changeset 15 ccd8e69b5392
parent 2 b31261fd4e04
child 20 e8be2c2e049d
child 22 496ad160a278
--- a/tsrc/CenrepEditor/data/cenrepeditor.rss	Tue Feb 02 00:09:07 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1026 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  This file contains all the resources for the AiwTestApp.
-*                Initial content was generated by Series 60 AppWizard.
-NAME    CENR // 4 letter ID
-#include <eikon.rh>
-#include <avkon.rsg>
-#include <avkon.rh>
-#include <avkon.mbg>
-#include <avkon.loc>
-#include <appinfo.rh>
-#include <data_caging_paths_strings.hrh>
-#include "cenrepeditor.hrh"
-#include "cenrepeditor.loc"
-RESOURCE TBUF { buf = "CenrepEditor"; }
-//    eik_app_info
-    {
-    hotkeys = r_cenrepeditor_hotkeys;
-    menubar = r_cenrepeditor_menubar;
-    status_pane = r_avkonviewexample_status_pane;    
-    }
-//    r_aiwtest_hotkeys
-RESOURCE HOTKEYS r_cenrepeditor_hotkeys
-    {
-    control =
-        {
-        HOTKEY { command = EAknCmdExit; key='e'; }
-        };
-    }
-//    r_aiwtest_menubar
-RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_cenrepeditor_menubar
-    {
-    titles =
-        {
-        MENU_TITLE { menu_pane = r_cenrepeditor_menu; txt = "File"; }        
-        };
-    }
-//    r_aiwtest_menu
-RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_cenrepeditor_menu
-    {
-    items =
-        {
-        //MENU_ITEM { command = 1000; txt = "Change"; },        
-        //MENU_ITEM { command = EAknCmdExit; txt = qtn_options_exit; }
-        };
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_aiwtest_localisable_app_info
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE LOCALISABLE_APP_INFO r_cenrepeditor_localisable_app_info
-    {
-    short_caption = "CenrepEditor";
-    caption_and_icon = 
-        {
-        caption = "CenrepEditor";
-        number_of_icons = 1;
-        number_of_icons = 2;
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE STATUS_PANE_APP_MODEL r_avkonviewexample_status_pane
-    {
-	panes =
-		{
-			{
-			id = EEikStatusPaneUidNavi;
-			type = EAknCtNaviPane;
-			resource = r_avkonviewexample_navi_decorator;
-			}
-		};
-    }
-//    r_avkonviewexample_navi_decorator
-RESOURCE NAVI_DECORATOR r_avkonviewexample_navi_decorator
-    {
-    type = ENaviDecoratorControlTabGroup;
-    control = TAB_GROUP
-		{
-		tab_width = EAknTabWidthWithThreeTabs;  // three tabs
-		active = 0;
-		tabs = {
-			TAB
-				{
-                id = EAvkonViewExampleView1Tab; // from application hrh
-                txt = qtn_view1_tab;
-                },
-			TAB
-				{
-                id = EAvkonViewExampleView2Tab;
-                txt = qtn_view2_tab;
-				},
-			TAB
-				{
-                id = EAvkonViewExampleView3Tab;
-                txt = qtn_view3_tab;
-				}
-			};
-		};
-	}
-//    r_avkonviewexample_view1
-RESOURCE AVKON_VIEW r_cenrepeditor_view1
-    {
-    hotkeys = r_cenrepeditor_hotkeys;
-    menubar = r_cenrepeditor_menubar;  
-    cba     = r_cenrepeditor_softkeys_save_exit;    
-    }
-RESOURCE CBA r_cenrepeditor_softkeys_save_exit
-	{
-		buttons =
-			{
-				{
-				id = EAknSoftKeySave;
-				txt = qtn_cenrepeditor_cba_text_save;
-				},
-				{
-				id = EAknSoftKeyExit;
-				txt = qtn_cenrepeditor_cba_text_Exit;
-				}
-			};
-	}
-RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_ITEM_LIST r_phone_resource_details_settings_list
-	{
-    flags= EAknSettingItemNumberedStyle;    
-	title = qtn_phoneresource_details;
-	initial_number = 1;
-	items =     
-		{
-            {
-            identifier = EPhoneResouceCamera;
-            setting_page_resource = r_availability_settings_page;
-            name = "CameraAvailability";
-            associated_resource = r_availability_settings_page_texts;
-            },	
-            {
-            identifier = EPhoneResouceKeypad;
-            setting_page_resource = r_availability_settings_page;
-            name = "KeypadAvailability";
-            associated_resource = r_availability_settings_page_texts;
-            },				
-			{
-			identifier = EPhoneResouceVideoPlayer;
-			setting_page_resource = r_availability_settings_page;
-			name = "VideoPlayerAvailability";
-            associated_resource = r_availability_settings_page_texts;
-			},
-			{
-			identifier = EPhoneResouceCameraInformation;
-			setting_page_resource = r_CameraInformation_settings_page;
-			name = "CameraInformation";
-            associated_resource = r_CameraInformation_settings_page_texts;
-			},
-			{
