changeset 44 eff9df3d9c98
parent 30 b95ddb5a0d10
parent 42 79c49924ae23
equal deleted inserted replaced
30:b95ddb5a0d10 44:eff9df3d9c98
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: Music Player now playing widget backend - Private.
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include <mpxplaybackutility.h>
    19 #include <mpxplaybackframeworkdefs.h>
    20 #include <mpxmediageneraldefs.h>
    21 #include <mpxmediamusicdefs.h>
    22 #include <mpxcommandgeneraldefs.h>
    23 #include <mpxplaybackmessage.h>
    24 #include <mpxmessagegeneraldefs.h>
    25 #include <mpxplaybackmessagedefs.h>
    27 #include <QString>
    29 #include "mpnowplayingbackend_p.h"
    30 #include "mptrace.h"
    32 /*!
    33     \internal
    34     \class MpNowPlayingBackEndPrivate
    35     \brief Wraps the playback utility and provides separation for QT and Symbian code.
    37     This class wraps the playback utility on the MPX Framework to provide a simple
    38     interface and separation of QT and Symbian code.
    39 */
    42 /*!
    43  \internal
    44  Constructs the now playing back end private.
    45  */
    46 MpNowPlayingBackEndPrivate::MpNowPlayingBackEndPrivate( long int playerId, MpNowPlayingBackEnd *qq )
    47 	: q_ptr( qq ),
    48       mPreviousState( NotPlaying ),
    49       mPlaybackUtility(0)
    50 {
    51     TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "Player ID =" << playerId << " Q pointer=" << ( void * )qq )
    52     if ( !playerId ) {
    53         playerId = KPbModeDefault.iUid;
    54     }
    55     TRAPD( errCode,
    56         mPlaybackUtility = MMPXPlaybackUtility::UtilityL( TUid::Uid( playerId ) );    
    57         mPlaybackUtility->AddObserverL( *this );
    58     );
    60     if( KErrNone != errCode && mPlaybackUtility ) {
    61         mPlaybackUtility->Close();
    62         mPlaybackUtility = 0;
    63     }
    64     TX_EXIT
    65 }
    67 /*!
    68  \internal
    69  Destructs the now playing back end private.
    70  */
    71 MpNowPlayingBackEndPrivate::~MpNowPlayingBackEndPrivate()
    72 {
    73     TX_ENTRY
    74     if ( mPlaybackUtility ) {
    75         TRAP_IGNORE( mPlaybackUtility->RemoveObserverL( *this ) );
    76         mPlaybackUtility->Close();
    77     }
    78     TX_EXIT
    79 }
    81 /*!
    82  \internal
    83  Updates the widget with the latest playback information.
    84  */
    85 void MpNowPlayingBackEndPrivate::update()
    86 {
    87     TX_ENTRY
    88     TRAPD( errCode, UpdateStateL() );
    89     if ( KErrNone == errCode ) {
    90         TRAP_IGNORE( RequestMediaL() );
    91     }
    92     TX_EXIT
    93 }
    95 /*!
    96  \internal
    97   Sends a play/pause command.
    98  */
    99 void MpNowPlayingBackEndPrivate::playPause()
   100 {
   101     TX_ENTRY
   102     TRAPD(err, DoPlayPauseL());
   103     if ( err != KErrNone ) {
   104         TX_LOG_ARGS("Error: " << err << "; should never get here.");
   105     }
   106     TX_EXIT
   107 }
   109 /*!
   110  \internal
   111  Callback function from MMPXPlaybackObserver.
   112  \sa DoHandlePlaybackMessageL()
   113  */
   114 void MpNowPlayingBackEndPrivate::HandlePlaybackMessage(
   115     CMPXMessage* aMessage,
   116     TInt aError )
   117 {
   118     TX_ENTRY
   119     if ( aError == KErrNone && aMessage ) {
   120         TRAP_IGNORE( DoHandlePlaybackMessageL( *aMessage ) );
   121     }
   122     TX_EXIT
   123 }
   125 /*!
   126  \internal
   127  Callback function from MMPXPlaybackObserver.
   128  */
   129 void MpNowPlayingBackEndPrivate::HandlePropertyL( TMPXPlaybackProperty aProperty,
   130     TInt aValue, TInt aError)
   131 {
   132     // Nothing to do.
   133     Q_UNUSED(aProperty);
   134     Q_UNUSED(aValue);
   135     Q_UNUSED(aError);
   136 }
   138 /*!
   139  \internal
   140  Callback function from MMPXPlaybackObserver.
   141  */
   142 void MpNowPlayingBackEndPrivate::HandleSubPlayerNamesL( TUid aPlayer,
   143     const MDesCArray* aSubPlayers, TBool aComplete, TInt aError )
   144 {
   145     // Nothing to do.
   146     Q_UNUSED(aPlayer);
   147     Q_UNUSED(aSubPlayers);
   148     Q_UNUSED(aComplete);
   149     Q_UNUSED(aError);
   150 }
   152 /*!
