author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Tue, 11 May 2010 16:10:04 +0300
changeset 28 fbb813aef148
parent 24 e00582ce7ecd
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201017 Kit: 201019

* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:   Provides MMS direct upload service.

#include    <CSendingServiceInfo.h>
#include    <SendUiConsts.h>
#include    <CMessageData.h>
#include    <TSendingCapabilities.h>
#include    <bautils.h>                        // BaflUtils
#include    <AknQueryDialog.h>                 // Query dialog
#include    <FeatMgr.h>
#include    <StringLoader.h>
#include    <MmsDirectUploadUi.rsg>
#include    <Mmserrors.h>
#include    <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
#include    <Sendnorm.rsg>
#include    <aknnotewrappers.h>                // Error note
#include    <senduisingleton.h>

#include    "CMmsDirectUpload.h"
#include    "MDUSyncCreateAndSend.h"
#include    "SendUiFileRightsEngine.h"
#include    "CSendUiAttachment.h"


const TInt KMmsUploadServiceCount       = 4;
const TInt KMmsDirectUploadService      = 1;
const TInt KMaxServiceAddressLength     = 512;
const TInt KMaxServiceNameLength        = 128;
const TInt KMaxServiceMenuNameLength    = 128;

_LIT( KMmsDirectUploadUiResource, "MmsDirectUploadUi.rsc");

// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmsDirectUpload::CMmsDirectUpload
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMmsDirectUpload::CMmsDirectUpload( CCoeEnv& aCoeEnv, CSendUiSingleton& aSingleton ) :
	CSendingService( aCoeEnv, aSingleton ),
    iResourceLoader( iCoeEnv )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmsDirectUpload::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmsDirectUpload::ConstructL()

    // Load UI resource file.
    TFileName resourceFile;
    TParse* fp = new(ELeave) TParse(); 
    fp->Set( KMmsDirectUploadUiResource, &KDC_RESOURCE_FILES_DIR, NULL );
    resourceFile = fp->FullName();
    delete fp;
    fp = NULL;
    iResourceLoader.OpenL( resourceFile );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmsDirectUpload::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMmsDirectUpload* CMmsDirectUpload::NewL( TSendingServiceParams* aParams )
    CMmsDirectUpload* self = new(ELeave) CMmsDirectUpload( aParams->iCoeEnv, aParams->iSingleton ); 


    return self;

// Destructor
    // Unload UI resource file.

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CMmsDirectUpload::ServiceProviderId
// Returns the id of the service provider.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TUid CMmsDirectUpload::ServiceProviderId() const
    return KMmsDirectUpload;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmsDirectUpload::PopulateServicesListL
// Populates given list with the services provided by this plugin.
// The ownership of the pointed objects remains.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmsDirectUpload::PopulateServicesListL(
    RPointerArray<CSendingServiceInfo>& aList )
    CleanupClosePushL( aList );
    for ( TInt cc = 0; cc < iServiceArray.Count(); cc++ )
        User::LeaveIfError( aList.Append( iServiceArray[cc] ) );         
    CleanupStack::Pop( &aList );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmsDirectUpload::CreateAndSendMessageL
// Creates to outbox as many MMS messages as there are files to be send.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmsDirectUpload::CreateAndSendMessageL(
    TUid                    aServiceUid,
    const CMessageData*     aMessageData,
    TBool /*aLaunchEditorEmbedded */)
    TInt i = 0;
    if ( !aMessageData || ( iServiceArray.Count() == 0 ) )
    CArrayPtrFlat<CSendUiAttachment>* attachments;
	TInt cleanupItems = 0;
    // Get attachments
    attachments = CSendUiAttachment::InitAttachmentArrayLCC( 
        iCoeEnv.FsSession() );
    cleanupItems += 2;
    if ( !ValidateAttachmentsL( attachments ) )
        { // User canceled sending.
        // Cleanup: attachments, *attachments
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cleanupItems );

    const CRichText* bodyText = aMessageData->BodyText();
    if ( bodyText->DocumentLength() > 0 )
        CSendUiAttachment* atta = CSendUiAttachment::NewLC( *bodyText, iCoeEnv.FsSession() );
        attachments->AppendL( atta );
        CleanupStack::Pop( atta );
    TInt attachmentCount = attachments->Count();

    // No valid attachments
    if ( attachmentCount <= 0 )
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cleanupItems  ); // *attachmemts, attachments

