changeset 0 f979ecb2b13e
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:f979ecb2b13e
     1 // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <calrrule.h>
    18 #include "agmutil.h"
    19 #include "calcommonimpl.h"
    21 /** Constructor for the weekday within a month data structure.
    23 @param aDay The weekday to set.
    24 @param aWeekInMonth The week to set. 
    26 @publishedAll
    27 @released
    28 @capability None
    29 */
    30 EXPORT_C TCalRRule::TDayOfMonth::TDayOfMonth(TDay aDay, TInt8 aWeekInMonth) :
    31 	iDay(aDay), iWeekInMonth(aWeekInMonth)
    32 	{
    33 	}
    35 /** Get the weekday.
    36 @return The weekday.
    38 @publishedAll
    39 @released 
    40 @capability None
    41 */
    42 EXPORT_C TDay TCalRRule::TDayOfMonth::Day() const
    43 	{
    44 	return iDay;
    45 	}
    47 /** Get the week within the month.
    48 @return The week within the month.
    50 @publishedAll
    51 @released 
    52 @capability None
    53 */
    54 EXPORT_C TInt8 TCalRRule::TDayOfMonth::WeekInMonth() const
    55 	{
    56 	return iWeekInMonth;
    57 	}
    59 // Some bits are used internally to differentiate between rule types:
    60 //  if bit 63 is set on a monthly rule, then it is week-of-month format, e.g. 3rd Wed
    61 //  if bit 63 is not set on a monthly rule, then it is date-of-month format, e.g. 10th
    62 const TUint KMonthlyByWeek = 63;
    64 //  if bit 62 is set on a yearly rule, then it is week-of-month-of-year format, e.g. 3rd Wed of June
    65 //  if bit 62 is not set on a yearly rule, then it is date-of-year format, e.g. 10th June
    66 const TUint KYearlyByWeek = 62;
    68 // Provides a mapping between the numbers 0 to 63 to bit fields.
    69 // 0 maps to EBit1
    70 // 1 maps to EBit2
    71 // ...etc
    72 TBool TCalRRule::GetNthBit(TUint aNum) const
    73 	{
    74 	TUint64 bit(EBit1);
    76 	if (aNum >= 64)
    77 		{
    78 		CalUtils::Panic(ERepeatRuleBitFailure);
    79 		}
    81 	bit = bit << aNum;
    83 	if (iBuffer & bit)
    84 		{
    85 		return ETrue;
    86 		}
    87 	return EFalse;
    88 	}
    90 void TCalRRule::SetNthBit(TUint aNum)
    91 	{
    92 	TUint64 bit(EBit1);
    94 	if (aNum >= 64)
    95 		{
    96 		CalUtils::Panic(ERepeatRuleBitFailure);
    97 		}
    99 	bit = bit << aNum;
   101 	iBuffer |= bit;
   102 	}
   104 /** Constructor for the iCal repeat rule type.
   105 This does not set the type. All data is reset.
   107 @publishedAll
   108 @released
   109 @capability None
   110 */
   111 EXPORT_C TCalRRule::TCalRRule()
   112 	{
   113 	iType = EInvalid;
   114 	InitialiseData();
   115 	}
   117 /** Constructor for the iCal repeat rule type.
   118 All data is reset.
   120 @leave KErrNotSupported If an invalid repeat rule type is passed in.
   122 @param aType The type of repeat rule. One of: EDaily, EWeekly, EMonthly, EYearly. 
   124 @publishedAll
   125 @released
   126 @capability None
   127 */
   128 EXPORT_C TCalRRule::TCalRRule(TCalRRule::TType aType)
   129 	{
   130 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aType == EDaily || aType == EWeekly || aType == EMonthly || aType == EYearly, 
   131 						Panic(EAgmErrBadRepeat));
   132 	iType = aType;
   133 	InitialiseData();
   134 	}
   136 void TCalRRule::InitialiseData()
   137 	{
   138 	iBuffer = 0;
   139 	iCount = 0;
   140 	iUntil.SetTimeUtcL(Time::NullTTime()); // this can't leave
   141 	iInterval = 1;
   142 	TLocale locale;
   143 	iWkSt = locale.StartOfWeek();
   144 	iReserved = 0;
   145 	iReserved2 = 0;
   146 	}
   148 /** Sets the repeat definition's type.
   150 This will be one of: daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. If the type is weekly,
   151 it must have at least one weekday set by calling SetByDay().
