changeset 32 73a1feb507fb
parent 21 ce86b6d44a6d
child 33 bc78a40cd63c
--- a/mmsharing/mmshengine/src/musenglivesession.cpp	Thu Aug 19 09:51:39 2010 +0300
+++ b/mmsharing/mmshengine/src/musenglivesession.cpp	Tue Aug 31 15:12:07 2010 +0300
@@ -18,15 +18,14 @@
 // USER
 #include "musenglivesession.h"
-#include "musengsessionobserver.h"
-#include "musenglivesessionobserver.h"
 #include "musunittesting.h"
 #include "musengmceutils.h"
 #include "musenglogger.h"
-#include "mussettings.h"
-#include "musengorientationhandler.h"
+#include "mussessionproperties.h"
+#include "musenglivevideoplayer.h"
+#include <lcsessionobserver.h>
 #include <mcemanager.h>
 #include <mcecamerasource.h>
 #include <mcevideostream.h>
@@ -38,632 +37,64 @@
 #include <mceh263codec.h>
 #include <mceavccodec.h>
-const TInt KMaxBrightness = 100;
-const TInt KMinBrightness = -100;
-const TInt KBrightnessStepSize = 10;
-// Names of AVC levels in string for config keys stored in CenRep 
-_LIT8( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1, "AvcBrL1=" );
-_LIT8( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1b, "AvcBrL1b=" );
-_LIT8( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1_1, "AvcBrL1_1=" );
-_LIT8( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1_2, "AvcBrL1_2=" );
-_LIT8( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1_3, "AvcBrL1_3=" );
-_LIT8( KMusAvcBitrateLevel2, "AvcBrL2=" );
-_LIT8( KMusEncoderInfoTokenizer, ";" );
-//Number of big and small zoom steps on Zoom scale
-const TInt KZoomBigStepCount = 15;
-const TInt KZoomSmallStepCount = KZoomBigStepCount*2;
-const TInt KZoomStepMinSize = 1;
-const TInt64 KZoomFasterTime = 333333; // 1/3 second
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMusEngLiveSession* CMusEngLiveSession::NewL()
+    {
+    CMusEngLiveSession* self = new( ELeave )CMusEngLiveSession();
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+    }
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C CMusEngLiveSession* CMusEngLiveSession::NewL(
-                        const TDesC& aFileName,
-                        const TRect& aRect,
-                        MMusEngSessionObserver& aSessionObserver,
-                        MMusEngOutSessionObserver& aOutSessionObserver,
-                        MMusEngLiveSessionObserver& aLiveSessionObserver,
-                        TUint aSipProfileId )
+    : CMusEngMceOutSession()
-    CMusEngLiveSession* self = new( ELeave ) CMusEngLiveSession( 
-                                                    aSessionObserver,
-                                                    aOutSessionObserver,
-                                                    aLiveSessionObserver, 
-                                                    aRect,
-                                                    aFileName );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL( aSipProfileId );
-    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-    return self;
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C CMusEngLiveSession* CMusEngLiveSession::NewL(
-                        const TRect& aRect,
-                        MMusEngSessionObserver& aSessionObserver,
-                        MMusEngOutSessionObserver& aOutSessionObserver,
-                        MMusEngLiveSessionObserver& aLiveSessionObserver,
-                        TUint aSipProfileId )
+void CMusEngLiveSession::ConstructL()
-    CMusEngLiveSession* self = new( ELeave ) CMusEngLiveSession( 
-                                                    aSessionObserver,
-                                                    aOutSessionObserver,
-                                                    aLiveSessionObserver, 
-                                                    aRect );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL( aSipProfileId );
-    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-    return self;
+    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::ConstructL()" )
+    iCameraHandler.ReadCameraUsageKeyL();
+    CMusEngMceOutSession::ConstructL();
+    iLiveVideoPlayer = 
+        CMusEngLiveVideoPlayer::NewL( *this, iCameraHandler, *this );      
+    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::ConstructL()" )
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::~CMusEngLiveSession()" )
-    delete iOrientationHandler;
+    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::~CMusEngLiveSession()" )    
+    delete iLiveVideoPlayer;
     MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::~CMusEngLiveSession()" )
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CMusEngLiveSession::CurrentZoomL() const
-    {
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::CurrentZoomL()" )
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
