--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/clock/clockmw/clocktimezone/src/timezoneclient.cpp Tue Aug 31 15:13:43 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1282 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* Definition file for the TimeZoneClient class.
+// System includes
+#include <QList>
+#include <QStandardItemModel>
+#include <QtAlgorithms>
+#include <tzlocalizationdatatypes.h>
+#include <tzlocalizer.h>
+#include <tz.h>
+#include <vtzrules.h>
+#include <xqsettingsmanager.h>
+#include <xqsettingskey.h>
+// User includes
+#include "timezoneclient.h"
+#include "clockcommon.h"
+#include "clockserverclt.h"
+#include "clockprivatecrkeys.h"
+#include "environmentchangenotifier.h"
+#include "OstTraceDefinitions.h"
+#include "timezoneclientTraces.h"
+const int KDaysInWeek(7);
+const int KZerothRule(0);
+const int KOneHour(1);
+const int KNoDifference(0);
+ \class TimezoneClient
+ This class is the QObject based client interface for services offered by
+ tzserver and timezonelocalization.
+ */
+TimezoneClient* TimezoneClient::mTimezoneClient = 0;
+bool TimezoneClient::mReferenceCount = false;
+ Call this funtion to instantiate the TimezoneClient class.
+ */
+TimezoneClient* TimezoneClient::getInstance()
+ if (!mTimezoneClient) {
+ mTimezoneClient = new TimezoneClient();
+ mReferenceCount = true;
+ }
+ return mTimezoneClient;
+ Call this function to clean up the instance of TimezoneClient class.
+ */
+void TimezoneClient::deleteInstance()
+ if (mReferenceCount) {
+ delete mTimezoneClient;
+ mTimezoneClient = 0;
+ mReferenceCount = false;
+ }
+ Call this function to check if the object is NULL.
+ */
+bool TimezoneClient::isNull()
+ return !mReferenceCount;
+ The constructor.
+ */
+ mNotifier = new EnvironmentChangeNotifier(this);
+ mTzLocalizer = CTzLocalizer::NewL();
+ // Create the settings manager.
+ mSettingsManager = new XQSettingsManager(this);
+ // Create the key for auto time update.
+ mAutoTimeUpdateKey = new XQSettingsKey(
+ XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository,
+ KCRUidNitz,
+ KActiveProtocol);
+ // Start the monitoring for the auto time update key.
+ mSettingsManager->startMonitoring(*mAutoTimeUpdateKey);
+ // Get the value of auto time update from cenrep.
+ mAutoTimeUpdateValue = timeUpdateOn();
+ // Listen to the key value changes.
+ connect(
+ mSettingsManager, SIGNAL(valueChanged(XQSettingsKey, QVariant)),
+ this, SLOT(eventMonitor(XQSettingsKey, QVariant)));
+ Destructor.
+ */
+ if (mNotifier) {
+ delete mNotifier;
+ }
+ if (mWorldClockModel) {
+ mWorldClockModel->clear();
+ }
+ if (mTzLocalizer) {
+ delete mTzLocalizer;
+ mTzLocalizer = NULL;
+ }
+ if (mTimeZoneIds.count()) {
+ mTimeZoneIds.clear();
+ }
+ // Clear the locations if exist.
+ if (mAllLocations.count()) {
+ mAllLocations.clear();
+ }
+ This functions returns a QList of location info which represent all the
+ cities preset in the device returned by the tz server.
+ \return QList<LocationInfo> A list of location info objects which contain a
+ valid cityName, countryName, tz id and city group id. None of the other
+ data is filled.
+ */
+QList<LocationInfo>& TimezoneClient::getLocations()
+ if (mAllLocations.count()) {
+ mAllLocations.clear();
+ }
+ // Get the cities, in alphabetical-ascending sorted order.
+ CTzLocalizedCityArray* cityArray =
+ mTzLocalizer->GetCitiesL(CTzLocalizer::ETzAlphaNameAscending);
+ ASSERT(cityArray);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(cityArray);
+ int cityCount = cityArray->Count();
+ CTzLocalizedCityGroup* country = 0;
+ int prevGroupId = -1;
+ TPtrC countryName;
+ // Now get the country\city-group of each of the city.
+ // Print the timezone id and city group id as well.
+ for (int iter = 0; iter < cityCount; iter++) {
+ CTzLocalizedCity* localizedCity = &(cityArray->At(iter));
+ TPtrC cityName(localizedCity->Name());
+ int tzId(localizedCity->TimeZoneId());
+ if(-1==mTimeZoneIds.indexOf(tzId)) {
+ mTimeZoneIds.append(tzId);
+ }
+ int cityGroupId(localizedCity->GroupId());
+ if (cityGroupId != prevGroupId) {
+ prevGroupId = cityGroupId;
+ if (country) {
+ delete country;
+ }
+ country = mTzLocalizer->GetCityGroupL(cityGroupId);
+ countryName.Set(country->Name());
+ }
+ // Now insert that data into the info list.