   153 The type may only be set once, from either the constructor or from the SetType function. 
   154 @leave KErrNotSupported If an invalid type is passed in.
   155 @panic CalInterimAPI 15 The repeat rule type has already been set.
   156 @param aType The repeat definition's type. 
   157 @see SetByDay()
   158 @publishedAll
   159 @released 
   160 @capability None
   161 */
   162 EXPORT_C void TCalRRule::SetType(TCalRRule::TType aType)
   163 	{
   164 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iType == EInvalid, CalUtils::Panic(ERepeatRuleTypeAlreadySet)); // type must not be set already
   165 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aType == EDaily || aType == EWeekly || aType == EMonthly || aType == EYearly, 
   166 			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported)); // aType must be a meaningful type	
   167 	iType = aType;
   168 	}
   170 /** Gets the repeat definition's type. 
   172 This will be one of: daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.
   174 @return The repeat definition's type. 
   175 @publishedAll
   176 @released 
   177 @capability None
   178 */
   179 EXPORT_C TCalRRule::TType TCalRRule::Type() const
   180 	{
   181 	return iType;
   182 	}
   184 /** Sets the repeat's start date.
   186 The repeat rule's start date should match the entry's start date. If it does
   187 not then it will be modified to match the entry's start date (or end date for Todos)
   188 when the rule is applied to the entry using CCalEntry::SetRRuleL.
   190 @param aStartDate The start date, as a TCalTime so it may be accessed in utc or system local time. 
   191 @publishedAll
   192 @released 
   193 @capability None
   194 */
   195 EXPORT_C void TCalRRule::SetDtStart(const TCalTime& aStartDate)
   196 	{
   197 	iDtStart = aStartDate;
   198 	}
   200 /** Gets the date on which this repeat rule starts.
   202 @return The start date, as a TCalTime so it may be accessed in utc or system local time. 
   203 @publishedAll
   204 @released 
   205 @capability None
   206 */
   207 EXPORT_C TCalTime TCalRRule::DtStart() const
   208 	{ 	
   209 	return iDtStart; 
   210 	}
   212 /** Sets the repeat's end date. 
   214 Only one of the until or count parameters may be set. Setting the until date will reset the count parameter.
   215 If the until date is set to TCalTime::MaxTime() the rule will repeat forever.
   217 @param aEndDate The end date, as a TCalTime so it may be accessed in utc or system local time. 
   218 @publishedAll
   219 @released 
   220 @capability None
   221 */
   222 EXPORT_C void TCalRRule::SetUntil(const TCalTime& aEndDate)
   223 	{
   224 	//"-1" means only until time has been set 
   225 	iCount = -1;	
   228 	if (aEndDate.TimeUtcL() == TCalTime::MaxTime() || aEndDate.TimeLocalL() == TCalTime::MaxTime())
   229 		{
   230 		iCount = 0;	
   231 		}
   233 	iUntil = aEndDate;
   234 	}
   236 /** Gets the date on which this repeat rule finishes.
   238 @return The end date, as a TCalTime so it may be accessed in utc or system local time. If 
   239 the until value has not been set this will return Time::NullTTime.
   240 @publishedAll
   241 @released 
   242 @capability None
   243 */
   244 EXPORT_C TCalTime TCalRRule::Until() const
   245 	{
   246 	return iUntil; 
   247 	}
   249 /** Sets the repeat interval. 
   251 This is a number of days for a daily repeat, a number of weeks for a 
   252 weekly repeat, etc. 
   254 @param aInterval The interval. Any parameter that is greater than 255 or less than 1 will be ignored.
   255 @publishedAll
   256 @released 
   257 @capability None
   258 */
   259 EXPORT_C void TCalRRule::SetInterval(TInt aInterval)
   260 	{
   261 	if (aInterval > 0 && aInterval < 256)
   262 		{
   263 		iInterval = aInterval;
   264 		}
   265 	}
   267 /** Gets the repeat interval.
   269 This is a number of days for a daily repeat, a number of weeks for a 
   270 weekly repeat, etc. 
   272 @return The interval. 
   273 @publishedAll
   274 @released 
   275 @capability None
   276 */
   277 EXPORT_C TInt TCalRRule::Interval() const
   278 	{
   279 	return iInterval;
   280 	}
   282 /** Sets the number of instances that this repeat rule will contain. Setting the count
   283  	will reset the until time to Time::NullTTime.
