changeset 37 eb79a7c355bf
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mpviewplugins/mpplaybackviewplugin/tsrc/MATTI/feature_test_folder/step_definitions/MusicPlayerSteps.rb	Fri Jun 11 19:36:32 2010 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+def mda(width,height)
+a =! { }
+return a
+def create_mp_constants
+@Library = mda(4,3)
+@Library[0] = ["Amen and Boys", "Stop It!!","Self Made Maps"]
+@Library[1] = ["Emancipated Minor", "Ani Difranco","Red Letter Year"]
+@Library[2] = ["Slowly", "Fauna","Dreamless"]
+@Library[3] = ["Turkish March", "Daniel Bautista","Classics And Soundtracks"]
+@PlaybackToolBarOrder = {"Shuffle"=>0,"RW"=>1,"Pause"=>2,"Play"=>2,"FW"=>3,"Flip"=>4}
+@PlaybackViewOptionsMenu = {"Equaliser"=>0, "Audio effects"=>1, "Repeat off" =>2, "Exit" => 3}
+@EquiliserPresetsList = {"Off"=>0, "Bass booster"=>1, "Classical" =>2, "Jazz" => 3, "Pop"=>4 , "Rock"=> 5}
+@ShuffleOffIconConst = 'qtg_mono_shuffle_off'
+@ShuffleOnIconConst = 'qtg_mono_shuffle'
+@RWIconConst = 'qtg_mono_seek_previous'
+@PauseIconConst = 'qtg_mono_pause'
+@FWIconConst = 'qtg_mono_seek_next'
+@InfoIconConst = 'qtg_mono_info'
+@PlayIconConst  = 'qtg_mono_play'
+require 'matti'
+require 'spec/expectations'
+require 'nokogiri'
+require 'date'
+Before do
+  create_mp_constants
+  @sut = MATTI.sut(:Id=>'sut_s60_qt')
+After do
+  begin
+     @MPapp.close
+  rescue
+  end
+Given("the MusicPlayer application is active") do 
+  @MPapp = => "musicplayer")
+Then("the MusicPlayer application is not active") do 
+  verify_true(1, 'Music Player still running') { != "musicplayer"}  #Verify that the app that is in the foreground is not music player, if it is that means musicplayer is still running.
+When("I Tap on Navi pane text area Music") do 
+    @MPapp.HbTitleBar.HbTitlePane.HbFrameItem.tap
+    @MenuContainer = @MPapp.HbMenu.HbMenuContainer
+When("I select the song number $element_num of the list") do |element_num|
+  @MPapp.HbListView(:name=>'allSongsList').HbListViewItem(:__index=>element_num.to_i-1).tap
+Then("The song with the title $song_title and artist $song_artist and album $song_album is shown in playback view") do |song_title, song_artist, song_album|
+  verify(10, "The song title is not being displayed") {@MPapp.HbLabel(:visibleOnScreen => 'true', :name => 'songText').HbTextItem(:text => song_title)}
+  verify(10, "The song artist is not being displayed") {@MPapp.HbLabel(:visibleOnScreen => 'true', :name => 'artistText').HbTextItem( :text => song_artist)}
+  verify(10, "The song album is not being displayed") {@MPapp.HbLabel(:visibleOnScreen => 'true', :name => 'albumText').HbTextItem( :text => song_album)}
+Then("The song number $num of the library is shown in playback view") do |num|
+  verify(10, "The song title is not being displayed") {@MPapp.HbLabel(:visibleOnScreen => 'true', :name => 'songText').HbTextItem(:text => @Library[num.to_i-1][0])}
+  verify(10, "The song artist is not being displayed") {@MPapp.HbLabel(:visibleOnScreen => 'true', :name => 'artistText').HbTextItem( :text => @Library[num.to_i-1][1])}
+  verify(10, "The song album is not being displayed") {@MPapp.HbLabel(:visibleOnScreen => 'true', :name => 'albumText').HbTextItem( :text => @Library[num.to_i-1][2])}
+Then ("musicplayer plays the following songs after song $num randomly") do |num|
