changeset 35 fdb31ab341af
child 32 c163ef0b758d
equal deleted inserted replaced
34:2c5162224003 35:fdb31ab341af
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available 
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: Music Player Query Manager.
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include "mpquerymanager.h"
    19 #include <QDebug>
    20 #include <QObject>
    21 #include <QNetworkAccessManager>
    22 #include <QNetworkDiskCache>
    23 #include <QNetworkProxyFactory>
    24 #include <qmobilityglobal.h>
    25 #include <qnetworksession.h>
    26 #include <QDomElement>
    27 #include <QList>
    28 #include <QFile>
    29 #include <QUrl>
    30 #include <QSslError>
    31 #include <QDir>
    32 #include <QCoreApplication>
    34 #include "mpdetailssharedialog.h"
    35 #include "mptrace.h"
    37 const int KRecommendationCount = 2;
    39 MpQueryManager::MpQueryManager()
    41 {
    42     TX_ENTRY
    44     QString privatePathQt( QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() );
    45     TX_LOG_ARGS( "Private path: " << privatePathQt );
    46     QDir dir( privatePathQt );
    47     QString newDir = "detailsview";
    48     bool res = dir.mkdir( newDir );
    49     TX_LOG_ARGS( "New dir creation result: " << res);
    51     // We're not handling a negative result for directory creation here,
    52     // instead it will be escalated in DownloadFinished() method.
    53     privatePathQt = privatePathQt + "/detailsview";
    54     QString albumArt1( privatePathQt + "/albumOne.png" );
    55     QString albumArt2( privatePathQt + "/albumTwo.png" );
    56     mRecommendationAlbumArtsName << albumArt1 << albumArt2;
    57     TX_LOG_ARGS( "recommendation album art names: " << mRecommendationAlbumArtsName );
    59     mManager = new QNetworkAccessManager( this );
    61     mDownloadManager = new QNetworkAccessManager( this );
    62     connect( mDownloadManager, SIGNAL( finished( QNetworkReply * ) ), this, SLOT( DownloadFinished( QNetworkReply * ) ) );
    64     TX_EXIT
    65 }
    67 MpQueryManager::~MpQueryManager()
    68 {
    69     TX_ENTRY
    70     if ( mManager ) {
    71        mManager->deleteLater();
    72      }
    73     if ( mDownloadManager ) {
    74        mDownloadManager->deleteLater();
    75     }
    76     TX_EXIT
    77 }
    80 void MpQueryManager::clearNetworkReplies()
    81 {
    82     disconnect( mManager, SIGNAL( finished( QNetworkReply * ) ), this, SLOT( retrieveInformationFinished( QNetworkReply * ) ) );     
    83     TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "Reply count = " << mReplys.count() );    
    84     for ( int i = 0; i < mReplys.count(); i++ ) {
    85         QNetworkReply *reply = i );
    86         disconnect( reply, SIGNAL( error( QNetworkReply::NetworkError ) ), this, SLOT( retrieveInformationNetworkError( QNetworkReply::NetworkError ) ) );        
    87         if ( reply != NULL ) {
    88             reply->close();
    89             reply->deleteLater();
    90             reply = NULL;
    91         }   
    92     }
    93     mReplys.clear();
    94     TX_EXIT
    95 }
    98 void MpQueryManager::queryLocalMusicStore(QString artist,QString album,QString title)
    99 {
   100     TX_ENTRY
   101     mArtist=artist;
   102     mAlbum=album;
   103     mTitle=title;
   104     // TODO: country information handling, MCC
   105     QString queryURI("");
   106     constructRequest( queryURI );
   107     TX_LOG_ARGS( "queryURI : " << queryURI );
   108     retrieveInformation( queryURI );
   109     TX_EXIT    
   110 }
   112 void MpQueryManager::queryInspireMeItems(QString artist,QString album,QString title)
   113 {
   114     TX_ENTRY    
   115     mArtist=artist;
   116     mAlbum=album;
   117     mTitle=title;
   118     // start querying inspire me items
   119     QString queryRecommendation("");
   120     constructRequest( queryRecommendation );
   121     TX_LOG_ARGS( "queryRecommendation : " << queryRecommendation );
   122     retrieveInformation( queryRecommendation );
   123     TX_EXIT
   124 }
   126 void MpQueryManager::clearRecommendations()
   127 {
   128     TX_ENTRY    
   129     mDownloadedAlbumArts = 0;
   130     mAlbumArtsReadyCount = 0;
   131     for ( int i = 0; i < KRecommendationCount; i++ ) {
   132        mRecommendationSongs.clear();
   133        mRecommendationArtists.clear();
   134        mRecommendationAlbumArtsLink.clear();
   135        mRecommendationAlbumArtsMap.clear();      
   136        QFile file( i ) );        
   137        if ( file.exists() ) {
   138            if ( file.remove() ) {
   139                TX_LOG_ARGS( "File removed - " << file.fileName() );
   140            }
   141            else {
   142                TX_LOG_ARGS( "Cannot remove file - " << file.fileName() );
   143            }
   144        } else {
   145            TX_LOG_ARGS( "File doesn't exist - " << file.fileName() );
   146        }
   147     }
   148     TX_EXIT    
   149 }
   151 /*!
