changeset 89 b57382753122
equal deleted inserted replaced
83:5aadd1120515 89:b57382753122
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Unified editor class declaration
    15  *
    16 */
    22 // system includes
    23 #include <AknForm.h>
    24 #include <MAgnEntryUi.h>
    25 #include <calcommon.h>
    26 #include <calentry.h>
    27 #include <fepbase.h>
    28 #include <calennotificationhandler.h>
    30 // user includes
    31 #include "calenentryutil.h"
    32 #include "CalenEditorDataHandler.h"
    33 #include "calenunifiededitorcontrol.h"
    35 // forward declaration
    36 class MCalenServices;
    37 class CAknNavigationControlContainer;
    38 class CCalenEditorDataHandler;
    39 class CCalenEntryUpdater;
    40 class CCalenEntryUtil;
    41 class CCalenGlobalData;
    42 class CEnvironmentChangeNotifier;
    43 class CPosLandmark;
    45 /**
    46  * Class declaration for Unified Editor
    47  */ 
    48 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CCalenUnifiedEditor ) : public CAknForm,
    49                                            public MAgnEntryUi, 
    50                                            public MCalenNotificationHandler,
    51                                            public MCoeFepObserver
    52     {
    53     public: // Constructors
    55         /**
    56          * @brief Two-phased constructor. This overload should be used when 
    57          *        it is known which repeat type will be used to edit the entry.
    58          *        Use this overload in conjunction with viewer.
    59          * @param aEntry: Reference entry
    60          */    
    61         static CCalenUnifiedEditor* NewL ( CCalEntry& aEntry,
    62                                            const TAgnEntryUiInParams& aParams,
    63                                            MAgnEntryUiCallback& aCallback,
    64                                            TAgnEntryUiOutParams& aOutParams,
    65                                            CalCommon::TRecurrenceRange aRepeatType);
    67         /**
    68          * @brief Two-phased constructor. This overload should be used when
    69          *        the user should be prompted to select the repeat type when
    70          *        the entry is modified. Use this overload when the viewer is
    71          *        not present.
    72          * @param aEntry: Reference entry
    73          */
    74         static CCalenUnifiedEditor* NewL( CCalEntry& aEntry,
    75                                           const TAgnEntryUiInParams& aParams,
    76                                           MAgnEntryUiCallback& aCallback,
    77                                           TAgnEntryUiOutParams& aOutParams );  
    79         /**
    80          * @brief Destructor
    81          */
    82         virtual ~CCalenUnifiedEditor();
    84     private:
    86         /**
    87          * @brief Default constructor with repeat type
    88          */
    89         CCalenUnifiedEditor( CCalEntry& aEntry,
    90                              const TAgnEntryUiInParams& aParams,
    91                              MAgnEntryUiCallback& aCallback,
    92                              TAgnEntryUiOutParams& aOutParams,
    93                              CalCommon::TRecurrenceRange aRepeatType );
    95         /**
    96          * @brief Default constructor
    97          */
    98         CCalenUnifiedEditor( CCalEntry& aEntry,
    99                              const TAgnEntryUiInParams& aParams,
   100                              MAgnEntryUiCallback& aCallback,
   101                              TAgnEntryUiOutParams& aOutParams );
   103     private:
   105         /**
   106          * @brief Second phase constructor
   107          */
   108         void ConstructL();
   110     private:
   111         /**
   112          * @brief For handling external database changes keeping
   113          *        editor active eg..synchronizing
   114          */
   115         enum TEntryExistenceStatus
   116             {
   117             EEntryOk,
   118             EEntryModifiedByAnotherProcess,
   119             EEntryDeletedByAnotherProcess
   120             };
   122     public:
   124         /**
   125          * @brief from MCalenNotificationhandler
   126          *        Handles calendar notifications
   127          */
   128         void HandleNotification( TCalenNotification aNotification );
   130         /**
   131          * @brief From MCoeFepObserver 
   132          * 
   133          */
   134         void HandleCompletionOfTransactionL();
   136     public:      
   138         /**
   139         * @brief Executes proper UI view based on given parameters.
