* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include "musengsessiondurationtimerobserver.h"
#include "musunittesting.h"
#include "mussipprofileuser.h"
#include "musengdisplayhandler.h"
#include "musengaudioroutingobserver.h"
#include <lcsession.h>
#include <lcaudiocontrol.h>
#include <mcesessionobserver.h>
#include <mceinsessionobserver.h>
#include <mcestreamobserver.h>
#include <mcertpobserver.h>
#include <mcetransactiondatacontainer.h>
#include <mcemediasource.h>
class CMceManager;
class CMceSession;
class CMceVideoStream;
class CMceAudioStream;
class CMceVideoCodec;
class CMceAudioCodec;
class CMusEngSessionDurationTimer;
class CMusSipProfileHandler;
class CMusEngTelephoneUtils;
class MMusEngAudioRoutingObserver;
class MLcSessionObserver;
_LIT8( KMusEngAcceptContactHeader,
"Accept-Contact: *;+g.3gpp.cs-voice; explicit" );
_LIT8( KMusAcceptHeader,
"Accept: application/sdp" );
_LIT8( KMusEngSessionSdpLineXApplication, "a=X-application:com.nokia.rtvs\r\n" );
_LIT8( KMusEngSessionSdpLineApplication , "a=application:com.gsma.rts\r\n" );
_LIT8( KMusEngSessionSdpLineType, "a=type:videolive\r\n" );
_LIT8( KMusEngSessionSdpLineBandwidthLine , "b=AS:" );
_LIT8( KMusEngSessionSdpLineBandwidthField , "b=AS:85\r\n" );
_LIT8( KMusEngSessionSdpLineTiasLine , "b=TIAS:" );
_LIT8( KMusPPreferredIdentity, "P-Preferred-Identity" );
_LIT8( KMusEngNewLine , "\r\n" );
const TInt KMusTiasMultiplier = 1000;
const TUint8 KMusEngRtpKeepAliveTimer = 5;
const TUint8 KMusEngKeepAlivePayloadTypeVideoH263 = 96;
const TUint8 KMusEngKeepAlivePayloadTypeAudio = 97;
const TUint8 KMusEngKeepAlivePayloadTypeVideoAvc = 98;
// Value for uninitialized rect
const TInt KMusEngRectNotInit = 1000;
* Base class for Multimedia Sharing Engine MCE sessions, inherited by
* CMusEngLiveSession CMusEngClipSession and CMusEngReceiveSession.
* CMusEngMceSession encapsulates CMCESession and simplifies use of
* MCE Sessions to user interface. Also splits observers messy events
* to simplified function calls.
* @lib musengine.lib
class CMusEngMceSession : public CBase,
public MLcSession,
public MLcAudioControl,
public MMceSessionObserver,
public MMceInSessionObserver,
public MMceStreamObserver,
public MMceRtpObserver,
public MMusEngSessionDurationTimerObserver,
public MMusSipProfileUser,
public MMusEngDisplayHandler,
public MMusEngAudioRoutingObserver
* Destructor
public: // from MMusEngDisplayHandler
* Returns currently assigned drawing area
* @return TRect This session drawing area rectangle
TRect Rect() const;
* Sets new drawing area
* @param TRect This session new drawing area rectangle
void SetRectL( const TRect& aRect );
* Sets secondary rect (e.g. viewfinder in twoway session)
* @param TRect This session new secondary drawing area rectangle
void SetSecondaryRectL( const TRect& aSecondaryRect );
* Gets secondary rect.
* @return TRect This session secondary drawing area rectangle
virtual TRect SecondaryRect() const;
* Returns current display orientation.
* @pre Session is ongoing
* @return Current display orientation
* @leave KErrNotReady if precondition is not fullfilled
TDisplayOrientation OrientationL();
* Sets display orientation.
* @pre Session is ongoing
* @return Sets display orientation
* @leave KErrNotReady if precondition is not fullfilled
void SetOrientationL( TDisplayOrientation aOrientation );
* Permission to draw on screen device.