+ LocationInfo cityInfo;
+ cityInfo.cityGroupId = cityGroupId;
+ cityInfo.timezoneId = tzId;
+ cityInfo.cityName = QString::fromUtf16(
+ cityName.Ptr(), cityName.Length());
+ cityInfo.countryName = QString::fromUtf16(
+ countryName.Ptr(), countryName.Length());
+ mAllLocations.append(cityInfo);
+ }
+ // Cleanup.
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cityArray);
+ return mAllLocations;
+bool TimezoneClient::getUtcDstOffsetL(int& dstOffset, const CTzId& timezoneId)
+ RTz tzHandle;
+ User::LeaveIfError(tzHandle.Connect());
+ CleanupClosePushL(tzHandle);
+ // Local time.
+ TTime homeTime;
+ homeTime.HomeTime();
+ TDateTime dateTime;
+ dateTime = homeTime.DateTime();
+ // Get the CTzRules for the current year and for the given time zone id.
+ CTzRules* timezoneRules = tzHandle.GetTimeZoneRulesL(
+ timezoneId, dateTime.Year(), dateTime.Year(), ETzWallTimeReference);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(timezoneRules);
+ // Get the Actualised rules for the same year.
+ // These are the DST rules from which we get the iNewOffset.
+ CVTzActualisedRules *actualizedRules =
+ CVTzActualisedRules::NewL(
+ homeTime.DateTime().Year(), homeTime.DateTime().Year());
+ CleanupStack::PushL(actualizedRules);
+ timezoneRules->GetActualisedRulesL(*actualizedRules);
+ // This way of fetching initial offset is being used rather than
+ // tzRules->InitialStdTimeOffset() because in some cases,
+ // the offset returned is incorrect. (For ex: Argentina and Canada/Iqaluit)
+ RArray<TInt> timeZones;
+ RArray<TInt> zoneOffsets;
+ // Append the current timezone ID and request for the standard offset
+ timeZones.Append(timezoneId.TimeZoneNumericID());
+ tzHandle.GetOffsetsForTimeZoneIdsL(timeZones, zoneOffsets);
+ // The initial offset or the standard offset (w/o DST)
+ int initialTimeZoneOffset = zoneOffsets[ 0 ];
+ // Close the resource handles
+ timeZones.Close();
+ zoneOffsets.Close();
+ // The number of actualised rules
+ int ruleCount = actualizedRules->Count();
+ for (int ruleIndex(0); ruleIndex < ruleCount; ruleIndex++) {
+ const TVTzActualisedRule& tVTzactRule = (*actualizedRules)[ruleIndex];
+ // If the standard offset and the new offset do not match then we have
+ // a dst offset. Technically if a timezone has DST then it can have a
+ // max of two offsets. One is the standard which doesn't show the DST
+ // usage, and the other is the DST offset which is
+ // standard offset + the amount of DST.
+ if (initialTimeZoneOffset != tVTzactRule.iNewOffset) {
+ dstOffset = tVTzactRule.iNewOffset;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(actualizedRules);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(timezoneRules);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&tzHandle);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ dstOffset = initialTimeZoneOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(actualizedRules);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(timezoneRules);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&tzHandle);
+ return false;
+LocationInfo TimezoneClient::getCurrentZoneInfoL()
+ // Current zone info.
+ LocationInfo currentLocation;
+ int timezoneId(0);
+ int utcOffset(0);
+ // Connect to the timezone server.
+ RTz tzHandle;
+ User::LeaveIfError(tzHandle.Connect());
+ CleanupClosePushL(tzHandle);
+ // Get the current timezone ID.
+ CTzId* tzId;
+ tzId = tzHandle.GetTimeZoneIdL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(tzId);
+ // TODO: Get the standard offset for current timezone.
+ // This way of fetching initial offset is being used rather than
+ // tzRules->InitialStdTimeOffset()because in some cases, the offset returned
+ // is incorrect. (For ex: Argentina and Canada/Iqaluit)
+ RArray<TInt> timeZones;
+ RArray<TInt> zoneOffsets;
+ // Append the current timezone ID and request for the standard offset
+ timeZones.Append(tzId->TimeZoneNumericID());
+ tzHandle.GetOffsetsForTimeZoneIdsL(timeZones, zoneOffsets);
+ // The initial offset or the standard offset (w/o DST)
+ int initialTimeZoneOffset = zoneOffsets[0];
+ // Close the resource handles
+ timeZones.Close();
+ zoneOffsets.Close();
+ // Get all the localized timezones for the current timezone ID.
+ CTzLocalizedTimeZone* localizedTimeZone(NULL);
+ localizedTimeZone =
+ mTzLocalizer->GetLocalizedTimeZoneL(tzId->TimeZoneNumericID());
+ if (localizedTimeZone) {
+ CleanupStack::PushL(localizedTimeZone);
+ // Get the frequently used localized city.
