Revert last code drop.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: mmsconninit implementation
#include <in_sock.h>
#include <es_enum.h>
#include <e32property.h>
#include <sacls.h>
#include <mpmpropertydef.h>
#include "mmsconninit.h"
const TInt32 KMmsShortTimeout = 30; // seconds
// Interval must be long enough to give the connection time to recover
const TInt32 KMmsRetryInterval = 10; // seconds
const TInt KMmsSecondsToMilliseconds = 1000000;
// Only one retry - if that does not work, better reschedule the operation normally
const TInt KMmsMaxRetryCount = 1;
const TInt KMaxProxyPortLength = 6;
_LIT( KHttpSchemePart1, "http" );
_LIT( KHttpSchemePart2, "://" );
const TInt KMmsScheme1Length = 4;
const TInt KMmsHTTPSchemeLength = 7;
// ============================== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ==============================
// ============================== MEMBER FUNCTIONS =============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmsConnectionInitiator
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMmsConnectionInitiator::CMmsConnectionInitiator() :
CActive( EPriorityStandard )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ConstructL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmsConnectionInitiator::ConstructL()
CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
iTimerRunning = EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NewL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CMmsConnectionInitiator* CMmsConnectionInitiator::NewL()
CMmsConnectionInitiator* self = new ( ELeave ) CMmsConnectionInitiator;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("MmsConnInit constructed ") );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ~CMmsConnectionInitiator
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// cancel closes our timer if it is running
// iConnection, iClientStatus and iArray are owned by caller
// Just to be sure the Access point property goes, delete it
// Never mind the error - this is the best effort.
// If it does not work, what can we do. Question mark. (To avoid "worrying commets")
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("deleting KMPMPropertyKey") );
RProperty::Delete( KMPMCathegory, KMPMPropertyKeyMMS );
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("MmsConnInit destroyed ") );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ConnectL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CMmsConnectionInitiator::ConnectL(
RConnection& aConnection,
CArrayFixFlat<TUint32>& aAccessPointArray,
TRequestStatus& aStatus )
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("MmsConnInit::ConnectL") );
iClientStatus = &aStatus;
iConnection = &aConnection;
iArray = &aAccessPointArray;
*iClientStatus = KRequestPending;
iIndex = 0;
iTimerRunning = EFalse;
iRetryCount = 0;
// No reason to continue if the array is empty
if( aAccessPointArray.Count() == 0 )
User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, KErrArgument );
if ( !CheckNetworkL() )
User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, KErrCouldNotConnect );
// Let's not start the AO if we do not find IAP
for( iIndex = 0; iIndex < iArray->Count(); ++iIndex )
TUint32 ap; // IAP to be resolved
// index is safe
if( ( FindIapL( iArray->At( iIndex ), ap ) ) )
// Let's override the preferences
//Start the connection
StartConnectionL( ap );
// IAP not found but let's keep on looping
//We looped through the array and did not succeed
//We do not have any error value in the iStatus because we
//did not even try to connect
User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, KErrCouldNotConnect );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetParametersL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CMmsConnectionInitiator::GetParametersL(
TUint32 aAccessPointLink,
TUint32& aAccessPoint,
HBufC*& aServerUri,
TBool& aProxyUsed,
HBufC8*& aProxyAddress )
// Every function reading the commsDB are trapped because
// they may leave if the field is empty. We still may be
// able to continue browsing the DB further.
// Exception: Functions reading long text are not trapped
// because they allocate memory.
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("MmsConnInit::GetParametersL") );
// Initialise OUT parameters
aServerUri = NULL;
aAccessPoint = 0;
aProxyUsed = EFalse;
aProxyAddress = NULL;
// Initialise used variables
TInt error = KErrNone;
TUint32 num32Value = 0;
TBuf <KCommsDbSvrMaxFieldLength> textValue;
TInt length = 0;
CCommsDbTableView* view = NULL;
// Connect to Database server and CommDb
CCommsDatabase* db = CCommsDatabase::NewL( EDatabaseTypeUnspecified );
CleanupStack::PushL( db );
// Start from WAP_ACCESS_POINT table -> opening view to it
view = db->OpenViewMatchingUintLC(
aAccessPointLink );
// If no record for 'aAccessPointLink' there's nothing to look for
if( view->GotoFirstRecord() != KErrNone )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( view );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
// Get aServerUri (WAP_START_PAGE in CommDb)
// ReadColumnLengthL only leaves if the column does not exist at all -
// that means that the database structure is totally wrong, and we can't continue
view->ReadColumnLengthL( TPtrC( WAP_START_PAGE ), length );
// ReadLongTextL only leaves if the column does not exist in the table
// or we are out of memory.