-			identifier = EKodiakPhoneCall;
-			setting_page_resource = r_kodiak_call_settings_page;
-			name = "KodiakPTT";
-            associated_resource = r_kodiak_call_settings_page_texts;
-			}
-		};
-	}
-RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_availability_settings_page
-    {
-    number = 1;
-    type = EAknCtPopupSettingList;
-    editor_resource_id = r_enumerated_text_setting_other_editor;
-    }
-RESOURCE AVKON_POPUP_SETTING_TEXTS r_availability_settings_page_texts
-    {
-    setting_texts_resource = r_availability_page_texts_array;
-    popped_up_texts_resource = r_availability_settings_page_popedup;
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_availability_page_texts_array
-    {
-        items =
-        {        
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=1; text = "1.EAvailable"; },        
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=2; text = "2.ENotAvailable"; }
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_availability_settings_page_popedup
-    {
-    items =
-        {        
-        LBUF { txt = "1.EAvailable"; },        
-        LBUF { txt = "2.ENotAvailable"; }        
-        };
-    }
-//camera information
-RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_CameraInformation_settings_page
-    {
-    number = 1;
-    label = "Value";
-    type = EAknCtPopupSettingList;
-    editor_resource_id = r_enumerated_text_setting_other_editor;
-    }
-RESOURCE AVKON_POPUP_SETTING_TEXTS r_CameraInformation_settings_page_texts
-    {
-    setting_texts_resource = r_CameraInformation_settings_page_texts_array;
-    popped_up_texts_resource = r_CameraInformation_settings_page_popedup;
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_CameraInformation_settings_page_texts_array
-    {
-        items =
-        {
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=1; text = "1.EUsePrimaryCamera"; },
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=2; text = "2.EUseSecondaryCamera"; }        
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_CameraInformation_settings_page_popedup
-    {
-        items =
-        { 
-        LBUF { txt = "1.EUsePrimaryCamera"; },
-        LBUF { txt = "2.EUseSecondaryCamera"; }        
-        };
-    }
-//kodiak PTT
-RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_kodiak_call_settings_page
-    {
-    number = 1;
-    type = EAknCtPopupSettingList;
-    editor_resource_id = r_enumerated_text_setting_other_editor;
-    }
-RESOURCE AVKON_POPUP_SETTING_TEXTS r_kodiak_call_settings_page_texts
-    {
-    setting_texts_resource = r_kodiak_call_settings_page_texts_array;
-    popped_up_texts_resource = r_kodiak_call_settings_page_popedup;
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_kodiak_call_settings_page_texts_array
-    {
-        items =
-        {
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=0; text = "0.EPSCTsyKodiakPttNotActive"; },
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=1; text = "1.EPSCTsyKodiakPttActive"; }        
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_kodiak_call_settings_page_popedup
-    {
-        items =
-        {
-        LBUF { txt = "0.EPSCTsyKodiakPttNotActive"; },
-        LBUF { txt = "1.EPSCTsyKodiakPttActive"; }        
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE POPUP_SETTING_LIST r_enumerated_text_setting_other_editor
-    {    
-   // other="-1.Undefined";
-    }
-    {
-    min = 0;
-    max = 9999;
-    }
-RESOURCE EDWIN r_encoder_info_editor
-    {
-    maxlength = 2048; //KMaxBinaryLength, centralrepository.h
-    lines = 6;
-    }
-RESOURCE EDWIN r_encoding_device_editor
-    {
-    maxlength = 8; //KMaxUidStringLength, cenrepeditormodel.h
-    default_case = EAknEditorLowerCase;
-    //allowed_input_modes = EAknEditorTextInputMode | EAknEditorNumericInputMode
-    }
-RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_ITEM_LIST r_other_resource_details_settings_list
-	{
-    flags= EAknSettingItemNumberedStyle; 
-	title = qtn_otherresource_details;
-	initial_number = 1;
-	items =     
-		{
-			{
-			identifier = EOtherResourceActivation;
-			setting_page_resource = r_activation_editor_settings_page;
-			name = "Activation";
-            associated_resource = r_activation_editor_settings_page_texts;
-			},
-			{
-			identifier = EOtherResourceOperatorVariant;
-			setting_page_resource = r_operator_editor_settings_page;
-			name = "OperatorVariant";
-            associated_resource = r_operator_editor_settings_page_texts;
-			},
-			{
