changeset 33 bc78a40cd63c
parent 32 73a1feb507fb
child 35 6c57ef9392d2
--- a/mmsharing/mmshengine/tsrc/ut_engine/src/ut_musengtwowaysession.cpp	Tue Aug 31 15:12:07 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1217 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-#include "ut_musengtwowaysession.h"
-#include "musengstubs.h"
-#include "musengtestdefs.h"
-#include "musengtwowaysession.h"
-#include "mussipprofilehandler.h"
-#include "musengmceutils.h"
-#include "mussettings.h"
-#include "mussessionproperties.h"
-#include "musengremotevideoplayer.h"
-#include <eunitmacros.h>
-#include <mceoutsession.h>
-#include <mcestreambundle.h>
-#include <mcevideostream.h>
-#include <mcecamerasource.h>
-#include <mcertpsink.h>
-#include <mcefilesink.h>
-#include <mceh263codec.h>
-#include <mceavccodec.h>
-#include <mceaudiocodec.h>
-#include <mcedisplaysink.h>
-#include <mcertpsource.h>
-_LIT8( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1TestText, "TestTextForAvcBrL1Level" );
-_LIT8( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1bTestText, "TestTextForAvcBrL1bLevel" );
-_LIT8( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1_1TestText, "TestTextForAvcBrL1_1Level" );
-_LIT8( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1_2TestText, "TestTextForAvcBrL1_2Level" );
-_LIT8( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1_3TestText, "TestTextForAvcBrL1_3Level" );
-_LIT8( KMusAvcBitrateLevel2TestText, "TestTextForAvcBrL2Level" );
-_LIT8( KMusAvcBitrateLevel_1b_ConfigKey, "AvcBrL1b=TestTextForAvcBrL1bLevel;" );
-_LIT8( KMusAvcBitrateLevel_1_1_ConfigKey, 
-_LIT8( KMusAvcBitrateLevels_1_1_And_1b_ConfigKeys, 
-AvcBrL1b=TestTextForAvcBrL1bLevel;" );
-_LIT8( KMusAvcAllLevelsConcatenation,
-AvcBrL2=TestTextForAvcBrL2Level;" );
-//use step in different time period
-const TInt KZoomBigStepCount = 15;
-const TInt KZoomSmallStepCount = KZoomBigStepCount*2;
-const TInt KZoomStepMinSize = 1;
-// 0.4 second
-const TInt64 KZoomFasterTime = 400000;//must bigger than 1/3 second
-//insure that step is 1
-#define USER_SLEEP  User::After(KZoomFasterTime)
-// NOTE!!!!!!!!!!
-// There are intentianally many same cases as already in CMusEngLiveSession 
-// as two-way session derives from livesession. These cases therefore
-// ensure that live session changes are not breaking two-way session.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession* UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::NewL()
-    {
-    UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession* self = UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::NewLC();
-    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-    return self;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession* UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::NewLC()
-    {
-    UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession* self = new( ELeave ) UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession();
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL();
-    return self;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    // NOP
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Default constructor
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    // NOP
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Second phase construct
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::ConstructL()
-    {
-    // The ConstructL from the base class CEUnitTestSuiteClass must be called.
-    // It generates the test case table.
-    CEUnitTestSuiteClass::ConstructL();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::SetupL()
-    {
-    iLcSessionObserver = new( ELeave )CLcSessionObserverStub;
-    iLcUiProvider = new( ELeave )CLcUiProviderStub;    
-    iLiveSession = CMusEngTwoWaySession::NewL();
-    iLiveSession->SetLcSessionObserver( iLcSessionObserver );
-    iLiveSession->SetLcUiProvider( iLcUiProvider );    
-    User::LeaveIfError( RProperty::Set( NMusSessionApi::KCategoryUid,
-                                        NMusSessionApi::KRemoteSipAddress,
-                                        KTestRecipientSipUri ) );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::Teardown()
-    {
-    delete iLiveSession;
-    delete iLcSessionObserver;
-    delete iLcUiProvider;
-    PropertyHelper::Close();
-    // Delete static data from CenRep stub
-    CRepository::iStaticWriteAvcKeysToStaticData = EFalse;
-    CRepository::DeleteStubAvcConfigKeys();
-    CRepository::ResetStubGlobal();
-    CRepository::iForceFailWithCode = KErrNone;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::UT_NewLL()
-    {
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iCameraHandler.iCameraUsage == MusSettingsKeys::EUseCameraSwapping );     
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iMceManagerUid == TUid::Uid( KMusUiUid ) );
-    delete iLiveSession;
-    iLiveSession = NULL;
-    CRepository::SetStubGlobal( MusSettingsKeys::KCameraUsage,
-                                MusSettingsKeys::EUseOnlySecondaryCamera );
-    iLiveSession = CMusEngTwoWaySession::NewL();   
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iCameraHandler.iCameraUsage == MusSettingsKeys::EUseOnlySecondaryCamera );     
-    delete iLiveSession;
-    iLiveSession = NULL;
-    CRepository::SetStubGlobal( MusSettingsKeys::KCameraUsage,
-                                MusSettingsKeys::EUseOnlyMainCamera );
-    iLiveSession = CMusEngTwoWaySession::NewL();  
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( TInt( MusSettingsKeys::EUseOnlyMainCamera ),
-                         TInt( iLiveSession->iCameraHandler.iCameraUsage ) )      
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::UT_EstablishLcSessionLL()
-    {
-    CRepository::SetStubGlobal( MusSettingsKeys::KVideoBandwidth,
-                                128 );
-    iLiveSession->EstablishLcSessionL();
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iSession );
-    // Next assertion ensures that session structure is new
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iSession->Streams().Count() > 0 );   
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iSession->Streams()[0] ); 