aServerUri = view->ReadLongTextLC( TPtrC( WAP_START_PAGE ) );
// If the function did not leave, we have aServerUri on the cleanup stack
// It's length may be 0, but the pointer itself is not NULL
if( length != 0 )
CheckWapStartPageL( aServerUri ); // tries to ensure proper syntax
// Get link to bearer
// This function only leaves if the column does not exist in the table
// This means the structure of the database is incorrect, and we cannot continue
view->ReadTextL( TPtrC( WAP_CURRENT_BEARER ), textValue );
// view must be deleted, but it is not on top of the CleanupStack
CleanupStack::Pop( aServerUri );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( view );
view = NULL;
if( textValue.Length() == 0 )
// Impossible to continue because bearer (textValue) is needed to browse further
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
// Put aServerUri back on the cleanup stack
CleanupStack::PushL( aServerUri );
// Create new view to bearer table
view = db->OpenViewMatchingUintLC(
aAccessPointLink );
// There should be only one record with aAccessPointLink
if( view->GotoFirstRecord() != KErrNone )
// If no record for 'aAccessPointLink' there's nothing to look for
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( view ); // view
CleanupStack::Pop( aServerUri );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
// Get AccessPoint
// This function leaves if the column has NULL value
TRAP( error, view->ReadUintL( TPtrC( WAP_IAP ), num32Value ) );
// Current view not needed any more
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( view ); // view
view = NULL;
if( error == KErrNone )
aAccessPoint = num32Value;
CleanupStack::Pop( aServerUri );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
// Create view to IAP table
view = db->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( TPtrC( IAP ), TPtrC( COMMDB_ID ), aAccessPoint );
// There should be only one record with aAccessPoint
if( view->GotoFirstRecord() != KErrNone )
// no record found
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( view ); // view
CleanupStack::Pop( aServerUri );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
aAccessPoint = 0; // Client will know that the procedure failed
// Get servicetype and -identifier
TRAP( error,
view->ReadTextL( TPtrC( IAP_SERVICE_TYPE ), textValue ); // read service type
view->ReadUintL( TPtrC( IAP_SERVICE ), num32Value ); // read service identifier
if( error )
// Leave occurred, cleaning up
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( view ); // view
CleanupStack::Pop( aServerUri );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
aAccessPoint = 0; // Client will know that the procedure failed
// Current view not needed any more
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( view );
view = NULL;
// Create view to Proxy table
view = db->OpenViewOnProxyRecordLC( num32Value, textValue );
// There should be only one record matching service identifier and service type
if( view->GotoFirstRecord() != KErrNone )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( view ); // view
CleanupStack::Pop( aServerUri );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
// Get information whether proxy is used or not
TRAP( error, view->ReadBoolL( TPtrC( PROXY_USE_PROXY_SERVER ), aProxyUsed ) );
if ( error != KErrNone )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( view ); // view
CleanupStack::Pop( aServerUri );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
// If proxy is to be used, get the related information
if( aProxyUsed )
// Get proxy port number
TRAP( error, view->ReadUintL( TPtrC( PROXY_PORT_NUMBER ), num32Value ) );
if( error != KErrNone )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( view ); // view
CleanupStack::Pop( aServerUri );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
if( num32Value > KMaxTUint16 )
// Proxy port has too big value, access point is invalid
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( view ); // view
CleanupStack::Pop( aServerUri );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
User::Leave( KErrTooBig );
// Following LIT is the proxy port number beginning with ":"
_LIT( KProxyPort,":%d" );
HBufC* tempProxyPort = NULL;
HBufC* tempProxyServerName = NULL;
tempProxyServerName = view->ReadLongTextLC( TPtrC( PROXY_SERVER_NAME ) );
tempProxyServerName->Des().Trim(); // remove possible spaces
tempProxyPort = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxProxyPortLength );
TPtr ptr2( tempProxyPort -> Des() );
ptr2.Format( KProxyPort,num32Value );
// Create a TPtr object to aProxyAddress
// Proxy address must always be us-ascii or we are in trouble.