   140         * @param aEntries all having the same GUID, ownership not transferred
   141         * @param aInParams input parameters
   142         * @param aOutParams contains output when method returns
   143         * @param aCallback observer
   144         * @return KErrNone or a system wide error code
   145         */
   146        TInt ExecuteViewL( RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aEntries,
   147                           const TAgnEntryUiInParams& aInParams,
   148                           TAgnEntryUiOutParams& aOutParams,                                   
   149                           MAgnEntryUiCallback& aCallback );
   151         /**
   152         * @brief Method for setting help context for the UI.
   153         *        Must be called before executing UI.
   154         * @param aContext help context
   155         */
   156         void SetHelpContext(const TCoeHelpContext& aContext);
   158         /**
   159          * @brief From CEikDialog.
   160          *        Handles exiting of the unified editor
   161          */
   162          TBool OkToExitL( TInt aButtonId );
   164         /**
   165          * @brief From CCoeControl.
   166          *        Handles key events
   167          */
   168          TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType );
   170         /**
   171          * @brief From CEikDialog
   172          *        Initializes the dialog's controls before the dialog is sized and 
   173          *        layed out. Empty by default.
   174          */
   175         void PreLayoutDynInitL();
   177         /**
   178          * @brief From CEikDialog
   179          *        Initializes the dialog's controls after the dialog has been sized 
   180          *        but before it has been activated. Empty by default.
   181          */        
   182         void PostLayoutDynInitL();
   184         /**
   185          * @brief From CEikDialog
   186          *        Handles a state change in the control with id aControlId. 
   187          *        Empty by default.
   188          * @param aControlId holds the control id for which the state is changed
   189          */
   190         void HandleControlStateChangeL( TInt aControlId );
   192         /**
   193          * @brief From CEikDialog
   194          *        Tries to change focus to the specified line. Fails if the line ID 
   195          *        is not valid. Calls @c PrepareForFocusTransitionL() before focus 
   196          *        is given to the line.
   197          */
   198         void PrepareForFocusTransitionL();
   200         /**
   201          * @brief From CEikDialog
   202          *        Handles editor menu commands
   203          * @param aCommandId The ID of the commannd to be handled
   204          */
   205         void ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId );
   207 //Single click integration
   208         /**
   209          * From CAknForm.
   210          * Takes any action required when the dialog page event happens.
   211          * 
   212          * @param aEventId Event id. 
   213          */
   214         void HandleDialogPageEventL( TInt aEventID );
   216         /**
   217          * @brief From CAknForm
   218          * Handles the resource change like layout change/theme change
   219          * @param aType Holds the type of the resource change
   220          */
   221         void HandleResourceChange( TInt aType );
   223         /**
   224          * @brief From MEikMenuObserver
   225          * Delete and add items to menu dynamically
   226          * @param aResourceId: Resource ID of menu pane
   227          * @param aMenuPane  : Menu Pane object
   228          */
   229         void DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
   231         /** 
   232          * @brief From CEikDialog.
   233          *        This is needed to create custom form control
   234          * @param aControlType       
   235          */
   236         SEikControlInfo CreateCustomControlL( TInt aControlType );
   238         /**
   239          * @brief To get custom control layout correctly in Avkon form
   240          * @param aControlType 
   241          */
   242         MEikDialogPageObserver::TFormControlTypes ConvertCustomControlTypeToBaseControlType( 
   243              TInt aControlType ) const;
   245         /**
   246          * @brief To check for repeattype
   247          * @return aRepeatType
   248          */
   249         CCalenEditorDataHandler::TError AskRepeatingNoteQueriesL(
   250             CalCommon::TRecurrenceRange& aRepeatType );
   252         /**
   253          * @brief Check Start date change query should shown.