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( *(iLiveSession->iRecipient) == KTestRecipientSipUri8() );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iSession->State() == CMceSession::EOffering );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iSession->iHeaders );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iSession->iHeaders->Count() == 2 );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iSession->iHeaders->MdcaPoint( 0 ) ==
-                  KMusEngAcceptContactHeader() );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iSession->iHeaders->MdcaPoint( 1 ) ==
-                  KMusAcceptHeader() );
-    // Ensure there is no SDP lines at session level
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iSession->iSessionSDPLines );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iSession->iSessionSDPLines->Count() == 1 );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iSession->iSessionSDPLines->MdcaPoint( 0 ) ==
-                  KMusEngSessionSdpLineXApplication() );
-    // Ensure b=AS and b=TIAS attributes are taken at media level   
-    MDesC8Array* mediaSdpLines = 
-        iLiveSession->iSession->Streams()[0]->iMediaSDPLines;
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( mediaSdpLines );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( mediaSdpLines->MdcaCount() == 2 );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( mediaSdpLines->MdcaPoint( 0 ).Find( 
-                  KMusEngSessionSdpLineBandwidthLine() ) == 0 );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( mediaSdpLines->MdcaPoint( 1 ).Find( 
-                  KMusEngSessionSdpLineTiasLine() ) == 0 ); 
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::UT_EnableDisplayLL()
-    {
-    TRAPD( error, iLiveSession->EnableDisplayL( ETrue ) );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( error == KErrNotReady );
-    ESTABLISH_OUT_SESSION( iLiveSession );
-    CMceDisplaySink* display = 
-                    MusEngMceUtils::GetDisplayL( *(iLiveSession->iSession) );
-    CMceDisplaySink* receivingDisplay = 
-                    MusEngMceUtils::GetReceivingDisplayL( *iLiveSession->iSession );
-    // Disable
-    iLiveSession->EnableDisplayL( EFalse );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( !display->iIsEnabled );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( !receivingDisplay->iIsEnabled );
-    // Try to disable again, request should be ignored
-    iLiveSession->EnableDisplayL( EFalse );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( !display->iIsEnabled );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( !receivingDisplay->iIsEnabled );
-    // Enable
-    iLiveSession->EnableDisplayL( ETrue );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( display->iIsEnabled );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( receivingDisplay->iIsEnabled );
-    // Try to enable again, request should be ignored
-    iLiveSession->EnableDisplayL( ETrue );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( display->iIsEnabled );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( receivingDisplay->iIsEnabled );
-    // Display is active only if receiving and display is explicitly enabled
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( !iLiveSession->IsDisplayActive() )
-    iLiveSession->iReceiving = ETrue;
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->IsDisplayActive() )
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::UT_SetOrientationLL()
-    {
-    // Try without session, fails
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_SPECIFIC_LEAVE( iLiveSession->SetOrientationL( 
-                                               CMusEngMceSession::EPortrait ), 
-                                KErrNotReady )
-    // Establish a session
-    ESTABLISH_OUT_SESSION( iLiveSession )
-    CMceDisplaySink* display = 
-                   MusEngMceUtils::GetDisplayL( *iLiveSession->iSession );
-    CMceDisplaySink* receivingDisplay = 
-                   MusEngMceUtils::GetReceivingDisplayL( *iLiveSession->iSession );
-    // Check the initial state
-    display->iRotation = CMceDisplaySink::ENone;
-    receivingDisplay->iRotation = CMceDisplaySink::ENone;
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( iLiveSession->OrientationL(), 
-                         MLcWindow::EPortrait )      
-    // Successfully change orientation
-    iLiveSession->SetOrientationL( CMusEngMceSession::ELandscape );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( iLiveSession->OrientationL(), 
-                         MLcWindow::ELandscape )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( display->iRotation, CMceDisplaySink::EClockwise90Degree );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( receivingDisplay->iRotation, CMceDisplaySink::EClockwise90Degree );
-    iLiveSession->SetOrientationL( CMusEngMceSession::EPortrait );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( iLiveSession->OrientationL(), 
-                         MLcWindow::EPortrait )          
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( display->iRotation, CMceDisplaySink::ENone );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( receivingDisplay->iRotation, CMceDisplaySink::ENone );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::UT_SetLocalRectLL()
-    {
-    // Does nothing real before session establishment
-    TRect rect1( 100, 200, 300, 500 );
-    iLiveSession->SetSecondaryRectL( rect1 ); 
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( rect1 == iLiveSession->iLocalRect );
-    // Local rect changing affects to viewfinder display sink not to receiving video
-    //
-    ESTABLISH_OUT_SESSION( iLiveSession );
-    CMceDisplaySink* vfDisplay = 
-                   MusEngMceUtils::GetDisplayL( *( iLiveSession->iSession ) );
-    CMceDisplaySink* receivingDisplay = 
-                   MusEngMceUtils::GetReceivingDisplayL( *( iLiveSession->iSession ) );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( vfDisplay->DisplayRectL() == iLiveSession->iLocalRect );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( receivingDisplay->DisplayRectL() != iLiveSession->iLocalRect );