TPtr ptr( tempProxyServerName -> Des() );
aProxyAddress = HBufC8::NewLC(
( tempProxyServerName->Length() ) + ( tempProxyPort->Length() ) );
aProxyAddress->Des().Copy( ptr );
aProxyAddress->Des().Append( ptr2 );
CleanupStack::Pop( aProxyAddress );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempProxyPort );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempProxyServerName );
} // aProxyUsed
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( view ); // view
view = NULL;
CleanupStack::Pop( aServerUri );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
TPtr temp = aServerUri->Des();
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("aServerUri: %S"), &temp );
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("aAccessPoint: %d"), aAccessPoint );
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("aProxyUsed: %d"), aProxyUsed );
if( aProxyAddress != NULL )
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("aProxyAddress: %S"), &temp );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CheckNetworkL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMmsConnectionInitiator::CheckNetworkL()
#ifdef __WINS__
// Emulator has network always "available"
return ETrue;
#endif // __WINS__
TInt value = 0;
TInt error = RProperty::Get( KUidSystemCategory, KUidNetworkStatus.iUid, value );
User::LeaveIfError( error );
if ( value == ESANetworkAvailable )
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("Network available") );
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("Network NOT available, value = %d"), value );
return ( value == ESANetworkAvailable );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmsConnectionInitiator::CheckWapStartPageL
// Private function used only by GetParametersL. Made just for splitting too big
// GetParameters function.
// Adds http scheme in the beginning of wap start page if it is missing. It does
// not add it into comms database.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmsConnectionInitiator::CheckWapStartPageL(HBufC*& aUri)
aUri->Des().Trim(); // remove spaces
if ( aUri->Find(KHttpSchemePart2) > 0)
;// OK, nothing needs to be done;
else if (aUri->Find(KHttpSchemePart2) == 0)
// NOK, adding 'KHttpSchemePart1' to the beginning of the uri
HBufC* tmp = HBufC::NewMaxLC( aUri->Length() + KMmsScheme1Length );
tmp->Des().Copy( KHttpSchemePart1() );
tmp->Des().Append( aUri->Des() );
CleanupStack::Pop( tmp );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( aUri );
aUri = tmp;
else // HttpScheme2 not found in this case
// NOK, adding 'KHttpScheme' to the beginning of the uri
HBufC* tmp = HBufC::NewMaxLC( aUri->Length() + KMmsHTTPSchemeLength );
tmp->Des().Copy( KHttpSchemePart1() );
tmp->Des().Append( KHttpSchemePart2() );
tmp->Des().Append( aUri->Des() );
CleanupStack::Pop( tmp );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( aUri );
aUri = tmp;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmsConnectionInitiator::FindIapL
// WAP access Point is given as in-parameter and IAP is
// retruned as out-parameter
// Return value is EFalse if something goes wrong
// Leavings are trapped in case of error in reading CommsDb
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMmsConnectionInitiator::FindIapL( TUint32 aWapAP, TUint32& aIap )
aIap = 0;
TUint32 num32Value = 0;
TInt error = KErrNone;
CCommsDatabase* db = CCommsDatabase::NewL( EDatabaseTypeUnspecified );
CleanupStack::PushL( db );
CCommsDbTableView* view;
TBuf<KCommsDbSvrMaxFieldLength> textValue; // Max limit defined by database
// Start from the WAP access point table
// If there is no WAP access point table, the function leaves.