   254          * @return ETrue if query need to be displayed else EFalse
   255          */
   256         TBool ShouldQueryForStartDateChange();
   258         /**
   259          * @brief Display Start date change query
   260          * @return CCalenEditorDataHandler::TError
   261          */
   262         CCalenEditorDataHandler::TError QueryStartDateChangeL();
   264         /*
   265          * Sets the control as ready to be drawn.
   266          * @return void
   267          */
   268         void  ActivateL();
   270         void HandleCalendarDeleteL();
   271     private:
   273         /**
   274          * @brief Handles "Cancel" menu command for discarding the user changes.
   275          */
   276         void OnCmdCancelL();
   278         /**
   279          * @brief Handles "Delete" command for deleting the notr
   280          */
   281         void OnCmdDeleteNoteL();
   283         /**
   284          * @brief Handles "Help" command.
   285          */
   286         void OnCmdHelpL();
   288         /**
   289          * @brief Handles "Exit" command.
   290          * @param aCmd Holds the command issued.
   291          */
   292         void OnCmdExitL(TInt aCmd);
   294         /**
   295          * @brief Delete note from Calendar.
   296          * @param aIsViaDeleteMenu : ETrue if via "Delete" menu.
   297          * @return ETrue if note is deleted.
   298          */
   299         void TryToDeleteNoteL( TBool aIsViaDeleteMenu );
   301         /**
   302          * @brief Close form without further actions. Needed when note is deleted.
   303          */
   304         void CloseFormWithoutActionsL();
   306         /**
   307          * @brief Handles saving of the entry when RSK "Done" is pressed
   308          * @return TBool returns whenther the entry is saved 
   309          */
   310         TBool HandleDoneL();
   312         /**
   313          * @brief Check for entry existence
   314          * @retur TEntryExistenceStatus returns the entry is modified by 
   315          *        external database change
   316          */
   317         TEntryExistenceStatus EntryStillExistsL();
   319         /** 
   320          * @brief Key callback function for deferred key event (for FEP).
   321          * @param a pointer of CCalenUnifiedEditor.
   322          * @return always EFalse.
   323          */
   324         static TInt KeyCallBack( TAny *aSelf );
   326         /**
   327          * @brief This function is called when a locale(or today) is changed.
   328          * @param aThisPtr Specified to be TCallBack()
   329          * @return EFalse
   330          */
   331         static TInt LocaleCallback( TAny* aThisPtr );
   333         /**
   334          * @brief Handles locale change notifications
   335          * @param aChange Holds the environment change information
   336          * @return TInt returns 0
   337          */
   338         TInt HandleLocaleChange( TInt aChange );
   340         /**
   341          * @brief Handles locale change notifications
   342          * @param aChange Holds the environment change information
   343          */
   344         void DoHandleLocaleChangeL( TInt aChange );
   346     public:
   348         /**
   349          * @brief Gets the iServices reference.
   350          */
   351         MCalenServices& GetServices();
   353         /**
   354          * @brief Inserts dialog line (form field) defined by aResourceId 
   355          *        and aControlId after existing dialog line aPrevControlId.
   356          * @resourceId dialog line resource
   357          * @aControlId ControlId of the dialog line to be inserted
   358          * @aPrevControlId Previous control id
   359          */ 
   360         void InsertFieldL( TInt aResourceId, TInt aControlId,
   361                             TInt aPrevControlId );
   363         /** 
   364          * @brief Check for field exists in unified editor
   365          * @aField focused controlid
   366          * @TBool returns ETrue if control exists otherwise EFalse
   367          */
   368         TBool HasField( TInt aField );
   370         /**
   371          * @brief Update form. You can force update of form with this,
   372          *        if you modify some of the field values dynamically.
   373          */
   374          void UpdateFormL();
   376         /**
   377          * @brief Copy of a given entry
   378          * @param aOther holds the source entry
   379          * @return CCalEntry returns target entry
   380          */
   381          static CCalEntry* CreateCopyL( CCalEntry& aOther );
   383         /**
   384          * @brief Access to the unified editor's fields
   385          * @return CCalenUnifiedEditorControl returns unified editor's fields
   386          */
   387         CCalenUnifiedEditorControl& EditorFields();
   389         /**
   390          * @brief Returns layout variant dependent maximum value for text editors.
