changeset 22 ecf06a08d4d9
parent 20 82baf59ce8dd
child 23 d45f4c087764
child 25 3ec52facab4d
child 34 2c5162224003
equal deleted inserted replaced
20:82baf59ce8dd 22:ecf06a08d4d9
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  This class provides the functions to manipulate the music collection
    15 *                database.
    16 *
    17 */
    20 #ifndef MPXDBHANDLER_H
    21 #define MPXDBHANDLER_H
    23 //  INCLUDES
    24 #include <e32base.h>
    25 #include <f32file.h>
    27 #include <mpxattribute.h>
    28 #include <mpxmessage2.h>
    29 #include <mpxmediageneraldefs.h>
    30 #include <mpxcollectionframeworkdefs.h>
    31 #include <mpxmessagegeneraldefs.h>
    32 #include <mpxcollectionmessagedefs.h>
    34 #include "mpxcollectiondbstd.h"
    35 #include "mpxcollectiondb.hrh"
    36 #include "mpxdbactivetask.h"
    37 #include "mpxdbmusic.h"     // for MMPXDbMusicObserver
    38 #include "mpxdbartist.h"    // for MMPXDbArtistObserver
    39 #include "mpxdbalbum.h"     // for MMPXDbAlbumObserver
    40 #include "mpxdbplaylist.h"	// for MMPXDbPlaylistObserver
    43 class CMPXMedia;
    44 class CMPXMediaArray;
    45 class CMPXCollectionDbManager;
    46 class CMPXDbPlaylist;
    47 class CMPXDbCategory;
    48 class CMPXDbAuxiliary;
    49 class CMPXDbAutoPlaylist;
    50 class CMPXDbArtist;
    51 class CMPXDbAlbum;
    52 class CMPXDbGenre;
    53 class CMPXDbComposer;
    57 /**
    58 *  Music collection database handler
    59 *
    60 *  @lib MPXDbPlugin.lib
    61 */
    62 class CMPXDbHandler :
    63     public CBase,
    64     public MMPXDbMusicObserver,
    65     public MMPXDbArtistObserver,
    66     public MMPXDbAlbumObserver,
    67 	public MMPXDbPlaylistObserver
    68     {
    69     public:  // Constructors and destructor
    71         /**
    72         * Two-phased constructor.
    73         * @param aFs file server session
    74         * @return a new CMPXDbHandler instance
    75         */
    76         static CMPXDbHandler* NewL(RFs& aFs, CMPXResource& aResource);
    78         /**
    79         * Two-phased constructor.
    80         * @param aFs file server session
    81         * @return a new CMPXDbHandler instance
    82         */
    83         static CMPXDbHandler* NewLC(RFs& aFs, CMPXResource& aResource);
    85         /**
    86         * Destructor.
    87         */
    88         virtual ~CMPXDbHandler();
    90     public:
    92         /**
    93         * Add a song to the music collection database
    94         * @param aMedia media object which contains file path,
    95         *           artist, composer, name(title), track, etc...
    96         * @param aMessageArray change event message to notify client of the changes
    97         * @return TUint32 id of the item added
    98         */
    99         TUint32 AddSongL(const CMPXMedia& aMedia, CMPXMessageArray* aMessageArray=NULL);
   101         /**
   102         * Add a song to the music collection without a database transaction; it
   103         * is assumed the transaction is created at a higher leve
   104         * @param aMedia media object which contains file path,
   105         *           artist, composer, name(title), track, etc...
   106         * @param aMessageArray change event message to notify client of the changes
   107         * @return TUint32 id of the item added
   108         */
   109         TUint32 AddSongWithNoTransactionL(const CMPXMedia& aMedia, CMPXMessageArray* aMessageArray=NULL);
   111         /**
   112         * Add a playlist to the collection
   113         * @param aMedia playlist media object with title and URI of the playlist.
   114         * @return playlist Id of the playlist created
   115         */
   116         TUint32 AddPlaylistL(const CMPXMedia& aMedia);
   118         /**
   119         * Add songs to the specified playlist
   120         * @param aMedia playlist media object with playlist Id.
   121         * @return playlist Id of the playlist
   122         */
   123         TUint32 AddSongToPlaylistL(const CMPXMedia& aMedia);
   125         /**
   126         * Update song info for a song in the music collection database
   127         * @param aMedia songDetails object  which contains file path,
   128         *           artist, composer, name(title), track, etc...
   129         * @param aItemChangedMessages a list of change events as a result of the
   130         *           song update
   131         * @return ETrue if UI visible change else EFalse
   132         */
   133         CMPXDbActiveTask::TChangeVisibility UpdateSongL(const CMPXMedia& aMedia,
   134             CMPXMessageArray& aItemChangedMessages);
   136         /**
   137         * Update playlist info in the music collection database
   138         * @param aMedia playlist details object which contains file path,
   139         *           timestamps etc.
   140         * @param aMessageArray change event messages for the playlist update
   141         */
   142         void UpdatePlaylistL(const CMPXMedia& aMedia, CMPXMessageArray& aMessageArray);
   144         /**
   145         * Update the songs for a playlist in the music collection database
   146         * @param aMedia playlist details object which contains the playlist songs.
