--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmsharing/mmshavailability/src/musavacalleventmonitor.cpp Fri Jun 11 13:36:18 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: class to watch call monitor event properties
+#include "musavacalleventmonitor.h"
+#include "muslogger.h"
+#include "mussesseioninformationapi.h"
+#include "musresourceproperties.h"
+#include "muscallmonitorobserver.h"
+#include <e32property.h>
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Two phase constructor NewL()
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMusAvaCallEventMonitor* CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::NewL(
+ MMusCallMonitorObserver& aObserver )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [MUSAOP] -> CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::NewL" )
+ CMusAvaCallEventMonitor* self =
+ new (ELeave) CMusAvaCallEventMonitor( aObserver );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [MUSAOP] <- CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::NewL" )
+ return self;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "-> CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::~CMusAoPlugin" )
+ MUS_LOG( "<- CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::~CMusAoPlugin" )
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Constructor
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ MMusCallMonitorObserver& aObserver )
+ :CActive( EPriorityNormal ),
+ iObserver( aObserver )
+ {
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Two phase constructor ConstructL()
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::ConstructL()
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [MUSAOP] -> CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::ConstructL" )
+ CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [MUSAOP] <- CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::ConstructL" )
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Returns the status of the call
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::CallStatusL()
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [CMusAvaCallEventMonitor] -> CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::\
+ CallStatusL" )
+ TInt callStatus;
+ User::LeaveIfError( RProperty::Get(
+ NMusSessionInformationApi::KCategoryUid,
+ NMusSessionInformationApi::KMusCallEvent,
+ callStatus ) );
+ MUS_LOG1( "mus: [CMusAvaCallEventMonitor] Call Event = %d ",
+ callStatus )
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [CMusAvaCallEventMonitor] <- CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::\
+ CallStatusL" )
+ return callStatus;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Returns the direction of connected call.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::CallDirectionL()
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [CMusAvaCallEventMonitor] -> CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::\
+ CallDirectionL" )
+ // retrieve call count
+ TInt direction( 0 );
+ User::LeaveIfError( RProperty::Get(
+ NMusSessionInformationApi::KCategoryUid,
+ NMusSessionInformationApi::KMusCallDirection,
+ direction ) );
+ MUS_LOG1( "mus: [CMusAvaCallEventMonitor] Call Direction = %d ",
+ direction )
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [CMusAvaCallEventMonitor] <- CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::\
+ CallDirectionL" )
+ return direction;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// aTelNumber will be filled with telephone number or SIP URI of current
+// connected call
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::GetTelNumberL( TDes& aTelNumber, TBool& aIsSipUri )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [CMusAvaCallEventMonitor] -> CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::\
+ GetTelNumberL" )
+ TInt error = RProperty::Get( NMusSessionInformationApi::KCategoryUid,
+ NMusSessionInformationApi::KMusTelNumber,
+ aTelNumber );
+ MUS_LOG1( "mus: [CMusAvaCallEventMonitor] CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::\
+ GetTelNumberL (%d)", error )
+ if ( error == KErrOverflow )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG1( "mus: [CMusAvaCallEventMonitor] CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::\
+ GetTelNumberL - Buffer too small (%d), leave",
+ aTelNumber.MaxLength() )
+ User::Leave( error );
+ }
+ User::LeaveIfError( error );
+ aIsSipUri = IsSipUri( aTelNumber );
+ MUS_LOG1( "mus: [CMusAvaCallEventMonitor] CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::\
+ GetTelNumberL (is SIP URI=%d)", aIsSipUri )
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [CMusAvaCallEventMonitor] <- CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::\
+ GetTelNumberL" )
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Subscribe to the property, means start monitoring the property
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::StartMonitoringL()
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [CMusAvaCallEventMonitor] -> CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::\
+ StartMonitoringL" )
+ if ( !IsActive() )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [CMusAvaCallEventMonitor] CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::\
+ StartMonitoringL - Not active, starting" )
+ User::LeaveIfError( iPropertyEvent.Attach(
+ NMusSessionInformationApi::KCategoryUid,
+ NMusSessionInformationApi::KMusCallEvent ) );
+ // initial subscription and process current property value
+ iPropertyEvent.Subscribe( iStatus );
+ SetActive();
+ }
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [CMusAvaCallEventMonitor] <- CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::\
+ StartMonitoringL" )
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Called by Cancel()
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::DoCancel()
+ {
+ iPropertyEvent.Cancel();
+ iPropertyEvent.Close();
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Active Object RunL implementation. Will be called when property changes.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::RunL()
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [MUSAOP] -> CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::RunL" )
+ // resubscribe before processing new value to prevent missing updates
+ iPropertyEvent.Subscribe( iStatus );
+ SetActive();
+ // property updated, get new value
+ TInt callStatus;
+ if ( iPropertyEvent.Get( callStatus ) == KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ // property deleted
+ iObserver.NoActiveCallL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch( callStatus )
+ {
+ case NMusSessionInformationApi::ENoCall:
+ {
+ iObserver.NoActiveCallL();
+ break;
+ }
+ case NMusSessionInformationApi::ECallConnected:
+ {
+ TBuf<KMusTelNumberMaxLength> telNumber;
+ TBool isSipUri( EFalse );
+ GetTelNumberL( telNumber, isSipUri );
+ iObserver.CallConnectedL( telNumber, isSipUri );
+ break;
+ }
+ case NMusSessionInformationApi::ECallHold:
+ {
+ TBuf<KMusTelNumberMaxLength> telNumber;
+ TBool isSipUri( EFalse );
+ GetTelNumberL( telNumber, isSipUri );
+ iObserver.CallHoldL( telNumber, isSipUri );
+ break;
+ }
+ case NMusSessionInformationApi::EConferenceCall:
+ {
+ iObserver.ConferenceCallL();
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ iObserver.NoActiveCallL();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [MUSAOP] <- CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::RunL" )
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RunL leaves will be handled here. Make sure it returns KErrNone
+// Otherwise Active Scheduler Error() will be called.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::RunError( TInt aError )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG1( "mus: [MUSAOP] -> CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::RunError(%d)",
+ aError )
+ // Not much things can be done here as cleanup operation.
+ aError = KErrNone;
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [MUSAOP] <- CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::RunError" )
+ return aError;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::IsSipUri()
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CMusAvaCallEventMonitor::IsSipUri( const TDesC& aTelNumber ) const
+ {
+ _LIT( KSipPrefix, "sip:" );
+ TPtrC prefix = aTelNumber.Left( KSipPrefix().Length() );
+ return prefix.Compare( KSipPrefix ) == 0;
+ }