--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmsharing/mmshengine/src/musengmcesession.cpp Fri Jun 11 13:36:18 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,2141 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+// USER
+#include "mussettings.h"
+#include "musengmcesession.h"
+#include "musengsessiondurationtimer.h"
+#include "musengmceutils.h"
+#include "musuid.hrh"
+#include "musenglogger.h"
+#include "mussipprofilehandler.h"
+#include "mussessionproperties.h"
+#include "musenguriparser.h"
+#include "musengtelephoneutils.h"
+#include <lcsessionobserver.h>
+#include <lcuiprovider.h>
+#include <lcvideoplayer.h>
+#include <mcedefs.h>
+#include <mcemanager.h>
+#include <mceinsession.h>
+#include <mcevideostream.h>
+#include <mceaudiostream.h>
+#include <mcertpsink.h>
+#include <mcedisplaysink.h>
+#include <mcespeakersink.h>
+#include <mcefilesource.h>
+#include <mcecamerasource.h>
+#include <mcertpsource.h>
+#include <mceaudiocodec.h>
+#include <mceavccodec.h>
+#include <AudioPreference.h>
+#include <e32property.h>
+#include <cntitem.h>
+#include <cntfield.h>
+#include <cntdef.h>
+#include <cntfldst.h>
+const TInt KMusEngTimerInterval = 1000000; // 1 second
+const TInt KMusEngRtcpInactivityThreshold = 20; // seconds
+const TInt KMusEngArrayGranularity3 = 3;
+const TInt KMusEngSipReasonCodeOk = 200;
+const TInt KMusEngSipReasonCodeBusyHere = 486;
+_LIT8( KMusEngSipReasonPhraseBusyHere, "Busy Here" );
+_LIT8( KMusEngSipReasonPhraseBusy, "Busy" );
+const TUint KMusEngDedicatedVideoPort = 49152;
+const TUint KMusEngDedicatedAudioPort = 57344;
+#define MUS_CODEC_ARR_CONST_CAST( codecArr ) \
+( const_cast< RPointerArray< CMceVideoCodec >& >( codecArr ) )
+// Names of AVC levels in string for config keys stored in CenRep
+_LIT8( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1, "AvcBrL1=" );
+_LIT8( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1b, "AvcBrL1b=" );
+_LIT8( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1_1, "AvcBrL1_1=" );
+_LIT8( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1_2, "AvcBrL1_2=" );
+_LIT8( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1_3, "AvcBrL1_3=" );
+_LIT8( KMusAvcBitrateLevel2, "AvcBrL2=" );
+_LIT8( KMusEncoderInfoTokenizer, ";" );
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ : iSecondsFromLastRtcpReport ( 0 ),
+ // Although speaker is constructed as muted, it is not explicitly muted
+ iExplicitlyMuted( EFalse ),
+ iBackground( ETrue )
+ {
+ iMceManagerUid.iUid = KMusUiUid;
+ iBackground = IsBackgroundStartup();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::ConstructL()
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::ConstructL()" )
+ iTelephoneUtils = CMusEngTelephoneUtils::NewL( *this );
+ // Creating new MCE Manager and set all needed observers to this class.
+ iManager = CMceManager::NewL( iMceManagerUid,
+ &iTransactionDataContainer );
+ iManager->SetSessionObserver( this );
+ iManager->SetInSessionObserver( this );
+ iManager->SetMediaObserver( this );
+ iManager->SetRtpObserver( this );
+ // Check if operator specific behavior is expected
+ iOperatorVariant = ( MultimediaSharingSettings::OperatorVariantSettingL() ==
+ MusSettingsKeys::EOperatorSpecific );
+ // Update timer initialization
+ iUpdateTimer = CMusEngSessionDurationTimer::NewL( *this );
+ iSipProfileHandler = CMusSipProfileHandler::NewL( *this );
+ iRemoteDetails = HBufC::NewL( RProperty::KMaxPropertySize );
+ iRemoteDetails->Des().Copy( KNullDesC );
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::ConstructL()" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::~CMusEngMceSession()" )
+ delete iSipProfileHandler;
+ delete iSession;
+ delete iManager;
+ delete iUpdateTimer;
+ delete iTelephoneUtils;
+ delete iRemoteDetails;
+ RProperty::Set( NMusSessionApi::KCategoryUid,
+ NMusSessionApi::KFastMode,
+ MusSettingsKeys::EFastModeDisabled );
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::~CMusEngMceSession()" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MMusEngDisplayHandler
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TRect CMusEngMceSession::Rect() const
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] CMusEngMceSession::Rect()" )
+ return iRect;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MMusEngDisplayHandler
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::SetRectL( const TRect& aRect )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] CMusEngSession::SetRectL()" )
+ iRect = aRect;
+ RectChangedL();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MMusEngDisplayHandler
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::SetSecondaryRectL( const TRect& aSecondaryRect )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] CMusEngMceSession::SetSecondaryRectL()" )
+ // Same rect is set by primary and secondary setters
+ iRect = aSecondaryRect;
+ RectChangedL();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MMusEngDisplayHandler
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TRect CMusEngMceSession::SecondaryRect() const
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] CMusEngMceSession::SecondaryRect()" )
+ return iRect;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MMusEngDisplayHandler
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MMusEngDisplayHandler::TDisplayOrientation CMusEngMceSession::OrientationL()
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::RotationL()" )
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
+ CMceDisplaySink* display = MusEngMceUtils::GetDisplayL( *iSession );
+ TDisplayOrientation displayOrientation;
+ CMceDisplaySink::TRotation rotation( display->RotationL() );
+ MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE] MCE rotation is %d", rotation )
+ if ( rotation == CMceDisplaySink::ENone )
+ {
+ displayOrientation = CMusEngMceSession::EPortrait;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ displayOrientation = CMusEngMceSession::ELandscape;
+ }
+ MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::RotationL() %d",
+ displayOrientation )
+ return displayOrientation;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::SetOrientationL( TDisplayOrientation aOrientation )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::SetOrientationL() %d",
+ aOrientation )
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
+ CMceDisplaySink* display = MusEngMceUtils::GetDisplayL( *iSession );
+ if ( aOrientation == EPortrait )
+ {
+ display->SetRotationL( CMceDisplaySink::ENone );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ display->SetRotationL( CMceDisplaySink::EClockwise90Degree );
+ }
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::SetOrientationL()" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::EnableDisplayL( TBool aEnable )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::EnableDisplay() %d",
+ aEnable )
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
+ CMceDisplaySink* display = MusEngMceUtils::GetDisplayL( *iSession );
+ if ( aEnable )
+ {
+ if ( !display->IsEnabled() )
+ {
+ display->EnableL();
+ MUS_LOG( " Display enabled" )
+ if ( !iExplicitlyMuted )
+ {
+ // Since speaker is not explicitly muted, but disabled as
+ // a consequence of disabling bundled display, it must be
+ // unmuted.
