changeset 65 12af337248b1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/calendarui/caleneditor/src/caleneditorrepeatfield.cpp	Tue Aug 31 15:13:43 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,798 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* Definition of CalenEditorRepeatField class.
+// System Includes
+#include <QDate>
+#include <hbdataformmodelitem.h>
+#include <hbdataformviewitem.h>
+#include <hbdataformmodel.h>
+#include <hbdataform.h>
+#include <hbcombobox.h>
+#include <hblabel.h>
+#include <hbdatetimepicker.h>
+#include <hbaction.h>
+#include <agendautil.h>
+// User Included
+#include "caleneditorrepeatfield.h"
+#include "caleneditorcustomitem.h"
+#include "caleneditorreminderfield.h"
+#include "calendateutils.h"
+#include "OstTraceDefinitions.h"
+#include "caleneditorrepeatfieldTraces.h"
+// Constants
+const int userRole = Qt::UserRole + 100;
+	\class CalenEditorRepeatField
+ */
+    \enum CalenEditorRepeatField::RepeatTypes
+    This enum defines the different repeat types of an entry
+ */
+    \var CalenEditorRepeatField::RepeatTypes CalenEditorRepeatField::RepeatOnce
+    No repeating type.
+ */
+    \var CalenEditorRepeatField::RepeatTypes CalenEditorRepeatField::RepeatDaily
+    Daily repeating type.
+ */
+    \var CalenEditorRepeatField::RepeatTypes CalenEditorRepeatField::RepeatWorkdays
+    Workdays repeating type.
+ */
+    \var CalenEditorRepeatField::RepeatTypes CalenEditorRepeatField::RepeatWeekly
+    Weekly repeating type.
+ */
+    \var CalenEditorRepeatField::RepeatTypes CalenEditorRepeatField::RepeatBiWeekly
+    Fortnightly repeating type.
+ */
+    \var CalenEditorRepeatField::RepeatTypes CalenEditorRepeatField::RepeatMonthly
+    Monthly repeating type.
+ */
+    \var CalenEditorRepeatField::RepeatTypes CalenEditorRepeatField::RepeatYearly
+    Yearly repeating type.
+ */
+	Constructor.
+	\param parent QObject pointer
+ */
+CalenEditorRepeatField::CalenEditorRepeatField(CalenEditorPrivate* calenEditor,
+       										HbDataForm* form, 
+       										HbDataFormModel* model,
+       										QObject *parent)
+	:QObject(parent),
+    mCalenEditor(calenEditor), 
+	mEditorForm(form), 
+	mCalenEditorModel(model), 
+	mRepeatItem(0),
+	mRepeatComboBox(0),
+	mCustomRepeatUntilItem(0),
+	mRepeatRoleValue(0),
+	mIsBiWeekly(false),
+	mIsWorkdays(false),
+	mRepeatUntilItemAdded(false)
+	if (!mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->repeatRule().isNull()) {
+		mRepeatRuleType = mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->repeatRule().type();
+		mRepeatUntilDate = mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->repeatRule().until().date();
+	}
+	mRepeatItem = new HbDataFormModelItem();
+	mRepeatItem->setType(HbDataFormModelItem::ComboBoxItem);
+	mRepeatItem->setData(HbDataFormModelItem::LabelRole,
+	                     hbTrId("txt_calendar_setlabel_repeat"));
+	// Create the repeat choices
+	QStringList repeatChoices;
+	repeatChoices << hbTrId("txt_calendar_setlabel_repeat_val_only_once")
+					<< hbTrId("txt_calendar_setlabel_repeat_val_daily")
+					<< hbTrId("txt_calendar_setlabel_repeat_val_workdays")
+					<< hbTrId("txt_calendar_setlabel_repeat_val_weekly")
+					<< hbTrId("txt_calendar_setlabel_repeat_val_fortnightly")
+					<< hbTrId("txt_calendar_setlabel_repeat_val_monthly")
+					<< hbTrId("txt_calendar_setlabel_repeat_val_yearly");
+		mRepeatItem->setContentWidgetData("items", repeatChoices);
+		mRepeatItem->setContentWidgetData("objectName", "repeatItem");
+		mCalenEditorModel->appendDataFormItem( mRepeatItem,
+									mCalenEditorModel->invisibleRootItem());
+ Destructor
+ */
+	// Nothing Yet
+	Adds repeat item to the model
+ */
+void CalenEditorRepeatField::addItemToModel()
+	// Add reminder to the model
+	mCalenEditorModel->appendDataFormItem( mRepeatItem,
