changeset 33 bc78a40cd63c
parent 32 73a1feb507fb
child 35 6c57ef9392d2
--- a/tsrc/unittestrunner/unittest_qt.pl	Tue Aug 31 15:12:07 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,442 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:
-use File::Copy;
-use Cwd;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use XML::Parser::Expat;
-use Data::Dumper;
-$projectrootname = "/"; #is set to correct at run-time 
-$projectdrive = "z:"; #is set to correct at run-time 
-$unitTestRunner = "unittest_qt.pl";
-$scriptLocation = "mmsharinguis/tsrc/unittestrunner";
-$coverageResultsDirDefault = "mmsharinguis/tsrc/unittestrunner/qtresults/";
-$testConfigDefault = "unittest_qt_config.txt";
-$qtProFileDefault = "tsrc.pro";
-$buildResults = "BuildResults.txt";
-$coverageDat = "MON.dat";
-$coverageSymbols = "MON.sym";
-$coverageProfile = "profile.txt";
-$coverageResultsFile = "CTCHTML/index.html";
-$finalResultsFile = "AllResults.html";
-$cssFile = "CTCHTML/ctc.css";
-$cssLink = "<link rel=\"stylesheet\"";
-$xmlDllLine = "TestCase";
-$xmlResultLine = "Incident";
-$xmlCaseFailed = "failed";
-$xmlCasePassed = "pass";
-$outputString = "";
-$outputFileBodyStart = "<body";
-$totalCount = 0;
-$passedCount = 0;
-$failedCount = 0;
-$qtestOutputString = "";
-my @testNamesAndLogFiles = ( [""],[""] ); # two dimensional array e.g. [name, log1, log2], [name2, log3, log5, log6]
-# from command line
-my ($param_noclean,
-		$testConfig,
-		$qtProFile,
-		$coverageResultsDir);
-#---------------------------------------Main Start----------------------------------------------------------#
-# read command line parameters
-my $result = GetOptions("noclean" 			  => \$param_noclean,
-												"config:s"	    => \$testConfig,
-												"pro:s"         => \$qtProFile,
-												"results:s"       => \$coverageResultsDir,
-												"help"						=> \$help);
-$startdir = cwd;
-if (defined $help){
-	print_help();
-	exit;
-# set target for intrumentation result
-$ENV{'CTC_DATA_PATH'}= "$coverageResultsDir";	
-# create textual output
-doSystemCall("ctcpost $coverageSymbols $coverageDat -p $coverageProfile -T 70");
-doSystemCall("ctc2html -i $coverageProfile -t 70");
-# clear target for intrumentation result
-$ENV{'CTC_DATA_PATH'}= "";	
-#---------------------------------------Main Ends-------------------------------------------------------------#
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub findProjectDriveAndRoot()
-		$tempStartDir = $startdir;
-		if ($tempStartDir =~ m/$scriptLocation/){
-			# extract project root
-			for ($tempStartDir) {
-				 s/$scriptLocation+$//;
-    	}
-    	# divide it to drive and root
-    	if ($tempStartDir =~ /^(.:)(.*)/){
-    		$projectdrive = $1;
-    		$projectrootname = $2;
-			}
-			print "project drive: $projectdrive \n";
-			print "project root: $projectrootname \n";
-		}
-		else{
-			print "cannot determine project drive and root, use defaults!\n";
-		}
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub createResultsDir()
-    # create directory for results
-    if ( defined $coverageResultsDir ){
-        if ($coverageResultsDir =~ /^(.:)/){
-            print("Drive name given in results dir arg\n");
-        }
-        else{  
-            $coverageResultsDir = "$projectdrive" . "/" . "$coverageResultsDir";
-        }
-    }
-    else{
-        $coverageResultsDir = "$projectdrive$projectrootname$coverageResultsDirDefault";
-    }
-    print ("Writing results to $coverageResultsDir \n\n");
-    if (mkdir("$coverageResultsDir", 0755)){
-        print("The results directory was created successfully! \n");
-    } 
-    else {
-        print("The results directory already exists. \n");
-    } 
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub doClean()
-    if (!defined $param_noclean)
