changeset 0 f979ecb2b13e
child 30 d68a4b5d5885
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:f979ecb2b13e
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include "agmrptdef.h"
    18 #include "agmsimpleentry.h"
    19 #include "agmdate.h"
    20 #include "agmutil.h"
    21 #include "agmtlsproxy.h"
    22 #include "agmdebug.h"
    23 #include "agmtzrules.h"
    25 #include <vtzrules.h>
    27 const TInt16 KRptLocalOffsetNotSet = KMaxTInt16;
    29 // --------------------------------------- TAgnRpt -------------------------------
    31 TBool TAgnRpt::HourAndMinutesDifferentFromStartTimeL(const TTime& aRptLocalTime) const
    32 	{
    33 	const TDateTime KRptLocalTestDT = aRptLocalTime.DateTime();
    34 	const TDateTime KRptLocalStartDT = StartTimeAsRptLocalL().DateTime();
    36 	if (KRptLocalTestDT.Hour() != KRptLocalStartDT.Hour() ||
    37 		KRptLocalTestDT.Minute() != KRptLocalStartDT.Minute())
    38 		{
    39 		// Hour and minute are not the same, it is possible that they are at the same time in UTC but
    40 		// due to the 'missing hour' the two local times appear different.
    41 		// Compare the UTC times.
    43 		const TDateTime KUtcStartDT = StartTime().UtcL().DateTime();
    44 		const TDateTime KUtcTestDT = ConvertFromRepeatLocalToUtcL(aRptLocalTime).DateTime();
    46 		if (KUtcStartDT.Hour() != KUtcTestDT.Hour() ||
    47 			KUtcStartDT.Minute() != KUtcTestDT.Minute())
    48 			{
    49 			return ETrue;
    50 			}
    51 		}
    52 	return EFalse;
    53 	}
    55 /** Constructs the repeat object. 
    56 The until date is initialised to max time, the repeat interval to 1.
    57 @internalComponent
    58 */
    59 TAgnRpt::TAgnRpt(CAgnRptDef& aOwningRptDef) :
    60 	iOwningRptDef(aOwningRptDef)
    61 	{
    62 	ClearAll();
    63 	}
    65 /** Constructs a new TAgnRpt object from an existing one.
    67 @internalComponent
    68 @param aRRule The object to be copied. */
    69 TAgnRpt::TAgnRpt(const TAgnRpt& aRRule, CAgnRptDef& aOwningRptDef) :
    70 	iOwningRptDef(aOwningRptDef)
    71 	{
    72 	ClearAll();
    73 	iUntilTime = aRRule.iUntilTime;
    74 	iInterval = aRRule.iInterval;
    75 	iCount = aRRule.iCount;
    76 	iUntiltimeHasBeenSet = aRRule.iUntiltimeHasBeenSet;
    77 	}
    79 void TAgnRpt::ResetCachedStartTimeOffset()
    80 	{
    81 	iStartTimeRptLocalOffset = KRptLocalOffsetNotSet;
    82 	}
    84 void TAgnRpt::ResetCachedUntilTimeOffset()
    85 	{
    86 	iUntilTimeRptLocalOffset = KRptLocalOffsetNotSet;
    87 	}
    89 MAgnCalendarTimeMode::TTimeMode TAgnRpt::TimeMode() const
    90 	{
    91 	return iOwningRptDef.TimeMode();
    92 	}
    94 TTime TAgnRpt::ConvertFromRepeatLocalToUtcL(const TTime& aRptLocalDate) const
    95 	{
    96 	return iOwningRptDef.ConvertFromRepeatLocalToUtcL(aRptLocalDate);
    97 	}
    99 TTime TAgnRpt::ConvertFromUtcToRepeatLocalL(const TTime& aUtcDate) const
   100 	{
   101 	return iOwningRptDef.ConvertFromUtcToRepeatLocalL(aUtcDate);
   102 	}
   104 TTime TAgnRpt::ConvertFromRepeatLocalToSystemLocalL(const TTime& aRptLocalTime) const
   105 	{
   106 	// If TimeMode is floating, avoid unnecessary conversion by using aRptLocalTime	
   107 	if (TimeMode() == MAgnCalendarTimeMode::EFloating)
   108 		{
   109 		return aRptLocalTime;
   110 		}
   112 	const TTime KUtcTime = ConvertFromRepeatLocalToUtcL(aRptLocalTime);
   113 	return AgnDateTime::ConvertToLocalTimeL(KUtcTime);
   114 	}
   116 TTime TAgnRpt::ConvertFromSystemLocalToRepeatLocalL(const TTime& aSysLocalTime) const
   117 	{
   118 	// If TimeMode is floating, avoid unnecessary conversion by using aSysLocalTime	
   119 	if (TimeMode() == MAgnCalendarTimeMode::EFloating)
   120 		{
   121 		return aSysLocalTime;
   122 		}
   124 	const TTime KUtcTime = AgnDateTime::ConvertToLocalTimeL(aSysLocalTime);
   125 	return ConvertFromUtcToRepeatLocalL(KUtcTime);
   126 	}
   128 TTime TAgnRpt::StartTimeAsRptLocalL() const
   129  	{
   130  	TTime startTimeRptLocal;
   131  	GetTimeAsRptLocalL(StartTime(), startTimeRptLocal, iStartTimeRptLocalOffset);
   132  	return startTimeRptLocal;
   133  	}
   135 TTime TAgnRpt::UntilTimeAsRptLocalL() const
   136  	{
   137  	TTime untilTimeRptLocal;
   138  	GetTimeAsRptLocalL(UntilTimeL(), untilTimeRptLocal, iUntilTimeRptLocalOffset);
   139  	return untilTimeRptLocal;
   140  	}
   142 void TAgnRpt::GetTimeAsRptLocalL(const TAgnCalendarTime& aCalendarTime, TTime& aTimeAsRptLocal, TInt16& aCachedOffset) const
   143 	{
   144 	if (TimeMode() == MAgnCalendarTimeMode::EFloating)
   145 		{
   146 		aTimeAsRptLocal = aCalendarTime.LocalL(); // if the entry is floating, system local is the same as rpt local
   147 		return;
   148 		}
   150 	if (aCachedOffset == KRptLocalOffsetNotSet)
   151 		{
   152 		aCachedOffset = 0;
   153  		TTime rptLocalTime = ConvertFromUtcToRepeatLocalL(aCalendarTime.UtcL());
   154 		TTimeIntervalMinutes mins;
   155 		rptLocalTime.MinutesFrom(aCalendarTime.UtcL(), mins);
   156 		aCachedOffset = mins.Int();
   157  		}
   158 	aTimeAsRptLocal = aCalendarTime.UtcL() + TTimeIntervalMinutes(aCachedOffset);
   159  	}
   161 EXPORT_C const TAgnCalendarTime& TAgnRpt::UntilTimeL() const
   162  	{
   163  	//	if iCount is set, the until time will not be set.
   164  	if (iCount > 0)
   165  		{
   166  		TTime time = FindRptUntilTimeLocalL(iCount);
   168  		if (!iUntiltimeHasBeenSet)
   169  			{
   170  			if (TimeMode() == MAgnCalendarTimeMode::EFloating)	
   171  				{
   172  				iUntilTime.SetFloatingL(time);	
   173  				}
   174  			else
   175  		 		{
   176  		 		iUntilTime.SetLocalL(time);	
   177  				}
   178 			}
   179  		}
   181  	if(iUntilTime.UtcL() > AgnDateTime::MaxDate())
   182 	 	{
   183 	 	iUntilTime.SetUtcL(AgnDateTime::MaxDate());	
   184 	 	}
   186  	return iUntilTime;
   187  	}
   189 void TAgnRpt::SetUntilTime(const TAgnCalendarTime& aUntilTime)
   190 	{
   191 	iUntilTime = aUntilTime;
   192 	iUntilTimeRptLocalOffset = KRptLocalOffsetNotSet;
   193 	iUntiltimeHasBeenSet = ETrue;
   194 	}
   196 const TAgnCalendarTime& TAgnRpt::StartTime() const
   197 /** Gets the start time as a @see TAgnCalendarTime.
   199 @internalComponent
   200 @return The start time. */
   201 	{
   202 	return iOwningRptDef.StartTime();
   203 	}
   205 void TAgnRpt::ClearAll()
   206 /** Clears all the repeat details. 
   208 The until time is set to max time and the repeat interval to 1.
   209 The cached repeat local time offsets are reset.
   211 @internalComponent
   212 */
   213 	{
   214 	iUntilTime.SetUtcL(AgnDateTime::MaxDate()); // this can't leave
   215 	iStartTimeRptLocalOffset = KRptLocalOffsetNotSet;
   216 	iUntilTimeRptLocalOffset = KRptLocalOffsetNotSet;
   217 	iInterval = 1;
   218 	iCount = -1;
   219 	iUntiltimeHasBeenSet = EFalse;
   220 	}
   223 TInt TAgnRpt::InvariantL() const
   224 /**
   225 Check that the rpt doesn't violate its invariants
   226 @internalComponent
   227 */
   228 	{
   229 	if (Type() < EDaily || Type() > EYearlyByDay)
   230 		{
   231 		return (EAgmErrBadRepeat);
   232 		}
   235 	if (Interval() <= 0 || !AgnDateTime::IsValidAgendaTTime(iUntilTime.UtcL()) || StartTime() >= iUntilTime)
   236 		{
   237 		return (EAgmErrBadTime);
   238 		}
   240 	return (KErrNone);
   241 	}
   245 void TAgnRpt::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)
   246 /** Internalises the repeat definition from a read stream, including type, repeat 
   247 details and exception list.
   249 @internalComponent
   250 @param aStream The stream from which the object should be internalised. */
   251 	{
   252 	aStream >> iUntilTime;
   253 	iInterval = aStream.ReadUint16L();
   254 	iStartTimeRptLocalOffset = KRptLocalOffsetNotSet;
   255 	iUntilTimeRptLocalOffset = KRptLocalOffsetNotSet;
   256 	}
   259 void TAgnRpt::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
   260 /** Externalises the repeat definition to a write stream.
   262 @internalComponent
   263 @param aStream The stream to which the object should be externalised. */
   264 	{
   265 	aStream << iUntilTime;
   266 	aStream.WriteUint16L(iInterval);
   267 	}
   269 TBool TAgnRpt::operator==(const TAgnRpt& aRRule) const
   270 /** Compares two repeat details objects.
   272 @internalComponent
   273 @param aRRule The repeat details to compare with this object.
   274 @return True if all properties agree, otherwise False. */
   275 	{
   276 	return (iInterval == aRRule.iInterval && UntilTimeL() == aRRule.UntilTimeL());
   277 	}
   279 TBool TAgnRpt::operator!=(const TAgnRpt& aRRule) const
   280 	{
   281 	return ( ! (*this == aRRule) );
   282 	}
   284 TUint TAgnRpt::MapDayToBits(TDay aDay) const
   285 /**
   286  Provides a mapping between the enumeration values of TDay to bit fields
   287 */
   288 	{
   289 	switch(aDay)
   290 		{
   291 	case EMonday : 	return (EBit1);
   292 	case ETuesday:	return (EBit2);
   293 	case EWednesday:return (EBit3);
   294 	case EThursday:	return (EBit4);
   295 	case EFriday:	return (EBit5);
   296 	case ESaturday:	return (EBit6);
   297 	case ESunday:	return (EBit7);
   298 	default: 
   299 		{
   300 		_DBGLOG_ENTRY(AgmDebug::DebugLog("TAgnRpt: Panic - EAgmErrInvalidWeekDay");)
   301 		DBG_PANIC(EAgmErrInvalidWeekDay);
   302 		}
   303 		}
   304 	return (EBit0);
   305 	}
   308 TUint TAgnRpt::MapDateToBits(TUint aNum) const
   309 /**
   310  Provides a mapping between the numbers 0 to 30 to bit fields.
   311  0 = the first day of a month, 30 = the 31st day of the month
   312 */
   313 	{
   314 	if (aNum > 30)
   315 		{
   316 		_DBGLOG_ENTRY(AgmDebug::DebugLog("TAgnRpt: Panic - EAgmErrInvalidMonthDay");)
   317 		DBG_PANIC(EAgmErrInvalidMonthDay);
   318 		return (EBit0);
   319 		}
   321 	return (1 << aNum);
   322 	}
   324 TTime TAgnRpt::NudgeNextAlignedStartTimeL(const TTime& aRptLocalDate) const
   325 	{
   326 	TTime startTime = StartTimeAsRptLocalL();
   328 	// Find the previous aligned start time from aRptLocalDate
   329 	TTime alignedDate(startTime + aRptLocalDate.DaysFrom(startTime));
   331 	const TTime KUtcAlignedDate = ConvertFromRepeatLocalToUtcL(alignedDate);
   332 	const TTime KUtcLocalDate = ConvertFromRepeatLocalToUtcL(aRptLocalDate);
   334 	// Don't add a day if aRptLocalDate is already 'aligned start time'
   335 	// or if it is before the start of the repeat rule, because DaysFrom
   336 	// already returns 'next aligned start time' in that case
   337 	if ((aRptLocalDate != alignedDate && aRptLocalDate > startTime) || KUtcLocalDate > KUtcAlignedDate)
   338 		{
   339 		// Add a day to get the 'next aligned start time'
   340 		alignedDate += TTimeIntervalDays(1);
   341 		}
   343 	return alignedDate;
   344 	}
   346 TTime TAgnRpt::NudgePreviousAlignedStartTimeL(const TTime& aRptLocalDate) const
   347 	{
   348 	TTime startTime = StartTimeAsRptLocalL();
   350 	// Find the previous aligned start time from aRptLocalDate
   351 	TTime alignedDate(startTime + aRptLocalDate.DaysFrom(startTime));
   353 	const TTime KUtcAlignedDate = ConvertFromRepeatLocalToUtcL(alignedDate);
   354 	const TTime KUtcLocalDate = ConvertFromRepeatLocalToUtcL(aRptLocalDate);
   356 	if ( (aRptLocalDate != alignedDate && aRptLocalDate < startTime) || KUtcLocalDate < KUtcAlignedDate )
   357 		{
   358 		// Subtract a day when aRptLocalDate is before the repeat rule
   359 		// start date, because DaysFrom() is a day out in that case 
   360 		alignedDate -= TTimeIntervalDays(1);
   361 		}
   363 	return alignedDate;
   364 	}
   366 EXPORT_C TTime TAgnRpt::FindRptUntilTimeLocalL(TUint aCount) const
   367 /** Calculates the repeat's end date from the specified number of instances. 
   369 If the end date would be after the agenda model's valid date range, it returns 
   370 a NULL TTime value.
   372 @internalComponent
   373 @param aCount The number of instances.
   374 @return The end date (System Local Time). */
   375 	{
   376 	TTime end = FindRptUntilTimeRptLocalL(aCount);
   377 	return ConvertFromRepeatLocalToSystemLocalL(end);
   378 	}
   380 EXPORT_C TUint16 TAgnRpt::Interval() const
   381 /** Gets the repeat interval.
   383 @return The interval. */
   384 	{
   385 	return (iInterval);
   386 	}
   388 EXPORT_C void TAgnRpt::SetInterval(TUint16 aInterval)
   389 /** Sets the repeat interval. 
   391 This is a number of days for a daily repeat, a number of weeks for a 
   392 weekly repeat, etc. 
   394 @param aInterval The interval. */
   395 	{
   396 	if (aInterval > 0)
   397 		{
   398 		iInterval = aInterval;
   399 		}
   400 	}
   402 EXPORT_C void TAgnRpt::SetCount(TInt aRepCount)
   403 	{
   404 	iCount = aRepCount;
   405 	iUntiltimeHasBeenSet = EFalse;
   406 	}
   408 EXPORT_C TInt TAgnRpt::Count() const
   409 /*
   410 >0 - Indicate how many occurrences of a repeating rule.
   411  0 - Repeating forever. Note that it is the default value if there is neither Until time nor Count has been set. 
   412 <0 - A Until time has been set but not the count. 
   414 */	{
   415 	return iCount;
   416 	}
   418 // --------------------------------- TAgnDailyRpt ------------------------------
   419 EXPORT_C TAgnDailyRpt::TAgnDailyRpt(CAgnRptDef& aOwningRptDef) : TAgnRpt(aOwningRptDef)
   420 /**
   421 This is not inline to prevent non-exportable functions causing a linker error in calling code
   422 Constructs a default daily repeat object. 
   423 @internalComponent
   424 */
   425 	{
   426 	}
   428 /** Constructs a new TAgnDailyRpt object from an existing TAgnDailyRpt object.
   430 @internalComponent
   431 @param aRRule The object to be copied. */
   432 EXPORT_C TAgnDailyRpt::TAgnDailyRpt(const TAgnDailyRpt& aRRule, CAgnRptDef& aOwningRptDef) : 
   433 	TAgnRpt(aRRule, aOwningRptDef)
   434 	{
   435 	}
   437 TAgnRpt::TType TAgnDailyRpt::Type() const
   438 	{
   439 	return TAgnRpt::EDaily;
   440 	}
   442 TBool TAgnDailyRpt::IsAlignedUtcL(const TTime& aDate) const
   443 /**
   444  Returns true if aDate (UTC) falls on an instance generated by the repeat algorithm 
   445 @internalComponent
   446 */
   447 	{
   448 	// convert aDate from UTC to Repeat Local
   449 	TTime rptLocalDate = ConvertFromUtcToRepeatLocalL(aDate);
   450 	return IsAlignedRptLocalL(rptLocalDate);
   451 	}
   453 TBool TAgnDailyRpt::IsAlignedRptLocalL(const TTime& aDate) const
   454 /**
   455 Returns true if aDate (Repeat Local) falls on an instance generated by the repeat algorithm 
   456 @internalComponent
   457 */
   458 	{
   459 	// see if the day falls on an instance
   460 	if ( AgnDateTime::DaysBetweenDates(aDate, StartTimeAsRptLocalL()) % iInterval )
   461 		{
   462 		return EFalse;
   463 		}
   465 	if (HourAndMinutesDifferentFromStartTimeL(aDate))
   466 		{
   467 		return EFalse;
   468 		}
   470 	return ETrue;	
   471 	}
   473 TUint TAgnDailyRpt::InstanceCountL() const
   474 /** Gets the number of instances generated by the repeat algorithm.
   476 @internalComponent
   477 @return The number of instances. */
   478 	{
   479 	// to avoid unnecessary time conversions, date substractions should be done in 
   480 	// the time reference in which start and end dates are stored
   481 	return 1 + (AgnDateTime::DaysBetweenDates(UntilTimeAsRptLocalL(), StartTimeAsRptLocalL()) / iInterval) ;
   482 	}
   484 TTime TAgnDailyRpt::FindRptUntilTimeRptLocalL(TUint aCount) const
   485 	{
   486 	// do calculations in repeat local
   487 	TUint max = (AgnDateTime::MaxDate().DaysFrom(StartTimeAsRptLocalL()).Int() + 1) / iInterval;
   488 	if (aCount > max)
   489 		{
   490 		return AgnDateTime::MaxDate();
   491 		}
   492 	return StartTimeAsRptLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(iInterval * (aCount-1));
   493 	}
   495 TTime TAgnDailyRpt::NudgeNextInstanceUtcL(const TTime& aUtcDate) const
   496 /**
   497 If aUtcDate is already a date generated by the repeat algorithm then that is the date returned,
   498 otherwise the next instance from aUtcDate is returned (in UTC time)
   499 @internalComponent
   500 */
   501 	{
   502 	//                       aDate-start 
   503 	// nextDate = start + ( ------------- + 1) * interval
   504 	//                         interval	
   505 	// (NOTE: (aDate-start)/interval is NOT incremented if the modulus of division is zero )	
   507 	// convert aUtcDate to Repeat Local Time
   508 	TTime thisDate = ConvertFromUtcToRepeatLocalL(aUtcDate);
   510 	TTime next = NudgeNextAlignedStartTimeL(thisDate);
   512 	if (IsAlignedRptLocalL(next))
   513 		{
   514 		return ConvertFromRepeatLocalToUtcL(next);
   515 		}
   517 	thisDate = next;
   519 	// get number of last instance
   520 	TInt instanceNumber = AgnDateTime::DaysBetweenDates(thisDate, StartTimeAsRptLocalL()) / iInterval;
   521 	// if there isn't an instance on our date, we want the next instance
   522 	if (AgnDateTime::DaysBetweenDates(thisDate, StartTimeAsRptLocalL()) % iInterval)
   523 		{
   524 		++instanceNumber;
   525 		}
   527 	// resolve instance number to days since start
   528 	TInt daysFromStartToNextInstance = instanceNumber * iInterval;
   530 	// add to start date
   531 	TTime nextDate = StartTimeAsRptLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(daysFromStartToNextInstance);
   533 	if (nextDate > AgnDateTime::MaxDate())
   534 		{
   535 		return Time::NullTTime();
   536 		}
   538 	// convert from repeat local to UTC and return
   539 	return ConvertFromRepeatLocalToUtcL(nextDate);
   540 	}
   543 TTime TAgnDailyRpt::NudgePreviousInstanceUtcL(const TTime& aUtcDate) const
   544 /**
   545 If aUtcDate is already a date generated by the repeat algorithm then that is the date returned, 
   546 otherwise the previous instance is returned.