   147         * @param aMessage change event message for the playlist update
   148         */
   149         void UpdatePlaylistSongsL(const CMPXMedia& aMedia, CMPXMessage& aMessage);
   151         /**
   152         * Reorder the specified song in the specified playlist
   153         * @param aPlaylistId id of the playlist which contains the song to be reordered
   154         * @param aSongId id of the song to be reordered
   155         * @param aOriginalOrdinal the original ordinal of the song within the playlist.
   156         *        Ordinal starts from 0.
   157         * @param aNewOrdinal the new ordinal of the song within the playlist. Ordinal
   158         *        starts from 0.
   159         * @param aMessage change event message for the playlist update
   160         */
   161         void ReorderPlaylistL(const TMPXItemId& aPlaylistId, const TMPXItemId& aSongId,
   162             TUint aOriginalOrdinal, TUint aNewOrdinal, CMPXMessage& aMessage);
   164         /**
   165         * Remove all songs within music collection database
   166         */
   167         void RemoveEntireCollectionL();
   169         /**
   170         * Remove a song from the music collection database
   171         * @param aSongId ID of the song to be removed
   172         * @param aUriArray a descriptor array to contain the URI of the deleted file
   173         * @param aItemChangedMessages a list of change events as a result of the song removal
   174         * @param aDeleteRecord indicates whether the client has explictly requested
   175         *                to delete the records from the database. If ETrue, records
   176         *                associated with the media will be deleted from the database;
   177         *                if EFalse, whether to mark the records as deleted or to delete
   178         *                the records will be based on other deciding factors.
   179         */
   180         void RemoveSongL(TUint32 aSongId, CDesCArray& aUriArray,
   181             CMPXMessageArray& aItemChangedMessages, TBool aDeleteRecord = EFalse);
   183         /**
   184         * Removes a category of songs from the music collection, and its
   185         * corresponding category in the lookup table
   186         * @param aCategory the category to remove
   187         * @param aCategoryId ID of the category to remove
   188         * @param aUriArray a descriptor array to contain the URI of the deleted songs
   189         * @param aItemChangedMessages a list of change events as a result of the song removal
   190         */
   191         void RemoveSongsMatchingCategoryL(TMPXGeneralCategory aCategory, TUint32 aCategoryId,
   192             CDesCArray& aUriArray, CMPXMessageArray& aItemChangedMessages);
   194         /**
   195         * Removes songs from the music collection belonging to the
   196         * specified artist and album as well as the actual category
   197         * in the lookup table
   198         * @param aArtistId id of the artist
   199         * @param aAlbumId id of the album
   200         * @param aUriArray a descriptor array to contain the URI of the deleted file(s)
   201         * @param aItemChangedMessages a list of change events as a result of the song removal
   202         */
   203         void RemoveSongsMatchingArtistAndAlbumL(TUint32 aArtistId, TUint32 aAlbumId,
   204             CDesCArray& aUriArray, CMPXMessageArray& aItemChangedMessages);
   206         /**
   207         * Remove all playlists from the collection
   208         */
   209         void RemoveAllPlaylistsL();
   211         /**
   212         * Remove a playlist This will remove all the songs from the playlist
   213         * @param aPlaylistId ID of the playlist to remove
   214         * @param aUriArray a descriptor array to contain the URI of the deleted file
   215         * @param aItemChangedMessages a list of change events as a result of the
   216         *        playlist removal
   217         */
   218         void RemovePlaylistL(TUint32 aPlaylistId, CDesCArray& aUriArray,
   219             CMPXMessageArray& aItemChangedMessages);
   221         /**
   222         * Remove a song from the specified playlist.
   223         * @param aPlaylistId ID of the playlist to remove the song from
   224         * @param aSongId Id of the song in the playlist to be removed
   225         * @param aOrdinal the ordinal of the song in the playlist. This uniquely
   226         *        identifies which song in the playlist to be removed; whereas song
   227         *        Id doesn't because duplicate tracks in the playlist are allowed.
   228         *        The position is relative to zero, i.e. zero implies that the song
   229         *        at the beginning of the playlist is to be removed.