+ CTzLocalizedCity* localizedCity(0);
+ localizedCity = mTzLocalizer->GetFrequentlyUsedZoneCityL(
+ CTzLocalizedTimeZone::ECurrentZone);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(localizedCity);
+ // Get all the city groups.
+ CTzLocalizedCityGroupArray* cityGroupArray =
+ mTzLocalizer->GetAllCityGroupsL(
+ CTzLocalizer::ETzAlphaNameAscending);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(cityGroupArray);
+ // Get the index of the country corresponding to the city group ID.
+ int countryIndex(1);
+ for (int index = 0; index < cityGroupArray->Count(); index++) {
+ if (localizedCity->GroupId() ==
+ cityGroupArray->At(index).Id()) {
+ countryIndex = index;
+ }
+ }
+ // Get all the cities within the currently set country.
+ CTzLocalizedCityArray* cityList = mTzLocalizer->GetCitiesInGroupL(
+ (cityGroupArray->At(countryIndex )).Id(),
+ CTzLocalizer::ETzAlphaNameAscending);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(cityList);
+ // Check if automatic time update is enabled.
+ bool timeUpdateOn( false );
+ // Connect to the clock server.
+ // TODO: connect to the clock server and get auto update status in
+ // var: timeUpdateOn
+ // Check if the country contains only one city or if automatic
+ // time update is on.
+ if (1 == cityList->Count() || timeUpdateOn) {
+ // If yes, then display only the country name.
+ // TODO
+ } else {
+ // Display city name.
+ // TODO:
+ }
+ // Get the country name.
+ TPtrC countryName(cityGroupArray->At(countryIndex).Name());
+ currentLocation.countryName = QString::fromUtf16(
+ countryName.Ptr(), countryName.Length());
+ // Get the city name.
+ TPtrC cityName(localizedCity->Name());
+ currentLocation.cityName = QString::fromUtf16(
+ cityName.Ptr(), cityName.Length());
+ // Get the UTC offset.
+ timezoneId = localizedCity->TimeZoneId();
+ if (timezoneId) {
+ // Check if the DST is on for the current timezone.
+ if (isDSTOnL(timezoneId)) {
+ // Get the offset with DST enabled.
+ getUtcDstOffsetL(utcOffset, *tzId);
+ currentLocation.dstOn = true;
+ currentLocation.timezoneId = timezoneId;
+ currentLocation.zoneOffset = utcOffset;
+ } else {
+ // Use the standard offset.
+ currentLocation.dstOn = false;
+ currentLocation.timezoneId = timezoneId;
+ currentLocation.zoneOffset = initialTimeZoneOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ // Cleanup.
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cityList );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cityGroupArray );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( localizedCity );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( localizedTimeZone );
+ }
+ // Cleanup.
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tzId );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &tzHandle );
+ return currentLocation;
+void TimezoneClient::setAsCurrentLocationL(LocationInfo &location)
+ LocationInfo prevLocationInfo ;
+ prevLocationInfo = getCurrentZoneInfoL();
+ QTime prevLocationTime = QTime::currentTime();
+ mTzLocalizer->SetTimeZoneL( location.timezoneId );
+ TPtrC ptrCityName(
+ reinterpret_cast<const TText*>(location.cityName.constData()));
+ CTzLocalizedCity* localizedCity =
+ mTzLocalizer->FindCityByNameL(ptrCityName, location.timezoneId);
+ CleanupStack::PushL( localizedCity );
+ mTzLocalizer->SetFrequentlyUsedZoneL(
+ *localizedCity, CTzLocalizedTimeZone::ECurrentZone);
+ // Cleanup.
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( localizedCity );
+ if(prevLocationInfo.timezoneId == location.timezoneId) {
+ emit cityUpdated();
+ }
+ QTime newTime = QTime::currentTime();
+ if ((prevLocationTime.hour() == newTime.hour())
+ && (prevLocationTime.minute() == newTime.minute())
+ && (prevLocationInfo.timezoneId != location.timezoneId)) {
+ emit cityUpdated();
+ }
+bool TimezoneClient::isDSTOnL(int timezoneId)
+ bool returnVal( false );
+ CTzId* tzId = CTzId::NewL( timezoneId );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( tzId );
+ RTz tzHandle;
+ User::LeaveIfError( tzHandle.Connect() );
+ CleanupClosePushL( tzHandle );
+ returnVal = tzHandle.IsDaylightSavingOnL( *tzId );
+ tzHandle.Close();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &tzHandle );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tzId );
+ return returnVal;
+int TimezoneClient::getStandardOffset(int timezoneId)
+ RTz tzHandle;
+ User::LeaveIfError(tzHandle.Connect());
+ CleanupClosePushL(tzHandle);
+ RArray<int> idArray;
+ RArray<int> offsetArray;
+ idArray.Append(timezoneId);
+ tzHandle.GetOffsetsForTimeZoneIdsL(idArray, offsetArray);
+ int stdOffset = offsetArray[0];
+ if (isDSTOnL(timezoneId)) {
+ CTzId* tzId = CTzId::NewL( timezoneId );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( tzId );
+ // Get the offset with DST enabled.