-			identifier = EOtherResourceAuditoryNotification;
-			setting_page_resource = r_Auditory_editor_settings_page;
-			name = "AuditoryNotification";
-            associated_resource = r_Auditory_editor_settings_page_texts;
-			},
-			{
-			identifier = EOtherResourcePopupNotification;
-			setting_page_resource = r_Popup_editor_settings_page;
-			name = "PopupNotification";
-            associated_resource = r_Popup_editor_settings_page_texts;
-			},
-			{
-			identifier = EOtherResourcePopupNotificationType;
-			setting_page_resource = r_PopupType_editor_settings_page;
-			name = "PopupNotificationType";
-            associated_resource = r_PopupType_editor_settings_page_texts;
-			},
-			{
-			identifier = EOtherResourceEdgeDtmSupport;
-			setting_page_resource = r_edgedtm_editor_settings_page;
-			name = "EdgeDtmSupport";
-            associated_resource = r_edgedtm_editor_settings_page_texts;
-			},
-			{
-			identifier = EOtherResourceSessionSetupMethod;
-			setting_page_resource = r_signal_editor_settings_page;
-			name = "ForceInternetSignaling";
-            associated_resource = r_signal_editor_settings_page_texts;
-			},
-			{
-			identifier = EOtherResourceAutoRecord;
-			setting_page_resource = r_videosaving_editor_settings_page;
-			name = "AutoRecord";
-            associated_resource = r_videosaving_editor_settings_page_texts;
-			},
-			{
-			identifier = EOtherResourceVideoLocation;
-			setting_page_resource = r_editor_settings_page;
-			name = "VideoLocation";            
-			},
-			{
-			identifier = EOtherResourceSipProfileId;
-			setting_page_resource = r_editor_settings_page;
-			name = "SipProfileId";            
-			},
-			{
-			identifier = EOtherResourceUiOrientation;
-			setting_page_resource = r_uiorientation_editor_settings_page;
-			name = "UiOrientation";
-            associated_resource = r_uiorientation_editor_settings_page_texts;
-			},
-			{
-			identifier = EOtherResourceCapabilityQuery;
-			setting_page_resource = r_capquery_editor_settings_page;
-			name = "CapabilityQuery";
-            associated_resource = r_capquery_editor_settings_page_texts;
-			},
-			{
-			identifier = EOtherResourceProductModeVariationKey;
-			setting_page_resource = r_editor_settings_page;
-			name = "ProductModeVariation";            
-			},
-            {
-            identifier = EOtherRResourcePrivacyVariationMode;
-            setting_page_resource = r_privacy_settings_page;
-            name = "Privacy variation";
-            associated_resource = r_privacy_editor_settings_page_texts;
-            },
-		    {
-		    identifier = EOtherResourceEncoderConfigurationInfo;
-		    setting_page_resource = r_encoder_info_settings_page;
-		    name = "EncoderConfigurationInfo";            
-		    },
-		    {
-		    identifier = EOtherResourceEncodingDevice;
-		    setting_page_resource = r_encoding_device_settings_page;
-		    name = "EncodingDevice";            
-		    }
-		};
-	}
-RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_activation_editor_settings_page
-    {
-    number = 1;
-    type = EAknCtPopupSettingList;
-    editor_resource_id = r_enumerated_text_setting_other_editor;
-    }
-RESOURCE AVKON_POPUP_SETTING_TEXTS r_activation_editor_settings_page_texts
-    {
-    setting_texts_resource = r_activation_editor_settings_page_texts_array;
-    popped_up_texts_resource = r_activation_editor_settings_page_popedup;
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_activation_editor_settings_page_texts_array
-    {
-        items =
-        {
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=0; text = "0.EAlwaysActive"; },   
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=1; text = "1.ENever"; }        
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_activation_editor_settings_page_popedup
-    {
-        items =
-        {
-        LBUF { txt = "0.EAlwaysActive"; },
-        LBUF { txt = "1.ENever"; }
-        };
-    }
-//operator variant
-RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_operator_editor_settings_page
-    {
-    number = 1;
-    type = EAknCtPopupSettingList;
-    editor_resource_id = r_enumerated_text_setting_other_editor;
-    }
-RESOURCE AVKON_POPUP_SETTING_TEXTS r_operator_editor_settings_page_texts
-    {
-    setting_texts_resource = r_operator_editor_settings_page_texts_array;
-    popped_up_texts_resource = r_operator_editor_settings_page_popedup;
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_operator_editor_settings_page_texts_array
-    {
-        items =
-        {
