changeset 41 ea59c434026a
child 43 0f32e550d9d8
child 48 af3740e3753f
equal deleted inserted replaced
32:c163ef0b758d 41:ea59c434026a
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: Music Player global popup handler.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <hblabel.h>
    20 #include <hbaction.h>
    21 #include <hbfontspec.h>
    22 #include <hbmessagebox.h>
    23 #include <hbprogressdialog.h>
    24 #include <hbnotificationdialog.h>
    26 #include "mpglobalpopuphandler.h"
    27 #include "mpsettingsmanager.h"
    28 #include "mpenginefactory.h"
    29 #include "mpsongscanner.h"
    30 #include "mpmtpinfolink.h"
    31 #include "mptrace.h"
    33 /*!
    34     \class MpGlobalPopupHandler
    35     \brief Music Player global popup handler.
    37     This class controls the asynchronous operation of all global dialogs. 
    38 */
    40 // Popups launched by this class
    41 const QString KScanProgressDialog = QString( "ScanProgressDialog" );
    42 const QString KDiskFullDialog = QString( "DiskFullDialog" );
    43 const QString KScanFinished = QString( "ScanFinishedDialog" );
    44 const QString KUnableToContinueDueUSB = QString( "UnableToContinueDueUSB" );
    45 const QString KUsbBlockingNote = QString( "UsbBlockingNote" );
    46 const QString KPromptRefresh = QString( "PromptRefresh" );
    47 const QString KMTPInfoDialog = QString( "MTPInfoDialog" );
    49 // Popups Actions
    50 const QString KYes = QString( "yes" );
    51 const QString KNo = QString( "no" );
    53 /*!
    54  Constructs the collection popup handler.
    55  */
    56 MpGlobalPopupHandler::MpGlobalPopupHandler( QObject *parent )
    57     : QObject( parent ),
    58       mOutstandingPopup( 0 ),
    59       mMpEngine( 0 ),
    60       mMpSongScanner( 0 )
    61 {
    62     TX_ENTRY
    63     mMpEngine = MpEngineFactory::sharedEngine();
    64     connect( mMpEngine, SIGNAL( libraryAboutToUpdate() ), this, SLOT( handleLibraryAboutToUpdate() ) );
    65     connect( mMpEngine, SIGNAL( unableToCotinueDueUSB() ), this, SLOT( launchUnableToCotinueDueUsb() ) );
    66     connect( mMpEngine, SIGNAL( usbSynchronizationStarted() ), this, SLOT( launchUsbBlockingNote() ) );
    67     connect( mMpEngine, SIGNAL( usbSynchronizationFinished() ), this, SLOT( closeUsbBlockingNote() ) );
    68     connect( mMpEngine, SIGNAL( libraryRefreshNeeded() ), this, SLOT( launchRefreshLibraryRequest() ) );
    69     TX_EXIT
    70 }
    72 /*!
    73  Destructs the collection popup handler.
    74  */
    75 MpGlobalPopupHandler::~MpGlobalPopupHandler()
    76 {
    77     TX_ENTRY
    78     delete mOutstandingPopup;
    79     TX_EXIT
    80 }
    82 /*!
    83  Closes any active popup
    84  */
    85 void MpGlobalPopupHandler::cancelOngoingPopup()
    86 {
    87     TX_ENTRY
    88     if ( mOutstandingPopup ) {
    89          mOutstandingPopup->close();
    90     }
    91     TX_EXIT
    92 }
    94 /*!
    95  Slot called upon MpEngine signal libraryAboutToUpdate(). Used to connect with SongScanner.
    96  */
    97 void MpGlobalPopupHandler::handleLibraryAboutToUpdate()
    98 {
    99     TX_ENTRY
   100     if ( !mMpSongScanner && mMpEngine->songScanner() ) {
   101         mMpSongScanner = mMpEngine->songScanner();
   102         connect( mMpSongScanner, SIGNAL( scanStarted() ), this, SLOT( launchScanDialog() ) );
   103         connect( mMpSongScanner, SIGNAL( scanCountChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( scanCountChanged( int ) ) );
   104         connect( mMpSongScanner, SIGNAL( scanFinished( int, int ) ), 
   105                  this, SLOT( handleScanFinished( int, int ) ) );
   106     }
   107     TX_EXIT
   108 }
   110 /*!
