--- a/calendarui/controller/src/calenviewmanager.cpp Tue Feb 02 10:12:19 2010 +0200
+++ b/calendarui/controller/src/calenviewmanager.cpp Fri Apr 16 14:57:40 2010 +0300
@@ -12,1792 +12,579 @@
* Contributors:
* Description: Calendar view manager
+ *
-#include <aknViewAppUi.h>
-#include <centralrepository.h>
-#include <AknQueryDialog.h>
-#include <Calendar.rsg>
-#include <calencommonui.rsg>
-#include <akntoolbar.h>
-#include <calendateutils.h>
-#include <calencommandhandler.h>
-#include <calencommands.hrh> // Calendar commands
-#include <calentoolbar.h>
-#include <akntoolbarextension.h>
-#include <calenactionuiutils.h>
+//system includes
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <hbmainwindow.h>
-#include "calendarui_debug.h"
+//user includes
#include "calenviewmanager.h"
-#include "CalenUid.h"
#include "calencontroller.h"
-#include "calenviewpopulator.h"
-#include "calenglobaldata.h"
-#include "CalendarPrivateCRKeys.h" // includes CalendarInternalCRKeys.h
-#include "calenmonthview.h" // Native month view
-#include "calenweekview.h" // Native week view
-#include "calendayview.h" // Native day view
-#include "calentodoview.h" // Native todo view
-#include "caleneventview.h" // Event View
-#include "calenmissedalarmsview.h" // Missed alarms view
-#include "calenmissedeventview.h" // Missed event view
-#include "calensetting.h" // CCalenSetting::TViewType
-#include "calencmdlinelauncher.h" // Command line launcher
+#include "hb_calencommands.hrh"
#include "calenservicesimpl.h"
-#include "CleanupResetAndDestroy.h"
-#include "calentoolbarimpl.h"
-#include "calencustomisationmanager.h"
-#include "calenviewinfo.h"
-#include "calentitlepane.h"
-#include "calenicons.h"
-#include "calendummyview.h"
-const TInt KArrayGranularity = 5;
+#include "calenmonthview.h"
+#include "calendayview.h"
+#include "calenmonthview.h"
+#include "agendaeventviewer.h"
+#include "calennotificationhandler.h"
+#include "CalenUid.h"
+#include "calenactionuiutils.h"
+#include "calensettingsview.h"
+#include "calendocloader.h"
+#include "calendarui_debug.h"
+#include "calencommon.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::NewL
-// 1st phase of construction
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCalenViewManager* CCalenViewManager::NewL( CAknViewAppUi& aAppUi,
- CCalenController& aController )
- {
- CCalenViewManager* self = new( ELeave ) CCalenViewManager( aAppUi,aController );
- CleanupStack::PushL( self );
- self->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop( self );
- return self;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::CCalenViewManager
-// C++ default Constructor.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCalenViewManager::CCalenViewManager( CAknViewAppUi& aAppUi,
- CCalenController& aController )
- : iAppUi( aAppUi ), iController( aController )
- {
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::~CCalenViewManager
-// Destructor.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- delete iPopulator;
- delete iToolbar;
- if( iSetting )
- {
- iSetting->Release();
- }
- if( iGlobalData )
- {
- iGlobalData->Release();
- }
- iViewInfoArray.ResetAndDestroy();
- iKnownPlugins.Reset();
- delete iRemovedActiveView;
- delete iViewRemovalCallback;
- delete iIcons;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::ConstructL
+// CalenViewManager::CalenViewManager
// 2nd phase of construction.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::ConstructL()
- {
- iGlobalData = CCalenGlobalData::InstanceL();
- iPopulator = CCalenViewPopulator::NewL( iController );
- // Only create a toolbar impl if touch is enabled and a CAknToolbar exists
- if( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
- {
- CAknAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CAknAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi() );
- if (appUi->CurrentFixedToolbar())
- {
- iToolbar = CCalenToolbarImpl::NewL( iController );
- }
- }
- iSetting = CCalenSetting::InstanceL();
- iPreviousViewId.iViewUid = KNullUid;
- iAvoidRepopulation = EFalse;
- iStartupComplete = ETrue;
- }
+CalenViewManager::CalenViewManager( CCalenController& aController,
+ bool isFromServiceFrmwrk)
+: mController(aController)
+ mCalenEventViewer = NULL;
+ mMonthViewDocLoader = NULL;
+ mDayViewDocLoader = NULL;
+ mDayViewAltDocLoader = NULL;
+ mController.MainWindow().setItemVisible(Hb::NaviPaneItem, false);
+ if (isFromServiceFrmwrk) {
+ // Dont load any views until our remote slot gets called in
+ // calenserviceprovider.cpp
+ // Just have an empty mainwindow
+ } else {
+ // Do the normal startup
+ // Load the month view and active it and add it to main window
+ mFirstView = ECalenMonthView;
+ loadMonthView();
+ ActivateDefaultViewL(ECalenMonthView);
+ mController.MainWindow().addView(mCalenMonthView);
+ }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::SetCustomisationManagerL
-// Creates custom views.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::ConstructCustomViewsL(
- CCalenCustomisationManager& aCustomisationManager )
- {
- iCustomisationManager = &aCustomisationManager;
- ConstructCustomViewsL();
- ConstructNativeViewsL();
- TUid defViewUid = iSetting->DefaultView();
- ActivateDefaultViewL( defViewUid );
- // Register for view activation events
- iAppUi.AddViewActivationObserverL( this );
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::ViewInfoArray
-// Get info array
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RPointerArray<CCalenViewInfo>& CCalenViewManager::ViewInfoArray()
- {
- return iViewInfoArray;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::CustomiszationManager
-// Return reference to the customisation manager
+// CalenViewManager::~CalenViewManager
+// Destructor.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCalenCustomisationManager& CCalenViewManager::CustomisationManager()
- {
- ASSERT( iCustomisationManager );
- return *iCustomisationManager;
- }
+ delete mCalenMonthView;
+ delete mCalenDayView;
+ delete mSettingsView;
+ delete mDayViewDocLoader;
+ delete mDayViewAltDocLoader;
+ delete mMonthViewDocLoader;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::ConstructNativeViewsL
-// Constructs the S60 native views and registers them with the view server
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::ConstructNativeViewsL()
- {
- CCalenTitlePane::NewAndSwapL(iAppUi.StatusPane());
- MCalenServices& services = iController.Services();
- // Add the native views for the todo view, week view, day view , month
- // view and event view unless they are already provided by custom views
- // in ROM.This is enforced by the customisation manager rejecting any
- // views that try to replace the native views but are not in ROM.