   230         * @param aItemChangedMessages a list of change events as a result of the
   231         *        song removal
   232         */
   233         void RemoveSongFromPlaylistL(TUint32 aPlaylist, const TMPXItemId& aSongId,
   234             TInt aOrdinal, CMPXMessageArray& aItemChangedMessages);
   236         /**
   237         * Delete records in all databases which have been marked as deleted
   238         */
   239         void CleanupDeletedRecordsL();
   241         /**
   242         * Get all songs from the music collection databasee
   243         * @param aMediaArray Array to place all the songs' required info
   244         * @param aAttrs required attributes
   245         */
   246         void GetAllSongsL(CMPXMediaArray* aMediaArray,
   247             const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs);
   249         /**
   250         * Get a limited number of songs from the music collection databasee
   251         * @param aMediaArray Array to place all the songs' required info
   252         * @param aAttrs required attributes
   253         * @param aLimit maximum number of songs to retrieve
   254         */
   255         void GetAllSongsLimitedL(const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs,
   256                                  CMPXMediaArray& aMediaArray, TInt aLimit);
   258         /**
   259         * Get songs from the music collection database incrementally
   260         * @param aMediaArray Array to place all the songs' required info
   261         * @param aAttrs required attributes
   262         * @param aTitle title to use as a key
   263         * @param aNumOfSongs number of songs to read
   264         * @param aAsc ascending or descending data read
   265         */
   266         void GetSongsInBlockL(CMPXMediaArray* aMediaArray,
   267             const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs,
   268             TPtrC aTitle,
   269             TUint aNumOfSongs,
   270             TBool aAsc);
   273         /**
   274         * Get songs from the music collection starting at a particular offset
   275         * ONLY use this as the first query to locate particular item. Should use
   276         * GetSongsInBlockL() to fetch in blocks with a particular index
   277         * @param aMediaArray Array to store the results
   278         * @param aAttrs attributes to fetch
   279         * @param aOffset offset to start reading
   280         * @param aCount number of items to get
   281         */
   282         void GetSongsAtOffsetL( CMPXMediaArray* aMediaArray,
   283                                 const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs,
   284                                 TInt aOffset,
   285                                 TInt aCount );
   287         /**
   288         * Get all the songs that match the given artist ID
   289         * @param aArtistId ID of the artist to match
   290         * @param aAttrs required attributes
   291         * @param aMediaArray Array to place all the matching songs' required
   292         *        attributes
   293         */
   294         void GetSongsMatchingArtistL(TUint aArtistId,
   295             const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs, CMPXMediaArray* aMediaArray);
   297         /**
   298         * Get all the songs that match the given album ID
   299         * @param aAlbumId ID of the album to match
   300         * @param aAttrs required attributes
   301         * @param aMediaArray Array to place all the matching songs' required info
   302         */
   303         void GetSongsMatchingAlbumL(TUint aAlbumId,
   304             const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs, CMPXMediaArray* aMediaArray);
   306         /**
   307         * Get all the songs that match the given artist and album ID
   308         * @param aArtistId ID of the artist to match
   309         * @param aAlbumId ID of the album to match
   310         * @param aAttrs required attributes
   311         * @param aMediaArray Array to place all the matching songs' required info
   312         */
   313         void GetSongsMatchingArtistAndAlbumL(TUint aArtistId, TUint aAlbumId,
   314             const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs, CMPXMediaArray* aMediaArray);
   316         /**
   317         * Get all the songs that match the given genre ID
   318         * @param aGenreId ID of the genre to match
   319         * @param aAttrs required attributes
   320         * @param aMediaArray Array to place all the matching songs' required info
   321         */
   322         void GetSongsMatchingGenreL(TUint aGenreId,
   323             const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs, CMPXMediaArray* aMediaArray);
   325         /**
   326         * Get all the songs that match the given composer ID
   327         * @param aComposerId ID of the composer to match
   328         * @param aAttrs required attributes
   329         * @param aMediaArray Array to place all the matching songs' required info
   330         */
   331         void GetSongsMatchingComposerL(TUint aComposerId,
   332             const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs, CMPXMediaArray* aMediaArray);
   334         /**
   335         * Get all the songs that match the given playlist ID
   336         * @param aPlaylistId ID of the playlist to match
   337         * @param aAttrs required attributes
   338         * @param aMediaArray Array to place all the required song info
   339         */
   340         void GetSongsMatchingPlaylistL(TUint aPlaylistId,
   341             const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs, CMPXMediaArray* aMediaArray);
   343         /**
   344         * Get the song info that matches the given song ID from Songs table.
   345         * @param aSongId ID of the song
   346         * @param aAttrs required attributes
   347         * @param aMedia returns the song info
   348         */
   349         void GetSongL(TUint32 aSongId, const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs,
   350             CMPXMedia& aMedia);
   352         /**
   353         * Appends the media object with the song information to the specified array.
   354         * @param aSongId ID of the song
   355         * @param aAttrs required attributes
   356         * @param aMediaArray on return the song info is appended to this array
   357         */
   358         void GetSongL(TUint32 aSongId, const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs,
   359             CMPXMediaArray& aMediaArray);
   361         /**
   362         * Get the song info that matches the given song ID from Songs table.
   363         * The song info will first be populated from Playlist table and
   364         * if the Songs table exists in the drive where the song is located,
   365         * song info will be overwritten from Songs table. This enables the
   366         * support for displaying song title in a playlist when the drive
   367         * where the song is located is not present.
   368         * @aSongId ID of the song
   369         * @aPlaylistId ID of the playlist the song belongs to.
   370         * @param aAttrs required attributes
   371         * @param aMediaArray Array to place all the required song info
   372         * @leave KErrNotFound if the song could not be found in the
   373         *       PlaylistSongs table
   374         */
   375         void GetPlaylistSongL(TUint32 aSongId, TUint32 aPlaylistId,
   376             const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs, CMPXMedia& aMedia);
   378         /**
   379         * Appends the a media object with the song information to the specified array.
