--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/musichomescreen_multiview/mcpmusicplayer/src/mcpmusicplayer.cpp Thu Dec 17 08:45:05 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1332 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Updates Music Content Publisher
+#include <mpxlog.h> // MPX_DEBUG
+#include <implementationproxy.h>
+#include <liwservicehandler.h>
+#include <liwvariant.h>
+#include <liwgenericparam.h>
+#include <StringLoader.h>
+#include <AknUtils.h>
+#include <AknsUtils.h>
+#include <aknsconstants.hrh>
+#include <musichomescreenicons.mbg>
+#include <musichomescreen.rsg>
+#include <bautils.h>
+#include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
+#include <mpxmessagegeneraldefs.h>
+#include <mpxcollectionmessage.h>
+#include <mpxcollectionutility.h>
+#include <mpxcollectionframeworkdefs.h>
+#include <AknTaskList.h>
+#include "cpglobals.h" //to be moved to domain API
+#include "mcpmusicplayer.h"
+#include "mcpmusicplayeruids.hrh"
+#include "aiplayerpluginengine.h"
+#include "filemonitor.h"
+#include "applicationmonitor.h"
+#include "pnsmonitor.h"
+//const TUid KLocalPlaybackUid = { 0x101FFC06 };
+const TInt KMusicPlayerAppUidAsTInt = 0x102072C3;
+const TInt KMmUid3AsTInt( 0x101f4cd2 );
+const TInt KMSGUidAsTInt( 0x10003A39 );
+namespace TBK
+ {
+ const TUint KSkeep_L = 0x001; //000000000001
+ const TUint KSkeep_R = 0x002; //000000000010
+ const TUint KPause = 0x004; //000000000100
+ const TUint KPlay = 0x008; //000000001000
+ const TUint KSkeep_L_dimmed = 0x010; //000000010000
+ const TUint KSkeep_R_dimmed = 0x020; //000000100000
+ const TUint KPause_dimmed = 0x040; //000001000000
+ const TUint KPlay_dimmed = 0x080; //000010000000
+ const TUint KPlay_last_played = 0x100; //000100000000
+ }
+_LIT( KEmpty, "" );
+_LIT( KNowPlaying, "LOC:NOW PLAYING" );
+_LIT( KLastPlayed, "LOC:LAST PLAYED" );
+_LIT( KMIF, "z:\\resource\\apps\\musichomescreenicons.mif");
+_LIT( KResourceFile, "z:musichomescreen.rsc");
+//for music player action handler - playback command
+_LIT( KActionPlaybackCommand , "PlaybackCommand" );
+_LIT8( KPBCommand, "command" );
+//for music player action handler - message to music player
+_LIT( KactionMessageToMusicPlayer, "MessageToMusicPlayer" );
+_LIT( KGoToNowPlaying, "GoToNowPlaying" );
+_LIT( KGoToLastPlayed, "GoToLastPlayed" );
+_LIT( KGoToLastPlayedMinimized, "GoToLastPlayedMinimized" );
+_LIT( KGoToAlbumView, "GoToAlbumView" );
+_LIT8( KMessage, "message" );
+_LIT8( KAdditionalData, "additional_data" );
+//for application launcher AHPlugin
+_LIT( KCmdLine, "cmd_line" );
+_LIT( KLaunchApp, "launch_application" );
+_LIT( KMessageWithTail, "message_with_tail" );
+_LIT8( KMessageForMMOpenMusicSuiteWithHide, "mm://root/musicsuite?exit=hide");
+//for time
+//_LIT( KSeparator, "/" );
+_LIT( KSeparatorhyphen, " - " );
+//_LIT( KMPXZeroDurationMark, "--" );
+//_LIT( KTitleNowPlaying, "Now Playing" );
+//_LIT( KTitleLastPlayed, "Last Played" );
+const TInt KMusicPlayerOpeningTimerInterval = 15000000; // 15 seconds
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMCPMusicPlayer::CMCPMusicPlayer(MMCPPluginObserver* aObserver)
+ {
+ iMHObserver = aObserver;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::ConstructL()
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::ConstructL <---");
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::ConstructL creating engine");
+ iEngine = CAiPlayerPluginEngine::NewL( *this );
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::ConstructL engine created");
+ AknsUtils::InitSkinSupportL();
+ //Load Loc strings
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::ConstructL getting resource file");
+ RFs fs;
+ User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect());
+ CleanupClosePushL(fs);
+ TFileName fileName;
+ TParse* parseObj = new(ELeave) TParse();
+ TInt errInt = parseObj->Set( KResourceFile(),&KDC_APP_RESOURCE_DIR,NULL );
+ if(KErrNone != errInt)
+ {
+ delete parseObj;
+ User::Leave(errInt);
+ }
+ fileName = parseObj->FullName();
+ delete parseObj;
+ BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile(fs,fileName);
+ if(!BaflUtils::FileExists(fs,fileName))
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ RResourceFile resourceFile;
+ resourceFile.OpenL(fs,fileName);
+ CleanupClosePushL(resourceFile);
+ resourceFile.ConfirmSignatureL();
+ GetLocalizedStringL(resourceFile, iGoToMusicBuffer, R_MUSICHOMESCREEN_GO_TO_MUSIC);
+ GetLocalizedStringL(resourceFile, iOpeningBuffer, R_MUSICHOMESCREEN_OPENING);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&resourceFile);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&fs);
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::ConstructL resources loaded");
+ MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
+ TRAPD(err, iArtBitmapMask = AknsUtils::CreateBitmapL( skin,
+ KAknsIIDQgnHomePhotoMask ) );
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ AknIconUtils::DisableCompression(iArtBitmapMask);
+ TSize size( 70 , 70);
+ AknIconUtils::SetSize( iArtBitmapMask, size );
+ if (iArtBitmapMask->SetDisplayMode( EGray256 ) != KErrNone)
+ {
+ delete iArtBitmapMask;
+ iArtBitmapMask = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete iArtBitmapMask;
+ iArtBitmapMask = NULL;
+ }
+ iCollectionUtility = MMPXCollectionUtility::NewL( this, KMcModeDefault );
+ iMusicPlayerOpeningTimer = CPeriodic::NewL( CActive::EPriorityLow );
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::ConstructL --->");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMCPMusicPlayer* CMCPMusicPlayer::NewL(MMCPPluginObserver* aObserver)
