changeset 48 af3740e3753f
parent 42 79c49924ae23
child 54 c5b304f4d89b
--- a/mpviewplugins/mpdetailsviewplugin/src/mpdetailssharedialog.cpp	Tue Jul 06 14:13:36 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,568 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Implementation for share player.
-#include "mpdetailssharedialog.h"
-#include "mpsharedata.h"
-#include "mpsongdata.h"
-#include "mptrace.h"
-#include <QObject>
-#include <QGraphicsWebView>
-#include <QGraphicsScene>
-#include <QWebPage>
-#include <QWebFrame>
-#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
-#include <QNetworkDiskCache>
-#include <QNetworkReply>
-#include <QDesktopServices>
-#include <QNetworkProxyFactory>
-#include <QTimer>
-#include <hbmessagebox.h>
-#include <QFile>
-#include <QTextStream>
-#include <qsysteminfo.h>
-#include <hbmainwindow.h>
-#include <hbstyleloader.h>
-#include <hbprogressdialog.h>
-// SHARE_INDEX_FILE defines where the index.html file is loaded from.
-#define SHARE_INDEX_URL "qrc:///shareview/index.html"
-#ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
-// Symbian target.
-// For R&D testing, index.html may be loaded from E: drive.
-// User must manually place index.html in the correct location.
-// If the RND file does not exist, then SHARE_INDEX_URL will be used.
-#define RND_SHARE_INDEX_URL "file:///f:/index.html"
-#define RND_SHARE_INDEX_FILE "f:\\index.html"
-#define RND_OVI_LOGIN_FILE "f:\\ovicredentials.txt"
-// Assume Windows target.
-#define RND_SHARE_INDEX_URL "file:///c:/temp/index.html"
-#define RND_SHARE_INDEX_FILE "c:\\temp\\index.html"
-#define RND_OVI_LOGIN_FILE "c:\\temp\\ovicredentials.txt"
-// Default language in case QSystemInfo does not work.
-// Default error message.
-#define ERROR_MESSAGE "An error occured. Sharing is not currently available"
- MpNetworkAccessManager allows local caching of publishing player files
- in order to minimize network traffic.
- The files will be cached to the private directory of the application,
- i.e. in the music player's case, this is C:\Private\10207C62\Cache.
- */
-class MpNetworkAccessManager : public QNetworkAccessManager
-    MpNetworkAccessManager( QObject* parent = 0 )
-        : QNetworkAccessManager( parent )
-    {
-        proxyFactory()->setUseSystemConfiguration( true );
-        QNetworkDiskCache* diskCache = new QNetworkDiskCache( this );
-        QString location = QDesktopServices::storageLocation( QDesktopServices::CacheLocation );
-        diskCache->setCacheDirectory( location );
-        setCache( diskCache );
-    }
-    QNetworkReply* createRequest( Operation op,
-                                  const QNetworkRequest &request,
-                                  QIODevice* outgoingData = 0 )
-    {
-        TX_ENTRY
-        TX_LOG_ARGS( "share: createRequest URL=" << request.url().toString() )
-        QVariant val = request.attribute( QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute );
-         // Change the cache load control attrbute!
-        QNetworkRequest req = request;
-        req.setAttribute( QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute,
-                          QVariant( QNetworkRequest::PreferCache ) );
-        QNetworkReply* result = QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest( op, req, outgoingData );
-        TX_EXIT
-        return result;
-    }
- MpShareWebView derives from QGraphicsWebView in order to override it's
- contextMenuEvent method to prevent the background context menu from
- being displayed when user makes long click in the web view.
- */
-class MpShareWebView : public QGraphicsWebView
-    MpShareWebView( QGraphicsItem * parent = 0 )
-        : QGraphicsWebView( parent )
-    {
-        settings()->setAttribute( QWebSettings::LocalContentCanAccessRemoteUrls, true );
-        settings()->setAttribute( QWebSettings::LocalStorageDatabaseEnabled, true );
-        settings()->enablePersistentStorage();
-    }
-    void contextMenuEvent( QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent* /*ev*/ ) // Override QGraphicsWebView::contextMenuEvent
-    {
-        // Fix to prevent "Stop" and "Reload" buttons in page background.
-        // Do not respond to the contextMenuEvent.
-    }
- Constructor.
