changeset 15 ccd8e69b5392
parent 2 b31261fd4e04
child 20 e8be2c2e049d
child 22 496ad160a278
--- a/mmsharing/mmshavailability/tsrc/ut_availability/Stubs/inc/rconnmon.h	Tue Feb 02 00:09:07 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1644 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  
-*        RConnectionMonitor provides an interface for an application
-*        to get information about active data connection. It also provides
-*        a way to close any connection or all the connections.
-#include "musunittesting.h"
-#include <e32base.h>
-// TInt Attributes 
-// Used by GetIntAttribute
-const TUint KBearer                            =1;  // TConnMonBearerType
-const TUint KNetworkStatus                     =2;  // TConnMonNetworkStatus
-const TUint KConnectionStatus                  =3;  // progress constants from nifvar.h
-const TUint KProtocolType                      =4;  // TConnMonProtocolType
-const TUint KNetworkRegistration               =5;  // TConnMonNetworkRegistration
-const TUint KSignalStrength                    =6;  // dBm
-const TUint KNetworkMode                       =7;  // TConnMonNetworkMode
-const TUint KSecurityMode                      =8;  // TConnMonSecurityMode
-const TUint KTrafficClass                      =30; // Qos - Not supported
-const TUint KDeliveryOrder                     =31; // Qos - Not supported
-const TUint KErroneousSDUDelivery              =32; // Qos - Not supported
-const TUint KResidualBitErrorRatio             =33; // Qos - Not supported
-const TUint KSDUErrorRatio                     =34; // Qos - Not supported
-// TUInt Attributes
-// Used by GetUintAttribute, SetUintAttribute
-const TUint KDownlinkData                      =100; // in bytes
-const TUint KUplinkData                        =101; // in bytes
-const TUint KIAPId                             =102;
-const TUint KNetworkIdentifier                 =103;
-const TUint KTransmitPower                     =104; // mW
-const TUint KMobilePhoneNetworkMode			   =105; // TConnMonMobilePhoneNetworkMode 	
-const TUint KMaximumBitrateDownlink            =130; // Qos - Not supported
-const TUint KMaximumBitrateUplink              =131; // Qos - Not supported
-const TUint KMaximumSDUSize                    =132; // Qos - Not supported
-const TUint KTransferDelay                     =133; // Qos - Not supported
-const TUint KGuaranteedBitrateDownlink         =134; // Qos - Not supported
-const TUint KGuaranteedBitrateUplink           =135; // Qos - Not supported
-const TUint KTrafficHandlingPriority           =136; // Qos - Not supported
-const TUint KActivityTimeThreshold             =150; // in seconds, minimum allowed is 5
-const TUint KDownlinkDataThreshold             =151; // in bytes,   minimum allowed is 4096
-const TUint KUplinkDataThreshold               =152; // in bytes,   minimum allowed is 4096
-const TUint KBearerAvailabilityThreshold       =153; // 1 means that events are 'ON', 0 means 'OFF'
-const TUint KSignalStrengthThreshold           =154; // 1 means that events are 'ON', 0 means 'OFF'
-// TBool Attributes 
-// Used by GetBoolAttribute, SetBoolAttribute 
-const TUint KConnectionActive                  =200;
-const TUint KBearerAvailability                =201;
-const TUint KConnectionStop                    =250;
-const TUint KConnectionStopAll                 =251;
-// TDes Attributes 
-// Used by GetStringAttribute 
-const TUint KIAPName                           =300;
-const TUint KAccessPointName                   =301;
-const TUint KTelNumber                         =302;
-const TUint KNetworkName                       =303;
-// TPckgBuf Attributes
-// Used by GetPckgAttribute
-const TUint KStartTime                         =400; // TTime
-const TUint KClientInfo                        =401; // TConnMonClientEnum (connections only)
-const TUint KNetworkNames                      =402; // TConnMonNetworkNames
-const TUint KIapAvailability                   =403; // TConnMonIapInfo 
-const TUint KWLANNetworks                      =404; // TConnMonWLANNetworksPckg
-const TUint KSNAPsAvailability				   =405; // returns SNAPs ids in old iap-like way (see KIapAvailability)
-const TUint KAvailableSNAPsIds				   =406; // returns SNAPs ids in TConnMonIdsArrayPckg  		
-// Base value for plug-in specific attribute ids
-const TUint KConnMonPluginAttributeBase        =3000000;
-// Bearer type
-enum TConnMonBearerType
-    EBearerUnknown            = 0,
-    EBearerCSD                = 1,  // CSD (GSM)
-    EBearerWCDMA              = 2,  // PSD (WCDMA)
-    EBearerLAN                = 3,
-    EBearerCDMA2000           = 4,
-    EBearerGPRS               = 5,    
-    EBearerHSCSD              = 6,  // HSCSD (GSM)
-    EBearerEdgeGPRS           = 7,
-    EBearerWLAN               = 8,
-    EBearerBluetooth          = 9,
-    EBearerVirtual            = 10,
-    EBearerVirtualVPN         = 11,
-    EBearerWcdmaCSD           = 12, // CSD (WCDMA)
-    EBearerExternalCSD        = 30, // ext CSD (GSM)
-    EBearerExternalWCDMA      = 31, // ext PSD (WCDMA)
-    EBearerExternalLAN        = 32,
-    EBearerExternalCDMA2000   = 33,
-    EBearerExternalGPRS       = 34,    
-    EBearerExternalHSCSD      = 35, // ext HSCSD (GSM)
-    EBearerExternalEdgeGPRS   = 36,
-    EBearerExternalWLAN       = 37,
-    EBearerExternalBluetooth  = 38,
-    EBearerExternalWcdmaCSD   = 39  // ext CSD (WCDMA)
-// Bearer specific general connection id
-enum TConnMonBearerId
-    EBearerIdAll              = 0,
-    EBearerIdGPRS             = 2000000,  // covers internal and external GPRS and EdgeGPRS
-    EBearerIdWCDMA            = 2000001,  // covers internal and external PSD (WCDMA)
-    EBearerIdCSD              = 2000002,  // covers internal and external CSD and HSCSD (GSM)
-    EBearerIdGSM              = 2000003,  // union of EBearerIdGPRS and EBearerIdCSD
-    EBearerIdWLAN             = 2000004,
-    EBearerIdLAN              = 2000005,
-    EBearerIdWcdmaCSD         = 2000006,  // covers internal and external CSD (WCDMA)
-    EBearerIdCDMA2000         = 2000007,
-    EBearerIdVirtualVPN       = 2000008
-// Network status
-enum TConnMonNetworkStatus
-    {
-    EConnMonStatusNotAvailable = 0,
-    EConnMonStatusUnattached,
-    EConnMonStatusAttached,
-    EConnMonStatusActive,
-    EConnMonStatusSuspended
-    };
-// Protocol Type (type of PDP)
-// It may not be available for some bearers (returns EProtocolTypeUnknown).