- if (CreateNativeViewL(KUidCalenMonthView))
- {
- // Views take ownership of services object instantly.
- // No need for cleanup stack.
- CCalenMonthView* monthView = CCalenMonthView::NewL(services);
- AddNativeViewL(monthView); // takes ownership immediately.
- }
- if (CreateNativeViewL(KUidCalenWeekView))
- {
- // Views take ownership of services object instantly.
- // No need for cleanup stack.
- CCalenWeekView* weekView = CCalenWeekView::NewL(services);
- AddNativeViewL(weekView); // takes ownership immediately.
- }
- if (CreateNativeViewL(KUidCalenDayView))
- {
- // Views take ownership of services object instantly.
- // No need for cleanup stack.
- CCalenDayView* dayView = CCalenDayView::NewL(services);
- AddNativeViewL(dayView); // takes ownership immediately.
- }
- if (CreateNativeViewL(KUidCalenTodoView))
- {
- // Views take ownership of services object instantly.
- // No need for cleanup stack.
- CCalenTodoView* todoView = CCalenTodoView::NewL(services);
- AddNativeViewL(todoView); // takes ownership immediately.
- }
- if( CreateNativeViewL(KUidCalenEventView))
- {
- // Views take ownership of services object instantly.
- // No need for cleanup stack.
- CCalenEventView* eventView = CCalenEventView::NewL(services);
- AddNativeViewL(eventView); // takes ownership immediately.
- }
- if( CreateNativeViewL(KUidCalenMissedAlarmsView))
- {
- // Views take ownership of services object instantly.
- // No need for cleanup stack.
- CCalenMissedAlarmsView* missedAlarmsView = CCalenMissedAlarmsView::NewL(services);
- AddNativeViewL(missedAlarmsView); // takes ownership immediately.
- }
- if( CreateNativeViewL(KUidCalenMissedEventView))
- {
- // Views take ownership of services object instantly.
- // No need for cleanup stack.
- CCalenMissedEventView* missedEventView = CCalenMissedEventView::NewL(services);
- AddNativeViewL(missedEventView); // takes ownership immediately.
- }
- if(CreateNativeViewL(KUidCalenDummyView))
- {
- CCalenDummyView* dummyView = CCalenDummyView::NewL(services);
- AddNativeViewL(dummyView);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::CreateNativeViewL
-// Checks to see if the native view needs to created.
+// CalenViewManager::constructAndActivateView
+// Constructs and activates the requested view
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CCalenViewManager::CreateNativeViewL(TUid aViewUid)
- {
- TBool createNativeView = ETrue;
- TBool (*compareFn)(const TUid*, const CCalenViewInfo&)
- = CCalenViewInfo::ViewInfoIdentifier;
- TInt position = iViewInfoArray.Find( aViewUid, compareFn );
- if ( position != KErrNotFound )
- {
- // A plugin is trying to replace a native view, find if it is rom
- // based or not
- TBool romBased = CustomisationManager().IsViewRomBased( aViewUid );
- if ( romBased )
- {
- createNativeView = EFalse;
- }
- else
- {
- // A non-rom plugin cannot replace the native views, so the view is
- // removed
- iAppUi.RemoveView( aViewUid );
- // Remove the entry from the view info array
- iViewInfoArray.Remove( position );
- createNativeView = ETrue;
- }
- }
- return createNativeView;
- }
+void CalenViewManager::constructAndActivateView(int view)
+ if (view == ECalenMonthView) {
+ mFirstView = ECalenMonthView;
+ loadMonthView();
+ ActivateDefaultViewL(ECalenMonthView);
+ // Add month view to mainwindow.
+ mController.MainWindow().addView(mCalenMonthView);
+ } else if (view == ECalenDayView) {
+ mFirstView = ECalenDayView;
+ loadDayView();
+ ActivateDefaultViewL(ECalenDayView);
+ // Add day view to mainwindow.
+ mController.MainWindow().addView(mCalenDayView);
+ }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::ConstructCustomViewsL
-// Constructs any custom views from all the plugins and registers them
-// with the view server
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::ConstructCustomViewsL()
- {
- // Get the array of active plugins
- const RArray<TUid>& plugins = CustomisationManager().ActivePlugins();
- // For every active plugin, discover if it offers any customised views
- // and adds them to the view server.
- TInt numPlugins = plugins.Count();
- for( TInt pluginIndex( 0 ); pluginIndex < numPlugins; ++pluginIndex )
- {
- TUid pluginUid = plugins[pluginIndex];
- ConstructCustomViewL( pluginUid );
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::ConstructCustomViewsL
-// Constructs the custom views from a particular plugin and registers them
-// with the view server
+// CalenViewManager::loadMonthView
+// Loads month view frm the docml
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::ConstructCustomViewL( TUid aPluginUid )
- {
- iKnownPlugins.AppendL( aPluginUid );
- RPointerArray<CCalenView> customViews;
- CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL( customViews );
- CustomisationManager().GetCustomViewsL( aPluginUid, customViews );
- for( TInt viewIndex( customViews.Count()-1 ); viewIndex >= 0; --viewIndex )
- {
- CCalenView* customView = customViews[viewIndex];
- iAppUi.AddViewL( customView );
- customViews.Remove( viewIndex );
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // customViews
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::ActivateDefaultViewL
-// Activates the default view (retrieved from settings).
