--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tsrc/scripts/EunitRunner.pl Thu Dec 17 08:44:37 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,721 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+#line 5
+# This Script will be used to run EUnit testcases
+# Example Usage in Nightly build script
+# my $currentdir = cwd;
+# chdir "$ProjLocation\\mmsharing\\internal\\group";
+# system ("EunitRunner.pl -command=eu -all -dest=$Plog -summary=$Plog\\scanlog.html 2>&1 >> $Plog\\EUnit.log");
+# system ("EunitRunner.pl -command=ctc -all -dest=$Plog -summary=$Plog\\scanlog.html 2>&1 >> $Plog\\CTC.log");
+# chdir $currentdir;
+# Version : 1.0
+# Perl packages used.
+use File::Find; # File operations
+use XML::Simple; # XML parsing
+use File::Spec::Win32; # File operartions
+use Getopt::Long; # parameter handling
+use Cwd; # Directory operations
+# Parameters related to Epoc.
+my($build_destination_dir)= "\\Epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\";
+my($build_tools_dir)= "\\Epoc32\\tools\\";
+# Parameters related to Digia Eunit.
+my($eunit_xml_file_name)= "EUnit_Log.xml";
+my($eunit_xml_file)= "\\Epoc32\\winscw\\C\\shared\\EUnit\\Logs\\".$eunit_xml_file_name;
+my($eunitParams) = "/l xml /e S60AppEnv /w 40 /p All /t 50";
+my($eunitParams2) = " /d alloc";
+my($eunitApp) = "/epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/EUnitExeRunner.exe";
+my($eunit_destination_dir)= "\\Epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\z\\sys\\bin\\";
+# Parameters related to Codetest(ctc).
+$coverageSymbols = "MON.sym";
+$ctcCommandPart1 = "ctc-abld-winscw -i d -n";
+$ctcCommandPart2 = "-- test build winscw udeb";
+$ctcIgnoredPart1 = " -C \"EXCLUDE+*/internal/*.cpp";
+$ctcIgnoredPart2 = "\"";
+$coverageProfile = "profile.txt";
+# Parameters related to filenames.
+# Hack : This will be used if dll names are not retrived from build environment.
+my @uncompiled_sub_systems;# Holds list of uncompiled subsystems . Will be printed in report later.
+my($currentdir)= cwd; # Current working directory.
+my($results_destinationdir)=cwd; # Results will be stored here.
+my($results_destinationdir_log)=cwd; # Log prints will be stored here.
+my ($unittest_log_file) = "EUnit.log"; # Eunit build process logs will be in this file.
+# Parameters related to result prints
+ $eunit_failpercent,
+ $eunit_total_pass_count,
+ $eunit_total_fail_count,
+ $eunit_total_count,
+ $eunit_total_pass_percent);
+ @eunit_testsuite_total_testcase,
+ @eunit_testsuite_pass_count);
+# Parameters related to globally used variables.
+my (@subsystems, # List of user selected sub systems
+ @sourcefiles, # List of user selected source files
+ @exclude_sourcefiles, # List of test source files.
+ @makefiles, # List of make files
+ @dll_filenames); # List of dll file names
+my ($param_help, # To view help
+ $param_command, # Command to Run
+ $param_dest, # Copy results to
+ $param_all, # Build all
+ $param_noclean, # Do not run abld clean
+ $param_nobuild, # Do not run abld build
+ $param_nostub, # Do not build stub
+ $param_exe, # Specify exe file to be run instead Eunirexerunner.exe
+ $param_overall_summay, # Overall Summary
+ $param_version); # Version
+my @gloabl_errors;
+# Parameters for user choice.
+ $user_selection,
+ $count);
+# Main
+# Read commandline options.
+my $result = GetOptions('help' => \$param_help, # Display help info
+ 'command=s' => \$param_command, # Command to run
+ 'dest=s' => \$param_dest, # Destination directory
+ 'all' => \$param_all, # Run all
+ 'noclean' => \$param_noclean, # Dont run reallyclean
+ 'nobuild' => \$param_nobuild, # Dont run symbian build commands
+ 'nostub' => \$param_nostub, # Dont build stupbs
+ 'exe=s' => \$param_exe, # Launch the exe specified.if nothing then epoc will be used
+ 'summary=s' => \$param_overall_summay, # Launch the exe specified.if nothing then epoc will be used
+ 'version' => \$param_version); # Version Information
+#my $mapped_drive = "\\\\Vagrp006\\groups5\\SP_IDO\\IPASDo_MSDo";
+#$results_destinationdir = "$mapped_drive\\Builds\\multimediasharing\\3.2\\NightlyBuilds\\2008-wk8\\18-Monday\\Log\\EUnitAndCTC";
+#exit 1;
+# Step 1 : Pre Cleanup.