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=0; text = "0.EStandard"; },
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=1; text = "1.EOperatorSpecific"; }        
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_operator_editor_settings_page_popedup
-    {
-        items =
-        {
-        LBUF { txt = "0.EStandard"; },
-        LBUF { txt = "1.EOperatorSpecific"; }        
-        };
-    }
-//Auditory Notification
-RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_Auditory_editor_settings_page
-    {
-    number = 1;
-    type = EAknCtPopupSettingList;
-    editor_resource_id = r_enumerated_text_setting_other_editor;
-    }
-RESOURCE AVKON_POPUP_SETTING_TEXTS r_Auditory_editor_settings_page_texts
-    {
-    setting_texts_resource = r_Auditory_editor_settings_page_texts_array;
-    popped_up_texts_resource = r_Auditory_editor_settings_page_popedup;
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_Auditory_editor_settings_page_texts_array
-    {
-        items =
-        {
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=0; text = "0.EAuditoryNotificationOn"; },
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=1; text = "1.EAuditoryNotificationOff"; }        
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_Auditory_editor_settings_page_popedup
-    {
-        items =
-        {
-        LBUF { txt = "0.EAuditoryNotificationOn"; },
-        LBUF { txt = "1.EAuditoryNotificationOff"; }        
-        };
-    }
-//Popup Notification
-RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_Popup_editor_settings_page
-    {
-    number = 1;
-    type = EAknCtPopupSettingList;
-    editor_resource_id = r_enumerated_text_setting_other_editor;
-    }
-RESOURCE AVKON_POPUP_SETTING_TEXTS r_Popup_editor_settings_page_texts
-    {
-    setting_texts_resource = r_Popup_editor_settings_page_texts_array;
-    popped_up_texts_resource = r_Popup_editor_settings_page_popedup;
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_Popup_editor_settings_page_texts_array
-    {
-        items =
-        {
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=0; text = "0.EPopupNotificationOn"; },
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=1; text = "1.EPopupNotificationOff"; }        
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_Popup_editor_settings_page_popedup
-    {
-        items =
-        {        
-        LBUF { txt = "0.EPopupNotificationOn"; },
-        LBUF { txt = "1.EPopupNotificationOff"; }        
-        };
-    }
-//Popup Notification Type
-RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_PopupType_editor_settings_page
-    {
-    number = 1;
-    type = EAknCtPopupSettingList;
-    editor_resource_id = r_enumerated_text_setting_other_editor;
-    }
-RESOURCE AVKON_POPUP_SETTING_TEXTS r_PopupType_editor_settings_page_texts
-    {
-    setting_texts_resource = r_PopupType_editor_settings_page_texts_array;
-    popped_up_texts_resource = r_PopupType_editor_settings_page_popedup;
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_PopupType_editor_settings_page_texts_array
-    {
-        items =
-        {
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=0; text = "0.ENotificationTypeQueryUser"; },
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=1; text = "1.ENotificationTypePopup"; }        
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_PopupType_editor_settings_page_popedup
-    {
-        items =
-        {
-        LBUF { txt = "0.ENotificationTypeQueryUser"; },
-        LBUF { txt = "1.ENotificationTypePopup"; }        
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_edgedtm_editor_settings_page
-    {
-    number = 1;
-    type = EAknCtPopupSettingList;
-    editor_resource_id = r_enumerated_text_setting_other_editor;
-    }
-RESOURCE AVKON_POPUP_SETTING_TEXTS r_edgedtm_editor_settings_page_texts
-    {
-    setting_texts_resource = r_edgedtm_editor_settings_page_texts_array;
-    popped_up_texts_resource = r_edgedtm_editor_settings_page_popedup;
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_edgedtm_editor_settings_page_texts_array
-    {
-        items =
-        {
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=0; text = "0.EDtmModeAllowed"; },
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=1; text = "1.EDtmModeNotAllowed"; }        
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_edgedtm_editor_settings_page_popedup
-    {
-        items =
-        {
-        LBUF { txt = "0.EDtmModeAllowed"; },
-        LBUF { txt = "1.EDtmModeNotAllowed"; }        
