// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// This file contains the API definition for the class CImTextServerSession.
// This class creates sockets and is responsible for transmitting data between client and the server
#ifndef __IMSK_H__
#define __IMSK_H__
#include <e32base.h>
#include <es_sock.h>
#include <in_sock.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <mentact.h>
#include <miutlog.h>
#include <miut_err.h>
#include <miuthdr.h>
#include "timrfc822datefield.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Enable Scripting in Debug Builds only
#ifdef _DEBUG
const TInt EActivePriorityHigh = 1;
const TInt KCarriageLineFeedLength=2;
/** Max numeric IP address len = "0:0:0:0:0:0:" = 45 chars
const TInt KImskIPAddressLen=45; // Max numeric IP address len = "" = 15 chars
/** Maximum buffer size of the received data
typedef TBuf8<KImMailMaxBufferSize> TImMailBuffer;
/** received buffer data line type
enum TImLineType
class CImLog;
class CImTextServerScript;
class CImIAPPreferences;
class CImConnect;
class CSecureSocket;
class CImSocketIdleTimer;
Creates/opens socket and sends and receives data.
class CImTextServerSession : public CMsgActive
enum TImOperationMode{
//cat Construction
@fn NewL()
Intended Usage : Static factory constructor. Uses two phase construction and
leaves nothing on the CleanupStack.
@since 6.0
@leave KErrNoMemory.
@return A pointer to the newly created CImTextServerSession object.
@pre None
@post A fully constructed and initialised CImTextServerSession object.
IMPORT_C static CImTextServerSession *NewL();
IMPORT_C static CImTextServerSession* NewL(RSocketServ& aSocketServ, CImConnect& aConnect);
//cat Construction
@fn NewL(TInt aSendIdleTime, TInt aReceiveIdleTime)
Intended Usage : Static factory constructor. Uses two phase construction and
leaves nothing on the CleanupStack.
@since 7.0s
@param aSendIdleTime is the time for which the idle timer runs (for a send)
@param aReceiveIdleTime is the time for which the idle timer runs (for a recieve)
@leave KErrNoMemory.
@return A pointer to the newly created CImTextServerSession object.
@pre None
@post A fully constructed and initialised CImTextServerSession object.
IMPORT_C static CImTextServerSession* NewL(TInt aSendIdleTime, TInt aReceiveIdleTime);
IMPORT_C static CImTextServerSession* NewL(TInt aSendIdleTime, TInt aReceiveIdleTime, RSocketServ& aSocketServ, CImConnect& aConnect);
//cat Destruction
@fn ~CImTextServerSession()
Intended Usage : Destructor.
@since 6.0
@fn QueueConnectL(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, const CImIAPPreferences& aIAPPreferences, TBool aEnableTimeout = ETrue)
Intended Usage : Queue a connect assuming the socket is successfully opened.
Error Condition : KErrNoMemory
@since 6.0
@param aStatus Asynchronous completion status
@param anAddressDesc is the IP address
@param aIAPPreferences is the IAP connection preference to be used
@param aPortNum is the port number eg. 143, 25, 110.
@param aEnableTimeout Not used
@pre None
@post connection is ready to send and receive data.
IMPORT_C void QueueConnectL(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, const CImIAPPreferences& aIAPPreferences, TBool aEnableTimeout = ETrue);
IMPORT_C void QueueConnectL(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, const CImIAPPreferences& aIAPPreferences, const TDesC8& aSSLDomainName);
@fn SSLQueueConnectL(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, const CImIAPPreferences& aIAPPreferences, TBool aEnableTimeout = ETrue)
Intended Usage : Queue a wrapped SSL connect on an socket assuming the socket is successfully opened.
Error Condition : KErrNoMemory, EImskSocketOpen
@since 7.0s
@param aStatus Asynchronous completion status
@param anAddressDesc is the IP address
@param aIAPPreferences is the IAP connection preference to be used
@param aPortNum is the port number eg. 993, 465, 995.
@param aEnableTimeout Not used
@pre None
@post connection is ready to send and receive data.
IMPORT_C void SSLQueueConnectL(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, const CImIAPPreferences& aIAPPreferences, TBool aEnableTimeout = ETrue);
IMPORT_C void SSLQueueConnectL(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, const CImIAPPreferences& aIAPPreferences, const TDesC8& aSSLDomainName);
@fn Disconnect()
Intended Usage : To disconnect and close socket connection.
Error Condition : None
@since 6.0
@pre None
@post connection is closed.
IMPORT_C void Disconnect();
IMPORT_C void Disconnect(TRequestStatus &aStatus);
void TimeOut();
IMPORT_C const TDesC& LocalName();
This method should be called before Send/SendQueueReceive()
TLS command is sent.