+ DoMuteSpeakerL( EFalse );
+ MUS_LOG( " Bundled speaker enabled" )
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( " Display already enabled, ignore" )
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( display->IsEnabled() )
+ {
+ display->DisableL();
+ MUS_LOG( " Display disabled" )
+ if ( !iExplicitlyMuted )
+ {
+ // Speaker will not be explicitly muted, but disabled as
+ // a consequence of disabling bundled display.
+ DoMuteSpeakerL( ETrue );
+ MUS_LOG( " Bundled speaker disabled" )
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( " Display already disabled, ignore" )
+ }
+ }
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::EnableDisplay()")
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CMusEngMceSession::IsDisplayEnabled()
+ {
+ TBool enabled( EFalse );
+ if ( iSession )
+ {
+ CMceDisplaySink* display =
+ MusEngMceUtils::GetDisplay( *iSession, ETrue );
+ if ( display )
+ {
+ enabled = display->IsEnabled();
+ }
+ }
+ return enabled;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MMusEngDisplayHandler
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CMusEngMceSession::IsDisplayActive()
+ {
+ return ( IsDisplayEnabled() );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MMusEngAudioRoutingObserver
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::AudioRoutingChanged()
+ {
+ InformObserverAboutPlayerUpdate( LocalVideoPlayer() );
+ InformObserverAboutPlayerUpdate( RemoteVideoPlayer() );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcSession
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MLcSession::TLcSessionState CMusEngMceSession::LcSessionState() const
+ {
+ TLcSessionState lcSessionState = MLcSession::EUninitialized;
+ if ( iSession )
+ {
+ switch( iSession->State() )
+ {
+ case CMceSession::EIdle:
+ {
+ lcSessionState = MLcSession::EInitialized;
+ break;
+ }
+ case CMceSession::EIncoming:
+ case CMceSession::EProceeding:
+ case CMceSession::EReserving:
+ {
+ lcSessionState = MLcSession::EReceived;
+ break;
+ }
+ case CMceSession::EOffering:
+ case CMceSession::EAnswering:
+ {
+ lcSessionState = MLcSession::EOpening;
+ break;
+ }
+ case CMceSession::EEstablished:
+ {
+ lcSessionState = MLcSession::EOpen;
+ break;
+ }
+ case CMceSession::ECancelling:
+ case CMceSession::ETerminating:
+ {
+ lcSessionState = MLcSession::EClosing;
+ break;
+ }
+ case CMceSession::ETerminated:
+ {
+ lcSessionState = MLcSession::EClosed;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ lcSessionState = MLcSession::EUninitialized;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return lcSessionState;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcSession
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::SetLcSessionObserver( MLcSessionObserver* aObserver )
+ {
+ iLcSessionObserver = aObserver;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcSession
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::SetLcUiProvider( MLcUiProvider* aUiProvider )
+ {
+ iLcUiProvider = aUiProvider;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcSession
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MLcVideoPlayer* CMusEngMceSession::RemoteVideoPlayer()
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcSession
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MLcVideoPlayer* CMusEngMceSession::LocalVideoPlayer()
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcSession
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TDesC& CMusEngMceSession::LocalDisplayName()
+ {
+ return KNullDesC;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcSession
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TDesC& CMusEngMceSession::RemoteDisplayName()
+ {
+ return KNullDesC;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcSession
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMusEngMceSession::SetParameter( TInt /*aId*/, TInt /*aValue*/ )
+ {
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcSession
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMusEngMceSession::ParameterValue( TInt /*aId*/ )
+ {
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcSession
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CMusEngMceSession::IsBackgroundStartup()
+ {
+ TInt fastMode;
+ TInt error = RProperty::Get( NMusSessionApi::KCategoryUid,
+ NMusSessionApi::KFastMode,
+ fastMode );
+ return ( error == KErrNone &&
+ iBackground &&
+ fastMode == MusSettingsKeys::EFastModeOn );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcSession
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMusEngMceSession::SetForegroundStatus( TBool aIsForeground )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::SetForegroundStatus() %d",
+ aIsForeground )
+ if ( aIsForeground )
+ {
+ // Only clear the bg info, do not ever enable it again
+ iBackground = EFalse;
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcSession
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TDesC& CMusEngMceSession::RemoteDetails()
+ {
+ // Don't care about error, empty value will be used in that case
+ TPtr ptrDetails( iRemoteDetails->Des() );
+ RProperty::Get( NMusSessionApi::KCategoryUid,
+ NMusSessionApi::KTelNumber,
+ ptrDetails );
+ return *iRemoteDetails;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcSession
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::UpdateLcSessionL()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
+ //In Mus engine, every update of player has immediate effect. Thus, this method
+ //is empty.