-        };
-    }
-//Internet Signalling
-RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_signal_editor_settings_page
-    {
-    number = 1;
-    type = EAknCtPopupSettingList;
-    editor_resource_id = r_enumerated_text_setting_other_editor;
-    }
-RESOURCE AVKON_POPUP_SETTING_TEXTS r_signal_editor_settings_page_texts
-    {
-    setting_texts_resource = r_signal_editor_settings_page_texts_array;
-    popped_up_texts_resource = r_signal_editor_settings_page_popedup;
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_signal_editor_settings_page_texts_array
-    {
-        items =
-        {
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=0; text = "0.EForceInternetSignaling"; },
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=1; text = "1.EFollowProfileConfiguration"; }        
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_signal_editor_settings_page_popedup
-    {
-        items =
-        {
-        LBUF { txt = "0.EForceInternetSignaling"; },
-        LBUF { txt = "1.EFollowProfileConfiguration"; }        
-        };
-    }
-//Video Saving 
-RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_videosaving_editor_settings_page
-    {
-    number = 1;
-    type = EAknCtPopupSettingList;
-    editor_resource_id = r_enumerated_text_setting_other_editor;
-    }
-RESOURCE AVKON_POPUP_SETTING_TEXTS r_videosaving_editor_settings_page_texts
-    {
-    setting_texts_resource = r_videosaving_editor_settings_page_texts_array;
-    popped_up_texts_resource = r_videosaving_editor_settings_page_popedup;
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_videosaving_editor_settings_page_texts_array
-    {
-        items =
-        {
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=0; text = "0.EAutoRecordOn"; },
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=1; text = "1.EAutoRecordOff"; }
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_videosaving_editor_settings_page_popedup
-    {
-        items =
-        {
-        LBUF { txt = "0.EAutoRecordOn"; },
-        LBUF { txt = "1.EAutoRecordOff"; } 
-        };
-    }
-//UI Orientation
-RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_uiorientation_editor_settings_page
-    {
-    number = 1;
-    type = EAknCtPopupSettingList;
-    editor_resource_id = r_enumerated_text_setting_other_editor;
-    }
-RESOURCE AVKON_POPUP_SETTING_TEXTS r_uiorientation_editor_settings_page_texts
-    {
-    setting_texts_resource = r_uiorientation_editor_settings_page_texts_array;
-    popped_up_texts_resource = r_uiorientation_editor_settings_page_popedup;
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_uiorientation_editor_settings_page_texts_array
-    {
-        items =
-        {
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=0; text = "0.EPortrait"; },
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=1; text = "1.ELandscape"; }        
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_uiorientation_editor_settings_page_popedup
-    {
-        items =
-        {
-        LBUF { txt = "0.EPortrait"; },
-        LBUF { txt = "1.ELandscape"; }               
-        };
-    }
-//Capability Query
-RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_capquery_editor_settings_page
-    {
-    number = 1;
-    type = EAknCtPopupSettingList;
-    editor_resource_id = r_enumerated_text_setting_other_editor;
-    }
-RESOURCE AVKON_POPUP_SETTING_TEXTS r_capquery_editor_settings_page_texts
-    {
-    setting_texts_resource = r_capquery_editor_settings_page_texts_array;
-    popped_up_texts_resource = r_capquery_editor_settings_page_popedup;
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_capquery_editor_settings_page_texts_array
-    {
-        items =
-        {
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=0; text = "0.ESequential"; },
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=1; text = "1.EParallel"; },        
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=2; text = "2.ENoOptions"; }   
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_capquery_editor_settings_page_popedup
-    {
-        items =
-        {
-        LBUF { txt = "0.ESequential"; },
-        LBUF { txt = "1.EParallel"; },               
-        LBUF { txt = "2.ENoOptions"; }               
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_privacy_settings_page
-    {
-    number = 1;
-    type = EAknCtPopupSettingList;
-    editor_resource_id = r_enumerated_text_setting_other_editor;
-    }