-    CMceCameraSource* camera = MusEngMceUtils::GetCameraL( *iSession );
-    TInt currentZoom = camera->ZoomFactorL() + camera->DigitalZoomFactorL();
-    MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::CurrentZoomL( %d )",
-              currentZoom )
-    return currentZoom;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CMusEngLiveSession::SetZoomL( TInt aNewZoomFactor )
-    {
-    MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::SetZoomL( %d )", 
-              aNewZoomFactor )
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aNewZoomFactor <= MaxZoomL() &&
-                     aNewZoomFactor >= MinZoomL(), 
-                     User::Leave( KErrArgument ) );
-    CMceCameraSource* camera = MusEngMceUtils::GetCameraL( *iSession );
-    if ( aNewZoomFactor < iCameraInfo.iMaxZoom )
-        {
-        MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]     Optical zoom factor increased" )
-        camera->SetZoomFactorL( aNewZoomFactor ); 
-        }
-    if ( aNewZoomFactor - iCameraInfo.iMaxZoom >= 0 )
-        {
-        camera->SetDigitalZoomFactorL( aNewZoomFactor - iCameraInfo.iMaxZoom );
-        MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE]     Digital zoom factor increased to %d",
-                  aNewZoomFactor - iCameraInfo.iMaxZoom )
-        }
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::SetZoomL()" )
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CMusEngLiveSession::MinZoomL() const
-    {
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::MinZoomL()" )
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
-    // Although we do not need camera for return value, we have to have it in
-    // order to have proper iCameraInfo
-    MusEngMceUtils::GetCameraL( *iSession );
-    MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::MinZoomL( %d )",
-              iCameraInfo.iMinZoom )
-    return iCameraInfo.iMinZoom;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CMusEngLiveSession::MaxZoomL() const
-    {
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::MaxZoomL()" )
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
-    // Although we do not need camera for return value, we have to have it in
-    // order to have proper iCameraInfo
-    MusEngMceUtils::GetCameraL( *iSession );
-    TInt maxZoom = iCameraInfo.iMaxZoom + iCameraInfo.iMaxDigitalZoom;
-    MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE]     Max optical zoom( %d )",
-              iCameraInfo.iMaxZoom )
-    MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE]     Max digital zoom( %d )",
-              iCameraInfo.iMaxDigitalZoom )
-    MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::MaxZoomL( %d )",
-              maxZoom )
-    return maxZoom;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CMusEngLiveSession::ZoomInL()
-    {
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::ZoomInL()" )
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
-    CMceCameraSource* camera = MusEngMceUtils::GetCameraL( *iSession );
-    // First try to increase optical zoom factor. If in maximum value, try to
-    // increase digital zoom factor.
-    TInt stepSize = ZoomStepSize( iZoomInTime );
-    TInt zoomFactor = camera->ZoomFactorL();
-    TInt zoomDigitalFactor = camera->DigitalZoomFactorL();
-    //increate optical zoom factor
-    if ( zoomFactor + stepSize <= iCameraInfo.iMaxZoom )
-        {
-        //optical zoom factor is enough
-        camera->SetZoomFactorL( zoomFactor + stepSize );
-        stepSize = 0;
-        }
-    else if (zoomFactor <  iCameraInfo.iMaxZoom)
-       {
-            stepSize -=  iCameraInfo.iMaxZoom - zoomFactor;
-            camera->SetZoomFactorL( iCameraInfo.iMaxZoom );
-       }
-    //increate digital zoom factor
-    if (stepSize > 0)
-        {
-        if ( zoomDigitalFactor + stepSize <= iCameraInfo.iMaxDigitalZoom )
-            {
-            camera->SetDigitalZoomFactorL( zoomDigitalFactor + stepSize );
-            }
-        else 
-            {
-            camera->SetDigitalZoomFactorL( iCameraInfo.iMaxDigitalZoom );
-            MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]     CMusEngLiveSession::ZoomInL(): Optical \
-                             and digital zoom factors are in maximum value" )
-            }
-        }
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::ZoomInL()" )
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CMusEngLiveSession::ZoomOutL()
-    {
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::ZoomOutL()" )
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
-    CMceCameraSource* camera = MusEngMceUtils::GetCameraL( *iSession );
-    // First try to decrease digital zoom factor. If already zero, try to
-    // decrease optical zoom factor.