+ {
+ CMCPMusicPlayer* self = new ( ELeave )
+ CMCPMusicPlayer( aObserver );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ return self;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::~CMCPMusicPlayer <---");
+ if (iArtCached && iArtBitmap != iCachedArtBitmap)
+ {
+ delete iCachedArtBitmap;
+ }
+ delete iArtBitmap;
+ delete iArtBitmapMask;
+ delete iEngine;
+ delete iFileMonitor;
+ delete iAppMonitor;
+ delete iPNSMonitor;
+ delete iGoToMusicBuffer;
+ delete iOpeningBuffer;
+ if ( iCollectionUtility )
+ {
+ iCollectionUtility->Close();
+ }
+ delete iMusicPlayerOpeningTimer;
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::~CMCPMusicPlayer --->");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CMCPMusicPlayer::IsOKToPublishData()
+ {
+ return iActive;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::InstallPlaybackCommandActionL(TMPXPlaybackCommand aCmd,
+ TMCPTriggerDestination aDestination)
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::InstallPlaybackCommandActionL <---");
+ CLiwDefaultMap* mapTrigger = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC();
+ CLiwDefaultMap* mapData = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC();
+ mapTrigger->InsertL( KPluginUid, TLiwVariant( TUid::Uid( 0x10207C16 ) ) );
+ mapData->InsertL( KType, TLiwVariant( KActionPlaybackCommand ) );
+ TInt32 cmd;
+ cmd=static_cast<TInt32>( aCmd );
+ mapData->InsertL( KPBCommand, TLiwVariant( cmd ) );
+ mapTrigger->InsertL( KData , TLiwVariant( mapData ) );
+ iMHObserver->PublishActionL( this, aDestination, mapTrigger );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mapData );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mapTrigger );
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::InstallPlaybackCommandActionL --->");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::InstallLaunchMusicPlayerL(
+ TMCPTriggerDestination aDestination )
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::InstallLaunchMusicPlayerL <---");
+ CLiwDefaultMap* mapTrigger = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC();
+ CLiwDefaultMap* mapData = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC();
+ mapTrigger->InsertL( KPluginUid, TLiwVariant( TUid::Uid( 0x10282E5F ) ) );
+ mapData->InsertL( KType, TLiwVariant( KLaunchApp ) );
+ mapData->InsertL( KLaunchMethod, TLiwVariant( KCmdLine ) );
+ mapData->InsertL(KApplicationUid,
+ TLiwVariant(TInt32(KMusicPlayerAppUidAsTInt) ) );
+ mapTrigger->InsertL( KData, TLiwVariant( mapData ) );
+ iMHObserver->PublishActionL( this, aDestination, mapTrigger );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mapData );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mapTrigger );
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::InstallLaunchMusicPlayerL --->");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::InstallGoToNowPlayingL(
+ TMCPTriggerDestination aDestination )
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::InstallGoToNowPlayingL <---");
+ CLiwDefaultMap* mapTrigger = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC();
+ CLiwDefaultMap* mapData = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC();
+ mapTrigger->InsertL( KPluginUid, TLiwVariant( TUid::Uid( 0x10207C16 ) ) );
+ mapData->InsertL( KType, TLiwVariant( KactionMessageToMusicPlayer ) );
+ mapData->InsertL( KMessage, TLiwVariant( KGoToNowPlaying ) );
+ mapTrigger->InsertL( KData , TLiwVariant( mapData ) );
+ iMHObserver->PublishActionL( this, aDestination, mapTrigger );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mapData );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mapTrigger );
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::InstallGoToNowPlayingL --->");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::InstallGoToLastPlayedL(
+ TMCPTriggerDestination aDestination, TBool aMinimized )
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::InstallGoToLastPlayedL <---");
+ CLiwDefaultMap* mapTrigger = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC();
+ CLiwDefaultMap* mapData = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC();
+ mapTrigger->InsertL( KPluginUid, TLiwVariant( TUid::Uid( 0x10207C16 ) ) );
+ mapData->InsertL( KType, TLiwVariant( KactionMessageToMusicPlayer ) );
+ if (aMinimized)
+ {
+ mapData->InsertL( KMessage, TLiwVariant( KGoToLastPlayedMinimized ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mapData->InsertL( KMessage, TLiwVariant( KGoToLastPlayed ) );
+ }
+ mapTrigger->InsertL( KData , TLiwVariant( mapData ) );
+ iMHObserver->PublishActionL( this, aDestination, mapTrigger );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mapData );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mapTrigger );
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::InstallGoToLastPlayedL --->");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::InstallGoToMusicL(
+ TMCPTriggerDestination aDestination )
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::InstallGoToMusicL <---");
+ CLiwDefaultMap* mapTrigger = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC();
+ CLiwDefaultMap* mapData = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC();
+ mapTrigger->InsertL( KPluginUid, TLiwVariant( TUid::Uid( 0x10282E5F ) ) );
+ mapData->InsertL( KType, TLiwVariant( KLaunchApp ) );
+ mapData->InsertL( KLaunchMethod, TLiwVariant( KMessageWithTail ) );
+ mapData->InsertL(KApplicationUid,
+ TLiwVariant(TInt32(KMmUid3AsTInt) ) );