   111  Slot called upon notification from MpSongScanner indicating start of
   112  scanning process.
   113  */
   114 void MpGlobalPopupHandler::launchScanDialog()
   115 {
   116     TX_ENTRY
   117     HbProgressDialog* scanProgressDialog = new HbProgressDialog( HbProgressDialog::WaitDialog );
   118     connect( scanProgressDialog, SIGNAL( cancelled() ), mMpSongScanner, SLOT( cancelScan() ) );
   119     scanProgressDialog->setModal( true );
   120     HbLabel *title = new HbLabel( hbTrId( "txt_mus_title_refreshing" ) );
   121     title->setFontSpec(HbFontSpec(HbFontSpec::Primary));
   123     scanProgressDialog->setHeadingWidget( title );
   124     scanProgressDialog->setText( QString("") );
   125     scanProgressDialog->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );
   126     scanProgressDialog->setObjectName( KScanProgressDialog );
   127     setOutstandingPopup( scanProgressDialog );
   128     scanProgressDialog->show();
   129     TX_EXIT
   130 }
   132 /*!
   133  Slot called upon notification from MpSongScanner indicating the number of
   134  songs scanned so far.
   135  */
   136 void MpGlobalPopupHandler::scanCountChanged(int count)
   137 {
   138     TX_ENTRY_ARGS("count " << count )
   139     if ( mOutstandingPopup && ( mOutstandingPopup->objectName() == KScanProgressDialog ) ) {
   140         HbProgressDialog *dialog = qobject_cast<HbProgressDialog *>( mOutstandingPopup );
   141         QString added;
   142         added = hbTrId( "txt_mus_info_ln_songs_added" , count );
   143         dialog->setText( added );
   144     }
   145     TX_EXIT
   146 }
   148 /*!
   149  Slot called upon notification from MpSongScanner. Used to close current scan progress note,
   150  and display scan results.
   152  */
   153 void MpGlobalPopupHandler::handleScanFinished( int error, int itemsAdded )
   154 {
   155     TX_ENTRY_ARGS("error: " << error << " Items added: " << itemsAdded )
   156     if ( mOutstandingPopup && ( mOutstandingPopup->objectName() == KScanProgressDialog ) ) {
   157         HbProgressDialog *dialog = qobject_cast<HbProgressDialog *>( mOutstandingPopup );
   158         disconnect( dialog, SIGNAL( aboutToClose() ), this, SLOT( outstandingPopupClosing() ) );
   159         mOutstandingPopup = 0;
   160         dialog->close();
   161     }
   163     switch( error ) {
   164         case MpSongScanner::ScanErrorNone :
   165             launchScanFinishedDialog( true, itemsAdded );
   166             break;
   167         case MpSongScanner::ScanGeneralError :
   168             launchScanFinishedDialog( false, itemsAdded );
   169             break;
   170         case MpSongScanner::ScanErrorDiskFull :
   171             launchDiskFullDialog();
   172             break;
   173         case MpSongScanner::ScanInterrupted :
   174         default:
   175             //When scan interrupted (DiskEvent) just dimsiss the scanning progress note.
   176             break;
   177     }
   178     TX_EXIT
   179 }
   181 /*!
   182  Slot called when MpEngine emits unableToCotinueDueUSB() signal
   183  */
   184 void MpGlobalPopupHandler::launchUnableToCotinueDueUsb()
   185 {
   186     HbMessageBox *dialog = new HbMessageBox( HbMessageBox::MessageTypeInformation );
   187     dialog->setText( hbTrId( "txt_mus_info_usb_conn_in_progress" ) );
   188     dialog->setModal( true );
   189     dialog->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );
   190     dialog->setObjectName( KUnableToContinueDueUSB );
   191     setOutstandingPopup( dialog );
   192     dialog->show();
   193 }
   195 /*!