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcSession
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CMusEngMceSession::SendDialTone( TChar aKey)
+ {
+ MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::SendDialTone() %c",
+ aKey )
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcAudioControl
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CMusEngMceSession::IsLcAudioMutedL()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
+ TBool containsAudio( EFalse );
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < iSession->Streams().Count(); ++i )
+ {
+ if ( iSession->Streams()[i]->Type() == KMceAudio )
+ {
+ containsAudio = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( containsAudio && !iExplicitlyMuted )
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcAudioControl
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::MuteLcAudioL( TBool aMute )
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
+ DoMuteSpeakerL( aMute );
+ iExplicitlyMuted = aMute;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcAudioControl
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CMusEngMceSession::IsLcMicMutedL()
+ {
+ return iTelephoneUtils->IsMicMutedL();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcAudioControl
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::MuteLcMicL( TBool aMute )
+ {
+ iTelephoneUtils->MuteMicL( aMute );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcAudioControl
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CMusEngMceSession::IsEnablingLcLoudspeakerAllowed()
+ {
+ return iTelephoneUtils->AudioRoutingCanBeChanged();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcAudioControl
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::EnableLcLoudspeakerL( TBool aEnabled )
+ {
+ TRAPD( error, iTelephoneUtils->LoudspeakerL( aEnabled ) )
+ if ( error != KErrNone )
+ {
+ // This is writed for emulator use
+ if ( error != KErrNotSupported )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE] CMusEngSession::EnableLoudspeakerL() Leave: #%d",
+ error )
+ User::Leave( error );
+ }
+ // Not leave in emulator if KErrNotSupported
+ #if (!defined (__WINS__) && !defined(__WINSCW__))
+ User::Leave( error );
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcAudioControl
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CMusEngMceSession::IsLcLoudspeakerEnabled()
+ {
+ return iTelephoneUtils->IsLoudSpeakerEnabled();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcAudioControl
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMusEngMceSession::LcVolumeL()
+ {
+ return iTelephoneUtils->GetVolumeL();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcAudioControl
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::SetLcVolumeL( TInt aValue )
+ {
+ iTelephoneUtils->SetVolumeL( aValue );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcAudioControl
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::IncreaseLcVolumeL()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
+ TInt currentVolume = iTelephoneUtils->GetVolumeL();
+ iTelephoneUtils->SetVolumeL( currentVolume + 1 );
+ SetSpeakerVolumeL( LcVolumeL() );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcAudioControl
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::DecreaseLcVolumeL()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
+ TInt currentVolume = iTelephoneUtils->GetVolumeL();
+ iTelephoneUtils->SetVolumeL( currentVolume - 1 );
+ SetSpeakerVolumeL( LcVolumeL() );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MLcSessionObserver* CMusEngMceSession::LcSessionObserver()
+ {
+ return iLcSessionObserver;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MLcUiProvider* CMusEngMceSession::LcUiProvider()
+ {
+ return iLcUiProvider;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Returns estabilished session time. If not established return
+// value is < 0
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TTimeIntervalSeconds CMusEngMceSession::GetSessionTime() const
+ {
+ if ( iSession && iSession->State() == CMceSession::EEstablished )
+ {
+ TTime time;
+ TTimeIntervalSeconds seconds;
+ time.HomeTime();
+ time.SecondsFrom( iStartTime, seconds );
+ return seconds;
+ }
+ return TTimeIntervalSeconds( KErrNotReady );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::RectChangedL()
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::RectChangedL()" )
+ // If session is not yet created, do nothing
+ if ( iSession && iSession->State() != CMceSession::ETerminated )
+ {
+ // Rely on having just one display
+ CMceDisplaySink* display = MusEngMceUtils::GetDisplayL( *iSession );
+ display->SetDisplayRectL( Rect() );
+ }
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::RectChangedL()" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::InformObserverAboutSessionStateChange()
+ {
+ if ( iLcSessionObserver )
+ {
+ iLcSessionObserver->StateChanged( *this );
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::InformObserverAboutSessionUpdate()
+ {
+ if ( iLcSessionObserver )
+ {
+ iLcSessionObserver->Updated( *this );
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::InformObserverAboutSessionFailure( TInt aReason )
+ {
+ if ( iLcSessionObserver )
+ {
+ iLcSessionObserver->Failed( *this, aReason );
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::InformObserverAboutPlayerStateChange(
+ MLcVideoPlayer* aPlayer )
+ {
+ if ( iLcSessionObserver && aPlayer )
+ {
+ iLcSessionObserver->StateChanged( *aPlayer );
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::InformUiProviderAboutReceivingStart()
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::InformUiProviderAboutReceivingStart()" )
+ if ( iBackground && iLcUiProvider )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] receiving started in BG mode, switching to FG" )
+ iLcUiProvider->HandleForegroundStatus( ETrue );
+ }
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::InformUiProviderAboutReceivingStart()" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::InformObserverAboutPlayerUpdate(
+ MLcVideoPlayer* aPlayer )
+ {
+ if ( iLcSessionObserver && aPlayer )
+ {
+ iLcSessionObserver->Updated( *aPlayer );
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::InformObserverAboutPlayerFailure(
+ MLcVideoPlayer* aPlayer,
+ TInt aReason )
+ {
+ if ( iLcSessionObserver && aPlayer )
+ {
+ iLcSessionObserver->Failed( *aPlayer, aReason );
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MLcUiProvider& CMusEngMceSession::LcUiProviderL()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iLcUiProvider, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
+ return *iLcUiProvider;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::AddSdpBandwidthAttributesL( CDesC8Array& aSdpLinesArray,
+ TInt aBandwidthAs )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::AddSdpBandwidthAttributesL()" )
+ const TInt KMusNumberMaxLength = 10;
+ HBufC8* bandwidth = HBufC8::NewLC(
+ KMusEngSessionSdpLineTiasLine().Length() + KMusNumberMaxLength );
+ bandwidth->Des().Copy( KMusEngSessionSdpLineBandwidthLine() );
+ bandwidth->Des().AppendNum( aBandwidthAs );
+ bandwidth->Des().Append( KMusEngNewLine() );
+ aSdpLinesArray.AppendL( *bandwidth );
+ bandwidth->Des().Copy( KMusEngSessionSdpLineTiasLine() );
+ bandwidth->Des().AppendNum( aBandwidthAs * KMusTiasMultiplier );
+ bandwidth->Des().Append( KMusEngNewLine() );
+ aSdpLinesArray.AppendL( *bandwidth );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( bandwidth );
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::AddSdpBandwidthAttributesL()" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CMusEngMceSession::IsBandwidthAttributeSet( MDesC8Array* aSdpLinesArray )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::IsBandwidthAttributeSet()" )
+ TBool ret =
+ ContainsText( aSdpLinesArray, KMusEngSessionSdpLineTiasLine() ) ||
+ ContainsText( aSdpLinesArray, KMusEngSessionSdpLineBandwidthLine() );
+ MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::IsBandwidthAttributeSet(): %d",
+ ret )
+ return ret;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Setting session level sdp lines. Bandwith attribute is always used in
+// operator variant mode and at receiver side (using force) when TIAS
+// usage is disabled. However, bandwidth attribute is preferred to be used
+// at media level (see SetMediaSdpLinesL method). It is set to session level
+// only if other side is using also session level bandwidth. Media level
+// preference exists because some other manufacturer's videosharing does not
+// understand session level bandwidth attribute.