aWapAP );
if ( view->GotoFirstRecord() != KErrNone )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( view );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
return EFalse;
// Link to bearer table
TRAP( error, view->ReadTextL( TPtrC( WAP_CURRENT_BEARER ), textValue ) );
if ( error != KErrNone)
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( view );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
return EFalse;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( view ); // view
view = NULL;
// Found WAP access point. Now we need the WAP bearer
view=db->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( textValue, TPtrC( WAP_ACCESS_POINT_ID ),
aWapAP );
if ( view->GotoFirstRecord() != KErrNone )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( view );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
return EFalse;
//Let's trap the leave if there is no IAP and try to continue normally
TRAP( error, view->ReadUintL( TPtrC( WAP_IAP ), num32Value ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( view );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
if ( error == KErrNone )
aIap = num32Value;
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmsConnectionInitiator::StartConnectionL
// Checks if there is already connections open and checks if the
// connection could be reused or not.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmsConnectionInitiator::StartConnectionL(TUint32 aIap)
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("CMmsConnectionInitiator::StartConnectionL") );
TUint count;
TPckgBuf<TConnectionInfo> connInfo;
TUint i;
TUint32 iap;
HBufC* gprsApn1 = NULL;
HBufC* gprsApn2 = NULL;
TUint32 pdpType1 = 0;
TUint32 pdpType2 = 0;
iap = aIap;
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("iConnection->EnumerateConnections") );
iConnection->EnumerateConnections( count );
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("Connection count: %d"),count);
if ( count > 0 && FindGprsParametersL( aIap,pdpType1,gprsApn1 ) )
for ( i=1; i<=count; i++ )
if ( gprsApn2 )
delete gprsApn2;
gprsApn2 = NULL;
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("iConnection->GetConnectionInfo ") );
iConnection->GetConnectionInfo( i,connInfo );
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("FindGprsParametersL ") );
if ( FindGprsParametersL( connInfo().iIapId,pdpType2,gprsApn2 )
&& pdpType1 == pdpType2
&& *gprsApn1 == *gprsApn2 )
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("APN MATCH !!!!!!!") );
iap = connInfo().iIapId;
if ( gprsApn2 )
delete gprsApn2;
if ( gprsApn1 )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( gprsApn1 );
iPrefs.SetIapId( iap );
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("iConnection->Start ") );
TInt error = RProperty::Define( KMPMCathegory, KMPMPropertyKeyMMS, KMPMPropertyTypeMMS );
if ( error == KErrNone || error == KErrAlreadyExists )
// If the setting of the value does not succeed, a disconnect dialog
// may be displayed - but there is nothing we can do about it.
// We try our best.
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("setting KMPMProperty key to %d "), iap );
error = RProperty::Set( KMPMCathegory, KMPMPropertyKeyMMS, iap );
// iConnection cannot be active when we come here.
// And it is not possible to ask ir RConnection is active
iConnection->Start( iPrefs, iStatus );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmsConnectionInitiator::FindGprsParametersL
// Solves PDP type and GPRS Access Point.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMmsConnectionInitiator::FindGprsParametersL(
TUint32 aIap, TUint32& aPdpType, HBufC*& aGprsApn )
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("CMmsConnectionInitiator::FindGprsParameters") );
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("IAP to analyze: %d"),aIap);
TUint32 service=0;
TBuf <KCommsDbSvrMaxFieldLength> textValue;
CCommsDbTableView* view = NULL;
CCommsDatabase* db = CCommsDatabase::NewL( EDatabaseTypeUnspecified );
CleanupStack::PushL( db );
view = db->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( TPtrC( IAP ), TPtrC( COMMDB_ID ), aIap );
if ( view->GotoFirstRecord() == KErrNone )
view->ReadTextL( TPtrC( IAP_SERVICE_TYPE ), textValue );
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log (_L("IAP_SERVICE_TYPE: "));
if ( textValue.Compare( TPtrC( OUTGOING_GPRS ) ) != 0 )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( view );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
return EFalse;
view->ReadUintL( TPtrC( IAP_SERVICE ), service );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( view );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
return EFalse;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( view ); //view
view = NULL;
view = db->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( textValue, TPtrC( COMMDB_ID ), service );
if ( view->GotoFirstRecord() == KErrNone )
aGprsApn = view->ReadLongTextLC( TPtrC( GPRS_APN ) );
view->ReadUintL( TPtrC( GPRS_PDP_TYPE ),aPdpType );
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("GPRS_APN: "));
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("aPdpType: %d"),aPdpType);
CleanupStack::Pop( aGprsApn );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( view );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( view );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RunL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmsConnectionInitiator::RunL()
// immediately release the access point
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("deleting KMPMPropertyKeyMMS") );
RProperty::Delete( KMPMCathegory, KMPMPropertyKeyMMS );
iConnection->Progress( iProgress );
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("MmsConnInit::RunL, status: %d"), iStatus.Int() );
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L(" - progress stage: %d, progress error: %d"), iProgress.iStage, iProgress.iError );
// In error situation, set iStatus to the error
// error form iProgress overrides status only if status is KErrNone
// The behavior of lower level components has changed.