@fn SetSSLTLSResponseL(const TDesC8& aDesc)
Intended Usage : To use for secure connection.
Error Condition : KErrNoMemory
@since 6.2
@param aDesc is the positive response the MTM expects from the connected
server for TLS command. e.g. OK, +OK, 220 etc..
@pre aDesc cannot be zero length
@leave EImskNoTLSResponseString
@post iTLSResponse is filled with aDesc contents
IMPORT_C void SetSSLTLSResponseL(const TDesC8& aDesc);
@fn Send(TRequestStatus &aStatus, const TDesC8& aDesc)
Intended Usage : To send data.
Error Condition : None
@since 6.0
@param aStatus Asynchronous completion status
@param aDesc is the aData to be sent
@post None
IMPORT_C void Send(TRequestStatus &aStatus, const TDesC8& aDesc);
IMPORT_C void SendWithTimeout(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TInt aIdleTime, const TDesC8& aDesc);
IMPORT_C void SendQueueReceiveWithTimeout(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TInt aIdleTime, const TDesC8& aDesc);
IMPORT_C void Send(TRequestStatus &aStatus, TRefByValue<const TDesC8> aFmt,...);
@fn SendQueueReceive(TRequestStatus &aStatus, const TDesC8& aDesc)
Intended Usage : To send data and queue a receive.
Error Condition : None
@since 6.0
@param aStatus Asynchronous completion status
@param aDesc is the aData to be sent
@post Sends the data and queues a receive.
GetCurrentTextLine should be called after this method to read received data
IMPORT_C void SendQueueReceive(TRequestStatus &aStatus, const TDesC8& aDesc);
IMPORT_C void SendQueueReceive(TRequestStatus &aStatus, TRefByValue<const TDesC8> aFmt,...);
Returns first full line of data received from socket to user
@fn GetCurrentTextLine(TDes8& aDesc)
Intended Usage : To return received data.
Error Condition : None
@since 6.0
@param aDesc will be filled with received buffer
@post returns the received buffer in the form of aDesc
@return EReceiveBufferEmpty when received data is empty
EBufferTooSmall when aDesc length is smaller than received data
ECRLFTerminated when received data is complete (full line)
EReceiveBufferFull when received data length is more than aDesc length
GetCurrentTextLine should be called after Send methods
IMPORT_C TImLineType GetCurrentTextLine(TDes8& aDesc);
User queues a new request from the socket (unless there's a full line of data in buffer
then signal user and there's no need to make a receive request)
@fn QueueReceiveNextTextLine(TRequestStatus &aStatus)
Intended Usage : User queues a new request from the socket.
Error Condition : None
@since 6.0
@param aStatus for asynchronous request
IMPORT_C void QueueReceiveNextTextLine(TRequestStatus &aStatus);
@fn ReceiveBinaryData(TRequestStatus &aStatus, TDes8& aDes,TInt aLen)
Intended Usage : Users queue a request for received data
Error Condition : None
@since 6.0
@param aStatus Asynchronous completion status
@param aDes is the aData to be received
@param aLen is the length of the data the user wants to read
@post aDes will be filled with received data of aLen.
ReceiveBinaryData should be called after Send.
IMPORT_C void ReceiveBinaryData(TRequestStatus &aStatus, TDes8& aDes,TInt aLen);
IMPORT_C void LogText(const TDesC8& aString); // write string into log file
IMPORT_C void LogError(const TDesC8& aString,const TInt aError); // write string and integer into log file
@fn GetIAPValue(TUint32 &aIAP)
Intended Usage : Returns the IAP we are connecting/connected with in aIAP or returns an error code
@since 6.0
@param aIAP will be the current IAP
@post aIAP will be filled with current IAP connected.
@return will return genconn errors if any
IMPORT_C TInt GetIAPValue(TUint32 &aIAP);
@fn GetRConnectionName(TName &aName)
Intended Usage : Returns the name of the RConnection.
@since 9.1
@param aName Buffer in which the name is returned.
@post aName will be filled with current name of the RConnection.
@return KErrNone if successful, or another of the system-wide error codes.
IMPORT_C TInt GetRConnectionName(TName &aName);
/** Returns the bearer type we are connected to with in aBearer or returns an error code */
IMPORT_C TInt GetIAPBearer(TUint32 &aBearer);
@fn GetLastSocketActivityTimeout(TUint32& aTimeout)
Intended Usage : Returns the last socket activity timeout value
@since 9.1
@param aTimeout is a return argument containing the timeout if it was found
@post aTimeout will be filled with the timeout value
@return Returns KErrNone, KErrNotFound or KErrBadHandle
IMPORT_C TInt GetLastSocketActivityTimeout(TUint32& aTimeout);
@fn GetSocketServ()
Intended Usage : Returns the Socket Server
@since 8.0
@return Socket Server
RSocketServ& GetSocketServ();
@fn GetConnectionStage()
Intended Usage : Gets the stage of the connection process obtained from RConnection
@since 7.0s
@return The current connection stage from RConnection or a system-wide error code.
