changeset 18 c198609911f9
child 23 fd30d51f876b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/calendarui/agendaeventviewer/src/agendaeventview.cpp	Fri Apr 16 14:57:40 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1138 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+// System includes
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <QDateTime>
+#include <qtranslator.h>
+#include <QGraphicsLinearLayout>
+#include <HbInstance>
+#include <hbapplication.h>
+#include <HbMainWindow>
+#include <HbView>
+#include <HbMenu>
+#include <HbGroupBox>
+#include <HbScrollArea>
+#include <HbIcon>
+#include <HbAction>
+#include <HbExtendedLocale>
+#include <HbToolBar>
+#include <hbi18ndef.h>
+#include <HbRadioButtonList>
+#include <HbMessageBox>
+#include <HbDialog>
+#include <HbLabel>
+// User includes
+#include <agendautil.h>
+#include <noteseditor.h>
+#include <caleneditor.h>
+#include "agendaeventview.h"
+#include "agendaeventviewerdocloader.h"
+#include "agendaeventviewercommon.h"
+#include "agendaeventviewer_p.h"
+#include "agendaeventvieweritem.h"
+#include "calendateutils.h"
+// Constants
+#define CHARACTER_HYPHEN    "-"
+#define CHARACTER_SPACE     " "
+#define CHARACTER_NEW_LINE  "\n"
+	\class AgendaEventView.
+	Responsible for viewing viewing agenda entries. This is friend of
+	AgendaEventViewerPrivate and it handles all the cases
+	related to agenda entry viewing.
+ */
+	Default constructor.
+	\param owner pointer to AgendaEventViewerPrivate.
+	\param parent pointer to QGraphicsWidget.
+ */
+		AgendaEventViewerPrivate *owner, QObject *parent):
+		QObject(parent),
+		mOwner(owner),
+		mReminderWidgetAdded(true),
+		mMainWindow(NULL)
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::AgendaEventView -->";
+	// Load the translator based on locale
+	mTranslator = new QTranslator;
+	QString lang = QLocale::system().name();
+	QString path = "Z:/resource/qt/translations/";
+	mTranslator->load("caleneventviewer_en_GB",":/translations");
+	// TODO: Load the appropriate .qm file based on locale
+	//bool loaded = mTranslator->load("caleneventviewer_" + lang, path);
+	HbApplication::instance()->installTranslator(mTranslator);
+	mDocLoader = new AgendaEventViewerDocLoader;
+	// Load to-do viewer's docml.
+	bool loadSuccess;
+	mDocLoader->load(AGENDA_EVENT_VIEWER_DOCML, &loadSuccess);
+	if (!loadSuccess) {
+		    qFatal("agendaeventview.cpp : Unable to load XML");
+	}
+	// Load the to-viewer's view.
+	mViewer = qobject_cast<HbView *> (mDocLoader->findWidget(
+	// Load all the widgets.
+	mSubjectWidget = qobject_cast<AgendaEventViewerItem *> (
+	mDateTimeWidget = qobject_cast<AgendaEventViewerItem *> (
+	mLocationWidget = qobject_cast<AgendaEventViewerItem *> (
+	mReminderWidget = qobject_cast<AgendaEventViewerItem *> (
+	mRepeatWidget = qobject_cast<AgendaEventViewerItem *> (
+	mDescriptionWidget = qobject_cast<AgendaEventViewerItem *> (
+    HbWidget *scrollAreaWidget = qobject_cast<HbWidget *>(
+               mDocLoader->findWidget(AGENDA_EVENT_VIEWER_SCROLLAREA_CONTENTS));
+    mLinearLayout = 
+    		static_cast<QGraphicsLinearLayout *> (scrollAreaWidget->layout());
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::AgendaEventView <--";
+	Destructor.
+ */
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::~AgendaEventView -->";
+	// Remove the translator
+	HbApplication::instance()->removeTranslator(mTranslator);
+	if (mTranslator) {
+		delete mTranslator;
+		mTranslator = 0;
+	}
+	mDocLoader->reset();
+	delete mDocLoader;
+	// Delete the mainwindow if we have created any
+	if (mMainWindow) {
+		delete mMainWindow;
+		mMainWindow = NULL;
+	}
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::~AgendaEventView <--";
+	Displays the to-do viewer and populates the to-do entry attributes.
+	\param entry Agenda entry from which attributes have to be read.