-    TRect rect2( 200, 200, 300, 500 );
-    iLiveSession->SetSecondaryRectL( rect2 ); 
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( rect2 == iLiveSession->iLocalRect );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( vfDisplay->DisplayRectL() == iLiveSession->iLocalRect );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( receivingDisplay->DisplayRectL() != iLiveSession->iLocalRect );
-    // Terminate session and try again, rect must not be changed
-    iLiveSession->iSession->iState = CMceSession::ETerminated;
-    TRect rect3( 300, 300, 400, 600 );
-    iLiveSession->SetSecondaryRectL( rect3 ); 
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( vfDisplay->DisplayRectL() != rect3 )
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::UT_SetRectsLL()
-    {
-    // Does nothing real before session establishment
-    TRect localrect1( 100, 200, 300, 400 );
-    TRect remoterect1( 100, 200, 300, 500 );
-    iLiveSession->SetRectsL( remoterect1, localrect1 ); 
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( localrect1 == iLiveSession->iLocalRect );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( remoterect1 == iLiveSession->iRect );
-    // Local rect changing affects to viewfinder display sink and remote rect to
-    // receiving video display sink
-    //
-    ESTABLISH_OUT_SESSION( iLiveSession );
-    CMceDisplaySink* vfDisplay = 
-                   MusEngMceUtils::GetDisplayL( *( iLiveSession->iSession ) );
-    CMceDisplaySink* receivingDisplay = 
-                   MusEngMceUtils::GetReceivingDisplayL( *( iLiveSession->iSession ) );
-    TRect localrect2( 200, 200, 300, 400 );
-    TRect remoterect2( 200, 200, 300, 500 );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( vfDisplay->DisplayRectL() != localrect2 );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( receivingDisplay->DisplayRectL() != remoterect2 );
-    iLiveSession->SetRectsL( remoterect2, localrect2 ); 
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( localrect2 == iLiveSession->iLocalRect );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( remoterect2 == iLiveSession->iRect );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( vfDisplay->DisplayRectL() == iLiveSession->iLocalRect );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( receivingDisplay->DisplayRectL() == iLiveSession->iRect );
-    // Terminate session and try again, rect must not be changed
-    iLiveSession->iSession->iState = CMceSession::ETerminated;
-    TRect localrect3( 300, 200, 300, 400 );
-    TRect remoterect3( 300, 200, 300, 500 );
-    iLiveSession->SetRectsL( remoterect3, localrect3 );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( vfDisplay->DisplayRectL() != localrect3 )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( receivingDisplay->DisplayRectL() != remoterect3 );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::UT_EnableLcFileL()
-    {
-    // Recording is not supported for two-way session
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_SPECIFIC_LEAVE( iLiveSession->EnableLcFileL( ETrue ),
-                                 KErrNotSupported )
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::UT_CompleteSessionStructureLL()
-    {
-    CMceStreamBundle* localBundle = 
-                            CMceStreamBundle::NewLC( CMceStreamBundle::ELS );
-    // Check that structure cannot be completed before creating the session
-    TRAPD( error, iLiveSession->CompleteSessionStructureL( *localBundle ) );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( error == KErrNotReady );
-    // Normal case
-    CSIPProfile* profile = iLiveSession->iSipProfileHandler->Profile();
-    iLiveSession->iSession = CMceOutSession::NewL( 
-                                    *(iLiveSession->iManager),
-                                    *profile,
-                                    KTestRecipientSipUri8() );
-    iLiveSession->CompleteSessionStructureL( *localBundle );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( localBundle->Streams().Count() == 0 )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iSession->Streams().Count() == 1 );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iSession->Streams()[0]->Type() == KMceVideo );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iSession->Streams()[0]->Source() );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iSession->Streams()[0]->Source()->Type() ==
-                  KMceCameraSource );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iSession->Streams()[0]->Sinks().Count() == 1 );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iSession->Streams()[0]->Sinks()[0]->Type() ==
-                  KMceRTPSink );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iCameraHandler.iCurrentCamera ==
-                        TMusEngCameraHandler::EBackCamera );
-    CMceVideoStream* vidStream = static_cast<CMceVideoStream*>( iLiveSession->iSession->Streams()[0] );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( vidStream->BoundStream() );
-    CMceVideoStream& inStream = static_cast<CMceVideoStream&>( vidStream->BoundStreamL() );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( inStream.Source() );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( inStream.Source()->Type() == KMceRTPSource );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( inStream.Sinks().Count() == 1 );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( inStream.Sinks()[0]->Type() == KMceDisplaySink );
-    delete iLiveSession->iSession; 
-    iLiveSession->iSession = NULL; 
-    iLiveSession->iSession = CMceOutSession::NewL( 
-                                    *(iLiveSession->iManager),
-                                    *profile,
-                                    KTestRecipientSipUri8() );
-    iLiveSession->iCameraHandler.iCameraUsage = MusSettingsKeys::EUseOnlySecondaryCamera;     
-    iLiveSession->CompleteSessionStructureL( *localBundle );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iCameraHandler.iCurrentCamera ==
-                        TMusEngCameraHandler::EFrontCamera );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( localBundle );                                