   547 @internalComponent
   548 */
   549 	{
   551 	TTime thisDate = ConvertFromUtcToRepeatLocalL(aUtcDate);	
   553 	TTime prev = NudgePreviousAlignedStartTimeL(thisDate);
   555 	if (IsAlignedRptLocalL(prev))
   556 		{
   557 		return ConvertFromRepeatLocalToUtcL(prev);
   558 		}
   560 	thisDate = prev;
   562 	// get number of last instance
   563 	TInt instanceNumber = AgnDateTime::DaysBetweenDates(thisDate, StartTimeAsRptLocalL()) / iInterval;
   565 	// resolve instance number to days since start
   566 	TInt daysFromStartToPreviousInstance = instanceNumber * iInterval;
   568 	// add to start date
   569 	TTime prevDate = StartTimeAsRptLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(daysFromStartToPreviousInstance);
   571 	// an instance could have occurred later on our date - get previous instance
   572 	if (prevDate > thisDate )
   573 		{
   574 		prevDate -= TTimeIntervalDays(iInterval);
   575 		}
   577 	if (prevDate < AgnDateTime::MinDate())
   578 		{
   579 		return Time::NullTTime();
   580 		}
   582 	return ConvertFromRepeatLocalToUtcL(prevDate);
   583 	}
   586 // ------------------------------------ TAgnWeeklyRpt--------------------------------
   587 EXPORT_C TAgnWeeklyRpt::TAgnWeeklyRpt(CAgnRptDef& aOwningRptDef) : 
   588 	TAgnRpt(aOwningRptDef)
   589 /** Constructs a weekly repeat object. 
   591 The weekly repeat days are all cleared, and the day which is the start of the 
   592 week is initialised from the system's locale settings. 
   594 @internalComponent
   595 */
   596 	{
   597 	iWeeklyRptDays = 0;
   598 	TLocale locale;
   599 	SetFirstDayOfWeek(locale.StartOfWeek());
   600 	}
   602 EXPORT_C TAgnWeeklyRpt::TAgnWeeklyRpt(const TAgnWeeklyRpt& aRRule, CAgnRptDef& aOwningRptDef) : 
   603 	TAgnRpt(aRRule, aOwningRptDef)
   604 /** Constructs a new TAgnWeeklyRpt object from an existing TAgnWeeklyRpt object.
   606 @internalComponent
   607 @param aRRule The object to be copied. */
   608 	{
   609 	iWeeklyRptDays = aRRule.iWeeklyRptDays;
   610 	iFirstDayOfWeek = aRRule.iFirstDayOfWeek;
   611 	}
   613 TAgnRpt::TType TAgnWeeklyRpt::Type() const
   614 	{
   615 	return TAgnRpt::EWeekly;
   616 	}
   618 EXPORT_C void TAgnWeeklyRpt::SetDay(TDay aDay)
   619 /** Adds a day - more than one day can be set at a time.
   621 @internalComponent
   622 @param aDay The day to be added. */
   623 	{ 
   625 	iWeeklyRptDays |= MapDayToBits(aDay);
   626 	}
   628 EXPORT_C TBool TAgnWeeklyRpt::IsDaySet(TDay aDay) const
   629 /** Tests whether a specified day has been set.
   631 @internalComponent
   632 @param aDay The day to test.
   633 @return True if the day is set, false if not. */
   634 	{ 
   635 	return (iWeeklyRptDays & (MapDayToBits(aDay))); 
   636 	}
   639 EXPORT_C void TAgnWeeklyRpt::SetFirstDayOfWeek(TDay aDay)
   640 /**
   641 Set the start day of the week
   643 @internalComponent
   644 */
   645 	{
   646 	iFirstDayOfWeek= static_cast<TUint8>(MapDayToBits(aDay));
   647 	}
   649 EXPORT_C TDay TAgnWeeklyRpt::FirstDayOfWeek() const
   650 /** Gets the day that is considered to be the first day of the week.
   652 This is set during construction from the operating system's locale settings.
   654 @internalComponent
   655 @return The first day of the week. */
   656 	{
   657 	switch(iFirstDayOfWeek)
   658 		{
   659 	case EBit1: return (EMonday);
   660 	case EBit2:	return (ETuesday);
   661 	case EBit3: return (EWednesday);
   662 	case EBit4:	return (EThursday);
   663 	case EBit5:	return (EFriday);
   664 	case EBit6:	return (ESaturday);
   665 	case EBit7:	return (ESunday);
   666 	default: 
   667 		{
   668 		_DBGLOG_ENTRY(AgmDebug::DebugLog("TAgnWeeklyRpt: Panic - EAgmErrInvalidWeekDay");)
   669 		DBG_PANIC(EAgmErrInvalidWeekDay);
   670 		}
   671 		}
   672 	return (EMonday); 
   673 	}
   675 TInt TAgnWeeklyRpt::InvariantL() const
   676 /**
   677 Check that the rpt doesn't violate its invariants
   678 @internalComponent
   679 */
   680 	{
   681 	if (TAgnRpt::InvariantL()==KErrNone && NumDaysSet() > 0  &&
   682 		(iFirstDayOfWeek==EBit1|| iFirstDayOfWeek==EBit2 || iFirstDayOfWeek==EBit3|| iFirstDayOfWeek==EBit4 || 
   683 		iFirstDayOfWeek==EBit5 || iFirstDayOfWeek==EBit6 || iFirstDayOfWeek==EBit7))
   684 		{
   685 		return (KErrNone);
   686 		}
   688 	return (EAgmErrBadRepeat);
   689 	}
   691 void TAgnWeeklyRpt::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)
   692 /** Internalises the weekly repeat object from a read stream.
   694 @internalComponent
   695 @param aStream Stream from which the object should be internalised. */
   696 	{
   697 	TAgnRpt::InternalizeL(aStream);
   698 	aStream >> iWeeklyRptDays;
   699 	aStream >> iFirstDayOfWeek;
   700 	}
   702 void TAgnWeeklyRpt::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
   703 /** Externalises the weekly repeat object to a write stream.
   705 @internalComponent
   706 @param aStream Stream to which the object should be externalised. */
   707 	{
   709 	TAgnRpt::ExternalizeL(aStream);
   710 	aStream << iWeeklyRptDays;
   711 	aStream << iFirstDayOfWeek;
   712 	}
   714 TBool TAgnWeeklyRpt::operator==(const TAgnWeeklyRpt& aRRule) const
   715 /** Compares two weekly repeat objects for equality.
   717 @internalComponent
   718 @param aRRule The instance to be compared.
   719 @return True if all repeat details are equal, otherwise False. */
   720 	{
   721 	return (TAgnRpt::operator==(aRRule) && iWeeklyRptDays==aRRule.iWeeklyRptDays);
   722 	}
   724 TUint TAgnWeeklyRpt::InstanceCountL() const
   725 /** Gets the number of instances of the repeat.
   727 @internalComponent
   728 @return The number of instances. */
   729 	{
   730 	TTime startOfFirstWeek = DayAtStartOfWeek(StartTimeAsRptLocalL());
   731 	TUint count = AgnDateTime::DaysBetweenDates(UntilTimeAsRptLocalL(), startOfFirstWeek) / (7 * iInterval); // No of complete weeks
   732 	TTime startDate = startOfFirstWeek + TTimeIntervalDays(count * 7 * iInterval); // must check any remaining bit of last week
   733 	count*=NumDaysSet();
   734 	while (startDate <= UntilTimeAsRptLocalL())
   735 		{
   736 		if (IsAlignedRptLocalL(startDate))
   737 			{
   738 			++count;
   739 			}
   740 		startDate += TTimeIntervalDays(1);
   741 		}
   743 	// remove any instances before the start date
   744 	while (startOfFirstWeek < StartTimeAsRptLocalL())
   745 		{
   746 		if (IsAlignedRptLocalL(startOfFirstWeek))
   747 			{
   748 			count--;
   749 			}			
   750 		startOfFirstWeek += TTimeIntervalDays(1);
   751 		}
   753 	return (count);
   754 	}
   756 TTime TAgnWeeklyRpt::FindRptUntilTimeRptLocalL(TUint aCount) const
   757 	{
   758 	const TInt KDaysInAWeek = 7;
   760 	// we do all calculations using repeat local times
   761 	TTimeIntervalDays maxDays = AgnDateTime::MaxDate().DaysFrom(StartTimeAsRptLocalL());
   762 	TInt max = (((maxDays.Int() / KDaysInAWeek) * NumDaysSet()) / iInterval) + 1;
   764 	if (aCount > max)
   765 		{
   766 		return AgnDateTime::MaxDate();
   767 		}
   769 	TInt instancesPerWeek = NumDaysSet(); // number of instances in each week
   770 	TTime end;
   771 	if (aCount % instancesPerWeek == 0)
   772 		{
   773 		end = StartTimeAsRptLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(((aCount - 1) / instancesPerWeek) * KDaysInAWeek * iInterval);
   774 		}
   775 	else
   776 		{
   777 		end = StartTimeAsRptLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays((aCount / instancesPerWeek) * KDaysInAWeek * iInterval);
   778 		}
   780 	if (end > AgnDateTime::MaxDate())
   781 		{
   782 		return (Time::NullTTime());
   783 		}
   785 	TInt remainder = aCount % instancesPerWeek;
   786 	TInt numToNudge = remainder ? remainder : instancesPerWeek;
   788 	end=NudgeNextInstanceRptLocalL(end);
   789 	for (; numToNudge > 1 && end != Time::NullTTime(); numToNudge--)
   790 		{
   791 		end += TTimeIntervalDays(1);
   792 		end = NudgeNextInstanceRptLocalL(end);
   793 		}	
   794 	return end;	
   795 	}
   797 TTime TAgnWeeklyRpt::NudgeNextInstanceUtcL(const TTime& aDate) const
   798 /**
   799 If aDate is already a date generated by the repeat algorithm then that is the date returned,
   800 otherwise the next instance from aDate is returned (in UTC)
   801 */
   802 	{
   804 	// Convert aDate from UTC to repeat local
   805 	TTime next = ConvertFromUtcToRepeatLocalL(aDate);
   807 	next = NudgeNextInstanceRptLocalL(next);
   809 	// convert from repeat local back to UTC and return
   810 	return ConvertFromRepeatLocalToUtcL(next);
   811 	}
   813 TTime TAgnWeeklyRpt::NudgeNextInstanceRptLocalL(const TTime& aRptLocalDate) const
   814 /**
   815 Nudges next instance in repeat local time
   816 */
   817 	{
   818 	TTime next = NudgeNextAlignedStartTimeL(aRptLocalDate);
   819 	FOREVER
   820 		{
   821 		if (IsAlignedRptLocalL(next))
   822 			{
   823 			break;
   824 			}
   825 		if (next == AgnDateTime::MaxDate())
   826 			{
   827 			return (Time::NullTTime());
   828 			}
   829 		next += TTimeIntervalDays(1);
   830 		}
   831 	return next;
   832 	}
   834 TTime TAgnWeeklyRpt::NudgePreviousInstanceUtcL(const TTime& aDate) const
   835 /**
   836 If aDate is already a date generated by the repeat algorithm then that is the date returned, 
   837 otherwise the previous instance is returned.
   839 The algorithm works by skipping backswards over any unaligned weeks, if the current date 
   840 isn't in an aligned week then it is jumped back to take it to the week after the previous aligned 
   841 week. Then one day at a time is subtracted and each day checked to see whether it is aligned or not.
   843 If no aligned day is found after creeping back 7 days, then the week is re-checked to see if it is 
   844 still in an aligned week (by recalling this function). 
   845 Both received parameter (aDate) and returned value are expressed in UTC
   846 @internalComponent
   847 */
   848 	{
   849 	TTime prev = ConvertFromUtcToRepeatLocalL(aDate);
   850 	prev = NudgePreviousInstanceRptLocalL(prev);
   851 	return ConvertFromRepeatLocalToUtcL(prev);
   852 	}
   854 TTime TAgnWeeklyRpt::NudgePreviousInstanceRptLocalL(const TTime& aDate) const
   855 	{
   856 	TTime prev = NudgePreviousAlignedStartTimeL(aDate);
   858 	if (IsAlignedRptLocalL(prev))
   859 		return prev;
   861 	// get the first day of the week from the prev parameter
   862 	TDay dayOfWeekADate = prev.DayNoInWeek();
   863 	TTime newDate = prev;
   864 	while (dayOfWeekADate != FirstDayOfWeek())
   865 		{
   866 		newDate -= TTimeIntervalDays(1);
   867 		if (dayOfWeekADate > EMonday)
   868 			{
   869 			dayOfWeekADate = (TDay)(TInt(dayOfWeekADate) - 1);
   870 			}
   871 		else
   872 			{
   873 			dayOfWeekADate = ESunday;
   874 			}
   875 		}
   876 	// get the first day of the week from the StartDate
   877 	TDay dayOfWeekStartTime = StartTimeAsRptLocalL().DayNoInWeek();
   878 	TTime newStartTime = StartTimeAsRptLocalL();
   879 	while (dayOfWeekStartTime != FirstDayOfWeek())
   880 		{
   881 		newStartTime -= TTimeIntervalDays(1);
   882 		if (dayOfWeekStartTime > EMonday)
   883 			{
   884 			dayOfWeekStartTime = (TDay)(TInt(dayOfWeekStartTime) - 1);
   885 			}
   886 		else
   887 			{
   888 			dayOfWeekStartTime = ESunday;
   889 			}
   890 		}
   891 	// check if this week has any instances
   892 	TInt weeks = AgnDateTime::DaysBetweenDates(newDate, newStartTime) / 7; // needs to compare the first days in the weeks
   893 	if (weeks % iInterval != 0)
   894 		{
   895 		// if not, jump to the week after the previous instance, then creep back one day at a time
   896 		TInt daysAfterStartTime = AgnDateTime::DaysBetweenDates(prev, StartTimeAsRptLocalL());
   897 		TInt weeksSafelyAfterLastInstance = (daysAfterStartTime/7) % iInterval - 1;
   898 		if (weeksSafelyAfterLastInstance > 0)
   899 			{
   900 			prev = prev - TTimeIntervalDays(weeksSafelyAfterLastInstance*7);
   901 			}
   902 		}
   904 	TInt count = 0;
   905 	while (!IsAlignedRptLocalL(prev) && count < 7)
   906 		{
   907 		prev -= TTimeIntervalDays(1);
   908 		++count;
   909 		}
   910 	if (count >= 7)
   911 		{
   912 		prev = NudgePreviousInstanceRptLocalL(prev); // call the 'jump back' code as may no longer be in a week with instances
   913 		}
   914 	if (prev < AgnDateTime::MinDate())
   915 		{
   916 		return (Time::NullTTime());
   917 		}
   918 	if (prev > AgnDateTime::MaxDate())
   919 		{
   920 		return (Time::NullTTime());
   921 		}
   922 	return prev;
   923 	}
   926 TUint TAgnWeeklyRpt::NumDaysSet() const
   927 /** Gets the number of repeat days in the week which are set.
   929 @internalComponent
   930 @return The number of days. */
   931 	{
   933 	TUint count=0;
   934 	for (TUint ii = 1;ii <= 0x40; ii <<= 1)
   935 		{
   936 		count += !!(iWeeklyRptDays & ii);
   937 		}
   938 	return (count);
   939 	}
   941 TBool TAgnWeeklyRpt::IsAlignedUtcL(const TTime& aDate) const
   942 /**
   943 Returns true if aDate falls on an instance generated by the repeat algorithm
   944 (ignores repeat start/end dates)
   945 */
   946 	{
   948 	TTime localDate = ConvertFromUtcToRepeatLocalL(aDate);
   950 	return IsAlignedRptLocalL(localDate);
   951 	}
   953 TBool TAgnWeeklyRpt::IsAlignedRptLocalL(const TTime& aDate) const
   954 	{
   955 	if (!IsDateInValidWeekRptLocalL(aDate))
   956 		return (EFalse);
   958 	// if it's in a valid week check if that day is set
   959 	if (!IsDaySet(aDate.DayNoInWeek()))
   960 		{
   961 		return EFalse;
   962 		}
   964 	if (HourAndMinutesDifferentFromStartTimeL(aDate))
   965 		{
   966 		return EFalse;
   967 		}
   969 	return ETrue;
   970 	}
   972 TInt TAgnWeeklyRpt::IsDateInValidWeekRptLocalL(const TTime& aDate) const
   973 // aDate is in Repeat Local Time
   974 //
   975 // Determine if aDate falls in a valid week i.e. one aligned according to the interval.
   976 //
   977 // For positive weeks the algorithm is its valid if ((week no -1) % interval)==0
   978 //		Week numbers: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
   979 //   interval of 1    V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V      (5 - 1) % 1  == 0 so valid
   980 //   interval of 2    V     V     V     V		  (5 - 1) % 2 == 0 so valid
   981 //   interval of 3    V        V        V		  (5 - 1) % 3 == 1 so invalid  etc.
   982 //
   983 // But for negative weeks the algorithm is its valid if ((week no)% interval)==0
   984 // i.e.		
   985 //		week no			-4  -3  -2  -1  1  2  3  4  5
   986 //  interval of 3            V     		V		 V				(-3 % 3) == 0 so valid
   987 //
   988 	{
   990 	TInt weekNum=WeekNumRptLocalL(aDate);
   991 	if (weekNum > 0) // in a positive week i.e. aDate >= the start of the first week
   992 		return ((weekNum-1) % iInterval == 0);
   993 	else
   994 		return ((weekNum) % iInterval == 0); // aDate < the start of the first week
   995 	}
   998 TInt TAgnWeeklyRpt::WeekNumRptLocalL(const TTime& aDate) const
   999 // First calculate the week number i.e.
  1000 //		December    January
  1001 //		29  30  31  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1002 //		T   F   S   S  M  T  W  T  F  S  S  M  T
  1003 //                  X
  1004 // 		        |     1st week		  | 2nd week
  1005 // 
  1006 // If X is the start date of the repeat and the first day of the week is a saturday then
  1007 // sunday the 8th is in week number  ((8 - (-1)) / 7) + 1  i.e the 2nd week
  1008 // Note that -1 represents 31st of december as it is 1 less than whatever the internal 
  1009 // representation of 1st Jan is.