* @pre Session is ongoing
void EnableDisplayL( TBool aEnable );
* Implements virtual from MMusEngDisplayHandler
* @pre Session is ongoing
TBool IsDisplayEnabled();
* Implements virtual from MMusEngDisplayHandler
* @pre Session is ongoing
TBool IsDisplayActive();
public: // From MMusEngAudioRoutingObserver
void AudioRoutingChanged();
public: // From MLcSession
virtual TLcSessionState LcSessionState() const;
void SetLcSessionObserver( MLcSessionObserver* aObserver );
void SetLcUiProvider( MLcUiProvider* aUiProvider );
virtual MLcVideoPlayer* RemoteVideoPlayer();
virtual MLcVideoPlayer* LocalVideoPlayer();
virtual const TDesC& LocalDisplayName();
virtual const TDesC& RemoteDisplayName();
TInt SetParameter( TInt aId, TInt aValue );
TInt ParameterValue( TInt aId );
TBool IsBackgroundStartup();
TInt SetForegroundStatus( TBool aIsForeground );
const TDesC& RemoteDetails();
void UpdateLcSessionL();
TBool SendDialTone( TChar aKey);
public: // From MLcAudioControl
TBool IsLcAudioMutedL();
void MuteLcAudioL( TBool aMute );
TBool IsLcMicMutedL();
void MuteLcMicL( TBool aMute );
TBool IsEnablingLcLoudspeakerAllowed();
void EnableLcLoudspeakerL( TBool aEnabled );
TBool IsLcLoudspeakerEnabled();
TInt LcVolumeL();
void SetLcVolumeL( TInt aValue );
void IncreaseLcVolumeL();
void DecreaseLcVolumeL();
MLcSessionObserver* LcSessionObserver();
MLcUiProvider* LcUiProvider();
protected: // CONSTRUCTORS
* Constructor
* Second-phase constructor
void ConstructL();
* Function handling MCE session state changes.
* To be overridden in sibling classes if needed.
virtual void HandleSessionStateChanged( CMceSession& aSession,
TInt aStatusCode,
const TDesC8& aReasonPhrase );
* Function handling MCE session termination.
virtual void HandleTermination( TInt aStatusCode,
const TDesC8& aReasonPhrase );
* Sets Multimediasharing specific video codec settings. This functions
* gets called for every video codec in session. To be overridden in
* sibling classes if needed.
virtual void AdjustVideoCodecL( CMceVideoCodec& aVideoCodec,
TMceSourceType aSourceType );
* Sets Multimediasharing specific audio codec settings like audio MMF
* priority and preference. This functions gets called for every audio
* codec in session. To be overridden in sibling classes if needed.
virtual void AdjustAudioCodecL( CMceAudioCodec& aAudioCodec );
* Removes multiples of H.263 codec, prefers H263-2000 over H263-1998.
* Additionally selects just the one with best quality from selected mode.
* @param aVideoStream
virtual void DoCodecSelectionL( CMceVideoStream& aVideoStream );
virtual void RectChangedL();
protected: // HELPER FUNCTIONS
void InformObserverAboutSessionStateChange();
void InformObserverAboutSessionUpdate();
void InformObserverAboutSessionFailure( TInt aReason );
void InformObserverAboutPlayerStateChange( MLcVideoPlayer* aPlayer );
void InformObserverAboutPlayerUpdate( MLcVideoPlayer* aPlayer );
void InformObserverAboutPlayerFailure(
MLcVideoPlayer* aPlayer,
TInt aReason );
void InformUiProviderAboutReceivingStart();
MLcUiProvider& LcUiProviderL();
* Sets session specific SDP lines to a session.
void SetSessionSdpLinesL( CMceSession& aSession,
TBool aForceBandwidthLine = EFalse );
* Sets media specific SDP lines to media.
void SetMediaSdpLinesL( CMceMediaStream& aStream,
TBool aForceBandwidthLine = EFalse );
* Sets the volume level of all speakers in session structure.
* @param aNewVolume New volume level for all speakers
void SetSpeakerVolumeL( TInt aNewVolume );
* Adjusts settings of all streams. Calls AdjustVideoStreamL for every
* video stream and AdjustAudioStreamL for every audio stream in session.
void AdjustStreamsAndCodecsL();
* Adjusts stream settings. Calls AdjustVideoCodecL for every video
* codec in stream.
void AdjustVideoStreamL( CMceVideoStream& aVideoStream );
* Adjusts stream settings. Calls AdjustAudioCodecL for every audio
* codec in stream.
void AdjustAudioStreamL( CMceAudioStream& aAudioStream );
* Calls CMceInSession::RejectL() inside TRAP_IGNORE
void Reject( CMceInSession& aSession,
const TDesC8& aReason = KNullDesC8(),
TUint32 aCode = 0 );
void SaveContactL( const TDesC8& aAddress );
protected: // from MMceInSessionObserver
* Incoming session invitation. The CMceInSession is given to the
* application as a callback. This default implementation rejects
* session immediately.