+				   mCalenEditorModel->invisibleRootItem());
+	Removes the repeat item from the model
+ */
+void CalenEditorRepeatField::removeItemFromModel()
+	mCalenEditorModel->removeItem(modelIndex());
+	 Populates repeat item with the options available
+	 \param index index at which repeat item needs to be added
+ */
+void CalenEditorRepeatField::populateRepeatItem(int index)
+	HbDataFormViewItem
+			*item =
+					qobject_cast<HbDataFormViewItem *> (
+							mEditorForm->itemByIndex(
+										mCalenEditorModel->index( index, 0)));
+	mRepeatComboBox
+			= qobject_cast<HbComboBox *> (item->dataItemContentWidget());
+	// Set the user roles for the combobox items so that we depend on these
+	// roles to identify the correct repeat type when repeat choices are 
+	// dynamically removed or added
+	mRepeatComboBox->setItemData(RepeatOnce, RepeatOnce, userRole);
+	mRepeatComboBox->setItemData(RepeatDaily, RepeatDaily, userRole);
+	mRepeatComboBox->setItemData(RepeatWorkdays, 
+								 RepeatWorkdays, userRole);
+	mRepeatComboBox->setItemData(RepeatWeekly, RepeatWeekly, userRole);
+	mRepeatComboBox->setItemData(RepeatBiWeekly, 
+								 RepeatBiWeekly, userRole);
+	mRepeatComboBox->setItemData(RepeatMonthly, 
+								 RepeatMonthly, userRole);
+	mRepeatComboBox->setItemData(RepeatYearly, RepeatYearly, userRole);
+	if (mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->isRepeating()) {
+		switch (mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->repeatRule().type()) {
+			case AgendaRepeatRule::DailyRule: {
+				mRepeatComboBox->setCurrentIndex(DailyRole);
+			}
+				break;
+			case AgendaRepeatRule::WeeklyRule: {
+				bool isWorkdays = AgendaUtil::isWorkdaysRepeatingEntry(
+						mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->repeatRule());
+				if (isWorkdays) {
+					mRepeatComboBox->setCurrentIndex(WorkdaysRole);
+					mIsWorkdays = true;
+				} else {
+					if (mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->repeatRule().interval() == 1) {
+						mRepeatComboBox->setCurrentIndex(WeeklyRole);
+					} else {
+						mRepeatComboBox->setCurrentIndex(BiWeeklyRole);
+						mIsBiWeekly = true;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+				break;
+			case AgendaRepeatRule::MonthlyRule: {
+				mRepeatComboBox->setCurrentIndex(MonthlyRole);
+			}
+				break;
+			case AgendaRepeatRule::YearlyRule: {
+				mRepeatComboBox->setCurrentIndex(YearlyRole);
+			}
+				break;
+			default:
+				break;
+		}
+		// If entry is repeating type then insert the repeatuntil item.
+		insertRepeatUntilItem();
+	} else {
+		mRepeatComboBox->setCurrentIndex(0);
+		// Set the Original entry value also.
+		mCalenEditor->originalEntry()->setRepeatRule(
+									  AgendaRepeatRule(
+									  AgendaRepeatRule::InvalidRule));
+	}
+	// Connect the slot once the updation of mRepeatComboBox is done
+	connect(mRepeatComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this,
+				SLOT(handleRepeatIndexChanged(int)));
+	// Update the repeat choices depending upon the duration
+	updateRepeatChoices();
+	Removes the repeat until item from the model
+	and removed the connection for date picker launch too.
+ */
+void CalenEditorRepeatField::removeRepeatUntilItem()
+	mRepeatRuleType = AgendaRepeatRule::InvalidRule;
+	if (mRepeatUntilItemAdded) {
+		mEditorForm->removeConnection(mCustomRepeatUntilItem, SIGNAL(clicked()),
+	                                this, SLOT(launchRepeatUntilDatePicker()));
+		QModelIndex repeatIndex =
+		        mCalenEditorModel->indexFromItem(mRepeatItem);
+		mCalenEditorModel->removeItem(
+		                              mCalenEditorModel->index(
+		                              repeatIndex.row()+ 1, 0));
+		mRepeatUntilItemAdded = false;
+		mCustomRepeatUntilItem = 0;
+	}
+	Triggerd from tapping on reminder item.
