changeset 29 8192e5b5c935
child 32 c163ef0b758d
equal deleted inserted replaced
25:3ec52facab4d 29:8192e5b5c935
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    17 #ifdef SHARE_FUNC_ENABLED
    19 #include "mpdetailssharedialog.h"
    20 #include "mpsharedata.h"
    21 #include "mpsongdata.h"
    22 #include "mptrace.h"
    23 #include <QObject>
    24 #include <QGraphicsWebView>
    25 #include <QGraphicsScene>
    26 #include <QWebPage>
    27 #include <QWebFrame>
    28 #include <QNetworkAccessManager>
    29 #include <QNetworkDiskCache>
    30 #include <QDesktopServices>
    31 #include <QNetworkProxyFactory>
    32 #include <hbmessagebox.h>
    33 #include <QFile>
    34 #include <QTextStream>
    37 // SHARE_INDEX_FILE defines where the index.html file is loaded from.
    38 #define SHARE_INDEX_URL "qrc://shareview/index.html"
    40 #ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
    41 // Symbian target.
    42 #ifdef SHARE_PLAYER_RND
    43 // For R&D testing, index.html may be loaded from E: drive.
    44 // User must manually place index.html in the correct location.
    45 // If the RND file does not exist, then SHARE_INDEX_URL will be used.
    46 #define RND_SHARE_INDEX_URL "file://e:/index.html"
    47 #define RND_SHARE_INDEX_FILE "e:\\index.html"
    48 #define RND_OVI_LOGIN_FILE "e:\\ovicredentials.txt"
    49 #define RND_DEFAULT_USER "hipsu"
    50 #define RND_DEFAULT_PASS "hipsupass"
    51 #endif
    52 #else
    53 // Assume Windows target.
    54 #define RND_SHARE_INDEX_URL "file://c:/temp/index.html"
    55 #define RND_SHARE_INDEX_FILE "c:\\temp\\index.html"
    56 #define RND_OVI_LOGIN_FILE "c:\\temp\\ovicredentials.txt"
    58 #endif
    60 // For allowing local caching of javascript files loaded by popup
    61 class MpNetworkAccessManager : public QNetworkAccessManager
    62 {
    63 public:
    64     MpNetworkAccessManager() { };
    66 private:
    67     QNetworkReply *createRequest( Operation op,
    68                                  const QNetworkRequest &request,
    69                                  QIODevice *outgoingData = 0 )
    70     {
    71         TX_ENTRY
    72         QVariant val = request.attribute( QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute );
    73         qDebug() << "request cachecontrol - " << val.typeName() << val.toInt();
    75          // Change the cache load control attrbute!
    76         QNetworkRequest req = request;
    77         req.setAttribute( QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute,
    78                            QVariant( QNetworkRequest::PreferCache ) ); // was PreferNetwork
    79         TX_EXIT
    80         return QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest( op, req, outgoingData );
    81     }
    82 };
    85 /*!
    86  Constructor.
    87  */
    88 MpDetailsShareDialog::MpDetailsShareDialog()
    89     : mShareWebView( 0 ),
    90       mShareNetAccMan( 0 )
    91 {
    92 }
    94 void MpDetailsShareDialog::initialize( MpSongData* aSongData )
    95 {
    96     TX_ENTRY
    97     if ( !initUser() )
    98     {
    99         emit closeShareDialog();
   100         return;
   101     }
   102     initShareData( aSongData );
   103     initNetworkAccessManager();
   104     initWebView();
   105     initSignalSlots();
   107     setDismissPolicy( HbDialog::NoDismiss );
   109     // No timeout needed for the dialog.
   110     setTimeout( HbPopup::NoTimeout );
   112 #ifdef SHARE_PLAYER_RND
   113     // Test whether the RND file exists.
   114     QFile file( RND_SHARE_INDEX_FILE );
   115     if ( file.exists() )
   116     {
   117         // Load the RND URL from the specified location to the web view.
   118         TX_LOG_ARGS( "share: Use RND index.html file " << RND_SHARE_INDEX_FILE )
   119         mShareWebView->load( QUrl( RND_SHARE_INDEX_URL ) );
   120     }
   121     else
   122 #endif
   123     {
   124         // Load the production URL from the application resources to the web view.