   285 @param aCount The number of instances. Any non-positive parameter will be ignored.
   286 @publishedAll
   287 @released 
   288 @capability None
   289 */
   290 EXPORT_C void TCalRRule::SetCount(TUint aCount)
   291 	{
   292 	if (aCount > 0)
   293 		{
   294 		iCount = aCount;
   296 		if(iUntil.TimeLocalL() != Time::NullTTime())
   297 			{
   298 			iUntil.SetTimeLocalL(Time::NullTTime());
   299 			}	
   300 		}
   301 	}
   303 /** Gets the number of instances that this repeat rule will contain.
   305 @return The number of instances. It will return:
   307 >0 - Indicate how many occurrences of a repeating rule.
   308  0 - Repeating forever. Note that it is the default value if there is neither Until time nor Count has been set. 
   309 <0 - A Until time has been set but not the count. 
   311 @publishedAll
   312 @released 
   313 @capability None
   314 */
   315 EXPORT_C TUint TCalRRule::Count() const
   316 	{
   317 	return iCount;
   318 	}
   320 /** Set all weekdays on which this rule is repeated.
   322 @leave KErrNotSupported if not called on a weekly repeat rule.
   323 @param aDays Array containing all weekdays that are to be set. Any weekdays not included 
   324 in this array will not be set. Any weekdays not in the TDay enum will be ignored. 
   325 @publishedAll
   326 @released
   327 @capability None
   328 */
   329 EXPORT_C void TCalRRule::SetByDay(const RArray<TDay>& aDays)
   330 	{
   331 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iType == EWeekly, User::Leave(KErrNotSupported));
   333 	iBuffer = 0;
   335 	TInt daysCount = aDays.Count();
   336 	for (TInt i = 0; i < daysCount; ++i)
   337 		{
   338 		TDay day(aDays[i]);
   339 		if (day >= EMonday && day <= ESunday)
   340 			{
   341 			// if this day is valid then set this bit
   342 			SetNthBit(static_cast<TUint>(day));
   343 			}
   344 		}
   345 	}
   347 /** Gets all weekdays on which this rule is repeated.
   349 @param aDays On return this array contains all weekdays that are to be set. 
   350 This function will do nothing if this is not a weekly repeat rule. 
   351 @publishedAll
   352 @released 
   353 @capability None
   354 */
   355 EXPORT_C void TCalRRule::GetByDayL(RArray<TDay>& aDays) const
   356 	{
   357 	if (iType == EWeekly)
   358 		{
   359 		aDays.Reset();
   360 		TDay day = EMonday;
   361 		while(day <= ESunday)
   362 			{
   363 			if (GetNthBit(static_cast<TUint>(day)))
   364 				{
   365 				aDays.AppendL(day);
   366 				}
   367 			day = static_cast<TDay>((static_cast<TInt>(day) + 1));
   368 			}
   369 		}
   370 	}
   372 /** Set all weekdays in the month on which this rule is repeated.
   374 @leave KErrNotSupported If it is called on a repeat rule which is not monthly or yearly.
   376 @param aDays Array containing all days in the month that are to be set. Any days in the month
   377 not included in this array will not be set. For a yearly rule, only the first item in the array 
   378 will be used. Any invalid data will be ignored. 