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::UT_HandleSessionStateChangedL()
-    {
-    // Make Repository empty, config keys must be written
-    CRepository::SetStubAvcConfigKeysL( KNullDesC8() );
-    // Invite    
-    iLiveSession->EstablishLcSessionL();
-    iLiveSession->iSession->iState = CMceSession::EEstablished;  
-    CRepository::iForceFailWithCode = KErrNone;
-    // Simulate session state transition notification
-    iLiveSession->HandleSessionStateChanged( 
-                        *iLiveSession->iSession,
-                        200, KNullDesC8() );
-    HBufC8* info = MultimediaSharingSettings::EncoderConfigInfoLC();
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS( *info, KMusAvcBitrateLevel_1b_ConfigKey() )
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( info );
-    // sendrecv->recvonly downgrade terminates session
-    iLcSessionObserver->Reset();
-    iLiveSession->iSession->iState = CMceSession::EEstablished;
-    CMceVideoStream* inStream = 
-        MusEngMceUtils::GetVideoInStreamL( *iLiveSession->iSession );    
-    inStream->EnableL();
-    CMceVideoStream* outStream = 
-        MusEngMceUtils::GetVideoOutStreamL( *iLiveSession->iSession );
-    outStream->DisableL();
-    iLiveSession->HandleSessionStateChanged( 
-        *iLiveSession->iSession, 200, KNullDesC8() );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( TInt( iLcSessionObserver->iCalledFunction ),
-                         TInt( CLcSessionObserverStub::ESessionFailed ) )
-    }   
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::UT_AdjustVideoCodecLL()
-    {
-    CRepository::SetStubAvcConfigKeysL( KNullDesC8() );
-    CMceVideoCodec* codecH263 = CMceH263Codec::NewLC( KMceSDPNameH263() );    
-    CMceVideoCodec* codecH2632000 = CMceH263Codec::NewLC( KMceSDPNameH2632000() );
-    CMceVideoCodec* codecAvc = CMceAvcCodec::NewLC( KMceSDPNameH264() );
-    CMceVideoCodec* codecUnknown = CMceH263Codec::NewLC( KNullDesC8() );
-    iLiveSession->AdjustVideoCodecL( *codecH263, KMceCameraSource );
-    iLiveSession->AdjustVideoCodecL( *codecH2632000, KMceCameraSource );    
-    iLiveSession->AdjustVideoCodecL( *codecAvc, KMceCameraSource );  
-    iLiveSession->AdjustVideoCodecL( *codecUnknown, KMceCameraSource );
-    // Test that bit rates and keepalive has been set to H263 & AVC codecs
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( codecH263->iAllowedBitrates == KMceAllowedH263BitrateAll )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( codecH263->iMaxBitRate == KMceH263Level45Bitrate )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( codecH263->iBitrate == 80000 )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( codecH263->KeepAliveTimer(), 6 )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( codecH263->KeepAlivePayloadType(), 96 )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( codecH263->KeepAliveData(), KNullDesC8() )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( codecH2632000->iAllowedBitrates == 
-                  KMceAllowedH263BitrateAll )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( codecH2632000->iMaxBitRate == KMceH263Level45Bitrate )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( codecH2632000->iBitrate == 80000 )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( codecH2632000->KeepAliveTimer(), 6 )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( codecH2632000->KeepAlivePayloadType(), 96 )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( codecH2632000->KeepAliveData(), KNullDesC8() )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( codecAvc->iAllowedBitrates == 
-                                        KMceAvcCodecProfileIdBaseline | 
-                                        KMceAvcCodecProfileIopConstraintSet | 
-                                        KMceAvcBitrateLevel1b )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( codecAvc->KeepAliveTimer(), 6 )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( codecAvc->KeepAlivePayloadType(), 98 )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( codecAvc->KeepAliveData(), KNullDesC8() )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iStoreEncoderConfigInfo )
-    // Test that bitrates and keepalive has not been set to unknown codecs
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( codecUnknown->iAllowedBitrates != 
-                  KMceAllowedH263BitrateAll )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( codecUnknown->iMaxBitRate != KMceH263Level45Bitrate )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( codecUnknown->iBitrate != KMceH263Level10Bitrate )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( codecUnknown->KeepAliveTimer(), 6 )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( codecUnknown->KeepAlivePayloadType(), 0 )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( codecUnknown->KeepAliveData(), KNullDesC8() )
-    // Test that base class has been called to all codecs
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( codecH263->iPayloadType == 96 )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( codecH2632000->iPayloadType == 96 )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( codecAvc->iPayloadType == 98 )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( codecUnknown->iPayloadType == 0 )
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( codecUnknown );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( codecAvc );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( codecH2632000 );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( codecH263 );    
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::UT_AdjustAudioCodecLL()
-    {
-    CMceAudioCodec* codec = 
-                iLiveSession->iManager->SupportedAudioCodecs()[0]->CloneL();
-    CleanupStack::PushL( codec );
-    iLiveSession->AdjustAudioCodecL( *codec );
-    // Does nothing so just test that base class has been called
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( codec->iPayloadType == 97 )
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( codec );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::UT_DoCodecSelectionLL()