  1011 	{
  1012 	TTime startOf1stWeek=DayAtStartOfWeek(StartTimeAsRptLocalL());
  1013 	TInt weekNo;
  1014 		if (aDate >= startOf1stWeek)
  1015 			weekNo=(AgnDateTime::DaysBetweenDates(aDate, startOf1stWeek)/7)+1;
  1016 		else
  1017 			weekNo=((AgnDateTime::DaysBetweenDates(aDate, startOf1stWeek)+1)/7)-1;    // i.e. december the30th above is in week -1
  1019 	return (weekNo);
  1020 	}
  1023 TTime TAgnWeeklyRpt::DayAtStartOfWeek(const TTime& aDay) const
  1024 //
  1025 // Returns the day at the start of the week containing aDay
  1026 //
  1027 // i.e. M  T  W  T  F  S  S  M  T  W  T  F  S  S
  1028 //      46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
  1029 // If aDay is 53 (Monday) and the start of the week is a monday then 53 is returned
  1030 // If aDay is 53 but the start of the week is a Wednesday then 48 is returned
  1031     {
  1033     TTime dayAtWeekStart= aDay - TTimeIntervalDays(aDay.DayNoInWeek()) + TTimeIntervalDays(FirstDayOfWeek());
  1034     if (dayAtWeekStart < 0)
  1035  		dayAtWeekStart = 0;
  1036     else if (dayAtWeekStart > aDay)
  1037         dayAtWeekStart = dayAtWeekStart - TTimeIntervalDays(7);
  1038     return(dayAtWeekStart);
  1039     }
  1044 // ------------------------------ TAgnMonthlyRpt ----------------------------  
  1046 TAgnMonthlyRpt::TAgnMonthlyRpt(CAgnRptDef& aOwningRptDef) : 
  1047 	TAgnRpt(aOwningRptDef)
  1048 	{
  1049 	}
  1051 TAgnMonthlyRpt::TAgnMonthlyRpt(const TAgnRpt& aRRule, CAgnRptDef& aOwningRptDef) : 
  1052 	TAgnRpt(aRRule, aOwningRptDef)
  1053 	{
  1054 	}
  1056 TUint TAgnMonthlyRpt::InstanceCountL() const
  1057 /** Calculates the number of instances generated by the repeat algorithm.
  1059 @internalComponent
  1060 @return The number of instances. */
  1061 	{
  1063 	if (NumInstancesPerMonth()==0)
  1064 		return (0);
  1066 	TUint count=0;
  1067 	TTime nextDate = NudgeNextInstanceRptLocalL(StartTimeAsRptLocalL());
  1068 	while (nextDate <= UntilTimeAsRptLocalL() && nextDate >= AgnDateTime::MinDate() && nextDate <= AgnDateTime::MaxDate() )
  1069 		{
  1070 		nextDate += TTimeIntervalDays(1);
  1071 		nextDate = NudgeNextInstanceRptLocalL(nextDate);
  1072 		++count;
  1073 		}
  1074 	return (count);
  1075 	}
  1077 TTime TAgnMonthlyRpt::FindRptUntilTimeRptLocalL(TUint aCount) const
  1078 	{
  1079 	TTimeIntervalMonths monthsFrom = AgnDateTime::MaxDate().MonthsFrom(StartTimeAsRptLocalL());
  1080 	TInt numInstancesPerMonth = NumInstancesPerMonth();
  1081 	TUint max = (((monthsFrom.Int() + 1) * numInstancesPerMonth) / iInterval) + 1;
  1083 	if (aCount > max)
  1084 		{
  1085 		return AgnDateTime::MaxDate();
  1086 		}
  1087 	TInt rem = aCount;
  1089 	TTime end=StartTimeAsRptLocalL();
  1090 	if (IsAlignedRptLocalL(end))
  1091 		rem--;
  1092 	while (rem)
  1093 		{
  1094 		end += TTimeIntervalDays(1);
  1095 		if (end > AgnDateTime::MaxDate())
  1096 			return (Time::NullTTime());
  1097 		end=NudgeNextInstanceRptLocalL(end);
  1098 		rem--;
  1099 		}
  1100 	return end;
  1101 	}
  1103 TBool TAgnMonthlyRpt::DateFallsInAlignedMonthL(const TDateTime& aDate) const
  1104 /**
  1105 Returns ETrue if aDate (Repeat Local Time) falls within a month generated by the the repeat algorithm for
  1106 the monthly repeat types.
  1107 @internalComponent
  1108 */
  1109 	{
  1111 	TDateTime start = StartTimeAsRptLocalL().DateTime();
  1112 	if (((aDate.Month() + (12 * aDate.Year())) -
  1113 			(start.Month() + (12 * start.Year()))) % iInterval)
  1114 		{
  1115 		return (EFalse);
  1116 		}
  1117 	return (ETrue);
  1118 	}
  1121 void TAgnMonthlyRpt::NudgeNextMonthL(TTime& aDate) const
  1122 /**
  1123 Finds start of next valid month; doesnt change day if it is in valid month
  1124 In this case you dont want to risk returning a result prior to aDate 
  1125 @internalComponent
  1126 */
  1127 	{
  1129 	TDateTime next = aDate.DateTime();
  1130 	TDateTime start = StartTimeAsRptLocalL().DateTime();
  1132 	TTimeIntervalMonths monthsSince = (next.Month() - start.Month()) + 12 * (next.Year() - start.Year()); // no months since repeat started
  1133 	TTimeIntervalMonths nextValidMonth = ((monthsSince.Int()+Interval()-1)/Interval())*Interval();
  1134 	if (nextValidMonth > monthsSince)
  1135 		{
  1136 		AgnDateTime::AddTo(next,TTimeIntervalMonths(nextValidMonth.Int() - monthsSince.Int()));
  1137 		next.SetDay(0);		// set to start of month
  1138 		aDate = TTime(next);
  1139 		if (aDate > AgnDateTime::MaxDate())
  1140 			aDate = Time::NullTTime();
  1141 		}
  1142 	}
  1144 void TAgnMonthlyRpt::NudgePreviousMonthL(TTime& aDate) const
  1145 /**
  1146 Finds previous valid month; doesnt change day if it is in valid month
  1147 In this case you dont want to risk returning a result after aDate
  1148 @internalComponent
  1149 */
  1150 	{
  1151 	TDateTime prev = aDate.DateTime();
  1152 	TDateTime start = StartTimeAsRptLocalL().DateTime();
  1153 	TTimeIntervalMonths monthNo=prev.Month() - start.Month() + 12 * (prev.Year() - start.Year());
  1154 	TTimeIntervalMonths monthsSince=(monthNo.Int()/Interval())*Interval();
  1156 	if (monthsSince.Int() < Abs(monthNo.Int()) || Abs(monthNo.Int() - monthsSince.Int()) == 11)
  1157 		{
  1158 		AgnDateTime::AddTo(prev,TTimeIntervalMonths(monthsSince.Int()-monthNo.Int()));
  1159 		prev.SetDay(Time::DaysInMonth(prev.Year(),prev.Month())-1);	// move to end of month
  1160 		aDate = TTime(prev);
  1161 		if (aDate < AgnDateTime::MinDate())
  1162 			aDate=Time::NullTTime();
  1163 		}
  1164 	}
  1166 TTime TAgnMonthlyRpt::NudgeNextInstanceUtcL(const TTime& aDate) const
  1167 /**
  1168 If aDate is already a date generated by the repeat algorithm then that is the date returned,
  1169 otherwise the next instance from aDate is returned 
  1170 @internalComponent
  1171 */
  1172 	{
  1173 	TTime next = ConvertFromUtcToRepeatLocalL(aDate);
  1174 	next = NudgeNextInstanceRptLocalL(next);
  1175 	return ConvertFromRepeatLocalToUtcL(next);
  1176 	}
  1178 TTime TAgnMonthlyRpt::NudgeNextInstanceRptLocalL(const TTime& aDate) const
  1179 /**
  1180 If aDate is already a date generated by the repeat algorithm then that is the date returned,
  1181 otherwise the next instance from aDate is returned
  1182 @internalComponent
  1183 */
  1184 	{
  1186 	TTime next = NudgeNextAlignedStartTimeL(aDate);
  1188 	if ( ! DateFallsInAlignedMonthL(next.DateTime()) || ! IsAlignedRptLocalL(next))
  1189 		{
  1190 		NudgeNextMonthL(next);
  1191 		if (next == Time::NullTTime())
  1192 			{
  1193 			return (Time::NullTTime());
  1194 			}
  1195 		while ( ! IsAlignedRptLocalL(next) )
  1196 			{ 
  1197 			TTimeIntervalDays numDaysToNextInstance = NumDaysToNextInstanceFrom(next);
  1198 			if (numDaysToNextInstance.Int())
  1199 				{
  1200 				next = next + TTimeIntervalDays(numDaysToNextInstance.Int());
  1201 				}
  1202 			else
  1203 				// jump to the 1st day of the next month
  1204 				{
  1205 				TDateTime d1 = next.DateTime();
  1206 				TInt day = d1.Day();
  1207 				TInt daysInMonth = Time::DaysInMonth(d1.Year(),d1.Month());
  1208 				next = next + TTimeIntervalDays(daysInMonth - day);
  1209 				}
  1210 			TDateTime d2 = next.DateTime();
  1211 			if (d2.Day() == 0)	// i.e. the 1st of the month
  1212 				{
  1213 				AgnDateTime::AddTo(d2,TTimeIntervalMonths(Interval()-1));
  1214 				next = TTime(d2);
  1215 				}
  1216 			if (next > AgnDateTime::MaxDate())
  1217 				{
  1218 				return (Time::NullTTime());
  1219 				}
  1220 			}
  1221 		}
  1222 	return next;
  1223 	}	
  1225 TTime TAgnMonthlyRpt::NudgePreviousInstanceUtcL(const TTime& aDate) const
  1226 //
  1227 // If aDate is already a date generated by the repeat algorithm then that is the date returned, 
  1228 // otherwise the previous instance is returned (UTC)
  1229 //
  1230 	{
  1231 	TTime prev = ConvertFromUtcToRepeatLocalL(aDate);
  1232 	prev = NudgePreviousInstanceRptLocalL(prev);
  1233 	return ConvertFromRepeatLocalToUtcL(prev);
  1234 	}
  1236 TTime TAgnMonthlyRpt::NudgePreviousInstanceRptLocalL(const TTime& aDate) const
  1237 //
  1238 // If aDate is already a date generated by the repeat algorithm then that is the date returned, 
  1239 // otherwise the previous instance is returned (Repeat Local Time)
  1240 //
  1241 	{
  1242 	TTime prev = NudgePreviousAlignedStartTimeL(aDate);
  1243 	if (!(IsAlignedRptLocalL(prev)))
  1244 		{
  1245 		if (Interval() > 1)
  1246 			{
  1247 			NudgePreviousMonthL(prev);
  1248 			if (prev==Time::NullTTime())
  1249 				return (Time::NullTTime());
  1250 			if (IsAlignedRptLocalL(prev))
  1251 				return prev;
  1252 			}
  1253 		do
  1254 			{
  1255 			TDateTime prevTDateTime=prev.DateTime();
  1256 			if (prevTDateTime.Day()==0 && Interval() > 1)
  1257 				{
  1258 				AgnDateTime::AddTo(prevTDateTime,TTimeIntervalMonths(1-Interval()));
  1259 				prev = TTime(prevTDateTime);
  1260 				}
  1261 			if (prev == AgnDateTime::MinDate())		
  1262 				return (Time::NullTTime());
  1263 			prev -= TTimeIntervalDays(1);
  1264 			}
  1265 		while (!(IsAlignedRptLocalL(prev)));
  1266 		}
  1267 	return (prev);
  1268 	}
  1271 // ------------------------------------- TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt -------------------------
  1272 EXPORT_C TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt::TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt(CAgnRptDef& aOwningRptDef) : 
  1273 	TAgnMonthlyRpt(aOwningRptDef)
  1274 /** Constructs a monthly by days repeat object. 
  1276 The repeat days are all cleared. 
  1278 @internalComponent
  1279 */
  1280 	{
  1281 	ClearAllDays();
  1282 	}
  1284 EXPORT_C TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt::TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt(const TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt& aRRule, CAgnRptDef& aOwningRptDef) : 
  1285 	TAgnMonthlyRpt(aRRule, aOwningRptDef)
  1286 /** Constructs a new TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt object from an existing one.
  1288 @internalComponent
  1289 @param aRRule The object to be copied. */
  1290 	{
  1291 	for (TInt i = 0; i < KMonthlyByDaysArraySize; ++i)
  1292 		{
  1293 		iMonthlyRptDays[i] = aRRule.iMonthlyRptDays[i];
  1294 		}
  1295 	}
  1297 TAgnRpt::TType TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt::Type() const
  1298 	{
  1299 	return TAgnRpt::EMonthlyByDays;
  1300 	}
  1302 void TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt::ClearAllDays()
  1303 /** Clears all the monthly repeat days. 
  1305 @internalComponent
  1306 */
  1307 	{
  1309 	iMonthlyRptDays[EFirst]=0;
  1310 	iMonthlyRptDays[ESecond]=0;
  1311 	iMonthlyRptDays[EThird]=0;
  1312 	iMonthlyRptDays[EFourth]=0;
  1313 	iMonthlyRptDays[ELast]=0;
  1314 	}
  1316 EXPORT_C void TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt::SetDay(TDay aDay,TWeekInMonth aWeek)
  1317 /** Adds a day in the specified week to the repeat object.
  1319 @internalComponent
  1320 @param aDay The day to be added.
  1321 @param aWeek The week in the month for the day to be added. */
  1322 	{
  1324 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aWeek == EFirst || aWeek == ESecond || aWeek == EThird || aWeek == EFourth || aWeek == ELast,
  1325 				Panic(EAgmErrInvalidWeekNumber));
  1327 	iMonthlyRptDays[aWeek] |= MapDayToBits(aDay);
  1328 	}
  1331 EXPORT_C TBool TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt::IsDaySet(TDay aDay,TWeekInMonth aWeek) const
  1332 /** Tests whether a day is set as a repeat in the given week.
  1334 @internalComponent
  1335 @param aDay The day to be tested for.
  1336 @param aWeek The week in the month.
  1337 @return True if set, False if not set. */
  1338 	{
  1340 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aWeek == EFirst || aWeek == ESecond || aWeek == EThird || aWeek == EFourth || aWeek == ELast,
  1341 				Panic(EAgmErrInvalidWeekNumber));
  1343 	return (iMonthlyRptDays[aWeek]&(MapDayToBits(aDay))); 
  1344 	}
  1347 TInt TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt::NumDaysSet() const
  1348 /** Gets the number of repeat days in the month.
  1350 @internalComponent
  1351 @return The number of days set. */
  1352 	{
  1354 	TInt total = 0;
  1355 	for (TUint i = EMonday; i <= ESunday; ++i)
  1356 		{
  1357 		for (TUint j = EFirst; j <= ELast; ++j)
  1358 			{
  1359 			if (IsDaySet(static_cast<TDay>(i), static_cast<TWeekInMonth>(j)))
  1360 				{
  1361 				++total;
  1362 				}
  1363 			}
  1364 		}
  1366 	return (total);
  1367 	}
  1370 TInt TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt::NumInstancesPerMonth() const
  1371 	{
  1372 	return (NumDaysSet());
  1373 	}	
  1375 TInt TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt::InvariantL() const
  1376 //
  1377 // Check that the rpt doesn't violate its invariants
  1378 //
  1379 	{
  1381 	if (TAgnRpt::InvariantL()==KErrNone && NumDaysSet() > 0)
  1382 		return (KErrNone);
  1384 	return (EAgmErrBadRepeat);
  1385 	}
  1389 void TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)
  1390 /** Internalises the monthly by days repeat object from a read stream.
  1392 @internalComponent
  1393 @param aStream Stream from which the object should be internalised. */
  1394 	{
  1396 	TAgnRpt::InternalizeL(aStream);
  1397 	aStream >> iMonthlyRptDays[0];
  1398 	aStream >> iMonthlyRptDays[1];
  1399 	aStream >> iMonthlyRptDays[2];
  1400 	aStream >> iMonthlyRptDays[3];
  1401 	aStream >> iMonthlyRptDays[4];
  1402 	}
  1404 void TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
  1405 /** Externalises the monthly by days repeat object to a write stream.
  1407 @internalComponent
  1408 @param aStream Stream to which the object should be externalised. */
  1409 	{
  1411 	TAgnRpt::ExternalizeL(aStream);
  1412 	aStream << iMonthlyRptDays[0];
  1413 	aStream << iMonthlyRptDays[1];
  1414 	aStream << iMonthlyRptDays[2];
  1415 	aStream << iMonthlyRptDays[3];
  1416 	aStream << iMonthlyRptDays[4];
  1417 	}
  1419 TBool TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt::operator==(const TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt& aRRule) const
  1420 /** Compares two monthly by day repeat objects for equality.
  1422 @internalComponent
  1423 @param aRRule The object to be compared.
  1424 @return True if all repeat details agree, otherwise False. */
  1425 	{
  1427 	return (TAgnRpt::operator==(aRRule) 
  1428 			&& iMonthlyRptDays[0]==aRRule.iMonthlyRptDays[0]
  1429 			&& iMonthlyRptDays[1]==aRRule.iMonthlyRptDays[1]
  1430 			&& iMonthlyRptDays[2]==aRRule.iMonthlyRptDays[2]
  1431 			&& iMonthlyRptDays[3]==aRRule.iMonthlyRptDays[3]
  1432 			&& iMonthlyRptDays[4]==aRRule.iMonthlyRptDays[4]);
  1433 	}
  1435 TBool TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt::IsAlignedUtcL(const TTime& aDate) const
  1436 	{
  1437 	TTime localDate = ConvertFromUtcToRepeatLocalL(aDate);
  1438 	return IsAlignedRptLocalL(localDate);
  1439 	}
  1441 TBool TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt::IsAlignedRptLocalL(const TTime& aDate) const
  1442 //
  1443 // Returns true if aDate falls on an instance generated by the repeat algorithm
  1444 // (ignores repeat start/end dates)
  1445 //
  1446 	{
  1448 	TDateTime dateTime=aDate.DateTime();
  1450 	TInt weekNo=dateTime.Day()/7;
  1451 	TDay day = aDate.DayNoInWeek();
  1453 	// First check the first 4 weeks
  1454 	if (weekNo < 4 && IsDaySet(day,(TWeekInMonth)weekNo)) 
  1455 			return (ETrue);
  1457 	// Now check if aDate is in the last week of the month
  1458 	if ((dateTime.Day() >= Time::DaysInMonth(dateTime.Year(),dateTime.Month()) - 7)  && (IsDaySet(day,ELast)))
  1459 		{
  1460 		if (HourAndMinutesDifferentFromStartTimeL(aDate))
  1461 			{
  1462 			return EFalse;
  1463 			}
  1465 		return (ETrue);
  1466 		}
  1468 	return (EFalse);
  1469 	}
  1472 TTimeIntervalDays TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt::NumDaysToNextInstanceFrom(const TTime& aDay) const 
  1473 //
  1474 // Calculates the number of days between aDay and the *next* day which is set, if there is no
  1475 // next day before the end of the month then 0 is returned.
  1476 // The calculation proceeds by first determining which week of the month aDay+1 is in and then
  1477 // checking the remainder of the days of that week, if an instance cannot be found then all days of
  1478 // any of the remaining first 4 weeks are checked, if an instance still hasn't been found than the last
  1479 // week is checked - this requires skipping backwards as the 4th and last weeks overlap and may coincide
  1480 // exactly in the case ofFebruary in a non-leap year. Further explanations of this are given later on
  1481 // nearer to the code.
  1482 // i.e. suppose aDay is Sunday of the 2nd week and the 1st day of the week is a Friday and 
  1483 // there are 31 days in the month:
  1484 //	F S S M T W T    F S S M T W T    F S S M T W T    F S S M T W T   F S S    
  1485 //						   S                           <---4th week->
  1486 //                                                           <--last week--->
  1487 // We start by checking in the 2nd week from Monday onwards until thursday is reached. If an instance
  1488 // hasn't been found then we move on to the 3rd week, checking from a Friday onwards until Thursday,
  1489 // if an instance hasn't been found the process is repeated with the 4th week. If an instance still hasn't
  1490 // been found then we must check the last week which means jumping backwards to what is effectively monday
  1491 // of the 4th week.
