changeset 0 ff3acec5bc43
child 2 b70d77332e66
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:ff3acec5bc43
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Music Player Action Handler Plugin
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <liwvariant.h>                 // TLiwVariant
    20 #include <apgcli.h>                     // RApaLsSession, TApaAppInfo
    21 #include <apacmdln.h>                   // CApaCommandLine
    22 #include <apgtask.h>                    // TApaTaskList
    23 #include <mpxlog.h>                     // MPX_DEBUG
    24 #include <mpxparameter.h>               // CMPXParameter
    25 #include <mpxplaybackutility.h>         // MMPXPlaybackUtility
    26 #include <mpxconstants.h>               // KAppUidMusicPlayerX
    27 #include <mpxmusicplayerviewplugin.hrh> // KMPXPluginTypePlaybackUid
    28 #include <AknTaskList.h>                // CAknTaskList
    30 #include <mpxcommonuihelper.h>
    31 #include <mpxcollectionhelperfactory.h>
    32 #include "musicplayeractionhandler.h"
    33 #include <mpxcollectionpath.h>
    38 const TInt KPlayerMusicPlayerParameterGranularity = 50;
    39 const TUid  KMusicPlayerAppUid = { 0x102072C3 };
    41 // RProperty key to identify the case when Music Player launching
    42 // in the background
    43 const TInt KMPXLaunchingOnBackground( 100 );
    45 //map values
    46 _LIT( KActionPlaybackCommand , "PlaybackCommand" );
    47 _LIT( KactionMessageToMusicPlayer, "MessageToMusicPlayer" );
    48 _LIT( KGoToNowPlaying, "GoToNowPlaying" );
    49 _LIT( KGoToLastPlayed, "GoToLastPlayed" );
    50 _LIT( KGoToLastPlayedMinimized, "GoToLastPlayedMinimized" );
    51 _LIT( KGoToMusicLibrary, "GoToMusicLibrary" );
    52 _LIT( KGoToAlbumView, "GoToAlbumView" );
    54 //map keys
    55 _LIT8( KType, "type" );
    56 _LIT8( KCommand, "command" );
    57 _LIT8( KMessage, "message" );
    59 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    61 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    62 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
    63 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    64 //
    65 void CMusicPlayerActionHandler::ConstructL()
    66     {
    67     MPX_DEBUG1("-->CMusicPlayerActionHandler::ConstructL()");
    69     //iPlaybackUtility = MMPXPlaybackUtility::UtilityL( KPbModeActivePlayer );
    70     iPlaybackUtility = MMPXPlaybackUtility::NewL( KMusicPlayerAppUid);
    72     MPX_DEBUG1("<--CMusicPlayerActionHandler::ConstructL()");
    73     }
    75 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    76 // Two-phased constructor.
    77 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    78 //
    79 CMusicPlayerActionHandler* CMusicPlayerActionHandler::NewL()
    80     {
    81     CMusicPlayerActionHandler* self = CMusicPlayerActionHandler::NewLC();
    82     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    83     return self;
    84     }
    86 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    87 // Two-phased constructor.