+// In non-operator variant mode and when TIAS usage is enabled, both AS and
+// TIAS are added to session level only if the other side is using session
+// level bandwidth.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::SetSessionSdpLinesL(
+ CMceSession& aSession,
+ TBool aForceBandwidthLine )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::SetSessionSdpLinesL()" )
+ MDesC8Array* oldSessionSdpLines = aSession.SessionSDPLinesL();
+ CleanupDeletePushL( oldSessionSdpLines );
+ TBool bandwidthAtSessionLevel( ContainsText( oldSessionSdpLines,
+ KMusEngSessionSdpLineBandwidthLine() ) );
+ TBool tiasAtSessionLevel( ContainsText( oldSessionSdpLines,
+ KMusEngSessionSdpLineTiasLine() ) );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( oldSessionSdpLines );
+ TInt bandwidthAs = 0;
+ TRAPD( err, bandwidthAs =
+ MultimediaSharingSettings::VideoBandwidthSettingL() );
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( err == KErrNone || err == KErrNotFound,
+ User::Leave( err ) );
+ TBool useTias = ( bandwidthAs > 0 );
+ CDesC8Array* newSessionSDPLines =
+ new ( ELeave ) CDesC8ArrayFlat( KMusEngArrayGranularity3 );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( newSessionSDPLines );
+ if ( iOperatorVariant )
+ {
+ newSessionSDPLines->AppendL( KMusEngSessionSdpLineApplication() );
+ newSessionSDPLines->AppendL( KMusEngSessionSdpLineType() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ newSessionSDPLines->AppendL( KMusEngSessionSdpLineXApplication() );
+ }
+ if ( bandwidthAtSessionLevel && ( iOperatorVariant ||
+ ( aForceBandwidthLine && !useTias ) ) )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] setting bandwidth to session level" )
+ newSessionSDPLines->AppendL( KMusEngSessionSdpLineBandwidthField() );
+ }
+ else if ( !iOperatorVariant && useTias && aForceBandwidthLine &&
+ ( bandwidthAtSessionLevel || tiasAtSessionLevel ) )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] setting b=AS and b=TIAS to session level" )
+ AddSdpBandwidthAttributesL( *newSessionSDPLines, bandwidthAs );
+ }
+ aSession.SetSessionSDPLinesL( newSessionSDPLines );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( newSessionSDPLines );
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::SetSessionSdpLinesL()" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Setting media level sdp lines. In operator variant mode or when TIAS usage
+// is disabled bandwidth is not set to media level if it is used already at
+// session level. In non operator variant and TIAS enabled case both AS and
+// TIAS attributes are set to media level if: 1)it is an outcoming sessions
+// or 2) incoming session had bandwidth attributes on media level or didn't
+// have bandwidth attributes at all
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::SetMediaSdpLinesL(
+ CMceMediaStream& aStream,
+ TBool aForceBandwidthLine )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::SetMediaSdpLinesL()" )
+ MDesC8Array* sessionSdpLines = aStream.Session()->SessionSDPLinesL();
+ CleanupDeletePushL( sessionSdpLines );
+ TBool bandwidthAtSessionLevel( ContainsText( sessionSdpLines,
+ KMusEngSessionSdpLineBandwidthLine() ) );
+ TInt bandwidthAs = 0;
+ TRAPD( error, bandwidthAs =
+ MultimediaSharingSettings::VideoBandwidthSettingL() );
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( error == KErrNone || error == KErrNotFound,
+ User::Leave( error ) );
+ TBool useTias = ( bandwidthAs > 0 );
+ TBool tiasOrAsAtSessionLevel = EFalse;
+ TBool tiasOrAsAtMediaLevel = EFalse;
+ if ( useTias )
+ {
+ tiasOrAsAtSessionLevel = IsBandwidthAttributeSet( sessionSdpLines );
+ MDesC8Array* mediaSdpLines = aStream.MediaAttributeLinesL();
+ tiasOrAsAtMediaLevel = IsBandwidthAttributeSet( mediaSdpLines );
+ delete mediaSdpLines;
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sessionSdpLines );
+ TBool setTiasAtMediaLevel = ( tiasOrAsAtMediaLevel ||
+ ( aForceBandwidthLine &&
+ !tiasOrAsAtSessionLevel ) );
+ const TInt KMusMediaSdpLinesGranularity = 2;
+ CDesC8Array* headers =
+ new ( ELeave ) CDesC8ArrayFlat( KMusMediaSdpLinesGranularity );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( headers );
+ if ( !bandwidthAtSessionLevel && ( iOperatorVariant ||
+ ( aForceBandwidthLine && !useTias ) ) )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] setting bandwidth to media level" )
+ headers->AppendL( KMusEngSessionSdpLineBandwidthField() );
+ }
+ else if ( !iOperatorVariant && useTias && setTiasAtMediaLevel )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] setting b=AS and b=TIAS to media level" )
+ AddSdpBandwidthAttributesL( *headers, bandwidthAs );
+ }
+ aStream.SetMediaAttributeLinesL( headers );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( headers );
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::SetMediaSdpLinesL()" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Changes volume of all speaker sinks in the session structure
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::SetSpeakerVolumeL( TInt aNewVolume )
+ {
+ TInt sessionState = iSession->State();
+ if ( sessionState != CMceSession::EIdle &&
+ sessionState != CMceSession::EIncoming )
+ {
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < iSession->Streams().Count(); ++i )
+ {
+ CMceSpeakerSink* speaker =
+ MusEngMceUtils::GetSpeaker( *( iSession->Streams()[i] ) );
+ if ( speaker &&
+ aNewVolume >= 1 &&
+ aNewVolume <= speaker->MaxVolumeL() )
+ {
+ speaker->SetVolumeL( aNewVolume );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::AdjustStreamsAndCodecsL()
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::AdjustStreamsAndCodecsL" )
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
+ const RPointerArray<CMceMediaStream>& streams = iSession->Streams();
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < streams.Count(); ++i )
+ {
+ if ( streams[i]->Type() == KMceVideo )
+ {
+ CMceVideoStream* videoStream =
+ static_cast<CMceVideoStream*>( streams[i] );
+ AdjustVideoStreamL( *videoStream );
+ if ( videoStream->BoundStream() )
+ {
+ AdjustVideoStreamL( static_cast<CMceVideoStream&>
+ ( videoStream->BoundStreamL() ) );
+ }
+ }
+ else // audio
+ {
+ CMceAudioStream* audioStream =
+ static_cast<CMceAudioStream*>( streams[i] );
+ AdjustAudioStreamL( *audioStream );
+ if ( audioStream->BoundStream() )
+ {
+ AdjustAudioStreamL( static_cast<CMceAudioStream&>
+ ( audioStream->BoundStreamL() ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::AdjustStreamsAndCodecsL" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::AdjustVideoStreamL( CMceVideoStream& aVideoStream )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::AdjustVideoStreamL" )
+ aVideoStream.SetLocalMediaPortL( KMusEngDedicatedVideoPort );
+ DoCodecSelectionL( aVideoStream );
+ const RPointerArray<CMceVideoCodec>& codecs = aVideoStream.Codecs();
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aVideoStream.Source(), User::Leave( KErrArgument ) );
+ for ( TInt codecIndex = 0; codecIndex < codecs.Count(); ++codecIndex )
+ {
+ AdjustVideoCodecL( *codecs[codecIndex], aVideoStream.Source()->Type() );
+ }
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::AdjustVideoStreamL" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::AdjustAudioStreamL( CMceAudioStream& aAudioStream )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::AdjustAudioStreamL" )
+ aAudioStream.SetLocalMediaPortL( KMusEngDedicatedAudioPort );
+ const RPointerArray<CMceAudioCodec> codecs = aAudioStream.Codecs();
+ for ( TInt codecIndex = 0; codecIndex < codecs.Count(); ++codecIndex )
+ {
+ AdjustAudioCodecL( *codecs[codecIndex] );
+ }
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::AdjustAudioStreamL" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Calls CMceInSession::RejectL() inside TRAP_IGNORE
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::Reject( CMceInSession& aSession,
+ const TDesC8& aReason,
+ TUint32 aCode )
+ {
+ if ( aCode != 0 || aReason != KNullDesC8() )
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE( aSession.RejectL( aReason, aCode, NULL, NULL, NULL ) )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( iOperatorVariant )
+ {
+ // In operator variant, session is rejected with 486 instead of 603.