+  @MPapp.MpPlaybackWidget.wait_for_signal(600, "signalPlaybackInfoChanged()")
+  title=@MPapp.HbLabel(:visibleOnScreen => 'true', :name => 'songText').HbTextItem.attribute("Text")
+  artist=@MPapp.HbLabel(:visibleOnScreen => 'true', :name => 'artistText').HbTextItem.attribute("Text")
+  album=@MPapp.HbLabel(:visibleOnScreen => 'true', :name => 'albumText').HbTextItem.attribute("Text")
+  if title != @Library[num.to_i][0] or artist != @Library[num.to_i][1] or album != @Library[num.to_i][2]
+  else
+    @MPapp.MpPlaybackWidget.wait_for_signal(600, "signalPlaybackInfoChanged()")
+    verify_not(10, "The song title is being displayed") {@MPapp.HbLabel(:visibleOnScreen => 'true', :name => 'songText').HbTextItem(:text => @Library[num.to_i+1][0])}
+    verify_not(10, "The song artist is being displayed") {@MPapp.HbLabel(:visibleOnScreen => 'true', :name => 'artistText').HbTextItem( :text => @Library[num.to_i+1][1])}
+    verify_not(10, "The song album is being displayed") {@MPapp.HbLabel(:visibleOnScreen => 'true', :name => 'albumText').HbTextItem( :text => @Library[num.to_i+1][2])}
+  end
+Then("the song in the playback view is $playback_status") do |playback_status|
+    verify(5, "The status of the playback view is not the spected"){@MPapp.MpPlaybackView(:PlaybackStatus => playback_status)}
+    lb_init = @MPapp.HbProgressSlider( :name => 'progressBar' ).HbTextItem(:__index => 0).attribute("Text")
+    sleep 5
+    lb_fin = @MPapp.HbProgressSlider( :name => 'progressBar' ).HbTextItem(:__index => 0).attribute("Text")
+    if playback_status == 'Playing'
+      verify_true(1,"Time label didn't change") {lb_init != lb_fin}
+    end
+    if playback_status == 'Paused'
+      verify_true(1,"Time label didn't change") {lb_init == lb_fin}
+    end
+When ("I press the button $button in the PlaybackToolbar") do |button|
+  verify_true(5,"Icon is not correct"){@MPapp.HbToolBar( :name => 'PlaybackToolbar' ).HbToolButton(:__index => @PlaybackToolBarOrder.fetch(button)).HbIconItem.attribute("iconName") == getPlaybackToolbarIconName(button)}
+  @MPapp.HbToolBar( :name => 'PlaybackToolbar' ).HbToolButton(:__index => @PlaybackToolBarOrder.fetch(button)).tap
+When ("I sleep $number $min_sec") do |number, min_sec|
+  time_to_wait = 0
+  if(min_sec == "seconds")
+    time_to_wait = number.to_i
+  end
+  if(min_sec == "minutes")
+    time_to_wait = number.to_i*60
+  end
+  puts time_to_wait.to_s
+  sleep time_to_wait
+When ("I wait until the song change") do
+  @MPapp.MpPlaybackWidget.wait_for_signal(600, "signalPlaybackInfoChanged()")
+def to_true_false(param)
+  if param == true or param == "ON"
+    return "true"
+  end
+  if param == false or param == "OFF"
+     return "false"
+  end
+When ("I set shuffle to $on_off") do |on_off|
+    if @MPapp.MpPlaybackView.attribute("Shuffle") != to_true_false(on_off)
+      @MPapp.HbToolBar( :name => 'PlaybackToolbar' ).HbToolButton(:__index => @PlaybackToolBarOrder.fetch("Shuffle")).tap
+    end
+    verify_true(2,"Shuffle is not the expected value"){@MPapp.MpPlaybackView.attribute("Shuffle") == to_true_false(on_off)}
+    if on_off == "ON"
+      verify_true(5,"Shuffle icon is not correct"){@MPapp.HbToolBar( :name => 'PlaybackToolbar' ).HbToolButton(:__index => @PlaybackToolBarOrder.fetch("Shuffle")).HbIconItem.attribute("iconName") == @ShuffleOnIconConst}