* @param aSession, pointer to the incoming session. Ownership is
* transferred.
* @param aContainer, if present, holds details of
* transaction causing state change.
void IncomingSession( CMceInSession* aSession,
TMceTransactionDataContainer* aContainer );
* Incoming session update. The new updated CMceInSession is given to the
* application as a callback. This default implementation rejects
* session immediately.
* @param aOrigSession, the original session to be updated. This instance
* cannot be used anymore, all actions done using aUpdatedSession
* instance.
* @param aUpdatedSession, pointer to the new updated session. Ownership
* is transferred.
* @param aContainer, if present, holds details of
* update transaction.
void IncomingUpdate( CMceSession& aOrigSession,
CMceInSession* aUpdatedSession,
TMceTransactionDataContainer* aContainer );
protected: // from MMceStreamObserver
* The state of the stream has changed.
* @param aStream, the stream that has changed.
void StreamStateChanged( CMceMediaStream& aStream );
* The state of the source has changed.
* @param aStream, the stream that uses the source.
* @param aSource, the source that has changed.
void StreamStateChanged( CMceMediaStream& aStream,
CMceMediaSource& aSource );
* The state of the sink has changed.
* @param aStream, the stream that uses the sink.
* @param aSink, the sink that has changed.
void StreamStateChanged( CMceMediaStream& aStream,
CMceMediaSink& aSink );
private: // from MMceSessionObserver
* The state of the session has changed.
* @param aSession, the session that has changed.
* @param aContainer, if present, holds details of
* transaction causing state change.
void SessionStateChanged( CMceSession& aSession,
TMceTransactionDataContainer* aContainer );
* The state of the connection used by the session has changed.
* @param aSession, the session that has changed.
* @param aActive, ETrue if connection active, EFalse if
* connection inactive.
void SessionConnectionStateChanged( CMceSession& aSession,
TBool aActive );
* An error has occurred concerning a specific session.
* Note, that each error causes the session state to be ETerminated.
* @param aSession, The session raising the error.
* @param aError, Error code
void Failed( CMceSession& aSession, TInt aError );
* An session update has been failed concerning a specific session.
* Note, that each error causes the session state to be ETerminated.
* @param aSession, The session raising the error.
* @param aContainer, if present, holds details of
* transaction causing update.
void UpdateFailed( CMceSession& aSession,
TMceTransactionDataContainer* aContainer );
private: // from MMCERtpObserver
* Callback function to indicate that an RTCP sender report
* has been received.
* @param aSession the session that has changed
* @param aStream the stream that has changed
void SRReceived( CMceSession& aSession, CMceMediaStream& aStream);
* Callback function to indicate that an RTCP receiver report
* has been received.
* @param aSession the session that has changed
* @param aStream the stream that has changed
void RRReceived( CMceSession& aSession, CMceMediaStream& aStream);
* Callback function to indicate inactivity timer timeout
* has occurred. Timer is disabled after the timeout.
* @param aStream, the session that has changed.
* @param aSource, the source that the timeout occurred.
void InactivityTimeout( CMceMediaStream& aStream,
CMceRtpSource& aSource );
* Callback function to indicate that spesified CMceRtpSource has
* received RTP from a new synchronization source (SSRC).
* @param aStream the stream that new SSRC was added to
* @param aSource the source that new SSRC was added to
* @param aSsrc added SSRC identifier
void SsrcAdded( CMceMediaStream& aStream,
CMceRtpSource& aSource,
TUint aSsrc );
* Callback function to indicate that spesified CMceRtpSource has
* received RTP BYE message from a spesified synchronization
* source (SSRC).
* @param aStream the stream that SSRC was removed from
* @param aSource the source that SSRC was removed from
* @param aSsrc removed SSRC identifier
void SsrcRemoved( CMceMediaStream& aStream,
CMceRtpSource& aSource,
TUint aSsrc );
private: // from MMusSipProfileUser
virtual TBool IsRoamingBetweenAPsAllowed();
virtual void ProfileRegistered();
* Adds b=AS and b=TIAS lines to the array
void AddSdpBandwidthAttributesL( CDesC8Array& aSdpLinesArray,
TInt aBandwidthAs );
* Checks whether AS or TIAS bandwidth attributes present in the array
TBool IsBandwidthAttributeSet( MDesC8Array* aSdpLinesArray );
* Callback
void UpdateTimerEvent();
* Does actual muting or unmuting of local audio playback but does not
* mark speaker as explicitly muted so this function can be called also
* when muting speaker as a consequence of disabling or enabling
* bundled display sink.
void DoMuteSpeakerL( TBool aMute );
* Checks if some of array items contains specific text.