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::ActivateDefaultViewL( TUid aDefaultView )
- {
- // Find the default view in the view cycle list
- TInt position = iViewInfoArray.Find(
- aDefaultView, CCalenViewInfo::ViewInfoIdentifier );
- if( position != KErrNotFound )
- {
- iAppUi.SetDefaultViewL( *iAppUi.View( aDefaultView ) );
- iViewCycleIndex = position;
- }
- else
- {
- CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidCalendar );
- CleanupStack::PushL(repository);
- TInt tmp( static_cast<TInt>( KUidCalenMonthView.iUid ) );
- TInt position = iViewInfoArray.Find( KUidCalenMonthView, CCalenViewInfo::ViewInfoIdentifier );
- User::LeaveIfError( repository->Set( KCalendarDefaultStartView, tmp ) );
- iAppUi.SetDefaultViewL( *iAppUi.View( KUidCalenMonthView ) );
- iViewCycleIndex = position;
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(repository);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::InterruptPopulationL
-// Interrupts the population of the current view. When the editors are launched
-// the view population is interrupted as it will be repopulated when the
-// the editor closes.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::InterruptPopulationL()
- {
- // Cancel population of current view, if it's ongoing.
- iPopulator->InterruptPopulationL();
- }
+void CalenViewManager::loadMonthView()
+ bool loadSuccess = false;
+ Qt::Orientation currentOrienation = mController.MainWindow().orientation();
+ // Create the month view docloader object.
+ mMonthViewDocLoader = new CalenDocLoader(mController);
+ mMonthViewDocLoader->load(CALEN_MONTHVIEW_XML_FILE, &loadSuccess);
+ Q_ASSERT_X(loadSuccess, "calenviewmanager.cpp",
+ "Unable to load month view XML");
+ // Based on the current orientation, load the appropriate section
+ if (Qt::Vertical == currentOrienation) {
+ mMonthViewDocLoader->load(CALEN_MONTHVIEW_XML_FILE,
+ CALEN_PORTRAIT, &loadSuccess);
+ } else {
+ mMonthViewDocLoader->load(CALEN_MONTHVIEW_XML_FILE,
+ CALEN_LANDSCAPE, &loadSuccess);
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT_X(loadSuccess, "calenviewmanager.cpp", "Unable to load XML");
+ // Get the calenmonth view from the loader.
+ mCalenMonthView = static_cast<CalenMonthView *>
+ (mMonthViewDocLoader->findWidget(CALEN_MONTHVIEW));
+ Q_ASSERT_X(mCalenDayView, "calenviewmanager.cpp",
+ "Unable to load calenMonth view");
+ // Setup the month view.
+ mCalenMonthView->setupView(mMonthViewDocLoader);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::RemoveCurrentViewFromMenu
-// Removes the current view from the cascading view switch menu
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::RemoveCurrentViewFromMenu( CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane )
- {
- TUid uid = CurrentView();
- if( uid == KUidCalenMonthView )
- {
- aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( ECalenMonthView );
- }
- else if( uid == KUidCalenWeekView )
- {
- aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( ECalenWeekView );
- }
- else if( uid == KUidCalenDayView )
- {
- aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( ECalenDayView );
- }
- else if( uid == KUidCalenTodoView )
- {
- aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( ECalenTodoView );
- }
- else
- {
- // Assert as this point should never be reached
- ASSERT( 0 );
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::AddNativeViewL
-// Adds a view to the array.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::AddNativeViewL( CCalenView* aView )
- {
- CleanupStack::PushL( aView );
- iAppUi.AddViewL( aView );
- CleanupStack::Pop( aView );
- const TDesC& menuName = aView->LocalisedViewNameL( CCalenView::EMenuName );
- const TDesC& settingsName = aView->LocalisedViewNameL( CCalenView::ESettingsName );
- TUid viewUid = aView->Id();
- CCalenViewInfo* viewInfo = CCalenViewInfo::NewL( aView->Id(),
- KUidCalendar,
- menuName,
- settingsName,
- aView->CyclePosition() );
- // Discover if a native view has been hidden by a plugin.
- TBool hidden = iCustomisationManager->HiddenView( viewUid );
- viewInfo->Hide( hidden );
- // Append to view info array
- iViewInfoArray.InsertInOrderAllowRepeatsL( viewInfo,
- CCalenViewInfo::CyclePositionComparison );
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::HandleCommandL
-// Handles view manager commands.
+// CalenViewManager::loadDayView
+// Loads the day view frm the docml
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CCalenViewManager::HandleCommandL( const TCalenCommand& aCommand )
- {
- TBool commandUsed(EFalse);
- switch( aCommand.Command() )
- {
- case ECalenMonthView:
- {
- RequestActivationL( KUidCalenMonthView );
- }
- break;
- case ECalenWeekView:
- {
- RequestActivationL( KUidCalenWeekView );
- }
- break;
- case ECalenDayView:
- {
- // reset the flag iForwardedToDayView as view switching is active
- if(iPreviousToDayView.iViewUid!=KNullUid)
- {
- iPreviousToDayView.iViewUid = KNullUid;
- }
- RequestActivationL( KUidCalenDayView, KCalenDummyUid, KNullDesC8() );
- }
- break;
- case ECalenTodoView:
- {
- if (iAvoidRepopulation)
- {
- iAvoidRepopulation = EFalse;
- }
- RequestActivationL( KUidCalenTodoView );
- }
- break;
- case ECalenEventView:
- {
- // Fix for EJCU-7LKC2C :: to prevent the display of blank view,
- // just set the iAvoidRepopulation to EFalse,
- // so that view is populated properly
- if (iAvoidRepopulation)
- {
- iAvoidRepopulation = EFalse;
- }
- RequestActivationL( KUidCalenEventView );
- }
- break;
- case ECalenForwardsToDayView:
- {
- // set the view iPreviousToDayView to handle the day view's cba
- // when returning from event view.