-    TInt stepSize = ZoomStepSize( iZoomOutTime );
-    TInt zoomFactor = camera->ZoomFactorL();
-    TInt zoomDigitalFactor = camera->DigitalZoomFactorL();
-    //decreate digital zoom factor firstly
-    if ( zoomDigitalFactor - stepSize >= 0  )
-        {
-        //digital zoom factor is enough
-        camera->SetDigitalZoomFactorL( zoomDigitalFactor - stepSize );
-        stepSize = 0;
-        }
-    else if ( zoomDigitalFactor > 0 )
-        {
-        stepSize -= zoomDigitalFactor;
-        camera->SetDigitalZoomFactorL( 0 );
-        MUS_LOG("mus: [ENGINE] Digigal Factor to zero")
-        }
-    //decreate optical zoom factor firstly
-    if ( stepSize > 0 )
-        {
-        if ( zoomFactor - stepSize > iCameraInfo.iMinZoom )
-            {
-            camera->SetZoomFactorL( zoomFactor - stepSize );
-            }
-        else 
-            {
-            MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]    CMusEngLiveSession::ZoomOutL(): Optical and \
-                        digital zoom factors are in minimum value" )
-            camera->SetZoomFactorL( iCameraInfo.iMinZoom );
-            }
-        }
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::ZoomOutL()" )
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CMusEngLiveSession::ZoomDefaultL()
-    {
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::ZoomDefaultL()" )
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
-    CMceCameraSource* camera = MusEngMceUtils::GetCameraL( *iSession );
-    camera->SetZoomFactorL( iDefaultZoomFactor );
-    camera->SetDigitalZoomFactorL( 0 );
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::ZoomDefaultL()" )
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CMusEngLiveSession::SetBrightnessL( TInt aBrightness ) const
-    {
-    MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::SetBrightnessL( %d )",
-              aBrightness )
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
-    CMceCameraSource* camera = MusEngMceUtils::GetCameraL( *iSession );
-    camera->SetBrightnessL( aBrightness );
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::SetBrightnessL()" )
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CMusEngLiveSession::CurrentBrightnessL() const
-    {
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::CurrentBrightnessL()" )
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
-    CMceCameraSource* camera = MusEngMceUtils::GetCameraL( *iSession );
-    TInt currentBrightness = camera->BrightnessL();
-    MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::CurrentBrightnessL(): %d",
-              currentBrightness )
-    return currentBrightness;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MLcSession
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CMusEngLiveSession::MaxBrightnessL() const
-    {
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::MaxBrightnessL()" )
-    // maximum brightness is not in camera info, but a constant 100
-    MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::MaxBrightnessL(): %d",
-              KMaxBrightness )
-    return KMaxBrightness;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CMusEngLiveSession::MinBrightnessL() const
-    {
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::MinBrightnessL()" )
-    // maximum brightness is not in camera info, but a constant -100
-    MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::MinBrightnessL(): %d",
-              KMinBrightness )
-    return KMinBrightness;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CMusEngLiveSession::IncreaseBrightnessL()
-    {
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::IncreaseBrightnessL()" )
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
-    CMceCameraSource* camera = MusEngMceUtils::GetCameraL( *iSession );
-    TInt newBrightness = camera->BrightnessL() + KBrightnessStepSize;
-    if ( newBrightness < KMaxBrightness )
-        {
-        camera->SetBrightnessL( newBrightness );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        camera->SetBrightnessL( KMaxBrightness );
-        }
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::IncreaseBrightnessL()" )
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CMusEngLiveSession::DecreaseBrightnessL()
-    {
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::DecreaseBrightnessL()" )