+ getUtcDstOffsetL(stdOffset, *tzId);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tzId);
+ }
+ offsetArray.Close();
+ idArray.Close();
+ // Cleanup.
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&tzHandle);
+ return stdOffset;
+void TimezoneClient::getDstRulesL(
+ QDateTime &startTime, QDateTime &endTime, int timezoneId)
+ RTz tzHandle;
+ User::LeaveIfError(tzHandle.Connect());
+ CleanupClosePushL(tzHandle);
+ // Local time.
+ TTime homeTime;
+ homeTime.HomeTime();
+ TDateTime dateTime;
+ dateTime = homeTime.DateTime();
+ CTzId *tzId = CTzId::NewL(timezoneId);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(tzId);
+ // Get the CTzRules for the current year and for the given time zone id.
+ CTzRules* timezoneRules = tzHandle.GetTimeZoneRulesL(
+ *tzId, dateTime.Year(), dateTime.Year(), ETzWallTimeReference);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(timezoneRules);
+ // Get the Actualised rules for the same year.
+ // These are the DST rules from which we get the iNewOffset.
+ CVTzActualisedRules *actualizedRules = CVTzActualisedRules::NewL(
+ homeTime.DateTime().Year(), homeTime.DateTime().Year() );
+ CleanupStack::PushL(actualizedRules);
+ timezoneRules->GetActualisedRulesL(*actualizedRules);
+ // This way of fetching initial offset is being used rather than
+ // tzRules->InitialStdTimeOffset() because in some cases,
+ // the offset returned is incorrect. (For ex: Argentina and Canada/Iqaluit)
+ RArray<TInt> timeZones;
+ RArray<TInt> zoneOffsets;
+ // Append the current timezone ID and request for the standard offset
+ timeZones.Append(timezoneId);
+ tzHandle.GetOffsetsForTimeZoneIdsL(timeZones, zoneOffsets);
+ // The initial offset or the standard offset (w/o DST)
+ int initialTimeZoneOffset = zoneOffsets[ 0 ];
+ // Close the resource handles
+ timeZones.Close();
+ zoneOffsets.Close();
+ // The number of actualised rules
+ int ruleCount = actualizedRules->Count();
+ for(int ruleIndex(1); ruleIndex < ruleCount; ruleIndex++) {
+ const TVTzActualisedRule& tVTzactRule = (*actualizedRules)[ruleIndex];
+ TTime ruleTime(tVTzactRule.iTimeOfChange);
+ if (initialTimeZoneOffset == tVTzactRule.iNewOffset) {
+ TTime tempRuleTime(ruleTime);
+ if (tVTzactRule.iTimeReference == ETzUtcTimeReference) {
+ tempRuleTime += TTimeIntervalMinutes(tVTzactRule.iNewOffset);
+ }
+ QTime tempTime;
+ QDate tempDate;
+ tempTime.setHMS(tempRuleTime.DateTime().Hour(),
+ tempRuleTime.DateTime().Minute(),
+ tempRuleTime.DateTime().Second());
+ tempDate.setYMD(tempRuleTime.DateTime().Year(),
+ tempRuleTime.DateTime().Month()+1,
+ tempRuleTime.DateTime().Day()+1);
+ endTime.setDate(tempDate);
+ endTime.setTime(tempTime);
+ } else {
+ TTime tempRuleTime(ruleTime);
+ if (tVTzactRule.iTimeReference == ETzUtcTimeReference) {
+ tempRuleTime += TTimeIntervalMinutes(tVTzactRule.iNewOffset);
+ }
+ QTime tempTime;
+ QDate tempDate;
+ tempTime.setHMS(tempRuleTime.DateTime().Hour(),
+ tempRuleTime.DateTime().Minute(),
+ tempRuleTime.DateTime().Second());
+ tempDate.setYMD(tempRuleTime.DateTime().Year(),
+ tempRuleTime.DateTime().Month() + 1,
+ tempRuleTime.DateTime().Day() + 1);
+ startTime.setDate(tempDate);
+ startTime.setTime(tempTime);
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(actualizedRules);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(timezoneRules);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tzId);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&tzHandle);
+QList<LocationInfo> TimezoneClient::getSavedLocations()
+ QList<LocationInfo> locationList;
+ QString fileName(CITY_INFO_DB_PATH);
+ fileName.append(CITY_INFO_DB);
+ QFile cityInfoFile(fileName);
+ if (cityInfoFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
+ QDataStream writeStream(&cityInfoFile);
+ writeStream >> locationList;
+ cityInfoFile.close();
+ }
+ return locationList;
+void TimezoneClient::saveLocations(const QList<LocationInfo> &locationList)
+ QDir cityDbDir;
+ cityDbDir.mkpath(CITY_INFO_DB_PATH);
+ QString fileName(CITY_INFO_DB_PATH);
+ fileName.append(CITY_INFO_DB);
+ QFile cityInfoFile(fileName);
+ if (!cityInfoFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
+ // Error opening or creating file.