+    end
+    if on_off == "OFF"
+      verify_true(5,"Shuffle icon is not correct"){@MPapp.HbToolBar( :name => 'PlaybackToolbar' ).HbToolButton(:__index => @PlaybackToolBarOrder.fetch("Shuffle")).HbIconItem.attribute("iconName") == @ShuffleOffIconConst}
+    end
+When("shuffle is set to $on_off") do |on_off|
+  verify_true(3,"Shuffle is not the expected value"){@MPapp.MpPlaybackView.attribute("Shuffle") == to_true_false(on_off)}
+  if on_off == "ON"
+    verify_true(5,"Shuffle icon is not correct"){@MPapp.HbToolBar( :name => 'PlaybackToolbar' ).HbToolButton(:__index => @PlaybackToolBarOrder.fetch("Shuffle")).HbIconItem.attribute("iconName") == @ShuffleOnIconConst}
+  end
+  if on_off == "OFF"
+    verify_true(5,"Shuffle icon is not correct"){@MPapp.HbToolBar( :name => 'PlaybackToolbar' ).HbToolButton(:__index => @PlaybackToolBarOrder.fetch("Shuffle")).HbIconItem.attribute("iconName") == @ShuffleOffIconConst}
+  end
+When ("I press the button $button in the PlaybackToolbar twice") do |button|
+  @MPapp.HbToolBar( :name => 'PlaybackToolbar' ).HbToolButton(:__index => @PlaybackToolBarOrder.fetch(button)).tap(2)
+When("I press the back button") do
+  @MPapp.HbTitleBar.HbNavigationButton.tap
+When ("I single press the button RW in the PlaybackToolbar and it is playing it starts from the beginning") do
+  lb_init = @MPapp.HbProgressSlider( :name => 'progressBar' ).HbTextItem(:__index => 0).attribute("Text")
+  @MPapp.HbToolBar( :name => 'PlaybackToolbar' ).HbToolButton(:__index => @PlaybackToolBarOrder.fetch("RW")).tap
+  lb_fin = @MPapp.HbProgressSlider( :name => 'progressBar' ).HbTextItem(:__index => 0).attribute("Text")
+  verify_true(1,"It didn't start from the beginning"){lb_init > lb_fin}
+When("I select $item from the Options menu") do |item|
+  @MenuContainer.HbMenuItem(:__index=> @PlaybackViewOptionsMenu.fetch(item)).tap
+Then ("the playback view options menu list is shown correctly") do
+  i = 0
+  while i <  @PlaybackViewOptionsMenu.length do
+      verify_true(2,"Menu item is incorrect"){@MenuContainer.HbMenuItem(:__index=> i).HbTextItem.attribute("Text") == @PlaybackViewOptionsMenu.index(i)} 
+      i = i +1
+  end
+ # @PlaybackViewOptionsMenu.each{|key, value| verify_true(2,"Menu item is incorrect"){@MenuContainer.HbMenuItem(:__index=> value).HbTextItem.attribute("Text") == key}  }
+Then ("the Equaliser pop up is displayed") do
+  verify(3, "Equiliser pop up is not displayed"){@MPapp.MpEqualizerWidget}
+  i = 0
+  while i < @EquiliserPresetsList.length  do
+    puts i.to_s
+    puts @MPapp.MpEqualizerWidget.HbRadioButtonList.HbListViewItem(:__index=> i).HbTextItem.attribute("Text")
+    puts @EquiliserPresetsList.index(i)
+    verify_true(2,"Menu item is incorrect"){@MPapp.MpEqualizerWidget.HbRadioButtonList.HbListViewItem(:__index=> i).HbTextItem.attribute("Text") == @EquiliserPresetsList.index(i)}
+    i = i+1
+  end
+Then ("Equaliser preset $num is selected") do |num|
+  verify_true(3, "Item is not selected"){@MPapp.MpEqualizerWidget.HbRadioButtonList.HbListViewItem(:__index=> num.to_i-1).HbIconItem.attribute("iconName") == "qtg_small_radio_selected"}
+When ("I select the Equaliser preset number $num from the list") do |num|
+  @MPapp.MpEqualizerWidget.HbRadioButtonList.HbListViewItem(:__index=>num.to_i - 1).tap
