author Simon Howkins <>
Mon, 22 Nov 2010 17:05:03 +0000
changeset 83 26c290f28dd1
parent 0 72b543305e3a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Removed duplicate instructions for creating some messaging MIFs

* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  
*     Defines the CMceLogPbkMatcher class

#ifndef __Logs_Engine_CMceLogPbkMatcher_H__
#define __Logs_Engine_CMceLogPbkMatcher_H__

#include <e32base.h>
#include <logviewchangeobserver.h>


enum TMceLogPbkMatcherState
    ECreated = 0,           // when created, no operation in progress
    EOpeningDefaultMatchStores, // opening match stores from the phonebook
    EFilteringEvent,        // filter setting
    EReadingEvent ,         // log reading is in progress
    EUpdatingEvent          // log updating is in progress

class CLogViewEvent;
class CLogClient;
class CLogEvent;
class CLogFilter;
class CLogFilterList;
class MMceLogPbkMatcherObserver;
class CPhoneNumberMatcher;


class CMceLogPbkMatcher : public CActive, public MLogViewChangeObserver

    public:     // Constructors.
         * Standard creation function. Creates and returns a new object of this
         * class.
         * @param aFsSession    reference to file server session
         * @param aObserver     pointer to observer
         * @return Pointer to the new instance of this class.
        static CMceLogPbkMatcher* NewL( 
            RFs& aFsSession,
                                MMceLogPbkMatcherObserver* aObserver = NULL );

         * Destructor.

         * Start the process of matching and updating log entries
        void StartL();

    private:    // Constructions.
         * Sets filters to logs engine
        void SetFiltersToLogsL();

         * Configure filters to read certain log events
        void SetFiltersL();

         * Configure to read log events of particular type
         * @param aFilterType   filter type
         * @return Pointer to created filter
        CLogFilter* SetOneFilterLC( TUid aFilterType );

         * Gets name from the phonebook
         * @return ETrue if found one match, otherwise EFalse
        TBool GetRemotePartyL();

         * Add correctly matching contacts to array
         * @param aIdArray, parameters array
         * @param aNoDuplicateArray, result array
         * @param aNumber, matching number
        void FillNoDuplicateArrayL( CContactIdArray& aIdArray,
                    CArrayFixFlat<TContactItemId>& aNoDuplicateArray,
                    const TDesC& aNumber );

    protected: // Constructions, for test access used in derived test class

         * Constructor, second phase.
        void ConstructL();

         * Constructor
         * @param aFsSession    reference to file server session
         * @param aObserver     pointer to observer
            RFs& aFsSession, 
                    MMceLogPbkMatcherObserver* aObserver = NULL );

    private:     // Operations from CActive

         * Cancels active request.
        void DoCancel();

    protected:     // Operations from CActive, derived test class

         * This is called when a request to a log engine is completed.
        void RunL();

         * RunL leave handler.
         * @param aError, leave code
         * @return error code or KErrNone
        TInt RunError( TInt aError );

    public: // from MLogViewChangeObserver
        void HandleLogViewChangeEventAddedL(TLogId aId,   TInt aViewIndex, TInt aChangeIndex, TInt aTotalChangeCount);
        void HandleLogViewChangeEventChangedL(TLogId aId,   TInt aViewIndex, TInt aChangeIndex, TInt aTotalChangeCount);
        void HandleLogViewChangeEventDeletedL(TLogId aId,   TInt aViewIndex, TInt aChangeIndex, TInt aTotalChangeCount);

    private: // data

        /// Ref: Reference to file server session
        RFs& iFsSession;

        /// Ref: pointer to observer
        MMceLogPbkMatcherObserver* iObserver;

        /// Own: Log engine
        CLogClient* iLogClient;

        /// Own: Event
        CLogEvent* iEvent;

        /// Own: Filterlist
        CLogFilterList* iFilterList;

        /// Own: View to filtered events.
        CLogViewEvent* iLogViewEvent;

        /// Own: Reader's state
        TMceLogPbkMatcherState iReaderState;

        /// Own: matcher utility class
        CPhoneNumberMatcher* iPbkS60Matcher;

#endif // __Logs_Engine_CMceLogPbkMatcher_H__

// End of File