- */
-    : mShareWebView( 0 ),
-      mShareNetAccMan( 0 ),
-      mProgressbar ( 0 ),
-      mIsInitialized( false )
-    // DeleteOnClose attribute prevents crash when user presses Cancel
-    // before publishing player is fully loaded.
-    setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true );
- Initialize the share dialog.
- When fully initialized we set our mIsInitialized flag to true.
- Our isInitialized() method can be called to determine whether
- initialization was successful.
- */
-void MpDetailsShareDialog::initialize( MpSongData* aSongData, const QString& aUnknownTr )
-    if ( !initUser() )
-    {
-        emit closeShareDialog();
-        return;
-    }
-    initShareData( aSongData, aUnknownTr );
-    initLanguage();
-    initNetworkAccessManager();
-    initWebView();
-    initSignalSlots();
-    setDismissPolicy( HbDialog::NoDismiss );
-    // No timeout needed for the dialog.
-    setTimeout( HbPopup::NoTimeout );
-    // Test whether the RND file exists.
-    QFile file( RND_SHARE_INDEX_FILE );
-    if ( file.exists() )
-    {
-        // Load the RND URL from the specified location to the web view.
-        TX_LOG_ARGS( "share: Use RND index.html file " << RND_SHARE_INDEX_FILE )
-        mShareWebView->load( QUrl( RND_SHARE_INDEX_URL ) );
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // Load the production URL from the application resources to the web view.
-        TX_LOG_ARGS( "share: Use QRC index.html file " << SHARE_INDEX_URL )
-        mShareWebView->load( QUrl( SHARE_INDEX_URL ) );
-    }
-    // Flag that the dialog is now fully initialized.
-    mIsInitialized = true;
-    // Show progress dialog in .3 second if loading not finished.
-    QTimer::singleShot(300, this, SLOT(showProgressDialog()));
-    TX_EXIT
- Destructor.
- */
-    if ( mShareData.songData() )
-    {
-        // Ensure that we remove the temporary album art file when we close the dialog.
-        // TODO this should be removed when base64 issue is solved.
-        TX_LOG_ARGS( "share: remove album art file" )
-        mShareData.songData()->removeAlbumArtFile();
-    }
-    logoutPlayer();
-    // Probably mShareNetAccMan should not be deleted but qt documentation
-    // does not indicate whether QWebPage takes ownership of the object or not.
-    // See
-    //delete mShareNetAccMan;
-    TX_EXIT
- Initialize share data.
- */
-void MpDetailsShareDialog::initShareData( MpSongData* aSongData, const QString& aUnknownTr )
-    // Set information for the share data.
-    mShareData.setOwner( this );
-    mShareData.setSongData( aSongData );
-    mShareData.setErrorMessage( tr( ERROR_MESSAGE ) );
-    mShareData.setUnknownTr( aUnknownTr );
-    TX_EXIT
- Initialize language.
- Language string is formatted like "en-US", where "en" is the ISO-639-1 language code,
- and "US" is the ISO-3166-1 country code.
- We use the QT Mobility API (systeminfo) to obtain the settings from the device.
- In the event that we cannot construct the QSystemInfo variable then we will fallback
- to some DEFAULT_LANGUAGE setting.
- */
-void MpDetailsShareDialog::initLanguage()
-    // Set language string, example "en-US".
-    QString language;
-    QSystemInfo* sysInfo = new QSystemInfo( this );
-    if ( sysInfo )
-    {
-        language += sysInfo->currentLanguage(); // ISO-639-1 language code.
-        language += "-";
-        language += sysInfo->currentCountryCode(); // ISO-3166-1 country code.
-        delete sysInfo;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // Fallback to the default language.
-        language = DEFAULT_LANGUAGE;
-    }
-    TX_LOG_ARGS( "share: language '" << language << "'" )
-    mShareData.setLanguage( language );
-    TX_EXIT
- Initialize network access manager.
- */
-void MpDetailsShareDialog::initNetworkAccessManager()
-    // Make our own network access manager to allow file retrieval from local cache,
-    // since configuration for the default network access manager seems to be
-    // to always redownload from network.
-    if ( !mShareNetAccMan )
-    {
-        TX_LOG_ARGS( "share: construct network access manager" )
-        mShareNetAccMan = new MpNetworkAccessManager( this );
-    }
-    TX_EXIT
- Initialize the web view.