- // From month/week view -> day view -> event view -> day view
- iPreviousToDayView = iCurrentViewId;
- RequestActivationL( KUidCalenDayView, KUidCalenShowBackCba );
- }
- break;
- case ECalenNextView:
- {
- CycleNextViewL();
- }
- break;
- case ECalenPrevView:
- {
- CyclePrevViewL();
- }
- break;
- case ECalenSwitchView:
- {
- ShowSwitchViewQueryL();
- }
- break;
- case ECalenStartActiveStep:
- {
- StartActiveStepL();
- }
- break;
- case ECalenFasterAppExit:
- {
- HandleFasterAppExitCommandL();
- }
- break;
- case ECalenGotoToday:
- {
- // get today's date
- TTime today = CalenDateUtils::Today();
- // get the context
- MCalenContext& context = iController.Services().Context();
- TCalTime todayCalTime;
- todayCalTime.SetTimeLocalL( today );
- // set today's date to the context
- context.SetFocusDateAndTimeL( todayCalTime, iCurrentViewId );
- SetRepopulation(EFalse);
- // reactivate the current view
- RequestActivationL(iCurrentViewId.iViewUid);
- // dim "today" toolbar item since focus is on today
- iToolbar->Toolbar().SetItemDimmed( ECalenGotoToday, ETrue, ETrue);
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return commandUsed;
- }
+void CalenViewManager::loadDayView()
+ bool loadSuccess = false;
+ // Create the day view docloader object.
+ mDayViewDocLoader = new CalenDocLoader(mController);
+ // Load default section
+ mDayViewDocLoader->load(CALEN_DAYVIEW_XML_FILE, &loadSuccess);
+ if (!loadSuccess) {
+ qFatal("calenviewmanager.cpp : Unable to load XML");
+ }
+ // Get the calenday view from the loader
+ mCalenDayView = static_cast<CalenDayView *> (mDayViewDocLoader->findWidget(CALEN_DAYVIEW));
+ if (!mCalenDayView) {
+ qFatal("calenviewmanager.cpp : Unable to find day view");
+ }
+ // Setup the day view
+ mCalenDayView->setupView(mDayViewDocLoader);
+ // The following code is done to provide swipe support
+ // in day view. Idea is to create two views and keep
+ // switiching between these two using view switch effects
+ // to provide an illusion of flow to the user
+ loadAlternateDayView();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::CalenCommandHandlerExtensionL
-// Dummy implementation.
+// CalenViewManager::constructOtherViews
+// Constructs the other views apart frm firstview and adds them to main window
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TAny* CCalenViewManager::CalenCommandHandlerExtensionL( TUid /*aExtensionUid*/ )
- {
- return NULL;
- }
+void CalenViewManager::constructOtherViews()
+ // Load all other views except mFirstView
+ // NOTE: Right now, since Calendar has only two views, month view
+ // and day view, when client launches day view, then there is no need
+ // to construct the month view as per UI REQ., but tomorrow if new views
+ // come after day view, then we need to construct those views if they are
+ // native views. Right now, there is a event viewer but its not a native
+ // view. Hence, if day view is launched, dont construct month view
+ if (mFirstView == ECalenDayView) {
+ // Construct other views as mentioned above
+ return;
+ } else {
+ // Load all other views
+ loadDayView();
+ }
+ // Setup the settings view
+ mSettingsView = new CalenSettingsView(mController.Services());
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::CurrentView
-// Returns the current view's view uid.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TUid CCalenViewManager::CurrentView() const
- {
- return iCurrentViewId.iViewUid;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::HandleViewActivation
-// From MCoeViewActivationObserver
-// Called just before a view in this application is activated by the view server
+// CalenViewManager::getFirstView
+// Returns the first view
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::HandleViewActivation( const TVwsViewId& aNewlyActivatedViewId,
- const TVwsViewId& aViewIdToBeDeactivated )
- {
- TBool externalViewSwitch( EFalse );
- // See if this is an internal or external view switch request
- if( aViewIdToBeDeactivated.iAppUid != KUidCalendar )
- {
- externalViewSwitch = ETrue;
- }
- // If this is an internal view switch (view cycling from the '*' key)
- // then ActivateLocalViewL will handle any necessary state changes.
- // If this is an external view switch then we need to find out if Calendar was already
- // running or if it is being launched to a specific view by another application
- // calling ActivateViewL with Calendars UID and the UID of one of the standard views.
- // In this case we need to set the current view in the state or we would get the
- // default view (from the settings) activated instead of the requested view.
- if( externalViewSwitch )
- {
- // Check that the view being activated belongs to Calendar. Although I don't see
- // how this would be called if this was false anyway.
- if( aNewlyActivatedViewId.iAppUid == KUidCalendar )
- {
- // Make sure that any when any open dialogs are closed Calendar will not close as well.
- // This could be true if Calendar was originally launched directly to the editor, and
- // so should be closed when the dialog is closed. If an external view switch request
- // arrives, we want the dialog to close but Calendar to remain open.
- // Otherwise we get a CONE 44 panic.
- //iIsExitOnDlgClose = EFalse;
- iCurrentViewId = aNewlyActivatedViewId;
- }
- }
- iViewsActivated = ETrue;
- // check for iAvoidRepopulation to avoid repopulation whenever
- // 1) Application comes to foreground
- // 2) Applictaion is opened after fake exit
- if(!iAvoidRepopulation)
- {
- TRAPD(error,StartActiveStepL());
- if(error!=KErrNone)
- {
- // do avoid warning
- }
- }
- // Reset the flag iAvoidRepopulation
- if (iAvoidRepopulation)
- {
- iAvoidRepopulation = EFalse;
- }
- }
+int CalenViewManager::getFirstView()
+ return mFirstView;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::RemoveDeActivatedView
-// Asyncronous callback function to remove the current view after it has been
-// disabled.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CCalenViewManager::RemoveDeActivatedView( TAny* aObject )
- {
- CCalenViewManager* thisPtr( static_cast<CCalenViewManager*>( aObject ) );
- TRAP_IGNORE( thisPtr->RemoveDeActivatedViewL() );
- return 0;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::RemoveDeActivatedViewL.
-// (Leaving version)
-// Asyncronous callback function to remove the current view after it has been
-// disabled.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::RemoveDeActivatedViewL()
- {
- TUid removedViewUid = iRemovedActiveView->ViewUid();
- TUid removedPluginUid = iRemovedActiveView->PluginUid();
- // The view isn't the current view, so we
- // can remove it directly from the view server
- iAppUi.RemoveView( removedViewUid );
- // Delete the view info
- delete iRemovedActiveView;;
- iRemovedActiveView = NULL;
- // Unload the plugin.