   380         * @param aSongId ID of the song
   381         * @param aPlaylistId ID of the playlist
   382         * @param aAttrs required attributes
   383         * @param aMediaArray on return the song info is appended to this array
   384         */
   385         void GetPlaylistSongL(TUint32 aSongId, TUint32 aPlaylistId,
   386             const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs, CMPXMediaArray& aMediaArray);
   388         /**
   389         * Get the song ID of the song that matches the given URI
   390         * @param aUri URI to match
   391         * @return song ID
   392         */
   393         TUint32 GetSongIdMatchingUriL(const TDesC& aUri);
   395         /**
   396         * Get all the artist names from the music collection database sorted by name.
   397         * @param aAttrs required attributes
   398         * @param aMediaArray Array to place all the artists' required info
   399         */
   400         void GetAllArtistsL(const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs,
   401             CMPXMediaArray* aMediaArray);
   403         /**
   404         * Get all the album names from the music collection database sorted by name.
   405         * @param aAttrs required attributes
   406         * @param aMediaArray Array to place all the albums' required info
   407         */
   408         void GetAllAlbumsL(const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs,
   409             CMPXMediaArray* aMediaArray);
   411         /**
   412         * Get all the albums that match the given artist ID sorted by name.
   413         * @param aArtistId ID of the artist to match
   414         * @param aAttrs required attributes
   415         * @param aMediaArray Array to place all the matching albums' required info
   416         */
   417         void GetAlbumsMatchingArtistL(TUint aArtistId,
   418             const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs, CMPXMediaArray& aMediaArray);
   420         /**
   421         * Get all the genre names from the collection
   422         * @param aAttrs required attributes
   423         * @param aMediaArray Array to place all the genres' required info
   424         */
   425         void GetAllGenresL(const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs,
   426             CMPXMediaArray* aMediaArray);
   428         /**
   429         * Get all the composer names from the collection
   430         * @param aAttrs required attributes
   431         * @param aMediaArray Array to place all the composers' required info
   432         */
   433         void GetAllComposersL(const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs,
   434             CMPXMediaArray* aMediaArray);
   436         /**
   437         * Get the playlist ID of the playlist that matches the given URI
   438         * @param aUri URI to match
   439         * @return playlist ID to return
   440         */
   441         TUint32 GetPlaylistIdMatchingUriL(const TDesC& aUri);
   443         /**
   444         * Checks if the specified ID corresponds to an auto playlist.
   445         * @param aPlaylistId ID to be checked
   446         * @return ETrue if it corresponds to an auto playlist, EFalse otherwise
   447         */
   448         TBool IsAutoPlaylistL(TUint32 aPlaylistId);
   450         /**
   451         * Get all the playlist names from the collection
   452         * @param aMediaArray Array to place all the playlists' required info
   453         * @param aAttrs required attributes
   454         */
   455         void GetAllPlaylistsL(CMPXMediaArray* aMediaArray,
   456             const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs);
   458         /**
   459         * Get all the system playlist names from the collection
   460         * @param aMediaArray Array to place all the system playlists' required info
   461         */
   462         void GetAllSystemPlaylistNamesL(CMPXMediaArray* aMediaArray);
   464         /**
   465         * Get title from the Id
   466         * @param Id to search for
   467         * @return name matching the ID
   468         */
   469         HBufC* GetNameMatchingIdL(const TUint32 aId) const;
   471         /**
   472         * Get URI from the Id
   473         * @param Id to search for
   474         * @return URI matching the ID
   475         * @leave KErrNotSupported if the ID refers to an invalid category
   476         */
   477         HBufC* GetUriMatchingIdL(const TUint32 aId) const;
   479         /**
   480         * Retrieve category record with information as specified in the given
   481         * attributes
   482         * @param aCategoryId Id of the record to be retrieved
   483         * @param aCategory category type
   484         * @param aAttrs information to return about the specified category
   485         * @param aMedia returns the category information
   486         */
   487         void GetCategoryL(const TUint32 aCategoryId, TMPXGeneralCategory aCategory,
   488                 const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs, CMPXMedia* aMedia);
   490         /**
   491         * Get the duration for all songs
   492         * @return duration
   493         */
   494         TInt GetAllSongsDurationL();
   496         /**
   497         * Get the duration for all songs for a specified artist
   498         * @param aArtistId identifies the artist
   499         * @return duration
   500         */
   501         TInt GetArtistDurationL(TInt aArtistId);
   503         /**
   504         * Get the duration for all songs in a specified album
   505         * @param aAlbumId identifies the album
   506         * @return duration
   507         */
   508         TInt GetAlbumDurationL(TInt aAlbumId);
   510         /**
   511         * Get the duration for all songs for a specified artist and album
   512         * @param aArtistId identifies the artist
   513         * @param aAlbumId identifies the album
   514         * @return duration
   515         */
   516         TInt GetArtistAlbumDurationL(TInt aArtistId, TInt aAlbumId);
   518         /**
   519         * Get the duration for all songs for a specified composer
   520         * @param aComposerId identifies the composer
   521         * @return duration
   522         */
   523         TInt GetComposerDurationL(TInt aComposerId);
   525         /**
   526         * Get the duration for all songs for a specified genre
   527         * @param aGenreId identifies the genre
   528         * @return duration
   529         */
   530         TInt GetGenreDurationL(TInt aGenreId);
   532         /**
   533         * Get the duration for all songs in a user playlist
   534         * @param aPlaylistId identifies the playlist
   535         * @return duration
   536         */
   537         TInt GetUserPlaylistDurationL(TInt aPlaylistId);
   539         /**
   540         * Get the duration for all songs for a specified playlist
   541         * @param aPlaylistId identifies the playlist
   542         * @return duration
   543         */
   544         TInt GetPlaylistDurationL(TInt aPlaylistId);
   546         /**
   547         * Fetch the total number of items in the specified category
   548         * @param aCategory category to be queried
   549         * @return number of items.