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::execute(AgendaEntry entry,
+											AgendaEventViewer::Actions action)
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::execute -->";
+	mOriginalAgendaEntry = entry;
+	mAgendaEntry = entry;
+	// Add the viewer data reading from the agenda entry.
+	addViewerData();
+	// Remove unnecessary widget from event viewer.
+	removeWidget();
+	// Add the menu items to event viewer.
+	addMenuItem();
+	// Add the toolbar items to event viewer
+	addToolBarItem(action);
+	// Add the title to event viewer.
+	addGroupBoxData();
+	// Connect for the entry updation and addtion signal to refresh the view
+	// when the same is edited in editor.
+	connect(mOwner->mAgendaUtil, SIGNAL(entryUpdated(ulong)),
+				this, SLOT(handleEntryUpdation(ulong)));
+	connect(mOwner->mAgendaUtil, SIGNAL(entryAdded(ulong)),
+				this, SLOT(handleEntryUpdation(ulong)));
+	// Connect for entry deletion signal to close the event viewer.
+	connect(mOwner->mAgendaUtil, SIGNAL(entryDeleted(ulong)), this,
+	        SLOT(handleEntryDeletion(ulong)));
+	// Add the view to the main window.
+	HbMainWindow *window = hbInstance->allMainWindows().first();
+	if (!window) {
+		// Might be some non-ui based app called us
+		// so create mainwindow now
+		mMainWindow = new HbMainWindow();
+		mMainWindow->addView(mViewer);
+		mMainWindow->setCurrentView(mViewer);
+	} else {
+		window->addView(mViewer);
+		window->setCurrentView(mViewer);
+	}
+	// Add softkey after adding view on window
+	mBackAction = new HbAction(Hb::BackAction);
+	mViewer->setNavigationAction(mBackAction);
+	connect(mBackAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(close()));
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::execute <--";
+	Refreshes the to-do viewer after the to-do editor is closed.
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::addViewerData()
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::addViewerData -->";
+	// Set the summary & priority to viewer.
+	addSubjectAndPriorityData();
+	// Set Date & Time to viewer.
+	addDateTimeData();
+	// Add agenda entry specific fields to the viewer
+	switch (mAgendaEntry.type()) {
+		case AgendaEntry::TypeAppoinment:
+		case AgendaEntry::TypeEvent:
+			addLocationData();
+			addReminderData();
+			addRepeatData();
+			break;
+		case AgendaEntry::TypeAnniversary:
+			break;
+		case AgendaEntry::TypeTodo:
+			if (AgendaEntry::TodoCompleted == mAgendaEntry.status()) { 
+				addCompletedTodoData();
+			} else {
+				addReminderData();
+			}
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+	}
+	// Set the description.
+	addDescriptionData();
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::addViewerData <--";
+	Add the menu item depends up on entry type
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::addMenuItem()
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::addMenuItem -->";
+	if (mAgendaEntry.type() == AgendaEntry::TypeTodo) {
+		HbMenu *menu = qobject_cast<HbMenu *> (
+				mDocLoader->findWidget(AGENDA_EVENT_VIEWER_MENU));
+		mMarkTodoAction = new HbAction(this);
+		if (mAgendaEntry.status() == AgendaEntry::TodoCompleted) {
+			mMarkTodoAction->setText(
+								hbTrId("txt_calendar_menu_mark_as_not_done"));
+		} else {
+			mMarkTodoAction->setText(hbTrId("txt_calendar_menu_mark_as_done"));
+		}
+		connect(mMarkTodoAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
+		        SLOT(markTodoStatus()));
+		menu->addAction(mMarkTodoAction);
+	}
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::addMenuItem <--";
+	Add the toolbar item
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::addToolBarItem(AgendaEventViewer::Actions action)
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::addToolBarItem -->";
+	HbToolBar *toolBar = qobject_cast<HbToolBar *> (
+	                       mDocLoader->findWidget(AGENDA_EVENT_VIEWER_TOOLBAR));
+	// Load all the actions for event viewer
+	if ((action == AgendaEventViewer::ActionEditDelete) || (action
+	        == AgendaEventViewer::ActionEdit)) {
+		HbAction *editAction = new HbAction(HbIcon("qtg_mono_edit"), 
+		                                  hbTrId("txt_calendar_button_edit"));
+		connect(editAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(edit()));
+		toolBar->addAction(editAction);