   196  Slot called when MpEngine emits usbSynchronizationStarted() signal
   197  */
   198 void MpGlobalPopupHandler::launchUsbBlockingNote()
   199 {
   200     HbProgressDialog *usbBlockingNote = new HbProgressDialog( HbProgressDialog::WaitDialog );
   201     usbBlockingNote->setModal( true );
   202     if ( usbBlockingNote->actions().count() ) {
   203         //Hide cancel action.
   204         usbBlockingNote->actions().at( 0 )->setVisible( false );
   205     }
   206     usbBlockingNote->setDismissPolicy( HbPopup::NoDismiss );
   207     usbBlockingNote->setText( hbTrId( "txt_mus_info_usb_conn_in_progress" ) );
   208     usbBlockingNote->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );
   209     usbBlockingNote->setObjectName( KUsbBlockingNote );
   210     setOutstandingPopup( usbBlockingNote );
   211     usbBlockingNote->show();
   212 }
   214 /*!
   215  Slot called when MpEngine emits usbSynchronizationFinished() signal
   216  */
   217 void MpGlobalPopupHandler::closeUsbBlockingNote()
   218 {
   219     if ( mOutstandingPopup && ( mOutstandingPopup->objectName() == KUsbBlockingNote ) ) {
   220         HbProgressDialog *dialog = qobject_cast<HbProgressDialog *>( mOutstandingPopup );
   221         dialog->cancel();
   222     }
   223 }
   225 /*!
   226  Slot called when MpEngine emits libraryRefreshNeeded() signal
   227  */
   228 void MpGlobalPopupHandler::launchRefreshLibraryRequest()
   229 {
   230     HbAction *action;
   231     HbMessageBox *promptRefresh = new HbMessageBox( HbMessageBox::MessageTypeQuestion );
   232     promptRefresh->setText( hbTrId( "txt_mus_info_music_may_need_to_be_refreshed" ) );
   233     promptRefresh->setTimeout( HbPopup::NoTimeout );
   234     promptRefresh->setModal( true );
   235     promptRefresh->clearActions();
   236     action = new HbAction( hbTrId( "txt_common_button_yes" ) );
   237     action->setObjectName( KYes );
   238     connect( action, SIGNAL( triggered() ), mMpEngine, SLOT( refreshLibrary() ) );
   239     promptRefresh->addAction( action );
   240     action = new HbAction( hbTrId( "txt_common_button_no" ) );
   241     action->setObjectName( KNo );
   242     promptRefresh->addAction( action );
   243     promptRefresh->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );
   244     promptRefresh->setObjectName( KPromptRefresh );
   245     setOutstandingPopup( promptRefresh );
   246     promptRefresh->show();
   247 }
   249 /*!
   250   Slot to launch the MTP educating info dialog
   251  */
   252 void MpGlobalPopupHandler::launchMTPInfoDialog()
   253 {
   254     TX_ENTRY
   255     HbDialog *dialog = new HbDialog();
   256     dialog->setContentWidget( new MpMtpInfoLink() );
   257     dialog->setModal( true );
   258     dialog->setDismissPolicy( HbPopup::NoDismiss);
   259     dialog->setTimeout( HbPopup::NoTimeout );
   260     HbAction *action;
   261     action = new HbAction( hbTrId( "txt_common_button_yes" ) );
   262     action->setObjectName( KYes );
   263     dialog->addAction( action );
   264     action = new HbAction( hbTrId( "txt_common_button_no" ) );
   265     action->setObjectName( KNo );
   266     dialog->addAction( action );
   267     dialog->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );
   268     dialog->setObjectName( KMTPInfoDialog );
   269     setOutstandingPopup( dialog );
   270     dialog->open( this, SLOT( hanldeMTPInfoDialogFinished( HbAction* ) ) );
   271     TX_EXIT
   272 }
   274 /*!
   275  Slot to be called when MtpInfoDialog has finished.
   276  */
   277 void MpGlobalPopupHandler::hanldeMTPInfoDialogFinished( HbAction *selectedAction )
   278 {
   279     TX_ENTRY
   280     if ( selectedAction && selectedAction->objectName() == KNo ) {
   281         MpSettingsManager::instance()->stopShowingMtpInfo();
   282     }
   283     TX_EXIT
   284 }
   286 /*!