    // Ask users opinion about sending files in separate messages or canceling
    // the actual sending operation.
    if ( attachmentCount > 1 )
        if ( !ShowConfirmationQueryL( R_MMS_DIRECT_UPLOAD_SEND_MESSAGES_QUERY,
            R_MMS_DIRECT_UPLOAD_SEND_MESSAGES, attachmentCount ) )
            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cleanupItems );

   // Get service name
    HBufC* serviceName = NULL;
    for ( i = 0; i < iServiceArray.Count(); i++)
        if ( (*iServiceArray[i]).ServiceId() == aServiceUid)
            serviceName = ((*iServiceArray[i]).ServiceName()).AllocLC();
            if ( serviceName->Length() == 0 )
                User::Leave( KErrNotFound );

    // Get service address
    HBufC*  serviceAddress = NULL;
    for ( i = 0; i < iServiceArray.Count(); i++)
        if ( (*iServiceArray[i]).ServiceId() == aServiceUid)
            serviceAddress = (*iServiceArray[i]).ServiceAddress().AllocLC();
            if ( serviceAddress->Length() == 0 )
                User::Leave( KErrNotFound );

    // Create and send messages        
    CMDUSyncCreateAndSend* messageSender = CMDUSyncCreateAndSend::NewLC( iCoeEnv, iSingleton );
    TRAPD( error, messageSender->CreateAndSendL(
        iMaxMsgSize ) );
    // KErrCompletion is received, if for some attachments information note was shown
    if ( !( error == KErrNone || error == KErrCompletion ))
        ErrorHandlerL( error, attachmentCount );

    if( messageSender->Error() )
        ErrorHandlerL( messageSender->Error(), attachmentCount );
        // Get compression results
        TInt compressionOk = 0;
        TInt compressionFail = 0;
        messageSender->CompressionResults( compressionOk, compressionFail );
        if ( compressionFail > 0 )
                attachmentCount, compressionFail );
    // Cleanup: serviceName, serviceAddress, messageSender, attachments, *attachments
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cleanupItems );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmsDirectUpload::ValidateAttachmentsL
// Validates attachments for sending. DRM protection and MMS validity are
// checked. DRM query and error note is shown if needed. Return value of
// attachment arrays contains valid attachments. EFalse is returned if user
// cancels sending, otherwise ETrue is returned.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMmsDirectUpload::ValidateAttachmentsL(
    CArrayPtrFlat<CSendUiAttachment>* aAttachments )
    TBool continueSending = ETrue;
    // Validate attachments and show query and error note if needed.
    if ( aAttachments->Count() > 0 )
        CSendUiFileRightsEngine* fileRightsEngine =
            CSendUiFileRightsEngine::NewLC( iCoeEnv.FsSession() );

        fileRightsEngine->ConfirmDrmFileRightsL( aAttachments );
        fileRightsEngine->ConfirmMmsValidityL( aAttachments, KMmsDirectUpload );

        continueSending =
            fileRightsEngine->ShowDrmAndMmsInfoL( KMmsDirectUpload );

        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fileRightsEngine );

    return continueSending;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMmsDirectUpload::ReadServiceDataL
// Reads service names from resource file and addresses from shared data or 
// from central repository.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMmsDirectUpload::ReadServiceDataL()
    // Read the maximum MMS message size (bytes).
    CRepository* mmsRepository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidMmsEngine );
    mmsRepository->Get( KMmsEngineMaximumSendSize, iMaxMsgSize );
    delete mmsRepository;

    CRepository* senduiRepository = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidSendUi );
    TInt i = 0;
    // Go through services and get settings for direct upload services.
    // There can be 0-4 direct upload services configured.
    for ( i = 0; i < KMmsUploadServiceCount; i++)
        TInt serviceType = 0;
        TInt err = senduiRepository->Get( KSUMmsUploadType1 + i , serviceType );
        // Get settings and store those to service array.
        if ( !err && serviceType == KMmsDirectUploadService )
            CSendingServiceInfo* serviceInfo = CSendingServiceInfo::NewL();
            CleanupStack::PushL( serviceInfo );

            HBufC* serviceAddress = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxServiceAddressLength );
            TPtr serviceAddressPtr = serviceAddress->Des();
            User::LeaveIfError( senduiRepository->Get( KSUMmsUploadAddress1 + i , serviceAddressPtr ) );
            serviceInfo->SetServiceAddressL( serviceAddressPtr );
            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( serviceAddress );