// We are trying to adjust our behavior to the new situation.
if ( iTimerRunning )
// own timer timed out
iStatus = KErrCompletion;
iTimerRunning = EFalse;
if ( iStatus.Int() == KErrNone )
iStatus = iProgress.iError;
if ( iStatus.Int() == KErrNotFound || iStatus.Int() == KErrGeneral )
// We should never pass KErrNotFound upwards as it will
// prevent retry loop, and might prevent fetching altogether.
// KErrGeneral does not mean anything, so we try if we can find
// a better error code from progress.
if ( iProgress.iError < KErrGeneral )
// We have some error code in iProgress, and it is not
// KErrNotFound or KErrGeneral
iStatus = iProgress.iError;
// This is better than KErrNotFound.
// It does not tell why the connection was not created,
// but at least it leads to retry loop
iStatus = KErrCouldNotConnect;
if( iStatus.Int() == KErrNone )
// iConnection.start completes with no error
// In this succesfull case we set the client status
// to index+1 of the AP array
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("- Connected") );
User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, ( iIndex + 1 ) );
else // status not equal to KErrNone
TTime now;
TTimeIntervalSeconds timeout = 0;
TInt overflow;
if ( iStatus.Int() == KErrTimedOut )
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("- Timed out") );
overflow = now.SecondsFrom( iStartTime, timeout );
if ( overflow == KErrNone &&
timeout.Int() < KMmsShortTimeout &&
iRetryCount < KMmsMaxRetryCount )
// worth retrying after a few seconds
TInt error = iTimer.CreateLocal();
if ( error == KErrNone )
// timer wants microseconds
// iTimer cannot be running as it was closed just a while ago
// And we just said "CreateLocal()" so this is a brand new timer.
iTimer.After( iStatus, KMmsRetryInterval * KMmsSecondsToMilliseconds );
iTimerRunning = ETrue;
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("- Not connected") );
// Because we now completed with an error we must re-issue the
// request if there are still items in the array
TUint32 ap; //IAP to be resolved
if ( iStatus != KErrCompletion )
// KErrCompletion means our timer completed
// and we must retry the same access point.
// If we have some other error, we must try next access point
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("- Timer completed - retry %d"), iRetryCount );
for( ; iIndex < iArray->Count(); ++iIndex )
// index is safe
if( ( FindIapL( iArray->At( iIndex ), ap ) ) )
StartConnectionL( ap );
// Loop until AP found
// Looped through the whole array with no success
User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, iStatus.Int() );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMmsConnectionInitiator::RunError(TInt aError)
User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, aError );
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmsConnectionInitiator::DoCancel
// Cancels any outstanding request
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmsConnectionInitiator::DoCancel()
//This function is called by Cancel() if there is an
//request outstanding.
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("deleting KMPMPropertyKeyMMS") );
RProperty::Delete( KMPMCathegory, KMPMPropertyKeyMMS );
if ( iTimerRunning )
iTimerRunning = EFalse;
User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, KErrCancel );
TMmsConnInitLogger::Log( _L("MmsConnInit cancelled") );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TInt KLogBufferLength = 256;
_LIT(KLogDir, "mmss");
_LIT(KLogFile, "mmsconninit.txt");
void TMmsConnInitLogger::Log(TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt,...)
VA_LIST list;
VA_START(list, aFmt);
// Print to log file
TBuf<KLogBufferLength> buf;
buf.FormatList(aFmt, list);
// Write to log file
RFileLogger::Write(KLogDir, KLogFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, buf);
// =========================== OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS ========================
// End of File