- RArray<TUid> pluginArray;
- CleanupClosePushL( pluginArray );
- pluginArray.AppendL( removedPluginUid );
- iCustomisationManager->UnloadPluginsL( pluginArray );
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // pluginArray
- if(!iController.IsFasterAppFlagEnabled())
- {
- // Refresh the current view by simulating a settings close
- iController.BroadcastNotification( ECalenNotifySettingsClosed );
- }
- else
- {
- iController.BroadcastNotification( ECalenNotifyCheckPluginUnloading );
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::CycleNextViewL
-// Requests activation for the next view in the view cycle
-// (other items were commented in a header).
+// CalenViewManager::showNextDay
+// other items were commented in a header
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::CycleNextViewL()
- {
- // Increment until we get to a valid view.
- do{
- ++iViewCycleIndex;
- if( iViewCycleIndex >= iViewInfoArray.Count() )
- {
- iViewCycleIndex = 0;
- }
- }
- while( iViewInfoArray[iViewCycleIndex]->CyclePosition() == CCalenView::ENoCyclePosition );
- RequestActivationL( iViewInfoArray[iViewCycleIndex]->ViewUid() );
+void CalenViewManager::showNextDay()
+ // Set the context for the next day
+ QDateTime currentDay = mController.Services().Context().focusDateAndTimeL();
+ currentDay = currentDay.addDays(1);
+ mController.Services().Context().setFocusDateL(currentDay, ECalenDayView);
+ mCurrentViewId = ECalenDayView;
+ // Check which is the currently activated view
+ if (mController.MainWindow().currentView() == mCalenDayView) {
+ HbEffect::add(mCalenDayView,
+ ":/fxml/view_hide",
+ "hide");
+ HbEffect::add(mCalenDayViewAlt,
+ ":/fxml/view_show",
+ "show");
+ // Set the other day view as the current view
+ // and animate to provide illusion of swipe
+ mController.MainWindow().setCurrentView(mCalenDayViewAlt, true, Hb::ViewSwitchUseNormalAnim);
+ mCalenDayViewAlt->doPopulation();
+ } else {
+ HbEffect::add(mCalenDayViewAlt,
+ ":/fxml/view_hide",
+ "hide");
+ HbEffect::add(mCalenDayView,
+ ":/fxml/view_show",
+ "show");
+ mController.MainWindow().setCurrentView(mCalenDayView, true, Hb::ViewSwitchUseNormalAnim);
+ mCalenDayView->doPopulation();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::CyclePrevViewL
-// Requests activation for the previous view in the view cycle
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::CyclePrevViewL()
- {
- // Decrement until we get to a valid view.
- do{
- --iViewCycleIndex;
- if( iViewCycleIndex < 0 )
- {
- iViewCycleIndex = iViewInfoArray.Count()-1;
- }
- }
- while ( iViewInfoArray[iViewCycleIndex]->CyclePosition() == CCalenView::ENoCyclePosition );
- RequestActivationL( iViewInfoArray[iViewCycleIndex]->ViewUid() );
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::RequestActivationL
-// Request activation of a specific view.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::RequestActivationL( const TVwsViewId& aViewId )
- {
- RequestActivationL( aViewId.iViewUid );
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::RequestActivationL
-// Call this to try to activate a view
-// (other items were commented in a header).
+// CalenViewManager::showPrevDay
+// other items were commented in a header
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::RequestActivationL( const TUid& aViewUid,
- const TUid& aMessageId,
- const TDesC8& aMessage )
- {
- // Cancel population of current view, if it's ongoing.
- iPopulator->InterruptPopulationL();
- // We start population of the newly activated view in HandleViewActivationL.
- // cache the previousviewid as we are getting aViewUid as reference.
- TUid cachePreviousViewId = iCurrentViewId.iViewUid;
- iCurrentViewId.iViewUid = aViewUid;
- // Update the view cycle index as iViewInfoArray would have changed
- iViewCycleIndex = iViewInfoArray.Find( iCurrentViewId.iViewUid,
- CCalenViewInfo::ViewInfoIdentifier );
- if( iController.IsFasterAppFlagEnabled() )
- {
- // Leave the application in background
- iAppUi.HideInBackground();
- // Disable bring-to-foreground on view activation
- iAppUi.SetCustomControl(1);
- // activate the view
- iAppUi.ActivateLocalViewL( aViewUid, KCalenHideInBackGround, KNullDesC8() );
- // Enable bring-to-foreground on view activation.
- iAppUi.SetCustomControl(0);
- }
- else
- {
- iAppUi.ActivateLocalViewL( aViewUid, aMessageId, aMessage );
- }
- // set the previous view id
- iPreviousViewId.iViewUid = cachePreviousViewId;
+void CalenViewManager::showPrevDay()
+ QDateTime currentDay = mController.Services().Context().focusDateAndTimeL();
+ currentDay = currentDay.addDays(-1);
+ mController.Services().Context().setFocusDateL(currentDay, ECalenDayView);
+ mCurrentViewId = ECalenDayView;
+ if (mController.MainWindow().currentView() == mCalenDayView) {
+ HbEffect::add(mCalenDayView,
+ ":/fxml/view_show",
+ "hide");
+ HbEffect::add(mCalenDayViewAlt,
+ ":/fxml/view_hide",
+ "show");
+ mController.MainWindow().setCurrentView(mCalenDayViewAlt, true, Hb::ViewSwitchUseBackAnim);
+ mCalenDayViewAlt->doPopulation();
+ } else {
+ HbEffect::add(mCalenDayViewAlt,
+ ":/fxml/view_show",
+ "hide");
+ HbEffect::add(mCalenDayView,
+ ":/fxml/view_hide",
+ "show");
+ mController.MainWindow().setCurrentView(mCalenDayView, true, Hb::ViewSwitchUseBackAnim);
+ mCalenDayView->doPopulation();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::StartActiveStepL
-// Starts population of the current view.
