1 rem |
2 rem Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
3 rem All rights reserved. |
4 rem This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
5 rem under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
6 rem which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
7 rem at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
8 rem |
9 rem Initial Contributors: |
10 rem Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
11 rem |
12 rem Contributors: |
13 rem |
14 rem Description: |
15 rem |
16 |
17 @goto invoke_perl |
18 |
19 #!perl |
20 #line 5 |
21 |
22 ################################################################################################################ |
23 # This Script will be used to run EUnit testcases with or without codetest |
24 # Instrumentation. |
25 ################################################################################################################ |
26 |
27 # Packages needed |
28 #use strict; # strict naming rules |
29 use File::Find; # File operations |
30 use XML::Simple; # XML parsing |
31 File::Spec::Win32; # File operartions |
32 use Getopt::Long; # parameter handling |
33 use Cwd; # Directory operations |
34 Getopt::Long::Configure( "bundling_override","ignore_case_always" ); |
35 |
36 # Global variables |
37 |
38 # System defined location of files |
39 my($eunit_destination_dir)= "\\Epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\z\\sys\\bin\\"; |
40 my($build_destination_dir)= "\\Epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\"; |
41 my($build_tools_dir)= "\\Epoc32\\tools\\"; |
42 my($eunit_xml_file)= "\\Epoc32\\winscw\\C\\DigiaEUnit\\Logs\\DigiaEUnit_log.xml"; |
43 |
44 # Default names |
45 my($codetest_workspace)="codetest.idb"; |
46 my($unittest_result_file)="eunit_result.html"; |
47 my($currentdir)= cwd; |
48 my($results_destinationdir)=cwd; |
49 |
50 # Variables |
51 my (@subsystems, # List of user selected sub systems |
52 @sourcefiles, # List of user selected source files |
53 @makefiles, # List of make files |
54 @dll_filenames); # List of dll file names |
55 |
56 my ($param_help, # To extract all zip files |
57 $param_command, # Command to Run |
58 $param_dest, # Copy results to |
59 $param_all, # Destination directory |
60 $param_selectedsource, # Debug version enables data dumber |
61 $param_noclean, # Debug builds |
62 $param_nobuild, # Creates an Environment |
63 $param_nostub, # Dont build stubs |
64 $param_nosdkinst, # Dont Instrument SDK |
65 $param_exe, # Launch the exe specified |
66 $param_version); # Version |
67 |
68 my($choice, |
69 $user_selection, |
70 $count); |
71 |
72 #---------------------------------------Main Start----------------------------------------------------------# |
73 |
74 |
75 # read commandline parameters |
76 my $result = GetOptions('help' => \$param_help, # Display help info |
77 'command=s' => \$param_command, # Command to run |
78 'dest=s' => \$param_dest, # Destination directory |
79 'all' => \$param_all, # Run all |
80 'sourcefiles' => \$param_selectedsource,# To Select Source files |
81 'noclean' => \$param_noclean, # Dont run reallyclean |
82 'nobuild' => \$param_nobuild, # Dont run symbian build commands |
83 'nostub' => \$param_nostub, # Dont build stupbs |
84 'nosdkinst' => \$param_nosdkinst, # Dont instrument SDK. It is already done |
85 'exe=s' => \$param_exe, # Launch the exe specified.if nothing then epoc will be used |