+ return;
+ }
+ QDataStream writeStream(&cityInfoFile);
+ writeStream << locationList;
+ cityInfoFile.close();
+ emit listUpdated();
+void TimezoneClient::getCitiesForCountry(int id, QMap<QString, int>& cities)
+ // Get the city group for the given id.
+ CTzLocalizedCityArray* cityArray = mTzLocalizer->GetCitiesInGroupL(id,
+ CTzLocalizer::ETzAlphaNameAscending);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(cityArray);
+ CTzLocalizedCityArray* unsortedArray = mTzLocalizer->GetCitiesInGroupL(id,
+ CTzLocalizer::ETzUnsorted);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(unsortedArray);
+ for (int i = 0; i < cityArray->Count(); i++) {
+ CTzLocalizedCity *city = &(cityArray->At(i));
+ TPtrC cityName = city->Name();
+ for (int j = 0; j < unsortedArray->Count(); j++) {
+ if (KErrNone ==
+ (unsortedArray->At(j)).Name().Compare(city->Name())) {
+ QString qCityname = QString::fromUtf16(
+ cityName.Ptr(),cityName.Length());
+ cities[qCityname] = j;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Cleanup.
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(unsortedArray);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cityArray);
+void TimezoneClient::getLocationInfo(
+ int groupId, int cityIndex, LocationInfo& cityInfo)
+ error,
+ // Get the localized city group.
+ CTzLocalizedCityGroup* cityGroup = mTzLocalizer->GetCityGroupL(groupId);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(cityGroup);
+ // Get the localized city array for the given city group.
+ CTzLocalizedCityArray* cityArray = mTzLocalizer->GetCitiesInGroupL(
+ groupId, CTzLocalizer::ETzUnsorted);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(cityArray);
+ // Get the required city.
+ CTzLocalizedCity* neededCity = &(cityArray->At(cityIndex));
+ // Fill the location information.
+ cityInfo.countryName = QString::fromUtf16(
+ cityGroup->Name().Ptr(), cityGroup->Name().Length());
+ cityInfo.cityName = QString::fromUtf16(
+ neededCity->Name().Ptr(), neededCity->Name().Length());
+ cityInfo.timezoneId = neededCity->TimeZoneId();
+ cityInfo.dstOn = dstOn(cityInfo.timezoneId);
+ cityInfo.zoneOffset = getDstZoneOffset(cityInfo.timezoneId);
+ // Cleanup.
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cityArray);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cityGroup);
+ )
+ Q_UNUSED(error)
+QDataStream &operator<<(
+ QDataStream &writeStream, const LocationInfo& locationInfo)
+ OstTraceFunctionEntry0( _OPERATOR_ENTRY );
+ writeStream << locationInfo.cityName
+ << locationInfo.countryName
+ << locationInfo.listImageName
+ << locationInfo.dstOn
+ << locationInfo.timezoneId
+ << locationInfo.zoneOffset;
+ OstTraceFunctionExit0( _OPERATOR_EXIT );
+ return writeStream;
+QDataStream &operator>>(
+ QDataStream &readStream, LocationInfo &locationInfo)
+ OstTraceFunctionEntry0( DUP1__OPERATOR_ENTRY );
+ readStream >> locationInfo.cityName
+ >> locationInfo.countryName
+ >> locationInfo.listImageName
+ >> locationInfo.dstOn
+ >> locationInfo.timezoneId
+ >> locationInfo.zoneOffset;
+ OstTraceFunctionExit0( DUP1__OPERATOR_EXIT );
+ return readStream;
+int TimezoneClient::getDstZoneOffset(int tzId)
+ // Connect to the timezone server.
+ RTz client;
+ User::LeaveIfError(client.Connect());
+ CleanupClosePushL(client);
+ RArray<int> zoneIds;
+ RArray<int> zoneOffsets;
+ zoneIds.Append(tzId);
+ // Get the offsets.
+ client.GetOffsetsForTimeZoneIdsL(zoneIds, zoneOffsets);
+ // Cleanup.
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&client);
+ return zoneOffsets[0];
+bool TimezoneClient::dstOn(int tzId)
+ // Connect to the timezone server.
+ RTz client;
+ User::LeaveIfError(client.Connect());
+ CleanupClosePushL(client);
+ CTzId *zoneId = CTzId::NewL(tzId);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(zoneId);
+ bool returnVal = client.IsDaylightSavingOnL(*zoneId);
+ // Cleanup.
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(zoneId);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&client);
+ return returnVal;
+int TimezoneClient::getCityGroupIdByName(const QString& name)
+ TPtrC namePtr;
+ namePtr.Set(name.utf16(), name.length());
+ // Get the citygroup matching the name.
+ CTzLocalizedCityGroup *cityGroup = mTzLocalizer->FindCityGroupByNameL(namePtr);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(cityGroup);
+ // Get the id.
+ int id = cityGroup->Id();
+ // Cleanup.