-    {
-    CMceVideoStream* stream = CMceVideoStream::NewLC();
-    CMceVideoCodec* codecH263 = CMceH263Codec::NewLC( _L8( "Foo" ) );
-    stream->AddCodecL( codecH263 );
-    CleanupStack::Pop( codecH263 );
-    CMceVideoCodec* codecH2632000 = CMceH263Codec::NewLC( _L8( "Bar" ) );
-    stream->AddCodecL( codecH2632000 );
-    CleanupStack::Pop( codecH2632000 );
-    CMceVideoCodec* codecAvc = CMceAvcCodec::NewLC( KMceSDPNameH264() );
-    stream->AddCodecL( codecAvc );
-    CleanupStack::Pop( codecAvc );
-    // No assumptions so all the codecs are left to stream 
-    iLiveSession->DoCodecSelectionL( *stream );    
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( stream->Codecs().Count(), 3 )
-    // Check that AVC codecs are removed if they are known to be not supported
-    delete iLiveSession->iVideoCodecList;
-    iLiveSession->iVideoCodecList = NULL;
-    iLiveSession->iVideoCodecList = _L8("SomethingThatIsNotAVC").AllocL();
-    iLiveSession->DoCodecSelectionL( *stream );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( stream->Codecs().Count(), 2 )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( stream->Codecs()[0]->SdpName() != KMceSDPNameH264() )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( stream->Codecs()[1]->SdpName() != KMceSDPNameH264() )
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( stream );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Although all states are not meaningfull for LiveSession, all states are
-// tested in order to force the updating of unit tests when behavior is changed 
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::UT_StreamStateChangedL()
-    {
-    // Try without a session, nothing happens
-    CMceVideoStream* videoStream = CMceVideoStream::NewLC();
-    static_cast<MMceStreamObserver*>(iLiveSession)->StreamStateChanged( 
-                                                            *videoStream );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( videoStream );
-    // Simulate sending invite
-    iLiveSession->EstablishLcSessionL();
-    // Try all the stream states
-    CMceMediaStream* changedStream = iLiveSession->iSession->Streams()[0];
-    // EUninitialized, stream is created, unexpected change, nothing happens
-    changedStream->iState = CMceMediaStream::EUninitialized;
-    static_cast<MMceStreamObserver*>(iLiveSession)->StreamStateChanged( 
-                                                            *changedStream );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLcSessionObserver->IsReseted() );
-    // EInitialized, stream is initialized
-    changedStream->iState = CMceMediaStream::EInitialized;
-    static_cast<MMceStreamObserver*>(iLiveSession)->StreamStateChanged( 
-                                                            *changedStream );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLcSessionObserver->IsReseted() );
-    // EBuffering, outgoing stream is buffering
-    changedStream->iState = CMceMediaStream::EBuffering;
-    static_cast<MMceStreamObserver*>(iLiveSession)->StreamStateChanged( 
-                                                            *changedStream );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLcSessionObserver->IsReseted() );
-    // EBuffering, incoming stream is buffering
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( !iLiveSession->iBuffered );
-    CMceMediaStream* changedInStream = &iLiveSession->iSession->Streams()[0]->BoundStreamL();
-    changedInStream->iState = CMceMediaStream::EBuffering;
-    iLiveSession->StreamStateChanged( *changedInStream );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iBuffered );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLcSessionObserver->IsReseted() );
-    // EIdle, stream is not receiving RTP
-    changedStream->iState = CMceMediaStream::EIdle;
-    static_cast<MMceStreamObserver*>(iLiveSession)->StreamStateChanged( 
-                                                            *changedStream );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLcSessionObserver->IsReseted() );
-    // EStreaming, outgoing stream is streaming, no effect on receiving information
-    changedStream->iState = CMceMediaStream::EStreaming;
-    static_cast<MMceStreamObserver*>(iLiveSession)->StreamStateChanged( 
-                                                            *changedStream );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( TInt( iLcSessionObserver->iCalledFunction ),
-                         TInt( CLcSessionObserverStub::EPlayerStateChanged ) )
-    iLcSessionObserver->Reset();
-    // EStreaming, incoming stream is streaming, receiving information is updated and notified
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( !iLiveSession->iReceiving );
-    changedInStream->iState = CMceMediaStream::EStreaming;
-    iLiveSession->StreamStateChanged( *changedInStream );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( TInt( iLcSessionObserver->iCalledFunction ),
-                         TInt( CLcSessionObserverStub::EPlayerStateChanged ) )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iReceiving );
-    iLcSessionObserver->Reset();
-    // EStreaming, incoming stream is streaming, state is notified even if receiving information
-    // says we are already receiving
-    changedInStream->iState = CMceMediaStream::EStreaming;
-    iLiveSession->StreamStateChanged( *changedInStream );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( TInt( iLcSessionObserver->iCalledFunction ),
-                         TInt( CLcSessionObserverStub::EPlayerStateChanged ) )
-    iLcSessionObserver->Reset();
-    // EDisabled, stream is explicitly disabled
-    changedStream->iState = CMceMediaStream::EDisabled;
-    static_cast<MMceStreamObserver*>(iLiveSession)->StreamStateChanged( 
-                                                            *changedStream );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLcSessionObserver->IsReseted() );
-    // ENoResources, stream has no needed resources to stream
-    changedStream->iState = CMceMediaStream::ENoResources;