    88 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    89 //
    90 CMusicPlayerActionHandler* CMusicPlayerActionHandler::NewLC()
    91     {
    92     CMusicPlayerActionHandler* self = new( ELeave ) CMusicPlayerActionHandler;
    93     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    94     self->ConstructL();
    95     return self;
    96     }
    98 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    99 // destructor
   100 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   101 //
   102 CMusicPlayerActionHandler::~CMusicPlayerActionHandler()
   103     {
   104     MPX_DEBUG1("-->CMusicPlayerActionHandler::~CMusicPlayerActionHandler()");
   105     if ( iPlaybackUtility )
   106         {
   107         iPlaybackUtility->Close();
   108         }
   109     MPX_DEBUG1("<--CMusicPlayerActionHandler::~CMusicPlayerActionHandler()");
   110     }
   112 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   113 // Executes Playback command on current player
   114 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   115 //
   116 TInt CMusicPlayerActionHandler::ExecutePlaybackCommandL(const CLiwMap* aMap)
   117     {
   118     MPX_DEBUG1("-->CMusicPlayerActionHandler::ExecutePlaybackCommandL()");
   119     TInt errCode;
   120     TLiwVariant variant;
   121     variant.PushL();
   122     errCode = ExtractVariantL( aMap, variant, KCommand );
   123     if ( errCode == KErrNone )
   124         {
   125         TMPXPlaybackCommand Command;
   126         Command = static_cast<TMPXPlaybackCommand>( variant.AsTInt32() );
   127         iPlaybackUtility->CommandL( Command );
   128         }
   129     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &variant);
   130     MPX_DEBUG1("<--CMusicPlayerActionHandler::ExecutePlaybackCommandL()");
   131     return errCode;
   132     }
   134 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   135 // Sends a message to music player
   136 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   137 //
   138 TInt CMusicPlayerActionHandler::ExecuteMessageToMusicPlayerL(
   139         const CLiwMap* aMap )
   140     {
   141     MPX_DEBUG1("-->CMusicPlayerActionHandler::"
   142             "ExecuteMessageToMusicPlayerL()");
   143     TInt errCode;
   144     RBuf msg;
   145     CleanupClosePushL( msg );
   146     errCode = ExtractDesL( aMap, msg, KMessage );
   147     if ( errCode == KErrNone )
   148         {
   149         if ( ! msg.CompareF( KGoToNowPlaying ) )
   150             {
   151             errCode = GoToNowPlayingL();
   152             }
   153         else if ( ! msg.CompareF( KGoToLastPlayed ) )
   154             {
   155             errCode = GoToLastPlayedL( EFalse );
   156             }
   157         else if ( ! msg.CompareF( KGoToLastPlayedMinimized ) )
   158             {
   159             errCode = GoToLastPlayedL( ETrue );
   160             }
   161         else if ( ! msg.CompareF( KGoToMusicLibrary ) )
   162             {
   163             errCode = GoToMusicLibraryL();
   164             }  
   165         else if ( ! msg.CompareF( KGoToAlbumView ) )
   166         	{
   167             errCode = GoToAlbumViewL();
   168             } 
   169         }
   170     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &msg );
   171     MPX_DEBUG1("<--CMusicPlayerActionHandler::"
   172             "ExecuteMessageToMusicPlayerL()");
   173     return errCode;
   174     }
   176 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   177 // Opens musicplayer in library view, even if it is already open and playing.
   178 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   179 //
   180 TInt CMusicPlayerActionHandler::GoToMusicLibraryL()
   181     {
   182     MPX_DEBUG1("-->CMusicPlayerActionHandler::GoToMusicLibraryL()");
   183     //Launch player
   184     RWsSession wsSession;
   185     User::LeaveIfError( wsSession.Connect() );
   186     CAknTaskList *taskList = CAknTaskList::NewL( wsSession );
   187     TApaTask task = taskList->FindRootApp( KAppUidMusicPlayerX );
   188     delete taskList;
   189     CMPXParameter* param = new ( ELeave ) CMPXParameter();
   190     CleanupStack::PushL( param );
   191     param->iType.iUid = KMPXPluginTypeCollectionUid;
   192     param->iCmdForward = EMPXCmdFwdNone;
   194     MMPXCollectionUiHelper* collectionHelper = CMPXCollectionHelperFactory::NewCollectionUiHelperL();
   195     CMPXCollectionPath* path = collectionHelper->MusicMenuPathL();
   196 	path->AppendL(3); // Albums
   197     if (path)
   198         {
   199         param->iCollectionPath = path;
   200         param->iPathType = EMPXTypeCollectionPath;
   201         }
   202     collectionHelper->Close();
   204     CBufBase* buffer =
   205             CBufFlat::NewL( KPlayerMusicPlayerParameterGranularity );
   206     CleanupStack::PushL( buffer );
   207     RBufWriteStream writeStream( *buffer );
   208     CleanupClosePushL( writeStream );
   209     param->ExternalizeL( writeStream );
   210     writeStream.CommitL();
   211     buffer->Compress();
   212     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &writeStream );
   213     if ( task.Exists() )
   214         {
   215 //        task.SendMessage( KAppUidMusicPlayerX, buffer->Ptr( 0 ));
   216         wsSession.SendMessageToWindowGroup( task.WgId(), KAppUidMusicPlayerX,
   217                     buffer->Ptr( 0 ) );
   218         }
   219     else        //Application needs to be launched. The first view is library view.