   550         */
   551         TInt NumberOfItemsL(TMPXGeneralCategory aCategory);
   553         /**
   554         * Find media(s) from the collection
   555         * @param aCriteria selection criteria
   556         * @param aAttrs attributes for the matching media
   557         * @return matching media. Ownership is transferred.
   558         * @leave KErrArgument if the criteria do not include a type
   559         *           or category
   560         */
   561         CMPXMedia* FindAllLC(const CMPXMedia& aCriteria,
   562             const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs);
   564         /**
   565         * Set the last refreshed time
   566         * @param aTime the updated last refresh time
   567         */
   568         void SetLastRefreshedTimeL(TTime aTime);
   570         /**
   571         * Get the last refreshed time
   572         * @return last refreshed time
   573         */
   574         TTime GetLastRefreshedTimeL();
   576         /**
   577         * Set the db corrupted bit in the aux table for all drives
   578         * @param aCorrupted flag indicating whether or not the db is corrupted
   579         */
   580         void SetDBCorruptedL(TBool aCorrupted);
   582         /**
   583         * Get the db corrupted bit in the aux table ( or of all drives )
   584         * @return ETrue if database is corrupted, else EFalse
   585         */
   586         TBool IsDBCorruptedL();
   588         /**
   589         * Checks if the database has been created
   590         * @return ETrue if file has been created
   591         */
   592         TBool DatabaseCreated();
   594         /**
   595         * Close and re-open the music collection database stored on the
   596         * specified drive
   597         * @param aDrive drive containing the music collection database to re-open
   598         */
   599         void OpenDatabaseL(TInt aDrive);
   601         /**
   602         * Close a database for a particular drive
   603         * @param aDrive drive to close
   604         */
   605         void CloseDatabaseL(TInt aDrive);
   607         /**
   608         * Recreate all databases.
   609         */
   610         void ReCreateDatabasesL();
   612         /**
   613         * Starts a refresh operation.
   614         */
   615         void RefreshStartL();
   617         /**
   618         * Ends a refresh operation.
   619         */
   620         void RefreshEndL();
   622         /**
   623         * Notification of mtp start
   624         */
   625         void MtpStartL();
   627         /**
   628         * Notification of mtp end
   629         */
   630         void MtpEndL();
   631         /**
   632         * Get total record count for music in db
   633         * @param aDrive, specifies drive number for db selection
   634         * @return count
   635         */
   636         TUint GetMusicCountL(TInt aDrive);
   638         /**
   639         * Get total record count for playlists in db
   640         * @param aDrive, specifies drive number for db selection
   641         * @return count
   642         */
   643         TUint GetPlaylistCountL(TInt aDrive);
   645         /**
   646         * Get total record count for music and playlists in db
   647         * @param aDrive, specifies drive number for db selection
   648         * @return count
   649         */
   650         TUint GetTotalCountL(TInt aDrive);
   652         /**
   653         * Get URIs for a given amount of songs
   654         * @param aDrive, specifies drive number for db selection
   655         * @param aFromID, specifies unique ID of last record retrieved
   656         * @param aRecords, specifies the number of records to get
   657         * @param aUriArr, will contain all URIs on return
   658         * @param aLastID, will contain unique ID of a last record in the array
   659         */
   660         void GetMusicUriArrayL(TInt aDrive, TInt aFromID, TInt aRecords,
   661                                CDesCArray& aUriArr, TInt& aLastID);
   663         /**
   664         * Get URIs for a given amount of playlists
   665         * @param aDrive, specifies drive number for db selection
   666         * @param aFromID, specifies unique ID of last record retrieved
   667         * @param aRecords, specifies the number of records to get
   668         * @param aUriArr, will contain all URIs on return
   669         * @param aLastID, will contain unique ID of a last record in the array
   670         */
   671         void GetPlaylistUriArrayL(TInt aDrive, TInt aFromID, TInt aRecords,
   672                                   CDesCArray& aUriArr, TInt& aLastID);
   674         /**
   675         * Starts a transaction on all open databases.
   676         */
   677         void BeginTransactionL();
   679         /**
   680         * Commits or rolls back a transaction.
   681         * @param aError if error then rolls back the transaction and leaves
   682         *               if KErrNone it commits the transaction
   683         */
   684         void EndTransactionL(TInt aError);
   686         /**
   687         * Checks if the database is currently in a transaction.