+	Handles the reminder time change and updates the same in the event.
+	\param index The new index chosen in the reminder list.
+ */
+void CalenEditorRepeatField::handleRepeatIndexChanged(int index)
+	mIsBiWeekly = false;
+	mIsWorkdays = false;
+	HbExtendedLocale locale = HbExtendedLocale::system();
+	// Get the user role we have set for this index
+	QVariant role = mRepeatComboBox->itemData(index, userRole);
+	int value = role.toInt();
+	// Boolean to check if the repeating property of the entry is changed.
+	// based on the value and mRepeatUntilItemAdded
+	// ie. From repeating to non repeating OR vice versa OR No change
+	bool repeatPropertyChange = false;
+	if (value > 0 && value <= 6 && !mRepeatUntilItemAdded) {
+		// Non repeating to repeating
+		repeatPropertyChange = true;
+	}else if(mRepeatUntilItemAdded && value == 0) {
+		// Repeating to non repeating
+		repeatPropertyChange = true;
+	}else {
+		// No change in repeat value
+		repeatPropertyChange = false;
+	}
+	QDate repeatUntilDate = mRepeatUntilDate;
+	// Update the repeat type only if its has been changed
+	// ie. if the previous repeatrole is different from the current repeat role
+	if (value != mRepeatRoleValue) {
+		mRepeatRoleValue = value;
+		switch (value) {
+			case DailyRole: {
+				if (!mRepeatUntilItemAdded) {
+					insertRepeatUntilItem();
+				}
+				if (mCustomRepeatUntilItem) {
+					// Show default repeat until date till one year for daily rule 
+					mRepeatUntilDate = 
+						mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->startTime().date().addYears(1);
+					mCustomRepeatUntilItem->setContentWidgetData( "text", 
+						locale.format( 
+								mRepeatUntilDate, r_qtn_date_usual_with_zero));
+				}
+				mRepeatRuleType = AgendaRepeatRule::DailyRule;
+			}
+			break;
+			case WorkdaysRole: {
+				if (!mRepeatUntilItemAdded) {
+					insertRepeatUntilItem();
+				}
+				if (mCustomRepeatUntilItem) {
+					// Show default repeat until date till one year for workdays rule
+					mRepeatUntilDate = 
+						mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->startTime().date().addYears(1);
+					mCustomRepeatUntilItem->setContentWidgetData( "text",
+						locale.format( 
+								mRepeatUntilDate, r_qtn_date_usual_with_zero));
+				}
+				mRepeatRuleType = AgendaRepeatRule::WeeklyRule;
+				mIsWorkdays = true;
+			}
+			break;
+			case WeeklyRole: {
+				if (!mRepeatUntilItemAdded) {
+					insertRepeatUntilItem();
+				}
+				if (mCustomRepeatUntilItem) {
+					// Show default repeat until date till one year for weekly rule
+					mRepeatUntilDate = 
+						mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->startTime().date().addYears(1);
+					mCustomRepeatUntilItem->setContentWidgetData( "text",
+						locale.format( 
+								mRepeatUntilDate, r_qtn_date_usual_with_zero));
+				}
+				mRepeatRuleType = AgendaRepeatRule::WeeklyRule;
+			}
+			break;
+			case BiWeeklyRole: {
+				if (!mRepeatUntilItemAdded) {
+					insertRepeatUntilItem();
+				}
+				if (mCustomRepeatUntilItem) {
+					// Show default repeat until date till one year for bi-weekly rule
+					mRepeatUntilDate = 
+						mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->startTime().date().addYears(1);
+					mCustomRepeatUntilItem->setContentWidgetData( "text",
+						locale.format( 
+							mRepeatUntilDate, r_qtn_date_usual_with_zero));
+				}
+				mRepeatRuleType = AgendaRepeatRule::WeeklyRule;
+				mIsBiWeekly = true;
+			}
+			break;
+			case MonthlyRole: {
+				if (!mRepeatUntilItemAdded) {
+					insertRepeatUntilItem();
+				}
+				if (mCustomRepeatUntilItem) {
+					// Show default repeat until date till one year for monthly rule
+					mRepeatUntilDate = 
+						mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->startTime().date().addYears(1);