-enum TConnMonProtocolType
-    EProtocolTypeUnknown = 0,
-    EProtocolTypeIPv4,
-    EProtocolTypeIPv6,
-    EProtocolTypeX25,
-    EProtocolTypePPP,
-    EProtocolTypeCDPD,
-    EProtocolTypeIP  // connection uses both IPv4 and IPv6
-// Asyncronous request codes
-enum TConnMonAsyncRequest
-    {
-    EConnMonGetConnectionCount = 1,
-    EConnMonGetIntAttribute,
-    EConnMonGetUintAttribute,
-    EConnMonGetBoolAttribute,
-    EConnMonGetStringAttribute,
-    EConnMonGetPckgAttribute
-    };
-// Events sent by Connection Monitor
-enum TConnMonEvent
-    {
-    EConnMonCreateConnection          = 1,
-    EConnMonDeleteConnection          = 2,
-    EConnMonCreateSubConnection       = 3,
-    EConnMonDeleteSubConnection       = 4,
-    EConnMonDownlinkDataThreshold     = 5,
-    EConnMonUplinkDataThreshold       = 6,
-    EConnMonNetworkStatusChange       = 7,
-    EConnMonConnectionStatusChange    = 8,
-    EConnMonConnectionActivityChange  = 9,
-    EConnMonNetworkRegistrationChange = 10,
-    EConnMonBearerChange              = 11,
-    EConnMonSignalStrengthChange      = 12,
-    EConnMonBearerAvailabilityChange  = 13,
-    EConnMonIapAvailabilityChange     = 14,
-    EConnMonTransmitPowerChange       = 15,  
-	EConnMonSNAPsAvailabilityChange	  = 16,	
-	EConnMonNewWLANNetworkDetected	  = 17,
-	EConnMonOldWLANNetworkLost		  = 18,
-    EConnMonPacketDataAvailable       = 19,
-    EConnMonPacketDataUnavailable     = 20,
-    EConnMonBearerInfoChange          = 21,		
-    EConnMonPluginEventBase           = 4000000
-    };
-// Network registration status. Valid for CSD, GPRS and WCDMA.
-enum TConnMonNetworkRegistration
-    {
-    ENetworkRegistrationNotAvailable = 0,
-    ENetworkRegistrationUnknown,
-    ENetworkRegistrationNoService,
-    ENetworkRegistrationEmergencyOnly,
-    ENetworkRegistrationSearching,
-    ENetworkRegistrationBusy,
-    ENetworkRegistrationHomeNetwork,
-    ENetworkRegistrationDenied,
-    ENetworkRegistrationRoaming
-    };
-// Traffic class
-enum TQosTrafficClass
-    {
-    EQosTrafficClassConversational = 1,
-    EQosTrafficClassStreaming,
-    EQosTrafficClassInteractive,
-    EQosTrafficClassBackground
-    };
-// Delivery order
-enum TQosDeliveryOrder
-    {
-    EQosDeliveryOrderYes = 1,
-    EQosDeliveryOrderNo
-    };
-// Delivery of erroneous SDUs
-enum TQosErroneousSDUDelivery
-    {
-    EQosErroneousSDUDeliveryYes = 1,
-    EQosErroneousSDUDeliveryNo,
-    EQosErroneousSDUDeliveryUnspecified
-    };
-// Residual bit error ratio
-enum TQosBitErrorRatio
-    {
-    EQosBERFivePerHundred = 1,
-    EQosBEROnePerHundred,
-    EQosBERFivePerThousand,
-    EQosBEROnePerThousand,
-    EQosBEROnePerTenThousand,
-    EQosBEROnePerMillion
-    };
-// SDU error ratio
-enum TQosSDUErrorRatio
-    {
-    EQosSDUErrorRatioOnePerHundred = 1,
-    EQosSDUErrorRatioSevenPerThousand,
-    EQosSDUErrorRatioOnePerThousand,
-    EQosSDUErrorRatioOnePerTenThousand,
-    EQosSDUErrorRatioOnePerHundredThousand
-    };
-// Client-server requests
-enum TConnMonRequests
-    {
-    EReqGetConnectionCount             = 0,
-    EReqGetConnectionInfo              = 1,
-    EReqGetSubConnectionInfo           = 2,
-    EReqGetIntAttribute                = 3,
-    EReqGetUintAttribute               = 4,
-    EReqGetBoolAttribute               = 5,
-    EReqGetStringAttribute             = 6,
-    EReqGetPckgAttribute               = 7,
-    EReqSetIntAttribute                = 8,
-    EReqSetUintAttribute               = 9,
-    EReqSetBoolAttribute               = 10,
-    EReqSetStringAttribute             = 11,
-    EReqSetPckgAttribute               = 12,
-    EReqCancelAsyncRequest             = 13,
-    EReqReceiveEvent                   = 14,
-    EReqCancelReceiveEvent             = 15,
-    EReqPluginCreateSubSession         = 500,
-    EReqPluginCloseSubSession          = 501,             
-    EReqPluginRegisterAttribute        = 502,
-    EReqPluginCancelRegisterAttribute  = 503,
-    EReqPluginEvent                    = 504, 
-    EReqPluginGetQuery                 = 505,
-    EReqPluginCancelGetQuery           = 506,
-    EReqPluginAttribute                = 507,
-    EReqInternalSetThreshold           = 600,
-    EReqInternalResetThreshold         = 601
-    };
-// WLAN connection modes
-enum TConnMonNetworkMode 
-    {
-    EConnMonInfraStructure = 0,
-    EConnMonAdHoc          = 1,
-    EConnMonSecureInfra    = 2
-    };
-// WLAN connection security modes
-enum TConnMonSecurityMode
-    {
-    EConnMonSecurityOpen   = 0,
-    EConnMonSecurityWep    = 1,
-    EConnMonSecurity802d1x = 2,
-    EConnMonSecurityWpa    = 3,
-    EConnMonSecurityWpaPsk = 4
-    };
-/** Defines Current Network Modes.
-Modes: Common */
-	enum TConnMonMobilePhoneNetworkMode
-		{
-	/** Network mode is unknown.
-	Modes: Common */
-		EConnMonNetworkModeUnknown = 0,
-	/** ME is not registered.
-	Modes: Common */
-		EConnMonNetworkModeUnregistered,
-	/** GSM/GPRS or DCS1800 network. */
-		EConnMonNetworkModeGsm,
-	/** AMPS network.
-	Modes: CDMA */
-		EConnMonNetworkModeAmps,
-	/** CDMA (IS-95) network.