+ // Also the reason phrase is supposed to be "Busy".
+ TRAP_IGNORE( aSession.RejectL( KMusEngSipReasonPhraseBusy(),
+ KMusEngSipReasonCodeBusyHere ) )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Normal case
+ TRAP_IGNORE( aSession.RejectL() )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// By default rejects all incoming sessions immediately without notifying UI
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::IncomingSession(
+ CMceInSession* aSession,
+ TMceTransactionDataContainer* /*aContainer*/ )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::IncomingSession()" )
+ Reject( *aSession,
+ KMusEngSipReasonPhraseBusyHere(),
+ KMusEngSipReasonCodeBusyHere );
+ delete aSession;
+ aSession = NULL;
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::IncomingSession()" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// By default rejects all incoming updates immediately without notifying UI
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::IncomingUpdate(
+ CMceSession& aOrigSession,
+ CMceInSession* aUpdatedSession,
+ TMceTransactionDataContainer* /*aContainer*/ )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::IncomingUpdate()" )
+ if ( iSession &&
+ iSession == &aOrigSession )
+ {
+ // Old session is useless from now on
+ delete iSession;
+ iSession = aUpdatedSession;
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] Unexpected update, reject" )
+ Reject( *aUpdatedSession );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This should never happen
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] Unknown update, reject and delete" )
+ Reject( *aUpdatedSession );
+ delete aUpdatedSession;
+ }
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::IncomingUpdate()" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::StreamStateChanged( CMceMediaStream& aStream )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::StreamStateChanged()" )
+ if ( !iSession )
+ {
+ return; // We cannot do anything
+ }
+ switch ( aStream.State() )
+ {
+ case CMceMediaStream::EUninitialized: // Stream is created
+ {
+ // Unexpected state change
+ break;
+ }
+ case CMceMediaStream::EInitialized: // Stream is initialized
+ {
+ // Should be handled in sibling classes if needed
+ break;
+ }
+ case CMceMediaStream::EBuffering: // Stream is buffering
+ {
+ // Should be handled in sibling classes if needed
+ break;
+ }
+ case CMceMediaStream::EIdle: // Stream is not receiving RTP
+ {
+ // NOP
+ break;
+ }
+ case CMceMediaStream::EStreaming: // Stream is streaming
+ {
+ StreamStreaming( aStream );
+ break;
+ }
+ case CMceMediaStream::EDisabled: // Stream is explicitly disabled
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ case CMceMediaStream::ENoResources:
+ {
+ // Stream has no needed resources to stream
+ break;
+ }
+ case CMceMediaStream::ETranscodingRequired:
+ {
+ // Stream requires non-realtime transcoding
+ // Should be handled in sibling classes
+ break;
+ }
+ case CMceMediaStream::ETranscoding:
+ {
+ // Stream is transcoding in non-realtime
+ // Should be handled in sibling classes
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::StreamStateChanged()" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::StreamStateChanged( CMceMediaStream& aStream,
+ CMceMediaSource& /*aSource*/ )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::StreamStateChanged( src )" )
+ // Use default logic
+ StreamStateChanged( aStream );
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::StreamStateChanged( src )" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::StreamStateChanged( CMceMediaStream& aStream,
+ CMceMediaSink& /*aSink*/ )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::StreamStateChanged( sink )" )
+ // Use default logic
+ StreamStateChanged( aStream );
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::StreamStateChanged( sink )" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::SessionStateChanged(
+ CMceSession& aSession,
+ TMceTransactionDataContainer* aContainer )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::SessionStateChanged()" )
+ if ( !aContainer )
+ {
+ // Container should never be NULL, but if it is, handle as
+ // internal error
+ InformObserverAboutSessionFailure( KErrGeneral );
+ return;
+ }
+ // This is the only point to get statuscode and reasonphrase. With this call
+ // they are zeroed and thus cannot be got anymore.