-    static_cast<MMceStreamObserver*>(iLiveSession)->StreamStateChanged( 
-                                                            *changedStream );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLcSessionObserver->IsReseted() );
-    // ETranscodingRequired, stream requires non-realtime transcoding
-    changedStream->iState = CMceMediaStream::ETranscodingRequired;
-    static_cast<MMceStreamObserver*>(iLiveSession)->StreamStateChanged( 
-                                                            *changedStream );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLcSessionObserver->IsReseted() );
-    // ETranscoding, stream is transcoding in non-realtime
-    changedStream->iState = CMceMediaStream::ETranscoding;
-    static_cast<MMceStreamObserver*>(iLiveSession)->StreamStateChanged( 
-                                                            *changedStream );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLcSessionObserver->IsReseted() );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Although all states are not meaningfull for LiveSession, all states are
-// tested in order to force the updating of unit tests when behavior is changed 
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::UT_StreamStateChangedWithSourceL()
-    {
-    // Try without a session, nothing happens
-    CMceVideoStream* videoStream = CMceVideoStream::NewLC();
-    static_cast<MMceStreamObserver*>(iLiveSession)->StreamStateChanged( 
-                    *videoStream, 
-                    *CMceCameraSource::NewLC( *iLiveSession->iManager ) );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // camera
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( videoStream );
-    // Simulate sending invite
-    iLiveSession->EstablishLcSessionL();
-    // Try all the stream states
-    CMceMediaStream* changedStream = iLiveSession->iSession->Streams()[0];
-    CMceMediaSource* changedSource = changedStream->Source();
-    // EUninitialized, stream is created, unexpected change, nothing happens
-    changedStream->iState = CMceMediaStream::EUninitialized;
-    static_cast<MMceStreamObserver*>(iLiveSession)->StreamStateChanged( 
-                            *changedStream, *changedSource );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLcSessionObserver->IsReseted() );
-    // EInitialized, stream is initialized
-    changedStream->iState = CMceMediaStream::EInitialized;
-    static_cast<MMceStreamObserver*>(iLiveSession)->StreamStateChanged( 
-                            *changedStream, *changedSource );;
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLcSessionObserver->IsReseted() );
-    // EBuffering, stream is buffering
-    changedStream->iState = CMceMediaStream::EBuffering;
-    static_cast<MMceStreamObserver*>(iLiveSession)->StreamStateChanged( 
-                            *changedStream, *changedSource );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLcSessionObserver->IsReseted() );
-    // EIdle, stream is not receiving RTP
-    changedStream->iState = CMceMediaStream::EIdle;
-    static_cast<MMceStreamObserver*>(iLiveSession)->StreamStateChanged( 
-                            *changedStream, *changedSource );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLcSessionObserver->IsReseted() );
-    // EStreaming, stream is streaming
-    changedStream->iState = CMceMediaStream::EStreaming;
-    static_cast<MMceStreamObserver*>(iLiveSession)->StreamStateChanged( 
-                            *changedStream, *changedSource );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( TInt( iLcSessionObserver->iCalledFunction ),
-                         TInt( CLcSessionObserverStub::EPlayerStateChanged ) )
-    iLcSessionObserver->Reset();
-    // EDisabled, stream is explicitly disabled
-    changedStream->iState = CMceMediaStream::EDisabled;
-    static_cast<MMceStreamObserver*>(iLiveSession)->StreamStateChanged( 
-                            *changedStream, *changedSource );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLcSessionObserver->IsReseted() );
-    // ENoResources, stream has no needed resources to stream
-    changedStream->iState = CMceMediaStream::ENoResources;
-    static_cast<MMceStreamObserver*>(iLiveSession)->StreamStateChanged( 
-                            *changedStream, *changedSource );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLcSessionObserver->IsReseted() );
-    // ETranscodingRequired, stream requires non-realtime transcoding
-    changedStream->iState = CMceMediaStream::ETranscodingRequired;
-    static_cast<MMceStreamObserver*>(iLiveSession)->StreamStateChanged( 
-                            *changedStream, *changedSource );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLcSessionObserver->IsReseted() );
-    // ETranscoding, stream is transcoding in non-realtime
-    changedStream->iState = CMceMediaStream::ETranscoding;
-    static_cast<MMceStreamObserver*>(iLiveSession)->StreamStateChanged( 
-                            *changedStream, *changedSource );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLcSessionObserver->IsReseted() );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::UT_SetEncodingDeviceLL()
-    {
-    CMceAvcCodec* codec = CMceAvcCodec::NewLC( KMceSDPNameH264() );
-    // Generic error in CenRep, leave expected
-    CRepository::iForceFailWithCode = KErrNotReady;
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_LEAVE( iLiveSession->SetEncodingDeviceL( *codec ) )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( codec->iEncodingDecodingDevice, TUid::Uid( 0 ) )
-    // No entry in CenRep, default value expected
-    CRepository::iForceFailWithCode = KErrNotFound;
-    const TUid KDefaultEncodingDevice( TUid::Uid( 0x20001C13 ) );
-    iLiveSession->SetEncodingDeviceL( *codec );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( codec->iEncodingDecodingDevice, 
-                         KDefaultEncodingDevice )
-    // Entry in CenRep
-    const TInt KSomeEncodingDevice( 0x20001C15 );
-    CRepository::iStaticEncoderUid = KSomeEncodingDevice;
-    iLiveSession->SetEncodingDeviceL( *codec );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( codec->iEncodingDecodingDevice, 