+	}
+	if ((action == AgendaEventViewer::ActionEditDelete) || (action
+	        == AgendaEventViewer::ActionDelete)) {
+		HbAction *deleteAction = new HbAction(HbIcon("qtg_mono_delete"), 
+		                                  hbTrId("txt_calendar_button_delete"));
+		connect(deleteAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
+		        SLOT(deleteAgendaEntry()));
+		toolBar->addAction(deleteAction);
+	}
+	if (action == AgendaEventViewer::ActionSave) {
+		HbAction *saveAction = new HbAction(
+							hbTrId("txt_calendar_button_save_to_calendar"));
+		connect(saveAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveAgendaEntry()));
+		toolBar->addAction(saveAction);
+	}
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::addToolBarItem <--";
+	Add the groupbox data depends up on entry type
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::addGroupBoxData()
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::addGroupBoxData -->";
+	HbGroupBox *groupBox = qobject_cast<HbGroupBox *> (
+			mDocLoader->findWidget(AGENDA_EVENT_VIEWER_GROUPBOX));
+	if (mAgendaEntry.type() == AgendaEntry::TypeTodo) {
+		groupBox->setHeading(hbTrId("txt_calendar_subhead_to_do"));
+	} else if (mAgendaEntry.type() == AgendaEntry::TypeNote) {
+		groupBox->setHeading(tr("Note"));
+	} else {
+		// TODO: Add the text id based on the entry type Anniversary or meeting
+		groupBox->setHeading(hbTrId("txt_calendar_subhead_event"));
+	}
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::addGroupBoxData <--";
+	Add subject and priority data to Event viewer
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::addSubjectAndPriorityData()
+	qDebug()
+	     << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::addSubjectAndPriorityData -->";
+	QStringList itemList;
+	itemList.append(hbTrId("txt_calendar_dblist_subject"));
+	if (mAgendaEntry.summary().isEmpty()) {
+		itemList.append(hbTrId("txt_calendar_dblist_val_unnamed"));
+	} else {
+		itemList.append(mAgendaEntry.summary());
+	}
+	mSubjectWidget->setEventViewerItemData(itemList, Qt::DisplayRole);
+	itemList.clear();
+	QString priorityIcon(QString::null);
+	getPriorityIcon(mAgendaEntry.priority(), priorityIcon);
+	itemList.append(priorityIcon);
+	itemList.append(QString::null);
+	mSubjectWidget->setEventViewerItemData(itemList, Qt::DecorationRole);
+	qDebug()
+	     << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::addSubjectAndPriorityData <--";
+	Add date & time data to Event viewer
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::addDateTimeData()
+    qDebug()
+         << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::addDateTimeData -->";
+    QStringList itemData;
+    HbExtendedLocale systemLocale = HbExtendedLocale::system();
+    QDateTime startDateTime = mAgendaEntry.startTime();
+    QDateTime endDateTime = mAgendaEntry.endTime();
+    itemData.append(QString::null);
+    itemData.append("qtg_small_calendar");
+    mDateTimeWidget->setEventViewerItemData(itemData, Qt::DecorationRole);
+    itemData.clear();
+    itemData.append(QString::null);
+    QString startTimeText;
+    QString endTimeText;
+    QString startDateText;
+    QString dateTimeText;
+    QString data;
+    // Add agenda entry specific fields to the viewer
+    switch (mAgendaEntry.type()) {
+    	case AgendaEntry::TypeAppoinment:
+    		startTimeText.append(systemLocale.format(
+							startDateTime.time(), r_qtn_time_usual_with_zero));
+    		endTimeText.append(systemLocale.format(endDateTime.time(),
+												r_qtn_time_usual_with_zero));
+    		startDateText.append(
+    				systemLocale.format(,
+												r_qtn_date_usual_with_zero));
+    		if (CalenDateUtils::onSameDay(startDateTime, endDateTime)) {
+    			data.append(hbTrId("txt_calendar_dblist_start_end_time").arg(
+											startTimeText).arg(endTimeText));
+    			data.append(CHARACTER_SPACE);
+    			data.append(hbTrId("txt_calendar_dblist_meeting_date").arg(
+											startDateText));
+    		} else {
+    			data.append(hbTrId("txt_calendar_dblist_start_time_date").arg(
+											startTimeText).arg(startDateText));
+    			QString endDateText;
+    			endDateText.append(
+    					systemLocale.format(,
+												r_qtn_date_usual_with_zero));
+    			data.append(hbTrId("txt_calendar_dblist_end_time_date").arg(