+ run_system_command("del "."$eunit_destination_dir"."*.dll");
+ run_system_command("del "."$eunit_xml_file");
+# Step 2 : Check pre-conditions.
+ if (! -e $build_destination_dir."EUnitExeRunner.exe")
+ {
+ print "*** EUnit is not installed for this SDK ***\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+# Step 2 : Check command line parameters and configure if not present to default.
+ if(defined $param_overall_summay)
+ {
+ $overal_summary_file = $param_overall_summay ;
+ }
+ if ($param_command eq ('ctc'|'CTC'|'Ctc') )
+ {
+ $choice=1;
+ }
+ elsif ($param_command eq ('eu'|'EU'))
+ {
+ $choice=2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ usage();
+ }
+ $param_exe=$eunitApp if(!defined $param_exe);
+ if(defined $param_dest)
+ {
+ $results_destinationdir=$param_dest ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "\n Note: No results destination directory specified. Results will be copied to $currentdir/\Eunit\n";
+ }
+ $results_destinationdir=~s/\//\\/g;
+ $results_destinationdir_log = "$results_destinationdir";# This is were logs are stored in nightly build env.
+ run_system_command("mkdir $results_destinationdir\\EUnitAndCTC") if (! -e "$results_destinationdir\\EUnitAndCTC");
+ $results_destinationdir="$results_destinationdir\\EUnitAndCTC";
+ $param_noclean=1 if(defined $param_nobuild);
+ $ENV{'CTC_DATA_PATH'}= "";
+ run_system_command("bldmake bldfiles") if (!defined $param_nobuild);
+# Step 3 : Display subsystems to user. So he can make a choice for which one to compile
+# if command line parameter -all specified then it will not be shown.
+ display_sybsystems();
+ if(defined $param_all)
+ {
+ print "\nOptions -all specified.Building all components \n ";
+ $user_selection=0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "\t Options selected : ";
+ $user_selection = <STDIN>;
+ chomp ($user_selection);
+ exit 0 if $user_selection =~ /^[Qq]/;
+ }
+# Step 4 : Build subsystems.
+ if(!$param_nostub)
+ {
+ print "\n *** Building unittest stubs ***\n ";
+ run_system_command("abld reallyclean winscw udeb");
+ run_system_command("abld build winscw udeb");
+ print "\n *** End of building stubs ***\n ";
+ }
+ if (!defined $param_nobuild)
+ {
+ print "\n *** Building test components ***\n";
+ if($choice==1)
+ {
+ $ENV{'CTC_DATA_PATH'}= $currentdir;
+ build_user_selected("$ctcCommandPart1 $coverageSymbols $ctcIgnoredPart1 $ctcIgnoredPart2 $ctcCommandPart2");
+ }
+ elsif($choice==2)
+ {
+ build_user_selected("abld test build winscw udeb");
+ }
+ print "\n *** End of Building test components ***\n ";
+ }
+# Step 5 : Run EunitRunner.exe .
+ print "\n *** Running EUnit with selected subsystems ***\n";
+ chomp(@dll_filenames);
+ if( scalar @dll_filenames eq 0 )
+ {
+ print "Can not find dll names automatically.Using default configured values\n";
+ @dll_filenames = @default_dll_filenames;
+ }
+ copy_dlls(); # copy dlls to eunit directory
+ if($choice==1)
+ {
+ run_system_command("$param_exe "."$eunitParams");# Run without alloc failure
+ #run_system_command("$param_exe "."$eunitParams"."$eunitParams2");# Run with alloc failure
+ }
+ elsif ($choice==2)
+ {
+ run_system_command("$param_exe "."$eunitParams");
+ }
+# Step 6 : Print Results.
