OBEX MTM Test Harness Setup
[1] Build "msvtestutils.dll" from "\common\messaging\test\testutils\base\group".
Build "t_obexmtm.exe" and it's support dlls from "\common\messaging\obex\tobexmtm\group".
Note, on the emulator platforms it is necessary to build the test version of
"mailinit.dll", from "\common\messaging\framework\server\test\base\group".
There can be a conflict with the production version of "mailint" and the
messaging test harnesses.
[2] Copy the following folders to "c:\msgtest\obexsmoke folder"
For the wins + winscw platforms these folders are setup automatically at
build time.
The "script.txt" file in the "scripts" folder is used to tell "t_obexmtm.exe" which
test scripts to actually run. Each line the the "script.txt" refers to a path
and a filename of the test to carry out where the path is relative to the
"c:\msgtest\obexsmoke\scripts" folder.
[3] The commdb will need updating to use the correct Infrared modem. The second entry
(Commdb_id = 2) in the [ModemBearer] table must be changed to use a Infrared Modem driver.
[4] To execute the harness, run "t_obexmtm.exe" from the cmd line or the development IDE,
a single test can be executed by using the "-i" parameter.
To run all tests held in the "script.txt" file:
type t_obexmtm
To run a single test script, for example "mtm_registering_script.txt" held in the
"common" folder:
type t_obexmtm -i common\mtm_registering_script.txt
The result log for each test can be found in "c:\msglogs" where each log name is of
the format "T_OBEXMTM_XXXXXX.PLATFORM.BUILD.LOG", where XXXXXX is the name of test
[5] Ensure the IR and BT OBEX MTMs are registered before any tests are run. Do this by
running the "mtm_registering_script.txt" script,
type t_obexmtm -i common\mtm_registering_script.txt
Also the MTMs can be un-registered by using the "mtm_unregistering_script.txt" script.