   391          * @return TInt returns maximum editor length
   392          */
   393         TInt MaxTextEditorLength() const;
   395         /**
   396          * @brief Check if note editor is launched to create new entry
   397          * @return TBool returns ETrue if creating a new entry
   398          */
   399         TBool IsCreatingNewEntry() const;
   401         /**
   402          * @brief Gets unified editor's entry type
   403          * @return CCalEntry entry type of the unified editor
   404          */
   405         CCalEntry::TType GetEntryType();
   407         /**
   408          * @brief Sets the unified editor's entry type
   409          * @param aEntryType Holds the new entry type
   410          */
   411         void SetEntryType( CCalEntry::TType aEntryType );
   414         /**
   415          * @brief Access to the editor data handler
   416          * @returns CCalenEditorDataHandler editor data handler
   417          */
   418         CCalenEditorDataHandler& EditorDataHandler();
   420         /**
   421          * @brief Access to the edited editor data
   422          * @returns edited editor data
   423          */
   424         CCalenEntryUtil& Edited();
   426         /**
   427          * @brief Access to the original editor data
   428          * @returns CCalenEntryUtil returnd original editor data 
   429          */ 
   430         const CCalenEntryUtil& Original() const;
   432         /**
   433          * @brief Sets editor text
   434          * @param aCOntrolId Id of the editor text
   435          * @param aDes Text to be set to editor
   436          */
   437         void SetEditorTextL( TInt aControlId, const TDesC* aDes );
   439         /**
   440          * @brief Reads subject field from unified editor
   441          */
   442         void ReadSubjectFromEditorL();
   444         /**
   445          * @brief Reads "Place" item from unified editor
   446          */
   447         void ReadPlaceFromEditorL();
   449         /**
   450          * @brief For setting alarm field on or off
   451          * @param aOnOff For toggling on or off
   452          */
   453         void SetAlarmFieldOnOffL( TBool aOnOff );
   455         /**
   456          * @brief For setting AllDay filed Yes or No
   457          */
   458         void SetAllDayFieldL( TBool aYesNo );
   460         /**
   461          * @brief For getting Id of the focused control
   462          * @return TInt controlId of the focused control
   463          */
   464         TInt IdOfFocusedControl();
   466         /**
   467          * @brief Set attachment names to the editor if attachments
   468          *        exists for the entry being edited
   469          */
   470         void SetAttachmentNamesToEditorL();
   472         /**
   473          * Update CBA with corresponding MSK button.
   474          * This function is e.g. called from HandleControlEvent()
   475          * Will issue HandleControlStateChangeL() call.
   476          */
   477         void SetMskFromResourceL();
   479          /**
   480          * @brief Merges all the attachment names into a single string
   481          */
   482         void GetAttachmentNamesString( RPointerArray<HBufC>& aAttachmentNames,
   483                                         HBufC& aAttachmentNamesString );
   485         /*
   486          * Verify if the collectionid exsists in the array of collecteids
   487          * leave is generated if collectionid is not found.
   488          * @param TCalCollectionId aColId to verified from the array of collecteids
   489          * @return void
   490          */
   491         void VerifyCollectionIdL(const TCalCollectionId aColId);
   493         /*
   494          * Return attachment names
   495          * @param aAttachmentNames names of the attachments.
   496          * @return HBufC 
   497          */
   498         void GetAttachmentNamesL(RPointerArray<HBufC>& aAttachmentNames);
   500         TBool iCheck;
   501     protected:
   502         /**
   503          * From CEikDialog
   504          * We will hit this event each time a line has changed in the form
   505          */
   506         void LineChangedL( TInt aControlId );
   508     private:        
   509         /**
   510          * @breif Checks if the Flash File System storage will fall below
   511          *        Critical Level. Warning will be displayed if storage
   512          *        is below Critical Level.