+ print "\n *** Printing Reports ***\n";
+ if($choice==1)
+ {
+ run_system_command("ctcpost $coverageSymbols $coverageDat -p $coverageProfile -T 70");
+ run_system_command("ctc2html -i $coverageProfile -t 70 -nsb");
+ run_system_command("xcopy /R/F/Y/I CTCHTML $results_destinationdir\\CTCHTML");
+ print_overall_summary_ctc();
+ }
+ elsif($choice==2)
+ {
+ print_overall_summary_error();# Mainly needed for nightly build env and for eunit.
+ print_eunit_html_report();
+ print_overall_summary_eunit();
+ run_system_command("copy $eunit_xml_file $results_destinationdir\\$eunit_xml_file_name");
+ run_system_command("copy $unittest_result_file $results_destinationdir\\$unittest_result_file");
+ }
+#This reports other script errors which might have harmed the flow of execution.
+# Step 7 : Post Cleanup.
+ $ENV{'CTC_DATA_PATH'}= "";
+ run_system_command("del "."$eunit_destination_dir"."*.dll");
+ run_system_command("del "."$eunit_xml_file");
+ print "\n *** DONE ***\n";
+#---------------------------------------Main Ends--------------------------------------------------
+# This sub routine displays all the subsystems to the user.
+sub display_sybsystems
+ {
+ get_subsystems();
+ if(scalar @subsystems==0)
+ {
+ print "Can't find subsystem name automatically.Using default configured values\n" ;
+ @subsystems = @default_subsystems;
+ }
+ print "\n\tPlease choose an option listed below \n";
+ print "\n\tenter +/- to build backward or forward \n";
+ print "\t\t0.To build all \n";
+ $count=1;
+ foreach(@subsystems)
+ {
+ print "\t\t".$count++. "." .$_."\n";
+ }
+ print "\t\tq.Exit \n";
+ }
+# Runs abld commands for the user selected choice.
+sub build_user_selected
+ {
+ if($user_selection==0)
+ {
+ for($count=0;$count<@subsystems;$count++)
+ {
+ run_system_command("abld test reallyclean winscw udeb @subsystems[$count]");
+ run_system_command("@_[0] @subsystems[$count]");
+ get_dll_names(@makefiles[$count]);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif($user_selection=~/\+/)
+ {
+ for($count=substr($user_selection,0,1)-1;$count<@subsystems;$count++)
+ {
+ run_system_command("abld test reallyclean winscw udeb @subsystems[$count]");
+ run_system_command("@_[0] @subsystems[$count]");
+ get_dll_names(@makefiles[$count]);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif($user_selection=~/\-/)
+ {
+ for($count=0;$count<substr($user_selection,0,1);$count++)
+ {
+ run_system_command("abld test reallyclean winscw udeb @subsystems[$count]");
+ run_system_command("@_[0] @subsystems[$count]");
+ get_dll_names(@makefiles[$count]);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $count=0;
+ while($count<length $user_selection)
+ {
+ my $str = substr ($user_selection,$count,1);
+ run_system_command("abld test reallyclean winscw udeb @subsystems[$str-1]");
+ run_system_command("@_[0] @subsystems[$str-1]");
+ get_dll_names(@makefiles[$str-1]);
+ $count++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Displays critical error which is used for debugging purpose.
+sub display_critical_error
+ {
+ print "\n ->ERROR OCCURED : "."$?"."\n" if(!@_[0]);
+ print "\n ->ERROR OCCURED : ".@_[0]."\n" if(@_[0]);
+ #exit 1;
+ }
+# Calls system command and displays error in case.
+sub run_system_command
+ {
+ print " \n -> Command : " .@_[0] ."\n";
+ system(@_[0]);
+ push @gloabl_errors,"Error Occured for Command : @_[0] Error : $?" if($?!=0);
+ display_critical_error() if($?!=0);
+ return $?;
+ }
+# Prints Usage.
+sub usage
+ {
+ Usage :
+ eunitrunner -command=ct|eu|mm -dest=resultdir
+ -ctc -> To run CTC.
+ -eu -> To run EunitTestcases.
+ -mm -> To run Manual Mode.Useful if you want to find the coverage inside your code.
+ -resultdir->In where results will be copied.
+ Also you can specify some optional flags to change the behaviour of the script.
+ -all -> To run all subsystems.
+ -sourcefiles -> To Select Source files for instrumentation
+ -noclean -> Don't run reallyclean
+ -nobuild -> Dont run symbian build commands
+ -nostub -> Dont build stubs
+ -nosdkinst-> Dont instrument sdk
+ Some miscellaneous Commands
+ -version -> Version Information.