-                         TUid::Uid( KSomeEncodingDevice ) )
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( codec );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::UT_SetCodecConfigKeyLL()
-    {
-    CMceAvcCodec* codec = CMceAvcCodec::NewLC( KMceSDPNameH264() );
-    codec->SetAllowedBitrates( KMceAvcBitrateLevel1b );
-    // Generic error in CenRep, leave expected
-    CRepository::iForceFailWithCode = KErrNotReady;
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_LEAVE( iLiveSession->SetCodecConfigKeyL( *codec ) );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( !codec->iConfigKey )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( !iLiveSession->iStoreEncoderConfigInfo )
-    CRepository::iForceFailWithCode = KErrNone;
-    // No entry in CenRep, nothing happens
-    iLiveSession->SetCodecConfigKeyL( *codec );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( !codec->iConfigKey )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( !iLiveSession->iStoreEncoderConfigInfo )
-    // Empty entry in CenRep
-    CRepository::SetStubAvcConfigKeysL( KNullDesC8() );
-    iLiveSession->SetCodecConfigKeyL( *codec );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( !codec->iConfigKey )
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->iStoreEncoderConfigInfo )
-    iLiveSession->iStoreEncoderConfigInfo = EFalse; // emulate original situation
-    // Entry in CenRep
-    CRepository::SetStubAvcConfigKeysL( KMusAvcBitrateLevel_1b_ConfigKey );
-    iLiveSession->SetCodecConfigKeyL( *codec );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( codec->iConfigKey )
-    HBufC8* key = codec->ConfigKeyL();
-    CleanupStack::PushL( key );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( *key, KMusAvcBitrateLevel1bTestText() )
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( key );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( !iLiveSession->iStoreEncoderConfigInfo )
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( codec );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::UT_ReadCodecConfigKeyLL()
-    {
-    HBufC8* key( NULL );
-    // Try with H263, leave expected
-    CMceVideoCodec* codecH263 = CMceH263Codec::NewLC( KMceSDPNameH263() );  
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_LEAVE( key = iLiveSession->ReadCodecConfigKeyL( *codecH263 ) )
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( codecH263 );
-    // Try without an entry in CenRep, leave expected
-    CMceVideoCodec* codec = CMceAvcCodec::NewLC( KMceSDPNameH264() );
-    codec->SetAllowedBitrates( 0 | KMceAvcBitrateLevel1 );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_LEAVE( key = iLiveSession->ReadCodecConfigKeyL( *codec ) )
-    // Create CenRep entry which does not include wanted bitrate, NULL value
-    // expected
-    CRepository::SetStubAvcConfigKeysL( KMusAvcBitrateLevel1bTestText() );
-    key = iLiveSession->ReadCodecConfigKeyL( *codec );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( !key )
-    // Create entry with all AVC keys and try with all the values
-    CRepository::SetStubAvcConfigKeysL( KMusAvcAllLevelsConcatenation() );                           
-    // KMceAvcBitrateLevel1
-    key = iLiveSession->ReadCodecConfigKeyL( *codec );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( key );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( key );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( *key, KMusAvcBitrateLevel1TestText );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( key );
-    // KMceAvcBitrateLevel1b
-    codec->SetAllowedBitrates( KMceAvcBitrateLevel1b );
-    key = iLiveSession->ReadCodecConfigKeyL( *codec );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( key );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( key );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( *key, KMusAvcBitrateLevel1bTestText );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( key );
-    // KMceAvcBitrateLevel1_1
-    codec->SetAllowedBitrates( KMceAvcBitrateLevel1_1 );
-    key = iLiveSession->ReadCodecConfigKeyL( *codec );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( key );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( key );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( *key, KMusAvcBitrateLevel1_1TestText );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( key );
-    // KMceAvcBitrateLevel1_2
-    codec->SetAllowedBitrates( KMceAvcBitrateLevel1_2 );
-    key = iLiveSession->ReadCodecConfigKeyL( *codec );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( key );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( key );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( *key, KMusAvcBitrateLevel1_2TestText );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( key );
-    // KMceAvcBitrateLevel1_3
-    codec->SetAllowedBitrates( KMceAvcBitrateLevel1_3 );
-    key = iLiveSession->ReadCodecConfigKeyL( *codec );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( key );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( key );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( *key, KMusAvcBitrateLevel1_3TestText );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( key );
-    // KMceAvcBitrateLevel2
-    codec->SetAllowedBitrates( KMceAvcBitrateLevel2 );
-    key = iLiveSession->ReadCodecConfigKeyL( *codec );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( key );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( key );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( *key, KMusAvcBitrateLevel2TestText );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( key );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( codec );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::UT_StoreEncoderConfigInfoLL()
-    {
-    CRepository::iStaticWriteAvcKeysToStaticData = ETrue;
-    // Try with clean CenRep
-    MultimediaSharingSettings::SetEncoderConfigInfoL( KNullDesC8() );   
-    ESTABLISH_OUT_SESSION( iLiveSession ) // calls StoreEncoderConfigInfoL
-    // If StoreEncoderConfigInfoL leaves with KErrNoMemory,
-    // MMusEngSessionObserver::SessionFailed will be called.