   513          * @return ETrue : Below critical level
   514          */
   515         TBool CheckSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL();
   517         /**
   518          * @brief Try to save note. Used in normal exit.
   519          * @return ETrue if note was saved
   520          */
   521         TBool TryToSaveNoteL();
   523         /**
   524          * @brief Common routine for saving note when forced exit like
   525          *        pressing end key/exit from FSW/power off key
   526          */
   527         void TryToSaveNoteOnForcedExitL();
   529         /**
   530          * @brief checks wether user has edited the db field.
   531          * updates the dbid into cenrep for the later use,
   532          * next time editor will show this db in the editor (bu default)
   533          */
   534         void ModifyDbFieldL();
   536         /**
   537          * @brief Try to save the enty with new entry type
   538          * @return Error value if entry is not saved
   539          */
   540         TInt TryToSaveEntryWithEntryChangeL( TBool aForcedExit);
   542         /**
   543          * @brief Calculate the start date/time of the entry being edited.
   544          *        Store the result in the passed arguments.
   545          * @param aNewInstanceStartDate Instance start time
   546          * @param aNewInstanceEndDate Instance end time
   547          */
   548         void CalculateNewInstanceStartAndEndDateL( TCalTime& aNewInstanceStartDate,
   549                                                    TCalTime& aNewInstanceEndDate );
   551         /**
   552          * @breif Fetch the current entry's parent from agenda. This should be used
   553          *        sparingly as it is expensive. It may be worth seeing if there
   554          *        is any performance improvement by fetching the parent from
   555          *        CCalenDefaultViewers and passing it through to the constructor of
   556          *        the editors and viewers, instead of fetching it internally to each
   557          *        viewer/editor.
   558          * @return referance to parent entry CCalEntry       
   559          */
   560         CCalEntry& ParentEntryL();
   562         /**
   563          * @brief Display S60 Calendar Note Editor specific error message
   564          *        for given aError.
   565          * @param aError : Flag of error.
   566          */
   567         void DisplayErrorMsgL(const TInt& aError);
   569         /**
   570          * @brief Launch the note dialog
   571          * @param resourceId Resource Id of the error type
   572          */
   573         void DisplayErrorMsgInNoteDlgL( TInt resourceId );
   575         /**
   576          * @brief Launch the repeat type dependent error message dialog
   577          */
   578         void DispalyErrorMsgByRepeatTypeL();
   580          /**
   581           * @brief Updates the user selected landmark details into 
   582           *        current meeting editor form 
   583           */
   584          void UpdateLocationInfoToFormL();
   586          /**
   587           * @brief Handles the case when user choose locaiton on
   588           *        top of already saved address
   589           * @param CPosLandMark Holds landmark
   590           */
   591          void HandleEntryWithGeoValueEditionL( CPosLandmark* landmark );
   593 	 	 /**
   594 		 * Handles the case when user choose location on top of invalidated address
   595 		 */ 
   596 	     void HandleEntryWithLocationEditionL(CPosLandmark* landmark);
   598          /**
   599           * @breif Stores landmark details and displays selected location details 
   600           *        on the currently shown editor form
   601           * @param CPosLandMark Holds landmark
   602           */
   603          void StoreLocationDetailsToEntryL( CPosLandmark* landmark );
   605          /**
   606           * @brief Function to query user whether to replace or keep 
   607           *        existing location details
   608           * @Param aLocationName Holds the new location name selected
   609           */
   610          TInt ShowLocationReplaceNoticeL( TPtrC aLocaitonName );
   612          /**
   613           * @brief Queries user whether to keep the exisiting coordianates or not
   614           */
   615          TInt ShowLocationChangeNoticeL();
   617          /**
   618 	     * Displays "Address Updated" transient notice to the user
