functional business know-how in the field of stock markets, especially
in trading, clearing & settlement. Project management experience
In-depth knowledge of Open VMS, Windows NT, OS390 or Unix, Derivatives
AIX. Programming languages: C or C++ or Java.
Lo: Frankfurt, Germany
Sa: High
Ag: Positive Selection
Cn: : Sophie
Te: (01603) 631050
Fa: (01603) 617272
Em: positive@paston.co.uk
Re: JS/4735/SV
Ty: Permanent
Po: IT Support Manager
Sk: Team size 35, budget C. 3m, responsibility for control & completion of
projects, staff recruitment & appraisals , day to day management of
dept workload etc. At least 5 years supervisory experience & knowledge
of Mainframe/midrange platforms required.
Lo: East Midlands
Sa: c40k + Car + Bonus + Benefits
Ag: HW Group
Cn: Neil Darwell
Te: 0121 633 0010
Fa: 0121 643 6931
Em: neil.darwell@hwgroup.com
Re: JS84980
Ty: Permanent
Po: IT Systems Expert
Sk: Work experience in the assistance & co-ordination of internet projects.
In-depth knowledge of C or C++, Java or Cobol. Knowledge of Open VMS,
Windows NT, OS390 or AIX or Sun Solaris. Management knowhow of stock
market environment.
Lo: Frankfurt, Germany
Sa: Very Competitive
Ag: Positive Selection
Cn: Sophie
Te: 01603 631050
Fa: 01603 617272
Em: positive@paston.co.uk
Re: JS/4730/SV
Ty: Permanent
Po: Java Developer For Internet/E-Commerce Company
Sk: Global Internet/E-commerce giant require Java developers with a minimum
of 6 months up to expert level in Java,to work on state of the art
projects in the E-commerce sector.Work with mindblowing technolgies+exc
cross over training.
Lo: London/Middlesex
Sa: Starting From 30k Up To 100k+ Stock Options
Ag: Langley James (Permanent)
Cn: David Roberts
Te: 0208 527 9777
Fa: 0208 527 9798
Em: cv@langleyjames.com
Re: JS/DLR/109
Ty: Permanent
Po: Java C++ Consultant X 3
Sk: Technically strong (Java/C++) Analyst/Programmers with excellent
interpersonal skills required for challenging, client-facing roles.
Knowledge of Internet &/or Telecoms environments. Full training in
products & presentation skills provided.
Lo: Reading, Berkshire, London, Europe
Sa: c35k-50k + Benefits
Ag: Resource Matters
Cn: Emilie
Te: 0117 930 9200
Fa: 0117 930 9201
Em: emilie@resource-matters.com
Re: JS/2250
Ty: Permanent
Po: Java C++ VC++ C Developer - Java Training
Sk: IT Consultancy & Services Company with prestigious client base requires
people with min. 9 months Java, C++, Visual C++ or C experience to join
friendly development team producing world class products. C++/Visual
C++ candidates will be trained to Java.
Lo: Newbury, Thames Valley. Berkshire.
Sa: 25k-36k Depending On Experience
Ag: IT Connections
Cn: Please Call
Te: 01234 405504
Fa: 01234 405508
Em: mail@itconnections.co.uk
Re: JS-DT262
Ty: Permanent
Po: Java C/C++ Software Engineer
Sk: 3-5 years exp Java C, C++. NT - Admin pref, NT knowledge.
MS-Access/Office. 1st /2:i Numeric Degree. Unix adv. To work on support
of tools developed under NT using C, Java, Excel/Access. Discuss with
other engs re changes to s/w, documentation.
Lo: Surrey/Sussex Border
Sa: 22k-30k
Ag: Dawood
Cn: Quote Reference Number
Te: 0208 683 2126
Fa: 0208 683 4357
Em: cv@dawood.demon.co.uk
Re: JS/GB/1117
Ty: Permanent
Po: Java Designer/Developer
Sk: Financial E-commerce co req's Java Designer/Developer to design &
develop a foreign exchange trading Server on an n-tier platform. 2+
years exp developing OO applications using C++, or one of the following
Objective C, Smalltalk or Java.
Lo: Dublin, Ireland
Ag: Kudos
Cn: Sandra Nicholson
Te: +35 31 2940960
Fa: +35 31 2940953
Em: s.nicholson@kudos-ie.com
Re: JSSN971
Ty: Permanent
Po: Java Developer
Sk: 6mths to 2.5 years commercial experience of Java. Ideally with
experience of Internet, WEB or e-commerce development (server based).
Ideally with HTML, SQL, C, C++ Transaction server & ASP. Excellent
opportunity with dynamic company.
Lo: Derby, Derbyshire, East Midlands
Ag: Whitestrand
Cn: Annie Phipps
Te: 0121 323 3433
Fa: 0121 323 3779
Em: vacancies@whitestrand.co.uk
Re: JSVC809A
Ty: Permanent
Po: Java Developer
Sk: Dynamic role with one of the Uks premier Oracle & Sco partners. You
will have 6 months + Java experience to work on new & exciting
projects. Excellent training & prospects.
Lo: Derbyshire
Sa: 25k.
Ag: Chase Recruitment
Cn: Jon Crook
Te: 0121 246 6000
Fa: 0121 246 6001
Em: jon@chaserec.co.uk
Re: JS/JC/03824
Ty: Permanent
Po: Java Developer
Sk: I know, everybody wants you! But this is really a great company with
real long term prospects & unrivalled training opportunities. If you
are bright, confident & quick to learn, you could go as far as you
want. They want the best!.
Lo: Kingston upon Thames, Surrey
Sa: Totally Negotiable
Ag: Technology Assignments (Corporate Accounts)
Cn: Mark Cox
Te: 0181 481 3939
Fa: 0181 546 7001
Em: mcox@techassign.com
Re: JSMC351
Ty: Permanent
Po: Java Developer
Sk: This prestigious global car finance org is seeking 2 further Java
Developers, one with a min 1 yrs dvlp exp & the other with a min 2 yrs
dvlpmt exp. Skills sought also include ServLets & Applets. Excellent
Training & career progression! - Call NOW!.
Lo: Buckinghamshire
St: ASAP Urgent!!!
Sa: 20-27k (Junior) 35-47k (Senior) + S/O + Exlnt bens package!
Ag: Choice Contracts
Cn: Ben O'brien
Te: 01604 580506
Em: cv@choicecontracts.com
Re: JS/BOB/2P136
Ty: Permanent
Po: Java Developer - HTML/Java
Sk: Market leader req a Java Developer with at least 2 years commercial
exp. Must have exposure to Java/JavaScript/Cold Fusion/XML. Any
knowledge of C/C++/Oracle a big plus. Exceptional career prospects &
training for the right individual.
Lo: London
Sa: 50k
Ag: Lorien
Cn: Sara or Nigel
Te: 0171 654 1046/1125
Fa: 0171 654 1011
Em: cityperm@lorien.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Java Developer - Thames Valley - C++ Windows NT
Sk: Java Developer with two years + experience, knowledge in Windows NT
C++, Visual Basic development is desirable, but not essential.
Excellent training & opportunity to be accredited in the latest
development technologies.
Lo: Thames Valley, South East
Sa: To 50k + Excellent Benefits
Ag: IT Connections
Cn: Please Call
Te: 01234 405504
Fa: 01234 405508
Em: mail@itconnections.co.uk
Re: JS-PCX161
Ty: Permanent
Po: Java Developer X10
Sk: E-business Solutions Provider is now searching for Developer with Java
experience including Java Beans, Java Scripts, Java Server. Knowledge
of Servlets, EJB, JSP,MTS or Oracle 8i would be advantage, x-training
is available.
Lo: Middlesex
Sa: To 55k + Package
Ag: The Critical Resource Network
Cn: Darren Mchoul
Te: 01525 220804
Fa: 01525 221148
Em: darren.mchoul@lineone.net
Re: JSDM125
Ty: Permanent
Po: Java Evangelist
Sk: Java Evangelist urgently required by Global household name ideally 10
years Software Development exp most recently Java as this is their care
language. Also be strong in C & C++. Java person must be creative &
innovative with Java & related technologies.
Lo: Oxford, Oxfordshire
Sa: 50k-60k + Benefits
Ag: Compro Computer Services
Cn: Simon Robb
Te: 01923 233001
Fa: 01923 232206
Em: simon@compro.co.uk
Ww: http://www.compro.co.uk/
Re: JS/SR/12002
Ty: Permanent
Po: Java Guru or Developer.
Sk: Heard about the range of opportunities out there? Better salaries,
massive share options, career progression, training? They all exist &
we have hundreds of jobs offering them. Call now to hear more.Java,
ASP, Perl.
Lo: London, South East
St: Immediate
Sa: 20k-55k + Shares + Benefits
Ag: Computer Futures London Permanent
Cn: Barry I'anson
Te: 0171 446 6644
Fa: 0171 446 0099
Em: internet.london.perm@compfutures.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Java Guru or Developer?
Sk: Java, ASP, Perl. Listen to this. Better salaries, massive share
options, career progression & training are all on offer at this leading
E-commerce specialist. All you need is at least 6 months of commercial
Java. Call now to hear more.
Lo: London, South East
St: Immediate
Sa: 20k-55k + Shares + Benefits
Ag: Computer Futures London Permanent
Cn: Barry I'anson
Te: 0171 446 6644
Fa: 0171 446 0099
Em: internet.london.perm@compfutures.com
Re: JSBI1975
Ty: Permanent
Po: Java Programmer
Sk: Leading Internet systems house require Java Programmer with SQL
experience & a keen interest in mobile Internet. Part of key projects
team with cross training into WAP.
Lo: West Midlands
Sa: Up To 30k
Cn: Melanie Gurr
Te: 0121 722 2000
Fa: 0121 722 3999
Em: melanie_gurr@scc.co.uk
Re: JS/MG/0276
Ty: Permanent
Po: Java Programmer Get Big Company Benefits
Sk: Must have at least 18 mnths Java programming exp.Any
C,OO,Corba,COM,DCOM,or SQL all benf not essential as training
provided.To work on new projects in a team of 4 using all the cutting
edge techs.Will offer big company benefits & structured career path.
Lo: Hampshire
Sa: 22k-35kk + Benefits
Cn: Sinem Suphi
Te: 0181 467 6633
Fa: 0181 467 6644
Em: sinem@trading-resources.co.uk
Re: JS0001-2
Ty: Permanent
Po: Java Web Developer
Sk: Leading American Software Development Co.requires a Java Web Developer
with a min. 1 years exp.You must have solid Java/HTML & any exp.in with
Cold Fusion/XML/C/C++/Oracle a big plus.You are currently in a similar
role & must possess good comms skills.
Lo: West London
Sa: Up to 30k
Ag: Lorien
Cn: Sara or Nigel
Te: 0171 654 1046/1125
Fa: 0171 654 1011
Em: cityperm@lorien.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Java, C++, Developer
Sk: Java, C++ development for Web & Web enabled applications, security,
electronics applications. Interesting & Challenging projects &
opportunity to grow with a great employer. Other skills of use include
Unix, C & ASP.
Lo: New Zealand
St: ASAP Or Negotiable
Sa: Negotiable, High For New Zealand
Ag: Sabre Systems
Cn: Michael Slee
Te: +64 45 669547
Fa: +64 45 669123
Em: cv@sabrenz.co.nz
Ty: Permanent
Po: Java, NAS, XML Messages Developer
Sk: Java, NAS, XML messages, MQ Transport, MQ Series workflow for this
Investment Bank. Most importantly you will need Unix or NT with
JavaScript C, C++ & SQL Developer with either DB2, Sybase or SQL Server
& one year's web dev exp. development experience.
Lo: City, London
Ag: JM Selection
Cn: Nick
Te: 0171 251 7369
Em: nickg@jmms.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Java/ASP Software Developer
Sk: Java, ASP (Min one year of each commercial), any JSP. Speciaslist
software development house require developers with above skills to join
their succussful team. Ample opportunities & training within the
Lo: Buckinghamshire, Thames Valley, South East
St: Immediate
Sa: To 40k
Ag: Computer Futures
Cn: Barry I'anson
Te: 0171 446 6644
Fa: 0171 446 0099
Em: internet.london.perm@compfutures.com
Re: JS223139
Ty: Permanent
Po: Java/ASP Software Developer
Sk: Java, ASP (Min one year of each commercial), any JSP. Speciaslist
software development house require developers with above skills to join
their succussful team. Ample opportunities & training within the
Lo: Buckinghamshire, Thames Valley, South East
St: Immediate
Sa: To 40k
Ag: Computer Futures
Cn: Barry I'anson
Te: 0171 446 6644
Fa: 0171 446 0099
Em: internet.london.perm@compfutures.com
Re: JS223139
Ty: Permanent
Po: Java/C++ - Web Developer
Sk: Do you have at least 18mths experience of Java or Ctt with some Java.
If so please can you call me becuase this is the company for you.
Successful, forward thinking & cutting edge. Training & career
Lo: Fleet, Hampshire/M3
Sa: 33k-38k + Benefits
Ag: Progressive Computer Recruitment
Cn: Annette Richardson
Te: 0118 951 9123
Fa: 0118 951 9111
Em: westinternet.perm@progressive.co.uk
Re: JS35197
Ty: Permanent
Po: Junior & Senior SQA Validation Engineer
Sk: Relevant degree or industrial exp. Tech skills, preferably incl. C/C++,
Windows and/or Unix. Knowledge of testing techniques & automated s/w
test tools. Senior positions require exp of the complete s/w dev
lifecycle & team/project management exp.
Lo: Cambridge
St: Immediate
Ag: PCR Permanent
Cn: Helen Dingwall
Te: 01223 224310
Fa: 01223 224311
Em: helen.dingwall@pcrweb.co.uk
Ww: http://www.pcrweb.co.uk/
Re: JSHD76
Ty: Permanent
Po: Junior Analyst Programmer
Sk: Analyst role (6 months), C/Unix (2 Years) & SQL (2 Years) using at
least one of Oracle/ Sybase/Informix - Will get x-training on Web
technologies (HTML, DHTML, Java Script, HTTP & CGI.) This is a customer
facing role!!.
Lo: Paddington, London
Sa: 24k-33k
Ag: Intelect Recruitment
Cn: Please Quote Reference
Te: 0207 759 4848
Fa: 0207 759 4800
Em: lp4@intelect-recruitment.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Junior Analyst Programmer/Unix Support
Sk: Outstanding opportunity for a 2 year experienced graduate looking to
break into the world of Investment Banking. Front Office support role,
working closely with the traders/the business. Exciting training &
career progression. C,C++,UX, Java.
Lo: London
Sa: 35k-45k
Ag: Astbury Marsden
Cn: Paul Evans
Te: 020 7930 1222
Fa: 020 7930 1444
Em: paul.evans@astburymarsden.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Junior Developer
Sk: C++, C, Unix C++, C, Unix, role for graduate in relevant qualification
to IT. Forward thinking company, good prospects.
Lo: Hampshire
Sa: To 20k
Ag: Hays IT
Cn: Marc Everitt
Te: 01525 229229
Fa: 01525 237864
Em: tech.development@hays-it.com
Ww: http://www.hays-it.com
Re: JSMZE00229921
Ty: Permanent
Po: Junior Java Programmer
Sk: International Software House requires Java programmer with min 6 months
programming experience.The role will offer a structured career &
programming development.Cross training will be given in the Latest Web
Lo: London
Sa: 20k-27k + Benefits
Ag: ARC Recruitment
Cn: Jon Malone
Te: 0171 287 2525
Fa: 0171 287 9688
Em: arc@itjobs.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Junior Java/NT- Investment Bank. Training Provided
Sk: Junior Java or C++ Developer. Will develop Java + C++, NT &
Unix/Solaris, Sybase desirable- will get training. Equities & Repo
business exposure. Part of small team.
Lo: City London
St: Immediate
Sa: 35-45k + bonus & benefits
Ag: JM Selection
Cn: Claire-Louise
Te: 0171 251 7358
Em: claire-louisem@jmms.co.uk
Re: JSCLM/66
Ty: Permanent
Po: Junior Oracle DBA
Sk: Junior Database Administrator to join games organisation. A graduate
with Oracle database experience, you will also have hand on programming
ability in C & C++.
Lo: West Yorkshire
Sa: To 15k
Ag: Lorien
Cn: Ann Mcnab
Te: 0113 200 2203
Fa: 0113 245 8893
Em: ann.mcnab@lorien.co.uk
Re: JS/ALM/76
Ty: Permanent
Po: Junior Systems Developer
Sk: Amazing opportunity to join expanding isp.New team member with strong C
programming skills under Unix.Knowledge of bsd or Linux advantageous
along with exposure to Perl & MYSL.Fabulous career prospects-apply
Lo: London
Sa: 18k-22k
Ag: Vadis
Cn: Jill Kinsey
Te: 01252 401111
Fa: 01252 401112
Em: jill@vadis.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Junior Web Developer/Administrator - HTML
Sk: Rapidly expanding Co.requires a Junior Web Administrator with a minimum
of 1 years experience. You have a broad knowledge of
HTML/Photoshop/Fireworks. Java Script/ASP a benefit. Fantastic career &
training opportunities for the right individual.
Lo: London
Ag: Lorien
Cn: Sara & Nigel
Te: 0171 654 1046/1125
Fa: 0171 654 1011
Em: cityperm@lorien.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Junior/Senior C/Java Programmer On Unix (Sun/Solaris)
Sk: C, Java, Unix, German speaking + pref. Banking experience. note: Summit
projects, no experience needed (training provided).
Lo: Frankfurt, Germany
St: Flexible
Ag: Elan Computing (London)
Cn: Rick Van Wijlen.
Te: 0171 830 1361
Fa: 0171 830 1333
Em: rvw@elan.co.uk
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Ty: Permanent
Po: Junior/Senior Technical Writer
Sk: Sun Microsystems - Experience of documenting C, C++ or Java
applications & development tools for highly technical audiences. You
are familiar with Framemaker, SGML & HTML. Excellent English Language
skills are a prerequisite.
Lo: Paris/Grenoble, France
Ag: Quantum I.T.
Cn: Jock Mackay
Te: +33 47 6415332 (e mail preferred. Guarantees rapid response)
Fa: +33 47 6414343
Em: jock@quantum.net.uk or jock.mackay@france.sun.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: LAN/WAN - Network Analyst
Sk: Prestigious London Bank requires Dedicated Network Analyst. Must have
good knowledge of IP,SNMP,RIP,IGRP,EIGRP,BGP,FDDI,ISDN,all Cisco
Routers/Catalyst, CDDI/FDDI Concentrators.Exp of Unix (scripts/C
programs etc) advantageous.Invstmt Banking background.
Lo: London
Sa: 45k + All Banking Benefits
Ag: Innovation International
Cn: Regan Hughes
Te: 0171 613 2464
Fa: 0171 613 2869
Em: regan@innovationinternational.co.uk
Re: JS/RJH/022
Ty: Permanent
Po: Learn Oracle-Cross-Train From Any-Clipper,Cobol,PL1etc
Sk: Rarewell retrain bright/keen progs in Oracle!(from any language!) Need
A level/degree,2yrs coding,ideally on Unix. We use Pro*C, PL/SQL.
Obviously,if you have some Oracle or Pensions you should apply but we
will develop raw potential!!.
Lo: Surrey, Close M25/A23. Nr Station
St: March/April or ASAP
Sa: 20k-30k + Benefits & Early Review
Ag: Sector Permanent
Cn: Bill Theobald
Te: 0171 489 0165
Fa: 0171 236 2824
Em: bill@sector.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: LispC, C++,Corba, Java, Relaxed City Software House Real X Train
Sk: Relaxed financial s/w house with offices in the City & Australia
require 2yrs + C++/C/lisp programmers. On offer is top package, X train
to Corba & Java & a working environment you will actually enjoy. Do you
want new skills.
Lo: London
St: Immediate
Sa: 25 - 45k
Ag: Computer Futures - London (Permanent)
Cn: Sean Fay
Te: 0171 446 6644
Fa: 0171 446 0099
Em: unixdev.london.perm@compfutures.com
Re: JS224680
Ty: Permanent
Po: Lotus Notes Developer
Sk: Developer skilled in Domino & Web technology (HTML, Java, CGI) 12
months Lotus Notes development experience Graduate calibre. Excellent
training & career opps.
Lo: Manchester
Sa: To 25k Depending On Experience
Ag: Computer People North Permanent
Cn: Karen Leather
Te: 0161 491 8846
Fa: 0161 428 4495
Em: karenleather@computerpeople.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Mathematical Modelling, C++ Developer
Sk: Mathematical Modelling, C++ Developers are required to play a key role.
Your Skills will include 1-3 year's software experience ideally with
good numerate degree. Knowledge of MFC and/or COM advantageous but not
essential as training will be provided.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: 22k-33k + Benefits Total package 28k-40k
Ag: Vision iT Recruitment
Cn: Dan Woolacott
Te: 01908 319600
Fa: 01908 319638
Em: dan@visionit.co.uk
Re: JSDW8820C/P
Ty: Permanent
Po: Medical Software
Sk: Company specialising in medical instrumentation with emphasis on R&D
seeks Software Engineers with a good honours Degree & experience of
working with Real Time embedded code written in C and/or Assembler.
Knowledge of C++ or Visual C++ beneficial.
Lo: Essex
Sa: 23k-30k + Benefits
Cn: Graham Scott
Te: 01442 403512
Fa: 01442 231555
Em: mail@swp.quantica.co.uk
Re: JSV/GS176
Ty: Permanent
Po: Middleware Analyst Developer
Sk: An individual is sought to build, support + develop middleware
software. Must have 1+ years Client Server experience, 2yrs+
development. Skills must include C, C++, VC++. SQL, Pro 'C' (RPG), OOA,
OOD, NT, Unix, (AS400).