-RESOURCE AVKON_POPUP_SETTING_TEXTS r_privacy_editor_settings_page_texts
-    {
-    setting_texts_resource = r_privacy_editor_settings_page_texts_array;
-    popped_up_texts_resource = r_privacy_editor_settings_page_popedup;
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_privacy_editor_settings_page_texts_array
-    {
-        items =
-        {
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=1; text = "0.EPrivacyOn"; },
-        AVKON_ENUMERATED_TEXT { value=2; text = "1.ErivacyOff"; }        
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_privacy_editor_settings_page_popedup
-    {
-        items =
-        {        
-        LBUF { txt = "0.EPrivacyOn"; },
-        LBUF { txt = "1.ErivacyOfff"; }        
-        };
-    }
-// add setting page and editor resources for "details" field here
-RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_editor_settings_page
-    {
-    number = 1;
-    label = "Value";
-    type = EAknCtIntegerEdwin;
-    editor_resource_id = r_integer_edwin;
-    }
-RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_encoder_info_settings_page
-    {
-    number = 14;
-    label="Configuration info";
-    type = EEikCtEdwin;
-    editor_resource_id = r_encoder_info_editor;
-    hint_text="hint text";
-    }
-RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_encoding_device_settings_page
-    {
-    number = 15;
-    label = "Encoder UID (hex)";
-    type = EEikCtEdwin;
-    editor_resource_id = r_encoding_device_editor;
-    }
-//    r_avkonviewexample_view3
-RESOURCE AVKON_VIEW r_cenrepeditor_view3
-    {
-    hotkeys = r_cenrepeditor_hotkeys;
-    menubar = r_cenrepeditor_menubar;  
-    cba     = r_cenrepeditor_softkeys_start_exit;    
-    }
-RESOURCE CBA r_cenrepeditor_softkeys_start_exit
-	{
-		buttons =
-			{
-				{
-				id = EAknSoftKeyStart;
-				txt = qtn_cenrepeditor_cba_text_start;
-				},
-				{
-				id = EAknSoftKeyExit;
-				txt = qtn_cenrepeditor_cba_text_Exit;
-				}
-			};
-	}
-RESOURCE CBA r_cenrepeditor_softkeys_stop_exit
-	{
-		buttons =
-			{
-				{
-				id = EAknSoftKeyStop;
-				txt = qtn_cenrepeditor_cba_text_stop;
-				},
-				{
-				id = EAknSoftKeyExit;
-				txt = qtn_cenrepeditor_cba_text_Exit;
-				}
-			};
-	}
-RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_ITEM_LIST r_cenrepeditor_start_stop_settings_list
-	{
-	flags = EAknSettingItemNumberedStyle;
-	items =     
-		{
-			{
-			name = "Usecase";
-			identifier = EApplicationStartStop;
-			setting_page_resource = r_cenrepeditor_start_stop_settings_list_page;
-			associated_resource = r_cenrepeditor_start_stop_associated_settings_list_page;
-			}
-		};
-	}
-RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_cenrepeditor_start_stop_settings_list_page
-    {    
-    number = -16380;    
-    label = qtn_cenrepeditor_application_usecase;    
-    type = EAknCtPopupSettingList;
-    editor_resource_id = r_cenrepeditor_empty_setting_list;
-    }
-RESOURCE POPUP_SETTING_LIST r_cenrepeditor_empty_setting_list
-    {
-    }
-RESOURCE AVKON_POPUP_SETTING_TEXTS r_cenrepeditor_start_stop_associated_settings_list_page
-    {    
-    setting_texts_resource = r_usecase_array;
-    popped_up_texts_resource = r_usecase_array_texts;
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_usecase_array
-    {
-    items = 
-        {
-					{
-					text = "Live";
-                    value = 0; 
-					},
-					{
-					text = "Clip";
-					value = 1; 
-					},
-					{
-					text = "StillImage";
-					value = 2; 
-					},
-					{
-					text = "Receive";
-					value = 3; 
-					},
-					{
-					text = "Continue";
-					value = 4; 
-					}
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE ARRAY r_usecase_array_texts
-    {
-    items = { 
-    				LBUF 
-    					{ 
-    					txt = "Live"; 
-    					},
-    				LBUF 
-    					{
-    					txt = "Clip"; 
-    					},
-    				LBUF 
-    					{ 
-    					txt = "StillImage"; 
-    					},
-    				LBUF 
-    					{ 
-    					txt = "Receive"; 
-    					},
-    				LBUF 
-    					{ 
-    					txt = "Continue"; 
-    					}
-        };
-    }    
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE DIALOG r_cenrepeditor_text_query_dialog
-    {
-    flags = EAknGeneralQueryFlags;
-    items = 
-        { 
-        DLG_LINE 
-            {
-            type = EAknCtQuery;
-            id = EGeneralQuery;
-            control = AVKON_DATA_QUERY 
-                {
-                layout = EDataLayout;
-                control = EDWIN
-                    {
-					};
-				};
-			}
-		};
-	}
-//End of File