+// CalenViewManager::removeDayViews
+// other items were commented in a header
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::StartActiveStepL()
- {
- // check for current viewid
- // populate the view only if iCurrentViewId is set
- if(iCurrentViewId.iViewUid != KNullUid)
- {
- iPopulator->InterruptPopulationL();
- iPopulator->BeginPopulationL(reinterpret_cast<CCalenView*>(iAppUi.View(CurrentView())));
- }
- }
+void CalenViewManager::removeDayViews()
+ mController.MainWindow().removeView(mCalenDayView);
+ mController.MainWindow().removeView(mCalenDayViewAlt);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::ShowSwitchViewQueryL
-// Prompts the user to chose a view to switch to. If cancelled, returns
-// KErrCancel, otherwise one of ECalen*view.
+// CalenViewManager::~ActivateDefaultViewL
+// Activates the default view, as retrieved from settings.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::ShowSwitchViewQueryL()
- {
- // Create list of view names and uids
- CDesCArrayFlat* viewNames = new( ELeave ) CDesCArrayFlat( KArrayGranularity );
- CleanupStack::PushL( viewNames );
+void CalenViewManager::ActivateDefaultViewL(int defaultView)
+ mCurrentViewId = defaultView;
+ if (ECalenMonthView == defaultView) {
+ mCalenMonthView->doPopulation();
+ } else if (ECalenDayView == defaultView) {
+ mCalenDayView->doPopulation();
+ }
- RArray<TUid> viewUids;
- CleanupClosePushL( viewUids );
- const RArray<TUid>& activePlugins = CustomisationManager().ActivePlugins();
- for( TInt index( 0 ); index < iViewInfoArray.Count(); ++index )
- {
- CCalenViewInfo& viewInfo = *( iViewInfoArray[index] );
- if( index != iViewCycleIndex )
- {
- TUid pluginUid = viewInfo.PluginUid();
- TInt position = activePlugins.Find( pluginUid );
- // If the view is from plugin or native view with cycle position,
- // then add it to the switch view list
- if(( position != KErrNotFound ) ||
- ( viewInfo.CyclePosition() != CCalenView::ENoCyclePosition ))
- {
- // Fetch the view name
- TUid viewUid = viewInfo.ViewUid();
- const TDesC& viewName = viewInfo.MenuName();
- viewNames->AppendL( viewName );
- viewUids.AppendL(viewUid );
- }
- }
- }
- // Show list query.
- TInt choice = KErrCancel; //KErrNotFound;
- CAknListQueryDialog* dlg = new( ELeave ) CAknListQueryDialog( &choice );
- dlg->PrepareLC( R_CALENDAR_SWITCH_VIEW_QUERY ); // pushes dlg to CS
- dlg->SetItemTextArray( viewNames );
- dlg->SetOwnershipType( ELbmDoesNotOwnItemArray );
- // Set title
- CAknPopupHeadingPane* heading = dlg->Heading();
- HBufC* title = NULL;
- title = CCoeEnv::Static()->AllocReadResourceLC( R_CALENDAR_SWITCH_VIEW_QUERY_TITLE );
- heading->SetTextL( *title );
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( title );
- if( dlg->RunLD() )
- {
- // user made a choice
- TUid viewUid = viewUids[choice];
- RequestActivationL( viewUid );
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // viewUids
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( viewNames );
- }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::HandleNotification
-// Calls back when notifications that it has been registered for are broadcast
+// Refresh current view.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::HandleNotification(const TCalenNotification aNotification )
- {
- PIM_TRAPD_HANDLE( HandleNotificationL( aNotification ) );
- }
+void CalenViewManager::refreshCurrentViewL()
+ activateCurrentView();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::HandleNotificationL
-// Called from HandleNotification() when notifications that it has been
-// registered for are broadcast
+// Activate current view.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::HandleNotificationL( TCalenNotification aNotification )
- {
- switch( aNotification )
- {
- case ECalenNotifyPluginEnabledDisabled:
- {
- UpdatePluginListL();
- }
- break;
- case ECalenNotifySettingsClosed:
- {
- // Nothing has changed, refresh statuspane only.
- iAppUi.StatusPane()->DrawNow();
- }
- break;
- case ECalenNotifySettingsChanged:
- {
- HandleSettingsChangeNotificationL();
- }
- break;
- case ECalenNotifyEntryDeleted:
- case ECalenNotifyInstanceDeleted:
- {
- HandleEntryDeleteNotificationL();
- }
+void CalenViewManager::activateCurrentView()
+ switch (mCurrentViewId) {
+ case ECalenMonthView:
+ mCalenMonthView->doPopulation();
- case ECalenNotifySystemLocaleChanged:
- case ECalenNotifyEntrySaved:
- case ECalenNotifyMultipleEntriesDeleted:
- case ECalenNotifyExternalDatabaseChanged:
- case ECalenNotifyCancelDelete:
- case ECalenNotifyCalendarFieldChanged:
- case ECalenNotifyMarkedEntryCompleted:
- case ECalenNotifyCalendarInfoCreated:
- case ECalenNotifyCalendarInfoUpdated:
- {
- StartActiveStepL();
- }
- break;
- case ECalenNotifyCalendarFileDeleted:
- {
- if(iCurrentViewId.iViewUid==KUidCalenEventView)
- {
- //If the entry which is being viewed belongs to a calendar
- //that is deleted we check for collection ids of entry and
- //calendar session if they are same return to previous view
- TPtrC calFileName = iGlobalData->Context().GetCalendarFileNameL();
- TPtrC calFileNameForColId =
- iGlobalData->GetCalFileNameForCollectionId(iGlobalData->Context().InstanceId().iColId);
- if(!calFileNameForColId.CompareF(calFileName))
- {
- ActivateDefaultViewL(iPreviousToDayView.iViewUid);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // refresh the current view
- StartActiveStepL();
- }
- }
- break;
- case ECalenNotifyEntryClosed:
- {
- HandleEntryClosedNotificationL();
- }
- break;
- case ECalenNotifySystemTimeChanged:
- {
- HandleSystemTimeChangeNotificationL();
- }
- break;
- case ECalenNotifyAppForegrounded:
- {
- // check for system time change whenever fake exit is done
- // or application comes to foreground
- if(!iStartupComplete)
- {
- iController.CheckSystemTimeAtStartUpL();
- }
- if( iController.IsFasterAppFlagEnabled() )
- {
- iAppUi.HideApplicationFromFSW(EFalse);