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
-    CMceCameraSource* camera = MusEngMceUtils::GetCameraL( *iSession );
-    TInt newBrightness = camera->BrightnessL() - KBrightnessStepSize;
-    if ( newBrightness > KMinBrightness )
-        {
-        camera->SetBrightnessL( newBrightness );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        camera->SetBrightnessL( KMinBrightness );
-        }
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::DecreaseBrightnessL()" )
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CMusEngLiveSession::BrightnessDefaultL()
-    {
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::BrightnessDefaultL()" )
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
-    CMceCameraSource* camera = MusEngMceUtils::GetCameraL( *iSession );
-    camera->SetBrightnessL( iDefaultBrightness );
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::BrightnessDefaultL()" )
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CMusEngLiveSession::BrightnessAutoL()
-    {
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::BrightnessAutoL()" )
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
-    CMceCameraSource* camera = MusEngMceUtils::GetCameraL( *iSession );
-    camera->SetBrightnessL( CCamera::EBrightnessAuto );
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::BrightnessAutoL()" )
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CMusEngLiveSession::RecordL( TBool aRecord )
+MLcVideoPlayer* CMusEngLiveSession::LocalVideoPlayer()
-    MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::RecordL( %d )", aRecord )    
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
-    CMceMediaSink* fileSink = MusEngMceUtils::GetMediaSink( *iSession, 
-                                                            KMceFileSink );
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( fileSink, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
-    if( aRecord && !fileSink->IsEnabled() )
-        {
-        fileSink->EnableL();        
-        }
-    else if ( !aRecord && fileSink->IsEnabled() )
-        {
-        fileSink->DisableL();        
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        // NOP
-        }
-    MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::RecordL( %d )", aRecord ) 
-    }    
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CMusEngLiveSession::IsRecording()
-    {
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::IsRecording()" )    
-    TBool isRecording( EFalse );
-    CMceMediaSink* fileSink = MusEngMceUtils::GetMediaSink( *iSession, 
-                                                            KMceFileSink );
-    if ( fileSink )
-        {
-        isRecording = fileSink->IsEnabled();
-        }
-    MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::IsRecording(%d)",
-              isRecording )
-    return isRecording;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Enable camera if not already enabled
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CMusEngLiveSession::PlayL()
-    {
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::PlayL()" )
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
-    CMceCameraSource* camera = MusEngMceUtils::GetCameraL( *iSession );
-    if ( !camera->IsEnabled() )
-        {
-        camera->EnableL();
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]    Camera already enabled, ignore request" )
-        }
-    iOrientationHandler->UpdateL();
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::PlayL()" )
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Disable camera if not already disabled
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CMusEngLiveSession::PauseL()
-    {
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::PauseL()" )
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
-    CMceCameraSource* camera = MusEngMceUtils::GetCameraL( *iSession );
-    if ( camera->IsEnabled() )
-        {
-        camera->DisableL();
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]    Camera already disabled, ignore request" )
-        }
-    iOrientationHandler->UpdateL();
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::PauseL()" )
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CMusEngLiveSession::IsPlayingL()
-    {
