changeset 22 ecf06a08d4d9
parent 20 82baf59ce8dd
child 23 d45f4c087764
child 25 3ec52facab4d
child 34 2c5162224003
--- a/mpserviceplugins/mpxsqlitedbplugin/src/mpxdbcategory.cpp	Fri Apr 16 14:56:30 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,690 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Responsible for interation with the category tables:
-*                Artist, Album, Genre and Composer
-#include <sqldb.h>
-#include <mpxlog.h>
-#include "mpxdbcommonutil.h"
-#include "mpxdbcommondef.h"
-#include "mpxdbmanager.h"
-#include "mpxcollectiondbdef.h"
-#include "mpxdbpluginqueries.h"
-#include "mpxdbutil.h"
-#include "mpxdbcategory.h"
-// maximum number of table name entries per query
-const TInt KMaxTableNameCount = 2;
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ==============================
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CMPXDbCategory::~CMPXDbCategory");
-    delete iTableName;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Constructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    CMPXDbManager& aDbManager,
-    TMPXGeneralCategory aCategory) :
-    CMPXDbTable(aDbManager),
-    iCategory(aCategory)
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CMPXDbCategory::CMPXDbCategory");
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Second phase constructor.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMPXDbCategory::BaseConstructL()
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CMPXDbCategory::BaseConstructL");
-    CMPXDbTable::BaseConstructL();
-    iTableName = MPXDbUtil::TableNameForCategoryL(iCategory).AllocL();
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMPXDbCategory::AddItemL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TUint32 CMPXDbCategory::AddItemL(
-    const TDesC& aName,
-    TInt aDriveId,
-    TBool& aNewRecord,
-    TBool aCaseSensitive)
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CMPXDbCategory::AddItemL");
-    // try to find the item first
-    TUint32 rowId(MPXDbCommonUtil::GenerateUniqueIdL(iDbManager.Fs(), iCategory,
-        aName, aCaseSensitive));
-    aNewRecord = !CategoryItemExistsL(aDriveId, rowId);
-    if (aNewRecord)
-        {
-        // insert new
-        HBufC* query = PreProcessStringLC(KQueryCategoryInsert);
-        HBufC* name = MPXDbCommonUtil::ProcessSingleQuotesLC(aName);
-        iDbManager.ExecuteQueryL(aDriveId, *query, rowId, name, 1);
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(name);
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(query);
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        // increment the number of songs for the category
-        HBufC* query = PreProcessStringLC(KQueryCategoryIncrementSongCount);
-        iDbManager.ExecuteQueryL(aDriveId, *query, rowId);
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(query);
-        }
-    return rowId;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMPXDbCategory::GetNameL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-HBufC* CMPXDbCategory::GetNameL(
-    TUint32 aId)
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CMPXDbCategory::GetNameL");
-    RSqlStatement recordset(GetCategoryRecordL(aId));
-    CleanupClosePushL(recordset);
-    if (recordset.Next() != KSqlAtRow)
-        {
-        User::LeaveIfError(KErrNotFound);
-        }
-    HBufC* name = MPXDbCommonUtil::GetColumnTextL(recordset, ECategoryName).AllocL();
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&recordset);
-    return name;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMPXDbCategory::CountL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMPXDbCategory::CountL()
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CMPXDbCategory::CountL");
-    HBufC* query = PreProcessStringLC(KQueryCategoryCount);
-    TInt count(ExecuteSumQueryL(*query));
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(query);
-    return count;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMPXDbCategory::FindAllL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMPXDbCategory::FindAllL(
-    const CMPXMedia& aCriteria,
-    const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs,
-    CMPXMediaArray& aMediaArray)
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CMPXDbCategory::FindAllL");
-    TMPXGeneralType type = aCriteria.ValueTObjectL<TMPXGeneralType>(KMPXMediaGeneralType);
-    const TArray<TMPXAttribute> criteria = aCriteria.Attributes();
-    TInt criteriaCount(criteria.Count());
-    // process the criteria and construct the criteria string
-    CDesCArrayFlat* criteriaArray = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(criteriaCount + 1);
-    CleanupStack::PushL(criteriaArray);
-    for (TInt i = 0; i < criteriaCount; ++i)
