--- a/calendarui/controller/src/calencontroller.cpp Mon May 03 12:30:32 2010 +0300
+++ b/calendarui/controller/src/calencontroller.cpp Mon Jun 28 15:22:02 2010 +0530
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
#include <hbmainwindow.h>
#include <hbwidget.h>
#include <hbinstance.h>
+#include <hbapplication.h> //Activity Manager
+#include <xqserviceutil.h> // service utils
// User includes
#include "calencontroller.h" // CCalenController
@@ -46,73 +48,99 @@
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCalenController::CCalenController(bool isFromServiceFrmwrk)
- iIsFromServiceFrmWrk = isFromServiceFrmwrk;
- iNextServicesCommandBase = KCustomCommandRangeStart;
- // Store the pointer in tls, also avoid multiple creations
- checkMultipleCreation();
- // Get an instance of AgendaUtil interface class
- // This will take care of
- mAgendaUtil = new AgendaUtil();
- iStateMachine = CCalenStateMachine::NewL( *this );
+ // Check the Application Startup reason, set iIsFromServiceFrmWrk if application
+ // is started by service framework, false otherwise
+ /*Hb::ActivationReasonService == qobject_cast<HbApplication*>(qApp)->activateReason() ?
+ iIsFromServiceFrmWrk = true:
+ iIsFromServiceFrmWrk = false; */
- // Create the notifier.
- iNotifier = new( ELeave )CalenNotifier( *iStateMachine );
- // Construct the context
- mContext = new CalenContextImpl(iNotifier);
+ // Check if calendar is launched thru XQService framework
+ iIsFromServiceFrmWrk = XQServiceUtil::isService(); // Since activateReason
+ //of hbapplication is not returning right value if the activity is started
+ //as services so using the above line temporarily untill a fix is available in
+ // hbappliacation. Need to remove this line after the fix is available for hbapplcation
- // Set the default context.Once will start use of calencmdlinelauncher,
- // Then need to remove this function
- SetDefaultContext();
- RArray<TCalenNotification> notificationArray;
- // Complete construction of the notifier and register the
- // global data for notifications
- iNotifier->ConstructL();
+ iNextServicesCommandBase = KCustomCommandRangeStart;
+ iRefCount = 0;
- // Create the services
- iServices = CalenServicesImpl::NewL();
- // Create the customisation manager, and register for
- // notifications
- iCustomisationManager = CCalenCustomisationManager::NewL( *this,
- *iServices );
- // Create the view manager, and register for notifications
- iViewManager = new CalenViewManager(*this, isFromServiceFrmwrk );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenController::constuctController
+// Construct the controller completely
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenController::constructController()
+ // Store the pointer in tls, also avoid multiple creations
+ checkMultipleCreation();
+ // Get an instance of AgendaUtil interface class
+ // This will take care of
+ mAgendaUtil = new AgendaUtil();
+ iStateMachine = CCalenStateMachine::NewL( *this );
+ // Create the notifier.
+ iNotifier = new( ELeave )CalenNotifier( *iStateMachine );
+ // Construct the context
+ mContext = new CalenContextImpl(iNotifier);
+ // Set the default context.Once will start use of calencmdlinelauncher,
+ // Then need to remove this function
+ SetDefaultContext();
+ RArray<TCalenNotification> notificationArray;
+ // Complete construction of the notifier and register the
+ // global data for notifications
+ iNotifier->ConstructL();
+ // Create the services
+ iServices = CalenServicesImpl::NewL();
+ // Create the customisation manager, and register for
+ // notifications
+ iCustomisationManager = CCalenCustomisationManager::NewL( *this,
+ *iServices );
+ // Create the view manager, and register for notifications
+ iViewManager = new CalenViewManager(*this);
+ iViewManager->SecondPhaseConstruction();
- // Create the action uis.
- iActionUi = CCalenActionUi::NewL( *this );
- notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifySettingsChanged);
- notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifyCheckPluginUnloading);
- notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifyEComRegistryChanged);
- RegisterForNotificationsL( iCustomisationManager,notificationArray);
- notificationArray.Reset();
- notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifyViewPopulationComplete);
- notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifyExternalDatabaseChanged);
- notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifyMultipleEntriesDeleted);
- notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifyDialogClosed);
- notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifyEntrySaved);
- notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifyEntryDeleted);
- notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifyInstanceDeleted);
- notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifySystemLocaleChanged);
- notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifySystemTimeChanged);
- notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifyEntryClosed);
- notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifySettingsClosed);
- RegisterForNotificationsL( iViewManager, notificationArray );
- notificationArray.Reset();
- notificationArray.Close();
+ // Create the action uis.