+											endTimeText).arg(endDateText));
+    		}
+    		break;
+    	case AgendaEntry::TypeAnniversary:
+    	case AgendaEntry::TypeTodo:
+    		dateTimeText.append(systemLocale.format(,
+												r_qtn_date_usual_with_zero));
+    		data.append(hbTrId(
+						"txt_calendar_dblist_meeting_date").arg(dateTimeText));
+    		break;
+    	case AgendaEntry::TypeEvent:
+    		dateTimeText.append(systemLocale.format(,
+												r_qtn_date_usual_with_zero));
+    		if (CalenDateUtils::onSameDay(startDateTime, endDateTime)) {
+    			data.append(hbTrId("txt_calendar_dblist_meeting_date").arg(
+											dateTimeText));
+    		} else {
+    			QString endDate;
+    			endDate.append(
+    					systemLocale.format(,
+												r_qtn_date_usual_with_zero));
+    			data.append(hbTrId("txt_calendar_dblist_start_end_time").arg(
+											dateTimeText).arg(endDate));
+    		}
+    		break;
+    	default:
+    		break;
+    }
+	itemData.append(data);
+    mDateTimeWidget->setEventViewerItemData(itemData, Qt::DisplayRole);
+    qDebug()
+         << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::addDateTimeData <--";
+	Add location data to Event viewer
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::addLocationData()
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::addLocationData -->";
+	QStringList itemData;
+	itemData.append(QString::null);
+	itemData.append("qtg_small_location");
+	mLocationWidget->setEventViewerItemData(itemData, Qt::DecorationRole);
+	itemData.clear();
+	itemData.append(QString::null);
+	itemData.append(mAgendaEntry.location());
+	mLocationWidget->setEventViewerItemData(itemData, Qt::DisplayRole);
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::addLocationData <--";
+	Add reminder data to Event viewer
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::addReminderData()
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::addReminderData -->";
+	QStringList itemData;
+	itemData.append(QString::null);
+	itemData.append("qtg_small_reminder");
+	mReminderWidget->setEventViewerItemData(itemData, Qt::DecorationRole);
+	itemData.clear();
+	itemData.append(QString::null);
+	itemData.append(alarmTimeText());
+	mReminderWidget->setEventViewerItemData(itemData, Qt::DisplayRole);
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::addReminderData <--";
+	Add completed to-do data to Event viewer
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::addCompletedTodoData()
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::addCompletedTodoData -->";
+	QStringList itemData;
+	QString     completedText;
+	HbExtendedLocale systemLocale = HbExtendedLocale::system();;
+	itemData.append(QString::null);
+	itemData.append(QString::null);
+	mReminderWidget->setEventViewerItemData(itemData, Qt::DecorationRole);
+	itemData.clear();
+	completedText = systemLocale.format(mAgendaEntry.completedDateTime().date(),
+					                    r_qtn_date_usual_with_zero);
+	itemData.append(hbTrId("txt_calendar_dblist_completed_date"));
+	itemData.append(completedText);
+	mReminderWidget->setEventViewerItemData(itemData, Qt::DisplayRole);
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::addCompletedTodoData <--";
+	Add repeat data to Event viewer
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::addRepeatData()
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::addRepeatData -->";
+	QStringList itemData;
+	itemData.append(QString::null);
+	itemData.append("qtg_mono_repeat.svg");
+	mRepeatWidget->setEventViewerItemData(itemData, Qt::DecorationRole);
+	itemData.clear();
+	itemData.append(QString::null);
+	itemData.append(repeatRule());
+	mRepeatWidget->setEventViewerItemData(itemData, Qt::DisplayRole);
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::addRepeatData <--";
+	Add description data to Event viewer
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::addDescriptionData()
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::addDiscriptionData -->";
+	QStringList itemData;
+	itemData.append(QString::null);
+	itemData.append(QString::null);
+	mDescriptionWidget->setEventViewerItemData(itemData, Qt::DecorationRole);
+	itemData.clear();
+	itemData.append(hbTrId("txt_calendar_dblist_description"));
+	itemData.append(mAgendaEntry.description());