+ TInt statusCode = aContainer->GetStatusCode();
+ HBufC8* reasonPhrase = aContainer->GetReasonPhrase();
+ if ( reasonPhrase )
+ {
+ HandleSessionStateChanged( aSession, statusCode, *reasonPhrase );
+ delete reasonPhrase ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ HandleSessionStateChanged( aSession, statusCode, KNullDesC8() );
+ }
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::SessionStateChanged()" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::SessionConnectionStateChanged( CMceSession& aSession,
+ TBool aActive )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE] CMusEngMceSession::\
+ SessionConnectionStateChanged() active = %b", aActive )
+ if ( iSession && iSession == &aSession )
+ {
+ if ( !aActive )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] CMusEngMceSession::\
+ SessionConnectionStateChanged: Notify observer" )
+ InformObserverAboutSessionFailure( MLcSession::EConnectionLost );
+ }
+ }
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::\
+ SessionConnectionStateChanged()" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::Failed( CMceSession& aSession, TInt aError )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::Failed() error #%d",
+ aError )
+ if ( iSession && iSession == &aSession )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] CMusEngMceSession::Failed: Notify observer" )
+ InformObserverAboutSessionFailure( aError );
+ }
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::Failed()" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::UpdateFailed(
+ CMceSession& aSession,
+ TMceTransactionDataContainer* aContainer )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::UpdateFailed()" )
+ if ( !aContainer )
+ {
+ // Container should never be NULL, but if it is, handle as
+ // internal error
+ InformObserverAboutSessionFailure( KErrGeneral );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( iSession && iSession == &aSession )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] CMusEngMceSession::UpdateFailed: \
+ Notify observer" )
+ InformObserverAboutSessionFailure( KErrGeneral );
+ }
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::UpdateFailed()" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::SRReceived( CMceSession& aSession,
+ CMceMediaStream& aStream)
+ {
+ // No logging because of amount of reports
+ if ( iSession &&
+ iSession == &aSession )
+ {
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < iSession->Streams().Count(); ++i )
+ {
+ if ( &aStream == iSession->Streams()[i] )
+ {
+ iSecondsFromLastRtcpReport = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::RRReceived( CMceSession& aSession,
+ CMceMediaStream& aStream)
+ {
+ // No logging because of amount of reports
+ if ( iSession &&
+ iSession == &aSession )
+ {
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < iSession->Streams().Count(); ++i )
+ {
+ if ( &aStream == iSession->Streams()[i] )
+ {
+ iSecondsFromLastRtcpReport = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::InactivityTimeout( CMceMediaStream& aStream,
+ CMceRtpSource& /*aSource*/ )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::InactivityTimeout()" )
+ // This function may be deprecated in future and after that similar
+ // functionality can be obtained by observing stream state EIdle.
+ // Anyway it does not work yet and until then, informing UI about
+ // RTP inactivity is done in this function.
+ if ( aStream.Type() == KMceVideo )
+ {
+ InformObserverAboutPlayerStateChange( RemoteVideoPlayer() );
+ }
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::InactivityTimeout()" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::SsrcAdded( CMceMediaStream& /*aStream*/,
+ CMceRtpSource& /*aSource*/,
+ TUint /*aSsrc*/ )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] CMusEngMceSession::SsrcAdded( ... )" )
+ // NOP, We are not at all interested about SSRCs
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::SsrcRemoved( CMceMediaStream& /*aStream*/,
+ CMceRtpSource& /*aSource*/,
+ TUint /*aSsrc*/ )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] CMusEngMceSession::SsrcRemoved(... )" )
+ // NOP, We are not at all interested about SSRCs
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CMusEngMceSession::IsRoamingBetweenAPsAllowed()
+ {
+ TBool allowed( ETrue );
+ if ( iSession &&
+ iSession->State() != CMceSession::EIdle &&
+ iSession->State() != CMceSession::ETerminated )
+ {
+ allowed = EFalse;
+ }
+ return allowed;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::ProfileRegistered()
+ {
+ // NOP in base class
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::HandleSessionStateChanged( CMceSession& aSession,
+ TInt aStatusCode,
+ const TDesC8& aReasonPhrase )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::HandleSessionStateChanged" )
+ MUS_ENG_LOG_SESSION_STATE_AND_STATUS( aSession, aStatusCode, aReasonPhrase )
+ if ( iSession && iSession == &aSession )
+ {
+ switch ( aSession.State() )
+ {
+ case CMceSession::EIdle:
+ case CMceSession::EIncoming:
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] Unexpected asynchronous \
+ state transition, consider session as failed." )
+ InformObserverAboutSessionFailure( KErrGeneral );
+ break;
+ }
+ case CMceSession::EEstablished:
+ {
+ if ( iStoreEncoderConfigInfo )
+ {
+ iStoreEncoderConfigInfo = EFalse;
+ TRAPD( error, StoreEncoderConfigInfoL() )
+ if ( error != KErrNone && error != KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ // Only acceptable error is absence of repository entry,
+ // otherwise we inform user about failed session.
+ InformObserverAboutSessionFailure( error );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check that session timer is not already running, which is
+ // the case when refreshing the session with session timer
+ if ( !iUpdateTimer->IsActive() )
+ {
+ iStartTime.HomeTime(); // Start counting session duration
+ iUpdateTimer->Start( KMusEngTimerInterval );
+ InformObserverAboutSessionStateChange();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case CMceSession::EOffering:
+ case CMceSession::EReserving:
+ case CMceSession::EAnswering:
+ case CMceSession::EProceeding:
+ case CMceSession::ECancelling:
+ case CMceSession::ETerminating:
+ {
+ // NOP
+ break;
+ }
+ case CMceSession::ETerminated:
+ {
+ HandleTermination( aStatusCode, aReasonPhrase );
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] CMusEngMceSession::SessionStateChanged(), \
+ default case" )
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::HandleSessionStateChanged" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This function should be called only if sibling classes cannot handle
+// termination reason by themselves.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::HandleTermination( TInt aStatusCode,
+ const TDesC8& /*aReasonPhrase*/ )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::HandleTermination()" )
+ iSipProfileHandler->RefreshIapAvailabilities();
+ switch ( aStatusCode )
+ {
+ case 0:
+ {
+ // Normal session termination or session by another end.
+ InformObserverAboutSessionStateChange();
+ break;
+ }
+ case KMusEngSipReasonCodeOk:
+ {
+ // Normal session termination by this end: We have sent BYE
+ // and now received 200 OK to it.
+ InformObserverAboutSessionStateChange();
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ // Termination reason cannot be determined, handle as internal
+ // error.
+ InformObserverAboutSessionFailure( KErrGeneral );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::HandleTermination()" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::AdjustVideoCodecL( CMceVideoCodec& aVideoCodec,
+ TMceSourceType aSourceType )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::AdjustVideoCodecL()" )
+ aVideoCodec.SetMMFPriorityL( KAudioPrioritySwisPlayback );
+ aVideoCodec.SetMMFPriorityPreferenceL( KAudioPrefSwisPlayback );
+ if ( aVideoCodec.SdpName() == KMceSDPNameH264() &&
+ aSourceType == KMceCameraSource )
+ {
+ SetCodecConfigKeyL( aVideoCodec );
+ SetEncodingDeviceL( aVideoCodec );
+ }
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::AdjustVideoCodecL()" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// 1. Sets MMF audio priority and preference
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::AdjustAudioCodecL( CMceAudioCodec& aAudioCodec )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::AdjustAudioCodecL()" )
+ aAudioCodec.SetMMFPriorityL( KAudioPrioritySwisPlayback );
+ aAudioCodec.SetMMFPriorityPreferenceL( KAudioPrefSwisPlayback );
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] Audio MMF priority and preference set" )
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::AdjustAudioCodecL()" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Remove multiples of H.263 codec, prefer H263-2000 over H263-1998.