   619 	     */
   620 	    void ShowAddressUpdatedNoticeL();
   622 	     /**
   623 	     * Checks if user has edited location field manually
   624 	     */
   625 	    void CheckManualEditionOfLocationL();
   627          /**
   628 		 * Adds Map icon onto the editor form
   629 		 */
   630 		void AddPictureL(TInt isNotFirstTime  = 1); 
   632          /**
   633           * @brief Update attachment info to editor whenever an file is selected 
   634           *        using fetch apis
   635           */
   636          void UpdateAttachmentInfoToEditorL();
   638          /**
   639           * @brief Sets the undeline for the attachment field's text
   640           * @param aUnderLine holds to make the underline visible or not
   641           *        EUnderLineOn for enabling the underline
   642           *        EUnderLineOff for disabling the underline    
   643           */
   644          void SetUnderLineForAttachmentL(TFontUnderline aUnderLine);
   646          /**
   647           * @brief Check for attachments in editor,if present save the attachment
   648           *        count which is used while saving the attachments to the calentry
   649           */
   650          void CheckForAttachmentsInEditorL();
   652          /**
   653           * @brief Check for whether attachments exists in edited entry
   654           * @returns ETrue if entry has attachments otherwise EFalse
   655           */
   656          TBool EntryHasAttachments();
   658          void GetAllCollectionidsL(RArray<TInt>& aCollectionIds);
   660          /**
   661           * @brief Hides Entry type, Calendar Field & RepetType Fields for 
   662           *        exceptional entry/single instance of recurrent entry
   663           *  
   664           */
   665          void HideFieldsForEditSingleInstanceL();
   667          static TInt AsyncProcessCommandL(TAny* aThisPtr); 
   670     private:
   671         /**
   672          * @var iEditedCalEntry
   673          * @brief Stores entry to be edited temporarily for construction sequence.
   674          *        This is passed to CCalenEntryUtilHandler and also copied to 
   675          *        iOriginalCalEntry  
   676          */
   677         CCalEntry& iEditedCalEntry;
   679         /**
   680          * @var iEntryUiInParams
   681          * @brief Input parameters for Editor Plugin
   682          */
   683         const TAgnEntryUiInParams& iEntryUiInParams;
   685         /**
   686          * @var iEntryUiCallback
   687          * @brief Editor Plugin callback (not used in default editors)
   688          */
   689         MAgnEntryUiCallback& iEntryUiCallback;
   691         /**
   692          * @var iEntryUiOutParams
   693          * @brief Output parameters for Editor Plugin
   694          */
   695         TAgnEntryUiOutParams& iEntryUiOutParams;
   697         /**
   698          * @var iRepeatType
   699          * @brief holds the repeat type
   700          */
   701         CalCommon::TRecurrenceRange iRepeatType;
   703         /**
   704          * @var iGlobalData
   705          * @brief Global data holds references to shared resources like CalEntryView,
   706          *        CalSession. Own. Release don't delete, because it's thread-wide
   707          *        singleton. 
   708          */
   709         CCalenGlobalData* iGlobalData;
   711         /**
   712          * @var iOriginalCalEntry
   713          * @brief Original entry. Copied from passed entry
   714          */
   715         CCalEntry* iOriginalCalEntry;
   717         /**
   718          * @var iFetchedEntries
   719          * @brief The array of entries returned from FetchL(), based on the  
   720          *        entry being edited. This allows retrieving of the parent entry      
   721          *        using ParentEntryL(), which should be used instead of direct  
   722          *        access to this array.
   723          */
   725         RPointerArray<CCalEntry> iFetchedEntries;
   727         /**
   728          * @var iEditorDataHandler
   729          * @brief Editor data handler. Handles mapping data between form fields
   730          *        and Symbian Calendar Interim API's CCalEntry.
   731          */
   732         CCalenEditorDataHandler* iEditorDataHandler;
   734         /**
   735          * @var iEntryUpdater
   736          * @brief CCalenEntryUpdater takes care of saving and updating entry 
   737          *        properly.