86 'version' => \$param_version); # Version Information |
87 #Parse user options |
88 usage()if(!defined $param_command); # command is manadatory |
89 $choice=1 if $param_command eq ('ct'|'CT'); # set choice 1 if ct ( codtest) |
90 $param_exe=$build_destination_dir.'EUnitExeRunner' if(!defined $param_exe); |
91 |
92 #Checking for EUnit. Cant proceed without Eunit. |
93 if (! -e $build_destination_dir."EUnitExeRunner.exe") { |
94 print "*** EUnit is not installed for this SDK. Install EUnit by using Installation Manager from SymSEE ***\n"; |
95 exit 1; |
96 } |
97 |
98 if($param_command eq ('eu'|'EU')){ # set choice 2 if eu ( Eunit) |
99 unset_codetest_commands(); # unset the codetest commands |
100 $choice=2; |
101 } |
102 $choice=3 if $param_command eq ('mm'|'MM'); # set choice 3 if mm ( manual codtest run) |
103 if(defined $param_dest){ |
104 $results_destinationdir=$param_dest ; |
105 } |
106 else{ |
107 print "\n Note: No results destination directory specified.Results will be copied to Current Directory\n"; |
108 $results_destinationdir=~s/\//\\/g; |
109 $results_destinationdir=$results_destinationdir."\\"; |
110 } |
111 |
112 $param_noclean=1 if(defined $param_nobuild); |
113 run_system_command("bldmake bldfiles") if (!defined $param_nobuild); |
114 display_sybsystems(); # display list of subsystems |
115 |
116 if(defined $param_all){ |
117 print "\nOptions -all specified.Building all components \n "; |
118 $user_selection=0; |
119 } |
120 else { |
121 print "\t Options selected : "; |
122 $user_selection = <STDIN>;chomp ($user_selection); |
123 exit 0 if $user_selection =~ /^[Qq]/; |
124 } |
125 |
126 if(!$param_nostub){ |
127 print "\n\n *** Building stubs first ***\n\n "; |
128 system("abld reallyclean winscw udeb"); |
129 system("abld build winscw udeb"); |
130 print "\n\n *** End of building stubs ***\n\n "; |
131 } |
132 |
133 print "\n\n *** Building test components ***\n\n"; |
134 build_user_selected(); |
135 print "\n\n *** End of Building test components ***\n\n "; |
136 |
137 chomp(@dll_filenames); |
138 foreach my $dll(@dll_filenames){ |
139 run_system_command("copy ".$build_destination_dir.$dll." ".$eunit_destination_dir.$dll); |
140 } |
141 |
142 #Move Codetest.idb to temp directory so that codetest.py automation script can use it |
143 if($choice==1){ |
144 open DATFILE , ">$ENV{'TEMP'}/unitrunner.dat"; |
145 my(@drive); |
146 @drive=split(/:/,$currentdir); |
147 if($param_exe=~/EUnitExeRunner/) |
148 { |
149 print DATFILE @drive[0].":".$build_destination_dir.$param_exe."\n"; |
150 print DATFILE "$param_exe /L xml /E S60AppEnv /T 100 "."@dll_filenames"."\n"; |
151 } |
152 else |
153 { |
154 print DATFILE @drive[0].":".$build_tools_dir.$param_exe."\n"; |
155 } |
156 close DATFILE; |
157 run_system_command("move codetest.idb $ENV{'TEMP'}/codetest.idb"); |
158 print "\n\n *** Running codetest python script ***\n\n"; |
159 run_system_command("$ENV{'AMC_HOME'}/bin/ctmgr --cli codetest.py %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9"); |
160 #Move Log files to user destination directory |
161 print "\n\n *** Moving Results ***\n\n"; |
162 $results_destinationdir.="\\CodeTest"; |
163 system("mkdir $results_destinationdir"); |
164 system("move $ENV{'TEMP'}\\codetest*.html $results_destinationdir"); |
165 system("move $ENV{'TEMP'}\\codetest*.txt $results_destinationdir"); |