+// Additionally select just the one with best quality from selected mode.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::DoCodecSelectionL( CMceVideoStream& aVideoStream )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::DoCodecSelectionL()" )
+ const RPointerArray<CMceVideoCodec>& codecs = aVideoStream.Codecs();
+ TBool codecModeBasedRemovalNeeded( EFalse );
+ // Label:H263
+ TBool H2632000CodecFound( EFalse );
+ TBool H2631998CodecFound( EFalse );
+ for ( TInt codecIndex = 0; codecIndex < codecs.Count(); ++codecIndex )
+ {
+ const CMceVideoCodec& currentCodec = *codecs[codecIndex];
+ if ( currentCodec.SdpName().FindF( KMceSDPNameH263 ) != KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ if ( !currentCodec.SdpName().CompareF( KMceSDPNameH2632000 ) )
+ {
+ H2632000CodecFound = ETrue;
+ codecModeBasedRemovalNeeded = H2631998CodecFound;
+ }
+ else if ( !currentCodec.SdpName().CompareF( KMceSDPNameH2631998 ) )
+ {
+ H2631998CodecFound = ETrue;
+ codecModeBasedRemovalNeeded = H2632000CodecFound;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // NOP
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( codecModeBasedRemovalNeeded )
+ {
+ DoCodecModeBasedRemovalL( aVideoStream );
+ }
+ const RPointerArray<CMceVideoCodec>& codecs2 = aVideoStream.Codecs();
+ const CMceVideoCodec* bestBitrateCodec( NULL );
+ for ( TInt codecIndex = 0; codecIndex < codecs2.Count(); ++codecIndex )
+ {
+ const CMceVideoCodec& currentCodec = *codecs2[codecIndex];
+ if ( currentCodec.SdpName().FindF( KMceSDPNameH263 ) != KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ if ( !bestBitrateCodec ||
+ currentCodec.MaxBitRate() > bestBitrateCodec->MaxBitRate() )
+ {
+ bestBitrateCodec = ¤tCodec;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( bestBitrateCodec )
+ {
+ DoBitrateBasedRemovalL( aVideoStream, *bestBitrateCodec );
+ }
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::DoCodecSelectionL()" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::UpdateTimerEvent()
+ {
+ // Update timer is used also to detect RTCP inactivity
+ ++iSecondsFromLastRtcpReport;
+ if ( iSecondsFromLastRtcpReport >= KMusEngRtcpInactivityThreshold )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] CMusEngMceSession::UpdateTimerEvent() ->EMediaInactivityTimeout" )
+ InformObserverAboutSessionFailure( MLcSession::EMediaInactivityTimeout );
+ // Disable calling multiple times by reseting timer
+ iSecondsFromLastRtcpReport = 0;
+ }
+ iUpdateTimer->Start( KMusEngTimerInterval );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Enables or disables all the speaker sinks of all the audio streams
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::DoMuteSpeakerL( TBool aMute )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::MuteL( %d )", aMute )
+ const RPointerArray<CMceMediaStream>& streams = iSession->Streams();
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < streams.Count(); ++i )
+ {
+ CMceSpeakerSink* speaker = MusEngMceUtils::GetSpeaker( *streams[i] );
+ if ( speaker )
+ {
+ if( aMute )
+ {
+ if ( speaker->IsEnabled() )
+ {
+ speaker->DisableL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] Speaker already muted, NOP" )
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( !speaker->IsEnabled() )
+ {
+ speaker->EnableL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] Speaker already unmuted, NOP" )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::MuteL( TBool aMute )" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Checks if some of array items contains specific text
+// (exact match not required)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CMusEngMceSession::ContainsText( MDesC8Array* aArray, const TDesC8& aItem )
+ {
+ for ( TInt i = 0; aArray && i < aArray->MdcaCount(); i++ )
+ {
+ if ( aArray->MdcaPoint( i ).FindF( aItem ) != KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::DoBitrateBasedRemovalL(
+ CMceVideoStream& aVideoStream,
+ const CMceVideoCodec& aBestBitrateVideoCodec )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::DoBitrateBasedRemovalL()" )
+ RPointerArray<CMceVideoCodec>& codecs =
+ MUS_CODEC_ARR_CONST_CAST( aVideoStream.Codecs() );
+ TInt codecIndex = 0;
+ while ( codecIndex < codecs.Count() )
+ {
+ CMceVideoCodec& currentCodec = *codecs[codecIndex++];
+ if ( currentCodec.SdpName().FindF( KMceSDPNameH263 ) != KErrNotFound &&
+ ¤tCodec != &aBestBitrateVideoCodec )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] removing" )
+ aVideoStream.RemoveCodecL( currentCodec );
+ codecs = MUS_CODEC_ARR_CONST_CAST( aVideoStream.Codecs() );
+ codecIndex = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::DoBitrateBasedRemovalL()" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::DoCodecModeBasedRemovalL( CMceVideoStream& aVideoStream )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::DoCodecModeBasedRemovalL()" )
+ RPointerArray<CMceVideoCodec>& codecs =
+ MUS_CODEC_ARR_CONST_CAST( aVideoStream.Codecs() );
+ TInt codecIndex = 0;
+ while ( codecIndex < codecs.Count() )
+ {
+ CMceVideoCodec& currentCodec = *codecs[codecIndex++];
+ if ( !currentCodec.SdpName().CompareF( KMceSDPNameH2631998 ) )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] removing" )
+ aVideoStream.RemoveCodecL( currentCodec );
+ codecs = MUS_CODEC_ARR_CONST_CAST( aVideoStream.Codecs() );
+ codecIndex = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::DoCodecModeBasedRemovalL()" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::SetEncodingDeviceL( CMceVideoCodec& aVideoCodec )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::SetEncodingDeviceL()" )
+ // We try to read encoding device UID. If we do not succeed, we use default
+ const TUid KDefaultEncodingDevice( TUid::Uid( 0x20001C13 ) );
+ TUid encodingDevice( KDefaultEncodingDevice );
+ TRAPD( error,
+ encodingDevice = MultimediaSharingSettings::EncodingDeviceL() )
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( error == KErrNone || error == KErrNotFound,
+ User::Leave( error ) );
+ aVideoCodec.SetPreferredEncodingDecodingDeviceL( encodingDevice );
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::SetEncodingDeviceL()" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::SetCodecConfigKeyL( CMceVideoCodec& aVideoCodec )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::SetCodecConfigKeyL()" )
+ HBufC8* configKey( NULL );
+ // We try to read config key. If we do not succeed, we prepare to
+ // write keys to CenRep for the next time.