   152  Return recommendation songs
   153  */
   154 QStringList MpQueryManager::recommendationSongs()
   155 {
   156     TX_LOG  
   157     return mRecommendationSongs;
   158 }
   160 /*!
   161  Return recommendation artists
   162  */
   163 QStringList MpQueryManager::recommendationArtists()
   164 {
   165     TX_LOG  
   166     return mRecommendationArtists;
   167 }
   169 /*!
   170  Return recommendation album arts links
   171  */
   172 QStringList MpQueryManager::recommendationAlbumArtsLink()
   173 {
   174     TX_LOG  
   175     return mRecommendationAlbumArtsLink;
   176 }
   178 /*!
   179  Return map of name and pixmap
   180  */
   181 QMap<QString, QPixmap>  MpQueryManager::recommendationAlbumArtsMap()
   182 {
   183     TX_LOG  
   184     return mRecommendationAlbumArtsMap;
   185 }
   187 /*!
   188  Return the number of ready album arts
   189  */
   190 int &MpQueryManager::albumArtsReadyCount()
   191 {
   192     TX_LOG  
   193     return mAlbumArtsReadyCount;
   194 }
   196 /*!
   197  Insert one uri & pixmap item into map
   198  */
   199 void MpQueryManager::insertMapItem( const QString &uri, const QPixmap &pixmap )
   200 {
   201     TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "Map Item URI: " << uri );
   202     mRecommendationAlbumArtsMap.insert( uri, pixmap );
   203     TX_EXIT
   204 }
   206 /*!
   207  Slot to call when getting response
   208  */
   209 void MpQueryManager::retrieveInformationFinished( QNetworkReply* reply )
   210 {
   211     TX_ENTRY
   212     QString errorStr;
   213     int errorLine;
   214     int errorColumn;
   215     bool parsingSuccess;
   217     if ( reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError )
   218     {
   219         parsingSuccess = mDomDocument.setContent( reply, true, &errorStr, &errorLine, &errorColumn );
   220         if ( parsingSuccess ) {
   221             handleParsedXML();  //CodeScanner throws a warning mis-interpreting the trailing 'L' to be a leaving function.
   222         } else {
   223             // TODO: agree on error handling            
   224             TX_LOG_ARGS( "XML parsing error" );
   225         }
   226     }
   227     else
   228     {
   229         // TODO: agree on error handling
   230         TX_LOG_ARGS( "Network error in retrieving Information" );
   231         emit networkError();
   232     }
   233     TX_EXIT
   234 }
   236 /*!
   237  Slot to call when there is network error
   238  */
   239 void MpQueryManager::retrieveInformationNetworkError( QNetworkReply::NetworkError error )
   240 {
   241     Q_UNUSED(error);
   242     TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "Network error for retrieving Information" << error);
   243     TX_EXIT
   244 }
   246 /*!
   247  Slot to call when there is ssl error
   248  */
   249 void MpQueryManager::retrieveInformationSslErrors( const QList<QSslError> &/*error*/ )
   250 {   
   251     // TODO: agree on error handling
   252     TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "SSL error for retrieving Information" );
   253     TX_EXIT
   254 }
   256 /*!