-    {
-    	# clear previous results
-    	print("Cleaning previous results. \n");
-    	unlink("$coverageResultsDir$buildResults");
-    	unlink("$coverageResultsDir$coverageDat");
-    	unlink("$coverageResultsDir$coverageSymbols");
-    	unlink("$coverageResultsDir$coverageProfile");
-    	unlink("$coverageResultsDir$finalResultsFile");
-    }
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub parseConfigFile()
-    if ( !defined $testConfig ){
-        print("Config file not defined, using default. \n");
-        $testConfig = $testConfigDefault;
-    }
-    open(CONFIG, $testConfig) or die("file $testConfig not found!\n");    
-    @config_file_content = <CONFIG>;
-    for ($j = 0; $j <= $#config_file_content; $j++)
-	  {
-	     # remove \n from each line
-	    $currline = @config_file_content[$j];
-	    for ($currline) {
-	        s/\n+$//;
-	    }
-	    @{ $testNamesAndLogFiles [$j] } = split( ",", $currline );
-	  }
-	  print Dumper( @testNamesAndLogFiles );
-    close(CONFIG);
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub buildTests()
-    if ( !defined $qtProFile ){
-        print("Pro file not defined, using default. \n");
-        $qtProFile = $qtProFileDefault;
-    }
-    doSystemCall( "qmake $qtProFile" );
-    doSystemCall( "sbs reallyclean" );
-    doSystemCall( "qmake $qtProFile" );
-    $exclude = "-C \"EXCLUDE+*\tsrc\*\" -C \"EXCLUDE+*/*/tsrc/*\" -C \"EXCLUDE+*/*/*/tsrc/*\" -C \"EXCLUDE+moc_*\"";
-    doSystemCall( "call ctcwrap -i d -n $coverageResultsDir$coverageSymbols $exclude -2comp sbs.bat -c winscw_udeb" );
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub runTests()
-  for $i ( 0 .. $#testNamesAndLogFiles ) {
-    $testName = $testNamesAndLogFiles[$i][0];
-    print("Running tests for: $testName\n");
-    $testCall = "\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\" . $testName . " -xml"; 
-    doSystemCall( $testCall );
-    for $j ( 1 .. $#{ $testNamesAndLogFiles [$i] } ) {
-        $logFile = $projectdrive . "\\epoc32\\winscw\\c\\" . $testNamesAndLogFiles[$i][$j];
-        print("Copying log file: $logFile\n");
-        copy( $logFile, "$coverageResultsDir" );
-    }
-  }
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub combineResults()
-    open(COVERAGE, "$coverageResultsDir$coverageResultsFile") or die("file $coverageResultsFile not found!\n");
-    @coverageFileContent = <COVERAGE>;
-    # append coverage information after eunit results
-    for ($j = 0; $j <= $#coverageFileContent; $j++){
-    		$currentLine = @coverageFileContent[$j];
-    		if ($currentLine =~ /$cssLink/){
-    			if ( open(CSSFILE,  "$coverageResultsDir$cssFile") ){
-    				# append css styles to results html
-    				$outputString .= "<style type=\"text/css\"> body {";
-    				@cssFileContent = <CSSFILE>;
-    				my($line);
-    				foreach $line (@cssFileContent){ 
-    					$outputString .= $line;
-    				}
-    				$outputString .= "}</style>\n";
-    				close(CSSFILE);
-    			}
-    		}
-    		else{
-    			$outputString .= $currentLine;
-    			if ($currentLine =~ /$outputFileBodyStart/){
-    				$outputString .= parseXmlResults();
-    				$outputString .= "<br><br>"
-    			}
-    		}	
-    	}
-    open(NEWRESULTSFILE, "> $coverageResultsDir$finalResultsFile") or die "Cannot open final results file\n";
-    print NEWRESULTSFILE "$outputString";
-    close(OUTPUT);
-    close(COVERAGE);
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub parseXmlResults()
-    $qtestOutputString = "<span class=\"head1\">QTestLib Results</span><br><br>\n";
-    for $i ( 0 .. $#testNamesAndLogFiles ) {
-        $testName = $testNamesAndLogFiles[$i][0];
-        for $j ( 1 .. $#{ $testNamesAndLogFiles [$i] } ) {
-            $logFile = $testNamesAndLogFiles[$i][$j];