+ -help -> Usage information.
+ Examples :
+ eunitrunner -command=ctc
+ eunitrunner -command=eu C:/temp/results
+ eunitrunner -command=eu C:/temp/results -all
+ eunitrunner -command=ctc C:/temp/results\ -sourcefiles -nobuild -noclean -nostub
+ Note:This script should be run from where bld.inf file available
+ Note:Also you must specify TEMP environmental variable.(By default this exists in All windows system)
+ exit 0;
+ }
+# Runs abld to make makefile and parse makefile to get subsystems.
+sub get_subsystems()
+ {
+ #Testing prupose to check how abld test makefile command runs.
+ run_system_command("abld test makefile winscw -w");
+ open WHATCMD, "abld test makefile winscw -w |";
+ my @temparray;
+ while(<WHATCMD>)
+ {
+ chomp;
+ my $makeFile = $_;
+ if( $makeFile =~ /winscw$/i )
+ {
+ @temparray=split(/\.WINSCW/,$makeFile);
+ @temparray=split(/\\/,@temparray[0]);
+ push @subsystems,pop(@temparray);
+ push @makefiles,$makeFile;
+ }
+ }
+ print "\n Makefiles = @makefiles\n";
+ print "\n Subsystems = @subsystems\n";
+ close WHATCMD;
+ }
+# Parses makefile to get source files. Useful if you want to run coverage for particular source file.
+sub get_source_files($)
+ {
+ open MAKE, @_[0] or die "Cant open $!";
+ my @temparray;
+ while (<MAKE>)
+ {
+ my($line)=$_;
+ if($line=~/(EPOCBLDUREL).*.\.o.*.:.*.\.cpp/)
+ {
+ if($line!~/INTERNAL|internal/)
+ {
+ @temparray=split(/:/,$line);
+ @temparray=split(/\\/,@temparray[1]);
+ push @sourcefiles,pop @temparray;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close MAKE;
+ }
+# Parses makefile to get dll names.
+ sub get_dll_names($)
+ {
+ open MAKE, @_[0] or die "Cant open $_ $!";
+ my @temparray;
+ my $dll_name;
+ while (<MAKE>)
+ {
+ my($line)=$_;
+ chomp($line);
+ if($line=~/Target.*.\.dll/)
+ {
+ @temparray=split(/\s+/,$line);
+ $dll_name=pop @temparray;
+ chomp($dll_name);
+ push @dll_filenames,$dll_name;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close MAKE;
+ }
+# Parses eunit result xml file and prints it as html file.
+sub print_eunit_html_report
+ {
+ my $simple = XML::Simple->new();
+ my $struct = eval {$simple->XMLin($eunit_xml_file, forcearray => 1,keyattr => [])};
+ push @gloabl_errors,"Invalid XML document Error : $@" if($@);
+ open(HTML_FILE, ">$unittest_result_file") ||(push @gloabl_errors,"Can not open $unittest_result_file for Eunit" and return);
+ print HTML_FILE "<CAPTION><H3><P ALIGN=Left>Overall Result: Passed</H3></CAPTION>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE "<tr>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE "<th BGCOLOR=\"#CCCCCC\">Total TestCases</th>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE "<th BGCOLOR=\"#00FF00\">Total Passed</th>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE "<th BGCOLOR=\"#FF0000\">Total Failed</th>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE "</tr>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE "<tr>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE "<td><P ALIGN=Center> </td>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE "<td><P ALIGN=Center> </td>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE "<td><P ALIGN=Center> </td>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE "</tr>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE "</table>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE " <BR>";
+ foreach my $dll(@{$struct->{dll}})
+ {
+ my $dll_pass_count = 0;
+ foreach my $mtestsuite(@{$dll->{testsuite}})
+ {
+ foreach my $testsuite(@{$mtestsuite->{testsuite}})
+ {
+ my($testcount)=1;
+ print HTML_FILE "<CAPTION><H3><P ALIGN=Left>$testsuite->{name}</H3></CAPTION>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE "<tr>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE "<th>No</th>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE "<th>Name</th>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE "<th>Class</th>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE "<th>Method</th>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE "<th>Type</th>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE "<th>Result</th>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE "</tr>\n";
+ foreach my $testcase(@{$testsuite->{testcase}})
+ {
+ print HTML_FILE "<tr>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE "<td BGCOLOR=\"#CCCCCC\"><P ALIGN=Left>$testcount</td>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE "<td BGCOLOR=\"#CCCCCC\"><P ALIGN=Left>$testcase->{name}</td>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE "<td BGCOLOR=\"#CCCCCC\"><P ALIGN=left>$testcase->{class}</td>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE "<td BGCOLOR=\"#CCCCCC\"><P ALIGN=Left>$testcase->{method}</td>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE "<td BGCOLOR=\"#CCCCCC\"><P ALIGN=Left>$testcase->{type}</td>\n";
+ if($testcase->{result}->[0]->{status} eq "OK")