+	mDescriptionWidget->setEventViewerItemData(itemData, Qt::DisplayRole);
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::addDiscriptionData <--";
+	Returns priority icon
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::getPriorityIcon(int priority, QString &priorityIcon)
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::getPriorityIcon -->";
+	switch(priority) {
+		case 1:priorityIcon.append("qtg_small_priority_high");
+		break;
+		case 3:priorityIcon.append("qtg_small_priority_low");
+		break;
+		default:
+		break;
+	}
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::getPriorityIcon <--";
+	Returns repeat rule
+ */
+QString AgendaEventView::repeatRule() const
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::repeatRule -->";
+	QString repeatRule;
+	if (mAgendaEntry.repeatRule().type() != AgendaRepeatRule::InvalidRule)
+	{
+		switch (mAgendaEntry.repeatRule().type()) {
+			case AgendaRepeatRule::DailyRule:
+				repeatRule.append(hbTrId("txt_calendar_dblist_repeats_daily"));
+			break;
+			case AgendaRepeatRule::WeeklyRule:
+				if (mAgendaEntry.repeatRule().interval() == 2) {
+					repeatRule.append(
+							hbTrId("txt_calendar_dblist_repeats_fortnightly"));
+				} else {
+					repeatRule.append(
+							hbTrId("txt_calendar_dblist_repeats_weekly"));
+				}
+			break;
+			case AgendaRepeatRule::MonthlyRule:
+				repeatRule.append(
+						hbTrId("txt_calendar_dblist_repeats_monthly"));
+			break;
+			case AgendaRepeatRule::YearlyRule:
+				repeatRule.append(
+						hbTrId("txt_calendar_dblist_repeats_yearly"));
+			break;
+			default:
+			break;
+		}
+		repeatRule.append(CHARACTER_NEW_LINE);
+		HbExtendedLocale systemLocale = HbExtendedLocale::system();
+		QString untilDateString = systemLocale.format(
+				mAgendaEntry.repeatRule().until(), r_qtn_date_usual_with_zero);
+		repeatRule.append(
+			hbTrId("txt_calendar_dblist_repeats_daily_val_until_1").
+			arg(untilDateString));
+	}
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::repeatRule <--";
+	return repeatRule;
+	Alarm time text to display in the viewer.
+	\return QString	Holds the alarm time text.
+ */
+QString AgendaEventView::alarmTimeText() const
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::alarmTimeText -->";
+	QString alarmDateTimeText;
+	QDateTime startTime;
+	QDateTime alarmDateTime;
+	if (mAgendaEntry.type() == AgendaEntry::TypeTodo) { 
+		startTime = mAgendaEntry.endTime();
+	} else { 
+		startTime = mAgendaEntry.startTime();
+	}
+	if (!mAgendaEntry.alarm().isNull()) { 
+		int alarmTimeOffsetInMinutes = mAgendaEntry.alarm().timeOffset();
+		alarmDateTime = startTime.addSecs(-alarmTimeOffsetInMinutes * 60);
+		HbExtendedLocale systemLocale = HbExtendedLocale::system();
+		alarmDateTimeText.append(
+						hbTrId("txt_calendar_list_reminder_time_date").arg(
+						systemLocale.format(alarmDateTime.time(),
+						r_qtn_time_usual_with_zero)).arg(
+						systemLocale.format(,
+						r_qtn_date_usual_with_zero)));
+	}
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::alarmTimeText <--";
+	return alarmDateTimeText;
+	Remove unnecessary widget from layout.
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::removeWidget()
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::removeWidget -->";
+	if (mAgendaEntry.location().isEmpty()) { 
+		mLocationWidget->hide();
+		mLinearLayout->removeItem(mLocationWidget);
+	}
+	if (mAgendaEntry.alarm().isNull()) { 
+		if (mAgendaEntry.type() == AgendaEntry::TypeTodo ) {
+				if (AgendaEntry::TodoNeedsAction == mAgendaEntry.status()) { 
+					mReminderWidget->hide();
+					mLinearLayout->removeItem(mReminderWidget);
+					mReminderWidgetAdded = false;
+				}
+		} else { 
+			mReminderWidget->hide();
+			mLinearLayout->removeItem(mReminderWidget);
+			mReminderWidgetAdded = false;
+		}
+	}
+	if (mAgendaEntry.repeatRule().type() == AgendaRepeatRule::InvalidRule) { 
+		mRepeatWidget->hide();
+		mLinearLayout->removeItem(mRepeatWidget);
+	}
+	if (mAgendaEntry.description().isEmpty()) { 
+		mDescriptionWidget->hide();
+		mLinearLayout->removeItem(mDescriptionWidget);
+	}
+	mLinearLayout->invalidate();
+	mLinearLayout->activate();
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::removeWidget <--";
+	Update the completed to-do or reminder data to event viewer.