+ iActionUi = CCalenActionUi::NewL( *this );
+ notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifySettingsChanged);
+ notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifyCheckPluginUnloading);
+ notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifyEComRegistryChanged);
+ notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifySystemLanguageChanged);
+ RegisterForNotificationsL( iCustomisationManager,notificationArray);
+ notificationArray.Reset();
+ notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifyViewPopulationComplete);
+ notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifyExternalDatabaseChanged);
+ notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifyMultipleEntriesDeleted);
+ notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifyDialogClosed);
+ notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifyEntrySaved);
+ notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifyEntryDeleted);
+ notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifyInstanceDeleted);
+ notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifySystemLocaleChanged);
+ notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifySystemLanguageChanged);
+ notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifySystemTimeChanged);
+ notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifyEntryClosed);
+ notificationArray.Append(ECalenNotifySettingsClosed);
+ RegisterForNotificationsL( iViewManager, notificationArray );
+ notificationArray.Reset();
+ notificationArray.Close();
void CCalenController::checkMultipleCreation()
@@ -171,7 +199,24 @@
return self;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenController::ReleaseCustomisations
+// Releases any plugins by deleting the customisation manager
+// should only be called on exiting by the application.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenController::ReleaseCustomisations()
+ {
+ delete iCustomisationManager;
+ iCustomisationManager = NULL;
+ }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCalenController::Release
// Decrement the reference count of this singleton.
@@ -204,14 +249,48 @@
+ if(iStateMachine) {
+ delete iStateMachine;
+ iStateMachine = NULL;
+ }
if ( iServices )
- delete iNotifier;
- delete iActionUi;
- delete iViewManager;
- delete iCustomisationManager;
+ if( mContext )
+ {
+ delete mContext;
+ mContext = NULL;
+ }
+ // iActionUi has to be deleted before iNotifier
+ // as the unregistering of the notifications has to be done
+ if( iActionUi )
+ {
+ delete iActionUi;
+ iActionUi = NULL;
+ }
+ if( iNotifier )
+ {
+ delete iNotifier;
+ iNotifier = NULL;
+ }
+ if( iViewManager )
+ {
+ delete iViewManager;
+ iViewManager = NULL;
+ }
+ if( iCustomisationManager )
+ {
+ delete iCustomisationManager;
+ iCustomisationManager = NULL;
+ }
+ Dll::SetTls( NULL );
@@ -464,7 +543,7 @@
QDateTime focusTime = mContext->defaultCalTimeForViewsL();
- mContext->setFocusDateAndTimeL(focusTime,KCalenDayViewUidValue );
+ mContext->setFocusDateAndTime(focusTime);
@@ -519,13 +598,10 @@
if (iIsFromServiceFrmWrk) {
// Set the context properly
- mContext->setFocusDateAndTimeL(dateTime,KCalenMonthViewUidValue);
+ mContext->setFocusDateAndTime(dateTime);
// launch the appropriate view
- // Construct other views
- iViewManager->constructOtherViews();
} else { // Calendar was in backgroung but now its being brought to foreground
// If current state is editing state or printing state
// or deleting state or sending state, then dont do anything as
@@ -538,7 +614,7 @@
// simply return - we dont have anything to do
} else {
// Set the context properly
- mContext->setFocusDateAndTimeL(dateTime,KCalenMonthViewUidValue);
+ mContext->setFocusDateAndTime(dateTime);
@@ -559,4 +635,26 @@
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenController::eventFilter
+// Filters and handles the changes in events
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool CCalenController::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event)
+ switch (event->type())
+ {
+ case QEvent::LanguageChange:
+ //TODO: Unload the translator and install the locale specific translator
+ iNotifier->BroadcastNotification( ECalenNotifySystemLanguageChanged );
+ break;
+ case QEvent::LocaleChange:
+ // TODO: handle the locale changes
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return QObject::eventFilter(object, event);
// End of file