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
-    return ( MusEngMceUtils::GetCameraL( *iSession )->IsEnabled() );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMusEngLiveSession::EnableDisplayL( TBool aEnable )
-    CMusEngMceSession::EnableDisplayL( aEnable );
-    iOrientationHandler->UpdateL();
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMusEngLiveSession::RefreshOrientationL()
-    {
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::RefreshOrientationL()" )
-    iOrientationHandler->RefreshOrientationL();
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::RefreshOrientationL()" )
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMusEngLiveSession::InitializeZoomStepSize()
-    {
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::InitializeZoomStepSize()" )
-    iBigZoomStep = ( iCameraInfo.iMaxZoom + iCameraInfo.iMaxDigitalZoom - 
-            iCameraInfo.iMinZoom ) / KZoomBigStepCount;
-    if ( iBigZoomStep < KZoomStepMinSize )
-        iBigZoomStep = KZoomStepMinSize;
-    iSmallZoomStep = ( iCameraInfo.iMaxZoom + iCameraInfo.iMaxDigitalZoom - 
-            iCameraInfo.iMinZoom ) / KZoomSmallStepCount;
-    if ( iSmallZoomStep < KZoomStepMinSize )
-        iSmallZoomStep = KZoomStepMinSize;
-    MUS_LOG2( "mus: [ENGINE]  iSmallZoomStep = %d, iBigZoomStep = %d", 
-            iSmallZoomStep, iBigZoomStep )
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::InitializeZoomStepSize()" )   
+    return iLiveVideoPlayer;
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -671,12 +102,14 @@
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void CMusEngLiveSession::CompleteSessionStructureL( 
-                                            CMceStreamBundle& /*aLocalBundle*/ )
+    CMceStreamBundle& /*aLocalBundle*/ )
     MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::CompleteSessionStructureL()" )
     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iSession, User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
+    iCameraHandler.SetSession( iSession );
     // Create outgoing video stream
     CMceVideoStream* videoStream = CMceVideoStream::NewLC();
@@ -686,10 +119,8 @@
     CMceCameraSource* camera = CMceCameraSource::NewLC( *iManager );
     camera->DisableL(); // Start session in pause mode.
-    camera->GetCameraInfo( iCameraInfo );
-    iDefaultZoomFactor = camera->ZoomFactorL();
-    InitializeZoomStepSize();
+    iCameraHandler.InitializeL( *camera );
     videoStream->SetSourceL( camera );
     CleanupStack::Pop( camera );
@@ -698,11 +129,12 @@
     CleanupStack::Pop( videoStream );    
     // Construct recording stream if needed
-    if ( iRecordedFile != KNullDesC )
+    if ( iLiveVideoPlayer->LcFileName().Length() > 0 )
         CMceVideoStream* streamForRecording = CMceVideoStream::NewLC();
-        CMceFileSink* fileSink = CMceFileSink::NewLC( iRecordedFile );
+        CMceFileSink* fileSink = 
+            CMceFileSink::NewLC( iLiveVideoPlayer->LcFileName() );
         fileSink->DisableL(); // Start in not recording mode
         streamForRecording->AddSinkL( fileSink );
         CleanupStack::Pop( fileSink );
@@ -711,56 +143,22 @@
         iSession->AddStreamL( streamForRecording );
         CleanupStack::Pop( streamForRecording );
+    iLiveVideoPlayer->SetMceSession( iSession );
     MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::CompleteSessionStructureL()" )
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMusEngLiveSession::HandleSessionStateChanged( 
-                                                CMceSession& aSession,
-                                                TInt aStatusCode,
-                                                const TDesC8& aReasonPhrase )
-    {
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::HandleSessionStateChanged" )
-    MUS_ENG_LOG_SESSION_STATE_AND_STATUS( aSession, aStatusCode, aReasonPhrase )
-    if ( iSession && 
-         iSession == &aSession && 
-         aSession.State() == CMceSession::EEstablished &&
-         iStoreEncoderConfigInfo )
-        {
-        iStoreEncoderConfigInfo = EFalse;
-        TRAPD( error, StoreEncoderConfigInfoL() )
-        if ( error != KErrNone && error != KErrNotFound )
-            {
-            // Only acceptable error is absence of repository entry,
-            // otherwise we inform user about failed session.