   738          */
   739         CCalenEntryUpdater* iEntryUpdater;
   741         /**
   742          * @var iNaviContainer
   743          * @brief access to navipane container
   744          */
   745         CAknNavigationControlContainer* iNaviContainer;
   747         /**
   748          * @var iServices
   749          * @brief access to McalenServices
   750          */
   751         MCalenServices* iServices;
   753         /**
   754          * @var iUnifiedEditorControl
   755          * @brief pointer to CCalenUnifiedEditorControl
   756          */
   757         CCalenUnifiedEditorControl* iUnifiedEditorControl;
   759         /**
   760          * @var iEntryType
   761          * @brief contains entry type
   762          */
   763         CCalEntry::TType iEntryType;
   766         /**
   767          * @var iHasChosenRepeatType
   768          */
   769         TBool iHasChosenRepeatType;
   771 		/**
   772          * @var iIgnoreFirstLocaleChange
   773          * @brief Ignore the first locale change so we don't rebuild for no reason
   774          */
   775         TBool iIgnoreFirstLocaleChange;
   777         /**
   778          * @var iCurrentDurationDay
   779          */
   780         TTimeIntervalDays iCurrentDurationDay;
   782         /**
   783          * @var iTimeStamp
   784          * @brief Used to check if the database has been modified while the editor
   785          *        is open
   786          */
   787         TTime iTimeStamp;
   789         /**
   790          * @var iTwoSeconds
   791          * @brief Represents two seconds(for checking last modified time of agenda)
   792          */
   793         const TTimeIntervalSeconds iTwoSeconds;
   795         /**
   796          * @var iLastDbChangeNotification
   797          */
   798         TTime iLastDbChangeNotification;
   800         /**
   801          * @var iIdle
   802          */
   803         CIdle* iIdle;
   805         /**
   806          * @var iLocaleChangeNotifier We could move this to Global data and share
   807          * @brief Locale update notifier class
   808          *        with the appui
   809          */
   810         CEnvironmentChangeNotifier* iLocaleChangeNotifier;
   813         /**
   814          * @iCollectionIds collection ids to identify calendar sessions.
   815          */
   816         RArray<TInt> iCollectionIds;
   818         /**
   819          * @var isReplaceLocation
   820          * @brief Flag to indicate whenter to replace the location or to append it
   821          */
   822         TBool isReplaceLocation;        
   824         CAsyncCallBack* iAsyncCallback; 
   826         /**
   827     	* True if FeatureManager is initialized.
   828     	*/
   829     	TBool iFeatMgrInitialized;
   831     };
   833 /**
   834 * Class defining Map icon picture, derived from CPicture
   835 */
   836 class CMapsIconPicture : public CPicture
   837     {
   838     public:
   839         /**
   840          * @brief C++ default Constructor
   841          * @param aService calendar services
   842          * @param aRect Holds rectangle
   843          */          
   844         CMapsIconPicture( MCalenServices& aServices, TRect aRect);
   846         /**
   847          * @brief Draw funtion to draw the map icon
   848          * @param aGc graphical context
   849          * @param aTopLeft Tpp left point
   850          * @param aClipRect clip rectangle
   851          * @param map graphics device map
   852          */
   853         void Draw( CGraphicsContext& aGc,
   854                    const TPoint& aTopLeft,
   855                    const TRect& aClipRect,
   856                    MGraphicsDeviceMap* aMap )const;
   858         /**
   859          * @brief Pure virtual from CPicture, intentionally empty.
   860          * @return aStream stream for writing
   861          */
   862         void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream)const;
   864         /**
   865          * @brief Convert size to twips
   866          * @param aSize holds original size
   867          */
   868         void GetOriginalSizeInTwips(TSize& aSize)const;
   870     protected:
   871         /**
   872          * @var iServices
   873          * @brief access to McalenServices
   874          */
   875         MCalenServices& iServices;
   877         /**
   878          * @var iRect
   879          */
   880         TRect iRect;
   881     };
   883 #endif // CALENUNFIEDEDITOR_H
   885 // End of File