Lo: West Midlands
Sa: Up To 27k
Ag: The IT Recruitment Network
Cn: Imran Safi-Naqvi
Te: 0121 454 1223
Fa: 0121 454 8608
Em: imran_safi-naqvi@itrnet.co.uk
Re: JSRV_12888/ISN
Ty: Permanent
Po: MIS Data Exchange Architect - Major Telco
Sk: Great opportunity to work for a major telco - design, development &
automation of data migration & integration programs. SQL, C or Pascal,
Unix, Maestro & relational DBMS required. All those that fancy living
the high life in Switzerland need apply.
Lo: Switzerland (Elan help you relocate)
St: Subject To Permit (HND/Degree essential)
Sa: Excellent
Ag: Elan Computing Switzerland & Austria
Cn: Rebecca Teague
Te: +41 12 299915
Fa: +41 12 299922
Em: rebecca.teague@elan.ch
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Ty: Permanent
Po: MMX/SSE Specialist
Sk: Cutting edge technology company requires MMX/SSE language experts with
strong experience in low level programming & optimisation in Intel
processors. Strong C/C++ coupled with any OO programming skills would
be advantageous.
Lo: Edinburgh, Scotland
Ag: Careercare
Cn: Tom Carrigan
Te: 0131 473 7030
Fa: 0131 473 7040
Em: tom.carrigan@careercare.com
Ww: http://www.careercare.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Network Administrator
Sk: Responsible for setting up & configuring LAN/WAN networks,will provide
1st & 2nd user support/minimum 2 years TCP/IP network systems
administration with large user base in business critical applications -
must have right of abode or B/C permit.
Lo: Switzerland
Ag: Abbeywood International (Contracts)
Cn: Alyson Orler
Te: 0181 879 1000
Fa: 0181 946 2419
Em: ttc@abbeywood.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: NT System Administrator
Sk: Responsible for setting up environments, provide 1st & 2nd line support
user support.minimum 2 years NT systems administration with large user
bases business critical applications.Must right to take up permanent
employment in Switzerland or a B /C permit.
Lo: Switzerland
Ag: Abbeywood International (Contracts)
Cn: Alyson Orler
Te: 0181 879 1000
Fa: 0181 946 2419
Em: ttc@abbeywood.com
Re: JSAOO12`
Ty: Permanent
Po: NT Technical Server Specialist
Sk: C or C++, NT, SCSI, Raid, TCP/IP, NT system admin, system tuning
Lo: Hertfordshire
Sa: c30k+
Ag: Eurolink
Cn: Neil Ward
Te: 01273 222658
Fa: 01273 222601
Em: nward@eurolink-consulting.co.uk brighton@eurolink-consulting.co.uk
Re: JSNW2075NT
Ty: Permanent
Po: NT/Reuters Trading Floor Support - Bank
Sk: NT 4 W+S, Kobra, VBA, Exchange req'd to support 400 traders on a busy
Equities floor in a large City bank - any MSW, SQL or Java a major +.
Work involves Win 2000 rollouts, 3rd line support & projects. Banking
exp needed - training available.
Lo: London
Sa: 45k-55k Basic + Bonus + Benefits
Ag: Huxley Associates/Banking Support
Cn: James Shattock
Te: 0171 335 5890
Fa: 0171 335 0008
Em: nt.perm@huxley.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Only Best Of The Best Need Apply
Sk: Graduates with a 1st or high 2:1 from a leading university & 24 UCAS
points for West London consultancy. This IT graduate training program
is the best in the country. Intelligent high flyers need only apply.
Training on C++, Visual Basic, Delphi etc
Lo: West London
Sa: 21k-29k With Starting Bonus
Ag: Intelect Recruitment
Cn: Please Quote Reference
Te: 0207 759 4848
Fa: 0207 759 4800
Em: lp4@intelect-recruitment.com
Re: JSP-LM2.27-2:1GRADS+
Ty: Permanent
Po: Operations Analyst (OA), Manager Ser.Centre (MSC)
Sk: (OA)-2yr exp in Unix based systems(pre.Sun based),UnixS5R4,Sun
Solaris,Kernel Tuning para,basic-C/C++,OO,Oracle or RDBMS,SAP/R3,Clear
case.(MSC)-10yrs exp in similar position or serv
Manag,helpdesk/customer serv.concepts. For details-visit
Lo: Luxembourg
Ag: Ace Resources
Cn: Jenny French
Te: 0208 557 1346
Fa: 0207 538 9771
Em: aceresources@lineone.net
Ty: Permanent
Po: Oracle Analyst
Sk: 2 - 3 years System Development experience with Oracle, SQL , PL/SQL,
Forms 4.5, Reports 2.5, C, PRO*C (advantage). Must have
Consultancy/Insurance background.
Lo: Middlesex
St: Now
Sa: Excellent
Ag: Oric-IT.com
Cn: Julie-Ann Bond
Te: 020 7749 3200
Fa: 020 7749 3201
Em: jab@oric-it.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Oracle Analyst Programmer
Sk: Oracle A/P req with minimum of 2years exp including SQL/ C/ PRO*C/
Forms (4.5 upwards). Ideally your experience will have been gained
working in a environment with financial products ESP bonds/ equities/
PBrokerage. To do development; analysis & enhance.
Lo: London
Ag: Parallel International
Cn: Antonia Macrides
Te: 0171 236 4288
Fa: 0171 236 4277
Em: antonia@parallel-int.com
Re: JS/5382/AM
Ty: Permanent
Po: Oracle Analyst Programmer
Sk: Oracle Analyst Programmer with 18 months PL/SQL, Unix & PRO*C required
to work on existing Oracle Apps.Exp of Dev 2000, MS Office is also
desirable.Role includes support,maintenance & enhanement of existing
Oracle Apps.
Lo: SW London,Staines,Sunbury
St: Immediate
Sa: 22k-35k
Ag: IT Manpower
Cn: Chris Bryant
Te: 01908 550840
Fa: 01908 550789
Em: mkperm.it@manpower.co.uk
Re: JS979-CB-AP
Ty: Permanent
Po: Oracle Analyst Programmer
Sk: Rapidly growing company are looking for an experienced Oracle
Developer. Must have good communication, Analytical & team player
skills for challenging & rewarding role.You need 2 years Oracle & C
Development with Unix, SQL & PL/SQL.
Lo: Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire
Sa: 35k
Ag: Lorien
Cn: James Mitchell
Te: 0171 654 1123
Fa: 0171 654 1011
Em: cityperm@lorien.co.uk
Re: JSRV_JM/0431
Ty: Permanent
Po: Oracle DBA
Sk: Working for this exciting software house in the City. Skills include
Database Server & SQL. Unix, SQL/PL/SQL & PRO*C adv. Excellent
opportunity to work for this exciting co.
Lo: London EC4
Sa: c50k + Benefits
Cn: Sarah Sullivan
Te: 0181 315 9098
Fa: 0181 315 9867
Em: ssullivan@msb.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Oracle Designer/Developer/Consultant
Sk: Knowledge of PL/SQL,SQL+,Oracle. Exposure to Datawarehousing,Dataminig,
Access,Visual Basic, Java or C an advantage. Required to join a global
services organisation with growth potential into E-commerce.
Lo: Brussels, Belgium
Ag: Baits International
Cn: Margaret Thompson
Te: +32 23 056931
Fa: +32 23 056932
Em: baits@pandora.be
Re: JS
Ty: Permanent
Po: Oracle Developer
Sk: International Investment Bank seeks solid Oracle Developer with a min 2
years experience. Should also have 1 years experience in
Bonds/equities/prime brokerage. tech skills required - Oracle 8, Forms
& Reports 6, PL/SQL, Pro C etc.
Lo: City, London
Sa: To 40k + Benefits
Ag: Genesis Computer Resources
Cn: Lloyd Dennis
Te: 01342 871101
Fa: 01342 870088
Em: lloyd@gcr.co.uk
Ww: http://www.gcr.co.uk/
Re: JSRV_3892
Ty: Permanent
Po: Oracle Developer
Sk: Media & Marketing Software house seeks Oracle Analyst Programmers with
2 years + of Oracle 7 & 8, Pro C & PL/SQL - with Forms, Unix & SQL
Server advantageous. Your analysis skills will be well utilised while
you move to 8i & Web interfacing.
Lo: London
St: ASAP - Must Be Eligible To Work In The Uk
Sa: 35k-42k
Ag: Real IT Resourcing
Cn: Mark Chase
Te: 0181 490 1999
Fa: 0181 490 1900
Em: jobs@realit.co.uk
Re: JS-ORC27160MC
Ty: Permanent
Po: Oracle Developer
Sk: Red-hot Internet Company seeks Oracle Analyst Programmers with 2 Years
+ of 8/8i, Developer 2000 toolset & ideally, Broadvision.
Alternatively, strong C++ or JavaScript- & Broadvision training will be
given. Magic words - Stock Options!!.
Lo: London
St: ASAP - Must Be Eligible To Work In The Uk
Sa: 32k-53k
Ag: Real IT Resourcing
Cn: Mark Chase
Te: 0181 490 1999
Fa: 0181 490 1900
Em: jobs@realit.co.uk
Re: JS-ORC27374MC
Ty: Permanent
Po: Oracle Developer
Sk: Software Company developering Trading Systems for International Banks
is now seraching for Oracle Developer with Developer 2000 & PRO*C.
Lo: London
Sa: To 35k + Package
Ag: The Critical Resource Network
Cn: Darren Mchoul
Te: 01525 220804
Fa: 01525 221148
Em: darren.mchoul@lineone.net
Re: JSDM130
Ty: Permanent
Po: Oracle Developer
Sk: Working for this large software house. Min. 2 years Oracle, PRO*C
Developer 2000, Designer 2000, Strong PL/SQL skiills. Knowledge of
billing or local government business adv. Excellent opportunity +
Lo: Berkshire
Cn: Sarah Sullivan
Te: 0181 315 9098
Fa: 0181 315 9867
Em: ssullivan@msb.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Oracle Financial Systems Engineer
Sk: Oracle Financials 11, (GL, AP, AR etc). Oracle Developer 2000, SQL, C.
Implementation & support of modules & interfaces. 1-5 years.
Lo: Hampshire
Sa: 25k-55k depending on experience
Ag: Octopus Computer Associates
Cn: Clayton Collis
Te: 0181 343 0060
Fa: 0181 343 0061
Em: clayton@octocomp.demon.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Oracle Programmer
Sk: A Manchester based college req. 2 Oracle Analyst Programmer with Oracle
v7, Forms 3 or 4.5, Menu 5, Report 2 & PL/SQL or SQL. An ability to
develop apps using C & Visual Basic is desirable. This is an excellent
opportunity to establish new skills.
Lo: Manchester
Du: Full time
Sa: 20k
Ag: DP Connect
Cn: Stacey Clowsley
Te: 0181 466 3666
Fa: 0181 313 1716
Em: sclowsley@dpconnect.co.uk
Re: JSSTA11693
Ty: Permanent
Po: Oracle/PRO*C Developer
Sk: My client require an Oracle Developer to be based at Milton Keynes, to
support & further develop an operational invoicing package written in
PRO*C & PL/SQL within an AOL environment. Experience of C or PRO*C is
Lo: Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, South East
Sa: c30k
Ag: Informatiq Consulting
Cn: Karl Scrivener
Te: 01923 224481
Fa: 01923 224493
Em: permanent@informatiq.co.uk
Re: JSKS3434
Ty: Permanent
Po: Pascal or Modula - Get Into Telecomms
Sk: If you have a minimum of 12 months commercial experience in Pascal &
want to develop your skills in telecomms, here is an opportunity not to
be missed. Retrain into C/Unix low level, Real Time Embedded
development for a world leader in its field.
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: 25k-40k
Ag: Informatiq Consulting
Cn: Stuart Myrants
Te: 01923 224481
Fa: 01923 224493
Em: permanent@informatiq.co.uk
Re: JSSM2704
Ty: Permanent
Po: Perl Specialist For Major US Investment Bank
Sk: Excellent understanding of Unix (preferably Solaris), CGI, Perl, XML &
TCP/IP. C, SQL & JavaScript would be an advantage. Minimum two years
Unix support. This is a superb opportunity, & not one to be missed.
Lo: London
Sa: 45k-55k + Bonus + Banking Benefits
Ag: JM Selection
Cn: Ron Ashford
Te: 0207 251 7329
Em: rona@jmms.co.uk
Re: JSCH49
Ty: Permanent
Po: Permanent
Sk: Recent C++, STL etc, C, Programming under Unix, SQL, OO methodology ie
UML, OO Design, any Oracle would be an advantage. Great opportunity to
work as part of a team developing exisitng & new marketing related
Lo: Tyne & Wear
St: Immediate
Du: Permanent
Sa: Competitive + excellent benefits
Ag: Kelly Services(UK)
Cn: Sarah Baird
Te: 0141 248 9234
Fa: 0141 221 7083
Em: sbaird@kellyservices,co,uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: PL/SQL Developer (Oracle)
Sk: PL/SQL Oracle Developer needed. 3 years C, PL/SQL is a Must. Exposure
to Developer PL/SQL, Oracle Financials. C Programming for this
expanding Company in Emerging Technolgies.
Lo: Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire
Sa: 30k
Ag: Compro Computer Services
Cn: Matthew Allright
Te: 01923 233001
Fa: 01923 232206
Em: matthew@compro.co.uk
Ww: http://www.compro.co.uk/
Re: JS/MA/12059
Ty: Permanent
Po: Powerbuilder/Visual Basic Systems Engineer
Sk: Powerbuilder experience (c 12-18 months) essential, with SQL Server or
Oracle exposure. Any VB useful. To carry out bespoke application
development & customisation, & support clients on their sites, UK &
abroad. Good communication skills req'd.
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: To 26k
Ag: Executive Recruitment Services
Cn: Heather Lambert
Te: 01442 847467
Fa: 01442 215794
Em: hlambert@ers.co.uk
Re: JS34HX08
Ty: Permanent
Po: Pre-Sales Consultant/NT/Unix
Sk: You will be enthusiastic hard working & willing to learn different
aspects of computing not always in their exp area once fully trained &
able to liase with clients you could move into Pre Sales Support NT &
Unix Systems/Admin ess C/C++ des.
Lo: Slough, Berkshire
Sa: 35k + Benefits + Training
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Adam Green
Te: 0870 603 9071 x 3142
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: adamg@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Pre/Post Sales Consultant
Sk: Leading provider of E-commerce solutions requires Technical Consultant
to win/discuss large commercial projects with clients. Solid
unrderstanding of Unix (IRIX, Solaris, AIX,HP-UX), Webserver, C &
Networking an advantage. Potential for Global travel.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: Very Negotiable + Package
Ag: Nationwide Technology Recruitment
Cn: Ronnie Bettles
Te: 0171 379 3939
Fa: 0171 240 3934
Em: ronnie.bettles@nationwidetr.com
Ww: http://www.NationwideTR.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Principal Quality Engineer
Sk: Electronics/Electrical Eng Degree. 10yrs exp at Senior Eng level.
Strong know of Sys Eng & QA, C/CE Marking/Product Eng life-cycle. QA
Systems/Lead Auditor Trained. Note: Would consider Applicant with h/w
Eng background. Mng perf quality improvements.
Lo: Surrey/Sussex Border
Sa: To 30k
Ag: Dawood
Cn: Quote Reference Number
Te: 0208 683 2126
Fa: 0208 683 4357
Em: cv@dawood.demon.co.uk
Re: JS/GB/1119
Ty: Permanent
Po: Principal Software Developer
Sk: Outstanding opportunity for developers with 10+ years experience to
peform design, development, analysis & programming activities for
blue-chip client. Broad & Excellent skills required. C/C++, Visual
Basic, SQL, Unix, Windows, Oracle RDBMS, Corba.
Lo: Amsterdam, Netherlands
St: March/April
Sa: Excellent Package + Relocation
Ag: Leotel Recruitment
Cn: Mark Purtow
Te: 01438 220213
Fa: 01438 233777
Em: markp@leotel.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Principal, Senior, & Software Design Engineer
Sk: Individuals with GSM or other protocol experience (Tetra,ISDN,Dect).
Real Time embedded sytems development experience in a software
environment. C/Unix desirable but similar(Pascal,ADA,Assembler,
C++,Coral,Modula-2 etc.).
Lo: M4 Corridor
Sa: to 40k + (more with GSM)
Ag: Capita Tomkins
Cn: Russell Hall
Te: 01753 850007
Fa: 01743 857449
Em: russell@otltd.co.uk
Re: JS4664/6RHPERM
Ty: Permanent
Po: Principal, Senior/Software Engineer
Sk: Large Organisation requires engineers. Real Time embedded systems
development exp. C/Unix,Pascal,ADA,Assembler,C++,Coral,Modula-2. GSM or
other protocol exp highly advantageous. Call now for the full spec.
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: To 40k
Ag: Outsource UK Permanent
Cn: Vikki Dytham
Te: 01793 430021
Fa: 01793 432337
Em: vdytham@outsource-uk.co.uk
Ww: http://www.outsource-uk.co.uk/
Re: JSV_2001EB
Ty: Permanent
Po: Principal/Senior Design Engineer
Sk: At least 2 year commercial experience of Realtime Embedded systems
gained in a structured software environment. Technologies are
C/C++/Assembler etc. on Unix/ Windows . World leading
telecommunications company. Latest Technology Guaranteed.
Lo: Thatcham, Berkshire
Sa: To 45k
Ag: Vision iT Recruitment
Cn: Nicholas Noon
Te: 01908 319600
Fa: 01908 319638
Em: nicholasn@visionit.co.uk
Re: JSNN250206/P
Ty: Permanent
Po: PRO*C, Developer, or Analyst Programmer
Sk: Unix, PRO*C, Forms (4.5.or 6.), PL/SQL, SQL, SQL*plus. Do you have some
of these skills & PRO*C. To work on Back Office settlement system.
Opportunities for working abroad.
Lo: London
Sa: Up To 40k + Bonus + Benefits
Ag: The Allison Partnership
Cn: Nicky Lawrence
Te: 0171 626 2266
Fa: 0171 626 2277
Em: all@all.co.uk
Re: JS/NAC/PRO*C/2502/0
Ty: Permanent
Po: Product Specialist
Sk: Exp in the dev of s/w for embedded apps. Exp of writing embedded s/w at
high level (C/C++) & low level assembler code. Good understanding of
interaction between s/w & h/w. Competent in the dev of s/w, incl
testing & debugging. Some exp of RTOS ideal.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
St: Immediate
Ag: PCR Permanent
Cn: Helen Dingwall
Te: 01223 224310
Fa: 01223 224311
Em: helen.dingwall@pcrweb.co.uk
Ww: http://www.pcrweb.co.uk/
Re: JSHD164
Ty: Permanent
Po: Product Support Engineer
Sk: To provide software fixes foe clients worldwide. Essential experience
of Ingres, C Programming. Shellscripts, SQL & DBMS concepts on
multi-platform environments (Unix, NT or VAX/VMS).
Lo: Buck
Sa: up to 45k plus large company benefits
Ag: Hayden Pearse Group
Cn: Pearse Digan
Te: 020 72360151
Fa: 020 7236 2888
Em: pdigan@haydenpearse.co.uk
Re: JSP5009PD
Ty: Permanent
Po: Product Support Representative
Sk: Strong technical computer software skills is a must for this role. Must
have experience in,C coding, MS Windows Programming Concepts, MS Visual
C++ Debugger, Client-Server, OO, MS Windows NT. A computer science or
engineering degree would be desirable.
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: 30k - 45k
Ag: Anite IT Personnel
Cn: Tina Richards
Te: 01252 816816
Fa: 01252 812163
Em: trjobs@aniteitpersonnel.com
Re: JS32240
Ty: Permanent
Po: Professional Services Engineer/Project Manager
Sk: Responsible for multiple projects, providing customers with messaging &
directory solutions. C Programming, job estimation, training, &
pre-sales support. Requirements: Knowledge of UNIX & NT, 3+ years
programming experience, proficiency in C.
Lo: Dublin, Ireland
Sa: Excellent Package
Ag: Vantage Resources
Cn: Kathrin Herold
Te: +35 31 6681800
Fa: +35 31 6681805
Em: kathrin.herold@vantage.ie
Re: JS-CA09
Ty: Permanent
Po: Programmer
Sk: 2 or more years exp as programmer working on websites. Thorough
knowledge of HTML, Perl, Unix, Java. C, C++ would be a bonus.
Lo: Various
Ag: Alexander Mann Technology
Cn: Cherie Nedd
Te: 0171 905 1385
Fa: 0171 242 4445
Em: cherie.nedd@alexmann.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Programmer
Sk: At least 24 months Oracle 7 development experience including PL/SQL or
PRO*C. This opportunity leads in the future for involvement in leading
edge Web & Web-Enabled technologies including Java.
Lo: South Hertfordshire/North London
Ag: Knight Munro
Cn: Hakim Rehman
Te: 01727 868070
Fa: 01727 831202
Em: hakimr@knightmunro.co.uk
Ww: http://www.knightmunro.co.uk/
Re: JS/786/HR/087
Ty: Permanent
Po: Programmer Analyst
Sk: Using C , Unix , & Sybase skills, you will develop & support a business
critical FX systems. C++ , NT , OO very useful. Top class education
background with 1-2 years commercial experience is essential for this
Lo: London
Sa: To 40k+Banking Benefits
Ag: McGregor Boyall Associates
Cn: Winnie Wong
Te: 0207 422 9200
Fa: 0171 247 7475
Em: wwong@mcgregor-boyall.com
Re: JS/WO/745
Ty: Permanent
Po: Programmer/Developer
Sk: Candidates will need good C programming skills to become part of a
lively team developing & supporting this large organisation's systems.