-            iSessionObserver.SessionFailed();
-            }
-        }
-    CMusEngMceSession::HandleSessionStateChanged( aSession,
-                                                  aStatusCode, 
-                                                  aReasonPhrase );
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::HandleSessionStateChanged" )
-    }
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Sets video codec attributes
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMusEngLiveSession::AdjustVideoCodecL( CMceVideoCodec& aVideoCodec )
+void CMusEngLiveSession::AdjustVideoCodecL( CMceVideoCodec& aVideoCodec,
+                                            TMceSourceType aSourceType )
     MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngLiveSession::AdjustVideoCodecL()" )
-    CMusEngMceOutSession::AdjustVideoCodecL( aVideoCodec );
+    CMusEngMceOutSession::AdjustVideoCodecL( aVideoCodec, aSourceType );
     // Starting with 80Kbps  will give better quality than starting with
     // 64kbps.And if network behaves bad than anyhow we will drop down or
@@ -786,10 +184,7 @@
         User::LeaveIfError( aVideoCodec.SetAllowedBitrates( 
                                         KMceAvcCodecProfileIdBaseline | 
                                         KMceAvcCodecProfileIopConstraintSet | 
-                                        KMceAvcBitrateLevel1b ) );
-        SetCodecConfigKeyL( aVideoCodec );
-        SetEncodingDeviceL( aVideoCodec );                             
+                                        KMceAvcBitrateLevel1b ) );                           
@@ -799,7 +194,6 @@
     MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngLiveSession::AdjustVideoCodecL()" )
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -813,7 +207,6 @@
     MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngLiveSession::AdjustAudioCodecL()" )
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -824,9 +217,7 @@
     CMusEngMceSession::DoCodecSelectionL( aVideoStream );
-    if ( iVideoCodecList &&
-         iVideoCodecList->Length() > 0 &&
-         iVideoCodecList->FindF( KMceSDPNameH264 ) == KErrNotFound )
+    if ( iVideoCodecList && !IsH264Supported() )
         // We know that recipient doesn't support AVC, so we do not offer it
         const RPointerArray<CMceVideoCodec>& codecs = aVideoStream.Codecs();
@@ -845,7 +236,6 @@
     MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::DoCodecSelectionL()" )
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -864,14 +254,14 @@
     CMceVideoStream* recordingStream = 
-                            MusEngMceUtils::GetRecordingStream( *iSession );
+        MusEngMceUtils::GetRecordingStream( *iSession );
     if ( recordingStream &&
          recordingStream == &aStream &&
          aStream.State() == CMceMediaStream::ENoResources &&
          aSink.IsEnabled() == EFalse )
-        iLiveSessionObserver.DiskFull();
+        InformObserverAboutSessionFailure( MLcSession::EDiskFull );
@@ -881,276 +271,3 @@
     MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngLiveSession::StreamStateChanged( sink )" )
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-                        MMusEngSessionObserver& aSessionObserver,
-                        MMusEngOutSessionObserver& aOutSessionObserver,
-                        MMusEngLiveSessionObserver& aLiveSessionObserver,
-                        const TRect& aRect,
-                        const TDesC& aRecordedFile )
-    : CMusEngMceOutSession( aRect,
-                            aSessionObserver,
-                            aOutSessionObserver ),
-      iLiveSessionObserver( aLiveSessionObserver ),
-      iDefaultZoomFactor( -1 ),
-      iDefaultBrightness( 0 ),
-      iRecordedFile( aRecordedFile ),
-      iZoomInTime(0),
-      iZoomOutTime(0),
-      iSmallZoomStep( KZoomStepMinSize ),
-      iBigZoomStep( KZoomStepMinSize )
-    {
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMusEngLiveSession::ConstructL( TUint aSipProfileId )
-    {
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::ConstructL()" )
-    CMusEngMceOutSession::ConstructL( aSipProfileId );