+					mCustomRepeatUntilItem->setContentWidgetData( "text",
+						locale.format(
+								mRepeatUntilDate, r_qtn_date_usual_with_zero));
+				}
+				mRepeatRuleType = AgendaRepeatRule::MonthlyRule;
+			}
+			break;
+			case YearlyRole: {
+				if (!mRepeatUntilItemAdded) {
+					insertRepeatUntilItem();
+				}
+				if (mCustomRepeatUntilItem) {
+					// Show default repeat until date till ten years for yearly rule
+					mRepeatUntilDate = 
+						mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->startTime().date().addYears(10);
+					mCustomRepeatUntilItem->setContentWidgetData( "text",
+						locale.format(
+							mRepeatUntilDate, r_qtn_date_usual_with_zero));
+				}
+				mRepeatRuleType = AgendaRepeatRule::YearlyRule;
+			}
+			break;
+			default: {
+				removeRepeatUntilItem();
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if(!mCalenEditor->isNewEntry()) {
+		mCalenEditor->addDiscardAction();
+	}
+	// Depending on repeatPropertyChange value and the repeatuntil date change 
+	// the reminder choices are updated 
+	if(repeatPropertyChange || repeatUntilDate != mRepeatUntilDate) {
+		mCalenEditor->updateReminderChoices();
+		// Once the entry is changed from  non repeating to repeating 
+		// and if the alarm set is off 
+		// Then change the reminder option to the default 'one day before' 
+		// if the option is valid
+		if (mCalenEditor->isAllDayEvent() && 
+					repeatPropertyChange && mRepeatUntilItemAdded) {
+			if(!mCalenEditor->isReminderTimeForAllDayAdded() &&
+					mCalenEditor->getReminderCount() >= 3) {
+				mCalenEditor->setCurrentIndexOfReminderField(
+							CalenEditorReminderField::ReminderOneDayBefore);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	 Returns model index of the repeat item
+	 \return Model index of the repeat item
+ */
+QModelIndex CalenEditorRepeatField::modelIndex()
+	return mCalenEditorModel->indexFromItem(mRepeatItem);
+	Inserts the repeat until item to the dataform model
+ */
+void CalenEditorRepeatField::insertRepeatUntilItem()
+	HbDataFormModelItem::DataItemType itemType =
+	        static_cast<HbDataFormModelItem::DataItemType> (RepeatUntilOffset);
+	int index = CalenEditorPrivate::RepeatUntilItem;
+	if (!mCalenEditor->isReminderTimeForAllDayAdded()) {
+		index -= 1;
+	}
+	mCustomRepeatUntilItem = mCalenEditorModel->insertDataFormItem(
+										index,
+										itemType,
+										QString(
+										hbTrId(
+										"txt_calendar_setlabel_repeat_until")),
+										mCalenEditorModel->invisibleRootItem());
+	mRepeatUntilItemAdded = true;
+	mEditorForm->addConnection(mCustomRepeatUntilItem, SIGNAL(clicked()),
+	                                this, SLOT(launchRepeatUntilDatePicker()));
+	if (!mCalenEditor->isNewEntry() && mRepeatRuleType != AgendaRepeatRule::InvalidRule) {
+		HbExtendedLocale locale = HbExtendedLocale::system();
+		QString dateString = locale.format(
+				mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->repeatRule().until().date(),
+				r_qtn_date_usual_with_zero);
+		mCustomRepeatUntilItem->setContentWidgetData("text", dateString);
+	}
+	//Scroll to repeat until item added
+	mEditorForm->scrollTo(mCalenEditorModel->index(index, 0), HbAbstractItemView::EnsureVisible);
+	 Informs if repeat until item has been added or not
+	 \return true if repeat until item is added else false
+ */
+bool CalenEditorRepeatField::isRepeatUntilItemAdded()
+	return mRepeatUntilItemAdded;
+	Launches the date picker by tapping on the repaet until pushbutton
+ */
+void CalenEditorRepeatField::launchRepeatUntilDatePicker()
+	HbDialog *popUp = new HbDialog();
+	popUp->setDismissPolicy(HbDialog::NoDismiss);
+	popUp->setTimeout(HbDialog::NoTimeout);
+	popUp->setHeadingWidget( new HbLabel(