   125         TX_LOG_ARGS( "share: Use QRC index.html file " << SHARE_INDEX_URL )
   126         mShareWebView->load( QUrl( SHARE_INDEX_URL ) );
   127     }
   128     TX_EXIT
   129 }
   132 /*!
   133  Destructor.
   134  */
   135 MpDetailsShareDialog::~MpDetailsShareDialog()
   136 {
   137     TX_ENTRY
   138     logoutPlayer();
   139     delete mShareNetAccMan;
   140     TX_EXIT
   141 }
   143 void MpDetailsShareDialog::initShareData( MpSongData* aSongData )
   144 {
   145     TX_ENTRY
   146     // Set information for the share data.
   147     mShareData.setOwner( this );
   148     mShareData.setSongData( aSongData );
   149     // TODO need localized error message.
   150     mShareData.setErrorMessage( "An error occured. Sharing is not currently available" );
   151     // TODO need language setting.
   152     mShareData.setLanguage( "en" );
   153     TX_EXIT
   154 }
   156 void MpDetailsShareDialog::initNetworkAccessManager()
   157 {
   158     TX_ENTRY
   159     // Make our own network access manager to allow JS retrieval from local cache,
   160     // since configuration for the default network access manager seems to be
   161     // to always redownload from network.
   162     mShareNetAccMan = new MpNetworkAccessManager();
   163     mShareNetAccMan->proxyFactory()->setUseSystemConfiguration( true );
   164     QNetworkDiskCache* diskCache = new QNetworkDiskCache( this );
   165     QString location = QDesktopServices::storageLocation( QDesktopServices::CacheLocation );
   166     diskCache->setCacheDirectory( location );
   167     mShareNetAccMan->setCache( diskCache );
   168     TX_EXIT
   169 }
   171 void MpDetailsShareDialog::initWebView()
   172 {
   173     TX_ENTRY
   174     mShareWebView = new QGraphicsWebView();
   175     mShareWebView->settings()->setAttribute( QWebSettings::LocalContentCanAccessRemoteUrls, true );
   176     mShareWebView->settings()->setAttribute( QWebSettings::LocalStorageDatabaseEnabled, true );
   177     mShareWebView->settings()->enablePersistentStorage();
   178     mShareWebView->page()->setNetworkAccessManager( mShareNetAccMan );
   179     setContentWidget( mShareWebView );
   180     TX_EXIT
   181 }
   183 void MpDetailsShareDialog::initSignalSlots()
   184 {
   185     TX_ENTRY
   186     // Connect various signals to slots for interface to webview.
   187     connect( mShareWebView, SIGNAL( loadFinished( bool ) ), SLOT( onIndexLoad( bool ) ) );
   188     connect( mShareWebView->page()->mainFrame(), SIGNAL( javaScriptWindowObjectCleared() ), this, SLOT( addContext() ) );
   189     connect( mShareWebView->page(), SIGNAL( windowCloseRequested() ), this, SIGNAL( closeShareDialog() ) );
   190     TX_EXIT
   191 }
   193 /*!
   194  initUser is used as temporary solution until Single Sign On is implemented in platform.
   195  */
   196 bool MpDetailsShareDialog::initUser()
   197 {
   198     TX_ENTRY
   199     bool result = false;
   200 #ifdef SHARE_PLAYER_RND
   201     // ovicredentials.txt is used as temporary solution until Single Sign On is implemented in platform.
   202     QFile file( RND_OVI_LOGIN_FILE );
   203     if ( ! QFile::ReadOnly ) )
   204     {
   205 //        errorHandler( "share", QString( RND_OVI_LOGIN_FILE ) + " missing" );
   206         mShareData.setUsername( RND_DEFAULT_USER );
   207         mShareData.setPassword( RND_DEFAULT_PASS );
   208         result = true;
   209     }
   210     else
   211     {
   212         QTextStream stream ( &file );
   213         QString strCred = stream.readLine( 0 );
   214         file.close();
   215         QStringList slCred = strCred.split( ":" );
   216         if ( slCred.length() > 1 )
   217         {
   218             mShareData.setUsername( slCred[ 0 ] );
   219             mShareData.setPassword( slCred[ 1 ] );
   220             result = true;
   221         }
   222         else
   223         {
   224             errorHandler( "share", QString( RND_OVI_LOGIN_FILE ) + " username:password expected" );
   225         }
   226     }
   227     TX_LOG_ARGS( "share: credentials " << mShareData.username() << " / " << mShareData.password() )
   228 #else
   229     // TODO: Single Sign On stuff.