+ mapData->InsertL( KAdditionalData,
+ TLiwVariant( KMessageForMMOpenMusicSuiteWithHide ) );
+ mapData->InsertL(KMessageUid,
+ TLiwVariant(TInt32(KMSGUidAsTInt) ) );
+ mapTrigger->InsertL( KData, TLiwVariant( mapData ) );
+ iMHObserver->PublishActionL( this, aDestination, mapTrigger );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mapData );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mapTrigger );
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::InstallGoToMusicL --->");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::InstallGoToAlbumL(
+ TMCPTriggerDestination aDestination )
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::InstallGoToAlbumL <---");
+ CLiwDefaultMap* mapTrigger = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC();
+ CLiwDefaultMap* mapData = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC();
+ mapTrigger->InsertL( KPluginUid, TLiwVariant( TUid::Uid( 0x10207C16 ) ) );
+ mapData->InsertL( KType, TLiwVariant( KactionMessageToMusicPlayer ) );
+ mapData->InsertL( KMessage, TLiwVariant( KGoToAlbumView ) );
+ mapTrigger->InsertL( KData, TLiwVariant( mapData ) );
+ iMHObserver->PublishActionL( this, aDestination, mapTrigger );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mapData );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mapTrigger );
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::InstallGoToAlbumL --->");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::InstallEmptyActionL(
+ TMCPTriggerDestination aDestination )
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::InstallEmptyActionL <---");
+ CLiwDefaultMap* mapTrigger = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC();
+ iMHObserver->PublishActionL( this, aDestination, mapTrigger );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mapTrigger );
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::InstallEmptyActionL --->");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Installs actions and icons in the toolbar.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::UpdateToolBarL(TUint aToolBarState)
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::UpdateToolBarL <---");
+ if (IsOKToPublishData())
+ {
+ TInt updateState;
+ //we update if there is a change on the state and if the new propery
+ //was set.
+ // updateState = ( new ^ old ) & new = new & ~old
+ updateState = aToolBarState & ~iToolBarState;
+ TAknsItemID iconId;
+ if ( TBK::KSkeep_L & updateState )
+ {
+ iconId.Set( EAknsMajorGeneric,
+ EAknsMinorGenericQgnPropImageTbPrev);
+ iMHObserver->PublishImageL( this, EMusicWidgetToolbarB1, iconId,
+ KMIF, EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_prop_image_tb_prev,
+ EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_prop_image_tb_prev_mask);
+ InstallPlaybackCommandActionL(EPbCmdPrevious,
+ EMusicWidgetTB1Trigger);
+ iToolBarState |= TBK::KPlay_dimmed;
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::UpdateToolBarL KSkeep_L");
+ }
+ if ( TBK::KSkeep_R & updateState )
+ {
+ iconId.Set( EAknsMajorGeneric,
+ EAknsMinorGenericQgnPropImageTbNext);
+ iMHObserver->PublishImageL( this, EMusicWidgetToolbarB3, iconId,
+ KMIF, EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_prop_image_tb_next,
+ EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_prop_image_tb_next_mask);
+ InstallPlaybackCommandActionL(EPbCmdNext, EMusicWidgetTB3Trigger);
+ iToolBarState |= TBK::KSkeep_R;
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::UpdateToolBarL KSkeep_R");
+ }
+ if ( TBK::KPause & updateState )
+ {
+ iconId.Set( EAknsMajorGeneric,
+ EAknsMinorGenericQgnPropImageTbPause);
+ iMHObserver->PublishImageL( this, EMusicWidgetToolbarB2, iconId,
+ KMIF, EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_prop_image_tb_pause,
+ EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_prop_image_tb_pause_mask);
+ InstallPlaybackCommandActionL(EPbCmdPlayPause,
+ EMusicWidgetTB2Trigger);
+ iToolBarState |= TBK::KPause;
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::UpdateToolBarL KPause");
+ }
+ if ( TBK::KPlay & updateState )
+ {
+ iconId.Set( EAknsMajorGeneric,
+ EAknsMinorGenericQgnPropImageTbPlay2 );
+ iMHObserver->PublishImageL( this, EMusicWidgetToolbarB2, iconId,
+ KMIF, EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_prop_image_tb_play2,
+ EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_prop_image_tb_play2_mask);
+ InstallPlaybackCommandActionL(EPbCmdPlayPause,
+ EMusicWidgetTB2Trigger);
+ iToolBarState |= TBK::KPlay;
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::UpdateToolBarL KPlay");
+ }
+ if ( TBK::KPlay_last_played & updateState )
+ {
+ iconId.Set( EAknsMajorGeneric,
+ EAknsMinorGenericQgnPropImageTbPlay2 );
+ iMHObserver->PublishImageL( this, EMusicWidgetToolbarB2, iconId,
+ KMIF, EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_prop_image_tb_play2,
+ EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_prop_image_tb_play2_mask);
+ InstallGoToLastPlayedL(EMusicWidgetTB2Trigger, ETrue);
+ iToolBarState |= TBK::KPlay_last_played;
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::UpdateToolBarL KPlay_last_played");
+ }
+ if ( TBK::KSkeep_L_dimmed & updateState )
+ {
+ iconId.Set( EAknsMajorGeneric,
+ EAknsMinorGenericQgnPropImageTbPrevDimmed);
+ iMHObserver->PublishImageL( this, EMusicWidgetToolbarB1, iconId,
+ KMIF, EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_prop_image_tb_prev_dimmed,
+ EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_prop_image_tb_prev_dimmed_mask);