+									hbTrId("txt_calendar_title_repeat_until")));
+	popUp->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true );
+	if (mDatePicker) {
+		mDatePicker = 0;
+	}
+	if (mRepeatRuleType == AgendaRepeatRule::DailyRule) {
+		QDate minDate = mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->endTime().date().addDays(1);
+		mDatePicker = new HbDateTimePicker(mRepeatUntilDate, popUp);
+		mDatePicker->setMinimumDate(minDate);
+		mDatePicker->setMaximumDate(CalenDateUtils::maxTime().date());
+		mDatePicker->setDate(mRepeatUntilDate);
+	} else if (mRepeatRuleType == AgendaRepeatRule::WeeklyRule) {
+		QDate minDate;
+		if (!mIsBiWeekly || mIsWorkdays) {
+			minDate = mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->endTime().date().addDays(7);
+		} else {
+			minDate = mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->endTime().date().addDays(14);
+		}
+		mDatePicker = new HbDateTimePicker(mRepeatUntilDate, popUp);
+		mDatePicker->setMinimumDate(minDate);
+		mDatePicker->setMaximumDate(CalenDateUtils::maxTime().date());
+		mDatePicker->setDate(mRepeatUntilDate);
+	} else if (mRepeatRuleType == AgendaRepeatRule::MonthlyRule) {
+		QDate minDate = mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->endTime().date().addMonths(1);
+		mDatePicker = new HbDateTimePicker(mRepeatUntilDate, popUp);
+		mDatePicker->setMinimumDate(minDate);
+		mDatePicker->setMaximumDate(CalenDateUtils::maxTime().date());
+		mDatePicker->setDate(mRepeatUntilDate);
+	} else if (mRepeatRuleType == AgendaRepeatRule::YearlyRule) {
+		QDate minDate = mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->endTime().date().addYears(1);
+		mDatePicker = new HbDateTimePicker(mRepeatUntilDate, popUp);
+		mDatePicker->setMinimumDate(minDate);
+		mDatePicker->setMaximumDate(CalenDateUtils::maxTime().date());
+		mDatePicker->setDate(mRepeatUntilDate);
+	}
+	popUp->setContentWidget(mDatePicker);
+	HbAction *okAction = new HbAction(hbTrId("txt_common_button_ok"));
+	popUp->addAction(okAction);
+	connect(okAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setRepeatUntilDate()));
+	popUp->addAction(new HbAction(hbTrId("txt_common_button_cancel"), popUp));
+	popUp->open();
+	Sets the repeat until date on the repeat until item
+ */
+void CalenEditorRepeatField::setRepeatUntilDate()
+	//Get the previous date which was set
+	QDate previousDate = mRepeatUntilDate;
+	mRepeatUntilDate = mDatePicker->date();
+	if (mRepeatUntilDate.isValid()) {
+		HbExtendedLocale locale = HbExtendedLocale::system();
+		QString dateString = locale.format(mRepeatUntilDate,
+									r_qtn_date_usual_with_zero);
+		mCustomRepeatUntilItem->setContentWidgetData("text", dateString);
+	}
+	mCalenEditor->updateReminderChoices();
+	// If the entry's  repeatuntil date is changed from past to a future date
+	// And if the alarm set set is off 
+	// Then change the reminder option to the default 'one day before' 
+	// if the option is valid
+	if (mCalenEditor->isAllDayEvent() && previousDate <= QDate::currentDate()) {
+		if(mRepeatUntilDate > QDate::currentDate() && 
+							!mCalenEditor->isReminderTimeForAllDayAdded() &&
+							 mCalenEditor->getReminderCount() >= 3) {
+			mCalenEditor->setCurrentIndexOfReminderField(
+							CalenEditorReminderField::ReminderOneDayBefore);
+		}
+	}
+	Returns the repeatuntildate displayed.
+ */
+QDate CalenEditorRepeatField::repeatUntilDate()
+	return mRepeatUntilDate;
+	Updates the repeat choices depending on the meeting duration
+void CalenEditorRepeatField::updateRepeatChoices()
+    if (!mRepeatComboBox) {
+        return;
+    }
+	// Disconnect the slot and connect it back again at end to avoid unnecessary
+	// calls to handleRepeatIndexChanged slot. Or else the slot gets called 
+	// when we add all of items to the repeat combobox.