+ TRAPD( error, configKey = ReadCodecConfigKeyL( aVideoCodec ) )
+ if ( error == KErrNone )
+ {
+ // There is a repository for config keys
+ if ( configKey )
+ {
+ // ...and key is found.
+ CleanupStack::PushL( configKey );
+ aVideoCodec.SetConfigKeyL( *configKey );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( configKey );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // ...but key is not found, so it must be written to CenRep when
+ // available.
+ iStoreEncoderConfigInfo = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( error == KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ // There is no repository for config keys so there is no point
+ // trying to write anything there. Session setup can still continue.
+ MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE] No repository for config keys [%d]", error )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::Leave( error );
+ }
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::SetCodecConfigKeyL()" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+HBufC8* CMusEngMceSession::ReadCodecConfigKeyL(
+ const CMceVideoCodec& aVideoCodec ) const
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::ReadCodecConfigKeyL()" )
+ HBufC8* key( NULL );
+ HBufC8* encoderInfo = MultimediaSharingSettings::EncoderConfigInfoLC();
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( encoderInfo, User::Leave( KErrNotFound ) );
+ TPtrC8 keyId( ConfigKeyIdL( aVideoCodec ) );
+ TInt tokenStartPosition( encoderInfo->FindC( keyId ) );
+ if ( tokenStartPosition > KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ TInt tokenLength( encoderInfo->Mid( tokenStartPosition ).FindC(
+ KMusEncoderInfoTokenizer ) );
+ if ( tokenLength > KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ // Separate key from token by removing keyId
+ TInt keyStartPosition = tokenStartPosition + keyId.Length();
+ TInt keyLength = tokenLength - keyId.Length();
+ TPtrC8 keyPtr = encoderInfo->Mid( keyStartPosition, keyLength );
+ key = keyPtr.AllocL();
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encoderInfo );
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::ReadCodecConfigKeyL()" )
+ return key;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::StoreEncoderConfigInfoL() const
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::StoreEncoderConfigInfoL()" )
+ HBufC8* configInfoInCenRep = MultimediaSharingSettings::EncoderConfigInfoLC();
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( configInfoInCenRep, User::Leave( KErrNotFound ) );
+ TBuf8<NCentralRepositoryConstants::KMaxBinaryLength> keys;
+ keys.Append( *configInfoInCenRep );
+ CMceVideoStream* stream = MusEngMceUtils::GetVideoOutStreamL( *iSession );
+ const RPointerArray<CMceVideoCodec>& codecs = stream->Codecs();
+ for ( TInt codecIndex = 0; codecIndex < codecs.Count(); ++codecIndex )
+ {
+ if ( codecs[codecIndex]->SdpName().FindF( KMceSDPNameH264 ) >= 0 )
+ {
+ const TPtrC8 keyId = ConfigKeyIdL( *codecs[codecIndex] );
+ HBufC8* configKey = codecs[codecIndex]->ConfigKeyL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL( configKey );
+ if ( configKey &&
+ keys.FindF( keyId ) == KErrNotFound &&
+ configInfoInCenRep->FindF( keyId ) == KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ if ( keys.Length() +
+ keyId.Length() +
+ configKey->Length() +
+ KMusEncoderInfoTokenizer().Length() <
+ NCentralRepositoryConstants::KMaxBinaryLength )
+ {
+ keys.Append( keyId );
+ keys.Append( *configKey );
+ keys.Append( KMusEncoderInfoTokenizer );
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( configKey );
+ }
+ }
+ MultimediaSharingSettings::SetEncoderConfigInfoL( keys );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( configInfoInCenRep );
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::StoreEncoderConfigInfoL()" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TPtrC8 CMusEngMceSession::ConfigKeyIdL(
+ const CMceVideoCodec& aVideoCodec ) const
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::ConfigKeyIdL()" )
+ // Currently works only for AVC
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aVideoCodec.SdpName().FindF( KMceSDPNameH264 ) >= 0,
+ User::Leave( KErrArgument ) );
+ TPtrC8 configKeyTokenId;
+ if ( aVideoCodec.AllowedBitrates() & KMceAvcBitrateLevel1 )
+ {
+ configKeyTokenId.Set( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1() );
+ }
+ else if ( aVideoCodec.AllowedBitrates() & KMceAvcBitrateLevel1b )
+ {
+ configKeyTokenId.Set( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1b() );
+ }
+ else if ( aVideoCodec.AllowedBitrates() & KMceAvcBitrateLevel1_1 )
+ {
+ configKeyTokenId.Set( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1_1() );
+ }
+ else if ( aVideoCodec.AllowedBitrates() & KMceAvcBitrateLevel1_2 )
+ {
+ configKeyTokenId.Set( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1_2() );
+ }
+ else if ( aVideoCodec.AllowedBitrates() & KMceAvcBitrateLevel1_3 )
+ {
+ configKeyTokenId.Set( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1_3() );
+ }
+ else if ( aVideoCodec.AllowedBitrates() & KMceAvcBitrateLevel2 )
+ {
+ configKeyTokenId.Set( KMusAvcBitrateLevel2() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+ }
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::ConfigKeyIdL()" )
+ return configKeyTokenId;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Contact address is saved if all following apply:
+// - standard variant
+// - only one contact entry (mus mgr doesn't provide contact id if multiple
+// contact entries for other end is found)
+// - no existing sip address info for contact
+// - address is valid sip or tel uri
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::SaveContactL( const TDesC8& /*aAddress*/ )
+ {
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngMceSession::SaveContactL" );
+ MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngMceSession::SaveContactL" );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusEngMceSession::StreamStreaming( CMceMediaStream& aStream )
+ {
+ if ( aStream.State() == CMceMediaStream::EStreaming &&
+ aStream.Type() == KMceVideo )
+ {
+ MLcVideoPlayer* videoPlayer = NULL;
+ if ( aStream.Source() &&
+ aStream.Source()->Type() == KMceRTPSource )
+ {
+ videoPlayer = RemoteVideoPlayer();
+ }
+ else if ( aStream.Sinks().Count() >= 0 &&
+ aStream.Sinks()[0]->Type() == KMceRTPSink )
+ {
+ videoPlayer = LocalVideoPlayer();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ InformObserverAboutPlayerStateChange( videoPlayer );
+ }
+ }
+// End of file