-    if ( iLcSessionObserver->iCalledFunction == CLcSessionObserverStub::ESessionFailed )
-        {
-        User::Leave( KErrNoMemory );
-        }
-    HBufC8* keys = MultimediaSharingSettings::EncoderConfigInfoLC();    
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( *keys, KMusAvcBitrateLevel_1b_ConfigKey() )
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( keys );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::UT_RemoteVideoPlayerL()
-    {
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLiveSession->RemoteVideoPlayer() == 
-                  iLiveSession->iRemoteVideoPlayer )
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession::UT_InactivityTimeoutL()
-    {
-    // Not receiving, no effect
-    iLiveSession->iReceiving = EFalse;
-    CMceVideoStream* videoStream = CMceVideoStream::NewLC();
-    CMceRtpSource* rtpSource = CMceRtpSource::NewLC();
-    iLiveSession->InactivityTimeout( *videoStream, *rtpSource );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( iLcSessionObserver->IsReseted() );
-    // Receiving, state change is notified and
-    // receiving and buffering status are cleared
-    iLiveSession->iBuffered = ETrue;
-    iLiveSession->iReceiving = ETrue;
-    iLiveSession->InactivityTimeout( *videoStream, *rtpSource );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS( iLcSessionObserver->iCalledFunction, 
-                         CLcSessionObserverStub::EPlayerStateChanged );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( !iLiveSession->iReceiving );
-    EUNIT_ASSERT( !iLiveSession->iBuffered );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( rtpSource );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( videoStream );
-    }
-    UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession,
-    "UT_CMusEngTwoWaySession",
-    "UNIT" )
-    "NewL - test ",
-    "CMusEngTwoWaySession",
-    "NewL",
-    SetupL, UT_NewLL, Teardown)
-    "EstablishLcSessionL - test ",
-    "CMusEngTwoWaySession",
-    "EstablishLcSessionL",
-    SetupL, UT_EstablishLcSessionLL, Teardown)
-    "EnableDisplayL - test ",
-    "CMusEngTwoWaySession",
-    "EnableDisplayL",
-    SetupL, UT_EnableDisplayLL, Teardown)
-    "SetOrientationL - test ",
-    "CMusEngTwoWaySession",
-    "SetOrientationL",
-    SetupL, UT_SetOrientationLL, Teardown)
-    "SetLocalRectL - test ",
-    "CMusEngTwoWaySession",
-    "SetLocalRectL",
-    SetupL, UT_SetLocalRectLL, Teardown)
-    "SetRectsL - test ",
-    "CMusEngTwoWaySession",
-    "SetRectsL",
-    SetupL, UT_SetRectsLL, Teardown)
-    "CompleteSessionStructureL - test ",
-    "CMusEngTwoWaySession",
-    "CompleteSessionStructureL",
-    SetupL, UT_CompleteSessionStructureLL, Teardown)
-    "HandleSessionStateChanged - test ",
-    "CMusEngTwoWaySession",
-    "HandleSessionStateChanged",
-    SetupL, UT_HandleSessionStateChangedL, Teardown)
-    "AdjustVideoCodecL - test ",
-    "CMusEngTwoWaySession",
-    "AdjustVideoCodecL",
-    SetupL, UT_AdjustVideoCodecLL, Teardown)
-    "AdjustAudioCodecL - test ",
-    "CMusEngTwoWaySession",
-    "AdjustAudioCodecL",
-    SetupL, UT_AdjustAudioCodecLL, Teardown)
-    "DoCodecSelectionL- test ",
-    "CMusEngTwoWaySession",
-    "DoCodecSelectionL",
-    SetupL, UT_DoCodecSelectionLL, Teardown)
-    "StreamStateChangedL() - test ",
-    "CMusEngTwoWaySession",
-    "StreamStateChangedL()",
-    SetupL, UT_StreamStateChangedL, Teardown)
-    "StreamStateChangedL( src ) - test ",
-    "CMusEngTwoWaySession",
-    "StreamStateChangedL( src )",
-    SetupL, UT_StreamStateChangedWithSourceL, Teardown)        
-    "SetEncodingDeviceL - test ",
-    "CMusEngTwoWaySession",
-    "SetEncodingDeviceL",
-    SetupL, UT_SetEncodingDeviceLL, Teardown)   
-    "SetCodecConfigKeyL - test ",
-    "CMusEngTwoWaySession",
-    "SetCodecConfigKeyL",
-    SetupL, UT_SetCodecConfigKeyLL, Teardown)    
-    "ReadCodecConfigKeyL - test ",
-    "CMusEngTwoWaySession",
-    "ReadCodecConfigKeyL",
-    SetupL, UT_ReadCodecConfigKeyLL, Teardown)        
-    "StoreEncoderConfigInfoL - test ",
-    "CMusEngTwoWaySession",
-    "StoreEncoderConfigInfoL",
-    SetupL, UT_StoreEncoderConfigInfoLL, Teardown)    
-    "RemoteVideoPlayer - test ",
-    "CMusEngTwoWaySession",
-    "RemoteVideoPlayer",
-    SetupL, UT_RemoteVideoPlayerL, Teardown)    
-    "EnableLcFileL - test ",
-    "CMusEngTwoWaySession",
-    "EnableLcFileL",
-    SetupL, UT_EnableLcFileL, Teardown)    
-    "InactivityTimeout - test ",
-    "CMusEngTwoWaySession",
-    "InactivityTimeout",
-    SetupL, UT_InactivityTimeoutL, Teardown)  