  1493 	{
  1495 	static const TInt startDayOfMonthFactor[8] = {EMonday,ESunday,ESaturday,EFriday,EThursday,EWednesday,ETuesday};
  1497 	TInt nextDayFromTheParam = (aDay.DayNoInWeek() + 1) % 7; // checking is exclusive of aDay
  1498 	TDateTime dateTime = aDay.DateTime();
  1499 	if (dateTime.Day() + 1 == Time::DaysInMonth(dateTime.Year(),dateTime.Month()))
  1500 		return (0); // we're on the last day of the month
  1502 	TDateTime temp(dateTime);
  1503 	temp.SetDay(0);
  1504 	TTime temp2(temp);
  1505 	TDay dayAtStartOfMonth = temp2.DayNoInWeek();
  1508 	// find out what week we're in:
  1509 	TInt weekNo = (dateTime.Day() + 1) / 7;
  1511 	TInt numDaysToNextInstance = 1;
  1512 	TInt currentDay = nextDayFromTheParam;
  1513 	TInt numDaysInWeekToCheck;
  1514 	TInt lowestNumDaysToNextInstanceSoFar = 0;
  1515 	// the current week we're in may need partial checking
  1516 	if (weekNo < 4)
  1517 		{
  1518 		numDaysInWeekToCheck = 7 - ((currentDay + startDayOfMonthFactor[dayAtStartOfMonth]) % 7);					
  1519 		for (; numDaysInWeekToCheck > 0; --numDaysInWeekToCheck)
  1520 			{
  1521 			if (IsDaySet((TDay)currentDay,(TWeekInMonth)weekNo))
  1522 				{
  1523 				if (weekNo == 3) // the 4th week - don't return as this may be bettered by the last week - see later explanation
  1524 					{
  1525 					if (!lowestNumDaysToNextInstanceSoFar)
  1526 						lowestNumDaysToNextInstanceSoFar = numDaysToNextInstance;
  1527 					goto doincrement;
  1528 					}
  1529 				else
  1530 					return (numDaysToNextInstance);
  1531 				}
  1532 doincrement:
  1533 			++numDaysToNextInstance;
  1534 			if (currentDay == (TInt)ESunday)
  1535 				currentDay = (TInt)EMonday;
  1536 			else
  1537 				++currentDay;
  1538 			}			
  1539 		}
  1540 	++weekNo;
  1542 	// while subsequent weeks need full checking
  1543 	currentDay = dayAtStartOfMonth;
  1544 	for (numDaysInWeekToCheck = 7; weekNo < 4;)
  1545 		{
  1546 		if (IsDaySet((TDay)currentDay,TWeekInMonth(weekNo)))
  1547 			{
  1548 			if (weekNo == 3) // the 4th week - don't return as this may be bettered by the last week - see later explanation
  1549 				{
  1550 				if (!lowestNumDaysToNextInstanceSoFar)
  1551 					lowestNumDaysToNextInstanceSoFar = numDaysToNextInstance;
  1552 				goto increment;
  1553 				}
  1554 			else
  1555 				return (numDaysToNextInstance);
  1556 			}
  1557 		else
  1558 increment:
  1559 			{
  1560 			++numDaysToNextInstance;
  1561 			if (currentDay == (TInt)ESunday)
  1562 				currentDay = (TInt)EMonday;
  1563 			else
  1564 				++currentDay;
  1565 			if (numDaysInWeekToCheck == 1)
  1566 				{
  1567 				numDaysInWeekToCheck = 7;
  1568 				++weekNo;
  1569 				}
  1570 			else
  1571 				--numDaysInWeekToCheck;
  1572 			}
  1573 		}
  1576 	// if the 1st four weeks have been checked and nothing has been found or if
  1577 	// we were in the last week to begin with then check the last week
  1579 	// As an example consider the end of January 1996 with Thursday of the last week being set ...
  1580 	// 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
  1581 	// M  T  W  T  F  S  S  M  T  W  
  1582 	// <------4th week------>
  1583 	//       <-------last week----->
  1584 	//
  1585 	// So the 25th of Jan is an instance, suppose we have just checked the 4th week and 
  1586 	// having found no instances are currently positioned on the 29th. We now need to go
  1587 	// back and check the last week, hence we need to jump to the 24th and check from there
  1588 	// onwards until we find the 25th - consequently the numDaysToNextInstance needs decrementing
  1589 	// 5 i.e the difference between 29 and 24.
  1590 	// A complication arises if the search started from i.e. the 27th because in this case if
  1591 	// we jump all the way back to the 24th to start the search it would wrongly flag the 25
  1592 	// as being the *next* instance from where the search starts from - this needs to be taken
  1593 	// into consideration so that when we are jumping backwards from the 29th we only jump back
  1594 	// as far as the 27 and hence just check the last 5 days in the last week and not all 7 of them
  1595 	//
  1596 	// Consider the following for another complication - in this case the 4th and last weeks coincide
  1597 	// (this complication isn't limited to this case though)
  1598 	// days set in 4th week:	|         | |
  1599 	//							F S S M T W T
  1600 	// days set in last week:   | |         |
  1601 	// In this case, if checking is from Saturday onwards then when the 4th week is being checked it will
  1602 	// find Wednesday as the next occurrence - but the *next* occurrence is Saturday (of the last week). So
  1603 	// Wednesday needs to be remembered in case it can't be bettered upon
  1605 	TInt daysInMonth = Time::DaysInMonth(dateTime.Year(),dateTime.Month());
  1606 	TInt dayNumOfTheParam = dateTime.Day() + 1;
  1607 	TInt dayNumOf1stDayOfLastWeek = daysInMonth - 7;
  1608 	TInt diffBetween1stDayOfLastWeekAndParam = 0;
  1609 	if (dayNumOf1stDayOfLastWeek <= dayNumOfTheParam)
  1610 		diffBetween1stDayOfLastWeekAndParam = dayNumOfTheParam - dayNumOf1stDayOfLastWeek;		
  1612 	numDaysToNextInstance -= (7 - (daysInMonth - 28));
  1613 	numDaysToNextInstance += diffBetween1stDayOfLastWeekAndParam; 
  1614 	currentDay = ((TInt)dayAtStartOfMonth + daysInMonth - 7 + diffBetween1stDayOfLastWeekAndParam) % 7; // first day of last week is...
  1615 	numDaysInWeekToCheck = 7 - diffBetween1stDayOfLastWeekAndParam;
  1616 	while (numDaysInWeekToCheck > 0)
  1617 		{
  1618 		if (IsDaySet((TDay)currentDay,ELast))
  1619 			{
  1620 			if (lowestNumDaysToNextInstanceSoFar && lowestNumDaysToNextInstanceSoFar < numDaysToNextInstance)
  1621 				numDaysToNextInstance = lowestNumDaysToNextInstanceSoFar;
  1622 			return (numDaysToNextInstance);
  1623 			}
  1625 		if (currentDay == (TInt)ESunday)
  1626 			currentDay = (TInt)EMonday;
  1627 		else
  1628 			++currentDay;
  1629 		--numDaysInWeekToCheck;
  1630 		++numDaysToNextInstance;
  1631 		}
  1633 	return (lowestNumDaysToNextInstanceSoFar);
  1634 	}
  1636 /*
  1637  * Produces the week to check from a specified TTime (Repeat Local).
  1638  *
  1639  * @param	"const TTime& aTime"
  1640  *			The date to check
  1641  * @return "TWeekInMonth"
  1642  *			The Week to check. If this week is EFourth, you should also check
  1643  *			the last week ( ELast ).
  1644  */
  1645 TAgnRpt::TWeekInMonth TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt::GetWeekToCheckRptLocal(const TTime& aTime) const
  1646 	{
  1647 	return static_cast<TAgnRpt::TWeekInMonth>( aTime.DayNoInMonth() / 7 );
  1648 	}
  1650 TBool TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt::CheckLastWeekRptLocal(const TTime& aTime) const
  1651 	{
  1652 	TInt endOfMonth = aTime.DaysInMonth();
  1653 	TInt currentDay = aTime.DayNoInMonth();
  1654 	TInt startOfLastWeek = endOfMonth - 7;
  1655 	return ( currentDay >= startOfLastWeek );
  1656 	}
  1659 /*
  1660  * Returns true, if the specified TTime is a day with an event on it.
  1661  *
  1662  * @param	"const TTime& aTime"
  1663  *			The date to check (Repeat Local)
  1664  * @return  "TBool"
  1665  *			ETrue if an event occurs on this date
  1666  *			EFalse if not.
  1667  */
  1668 TBool TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt::EventOnDateRptLocal( const TTime& aTime ) const
  1669 	{
  1670 	TAgnRpt::TWeekInMonth weekInMonth = GetWeekToCheckRptLocal( aTime );
  1671 	TDay dayOfWeek = aTime.DayNoInWeek();
  1672 	TBool retval = EFalse;
  1674 	retval = IsDaySet( dayOfWeek, weekInMonth );
  1676 	if (!retval && weekInMonth == TAgnRpt::EFourth && CheckLastWeekRptLocal(aTime))
  1677 		{
  1678 		retval = IsDaySet( dayOfWeek, TAgnRpt::ELast );
  1679 		}
  1681 	return retval;
  1682 	}
  1685 /*
  1686  * Find the last event on the specified month.
  1687  *
  1688  *
  1689  * @return  "TTime"
  1690  *			The date of the last event (Repeat Local).
  1691  *
  1692  */
  1693 TTime TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt::FindLastEventOnSpecifiedMonthRptLocal(const TTime& aTime) const
  1694 	{
  1695 	TTime dateCounter = aTime;
  1696 	TTime retval = aTime;
  1697 	TDateTime dateTime;
  1698 	const TInt KEndDayOfMonth = aTime.DaysInMonth(); // last day of month,..
  1699 	const TInt KStartDayInMonth = aTime.DayNoInMonth(); // curent starting day in month
  1700 	TInt counter = 0;
  1702 	for (counter = KEndDayOfMonth; counter > KStartDayInMonth; counter--)
  1703 		{
  1704 		dateTime = dateCounter.DateTime();
  1705 		dateTime.SetDay( counter );
  1706 		dateCounter = dateTime;
  1707 		if ( EventOnDateRptLocal( dateCounter ) )
  1708 			{
  1709 			retval = dateCounter;
  1710 			break;
  1711 			}
  1712 		}
  1714 	return retval;
  1715 	}
  1717 // ------------------------------- TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt ------------------------------------------------------
  1719 EXPORT_C TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt::TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt(CAgnRptDef& aOwningRptDef) : 
  1720 	TAgnMonthlyRpt(aOwningRptDef)
  1721 /** Constructs a monthly repeat by dates object. 
  1723 All monthly repeat dates are cleared. 
  1725 @internalComponent
  1726 */
  1727 	{
  1728 	iMonthlyRptDates = 0;
  1729 	}
  1731 EXPORT_C TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt::TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt(const TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt& aRRule, CAgnRptDef& aOwningRptDef) : 
  1732 	TAgnMonthlyRpt(aRRule, aOwningRptDef)
  1733 /** Constructs a new TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt object from an existing one.
  1735 @internalComponent
  1736 @param aRRule The object to be copied. */
  1737 	{
  1738 	iMonthlyRptDates = aRRule.iMonthlyRptDates; 
  1739 	}
  1741 TAgnRpt::TType TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt::Type() const
  1742 	{
  1743 	return TAgnRpt::EMonthlyByDates;
  1744 	}
  1746 EXPORT_C void TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt::SetDate(TUint aDateInMonth)
  1747 /** Sets the date specified.
  1749 @internalComponent
  1750 @param aDateInMonth The date to be added, (between 0 and 30 inclusive). */
  1751 	{
  1753 	iMonthlyRptDates |= MapDateToBits(aDateInMonth);
  1754 	}
  1756 EXPORT_C TBool TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt::IsDateSet(TUint aDateInMonth) const
  1757 /** Tests whether the supplied date is set.
  1759 @internalComponent
  1760 @param aDateInMonth The date to be tested for (between 0 and 30 inclusive).
  1761 @return True if set, False if not set. */
  1762 	{
  1764 	return (iMonthlyRptDates & (MapDateToBits(aDateInMonth))); 
  1765 	}
  1768 TInt TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt::NumDatesSet() const
  1769 /** Gets the number of repeat dates in the month which are set.
  1771 @internalComponent
  1772 @return The number of dates set. */
  1773 	{
  1774 	TInt count = 0;
  1775 	for (TUint i = 0; i <= 30; ++i) // check each date in a month
  1776 		{
  1777 		if (IsDateSet(i))
  1778 			{
  1779 			++count;
  1780 			}
  1781 		}
  1783 	return (count);
  1784 	}
  1786 TInt TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt::NumInstancesPerMonth() const
  1787 	{
  1788 	return (NumDatesSet());
  1789 	}
  1791 TInt TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt::InvariantL() const
  1792 //
  1793 // Check that the rpt doesn't violate its invariants
  1794 //
  1795 	{
  1796 	if (TAgnRpt::InvariantL()==KErrNone && NumDatesSet() > 0)
  1797 		return (KErrNone);
  1799 	return (EAgmErrBadRepeat);
  1800 	}
  1804 void TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)
  1805 /** Internalises the monthly by date repeat object from a read stream.
  1807 @internalComponent
  1808 @param aStream Stream from which the object should be internalised. */
  1809 	{
  1811 	TAgnRpt::InternalizeL(aStream);		
  1812 	aStream >> iMonthlyRptDates;
  1813 	}
  1815 void TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
  1816 /** Externalises the monthly by date repeat object to a write stream.
  1818 @internalComponent
  1819 @param aStream Stream to which the object should be externalised. */
  1820 	{
  1822 	TAgnRpt::ExternalizeL(aStream);
  1823 	aStream << iMonthlyRptDates;
  1824 	}
  1826 TBool TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt::operator==(const TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt& aRRule) const
  1827 /** Compares two monthly by date repeat objects for equality.
  1829 @internalComponent
  1830 @param aRRule The object to be compared.
  1831 @return True if all repeat details agree, otherwise False. */
  1832 	{
  1834 	return (TAgnRpt::operator==(aRRule) && iMonthlyRptDates==aRRule.iMonthlyRptDates);
  1835 	} 
  1837 TBool TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt::IsAlignedUtcL(const TTime& aDate) const
  1838 //
  1839 // Returns true is aDate (UTC) falls on a date generated by the repeat algorithm
  1840 // (ignores repeat start/end dates)
  1841 //
  1842 	{
  1843 	TTime localDate = ConvertFromUtcToRepeatLocalL(aDate);
  1844 	return IsAlignedRptLocalL(localDate);
  1845 	}
  1847 TBool TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt::IsAlignedRptLocalL(const TTime& aDate) const
  1848 //
  1849 // Returns true is aDate (Repeat Local Time) falls on a date generated by the repeat algorithm
  1850 // (ignores repeat start/end dates)
  1851 //
  1852 	{
  1853 	TDateTime date = aDate.DateTime();
  1855 	TUint dayBit = MapDateToBits(date.Day());
  1856 	// If the date being checked is, for example, the 30th April and the repeat
  1857 	// is set to repeat on the 31st of the month then this is still an aligned
  1858 	// date so the high order bits in dayBit need setting to catch this i.e.
  1859 	// if 30th april = 0001000... then this needs setting to 11110000
  1860 	if (date.Day() == Time::DaysInMonth(date.Year(),date.Month())-1)
  1861 		{
  1862 		dayBit =~ (dayBit-1); 
  1863 		}
  1865 	if ( ! (dayBit & iMonthlyRptDates))
  1866 		{
  1867 		return EFalse;
  1868 		}
  1870 	if (HourAndMinutesDifferentFromStartTimeL(aDate))
  1871 		{
  1872 		return EFalse;
  1873 		}
  1875 	return ETrue;
  1876 	}
  1879 TTimeIntervalDays TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt::NumDaysToNextInstanceFrom(const TTime& aDate) const
  1880 //
  1881 // Calculates the number of days between aDate and the *next* date which is set i.e. if
  1882 // the date in aDate is the 2nd of the month, and if the repeat is set to repeat on the
  1883 // 5th and 10th of the month then 3 is returned. If there is no subsequent date set then
  1884 // 0 is returned.
  1885 //
  1886 	{
  1887 	// Assumes aDate is expressed in Repeat Local Time
  1889 	TDateTime dateTime = aDate.DateTime();
  1890 	TUint daysInMonth = Time::DaysInMonth(dateTime.Year(),dateTime.Month());
  1891 	TUint dayInMonth = dateTime.Day() + 1; 
  1892 	for (TInt num=1; dayInMonth < 31;++dayInMonth)
  1893 		{
  1894 		if (IsDateSet(dayInMonth))
  1895 			return (num);
  1896 		if (dayInMonth < daysInMonth-1)
  1897 		// If the date being checked is, for example, the 30th April and the repeat
  1898 		// is set to repeat on the 31st of the month then the number to return is the
  1899 		// difference between 30 and aDate not 31 and aDate - hence num should not be
  1900 		// incremented in this case
  1901 			++num;
  1902 		}
  1903 	return (0);
  1904 	}
  1907 /*
  1908  * Find the last event on the first month if the rule begins.
  1909  *
  1910  *
  1911  * @return  "TTime" (Repeat Local)
  1912  *			The date of the last event.
  1913  *
  1914  */
  1915 TTime TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt::FindLastEventOnSpecifiedMonthRptLocal(const TTime& aTime) const
  1916 	{
  1917 	const TInt KEndDayOfMonth = aTime.DaysInMonth() - 1; // zero initialised
  1918 	TTime retval = aTime;
  1919 	TInt counter = 0;
  1920 	TDateTime lastDay;
  1922 	for (counter = KEndDayOfMonth; counter >= 0; counter--)
  1923 		{
  1924 		if ( IsDateSet( counter ) )
  1925 			{
  1926 			lastDay = retval.DateTime();
  1927 			lastDay.SetDay( counter );
  1928 			retval = lastDay;
  1929 			break;
  1930 			}
  1931 		}
  1933 	return retval;
  1934 	}
  1936 // ------------------------------ TAgnYearlyByDateRpt ----------------------------
  1937 EXPORT_C TAgnYearlyByDateRpt::TAgnYearlyByDateRpt(CAgnRptDef& aOwningRptDef) : 
  1938 	TAgnRpt(aOwningRptDef)
  1939 /**
  1940 This is not inline to prevent non-exportable functions causing a linker error in calling code
  1942 @internalComponent
  1943 */
  1944 	{}
  1946 EXPORT_C TAgnYearlyByDateRpt::TAgnYearlyByDateRpt(const TAgnYearlyByDateRpt& aRRule, CAgnRptDef& aOwningRptDef) : 
  1947 	TAgnRpt(aRRule, aOwningRptDef)
  1948 /** Constructs a new TAgnYearlyByDateRpt object from an existing one.
  1950 @internalComponent
  1951 @param aRRule The object to be copied. */
  1952 	{}
  1954 TAgnRpt::TType TAgnYearlyByDateRpt::Type() const
  1955 	{
  1956 	return TAgnRpt::EYearlyByDate;
  1957 	}
  1959 TUint TAgnYearlyByDateRpt::InstanceCountL() const
  1960 /** Gets the number of instances generated by the repeat algorithm.
  1962 @internalComponent
  1963 @return The number of instances. */
  1964 	{
  1965 	// Years from start to end divided by the interval
  1966 	// Add one for the first year: if start and end are in the same year,
  1967 	// we must return 1.