166 system("move $ENV{'TEMP'}\\codetest*.idb $results_destinationdir"); |
167 } |
168 elsif($choice==2) { |
169 #Run Eunit TestReport |
170 print "\n\n *** Running EUnit with selected subsystems ***\n\n"; |
171 if($param_exe=~/EUnitExeRunner/) |
172 { |
173 run_system_command("$param_exe /L xml /E S60AppEnv /T 100 "."@dll_filenames"); |
174 } |
175 else |
176 { |
177 run_system_command("$param_exe"); |
178 print " Press a key to continue \n"; |
179 <STDIN>; |
180 } |
181 print "\n\n *** Printing Reports ***\n\n"; |
182 $results_destinationdir.="\\EUnit"; |
183 system("mkdir $results_destinationdir"); |
184 print_html_report(); |
185 system("copy $eunit_xml_file $results_destinationdir"); |
186 } |
187 elsif($choice==3) { |
188 #Run Eunit with instrumentation |
189 do { |
190 print "\n Please start CodetestManager and Target Server \n"; |
191 print " And load swic source codetest.idb\n"; |
192 print " And Press Y/N to Continue or Exit ! "; |
193 $user_selection = <STDIN>; |
194 chomp ($user_selection); |
195 }while($user_selection !~ /^[nN||yY]/); |
196 exit 0 if $user_selection =~ /^[nN]/; |
197 print "\n\n *** Running EUnit with instrumented subsystems ***\n\n"; |
198 if($param_exe=~/EUnitExeRunner/) |
199 { |
200 run_system_command("$param_exe /L xml /E S60AppEnv /T 100 "."@dll_filenames"); |
201 } |
202 else |
203 { |
204 run_system_command("$param_exe"); |
205 print " Press a key to continue \n"; |
206 <STDIN>; |
207 } |
208 } |
209 |
210 print "\n\n *** DONE ***\n\n"; |
211 |
212 #---------------------------------------Main Ends-------------------------------------------------------------# |
213 |
214 |
215 sub display_sybsystems { |
216 get_subsystems(); |
217 display_critical_error("Can't find a subsystem.Please Check your bld.inf file!") if(scalar @subsystems==0); |
218 print "\n\tPlease choose an option listed below \n"; |
219 print "\n\tenter +/- to build backward or forward \n"; |
220 print "\t\t0.To build all \n"; |
221 $count=1; |
222 foreach(@subsystems){ |
223 print "\t\t".$count++. "." .$_."\n"; |
224 } |
225 print "\t\tq.Exit \n\n"; |
226 } |
227 |
228 sub build_user_selected { |
229 if($user_selection==0){ |
230 system("abld test reallyclean winscw udeb") if(!defined $param_noclean or !defined $param_nobuild); |
231 run_system_command("abld test build winscw udeb") if(!defined $param_nobuild); |
232 foreach my $subsystem (@makefiles){ |
233 get_dll_names($subsystem); |
234 get_source_files($subsystem)if($choice==1); |
235 } |
236 if($choice==1 or $choice==3){ |
237 print "\n\n *** Setting the CodeTest Options *** \n\n"; |
238 set_codetest_commands(); |
239 print "\n\n *** Building again with Instrumentation *** \n\n"; |
240 system("abld test reallyclean winscw udeb"); # better to clean before running codetest |
241 run_system_command("abld test build winscw udeb"); |
242 print "\n\n *** End of Building with Instrumentation *** \n\n"; |
243 print "\n\n *** UnSetting the CodeTest Options *** \n\n"; |
244 unset_codetest_commands(); |
245 } |
246 splice(@sourcefiles, 0, scalar @sourcefiles); # delete sourcefiles |
247 } |
248 elsif($user_selection=~/\+/){ |
249 for($count=substr($user_selection,0,1)-1;$count<@subsystems;$count++){ |
250 system("abld test reallyclean winscw udeb @subsystems[$count]")if(!defined $param_noclean or !defined $param_nobuild); |
251 run_system_command("abld test build winscw udeb @subsystems[$count]")if(!defined $param_nobuild); |