   257  Slot to call when downloading finished
   258  */
   259 void MpQueryManager::DownloadFinished( QNetworkReply* reply )
   260 {
   261     TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "mDownloadedAlbumArts = " << mDownloadedAlbumArts );
   262     if ( reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError )
   263         {
   264         QString fileName = mDownloadedAlbumArts );
   265         QByteArray imageData = reply->readAll();
   266         bool ret = writeImageToFile( imageData, fileName );
   268         // If file writing went OK, emit a signal with the real filename
   269         // If it failed, use empty filename (since file was removed in any case)
   270         if ( ret )
   271             {
   272             emit setAlbumArt( mDownloadedAlbumArts),
   273                         mDownloadedAlbumArts ) );
   274             }
   275         else
   276             {
   277             emit setAlbumArt( mDownloadedAlbumArts), "" );
   278             }
   279         }
   280     else
   281     {
   282         TX_LOG_ARGS( "Downloading album art failed!" );
   283         emit networkError();
   284     }
   286     mDownloadedAlbumArts++;
   287     TX_EXIT
   288 }
   290 /*!
   291  Write the image data to a file with the given filename.
   292  If writing operation fails for any reason (e.g. OOD),
   293  returns false, otherwise true.
   294  */
   295 bool MpQueryManager::writeImageToFile(const QByteArray &aImageData, const QString &aImageFileName )
   296     {
   297     bool ret( false );
   298     TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "imagefile: " << aImageFileName );
   299     if ( aImageFileName.isEmpty() )
   300         {
   301         TX_LOG_ARGS( "Only store two album arts" );
   302         }
   303     else
   304         {
   305         QFile file( aImageFileName );
   307         if ( ! QIODevice::ReadWrite ) )
   308             {
   309             TX_LOG_ARGS( "Unable to open file" );
   310             }
   311         else
   312             {
   313             qint64 writtenBytes = file.write( aImageData );
   315             // Verify file write status
   316             if ( writtenBytes < aImageData.size() )
   317                 {
   318                 // If write succeeded only partially, or completely failed,
   319                 // remove the file from filesystem to remove risk of corruption
   320                 TX_LOG_ARGS( "Wrote only " << writtenBytes << " bytes, aborting operation!" );
   321                 file.close();
   322                 QFile::remove( mDownloadedAlbumArts ) );
   323                 }
   324             else
   325                 {
   326                 // If write fully succeeded, flush contents
   327                 TX_LOG_ARGS( "Wrote all the bytes (" << writtenBytes << "), flushing and closing!");
   328                 file.flush();
   329                 file.close();
   330                 ret = true;
   331                 }
   332             }
   333         }
   334     TX_LOG_ARGS( "Returning with value: " << ret );
   335     TX_EXIT
   336     return ret;
   337     }
   339 /*!
   340  Get Atom response from Ovi server based on query
   341  */
   342 void MpQueryManager::retrieveInformation( const QString &urlEncoded )
   343 {
   344     TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "urlEconded = " << urlEncoded)
   345     connect( mManager, SIGNAL( finished( QNetworkReply * ) ), this, SLOT( retrieveInformationFinished( QNetworkReply * ) ) );    
   346     QNetworkReply *reply = mManager->get( QNetworkRequest( QUrl( urlEncoded ) ) );
   347     mReplys.append( reply );
   349     connect( reply, SIGNAL( error( QNetworkReply::NetworkError ) ), this, SLOT( retrieveInformationNetworkError( QNetworkReply::NetworkError ) ) );
   350     connect( reply, SIGNAL( sslErrors( QList<QSslError> ) ), this, SLOT( retrieveInformationSslErrors( QList<QSslError> ) ) );
   351     TX_EXIT
   352 }
   355 /*!
   356  Find the most suitable link based on Atom response from Ovi music server
   357  */
   358 void MpQueryManager::handleParsedXML()
   359 {
   360     TX_ENTRY
   361     QDomElement rootElement = mDomDocument.documentElement();
   363     if ( rootElement.attribute( "type" ) == "search" ) {
   364         TX_LOG_ARGS( "URI response" )
   365         QString result;
   366         QDomElement entry = rootElement.firstChildElement( "entry" );
   367         while ( !entry.isNull() )
   368         {
   369             if ( entry.attribute( "type" ) == "musictrack" ) {
   370                 QDomElement link = entry.firstChildElement( "link" );
   371                 while ( !link.isNull() )
   372                 {
   373                     if ( link.attribute( "rel" ) == "alternate"
   374                         && link.attribute( "type" ) == "text/html" ) {
   375                         result = link.attribute( "href" );
   376                     }
   377                     link = link.nextSiblingElement( "link" );
   378                 }
   379             }
   380             entry = entry.nextSiblingElement( "entry" );
   381         }
   382 		// Signal that the url was received. Might be empty string.