- */
-void MpDetailsShareDialog::initWebView()
-    if ( !mShareWebView )
-    {
-        TX_LOG_ARGS( "share: construct share web view" )
-        mShareWebView = new MpShareWebView( this );
-        mShareWebView->page()->setNetworkAccessManager( mShareNetAccMan );
-        mShareWebView->page()->mainFrame()->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Horizontal, Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
-        mShareWebView->page()->mainFrame()->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Vertical, Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded);
-        setContentWidget( mShareWebView );
-        addContext();
-        mProgressbar = new HbProgressDialog(HbProgressDialog::WaitDialog);
-        mProgressbar->setText(tr("Loading"));
-    }
-    TX_EXIT
- Initialize signals and slots.
- */
-void MpDetailsShareDialog::initSignalSlots()
-    // Connect various signals to slots for networking.
-    connect( mShareNetAccMan, SIGNAL( sslErrors( QNetworkReply*, const QList< QSslError >& ) ),
-             this, SLOT( handleRequestSSLErrors( QNetworkReply*, const QList< QSslError >& ) ) );
-    connect( mShareNetAccMan, SIGNAL( finished( QNetworkReply* ) ), this, SLOT( handleRequestFinished( QNetworkReply* ) ) );
-    // Connect various signals to slots for interface to webview.
-    connect( mShareWebView, SIGNAL( loadFinished( bool ) ), SLOT( onIndexLoad( bool ) ) );
-    connect( mShareWebView->page()->mainFrame(), SIGNAL( javaScriptWindowObjectCleared() ), this, SLOT( addContext() ) );
-    connect( mShareWebView->page(), SIGNAL( windowCloseRequested() ), this, SIGNAL( closeShareDialog() ) );
-    connect( mProgressbar, SIGNAL(cancelled()), this, SIGNAL( closeShareDialog() ) );
-    TX_EXIT
- initUser is used as temporary solution until Single Sign On is implemented in platform.
- */
-bool MpDetailsShareDialog::initUser()
-    bool result = false;
-    // ovicredentials.txt is used as temporary solution until Single Sign On is implemented in platform.
-    QFile file( RND_OVI_LOGIN_FILE );
-    if ( ! QFile::ReadOnly ) )
-    {
-        // There must be e:ovicredentials.txt in the filesystem but don't show error dialog
-        // otherwise it will appear as soon as detailsview is created.
-        result = false;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        QTextStream stream ( &file );
-        QString strCred = stream.readLine( 0 );
-        file.close();
-        QStringList slCred = strCred.split( ":" );
-        if ( slCred.length() > 1 )
-        {
-            mShareData.setUsername( slCred[ 0 ] );
-            mShareData.setPassword( slCred[ 1 ] );
-            result = true;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            errorHandler( "share", QString( RND_OVI_LOGIN_FILE ) + " username:password expected" );
-        }
-    }
-    TX_LOG_ARGS( "share: credentials " << mShareData.username() << " / " << mShareData.password() )
-    // TODO: Single Sign On stuff.
-    TX_EXIT
-    return result;
- Returns true if the dialog has been fully initialized.
-  */
-bool MpDetailsShareDialog::isInitialized() const
-    return mIsInitialized;
- Attempt to cache the publishing player files from internet
- to improve user experience for first-time use.
- If the files are already in the cache and have not expired,
- then this should not do anything.
- */
-void MpDetailsShareDialog::cachePublishingPlayerFiles()
-    // We need the network access manager, so make sure it is initialized.
-    if ( !mShareNetAccMan )
-    {
-        initNetworkAccessManager();
-    }
-    // Attempt to get the required publishing player files from the net in advance.
-    // We don't listen to any signal that the download succeeded or failed
-    // since we will let it silently fail at this stage.
-    // These URLs are also included in index.html resource, and the two must
-    // be kept the same.
-    mShareNetAccMan->get( QNetworkRequest( QUrl(
-            "" ) ) );
-    mShareNetAccMan->get( QNetworkRequest( QUrl(
-            "" ) ) );
-    TX_EXIT
- Release resources from share player.
- */
-void MpDetailsShareDialog::logoutPlayer()
-    if ( mShareWebView )
-    {
-        mShareWebView->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( "music.teardown();" );
-    }
-    TX_EXIT
- Adds the shared data context to the javascript of the loaded page.