   220         {
   221         // Launch Music Player Application
   222         RApaLsSession   appArcSession;
   223         _LIT(KEmpty,"");
   224         User::LeaveIfError(appArcSession.Connect());    // connect to AppArc server
   225         TThreadId id;
   226         appArcSession.StartDocument( KEmpty, KAppUidMusicPlayerX, id );
   227         appArcSession.Close();                                
   228         }
   229     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buffer );
   230     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( param );
   231     wsSession.Close();
   232     MPX_DEBUG1("<--CMusicPlayerActionHandler::GoToMusicLibraryL()");
   233     return KErrNone;
   234     }
   236 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   237 // Opens musicplayer in Album and Artist view, even if it is already open and playing.
   238 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   239 //
   240 TInt CMusicPlayerActionHandler::GoToAlbumViewL()
   241     {
   242     MPX_DEBUG1("-->CMusicPlayerActionHandler::GoToAlbumViewL()");
   243     //Launch player
   244     RWsSession wsSession;
   245     User::LeaveIfError( wsSession.Connect() );
   246     CAknTaskList *taskList = CAknTaskList::NewL( wsSession );
   247     TApaTask task = taskList->FindRootApp( KAppUidMusicPlayerX );
   248     delete taskList;
   249     CMPXParameter* param = new ( ELeave ) CMPXParameter();
   250     CleanupStack::PushL( param );
   251     param->iType.iUid = KMPXPluginTypeCollectionUid;
   252     param->iCmdForward = EMPXCmdFwdNone;
   254     MMPXCollectionUiHelper* collectionHelper = CMPXCollectionHelperFactory::NewCollectionUiHelperL();
   255     CMPXCollectionPath* path = collectionHelper->MusicMenuPathL();
   256     path->AppendL(3); // Albums
   257     if (path)
   258         {
   259         param->iCollectionPath = path;
   260         param->iPathType = EMPXTypeCollectionPath;
   261         }
   262     collectionHelper->Close();
   264     CBufBase* buffer =
   265             CBufFlat::NewL( KPlayerMusicPlayerParameterGranularity );
   266     CleanupStack::PushL( buffer );
   267     RBufWriteStream writeStream( *buffer );
   268     CleanupClosePushL( writeStream );
   269     param->ExternalizeL( writeStream );
   270     writeStream.CommitL();
   271     buffer->Compress();
   272     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &writeStream );
   273     if ( task.Exists() )
   274         {
   275 //        task.SendMessage( KAppUidMusicPlayerX, buffer->Ptr( 0 ));
   276         wsSession.SendMessageToWindowGroup( task.WgId(), KAppUidMusicPlayerX,
   277                     buffer->Ptr( 0 ) );
   278         }
   279     else        //Application needs to be launched. The first view is library view.
   280         {
   281         // Launch Music Player Application
   282         RApaLsSession   appArcSession;
   283         _LIT(KEmpty,"");
   284         User::LeaveIfError(appArcSession.Connect());    // connect to AppArc server
   285         TThreadId id;
   286         appArcSession.StartDocument( KEmpty, KAppUidMusicPlayerX, id );
   287         appArcSession.Close();                                
   288         }
   289     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buffer );
   290     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( param );
   291     wsSession.Close();
   292     MPX_DEBUG1("<--CMusicPlayerActionHandler::GoToAlbumViewL()");
   293     return KErrNone;
   294     }
   297 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   298 // Opens musicplayer, if it is already open and playing it goes to nowplaying.