+	disconnect(mRepeatComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this,
+				SLOT(handleRepeatIndexChanged(int)));
+	// Clear all the choices and add it again. If we dont do it 
+	// as user would have changed the end times many times and we would have
+	// deleted repeat options depending upon that
+	// Get the current choice
+	int choice = mRepeatComboBox->currentIndex();
+	QVariant role = mRepeatComboBox->itemData(choice, userRole);
+	mRepeatRoleValue = role.toInt();
+	int previousCount = mRepeatComboBox->count();
+	mRepeatComboBox->clear();
+	QStringList repeatChoices;
+	repeatChoices << hbTrId("txt_calendar_setlabel_repeat_val_only_once")
+			<< hbTrId("txt_calendar_setlabel_repeat_val_daily")
+			<< hbTrId("txt_calendar_setlabel_repeat_val_workdays")
+			<< hbTrId("txt_calendar_setlabel_repeat_val_weekly")
+			<< hbTrId("txt_calendar_setlabel_repeat_val_fortnightly")
+			<< hbTrId("txt_calendar_setlabel_repeat_val_monthly")
+			<< hbTrId("txt_calendar_setlabel_repeat_val_yearly");
+	mRepeatComboBox->addItems(repeatChoices);
+	// Set the user roles for the combobox items so that we depend on these
+	// roles to identify the correct repeat type when repeat choices are 
+	// dynamically removed or added
+	mRepeatComboBox->setItemData(RepeatOnce, RepeatOnce, userRole);
+	mRepeatComboBox->setItemData(RepeatDaily, RepeatDaily, 
+	                             userRole);
+	mRepeatComboBox->setItemData(RepeatWorkdays, 
+								 RepeatWorkdays, userRole);
+	mRepeatComboBox->setItemData(RepeatWeekly, RepeatWeekly,
+	                             userRole);
+	mRepeatComboBox->setItemData(RepeatBiWeekly, RepeatBiWeekly,
+	                             userRole);
+	mRepeatComboBox->setItemData(RepeatMonthly, RepeatMonthly,
+	                             userRole);
+	mRepeatComboBox->setItemData(RepeatYearly, RepeatYearly, 
+	                             userRole);
+	int totalCount = mRepeatComboBox->count();
+	if (previousCount < totalCount && choice > 0) {
+		choice += (totalCount - previousCount);
+	}
+	// Now check if the duration of the meeting and remove the repeat choices 
+	// if necessary
+	int duration =
+			mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->startTime().daysTo(
+					mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->endTime());
+	bool isRemovedItem = false;
+	int numberOfItemRemoved = 0;
+	if (mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->endTime() >= (mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->startTime().addYears(1))) {
+		isRemovedItem = true;
+		numberOfItemRemoved = 6;
+		// Remove all options except "RepeatOnce"
+		// Should be deletd in the descending order only
+		mRepeatComboBox->removeItem(RepeatYearly);
+		mRepeatComboBox->removeItem(RepeatMonthly);
+		mRepeatComboBox->removeItem(RepeatBiWeekly);
+		mRepeatComboBox->removeItem(RepeatWeekly);
+		mRepeatComboBox->removeItem(RepeatWorkdays);
+		mRepeatComboBox->removeItem(RepeatDaily);
+		//Remove the repeat until item too.
+		removeRepeatUntilItem();
+	} else if (mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->endTime()
+			>= (mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->startTime().addMonths(1))) {
+		isRemovedItem = true;
+		numberOfItemRemoved = 5;
+		// Remove all the options except "Repeat Once"
+		// and "Repeat Yearly" options
+		// Should be deletd in the descending order only
+		mRepeatComboBox->removeItem(RepeatMonthly);
+		mRepeatComboBox->removeItem(RepeatBiWeekly);
+		mRepeatComboBox->removeItem(RepeatWeekly);
+		mRepeatComboBox->removeItem(RepeatWorkdays);
+		mRepeatComboBox->removeItem(RepeatDaily);
+	} else if (duration >= 14) {
+		isRemovedItem = true;
+		numberOfItemRemoved = 4;
+		// Remove daily, workdays, weekly and biweekly options
+		// Should be deletd in the descending order only
+		mRepeatComboBox->removeItem(RepeatBiWeekly);
+		mRepeatComboBox->removeItem(RepeatWeekly);
+		mRepeatComboBox->removeItem(RepeatWorkdays);
+		mRepeatComboBox->removeItem(RepeatDaily);
+	} else if (duration >= 7) {
+		isRemovedItem = true;
+		numberOfItemRemoved = 3;
+		// Remove daily, workdays and weekly options
+		// Should be deletd in the descending order only
+		mRepeatComboBox->removeItem(RepeatWeekly);
+		mRepeatComboBox->removeItem(RepeatWorkdays);
+		mRepeatComboBox->removeItem(RepeatDaily);
+	} else if (duration >= 1) {
+		isRemovedItem = true;
+		numberOfItemRemoved = 2;
+		// Remove daily and workdays option
+		mRepeatComboBox->removeItem(RepeatWorkdays);
+		mRepeatComboBox->removeItem(RepeatDaily);
+	}
+	if (isRemovedItem && choice > 0) {
+		choice -= numberOfItemRemoved;
+		if (choice <= 0)
+			choice = 1;
+	}
+	int count = mRepeatComboBox->count();
+	if (choice >= count) {
+		choice = count - 1;
+	}
+	//Connecting back the slot for repeat index change before setting index.