Any Unix or SQL an adv. but not essential.
Lo: Yorkshire
Sa: To 30k + Benefits
Ag: 4it Recruitment
Cn: Chris Dyson
Te: 0113 234 8111
Fa: 0113 234 8222
Em: cd@4itstaff.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Project Integration Test Engineer
Sk: Leading telecomm company in Hampshire seeks individual with large
systems experience in a Unix development environment. Analysing
requirement specifications you will supervise the creation of SDL, C or
Unix Shell Scripts for test, design & strategy.
Lo: Hampshire
Cn: David Hamilton
Te: 0181 427 4000
Fa: 0181 427 4400
Em: david@review.co.uk
Ww: http://www.review.co.uk
Re: JSB4M35947
Ty: Permanent
Po: Project Leader
Sk: C, C++ or Java on Unix or NT. Ideally you will have a telecom network
background. Roles are available from graduate to senior level.
Relocation & excellent career prospects offered.
Lo: France Or Edinburgh
Ag: Quantum IT
Cn: Jock Mackay (e-Mail Preferred. Guarantees Rapid Response)
Fa: 0131 220 6646
Em: jock@quantum.net.uk
Re: JS/JM/SF/3
Ty: Permanent
Po: Project Leader
Sk: Java programmer required in the Hampshire are for a blue chip company.
Must have 2 years commercial experience. Any of the following
experience would be an advantage: C, OO, Corba, DCOM & SQL.
Lo: Hampshire
Sa: Excellent
Ag: Web-recruitment.com
Cn: Jxk
Te: 020 7613 7100
Fa: 020 7613 7101
Em: cv@web-recruitment.com
Re: JS2JXK0268
Ty: Permanent
Po: Project Leader - Systems Developement
Sk: Requirements gathering, application or systems design and/or
integration, estimating & risk management, C, Unix, Oracle, Windows NT.
First time applicants into project leading most welcome.
Lo: London
Sa: 29.5k-41.5k
Ag: Intelect Recruitment
Cn: Please Quote Reference
Te: 0207 759 4816
Fa: 0207 759 4800
Em: london@intelect-recruitment.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Project Leader 2 Years Exp
Sk: Project leader to manage 5 employees & to work on 2-3 projects . This
is a technical role & will suit someone with 2 years project/team
leading exp. Skills include WWW technologies & C & relational database
exp, ie Oracle.
Lo: West End, London
Sa: 36k-42k + Benefits
Ag: Intelect Recruitment
Cn: Please Quote Reference
Te: 0207 759 4848
Fa: 0207 759 4800
Em: lp4@intelect-recruitment.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Project Manager - Willing To Travel
Sk: You will have a background in SW development using C/C++/Java. You will
have experience of the full product life cycle with good PM experience.
Your current location can be anywhere in the UK as travel to client
sites will be required.
Lo: Near Slough, Berkshire
Sa: 35k-40k + Excellent Benefits
Ag: ASC Connections
Cn: Vicki Turner
Te: 01628 780001
Fa: 01628 780002
Em: vicki@asc-connections.com
Re: JSRV_VT1951
Ty: Permanent
Po: Project/Account Manager
Sk: Project/Account Mngr from a tech background. Client facing role. You
will have hands on tech skills in C/Unix dev, Oracle, Informix, Sybase,
Internet technologies HTML, JavaScript etc. Very dynamic environment,
lots of fun, loads of potential.
Lo: London
St: Immediate
Sa: c40k + Options
Ag: Plexus
Cn: Simon Woolrych
Te: 0171 766 7609
Fa: 0171 76 7601
Em: simon_woolrych@plexus.co.uk
Ww: http://www.plexus.co.uk
Re: JS/SJWMC1120
Ap: http://www.autosubmit.plexus.co.uk/cgi-win/autosubmit.exe/plexusmasterframe3?20341,email@plexus.co.uk,SJWMC1120
Ty: Permanent
Po: Proprietary Application Software Engineer
Sk: C or C++. Advantagious: Embedded Environments, Graphics or VXWorks. An
opportunity to develop algorithms & applications level software for a
range innovative video & audio processing systems. Degree qualified
with 2+ years C or C++ experience.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: 20k-28k
Ag: Hays IT
Cn: Martin Hoskins
Te: 01473 631311
Fa: 01473 630920
Em: ipswich.response@hays-it.co.uk
Ww: http://www.hays-it.com
Re: JSMYH00229917
Ty: Permanent
Po: Proprietary Applications SWE
Sk: Opp to dev algorithms & applications level software for a range of
video & audio processing sys. 2 years C or C++ exp in a Embedded env -
excellent environment working in leading edge television post
production equipment development.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: 23k-30k
Ag: Intelect Recruitment
Cn: Please Quote Reference
Te: 0207 759 4848
Fa: 0207 759 4800
Em: lp4@intelect-recruitment.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: QA Engineer
Sk: C, C++ or Java on Unix or NT. Ideally you will have a telecom network
background. Roles are available from graduate to senior level.
Relocation & excellent career prospects offered.
Lo: France Or Edinburgh
Ag: Quantum IT
Cn: Jock Mackay (e-Mail Preferred. Guarantees Rapid Response)
Fa: 0131 220 6646
Em: jock@quantum.net.uk
Re: JS/JM/SF/2
Ty: Permanent
Po: Quality Assurance Engineer - Unix
Sk: Must have a minimum 2 years experience of Unix Systems Administration.
A Relational Database, Database Administration and/or Application
Development & C programming. SQL & QA.
Lo: Bucks
Sa: up to 45k plus excellent benefits package
Ag: Hayden Pearse Group
Cn: Pearse Digan
Te: 020 72360151
Fa: 020 7236 2888
Em: pdigan@haydenpearse.co.uk
Re: JSP5003PD
Ty: Permanent
Po: Quality Assurance Engineer - VAX/VMS
Sk: Must have a minimum 2 years experience of using VAX/VMS Systems
Administration/ Management. Relational Database, Database
Administration and/or Application Development & C programming. SQL &
Lo: Bucks
Sa: up to 45k plus excellent benefits package
Ag: Hayden Pearse Group
Cn: Pearse Digan
Te: 020 72360151
Fa: 020 7236 2888
Em: pdigan@haydenpearse.co.uk
Re: JSP5005PD
Ty: Permanent
Po: Quality Assurance Engineer - Windows NT
Sk: Must have a minimum 2 years experience of Windows NT Systems
Administration together with any Relational Database, Database
Administration and/or Application. Development & C programming, SQL &
Lo: Buckinghamshire
Sa: Up To 40k Plus Excellent Benefits Package
Ag: Hayden Pearse Group
Cn: Pearse Digan
Te: 0207 2360151
Fa: 0207 2362888
Em: pdigan@haydenpearse.co.uk
Re: JSP5004PD
Ty: Permanent
Po: Quants, IT, Energy
Sk: Time series analysis, knowledge of probability, stochastic modelling,
derivitive pricing models, C/C++ programming. Energy Trading Software
Lo: City, London
St: Immediate
Sa: To Attract The Best
Ag: The DP Group
Cn: David Jones
Te: 0171 460 7900
Fa: 0171 460 8030
Em: david@thedpgroup.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: R&D Software
Sk: Broadcast company seeks Software Engineers to join their R&D
Department. You will hold a good Degree & possibly a post graduate
qualification along with some experience of DVB/DVD, C/C++, Real Time
systems, Maths/Algorithms or MPEG/JPEG.
Lo: Surrey
Sa: To 40k
Ag: Quantica SWP
Cn: Graham Scott
Te: 01442 212555
Fa: 01442 231555
Em: mail@swp.quantica.co.uk
Re: JSV/GS195
Ty: Permanent
Po: Real Time Developer - Learn Finance
Sk: City co needs 4/5 developers. You need 1-5 years exp developing Real
Time/comms apps using C/ADA/Pascal. Knowl of VMS/Unix/NT essential.
Learn TCP/IP. Range of fast-moving financial projects. Good career
prospects inc moving to VC++/NT mid-term.
Lo: City, London
Sa: 28k-38k + Benefits
Ag: Futures
Cn: Peter Hatherley
Te: 020 7631 4296
Fa: 020 7436 6043
Em: peter@futuresltd.co.uk
Re: JS6110PH
Ty: Permanent
Po: Real Time Embedded Software
Sk: World leader in mobile comms requires Engineers with exp of Real Time,
embedded systems. Degree qual & have had exposure to 2 or more of the
following: C, C++, Assembler, Comms protocols, comms standards (GSM,
DECT etc). Fantastic working environment.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: 23k-35k
Cn: Graham Scott
Te: 01442 403512
Fa: 01442 231555
Em: mail@swp.quantica.co.uk
Re: JSV/GS192
Ty: Permanent
Po: Real Time Software Design Engineer
Sk: These roles require you to have design, development & test experience
of Real Time software (C & Assembler) & Operating Systems for embedded
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: c32k ++
Ag: Capita Tomkins
Cn: Andrea Laidler
Te: 01753 850007
Fa: 01753 857449
Em: perm@otltd.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Real Time Software Design Engineer
Sk: These roles require you to have design, development & test experience
of Real Time software (C & Assembler) & Operating Systems for embedded
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: c32k ++
Ag: Capita Tomkins
Cn: Andrea Laidler
Te: 01753 850007
Fa: 01753 857449
Em: perm@otltd.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Research & Development
Sk: C/C++ programming, Perl or any other scripting lang, ie Java, TCL/TK
programming. HTML,Cobra,SNMP prog. Good knowledge of Unix syst & HP
enviroments Able to work on own intiative as well as good team
Lo: Oxford, Oxfordshire
St: Immediate
Ag: Comms Global
Cn: Michael Johns
Te: 0171 478 7000
Fa: 0171 478 7002
Em: michael__johns@hotmail.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: RPG Developer - I Want Cross Training Into Visual Basic Or Java!
Sk: Do you have a min of 1 years RPG (RPG3 or RPG400)? If yes you can get
cross training into Visual Basic or Java. Best opportunity this year!!
Get exposure to an ERP package. Cross training will bring your skills
bang up to date! Call me now!.
Lo: Call Me Now For Details!, UK
Sa: To 25k
Ag: Abraxas
Cn: Neil Mills
Te: 0207 255 5587
Fa: 0207 636 0334
Em: nmills@abraxas.co.uk
Ww: http://www.abraxas.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: RPG400 Analyst Programmer - Get Visual Basic/Java Cross Training!!!
Sk: Mimimum of 12 months RPG experience preferably RPG400. Get exposure to
an ERP package! Get cross training into Visual Basic OR Java. Brilliant
opportunity for 2nd jobbers! Call me now for further details!
opportunities galore!.
Sa: To 25k
Ag: Abraxas
Cn: Neil Mills
Te: 0207 255 5587
Fa: 0207 636 0334
Em: nmills@abraxas.co.uk
Ww: http://www.abraxas.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: RPG400 Analyst Programmer - Get Visual Basic/Java Cross Training!!!
Sk: Mimimum of 12 months RPG experience preferably RPG400. Get exposure to
an ERP package! Get cross training into Visual Basic or Java. Brilliant
opportunity for 2nd jobbers! Call me now for further details!
Opportunities galore!.
Lo: UK
Sa: To 25k
Ag: Abraxas
Cn: Neil Mills
Te: 0207 255 5587
Fa: 0207 636 0334
Em: nmills@abraxas.co.uk
Ww: http://www.abraxas.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: RPG400 Developer - Cross Train Into Java/HTML!!
Sk: Large co req's you needs A/P with 1-2yrs RPG400. You must have
experience of JDA merchandising systems (MMS). Work on virtual
warehousing & Internet projects. Move into RPG/ILE, Java & HTML
development in the short term. Cross training offered.
Lo: Wiltshire, M4
Sa: 28k
Ag: Abraxas
Cn: Neil Mills
Te: 0207 255 5587
Fa: 0207 636 0334
Em: nmills@abraxas.co.uk
Ww: http://www.abraxas.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: RT Software Design Engineer (all Levels)
Sk: Real-time Embedded systems development, Structured environment, C or
similar High Level language (Pascal/ADA/C++/Coral). Any GSM/Protocol
experience a bonus. Degree/HND plus some of: UNIX, Configuration
Control, Software Testing, Emulation, OO ideal.
Lo: Berkshire
St: ASAP but on-going requirements
Du: With excellent career prospects
Sa: To 40k+ + bonus & excellent benefits package
Ag: CM Associates
Cn: Carol May
Te: 01372 378290
Fa: 01372 362959
Em: cmassoc@msn.com
Re: JSRV_188/BK
Ty: Permanent
Po: Sales Manager
Sk: Working for a leading & rapidly expanding reseller, you will be
instrumental in growing the corporate sales revenue & developing close
vendor relationships. C. 4 years experience in IT coupled with strong
man-management skills required.
Lo: Central London
Sa: 80-100k Package
Ag: Octopus Computer Associates
Cn: Andrea Burt
Te: 0208 349 4660
Fa: 0208 343 0061
Em: andrea@octocomp.demon.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Sen/Software Engineer
Sk: To Develop embedded Real-time Software for data, signal & display
Processors. 2 years + writing either high level or machine level
languages. Full lifecycle experience also working knowledge of C &
Lo: Edinburgh, Scotland
Ag: IT Manpower, Scotland
Cn: Andrew Spratt
Te: 0141 248 5577
Fa: 0141 248 5570
Em: scotland.it@manpower.co.uk
Ww: http://www.manpower.co.uk/
Re: JS/969/41829/AS
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Analyst Programmer
Sk: Excellent C, C++ with Sybase to design, dev, support Front Office Fixed
Income Sales & Trading Applications. Any exposure to the following
advantageous OO Design, Corba/Orbix, Java, Shell Scripting, Perl, CGI,
HTML, (2.i degree pref.).
Lo: London
Sa: 40k-55k Basic + Benefits
Ag: McGregor Boyall
Cn: Peter Britten
Te: 0207 422 9200
Fa: 0171 247 7475
Em: pbritten@mcgregor-boyall.com
Re: JS/PB/045
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Analyst Programmer
Sk: Must have at least 3 years exp on DEC VMS & associated layered products
(CMS,RMS) C language would be a plus, You will be developing
maintaining & supporting written applications, a familiarity of high
volume message switching would be advantageous.
Lo: London
Sa: 35k + Benefits
Ag: Nationwide Technology Recruitment
Cn: Peter Ramsay
Te: 01628 581700
Fa: 01628 581701
Em: peter.ramsay@nationwidetr.com
Ww: http://www.NationwideTR.com
Re: JS/PR/PA/35
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Analyst Programmer
Sk: Team leader for E-commerce applications, To manage a team of
programmers & analysts to meet targets & SLA's, Must have previous team
leading background, NT4 & Java, Any knowledge of C++, C, or RS 6000
would be advantageous but not essential.
Lo: London
Sa: 36k-38k + Benefits
Ag: Nationwide Technology Recruitment
Cn: Peter Ramsay
Te: 01628 581700
Fa: 01628 581701
Em: peter.ramsay@nationwidetr.com
Ww: http://www.NationwideTR.com
Re: JS/PR/ECA/36
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior ASIC/Soc Design Engineer
Sk: Gd deg in elec eng/comp science. 5 yrs+ microprocessor, ASIC sys
design. Exp to full design cycle. Proj man skills desirable as is
understanding of microprocessor & peripheral design techniques,
VHDL/Verilog, C, Pascal, Assembly, Unix/Shell programming.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
St: Immediate
Ag: PCR Permanent
Cn: Helen Dingwall
Te: 01223 223310
Fa: 01223 223311
Em: helen.dingwall@pcrweb.co.uk
Ww: http://www.pcrweb.co.uk/
Re: JSHD168
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior C C++ Engineer X 2
Sk: An exciting opportunity to feature in a rapid growth company
specialising in software security. We seek 5 years solid C/C++, at
least 2 years NT internals or kernal mode device drivers & ideally
knowledge of file systems design & network driver stacks.
Lo: Enfield, North London
Sa: To 40k
Ag: Extech Computer Resources
Cn: Gavin Roriston
Te: 01784 477712
Fa: 01784 477713
Em: gavin@extech.co.uk
Re: JSGR1836
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior C C++ Engineer X 2
Sk: An exciting opportunity to feature in a rapid growth company
specialising in software security. We seek 5 years solid C/C++, at
least 2 years NT internals or Kernal mode device drivers & ideally
knowledge of file systems design & Network driver stacks.
Lo: Enfield, Middlesex, North London
Sa: To 50k
Ag: Extech Computer Resources
Cn: Gavin Roriston
Te: 01784 477712
Fa: 01784 477713
Em: gavin@extech.co.uk
Re: JSGR1836
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior C++ Developer
Sk: C/C++ Mentoring in a medium sized project team, you will lead in t he
full project life cycle for Real Time connections between this clients
software & customer systems. Possible. INT. TRAV!!!.
Lo: Bradford, West Yorkshire
Sa: To 28k + Benefits
Ag: Hays IT
Cn: Mark Worrall
Te: 0113 245 4880
Fa: 0113 245 4530
Em: perm.leeds@hays-it.com
Ww: http://www.hays-it.com
Re: JSMJW00229946
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior C/C++ (Unix/NT) Software Engineer
Sk: Responsible for new product development of the world's leading
messaging & directory software. Requirements: at least 2 years
experience in software development, proficiency in C/C++, Unix &
Windows NT.
Lo: Dublin, Ireland
Sa: Excellent Package
Ag: Vantage Resources
Cn: Kathrin Herold
Te: +35 31 6681800
Fa: +35 31 6681805
Em: kathrin.herold@vantage.ie
Re: JS-CA06
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior C/VC/Open GL Programmer
Sk: Senior C/VC/Open GL Programmer wanted immediately by large Imaging
Organisation. Essential will have a minimum of 2yrs exp using Visual
Studio. Senior VC Prog wanted ideally from an Engineering background &
with a good knowledge of applied mathematics.
Lo: Kent
Sa: 30k-40k + Benefits
Ag: Compro Computer Services
Cn: Simon Robb
Te: 01923 233001
Fa: 01923 232206
Em: simon@compro.co.uk
Ww: http://www.compro.co.uk/
Re: JS/SR/11917
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior C/VC/Open GL Programmer
Sk: Senior C/VC/Open GL programmer wanted immediately by large imaging
organisation. Essentially will have a min 2yrs exp using Visual Studio.
Senior VC Programmer wanted ideally from an Engineering background &
with a good knowledge of Applied Mathematics.
Lo: Kent
Sa: 30k-40k + Benefits
Ag: Compro Computer Services
Cn: Simon Robb
Te: 01923 233001
Fa: 01923 232206
Em: simon@compro.co.uk
Ww: http://www.compro.co.uk/
Re: JS/SR/11917
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior CPU Design Manager
Sk: Good deg in elec eng/comp science. 5yrs+ microprocessor, ASIC sys
design. experience to full design cycle. Proj man skills desirable as
is understanding of microprocessor & peripheral design tech,
VHDL/Verilog, C, Pascal, Assembly, Unix/Shell programming.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
St: Immediate
Ag: PCR Permanent
Cn: Helen Dingwall
Te: 01223 224310
Fa: 01223 224311
Em: helen.dingwall@pcrweb.co.uk
Ww: http://www.pcrweb.co.uk/
Re: JSHD167
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Design Engineer
Sk: Telecom/E-commerce start-up needs two high calibre C Programmers with
Unix platform experience. Telecoms (switch programming skills) or IT
background ideal. Superb future in view of strong product & funding.
Lo: Berkshire
Du: Full Time
Sa: 45k+
Ag: TSA Human Resources
Cn: Mark Wand
Te: 0118 979 1212
Fa: 0118 979 4800
Em: barry@tsa.c o.uk
Re: JSMEW2611
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Design Engineer (Software)
Sk: Someone with substantial experience in desiging DSP Solutions as well
as using C in a high speed Real Time application. RTOS experience an
advantage. Consumer Electronics.
Lo: Northern Ireland
Ag: Melville Craig Group
Cn: Nicola Reid
Te: 0131 355 9820
Fa: 0131 355 9888
Em: nicola.reid@mcg.co.uk
Re: JS0019765
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Design Engineer/Technical Manager
Sk: This is as good as it gets. You will need at least 10 years programming
real time systems using C on Unix. Strong knowledge of Switching
products. You will get shares in this new start up who are heavily
backed by venture capital, plus a good base etc.
Lo: Bracknell, Berkshire
Sa: Good base + excellent package
Ag: Church International
Cn: Rob Rowland
Te: 01622 675126
Fa: 01622 764660
Em: rob@church-int.com
Re: JS/RR/10736
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Developer
Sk: 'C' & Unix/Windows are the primary skills req by this company that
supply healthcare systems. High growth resulting in a big recruitment
drive - you will lead a small team but also code, motivate team & be
able to manage projects from start to finish.
Lo: Maidenhead, Berkshire
Sa: Up To 38k + Car Or Car Allowance
Ag: Aaron Millar Associates
Cn: Nick
Te: 01908 507075
Fa: 01908 501787
Em: nb@amituk.com
Re: JS/AMN1215
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Developer
Sk: Client is a software house providing bespoke s/w for the healthcare
industry is looking for Senior Developers. Must have 2 years plus exp
in C & Unix along with strong analytical & team leading skills. Excl
opp for those looking to further their careers.
Lo: Cambridgeshire
Sa: Up To 35k
Ag: Rebus Resourcing-Midlands
Cn: Kim Quach
Te: 01332 814644
Fa: 01332 852929
Em: kim.quach@rebusgroup.com
Ww: http://www.jobsrus.co.uk/
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Developer
Sk: Java (At least 1 years solid experience). With at least 5 years
programming experience with using either 'C' or C++. You will be
accustomed to interact directly with customers. & have the will to work
at the leading edge of the E-commerce industry.