* @param aArray
* @param aItem
* @return ETrue if array contains aItem
TBool ContainsText( MDesC8Array* aArray, const TDesC8& aItem );
void DoBitrateBasedRemovalL( CMceVideoStream& aVideoStream,
const CMceVideoCodec& aBestBitrateVideoCodec );
void DoCodecModeBasedRemovalL( CMceVideoStream& aVideoStream );
* Get session time return estabilished session time
* @return TTime returns time if connection established else < 0
TTimeIntervalSeconds GetSessionTime() const;
* Reads from CenRep and sets encoding device for a codec.
void SetEncodingDeviceL( CMceVideoCodec& aVideoCodec );
* Sets configuration key for a codec
void SetCodecConfigKeyL( CMceVideoCodec& aVideoCodec );
* Reads proper configuration key for a codec. NULL if not available.
* Ownership is transferred.
HBufC8* ReadCodecConfigKeyL( const CMceVideoCodec& aVideoCodec ) const;
* Constructs and stores to cenrep a concatenation of all AVC config keys.
void StoreEncoderConfigInfoL() const;
* Returns config key id for the provided codec. Ownership is transferred
const TPtrC8 ConfigKeyIdL( const CMceVideoCodec& aVideoCodec ) const;
protected: // Data
* Drawing area rect.
TRect iRect;
* Telephone utilities.
CMusEngTelephoneUtils* iTelephoneUtils;
* UID used to identify application, needed to create MCE manager
TUid iMceManagerUid;
* Class for connecting to MCE server.
* This class provides the connection to the MCE server and
* provides functions
* for setting observers for asynchronous events.
* The user should create only one instance of this class.
CMceManager* iManager;
* Base class for MCE sessions, inherited by both CMCEInSession and
* CMCEOutSession. * CMCESession represents peer-to-peer connection
* made with remote terminal. This connection is also known as dialog
* and it is set up using SIP INVITE method. The characteristics of the
* session are defined by user of this class by attaching media streams
* into the session. After the session has been succesfully established,
* it can be later updated and must be finally terminated. If for any
* reason instance of this class is deleted while in established state,
* session is automatically terminated by MCE server.
CMceSession* iSession;
* ETrue if operator specific behavior is expected
TBool iOperatorVariant;
* The handler for the SIP profile related to this session
CMusSipProfileHandler* iSipProfileHandler;
* Session state for MLcSession
MLcSession::TLcSessionState iLcSessionState;
* If true, configuration key of current AVC codec must be written to
* CenRep after session establishment.
TBool iStoreEncoderConfigInfo;
* Remote details
HBufC* iRemoteDetails;
private: // New functions
void StreamStreaming( CMceMediaStream& aStream );
private: // Data
* The session observer, if present.
MLcSessionObserver* iLcSessionObserver;
* The UI provider, if present.
MLcUiProvider* iLcUiProvider;
* It is assumed, that user has only one instance of this class.
* The same instance is passed between MCE and user, but the data
* inside of this container is just updated for each event.
TMceTransactionDataContainer iTransactionDataContainer;
* Session time. Acts simultaneously as RTCP inactivity timer.
TTime iStartTime;
CMusEngSessionDurationTimer* iUpdateTimer;
* Value indicating seconds gone since last received RTCP sender or
* receiver report. Value 20 indicates RTCP inactivity timeout.
TInt iSecondsFromLastRtcpReport;
* Value indicating if speaker is explicitly muted instead of
* muted as part of disabling bundled display sink
TBool iExplicitlyMuted;
* Value indicates whether session was started in background mode.
* (see IsBackgroundStartup()). Once application comes to foreground,
* iBackground is set to EFalse
TBool iBackground;
MUS_UNITTEST( UT_CMusEngMceSession )
MUS_UNITTEST( UT_CMusEngReceiveSession )
MUS_UNITTEST( UT_CMusEngSessionManager )