--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tsrc/unittestrunner/eunittest_ctc.pl Fri Jun 11 13:36:18 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+use File::Copy;
+use Cwd;
+use Getopt::Long;
+$coverageResultsDirDefault = "mmsharinguis/tsrc/unittestrunner/results/";
+$eunitExe = "/epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/EUnitExeRunner.exe";
+$eunitParams = "/l xml /e S60AppEnv /w 90 /p All /t 3600";
+$eunitParams2 = "/d alloc";
+$eunitResults = "EUnitLog.xml";
+$eunitDllsDefault = "eunitdlls_ctc.txt";
+$buildResults = "BuildResults.txt";
+$eunitSrcDllLocation = "/epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/";
+$eunitDstDllLocation = "/epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/sys/bin/";
+$eunitLog = "/epoc32/winscw/c/DigiaEUnit/Logs/DigiaEUnit_log.xml";
+$eunitLog2 = "/epoc32/winscw/c/shared/Eunit/Logs/EUnit_log.xml";
+$eunitTestBuildMode = "1";
+$ignoredFileName = "ignored_ctc.txt";
+$ignoredmodeSourceRelative = "1";
+$coverageSymbols = "MON.sym";
+#$ctcCommandPart1 = "ctcwrap -i d -2comp -no-conf-check -n";
+$ctcCommandPart1 = "ctcwrap -i d -2comp -n";
+$ctcCommandPart2 = "sbs.bat -c winscw_udeb";
+$ctcCommandPart2Test = "sbs -c winscw_udeb.test";
+$ctcIgnoredPart1 = " -C \"EXCLUDE+";
+$ctcIgnoredPart2 = "\" ";
+# from command line
+my ($param_noclean,
+ $projectrootname,
+ $projectdrive,
+ $eunitDlls,
+ $allocFailure);
+#---------------------------------------Main Start----------------------------------------------------------#
+# read command line parameters
+my $result = GetOptions("noclean" => \$param_noclean,
+ "drive=s" => \$projectdrive,
+ "root=s" => \$projectrootname,
+ "eunitdlls:s" => \$eunitDlls,
+ "allocfailure:i" => \$allocFailure,
+ "results:s" => \$coverageResultsDir );
+if (!defined $projectdrive)
+ die("Project drive not defined!\n");
+if (!defined $projectrootname)
+ die("Project root not defined!\n");
+if (!defined $eunitDlls || length($eunitDlls) == 0 )
+ print("Project dlls not defined, using defaults!\n");
+ $eunitDlls = $eunitDllsDefault;
+if (defined $allocFailure && $allocFailure > 0 )
+ print("Alloc failure mode active!\n");
+if ( !defined $coverageResultsDir )
+ print("Project results dir not defined, using default!\n");
+ $coverageResultsDir = "$projectdrive$projectrootname$coverageResultsDirDefault";
+$startdir = cwd;
+# remove previous results
+# open file including eunit test dlls path and names
+open(EUNITDLLS, $eunitDlls) or die("file $eunitDlls not found!\n");
+@dllsFileContent = <EUNITDLLS>;
+# open file containing files exluded from measurements
+open(IGNOREDFILE, $ignoredFileName) or die("file $ignoredFileName not found!\n");
+$excludedCmd = parseExcluded();
+# build
+#run all tests (with or without alloc)
+if (defined $allocFailure && $allocFailure > 0)
+ doSystemCall("$eunitExe $eunitParams $eunitParams2");
+ doSystemCall("$eunitExe $eunitParams");
+# cleanup
+doBuild( "clean" );
+# fix incorrect xml syntax
+if ( -e "$eunitLog2" )
+ sanitizeResultFile();
+# store results file
+copy($eunitLog, "$coverageResultsDir$eunitResults");
+copy($eunitLog2, "$coverageResultsDir$eunitResults");
+close (EUNITDLLS);
+#---------------------------------------Main Ends-------------------------------------------------------------#
+sub parseExcluded()
+ #exclude headers and test sources from measurements
+ @ignoredFileContent = <IGNOREDFILE>;
+ $ignoredText = "";
+ for ($j = 0; $j <= $#ignoredFileContent; $j++)
+ {
+ my $currentIgnoredMode = @ignoredFileContent[$j];
+ # remove \n from path
+ for ($currentIgnoredMode) {
+ s/\n+$//;
+ }
+ $j++;
+ my $currentIgnoredLine = @ignoredFileContent[$j];
+ # remove \n from dll name
+ for ($currentIgnoredLine) {
+ s/\n+$//;
+ }
+ #print("ignore mode: $currentIgnoredMode\n");
+ #print("ignore txt: $currentIgnoredLine\n");
+ if ($currentIgnoredMode =~ /$ignoredmodeSourceRelative/)
+ {
+ $ignoredText .= "$ctcIgnoredPart1$projectdrive$projectrootname$currentIgnoredLine$ctcIgnoredPart2";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $ignoredText .= "$ctcIgnoredPart1$projectdrive$currentIgnoredLine$ctcIgnoredPart2";