-        {
-        const TMPXAttribute& criterion = criteria[i];
-        if ((type == EMPXItem) && (criterion == KMPXMediaGeneralId))
-            {
-            TUint32 itemId = (aCriteria.ValueTObjectL<TMPXItemId>(KMPXMediaGeneralId)).iId2;
-            if (MPX_ITEM_CATEGORY(itemId) != iCategory)
-                {
-                User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
-                }
-            HBufC* critStr = PreProcessStringLC(KCriterionCategoryUniqueId);
-            MPXDbCommonUtil::AddSqlCriterionL(*criteriaArray, *critStr, itemId);
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(critStr);
-            }
-        else if (criterion == KMPXMediaGeneralTitle)
-            {
-            if (aCriteria.ValueText(KMPXMediaGeneralTitle).Length() <= 0)
-                {
-                TUint32 itemId = MPXDbCommonUtil::GenerateUniqueIdL(
-                                    iDbManager.Fs(), iCategory, KNullDesC, EFalse);
-                HBufC* critStr = PreProcessStringLC(KCriterionCategoryUniqueId);
-                MPXDbCommonUtil::AddSqlCriterionL(*criteriaArray, *critStr, itemId);
-                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(critStr);
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                HBufC* critStr = PreProcessStringLC(KCriterionCategoryName);
-                HBufC* title = MPXDbCommonUtil::ProcessPatternCharsLC(
-                    aCriteria.ValueText(KMPXMediaGeneralTitle));
-                MPXDbCommonUtil::AddSqlCriterionL(*criteriaArray, *critStr, *title);
-                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, critStr); // title & critStr
-                }
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            // ignore attribute
-            }
-        }
-    // construct criteria string
-    HBufC* criteriaStr = MPXDbCommonUtil::StringFromArrayLC(*criteriaArray, KMCAndKeyword);
-    // either get all items or items filtered based on criteria
-    HBufC* query = PreProcessStringLC(criteriaStr->Length() ?
-        KQueryCategoryItems() : KQueryCategoryAll());
-    RSqlStatement recordset(iDbManager.ExecuteSelectQueryL(*query, criteriaStr));
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, criteriaArray); // query, criteriaStr, criteriaArray
-    CleanupClosePushL(recordset);
-    // process the results
-    ProcessRecordsetL(aAttrs, recordset, aMediaArray);
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&recordset);
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMPXDbCategory::DecrementSongsForCategoryL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMPXDbCategory::DecrementSongsForCategoryL(
-    const TUint32 aId,
-    TInt aDriveId,
-    CMPXMessageArray* aItemChangedMessages,
-    TBool& aItemExist)
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CMPXDbCategory::DecrementSongsForCategoryL");
-    // if just one song uses this category. Use <= just in case
-    if (GetSongsCountL(aDriveId, aId) <= 1)
-        {
-        aItemExist = EFalse;
-        // delete the category
-        DeleteCategoryL(aId, aDriveId);
-        if (aItemChangedMessages)
-            {
-            // add the item changed message
-            MPXDbCommonUtil::AddItemChangedMessageL(*aItemChangedMessages, aId, EMPXItemDeleted,
-                iCategory, KDBPluginUid);
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        aItemExist = ETrue;
-        // decrement the number of songs for the category
-        HBufC* query = PreProcessStringLC(KQueryCategoryDecrementSongCount);
-        iDbManager.ExecuteQueryL(aDriveId, *query, aId);
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(query);
-        }
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMPXDbCategory::DeleteCategoryL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMPXDbCategory::DeleteCategoryL(
-    TUint32 aId,
-    TInt aDriveId)
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CMPXDbCategory::DeleteCategoryL");
-    HBufC* query = PreProcessStringLC(KQueryCategoryDelete);
-    iDbManager.ExecuteQueryL(aDriveId, *query, aId);
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(query);
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMPXDbCategory::GetCategoryItemsL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMPXDbCategory::GetCategoryItemsL(
-    const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs,
-    CMPXMediaArray& aMediaArray)
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CMPXDbCategory::GetCategoryItemsL");
-    // have to run one query to get all items as opposed to individual queries
-    // because of the sorting
-    // construct the unique ID criteria string
-    // (UniqueId = %u OR UniqueId = %u ...)