IMPORT_C TInt GetConnectionStage();
@fn SocketIdle()
Intended Usage : disconnects the socket and notifies the observer when the socket has been idle
for some time
@since 7.0s
void SocketIdle();
@fn SetPrimaryTextServerSession(CImTextServerSession& aPrimaryTextServerSession)
Intended Usage : Users set only on the secondary session
@since 9.2
@param aPrimaryTextServerSession is PrimarySession's TextServerSession
@pre None
@post Going to be use on the secondary session
IMPORT_C void SetPrimaryTextServerSession(CImTextServerSession* aPrimaryTextServerSession);
@fn GetCImConnect()
Intended Usage : Returns the CImConnect object
@since 9.2
@return CImConnect
@post Going to be use on the secondary session
CImConnect* GetCImConnect();
// Depreciated functions - do not use.
IMPORT_C void QueueConnect(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, TBool aEnableTimeout = ETrue);
IMPORT_C void QueueConnect(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, const CImIAPPreferences& aIAPPreferences, TInt aType, TBool aEnableTimeout = ETrue);
IMPORT_C void QueueConnect(TRequestStatus& aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, TCallBack aDisconnectFunction,const TUint32 aIntraddress,TInt aType, TBool aEnableTimeout = ETrue);
IMPORT_C void QueueConnect(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum,const TUint32 aIAPaddress, TInt aType, TBool aEnableTimeout = ETrue);
IMPORT_C void QueueConnect(TRequestStatus& aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, TCallBack aDisconnectFunction, TBool aEnableTimeout = ETrue);
IMPORT_C void QueueConnect(TRequestStatus& aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, TCallBack aDisconnectFunction, const CImIAPPreferences& aIAPPreferences,TInt aType, TBool aEnableTimeout = ETrue);
IMPORT_C TInt Send(const TDesC8& aDesc);
IMPORT_C TInt Send(TRefByValue<const TDesC8> aFmt,...);
IMPORT_C TInt SendReceive(const TDesC8& aDesc);
IMPORT_C TInt Receive(TDes8& rDes);
IMPORT_C void Receive(TRequestStatus &aStatus, TDes8& rDes);
IMPORT_C static CImTextServerSession *NewLC (TImOperationMode aMode, RSocketServ &aServerServ);
IMPORT_C static CImTextServerSession *NewL(RSocketServ &aServerServ);
//Do not call SetSecurity. Call SetSSLTLSResponseL
IMPORT_C TInt SetSecurity(TBool aSecurityOn, TBool aUnattendedMode = FALSE);
IMPORT_C void PerformLogging(TBool aLogging);
//cat Construction and Destruction
@fn CImTextServerSession()
Intended Usage : Constructor. First phase of two-phase construction method. Does
non-allocating construction.
@since 6.0
CImTextServerSession(RSocketServ& aSocketServ, CImConnect& aConnect);
//cat Construction
@fn CImTextServerSession(TInt aSendIdleTime, TInt aReceiveIdleTime)
Intended Usage : Constructor. First phase of two-phase construction method. Does
non-allocating construction.
@since 7.0s
@param aSendIdleTime is the time for which the idle timer runs (for a send)
@param aReceiveIdleTime is the time for which the idle timer runs (for a receive)
CImTextServerSession(TInt aSendIdleTime, TInt aReceiveIdleTime);
CImTextServerSession(TInt aSendIdleTime, TInt aReceiveIdleTime, RSocketServ& aSocketServ, CImConnect& aConnect);
//cat Construction and Destruction.
@fn ConstructL()
Intended Usage : Second phase of two-phase construction method. Does any
allocations required to fully construct the object.
@since 6.0
@leave KErrNoMemory.