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cityGroup);
+ return id;
+int TimezoneClient::getCityOffsetByNameAndId(const QString& name, int tzId)
+ TPtrC namePtr;
+ namePtr.Set(name.utf16(), name.length());
+ // Get the citygroup matching the name.
+ CTzLocalizedCityArray *cityArray = mTzLocalizer->GetCitiesL(tzId);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(cityArray);
+ int id;
+ for (id = 0; id < cityArray->Count(); id++) {
+ if (KErrNone == cityArray->At(id).Name().Compare(namePtr)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (id == cityArray->Count()) {
+ id = -1;
+ }
+ // Cleanup.
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cityArray);
+ return id;
+void TimezoneClient::setDateTime(QDateTime dateTime)
+ TMonth month = intToMonth(dateTime.date().month());
+ TTime current(TDateTime(
+ dateTime.date().year(), month, dateTime.date().day() - 1,
+ dateTime.time().hour(), dateTime.time().minute(),
+ dateTime.time().second(), dateTime.time().msec() * 1000));
+ RTz tz;
+ User::LeaveIfError(tz.Connect());
+ CleanupClosePushL(tz);
+ TInt ret(tz.SetHomeTime(current));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&tz);
+void TimezoneClient::setTimeUpdateOn(bool timeUpdate)
+ RClkSrvInterface clkSrvInterface;
+ User::LeaveIfError(clkSrvInterface.Connect());
+ if (timeUpdate) {
+ clkSrvInterface.ActivateAllProtocols();
+ }
+ else {
+ clkSrvInterface.DeActivateAllProtocols();
+ }
+ clkSrvInterface.Close();
+bool TimezoneClient::timeUpdateOn()
+ TBool autoTimeUpdateOn;
+ RClkSrvInterface clkSrvInterface;
+ User::LeaveIfError(clkSrvInterface.Connect());
+ clkSrvInterface.IsAutoTimeUpdateOn(autoTimeUpdateOn);
+ clkSrvInterface.Close();
+ return autoTimeUpdateOn;
+TMonth TimezoneClient::intToMonth(int month)
+ switch (month) {
+ case 1:
+ return EJanuary;
+ case 2:
+ return EFebruary;
+ case 3:
+ return EMarch;
+ case 4:
+ return EApril;
+ case 5:
+ return EMay;
+ case 6:
+ return EJune;
+ case 7:
+ return EJuly;
+ case 8:
+ return EAugust;
+ case 9:
+ return ESeptember;
+ case 10:
+ return EOctober;
+ case 11:
+ return ENovember;
+ case 12:
+ return EDecember;
+ default:
+ // Nothing to do.
+ break;
+ }
+ return (TMonth) -1;
+void TimezoneClient::populateCities()
+ // First iterate over all the counties
+ QMapIterator<QString, int> countryIter(mAllCountries);
+ while (countryIter.hasNext()) {
+ countryIter.next();
+ // Create an item for each country and append it to the model
+ QStandardItem *country = new QStandardItem(countryIter.key());
+ // Add the city group id
+ // TODO: Define and use proper role
+ country->setData(countryIter.value(), Qt::UserRole + 200);
+ mWorldClockModel->appendRow(country);
+ // Iterate through the city list of each country
+ QMap<QString, int> cityList;
+ getCitiesForCountry(countryIter.value(), cityList);
+ QMapIterator<QString, int> cityIter(cityList);
+ while (cityIter.hasNext()) {
+ cityIter.next();
+ // Create an item for the city and append it to that country
+ QStandardItem *city = new QStandardItem(cityIter.key());
+ // TODO: Define and use proper role
+ city->setData(cityIter.value(), Qt::UserRole + 200);
+ country->appendRow(city);
+ }
+ }
+ Checks if DST changes will be applied in the next 24 hours.
+ \param alarmInfo reference to alarm info
+ \return true if there is DST change otherwise false
+ */
+bool TimezoneClient::checkForDstChange(AlarmInfo& alarmInfo)
+ // User to be notified whether DST rollover happens in a day or
+ // has happen within a day if he tries to change the time.
+ bool returnValue( EFalse );
+ // Establish connection with RTz to get the timezone ID
+ RTz tzHandle;
+ User::LeaveIfError( tzHandle.Connect() );
+ CleanupClosePushL( tzHandle );
+ // The timezone ID (current)
+ CTzId* currentTZId = tzHandle.GetTimeZoneIdL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL( currentTZId );
+ // The current time in UTC
+ TTime currentTime;
+ currentTime.UniversalTime();
+ // hometime (local time)
+ TTime homeTime;
+ homeTime.HomeTime();
+ //(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Micrsecond)
+ TDateTime dateTime(homeTime.DateTime().Year(), EJanuary, 1, FALSE, FALSE,
+ TTime tempTime( dateTime );
+ // Get the current rules for the timezone
+ CTzRules* currentRules = tzHandle.GetTimeZoneRulesL(*currentTZId,
+ tempTime, currentTime, ETzUtcTimeReference);
+ CleanupStack::PushL( currentRules );
+ // CVTzActualisedRules encapsulates the rules for a specific year.