-    TInt count(aMediaArray.Count());
-    HBufC* criteria = HBufC::NewLC((2 * KCriterionCategoryUniqueId().Length() +
-        KMCIntegerLen + KMCOrKeyword().Length() + 2) * count);
-    TPtr ptr(criteria->Des());
-    ptr.Append(KMCOpenBracket);
-    for (TInt index = 0; index < count; ++index)
-        {
-        CMPXMedia* media = aMediaArray[index];
-        HBufC* critStr = PreProcessStringLC(KCriterionCategoryUniqueId);
-        HBufC* criterion = MPXDbCommonUtil::SqlCriterionLC(*critStr,
-            (media->ValueTObjectL<TMPXItemId>(KMPXMediaGeneralId)).iId1);
-        ptr.Append(*criterion);
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(criterion);
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(critStr);
-        if (index < (count - 1))
-            {
-            ptr.Append(KMCOrKeyword);
-            }
-        }
-    ptr.Append(KMCCloseBracket);
-    // the array has to be reset as the items have to be returned in a different sort order
-    aMediaArray.Reset();
-    HBufC* query = PreProcessStringLC(KQueryCategoryItems);
-    RSqlStatement recordset(iDbManager.ExecuteSelectQueryL(*query, criteria));
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(query);
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(criteria);
-    CleanupClosePushL(recordset);
-    ProcessRecordsetL(aAttrs, recordset, aMediaArray);
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&recordset);
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMPXDbCategory::GetAllCategoryItemsL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMPXDbCategory::GetAllCategoryItemsL(
-    const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs,
-    CMPXMediaArray& aMediaArray)
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CMPXDbCategory::GetAllCategoryItemsL");
-    HBufC* query = PreProcessStringLC(KQueryCategoryAll);
-    RSqlStatement recordset(iDbManager.ExecuteSelectQueryL(*query));
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(query);
-    CleanupClosePushL(recordset);
-    ProcessRecordsetL(aAttrs, recordset, aMediaArray);
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&recordset);
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMPXDbCategory::GetCategoryItemL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMPXDbCategory::GetCategoryItemL(
-    TUint32 aId,
-    const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs,
-    CMPXMedia& aMedia)
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CMPXDbCategory::GetCategoryItemL");
-    HBufC* query = PreProcessStringLC(KQueryCategoryItem);
-    ExecuteMediaQueryL(aAttrs, aMedia, *query, aId);
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(query);
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMPXDbCategory::GetSubCategoryItemsL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMPXDbCategory::GetSubCategoryItemsL(
-    TMPXGeneralCategory aParentCategory,
-    TUint32 aParentId,
-    const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs,
-    CMPXMediaArray& aMediaArray)
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CMPXDbCategory::GetSubCategoryItemsL");
-    // this is only valid for albums belonging to an artist
-    ASSERT((iCategory == EMPXAlbum) && (aParentCategory == EMPXArtist));
-    // to handle the UREL warning
-    (void)aParentCategory;
-    RSqlStatement recordset(iDbManager.ExecuteSelectQueryL(KQueryCategorySubcategoryItems, aParentId));
-    CleanupClosePushL(recordset);
-    ProcessRecordsetL(aAttrs, recordset, aMediaArray);
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&recordset);
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMPXDbCategory::CategoryItemExistsL
-// The category records must be in the same database as the corresponding
-// Music record, otherwise when adding a duplicate of a song on a
-// different drive this method will return true and the category record won't
-// be created.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CMPXDbCategory::CategoryItemExistsL(
-    TInt aDriveId,
-    TUint32 aId)
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CMPXDbCategory::CategoryItemExistsL");
-    HBufC* query = PreProcessStringLC(KQueryCategoryItem);
-    RSqlStatement recordset(
-        iDbManager.ExecuteSelectQueryL(aDriveId, *query, aId));
-    TBool exists(recordset.Next() == KSqlAtRow);
-    recordset.Close();
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(query);