+ InstallEmptyActionL( EMusicWidgetTB1Trigger);
+ iToolBarState |= TBK::KSkeep_L_dimmed;
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::UpdateToolBarL KSkeep_L_dimmed");
+ }
+ if ( TBK::KSkeep_R_dimmed & updateState )
+ {
+ iconId.Set( EAknsMajorGeneric,
+ EAknsMinorGenericQgnPropImageTbNextDimmed);
+ iMHObserver->PublishImageL( this, EMusicWidgetToolbarB3, iconId,
+ KMIF, EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_prop_image_tb_next_dimmed,
+ EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_prop_image_tb_next_dimmed_mask);
+ InstallEmptyActionL( EMusicWidgetTB3Trigger);
+ iToolBarState |= TBK::KSkeep_R_dimmed;
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::UpdateToolBarL KSkeep_R_dimmed");
+ }
+ if ( TBK::KPause_dimmed & updateState )
+ {
+ iconId.Set( EAknsMajorGeneric,
+ EAknsMinorGenericQgnPropImageTbPauseDimmed);
+ iMHObserver->PublishImageL( this, EMusicWidgetToolbarB2, iconId,
+ KMIF, EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_prop_image_tb_pause_dimmed,
+ EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_prop_image_tb_pause_dimmed_mask);
+ InstallEmptyActionL( EMusicWidgetTB2Trigger);
+ iToolBarState |= TBK::KPause_dimmed;
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::UpdateToolBarL KPause_dimmed");
+ }
+ if ( TBK::KPlay_dimmed & updateState )
+ {
+ iconId.Set( EAknsMajorGeneric,
+ EAknsMinorGenericQgnPropImageTbPlay2Dimmed);
+ iMHObserver->PublishImageL( this, EMusicWidgetToolbarB2, iconId,
+ KMIF, EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_prop_image_tb_play2_dimmed,
+ EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_prop_image_tb_play2_dimmed_mask);
+ InstallEmptyActionL( EMusicWidgetTB2Trigger);
+ iToolBarState |= TBK::KPlay_dimmed;
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::UpdateToolBarL KPlay_dimmed");
+ }
+ iToolBarState = aToolBarState;
+ }
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::UpdateToolBarL <---");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Resets the widget an Music Suite.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::ResetL()
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::ResetL <---");
+ //Note that we are not checking if IsOKToPublishData()This will only get
+ //published if the plugin is still active on the music content publisher
+ //meaning that no other plugin has preempted us.
+ if ( iAppMonitor )
+ {
+ delete iAppMonitor;
+ iAppMonitor = NULL;
+ }
+ if (iFileMonitor)
+ {
+ delete iFileMonitor;
+ iFileMonitor = NULL;
+ }
+ if ( iPNSMonitor )
+ {
+ delete iPNSMonitor;
+ iPNSMonitor = NULL;
+ }
+ //Reset
+ iMHObserver->PublishTextL( this,EMusicWidgetDefaultText, iGoToMusicBuffer->Des() );
+ iMHObserver->PublishImageL(this,EMusicWidgetImage1,KEmpty);
+ InstallGoToAlbumL(EMusicWidgetTrigger1);
+ iMHObserver->PublishTextL( this,EMusicWidgetText1, KEmpty );
+ iMHObserver->PublishImageL(this,EMusicWidgetToolbarB1,KEmpty);
+ iMHObserver->PublishImageL(this,EMusicWidgetToolbarB2,KEmpty);
+ iMHObserver->PublishImageL(this,EMusicWidgetToolbarB3,KEmpty);
+ InstallEmptyActionL(EMusicWidgetTB1Trigger);
+ InstallEmptyActionL(EMusicWidgetTB2Trigger);
+ InstallEmptyActionL(EMusicWidgetTB3Trigger);
+ InstallGoToAlbumL(EMusicWidgetTrigger2);
+ //Reset the music menu info
+ InstallEmptyActionL(EMusicMenuMusicInfoTrigger);
+ iMHObserver->PublishTextL( this, EMusicMenuMusicInfoLine1,
+ KLastPlayed );
+ iMHObserver->PublishTextL( this, EMusicMenuMusicInfoLine2,
+ KEmpty );
+ iMHObserver->PublishImageL( this, EMusicMenuMusicInfoImage1,
+ KAknsIIDQgnIndiMupDefaultAlbum,
+ EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_indi_mup_default_album,
+ EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_indi_mup_default_album_mask);
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::ResetL --->");
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Get a heap descriptor from the resource file
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::GetLocalizedStringL(RResourceFile& aResourceFile ,HBufC*& aRetBuf,
+ TInt aResourceId )
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::GetLocalizedStringL <---");
+ HBufC8* dataBuffer = aResourceFile.AllocReadLC(aResourceId);
+ TResourceReader theReader;
+ theReader.SetBuffer(dataBuffer);
+ aRetBuf = theReader.ReadHBufCL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(dataBuffer);
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::GetLocalizedStringL --->");
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Sets the plugin as active.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::ActivateL()
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::ActivateL <---");
+ if ( iPNSMonitor )
+ {
+ delete iPNSMonitor;
+ iFileMonitor = NULL;
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::ActivateL pns monitor deleted");
+ }
+ iPNSMonitor = CPNSMonitor::NewL(*this);
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::ActivateL pns monitor created");
+ iPNSMonitor->Start();
+ if ( iAppMonitor )
+ {
+ delete iAppMonitor;
+ iAppMonitor = NULL;
+ }
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::ActivateL app monitor deleted");
+ iAppMonitor = CApplicationMonitor::NewL(*this);
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::ActivateL app monitor created");
+ TRAPD(err,
+ iAppMonitor->StartL( TUid::Uid( KMusicPlayerAppUidAsTInt ) )
+ );
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::ActivateL app monitor started");
+ if (KErrNone != err) //Music player is not running, it died somehow.