   688         *
   689         * @return ETrue if database is currently in a transaction, EFalse otherwise
   690         */
   691         TBool InTransaction();
   693         /**
   694          * Notifies the handler that the collection will be closed.
   695          * It is called before closing the collection.
   696          */
   697         void PreCloseCollectionL();
   699         /**
   700          * Notifies the handler that the collection was closed.
   701          */
   702          void CollectionClosed();
   704          /**
   705          * Notifies the handler that the collection was opened.
   706          */
   707          void CollectionOpenedL();
   709          /**
   710           * Checks if the spefified drive is a remove drive
   711           */      
   712          TBool IsRemoteDrive(TDriveNumber aDrive);
   714          /**
   715           * Checks if there is a drive that has a low disk space
   716           * @leave KErrDiskFull if the space on one of the drives is below the
   717           *         critical level
   718           */
   719          void CheckDiskSpaceOnDrivesL();
   721     private:
   723         /**
   724         * Add a song to the music collection database
   725         * @param aMedia: media object which contains file path,
   726         *           artist, composer, name(title), track, etc...
   727         * @param aMessage change event message to notify client of the changes
   728         * @return Id of the song added
   729         * @leave KErrArgument if the media doe snot include the song URI
   730         */
   731         TUint32 DoAddSongL(const CMPXMedia& aMedia, CMPXMessageArray* aMessageArray);
   733         /**
   734         * Add a playlist to the collection
   735         * @param aMedia playlist media object with title and URI of the playlist.
   736         * @return ID of the playlist created
   737         */
   738         TUint32 DoAddPlaylistL(const CMPXMedia& aMedia);
   740         /**
   741         * Add songs to the specified playlist
   742         * @param aMedia playlist media object with playlist Id.
   743         * @return playlist Id of the playlist
   744         */
   745         TUint32 DoAddSongToPlaylistL(const CMPXMedia& aMedia);
   747         /**
   748         * Update song info for a song in the music collection database
   749         * @param aMedia songDetails object  which contains file path,
   750         *           artist, composer, name(title), track, etc...
   751         * @param aItemChangedMessages a list of items changed
   752         * @return ETrue if UI visible change
   753         * @leave KErrNotSupported if the song ID could not be constructed
   754         */
   755         CMPXDbActiveTask::TChangeVisibility DoUpdateSongL(const CMPXMedia& aMedia,
   756             CMPXMessageArray& aItemChangedMessages);
   758         /**
   759         * Update playlist info in the music collection database
   760         * @param aMedia playlist details object which contains file path,
   761         *           timestamps etc...
   762         * @param aMessage change event message for the playlist update
   763         */
   764         void DoUpdatePlaylistL(const CMPXMedia& aMedia, CMPXMessageArray& aMessageArray);
   766         /**
   767         * Replace all songs for a playlist. This method is called when harvester
   768         * scans an updated playlist. This will also be called if MTP wants to
   769         * replace the contents of an existing playlist. The implementation deleted the
   770         * existing songs first and then inserts the new ones.
   771         * @param aMedia playlist and songs details object which contains file path,
   772         *           timestamps etc...
   773         * @param aMessage change event message for the playlist update
   774         */
   775         void DoUpdatePlaylistSongsL(const CMPXMedia& aMedia, CMPXMessage& aMessage);
   777         /**
   778         * Reorder the specified song in the specified playlist
   779         * @param aPlaylistId id of the playlist which contains the song to be reordered
   780         * @param aSongId id of the song to be reordered
   781         * @param aOriginalOrdinal the original ordinal of the song within the playlist.
   782         *        Ordinal starts from 0.
   783         * @param aNewOrdinal the new ordinal of the song within the playlist. Ordinal
   784         *        starts from 0.
   785         * @param aMessage change event message for the playlist update
   786         */
   787         void DoReorderPlaylistL(const TMPXItemId& aPlaylistId, const TMPXItemId& aSongId,
   788             TUint aOriginalOrdinal, TUint aNewOrdinal, CMPXMessage& aMessage);
   790         /**
   791         * Deletes a song. In addition to deleting the song record from the music
   792         * table takes care of updating the category and playlist tables.
   793         * @param aSongId song to be deleted
   794         * @param aUriArray on return contains the URIs of the song deleted.
   795         * @param aItemChangedMessages on return contains changed messages for all
   796         *        affected items
   797         * @param aDeleteRecord ETrue if the record is to be deleted, EFalse if it is
   798         *        to be marked as deleted.
   799         */
   800         void DoRemoveSongL(TUint32 aSongId, CDesCArray& aUriArray,
   801             CMPXMessageArray& aItemChangedMessages, TBool aDeleteRecord);
   803         /**
   804          * Deletes the song  from the playlist tables
   805          * @param aSongId song to be deleted
   806          * @param aItemChangedMessages on return contains changed messages for all
   807          *        affected items
   808          */
   809         void DoRemoveSongFromPlaylistL(TUint32 aSongId,CMPXMessageArray& aItemChangedMessages);
   811         /**
   812         * Deletes all the songs for a given category. The implementation uses
   813         * DoRemoveSongL for the business logic.
   814         * @param aCategory category type (artist/album/genre/composer)
   815         * @param aCategoryId identifies the category item
   816         * @param aUriArray on return contains the URIs of the songs deleted.