-    return exists;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMPXDbCategory::GetSongsCountL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMPXDbCategory::GetSongsCountL(
-    TInt aDriveId,
-    TUint32 aId)
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CMPXDbCategory::GetSongsCountL");
-    HBufC* query = PreProcessStringLC(KQueryCategoryGetSongCount);
-    RSqlStatement recordset(
-        iDbManager.ExecuteSelectQueryL(aDriveId, *query, aId));
-    CleanupClosePushL(recordset);
-    TInt err(KErrNone);
-    TInt ret(0);
-    while ((err = recordset.Next()) == KSqlAtRow)
-        {
-        ret += recordset.ColumnInt(KMPXTableDefaultIndex);
-        }
-    if (err != KSqlAtEnd)
-        {
-        User::Leave(err);
-        }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&recordset);
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(query);
-    return ret;
-    }
-void CMPXDbCategory::UpdateItemL(
-    TUint32 /*aId*/, 
-    const CMPXMedia& /*aMedia*/, 
-    TInt /*aDriveId*/, 
-    CMPXMessageArray* /*aItemChangedMessages*/)
-	{
-	// nothing
-	}
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMPXDbCategory::UpdateMediaL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMPXDbCategory::UpdateMediaL(
-    RSqlStatement& aRecord,
-    const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs,
-    CMPXMedia& aMedia)
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CMPXDbCategory::UpdateMediaL");
-    TInt count(aAttrs.Count());
-    for (TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i)
-        {
-        TInt contentId(aAttrs[i].ContentId());
-        TUint attributeId(aAttrs[i].AttributeId());
-        if (contentId == KMPXMediaIdGeneral)
-            {
-            if (attributeId & EMPXMediaGeneralId)
-                {
-                aMedia.SetTObjectValueL<TMPXItemId>(KMPXMediaGeneralId,
-                    aRecord.ColumnInt64(ECategoryUniqueId));
-                }
-            if (attributeId & EMPXMediaGeneralTitle)
-                {
-                aMedia.SetTextValueL(KMPXMediaGeneralTitle,
-                    MPXDbCommonUtil::GetColumnTextL(aRecord, ECategoryName));
-                }
-            if (attributeId & EMPXMediaGeneralCount)
-                {
-                aMedia.SetTObjectValueL<TInt>(KMPXMediaGeneralCount,
-                    GetSongsCountL(KDbManagerAllDrives,
-                    aRecord.ColumnInt64(ECategoryUniqueId)));
-                }
-            } // end if contentId == KMPXMediaIdGeneral
-        } // end for
-    aMedia.SetTObjectValueL<TMPXGeneralType>(KMPXMediaGeneralType, EMPXItem);
-    aMedia.SetTObjectValueL<TMPXGeneralCategory>(KMPXMediaGeneralCategory, iCategory);
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMPXDbCategory::GetCategoryRecordL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RSqlStatement CMPXDbCategory::GetCategoryRecordL(
-    TUint32 aId)
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CMPXDbCategory::GetCategoryRecordL");
-    HBufC* query = PreProcessStringLC(KQueryCategoryItem);
-    RSqlStatement statement(iDbManager.ExecuteSelectQueryL(*query, aId));
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(query);
-    return statement;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMPXDbCategory::PreProcessStringLC
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-HBufC* CMPXDbCategory::PreProcessStringLC(
-    const TDesC& aQuery)
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CMPXDbCategory::PreProcessStringLC");
-    HBufC* query = HBufC::NewLC(aQuery.Length() + KMaxTableNameCount * (iTableName->Length() +
-        KCategoryTablePlaceholder().Length()));
-    TPtr queryPtr(query->Des());
-    // copy the query string
-    queryPtr = aQuery;
-    // replace all instances of the placeholder with the actual table name
-    TInt index(0);
-    while ((index = queryPtr.Find(KCategoryTablePlaceholder)) != KErrNotFound)
-        {
-        queryPtr.Replace(index, KCategoryTablePlaceholder().Length(), *iTableName);
-        }
-    return query;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMPXDbCategory::ProcessRecordsetL
-// Unknown item is stored in the database as NULL (name field). This ensures the
-// unknown item to be the 1st found record if it exists. This will save time in
-// searching for the unknown record among the results and avoid performing
-// descriptor comparison. If the 1st record is the unknown item, it won't be
-// appended to the array until all other records have been put in the array.