  1968 	return ( 1 + UntilTimeAsRptLocalL().YearsFrom(StartTimeAsRptLocalL()).Int()/iInterval );
  1969 	}
  1971 TBool TAgnYearlyByDateRpt::IsAlignedRptLocalL(const TTime& aDate) const
  1972 //
  1973 // Returns true if aDate (Repeat Local Time) falls on an instance generated by the repeat algorithm
  1974 // (ignores repeat start/end dates)
  1975 //
  1976 	{
  1977 	// All date and time comparisons must be done in Repeat Local
  1979 	if (StartTimeAsRptLocalL() == aDate)
  1980 		return (ETrue);
  1981 	TDateTime startDateTime = StartTimeAsRptLocalL().DateTime();
  1982 	TDateTime thisDateTime = aDate.DateTime();
  1983 	if ( (thisDateTime.Year()-startDateTime.Year() ) % iInterval)
  1984 		return (EFalse);
  1985 	if (startDateTime.Month()!=thisDateTime.Month())
  1986 		return (EFalse);
  1987 	if (startDateTime.Day()!=thisDateTime.Day())
  1988 		{		
  1989 	// finally check for 28/29th February
  1990 		if (startDateTime.Month()!=EFebruary)
  1991 			return (EFalse);
  1992 		if (startDateTime.Day()!=28)
  1993 			return (EFalse);
  1994 		if (thisDateTime.Day()!=Time::DaysInMonth(thisDateTime.Year(),thisDateTime.Month())-1)
  1995 			return (EFalse);
  1996 		}
  1998 	if (HourAndMinutesDifferentFromStartTimeL(aDate))
  1999 		{
  2000 		return EFalse;
  2001 		}
  2003 	return ETrue;
  2004 	}
  2006 TBool TAgnYearlyByDateRpt::IsAlignedUtcL(const TTime& aUtcDate) const
  2007 //
  2008 // Returns true if aDate (UTC) falls on an instance generated by the repeat algorithm
  2009 // (ignores repeat start/end dates)
  2010 //
  2011 	{
  2012 	// convert aDate from UTC to Repeat Local
  2013 	TTime rptLocalDate = ConvertFromUtcToRepeatLocalL(aUtcDate);	
  2014 	return IsAlignedRptLocalL(rptLocalDate);
  2015 	}
  2017 TTime TAgnYearlyByDateRpt::FindRptUntilTimeRptLocalL(TUint aCount) const
  2018 	{
  2019 	TTime end = StartTimeAsRptLocalL();
  2020 	TUint max = (AgnDateTime::MaxDate().YearsFrom(end).Int() + 1) / iInterval;
  2021 	if (aCount > max)
  2022 		{
  2023 		end = AgnDateTime::MaxDate();
  2024 		}
  2025 	else
  2026 		{
  2027 		end += TTimeIntervalYears((aCount - 1) * iInterval);	
  2028 		}
  2029 	return end;
  2030 	}
  2032 TTime TAgnYearlyByDateRpt::NudgeNextInstanceUtcL(const TTime& aDate) const
  2033 //
  2034 // If aDate (UTC) is already a date generated by the repeat algorithm then that is the date returned,
  2035 // otherwise the next instance from aDate is returned 
  2036 //
  2037 	{
  2038 	TTime rptLocalDate = ConvertFromUtcToRepeatLocalL(aDate);
  2039 	rptLocalDate = NudgeNextInstanceRptLocalL(rptLocalDate);
  2040 	return ConvertFromRepeatLocalToUtcL(rptLocalDate);
  2041 	}
  2043 TTime TAgnYearlyByDateRpt::NudgeNextInstanceRptLocalL(const TTime& aDate) const
  2044 //
  2045 // If aDate (Repeat Local Time) is already a date generated by the repeat algorithm then that is the date returned,
  2046 // otherwise the next instance from aDate is returned 
  2047 //
  2048 	{
  2049 	TTime next = NudgeNextAlignedStartTimeL(aDate);
  2051 	if (IsAlignedRptLocalL(next))
  2052 		return (next);
  2054 	TDateTime thisTDateTime=next.DateTime();
  2055 	TDateTime startTDateTime=StartTimeAsRptLocalL().DateTime();
  2057 	TTimeIntervalYears years=AgnDateTime::YearsFrom(startTDateTime,thisTDateTime);
  2058 	// Add a year, since the next interval is at least one year away
  2059 	// This fixes the 'yearly repeating entries on a leap year don't appear
  2060 	// on the 29th Feb' bug
  2061 	years = (years.Int() +1);
  2062 	years=((years.Int()+Interval()-1)/Interval())*Interval();
  2063 	AgnDateTime::AddTo(startTDateTime,years);
  2065 	if (AgnDateTime::IsLessThan(startTDateTime,thisTDateTime))
  2066 		AgnDateTime::AddTo(startTDateTime,TTimeIntervalYears(Interval()));
  2068 	TTime date = TTime(startTDateTime);
  2069 	if ( date > AgnDateTime::MaxDate())
  2070 		{
  2071 		return (Time::NullTTime());
  2072 		}
  2074 	return date;
  2075 	}
  2077 TTime TAgnYearlyByDateRpt::NudgePreviousInstanceUtcL(const TTime& aDate) const
  2078 //
  2079 // If aDate (UTC) is already a date generated by the repeat algorithm then that is the date returned, 
  2080 // otherwise the previous instance is returned 
  2081 //
  2082 	{
  2083 	TTime rptLocalDate = ConvertFromUtcToRepeatLocalL(aDate);
  2084 	rptLocalDate = NudgePreviousInstanceRptLocalL(rptLocalDate);
  2085 	return ConvertFromRepeatLocalToUtcL(rptLocalDate);
  2086 	}
  2088 TTime TAgnYearlyByDateRpt::NudgePreviousInstanceRptLocalL(const TTime& aDate) const
  2089 //
  2090 // If aDate (Repeat Local Time) is already a date generated by the repeat algorithm then that is the date returned, 
  2091 // otherwise the previous instance is returned 
  2092 //
  2093 	{
  2094 	TTime prev = NudgePreviousAlignedStartTimeL(aDate);
  2096 	if (IsAlignedRptLocalL(prev))
  2097 		return (prev);
  2099 	TDateTime thisTDateTime = prev.DateTime();
  2100 	TDateTime startTDateTime = StartTimeAsRptLocalL().DateTime();
  2102 	TTimeIntervalYears years=AgnDateTime::YearsFrom(startTDateTime,thisTDateTime);
  2104 	if (years.Int()>=(TInt)Interval())
  2105 		{
  2106 		years=(years.Int()/Interval())*Interval();
  2107 		AgnDateTime::AddTo(startTDateTime,years);
  2108 		}
  2110 	TTime date = TTime(startTDateTime);
  2111 	if (date < AgnDateTime::MinDate())
  2112 		{
  2113 		return (Time::NullTTime());
  2114 		}
  2116 	return date;
  2117 	}
  2120 // ------------------------------ TAgnYearlyByDayRpt ----------------------------
  2121 EXPORT_C TAgnYearlyByDayRpt::TAgnYearlyByDayRpt(CAgnRptDef& aOwningRptDef) : 
  2122 	TAgnRpt(aOwningRptDef)
  2123 /**
  2124 This is not inline to prevent non-exportable functions causing a linker error in calling code
  2126 @internalComponent
  2127 */
  2128 	{
  2129 	iWeekInMonth = static_cast<TAgnRpt::TWeekInMonth>(0);
  2130 	iDay = static_cast<TDay>(0);
  2131 	}
  2133 EXPORT_C TAgnYearlyByDayRpt::TAgnYearlyByDayRpt(const TAgnYearlyByDayRpt& aRRule, CAgnRptDef& aOwningRptDef) : 
  2134 	TAgnRpt(aRRule, aOwningRptDef)
  2135 /** Constructs a new TAgnYearlyByDayRpt object from an existing one.
  2137 @internalComponent
  2138 @param aRRule The object to be copied. */
  2139 	{
  2140 	iWeekInMonth = aRRule.iWeekInMonth;
  2141 	iDay = aRRule.iDay;
  2142 	}
  2144 TAgnRpt::TType TAgnYearlyByDayRpt::Type() const
  2145 	{
  2146 	return TAgnRpt::EYearlyByDay;
  2147 	}
  2149 TUint TAgnYearlyByDayRpt::InstanceCountL() const
  2150 /** Gets the number of yearly repeat instances.
  2152 @internalComponent
  2153 @return The number of instances. */
  2154  	{
  2156 	TTime UntilTime = UntilTimeAsRptLocalL();
  2157 	TTime strtDate= StartTimeAsRptLocalL();
  2158 	 for (TInt count = 1; count <= 7; ++count)
  2159 		{
  2160 		if (UntilTime.DayNoInWeek()==iDay)
  2161 			break;
  2162 		else
  2163 			UntilTime -= TTimeIntervalDays(1);
  2164 		}
  2166    	return 1 + ( (UntilTime.DateTime().Year() - strtDate.DateTime().Year()) /Interval()); 
  2167 	}
  2169 TBool TAgnYearlyByDayRpt::IsAlignedUtcL(const TTime& aDate) const
  2170 //
  2171 // Returns true if aDate (UTC) falls on an instance generated by the repeat algorithm
  2172 // (ignores repeat start/end dates)
  2173 //
  2174 	{
  2175 	TTime rptLocalDate = ConvertFromUtcToRepeatLocalL(aDate);
  2176 	return IsAlignedRptLocalL(rptLocalDate);
  2177 	}
  2179 TBool TAgnYearlyByDayRpt::IsAlignedRptLocalL(const TTime& aDate) const
  2180 //
  2181 // Returns true if aDate (Repeat Local Time) falls on an instance generated by the repeat algorithm
  2182 // (ignores repeat start/end dates)
  2183 //
  2184 	{
  2186 	if (StartTimeAsRptLocalL() == aDate)
  2187 		return (ETrue);
  2189 	TDateTime startDateTime = StartTimeAsRptLocalL().DateTime();
  2190 	TDateTime thisDateTime = aDate.DateTime();
  2191 	if ((thisDateTime.Year()-startDateTime.Year())%Interval())
  2192 		return (EFalse);
  2194 	if (startDateTime.Month()!=thisDateTime.Month())
  2195 		return (EFalse);
  2197 	if (aDate.DayNoInWeek()!=iDay)
  2198 		return (EFalse);
  2200 	TInt dayInMonth = aDate.DayNoInMonth();
  2201 	switch (iWeekInMonth)
  2202 		{
  2203 		case EFirst:
  2204 			{
  2205 			if (dayInMonth > 6)
  2206 				return (EFalse);
  2207 			break;
  2208 			}
  2209 		case ESecond:
  2210 			{
  2211 			if (dayInMonth < 7 || dayInMonth > 13)
  2212 				return (EFalse);
  2213 			break;
  2214 			}
  2215 		case EThird:
  2216 			{
  2217 			if (dayInMonth < 14 || dayInMonth > 20)
  2218 				return (EFalse);
  2219 			break;
  2220 			}
  2221 		case EFourth:
  2222 			{
  2223 			if (dayInMonth < 21 || dayInMonth > 27)
  2224 				return (EFalse);
  2225 			break;
  2226 			}
  2227 		case ELast:
  2228 			{
  2229 			if (dayInMonth < aDate.DaysInMonth() - 7)
  2230 				return (EFalse);
  2231 			break;
  2232 			}
  2233 		default: 
  2234 			{
  2235 			_DBGLOG_ENTRY(AgmDebug::DebugLog("TAgnYearlyByDayRpt: Panic - EAgmErrInvalidWeekNumber");)
  2236 			DBG_PANIC(EAgmErrInvalidWeekNumber);
  2237 			}
  2238 		}
  2240 	if (HourAndMinutesDifferentFromStartTimeL(aDate))
  2241 		{
  2242 		return EFalse;
  2243 		}
  2245 	return (ETrue);
  2246 	}
  2248 TTime TAgnYearlyByDayRpt::FindRptUntilTimeRptLocalL(TUint aCount) const
  2249 	{
  2250 	// do all calculations in Repeat Local times, and convert to UTC before returning
  2252 	TUint max = AgnDateTime::MaxDate().YearsFrom(StartTimeAsRptLocalL()).Int();
  2254 	TUint count = aCount > max ? max : aCount;
  2256 	TTime end=StartTimeAsRptLocalL();
  2257 	end+=TTimeIntervalYears((count-1)*Interval());
  2259 	TDateTime dt = end.DateTime();
  2260 	TInt firstDay = GetFirstDayInWeekRptLocal(iWeekInMonth,dt.Month(),dt.Year());
  2261 	dt.SetDay(firstDay);
  2262 	end = dt;
  2263 	SetDateAccordingToDayRptLocal(end,iDay,iWeekInMonth);
  2265 	return end;
  2266 	}
  2268 TTime TAgnYearlyByDayRpt::NudgeNextInstanceUtcL(const TTime& aDate) const
  2269 //
  2270 // If aDate (UTC) is already a date generated by the repeat algorithm then that is the date returned,
  2271 // otherwise the next instance from aDate is returned.
  2272 // Complication:
  2273 // Suppose an entry starts on the 29 th of a month in year X
  2274 // 29 X ....	27 28 Y .....	26 Z
  2275 // I            I  a			I
  2276 // if aDate is 28th Y then because 26 Z is less than a year from a the calculation will be in
  2277 // error unless  a is advanced to compensate.
  2278 //
  2279 	{
  2280 	TTime rptLocalDate = ConvertFromUtcToRepeatLocalL(aDate);
  2281 	rptLocalDate = NudgeNextInstanceRptLocalL(rptLocalDate);
  2282 	return ConvertFromRepeatLocalToUtcL(rptLocalDate);
  2283 	}
  2285 TTime TAgnYearlyByDayRpt::NudgeNextInstanceRptLocalL(TTime aDate) const
  2286 //
  2287 // If aDate (Repeat Local Time) is already a date generated by the repeat algorithm then that is the date returned,
  2288 // otherwise the next instance from aDate is returned.
  2289 // Complication:
  2290 // Suppose an entry starts on the 29 th of a month in year X
  2291 // 29 X ....	27 28 Y .....	26 Z
  2292 // I            I  a			I
  2293 // if aDate is 28th Y then because 26 Z is less than a year from a the calculation will be in
  2294 // error unless  a is advanced to compensate.
  2295 //
  2296 	{
  2297 	TTime ttime = NudgeNextAlignedStartTimeL(aDate);
  2299 	for (TInt count = 1; count <= 7; ++count)
  2300 		{
  2301 		if (ttime.DayNoInWeek()==iDay)
  2302 			break;
  2303 		else
  2304 			ttime += TTimeIntervalDays(1);
  2305 		}
  2307 	if (ttime > AgnDateTime::MaxDate()) 
  2308 		return (Time::NullTTime());
  2310 	aDate = ttime;
  2311 	if (IsAlignedRptLocalL(aDate))
  2312 		return (aDate);
  2314 	TDateTime thisTDateTime = aDate.DateTime();
  2315 	TDateTime startTDateTime = StartTimeAsRptLocalL().DateTime();
  2317 	TTimeIntervalYears years=AgnDateTime::YearsFrom(startTDateTime,thisTDateTime);
  2318 	years=((years.Int()+Interval()-1)/Interval())*Interval();
  2319 	AgnDateTime::AddTo(startTDateTime,years);
  2321 	if (AgnDateTime::IsLessThan(startTDateTime,thisTDateTime))
  2322 		AgnDateTime::AddTo(startTDateTime,TTimeIntervalYears(Interval()));
  2324 	TInt firstDay = GetFirstDayInWeekRptLocal(iWeekInMonth,startTDateTime.Month(),startTDateTime.Year());
  2325 	startTDateTime.SetDay(firstDay);
  2326 	ttime = startTDateTime;
  2327 	SetDateAccordingToDayRptLocal(ttime,iDay,iWeekInMonth);
  2329 	if (ttime > AgnDateTime::MaxDate())
  2330 		return (Time::NullTTime());
  2332 	return ttime;
  2333 	}
  2335 TTime TAgnYearlyByDayRpt::NudgePreviousInstanceUtcL(const TTime& aDate) const
  2336 //
  2337 // If aDate (UTC) is already a date generated by the repeat algorithm then that is the date returned, 
  2338 // otherwise the previous instance is returned 
  2339 //
  2340 // Complication:
  2341 // Suppose the repeat starts on the 1st of January year X and an instance is on 5th January year Y
  2342 //		1 X ........................1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Y
  2343 //		s							a	b	I	  d
  2344 // Now if bis choosen as the point to nudge from there is no problem, but suppose b is the date
  2345 // to nudge from then if the number of years between b and s is calculated the it will be 1 too many
  2346 // because a is more than 365 day after s (assuming Y = X + 1). So if aDate is b then it needs to be
  2347 // reduced to < a to find the correct previous instance.
  2348 	{
  2349 	TTime rptLocalDate = ConvertFromUtcToRepeatLocalL(aDate);
  2350 	rptLocalDate = NudgePreviousInstanceRptLocalL(rptLocalDate);
  2351 	return ConvertFromRepeatLocalToUtcL(rptLocalDate);
  2352 	}
  2354 TTime TAgnYearlyByDayRpt::NudgePreviousInstanceRptLocalL(TTime aDate) const
  2355 //
  2356 // If aDate (Repeat Local Time) is already a date generated by the repeat algorithm then that is the date returned, 
  2357 // otherwise the previous instance is returned 
  2358 //
  2359 // Complication:
  2360 // Suppose the repeat starts on the 1st of January year X and an instance is on 5th January year Y
  2361 //		1 X ........................1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Y
  2362 //		s							a	b	I	  d
  2363 // Now if bis choosen as the point to nudge from there is no problem, but suppose b is the date
  2364 // to nudge from then if the number of years between b and s is calculated the it will be 1 too many
  2365 // because a is more than 365 day after s (assuming Y = X + 1). So if aDate is b then it needs to be
  2366 // reduced to < a to find the correct previous instance.
  2368 	{
  2370 	TTime ttime = NudgePreviousAlignedStartTimeL(aDate);
  2371 	for (TInt count = 1; count <= 7; ++count)
  2372 		{
  2373 		if (ttime.DayNoInWeek()==iDay)
  2374 			break;
  2375 		else
  2376 			ttime -= TTimeIntervalDays(1);
  2377 		}
  2379 	aDate = ttime;
  2380 	if (IsAlignedRptLocalL(aDate))
  2381 		return (aDate);
  2383 	TDateTime thisTDateTime = aDate.DateTime();
  2384 	TDateTime startTDateTime = StartTimeAsRptLocalL().DateTime();
  2386 	TTimeIntervalYears years=AgnDateTime::YearsFrom(startTDateTime,thisTDateTime);
  2388 	if (years.Int()>=(TInt)Interval())
  2389 		{
  2390 		years=(years.Int()/Interval())*Interval();
  2391 		AgnDateTime::AddTo(startTDateTime,years);
  2392 		}
  2394 	TInt firstDay = GetFirstDayInWeekRptLocal(iWeekInMonth,startTDateTime.Month(),startTDateTime.Year());
  2395 	startTDateTime.SetDay(firstDay);
  2396 	ttime = startTDateTime;
  2397 	SetDateAccordingToDayRptLocal(ttime,iDay,iWeekInMonth);
  2399 	if (ttime < AgnDateTime::MinDate())
  2400 		return (Time::NullTTime());
  2402 	return ttime;
  2403 	}
  2406 TInt TAgnYearlyByDayRpt::GetFirstDayInWeekRptLocal(TWeekInMonth aWeekInMonth,TMonth aMonth, TInt aYear) const
  2407 //
  2408 // Return the day number for the first day in the week aWeekInMonth
  2409 //
  2410 	{
  2412 	TInt day=0;
  2413 	switch (aWeekInMonth)
  2414 		{
  2415 		case EFirst:	day= 0;	break;
  2416 		case ESecond:	day= 7;	break;
  2417 		case EThird:	day= 14; break;
  2418 		case EFourth:	day= 21; break;
  2419 		case ELast:		day= Time::DaysInMonth(aYear,aMonth) - 1; break;						
  2420 		default:
  2421 			{
  2422 			_DBGLOG_ENTRY(AgmDebug::DebugLog("TAgnYearlyByDayRpt: Panic - EAgmErrInvalidWeekNumber");)
  2423 			DBG_PANIC(EAgmErrInvalidWeekNumber);
  2424 			}
  2425 		}
  2426 	return (day);
  2427 	}
  2429 void TAgnYearlyByDayRpt::SetDateAccordingToDayRptLocal(TTime& aDate,TDay aDay,TWeekInMonth aWeekInMonth) const
  2430 //
  2431 // Adjust aDate (Repeat Local Time) until its day of the week (i.e. tuesday) corresponds with aDay
  2432 //
  2433 	{
  2435 	for(TInt count = 1; count <= 7; ++count)
  2436 		{
  2437 		if (aDate.DayNoInWeek()==aDay)
  2438 			break;
  2439 		else
  2440 			{
  2441 			if (aWeekInMonth == ELast)
  2442 				aDate -= TTimeIntervalDays(1);
  2443 			else
  2444 				aDate += TTimeIntervalDays(1);
  2445 			}
  2446 		}
  2447 	}
  2450 EXPORT_C TTime TAgnYearlyByDayRpt::FindStartDayL(TDay aDay,TWeekInMonth aWeek,TMonth aMonth,TInt aYear)
  2451 /** Sets the repeat's start date using the details specified. These details are assumed to refer
  2452 to the time zone where the repeating activity takes place.