   383 		emit searchUrlRetrieved( result );
   384     } else if ( rootElement.attribute( "type" ) == "recommendedTracks" ) {
   385         TX_LOG_ARGS( "Recommendation response" )
   386         QDomElement entry = rootElement.firstChildElement( "entry" );
   387         QNetworkReply *reply;
   388         int count = 0;
   389         while ( !entry.isNull() && count < KRecommendationCount )
   390         {
   391             if ( entry.attribute( "type" ) == "musictrack" ) {
   392                 QDomElement link = entry.firstChildElement( "link" );
   393                 while ( !link.isNull() )
   394                 {
   395                     if ( link.attribute( "title" ) == "albumart100" ) {
   396                         mRecommendationAlbumArtsLink.append( link.attribute( "href" ) );
   397                         break;
   398                     } else {
   399                         link = link.nextSiblingElement( "link" );
   400                     }                    
   401                 }
   402                 QDomElement metadata = entry.firstChildElement( "metadata" );
   403                 mRecommendationSongs.append( metadata.firstChildElement( "name" ).text() );
   404                 mRecommendationArtists.append( metadata.firstChildElement( "primaryartist" ).text() );
   405                 count++;
   406             }
   407             entry = entry.nextSiblingElement( "entry" );
   408         }          
   410         for (int i = 0; i < KRecommendationCount; i++ ) {
   411             TX_LOG_ARGS( "song name: " << );
   412             TX_LOG_ARGS( "Artist name: " << );
   413             TX_LOG_ARGS( "Album art link: " << );
   415             if ( i ).contains( "http", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) {
   416                 reply = mDownloadManager->get( QNetworkRequest( QUrl( ) ) );
   417                 mReplys.append( reply );
   418                 connect( reply, SIGNAL( error( QNetworkReply::NetworkError ) ), this, SLOT( retrieveInformationNetworkError( QNetworkReply::NetworkError ) ) );
   419                 connect( reply, SIGNAL( sslErrors( QList<QSslError> ) ), this, SLOT( retrieveInformationSslErrors( QList<QSslError> ) ) );
   420             }             
   421         }
   422     } else {
   423         TX_LOG_ARGS( "Not supported response" )
   424     }
   425     TX_EXIT
   426 }
   428 /*!
   429  Construct the query for fetching URI & recommendations
   430  */
   431 void MpQueryManager::constructRequest( QString &uri )
   432 {
   433     TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "uri =" << uri)
   435     QStringList keys;
   436     keys << "artist" << "albumtitle" << "tracktitle" << "orderby";
   438     // TODO: need to clarify which crition to use for sort, currently hard code to "relevancy"
   439     // order can be relevancy, alltimedownloads, streetreleasedate, sortname, recentdownloads
   440     QStringList values;
   441     values << mArtist << mAlbum << mTitle << QString("relevancy");
   442     TX_LOG_ARGS( "Artist: " << mArtist ); 
   443     TX_LOG_ARGS( "Album: " << mAlbum );
   444     TX_LOG_ARGS( "Title: " << mTitle );
   446     uri += keyValues( keys, values );
   448     QUrl url(uri);
   449     uri = url.toEncoded();
   450     TX_EXIT
   451 }
   453 /*!
   454  Make a key & value pair string for querying
   455  */
   456 QString MpQueryManager::keyValues( QStringList keys, QStringList values ) const
   457 {
   458     TX_ENTRY
   459     QString str;
   460     if ( keys.length() != values.length() ) {
   461         TX_LOG_ARGS( "Error: keys length is not equal to values length" ); 
   462     } else {
   463         for ( int i = 0; i < keys.length(); i++ ) {
   464             QString tValue = i );
   465             if ( 0 != tValue.length() )
   466             {
   467                 str += i ) + "=" + i ) + "&";
   468             }
   469         }
   470     }
   471     TX_EXIT
   472     return str.left( str.length() - 1 );
   473 }