-    iOrientationHandler = CMusEngOrientationHandler::NewL( *this, iLiveSessionObserver );
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::ConstructL()" )
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMusEngLiveSession::SetEncodingDeviceL( CMceVideoCodec& aVideoCodec )
-    {
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngLiveSession::SetEncodingDeviceL()" )
-    // We try to read encoding device UID. If we do not succeed, we use default
-    const TUid KDefaultEncodingDevice( TUid::Uid( 0x20001C13 ) );
-    TUid encodingDevice( KDefaultEncodingDevice );
-    TRAPD( error, 
-           encodingDevice = MultimediaSharingSettings::EncodingDeviceL() )
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( error == KErrNone || error == KErrNotFound, 
-                     User::Leave( error ) );
-    aVideoCodec.SetPreferredEncodingDecodingDeviceL( encodingDevice );
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngLiveSession::SetEncodingDeviceL()" )
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMusEngLiveSession::SetCodecConfigKeyL( CMceVideoCodec& aVideoCodec )
-    {
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngLiveSession::SetCodecConfigKeyL()" )
-    HBufC8* configKey( NULL );
-    // We try to read config key. If we do not succeed, we prepare to
-    // write keys to CenRep for the next time.
-    TRAPD( error, configKey = ReadCodecConfigKeyL( aVideoCodec ) )
-    if ( error == KErrNone )
-        {
-        // There is a repository for config keys
-        if ( configKey )
-            {
-            // ...and key is found.
-            CleanupStack::PushL( configKey );
-            aVideoCodec.SetConfigKeyL( *configKey );
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( configKey );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            // ...but key is not found, so it must be written to CenRep when
-            // available. 
-            iStoreEncoderConfigInfo = ETrue;
-            }
-        }
-    else if ( error == KErrNotFound )
-        {
-        // There is no repository for config keys so there is no point
-        // trying to write anything there. Session setup can still continue.
-        MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE]    No repository for config keys [%d]", error )
-        }            
-    else
-        {
-        User::Leave( error );
-        }
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngLiveSession::SetCodecConfigKeyL()" )
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-HBufC8* CMusEngLiveSession::ReadCodecConfigKeyL( 
-                                    const CMceVideoCodec& aVideoCodec ) const
-    {
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngLiveSession::ReadCodecConfigKeyL()" )
-    HBufC8* key( NULL );
-    HBufC8* encoderInfo = MultimediaSharingSettings::EncoderConfigInfoLC();
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( encoderInfo, User::Leave( KErrNotFound ) );
-    TPtrC8 keyId( ConfigKeyIdL( aVideoCodec ) ); 
-    TInt tokenStartPosition( encoderInfo->FindC( keyId ) );
-    if ( tokenStartPosition > KErrNotFound )
-        {
-        TInt tokenLength( encoderInfo->Mid( tokenStartPosition ).FindC( 
-                                                KMusEncoderInfoTokenizer ) );
-        if ( tokenLength > KErrNotFound )
-            {
-            // Separate key from token by removing keyId
-            TInt keyStartPosition = tokenStartPosition + keyId.Length();
-            TInt keyLength = tokenLength - keyId.Length(); 
-            TPtrC8 keyPtr = encoderInfo->Mid( keyStartPosition, keyLength );
-            key = keyPtr.AllocL();
-            }
-        }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encoderInfo );
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngLiveSession::ReadCodecConfigKeyL()" )
-    return key;   
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMusEngLiveSession::StoreEncoderConfigInfoL() const
-    {
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngLiveSession::StoreEncoderConfigInfoL()" )
-    HBufC8* configInfoInCenRep = MultimediaSharingSettings::EncoderConfigInfoLC();