  2454 @internalComponent
  2455 @param aDay The start day.
  2456 @param aWeek The start week in the month.
  2457 @param aMonth The start month.
  2458 @param aYear The start year. */
  2459 	{
  2461 	iWeekInMonth = aWeek;
  2462 	iDay = aDay;
  2463 	TInt dayInMonth=GetFirstDayInWeekRptLocal(aWeek,aMonth,aYear);
  2464 	TDateTime startDT = StartTimeAsRptLocalL().DateTime();
  2465 	TTime date(TDateTime(aYear,aMonth,dayInMonth,startDT.Hour(),startDT.Minute(),startDT.Second(),startDT.MicroSecond()));	
  2466 	SetDateAccordingToDayRptLocal(date,aDay,aWeek);
  2467 	return date;
  2468 	}
  2470 EXPORT_C void TAgnYearlyByDayRpt::GetStartDayL(TDay& aDay,TWeekInMonth& aWeek,TMonth& aMonth,TInt& aYear) const
  2471 /** Gets the start day, week, month and year for the current start date. These details refer
  2472 to the time zone where the repeating entry takes place, not the time zone where the user is.
  2474 @internalComponent
  2475 @param aDay On return, the start day.
  2476 @param aWeek On return, the week in the month of the start date.
  2477 @param aMonth On return, the month of the start date.
  2478 @param aYear On return, the year of the start date. */
  2479 	{
  2481 	TTime date = StartTimeAsRptLocalL(); // Repeat Local
  2482 	aDay = date.DayNoInWeek();
  2483 	aWeek = iWeekInMonth;
  2484 	TDateTime dateTime = date.DateTime();
  2485 	aMonth = dateTime.Month();
  2486 	aYear = dateTime.Year();	
  2487 	}
  2490 void TAgnYearlyByDayRpt::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)
  2491 /** Internalises the yearly by day repeat object from a read stream.
  2493 @internalComponent
  2494 @param aStream Stream from which the object should be internalised. */
  2495 	{
  2496 	TAgnRpt::InternalizeL(aStream);
  2497 	iWeekInMonth = TWeekInMonth(aStream.ReadUint8L());	
  2499 	iDay = TDay(aStream.ReadUint8L());
  2500 	}
  2502 void TAgnYearlyByDayRpt::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
  2503 /** Externalises the yearly by day repeat object to a write stream.
  2505 @internalComponent
  2506 @param aStream Stream to which the object should be externalised. */
  2507 	{
  2508 	TAgnRpt::ExternalizeL(aStream);
  2509 	aStream.WriteUint8L(iWeekInMonth);
  2510 	aStream.WriteUint8L(iDay);
  2511 	}
  2514 TInt TAgnYearlyByDayRpt::InvariantL() const
  2515 //
  2516 // Check that the rpt doesn't violate its invariants
  2517 //
  2518 	{
  2521 	if (TAgnRpt::InvariantL()==KErrNone && (iWeekInMonth == EFirst || iWeekInMonth == ESecond
  2522 			|| iWeekInMonth == EThird || iWeekInMonth == EFourth || iWeekInMonth == ELast) &&
  2523 			(iDay == EMonday || iDay == ETuesday || iDay == EWednesday || iDay == EThursday ||
  2524 			iDay == EFriday || iDay == ESaturday || iDay == ESunday))
  2525 		return (KErrNone);
  2527 	return (EAgmErrBadRepeat);
  2528 	}
  2531 // --------------------------------------- CAgnRptDef -------------------------------
  2533 CAgnRptDef::CAgnRptDef(const CAgnSimpleEntry& aOwningEntry) :
  2534 	iOwningEntry(aOwningEntry)
  2535 	{
  2536 	}
  2538 /** Gets the first instance of the repeat as a TAgnCalendarTime.
  2539 This is either the first sporadic date or the start of the repeat rule, whichever is earlier.
  2541 @return The first instance of the repeat.
  2542 @internalComponent
  2543 */
  2544 EXPORT_C const TAgnCalendarTime& CAgnRptDef::FirstInstanceL() const
  2545 	{
  2546 	if (!HasRepeatRule() && !HasSporadicDates())
  2547 		{
  2548 		User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
  2549 		}
  2551 	if (HasRepeatRule() && !HasSporadicDates())
  2552 		{
  2553 		return StartTime(); 
  2554 		}
  2555 	else if (!HasRepeatRule() && HasSporadicDates())
  2556 		{
  2557 		return (*iSporadicDates)[0]; 
  2558 		}
  2560 	// has both rule and rdates	
  2561 	const TAgnCalendarTime& KRuleFirstDate = StartTime();   
  2562 	const TAgnCalendarTime& KRdateFirstDate = (*iSporadicDates)[0];  
  2564 	return KRuleFirstDate < KRdateFirstDate ? KRuleFirstDate : KRdateFirstDate;
  2565 	}
  2567 /** Gets the last instance of the repeat as a TAgnCalendarTime.
  2568 This is either the last sporadic date or the end of the repeat rule, whichever is latest.
  2570 @return The last instance of the repeat.
  2571 @internalComponent
  2572 */
  2573 EXPORT_C const TAgnCalendarTime& CAgnRptDef::LastInstanceL() const
  2574 	{
  2575 	if (!HasRepeatRule() && !HasSporadicDates())
  2576 		{
  2577 		User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
  2578 		}
  2580 	if (HasRepeatRule() && !HasSporadicDates())
  2581 		{
  2582 		return iRRule->UntilTimeL(); 
  2583 		}
  2584 	else if (!HasRepeatRule() && HasSporadicDates())
  2585 		{
  2586 		return (*iSporadicDates)[iSporadicDates->Count() - 1]; 
  2587 		}
  2589 	// has both rule and rdates	
  2590 	const TAgnCalendarTime& KRuleLastDate = iRRule->UntilTimeL();   
  2591 	const TAgnCalendarTime& KRdateLastDate = (*iSporadicDates)[iSporadicDates->Count() - 1]; 
  2592 	return KRuleLastDate > KRdateLastDate ? KRuleLastDate : KRdateLastDate;
  2593 	}
  2595 EXPORT_C void CAgnRptDef::SetRRuleL(const TAgnRpt& aRRule)
  2596 	{
  2597 	CreateRptObjectL(aRRule);
  2598 	}
  2600 /** Create a Repeat Rule of the appropriate repeat rule type operator.
  2601 @param aRRule  Repeat details. */
  2602 void CAgnRptDef::CreateRptObjectL(const TAgnRpt& aRRule)
  2603 	{
  2604 	delete iRRule;
  2605 	iRRule = NULL;
  2607 	switch (aRRule.Type())
  2608 		{
  2609 		case TAgnRpt::EDaily:			
  2610 			iRRule = new (ELeave) TAgnDailyRpt( static_cast<const TAgnDailyRpt&>(aRRule), *this );
  2611 			break;
  2613 		case TAgnRpt::EWeekly:			
  2614 			iRRule = new (ELeave) TAgnWeeklyRpt( static_cast<const TAgnWeeklyRpt&>(aRRule), *this );
  2615 			break;
  2617 		case TAgnRpt::EMonthlyByDays:	
  2618 			iRRule = new (ELeave) TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt( static_cast<const TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt&>(aRRule), *this );
  2619 			break;
  2621 		case TAgnRpt::EMonthlyByDates:	
  2622 			iRRule = new (ELeave) TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt( static_cast<const TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt&>(aRRule), *this );
  2623 			break;
  2625 		case TAgnRpt::EYearlyByDate:		
  2626 			iRRule = new (ELeave) TAgnYearlyByDateRpt( static_cast<const TAgnYearlyByDateRpt&>(aRRule), *this );
  2627 			break;
  2629 		case TAgnRpt::EYearlyByDay:		
  2630 			iRRule = new (ELeave) TAgnYearlyByDayRpt( static_cast<const TAgnYearlyByDayRpt&>(aRRule), *this );
  2631 			break;
  2633 		default:
  2634 			{
  2635 			_DBGLOG_ENTRY(AgmDebug::DebugLog("CAgnRptDef: Panic - EAgmErrInvalidRptType");)
  2636 			DBG_PANIC(EAgmErrInvalidRptType);
  2637 			break;
  2638 			}	
  2639 		}
  2640 	}
  2642 void CAgnRptDef::CreateRptObjectL(TAgnRpt::TType aType)
  2643 //
  2644 // Creates an object of the appropriate repeat rule type
  2645 // operator.
  2646 //
  2647 	{
  2648 	delete iRRule;
  2649 	iRRule = NULL;
  2651 	switch (aType)
  2652 		{
  2653 		case TAgnRpt::EDaily:			
  2654 			iRRule = new (ELeave) TAgnDailyRpt(*this);
  2655 			break;
  2657 		case TAgnRpt::EWeekly:			
  2658 			iRRule = new (ELeave) TAgnWeeklyRpt(*this);
  2659 			break;
  2661 		case TAgnRpt::EMonthlyByDays:	
  2662 			iRRule = new (ELeave) TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt(*this);
  2663 			break;
  2665 		case TAgnRpt::EMonthlyByDates:	
  2666 			iRRule = new (ELeave) TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt(*this);
  2667 			break;
  2669 		case TAgnRpt::EYearlyByDate:		
  2670 			iRRule = new (ELeave) TAgnYearlyByDateRpt(*this);
  2671 			break;
  2673 		case TAgnRpt::EYearlyByDay:		
  2674 			iRRule = new (ELeave) TAgnYearlyByDayRpt(*this);
  2675 			break;
  2677 		default:
  2678 			{
  2679 			_DBGLOG_ENTRY(AgmDebug::DebugLog("CAgnRptDef: Panic - EAgmErrInvalidRptType");)
  2680 			DBG_PANIC(EAgmErrInvalidRptType);
  2681 			break;
  2682 			}
  2683 		}
  2685 	}
  2687 EXPORT_C CAgnRptDef* CAgnRptDef::NewL(const CAgnSimpleEntry& aOwningEntry)
  2688 /** Allocates and constructs a repeat definition.
  2690 @internalComponent
  2691 @return Pointer to the created repeat definition. */
  2692 	{
  2693 	return new (ELeave) CAgnRptDef(aOwningEntry);
  2694 	}
  2696 EXPORT_C CAgnRptDef::~CAgnRptDef()
  2697 /** Frees all resources owned by the repeat definition, prior to 
  2698 its destruction. 
  2700 @internalComponent
  2701 */
  2702 	{
  2703 	delete iRRule;
  2704 	delete iTimeZone;
  2706 	ClearTimeArray(iSporadicDates);
  2707 	ClearTimeArray(iExceptions);
  2708 	}
  2710 EXPORT_C void CAgnRptDef::AddExceptionL(const TAgnCalendarTime& aException)
  2711 /** Adds an exception to the list of exceptions (first creating the exception list 
  2712 if necessary).
  2714 @internalComponent
  2715 @param aException The exception to add to the list. */
  2716 	{
  2717 	TAgnCalendarTime exceptionToAdd = aException;
  2719 	// MS Outlook exports exception dates without time information, i.e. time is reset to midnight.
  2720 	// Need to nudge to see if a date occurs on that day.
  2721 	if (!IsAnInstanceL(aException.LocalL()))
  2722 		{
  2723 		TTime exDateUtc = aException.UtcL();
  2724 		TTime actualInstanceTimeUtc;
  2725 		if (NudgeNextInstanceUtcL(exDateUtc, actualInstanceTimeUtc))
  2726 			{
  2727 			TTime exDateRepeatLocal = ConvertFromUtcToRepeatLocalL(exDateUtc);
  2728 			TTime actualInstanceTimeRepeatLocal = ConvertFromUtcToRepeatLocalL(actualInstanceTimeUtc);
  2730 			// Only change exception date if nudged date is the same date in repeat local time
  2731 			if (AgnDateTime::DaysBetweenDates(actualInstanceTimeRepeatLocal, exDateRepeatLocal) == 0)
  2732 				{
  2733 				if (aException.TimeMode() != MAgnCalendarTimeMode::EFloating)
  2734 					{
  2735 					exceptionToAdd.SetUtcL(actualInstanceTimeUtc);
  2736 					}
  2737 				else
  2738 					{
  2739 					exceptionToAdd.SetFloatingL(actualInstanceTimeRepeatLocal);
  2740 					}
  2741 				}
  2742 			}
  2743 		}
  2745 	if (IsAnInstanceL(exceptionToAdd.LocalL()))
  2746 		{
  2747 		EnsureTimeArrayExistsL(iExceptions);
  2748 		TAgnCalendarTime::InsertInOrderL(*iExceptions, exceptionToAdd);
  2749 		}
  2750 	}
  2752 EXPORT_C void CAgnRptDef::PruneExceptionsL()
  2753 /** Removes any exceptions which do not occur on instances
  2754 @internalComponent
  2755 */
  2756 	{
  2757 	if (iExceptions)
  2758 		{
  2759 		// iterate through exceptions in reverse order so that removing exceptions doesn't upset the order
  2760 		for (TInt i = iExceptions->Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
  2761 			{
  2762 			const TAgnCalendarTime& KException = (*iExceptions)[i];
  2763 			if ( ! IsAnInstanceL(KException.LocalL()))
  2764 				{
  2765 				iExceptions->Remove(i);
  2766 				}
  2767 			}
  2768 		if (iExceptions->Count() == 0)
  2769 			{
  2770 			iExceptions->Close();
  2771 			delete iExceptions;
  2772 			iExceptions = NULL;
  2773 			}
  2774 		}
  2775 	}
  2777 EXPORT_C TBool CAgnRptDef::FindException(const TAgnCalendarTime& aException) const
  2778 /** Tests whether aException is in the exceptions list.
  2780 @internalComponent
  2781 @param aException The exception.
  2782 @return ETrue = present, otherwise EFalse. */
  2783 	{
  2785 	if (iExceptions)
  2786 		{
  2787 		if (iExceptions->Find(aException) != KErrNotFound)
  2788 			{
  2789 			return ETrue;
  2790 			}
  2791 		}
  2792 	return EFalse;
  2793 	}
  2795 EXPORT_C void CAgnRptDef::ClearTimeArray(RArray<TAgnCalendarTime>*& aTimeArray)
  2796 	{
  2797 	if (aTimeArray)
  2798 		{
  2799 		aTimeArray->Reset();
  2800 		delete aTimeArray;
  2801 		aTimeArray = NULL;
  2802 		}
  2803 	}
  2805 EXPORT_C void CAgnRptDef::RemoveAllExceptions()
  2806 /** Removes all the exceptions from the exception list. 
  2808 @internalComponent
  2809 */
  2810 	{
  2811 	ClearTimeArray(iExceptions);
  2812 	}
  2814 void CAgnRptDef::CopyTimeArrayL(const RArray<TAgnCalendarTime>* aSource, RArray<TAgnCalendarTime>*& aDestination)
  2815 	{
  2816 	ClearTimeArray(aDestination);
  2818 	if (aSource)
  2819 		{
  2820 		EnsureTimeArrayExistsL(aDestination);
  2822 		const TInt KNumTimes = aSource->Count();
  2823 		for (TInt i = 0; i < KNumTimes; ++i)
  2824 			{
  2825 			TAgnCalendarTime::InsertInOrderL(*aDestination, (*aSource)[i]);
  2826 			}
  2827 		}
  2828 	}
  2830 void CAgnRptDef::EnsureTimeArrayExistsL(RArray<TAgnCalendarTime>*& aTimeArray)
  2831 	{
  2832 	if ( ! aTimeArray)
  2833 		{
  2834 		aTimeArray = new (ELeave) RArray<TAgnCalendarTime>;
  2835 		}
  2836 	}
  2838 EXPORT_C void CAgnRptDef::AddSporadicDateL(const TAgnCalendarTime& aSporadicDate)
  2839 /** Adds a sporadic date to the list of sporadic dates (first creating the sporadic date list 
  2840 if necessary).
  2842 @internalComponent
  2843 @param aSporadicDate The sporadic date to add to the list. */
  2844 	{
  2845 	EnsureTimeArrayExistsL(iSporadicDates);
  2846 	TAgnCalendarTime::InsertInOrderL(*iSporadicDates, aSporadicDate);
  2847 	}
  2849 TInt CAgnRptDef::FindSporadicDate(const TAgnCalendarTime& aSporadicDate) const
  2850 /** Tests whether aSporadicDate is in the sporadic dates list, using the sporadic date 
  2851 as the find key.
  2853 @internalComponent
  2854 @param aSporadicDate The sporadic dates.
  2855 @return ETrue = present, otherwise EFalse. */
  2856 	{
  2857 	if (iSporadicDates)
  2858 		{
  2859 		return iSporadicDates->Find(aSporadicDate);
  2860 		}
  2861 	return KErrNotFound;
  2862 	}
  2864 void CAgnRptDef::RemoveSporadicDate(const TAgnCalendarTime& aSporadicDate)
  2865 /** Removes a sporadic date from the sporadic date list. 
  2867 If it is the last sporadic date in the list, the list is deleted.
  2869 @internalComponent
  2870 @param aSporadicDate The sporadic date to be removed.
  2871 @return ETrue if the sporadic date was found and removed, otherwise EFalse. */
  2872 	{
  2874 	if (iSporadicDates)
  2875 		{
  2876 		TInt pos = FindSporadicDate(aSporadicDate);
  2877 		if (pos != KErrNotFound)
  2878 			{
  2879 			iSporadicDates->Remove(pos);
  2880 			if (iSporadicDates->Count() == 0)
  2881 				{
  2882 				ClearTimeArray(iSporadicDates);
  2883 				}
  2884 			}
  2885 	   }
  2886 	}
  2888 EXPORT_C void CAgnRptDef::RemoveAllSporadicDates()
  2889 /** Removes all the sporadic dates from the sporadic date list. 
  2891 @internalComponent
  2892 */
  2893 	{
  2894 	ClearTimeArray(iSporadicDates);
  2895 	}
  2897 EXPORT_C void CAgnRptDef::CopyL(const CAgnRptDef& aRptDef)
  2898 /** Copies the contents of a repeat definition into this object.
  2900 @internalComponent
  2901 @param aRRule Pointer to the item to be copied. */
  2902 	{
  2903 	if (aRptDef.HasRepeatRule())
  2904 		{
  2905 		CreateRptObjectL(*aRptDef.iRRule);		
  2906 		}
  2908 	CopyTimeArrayL(aRptDef.iExceptions, iExceptions);
  2909 	CopyTimeArrayL(aRptDef.iSporadicDates, iSporadicDates);
  2911 	if (aRptDef.iTimeZone != NULL)
  2912 		{
  2913 		if(iTimeZone == NULL)
  2914 			{
  2915 			iTimeZone = aRptDef.iTimeZone->CloneL(); 
  2916 			}
  2917 		else
  2918 			{
  2919 			iTimeZone->CopyL(*aRptDef.iTimeZone);
  2920 			}
  2921 		TimeZoneChangedL();
  2922 		}
  2923 	else
  2924 		{
  2925 		ResetTimeZone();
  2926 		}
  2927 	}
  2929 void CAgnRptDef::ResetTimeZone()
  2930 	{
  2931 	delete iTimeZone;
  2932 	iTimeZone = NULL;
  2934 	if (iRRule)
  2935 		{
  2936 		iRRule->ResetCachedStartTimeOffset();
  2937 		iRRule->ResetCachedUntilTimeOffset();
  2938 		}
  2939 	}
  2941 TBool CAgnRptDef::operator==(const CAgnRptDef& aRptDef) const
  2942 /** Compares two repeat definitions for equality. 