252 get_dll_names(@makefiles[$count]); |
253 if($choice==1 or $choice==3){ |
254 get_source_files(@makefiles[$count]); |
255 print "\n\n *** Setting the CodeTest Options *** \n\n"; |
256 set_codetest_commands(); |
257 print "\n\n *** Building again with Instrumentation *** \n\n"; |
258 system("abld test reallyclean winscw udeb @subsystems[$count]"); |
259 run_system_command("abld test build winscw udeb @subsystems[$count]"); |
260 print "\n\n *** End of Building with Instrumentation *** \n\n"; |
261 } |
262 print "\n\n *** UnSetting the CodeTest Options *** \n\n" if(!defined $param_nobuild); ; |
263 unset_codetest_commands() if(!defined $param_nobuild); |
264 splice(@sourcefiles, 0, scalar @sourcefiles); # delete sourcefiles |
265 } |
266 } |
267 elsif($user_selection=~/\-/) { |
268 for($count=0;$count<substr($user_selection,0,1);$count++) { |
269 system("abld test reallyclean winscw udeb @subsystems[$count]")if(!defined $param_noclean or !defined $param_nobuild); |
270 run_system_command("abld test build winscw udeb @subsystems[$count]")if(!defined $param_nobuild); |
271 get_dll_names(@makefiles[$count]); |
272 if($choice==1 or $choice==3){ |
273 get_source_files(@makefiles[$count]); |
274 print "\n\n *** Setting the CodeTest Options *** \n\n"; |
275 set_codetest_commands(); |
276 print "\n\n *** Building again with Instrumentation *** \n\n"; |
277 system("abld test reallyclean winscw udeb @subsystems[$count]"); |
278 run_system_command("abld test build winscw udeb @subsystems[$count]"); |
279 print "\n\n *** End of Building with Instrumentation *** \n\n"; |
280 } |
281 print "\n\n *** UnSetting the CodeTest Options *** \n\n" if(!defined $param_nobuild); |
282 unset_codetest_commands() if(!defined $param_nobuild); |
283 splice(@sourcefiles, 0, scalar @sourcefiles); # delete sourcefiles |
284 } |
285 } |
286 else { |
287 $count=0; |
288 while($count<length $user_selection) { |
289 my $str = substr ($user_selection,$count,1); |
290 system("abld test reallyclean winscw udeb @subsystems[$str-1]")if(!defined $param_noclean or !defined $param_nobuild); |
291 run_system_command("abld test build winscw udeb @subsystems[$str-1]")if(!defined $param_nobuild); |
292 get_dll_names(@makefiles[$str-1]); |
293 if($choice==1 or $choice==3){ |
294 get_source_files(@makefiles[$str-1]); |
295 print "\n\n *** Setting the CodeTest Options *** \n\n"; |
296 set_codetest_commands(); |
297 print "\n\n *** Building again with Instrumentation *** \n\n"; |
298 system("abld test reallyclean winscw udeb @subsystems[$str-1]"); |
299 run_system_command("abld test build winscw udeb @subsystems[$str-1]"); |
300 print "\n\n *** End of Building with Instrumentation *** \n\n"; |
301 } |
302 unset_codetest_commands(); |
303 print "\n\n *** UnSetting the CodeTest Options *** \n\n" ; |
304 splice(@sourcefiles, 0, scalar @sourcefiles); # delete sourcefiles |
305 $count++; |
306 } |
307 } |
308 } |
309 |
310 |
311 sub set_codetest_commands { |
312 if( !defined $param_nosdkinst) { |
313 print "\n*** Instrumenting SDK for CodeTest. ***\n"; |
314 print "\tIf you done this already for your SDK use -nosdkinst option.\n\n"; |
315 run_system_command("copy C:\\APPS\\ct\\cttarget\\rtos\\symbian\\Support\\native\\* $build_destination_dir\\"); |
316 run_system_command("copy C:\\APPS\\ct\\cttarget\\rtos\\symbian\\binaries\\SOS_9\\native\\winscw\\* $build_destination_dir\\"); |