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::updateCompletedReminderData()
+	qDebug()
+	   << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::updateCompletedReminderData -->";
+	if (AgendaEntry::TodoCompleted == mAgendaEntry.status()) {
+		addCompletedTodoData();
+		if (!mReminderWidgetAdded) {
+			mReminderWidget->show();
+			mLinearLayout->insertItem(2, mReminderWidget);
+			mReminderWidgetAdded = true;
+		}
+	} else {
+		if (!mAgendaEntry.alarm().isNull()) {
+			addReminderData();
+			if (!mReminderWidgetAdded) {
+				mReminderWidget->show();
+				mLinearLayout->insertItem(2, mReminderWidget);
+				mReminderWidgetAdded = true;
+			}
+		} else {
+			if (mReminderWidgetAdded) {
+				mReminderWidget->hide();
+				mLinearLayout->removeItem(mReminderWidget);
+				mReminderWidgetAdded = false;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	mLinearLayout->invalidate();
+	mLinearLayout->activate();
+	qDebug()
+	   << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::updateCompletedReminderData <--";
+	Remove all widgets from layout.
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::removeAllWidgets()
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::removeAllWidgets -->";
+	for (int i = 2; i < mLinearLayout->count(); i++) {
+		mLinearLayout->removeAt(i);
+	}
+	mLinearLayout->invalidate();
+	mLinearLayout->activate();
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::removeAllWidgets <--";
+	Add all widgets to layout.
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::addAllWidgets()
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::addAllWidgets -->";
+	mLinearLayout->addItem(mLocationWidget);
+	mLocationWidget->show();
+	mLinearLayout->addItem(mReminderWidget);
+	mReminderWidget->show();
+	mLinearLayout->addItem(mRepeatWidget);
+	mRepeatWidget->show();
+	mLinearLayout->addItem(mDescriptionWidget);
+	mDescriptionWidget->show();
+	mLinearLayout->invalidate();
+	mLinearLayout->activate();
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::addAllWidgets <--";
+	Queries user whether to delete whole series or just this single occurence
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::showDeleteOccurencePopup()
+	qDebug()
+	      << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::showDeleteOccurencePopup -->";
+	HbDialog popUp;
+	popUp.setDismissPolicy(HbDialog::NoDismiss);
+	popUp.setTimeout(HbDialog::NoTimeout);
+	QGraphicsLinearLayout *layout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout(Qt::Vertical);
+	HbWidget *deleteWidget = new HbWidget(mViewer);
+	deleteWidget->setLayout(layout);
+	HbRadioButtonList *deleteButtonList = new HbRadioButtonList(mViewer);
+	QStringList list;
+	list << hbTrId("txt_calendar_info_this_occurrence_only") 
+		 << hbTrId("txt_calendar_info_all_occurences");
+	deleteButtonList->setItems(list);
+	layout->addItem(deleteButtonList);
+	popUp.setContentWidget(deleteWidget);
+	popUp.setHeadingWidget(new HbLabel(
+						hbTrId("txt_calendar_title_delete_repeated_entry")));
+	connect(deleteButtonList, SIGNAL(itemSelected(int)), this,
+	        SLOT(handleDeleteOccurence(int)));
+	connect(deleteButtonList, SIGNAL(itemSelected(int)), &popUp, SLOT(close()));
+	// Create secondary action
+	HbAction *cancelAction = new HbAction(
+						hbTrId("txt_calendar_button_softkey1_cancel"));
+	popUp.setSecondaryAction(cancelAction);
+	connect(cancelAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), &popUp, SLOT(close()));
+	// Show the popup
+	popUp.exec();
+	qDebug()
+	      << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::showDeleteOccurencePopup <--";
+ * Show delete confirmation query
+ */
+int AgendaEventView::showDeleteConfirmationQuery()
+	qDebug()
+	   << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::showDeleteConfirmationQuery -->";
+	int retStatus = 0;
+	HbMessageBox popup(HbMessageBox::MessageTypeQuestion);
+	popup.setDismissPolicy(HbDialog::NoDismiss);
+	popup.setTimeout(HbDialog::NoTimeout);
+	popup.setIconVisible(true);
+	QString text = 0;
+	switch (mAgendaEntry.type()) {
+		case AgendaEntry::TypeAppoinment:
+		case AgendaEntry::TypeEvent: {
+			text.append(hbTrId("txt_calendar_info_delete_meeting"));
+			break;
+		}
+		case AgendaEntry::TypeAnniversary: {
+			text.append(hbTrId("txt_calendar_info_delete_anniversary"));
+			break;
+		}
+		case AgendaEntry::TypeTodo: {
+			text.append(hbTrId("txt_calendar_info_delete_todo_note"));
+			break;
+		}
+		case AgendaEntry::TypeNote: {
+			text.append(hbTrId("txt_calendar_info_delete_anniversary"));
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	popup.setText(text);
+	popup.setPrimaryAction(new HbAction(
+								hbTrId("txt_calendar_button_delete"), &popup));
+	popup.setSecondaryAction(new HbAction(
+								hbTrId("txt_calendar_button_cancel"), &popup));
+	HbAction *selected = popup.exec();
+	if (selected == popup.primaryAction()) { 
+		retStatus = 1;
+	}
+	qDebug()
+	   << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::showDeleteConfirmationQuery <--";
+	return retStatus;
+	Marks to-do entry as done or undone based on the completed value.