  2944 This compares all repeat details, the repeat type and the exception list.
  2946 @internalComponent
  2947 @param aRRule The repeat definition.
  2948 @return True if complete definitions agree, otherwise False. */
  2949 	{
  2951 	if (HasRepeatRule() && !aRptDef.HasRepeatRule() || !HasRepeatRule() && aRptDef.HasRepeatRule())
  2952 		{
  2953 		return EFalse;
  2954 		}
  2956 	if (aRptDef.HasRepeatRule())
  2957 		{
  2958 		if (Type() != aRptDef.Type())
  2959 			{
  2960 			return EFalse;
  2961 			}
  2963 		switch (Type())
  2964 			{
  2965 			case TAgnRpt::EDaily:
  2966 				{
  2967 				const TAgnDailyRpt* d1 = static_cast<const TAgnDailyRpt*>(RRule());
  2968 				const TAgnDailyRpt* d2 = static_cast<const TAgnDailyRpt*>(aRptDef.RRule());
  2969 				if (!(*d1 == *d2)) return EFalse;
  2970 				}
  2971 				break;
  2972 			case TAgnRpt::EWeekly: 
  2973 				{
  2974 				const TAgnWeeklyRpt* w1 = static_cast<const TAgnWeeklyRpt*>(RRule());
  2975 				const TAgnWeeklyRpt* w2 = static_cast<const TAgnWeeklyRpt*>(aRptDef.RRule());
  2976 				if (!(*w1 == *w2)) return EFalse;
  2977 				}
  2978 				break;
  2979 			case TAgnRpt::EMonthlyByDays: 
  2980 				{
  2981 				const TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt* mp1 = static_cast<const TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt*>(RRule());
  2982 				const TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt* mp2 = static_cast<const TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt*>(aRptDef.RRule());
  2983 				if (!(*mp1 == *mp2)) return EFalse;
  2984 				}
  2985 				break;
  2986 			case TAgnRpt::EMonthlyByDates: 
  2987 				{
  2988 				const TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt* md1 = static_cast<const TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt*>(RRule());
  2989 				const TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt* md2 = static_cast<const TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt*>(aRptDef.RRule());
  2990 				if (!(*md1 == *md2)) return EFalse;
  2991 				}
  2992 				break;
  2993 			case TAgnRpt::EYearlyByDay: 
  2994 				{
  2995 				const TAgnYearlyByDayRpt* yp1 = static_cast<const TAgnYearlyByDayRpt*>(RRule());
  2996 				const TAgnYearlyByDayRpt* yp2 = static_cast<const TAgnYearlyByDayRpt*>(aRptDef.RRule());
  2997 				if (!(*yp1 == *yp2)) return EFalse;
  2998 				}
  2999 				break;
  3000 			case TAgnRpt::EYearlyByDate: 
  3001 				{
  3002 				const TAgnYearlyByDateRpt* yd1 = static_cast<const TAgnYearlyByDateRpt*>(RRule());
  3003 				const TAgnYearlyByDateRpt* yd2 = static_cast<const TAgnYearlyByDateRpt*>(aRptDef.RRule());
  3004 				if (!(*yd1 == *yd2)) return EFalse;
  3005 				}
  3006 				break;
  3007 			}
  3008 		}
  3010 	if ( ! TAgnCalendarTime::CompareTimeArrays(Exceptions(), aRptDef.Exceptions()) )
  3011 		{
  3012 		return EFalse;
  3013 		}
  3015 	if ( ! TAgnCalendarTime::CompareTimeArrays(SporadicDateList(), aRptDef.SporadicDateList()) )
  3016 		{
  3017 		return EFalse;
  3018 		}
  3020 	return ETrue;
  3021 	}
  3023 TInt CAgnRptDef::InvariantL() const
  3024 /**
  3025 Check that the rpt doesn't violate its invariants
  3026 @internalComponent
  3027 */
  3028 	{
  3029 	// accept as valid if iRRule has not yet been set	
  3030 	if (iRRule == NULL)
  3031 		{
  3032 		return KErrNone;
  3033 		}
  3035 	if (iRRule->InvariantL()==KErrNone)
  3036 		{
  3037  		return (KErrNone);
  3038 		}
  3040 	return (EAgmErrBadRepeat);
  3041 	}
  3045 EXPORT_C void CAgnRptDef::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream, TBool aToBuffer)
  3046 /** Externalises the repeat definition to a write stream.
  3048 @internalComponent
  3049 @param aStream Stream to which the object should be externalised. */
  3050 	{
  3051 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(InvariantL()==KErrNone, User::Leave(EAgmErrBadRepeat));
  3053     // Repeat Rule
  3054 	if (HasRepeatRule())
  3055 		{
  3056 		aStream.WriteUint8L(ETrue);
  3057 		aStream.WriteUint8L(Type());
  3058 		aStream << *iRRule;	
  3059 		}
  3060 	else
  3061 		{
  3062 		aStream.WriteUint8L(EFalse);
  3063 		}	
  3065 	// Exceptions
  3066 	if (iExceptions)
  3067 		{
  3068 		aStream.WriteUint8L(ETrue);
  3069 		TAgnCalendarTime::ExternalizeTimeArrayL(*iExceptions, aStream);
  3070 		}
  3071 	else
  3072 		{
  3073 		aStream.WriteUint8L(EFalse);
  3074 		}
  3076 	// Sporadic Dates
  3077 	if (iSporadicDates)
  3078 		{
  3079 		aStream.WriteUint8L(ETrue);
  3080 		TAgnCalendarTime::ExternalizeTimeArrayL(*iSporadicDates, aStream);
  3081 		}
  3082 	else
  3083 		{
  3084 		aStream.WriteUint8L(EFalse);
  3085 		}
  3087   	if (TimeMode() == MAgnCalendarTimeMode::EFloating)
  3088   		{// no timezone rule for floating time mode
  3089 	   	aStream.WriteUint8L(EFalse);
  3090   		}
  3091   	else
  3092   		{
  3093 	  	if (iTimeZone == NULL)
  3094 	  		{	// Set time Zone for fixed time mode
  3095 	  		SetTimeZoneL();
  3096 	  		}
  3098 	   	aStream.WriteUint8L(ETrue);
  3099 	   	if(aToBuffer)
  3100 	   		{
  3101 	   		iTimeZone->WriteToBufferL(aStream);
  3102 	   		}
  3103 	   	else
  3104 	   		{
  3105 	   		iTimeZone->ExternalizeL(aStream);
  3106 	   		}
  3107   		}
  3108 	}
  3110 void CAgnRptDef::InternalizeRepeatRuleL(RReadStream& aStream)
  3111 	{
  3112 	TBool hasRepeatRule = aStream.ReadUint8L();
  3114 	// Repeat Rule
  3115 	if (hasRepeatRule)
  3116 		{
  3117 		TAgnRpt::TType type = static_cast<TAgnRpt::TType>(aStream.ReadUint8L());
  3119 		if (type < TAgnRpt::EDaily || type > TAgnRpt::EYearlyByDay)
  3120 			{
  3121 			User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
  3122 			}
  3124 		CreateRptObjectL(type);
  3125 		aStream >> *iRRule;
  3126 		}
  3127 	}
  3129 void CAgnRptDef::InternalizeExceptionsL(RReadStream& aStream)
  3130 	{
  3131 	ClearTimeArray(iExceptions);
  3133 	if (aStream.ReadUint8L())
  3134 		{
  3135 		EnsureTimeArrayExistsL(iExceptions);
  3136 		TAgnCalendarTime::InternalizeTimeArrayL(*iExceptions, aStream);
  3137 		}
  3138 	}
  3140 void CAgnRptDef::InternalizeSporadicDatesL(RReadStream& aStream)
  3141 	{
  3142 	ClearTimeArray(iSporadicDates);
  3144 	if (aStream.ReadUint8L())
  3145 		{
  3146 		EnsureTimeArrayExistsL(iSporadicDates);
  3147 		TAgnCalendarTime::InternalizeTimeArrayL(*iSporadicDates, aStream);
  3148 		}
  3149 	}
  3151 void CAgnRptDef::InternalizeTimeZoneL(RReadStream& aStream, TBool aFromBuffer)
  3152 	{
  3153 	// Time Zone
  3154 	TBool hasTimeZone = aStream.ReadUint8L();
  3155 	ResetTimeZone();
  3157 	if(hasTimeZone)
  3158 		{
  3159 		iTimeZone = CAgnTzRules::NewL(aStream, aFromBuffer);
  3160 		TimeZoneChangedL();
  3161 		}
  3162 	}
  3164 EXPORT_C void CAgnRptDef::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream, TBool aFromBuffer)
  3165 /** Internalises the repeat definition from a read stream, including type, repeat 
  3166 details and exception list.
  3168 @internalComponent
  3169 @param aStream Stream from which the object should be internalised. */
  3170 	{
  3171     InternalizeRepeatRuleL(aStream);
  3172     InternalizeExceptionsL(aStream);
  3173     InternalizeSporadicDatesL(aStream);
  3174     InternalizeTimeZoneL(aStream, aFromBuffer);	
  3176 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(InvariantL()==KErrNone, User::Leave(KErrCorrupt));
  3177 	}
  3180 EXPORT_C TUint CAgnRptDef::InstanceCountL() const
  3181 /** Gets the number of repeat instances generated by the repeat algorithm, including 
  3182 excepted instances.
  3184 @internalComponent
  3185 @return The number of repeat instances. */
  3186 	{
  3187 	TInt total((0));
  3189 	if (HasRepeatRule())
  3190 		{
  3191 		total = iRRule->InstanceCountL();
  3192 		}
  3193 	else
  3194 		{
  3195 		total = 1;//count DtStart if there is no Repeat Rule
  3196 		}
  3198 	if (HasSporadicDates())
  3199 		{
  3200 		total = total + iSporadicDates->Count();
  3201 		}
  3203 	return total;
  3204 	}
  3207 EXPORT_C TBool CAgnRptDef::IsAnUnexceptedInstanceL(const TTime& aDate) const
  3208 /** Tests whether aDate falls on an instance generated from the repeat algorithm or a sporadic date
  3209 which is not excepted.
  3211 @internalComponent
  3212 @param aDate The system local date to be checked, expressed as Current System Local Time
  3213 @return True = the date falls on a non excepted instance, otherwise False. */
  3214 	{
  3215 	// IsAnInstanceL() is exported, so it takes System Local Times.
  3216 	if (!IsAnInstanceL(aDate))
  3217 		{
  3218 		return EFalse;
  3219 		}
  3220 	// FindException() is exported, so it takes System Local Times.//	
  3221 	TAgnCalendarTime exceptionToFind;
  3222 	if (TimeMode() == MAgnCalendarTimeMode::EFloating)
  3223 		{
  3224 		exceptionToFind.SetFloatingL(aDate);
  3225 		}
  3226 	else
  3227 		{
  3228 		exceptionToFind.SetLocalL(aDate);
  3229 		}
  3230 	if (FindException(exceptionToFind))  
  3231 		{
  3232 		return EFalse;
  3233 		}
  3235 	return ETrue;
  3236 	}
  3239 EXPORT_C TBool CAgnRptDef::IsAnInstanceL(const TTime& aDate) const
  3240 /** Tests whether aDate (System local time) falls on an instance generated from the repeat algorithm or on a sporadic date 
  3241 including excepted items. 
  3243 Note: this function is not intended to be called by a view.
  3245 @internalComponent
  3246 @param aDate The date to be checked, expressed as System Local Time
  3247 @return True = date falls on an instance, otherwise False. */
  3248 	{
  3249 	return IsASporadicDateInstanceL(aDate) || IsARepeatRuleDateInstanceL(aDate) || (aDate == StartTime().LocalL());
  3250 	}
  3252 EXPORT_C TBool CAgnRptDef::NudgeNextInstanceL(const TTime& aLocalDate, TTime& aLocalNext, TBool aCheckUnexcepted) const
  3253 /** Tests whether there is another repeat instance date after aDate (System local time), including excepted 
  3254 instances and Sporadic Dates. 
  3256 If there is, it returns ETrue and sets aNext to it. If not, it returns 
  3257 EFalse and sets aNext to the last valid instance date. If aDate is a valid 
  3258 instance, then aNext is set to it, not the next instance.
  3260 For example:
  3262 If repeat instances fall on 10th Jan and 20th Jan, then if aDate = 10th Jan, 
  3263 this function returns ETrue and sets aNext to 10th Jan. If aDate = 11th to 19th Jan, 
  3264 it  returns ETrue and sets aNext to 20th Jan. If aDate = 21st Jan, it returns EFalse 
  3265 and sets aNext to 20th Jan.
  3267 This function can leave.
  3269 @internalComponent
  3270 @param aDate The date, expressed as System Local Time
  3271 @param aNext On return contains the date (in System Local Time) of the next instance if there is one, 
  3272 or if not, the last valid instance date
  3273 @return True if there is a next instance, otherwise False. */
  3274     {
  3275 	TTime utcDate = AgnDateTime::ConvertToUtcTimeL(aLocalDate) + TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(1);
  3277 	TBool retVal = NudgeInstanceForwardsUtcL(utcDate, aLocalNext, aCheckUnexcepted);
  3279 	if (retVal)
  3280 		{			
  3281 		aLocalNext = AgnDateTime::ConvertToLocalTimeL(aLocalNext);	
  3282 		}
  3284 	return retVal;
  3285 	}
  3287 TBool CAgnRptDef::NudgeInstanceForwardsUtcL(const TTime& aUtcDate, TTime& aUtcNext, TBool aCheckExcepted) const 
  3288 	{
  3289 	TBool retValue((EFalse));
  3291 	// If there is a Rpt Rule and No Sporadic Dates
  3292 	if (iRRule && !HasSporadicDates())
  3293 		{
  3294 		retValue = NudgeNextRepeatInstanceUtcL(aUtcDate, aUtcNext, aCheckExcepted);
  3295 		}
  3296 	// else if there are Sporadic Dates and no Rpt Rule	
  3297 	else if (!iRRule && HasSporadicDates())	
  3298 		{
  3299 		retValue = NudgeNextSporadicInstanceUtcL(aUtcDate, aUtcNext, aCheckExcepted);
  3300 		const TAgnCalendarTime& KFirstInstanceUtc = StartTime();
  3301 		if (aUtcDate <= KFirstInstanceUtc.UtcL() && 
  3302 			(KFirstInstanceUtc.UtcL() < aUtcNext || retValue == EFalse))
  3303 			{
  3304 			if ( ! FindException(KFirstInstanceUtc))
  3305 				{
  3306 				aUtcNext = KFirstInstanceUtc.UtcL();
  3307 				retValue = ETrue;
  3308 				}
  3309 			}
  3310 		}
  3311 	else if (iRRule && HasSporadicDates()) // there are both Sporadic Dates and a Rule	
  3312 		{
  3313 		TTime rptNext;
  3314 		TBool rptHasNext = NudgeNextRepeatInstanceUtcL(aUtcDate, rptNext, aCheckExcepted);
  3316 		TTime sporadicNext;
  3317 		TBool sporadicHasNext = NudgeNextSporadicInstanceUtcL(aUtcDate, sporadicNext, aCheckExcepted);
  3319 		if (sporadicHasNext && !rptHasNext)
  3320 			{
  3321 			aUtcNext = sporadicNext;
  3322 			retValue = ETrue;
  3323 			}
  3324 		else if (!sporadicHasNext && rptHasNext)
  3325 			{
  3326 			aUtcNext = rptNext;
  3327 			retValue = ETrue;
  3328 			}
  3329 		else if (sporadicHasNext && rptHasNext) //  both have a next instance. Return the valid date closest to aDate 
  3330 			{
  3331 			aUtcNext = sporadicNext < rptNext ? sporadicNext : rptNext; 
  3332 			retValue = ETrue;
  3333 			}
  3334 		else  // neither has a next instance return EFalse  
  3335 			{			 
  3336 			retValue = EFalse;			
  3337 			}		
  3338 		}		
  3339 	return retValue;				
  3340 	}
  3343 TBool CAgnRptDef::NudgeNextRepeatInstanceUtcL(const TTime& aUtcDate, TTime& aUtcNext, TBool aConsiderExceptions) const
  3344 	{
  3345 	if (aUtcDate > iRRule->UntilTimeL().UtcL())
  3346 		{
  3347 		return (EFalse);
  3348 		}
  3350 	return aConsiderExceptions ? NudgeNextUnexceptedRepeatInstanceUtcL(aUtcDate, aUtcNext) : NudgeNextRepeatInstanceToNextValidInstanceUtcL(aUtcDate, aUtcNext);		
  3351 	}
  3354 TBool CAgnRptDef::NudgeNextRepeatInstanceToNextValidInstanceUtcL(const TTime& aUtcDate, TTime& aUtcNext) const
  3355 	{
  3356 	if (aUtcDate < StartTime().UtcL())
  3357 		{
  3358 		aUtcNext = iRRule->NudgeNextInstanceUtcL(StartTime().UtcL());	
  3359 		}
  3360 	else
  3361 		{
  3362 		aUtcNext = iRRule->NudgeNextInstanceUtcL(aUtcDate);	
  3363 		}	
  3365 	// if this is a valid instance that is the same as the one passed to the repeat rule's nudge
  3366 	if (aUtcNext != Time::NullTTime() && aUtcNext < aUtcDate)
  3367 		{
  3368 		return EFalse;
  3369 		}
  3371 	return aUtcNext != Time::NullTTime() && aUtcNext <= iRRule->UntilTimeL().UtcL() && aUtcNext >= StartTime().UtcL();		
  3372 	}
  3375 TBool CAgnRptDef::NudgePreviousRepeatInstanceToPreviousValidInstanceUtcL(const TTime& aUtcDate, TTime& aUtcPrev) const
  3376 	{
  3377 	TTime dateUtc = aUtcDate;
  3378 	if (aUtcDate > iRRule->UntilTimeL().UtcL())
  3379 		{
  3380 		dateUtc = iRRule->UntilTimeL().UtcL();
  3381 		}
  3383 	aUtcPrev = iRRule->NudgePreviousInstanceUtcL(dateUtc);		
  3385 	// if this is a valid instance, check that this is previous (time-wise)
  3386 	if (aUtcPrev != Time::NullTTime() && aUtcPrev > aUtcDate)   
  3387 		{
  3388 		return EFalse;
  3389 		}	
  3391 	return aUtcPrev != Time::NullTTime() && aUtcPrev <= iRRule->UntilTimeL().UtcL() && aUtcPrev >= StartTime().UtcL();		
  3392 	}
  3394 TBool CAgnRptDef::NudgeNextUnexceptedRepeatInstanceUtcL(const TTime& aUtcDate, TTime& aUtcNext) const
  3395 	{
  3396 	TTime currentDate = aUtcDate;
  3397 	if (currentDate < StartTime().UtcL())
  3398 		{
  3399 		currentDate = StartTime().UtcL();
  3400 		}
  3402 	TTime tmpLocalTime;	
  3403 	TTime next = aUtcNext;
  3404 	FOREVER
  3405 		{
  3406 		if (!NudgeNextRepeatInstanceToNextValidInstanceUtcL(currentDate, next))
  3407 			{
  3408 			return EFalse;
  3409 			}
  3411 		TAgnCalendarTime candidateException;
  3412 		if (TimeMode() == MAgnCalendarTimeMode::EFloating)
  3413 			{
  3414 			candidateException.SetFloatingL(AgnDateTime::ConvertToLocalTimeL(next));
  3415 			}
  3416 		else
  3417 			{
  3418 			candidateException.SetUtcL(next);
  3419 			}
  3420 		if (FindException(candidateException))
  3421 			{
  3422 			tmpLocalTime = AgnDateTime::ConvertToLocalTimeL(currentDate);
  3423 			tmpLocalTime += static_cast<TTimeIntervalDays>(1);
  3424 			currentDate = AgnDateTime::ConvertToUtcTimeL(tmpLocalTime);
  3425 			}
  3426 		else
  3427 			{
  3428 			aUtcNext = next;
  3429 			return ETrue;
  3430 			}
  3431 		}	
  3432 	}
  3435 // aCheckExcepted indicates that sporadic dates that have exceptions are not to be considered as candidates
  3436 TBool CAgnRptDef::NudgeNextSporadicInstanceUtcL(const TTime& aUtcDate, TTime& aUtcNext, TBool aCheckExcepted) const
  3437 	{
  3438 	TAgnCalendarTime utcDate;
  3439 	utcDate.SetUtcL(aUtcDate);
  3440 	TBool retVal((EFalse));
  3441 	TBool moreCandidates((ETrue));
  3442 	TInt bestMatchPos((KErrNotFound));			
  3443 	TInt pos((iSporadicDates->Count() - 1));
  3445 	while (moreCandidates && pos >= 0)
  3446 		{
  3447 		// if the date is less than the sporadic array[pos] date
  3448 		moreCandidates = (utcDate <= (*iSporadicDates)[pos--]);
  3450 		// if the sporadic array[pos] date is later than the KDate and if we are checking exceptions it is not excepted
  3451 		const TAgnCalendarTime& KExceptionToFind = (*iSporadicDates)[pos + 1];
  3452 		if (moreCandidates && !(aCheckExcepted && FindException(KExceptionToFind)))
  3453 			{
  3454 			bestMatchPos = pos + 1;
  3455 			}	
  3456 		}
  3458     if (bestMatchPos != KErrNotFound)
  3459         {
  3460         retVal = ETrue; 
  3461         aUtcNext = (*iSporadicDates)[bestMatchPos].UtcL();
  3462         }
  3464 	return retVal;
  3465 	}
  3468 EXPORT_C TBool CAgnRptDef::NudgePreviousUnexceptedInstanceL(const TTime& aLocalDate, TTime& aLocalPrev) const
  3469 /** Tests whether there is a repeat instance or sporadic date before aDate. 