   299 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   300 //
   301 TInt CMusicPlayerActionHandler::GoToNowPlayingL()
   302     {
   303     MPX_DEBUG1("-->CMusicPlayerActionHandler::GoToNowPlayingL()");
   304     //Launch player
   305     RWsSession wsSession;
   306     User::LeaveIfError( wsSession.Connect() );
   307     CAknTaskList *taskList = CAknTaskList::NewL( wsSession );
   308     TApaTask task = taskList->FindRootApp( KAppUidMusicPlayerX );
   309     delete taskList;
   310     CMPXParameter* param = new ( ELeave ) CMPXParameter();
   311     CleanupStack::PushL( param );
   312     param->iType.iUid = KMPXPluginTypePlaybackUid;
   313     param->iCmdForward = EMPXCmdFwdNone;
   314     CBufBase* buffer =
   315             CBufFlat::NewL( KPlayerMusicPlayerParameterGranularity );
   316     CleanupStack::PushL( buffer );
   317     RBufWriteStream writeStream( *buffer );
   318     CleanupClosePushL( writeStream );
   319     param->ExternalizeL( writeStream );
   320     writeStream.CommitL();
   321     buffer->Compress();
   322     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &writeStream );
   323     if ( task.Exists() )
   324         {
   325         wsSession.SendMessageToWindowGroup( task.WgId(), KAppUidMusicPlayerX,
   326                     buffer->Ptr( 0 ) );
   329         }
   330     else
   331         {
   332         RApaLsSession ls;
   333         CleanupClosePushL( ls );
   334         User::LeaveIfError( ls.Connect() );
   335         TApaAppInfo appInfo;
   336         User::LeaveIfError( ls.GetAppInfo( appInfo, KAppUidMusicPlayerX ) );
   337         CApaCommandLine* apaCommandLine = CApaCommandLine::NewLC();
   338         apaCommandLine->SetExecutableNameL( appInfo.iFullName );
   339         apaCommandLine->SetTailEndL( buffer->Ptr( 0 ) );
   340         User::LeaveIfError( ls.StartApp( *apaCommandLine ) );
   341         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // apaCommandLine
   342         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // ls
   343         }
   344     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buffer );
   345     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( param );
   346     wsSession.Close();
   347     MPX_DEBUG1("<--CMusicPlayerActionHandler::GoToNowPlayingL()");
   348     return KErrNone;
   349     }
   352 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   353 // Opens Stand alone MP and goes to now playing, it will display last played
   354 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   355 //
   356 TInt CMusicPlayerActionHandler::GoToLastPlayedL( TBool aMinimized )
   357     {
   358     MPX_DEBUG1("-->CMusicPlayerActionHandler::GoToLastPlayed()");
   359     //Launch player
   360     RWsSession wsSession;
   361     User::LeaveIfError( wsSession.Connect() );
   362     CAknTaskList *taskList = CAknTaskList::NewL( wsSession );
   363     TApaTask task = taskList->FindRootApp( KAppUidMusicPlayerX );
   364     delete taskList;
   365     CMPXParameter* param = new ( ELeave ) CMPXParameter();
   366     CleanupStack::PushL( param );
   367     param->iType.iUid = KMPXPluginTypeLastPlayedUid;//KMPXPluginTypePlaybackUid;
   368     param->iCmdForward = EMPXCmdFwdNone;
   369     CBufBase* buffer =
   370             CBufFlat::NewL( KPlayerMusicPlayerParameterGranularity );
   371     CleanupStack::PushL( buffer );
   372     RBufWriteStream writeStream( *buffer );
   373     CleanupClosePushL( writeStream );
   374     param->ExternalizeL( writeStream );
   375     writeStream.CommitL();
   376     buffer->Compress();
   377     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &writeStream );
   378     if ( task.Exists() )
   379         {
   380         wsSession.SendMessageToWindowGroup( task.WgId(), KAppUidMusicPlayerX,
   381                     buffer->Ptr( 0 ) );
   382         if (!aMinimized)
   383             {
   384             task.BringToForeground();
   385             }
   386         }
   387     else
   388         {
   389         RApaLsSession ls;
   390         CleanupClosePushL( ls );
   391         User::LeaveIfError( ls.Connect() );
   392         TApaAppInfo appInfo;
   393         User::LeaveIfError( ls.GetAppInfo( appInfo, KAppUidMusicPlayerX ) );
   394         CApaCommandLine* apaCommandLine = CApaCommandLine::NewLC();
   395         if (aMinimized)
   396             {
   397             apaCommandLine->SetCommandL(EApaCommandBackground);