   153  \internal
   154  Callback function from MMPXPlaybackCallback.
   155  */
   156 void MpNowPlayingBackEndPrivate::HandleMediaL(
   157         const CMPXMedia& aMedia,
   158         TInt aError )
   159 {
   160     TX_ENTRY
   161     if( KErrNone != aError || mPreviousState == NotPlaying ) {
   162         TX_EXIT
   163         return;
   164     }
   166     if( aMedia.IsSupported( KMPXMediaGeneralTitle ) ) {
   167         emit q_ptr->titleChanged(
   168             QString::fromUtf16( aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaGeneralTitle ).Ptr(),
   169                                 aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaGeneralTitle ).Length() ) );
   170     }
   171     else if (aMedia.IsSupported( KMPXMediaGeneralUri )) {
   172         TParsePtrC filePath( aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaGeneralUri ) );
   173         emit q_ptr->titleChanged(
   174             QString::fromUtf16( filePath.Name().Ptr(),
   175                                 filePath.Name().Length() ) );
   176     }
   177     else {
   178         emit q_ptr->titleChanged( QString() );
   179     }
   181     if( aMedia.IsSupported( KMPXMediaMusicArtist ) ) {
   182         emit q_ptr->artistChanged(
   183             QString::fromUtf16( aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaMusicArtist ).Ptr(),
   184                                 aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaMusicArtist ).Length() ) );
   185     }
   186     else {
   187         emit q_ptr->artistChanged( QString() );
   188     }
   189     TX_EXIT
   190 }
   192 /*!
   193  \internal
   194  Leaving function to request Media.
   195  \sa HandleMediaL()
   196  */
   197 void MpNowPlayingBackEndPrivate::RequestMediaL()
   198 {
   199     TX_ENTRY
   200     MMPXSource* mediaSrc = mPlaybackUtility->Source();
   201     User::LeaveIfNull( mediaSrc );
   202     RArray<TMPXAttribute> requestedAttr;
   203     CleanupClosePushL( requestedAttr );
   204     requestedAttr.AppendL( TMPXAttribute( KMPXMediaGeneralTitle ) );
   205     requestedAttr.AppendL( TMPXAttribute( KMPXMediaMusicArtist ) );
   206     requestedAttr.AppendL( TMPXAttribute( KMPXMediaGeneralUri ) );
   207     mediaSrc->MediaL( requestedAttr.Array(), *this );
   208     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &requestedAttr );
   209     TX_EXIT
   210 }
   212 /*!
   213  \internal
   214  Leaving function to update the playback state.
   215  */
   216 void MpNowPlayingBackEndPrivate::UpdateStateL()
   217 {
   218     TX_ENTRY
   219     if ( !mPlaybackUtility->Source() ) {
   220         TX_LOG_ARGS( "NotPlaying" )
   221         mPreviousState = NotPlaying;
   222         emit q_ptr->stateUpdate( NotPlaying );
   224     }
   225     else {
   226         TMPXPlaybackState state = mPlaybackUtility->StateL();
   227         switch ( state ) {
   228             case EPbStatePlaying:
   229                 if ( mPreviousState != Playing ) {
   230                     TX_LOG_ARGS( "Playing" )
   231                     emit q_ptr->stateUpdate( Playing );
   232                 }
   233                 mPreviousState = Playing;
   234                 break;
   235             case EPbStatePaused:
   236             case EPbStateStopped: //reinterpreting stop as a pause
   237                 TX_LOG_ARGS("EPbStatePaused or PbStateStopped")
   238                 if (mPreviousState != Paused){
   239                     TX_LOG_ARGS( "Paused" )
   240                     emit q_ptr->stateUpdate( Paused );
   241                 }
   242                 mPreviousState = Paused;
   243                 break;
   244             default:
   245                 //Ignore other states.
   246                 break;
   247         }
   248     }
   249     TX_EXIT
   250 }
   252 /*!
   253  \internal
   254  Leaving function to send play/pause command.
   255  */
   256 void MpNowPlayingBackEndPrivate::DoPlayPauseL()
   257 {
   258     mPlaybackUtility->CommandL( EPbCmdPlayPause );
   259 }
   261 /*!
   262  \internal
   263  Leaving function to handle the playback /a message.
   264  \sa HandlePlaybackMessageL()
   265  */
   266 void MpNowPlayingBackEndPrivate::DoHandlePlaybackMessageL(
   267     const CMPXMessage& message )
   268 {
   269     TX_ENTRY
   270     TMPXMessageId id( message.ValueTObjectL<TMPXMessageId>( KMPXMessageGeneralId ) );
   271     if ( KMPXMessageGeneral == id ) {
   272         switch ( message.ValueTObjectL<TInt>( KMPXMessageGeneralEvent ) ) {
   273             case TMPXPlaybackMessage::EStateChanged:
   274                 TX_LOG_ARGS( "EStateChanged" )
   275                 UpdateStateL();
   276                 break;
   277             case TMPXPlaybackMessage::EMediaChanged:
   278                 TX_LOG_ARGS( "EMediaChanged or fall through from EPlaylistUpdated" )
   279                 RequestMediaL();
   280                 break;
   281             case TMPXPlaybackMessage::EPlaylistUpdated:
   282                 TX_LOG_ARGS( "EPlaylistUpdated" )
   283             case TMPXPlaybackMessage::EActivePlayerChanged:
   284                 TX_LOG_ARGS( "EActivePlayerChanged or fall through from EPlaylistUpdated" )
   285                 UpdateStateL();
   286                 RequestMediaL();
   287                 break;
   288             default:
   289                 TX_LOG_ARGS( "unhandled case:" << message.ValueTObjectL<TInt>( KMPXMessageGeneralEvent ) << "see TMPXPlaybackMessage" )
   290                 break;
   291         }
   292     }
   293     TX_EXIT
   294 }