Lo: Manchester
St: Immediate
Sa: 20k-30k
Ag: Vision IT Recruitment
Cn: Neal Butler
Te: 01908 319600
Fa: 01908 319638
Em: neal@visionit.co.uk
Re: JS/NB/13633
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Developer
Sk: Professional e-commerce solutions house have an interesting opening for
a senior Developer/programmer to work on full lifecycle projects using
Java C++ & various other languages. Great opportunity for x-training.
Lo: Manchester - Cheshire
Sa: 20k-30k Plus Benefits
Ag: Elite Computer Staff
Cn: Daniel Collier
Te: 020 8942 0088
Fa: 020 8942 0099
Em: dcollier@elite-cs.co.uk
Re: JS8192/1/DJC
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Development Manager
Sk: Senior position managing teams of analyst/programmers.Ideally you will
demonstrate 5 years team leading & project management experience within
the telecoms/ISP area.A very good understanding of databases essential
along with good C skills on Unix.
Lo: Cheshire, Liverpool, Manchester
Sa: 35k-45k + Benefits
Ag: Actis Recruitment
Cn: Eddie Gillis
Te: 01204 520200
Fa: 01204 520307
Em: eddie@actisrecruitment.co.uk
Re: JS42148
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior DSP Engineer
Sk: Appreciation of digital & analogue electronics, & programming
experience of DSP processors in both Assembler & C.
Lo: Berkshire
St: 1/3/00
Sa: 45k + Benefits
Ag: Resourcing Solutions
Cn: Kevin Trinkwon
Te: 0118 932 0100
Fa: 0118 932 1818
Em: ktrinkwon@resourcing-solutions.com
Re: JS/KT3898
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior DSP Engineer
Sk: You will need at least 2/3 years commercial experience of DSP
processors in both Assembler & 'C'. Knowledge of Signal modulation &
demodulation techniques using DSP. Great opp to progress your career
with a leading electronics corporation.
Lo: Slough, Berkshire
Sa: To 45k
Ag: Vision iT Recruitment
Cn: Nicholas Noon
Te: 01908 319600
Fa: 01908 319638
Em: nicholasn@visionit.co.uk
Re: JSNN250205/P
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior E-Commerce Developer
Sk: Working for a global recruitment services Co you will be developing the
early stages of a new E-commerce venture. You will be experienced in
the development of E-commerce applications using Java, C/C++ & have a
good understanding of RDBMS.
Lo: Slough, Berkshire
Sa: To 50k + Benefits
Ag: Devonshire IT
Cn: Devonshire It
Te: 0171 670 1700
Fa: 0171 670 1795
Em: it@devonshire.co.uk
Re: JSRV_DG577
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Embedded Software Engineer
Sk: Proven experience in Embedded software design with strong working
knowledge of C on Motorola Processors, Assembler on DSP devices &
general digital processing. A degree in Electrical Engineering or
Software Engineering preferred.
Lo: Dublin, Ireland
Sa: Up To 35k
Ag: S.Com Group
Cn: Deby Baldwin
Te: 01296 311458
Fa: 01296 436895
Em: deby.baldwin@scom.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Hardware Design Engineer
Sk: Exp.in Electronics h/w, firmware dev. & Embedded systems design.
Digital & analogue circuity & design for EMC & safety compliance. S/W
exp. includes high-level s/w techniques & algorithms with hands-on C &
Assembler exp. Prof. approach to Project Mgt ess.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
St: Immediate
Sa: Renumeration Package Will Reflect Individual's Experience
Ag: Carousel Recruitment
Cn: Amelia Hart
Te: 01603 626278
Fa: 01603 626279
Em: amelia@carouselrecruitment.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Hardware Engineer
Sk: Degree (min 2:2) in Electronic Engineering/Applied Sciences or similar.
5 years commercial experience of design & implementation of innovative
data comms products, VHDL & CPLDs/FPGAs essential. Basic C programming.
Team leadership opportunities.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: 30k-40k
Cn: Andy
Te: 01268 240812
Fa: 01268 240803
Em: andrew.parsons@brunel-it.com
Re: JSAP4006
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Internet Developer
Sk: C/Unix or similar (4 yrs), SQL (2 yrs), at least one of the following
Oracle/Sybase /Informix would be a advan. Knowl of Web techs (HTML,
DHTML, Java Script, HTTP, CGI.) would also be a asset. Must have good
analysis,design & software development skills.
Lo: West London
Sa: 35.5k-45k
Ag: Intelect Recruitment
Cn: Please Quote Reference
Te: 0207 759 4848
Fa: 0207 759 4800
Em: lp4@intelect-recruitment.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior LAN Engineer/Team Leader
Sk: Bay networks & Fore ATM experience C. 5 years to run 3 man team
supporting 2500 node network with multi national client.
Lo: Essex
Sa: c35k+ Benefits
Cn: Sam Nixson
Te: 01803 389402
Fa: 01803 389396
Em: info@nbc.uk.net
Re: JS-SN-141
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Microsoft Developer
Sk: Exciting opportunity with blue chip co to take part in high profile
development project. 5 yrs+ exp, MS IIS, SQL Server, ASP, Visual Basic,
VBScript, VBA, HTML, C and/or Java, SQL, ASP, COM, Visual Studio.
Lo: Oxford, Oxfordshire
Sa: 50k + Benefits
Ag: Eurosearch & Selection
Cn: Adam Khan
Te: 0 20 8447 1793
Fa: 0 20 8449 9593
Em: a.khan@eurosearch.net
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior MS Developer
Sk: Blue Chip company requires a Senior MS Developer with 5 years
experience with the following skill sets: MS IIS, SQL Server, ASP,
Visual Basic, VBScript,VBA, HTML, C and/or Java, SQL, ASP, COM, Visual
Lo: Oxfordshire
Sa: To 45k + Excellent Company Benefis
Ag: Eurosearch & Selection
Cn: Russell Davidson
Te: 0181 447 1793
Fa: 0181 441 4755
Em: r.davidson@eurosearch.net
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior MS Developer (MS IIS, SQL Server, ASP)
Sk: Required for extensive Internet development project within an Internet
related environment. You will have 2 years + exp, MS IIS, SQL Server,
ASP, VBA, HTML, C and/or Java, SQL, ASP COM, Visual Studio.
Lo: Oxford, Oxfordshire
Sa: 45k + Benefits
Ag: Computer People Midlands
Cn: Greg Fearon
Te: 0121 633 6822
Fa: 0121 632 5996
Em: gregfearon@computerpeople.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Oracle Developer
Sk: Working for large software house. 4+ years Oracle, PL/SQL, PRO*C Unix,
Developer 2000. Man-management skills. Knowledge of billing or local
government processes. Designer 2000. Excellent opp + Benefits.
Lo: Berkshire
Cn: Sarah Sullivan
Te: 0181 315 9098
Fa: 0181 315 9867
Em: ssullivan@msb.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Project Manager
Sk: You will the interface between this software services company & their
senior clients . A proven development project management background is
essential. This must have included the delivery of C/Server products.
Lo: Birmingham, West Midlands
Sa: Upto 50k + Car + Benefits
Ag: Syntax Consultancy
Cn: Jamie Elliss
Te: 0121 224 3004
Fa: 0121 224 3274
Em: jamie.elliss@syntaxnet.com
Re: JS-JE-6094A
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Qualtiy Assurance Engineer
Sk: 3 years Relational Database exp, Unix, C & SQL knowledge will ensure
quality standards across product suite. Exc career or cross training
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: 50k + Benefits
Ag: Rullion Computer Personnel
Cn: Alex Ness
Te: 0207 929 0404
Fa: 0207 929 0505
Em: cv.aness@rullion.co.uk
Re: JS/AN/QA/19943
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior S/W Design Engineer Edinburgh RTOS C VOIP
Sk: Hi-tech company developing software for speech processing systems
requires a Developer with: With 3yrs commercial experience you will
have C skills in a RTOS env. TCP/IP Assembler Power PC NT & Unix Device
drivers VOIP PCI Bus T1 & E1 Cards.
Lo: Edinburgh , Lothian, Scotland
St: March/April
Sa: 20k-35k + Excellent Benefits
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Daniel Russon
Te: 0870 603 9076 ext 3112
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: danielr@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Re: JSRV_DR/UL/010
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Software Developer
Sk: Global Telecoms company looking to recruit experienced C/C++ Developer
with excellent OOD skills & MFC. Java, Clearcase or Corba would be
beneficial but not necessary. Excellent future career opportunities
either as Technical specialist or team manager.
Lo: London
Sa: Negotiable + excellent benefits package
Ag: Mortimer Charles
Cn: Marie Farrell
Te: 0171 534 9013
Fa: 0171 534 9088
Em: marie@mortimercharles.com
Re: JS6111
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Software Engineer
Sk: A unique co require an experienced Software Engineer to work on the
full software life cycle of an advanced product. Excellent exp of Real
Time Embedded software using Assembler & C with the ability to
implement innovative ideas.
Lo: East Coast - Scotland
Sa: 35k
Ag: Quantica SWP
Cn: Neil Jarvis
Te: 01442 212555
Fa: 01442 231555
Em: mail@swp.quantica.co.uk
Re: JSV/NJ468
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Software Engineer
Sk: C, C++ & Unix are the skills required with 3 - 4 year development &
support experience required for this senior software engineer position.
You will be working for a large Telecom company, with excellent
training potential. Communicationskills a must
Lo: Bracknell, Berkshire
Sa: 23k-30k + Benefits
Ag: Recruit First
Cn: Toby Babb
Te: 0207 399 8888
Fa: 0207 399 8800
Em: pcsup@recruitfirst.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Software Engineer
Sk: Good degree in Electronic Engineering, Computer Science or similar. S/w
dev experience incl: C & assembly programming, embedded programming,
understanding of microprocessor system design. Ideally knowledge of
JTAG & TAP controllers & digital h/w design.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
St: Immediate
Ag: PCR Permanent
Cn: Helen Dingwall
Te: 01223 224310
Fa: 01223 224311
Em: helen.dingwall@pcrweb.co.uk
Ww: http://www.pcrweb.co.uk/
Re: JSHD124
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Software Engineer
Sk: Join a team of elite team of engineers,in the Enterprise Solutions
Division of a major software vendor. Skills required C/C++,
Java,Unix,NT,Knowledge of SQL,TCP/IP,2 years +in query processing or
database recovery. Excellent training & dev opport.
Lo: Maidenhead, Berkshire
Sa: 40k-50k + Car + Bonus
Ag: IT Selection
Cn: David Hood
Te: 01483 453381
Fa: 01483 453382
Em: davidh@itselection.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Software Engineer
Sk: Leading provider of online information is looking for an exp.Senior
Software Eng.to join a dynamic & fast paced Internet project team.You
will receive fantastic training & exposure to the latest Tech.Need a
degree,4 years OO design,C++,SQL,Unix & Oracle.
Lo: London
Sa: 45k
Ag: Lorien
Cn: James Mitchell
Te: 0171 654 1123
Fa: 0171 654 1011
Em: cityperm@lorien.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Software Engineer
Sk: Major comms co need above with a min of 2 years exp of design, dev,
test & documentation of Real Time, Embedded software. C prog with
Data/Telecoms exp essential, any knowledge of ISDN, X25, GSM,
FDDI,SS7,Frame Relay etc a benefit.
Lo: High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
Sa: Excellent
Ag: AQUINAS IT Training & Recruitment
Cn: Robin King
Te: 01494 533223
Fa: 01494 533224
Em: rking@aquinas.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Software Engineer
Sk: Responsible for the development of software solutions for
broadcast/non-broadcast comms ensuring fully documented modular,
re-usable software code using OOD.Development of Real Time operating
kernel & embedded software to ASIC based developments in C/C++.
Lo: Essex
Ag: Jenrick
Cn: Steve White
Te: 01276 676363
Fa: 01276 691772
Em: register@jenrick.co.uk
Re: JS1412
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Software Engineer
Sk: Work in R&D dev support group. Exp: ClearCase configeration managment
systems with solid Unix & prog exp in C/C++ , ksh or Perl.
Lo: Near Edinburgh, Scotland
Sa: Very Competitive
Ag: Elan Scotland
Cn: Olga Raftos
Te: 0131 220 6638
Fa: 0131 220 6640
Em: or@elan.co.uk
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Software Engineer
Sk: You will need at least 3 years experience in Microprocessor
engineering, 'C'/C++ & Assembler, coupled with a reasonable knowledge
of electronic systems. Leading Electronics company offering great opp
to progress career.
Lo: Slough, Berkshire
Sa: To 43k
Ag: Vision iT Recruitment
Cn: Nicholas Noon
Te: 01908 319600
Fa: 01908 319638
Em: nicholasn@visionit.co.uk
Re: JSNN250204/P
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior SQL Server/Visual Basic Developer
Sk: This leading financial intuition is looking to recruit a Developer with
a minimum of 3 years SQL Server/Visual Basic experience to join a team
of 5 people. Solid development exp required while training will be
offered in Java & ASP.
Lo: City, London
St: ASAP - Must Be Eligible To Work In The Uk
Sa: 30k-40k + Benefits
Ag: Real IT Resourcing
Cn: Mark O' Kane
Te: 0181 490 1999
Fa: 0181 490 1900
Em: jobs@realit.co.uk
Re: JS-27663-NED
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior SW Design Engineer (NT)
Sk: Degree level, preferably in Computer Science, ideally covering
Telecoms, OO & OOD. Thorough knowledge of Windows NT SW development
environment. OLE/COM knowledge. C/C++. Visual C++. 3+ years experience
in SW design & development.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: Dependent On Experience
Cn: Andy
Te: 01268 240812
Fa: 01268 240803
Em: andrew.parsons@brunel-it.com
Re: JSAP4011
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Sybase, Unix Analyst Programmer
Sk: Sybase(v.11.5.1) Developer with 2 years needed with Unix Solaris &
Shell Script Programming skills in a Financial Market environment. Some
DBA experience is also required. C & Powerbuilder is an advantage. Must
be a team player. Call now!.
Lo: City, London
Sa: To 55k + Bonus
Ag: Hayden Pearse Group
Cn: Ward Bunni
Te: 0171 236 0151
Fa: 0171 236 2888
Em: wbunni@haydenpearse.co.uk
Re: JSP4024WB
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Technical Programmer
Sk: Involved in the complete life cycle from design/analysis to support.
You will enjoy working in a team & beable to demonstrate
flexibility,you will have at least 2 of the following:open systems &
Unix system programming,C,Oracle 7/8,PL/SQL,SQL,Win 95/98.
Lo: Blackburn, Lancashire
Sa: c24k-30k Depending On Experience.
Ag: Quantica PRS
Cn: Zoie Tanfield
Te: 01423 874488
Fa: 01423 874455
Em: jennie@prs.quantica.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Web Developer - Java
Sk: Global Software development Co.requires a senior Java Web
Developer.Must have exp.of running Senior projects.At least 2 years
solid Java/HTML.EJB/Cold Fusion/XML a big plus.This position offers
excellent career development & training opportunities.
Lo: Middlesex
Sa: Up to 35k
Ag: Lorien
Cn: Sara or Nigel
Te: 0171 654 1046/1125
Fa: 0171 654 1011
Em: cityperm@lorien.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Senior Web Information Designer
Sk: Must have Design Management experience,5 years experience in Web
information design of software products, experience on
Mac/PC,HTML,Photoshop. Knowledge of JavaScript, Unix,C,3 Years in
Design team management.
Lo: London
Ag: Compucare - South
Cn: Pippa Hilditch
Te: 0181 891 8000
Fa: 0181 891 8008
Em: compucare@south.compucare.co.uk
Re: JST2611
Ty: Permanent
Po: Siebel Project Manager
Sk: Siebel, SQL, C/C++, RDBMS. To manage or oversee project logistics,
provide post-class evaluation information to the client & the director
of operations, accomplish project goals, & interface with the client,
integration & implementation teams.
Lo: London
St: Immediate
Sa: 65k + Benefits & Car
Ag: Computer Recruitment Services
Cn: Rob Nicholas
Te: 0207 247 9733
Fa: 0207 247 4881
Em: rob@crs-ltd.co.uk
Re: JSRN3511
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Design Engineer
Sk: At least 1 years commercial experience within the Real Time Embedded
field. Predominantly 'C' or C++ on Unix. Knowledge of Assembler a
bonus. World leading Technologies used by this renowned Telecoms
Lo: Thatcham, Berkshire
Ag: Vision iT Recruitment
Cn: Nicholas Noon
Te: 01908 319600
Fa: 01908 319638
Em: nicholasn@visionit.co.uk
Re: JSNN250206/P
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Design Engineer
Sk: Degree level pref in Computer Science, ideally covering Telecoms, OO,
OOD & Real Time/Embedded. C/C++ knowledge. Internet tech & protocols.
SW design & dev. Know/interest in development of Real Time
telecommunication systems.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: 20k-30k Dependant On Experience + Benefits
Cn: Andy
Te: 01268 240812
Fa: 01268 240803
Em: andrew.parsons@brunel-it.com
Re: JSAP4016
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Design Engineer
Sk: Degree level, pref in Computer Science, ideally Telecoms, OO, OOD &
Real Time/Embedded. Knowledge of C/C++, Internet IP Protocol. Software
design & development. Knowledge/interest in developing realtime
telecommunication systems. Will consider Grad.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: From 19k + Benefits
Cn: Andy
Te: 01268 240812
Fa: 01268 240803
Em: andrew.parsons@brunel-it.com
Re: JSAP4017
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Design Engineer
Sk: Electronic Design experience with C or Assembler & exposure to low
level processors. The role involves 75% software development & 25%
hardware design. You will be joining a market leading Software house
that is expanding rapidly.
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: 20k-30k + Relocation.
Ag: Apex Computer Recruitment
Cn: Sarah Oakes
Te: 0117 930 3000
Fa: 0117 930 0345
Em: sarah.oakes@apexcr.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Design Engineer
Sk: To be considered for these roles, you should have design experience
using C & C++ in the PC and/or Unix environment. In addition,
familiarity with Real Time embedded software programming & Operating
Systems would be advantageous.
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: c32++
Ag: Capita Tomkins
Cn: Andrea Laidler
Te: 01753 850007
Fa: 01753 857449
Em: perm@otltd.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Design Engineer
Sk: To be considered for these roles, you should have design experience
using C & C++ in the PC and/or Unix environment. In addition,
familiarity with Real Time embedded software programming & Operating
Systems would be advantageous.
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: c32++
Ag: Capita Tomkins
Cn: Andrea Laidler
Te: 01753 850007
Fa: 01753 857449
Em: perm@otltd.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Design Engineer ( NT)
Sk: Degree level, preferably in Computer Science, ideally covering
Telecoms, OO & OOD. Thorough knowledge of Windows NT SW development
environment. OLE/COM knowledge. C/C++. Visual C++. 1-2 years experience
in SW development in Windows NT Env.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: Dependant on experience + Benifits
Cn: Andy
Te: 01268 240812
Fa: 01268 240803
Em: andrew.parsons@brunel-it.com
Re: JSAP4012
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Design Engineer/Developer
Sk: Major Technology Company are looking for an experienced Software
Design/Development Engineer. You need a degree & strong A-Levels,
Visual C++, C, Visual Basic, NT, Rational Rose, OOD, MFC & Realtime
applications experience.
Lo: Oxfordshire
Sa: 30k
Ag: Lorien
Cn: James Mitchell
Te: 0171 654 1123
Fa: 0171 654 1011
Em: cityperm@lorien.co.uk
Re: JSRV_JM/0367
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Designer
Sk: Will have a min of B.Sc or B.E. 5 + years exp in prod dev. where prime
focus has been software engineering, dev. real time embedded systems.
Exp in the following tools nec. - C/C++/Embedded C++, CASE tools, Logic
analysers. Mail for full Job Description.
Lo: Christchurch, New Zealand
Sa: Negotiable + Relocation + Visa
Ag: Eden Brown New Zealand
Cn: Nathan Masters
Te: +64 44 965212
Fa: +64 44 965219
Em: nmasters@edenbrown.co.nz
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Developer
Sk: 2:1 degree a must. Proven development experience in C/C++ and/or Java,
gained in a structured environment. Desirable: SQL(oracle,informix
sybase etc), HTML,JavaScript,XML,Perl,tcl/tk,Unix(solaris, linux), Win
NT,Internet security, encryption.
Lo: West London
Sa: 20 - 35k + benfits
Ag: Capita Tomkins
Cn: Russell Hall
Te: 01753 850007
Fa: 01743 857449
Em: russell@otltd.co.uk
Re: JS4664/7RHPERM
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Developer
Sk: A Leading Web specialist require developers. Good academic record,Exp
of developing in C/C++/Java. Desirable skills -
SQL,HTML,JavaScript,XML,Perl,Unix,WinNT. Loads of training & fantastic
opportunities. Call NOW.
Lo: West London
Sa: to35k
Ag: Outsource UK Permanent
Cn: Vikki Dytham
Te: 01793 430021
Fa: 01793 432337
Em: vdytham@outsource-uk.co.uk
Ww: http://www.outsource-uk.co.uk/
Re: JSV_2002EB
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Developer
Sk: At least one years system development exp. Exposure to one of
C++,Java,COM/DCOM,Web development. Cross training is available for all
candidates. Exposure to OO dev would be advantageous.