- iController.SetFasterAppFlag( EFalse );
- ReloadAllPluginsL();
- }
- }
- break;
- case ECalenNotifyDayViewClosed:
- {
- if(iPreviousToDayView.iViewUid!= KNullUid)
- {
- // activate the previous view from where day view is launched
- // From month/week view -> day view
- RequestActivationL(iPreviousToDayView.iViewUid);
- }
- }
- break;
- case ECalenNotifyAppBackgrounded:
- {
- // set the flag iAvoidRepopulation to prevent repopulation
- // whenever application is brought to foreground
- iAvoidRepopulation = ETrue;
- if( iController.IsFasterAppFlagEnabled() )
- {
- iController.RemoveDeadCalendarsL();
- }
- }
- break;
- case ECalenNotifyViewPopulationComplete:
- {
- if(iStartupComplete)
- {
- iController.CheckSystemTimeAtStartUpL();
- iStartupComplete = EFalse;
- }
- break;
- }
- case ECalenNotifyAttachmentViewerClosed:
- {
- if( iCurrentViewId.iViewUid==KUidCalenEventView)
- {
- StartActiveStepL();
- }
- }
- case ECalenNotifyAttachmentRemoved:
- case ECalenNotifyAttachmentAdded:
- {
- if( iCurrentViewId.iViewUid==KUidCalenEventView &&
- !iAvoidRepopulation )
- {
- StartActiveStepL();
- }
- }
- case ECalenNotifyDeleteFailed:
- // Do nothing on deletion failed
- default:
- break;
- }
+ case ECalenDayView:
+ if (mController.MainWindow().currentView() == mCalenDayView) {
+ mCalenDayView->doPopulation();
+ mController.MainWindow().setCurrentView(mCalenDayView);
+ } else {
+ mCalenDayViewAlt->doPopulation();
+ mController.MainWindow().setCurrentView(mCalenDayViewAlt);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ECalenLandscapeDayView:
+ // mCalenLandscapeDayView->doPopulation();;
+ break;
+ }
- }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::UpdatePluginListL
-// Discovers if a plugin has been enabled or disabled
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::UpdatePluginListL()
- {
- const RArray<TUid>& activePlugins = CustomisationManager().ActivePlugins();
- // Check for any new plugins
- TInt activeCount = activePlugins.Count();
- for( TInt index( 0 ); index < activeCount; ++index )
- {
- // For every active plugin, check to see if it is in the known list,
- // if it isn't construct any custom views.
- TUid pluginUid = activePlugins[index];
- TInt position = iKnownPlugins.Find( pluginUid );
- if( position == KErrNotFound )
- {
- ConstructCustomViewL( pluginUid );
- }
- }
- RArray<TUid> disabledPlugins;
- CleanupClosePushL( disabledPlugins );
- // Check for any disabled plugins
- TInt knownCount = iKnownPlugins.Count();
- for( TInt index( knownCount - 1 ); index >= 0; --index )
- {
- // For every known plugin, check to see if it is in the active list,
- // if it isn't add to the disable plugin list, and remove from the
- // known list.
- TUid pluginUid = iKnownPlugins[index];
- TInt position = activePlugins.Find( pluginUid );
- if ( position == KErrNotFound )
- {
- disabledPlugins.AppendL( pluginUid );
- iKnownPlugins.Remove( index );
- }
- }
- TInt disabledPluginCount = disabledPlugins.Count();
- if( disabledPluginCount != 0 )
- {
- RemoveDisabledPluginsViewsL( disabledPlugins );
- // Re sort the view info array
- iViewInfoArray.Sort( CCalenViewInfo::CyclePositionComparison );
- }
- else
- {
- // Update the view cycle index as iViewInfoArray would have changed
- iViewCycleIndex = iViewInfoArray.Find( iCurrentViewId.iViewUid, CCalenViewInfo::ViewInfoIdentifier );
- }
- UpdateToolbarNextViewIconL(iCurrentViewId.iViewUid);
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // disabledPlugins
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::RemoveDisabledPluginsViewsL
-// Removes any custom views provided by disabled plugins
-// from the view server.
+// CalenViewManager::launchEventView
+// Launch event view.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::RemoveDisabledPluginsViewsL( RArray<TUid>& aDisabledPlugins )
- {
+void CalenViewManager::launchEventView()
+ MCalenContext& context = mController.Services().Context();
+ AgendaEntry viewEntry= mController.Services().agendaInterface()->fetchById(
+ context.instanceId().mEntryLocalUid );
+ if (viewEntry.isRepeating()
+ && viewEntry.type() != AgendaEntry::TypeTodo) {
+ QDateTime startDateTime = context.focusDateAndTimeL();
+ viewEntry.setStartAndEndTime(startDateTime,
+ startDateTime.addSecs(viewEntry.durationInSecs()));
+ }
+ mCalenEventViewer = new AgendaEventViewer(
+ mController.Services().agendaInterface(), this);
+ connect(mCalenEventViewer, SIGNAL(viewingCompleted(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(handleViewingCompleted(bool)));
+ connect(mCalenEventViewer, SIGNAL(editingStarted()),
+ this, SLOT(handleEditingStarted()));
+ connect(mCalenEventViewer, SIGNAL(editingCompleted()),
+ this, SLOT(handleEditingCompleted()));
+ connect(mCalenEventViewer, SIGNAL(deletingStarted()),
+ this, SLOT(handleDeletingStarted()));
+ connect(mCalenEventViewer, SIGNAL(deletingCompleted()),
+ this, SLOT(handleDeletingCompleted()));
- // Find what views are provided by the disabled plugins
- TInt disabledPluginCount = aDisabledPlugins.Count();
- RArray<TUid> removedViews;
- CleanupClosePushL( removedViews );
- TUid activeViewUid = CurrentView();
- for( TInt index( disabledPluginCount - 1 ); index >= 0; --index )
- {
- TUid pluginUid = aDisabledPlugins[index];
- // Does this plugin offer any views
- TInt position = iViewInfoArray.Find( pluginUid,
- CCalenViewInfo::ViewPluginIdentifier );
- TBool alreadySet = EFalse;
- while( position != KErrNotFound )
- {
- CCalenViewInfo* view = iViewInfoArray[position];
- TUid viewUid = view->ViewUid();
- // Remove from the view cycle list
- iViewInfoArray.Remove( position );
- RArray<TInt> hiddenViews;
- iCustomisationManager->GetHiddenViewIdL(pluginUid, hiddenViews);
- if( viewUid == activeViewUid )
- {
- // Removing the active view is done in three parts
- // 1) It is removed from the viewInfo list
- // 2) When settings is closed, the view is switched
- // to the next view in the view cycle list.