- */
-void MpDetailsShareDialog::addContext()
-    if ( mShareWebView )
-    {
-        mShareWebView->page()->mainFrame()->addToJavaScriptWindowObject( "context", &mShareData );
-    }
-    TX_EXIT
- Updates the shared data context in the javascript of the loaded page.
- */
-void MpDetailsShareDialog::updateSharedData()
-    if ( mShareWebView )
-    {
-        // We don't need to call updateContextArea when the track URL has been updated.
-        //mShareWebView->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( "music.updateContextArea();" );
-        mShareWebView->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( "music.updateMetadata();" );
-    }
-    TX_EXIT
- Slot to call when index.html loading completes.
- */
-void MpDetailsShareDialog::onIndexLoad( bool aOk )
-    if ( !aOk )
-    {
-        // Close the popup window, failed to load index.html.
-        // This is pretty serious and most likely unrecoverable error.
-        // Only thing we can do really is to close the share player
-        // dialog - TODO do we need to show any error message to user?
-        TX_LOG_ARGS( "share: failed to load index.html" )
-        emit closeShareDialog();
-    }
-    TX_EXIT
- Slot to call for debug output.
- */
-void MpDetailsShareDialog::debugJs( QString s )
-    TX_LOG_ARGS( "share: debugJs: " << s )
-    TX_EXIT
- Slot to call for displaying an error message to the user.
- */
-void MpDetailsShareDialog::errorHandler( QString aError, QString aMessage )
-    // If error argument ends with "_SUCCESS", then this should be an info message.
-    // If error argument ends with "_FAILED" or something else, then this should be a warning message.
-    TX_LOG_ARGS( "share: errorHandler: " << aError << ": " << aMessage )
-    if ( aError.endsWith( "_SUCCESS" ) )
-    {
-        // TODO this method seems to be deprecated?
-        HbMessageBox::information( tr( "%1" ).arg( aError ) + ": " + tr( "%1" ).arg( aMessage ) ); // For week16 hbwidgets
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // TODO this method seems to be deprecated?
-        HbMessageBox::warning( tr( "%1" ).arg( aError ) + ": " + tr( "%1" ).arg( aMessage ) ); // For week16 hbwidgets
-        // HbMessageBox::launchWarningMessageBox( tr( "%1" ).arg( aError ) + ": " + tr( "%1" ).arg( message ) ); // For week12 hbwidgets
-    }
-    TX_EXIT
- Slot to call to clear the web view cache.
- */
-void MpDetailsShareDialog::clearCache()
-    QAbstractNetworkCache* cache = mShareNetAccMan ? mShareNetAccMan->cache() : NULL;
-    if ( cache )
-    {
-        TX_LOG_ARGS( "share: clearCache: clearing cache" )
-        cache->clear();
-        errorHandler( "Cache", "Cleared cache!" );
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        TX_LOG_ARGS( "share: clearCache: unable to clear cache" )
-        errorHandler( "Cache", "Could not clear cache!" );
-    }
-    TX_EXIT
- Slot to show the publishing window after html elements are created in javascript.
- */
-void MpDetailsShareDialog::showWindow()
-    if (mProgressbar)
-        mProgressbar->close();
-    show();
-    TX_EXIT
- Slot to show progress dialog if the publishing window is not loaded in .3 sec.
- */
-void MpDetailsShareDialog::showProgressDialog()
-    if (!isVisible())
-        mProgressbar->show();
-    TX_EXIT
- Slot to SSL errors in network request. We will ignore any errors.
- */
-void MpDetailsShareDialog::handleRequestSSLErrors( QNetworkReply* aReply, const QList< QSslError >& aErrors )
-    aReply->ignoreSslErrors();
-    for( int i = 0; i < aErrors.count(); i++ )
-    {
-        TX_LOG_ARGS( "SSL error " << i ).errorString() );
-    }
-    TX_EXIT
- Slot to handle network request completion.
- */
-void MpDetailsShareDialog::handleRequestFinished( QNetworkReply* aReply )
-    if ( aReply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError )
-    {
-        TX_LOG_ARGS( "Network request error " << aReply->error() << aReply->errorString() );
-        // TODO what to do now?
-    }
-    TX_EXIT