Lo: Greater London
Sa: Excellent
Ag: Alicon Resourcing
Cn: Marcus Richards
Te: 0207 422 9358
Fa: 0171 375 3927
Em: mrichards@alicon-resourcing.com
Re: JS/MR/188
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Developer
Sk: C++, C & Unix skills urgently required by one of Cambridge's leading
software houses, applicant need bot have commercial experience but must
have an exceptional academic background ie. Science or Maths degree.
Junior an senior positions available .
Lo: Cambridgeshire
Sa: Outstanding
Ag: Web-recruitment.com
Cn: Dmg
Te: 020 7613 7100
Fa: 020 7613 7101
Em: cv@web-recruitment.com
Re: JS2DMG0268
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Developer
Sk: C, C++ or Java on Unix or NT. Ideally you will have a telecom network
background. Roles are available from graduate to senior level.
Relocation & excellent career prospects offered.
Lo: France Or Edinburgh
Ag: Quantum IT
Cn: Jock Mackay (e-Mail Preferred. Guarantees Rapid Response)
Fa: 0131 220 6646
Em: jock@quantum.net.uk
Re: JS/JM/SF/1
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Developer
Sk: Essential skills: C, C++, Java or Visual Basic Desirable: OO, ASP,
JavaScript, DHTML, JSP,SQL, CGI on Microsoft technologies. Good degree.
Small & friendly team.
Lo: Edinburgh
Sa: 25k+ & bens.
Ag: Elan Computing
Cn: Anna
Em: ask@elan.co.uk
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Re: JS/ASK/8795
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Developer
Sk: Fantastic opp. to work in a highly motivated & exciting team developing
webn integrated solutions. All they ask is a good academic background &
proven C or C++ development experience. Java x/t.
Lo: London
Sa: c35k
Ag: Computer Connect
Cn: Mary Edwards
Te: 0171 233 6688
Fa: 0171 233 6602
Em: mary@computerconnect.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Developer
Sk: HND/Degree pref. Strong C skills, knowledge of Visual Basic, Java,
Delphi.Working with highly competent technical team. Multi platform
environment. Windows 95/98/NT,Unix. Company develop software for the
EDI/Retail systems market.
Lo: Hampshire
Sa: 20k-35k Plus Benefits
Ag: Gregory-Martin International
Cn: Anne Hartley
Te: 01252 710215
Fa: 01252 711436
Em: anne@gregory-martin.co.uk
Re: JS1896/59A
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Developer
Sk: Maths/Computer Science Degree minimum 2:i. At least 1 years commercial
experience with the latest technologies i.e. Java/C++/C. Either Unix or
Windows NT experience & Knowledge of RDBMS. Join this Specialist Web
Integrator. Fantastic opp.
Lo: Chiswick, London
Sa: To 30k
Ag: Vision IT Recruitment
Cn: Nicholas Noon
Te: 01908 319600
Fa: 01908 319638
Em: nicholasn@visionit.co.uk
Re: JSNN250203/P
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Developer
Sk: Our Client is looking for a Software Engineer with a minimum of 2 years
experience. Proven experience of implementing 3D algorithms & models.
This should include programming in C & probably Assembler, rather than
using 3D modelling packages.
Lo: Edinburgh, Scotland
Ag: Source Selection
Cn: Iain Montgomery
Te: 0141 572 2100
Fa: 0141 572 2101
Em: iain@sourceuk.com
Re: JS10142
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Developer
Sk: Responsible for Design, Coding & Testing. Must have 3-5 years
experience in Software integration & commissioning in Unix environment.
Experience of Atlas, Visual applications, C & database design knowledge
Lo: Edinburgh, Scotland
Ag: IT Manpower, Scotland
Cn: Andrew Spratt
Te: 0141 248 5577
Fa: 0141 248 5570
Em: scotland.it@manpower.co.uk
Ww: http://www.manpower.co.uk/
Re: JS/969/41831/AS
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Developer
Sk: We are looking for engineers with 2-3 years experience a good
understanding of Embedded systems & structured programming. In
addition, you should have over one year's experience of 'C' programming
in Embedded systems environments.
Lo: Edinburgh, Scotland
Ag: Source Selection
Cn: Iain Montgomery
Te: 0141 572 2100
Fa: 0141 572 2101
Em: iain@sourceuk.com
Re: JS10115
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Developer (C,C++)
Sk: Developing highly structured Embedded firmware. Knowledge of TCP/IP
communication protocols. Some familiarity of Windows & Unix operating
systems. Exp of fax/modem technology a benefit.
Lo: Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire
Sa: 20k-30k
Ag: IT Executive
Cn: Db@it-Executive.Com (by Email)
Te: 01908 506506
Fa: 01908 506226
Em: db@it-executive.com
Re: JSDB250203/DCE
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Development Engineer
Sk: Rapidly expanding consultancy are looking for a couple of strong
software dev.engineers to work on mission critical projects with a
leading household client.You need 18 months - 4 years software
dev.exp.with C/C++/Java/RDBMS.Must have a strong degree.
Lo: London
Sa: 50k
Ag: Lorien
Cn: James Mitchell
Te: 0171 654 1123
Fa: 0171 654 1011
Em: cityperm@lorien.co.uk
Re: JSRV_JM/0583
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Development Engineer
Sk: Responsible for the design, coding & acceptance of test software.
Degree & 3-4 years experience desirable, as is experience in Visual
applications, C programming & some familiarity with Digital Hardware
Lo: Edinburgh, Scotland
Ag: IT Manpower, Scotland
Cn: Andrew Spratt
Te: 0141 248 5577
Fa: 0141 248 5570
Em: scotland.it@manpower.co.uk
Ww: http://www.manpower.co.uk/
Re: JS/969/41834/AS
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Development Manager
Sk: C/C++ Development Manager required by this world leading systems &
design consultancy. You must have a min of 5 years development exp in
return for exciting projects & an attractive package. Exp of the SLA's
& Delphi most welcome.
Lo: Croydon, Surrey
St: Immediate
Sa: 33k
Ag: Vision iT Recruitment
Cn: Ashley Cooper
Te: 01908 319600
Fa: 01908 319638
Em: ashley@visionit.co.uk
Re: JS/AC/12920
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Development Manager
Sk: Delphi Development Manager required by this exciting Systems House.
Must have min of 5 years development exp in return for exciting Blue
Chip projects & an attractive package. Exp of SLA's, Budgets, Manpower
etc & C/C++ most welcome.
Lo: Croydon, Surrey
St: Immediate
Sa: 35k + Outstanding Benefits
Ag: Vision iT Recruitment
Cn: Ashley Cooper
Te: 01908 319600
Fa: 01908 319638
Em: ashley@visionit.co.uk
Re: JS/AC/12920F
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Development Manager
Sk: Do you want to work for a leading ISP?You will have 5 years team
leading & project management experince along with excellent Oracle & C
on Unix skills.Ideal candidate will come from a telecoms
background.Excellent opportunity.
Lo: Cheshire, Liverpool, Manchester
Sa: 35k-45k + Benefits
Ag: Actis Recruitment
Cn: Eddie Gillis
Te: 01204 520200
Fa: 01204 520307
Em: eddie@actisrecruitment.co.uk
Re: JS42148
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Development Manager
Sk: Managing teams of Analyst/Programmers delivering quality solutions
within innovative & fast-moving environment for a leading ISP. Very
good understanding of Databases, particularly Oracle, strong C
programming skills on Uinx.
Lo: Cheshire
Sa: To 45k
Ag: New World Recruitment
Cn: Ged Murphy/Grahame Morrison
Te: 0161 945 1100
Fa: 0161 945 1233
Em: ys.recruit@virgin.net
Re: JS/0002-46
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: 2yrs+ experience, excellent prog skills C, Real Time Embedded systems,
Unix prog exp, Networking.
Lo: Edinburgh, Scotland
Sa: c40k + Benefits + Relocation
Ag: Best People
Cn: Rhona Scotland
Te: 0131 524 9000
Fa: 0131 524 9090
Em: scotland@best-people.co.uk
Re: JSRV_RS_0502
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: A rapidly expanding company requires a number of software engineers
with C,C++ and/or Java. The ideal candidate will have networking
knowledge along with OOD skills. Experience of NT & Unix would be
Lo: Hertfordshire or London
Sa: 30k-50k
Ag: Aaron Millar Associates
Cn: Suzanne Eggleston
Te: 01908 507075
Fa: 01908 501787
Em: se@amituk.com
Re: JS/AMS004
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: C/C++ Software developers sought by International Telecoms company.
minimum 1-2 years experience preferably with OOD skills & MFC. Telecoms
background not necessary but must be willing to train.
Lo: Central London
Ag: Mortimer Charles
Cn: Marie Farrell
Te: 0171 534 9013
Fa: 0171 534 9088
Em: marie@mortimercharles.com
Re: JS6110
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: C/C++ with Telecomms experience is required by this market leading
company. This is an excellent opportunity to put your Telecomms &
Application Development experience to good use. Excellent prospects for
the right candidate.
Lo: Surrey
St: Immediate
Sa: 25k-35k
Ag: Vision iT Recruitment
Cn: Ashley Cooper
Te: 01908 319600
Fa: 01908 319638
Em: ashley@visionit.co.uk
Re: JS/AC/6376B
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Consultancy developing for blue chip clients. Good degree essential,
challenging role in relaxed environment. Stretch your skills & get on
board a team that really is going places.
Lo: Nottingham Midlands
Ag: Kingfisher Consultancy
Cn: Joanne Ashall
Te: 01527 404600
Em: joanne.ashall@kingfisher-group.com
Re: JS/KF/004890JAC
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: cutting edge technology company require software engineers with a broad
range of skills especially in C/C++ Any 3-D visualisation skills an
advantage minimum 30 months experience.
Lo: Edinburgh, Scotland
Ag: Careercare
Cn: Tom Carrigan
Te: 0131 473 7030
Fa: 0131 473 7040
Em: tom.carrigan@careercare.com
Ww: http://www.careercare.com
Re: JS/TC/GS/3
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Degree (min 2:2) or equiv, ideally in computer science or related
subject. 3+ years experience in embedded systems, real time operating
systems, TCP/IP or similar, low level C or C++, ideally with Power PC;
register-level programming; drivers, ARM.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: 25k-30k + Benifits
Cn: Andy
Te: 01268 240812
Fa: 01268 240803
Em: andrew.parsons@brunel-it.com
Re: JSAP4008
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Degree educated, Good working knowledge (2 years +) of C, Knowledge of
interactive 3D graphics (OpenGL) and/or Photorealistic 3D graphics
Lo: Hampshire
Sa: Excellent
Ag: BRS Group
Cn: Stefan Mclachlan
Te: 01483 410062
Fa: 01483 410065
Em: stefan@brs-group.com
Re: JS/SMW/2
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Design & develop enhancements & new features for existing software
products & application systems..Responsible for the development of
functional specifications.C/C++,Powerbuilder exp required.
Lo: South East
Sa: 30k
Cn: Tim Roberts
Te: 01689 832111
Fa: 08702 428246
Em: permanent@midas-it.com
Re: JSMIP2502-3
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Develop next generation software. Preferably Degree qualified with
approx 2 years software development utilising some of the following: C,
C++, Unix, Shell Scripting (ideally Perl), CAD, EDA, developing
installation software.
Lo: Dublin, Ireland
Sa: Excellent + Benefits + Relocation
Ag: Quantum IT
Cn: Jayne Chappell
Te: 0131 220 6656 (e mail preferred. Guarantees rapid response)
Fa: 0131 220 6646
Em: jayne@quantum.net.uk
Re: JS/JC/2-102
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Dynamic company require software engineer. Must have detailed knowledge
of the full development life cycle & good all round Unix & C
development experience. Exposure with one of the following: Java, SQL,
Oracle or Perl. Superb package/career progression.
Lo: West Sussex
Sa: 50k
Ag: Insight Resources
Cn: Niall Cook
Te: 01403 216216
Fa: 01403 216222
Em: niall.cook@insightrl.co.uk
Re: JSI-00659/NC
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Essential: must have C, C++ (min of 1 year experience, would suit a
recent graduate). Opportunity to work with Real Time applications.
Opportunity to travel. Excellent chance to break into Telcos.
Lo: Cardiff, Wales
St: Will wait 1 month
Ag: QD Technology
Cn: Simon Hughes
Te: 0171 440 7484
Em: s.hughes@qdgroup.com
Re: JSSH2040
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Experienced embedded/real-time software engineers required for exciting
project, essential skills include; C/C++ & OOD. Experience in
communications technology would be advantageous.
Lo: Scotland
Ag: Careercare
Cn: Tom Carrigan
Te: 0131 473 7030
Fa: 0131 473 7040
Em: tom.carrigan@careercare.com
Ww: http://www.careercare.com
Re: JS/CR/1
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: For programmers to join the product developmentteam. you will get the
opportunity to learn Java programming. sound development knowledge,
OS/2, Unix,MVS,OS/400, Windows 95, & Windows NT capable C/C++
Lo: Hursley, Hampshire
Ag: Compucare - South
Cn: Pippa Hilditch
Te: 0181 891 8000
Fa: 0181 891 8008
Em: compucare@south.compucare.co.uk
Re: JST2658
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Good vacancy for candidates fluent in C and/or Pascal. Windows NT,
Novell, Unix & web skills all desirable.
Lo: Hertfordshire
Sa: Highly Negotiable
Ag: Positive Selection
Cn: Mike
Te: 01603 631050
Fa: 01603 617272
Em: positive@paston.co.uk
Re: JS/4554/ML
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Great role in large competitive company. You will have 2-3 years C/C++
& some Java awareness on Unix.
Lo: Portsmouth, Hampshire/South
St: Immediate
Sa: 25k-40k
Ag: Real IT Resourcing
Cn: Jo Koffman
Te: 0181 490 1999
Fa: 0181 490 1900
Em: jobs@realit.co.uk
Re: JS-JK27125
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Ideally degree educated. 12-24 months exp. of Real Time Embedded
software with C, C++. Knowledge of development tools will be an
advantage. Debugging Real Time software faults & writing programs.
Lo: Kent
Sa: 27k + Benefits
Ag: 1st Comm Search & Selection
Cn: Daniel Warner
Te: 0208 550 6666
Fa: 0208 550 1166
Em: daniel@socrates.ftech.co.uk
Re: JSDW335
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Leading telecomm co in Hampshire seek degree educated developers to be
involved throughout the project life cycle from design to testing using
the very latest tools. 2 years in Embedded C plus knowl of SDL/SDT,
GSM, Tetra or MPT 1327 protocol.
Lo: Hampshire
Cn: David Hamilton
Te: 0181 427 4000
Fa: 0181 427 4400
Em: david@review.co.uk
Ww: http://www.review.co.uk
Re: JSB4M33713
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Leading worldwide Wireless & GSM company are looking for a number of
people with experience of C & Embedded systems. Minimum of 2 years exp.
You will be working within the R&D department on leading edge
technology, including Blue Tooth (no exp. nec.).
Lo: Near Glasgow, Scotland
Ag: Source Selection
Cn: Iain Montgomery
Te: 0141 572 2100
Fa: 0141 572 2101
Em: iain@sourceuk.com
Re: JS10049
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Major Developer of telecommunications systems & infrastructure running
multiple concurrent development projects Developers with C/C++ skills
on Unix platfroms eagerly sought future internal opportunites will
include cross training or foreign travel.
Lo: East Midlands
Sa: To 35k + Benefits
Ag: Elan Computing
Cn: Jason Blackwell
Te: 0121 711 4481
Fa: 0121 705 9598
Em: soli.cvp@elan.co.uk
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: MS DOS/Windos 95, OO Concepts, Methodolgies (UML) Required to
implement, good knowledge of MS DOS, Windows 95 OO concepts,
methodology UML Yourdon, HTML XML. Exp of C/C++ & Pascal programs.
Lo: Peterborough, Cambridgeshire
Sa: c26k
Ag: Hays IT
Cn: Pamela Lawrence
Te: 01473 631311
Fa: 01473 630920
Em: ipswich.response@hays-it.co.uk
Ww: http://www.hays-it.com
Re: JSPXL00228311
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Real Time C++ Software Development Engineer 2 years+ C++ programming
with a background in Real Time development, OOD/OOA & Windows NT. Any
exposure to 3D effects and/or television related design is relevant
although full training is provided.
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: 24k-40k + Benefits
Ag: Apex Computer Recruitment
Cn: Sarah Oakes
Te: 0117 930 3000
Fa: 0117 930 0345
Em: sarah.oakes@apexcr.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Senior member of development team focused on delivery of product for
Aspects Generations 5.0 NT next generation IVR product.
Lo: UK
Ag: DPCS Datamasters
Cn: Justin
Te: 01462 440722
Fa: 01462 442205
Em: jw@dpcs.demon.co.uk
Re: JS/JWP-AS2124
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Software development exp. Strong C,C++ skills. Java, Java Beans exp in
NT, Unix environment. 2yrs exp in a commercial environment.
Lo: Various
Sa: Negotiable. + Benefits
Ag: Alexander Mann Technology
Cn: Cherie Nedd
Te: 0171 905 1385
Fa: 0171 242 4445
Em: cherie.nedd@alexmann.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Software development exp. Strong C,C++ skills. Java, Java Beans exp in
NT, Unix environment. 2yrs exp in a commercial environment.
Lo: Various
Sa: Negotiable + Benefits
Ag: Alexander Mann Technology
Cn: Cherie Nedd
Te: 0171 905 1385
Fa: 0171 242 4445
Em: cherie.nedd@alexmann.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: software engineer, Visual C, C++, C, full life cycle, maintenance of
existing software products that they meet customer expectations. to be
an integral part of the spec & development of future software
Lo: Portsmouth, Hampshire
Sa: 30k
Ag: Advanced Resource Managers (ARM)
Cn: Paul Huntingdon
Te: 01705 377111
Fa: 01705 377222
Em: paulh@arm.co.uk
Re: JSPM1679
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Software Engineers required with srong Embedded C skills to work in the
automotive industry.
Lo: West Midlands
Ag: PeopleCo Worldwide
Cn: Ian Mackrell
Te: 01564 784975
Fa: 01564 783580
Em: irm@peopleco.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: The R+D team who are developing tools for monitoring production of
semiconductors are seeking a software engineer. An electronics
background,degree & good C skills are essential. C++,SDK & NT is a
bonus. Very challenging, working at the leading edge.
Lo: Wokingham, Berkshire
Sa: c35k
Ag: IT Selection
Cn: David Hood
Te: 01483 453381
Fa: 01483 453382
Em: davidh@itselection.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: This company are a leading Developer of systems to the automotive &
aerospace industry. They require software engineers with experience of
C programming in a Real Time, Embedded environment.Automotive or
aerospace exp advantageous.
Lo: West Midlands
Sa: 37k
Ag: Paragon IT
Cn: Stewart Smith
Te: 0117 914 1123
Fa: 0117 914 1124
Em: stewart_smith@paragon-it.com
Re: JS/SS/SS247/
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Urgently looking for a candidate with the following skills; a software
engineer who has C/C++ & Pascal programs, able to produce accurate
documentation (technical & user), planning & working on projects &
meeting deadlines.
Lo: Cambridgeshire
Sa: 26k
Ag: First Byte Recruitment
Cn: Rebecca Keating
Te: 01865 882888
Fa: 01865 884463
Em: rebeccak@euroele.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer
Sk: Use your strong C/Unix development skills to work on leading edge
telecomms projects. This is an excellent opportunity for those who
enjoy working at the forefront of technology whilst looking to cross
train in Java. Outstanding packages.
Lo: Reading, Berkshire
Sa: To 40k
Ag: Towers Recruitment Services
Cn: David Honour
Te: 0118 946 1200 ext. 201
Fa: 0118 946 3318
Em: davidh@towers.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer (various Levels)
Sk: Degree qualified you will have at least 2 years experience of C/C++,
Unix & OOA/OOD. Full life cycle experience required. Excellent
opportunities to join a world leader.
Lo: Edinburgh, Scotland
Sa: To 38k (dependent on experience) + relocation assistance
Ag: Quantum IT
Cn: Jayne Chappell
Te: 0131 220 6656 (e mail preferred. Guarantees rapid response)
Fa: 0131 220 6646
Em: jayne@quantum.net.uk
Re: JS/JC/0001-60
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer C C++ PC Drivers ASICs Windows NT PCI USB
Sk: C or C++ programmers required to develop ASIC based Embedded software
drivers. Experience of Windows NT or WDM Drivers, & PC Bus
Architectures such as PCI & USB, NDIS, WHQL. Any Unix & Networking
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: Up To 33k + Share Options + Benefits
Ag: IT Connections
Cn: Please Call
Te: 01234 405504
Fa: 01234 405508
Em: mail@itconnections.co.uk
Re: JS-OD251
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer C/Unix/C++ (Any)
Sk: C/Unix.C++. Rapidly expanding E-commerce company urgently require
S/Ware engineers to build new teams in the UK. Excellent training &
Salary package offered as is the opportunity to X-Train into new
technologies. Call now quick CV turnaround!.
Lo: South
Sa: Up To 38k Depending On Experience
Ag: Westek Computer Services
Cn: Tracy Pratt
Te: 01453 543222
Fa: 01453 543281
Em: tracy.pratt@westekcsl.com
Re: JS1498TPB
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer With Mathematical Skills.
Sk: Research consultancy reqs Software Engineer with C++ & strong
mathematical skills. BSc/PhD in maths/physics preferred. C, Visual
Basic, MFC useful. Modelling, simulation & Artificial intelligence -
commercial & defence projects.
Lo: Middlesex/West London
Sa: Upto 30k
Ag: RM Resourcing
Cn: Robin Wiltshire
Te: 01491 827512
Em: robin@rmresourcing.co.uk
Re: JS252/2
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer X 2
Sk: Fluency in C, C++ & ASM + Java & HTML. Able to use compilers,
simulators & ICE beneficial as would knowledge of DOS, NT, Unix &
Linix. 3 years in ISO9000 environment, structured techniques.