-	Modes: CDMA */
-		EConnMonNetworkModeCdma95,
-	/** CDMA (cdma2000) network.
-	Modes: CDMA */
-		EConnMonNetworkModeCdma2000,
-	/** WCDMA  (UTRA Frequency Division Duplex (FDD)) network.
-	Modes: WCDMA */
-		EConnMonNetworkModeWcdma,
-	/** TD-CDMA (UTRA Time Division Duplex (TDD)) network.
-	Modes: WCDMA */	
-		EConnMonNetworkModeTdcdma
-		};
-// Maximum size of a plug-in's attribute or event data
-const TUint KConnMonMaxPluginDataSize        = 512;
-const TUint KConnMonMaxStringAttributeLength = 64;
-// Package class definition for getting the TTime
-typedef TPckgBuf< TTime > TConnMonTimeBuf;
-// Package class definition for getting the client information
-const TUint KConnMonMaxClientUids = 10;
-class TConnMonClientEnum
-    {
-    public:
-	    inline TConnMonClientEnum():iCount(0){}
-    public:
-        TUint iCount;
-        TUid  iUid[ KConnMonMaxClientUids ];
-    };
-typedef TPckgBuf< TConnMonClientEnum > TConnMonClientEnumBuf;
-// Package class definition for getting network names
-const TUint KConnMonMaxNetworkCount = 10;
-class TConnMonNetwork
-     {
-     public:
-     	inline TConnMonNetwork():iType(0), iSignalStrength(0){}
-     public:
-         TBuf8< 32 >  			iName;
-         TInt8      			iType; 				// see TConnMonNetworkMode
-         TUint8					iSignalStrength;
-     };
-class TConnMonNetworkNames
-     {
-     public:
-     	inline TConnMonNetworkNames():iCount(0){}
-		inline TUint Count() {return iCount;}
-     public:
-         TUint            iCount;
-         TConnMonNetwork  iNetwork[ KConnMonMaxNetworkCount ];
-      };
-typedef TPckgBuf< TConnMonNetworkNames > TConnMonNetworkNamesBuf;
-// Package class definiton for getting available IAPs
-const TUint KConnMonMaxIAPCount = 25;
-class TConnMonIap
-    {
-    public:
-    	inline TConnMonIap():iIapId(0){}
-    public:
-        TUint iIapId;
-    };
-class TConnMonIapInfo
-    {
-    public:
-    	inline TConnMonIapInfo():iCount(0){}
-		inline TUint Count() {return iCount;}
-    public:
-        TUint        iCount;
-        TConnMonIap  iIap[ KConnMonMaxIAPCount ];
-    };
-typedef TPckgBuf< TConnMonIapInfo > TConnMonIapInfoBuf;
-// Package class definiton for receiving event of SNAPs' availability change
-const TUint KConnMonMaxSNAPsCount = 25;
-class TConnMonSNAPId
-    {
-    public:
-    	inline TConnMonSNAPId():iSNAPId(0){}
-    public:
-        TUint iSNAPId;
-    };
-class TConnMonSNAPInfo
-    {
-    public:
-    	inline TConnMonSNAPInfo():iCount(0){}
-		inline TUint Count() {return iCount;}
-    public:
-        TUint        iCount; // amount of items in iSNAP
-        TConnMonSNAPId iSNAP[ KConnMonMaxSNAPsCount ]; // array of ids of available SNAPs
-    };
-typedef TPckgBuf< TConnMonSNAPInfo > TConnMonSNAPInfoBuf;
- *  Interface template for the class T serialization to/from HBuf/TPtr
- *  Class T could be any type of class (T, C, etc)
- *
- *  @since S60 v3.1
- */
-template <class T>
-class MDesSerializer
-	{
-	public:
-	/**
-     * Have to pack the object of class T to HBufC
-     * Ownership of newly cleated pointer is transferred to caller	
-     * @since S60 v3.1
-     * @return pointer to heap descriptor
-     */	
-	virtual const HBufC* ToBuf() const = 0;
-	/**
-     * Have to unpack object of class T from aPtrC
-     * @since S60 v3.1
-     * @return const pointer to heap descriptor
-     */	
-	static T FromPtrC(const TPtrC& aPtrC);
-    };
- *  TConnMonWLANNetwork is a class, incapsulated WLAN network abstraction 
- *	Implements MDesSerializer interface to be able to be transferred through processes (client/server)
- *  in object's size-independent manner, to meet backward/forward compatibility 
- *
- *  @since S60 v3.1
- */
-class TConnMonWLANNetwork: public MDesSerializer<TConnMonWLANNetwork>
-	{
-	public:
-		// Length of the WLAN network name
-		static const TUint KMaxNameLength 	= 32;
-		// amount of additional fields in the buffer
-		static const TUint KNumberOfExtraFields = 0; 
-		// defines max size of the object in TChar's
-		static const TUint KMaxSize = (
-								 sizeof(TUint) 			// length of name
-								+sizeof(TBuf<KMaxNameLength>) // iName
-								+sizeof(TUint)			// iConnectionMode 
-								+sizeof(TUint)  		// iSignalStrength
-								+sizeof(TUint)  		// iSecurityMode
-								+sizeof(TUint) 			// length of buffer
-								+sizeof(TInt)*KNumberOfExtraFields
-								+sizeof(RArray<TInt>) 	// Array of extra fields
-							 )/  sizeof(TChar) + 1;   	// +1 is for rounding to bigger integer
-		// defines shifts of fields	inside the object, packed to a descriptor
-		enum FieldsShifts
-		{
-		ENameLength	= 		0,
-		EName 		= 		1,
-		// relatively to iName's end
-		EConnectionMode = 	1,
-		ESignalStrength = 	2,
-		ESecurityMode = 	3,
-		EBufCounter = 		4,
-		EBufBase = 			4/*, 
-		EBufParam0 = 		5 */
-		};
-		/**
-	     * Default constructor
-	     * @param aName name of the network
-		 * @param aConectionMode ConnectionMode of the network
-		 * @param aSignalStrength Signal strength of the network
-		 * @param aSecurityMode Security mode of the network
-		 * @param aBuf Buffer of the additional fields
-	     * @since S60 v3.1
-	     */
-		IMPORT_C TConnMonWLANNetwork(const TBuf<KMaxNameLength>& aName, TUint aConnectionMode,
-							TUint aSignalStrength, TUint aSecurityMode,	const RArray<TInt>& aBuf);
-		/**
-	     * Destructor
-	     *
-	     */
-		IMPORT_C virtual ~TConnMonWLANNetwork();
-		/**
-	     * Compares two networks by iSignalStrength; 
-	     *
-	     * @param aFirst to be compared with aSecond
-	     * @return 1 if aFirst less than aSecond; 0 if they are equal; -1 otherwise
-	     */