+ // Every year has a dummy rule and further DST rules if DST is applicable
+ // (if Ohlson provides them)
+ CVTzActualisedRules *vActualisedRules = CVTzActualisedRules::NewL(
+ homeTime.DateTime().Year(),
+ homeTime.DateTime().Year());
+ CleanupStack::PushL( vActualisedRules );
+ // The dummy rule is always the begining of the year.
+ // For example there is only 1 rule for
+ // India/NewDelhi but USA/Atlanta has 3 rules.
+ currentRules->GetActualisedRulesL( *vActualisedRules );
+ const int ruleCount( vActualisedRules->Count() );
+ int ruleMatchIndex( KNoDifference );
+ TTimeIntervalSeconds secondsDifference;
+ TTime ruleMatchTime;
+ // Fetch lowest time offset for the year residing at aTime.
+ // This is used to determine if DST is on.
+ for ( int ruleIndex( FALSE ); ruleIndex < ruleCount; ++ruleIndex ) {
+ const TVTzActualisedRule& actualisedRule =
+ ( *vActualisedRules )[ ruleIndex ];
+ // Only check for the same year as requested (aTime)
+ if (actualisedRule.iTimeOfChange.DateTime().Year()
+ == homeTime.DateTime().Year()) {
+ TMonth month = intToMonth(alarmInfo.alarmDateTime.month());
+ TTime alarmTime(TDateTime(
+ alarmInfo.alarmDateTime.year(),
+ month,
+ alarmInfo.alarmDateTime.day() - 1,
+ alarmInfo.origAlarmTime.hour(),
+ alarmInfo.origAlarmTime.minute(),
+ alarmInfo.origAlarmTime.second(),
+ alarmInfo.origAlarmTime.msec()*1000));
+ int tempSecDiff = actualisedRule.iTimeOfChange.DateTime().Second() -
+ alarmInfo.origAlarmTime.second() ;
+ alarmTime.SecondsFrom(actualisedRule.iTimeOfChange,
+ secondsDifference);
+ // Considering the time reference is important as America
+ // (North & South) uses the Wall time (local time) reference
+ // where as whole of Europe refers to time in terms of UTC time.
+ // Correspondingly, the choise of local time or utc time
+ // has to be made.
+ TTime ruleTime;
+ if ( ETzUtcTimeReference == actualisedRule.iTimeReference ) {
+ ruleTime = currentTime;
+ }
+ else if ( ETzWallTimeReference == actualisedRule.iTimeReference ) {
+ ruleTime = homeTime;
+ }
+ else if( ETzStdTimeReference == actualisedRule.iTimeReference ) {
+ // TODO: Testing so far hasn't encountered a rule in this time reference.
+ // If in case an error is found, corresponding code can be added here.
+ // No support from symbian for this.
+ }
+ TDateTime sevenDays(FALSE, EJanuary, KDaysInWeek, FALSE, FALSE,
+ TTime tempTime( sevenDays );
+ TTime newTime( ruleTime.Int64() + tempTime.Int64() );
+ TTimeIntervalDays temp;
+ temp = newTime.DaysFrom( ruleTime );
+ if ( ( secondsDifference.Int() >= KNoDifference ) &&
+ ( newTime > alarmTime) &&
+ ( actualisedRule.iTimeOfChange < alarmTime ) &&
+ ( ruleTime < actualisedRule.iTimeOfChange ) ) {
+ // If there is a match, save the index and break.
+ // We've got the rule and there's no need to continue with other rules.
+ ruleMatchIndex = ruleIndex;
+ ruleMatchTime = actualisedRule.iTimeOfChange;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ruleMatchIndex > KZerothRule ) {
+ // There's a match, display the information note about DST change.
+ TTime displayTime;
+ TTimeIntervalHours oneHour( KOneHour );
+ returnValue = ETrue;
+ }
+ tzHandle.Close();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( vActualisedRules);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( currentRules );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( currentTZId );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &tzHandle );
+ return returnValue;
+ Get all time zone ids
+ \return list of time zone ids
+ */
+QList<int> TimezoneClient::getAllTimeZoneIds()
+ if (mTimeZoneIds.count()) {
+ return mTimeZoneIds;
+ } else {
+ // This list will contain the info of the cities fetched from tz server.
+ QList<LocationInfo> infoList;
+ // Get the cities, in alphabetical-ascending sorted order.
+ CTzLocalizedCityArray* cityArray =
+ mTzLocalizer->GetCitiesL(CTzLocalizer::ETzAlphaNameAscending);
+ ASSERT(cityArray);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(cityArray);
+ int cityCount = cityArray->Count();
+ // Now get the country\city-group of each of the city.
+ // Print the timezone id and city group id as well.