   230 #endif // SHARE_PLAYER_RND
   231     TX_EXIT
   232     return result;
   233 }
   235 /*!
   236  Release resources from share player.
   237  */
   238 void MpDetailsShareDialog::logoutPlayer()
   239 {
   240     TX_ENTRY
   241     if (mShareWebView)
   242     {
   243         mShareWebView->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( "music.teardown();" );
   244     }
   245     TX_EXIT
   246 }
   248 /*!
   249  Adds the shared data context to the javascript of the loaded page.
   250  */
   251 void MpDetailsShareDialog::addContext()
   252 {
   253     TX_ENTRY
   254     if (mShareWebView)
   255     {
   256         mShareWebView->page()->mainFrame()->addToJavaScriptWindowObject( "context", &mShareData );
   257     }
   258     TX_EXIT
   259 }
   261 /*!
   262  Updates the shared data context in the javascript of the loaded page.
   263  */
   264 void MpDetailsShareDialog::updateSharedData()
   265 {
   266     TX_ENTRY
   267     if (mShareWebView)
   268     {
   269         mShareWebView->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( "music.updateContextArea();" );
   270         mShareWebView->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( "music.updateMetadata();" );
   271     }
   272     TX_EXIT
   273 }
   275 /*!
   276  Slot to call when index.html loading completes.
   277  */
   278 void MpDetailsShareDialog::onIndexLoad( bool aOk )
   279 {
   280     TX_ENTRY
   281     if ( !aOk )
   282     {
   283         // Close the popup window, failed to load index.html.
   284         // This is pretty serious and most likely unrecoverable error.
   285         // Only thing we can do really is to close the share player
   286         // dialog - TODO do we need to show any error message to user?
   287         TX_LOG_ARGS( "share: failed to load index.html" )
   288         emit closeShareDialog();
   289     }
   290     TX_EXIT
   291 }
   293 /*!
   294  Slot to call for debug output.
   295  */
   296 void MpDetailsShareDialog::debugJs( QString s )
   297 {
   298     TX_ENTRY
   299     TX_LOG_ARGS( "share: debugJs: " << s )
   300     TX_EXIT
   301 }
   303 /*!
   304  Slot to call for displaying an error message to the user.
   305  */
   306 void MpDetailsShareDialog::errorHandler( QString error, QString message )
   307 {
   308     TX_ENTRY
   309     TX_LOG_ARGS( "share: errorHandler: " << error << ": " << message )
   310     HbMessageBox::warning( error + ": " + message ); // For week16 hbwidgets
   311 //    HbMessageBox::launchWarningMessageBox( error + ": " + message ); // For week12 hbwidgets
   312     TX_EXIT
   313 }
   315 /*!
   316  Slot to call to clear the web view cache.
   317  */
   318 void MpDetailsShareDialog::clearCache()
   319 {
   320     TX_ENTRY
   321     QAbstractNetworkCache* cache = mShareNetAccMan ? mShareNetAccMan->cache() : NULL;
   322     if ( cache )
   323     {
   324         TX_LOG_ARGS( "share: clearCache: clearing cache" )
   325         cache->clear();
   326 #ifdef SHARE_PLAYER_RND
   327         errorHandler( "Cache", "Cleared cache!" );
   328 #endif
   329     }
   330     else
   331     {
   332         TX_LOG_ARGS( "share: clearCache: unable to clear cache" )
   333 #ifdef SHARE_PLAYER_RND
   334         errorHandler( "Cache", "Could not clear cache!" );
   335 #endif
   336     }
   337     TX_EXIT
   338 }
   340 #endif // SHARE_FUNC_ENABLED