-		IMPORT_C static TInt LessBySignal(const TConnMonWLANNetwork& aFirst, const TConnMonWLANNetwork& aSecond);
-		/**
-	     * Getters Name(), ConnectionMode(), SignalStrength(), SecurityMode(), Buf()
-	     *
-	     * @return copy of the fields
-	     */
-		inline TBuf<KMaxNameLength> Name() 
-			{
-			return iName;
-			};
-		inline TUint ConnectionMode() 
-			{
-			return iConnectionMode;
-			};
-		inline TUint SignalStrength() 
-			{
-			return iSignalStrength;
-			};
-		inline TUint SecurityMode() 
-			{
-			return iSecurityMode;
-			};
-		inline RArray<TInt> Buf() 
-			{
-			return iBuf;
-			};
-		// From MDesSerializer
-		/**
-	     * See MDesSerializer
-		 */					
-		IMPORT_C const HBufC* ToBuf() const;
-		/**
-	     * See MDesSerializer
-		 */	
-		IMPORT_C static TConnMonWLANNetwork FromPtrC(const TPtrC& aPtrC);
-	// data					
-	private:  
-		TBuf<KMaxNameLength>			iName;				// Network name
-		TUint							iConnectionMode;    // See TConnMonNetworkMode
-		TUint							iSignalStrength;    // Signal strength
-		TUint							iSecurityMode;		// See TConnMonSecurityMode
-		RArray<TInt>					iBuf;				// For additional fields
-// Array of the WLAN networks
-typedef RArray<TConnMonWLANNetwork>			  RConnMonWLANNetworksArray;
- *  Template for the package of array of items of class TConnMonWLANNetwork 
- *  
- *  @since S60 v3.1
- */
-class ConnMonWLANNetworksArrayPckg 
-	{
-	/**
-     * Constructs the package of array of objects TConnMonWLANNetwork on the heap
-     *
-     * @param aRef Array of objects of class TConnMonWLANNetwork
-     * @param aBufSize Size of the buffer, intended to contain the package
-     */
-    ConnMonWLANNetworksArrayPckg(const RArray<TConnMonWLANNetwork>& aRef, TUint aBufSize); 
-	/**
-     * Constructs empty package on the heap
-     *
-     * @param aBufSize Size of the buffer, intended to contain the package
-     */
-	IMPORT_C ConnMonWLANNetworksArrayPckg(TUint aBufSize);
-	/**
-     * Destruction
-     */		
-	IMPORT_C virtual ~ConnMonWLANNetworksArrayPckg(); 
-	/**
-     * Unpacks package to an array of objects of class TConnMonWLANNetwork
-     *
-     * @param aRef Array, intended to containing the unpacked objects
-     */	
-	IMPORT_C void UnpackToL(RArray<TConnMonWLANNetwork>& aRef) const;
-	/**
-     * Gets iBuf
-     *
-     * @return iBuf
-     */	
-	IMPORT_C HBufC* Buf() const;
-	// data
-	private:
-		/**
-	     * Buffer on the heap, containing the package
-		 */	
-		HBufC* 		iBuf;
-    };
- *  Id
- *	MDesSerializer - abstract interface for class serialization
- *  ConnMonTId class declaration 
- *
- *  @since S60 v3.1 
- */
-class TConnMonId : public MDesSerializer<TConnMonId>
-    {
-	// defines max size of the object in TChar's
-	static const TUint KMaxSize = (
-								  sizeof(TUid)			// iId 
-								  )/  sizeof(TChar) + 1;   	// +1 is for rounding to bigger integer
-	// defines shifts of fields	inside the object
-	enum FieldsShifts
-		{
-		EId = 	0
-		};
-	/**
-     * Constructor.
-	 * @param aId ID
-     */
-	 IMPORT_C TConnMonId(TUint aId);
-	/**
-     * 
-     * iId getter
-     *
-     * @return iId 
-     */
-     IMPORT_C TUint Id() const;
-	// From MDesSerializer
-	/**
-	 * See MDesSerializer
-	 */					
-	 IMPORT_C const HBufC* ToBuf() const;
-	/**
-	 * See MDesSerializer
-	 */	
-  	 IMPORT_C static TConnMonId FromPtrC(const TPtrC& aPtrC);
-protected: // data
-	/**
-     * ID
-     */
-    const TUint iId;
-private: // data
-    };
-// Array of the ids
-typedef RArray<TConnMonId>			  RConnMonIdsArray;
- *  Package of array of items of class TConnMonId 
- *  
- *  @since S60 v3.1
- */
-class ConnMonIdsArrayPckg 
-	{
-	/**
-     * Constructs the package of array 
-     *
-     * @param aRef Array to be packed
-     * @param aBufSize Length of the buffer, intended to contain the package
-     */
-    ConnMonIdsArrayPckg(const RArray<TConnMonId>& aRef, TUint aBufSize); 
-	/**
-     * Constructs an empty package
-     *
-     * @param aBufSize Length of the buffer, intended to contain the package
-     */
-	IMPORT_C ConnMonIdsArrayPckg(TUint aBufSize);
-	/**
-     * Destruction
-     */		
-	IMPORT_C virtual ~ConnMonIdsArrayPckg(); 
-	/**
-     * Unpacks package to the array
-     *
-     * @param aRef Array, intended to containing the unpacked objects
-     */	
-	IMPORT_C void UnpackToL(RArray<TConnMonId>& aRef) const;
-	/**
-     * Gets iBuf
-     * gettet returns not const
-     * @return iBuf
-     */	
-	IMPORT_C HBufC* Buf() const;
-	// data
-	protected:
-		/**
-	     * Buffer, containing the package
-		 */	
-		HBufC* 		iBuf;
-    };
-class CConnMonEventBase;
-class CConnMonEventHandler;
-class CMusAvaTimer;
-*  MConnectionMonitorObserver
-*  Client application must implement the MConnectionMonitorObserver interface 
-*  in order to receive notifications. MConnectionMonitorObserver::EventL() method  
-*  will be called every time an event arrives.
-*  @lib CONNMON.LIB
-*  @since 
-class MConnectionMonitorObserver
-    {
-    public:
-         /**
-        * Event method is called every time an event occures.
-        * @since 
-        * @param aConnMonEvent The event information.
-        * @return void
-        */
-        virtual void EventL( const CConnMonEventBase &aConnMonEvent ) =0;
-    };
-*  RConnectionMonitor
-*  @lib CONNMON.LIB
-*  @since 
-class RConnectionMonitor : public RSessionBase
-    {
-    public: // Constructor
-        inline RConnectionMonitor() : RSessionBase(), iHandler( 0 ), iPtrArray(), iIndex( 0 ) {};
-    public: // New methods
-        /**
-        * Connects the client to the Connection Monitor Server. It must be called 
-        * before any of other methods during the Connection Monitor session.