  3471 If there is, it returns ETrue and sets aNext to it. If not, it returns EFalse 
  3472 and sets aNext to the last valid instance date. If aDate is a valid instance, 
  3473 then aNext is set to it, not the next instance.
  3475 This function can leave.
  3477 For example:
  3479 If repeat instances fall on 10th Jan and 20th Jan, then if aDate = 20th Jan, 
  3480 it returns ETrue and sets aNext to 20th Jan. If aDate = 11th to 19th Jan, it 
  3481 returns ETrue and sets aNext to 10th Jan. If aDate = 9th Jan, it returns EFalse 
  3482 and sets aNext to 10th Jan.
  3484 @internalComponent
  3485 @param aDate The date (System Local Time).
  3486 @param aPrev On return contains the date (System Local Time) of the previous instance if there 
  3487 is one, otherwise the first valid instance date.
  3488 @return True if there is a previous instance, otherwise false. */
  3489 	{
  3490 	TTime utcDate = AgnDateTime::ConvertToUtcTimeL(aLocalDate) - TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(1);
  3492 	TBool retVal = NudgeInstanceBackwardsUtcL(utcDate, aLocalPrev, ETrue);
  3494 	if (retVal)
  3495 		{
  3496 		aLocalPrev = AgnDateTime::ConvertToLocalTimeL(aLocalPrev);	
  3497 		}
  3499 	return retVal;	  
  3500 	}
  3503 TBool CAgnRptDef::NudgeInstanceBackwardsUtcL(const TTime& aUtcDate, TTime& aUtcPrev, TBool aCheckExcepted) const
  3504 	{
  3505 	TBool retValue((EFalse));
  3506 	// If there is a Rpt Rule and No Sporadic Dates
  3507 	if (iRRule && !HasSporadicDates())
  3508 		{
  3509 		retValue = NudgePreviousRepeatInstanceUtcL(aUtcDate, aUtcPrev, aCheckExcepted);
  3510 		}
  3511 	// else if there are Sporadic Dates and no Rpt Rule	
  3512 	else if (!iRRule && HasSporadicDates())	
  3513 		{
  3514 		retValue = NudgePreviousSporadicInstanceUtcL(aUtcDate, aUtcPrev, aCheckExcepted);
  3515 		const TAgnCalendarTime& KFirstInstanceUtc = StartTime();
  3516 		if (aUtcDate >= KFirstInstanceUtc.UtcL() && 
  3517 			(KFirstInstanceUtc.UtcL() > aUtcPrev || retValue == EFalse))
  3518 			{
  3519 			if (! FindException(KFirstInstanceUtc))
  3520 				{
  3521 				aUtcPrev = KFirstInstanceUtc.UtcL();
  3522 				retValue = ETrue;
  3523 				}
  3524 			}
  3525 		}
  3526 	else if (iRRule && HasSporadicDates())
  3527 		{
  3528 		// there are both Sporadic Dates and a Rule	
  3529 		TTime rptPrevUtc;
  3530 		TBool rptHasPrev = NudgePreviousRepeatInstanceUtcL(aUtcDate, rptPrevUtc, aCheckExcepted);
  3532 		TTime sporadicPrevUtc;
  3533 		TBool sporadicHasPrev = NudgePreviousSporadicInstanceUtcL(aUtcDate, sporadicPrevUtc, aCheckExcepted);
  3535 		if (sporadicHasPrev && !rptHasPrev)
  3536 			{
  3537 			aUtcPrev = sporadicPrevUtc;
  3538 			retValue = ETrue;
  3539 			}
  3540 		else if (!sporadicHasPrev && rptHasPrev)
  3541 			{
  3542 			aUtcPrev = rptPrevUtc;
  3543 			retValue = ETrue;
  3544 			}
  3545 		else if (sporadicHasPrev && rptHasPrev)	  //  both have a next instance. Return the valid date closest to aDate 
  3546 			{
  3547 			aUtcPrev = sporadicPrevUtc > rptPrevUtc ? sporadicPrevUtc : rptPrevUtc;
  3548 			retValue = ETrue; 
  3549 			}
  3550 		else   //  neither have a next instance (under some circumstances repeat rules do not produce aNext.  
  3551 		       // It is beleived that this is not used by the caller if this function returns EFalse
  3552 			{
  3553 			retValue = EFalse;
  3554 			}			
  3555 		}
  3556 	return retValue;	
  3557 	} 
  3559 TBool CAgnRptDef::NudgePreviousSporadicInstanceUtcL(const TTime& aUtcDate, TTime& aUtcPrev, TBool aCheckExcepted) const
  3560 	{
  3561 	TAgnCalendarTime utcTime;
  3562 	utcTime.SetUtcL(aUtcDate);
  3563 	const TInt KCount = iSporadicDates->Count();
  3564 	TBool retVal((EFalse));
  3565 	TBool moreCandidates((ETrue));
  3566 	TInt bestMatchPos((KErrNotFound));			
  3567 	TInt pos((0));
  3569 	while (moreCandidates && KCount > pos)
  3570 		{
  3571 		// if the date is more than the sporadic array[pos] date
  3572 		moreCandidates = (utcTime >= (*iSporadicDates)[pos++]);  
  3574 		// if the sporadic array[pos] date is less than the KDate and if we are checking exceptions and it is not excepted
  3575 		const TAgnCalendarTime& KExceptionToFind = (*iSporadicDates)[pos - 1];
  3576 		if (moreCandidates && !(aCheckExcepted && FindException(KExceptionToFind)))
  3577 			{
  3578 			bestMatchPos = pos - 1;
  3579 			}	
  3580 		}
  3582     if (bestMatchPos != KErrNotFound)
  3583         {
  3584         retVal = ETrue;
  3585         aUtcPrev = (*iSporadicDates)[bestMatchPos].UtcL();
  3586         }
  3588 	return retVal;		
  3589 	}
  3592 TBool CAgnRptDef::NudgePreviousRepeatInstanceUtcL(const TTime& aUtcDate, TTime& aUtcPrev, TBool aCheckExcepted) const
  3593 	{
  3594 	if (aUtcDate < StartTime().UtcL())
  3595 		{
  3596 		return EFalse;
  3597 		}
  3599 	return aCheckExcepted ? NudgePreviousUnexceptedRepeatInstanceUtcL(aUtcDate, aUtcPrev) : NudgePreviousRepeatInstanceToPreviousValidInstanceUtcL(aUtcDate, aUtcPrev);		
  3600 	}
  3603 TBool CAgnRptDef::NudgePreviousUnexceptedRepeatInstanceUtcL(const TTime& aUtcDate, TTime& aUtcPrev) const 
  3604 	{
  3605 	TTime fromUtc = aUtcDate;
  3606 	TTime prev = aUtcPrev;
  3607 	if (fromUtc > iRRule->UntilTimeL().UtcL())
  3608 		{
  3609 		fromUtc = iRRule->UntilTimeL().UtcL();
  3610 		}
  3611 	TTime tmpLocalTime;
  3612 	FOREVER
  3613 		{
  3614 		if (!NudgePreviousRepeatInstanceToPreviousValidInstanceUtcL(fromUtc, prev))
  3615 			{
  3616 			return EFalse;
  3617 			}
  3619 		TAgnCalendarTime candidateException;
  3620 		if (TimeMode() == MAgnCalendarTimeMode::EFloating)
  3621 			{
  3622 			candidateException.SetFloatingL(AgnDateTime::ConvertToLocalTimeL(prev));
  3623 			}
  3624 		else
  3625 			{
  3626 			candidateException.SetUtcL(prev);	
  3627 			}
  3628 		if ( ! FindException(candidateException))
  3629 			{
  3630 			aUtcPrev = prev;
  3631 			return ETrue;
  3632 			}
  3633 		else
  3634 			{
  3635 			tmpLocalTime = AgnDateTime::ConvertToLocalTimeL(fromUtc);
  3636 			tmpLocalTime -= static_cast<TTimeIntervalDays>(1);
  3637 			fromUtc = AgnDateTime::ConvertToUtcTimeL(tmpLocalTime);
  3638 			}
  3639 		}		 
  3640 	}
  3642 EXPORT_C TBool CAgnRptDef::NudgeNextInstanceUtcL(const TTime& aDayUtc, TTime& aNextUtc) const
  3643 /**
  3644 @internalComponent
  3645 */
  3646 	{
  3647 	TTime utcNext;
  3648 	TBool retVal = NudgeInstanceForwardsUtcL(aDayUtc, utcNext, EFalse);
  3649 	if (retVal)
  3650 		{
  3651 		aNextUtc = utcNext;
  3652 		}
  3653 	return retVal;	
  3654 	}
  3656 EXPORT_C TBool CAgnRptDef::NudgePreviousInstanceUtcL(const TTime& aDayUtc, TTime& aPrevUtc) const
  3657 /**
  3658 @internalComponent
  3659 */
  3660     {
  3661 	TTime utcPrev;
  3662 	TBool retVal = NudgeInstanceBackwardsUtcL(aDayUtc, utcPrev, EFalse);
  3663 	if (retVal)
  3664 		{
  3665 		aPrevUtc = utcPrev;
  3666 		}
  3667 	return retVal;	
  3668 	}
  3670 CAgnTlsProxy* CAgnRptDef::TimeZoneAccessor()
  3671 	{
  3672 	// The client session for the agenda server creates and stores the time
  3673 	// zone accessor (which contains a session to the TZ server) in TLS. As
  3674 	// long as this is called from the same trhead that created the session
  3675 	// we can use the TZ server contained in the TZ accessor stored in TLS.
  3676 	CAgnTlsProxy* timeZoneAccessor = static_cast<CAgnTlsProxy*>(Dll::Tls());
  3677 	return timeZoneAccessor;
  3678 	}
  3680 EXPORT_C void CAgnRptDef::SetTimeZoneL(const CTzRules& aTimeZone)
  3681 /** Sets the time zone to aTimeZone
  3683 @internalComponent
  3684 @param aTimeZone The time zone in which the repeat entry times are expressed. It contains a 
  3685 collection of time zone rules. */
  3686 	{
  3687 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(TimeMode() != MAgnCalendarTimeMode::EFloating, User::Leave(KErrNotSupported));
  3688 	ResetTimeZone();
  3689 	iTimeZone = CAgnTzRules::NewL(aTimeZone);
  3690   	TimeZoneChangedL();
  3691 	}
  3693 /** 
  3694 * Sets the time zone to the current system time zone. Leaves with KErrGeneral
  3695 * if the time zone server could not be accessed. 
  3696 */
  3697 EXPORT_C void CAgnRptDef::SetTimeZoneL()
  3698 /**
  3699 @internalComponent
  3700 */
  3701 	{
  3702 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(TimeMode() != MAgnCalendarTimeMode::EFloating, User::Leave(KErrNotSupported));
  3703 	ResetTimeZone();
  3704 	iTimeZone = CAgnTzRules::NewL();
  3705   	TimeZoneChangedL();
  3706 	}
  3708 void CAgnRptDef::TimeZoneChangedL()
  3709 	{
  3710 	if (iRRule)
  3711 		{
  3712 		iRRule->ResetCachedStartTimeOffset();
  3713 		iRRule->ResetCachedUntilTimeOffset();
  3714 		}
  3715  	}
  3717 EXPORT_C CTzRules* CAgnRptDef::CloneTzRulesL()
  3718 /** Gets a copy of the time zone rules that apply to the repeat definition.
  3720 @internalComponent
  3721 */
  3722 	{
  3723 	if (iTimeZone)
  3724 		{
  3725 		return iTimeZone->CloneTzRulesL();	
  3726 		}
  3727 	return NULL;
  3728 	}
  3730 TBool CAgnRptDef::IsARepeatRuleDateInstanceL(const TTime& aLocalDate) const
  3731 	{
  3732 	if (!HasRepeatRule())
  3733 		{
  3734 		return EFalse;
  3735 		}	
  3737 	if (aLocalDate < StartTime().LocalL() || aLocalDate > iRRule->UntilTimeL().LocalL())
  3738 		{ 
  3739 		return EFalse;	
  3740 		}	
  3743 	// convert aDate to UTC before passing it TAgnRpt::IsAlignedUtcL()
  3744 	TTime utcDate = AgnDateTime::ConvertToUtcTimeL(aLocalDate);
  3745 	return iRRule->IsAlignedUtcL(utcDate);	
  3746 	}
  3749 EXPORT_C TAgnRpt::TType CAgnRptDef::Type() const
  3750 /** Gets the repeat definition's type, as set by SetDaily(), SetWeekly() etc.
  3752 @internalComponent
  3753 @return The repeat definition's type. */
  3754 	{
  3755 	if (iRRule)
  3756 		{
  3757 		return iRRule->Type(); 	
  3758 		}
  3759 	return TAgnRpt::EDaily;
  3760 	}
  3762 TBool CAgnRptDef::IsASporadicDateInstanceL(const TTime& aLocalDate) const
  3763 	{
  3764 	if (!HasSporadicDates())
  3765 		{
  3766 		return EFalse;
  3767 		}
  3769 	TAgnCalendarTime instanceDate;
  3770 	if (TimeMode() == MAgnCalendarTimeMode::EFloating)
  3771 		{
  3772 		instanceDate.SetFloatingL(aLocalDate);
  3773 		}
  3774 	else
  3775 		{
  3776 		instanceDate.SetLocalL(aLocalDate);
  3777 		}
  3778 	return (FindSporadicDate(instanceDate) != KErrNotFound);	
  3779 	}
  3781 /** Returns ETrue if there is at least one sporadic date
  3783 @internalComponent
  3784 @return if there is at least one sporadic date  */		
  3785 TBool CAgnRptDef::HasSporadicDates() const
  3786 	{
  3787 	return (iSporadicDates && iSporadicDates->Count() != 0);
  3788 	}	
  3790 /** Returns ETrue if there is a repeat rule
  3792 @internalComponent
  3793 @return if there is a repeat rule  */
  3794 TBool CAgnRptDef::HasRepeatRule() const
  3795 	{
  3796 	return (iRRule != NULL);
  3797 	}
  3799 /** Clear the Repeat Rule only, leaving sporadic dates and exception dates intact
  3800 @internalComponent
  3801 */
  3802 void CAgnRptDef::ClearRRule()
  3803 	{
  3804 	delete iRRule;
  3805 	iRRule = NULL;
  3806 	}
  3808 void CAgnRptDef::StartTimeChanged()
  3809 	{
  3810 	if (iRRule)
  3811 		{
  3812 		iRRule->ResetCachedStartTimeOffset();
  3813 		}
  3814 	}
  3816 const CTzRules* CAgnRptDef::TzRules() const
  3817 	{
  3818 	if(iTimeZone)
  3819 		{
  3820 		return iTimeZone->TzRules();
  3821 		}
  3823 	return NULL; 
  3824 	}
  3826 EXPORT_C TTime CAgnRptDef::ConvertFromRepeatLocalToUtcL(const TTime& aRptLocalDate) const
  3827 	{
  3828 	if (TimeMode() != MAgnCalendarTimeMode::EFloating && TzRules())
  3829 		{
  3830 		TTime utcDate = aRptLocalDate;
  3831 		TzRules()->ConvertToUtcL(utcDate);
  3832 		return utcDate;
  3833 		}
  3835 	return AgnDateTime::ConvertToUtcTimeL(aRptLocalDate);
  3836 	}
  3838 EXPORT_C TTime CAgnRptDef::ConvertFromUtcToRepeatLocalL(const TTime& aUtcDate) const
  3839 	{
  3840 	if (TimeMode() != MAgnCalendarTimeMode::EFloating && TzRules())
  3841 		{
  3842 		TTime rptLocalDate = aUtcDate;
  3843 		TzRules()->ConvertToLocalL(rptLocalDate);
  3844 		return rptLocalDate;
  3845 		}
  3847 	return AgnDateTime::ConvertToLocalTimeL(aUtcDate);
  3848 	}
  3850 MAgnCalendarTimeMode::TTimeMode CAgnRptDef::TimeMode() const
  3851 	{
  3852 	return iOwningEntry.TimeMode();
  3853 	}
  3855 EXPORT_C const TAgnRpt* CAgnRptDef::RRule() const 
  3856 /** Gets a pointer to the repeat details.
  3857 @return Pointer to the repeat details
  3858 @internalComponent
  3859 */
  3860 	{
  3861 	return iRRule;
  3862 	}
  3864 EXPORT_C const RArray<TAgnCalendarTime>* CAgnRptDef::Exceptions() const
  3865 /** Gets a pointer to the repeat definition's exception list.
  3866 @return Pointer to the exception list.
  3867 @internalComponent
  3868 */
  3869 	{
  3870 	return iExceptions;
  3871 	}
  3873 EXPORT_C const RArray<TAgnCalendarTime>* CAgnRptDef::SporadicDateList() const
  3874 /** Gets a pointer to the repeat definition's sporadic date list.
  3875 @return Pointer to the sporadic date list.
  3876 @internalComponent
  3877 */
  3878 	{
  3879 	return iSporadicDates;
  3880 	}
  3882 const TAgnCalendarTime& CAgnRptDef::StartTime() const
  3883 /** Gets the start date expressed as Current System Local Time.
  3884 @internalComponent
  3885 @return The start date expressed as Current System Local Time.
  3886 */
  3887 	{
  3888 	return iOwningEntry.EntryTime();
  3889 	}
  3891 EXPORT_C void CAgnRptDef::SetUntilTime(const TAgnCalendarTime& aUntilTime)
  3892 	{
  3893 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iRRule, Panic(EAgmErrNoRepeatRule));
  3894 	iRRule->SetUntilTime(aUntilTime);
  3895 	}
  3897 EXPORT_C void CAgnRptDef::SetInterval(TUint16 aInterval)
  3898 	{
  3899 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iRRule, Panic(EAgmErrNoRepeatRule));
  3900 	iRRule->SetInterval(aInterval);
  3901 	}
  3903 EXPORT_C CAgnTzRules* CAgnRptDef::AgnTzRules() const
  3904 	{
  3905 	return iTimeZone;
  3906 	}