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::markTodoStatus()
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::markTodoStatus -->";
+	QDateTime currentDateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+	// Set the to-do status using the agenda util.
+	if (AgendaEntry::TodoNeedsAction == mAgendaEntry.status()) {
+		// Update the menu text to mark to-do as undone.
+		mMarkTodoAction->setText(hbTrId("txt_calendar_menu_mark_as_not_done"));
+		mAgendaEntry.setStatus(AgendaEntry::TodoCompleted);
+		mAgendaEntry.setCompletedDateTime(currentDateTime);
+		mOwner->mAgendaUtil->setCompleted(mAgendaEntry, true, currentDateTime);
+	} else if (AgendaEntry::TodoCompleted == mAgendaEntry.status()) {
+		// Update the menu text to mark to-do as done.
+		mMarkTodoAction->setText(hbTrId("txt_calendar_menu_mark_as_done"));
+		mAgendaEntry.setStatus(AgendaEntry::TodoNeedsAction);
+		mOwner->mAgendaUtil->setCompleted(mAgendaEntry, false, currentDateTime);
+	}
+	updateCompletedReminderData();
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::markTodoStatus <--";
+	Edits the agenda entry by lanching the to-do viewer.
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::edit()
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::edit -->";
+	mOwner->editingStarted();
+	if (AgendaEntry::TypeTodo == mAgendaEntry.type()) {
+		// Launch the to-do editor using notes editor api
+		// Construct Note editor for launching the to-do editor
+		mNoteEditor = new NotesEditor(mOwner->mAgendaUtil, this);
+		mNoteEditor->edit(mAgendaEntry);
+		connect(
+				mNoteEditor, SIGNAL(editingCompleted(bool)),
+				this, SLOT(handleNoteEditorClosed(bool)));
+	} else {
+		// Launch the calendar entry editor using calendar editor api
+		mCalenEditor = new CalenEditor(mOwner->mAgendaUtil, this);
+		mCalenEditor->edit(mAgendaEntry, false);
+		connect(mCalenEditor, SIGNAL(dialogClosed()),
+						this, SLOT(handleCalendarEditorClosed()));
+	}
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::edit <--";
+	Deletes the agenda entry.
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::deleteAgendaEntry()
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::deleteAgendaEntry -->";
+	// Before we do anything, check in the entry is repeating
+	// OR its a child item
+	bool isChild = !(mAgendaEntry.recurrenceId().isNull());
+	bool isRepeating = mAgendaEntry.isRepeating();
+	if ((isChild || isRepeating) 
+			&& (mAgendaEntry.type() != AgendaEntry::TypeAnniversary) 
+			&& (mAgendaEntry.type() != AgendaEntry::TypeTodo)) {
+		// Query user if he wants to delete whole series or just this occurence
+		showDeleteOccurencePopup();
+	} else {
+		if (showDeleteConfirmationQuery()) {
+			// To notify client that deleting Started
+			// Calendar Application changing state from viewing to deleting.
+			mOwner->deletingStarted();
+			// Delete the entry.
+			mOwner->mAgendaUtil->deleteEntry(;
+		}
+	}
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::deleteAgendaEntry <--";
+	Save the agenda entry to calendar db.