-        * @since 
-        * @return KErrNone if succesfull, a system-wide error code if not.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TInt ConnectL();
-        /**
-        * Closes the Connection Monitor session. An opened RConnectionMonitor must 
-        * be closed explicitily to prevent a resource (memory) leak.
-        * @since 
-        * @return void
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void Close();
-        /**
-        * Gathers information on currently active connections.
-        * @since 
-        * @param aConnectionCount On completion, contains the number of active connections.
-        * @param aStatus KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
-        * @return void
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void GetConnectionCount( TUint& aConnectionCount, TRequestStatus& aStatus );
-        /**
-        * Gets the connection id and the count of the subconnections for the given index.
-        * GetConnectionCount() must be called to gather the information on active
-        * connections before calling this method.
-        * @param aIndex Must be between 1 and the count returned by GetConnectionCount().
-        * @param aConnectionId On return, contains the connection id.
-        * @param aSubConnectionCount On return, contains the number of subconnections.
-        * @return void
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TInt GetConnectionInfo( const TUint aIndex, 
-                                         TUint& aConnectionId, 
-                                         TUint& aSubConnectionCount ) const;
-        /**
-        * Gets the subconnection id for the given index.
-        * @param aConnectionId Connection id.
-        * @param aIndex Must be between 1 and the count returned by GetConnectionInfo().
-        * @param aSubConnectionId On return, contains the subconnection id.
-        * @return KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TInt GetSubConnectionInfo( const TUint aConnectionId, 
-                                            const TUint aIndex, 
-                                            TUint& aSubConnectionId ) const;
-        /**
-        * Gets the value for a TInt attribute.
-        * @param aConnectionId Connection id.
-        * @param aSubConnectionId Subconnection id. If set to 0, method applies to connection.
-        * @param aAttribute Identifies the attribute to be retrived.
-        * @param aValue On completion, contains the requested TInt attribute.
-        * @param aStatus KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
-        * @return void.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void GetIntAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, 
-                                       const TUint aSubConnectionId, 
-                                       const TUint aAttribute, 
-                                       TInt& aValue, 
-                                       TRequestStatus& aStatus );
-        /**
-        * Gets the value for a TUint attribute.
-        * @param aConnectionId Connection id.
-        * @param aSubConnectionId Subconnection id. If set to 0, method applies to connection.
-        * @param aAttribute Identifies the attribute to be retrived.
-        * @param aValue On completion, contains the requested TUint attribute.
-        * @param aStatus KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
-        * @return void.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void GetUintAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, 
-                                        const TUint aSubConnectionId, 
-                                        const TUint aAttribute, 
-                                        TUint& aValue, 
-                                        TRequestStatus& aStatus );
-        /**
-        * Gets the value for a TBool attribute.
-        * @param aConnectionId Connection id.
-        * @param aSubConnectionId Subconnection id. If set to 0, method applies to connection.
-        * @param aAttribute Identifies the attribute to be retrived.
-        * @param aValue On completion, contains the requested TBool attribute.
-        * @param aStatus KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
-        * @return void.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void GetBoolAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, 
-                                        const TUint aSubConnectionId, 
-                                        const TUint aAttribute, 
-                                        TBool& aValue, 
-                                        TRequestStatus& aStatus );
-        /**
-        * Gets the value for a string attribute.
-        * @param aConnectionId Connection id.
-        * @param aSubConnectionId Subconnection id. If set to 0, method applies to connection.
-        * @param aAttribute Identifies the attribute to be retrived.
-        * @param aValue On completion, contains the requested string. Use a 16-bit descriptor!
-        * @param aStatus KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
-        * @return void.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void GetStringAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, 
-                                          const TUint aSubConnectionId, 
-                                          const TUint aAttribute, 
-                                          TDes& aValue, 
-                                          TRequestStatus& aStatus ) const;
-        /**
-        * Gets the value for a packaged attribute (TConnMonTimeBuf, TConnMonClientEnumBuf).
-        * @param aConnectionId Connection id.
-        * @param aSubConnectionId Subconnection id. If set to 0, method applies to connection.
-        * @param aAttribute Identifies the attribute to be retrived.
-        * @param aValue On completion, contains the requested packaged attribute.
-        * @param aStatus KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
-        * @return void.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void GetPckgAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, 
-                                        const TUint aSubConnectionId, 
-                                        const TUint aAttribute, 
-                                        TDes8& aValue, 
-                                        TRequestStatus& aStatus ) const;
-        /**
-        * Gets the value for a packaged attribute (TConnMonTimeBuf, TConnMonClientEnumBuf).
-        * @param aConnectionId Connection id.
-        * @param aSubConnectionId Subconnection id. If set to 0, method applies to connection.
-        * @param aAttribute Identifies the attribute to be retrived.
-        * @param aValue On completion, contains the requested packaged attribute.
-        * @param aStatus KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
-        * @return void.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void GetPckgAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, 
-                                        const TUint aSubConnectionId, 
-                                        const TUint aAttribute, 
-                                        TDes16& aValue, 
-                                        TRequestStatus& aStatus ) const;
-        /**
-        * Sets the value for a TInt attribute.
-        * @param aConnectionId Connection id.
-        * @param aSubConnectionId Subconnection id. If set to 0, method applies to connection.
-        * @param aAttribute Identifies the attribute to be set.
-        * @param aValue The value to be set.
-        * @return KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TInt SetIntAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, 
-                                       const TUint aSubConnectionId, 
-                                       const TUint aAttribute, 
-                                       const TInt aValue ) const;
-        /**
-        * Sets the value for a TUint attribute.
-        * @param aConnectionId Connection id.
-        * @param aSubConnectionId Subconnection id. If set to 0, method applies to connection.
-        * @param aAttribute Identifies the attribute to be set.
-        * @param aValue The value to be set.
-        * @return KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TInt SetUintAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, 
-                                        const TUint aSubConnectionId, 
-                                        const TUint aAttribute, 
-                                        const TUint aValue ) const;
-        /**
-        * Sets the value for a TBool attribute.
-        * This method can be used to stop a connection (KConnectionStop).
-        * @param aConnectionId Connection id.
-        * @param aSubConnectionId Subconnection id. If set to 0, method applies to connection.
-        * @param aAttribute Identifies the attribute to be set.
-        * @param aValue The value to be set.
-        * @return KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TInt SetBoolAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, 
-                                        const TUint aSubConnectionId, 
-                                        const TUint aAttribute, 
-                                        const TBool aValue ) const;
-        /**
-        * Sets the value for a string attribute.