   817         * @param aItemChangedMessages on return contains changed messages for all
   818         *        affected items
   819         * @leave KErrNotSupported if invalid category
   820         */
   821         void DoRemoveSongsMatchingCategoryL(TMPXGeneralCategory aCategory,
   822             TUint32 aCategoryId, CDesCArray& aUriArray,
   823             CMPXMessageArray& aItemChangedMessages);
   825         /**
   826         * Deletes all the songs for a given artist and album.
   827         * The implementation uses DoRemoveSongL for the business logic.
   828         * @param aArtistId identifies the artist
   829         * @param aAlbumId identifies the album
   830         * @param aUriArray on return contains the URIs of the songs deleted.
   831         * @param aItemChangedMessages on return contains changed messages for all affected items
   832         */
   833         void DoRemoveSongsMatchingArtistAndAlbumL(TUint32 aArtistId, TUint32 aAlbumId,
   834             CDesCArray& aUriArray, CMPXMessageArray& aItemChangedMessages);
   836         /**
   837         * Deletes all the playlists in all databases. Note that the songs are not affected.
   838         */
   839         void DoRemoveAllPlaylistsL();
   841         /**
   842         * Deletes a specified playlist.
   843         * @param aPlaylistId the playlist to be deleted.
   844         * @param aUriArray on return contains the URIs of the items deleted.
   845         * @param aItemChangedMessages on return contains changed messages for all
   846         *        affected items
   847         */
   848         void DoRemovePlaylistL(TUint32 aPlaylistId, CDesCArray& aUriArray,
   849             CMPXMessageArray& aItemChangedMessages);
   851         /**
   852         * Deletes a song from a playlist.
   853         * @param aPlaylistId identifies the playlist.
   854         * @param aSongId song to be deleted.
   855         * @param aOrdinal song ordinal in case there are multiple instances of the same
   856         *        song in the playlist.
   857         * @param aItemChangedMessages on return contains changed messages for all
   858         *        affected items
   859         */
   860         void DoRemoveSongFromPlaylistL(TUint32 aPlaylistId, const TMPXItemId& aSongId,
   861             TInt aOrdinal, CMPXMessageArray& aItemChangedMessages);
   863         /**
   864         * Deletes all song records marked as deleted.
   865         */
   866         void DoCleanupDeletedRecordsL();
   868         /**
   869         * Find items in the collection
   870         * @param aCriteria selection criteria
   871         * @param aAttrs attributes for the matching media
   872         * @param aMediaArray returns the matching entries
   873         */
   874         void FindAllL(const CMPXMedia& aCriteria, const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs,
   875             CMPXMediaArray* aMediaArray);
   877         /**
   878         * Find a song.
   879         * @param aCriteria selection criteria
   880         * @param aAttrs attributes for the matching media
   881         * @param aMediaArray returns the matching entries
   882         */
   883         void FindSongL(const CMPXMedia& aCriteria, const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs,
   884             CMPXMediaArray& aMediaArray);
   886         /**
   887         * Gets the songs for a specified playlist
   888         * @param aPlaylistId identifies the playlist
   889         * @param aAttrs attributes to be returned
   890         * @param aMediaArray returns the matching entries
   891         */
   892         void GetPlaylistSongsL(TUint32 aPlaylistId, const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs,
   893             CMPXMediaArray& aMediaArray);
   895         /**
   896         * Find an album
   897         * @param aCriteria selection criteria
   898         * @param aAttrs attributes to be returned
   899         * @param aMediaArray returns the matching entries
   900         */
   901         void FindAlbumL(const CMPXMedia& aCriteria, const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs,
   902             CMPXMediaArray& aMediaArray);
   904         /**
   905         * Extracts the playlist ID and drive ID from the media object.
   906         * @param aMedia playlist information
   907         * @param aPlaylistId returns the playlist ID
   908         * @param aPlaylistDriveId returns the drive ID
   909         * @leave KErrArgument if the media does not include the ID and URI
   910         */
   911         void ProcessPlaylistMediaL(CMPXMedia& aMedia, TUint32& aPlaylistId,
   912             TInt& aPlaylistDriveId);
   914         /**
   915         * Updates all the song entries in the playlist media with extra
   916         * information from the music table.
   917         * @param aMedia inout, contains the playlist/songs information
   918         * @leave KErrArgument if the song does not exist in the music table and
   919         *        the media does not include a URI
   920         */
   921         void UpdatePlaylistSongInfoL(CMPXMedia& aMedia);
   923         /**
   924         * Makes sure all the folders specified in the array parameter are created,
   925         * otherwise it tries to create them. Updates the iDbDrives member variable
   926         * with the drives corresponding to the folders.
   927         * @param aFolders contains all the folders to be processed
   928         */
   929         void ProcessMusicFoldersL(const CDesCArray& aFolders);
   931         /**
   932         * Returns the CMPXDbCategory instance associated with the specified
   933         * category type
   934         * @param aCategory category type
   935         * @return corresponding CMPXDbCategory instance
   936         * @leave KErrNotSupported if invalid category
   937         */
   938         CMPXDbCategory* DbCategoryL(TMPXGeneralCategory aCategory) const;
   940         /**
   941         * Verify the volume id for the databases
   942         */
   943         void VerifyVolumeIdL();
   946 #if defined (__MTP_PROTOCOL_SUPPORT)
   947         /**
   948         * Reads the "save deleted records" MTP flag from CenRep and returns
   949         * the value.