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( configInfoInCenRep, User::Leave( KErrNotFound ) );
-    TBuf8<NCentralRepositoryConstants::KMaxBinaryLength> keys;
-    keys.Append( *configInfoInCenRep );
-    CMceVideoStream* stream = MusEngMceUtils::GetVideoOutStreamL( *iSession );
-    const RPointerArray<CMceVideoCodec>& codecs = stream->Codecs();
-    for ( TInt codecIndex = 0; codecIndex < codecs.Count(); ++codecIndex )
-        {
-        if ( codecs[codecIndex]->SdpName().FindF( KMceSDPNameH264 ) >= 0 )
-            {
-            const TPtrC8 keyId = ConfigKeyIdL( *codecs[codecIndex] );
-            HBufC8* configKey = codecs[codecIndex]->ConfigKeyL();
-            CleanupStack::PushL( configKey );
-            if ( configKey &&
-                 keys.FindF( keyId ) == KErrNotFound &&
-                 configInfoInCenRep->FindF( keyId ) == KErrNotFound )
-                {
-                if ( keys.Length() + 
-                     keyId.Length() + 
-                     configKey->Length() +
-                     KMusEncoderInfoTokenizer().Length() <
-                     NCentralRepositoryConstants::KMaxBinaryLength )
-                    {
-                    keys.Append( keyId );                    
-                    keys.Append( *configKey );
-                    keys.Append( KMusEncoderInfoTokenizer );
-                    }
-                }
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( configKey );
-            }
-        }
-    MultimediaSharingSettings::SetEncoderConfigInfoL( keys );    
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( configInfoInCenRep );
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngLiveSession::StoreEncoderConfigInfoL()" )
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-const TPtrC8 CMusEngLiveSession::ConfigKeyIdL(
-                                    const CMceVideoCodec& aVideoCodec ) const
-    {
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] -> CMusEngLiveSession::ConfigKeyIdL()" )
-    // Currently works only for AVC
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aVideoCodec.SdpName().FindF( KMceSDPNameH264 ) >= 0,
-                     User::Leave( KErrArgument ) );
-    TPtrC8 configKeyTokenId;
-    if ( aVideoCodec.AllowedBitrates() & KMceAvcBitrateLevel1 )
-        {
-        configKeyTokenId.Set( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1() );
-        }
-    else if ( aVideoCodec.AllowedBitrates() & KMceAvcBitrateLevel1b )
-        {
-        configKeyTokenId.Set( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1b() );
-        }
-    else if ( aVideoCodec.AllowedBitrates() & KMceAvcBitrateLevel1_1 )
-        {
-        configKeyTokenId.Set( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1_1() );
-        }
-    else if ( aVideoCodec.AllowedBitrates() & KMceAvcBitrateLevel1_2 )
-        {
-        configKeyTokenId.Set( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1_2() );
-        }
-    else if ( aVideoCodec.AllowedBitrates() & KMceAvcBitrateLevel1_3 )
-        {
-        configKeyTokenId.Set( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1_3() );
-        }
-    else if ( aVideoCodec.AllowedBitrates() & KMceAvcBitrateLevel2 )
-        {
-        configKeyTokenId.Set( KMusAvcBitrateLevel2() );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
-        }
-    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE] <- CMusEngLiveSession::ConfigKeyIdL()" )
-    return configKeyTokenId;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  Calculate the zoom step based time escaped
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMusEngLiveSession::ZoomStepSize( TInt64& aTime )
-    {
-//    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  -> CMusEngLiveSession::ZoomStepSize()" )    
-    TTime now;
-    now.HomeTime();
-    TInt64 timeNow = now.Int64();   
-    TInt stepSize = ( ( timeNow - aTime ) <= KZoomFasterTime ) ? iBigZoomStep : iSmallZoomStep;
-    aTime = now.Int64();
-    MUS_LOG1( "mus: [ENGINE]  stepSize = %d", stepSize );    
-//    MUS_LOG( "mus: [ENGINE]  <- CMusEngLiveSession::ZoomStepSize()" )
-    return stepSize;
-    }