+	connect(mRepeatComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this,
+				SLOT(handleRepeatIndexChanged(int)));
+	// By default the repeat combobox index will be 0
+	// Set the previous user's choice
+	mRepeatComboBox->setCurrentIndex(choice);
+	// If the previous user's choice is also zero, then slot 
+	// handleRepeatIndexChanged will not be called as 
+	// there is no change in current index
+	// So explicitly call updateReminderChoices to update the reminder choices
+	// for choice : 0 (Not repeated)
+	if(choice == 0) {
+		mCalenEditor->updateReminderChoices();
+	}
+	Save RepeatRule to the edited entry
+ */
+void CalenEditorRepeatField::saveRepeatRule()
+	// saves repeat type of entry.
+	if (mRepeatRuleType != AgendaRepeatRule::InvalidRule) {
+		AgendaRepeatRule repeatRule(mRepeatRuleType);
+		//TODO : Set the repeat from and to dates
+		QVariant dateVariant =
+				mCustomRepeatUntilItem->contentWidgetData("text");
+		QString dateString = dateVariant.toString();
+		QDate untilDate = QDate::fromString(dateString, "dd/MM/yyyy");
+		repeatRule.setRepeatRuleStart(mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->startTime());
+		repeatRule.setInterval(1);
+		QDateTime repeatUntil(mRepeatUntilDate, 
+							  QTime(mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->endTime().time()));
+		repeatRule.setUntil(repeatUntil);
+		// need to set the day for weekly & monthly repeat rule.
+		if (mRepeatRuleType == AgendaRepeatRule::WeeklyRule) {
+			if (mIsWorkdays) {
+				mIsWorkdays = false;
+				HbExtendedLocale locale = HbExtendedLocale::system();
+				// 0(Sun)0(sat)1(Fri)1(Thu)1(Wed)1(Tue)1(Mon)
+				QString workDaysString = locale.workDays();
+				bool ok;
+				int fixedNum = 1;
+				int ruleday = 0;
+				uint workDays = workDaysString.toUInt(&ok, 2);
+				if (ok) {
+					QList<AgendaRepeatRule::Day> weekDaysFromLocale;
+					// "workDays" is a bit mask of seven bits indicating
+					// (by being set) which days are workdays. 
+					// The least significant bit corresponds to Monday,
+					// the next bit to Tuesday and so on. 
+					for (TInt i = 0; i < KNoOfDaysInWeek; i++) {
+						ruleday = fixedNum << i;
+						if (workDays & ruleday) {
+							weekDaysFromLocale.append(
+									(AgendaRepeatRule::Day) i);
+							repeatRule.setByDay(weekDaysFromLocale);
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->setRepeatRule(AgendaRepeatRule(
+							AgendaRepeatRule::InvalidRule));
+				}
+			} else {
+				QList<AgendaRepeatRule::Day> days;
+				if (mIsBiWeekly) {
+					repeatRule.setInterval(2);
+					mIsBiWeekly = false;
+				}
+				int dayOfWeek =
+						mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->startTime().date().dayOfWeek();
+				days.append(AgendaRepeatRule::Day(dayOfWeek - 1));
+				repeatRule.setByDay(days);
+			}
+		} else if (mRepeatRuleType == AgendaRepeatRule::MonthlyRule) {
+			QList<int> monthDays;
+			int dayNoInMonth = mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->startTime().date().day();
+			monthDays.append(dayNoInMonth);
+			repeatRule.setByMonthDay(monthDays);
+		} else if (mRepeatRuleType == AgendaRepeatRule::YearlyRule) {
+		}
+		mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->setRepeatRule(repeatRule);
+	} else {
+		mCalenEditor->editedEntry()->setRepeatRule( AgendaRepeatRule(
+											AgendaRepeatRule::InvalidRule));
+	}
+	// TODO: Need to update rDates here for 10.2 if required
+// End of file	--Don't remove this.