Lo: Egham, Surrey
Sa: Up To 40k
Ag: Datastaff
Cn: Chris Stevenson
Te: 01784 438693
Fa: 01784 438694
Em: datastaff@btinternet.com
Re: JSRV_2684
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer, C, Unix, VOIP
Sk: C, Unix, telecoms background, VOIP, Data Development, ISDN, SS7.
Lo: Kent
Sa: 30k-35k
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Jolene Chalk
Te: 0870 603 9072 x 3156
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: jolenec@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Re: JSRV_JC/SE/2013
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer, Data Tools
Sk: 2 years systems level programming experience in C/C++ or Cobol,
preferably with Microsoft Visual C++, MFC & COM/DCOM experience. Degree
or equivalent level qualification in a computing related subject.
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: Up To 40k + Benefits
Cn: Adam Jay
Te: 01442 291800
Fa: 01442 291801
Em: sales@latcom.co.uk
Re: JS0002-10AJ
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer/Analyst Programmer Vis C++
Sk: This global leader desperately requires C++/C/Embedded developers of
all levels!! This is a fantastic opportunity to join a cutting edge
organisation with superb prospects. Call now for more details or submit
cv be email. 2000 can be your year!!.
Lo: Thames Valley, London
Sa: 25k-40k + Excellent Benefits
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Ben Embleton
Te: 0870 603 9072 x 3185
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: bene@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer/Consultant
Sk: Our client specialises in the service, systems & network management
solutions for the finance & telecomms industry. Openings exist for
candidate with strong C/Unix skills with the opportunity for obtaining
Java, OOD & C++.
Lo: London
Sa: To 55k
Ag: Towers Recruitment Services
Cn: David Honour
Te: 0118 946 1200 ext. 201
Fa: 0118 946 3318
Em: davidh@towers.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer/Function Tester
Sk: Design & test execution of normal & complex functions. Test
specifications. Handle test plant to perform tests. Troubleshoot. Write
programs. Knowledge of IT/Telecoms, cellular basic WCDMA & WDM, Unix,
C/C++, TCP/IP, ClearCase.
Lo: UK
Ag: Excel
Cn: Debbie Hart
Te: 01277 375436
Fa: 0171 680 4022
Em: debbiehart@lineone.net
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer/Technical Consultant
Sk: Must have a min. 2yrs C++ & Windows NT. Fluency in written & spoken
German essential. You will be providing tech support, training &
consultancy services.This is an exciting & rewarding carrer with an
excellent company.
Lo: Horsham, West Sussex
Sa: 28k-35k
Ag: REED Computing Personnel
Cn: Rachael Oldershaw
Te: 01483 569061
Fa: 01483 301151
Em: rachael.e.oldershaw@reed.co.uk
Re: JS/32943/REO
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer/Technical Consultant
Sk: Must have a min. 2yrs C++ & Windows NT. Fluency in written & spoken
German essential. You will be providing tech support, training &
consultancy services.This is an exciting & rewarding carrer with an
excellent company.
Lo: Horsham, West Sussex
Sa: 28k-35k
Ag: REED Computing Personnel
Cn: Rachael Oldershaw
Te: 01483 569061
Fa: 01483 301151
Em: rachael.e.oldershaw@reed.co.uk
Re: JS/32943/REO
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Engineer/Telecomms
Sk: Software engineer, 3 - 4 years experience, database design/writing,
C/C++, educated to 'A' level grade in maths/physics, 2:1 degree or
above from recognised university, telecomms background.
Lo: Hampshire
Ag: Advanced Resource Managers (ARM)
Cn: Rob Wrixon
Te: 01705 377111
Fa: 01705 377222
Em: robw@arm.co.uk
Re: JSR_1571
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Product Manager
Sk: Relevant Deg. Tech understanding of embedded processor architecture,
RTOS, C, & Assembler. experience of 3+ of: Product Marketing: Sales
account management; s/w consulting; developing sales & marketing
collateral; Prcing; Contract negotiation.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
St: Immediate
Ag: PCR Permanent
Cn: Helen Dingwall
Te: 01223 224310
Fa: 01223 224311
Em: helen.dingwall@pcrweb.co.uk
Ww: http://www.pcrweb.co.uk/
Re: JSHD169
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Programmer/Developer
Sk: You must have excellent software engineering & programming skills in
C/C++ & experience of COM or Java. The software deals with voice
recognition, dialogue & user interface technologies. Excellent career
Lo: Surrey
Sa: 25k-40k + Excellent Benefits
Ag: Prime Placements (Development)
Cn: David Traylor
Te: 01372 361166
Fa: 01372 360248
Em: davidt@primepl.com
Re: JS_DMT141
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Project Planner
Sk: Client requires 2 years planning+tracking software projects. 2 years
writing software (preferably C) in real-time dev/ment environment.Will
provide project planning, tracking & co-ordinating support.Familiarity
with Software Dev/ment Lifecycle models.
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: Neg, Excellent Package
Ag: Swingsoft IT Solutions
Cn: Adam Wilson
Te: 01628 421702
Fa: 01628 421501
Em: adam@swingsoft.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Protocol Applications Engineer
Sk: Degree in Electrical Engineering or Software Engineering & C
programming experience required. Must have experience in application
engineering & the technical expertise to establish design requirements
from customer specification.
Lo: Dublin, Ireland
Sa: Up To 30k
Ag: S.Com Group
Cn: Deby Baldwin
Te: 01296 311458
Fa: 01296 436895
Em: deby.baldwin@scom.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Team Leader
Sk: Degree educated with 5+ years exp in s/w development with 2+yrs exp
team leading. 3 yrs exp of SQL & RDBMS (Oracle pref) with exp of Visual
Basic, Delphi or C/Unix. Must be able to adapt to new technologies/be
hands on initially. Mobile/telco/IP exp adv
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
St: Immediate
Sa: 30k-40k
Ag: Simsoft Consultants
Cn: Glenda Simons
Te: 01223 522020
Em: recruit@simsoft.demon.co.uk
Re: JSSIM1039
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Test Automation Engineer
Sk: Relevant degree or industrial experience. Technical background,
preferably including Perl, C/C++, Windows & Unix. Understanding of
automated software testing tools & techniques.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
St: Immediate
Ag: PCR Permanent
Cn: Helen Dingwall
Te: 01223 224310
Fa: 01223 224311
Em: helen.dingwall@pcrweb.co.uk
Ww: http://www.pcrweb.co.uk/
Re: JSHD69
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Tester All Levels
Sk: Give your career a boost, working on some of the industries most
innovative Client Server software. A computer science degree & some
commercial test experience required. Any Java or C programming or
knowledge of WWW, Unix or NT all of interest.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: 23k-43k + Benefits + Share Options
Ag: Informatiq Consulting
Cn: Mary Hirst
Te: 01923 224481
Fa: 01923 224493
Em: permanent@informatiq.co.uk
Re: JSMH3564
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software Validator/Tester
Sk: Validate software following written test specifications & checking
against expected results.Provide full documentation of bugs found.Take
part in the development of test plans. With Unix,NT,C knowledge.
Lo: Maidenhead, Berkshire
Sa: 25k
Ag: Progressive Computer Recruitment
Cn: Mark Simpson
Te: 0118 951 9123
Fa: 0118 951 9111
Em: westtest.perm@progressive.co.uk
Re: JS37422
Ty: Permanent
Po: Software/Product Tester
Sk: Testing of System & validation of software changes, & Development of
automated regression test suites, authorisation of Software for release
along with other testing duties. Any EPOS/'C' experience will be a
Lo: Woking, Surrey
Sa: c17k
Ag: Dawood
Cn: Quote Reference Number
Te: 0208 683 2126
Fa: 0208 683 4357
Em: cv@dawood.demon.co.uk
Re: JS/DM/1134
Ty: Permanent
Po: Solaris Administrator
Sk: Expanding ISP looking to find team player with good knowledge of
Solaris & Sun OS.Complete familiarity with Shell Scripts & C &
Perl-fabulous opportunity for right candidate.
Lo: High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
Sa: To 25k + Benifits
Ag: Vadis
Cn: Jill Kinsey
Te: 01252 401111
Fa: 01252 401112
Em: jill@vadis.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Solutions Architect - ECommerce, Networking, C/S, FM, Sales
Sk: World Leading Hardware manufacterer. Strong background in account
management/service delivery. Facilities management/Outsourcing. Sales
background. eCommerce, Client Server, Networking.
Lo: Berkshire, Thames valley
Sa: 35k-65k Dependent On Level
Ag: @MG
Cn: Sofianna Coia
Te: 0171 494 6644
Fa: 0171 494 6655
Em: permanent@recruitment-mg.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: SQA Engineer
Sk: Relevant degree or industrial exp. Technical background, preferably
incl. C/C++, Windows &/or UNIX. Knowledge of testing techniques.
Exposure to automated s/w test tools, especially for GUIs. Exp of QA
Partner preferred, but training will be provided.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
St: Immediate
Ag: PCR Permanent
Cn: Helen Dingwall
Te: 01223 224310
Fa: 01223 224311
Em: helen.dingwall@pcrweb.co.uk
Ww: http://www.pcrweb.co.uk/
Re: JSHD74
Ty: Permanent
Po: SQA Tools Engineer
Sk: Software professionals required for global blue chip to be based in the
UK but to spend the first 6-12 months on an assignment in the US.
Candidates should have solid Unix experience, Shell Scripting, C/C++,
Windows & HTML.
Lo: Hertfordshire
Sa: Up To 32k + Benefits
Ag: Alexander Mann Solutions
Cn: Lisa Bailey
Te: 01753 560200
Fa: 01753 575567
Em: lisa.bailey@alexmann.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: SQA Tools Engineer
Sk: Software professionals required for global blue chip to be based in the
UK but to spend the first 6-12 months on an assignment in the US.
Candidates should have solid Unix experience, Shell Scripting, C/C++,
Windows & HTML.
Lo: Hertfordshire
Sa: Up To 32k + Benefits
Ag: Alexander Mann Solutions
Cn: Lisa Bailey
Te: 01753 560200
Fa: 01753 575567
Em: lisa.bailey@alexmann.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: SQL Server DBA - Learn All About V7 + Banking Benefits
Sk: Join a friendly hard working team working on banking projects using SQL
Server 6.5 + 7 + range MS Products. Team of 9 in IT dept of 47 in
national fin inst. Need C, 3y, SQL Server, DBA exp. Training in V7 +
Visual Basic + exposure to Web techs.
Lo: Kent
St: Urgent
Sa: To 40k + Banking Benefits
Ag: Abraxas
Cn: Sameera Somani
Te: 0207 255 5637
Fa: 0207 636 0334
Em: ssomani@abraxas.co.uk
Ww: http://www.abraxas.co.uk
Re: JSRV_SS500042
Ty: Permanent
Po: Support Specialist
Sk: Leader in Mobile Computing & Comms is seeking to recruit Support
specialist. Requiring knowledge in C /C++ programming & exp of optic
devices, electronics, software, Comms. be prepared to travel 2 days per
Lo: Wokingham, Berkshire
Sa: 30k-35k + Car + Benefits
Ag: IT Selection
Cn: David Hood
Te: 01483 453381
Fa: 01483 453382
Em: davidh@itselection.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: SW Engineer
Sk: Comp Sci Degree. 2 yrs+ Embedded C, OOD, Emulators/Debuggers. Any
Visual C++, Simulation or maths modelling nice. Market Leader in
Lo: Hertfordshire
Sa: To 31k + Benefits
Ag: Data Recruitment
Cn: Paul Simpson
Te: 0181 541 5455
Fa: 0181 549 8034
Em: alancorb@datarecruit.com
Re: JSSER/PS/1762
Ty: Permanent
Po: SW Engineer
Sk: Using leading edge technologies to create an integrated e-commerce
solution. This company is destined to be a leader in interactive TV.
You skills will be in: C/C++, Delphi, SQL, COM, DCOM, ActiveX &
Lo: Hampshire
Sa: Up to 30k + bens
Ag: Review Computer Recruitment
Cn: David Hamilton
Te: 0181 427 4000
Fa: 0181 427 4400
Em: david@review.co.uk
Ww: http://www.review.co.uk
Re: JSB435387
Ty: Permanent
Po: SW Team Leader Defence Trainer Simulation
Sk: Comp Sci Degree. 2 yrs+ Vis C++, OOD (RT background). Team Leading exp.
Any GUI, Simulation. 3D graphics, math modelling nice. Market Leader in
Lo: Hertfordshire
Sa: To 36k + Benefits
Ag: Data Recruitment
Cn: Paul Simpson
Te: 0181 541 5455
Fa: 0181 549 8034
Em: alancorb@datarecruit.com
Re: JSSER/PS/1761
Ty: Permanent
Po: Sybase & C Developer
Sk: Working in E-commerce division for an investment bank! Full project
life cycle experience. Syabse Developer with C programming.
Lo: London
Sa: Excellent!
Ag: Computer Connect
Cn: Mary Edwards
Te: 0171 233 6688
Fa: 0171 233 6602
Em: mary@computerconnect.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Sybase DBA
Sk: Experienced Sybase DBA sought by Financial Services Giant for its IT
led business. You have 2yrs+ of Sybase design & admin experience &
ideally have Powerbuilder, Erwin ,Unix & C Perl programming. Excellent
cereer prospects.
Lo: London
Sa: 37k-52k + Excellent Package
Ag: Real IT Resourcing
Cn: Mark Chase
Te: 0181 490 1999
Fa: 0181 490 1900
Em: jobs@realit.co.uk
Re: JS-ORC/89712MC
Ty: Permanent
Po: Sybase DBA - Use Erwin + Powerdesigner
Sk: Sybase design, DB dev & administration in financial environ Use Sybase
11, Powerdesigner, Erwin Team of 18 + Java + C programming Only for
outstanding candidates - need min 1 y Sybase.
Lo: City, London
St: Immediate
Sa: To 40k + Banking Benefits
Ag: Abraxas
Cn: Sameera Somani
Te: 0207 255 5637
Fa: 0207 636 0334
Em: ssomani@abraxas.co.uk
Ww: http://www.abraxas.co.uk
Re: JSRV_SS50656
Ty: Permanent
Po: Sybase Developer
Sk: Sybase Developer required for Financial insituation. You will need good
experience in Sybase & SQL. Oracle & C knowledge is pref but not
essential. Excellent career path. Good working environment.
Lo: City
Sa: to 45k plus benefits
Ag: Hayden Pearse Group
Cn: Ward Bunni
Te: 0171 236 0151
Fa: 0171 236 2888
Em: wbunni@haydenpearse.co.uk
Re: JSP_4015WB
Ty: Permanent
Po: Sybase Programmer
Sk: Wanted! A Sybase Programmer with T-SQL (pref.Sybase) with 2 years
experience. Experience in Unix (including Scripting) would be a big Yes
also C & Banking would be needed.
Lo: London
Sa: Up to 35k
Ag: Lexstra
Cn: David
Te: 0181 255 6100
Fa: 0181 255 6106
Em: dave@lexstra.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: System Administrator
Sk: Sun Solaris, C/C++, Unix Scripting. Desirable Perl, HTML, Oracle You
will be developing new file servers & Web hosting systems, supporting
critical Internet servers & the Day to Day monitoring & maintenance of
all UK & european systems.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: On Experience
Ag: Hays IT
Cn: Martin Hoskins
Te: 01473 631311
Fa: 01473 630920
Em: ipswich.response@hays-it.co.uk
Ww: http://www.hays-it.com
Re: JSMYH00229942
Ty: Permanent
Po: System/Audit Consultant
Sk: Global b/C needs internal consultant to assist with various systems
development projects. Skills: systems analysis, know of full project
life cycle ESP software devel, proj man, audit exp useful, degree
calibre. Exc opp.
Lo: Birmingham
Sa: up to 45k + benefits
Ag: Alto Resources
Cn: Sarah Noller
Te: 01285 641641
Fa: 01285 641649
Em: careers@alto.co.uk
Re: JS1936SN
Ty: Permanent
Po: Systems Analyst
Sk: Large blue chip Fund Analyst company being based in London, your ideal
skills would be a programming background with database design skills,
Oracle/Sybase, SQL & languages, C, Java an advantage, also financial
background a help.
Lo: London
Sa: 40k + bonuses + pension plans
Ag: Skillsearch Computing
Cn: Nick Hayward
Te: 01273 203606
Fa: 01273 203339
Em: nickh@skillsearch.co.uk
Re: JS/NH/13499
Ty: Permanent
Po: Systems Application Developer
Sk: You will join this blue chip & evolving finance company to develop &
support strategic & tactical projects. You must have strong user focus
& be proficient in SQL, C, Unix & Sybase.
Lo: City, London
Sa: 40k - 45k
Ag: Michael Page Technology
Cn: Jane Hardwick
Te: 0171 269 1829
Fa: 0171 329 2950
Em: jane.hardwick@michaelpage.com
Re: JSJH586766
Ty: Permanent
Po: Systems Communication Programmer
Sk: Do you have a minimum 4yrs experience in the IT industry, with a
minimum 2yrs of C Programming & Communications Software. Do you have MS
C++ & Swift (an advantage). I require your CV urgently.
Lo: London
St: Immediately
Sa: 30k-35k
Ag: Prime I.T. Appointments
Cn: Samantha Anderson
Te: 0171 638 3223
Fa: 0171 374 8484
Em: sam@primeuk.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Tandem Roles
Sk: Looking for candidates at all levels with C & Tandem experience. Unix,
C++ & NT would be an advantage.
Lo: Berkshire
Ag: ASC Connections
Cn: Jennifer Williamson
Te: 01628 780001
Fa: 01628 780002
Em: jennifer@asc-connections.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Tandem Team Leader X 2
Sk: Motivating team leader to develop Tandem systems (3 years exp) with use
of Pathway. Knows Proj life cycle. Bridge between design & development.
Technical ability essential to train/guide in SQL. TAL, Scobal,
Enscribe desirable. Proficient in TACL & C.
Lo: London
Sa: 30k-35k
Ag: FI Recruitment
Cn: William Phimester
Te: 0171 841 2553
Fa: 0171 841 2111
Em: firecruit@figroup.co.uk
Re: JS/WP/PE15499
Ty: Permanent
Po: Team Leader
Sk: Knowledge of C,C++, SQL database, Access, Oracle, + Windows 95/98 & NT.
Any experience in Internet development, HTML, Visual Basic & Java
scripts etc. Experience in Banking Applications needed.
Lo: Cheshire
Sa: Excellent
Ag: Elan Computing, Manchester
Cn: Immy Suleman
Te: 0161 877 8942
Fa: 0161 876 5367
Em: is@elan.co.uk
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Re: JSM7683IS
Ty: Permanent
Po: Team Leader
Sk: Previous management experience, managing teams of 3. Experience of C on
DOS essential. Will be following development through from initiation to
Lo: Coventry, West Midlands
Sa: Up To 30k
Ag: Certes IT Recruitment
Cn: J.F.
Te: 0121 712 6899
Fa: 0121 712 6789
Em: permanent@certes.co.uk
Re: JSRV_15833
Ty: Permanent
Po: Team Leader X 2
Sk: Candidates must have experience of C, NT, MS Office & team leading to
supervise 5-10 people on a daily basis. Desirable skills are C++,
Visual Basic, Java, SQL & OOD. Training can be provided to gain the
desirable skills.Excellent prospects.
Lo: Berkshire, Buckinghamshire
Sa: Excellent Package
Ag: ASC Connections
Cn: Jennifer Williamson
Te: 01628 780001
Fa: 01628 780002
Em: jennifer@asc-connections.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Technical Architect: E-Commerce
Sk: Investment Banking. To design, develop & implement E-commerce
solutions. With C 5 years' full project development life cycle exp, &
tecnical skills incl: transactional applications, N-tier/Browser apps,
Web based apps. NT, Unix & wen Server an asset.
Lo: London
Sa: c60k
Ag: Computer Connect
Cn: Mary Edwards
Te: 0171 233 6688
Fa: 0171 233 6602
Em: mary@computerconnect.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Technical Consultant
Sk: E-comm/E-biz, Java/C/XML/Perl/Firewall/AS400/ERP systems. Rapidly
expanding E-commerce B2B trading Co seeks Technical Consultant.
Pre/post sales. AS400/NT with Tech Exp of Java/ERP/CRM. Only apply if
you are willing to muck-in !!.
Lo: Hertfordshire
Sa: 50k Upwards Good Benefits
Ag: Hays IT
Cn: Mike Richards
Te: 01525 229229
Fa: 01525 237864
Em: erp@hays-it.com
Ww: http://www.hays-it.com
Re: JSMKR00226163
Ty: Permanent
Po: Technical Consultant
Sk: Java, JavaScript, HTML/XML, Visual Basic, RDBMS (Oracle,MS-SQL-Server,
Sybase,Informix,DB2). We are The supplier to the worlds fastest growing
C/s apps company-Siebel. Superb communication skills & strong knowledge
& ability in some of the above.
Lo: UK, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway
Sa: Attractive Packages + Stock
Ag: Objective Professional Services
Cn: Katie Chamberlain
Te: 0118 933 1488
Fa: 0118 933 1588
Em: katie@objectiveps.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Technical Consultant
Sk: Java, JavaScript, HTML/XML, Visual Basic, RDBMS
(Oracle,MS-SQL-Server,Sybase, Informix,DB2). We are THE supplier to the
worlds fastest growing C/s apps company-SIEBEL. Superb communication
skills & strong knowledge & ability in some of the above.