   399             TInt err( RProperty::Define(
   400                 KAppUidMusicPlayerX, KMPXLaunchingOnBackground, RProperty::EInt ) );
   401             MPX_DEBUG2( "CMusicPlayerActionHandler::GoToLastPlayed() RProperty define err = %d", err );
   402             if ( err == KErrNone || err == KErrAlreadyExists )
   403                 {
   404                 err = RProperty::Set( KAppUidMusicPlayerX,
   405                             KMPXLaunchingOnBackground,
   406                             ETrue );
   407                 MPX_DEBUG2( "CMusicPlayerActionHandler::GoToLastPlayed() RProperty set to true err = %d", err );
   408                 }
   409             }
   410         apaCommandLine->SetExecutableNameL( appInfo.iFullName );
   411         apaCommandLine->SetTailEndL( buffer->Ptr( 0 ) );
   412         User::LeaveIfError( ls.StartApp( *apaCommandLine ) );
   413         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // apaCommandLine
   414         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // ls
   416         if ( aMinimized )
   417             {
   418             TInt err = RProperty::Set( KAppUidMusicPlayerX,
   419                         KMPXLaunchingOnBackground,
   420                         EFalse );
   421             MPX_DEBUG2( "CMusicPlayerActionHandler::GoToLastPlayed() RProperty set to false err = %d", err );
   422             }
   423         }
   424     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buffer );
   425     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( param );
   426     wsSession.Close();
   427     MPX_DEBUG1("<--CMusicPlayerActionHandler::GoToLastPlayed()");
   428     return KErrNone;
   429     }
   430 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   431 // Extracts a descriptor
   432 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   433 //
   434 TInt CMusicPlayerActionHandler::ExtractDesL( const CLiwMap* aMap,
   435         RBuf& aString, const TDesC8& aMapName )
   436     {
   437     MPX_DEBUG1("-->CMusicPlayerActionHandler::ExtractDesL()");
   438     TInt errCode( KErrArgument );
   439     TLiwVariant variant;
   440     variant.PushL();
   441     TPtrC tempString( KNullDesC );
   442     if ( aMap->FindL( aMapName, variant) )
   443         {
   444         variant.Get( tempString );
   445         aString.ReAllocL( tempString.Length() );
   446         aString.Append( tempString );
   447         errCode = KErrNone;
   448         }
   449     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &variant );
   450     MPX_DEBUG1("<--CMusicPlayerActionHandler::ExtractDesL()");
   451     return errCode;
   452     }
   454 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   455 // Extract variant
   456 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   457 //
   458 TInt CMusicPlayerActionHandler::ExtractVariantL( const CLiwMap* aMap,
   459         TLiwVariant& aVariant, const TDesC8& aMapName )
   460     {
   461     MPX_DEBUG1("-->CMusicPlayerActionHandler::ExtractVariantL()");
   462     TInt errCode( KErrNone );
   463     if ( ! aMap->FindL( aMapName, aVariant ) )
   464         {
   465         errCode = KErrArgument;
   466         }
   467     MPX_DEBUG1("<--CMusicPlayerActionHandler::ExtractVariantL()");
   468     return errCode;
   469     }
   471 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   472 // From CAHPlugin
   473 // Executes provided action
   474 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   475 //
   476 TInt CMusicPlayerActionHandler::ExecuteActionL( const CLiwMap* aMap )
   477     {
   478     MPX_DEBUG1("-->CMusicPlayerActionHandler::ExecuteActionL()");
   479     TInt errCode;
   480     RBuf type;
   481     CleanupClosePushL( type );
   482     errCode = ExtractDesL( aMap, type, KType );
   483     if ( errCode == KErrNone )
   484         {
   485         if ( ! type.CompareF( KActionPlaybackCommand ) )
   486             {
   487             errCode = ExecutePlaybackCommandL( aMap );
   488             }
   489         else
   490             if ( ! type.CompareF( KactionMessageToMusicPlayer ) )
   491                 {
   492                 errCode = ExecuteMessageToMusicPlayerL( aMap );
   493                 }
   494         }
   495     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &type );
   496     MPX_DEBUG1("<--CMusicPlayerActionHandler::ExecuteActionL()");
   497     return errCode;
   498     }
   500 //  End of File