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::saveAgendaEntry()
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::saveAgendaEntry -->";
+	// Save entry to calendar.
+	mOwner->mAgendaUtil->addEntry(mAgendaEntry);
+	// Close the agenda entry viewer
+	close();
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::saveAgendaEntry <--";
+	Closes the event viewer
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::close()
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::close -->";
+	// Remove the view from main window.
+	HbMainWindow *window = hbInstance->allMainWindows().first();
+	// Cleanup.
+	disconnect(
+			mBackAction, SIGNAL(triggered()),
+			this, SLOT(close()));
+	window->removeView(mViewer);
+	mOwner->viewingCompleted();
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::close <--";
+	Handles entry updation of the event entry.
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::handleEntryUpdation(ulong id)
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::handleEntryUpdation -->";
+	AgendaEntry updatedEntry = mOwner->mAgendaUtil->fetchById(id);
+	// Agenda entry is not null then refresh the view else close event viewer
+	if (!updatedEntry.isNull()) {
+		mAgendaEntry = updatedEntry;
+		if (updatedEntry.isRepeating() && mAgendaEntry.type()
+		        != AgendaEntry::TypeTodo) {
+			// if start date of original entry is between start date of updated 
+			// entry and until date of updated entry then only update time.
+			if (mOriginalAgendaEntry.startTime().date()
+			        >= updatedEntry.startTime().date()
+			        || mOriginalAgendaEntry.startTime().date()
+			                <= updatedEntry.repeatRule().until()) {
+				QDateTime
+				        startDateTime(mOriginalAgendaEntry.startTime().date(),
+				                      updatedEntry.startTime().time());
+				QDateTime endDateTime(mOriginalAgendaEntry.endTime().date(),
+				                      updatedEntry.endTime().time());
+				mAgendaEntry.setStartAndEndTime(startDateTime, endDateTime);
+			}
+		}
+		if (mOriginalAgendaEntry.status() == updatedEntry.status()) {
+			// Remove all widgets from layout.
+			removeAllWidgets();
+			// Add all widgets to layout.
+			addAllWidgets();
+			// Update the viewer's data using the modified entry from parent.
+			addViewerData();
+			// Remove unnecessary widget from event viewer.
+			removeWidget();
+		}
+		mOriginalAgendaEntry = mAgendaEntry;
+	} else {
+		// Close the agenda entry viewer
+		close();
+	}
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::handleEntryUpdation <--";
+	Handles the entry deletion of the agenda entry
+void AgendaEventView::handleEntryDeletion(ulong id)
+	qDebug() <<"AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::handleEntryDeletion -->";
+	if (id == {
+		// Close the agenda entry viewer
+		close();
+		mOwner->deletingCompleted();
+	}
+	qDebug() <<"AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::handleEntryDeletion <--";
+	Handles the Note Editor editing completion of the agenda entry
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::handleNoteEditorClosed(bool status)
+	Q_UNUSED(status);
+	qDebug() <<"AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::handleNoteEditorClosed -->";
+	// Cleanup.
+	mNoteEditor->deleteLater();
+	mOwner->editingCompleted();
+	qDebug() <<"AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::handleNoteEditorClosed <--";
+	Handles the Note Editor editing completion of the agenda entry
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::handleCalendarEditorClosed()
+	qDebug() 
+		<<"AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::handleCalendarEditorClosed -->";
+	// Cleanup.
+	mCalenEditor->deleteLater();
+	mOwner->editingCompleted();
+	qDebug() 
+		<<"AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::handleCalendarEditorClosed <--";
+	Slot to handle User selection for series deleting or single occurence popup
+ */
+void AgendaEventView::handleDeleteOccurence(int index)
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::handleDeleteOccurence -->";
+	// To notify client that deleting Started
+	// Calendar Application changing state from viewing to deleting.
+	mOwner->deletingStarted();
+	switch (index) {
+		case 0:
+			// User wants to delete only this occurence
+			mOwner->mAgendaUtil->deleteRepeatedEntry(mAgendaEntry,
+			                                         AgendaUtil::ThisOnly);
+			break;
+		case 1:
+			// User wants to delete all the occurences
+			mOwner->mAgendaUtil->deleteRepeatedEntry(mAgendaEntry,
+			                                         AgendaUtil::ThisAndAll);
+			break;
+	}
+	qDebug() << "AgendaEventViewer: AgendaEventView::handleDeleteOccurence <--";
+// End of file