Lo: Middlesex, UK, Italy, France, Germany, Netherlands
Sa: Attractive Packages + Stock
Ag: Objective Professional Services
Cn: Katie Chamberlain
Te: 0118 933 1488
Fa: 0118 933 1588
Em: katie@objectiveps.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Technical Consultant
Sk: NT. Exchange. Microsoft products. Good development background eg C/C++,
Visual Basic or SQL etc. Large installation experience - 1000+
terminals/pc's etc.
Lo: London, Milton Keynes, Leeds, Birmingham, Bristol
St: When possible
Sa: 25k-45k (+Car) + Large Company Benefits
Ag: Durnan Linstead & Associates
Cn: Simon Brock
Te: 01398 324493
Fa: 01398 324046
Em: brocky@cix.co.uk
Re: JSSB/U162/5
Ty: Permanent
Po: Technical Consultant, German Speaking, C++/NT
Sk: Sprechen Sie Deutsch ? You'll need over 1 year C++ & Windows NT
experience, & be able to speak & write fluent German. An exciting role,
you will be providing support, training & consultancy services.
Lo: Horsham, West Sussex
Sa: to 35k + Bens
Ag: REED Computing Personnel
Cn: Ross Williams
Te: 01483 569061
Fa: 01483 301151
Em: ross.williams@reed.co.uk
Re: JS/32943/RAW
Ty: Permanent
Po: Technical Instructors/Siebel Training
Sk: If improving your skills as a Tech Instructor & learning a new ERP Sys
is for you apply know,you'll have 2yrs exp as the above with
hands-on,with clientserver apps along with programming languages such
as Cobol, C++ ext. Excellent communication a must.
Lo: Surrey
Sa: 25k-40k
Ag: Computer Personnel
Cn: Jo Baron
Te: 0207 240 7337
Fa: 0207 240 0261
Em: jo@computerpersonnel.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Technical Project Manager
Sk: Experience of administering/supporting O/S infrastructure for global
Solaris 2.6 env. With most of: TCP/IP, NT, Unix, Novell, MVS,
Internet/Intranet, Jumpstart, Shell/C programming, High Availability
Solutions, Tivol, Project Management & MS Project.
Lo: London
Sa: Attractive Salary & Package
Ag: Harvey Consultants
Cn: John Wood/Mark Newham
Te: 01283 568093
Fa: 01283 516550
Em: hcl_cvs@harvey-consultants.co.uk
Re: JSJBP2601
Ty: Permanent
Po: Technical Project Manager/Project/Telecomms
Sk: Technical Project Manager reqd to deliver technology based projects.
Ideally with exp in managing IT projects including knowl of some of:
Visual Basic, SQL, NT, Perl, CGI, HTML, C,C++,Unix & Oracle 7/8i. With
5yrs exp, great opportunity & career step!.
Lo: Hook, Hampshire
Sa: Negotiable + Benefits
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Paul Griffiths
Te: 0870 603 9072 xt 3206
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: paulg@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Technical Support Analyst
Sk: Good knowledge of Pascal, C or Delphi required. You will provide
software support to clients via telephone, excellent communication &
problem solving skills essential. Unix & RDBMS knowledge required. Full
product & software training provided.
Lo: M4, Berkshire
Sa: c20 + Excellent Benefits + Training
Ag: Choice Consulting
Cn: Paul Lane
Te: 01625 433633
Fa: 01625 433600
Em: paul@choiceuk.com
Re: JS/PL4129
Ty: Permanent
Po: Technical Support Consultant
Sk: Leading RAD tools company seeks an expd Technical Support specialist to
join their team. Challenging work in a 2nd/3rd line support role. No
silly calls. Exp req Java, RDBMS, Internet, exp in dev/sup. Excellent
training & career prospects.
Lo: Bracknell, Berkshire
Sa: Up To 38k + Car + Bonus
Ag: IT Selection
Cn: David Hood
Te: 01483 453381
Fa: 01483 453382
Em: davidh@itselection.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Technical Support/C/Visual Basic Developer/RDBMS
Sk: Amazing opportunity - young technical support person on leading
software req. For this market leader must have C or VB (Visual Basic)
exp. RDBMS would be desirable. Excellent career path. Urgent!.
Lo: Surrey/Thames Valley/London
Sa: Up To 30k + Bonus
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Adam Green
Te: 0870 603 9071 x 3142
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: adamg@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Technical Trainer
Sk: Deliver training on product functionality, application customisation &
administration, to clients & in-house staff. Must have knowledge of NT
& Unix operating systems with programming skills (OO languages ie C++,
JAVA). Expertise in Powerpoint & Word.
Lo: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Ag: Nationwide Technology Recruitment
Cn: Andy Mott
Te: 01628 581700
Fa: 01628 581701
Em: andy.mott@nationwidetr.com
Ww: http://www.NationwideTR.com
Re: JS/AM/P96
Ty: Permanent
Po: Technical Writer
Sk: MS Word, Framemaker, FoxPro, ideally C/C++, RDBs & Java. Knowledge of
web based tools/applications eg Java very advantageous. Degree in
English & IT would be ideal, must have English mother tongue or truly
Lo: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Ag: World Systems
Cn: Robert Churcher
Te: 01962 843335
Fa: 01962 843337
Em: rc@worldsy.com & cc: cv@worldsy.com
Ww: http://www.worldsy.com/
Re: JSPM966
Ty: Permanent
Po: Telco Consultant
Sk: Essential skills: VHDL, Verilog. Desirable: System
modelling/Simulation, C, C++, etc. Great company - no chance to get
Lo: Central Scotland
St: March' 2000
Sa: up to 35k
Ag: Elan Computing
Cn: Anna
Em: ask@elan.co.uk
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Re: JS/ASK/8739
Ty: Permanent
Po: Telecomms Software
Sk: A talented Software Engineer is reqd to be involved in the full project
life cycle for one of Scotland's leading IT companies. Hons Degree
qualified with 2yrs+ exp of Real Time Embedded software & good C/C++
Lo: Edinburgh, Scotland
Sa: 30k
Ag: Quantica SWP
Cn: Neil Jarvis
Te: 01442 212555
Fa: 01442 231555
Em: mail@swp.quantica.co.uk
Re: JSV/NJ462
Ty: Permanent
Po: Telecomms Software Engineer
Sk: Would suit engineers with Unix Embedded C who wish to move into
telecommunications. Benefits expected from a major international
telecommunications manufacturer.
Lo: Basingstoke, Hampshire
Sa: 28k-33k
Ag: Grist Personnel
Cn: Chris
Te: 023 8086 6066
Fa: 023 8086 8161
Em: consultants@gristpersonnel.co.uk
Re: JSCR2502001
Ty: Permanent
Po: Telephony Infrastructure Administrator
Sk: Respon' setting up/config' LAN/WAN networks,1st & 2nd line support/
minimum 2 years telephony systems administration with large user bases
in business critical applications/indepth knowledge TCP/IP & Cisco
products- must have right of abode or B/C permit.
Lo: Switzerland
Ag: Abbeywood International (Contracts)
Cn: Alyson Orler
Te: 0181 879 1000
Fa: 0181 946 2419
Em: ttc@abbeywood.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Tell Your Boss You Left Him For Johnny C
Sk: Large New Media company is looking for experienced C/C++ Developers to
work on high profile projects for the government. Everybody is talking
about it. Don't just talk the talk - walk the walk & become part of
Lo: Central London
Sa: 20k-30k
Ag: Mortimer Spinks
Cn: John Andersen
Te: 0171 432 2700
Fa: 0171 432 2701
Em: jandersen@mortimerspinks.co.uk
Ww: http://www.mortimerspinks.com/
Re: JSRV_JXA/142
Ty: Permanent
Po: Test Engineer
Sk: As an integral part of the development process where you will be
responsible for ensuring that products meet our clients reqmts.
Knowledge of some of NT/Unix, development using
C/C++/Java/JavaScript/HTML/VB/SQL, knowledge & exp of test automation
Lo: Dublin, Ireland Or Manchester
Sa: 20k-23k
Ag: Intercity Consultants (North West)
Cn: Mark Miles
Te: 0161 962 0245
Fa: 0161 962 0259
Em: jserve@ic-consultants.co.uk
Re: JS-15-MM-5881
Ty: Permanent
Po: Test Engineer
Sk: Fast moving Datacommunications company require skilled Regression Test
Engineers if you have knowledge of WAN & LAN, basic knowledge of ATM &
Frame Relay, some understanding of Test Cycle & very desirable any
C/C++/TCP Slightly less exp considered.
Lo: Surrey
St: Immediately
Sa: 25k + Benefits
Ag: Rebus Resourcing (Southeast)
Cn: Clare Briggs
Te: 01702 236868
Fa: 01702 236958
Em: clare.briggs@rebusgroup.com
Ww: http://www.jobsrus.co.uk/
Ty: Permanent
Po: Test Engineer
Sk: Fast moving Datacommunications company require skilled Regression Test
Engineers with knowledge of WAN & LAN, Basic knowledge of ATM & Frame
Relay. Understanding of Test Cycle & desirably some C. Must have
Hardware test exp. Call Clare Briggs.
Lo: Surrey
St: Immediately
Sa: 25k + Benefits
Ag: Rebus Resourcing (Southeast)
Cn: Clare Briggs
Te: 01702 236868
Fa: 01702 236958
Em: clare.briggs@rebusgroup.com
Ww: http://www.jobsrus.co.uk/
Ty: Permanent
Po: Test Software Developer
Sk: Global Telecoms company looking to recruit experienced Developer
skilled at writing test software. Telecoms experience not necessary,
but experience with C,C++ or Visual Basic on Unix preferred. Excellent
career progression & training.
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: Approx. 25 - 30k+ Excellent Benefits Package
Ag: Mortimer Charles
Cn: Marie Farrell
Te: 0171 534 9013
Fa: 0171 534 9088
Em: marie@mortimercharles.com
Re: JS6112
Ty: Permanent
Po: Test Software Engineer/C/C++
Sk: This leading edge telecoms company requires a Software Engineer with
experience of C & knowledge of electronics test and/or electronics
development. Any experience of C++, OMT and/or UML. Will x-train. SW
for mobile comms/networking.
Lo: Surrey
Ag: Logistix Recruitment
Cn: Dinah Evans
Te: 0181 742 3060
Fa: 0181 742 3061
Em: dinah@logistixrec.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Test Team Leader
Sk: Unix, C, SQL, Oracle. Are you a tester? Do you have team leading
responsibilities? Would you like to further you career in a dynamic
telecomms organisation? If so, send your CV now!! Amazing prospects.
Lo: City, London
Sa: 35k-45k + Benefits
Ag: Hays IT
Cn: James Hone
Te: 0171 227 5000
Fa: 0171 227 5005
Em: london.response@hays-it.com
Ww: http://www.hays-it.com
Re: JSJMH00229057
Ty: Permanent
Po: Tetra/C/Unix Developer
Sk: Strong Tetra development knowlegde coupled with indepth experience of C
on a Unix platform, if this sounds like you please sned your CV. Good
opportunity with exciting expanding organisation.
Lo: Sheffield, South Yorkshire
Sa: 25k-40k
Ag: Anite IT Personnel
Cn: Craig Cookson
Te: 0161 282 1770
Fa: 0161 962 0316
Em: craig.cookson@aniteitpersonnel.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Uniface - Gain Internet In C
Sk: Global Financial Software House are currently looking to recruit a
Uniface Analyst Programmer & a Senior Analyst Programmer with 12 months
+ Uniface experience. Opportunities will exist to gain exposure to
Internet technologies.
Lo: City, London
Sa: 27k-39k + Benefits
Ag: Progressive Computer Recruitment
Cn: Caroline Snape
Te: 0181 971 8787
Fa: 0181 971 8700
Em: 4gl.perm@progressive.co.uk
Re: JSCS678346
Ty: Permanent
Po: Unix Administrator (Projects)
Sk: Must have 4 years HP Unix exp & 2yrs Service Guard exp. A min of 2yrs
exp on configuration, installation & support of high availability Unix
clusters. Scripting AWK/SED/Perl/C. Any exp of Novell, Windows or HP
Openview would be an advantage.
Lo: Chester, Cheshire
Sa: Negotiable (Will Pay The Earth)
Ag: Semita
Cn: Steve Webb
Te: 0181 239 6140
Fa: 0181 239 7230
Em: swebb@semita.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Unix Administrator - Gain Internet & Web
Sk: 1 year. + Solaris (2.6/7) with Sun Sparc + Clustering. Working
knowledge of the following; TCP/IP, SNMP, HP Openview, Firewall, Web
Servers & a passion for the Internet! Linux, C, C++ HTML & Informix
would be beneficial X training given.
Lo: Newbury, Berkshire, 30mins commute from London
Sa: 20k-34k + Excellent Benefits
Ag: Real IT Resourcing
Cn: Helen Jeyes
Te: 0181 490 1999
Fa: 0181 490 1900
Em: jobs@realit.co.uk
Re: JS-HJ27234
Ty: Permanent
Po: Unix Administrator/Support
Sk: 2 years Unix sys' admin' experience requ'd ( Solaris or Sequent), inc'
Raid, TCP/IP & shell scripts. C skills & experience of large systems
useful. Provide 7x24 global Unix support in team, when fully trained.
Car owner/driver essential. Blue-chip client.
Lo: Hertfordshire
Sa: c35k
Ag: Executive Recruitment Services
Cn: Heather Lambert
Te: 01442 847467
Fa: 01442 215794
Em: hlambert@ers.co.uk
Re: JS06HX08
Ty: Permanent
Po: Unix C or C++ Developer Of Any Level Success Guaranteed
Sk: Europe's leeding product & process development company is seeking
skilled SW developers with a min of 2 years Unix C C++. Any Visual C++
COM DCOM UML Rational Rose or Java would be good although full training
is on offer. Go on join a centre of excellence
Lo: Hertfordshire, Bedfordhire
St: Immediate
Sa: 20-40k+ bens
Ag: Computer Futures - London (Permanent)
Cn: Stuart Roe
Te: 0171 446 6644
Fa: 0171 446 0099
Em: unixdev.london.perm@compfutures.com
Re: JS/220138
Ty: Permanent
Po: Unix Developer
Sk: A Linux/Unix network administrator who understands Linux & TCP/IP from
the ground up. With excellent programming skills you will develop &
install Perl & C based applications on Unix systems. Knowledge of Cisco
configuration an advantage.
Lo: Oxford, Oxfordshire
Sa: Negotiable + Benefits
Ag: Selected Options
Cn: Simon Gudgeon
Te: 0171 668 2710
Fa: 0171 929 0777
Em: simong@selected-options.com
Re: JSRV_3558/KC
Ty: Permanent
Po: Unix Firewall Administrator/Consultant
Sk: Experience of global & complex Internet networks.
Solaris/Sendmail/DNS/Firewall essential. Good Cisco/Cabletron Routers &
switches & Internet Protocols NNTP, FTP, HTTP as well as KSH/SH/Java,
Perl, C & OO.
Lo: London
Ag: Pacific International Recruitment
Cn: Danny
Te: 0208 879 5514
Fa: 0208 879 5566
Em: danny.kitchener@pacific-international.com
Re: JS/DK277
Ty: Permanent
Po: Unix Or NT, C, C++, JavaScript & SQL, Developer
Sk: Unix or NT using C, C++, JavaScript & SQL Distributed Software
Developer (2 years approx) deploying workflow technology for Back
Office clients of this Investment Bank. Great opportunity to learn new
Lo: City, London
Ag: JM Selection
Cn: Nick
Te: 0207 251 7369
Em: nickg@jmms.co.uk
Re: JS/MNGS/80
Ty: Permanent
Po: Unix Oracle Developer With Some Java
Sk: Must have good Unix Oracle (including PLSQL, SQL*Reports etc)as well as
some Java. Very well respected IT giant offers top notch training &
fully expensed car + Benefits. Travel to US with opportunities to move
there later.
Lo: Surrey
Sa: Up To 45k + Executive Car + Excellent Benefits
Ag: Delta
Cn: Sham Sangha
Te: 0181 861 2590
Fa: 0181 863 8038
Em: sham@delta-itrec.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Unix Perl CGI - E-Business Applications & Infrastructure Support
Sk: Break into this top-tier US investment bank! 2 years Unix (idealy
Solaris) & Perl/CGI are needed. Any XML, TCP/IP, JavaScript, ASP or
MQSeries would be useful, but full training in these & Java sevelets
will be provided as required.
Lo: London. Top tier US investment bank
Sa: 35-55k plus performance related bonus & benefits
Ag: JM Selection
Cn: Conrad Hills
Te: 0171 251 7306
Em: conradh@jmms.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Unix Programming Advanced Engineer
Sk: Superb opportunity to join exciting ISP. Min 6-12 months Unix
programming, C & Perl. Understanding of TCP/IP & the Internet & some of
these Solaris,Linux,Threads,Socket level programming, user interface
design & implementation. Team player.
Lo: West London
Sa: 24k-38k
Ag: Marshall-Wilkins
Cn: James Graham
Te: 01252 736655
Fa: 01252 736656
Em: perm@marshall-wilkins.co.uk
Re: JS/AH2522
Ty: Permanent
Po: Unix Programming Engineer
Sk: Leading Internet service provider. You'll develop & implement new
customer facing systems. You will have strong C, Perl & Unix
programming skills, good understanding of TCP/IP & Internet
Lo: South-West London
Sa: 38k
Ag: PSD Information Systems
Cn: Irina Lazutkina
Te: 0171 970 9700
Fa: 0171 353 5839
Em: email10@psdgroup.com
Re: JS/614834/IL
Ty: Permanent
Po: Unix Software Programmer
Sk: 1 years Unix/C development requ'd + appreciation of NT, TCP/IP,
Firewall. Assist with specifying & configuring Unix/Oracle based
systems. Write & support software in SQL, C & Unix shells. Acceptance
test Unix applications. Can-do, positive approach.
Lo: Berkshire
Sa: To 22k
Ag: Executive Recruitment Services
Cn: Heather Lambert
Te: 01442 847467
Fa: 01442 215794
Em: hlambert@ers.co.uk
Re: JS78HX08
Ty: Permanent
Po: Unix System Administrator
Sk: You will be supp.ISP Unix p/Forms on SunOS & Solaris. Unix exp with
SunOS, Solaris or Linux, Shell Scripts, C & Perl. You must have
Internet Services exp. such as DNS,FTP,HTTP,SMTP,POP3,USENET,News.
LAN/WAN tech.such as Ethernet,IP Routing,BGP.
Lo: High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
Sa: 16k-25k + Benefits Depending On Skill Level & Age.
Ag: KR Solutions
Cn: Chris Downes
Te: 0208 987 9931
Fa: 0208 987 9946
Em: cdownes@krsolutions.co.uk
Re: JSCD4649
Ty: Permanent
Po: Unix Systems Administrator
Sk: Unix system admin. Good to have some DBA skills. Solaris preferred to
kernel level plus experience of Web dev languages & Perl, C, C++,
Visual Basic, SQL Server. Exciting opportunity with pre IPO Internet
portal. Fast growing co with loads of potential.
Lo: London
St: Immediate
Sa: c40k + Benefits + Options
Ag: Plexus
Cn: Simon Woolrych
Te: 0171 766 7609
Fa: 0171 766 7601
Em: simon_woolrych@plexus.co.uk
Ww: http://www.plexus.co.uk
Re: JS/SJWOB2139
Ap: http://www.autosubmit.plexus.co.uk/cgi-win/autosubmit.exe/plexusmasterframe3?20341,email@plexus.co.uk,SJWOB2139
Ty: Permanent
Po: Unix Technical Specialist
Sk: Unix specialism reqd - 5 years or more (Sun, HP or SGI) - inc command
level scripting. Unix system architecture knowledge, inc Raid, SCSI.
C/C++ or other structured programming. TCP/IP. Hands-on role, assessing
& optimising global Server environment.
Lo: Hertfordshire
Sa: c45k
Ag: Executive Recruitment Services
Cn: Heather Lambert
Te: 01442 847467
Fa: 01442 215794
Em: hlambert@ers.co.uk
Re: JS62HX08
Ty: Permanent
Po: Unix/C/C++ Developer
Sk: Recent C++, STL etc, C, Programming under Unix, SQL, OO methodology ie
UML, OO Design, any Oracle would be an advantage. Great opportunity to
work as part of a team developing exisitng & new marketing related
Lo: Tyne & Wear
St: Immediate
Sa: Competitive + Excellent Benefits
Ag: Kelly Services(UK)
Cn: Sarah Baird
Te: 0141 248 9234
Fa: 0141 221 7083
Em: sbaird@kellyservices,co,uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Unix/C/RDBMS Analyst Programmer
Sk: This Customer Care + Customer Billings Systems consultancy require 3
Analyst/Programmer's with Unix/C/RDBMS - x-training available onto
Sybase & Visual C++ . You must have good client facing skills + happy
to travel to Europe occasionally.
Lo: London
Sa: Up To 50k + Excellent Benefits
Ag: Spring IT Personnel
Cn: Sabrina Grover
Te: 0171 655 8600
Fa: 0171 655 8611
Em: sabrina_grover@spring.com
Ww: http://www.spring.com/
Ty: Permanent
Po: Unix/Informix Systems Engineer
Sk: Computer-based degree & 2 years experience of Informix on Unix
essential. Any C or shell scripts useful. Customise/develop PC Xserver
systems, & support clients. Occasional client-site working req'd, inc'
internationally. Full driving licence req'd.