-// NOTE: putting unknown item to the end of the array only takes place when title
-//       field is requested. normal sorting algorithm occurs if title isn't
-//       requested.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMPXDbCategory::ProcessRecordsetL(
-    const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs,
-    RSqlStatement& aRecordset,
-    CMPXMediaArray& aMediaArray)
-    {
-    // populate the array
-    TBool firstRecord(ETrue);
-    CMPXMedia* unknownMedia(NULL);
-    TInt prevId(0);
-    TInt err(KErrNone);
-    TInt pPath(0);
-    if (aMediaArray.Count())
-        {
-        CMPXMedia* pMedia = aMediaArray[0];
-        if (pMedia->IsSupported(KMPXMediaGeneralValue))
-            { // Query excuted by OpenL
-            pPath = pMedia->ValueTObjectL<TInt>(KMPXMediaGeneralValue);
-            MPX_ASSERT(pPath);
-            }
-        }
-    RArray<TMPXItemId> ids;
-    CleanupClosePushL(ids);
-    while ((err = aRecordset.Next()) == KSqlAtRow)
-        {
-        TUint32 rowId(aRecordset.ColumnInt64(ECategoryUniqueId));
-        if (prevId == rowId)
-            {
-            continue;
-            }
-        prevId = rowId;
-        CMPXMedia* media = CMPXMedia::NewL();
-        CleanupStack::PushL(media);
-        UpdateMediaL(aRecordset, aAttrs, *media);
-        if (firstRecord &&
-            (MPXDbCommonUtil::GetColumnTextL(aRecordset, ECategoryName).Length() == 0))
-            {
-            unknownMedia = media;
-            }
-        if (!firstRecord || !unknownMedia)
-            {
-            if (media->IsSupported(KMPXMediaGeneralId) && pPath)
-                {
-                ids.AppendL(media->ValueTObjectL<TMPXItemId>(KMPXMediaGeneralId));
-                }
-            aMediaArray.AppendL(*media);
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(media);
-            }
-        firstRecord = EFalse;
-        } // end while
-    if (err != KSqlAtEnd)
-        {
-        User::LeaveIfError(err);
-        }
-    if (unknownMedia)
-        {
-        if (unknownMedia->IsSupported(KMPXMediaGeneralId) && pPath)
-            {
-            ids.AppendL(unknownMedia->ValueTObjectL<TMPXItemId>(KMPXMediaGeneralId));
-            }
-        aMediaArray.AppendL(*unknownMedia);
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(unknownMedia);
-        }
-    // Append ids to the returned path
-    if (pPath)
-        {
-        ((CMPXCollectionPath*)pPath)->AppendL(ids.Array());
-        }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&ids);
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMPXDbCategory::CreateTableL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMPXDbCategory::CreateTableL(
-    RSqlDatabase& aDatabase,
-    TBool /* aCorruptTable */)
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CMPXDbCategory::CreateTableL");
-    // create the table
-    HBufC* query = PreProcessStringLC(KCategoryCreateTable);
-    User::LeaveIfError(aDatabase.Exec(*query));
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(query);
-    // do not create an index on the Name field
-    // as it only slows down the insert/update queries overall
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMPXDbCategory::DropTableL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMPXDbCategory::DropTableL(
-    RSqlDatabase& aDatabase)
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CMPXDbCategory::DropTableL");
-    HBufC* query = PreProcessStringLC(KCategoryDropTable);
-    User::LeaveIfError(aDatabase.Exec(*query));
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(query);
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMPXDbCategory::CheckTableL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CMPXDbCategory::CheckTableL(
-    RSqlDatabase& aDatabase)
-    {
-    MPX_FUNC("CMPXDbCategory::CheckTableL");
-    HBufC* query = PreProcessStringLC(KCategoryCheckTable);
-    TBool check(DoCheckTable(aDatabase, *query));
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(query);
-    return check;
-    }
-// End of File