            HBufC* serviceName = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxServiceNameLength );
            TPtr serviceNamePtr = serviceName->Des();
            User::LeaveIfError( senduiRepository->Get( KSUMmsUploadServiceName1 + i , serviceNamePtr ) );
            serviceInfo->SetServiceNameL( serviceNamePtr );
            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( serviceName );
            HBufC* serviceMenuName = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxServiceMenuNameLength );
            TPtr serviceMenuNamePtr = serviceMenuName->Des();
            User::LeaveIfError( senduiRepository->Get( KSUMmsUploadServiceMenuName1 + i , serviceMenuNamePtr ) );
            serviceInfo->SetServiceMenuNameL( serviceMenuNamePtr );
            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( serviceMenuName );

            // Set service type.
            serviceInfo->SetServiceProviderId( KMmsDirectUpload );
            serviceInfo->SetServiceFeatures( CSendingServiceInfo::EServiceCanSendDirectly );

            // Set sending capabilities.
            TSendingCapabilities capabilities = 
                TSendingCapabilities( 0, KMaxTInt,
                    TSendingCapabilities::ESupportsAttachments );

            serviceInfo->SetServiceCapabilities( capabilities );

            TUid serviceId = KNullUid;
            switch ( i )
                case 0:
                    serviceId = KMmsUploadService1Id;
                case 1:
                    serviceId = KMmsUploadService2Id;
                case 2:
                    serviceId = KMmsUploadService3Id;
                case 3:
                    serviceId = KMmsUploadService4Id;
            serviceInfo->SetServiceId( serviceId );

            iServiceArray.Append( serviceInfo );
            CleanupStack::Pop( serviceInfo );

    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( senduiRepository );

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CMmsDirectUpload::ShowConfirmationQueryL
// Shows confirmation query.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMmsDirectUpload::ShowConfirmationQueryL(
    const TUint&    aQueryId,
    const TUint&    aQueryTextId,
    TInt            aQueryValue) const
    HBufC* prompt = NULL;

    // Get text to be shown
    if ( aQueryValue )
        prompt = StringLoader::LoadLC( aQueryTextId, aQueryValue );
        prompt = StringLoader::LoadLC( aQueryTextId );

    // Create dialog
    CAknQueryDialog* dlg = CAknQueryDialog::NewL( CAknQueryDialog::ENoTone );

    TInt result = dlg->ExecuteLD( aQueryId, prompt->Des() );

    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( prompt ); // prompt

    return ( result == EAknSoftkeyOk );

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CMmsDirectUpload::ErrorHandlerL
// Show confirmation query to the user if images have been compressed.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CMmsDirectUpload::ErrorHandlerL( TInt aErr, TInt aFileCount ) const
    if ( aErr )
        switch ( aErr )
            case KMmsErrorInvalidSettings:
            case KMmsErrorNoWAPAccessPoint:
            case KMmsErrorNoWapAp1:
                ShowErrorNoteL( aFileCount > 1 ?
                ShowConfirmationQueryL( R_MMS_DIRECT_UPLOAD_CONFIRMABLE_INFO,
                    aFileCount > 1 ? 

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CMmsDirectUpload::ResolveCompressionQueryL
// Show confirmation query to the user if images have been compressed.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CMmsDirectUpload::ResolveCompressionQueryL(
    TInt aFileCount,
    TInt aCompressionFail ) const
    // Show confirmation query to the user if images have been compressed.
    if ( aCompressionFail > 0 )
        // Compression has failed for all files
        if ( aFileCount == aCompressionFail )
            ShowConfirmationQueryL( R_MMS_DIRECT_UPLOAD_CONFIRMABLE_INFO,
                aCompressionFail > 1 ? 
            ShowConfirmationQueryL( R_MMS_DIRECT_UPLOAD_CONFIRMABLE_INFO,

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CMmsDirectUpload::ShowErrorNoteL
// Show error note to the user.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CMmsDirectUpload::ShowErrorNoteL( TInt aResourceId ) const
    HBufC* text = static_cast<CEikonEnv&>( iCoeEnv ).AllocReadResourceLC( aResourceId );

    CAknErrorNote* note = new (ELeave) CAknErrorNote;

    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text ); // text
TUid CMmsDirectUpload::TechnologyTypeId( ) const
    return TUid::Uid( KSenduiTechnologyMmsUidValue );

//  End of File