Lo: Berkshire
Ag: Executive Recruitment Services
Cn: Heather Lambert
Te: 01442 847467
Fa: 01442 215794
Em: hlambert@ers.co.uk
Re: JS86HX08
Ty: Permanent
Po: Verification Engineer
Sk: Highy competent engineers with high degree of integrity to work with
design teams to gain thorough understanding of functionality &
verification reqs. Understanding of h/w sys esp microprocessors &
ASICs. Assembler & C. Unix, Win, PERL, VHDL/Verilog.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
St: Immediate
Ag: PCR Permanent
Cn: Helen Dingwall
Te: 01223 224310
Fa: 01223 224311
Em: helen.dingwall@pcrweb.co.uk
Ww: http://www.pcrweb.co.uk/
Re: JSHD165
Ty: Permanent
Po: Verification/Software Team Leader
Sk: Lead team of 4-5 Engineers & identify design develop & support
automated tests. 5yrs expin s/w or product development. Skills: Unix,
Lo: Near Edinburgh., Scotland
Sa: Very Competitive
Ag: Elan Scotland
Cn: Olga Raftos
Te: 0131 220 6638
Fa: 0131 220 6640
Em: or@elan.co.uk
Ww: http://www.elan.co.uk/
Ty: Permanent
Po: Video Games Developer
Sk: Video Games developers. Porting PSX game to Direct 3D 7 on a PC
platform. Must have at least 6 months Direct 3D experience & ideally at
least one published title. Knowledge of C & the Microsoft Visual Studio
useful. Interest in Racing Games essential.
Lo: Warwick, Warwickshire
St: Immediate
Sa: c22k + Bonus + Royalties +
Ag: Vision IT Recruitment
Cn: Iain Dainter
Te: 01908 319600
Fa: 01908 319638
Em: iain@visionit.co.uk
Re: JS/IED/6506.1
Ty: Permanent
Po: Visual Basic Analyst Programmer
Sk: Skilled Visual Basic Analyst Programmer. Job offers training in new
technologies ie Internet & Web development. Other useful skills: Lotus
Notes/Domino, Java, RDBMS, HTML, JavaScript. Advantageous: E-commerce,
PC and/or database development.
Lo: M4 Corridor
Sa: Good Package + Benefits
Ag: D&M Personnel
Cn: Angela Coleman
Te: 01793 786717
Fa: 01793 784422
Em: angela.coleman@dmpersonnel.co.uk
Re: JSAC2502
Ty: Permanent
Po: Visual Basic Cross Train ASP/Java
Sk: Leading Herts based financial services provider constantly require
Visual Basic developers with atleast one years experience.Fantastic
oppurtunity as the company offers training in Java & ASP.Dont miss out
,send your cv.
Lo: Hertfordshire
Sa: To 35k
Ag: Huxley Associates/Commercial
Cn: Mike Walker
Te: 0171 335 5888
Fa: 0171 335 0008
Em: visualbasic.perm@huxley.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Visual Basic Cross Train XML Java/ASP
Sk: Surrey based E-commerce consultancy seek Visual Basic developers with a
minimum of eighteen months experience to augment their agressive
growth.Training offered in leading Internet technologies including XML
& Java.Tremendous autonomy.
Lo: Surrey
Sa: To 35k
Ag: Huxley Associates/Commercial
Cn: Mike Walker
Te: 0171 335 5888
Fa: 0171 335 0008
Em: visualbasic.perm@huxley.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Visual Basic Developer
Sk: Global electronics organisation are advancing their online
capabilities. On a high learning curve you will be undergoing exciting
Web-based development, receiving cross-training in Java! You need 2
years VB to v6, with Access 97 or SQL server 6.5/7.
Lo: Kent
Sa: 19k-27k+ Excellent Benefits
Ag: Computer Futures London Permanent
Cn: Gavin Parr
Te: 0171 446 6644
Fa: 0171 446 0099
Em: pcdev.london.perm@compfutures.com
Re: JS:GP88611
Ty: Permanent
Po: Visual Basic Developer
Sk: Successful Communications company require VB/Web Developer with 3urs
VB/Access exp with ADO & RDO. At least 1 yrs Java Programming is
required although candidates with less experience will be considered.
Training/Progression in this exciting opportunity.
Lo: Buckinghamshire
St: Immediately
Sa: 35k + Benefits
Ag: Rebus Resourcing (Southeast)
Cn: Clare Briggs
Te: 01702 236868
Fa: 01702 236958
Em: clare.briggs@rebusgroup.com
Ww: http://www.jobsrus.co.uk/
Ty: Permanent
Po: Visual Basic Developer
Sk: Voted the most profitable IT organisation in the world in 1998. This
large, lively environ with Wed-based cross-training & fantastic career
development, requires you to have 2 years Visual Basic with C++. It
simply doesn't get bogger than these!.
Lo: Surrey
Sa: 20k-28k+ Excellent Benefits
Ag: Computer Futures London Permanent
Cn: Gavin Parr
Te: 0171 446 6644
Fa: 0171 446 0099
Em: pcdev.london.perm@compfutures.com
Re: JS:GP910001
Ty: Permanent
Po: Visual Basic Developer + Learn E-Commerce
Sk: Outsourcing Co. moving to E-commerce solutions require VB Developers,
to work on Blue Chip clients. Will learn ASP/Java etc. Guaranteed
Microsoft training(20k worth). You get the opportunity to lead projects
from day 1. Min. 18 months VB/SQL Server.
Lo: Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire
Sa: Package 45k + Share Options
Ag: Abraxas
Cn: Hiten Parmar
Te: 0207 255 5555
Fa: 0207 636 0334
Em: hparmar@abraxas.co.uk
Ww: http://www.abraxas.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Visual Basic Developer X Train To Internet !!
Sk: A rapidly growing Telco seeks an enthusiastic strong Visual Basic
Developer with ADO/ASP to join them ASAPible. The role will be
Internet/Web based & some x training will be provided however HTML/Java
awareness would give you a head start.
Lo: Based Bucks
Sa: Up to 35k Basic + bens
Ag: Rebus Resourcing (Southeast)
Cn: Jez Clark
Te: 01702 236868
Fa: 01702 236958
Em: jez.clark@rebusgroup.com
Ww: http://www.jobsrus.co.uk/
Ty: Permanent
Po: Visual Basic Developer. X-Train To Java
Sk: Visual Basic, RDBMS, any Java. Strong Visual Basic Candidates who have
proved themselves as top quality Visual Basic Developers are sought to
be X-trained into Java. There is a full training program & a steep
learning curve. Visual Basic, RDBMS, Java.
Lo: City, London
Sa: 40k
Ag: Compro Computer Services
Cn: Adrian Smith
Te: 01923 233001
Fa: 01923 232206
Em: adrian@compro.co.uk
Ww: http://www.compro.co.uk/
Re: JS/AS/12008
Ty: Permanent
Po: Visual Basic Developer/Programmer
Sk: Visual Basic 6,SQLServer7,ADO,ODBC.Desireable:Active X,Java.Be part of
this new development team involved in full life-cycle development
working on a range of applications for an exciting fast moving org. X
training to Internet technologies.
Lo: Manchester
Ag: Mortimer Spinks
Cn: Steven Rake
Te: 0113 394 2400
Fa: 0113 394 2401
Em: srake@mortimerspinks.co.uk
Ww: http://www.mortimerspinks.com/
Re: JSRV_12146
Ty: Permanent
Po: Visual Basic Software Developer/Analyst Programmer
Sk: You will have at least 1 year proven commercial experience in Software
Development using Visual Basic with knowledge of SQL & relational
databases an adv. Other high level languages considered, i.e. C, C++,
Pascal, Fortran etc.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
St: Immediate
Sa: Up to 30k + Benefits
Ag: Consult IT Recruitment
Cn: Simon Mills
Te: 01353 665000
Fa: 01353 666636
Em: simonm@citr.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Visual Basic/C/NT Software Engineer
Sk: Visual Basic, Windows NT, C You will be developing systems management
software using C/Visual Basic & Windows NT. You will have at least 5
yrs' exp & be prepared to travel internationally.
Lo: Slough, Berkshire
Sa: To 50k
Ag: Hays IT
Cn: Claire Ashton
Te: 01628 676576
Fa: 01628 675966
Em: maidenhead.response@hays-it.com
Ww: http://www.hays-it.com
Re: JSCLA00227871
Ty: Permanent
Po: Visual Basic/Sybase Analyst Programmer
Sk: Wanted! A VB/Sybase A/P with 2 years of Visual Basic(pref.5/6)and/or
SQL (pref.Sybase).System Design experience is vital.Unix(including
scripting),C,Sybase & Banking is also a big plus.
Lo: London
Sa: 29k
Ag: Lexstra
Cn: Dave
Te: 0181 255 6100
Fa: 0181 255 6106
Em: dave@lexstra.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Visual Basic/Sybase programmer
Sk: Wanted! !A VB/Sybase Programmer with Visual Basic(pref.version
5/6)experience of 2 years.SQL (pref.Sybase)experience of 2 years &
System Design 1 year. Unix experience(inc.scripting),C,and Banking a
Lo: London
Sa: 30k
Ag: Lexstra
Cn: Dave
Te: 0181 255 6100
Fa: 0181 255 6106
Em: dave@lexstra.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Visual C++ & Internet Technologies
Sk: If you have minimum 1 years Visual C++ & want to get into the internet
technologies-this is the opportunity. Will be working with VC++, ATL &
HTML & XML. Training provided. Working for a leading provider of market
analysis info.
Lo: London
Sa: 30k + Benefits
Ag: Logistix Recruitment
Cn: Dinah Evans
Te: 0181 742 3060
Fa: 0181 742 3061
Em: dinah@logistixrec.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Visual C++ Analyst Programmer
Sk: 2 years plus Visual C++. Desirable: Visual Basic & Oracle, Web based
development tools! role: To work alongside system house staff to
develop current & new applications. Fantastic Training(Internal &
Lo: Surrey
St: Immediate
Sa: To 30k
Ag: Computer Futures London Permanent
Cn: Ilhan Mehmet
Te: 0171 446 6644
Fa: 0171 446 0099
Em: pcdev.london.perm@compfutures.com
Re: JSL230306
Ty: Permanent
Po: Visual C++ Analyst Programmer
Sk: Visual C++ developers required by world-wide supplier of Client Server
software for Datawarehousing solutions. MFC, Active X, COM, ATL or Java
ideal - 40 strong IT division. Object Oriented Design, Java training
for those without.
Lo: Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire
Sa: To 32k + Benefits
Ag: Monarch Recruitment
Cn: Marie Buchanan
Te: 0870 603 9071
Fa: 0870 603 9077
Em: maried@monarchrecruitment.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Visual C++ Developer
Sk: 3 years Visual C++ in a Windows environment. Knowledge of TAPI, Digital
Communications Protocols, Dialogic API & Lucent PBX technologies are
highly desirable. This company offers full Internet cross-training.
Lo: Central London
St: Immediate
Sa: To 40k
Ag: Computer Futures London Permanent
Cn: Jonathan Fraser
Te: 0171 446 6644
Fa: 0171 446 0099
Em: pcdev.london.perm@compfutures.com
Re: JSCWD102
Ty: Permanent
Po: Visual C++ Developer
Sk: 3 years Visual C++ in a Windows NT environment is essential. Knowledge
of HTML is highly desirable. This client develops Real Time financial
management systems for the private investment community. Excellent
cross training to Java.
Lo: Bedfordshire
St: Immediate
Sa: To 35k
Ag: Computer Futures London Permanent
Cn: Jonathan Fraser
Te: 0171 446 6644
Fa: 0171 446 0099
Em: pcdev.london.perm@compfutures.com
Re: JSCWD134
Ty: Permanent
Po: Visual C++ Developer
Sk: Information Management services provider are looking for a grad.with 2
years Visual C++ development exp.You will be developing major database
applications using cutting edge Tech.Fantastic career progression &
training opps.Need solid UC++,SQL & UML.
Lo: Essex
Sa: 30k + Benefits
Ag: Lorien
Cn: James Mitchell
Te: 0171 654 1123
Fa: 0171 654 1011
Em: cityperm@lorien.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Visual C++ Developer
Sk: Visual C++/C++/C(Extensive experience) role:Working through the FSDLC
you will be developing using the latest technologies Additional: Java,
HTML & Javascript, ATL, ASP a strong advantage!.
Lo: London
St: Immediate
Sa: To 50k
Ag: Computer Futures London Permanent
Cn: Ilhan Mehmet
Te: 0171 446 6644
Fa: 0171 446 0099
Em: pcdev.london.perm@compfutures.com
Re: JSL229304
Ty: Permanent
Po: Web Applications Developer
Sk: Established E-commerce name company. Develop critical business support
applications. You will need at least 1 year of Perl & HTML. One of the
following desirable: SQL, XML, C, C++, Unix.
Lo: Midlands
Sa: Up To 30k
Ag: Vertis Consulting
Cn: Paul Drew
Te: 0171 333 9444
Fa: 0171 333 9445
Em: cvs@vertis.net
Ww: http://www.vertis.net/
Re: JS5183
Ty: Permanent
Po: Web Applications Developer
Sk: Web Applications Manager sought by e-incubator. HTML, Perl, C, CGI,
JavaScript & Java development skills essential along with sound
understanding of translating user requirements into innovative
Lo: London
Sa: Negotiable With Options
Ag: Alicon Resourcing
Cn: Suzi Edwards
Te: 0207 422 9353
Fa: 0171 375 3927
Em: sedwards@alicon-resourcing.com
Re: JS/SE/099
Ty: Permanent
Po: Web Applications Developer
Sk: You must have at least 12 months commercial exp of Web dev using Perl &
HTML, with strong Unix skills. Any additional knowledge of SQL, XML, C,
C++ is desirable, although training is provided. Business critical
Internet & business applications project.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: 16k-25k
Ag: Vision IT Recruitment
Cn: Nick Tooley
Te: 01908 319600
Fa: 01908 319638
Em: nickt@visionit.co.uk
Re: JS/NT/10315A/P
Ty: Permanent
Po: Web Designer
Sk: A great new role for a comp/tech grad who will have used Access as part
of the course. You will have web skills, HTML, JAVA, C++. You will
assist the integ of Access to their web sites, training & the
acquisition of many new internet skills is guaranteed.
Lo: Berkshire/South
St: March 2000
Ag: Real IT Resourcing
Cn: Jo Koffman
Te: 0181 490 1999
Fa: 0181 490 1900
Em: jobs@realit.co.uk
Re: JS-JK26791
Ty: Permanent
Po: Web Designer
Sk: A great new role for a comp/tech grad who will have used Access as part
of the course. You will have web skills, HTML, JAVA, C++. You will
assist the integ of access to their web sites, training & the
acquisition of many new internet skills is guaranteed.
Lo: Berkshire
St: March 2000
Ag: Real IT Resourcing
Cn: Jo Koffman
Te: 0181 490 1999
Fa: 0181 490 1900
Em: jobs@realit.co.uk
Re: JS-JK26791
Ty: Permanent
Po: Web Developer
Sk: Innovative online site that is growing rapidly seek a Web Developer.
Skills in 2 of the following SQL, Informix DB, Perl, HTML, C, Unix.
Excellent opportunity to join new org with serious backers.
Lo: Ipswich, Suffolk
Sa: To 28k + Benefits
Ag: Maya International
Cn: James Peck
Te: 0171 437 2947
Fa: 0171 437 3744
Em: james@maya.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Web Developer
Sk: Media Co with offices in the U.S. req skilled web Developer with a
minimum 6 mts web development experience Candidates will also req
skills in the following areas Java, Pearl, C/C++ & Scripting. On going
training will be provided in areas of weakness.
Lo: London West End
Sa: 30k-35k + Benefits
Ag: Information Technology Services
Cn: Dave Simpson
Te: 0171 295 5968
Fa: 0171 295 5939
Em: davids@infotechservices.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Web Developer
Sk: Must have strong Perl (a min of 18 months comercial exp), C & C ++ &
ideally Java, JavaScript. Must have a good undestanding of Client
Server Protocol. Ideally knowl & use of NT or Unix equivalent . Even
better if you have experience of ASP.
Lo: Cheshire
St: March
Sa: 20k-30k
Ag: Progressive Computer Recruitment
Cn: Jo Barlow/Francis Dunleavy Internet Specialist
Te: 0161 827 7700
Fa: 0161 827 7711
Em: internet.perm.north@progressive.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Web Developer
Sk: Senior Developer required to develop the architectural framework &
detailed spec for a new web site & back-end technologies.You'll need 2+
years commercial Web experience & have strong ASP, Com & SQL, in
addition C and/or Java would be beneficial.
Lo: Central London
Sa: 25 - 35k
Ag: Elite Computer Staff
Cn: Matthew Allnutt
Te: 0208 942 0088
Fa: 0208 942 0099
Em: mallnutt@elite-cs.co.uk
Re: JS9383/1/MJA
Ty: Permanent
Po: Web Developer/Consultant
Sk: Global consultancy with renowned project capture & training are
currently recruiting. With at least 1 years exp of systems dev. with
either C++, JavaScript or HTML you'll gain an excellent opp for career
progression. Future training in Java a Possible.
Lo: Greater London
Sa: 18k-35k + Benefits Depending On Experience
Ag: Alicon Resourcing
Cn: Richard Grant
Te: 0207 422 9357
Fa: 0171 375 3927
Em: rgrant@alicon-resourcing.com
Re: JS/RG/178
Ty: Permanent
Po: Web Programme Developer
Sk: Essential: Min 2 years solid commercial developement exp. with at least
1 year in Java/C/C++. Educated to degree level (degree type
irrelevant), valid U.K driving licence, ability to work face to face
with clients.
Lo: Nr Slough, Berkshire - Willing to travel
St: Now
Sa: To 35k + Benefits
Ag: ASC Connections
Cn: Vicki Turner
Te: 01628 780001
Fa: 01628 780002
Em: vicki@asc-connections.com
Re: JSRV_VT1900/2
Ty: Permanent
Po: Web Programmer
Sk: 18 months Java Programming with C,OO,Corba,COM,DCOM & SQL required for
challenging role within privately owned Web Consultancy. Excellent
career prospects & one of the best renumeration packages available.
Lo: Hampshire
Sa: Excellent + Benefits + Prospects
Ag: Diamond Personnel
Cn: James Baker
Te: 0207 929 2976
Fa: 0207 929 2973
Em: web@diamondresourcing.com
Ty: Permanent
Po: Web Programmer
Sk: HTML Programming, XML/CSS & plug ins, C/C++, Perl,Java,JavaScript ess.
Also database incl Oracle, Access & SQL. Range of operating systems
incl. Sun NT & Linux, also understanding LAN/WAN, email, DNS etc.
Lo: Colchester, Essex
Sa: 45k Negotiable
Ag: Adecco IT
Cn: Karen Seymour
Te: 01206 561295
Fa: 01206 576906
Em: 275.colchester@adecco.co.uk
Ty: Permanent
Po: Web Programmer
Sk: Web Programmer required must have skills in MS Frontpage, C/C++, Unix,
CGI, Perl & OOA/OOD.
Lo: Central London
Sa: Negotiable As To Experience + Bonuses + Benefits
Ag: Operations Resources
Cn: Graeme Styles
Te: 0181 667 9000
Fa: 0181 667 9123
Em: graemes@opsres.com
Re: JSGS0044
Ty: Permanent
Po: Web Support
Sk: This World leadins I.S.P skills required Perl,Unix,Shell Scripting,
C/C++, HTML, Internet related software, Win 95, NT, Oracle, RDBMS or
Java. Excellent career move for experienced people to progress witin
this exciting company.
Lo: London
Ag: Compucare - South
Cn: Pippa Hilditch
Te: 0181 891 8000
Fa: 0181 891 8008
Em: compucare@south.compucare.co.uk
Re: JST2612
Ty: Permanent
Po: Web/E-Commerce Technical Architect Gain Java
Sk: Technical design of Web front end applications or data collection based
eSales tools & technology for Global Consultancy. You'll have C++, Web
design, MS ASP & data design exp. Training avail in Java & exposure to
Broadvision, Vantive, Calico etc.
Lo: Greater London
Sa: To 70k + Benefits Depending On Experience
Ag: Alicon Resourcing
Cn: Richard Grant
Te: 0207 422 9357
Fa: 0171 375 3927
Em: rgrant@alicon-resourcing.com
Re: JS/RG/179
Ty: Permanent
Po: Web/Visual Basic Developer/Technical Support
Sk: Min 1-2yrs exp of supporting NT & MSOffice.Basic exp of
HTML/Java,VB5,Office2000.The role is 75% development & 25% support.You
will be part of the decision making process.Training given,excellent
opportunity to get within Financial Industry.
Lo: London
St: ASAP - Urgent
Ag: High Technology Search & Selection
Cn: Eamonn Haig
Te: 0181 481 1100
Fa: 0181 481 1150
Em: mailbox@hightechnology.co.uk
Ww: http://www.hightechnology.co.uk
Re: JS/364/EH
Ty: Permanent
Po: Windows Developer (Urgent)
Sk: Several opps within end users & Software House env.You will ideally
have a sound windows development background & some Delphi or C++ exp to
offer.There are also X training opportunities on offer into other
Visual technologies.
Lo: East Midlands
Sa: To 30k
Ag: Rebus Resourcing (Midlands)
Cn: Donna Warburton
Te: 01332 814644
Fa: 01332 852929
Em: donna.warburton@rebusgroup.com
Ww: http://www.jobsrus.co.uk/
Ty: Permanent
Po: Windows NT Developer - VC++
Sk: Windows NT devs needed to work on graphics systems, doing application
development in Visual C++/Windows, min of 1 years exp of graphical
application development is required. X-training on Direct X , Active X
, COM , DCOM , Direct 3d.
Lo: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Sa: 20k-28k
Ag: Intelect Recruitment
Cn: Please Quote Reference
Te: 0207 759 4848
Fa: 0207 759 4800
Em: lp4@intelect-recruitment.com
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