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::ActivateL music player is not running");
+ if (iFileMonitor)
+ {
+ delete iFileMonitor;
+ iFileMonitor = NULL;
+ }
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::ActivateL file monitor deleted");
+ const TDesC& uri = iEngine->Uri();
+ if ( uri != KNullDesC )
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::ActivateL uri is not null creatin file monitor");
+ iFileMonitor = CFileMonitor::NewL(*this);
+ iFileMonitor->StartL( uri );
+ }
+ iActive = EFalse;
+ }
+ else //Music player is running
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::ActivateL music player is running, activating...");
+ iMHObserver->BecameActiveL(this);
+ iActive = ETrue;
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::ActivateL we are active now");
+ iMHObserver->PublishTextL( this, EMusicWidgetDefaultText, KEmpty );
+ InstallGoToAlbumL(EMusicWidgetTrigger1);
+ InstallGoToLastPlayedL(EMusicMenuMusicInfoTrigger, EFalse);
+ iMHObserver->PublishTextL(this, EMusicMenuMusicInfoLine1,
+ KNowPlaying);
+ DoUpdateTrackInfoL(iEngine->TitleL(), iEngine->Artist());
+ iToolBarState = 0;
+ DoUpdatePlayerStateL( iEngine->PlayerState() );
+ DoUpdateAlbumArtL(iArtCached ? iCachedArtBitmap : iArtBitmap);
+ }
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::ActivateL --->");
+ }
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::DoUpdatePlayerStateL(TMPlayerState aState)
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::DoUpdatePlayerStateL <---");
+ switch ( aState )
+ {
+ case EMPlayerStatePlaying:
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::DoUpdatePlayerStateL EMPlayerStatePlaying");
+ UpdateToolBarL(TBK::KSkeep_L|TBK::KPause|TBK::KSkeep_R);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EMPlayerStatePaused:
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::DoUpdatePlayerStateL EMPlayerStatePaused");
+ UpdateToolBarL(TBK::KSkeep_L|TBK::KPlay|TBK::KSkeep_R);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EMPlayerStateSeeking:
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::DoUpdatePlayerStateL EMPlayerStateSeeking");
+ UpdateToolBarL(TBK::KSkeep_L_dimmed |
+ TBK::KPlay_dimmed |
+ TBK::KSkeep_R_dimmed);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EMPlayerStateStopped:
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::DoUpdatePlayerStateL EMPlayerStateStopped");
+ if ( iUSBOnGoing )
+ {
+ UpdateToolBarL( TBK::KSkeep_L_dimmed |
+ TBK::KPlay_dimmed |
+ TBK::KSkeep_R_dimmed );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UpdateToolBarL(TBK::KSkeep_L|TBK::KPlay|TBK::KSkeep_R);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::DoUpdatePlayerStateL default");
+ break;
+ }
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::DoUpdatePlayerStateL --->");
+ }
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::DoUpdateTrackInfoL(const TDesC& aTitle, const TDesC& aArtist)
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::DoUpdatePlayerStateL <---");
+ if ( IsOKToPublishData() )
+ {
+ HBufC* nowPlayingForMM = HBufC::NewLC( aTitle.Length() +
+ KSeparatorhyphen().Length() + aArtist.Length() );
+ TPtr nowPlayingForMMPtr = nowPlayingForMM->Des();
+ if ( &aTitle && aTitle.Length() )
+ {
+ nowPlayingForMMPtr.Copy( aTitle );
+ }
+ if ( &aArtist && aArtist.Length() )
+ {
+ nowPlayingForMMPtr.Append(KSeparatorhyphen);
+ nowPlayingForMMPtr.Append(aArtist);
+ }
+ iMHObserver->PublishTextL( this,EMusicWidgetText1, *nowPlayingForMM );
+ iMHObserver->PublishTextL(this, EMusicMenuMusicInfoLine2,
+ *nowPlayingForMM);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( nowPlayingForMM );
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::DoUpdatePlayerStateL deliting file monitor");
+ if (iFileMonitor)
+ {
+ delete iFileMonitor;
+ iFileMonitor = NULL;
+ }
+ const TDesC& uri = iEngine->Uri();
+ if ( uri != KNullDesC )
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::DoUpdatePlayerStateL creating file monitor");
+ iFileMonitor = CFileMonitor::NewL(*this);
+ iFileMonitor->StartL( uri );
+ }
+ }
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::DoUpdatePlayerStateL --->");
+ }
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::DoUpdatePlaybackPositionL(TInt /*aPosition*/)
+ {
+ /*
+ *
+ * This code was left here in case some parts are helpfull
+ * in the future, here is some code that used to work,
+ * Members and APIs used migh have changed.
+ *
+ if ( IsOKToPublishData() )
+ {
+ const TInt KMPXMinSecSeparatorIndex = 2;
+ const TInt KMPXOneSecInMicroSecs = 1000000;
+ const TInt KMPXOneHourInSeconds = 60 * 60;
+ const TInt KMPXTimeIndicatorLength = 16;
+ TBuf<KMPXTimeIndicatorLength> elapsed;
+ TBuf<KMPXTimeIndicatorLength> total;
+ TInt64 playbackPosInSeconds;
+ TInt64 totalLengthInSeconds;
+ playbackPosInSeconds = aPosition;
+ totalLengthInSeconds = iEngine->Duration();
+ HBufC* longFormatString;
+ HBufC* shortFormatString;
+ longFormatString = StringLoader::LoadL(
+ shortFormatString = StringLoader::LoadL(
+ TPtrC format = *shortFormatString;
+ if ( totalLengthInSeconds >= KMPXOneHourInSeconds )
+ {
+ // For tracks longer than an hour we use different time format and
+ //a slightly different layout which has more space for the time
+ //labels.