317 run_system_command("instctsymb.cmd "." -v ".(split(/:/,$currentdir))[0].":\ SOS_9"); |
318 $param_nosdkinst = 1; |
319 } |
320 |
321 $ENV{'CODETEST_LIB'}= "NTmvc_TargetLibMD.lib ctsymbiannativemem.lib"; |
322 chomp(@sourcefiles); |
323 my $filename = join ",",@sourcefiles; |
324 $filename =" -CTonly-tag-files=".$filename; |
325 my $val="-CTsize_t=unsigned -CTtag-allocator -CTv -CTno-tag-includes -CTtag-level=DC".$filename." -CTidb=".$codetest_workspace; |
326 $ENV{'CTDRIVER_ARGS'}= $val; |
327 print "CTDRIVER_ARGS=".$ENV{'CTDRIVER_ARGS'}."\n"; |
328 } |
329 |
330 sub unset_codetest_commands { |
331 $ENV{'CODETEST_LIB'}= ""; |
332 $ENV{'CTDRIVER_ARGS'}= ""; |
333 } |
334 |
335 sub display_critical_error { |
336 print "\n->Error Occured : ".$?."\n" if(!@_[0]); |
337 print "\n->Error Occured : ".@_[0]."\n" if(@_[0]); |
338 exit 1; |
339 } |
340 |
341 sub run_system_command { |
342 system(@_[0]); |
343 display_critical_error() if($?!=0); |
344 } |
345 |
346 sub usage { |
347 print<<ENDOFUSAGE; |
348 Usage : |
349 eunitrunner -command=ct|eu|mm -dest=resultdir |
350 -ct -> To run Codetest. |
351 -eu -> To run EunitTestcases. |
352 -mm -> To run Manual Mode.Useful if you want to find the coverage inside your code. |
353 -resultdir->In where results will be copied. |
354 |
355 Also you can specify some optional flags to change the behaviour of the script. |
356 -all -> To run all subsystems. |
357 -sourcefiles -> To Select Source files for instrumentation |
358 -noclean -> Don't run reallyclean |
359 -nobuild -> Dont run symbian build commands |
360 -nostub -> Dont build stubs |
361 -nosdkinst-> Dont instrument sdk |
362 |
363 Some miscellaneous Commands |
364 -version -> Version Information. |
365 -help -> Usage information. |
366 |
367 Examples : |
368 eunitrunner -command=ct |
369 eunitrunner -command=eu C:/temp/results |
370 eunitrunner -command=eu C:/temp/results -all |
371 eunitrunner -command=ct C:/temp/results\ -sourcefiles -nobuild -noclean -nostub |
372 |
373 Note:This script should be run from where bld.inf file available |
374 Note:Also you must specify TEMP environmental variable.(By default this exists in All windows system) |
376 exit 0; |
377 } |
378 |
379 sub get_subsystems(){ |
380 open WHATCMD, "abld test makefile winscw -w |"; |
381 my @temparray; |
382 while(<WHATCMD>){ |
383 chomp; |
384 my $makeFile = $_; |
385 if( $makeFile =~ /winscw$/i ) { |
386 @temparray=split(/\./,$makeFile); |
387 @temparray=split(/\\/,@temparray[0]); |
388 push @subsystems,pop(@temparray); |
389 push @makefiles,$makeFile; |
390 } |
391 } |
392 close WHATCMD; |
393 } |
394 |
395 sub get_source_files($) { |
396 open MAKE, @_[0] or die "Cant open $!"; |
397 my @temparray; |
398 while (<MAKE>){ |
399 my($line)=$_; |
400 if($line=~/(EPOCBLDUREL).*.\.o.*.:.*.\.cpp/){ |
401 if($line!~/INTERNAL|internal/){ |
402 @temparray=split(/:/,$line); |
403 @temparray=split(/\\/,@temparray[1]); |
404 push @sourcefiles,pop @temparray; |
405 } |
406 } |
407 } |
408 close MAKE; |
409 } |
410 |
411 sub get_dll_names($){ |
412 open MAKE, @_[0] or die "Cant open $_ $!"; |
413 my @temparray; |
414 my $dll_name; |
415 while (<MAKE>){ |
416 my($line)=$_; |
417 chomp($line); |
418 if($line=~/Target.*.\.dll/) { |
419 @temparray=split(/\s+/,$line); |
420 $dll_name=pop @temparray; |
421 chomp($dll_name); |
422 push @dll_filenames,$dll_name; |
423 last; |
424 } |
425 } |
426 close MAKE; |