@pre First phase of construction is complete
@post The object is fully constructed and initialised.
void ConstructL();
TInt Open();
void Close();
void CreateLogFile(TInt aPortNum);
void OpenScriptFile(TInt aPortNum);
void DoRunL();
void DoComplete(TInt& aStatusValue); // Cleanup code
void DoCancel();
// these called from DoRunL;
void SocketConnect();
void DoConnectedToSocketL();
void DoQueueConnect();
void RealReceive(TDes8& aDesc);
void RealSend(const TDesC8& aDesc);
@fn ParseSSLTLSResponseL()
Intended Usage : session will compare the response(for TLS command)
with the MTMs response
@since 6.2
@leave KImskSSLTLSNegotiateFailed if the response doesn't match
@post CSecureSocket object is created
void ParseSSLTLSResponseL();
@fn CreateSecureSocketL()
Intended Usage : to use secure socket connection
@since 6.2
@leave None
@post CSecureSocket object is created and iSecurityState is set to EImSecurityStateOn;
void CreateSecureSocketL();
@fn QueueGenericConnectL(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, const CImIAPPreferences& aIAPPreferences, TBool aEnableTimeout = ETrue)
Intended Usage : Queue a standard or wrapped SSL connect on an socket assuming the socket is successfully opened. Called by SSLQueueConnectL and QueueConnectL
Error Condition : KErrNoMemory, EImskSocketOpen
@since 7.0s
@param aStatus Asynchronous completion status
@param anAddressDesc is the IP address
@param aIAPPreferences is the IAP connection preference to be used
@param aPortNum is the port number eg. 143, 993
@param aSSLDomainName SSL domain name to use for secure sockets
@pre None
@post connection is ready to send and receive data.
void QueueGenericConnectL(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, const CImIAPPreferences& aIAPPreferences, const TDesC8& aSSLDomainName);
#if defined(__IMSK_SIMULATION)
void ReadNextPeriod();
TUint32 GetTokenValue(TInt aTokenLen, const TPtrC8& aBuffer);
TBool IsSuspended();
TBool SuspendPeriodSet();
void ResetSuspendPeriod();
void SetAfterTimer();
TInt ReadConfigNum(const TDesC& aName);
enum TImSocketState
enum TImSendReceiveState
EImSuspended, //used when we are in a simulated GPRS suspend.
enum TImSecurityState
/** handle to the socket */
RSocket iSocket;
/** handle to RSocketServ */
RSocketServ iServ;
/** handle to Hostresolver */
RHostResolver iHostResolver;
/** handle to secure socket for SSL/TLS connection */
CSecureSocket* iSecureSocket;
TUint32 iCurrentIAPcache;
/** Used to find if IAP is cached */
TBool iIAPCached; // true if the above value can be used.
/** result of the host resolver */
TNameEntry iHostent;
/** port number e.g. 25 for SMTP, 143 for IMAP and 110 for POP */
TInt iPortNum;
/** server address */
TPtrC iAddressDesc;
/** data returned by the socket */
TImMailBuffer iReceive;
TSockXfrLength iLen;
TImSocketState iState;
TImSendReceiveState iSendReceive;
HBufC8* iBuffer;
TImLineType iCurrentLineType;
/** to log connection data */
CImLog* iLog;
/** IP address name */
TBuf<KImskIPAddressLen> iLocalName;
/** secure state i.e to use Secure socket */
TImSecurityState iSecurityState;
const CImIAPPreferences* iIAPPreferences;
CImConnect* iConnect;
TDes8* iReceiveData; // buffer we just recieved data into
HBufC8* iSentData;
/** response for different mail protocols like 220,+OK, OK, BAD */
HBufC8* iTLSResponse; //response for different mail protocols like 220,+OK, OK, BAD
/** internal flag to read tls response */
TBool iReadTLSResponse;
TBool iPerformLogging;
TBool iWrappedSocket;
CImSocketIdleTimer* iSocketIdleTimer;
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iSendIdleTime;
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iReceiveIdleTime;
/** A shorter idle timeout, used when a fast response is expected */
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iSendShortIdleTime;
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iReceiveShortIdleTime;
CImTextServerScript* iScript;
#if defined(__IMSK_SIMULATION)
RFs iFs;
TUint32 iScriptedIAP; // value to return for iap when scripting
TUint32 iBearerIAP; // value to return for bearer when scripting
TImSendReceiveState iSuspendedState;
RTimer iSuspendTimer;
RFile iGprsFile;
TBool iGprsConfigExists;
TInt iCfgFilePos;
TTime iLastSuspend; // time last suspension took place
// in universal time
TTimeIntervalSeconds iStart; // number of seconds since last delay
// before the following delay occurs.
// if 0 no suspend is required.
TTimeIntervalSeconds iDuration; // how long to delay. If 0 no suspend is
// required
TBool iRepeat; // repeat the above delay for an
// infinite period
HBufC8* iSendData; // suspended data
CImTextServerSession* iPrimaryTextServerSession; //Only going to be set on the secondary session
TBool iClientOwnsConnection;
/** SSL domain name for secure sockets */
HBufC8* iSSLDomainName;
TBool iSocketIdleTimeSet; // iSocketIdleTimeSet=ETrue, if smtp server did not responds within 10 seconds after sending "."