   287  Slot to be called when a popup is getting closed. Usefull when a dialog is closed before it finishes
   288  (dialog not closed by a direct user action).
   289  */
   290 void MpGlobalPopupHandler::outstandingPopupClosing()
   291 {
   292     TX_ENTRY
   293     HbPopup *popup = qobject_cast<HbPopup *>( sender() );
   294     if ( popup ) {
   295         Q_ASSERT( popup == mOutstandingPopup );
   296         mOutstandingPopup = 0;
   297     }
   298     TX_EXIT
   299 }
   301 /*!
   302  \internal
   303  Launches Scan Finished Notification.
   304  */
   305 void MpGlobalPopupHandler::launchScanFinishedDialog( bool ok, int itemsAdded )
   306 {
   307     QString added;
   308     HbNotificationDialog *finishedDialog = new HbNotificationDialog();
   309     finishedDialog->setModal(true);
   310     added = hbTrId( "txt_mus_dpopinfo_ln_songs_added", itemsAdded );
   311     finishedDialog->setText( added );
   312     finishedDialog->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );
   313     finishedDialog->setObjectName( KScanFinished );
   314     // Connect aboutToClose with outstandingPopupClosing() first, and then with launchMTPInfoDialog
   315     // in order to get finishDialog cleared before MtpInfoDialog is launched.
   316     setOutstandingPopup( finishedDialog );
   318     if( ok ) {
   319         finishedDialog->setIcon( HbIcon( QString("qtg_large_ok") ) );
   320         finishedDialog->setTitle( hbTrId( "txt_mus_dpophead_refresh_complete" ) );
   321         if ( MpSettingsManager::showMtpInfo() && !mMpSongScanner->isAutomaticScan() ) {
   322             connect( finishedDialog, SIGNAL( aboutToClose() ), this, SLOT( launchMTPInfoDialog() ) );
   323         }
   324     }
   325     else {
   326         finishedDialog->setIcon( HbIcon( QString("qtg_small_fail") ) );
   327         finishedDialog->setTitle( hbTrId( "txt_mus_dpophead_refresh_cancelled" ) );
   328     }
   330     finishedDialog->show();
   331 }
   333 /*!
   334  \internal
   335  Launches DiskFull Notification
   336  */
   337 void MpGlobalPopupHandler::launchDiskFullDialog()
   338 {
   339     TX_ENTRY
   340     QString diskfull;
   341     diskfull = hbTrId( "txt_mus_title_refresh_cancelled" );
   342     diskfull.append(" ");
   343     diskfull.append( hbTrId( "txt_mus_info_out_of_disk_space" ) );
   344     HbMessageBox *diskFullDialog = new HbMessageBox();
   345     diskFullDialog->setIcon( HbIcon( QString("qtg_small_fail") ) );
   346     diskFullDialog->setText( diskfull );
   347     diskFullDialog->setTimeout( HbPopup::NoTimeout);
   348     diskFullDialog->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );
   349     diskFullDialog->setObjectName( KDiskFullDialog );
   350     setOutstandingPopup( diskFullDialog );
   351     diskFullDialog->show();
   352     TX_EXIT
   353 }
   355 /*!
   356  \internal
   357  sets \a popup as the current outstanding popup and cancels any other previous popup.
   358  */
   359 void MpGlobalPopupHandler::setOutstandingPopup( HbPopup *popup )
   360 {
   361     TX_ENTRY
   362     if ( mOutstandingPopup ) {
   363         TX_LOG_ARGS( "Warning: Multiple popups attempted to be displayed" );
   364         if ( mOutstandingPopup->objectName() == KScanFinished ) {
   365             disconnect( mOutstandingPopup, SIGNAL( aboutToClose() ), this, SLOT( launchMTPInfoDialog() ) );
   366         }
   367         mOutstandingPopup->close();
   368     }
   370     connect( popup, SIGNAL( aboutToClose() ), this, SLOT( outstandingPopupClosing() ) );
   371     mOutstandingPopup = popup;
   372     TX_EXIT
   373 }