+ format.Set( *longFormatString );
+ }
+ TTime elapsedTime( playbackPosInSeconds * KMPXOneSecInMicroSecs );
+ TTime totalTime( totalLengthInSeconds * KMPXOneSecInMicroSecs );
+ if ( aPosition == 0 )
+ {
+ totalLengthInSeconds = 0;
+ }
+ // Convert total playing time to texts.
+ elapsedTime.FormatL( elapsed, format );
+ if ( totalLengthInSeconds )
+ {
+ // Time remaining
+ totalTime.FormatL( total, format );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Time remaining: --:--
+ TLocale locale;
+ TBuf<KMPXTimeIndicatorLength> pos;
+ TChar separator = locale.TimeSeparator(KMPXMinSecSeparatorIndex);
+ total = KMPXZeroDurationMark;
+ total.Append( separator );
+ total += KMPXZeroDurationMark;
+ }
+ AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion( elapsed );
+ AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion( total );
+ TBuf<128> duration;
+ TBuf<128> elapsedTimebuf;
+ elapsedTimebuf.Copy( elapsed );
+ duration.Copy( elapsed );
+ duration.Append( KSeparator );
+ duration.Append( total );
+ iMHObserver->PublishTextL( this, EMusicWidgetText3, duration );
+ delete longFormatString;
+ delete shortFormatString;
+ }
+ */
+ }
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::DoUpdateAlbumArtL( CFbsBitmap* aBitmap )
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::DoUpdateAlbumArtL <---");
+ //Make sure that iCachedArtBitmap is deleted or nulled in case it is an alias.
+ //This ensures that the data is not double deleted nor orphan.
+ if ( iCachedArtBitmap && iCachedArtBitmap != aBitmap && iCachedArtBitmap != iArtBitmap)
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::DoUpdateAlbumArtL delete iCachedArtBitmap");
+ delete iCachedArtBitmap;
+ }
+ iCachedArtBitmap = NULL;
+ //Store the new bitmap.
+ if ( aBitmap != iArtBitmap )
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::DoUpdateAlbumArtL delete iArtBitmap");
+ delete iArtBitmap;
+ }
+ iArtBitmap = aBitmap;
+ iArtCached = EFalse;
+ if (iArtBitmap)
+ {
+ TInt handle = iArtBitmap->Handle();
+ if (iArtBitmapMask)
+ {
+ TInt mskHandle = iArtBitmapMask->Handle();
+ iMHObserver->PublishImageL(this,EMusicWidgetImage1,handle,
+ mskHandle);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iMHObserver->PublishImageL(this,EMusicWidgetImage1,handle);
+ }
+ iMHObserver->PublishImageL( this, EMusicMenuMusicInfoImage1,
+ handle );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iMHObserver->PublishImageL( this, EMusicMenuMusicInfoImage1,
+ KAknsIIDQgnIndiMupDefaultAlbum,
+ KMIF, EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_indi_mup_default_album,
+ EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_indi_mup_default_album_mask);
+ iMHObserver->PublishImageL( this, EMusicWidgetImage1,
+ KAknsIIDQgnIndiMupDefaultAlbum,
+ KMIF, EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_indi_mup_default_album,
+ EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_indi_mup_default_album_mask);
+ }
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::DoUpdateAlbumArtL --->");
+ }
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::DoHandleOpeningL()
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::DoHandleOpeningL <---");
+ if ( IsOKToPublishData() )
+ {
+ iMHObserver->PublishTextL( this,EMusicWidgetText1, iOpeningBuffer->Des() );
+ }
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::DoHandleOpeningL --->");
+ }
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::DoHandlePlaylisIsEmptyL()
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::DoHandlePlaylisIsEmptyL <---");
+ iActive = EFalse;
+ ResetL();
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::DoHandlePlaylisIsEmptyL --->");
+ }
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::DoHandleSkinChangedL()
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::DoHandleSkinChangedL <---");
+ //To make sure the mask gets recreated even if we don't use it right now.
+ delete iArtBitmapMask;
+ iArtBitmapMask = NULL;
+ MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
+ TRAPD(err, iArtBitmapMask = AknsUtils::CreateBitmapL( skin,
+ KAknsIIDQgnHomePhotoMask ) );
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ AknIconUtils::DisableCompression(iArtBitmapMask);
+ TSize size( 70 , 70);
+ AknIconUtils::SetSize( iArtBitmapMask, size );
+ if (iArtBitmapMask->SetDisplayMode( EGray256 ) != KErrNone)
+ {
+ delete iArtBitmapMask;
+ iArtBitmapMask = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete iArtBitmapMask;
+ iArtBitmapMask = NULL;
+ }
+ if (iArtBitmap)
+ {
+ TInt handle = iArtBitmap->Handle();
+ if (iArtBitmapMask)
+ {
+ TInt mskHandle = iArtBitmapMask->Handle();
+ iMHObserver->PublishImageL(
+ this,
+ EMusicWidgetImage1,
+ handle,
+ mskHandle);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iMHObserver->PublishImageL(
+ this,
+ EMusicWidgetImage1,
+ handle);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iMHObserver->PublishImageL( this, EMusicMenuMusicInfoImage1,
+ KAknsIIDQgnIndiMupDefaultAlbum,
+ KMIF, EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_indi_mup_default_album,
+ EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_indi_mup_default_album_mask);
+ iMHObserver->PublishImageL( this, EMusicWidgetImage1,
+ KAknsIIDQgnIndiMupDefaultAlbum,
+ KMIF, EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_indi_mup_default_album,
+ EMbmMusichomescreeniconsQgn_indi_mup_default_album_mask);
+ }
+ TUint tbstate = iToolBarState;
+ //To Force a change on the toolbar with the current properties.