427 } |
428 |
429 sub print_html_report { |
430 my $simple = XML::Simple->new(); |
431 my($total)=0; |
432 my($pass_count)=0; |
433 my($fail_count)=0; |
434 my($passPercent)=0.00; |
435 my $struct = $simple->XMLin($eunit_xml_file, forcearray => 1,keyattr => []); |
436 open(HTML_FILE, ">$results_destinationdir/$unittest_result_file") || die "Can't open file: $!\n"; |
437 # Print initial HTML tags |
439 print HTML_FILE "<CAPTION><H3><P ALIGN=Left>Overall Result: Passed</H3></CAPTION>\n"; |
440 print HTML_FILE "<tr>\n"; |
441 print HTML_FILE "<th BGCOLOR=\"#CCCCCC\">Total TestCases</th>\n"; |
442 print HTML_FILE "<th BGCOLOR=\"#00FF00\">Total Passed</th>\n"; |
443 print HTML_FILE "<th BGCOLOR=\"#FF0000\">Total Failed</th>\n"; |
444 print HTML_FILE "</tr>\n"; |
445 print HTML_FILE "<tr>\n"; |
446 print HTML_FILE "<td><P ALIGN=Center> </td>\n"; |
447 print HTML_FILE "<td><P ALIGN=Center> </td>\n"; |
448 print HTML_FILE "<td><P ALIGN=Center> </td>\n"; |
449 print HTML_FILE "</tr>\n"; |
450 print HTML_FILE "</table>\n"; |
451 print HTML_FILE " <BR>"; |
452 |
453 foreach my $dll(@{$struct->{dll}}){ |
454 foreach my $mtestsuite(@{$dll->{testsuite}}){ |
455 #if($mtestsuite->{name} eq "Wizard generated"){ |
456 # next; |
457 # } |
458 foreach my $testsuite(@{$mtestsuite->{testsuite}}){ |
459 my($testcount)=1; |
461 print HTML_FILE "<CAPTION><H3><P ALIGN=Left>$testsuite->{name}</H3></CAPTION>\n"; |
462 print HTML_FILE "<tr>\n"; |
463 print HTML_FILE "<th>No</th>\n"; |
464 print HTML_FILE "<th>Name</th>\n"; |
465 print HTML_FILE "<th>Class</th>\n"; |
466 print HTML_FILE "<th>Method</th>\n"; |
467 print HTML_FILE "<th>Type</th>\n"; |
468 print HTML_FILE "<th>Result</th>\n"; |
469 print HTML_FILE "</tr>\n"; |
470 foreach my $testcase(@{$testsuite->{testcase}}){ |
471 print HTML_FILE "<tr>\n"; |
472 print HTML_FILE "<td BGCOLOR=\"#CCCCCC\"><P ALIGN=Left>$testcount</td>\n"; |
473 print HTML_FILE "<td BGCOLOR=\"#CCCCCC\"><P ALIGN=Left>$testcase->{name}</td>\n"; |
474 print HTML_FILE "<td BGCOLOR=\"#CCCCCC\"><P ALIGN=left>$testcase->{class}</td>\n"; |
475 print HTML_FILE "<td BGCOLOR=\"#CCCCCC\"><P ALIGN=Left>$testcase->{method}</td>\n"; |
476 print HTML_FILE "<td BGCOLOR=\"#CCCCCC\"><P ALIGN=Left>$testcase->{type}</td>\n"; |
477 if($testcase->{result}->[0]->{status} eq "OK"){ |
478 print HTML_FILE "<TD BGCOLOR=\"#00FF00\"><P ALIGN=Left>PASS</TD>\n"; |
479 $pass_count++; |
480 } |
481 else{ |
482 print HTML_FILE "<TD BGCOLOR=\"#FF0000\"><P ALIGN=Left>FAIL</TD>\n"; |
483 $fail_count++; |
484 } |
485 print HTML_FILE "</tr>\n"; |
486 $testcount++; |
487 } |
488 print HTML_FILE "</table>\n"; |
489 print HTML_FILE "<BR>\n"; |
490 } |
491 } |
492 } |
493 |
494 # Print ending HTML tags |
495 print HTML_FILE "</body><br></html>"; |
496 $total=$fail_count+$pass_count; |
497 seek HTML_FILE,301,0; |
498 print HTML_FILE "$total"; |
499 seek HTML_FILE,334,0; |
500 print HTML_FILE "$pass_count"; |
501 seek HTML_FILE,367,0; |
502 print HTML_FILE "$fail_count"; |
503 if($pass_count>0 && $total>0){ |
504 $passPercent=sprintf "%.2f", (($pass_count/$total)*100); |
505 } |
506 else{ |
507 $passPercent=sprintf "%.2f","0.00"; |
508 } |
509 seek HTML_FILE,103,0; |
510 print HTML_FILE "$passPercent%"; |
511 close (HTML_FILE); # Close html |
512 } |
513 |
514 __END__ |
515 |
516 :invoke_perl |
517 @perl -x -S EunitRunner.bat %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 |