+ }
+ }
+ return $ignoredText;
+sub doBuild()
+ my $previousPathLine = "";
+ for ($j = 0; $j <= $#dllsFileContent; $j++)
+ {
+ my $currentPathLine = @dllsFileContent[$j];
+ # remove \n from path
+ for ($currentPathLine) {
+ s/\n+$//;
+ }
+ $j++;
+ my $currentDllNameLine = @dllsFileContent[$j];
+ # remove \n from dll name
+ for ($currentDllNameLine) {
+ s/\n+$//;
+ }
+ $j++;
+ my $currentBuildModeLine = @dllsFileContent[$j];
+ # remove \n from build mode
+ for ($currentBuildModeLine) {
+ s/\n+$//;
+ }
+ $j++;
+ my $currentExtraCommandsLine = @dllsFileContent[$j];
+ # remove \n from extra commands
+ for ($currentExtraCommandsLine) {
+ s/\n+$//;
+ }
+ print("DLL path: $currentPathLine\n");
+ print("DLL name: $currentDllNameLine\n");
+ print("DLL build mode: $currentBuildModeLine\n");
+ print("DLL extra commands: $currentExtraCommandsLine\n");
+ chdir($projectrootname);
+ chdir($currentPathLine);
+ $temp = cwd;
+ print("current directory is $temp\n");
+ if ( defined $_[0] )
+ {
+ # check whether test dll was even built succesfully
+ if ( ! -e "$eunitDstDllLocation$currentDllNameLine" )
+ {
+ # modify results to contain information about total failure of this particular test dll
+ open(TEMPEUNITLOG, ">> $eunitLog2");
+ print TEMPEUNITLOG "<dll name=\"Z:\\sys\\bin\\$currentDllNameLine\" size=\"180\">eunittest_ctc.pl generated failure info</dll>\n";
+ }
+ if (!defined $param_noclean)
+ {
+ # do cleaning
+ unlink("$eunitSrcDllLocation$currentDllNameLine");
+ unlink("$eunitDstDllLocation$currentDllNameLine");
+ if ($currentBuildModeLine =~ /$eunitTestBuildMode/)
+ {
+ doSystemCall("sbs -c winscw_udeb.test reallyclean ");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #doSystemCall("sbs -c winscw_udeb reallyclean ");
+ doSystemCall("sbs REALLYCLEAN ");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print("no_cleanup param defined!\n");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #delete old test dll
+ unlink("$eunitDstDllLocation$currentDllNameLine");
+ # clean possibly old coverage build but take in account that directory can contain other
+ # tests also, those are not allowed to be cleaned!
+ # it would be most easy if dlls would match with mmp file name but this is not true everywhere
+ $prevLen = length($previousPathLine);
+ if (($currentPathLine =~ /$previousPathLine/) && ($prevLen > 0))
+ {
+ print("previous dll was from same path - don't build again!\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print("previous dll was not from same path - build all!\n");
+ if ($currentBuildModeLine =~ /$eunitTestBuildMode/)
+ {
+ doSystemCall("sbs -c winscw_udeb.test reallyclean ");
+ doSystemCall("$ctcCommandPart1 $coverageResultsDir$coverageSymbols $excludedCmd $ctcCommandPart2Test");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ doSystemCall("sbs REALLYCLEAN ");
+ doSystemCall("$ctcCommandPart1 $coverageResultsDir$coverageSymbols $excludedCmd $ctcCommandPart2");
+ }
+ }
+ #copy test dll to correct location
+ print("copying test dll to: $eunitDstDllLocation$currentDllNameLine \n");
+ copy ("$eunitSrcDllLocation$currentDllNameLine", "$eunitDstDllLocation$currentDllNameLine");
+ #do additional commands
+ chdir($projectrootname);
+ if ( length($currentExtraCommandsLine) > 0 )
+ {
+ doSystemCall("$currentExtraCommandsLine");
+ }
+ }
+ # store current pathline for previous loop increment
+ $previousPathLine = $currentPathLine;
+ }
+sub sanitizeResultFile
+ my $testResultEndTag = "</testreport>";
+ open(TEMPEUNITLOG, "< $eunitLog2");
+ @tempEunitResultFileContent = <TEMPEUNITLOG>;
+ my $line;
+ my $outputString = "";
+ foreach $line (@tempEunitResultFileContent)
+ {
+ if ( $line =~ m/$testResultEndTag/ )
+ {
+ print("End tag ignored\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $outputString .= "$line";
+ }
+ }
+ $outputString .= "$testResultEndTag\n";
+ open(TEMPEUNITLOG, "> $eunitLog2");
+ print TEMPEUNITLOG "$outputString";
+sub doSystemCall
+ system("echo Doing system call: $_[0] >> $coverageResultsDir$buildResults");
+ system("$_[0] >> $coverageResultsDir$buildResults 2>&1");