-            if ( -e "$coverageResultsDir$logFile" ){
-                print("Parsing: $logFile\n");
-                open(TESTRESULTS,  "$coverageResultsDir$logFile");
-                $parser = new XML::Parser::Expat;
-                $parser->setHandlers('Start' => \&sh,
-                        'End'   => \&eh,
-                        'Char'  => \&ch);
-                $totalCount = 0;
-    	          $passedCount = 0;
-    	          $failedCount = 0;
-    	          eval{
-                    ### try block
-                    $parser->parse(*TESTRESULTS);
-                };
-                if ($@){
-                    ### catch block
-                    print("$logFile, parsing failed\n");
-    	             $qtestOutputString .= "<span class=\"red\">$logFile parsing failed, testcase execution might have failed </span><br>\n";
-                };
-    	          close(TESTRESULTS);
-            }
-            else{
-                print("$logFile, not found\n");
-                $qtestOutputString .= "<span class=\"head3\">";
-                $qtestOutputString .= "$testName => </span>";
-                $qtestOutputString .= "<span class=\"red\">$logFile not found, testcase building might have failed </span><br>\n";
-            }
-        }
-      }
-    return $qtestOutputString;
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub sh
-  my ($p, $el, %atts) = @_;
-	if ( $el eq $xmlDllLine )
-	{
-		$qtestOutputString .= "<span class=\"head3\">";
-		$dllName = %atts->{name};
-		@dllNameParts = split m!(\\)!, $dllName;
-		$dllName = $dllNameParts[$#dllNameParts];
-		$qtestOutputString .= "$dllName => </span>";
-	}
-	if ( $el eq $xmlResultLine )
-	{
-		$status = %atts->{type};
-		if ( $status eq $xmlCasePassed )
-		{
-			$passedCount++;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			$failedCount++;
-		}
-	}
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub eh
-	my ($p, $el) = @_;
-	if ( $el eq $xmlDllLine )
-	{
-		$totalCount = $passedCount + $failedCount;
-		if ( $failedCount > 0 || $totalCount == 0 )
-		{
-			$qtestOutputString .= "<span class=\"red\">Testcases passed/run: $passedCount/$totalCount </span><br>\n";
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			$qtestOutputString .= "<span class=\"blue\">Testcases passed/run: $passedCount/$totalCount </span><br>\n";
-		}
-		$passedCount = 0;	
-		$failedCount = 0;
-	}
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub ch
-	my ($p, $el) = @_;
-	#print ("$el\n");
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub doSystemCall
-	#print("\nDoing system call: $_[0]\n");
-	#system($_[0]);
-	system("echo Doing system call: $_[0] >> $coverageResultsDir$buildResults");
-	system("$_[0] >> $coverageResultsDir$buildResults 2>&1");
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub print_help
-	print("\n*************************************************************\n\n");
-	print("Script runs by default all multimediasharing qt tests\n");
-	print("and creates build, test and coverage results to:\n\n");
-	print("    mmsharing/src/internal/unittestrunner/qtresults/\n\n");
-	print("Own configuration file (list of components to be processed)\n");
-	print("can be used as well:\n\n");
-	print("    >unittest_ctc.pl -config=myowntestcomponents.txt\n\n");
-	print("The text file should follow the syntax of default configuration file\n");
-	print("mmsharing/src/internal/unittestrunner/unittest_qt_config.txt\n\n");
-	print("When running just some set of components you might want to \"merge\" the results");
-	print("with existing coverage results.\n");
-	print("That is possible with command:\n\n");
-	print("    >unittest_ctc.pl -eunitdlls=myowneunitcomponents.txt -noclean\n");
-	print("\n*************************************************************\n");