   379 @publishedAll
   380 @released
   381 @capability None
   382 */
   383 EXPORT_C void TCalRRule::SetByDay(const RArray<TDayOfMonth>& aDays)
   384 	{
   385 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iType == EMonthly || iType == EYearly, User::Leave(KErrNotSupported));
   387 	if (iType == EMonthly)
   388 		{
   389 		iBuffer = 0;
   390 		TInt daysCount = aDays.Count();
   391 		for (TInt i = 0; i < daysCount; ++i)
   392 			{
   393 			TDayOfMonth dayOfMonth = aDays[i];
   394 			TDay weekDay = dayOfMonth.Day();
   395 			if (weekDay >= EMonday && weekDay <= ESunday)
   396 				{
   397 				TInt byteToSet = dayOfMonth.WeekInMonth();
   398 				// if this day and week are valid then set this bit
   399 				if (byteToSet == -1 || (byteToSet >= 1 && byteToSet <= 4))
   400 					{
   401 					if (byteToSet == -1)
   402 						{
   403 						byteToSet = 0;
   404 						}
   406 					// first 7 bits represent which weekdays are set on the last week of the month - (week = -1)
   407 					// next 7 bits represent which weekdays are set on the 1st week of the month - (week = 1)
   408 					// next 7 bits represent which weekdays are set on the 2nd week of the month - (week = 2)
   409 					// next 7 bits represent which weekdays are set on the 3rd week of the month - (week = 3)
   410 					// next 7 bits represent which weekdays are set on the 4th week of the month - (week = 4)
   411 					TUint bitToSet = weekDay + 7 * byteToSet;
   412 					SetNthBit(bitToSet);
   413 					}
   414 				}
   415 			}
   416 		SetNthBit(KMonthlyByWeek);
   417 		}
   418 	else if (iType == EYearly)
   419 		{
   420 		if (!GetNthBit(KYearlyByWeek))
   421 			{
   422 			iBuffer = 0;
   423 			SetNthBit(KYearlyByWeek);
   424 			}
   426 		if (aDays.Count() >= 1)
   427 			{
   428 			TDay theDay = aDays[0].Day();
   429 			TInt8 theWeek = aDays[0].WeekInMonth();
   431 			if (theDay >= EMonday && theDay <= ESunday && 
   432 				(theWeek == -1 || (theWeek >= 1 && theWeek <= 4)) )
   433 				{
   434 				TUint8* bufferPtr = (TUint8*)&iBuffer; // convert the iBuffer store to three TUint8s
   435 				// EMonday=0 so store it as 1, this allows us to tell if any days have been set
   436 				bufferPtr[0] = (TUint8)theDay+1;
   437 				bufferPtr[1] = (TUint8)theWeek;
   438 				}
   439 			}
   440 		}
   441 	}
   443 /** Gets all days in the month on which this rule is repeated.
   445 @param aDays On return this array contains all days in the month that are to be set. 
   446 This function will do nothing if this is not a monthly or yearly repeat rule. 
   447 @publishedAll
   448 @released 
   449 @capability None
   450 */
   451 EXPORT_C void TCalRRule::GetByDayL(RArray<TDayOfMonth>& aDays) const
   452 	{
   453 	if (iType == EMonthly)
   454 		{
   455 		aDays.Reset();
   456 		if (GetNthBit(KMonthlyByWeek))
   457 			{
   458 			// if i == 35, then weekNum = 5 below which is too high
   459 			for (TUint i = 0; i < 35; ++i)
   460 				{
   461 				if (GetNthBit(i))
   462 					{
   463 					// This is the reverse of the algorithm in TCalRRule::SetByDay(const RArray<TDayOfMonth>& aDays)
   464 					TDay day = static_cast<TDay>(i % 7);
   465 					TInt weekNum = i / 7;
   466 					if (weekNum == 0)
   467 						{
   468 						weekNum = -1;
   469 						}
   470 					TDayOfMonth dayOfMonth(day, weekNum);
   471 					aDays.AppendL(dayOfMonth);
   472 					}
   473 				}
   474 			}
   475 		}
   476 	else if (iType == EYearly)
   477 		{
   478 		aDays.Reset();
   479 		if (GetNthBit(KYearlyByWeek))
   480 			{
   481 			TUint8* bufferPtr = (TUint8*)&iBuffer; // convert the iBuffer store to three TUint8s
   482 			TDay theDay = TDay(bufferPtr[0]-1); // -1 because EMonday is stored as +1
   483 			TInt8 theWeek = TInt8(bufferPtr[1]);
   485 			if (theDay >= EMonday && theDay <= ESunday)
   486 				{
   487 				TDayOfMonth dayOfMonth(theDay, theWeek);
   488 				aDays.AppendL(dayOfMonth);
   489 				}
   490 			}
   491 		}
   492 	}
   494 /** Sets all dates of the month on which this rule is repeated.
   496 @leave KErrNotSupported If it is not a monthly repeat rule.
   498 @param aMonthDays Array containing all month dates that are to be set. Any month dates
   499 not included in this array will not be set. Any out of range dates will be ignored. 
   500 @publishedAll
   501 @released
   502 @capability None
   503 */
   504 EXPORT_C void TCalRRule::SetByMonthDay(const RArray<TInt>& aMonthDays)
   505 	{
   506 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iType == EMonthly, User::Leave(KErrNotSupported));
   508 	iBuffer = 0;
   509 	TInt daysCount = aMonthDays.Count();
   510 	for (TInt i = 0; i < daysCount; ++i)
   511 		{
   512 		TInt bit = aMonthDays[i];
   514 		// check this date is valid
   515 		if (bit >= 0 && bit <= 30)
   516 			{
   517 			SetNthBit(bit);
   518 			}
   519 		}
   520 	}
   522 /** Gets all dates of the month on which this rule is repeated.