+ {
+ print HTML_FILE "<TD BGCOLOR=\"#00FF00\"><P ALIGN=Left>PASS</TD>\n";
+ $eunit_total_pass_count++;
+ $dll_pass_count++ ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print HTML_FILE "<TD BGCOLOR=\"#FF0000\"><P ALIGN=Left>FAIL</TD>\n";
+ $eunit_total_fail_count++;
+ }
+ print HTML_FILE "</tr>\n";
+ $testcount++;
+ }
+ print HTML_FILE "</table>\n";
+ print HTML_FILE "<BR>\n";
+ }
+ push @eunit_testsuite_name,$mtestsuite->{name};
+ push @eunit_testsuite_total_testcase,$mtestsuite->{size};
+ push @eunit_testsuite_pass_count,$dll_pass_count;
+ }
+ }
+ print HTML_FILE "</body><br></html>";
+ $eunit_total_count=$eunit_total_fail_count+$eunit_total_pass_count;
+ seek HTML_FILE,301,0;
+ print HTML_FILE "$eunit_total_count";
+ seek HTML_FILE,334,0;
+ print HTML_FILE "$eunit_total_pass_count";
+ seek HTML_FILE,367,0;
+ print HTML_FILE "$eunit_total_fail_count";
+ if($eunit_total_pass_count>0 && $eunit_total_count>0)
+ {
+ $eunit_total_pass_percent=sprintf "%.2f", (($eunit_total_pass_count/$eunit_total_count)*100);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $eunit_total_pass_percent=sprintf "%.2f","0.00";
+ }
+ seek HTML_FILE,103,0;
+ print HTML_FILE "$eunit_total_pass_percent%";
+ close (HTML_FILE);
+ }
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Prints overall summary in file specified in command line argument.
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ sub print_overall_summary_eunit
+ {
+ open OVER_ALL_SUMMARY, ">>$overal_summary_file" or (push @gloabl_errors,"Can not open $overal_summary_file for Eunit" and return);
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<h1>Eunit Summary</h1>\n ";
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<table cellspacing=\"0\"> \n ";
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<tr><td class=\"black\"><strong>PassRate %</strong> </td> \n ";
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<td class=\"black\"><strong>-</strong></td><td class=\"black\"> <strong>Pass/ all</strong> </td> \n ";
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<td width=\"115\"> </td><td class=\"black\"><strong>Subsystem</strong></td></tr> \n ";
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr width=\"100%\"></td></tr> \n ";
+ my($count)= 0;
+ foreach $_(@eunit_testsuite_name)
+ {
+ my $dll_pass_percent = 0;
+ my $dll_fail_percent = 0;
+ my $dll_name = @eunit_testsuite_name[$count];
+ my $dll_total = @eunit_testsuite_total_testcase[$count];
+ my $dll_pass = @eunit_testsuite_pass_count[$count];
+ if($dll_total>0 && $dll_pass>0)
+ {
+ $dll_pass_percent=sprintf "%.2f", (($dll_pass/$dll_total)*100);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $dll_pass_percent=sprintf "%.2f","0.00 \n ";
+ }
+ $dll_fail_percent = 100 - $dll_pass_percent;
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<tr> \n ";
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<td align=\"right\" class=\"blue\">$dll_pass_percent % </td><td align=\"right\" class=\"blue\"> </td> \n ";
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<td align=\"right\" class=\"blue\"> $dll_pass/$dll_total </td> \n ";
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<td width=\"115\"><img border=\"1\" src=\"blue.gif\" width=\"$dll_pass_percent\" height=\"5\" alt=\"\"><img border=\"1\" src=\"red.gif\" width=\"$dll_fail_percent\" height=\"5\" alt=\"\"></td> \n ";
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<td><a class=\"blue\">$dll_name</a></td> \n ";
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "</tr> \n ";
+ $count ++;
+ }
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr width=\"100%\"></td></tr> \n ";
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<tr><td align=\"right\" class=\"black\"><strong>$eunit_total_pass_percent %</strong> </td> \n ";
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<td align=\"right\" class=\"black\"><strong> </strong></td> \n ";
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<td align=\"right\" class=\"black\"><strong> $eunit_total_pass_count/$eunit_total_count</strong> </td> \n ";
+ my $total_eunit_fail_percent = 100 - $eunit_total_pass_percent;
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<td width=\"115\"><img border=\"1\" src=\"blue.gif\" width=\"$eunit_total_pass_percent\" height=\"5\" alt=\"\"><img border=\"1\" src=\"red.gif\" width=\"$total_eunit_fail_percent\" height=\"5\" alt=\"\"></td> \n ";
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<td class=\"black\"><strong>OVERALL</strong></td></tr> \n ";
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "</table><br> \n ";
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<a href=\"$results_destinationdir\\$unittest_result_file\">View compleate results : $results_destinationdir\\$unittest_result_file</a> \n ";
+ }
+#Prints overall summary of CTC in file specified in command line argument.