+ iToolBarState = 0;
+ if (!iActive)
+ {
+ //This is to force the icons to update, but we still want to keep
+ //the plugin as incative.
+ iActive = ETrue;
+ UpdateToolBarL(tbstate);
+ iActive = EFalse;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UpdateToolBarL(tbstate);
+ }
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::DoHandleSkinChangedL --->");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From CMCPPlugin
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::Deactivate()
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::Deactivate() <---");
+ iActive = EFalse;
+ if (iFileMonitor)
+ {
+ delete iFileMonitor;
+ iFileMonitor = NULL;
+ }
+ if (iAppMonitor)
+ {
+ delete iAppMonitor;
+ iAppMonitor = NULL;
+ }
+ if ( iPNSMonitor )
+ {
+ delete iPNSMonitor;
+ iPNSMonitor = NULL;
+ }
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::Deactivate() --->");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From CMCPPlugin
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::SkinChanged()
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::SkinChanged() <---");
+ TRAP_IGNORE( DoHandleSkinChangedL() );
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::SkinChanged() --->");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MAiPlayerPluginEngineObserver
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::PlayerStateChanged( TMPlayerState aState )
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::PlayerStateChanged <---");
+ //we want to activate only with states that can be triggered by the user.
+ if (!iActive &&
+ aState == EMPlayerStatePlaying)
+ {
+ //ActivateL updates the whole widget and music suite data.
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::PlayerStateChanged activating");
+ TRAP_IGNORE( ActivateL() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::PlayerStateChanged updating state");
+ TRAP_IGNORE(DoUpdatePlayerStateL(aState));
+ }
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::PlayerStateChanged --->");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MAiPlayerPluginEngineObserver
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::TrackInfoChanged( const TDesC& aTitle,
+ const TDesC& aArtist )
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::TrackInfoChanged <---");
+ if (iActive)
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::TrackInfoChanged updating track info");
+ TRAP_IGNORE(DoUpdateTrackInfoL(aTitle, aArtist));
+ }
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::TrackInfoChanged --->");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MAiPlayerPluginEngineObserver
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::PlaybackPositionChanged( TInt aPosition )
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE( DoUpdatePlaybackPositionL( aPosition ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MAiPlayerPluginEngineObserver
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::AlbumArtChanged( CFbsBitmap* aBitmap )
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::AlbumArtChanged <---");
+ if (!iActive)
+ {
+ iCachedArtBitmap = aBitmap;
+ iArtCached = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::AlbumArtChanged updating album art");
+ TRAP_IGNORE( DoUpdateAlbumArtL( aBitmap ) );
+ }
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::AlbumArtChanged --->");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MAiPlayerPluginEngineObserver
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::Opening()
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::Opening <---");
+ TRAP_IGNORE( DoHandleOpeningL() );
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::Opening --->");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MAiPlayerPluginEngineObserver
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::PlaylisIsEmpty()
+ {
+ //TRAP_IGNORE( DoHandlePlaylisIsEmptyL() );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MAiPlayerPluginEngineObserver
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::HandleFileRemovedL()
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::HandleFileRemovedL <---");
+ iActive = EFalse;
+ ResetL();
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::HandleFileRemovedL --->");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MApplicationMonitorObserver
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::HandleApplicationClosedL(TExitType aReason)
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::HandleApplicationClosedL <---");
+ if (aReason == EExitPanic)
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::HandleApplicationClosedL panic");
+ iActive = EFalse;
+ ResetL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::HandleApplicationClosedL normal close");
+ UpdateToolBarL( TBK::KSkeep_L_dimmed |
+ TBK::KPlay_last_played |
+ TBK::KSkeep_R_dimmed );
+ if (IsOKToPublishData() )
+ {
+ iMHObserver->PublishTextL( this, EMusicWidgetDefaultText, KEmpty );
+ InstallGoToLastPlayedL(EMusicMenuMusicInfoTrigger, EFalse);
+ iMHObserver->PublishTextL(this, EMusicMenuMusicInfoLine1,
+ KLastPlayed);
+ DoUpdateTrackInfoL(iEngine->TitleL(), iEngine->Artist());
+ DoUpdateAlbumArtL(iArtCached ? iCachedArtBitmap : iArtBitmap);
+ }
+ if ( iAppMonitor )
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::HandleApplicationClosedL deliting app monitor");
+ delete iAppMonitor;
+ iAppMonitor = NULL;
+ }
+ iActive = EFalse;
+ //in case the app closed before the info was updated.