   524 @param aMonthDays On return, this array contains all month dates that are to be set.
   525 This function will do nothing if this is not a monthly repeat rule. 
   526 Note that 0 represents 1st of the month, 1 represents 2nd, etc.
   527 @publishedAll
   528 @released 
   529 @capability None
   530 */
   531 EXPORT_C void TCalRRule::GetByMonthDayL(RArray<TInt>& aMonthDays) const
   532 	{
   533 	if (iType == EMonthly)
   534 		{
   535 		aMonthDays.Reset();
   536 		if (!GetNthBit(KMonthlyByWeek))
   537 			{			
   538 			// check first 31 bits of iBuffer to see which dates have been set
   539 			for (TInt i = 0; i <= 30; ++i)
   540 				{
   541 				if (GetNthBit(i))
   542 					{
   543 					aMonthDays.AppendL(i);
   544 					}
   545 				}
   546 			}
   547 		}
   548 	}
   550 /** Sets the month of the year for this repeat rule.
   552 @leave KErrNotSupported If it is not on a yearly repeat rule 
   553 @param aMonths Array of months on which to repeat. Only the first month in the array is used.
   554 @publishedAll
   555 @released
   556 @capability None
   557 */
   558 EXPORT_C void TCalRRule::SetByMonth(const RArray<TMonth> aMonths)
   559 	{
   560 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iType == EYearly, User::Leave(KErrNotSupported));
   562 	if (aMonths.Count() >= 1)
   563 		{
   564 		TMonth month = aMonths[0];
   565 		if (month >= EJanuary && month <= EDecember)
   566 			{
   567 			if (!GetNthBit(KYearlyByWeek))
   568 				{
   569 				iBuffer = 0;
   570 				SetNthBit(KYearlyByWeek);
   571 				}
   573 			TUint8* bufferPtr = (TUint8*)&iBuffer; // convert the iBuffer store to three TUint8s
   574 			// EJanuary=0 so store it as 1, this allows us to tell if any months have been set
   575 			bufferPtr[2] = (TUint8)month+1;
   576 			}
   577 		}
   578 	}
   580 /** Gets the month of the year for this repeat rule.
   581 This function will do nothing if this is not a yearly repeat rule
   582 @param aMonths On return, the months on which to repeat.
   583 @publishedAll
   584 @released 
   585 @capability None
   586 */
   587 EXPORT_C void TCalRRule::GetByMonthL(RArray<TMonth>& aMonths) const
   588 	{
   589 	if (iType == EYearly)
   590 		{
   591 		aMonths.Reset();
   592 		if (GetNthBit(KYearlyByWeek))
   593 			{
   594 			TUint8* bufferPtr = (TUint8*)&iBuffer; // convert the iBuffer store to three TUint8s
   595 			TMonth theMonth = TMonth(bufferPtr[2]-1); // -1 because EJanuary stored as 1
   596 			if (theMonth >= EJanuary && theMonth <= EDecember)
   597 				{
   598 				aMonths.AppendL(theMonth);
   599 				}
   600 			}
   601 		}
   602 	}
   604 /** Sets the first day of the week for this repeat rule.
   606 @param aDay The weekday to be the first. Any invalid parameter will be ignored. 
   607 @publishedAll
   608 @released
   609 @capability None
   610 */
   611 EXPORT_C void TCalRRule::SetWkSt(TDay aDay)
   612 	{
   613 	if (aDay >= EMonday && aDay <= ESunday)
   614 		{
   615 		iWkSt = aDay;
   616 		}
   617 	}
   619 /** Gets the first day of the week for this repeat rule.
   621 @return The weekday to be the first.
   622 @publishedAll
   623 @released 
   624 @capability None
   625 */
   626 EXPORT_C TDay TCalRRule::WkSt() const
   627 	{
   628 	return iWkSt;
   629 	}
   631 void TCalRRule::SetUntilAndCount(const TCalTime& aTime, TUint aCount)
   632 	{
   633 	iUntil = aTime;
   634 	iCount = aCount;
   635 	}