+sub print_overall_summary_ctc
+ {
+ open OVER_ALL_SUMMARY, ">>$overal_summary_file" or (push @gloabl_errors,"Can not open $overal_summary_file for CTC \n " and return );
+ open CTC_RESULT,"$ctc_result_file";
+ @lines = <CTC_RESULT>;
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<h1>CTC Summary</h1>\n ";
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<table cellspacing=\"0\"> \n";
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<tr><td class=\"black\"><strong>TER %</strong> </td>\n";
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<td class=\"black\"><strong>-</strong></td><td class=\"black\"> <strong>covered/ all</strong> </td>\n";
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<td width=\"115\"> </td><td class=\"black\"><strong>Directory</strong></td></tr>\n";
+ foreach $_(@lines)
+ {
+ if ($_=~/hr width=/)
+ {
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY $_;
+ }
+ if ($_=~/img border=/)
+ {
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY $_;
+ }
+ }
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "</table><br>\n";
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<a href=\"$results_destinationdir\\CTCHTML\\index.html\">View compleate results : $results_destinationdir\\CTCHTML\\index.html</a> \n ";
+ close CTC_RESULT;
+#Check uncompiled subsystems by checking the dll names.
+sub copy_dlls
+ {
+ my $error = 0;
+ foreach my $dll(@dll_filenames)
+ {
+ $error = run_system_command("copy ".$build_destination_dir.$dll." ".$eunit_destination_dir.$dll);
+ push @uncompiled_sub_systems,$dll if($error!=0)
+ }
+ }
+# Prints overall error summary if any compilation errors happen.
+ sub print_overall_summary_error
+ {
+ open OVER_ALL_SUMMARY, ">>$overal_summary_file" or (push @gloabl_errors,"Can not open $overal_summary_file for Eunit" and return) ;
+ if (scalar @uncompiled_sub_systems != 0)
+ {
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<h1>Compilation Errors</h1>\n ";
+ my $count = 1;
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<h3>Following dll's were not found. Possibly because of build errors! \n</h3>";
+ foreach $_(@uncompiled_sub_systems)
+ {
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\"><h4>$count. $_</h4></FONT>\n";
+ $count++;
+ }
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<a href=\"$results_destinationdir_log\\$unittest_log_file\">View Error details : $results_destinationdir_log\\$unittest_log_file</a> \n ";
+ }
+ }
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Prints overall error summary if any compilation errors happen.
+ sub print_overall_summary_script_error
+ {
+ open OVER_ALL_SUMMARY, ">>$overal_summary_file" or return ;
+ if(scalar @gloabl_errors)
+ {
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<h1>Execution Errors</h1>\n ";
+ my $count = 1;
+ foreach $_(@gloabl_errors)
+ {
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<h3>$count.$_</h3>\n";
+ $count++;
+ }
+ print OVER_ALL_SUMMARY "<a href=\"$results_destinationdir_log\\$unittest_log_file\">View Error details : $results_destinationdir_log\\$unittest_log_file</a> \n ";
+ }
+ }
+# End of file.