+  @MPapp.MpEqualizerWidget.HbToolBar.HbTextItem( :text => 'OK' ).tap
+Then ("the Audio effects pop up is displayed") do
+  verify(3, "Audio effects pop up is not displayed"){@MPapp.MpSettingsAudioEffectsWidget}
+  verify(3, "Balance slider is not present") {@MPapp.MpSettingsAudioEffectsWidget.HbSlider}
+  verify(3, "Loudness toggle is not present"){@MPapp.MpSettingsAudioEffectsWidget.HbToggleItem}
+Then ("Audio effects settings are Balance $balance_value and Loudness $loudness_value") do |balance_value, loudness_value|
+  verify_true(3,"Balance value is not the expected"){@MPapp.MpSettingsAudioEffectsWidget.HbSlider.attribute("sliderPosition").to_i == balance_value.to_i}
+  verify_true(3,"Loudness value is not the expected"){@MPapp.MpSettingsAudioEffectsWidget.HbToggleItem.attribute("Text") == loudness_value}
+When("I drag the slider to the $dir $num_pix pixels") do |dir, num_pix|
+  @MPapp.MpSettingsAudioEffectsWidget.HbSliderHandle.drag(to_direction(dir), num_pix, :Left)
+When("the application is closed") do
+  @MPapp.close
+When("I tap the Loudness toggle") do
+  @MPapp.MpSettingsAudioEffectsWidget.HbToggleItem.tap
+When("Repeat is set to $on_off") do |on_off|
+  verify_true(3,"Repeat is not the expected value"){@MPapp.MpPlaybackView.attribute("Repeat") == to_true_false(on_off)}
+Then ("all songs are played and at the end it goes to the first one and stays in $playback_status") do |playback_status|
+  i = 0
+  while i < @Library.length  do
+    verify(10, "The song title is not being displayed") {@MPapp.HbLabel(:visibleOnScreen => 'true', :name => 'songText').HbTextItem(:text => @Library[i][0])}
+    verify(10, "The song artist is not being displayed") {@MPapp.HbLabel(:visibleOnScreen => 'true', :name => 'artistText').HbTextItem( :text => @Library[i][1])}
+    verify(10, "The song album is not being displayed") {@MPapp.HbLabel(:visibleOnScreen => 'true', :name => 'albumText').HbTextItem( :text => @Library[i][2])}
+    @MPapp.MpPlaybackWidget.wait_for_signal(720, "signalPlaybackInfoChanged()")
+    i = i+1
+  end
+  verify(10, "The song title is not being displayed") {@MPapp.HbLabel(:visibleOnScreen => 'true', :name => 'songText').HbTextItem(:text => @Library[0][0])}
+  verify(10, "The song artist is not being displayed") {@MPapp.HbLabel(:visibleOnScreen => 'true', :name => 'artistText').HbTextItem( :text => @Library[0][1])}
+  verify(10, "The song album is not being displayed") {@MPapp.HbLabel(:visibleOnScreen => 'true', :name => 'albumText').HbTextItem( :text => @Library[0][2])}
+  verify_true(5, "The status of the playback view is not the spected"){@MPapp.MpPlaybackView.attribute("PlaybackStatus") == playback_status or @MPapp.MpPlaybackView.attribute("PlaybackStatus") == "Stopped"}  
+def to_direction(string)
+    case string
+      when "Right"
+        return :Right
+      when "Left"
+        return :Left
+      when "Up"
+        return :Up
+      when "Down"
+        return :Down
+    end
+def getPlaybackToolbarIconName(button)
+    case button
+      when "RW"
+        return @RWIconConst
+        when "Pause"
+        return @PauseIconConst
+        when "FW"
+        return @FWIconConst
+        when "Info"
+        return @InfoIconConst
+        when "Play"
+        return @PlayIconConst
+      end