+ for (int iter = 0; iter < cityCount; iter++) {
+ CTzLocalizedCity* localizedCity = &(cityArray->At(iter));
+ int tzId(localizedCity->TimeZoneId());
+ if(-1==mTimeZoneIds.indexOf(tzId)) {
+ mTimeZoneIds.append(tzId);
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cityArray);
+ return mTimeZoneIds;
+ }
+ Get all time zone ids
+ \return list of time zone ids
+ */
+QList<int> TimezoneClient::getAllTimeZoneOffsets()
+ QList<int> timeZoneOffsetList;
+ QList<int> timeZoneIdList;
+ if (mTimeZoneIds.count()) {
+ timeZoneIdList = mTimeZoneIds;
+ } else {
+ timeZoneIdList = getAllTimeZoneIds();
+ }
+ RTz tzHandle;
+ User::LeaveIfError( tzHandle.Connect() );
+ CleanupClosePushL( tzHandle );
+ RArray<int> idArray;
+ RArray<int> offsetArray;
+ int offset;
+ int tzIdsCount = timeZoneIdList.count();
+ for (int index=0;index<tzIdsCount;index++) {
+ idArray.Append(timeZoneIdList.at(index));
+ // Get the offsets for the time zone ids
+ tzHandle.GetOffsetsForTimeZoneIdsL(idArray, offsetArray);
+ offset = offsetArray[0];
+ // Add the offset if not exists in the list
+ if(-1==(timeZoneOffsetList.indexOf(offset))) {
+ timeZoneOffsetList.append(offset);
+ }
+ offsetArray.Close();
+ idArray.Close();
+ }
+ tzHandle.Close();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &tzHandle );
+ // Sort the offset list
+ qSort(timeZoneOffsetList.begin(),timeZoneOffsetList.end());
+ return timeZoneOffsetList;
+ Get countries list for a UTC offset
+ \param list of countries infomation having the same UTC offsets
+ */
+QList<LocationInfo> TimezoneClient::getCountriesForUTCOffset(int utcOffset)
+ // This list will contain the info of the countries.
+ QList<LocationInfo> countryList;
+ QList<int> cityGroupIdList;
+ // Get all cities for the UTC offset.
+ CTzLocalizedCityArray* cityList =
+ mTzLocalizer->GetCitiesWithUTCOffsetL(utcOffset);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(cityList);
+ int cityCount = cityList->Count();
+ CTzLocalizedCityGroup* country;
+ for(int index=0;index<cityCount;index++) {
+ CTzLocalizedCity* city = &(cityList->At(index));
+ int cityGroupId(city->GroupId());
+ int timeZoneId(city->TimeZoneId());
+ if(-1==cityGroupIdList.indexOf(cityGroupId)) {
+ cityGroupIdList.append(cityGroupId);
+ country = mTzLocalizer->GetCityGroupL(cityGroupId);
+ // Now insert that data into the country List.
+ LocationInfo cityInfo;
+ cityInfo.cityGroupId = cityGroupId;
+ cityInfo.countryName = QString::fromUtf16(
+ country->Name().Ptr(), country->Name().Length());
+ cityInfo.timezoneId = timeZoneId;
+ countryList.append(cityInfo);
+ delete country;
+ }
+ }
+ cityGroupIdList.clear();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cityList);
+ return countryList;
+ Add a new city to the city list using the
+ name, time zone id and city group id
+ \param timeZoneId time zone id of the new city
+ \cityName Name of the new city
+ \cityGroupId Group Id of the country
+ */
+LocationInfo TimezoneClient::addCity(
+ int timeZoneId,QString &cityName,int cityGroupId)
+ TPtrC namePtr;
+ namePtr.Set(cityName.utf16(), cityName.length());
+ // Add a new city using the localizer
+ CTzLocalizedCity* newCity =
+ mTzLocalizer->AddCityL(timeZoneId, namePtr, cityGroupId);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(newCity);
+ LocationInfo info;
+ info.cityGroupId = newCity->GroupId();
+ info.timezoneId = newCity->TimeZoneId();
+ TPtrC newCityName(newCity->Name());
+ info.cityName = QString::fromUtf16(
+ newCityName.Ptr(), newCityName.Length());
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(newCity);
+ return info;
+ Slot which is called when the value changes in cevrep.
+ \param key The key which got changed in cenrep.
+ \param value The new value of that key.
+ */
+void TimezoneClient::eventMonitor(const XQSettingsKey& key, const QVariant& value)
+ if (key.uid() == KCRUidNitz && key.key() == KActiveProtocol) {
+ if (mSettingsManager->error() == XQSettingsManager::NoError) {
+ // New value of auto time update.
+ int autoTimeUpdate = value.toInt();
+ // Check if the auto time update value has actually changed.
+ bool keyValueChanged = (autoTimeUpdate != mAutoTimeUpdateValue);
+ if(keyValueChanged) {
+ mAutoTimeUpdateValue = autoTimeUpdate;
+ emit autoTimeUpdateChanged(mAutoTimeUpdateValue);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void TimezoneClient::notifyTimeChange()
+ emit timechanged();
+// End of file --Don't remove this.