+ if (iEngine->TitleL() == KNullDesC)
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::HandleApplicationClosedL there is no title - resetting");
+ ResetL();
+ }
+ }
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::HandleApplicationClosedL --->");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MMPXCollectionObserver
+// Handle collection messages.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::HandleCollectionMessage( CMPXMessage* aMsg, TInt aErr )
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("--->CMCPMusicPlayer::HandleCollectionMessage()");
+ if ( aErr == KErrNone && aMsg )
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE( HandleCollectionMessageL( aMsg ));
+ }
+ MPX_DEBUG1("<---CMCPMusicPlayer::HandleCollectionMessage()");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Handle collection messages.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::HandleCollectionMessageL( CMPXMessage* aMsg )
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("--->CMCPMusicPlayer::HandleCollectionMessageL()");
+ TMPXMessageId messageId = aMsg->ValueTObjectL<TMPXMessageId>( KMPXMessageGeneralId );
+ if ( messageId == KMPXMessageGeneral )
+ {
+ DoHandleGeneralMessageL( *aMsg );
+ }
+ MPX_DEBUG1("<---CMCPMusicPlayer::HandleCollectionMessageL()");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Handle collection general message.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::DoHandleGeneralMessageL(const CMPXMessage& aMsg)
+ {
+ TInt event = aMsg.ValueTObjectL<TInt> ( KMPXMessageGeneralEvent );
+ TInt type = aMsg.ValueTObjectL<TInt> ( KMPXMessageGeneralType );
+ MPX_DEBUG3("--->CMCPMusicPlayer::DoHandleGeneralMessageL(), event = %d, type = %d", event, type);
+ if ( event == TMPXCollectionMessage::EBroadcastEvent
+ && ( type == EMcMsgUSBMassStorageStart || type == EMcMsgUSBMTPStart ))
+ {
+ iUSBOnGoing = ETrue;
+ MPX_DEBUG2("CMCPMusicPlayer::DoHandleGeneralMessageL(), iUSBOnGoing changed to: %d", iUSBOnGoing );
+ UpdateToolBarL( TBK::KSkeep_L_dimmed |
+ TBK::KPlay_dimmed |
+ TBK::KSkeep_R_dimmed );
+ if ( IsOKToPublishData() )
+ {
+ InstallGoToAlbumL(EMusicMenuMusicInfoTrigger);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( event == TMPXCollectionMessage::EBroadcastEvent
+ && ( type == EMcMsgUSBMassStorageEnd || type == EMcMsgUSBMTPEnd ))
+ {
+ iUSBOnGoing = EFalse;
+ MPX_DEBUG2("CMCPMusicPlayer::DoHandleGeneralMessageL(), iUSBOnGoing changed to: %d", iUSBOnGoing );
+ DoUpdatePlayerStateL( iEngine->PlayerState() );
+ if ( IsOKToPublishData() )
+ {
+ iMHObserver->PublishTextL( this, EMusicWidgetDefaultText,
+ KEmpty );
+ InstallGoToLastPlayedL( EMusicMenuMusicInfoTrigger, ETrue );
+ iMHObserver->PublishTextL( this, EMusicMenuMusicInfoLine1,
+ KLastPlayed );
+ DoUpdateTrackInfoL( iEngine->TitleL(), iEngine->Artist() );
+ DoUpdateAlbumArtL( iArtCached ? iCachedArtBitmap : iArtBitmap );
+ }
+ }
+ MPX_DEBUG3("<---CMCPMusicPlayer::DoHandleGeneralMessageL(), event = %d, type = %d", event, type);
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MMPXCollectionObserver
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::HandleOpenL( const CMPXMedia& /*aEntries*/,
+ TInt /*aIndex*/, TBool /*aComplete*/, TInt /*aError*/ )
+ {
+ // Do nothing
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MMPXCollectionObserver
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::HandleOpenL( const CMPXCollectionPlaylist& /*aPlaylist*/,
+ TInt /*aError*/ )
+ {
+ // Do nothing
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MMPXCollectionMediaObserver
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::HandleCollectionMediaL( const CMPXMedia& /*aMedia*/, TInt /*aError*/ )
+ {
+ // Do nothing
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MPNSMonitorObserver
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMCPMusicPlayer::OpeningMusicPlayer()
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::OpeningMusicPlayer <---");
+ // in this position, iActive is EFalse, so we can not call function
+ // DoHandleOpeningL() directly.
+ iMHObserver->PublishTextL( this,
+ EMusicWidgetText1,
+ iOpeningBuffer->Des() ) );
+ TCallBack cb( MusicPlayerOpeningTimerCallback, this );
+ iMusicPlayerOpeningTimer->Cancel();
+ iMusicPlayerOpeningTimer->Start( KMusicPlayerOpeningTimerInterval,
+ KMusicPlayerOpeningTimerInterval, cb );
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::OpeningMusicPlayer --->");
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Music Player opening timer callback
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMCPMusicPlayer::MusicPlayerOpeningTimerCallback( TAny* aPtr )
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::MusicPlayerOpeningTimerCallback <---");
+ RWsSession wsSession;
+ TInt error = wsSession.Connect();
+ if ( error != KErrNone )
+ {
+ return error;
+ }
+ TBool taskExists( EFalse );
+ CAknTaskList* taskList( NULL );
+ TRAPD( err, taskList = CAknTaskList::NewL( wsSession ) );
+ if ( err == KErrNone )
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG2("CMCPMusicPlayer::MusicPlayerOpeningTimerCallback "
+ "error = %d occur when creating CAknTaskList", err);
+ TApaTask task = taskList->FindRootApp( TUid::Uid( KMusicPlayerAppUidAsTInt ) );
+ delete taskList;
+ taskExists = task.Exists();
+ }
+ wsSession.Close();
+ if ( !taskExists )
+ {
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::MusicPlayerOpeningTimerCallback Music Player not opened");
+ //Reset the widget and menu, music player is not running
+ TRAP_IGNORE( static_cast<CMCPMusicPlayer*>(aPtr)->ResetL() );
+ }
+ static_cast<CMCPMusicPlayer*>(aPtr)->iMusicPlayerOpeningTimer->Cancel();
+ MPX_DEBUG1("CMCPMusicPlayer::MusicPlayerOpeningTimerCallback --->");
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ // End of File