-        * @param aConnectionId Connection id.
-        * @param aSubConnectionId Subconnection id. If set to 0, method applies to connection.
-        * @param aAttribute Identifies the attribute to be set.
-        * @param aValue The string value to be set. Must be a 16-bit descriptor!.
-        * @return KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TInt SetStringAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, 
-                                          const TUint aSubConnectionId, 
-                                          const TUint aAttribute, 
-                                          const TDes& aValue ) const;
-        /**
-        * Sets the value for a packaged attribute.
-        * @param aConnectionId Connection id.
-        * @param aSubConnectionId Subconnection id. If set to 0, method applies to connection.
-        * @param aAttribute Identifies the attribute to be set.
-        * @param aValue The value to be set.
-        * @return KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TInt SetPckgAttribute( const TUint aConnectionId, 
-                                        const TUint aSubConnectionId, 
-                                        const TUint aAttribute, 
-                                        const TDes8& aValue ) const;
-        /**
-        * Cancels an asyncronous request.
-        * @param aReqToCancel Identifies the request to be cancelled.
-        *                     Values are defined in TConnMonAsyncRequest.
-        * @return void.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void CancelAsyncRequest( TInt aReqToCancel );
-        /**
-        * Registers an event observer to catch connection monitor events.
-        * @param aObserver The event observer.
-        * @return KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code if not.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TInt NotifyEventL( MConnectionMonitorObserver& aObserver );
-        /**
-        * Cancels the notifications.
-        * @return void.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void CancelNotifications();
-    private: // New methods
-        void ReceiveEvent( TDes8& aBuffer, TDes8& aExtraBuf, TRequestStatus& aStatus );
-        void CancelReceiveEvent();
-        TBool IsConnected() const;
-        TPtr8& NextPtr();
-    public: //Data
-        TUint iConnectionCounter;
-        TUint iConnectionId;
-        TUint iSubConnectionCount;
-        TUint iUintAttributeValue;
-        TRequestStatus iStatus;
-        TInt iConnectionInfoError;
-    private: 
-        CConnMonEventHandler* iHandler;
-        RArray< TPtr8 > iPtrArray;
-        TInt iIndex;
-        HBufC8* iEmptyHbufC;
-        CMusAvaTimer* iMusAvaTimer; 
-    private: // Friend classes
-        friend class CConnMonEventHandler;
-    };
-*  CConnMonEventBase
-*  Base class for all event types.
-*  @lib CONNMON.LIB
-*  @since 
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CConnMonEventBase ) : public CBase
-    {
-    public: // constructors and destructor
-        CConnMonEventBase( const TInt aEventType, const TUint iConnectionId );
-        ~CConnMonEventBase();
-    public: // new methods
-        /**
-        * Gets the type of the event.
-        * @return Type of the event. Values are defined in TConnMonEventType.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TInt EventType() const;
-        /**
-        * Gets the connection id of the connection.
-        * @return Connection id.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TUint ConnectionId() const;
-    private: // Data
-        TInt  iEventType;
-        TUint iConnectionId;
-    };
-*  CConnMonCreateConnection
-*  Event is triggered when a new connection has been been created.
-*  @lib CONNMON.LIB
-*  @since 
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CConnMonCreateConnection ) : public CConnMonEventBase
-    {
-    public: // constructors and destructor
-        CConnMonCreateConnection( const TUint aConnectionId );
-        ~CConnMonCreateConnection();
-    };
-*  CConnMonDeleteConnection
-*  Event is triggered when a connection has been been deleted.
-*  @lib CONNMON.LIB
-*  @since 
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CConnMonDeleteConnection ) : public CConnMonEventBase
-    {
-    public: // constructors and destructor
-        CConnMonDeleteConnection( const TUint aConnectionId, 
-                                  const TUint aDownlinkData, 
-                                  const TUint aUplinkData,
-                                  const TBool aAuthDelete );
-        ~CConnMonDeleteConnection();
-    public: // new methods
-        /**
-        * Gets the downlink data volume.
-        * @return Downlink data volume in bytes.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TUint DownlinkData() const;
-        /**
-        * Gets the uplink data volume.
-        * @return Uplink data volume in bytes.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TUint UplinkData() const;
-        /**
-        * Returns ETrue if the user has deactivated the connection
-        * by using Connection Monitor or if some application has issued 
-        * RConnection::Stop( RConnection::EStopAuthoritative ).
-        * @return ETrue if connection has been deactivated in an 
-        *         authoritative way otherwise returns EFalse.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TBool AuthoritativeDelete() const;
-    private: // Data
-        TUint iDownlinkData;
-        TUint iUplinkData;
-        TBool iAuthDelete;
-    };
-*  CConnMonCreateSubConnection
-*  Event is triggered when a new subconnection has been been created.
-*  @lib CONNMON.LIB
-*  @since 
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CConnMonCreateSubConnection ) : public CConnMonEventBase
-    {
-    public: // constructors and destructor
-        CConnMonCreateSubConnection( const TUint aConnectionId, 
-                                     const TUint aSubConnectionId );
-        ~CConnMonCreateSubConnection();
-    public: // new methods
-        /**
-        * Gets the new subconnection id.
-        * @return Subconnection id.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TUint SubConnectionId() const;
-    private: // Data
-        TUint iSubConnectionId;
-    };
-*  CConnMonDeleteSubConnection
-*  Event is triggered when a subconnection has been been deleted.
-*  @lib CONNMON.LIB
-*  @since 
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CConnMonDeleteSubConnection ) : public CConnMonEventBase
-    {
-    public: // constructors and destructor
-        CConnMonDeleteSubConnection( const TUint aConnectionId, 
-                                     const TUint aSubConnectionId, 
-                                     const TUint aDownlinkData, 
-                                     const TUint aUplinkData,
-                                     const TBool aAuthDelete );
-        ~CConnMonDeleteSubConnection();
-    public: // new methods
-        /**
-        * Gets the subconnection id of the deleted subconnection.
-        * @return Subconnection id.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TUint SubConnectionId() const;
-        /**
-        * Gets the downlink data volume.
-        * @return Downlink data volume in bytes.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TUint DownlinkData() const;
-        /**
-        * Gets the uplink data volume.
-        * @return Uplink data volume in bytes.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TUint UplinkData() const;
-        /**
-        * Returns ETrue if the user has deactivated the connection
-        * by using Connection Monitor or if some application has issued 
-        * RConnection::Stop( RConnection::EStopAuthoritative ).