   950         * @return value of the "save deleted records" MTP flag
   951         */
   952         TBool SaveDeletedSongs();
   953 #endif
   955 #ifdef RD_MULTIPLE_DRIVE
   956         /**
   957         * Retrieve all visible music folder locations.
   958         */
   959         CDesCArrayFlat* GetMusicFoldersL();
   960 #endif // RD_MULTIPLE_DRIVE
   962     private:    // From MMPXDbMusicObserver
   964         /**
   965         * @see MMPXDbMusicObserver
   966         */
   967         virtual TUint32 AddCategoryItemL(TMPXGeneralCategory aCategory,
   968             const TDesC& aName, TInt aDriveId,
   969             CMPXMessageArray* aItemChangedMessages, TBool& aItemExist);
   971 		virtual TUint32 AddCategoryItemL(TMPXGeneralCategory aCategory, const TDesC& aName,
   972 			TUint32 aArtist, const TDesC& aArt,
   973 			TInt aDrive, CMPXMessageArray* aItemChangedMessages, TBool& aItemExist);
   975 		virtual void UpdateCategoryItemL(TMPXGeneralCategory aCategory, TUint32 aCategoryId, 
   976 			const CMPXMedia& aMedia, TInt aDrive, CMPXMessageArray* aItemChangedMessages);
   978         /**
   979         * @see MMPXDbMusicObserver
   980         */
   981         virtual void DeleteSongForCategoryL(TMPXGeneralCategory aCategory,
   982             TUint32 aCategoryId, TInt aDriveId, CMPXMessageArray* aItemChangedMessages,
   983             TBool& aItemExist);
   985         /**
   986         * @see MMPXDbMusicObserver
   987         */
   988         virtual void HandlePlayCountModifiedL(CMPXMessageArray& aItemChangedMessages);
   990         /**
   991         * @see MMPXDbMusicObserver
   992         */
   993         virtual void HandlePlaybackTimeModifiedL(CMPXMessageArray& aItemChangedMessages);
   994     private:    // From MMPXDbArtistObserver
   995     /**
   996     * @see MMPXDbArtistObser
   997     */
   998         virtual TInt HandleGetAlbumsCountForArtistL(TUint32 aArtistId);
  1000     private:    // From MMPXDbAlbumObserver
  1001     /**
  1002     * @see MMPXDbAlbumObserver
  1003     */
  1004         virtual TBool HandleIsUnknownArtistL(TUint32 aArtistId);
  1005         virtual TUint32 HandleArtistForAlbumL(const TUint32 aAlbumId);
  1007     private:	// From MMPXDbPlaylistObserver
  1008 	/**
  1009 	* @see MMPXDbPlaylistObserver
  1010 	*/
  1011 		virtual TInt HandlePlaylistDurationL(TUint32 aPlaylistId);
  1013     private:
  1015         /**
  1016         * C++ constructor.
  1017         * @param file session
  1018         */
  1019         CMPXDbHandler(RFs& aFs, CMPXResource& aResource);
  1021         /**
  1022         * Symbian 2nd phase constructor..
  1023         */
  1024         void ConstructL();
  1026     private:    // Data
  1028         // owned member variables
  1029         CMPXCollectionDbManager* iDbManager;
  1030         CMPXDbMusic* iDbMusic;
  1031         CMPXDbPlaylist* iDbPlaylist;
  1032         CMPXDbArtist* iDbArtist;
  1033         CMPXDbAlbum* iDbAlbum;
  1034         CMPXDbGenre* iDbGenre;
  1035         CMPXDbComposer* iDbComposer;
  1036         CMPXDbAuxiliary* iDbAuxiliary;
  1038         CMPXDbAutoPlaylist* iAutoPlaylist;
  1040         CDesCArrayFlat* iMimeTypes;         // MIME types supported
  1041         CDesCArrayFlat* iExtensions;        // file extensions supported
  1042         CDesCArrayFlat* iExtensionsMime;    // file extensions to check MIME
  1043         CDesCArrayFlat* iExtensionsDrm;     // file extensions to check DRM type
  1044         RArray<TInt> iDbDrives;
  1046         // not owned member variables
  1047         RFs& iFs;
  1048         CMPXResource& iResource;
  1049         TBool iOutOfDisk;                   // Are we in out of disk mode?
  1050         TBool iSynchronizeBasicTable;       // Basic music table was not updated during last refresh
  1051         TBool iCollectionOpen;              // Databases opened
  1052         TBool iRefresh;                     // Refresh operation currently performed
  1053         TBool iMtpInUse;                    // Flag for MTP operation
  1054         TInt  iOpOnDbCount;                 // Count to provide a min op amount in one transaction
  1055     };
  1057 #endif      // MPXDBHANDLER_H
  1059 // End of File