-        * @return ETrue if connection has been deactivated in an 
-        *         authoritative way otherwise returns EFalse.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TBool AuthoritativeDelete() const;
-    private: // Data
-        TUint iSubConnectionId;
-        TUint iDownlinkData;
-        TUint iUplinkData;
-        TBool iAuthDelete;
-    };
-*  CConnMonDownlinkDataThreshold
-*  Event is triggered when there is a change in the volume of downlink data 
-*  for some connection. The notification will only complete when the change in 
-*  volume increases by a client specified amount (KDownlinkDataThreshold). 
-*  If KDownlinkDataThreshold=0 (=default) events will not be sent for that connection.
-*  @lib CONNMON.LIB
-*  @since 
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CConnMonDownlinkDataThreshold ) : public CConnMonEventBase
-    {
-    public: // constructors and destructor
-        CConnMonDownlinkDataThreshold( const TUint aConnectionId, 
-                                       const TUint aSubConnectionId, 
-                                       const TUint aDownlinkData );
-        ~CConnMonDownlinkDataThreshold();
-    public: // new methods
-        /**
-        * Gets the subconnection id.
-        * @return Subconnection id.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TUint SubConnectionId() const;
-        /**
-        * Gets the downlink data volume.
-        * @return Downlink data volume in bytes.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TUint DownlinkData() const;
-    private: // Data
-        TUint iSubConnectionId;
-        TUint iDownlinkData;
-    };
-*  CConnMonUplinkDataThreshold
-*  Event is triggered when there is a change in the volume of uplink data
-*  for some connection. The notification will only complete when the change
-*  in volume increases by a client specified amount (KUplinkDataThreshold). 
-*  If KUplinkDataThreshold=0 (=default) events will not be sent for that connection.
-*  @lib CONNMON.LIB
-*  @since 
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CConnMonUplinkDataThreshold ) : public CConnMonEventBase
-    {
-    public: // constructors and destructor
-        CConnMonUplinkDataThreshold( const TUint aConnectionId, 
-                                     const TUint aSubConnectionId, 
-                                     const TUint aUplinkData );
-        ~CConnMonUplinkDataThreshold();
-    public: // new methods
-        /**
-        * Gets the subconnection id.
-        * @return Subconnection id.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TUint SubConnectionId() const;
-        /**
-        * Gets the uplink data volume.
-        * @return Uplink data volume in bytes.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TUint UplinkData() const;
-    private: // Data
-        TUint iSubConnectionId;
-        TUint iUplinkData;
-    };
-*  CConnMonNetworkStatusChange
-*  Event is triggered when network status changes for some connection.
-*  Connection id passed in the event is a bearer specific connection id (TConnMonBearerId).
-*  @lib CONNMON.LIB
-*  @since 
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CConnMonNetworkStatusChange ) : public CConnMonEventBase
-    {
-    public: // constructors and destructor
-        CConnMonNetworkStatusChange( const TUint aConnectionId, 
-                                     const TInt aNetworkStatus );
-        ~CConnMonNetworkStatusChange();
-    public: // new methods
-        /**
-        * Gets the network status.
-        * @return Network status. Values are defined in TConnMonNetworkStatus.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TInt NetworkStatus() const;
-    private: // Data
-        TInt  iNetworkStatus;
-    };
-*  CConnMonConnectionStatusChange
-*  Event is triggered when the status of some connection changes.
-*  @lib CONNMON.LIB
-*  @since 
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CConnMonConnectionStatusChange ) : public CConnMonEventBase
-    {
-    public: // constructors and destructor
-        CConnMonConnectionStatusChange( const TUint aConnectionId, 
-                                        const TUint aSubConnectionId, 
-                                        const TInt aConnectionStatus );
-        ~CConnMonConnectionStatusChange();
-    public: // new methods
-        /**
-        * Gets the subconnection id.
-        * @return Subconnection id.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TUint SubConnectionId() const;
-        /**
-        * Gets the connection status.
-        * @return Connection status. Values are defined in nifvar.h.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TInt ConnectionStatus() const;
-    private: // Data
-        TUint iSubConnectionId;
-        TInt  iConnectionStatus;
-    };
-*  CConnMonConnectionActivityChange
-*  Event is triggered when some connection changes from active to idle or vice versa.
-*  If KActivityTimeThreshold=0 (=default) events will not be sent for that connection.
-*  KActivityTimeThreshold defines the period (in seconds) for checking whether the 
-*  connection is active or not.
-*  @lib CONNMON.LIB
-*  @since 
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CConnMonConnectionActivityChange ) : public CConnMonEventBase
-    {
-    public: // constructors and destructor
-        CConnMonConnectionActivityChange( const TUint aConnectionId, 
-                                          const TUint aSubConnectionId, 
-                                          const TBool aActivity );
-        ~CConnMonConnectionActivityChange();
-    public: // new methods
-        /**
-        * Gets the subconnection id.
-        * @return Subconnection id.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TUint SubConnectionId() const;
-        /**
-        * Gets the connection activity.
-        * @return ETrue if the connection is active, EFalse if not.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TBool ConnectionActivity() const;
-    private: // Data
-        TUint iSubConnectionId;
-        TBool iActivity;
-    };
-*  CConnMonNetworkRegistrationChange
-*  Event is triggered when network registration status (GSM/GPRS/WCDMA) changes.
-*  Connection id passed in the event is generic (TConnMonBearerId) and the event
-*  applies to all (GSM/GPRS/WCDMA) connections.
-*  @lib CONNMON.LIB
-*  @since 2.5
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CConnMonNetworkRegistrationChange ) : public CConnMonEventBase
-    {
-    public: // constructors and destructor
-        CConnMonNetworkRegistrationChange( const TUint aConnectionId, 
-                                           const TInt  aRegistrationStatus );
-        ~CConnMonNetworkRegistrationChange();
-    public: // new methods
-        /**
-        * Gets the network registration status.
-        * @return Registration status. Values are defined in TConnMonNetworkRegistration.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TInt RegistrationStatus() const;
-    private: // Data
-        TInt  iRegistrationStatus;
-    };
-*  CConnMonBearerChange
-*  Event is triggered when bearer type (GPRS / Edge GPRS / WCDMA) changes. 
-*  Connection id passed in the event is generic (see. TConnMonBearerId) and the event 
-*  applies to all GPRS connections (including also external GPRS connections).
-*  @lib CONNMON.LIB
-*  @since 2.1
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CConnMonBearerChange ) : public CConnMonEventBase
-    {
-    public: // constructors and destructor
-        CConnMonBearerChange( const TUint aConnectionId, const TInt aBearer );
-        ~CConnMonBearerChange();
-    public: // new methods
-        /**
-        * Gets the new bearer. Values are defined in TConnMonBearerType.
-        * @return 
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TInt Bearer() const;
-    private: // Data
-        TInt  iBearer;
-    };
-*  CConnMonSignalStrengthChange
-*  Event is triggered when signal strength (dB) changes (GSM or WLAN). 
-*  Connection id passed in the event is generic (see. TConnMonBearerId) and the event 
-*  applies to all GSM or WLAN connections.
-*  Client must set KSignalStrengthThreshold to 1 to receive these events.
-*  @lib CONNMON.LIB
-*  @since
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CConnMonSignalStrengthChange ) : public CConnMonEventBase
-    {
-    public: // constructors and destructor
-        CConnMonSignalStrengthChange( const TUint aConnectionId, const TInt aSignalStrength );
-        ~CConnMonSignalStrengthChange();
-    public: // new methods
-        /**
-        * Gets the signal strength. 
-        * @return 
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TInt SignalStrength() const;
-    private: // Data
-        TInt  iSignalStrength;
-    };
-*  CConnMonBearerAvailabilityChange
-*  Event is triggered when the availability of some bearer changes.
-*  Connection id passed in the event is generic (see. TConnMonBearerId).
-*  Client must set KBearerAvailabilityThreshold to 1 to receive these events.
-*  @lib CONNMON.LIB
-*  @since 
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CConnMonBearerAvailabilityChange ) : public CConnMonEventBase
-    {
-    public: // constructors and destructor
-        CConnMonBearerAvailabilityChange( const TUint aConnectionId, 
-                                          const TBool aAvailability );
-        ~CConnMonBearerAvailabilityChange();
-    public: // new methods        
-        /**
-        * Gets the availability of a bearer .
-        * @return ETrue if the bearer is available, EFalse if not.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TBool Availability() const;
-    private: // Data
-        TBool iAvailability;
-    };
-*  CConnMonGenericEvent
-*  Event is triggered when a plug-in engine sends a bearer specific event
-*  that is unknown to the Connection Monitor server.
-*  Connection id passed in the event is generic (see. TConnMonBearerId).
-*  @lib CONNMON.LIB
-*  @since 
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CConnMonGenericEvent ) : public CConnMonEventBase
-    {
-    public: // constructors and destructor
-        CConnMonGenericEvent( const TUint aType,
-                              const TUint aConnectionId, 
-                              TAny* aData );
-        ~CConnMonGenericEvent();
-    public: // new methods        
-        /**
-        * Gets a pointer to the event data.
-        * Note that the pointer is valid only inside EventL().
-        * @return A pointer to the event data.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TAny* Data() const;
-    private: // Data
-        TAny* iData;
-    };
-*  CConnMonIapAvailabilityChange
-*  Event is triggered when when IAP Availability changes.
-*  Connection id passed in the event is generic (see. TConnMonBearerId).
-*  @lib CONNMON.LIB
-*  @since 
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CConnMonIapAvailabilityChange ) : public CConnMonEventBase
-    {
-    public: // constructors and destructor
-        CConnMonIapAvailabilityChange( const TUint            aConnectionId, 
-                                       const TConnMonIapInfo* aIapInfoPtr );
-        ~CConnMonIapAvailabilityChange();
-    public: // new methods        
-        /**
-        * Gets the IAP availability information. 
-        * @return TConnMonIapInfo.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TConnMonIapInfo IapAvailability() const;
-    private: // Data
-        TConnMonIapInfo iIapInfo;
-    };
-*  CConnMonTransmitPowerChange
-*  Event is triggered when the used transmit power (mW) changes (WLAN). 
-*  Connection id passed in the event is EBearerIdWLAN.
-*  @lib CONNMON.LIB
-*  @since
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CConnMonTransmitPowerChange ) : public CConnMonEventBase
-    {
-    public: // constructors and destructor
-        CConnMonTransmitPowerChange( const TUint aConnectionId, const TUint aTransmitPower );
-        ~CConnMonTransmitPowerChange();
-    public: // new methods
-        /**
-        * Gets the transmit power. 
-        * @return 
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TUint TransmitPower() const;
-    private: // Data
-        TUint  iTransmitPower;
-    };
-*  CConnMonSNAPsAvailabilityChange
-*  Event is triggered when when SNAPs Availability changes.
-*  Connection id passed in the event is generic (see. TConnMonBearerId).
-*  @lib CONNMON.LIB
-*  @since 
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CConnMonSNAPsAvailabilityChange ) : public CConnMonEventBase
-    {
-    public: // constructors and destructor
-        CConnMonSNAPsAvailabilityChange( const TUint            aConnectionId, 
-										const TUint				aSNAPsAvailable,
-                                       const TConnMonSNAPInfo*  aSNAPInfoPtr );
-        ~CConnMonSNAPsAvailabilityChange();
-    public: // new methods        
-        /**
-        * Gets the SNAP availability information. 
-        * @return TConnMonSNAPInfo.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TConnMonSNAPInfo SNAPAvailability() const;
-		/**
-        * Gets amount of available SNAPs. 
-        * @return iSNAPsAvailable
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TUint SNAPsAvailabile() const;
-    private: // Data
-        TConnMonSNAPInfo iSNAPInfo;
-		TUint			iSNAPsAvailable;
-    };
-*  CConnNewWLANNetworkDetected
-*  Event is triggered when new WLAN network is detected.
-*  Connection id passed in the event is generic (TConnMonBearerWLAN).
-*  iDetected is TRUE, if new network is detected
-*  @lib CONNMON.LIB
-*  @since 
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CConnMonNewWLANNetworkDetected ) : public CConnMonEventBase
-    {
-    public: // constructors and destructor
-        CConnMonNewWLANNetworkDetected( const TUint aConnectionId/*, 
-                                          const TBool aDetected*/ );
-        ~CConnMonNewWLANNetworkDetected();
-    public: // new methods        
-        /**
-        * New WLAN network is in visibility range
-        * @return ETrue if the new WLAN network detected, EFalse if not.
-        */
-       // IMPORT_C TBool Detected() const;
-   // private: // Data
-    //    TBool iDetected;
-    };
-*  CConnOldWLANNetworkLost
-*  Event is triggered when old WLAN network is lost.
-*  Connection id passed in the event is generic (TConnMonBearerWLAN).
-*  iLost is TRUE, if old network is lost
-*  @lib CONNMON.LIB
-*  @since 
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CConnMonOldWLANNetworkLost ) : public CConnMonEventBase
-    {
-    public: // constructors and destructor
-        CConnMonOldWLANNetworkLost( const TUint aConnectionId/*, 
-                                          const TBool aLost */);
-        ~CConnMonOldWLANNetworkLost();
-    public: // new methods        
-        /**
-        * New WLAN network is lost from visibility range
-        * @return ETrue if the old WLAN network lost, EFalse if not.
-        */
-      //  IMPORT_C TBool Lost() const;
-    private: // Data
-       // TBool iLost;
-    };
-// end of file