- // 3) When the view is deactivated it can be deleted.
- // Store the information about the current view.
- iRemovedActiveView = view;
- // Update the view cycle index so that hidden view is launched while cycling next view
- if(hiddenViews.Count())
- {
- // Find the index of teh hidden view
- TInt viewInfoIndex = iViewInfoArray.Find(TUid::Uid(hiddenViews[0]), CCalenViewInfo::ViewInfoIdentifier);
- iViewCycleIndex = viewInfoIndex - 1; // Decrementing it as CycleNextView() funciton will increment it
- }
- else if(!alreadySet)
- {
- TInt nextViewCycleIndex = iViewCycleIndex - 1; // To update the view cycle index in plugin disable case
- // Update the view cycle index as iViewInfoArray would have changed
- iViewCycleIndex = iViewInfoArray.Find( iCurrentViewId.iViewUid, CCalenViewInfo::ViewInfoIdentifier );
- // If the current active view has been removed,
- if(iViewCycleIndex == -1)
- {
- iViewCycleIndex = nextViewCycleIndex;
- }
- alreadySet = ETrue;
- }
- hiddenViews.Reset();
- // Remove the plugin from the disabled plugin list
- // to stop the plugin being deleted.
- aDisabledPlugins.Remove( index );
- }
- else
- {
- // The view isn't the current view, so we
- // can remove it directly from the view server
- iAppUi.RemoveView( viewUid );
- // Delete the view info
- delete view;
- if(!alreadySet)
- {
- TInt nextViewCycleIndex = iViewCycleIndex - 1; // To update the view cycle index in plugin disable case
- // Update the view cycle index as iViewInfoArray would have changed
- iViewCycleIndex = iViewInfoArray.Find( iCurrentViewId.iViewUid, CCalenViewInfo::ViewInfoIdentifier );
- // If the current active view has been removed,
- if(iViewCycleIndex == -1)
- {
- iViewCycleIndex = nextViewCycleIndex;
- }
- alreadySet = ETrue;
- }
- }
- position = iViewInfoArray.Find( pluginUid,
- CCalenViewInfo::ViewPluginIdentifier );
- }
- }
- // Unload the disabled plugins
- iCustomisationManager->UnloadPluginsL( aDisabledPlugins );
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // removedViews
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::ToolbarOrNull
-// Provides access to the calendar toolbar if one is available
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-MCalenToolbar* CCalenViewManager::ToolbarOrNull()
- {
- return iToolbar;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::ViewsActivated
-// Returns if the first view activation on start-up has taken place
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CCalenViewManager::ViewsActivated() const
- {
- return iViewsActivated;
- }
+ // Launch agenda event viewer
+ mCalenEventViewer->view(viewEntry, AgendaEventViewer::ActionEditDelete);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::UpdateToolbarNextViewIconL
-// Updates the nextview icon on the toolbar when default view is not month view
+// CalenViewManager::loadAlternateDayView
+// other items were commented in a header
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::UpdateToolbarNextViewIconL(TUid aViewUid)
- {
- // Set the view cycle index based on the newly activated view,
- // if the view is in the cycle array.
- TInt index = iViewInfoArray.Find( aViewUid, CCalenViewInfo::ViewInfoIdentifier );
- if( index != KErrNotFound )
- {
- iViewCycleIndex = index;
- if( iToolbar )
- {
- TInt nextVwIndex = iViewCycleIndex;
- do{
- nextVwIndex = ( nextVwIndex + 1 )%(iViewInfoArray.Count());
- }
- while( iViewInfoArray[nextVwIndex]->CyclePosition() == CCalenView::ENoCyclePosition );
- CCalenView* nextview = static_cast<CCalenView*>(
- iAppUi.View( iViewInfoArray[nextVwIndex]->ViewUid() ) );
- iToolbar->SetNextViewIcon( nextview->ViewIconL() );
- }
- }
- }
+void CalenViewManager::loadAlternateDayView()
+ bool loadSuccess = false;
+ // Create the day view docloader object.
+ mDayViewAltDocLoader = new CalenDocLoader(mController);
+ // Load default section
+ mDayViewAltDocLoader->load(CALEN_DAYVIEW_XML_FILE, &loadSuccess);
+ if (!loadSuccess) {
+ qFatal("calenviewmanager.cpp : Unable to load XML");
+ }
+ // Get the calenday view from the loader
+ mCalenDayViewAlt = static_cast<CalenDayView *> (mDayViewAltDocLoader->findWidget(CALEN_DAYVIEW));
+ if (!mCalenDayViewAlt) {
+ qFatal("calenviewmanager.cpp : Unable to find alternate day view");
+ }
+ // Setup the day view
+ mCalenDayViewAlt->setupView(mDayViewAltDocLoader);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::HandleFasterAppExitCommandL
-// Handles ECalenFasterAppExit command
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::HandleFasterAppExitCommandL()
- {
- if(iToolbar)
- {
- iToolbar->SetToolbarExtensionFocus(EFalse);
- }
- // For Handling : When the default view is changed keeping that view open,
- // from day view changing the default view from month view to day view,
- // we need to reset the previous view id.
- if(iPreviousToDayView.iViewUid!=KNullUid)
- {
- iPreviousToDayView.iViewUid = KNullUid;
- }
- // For handling specific case::Calendar exited from FSW
- // iAvoidRepopulation is set when app backgrounded.
- // Reset the flag for activating the view in background
- if(iAvoidRepopulation)
- {
- iAvoidRepopulation = EFalse;
- }
- // In case of fasterapp exit, first activate the dummy view before deleting the plugin views
- // Get the default view before we remove plugins
- iPreviousViewId.iViewUid = KNullUid;
- iController.SetExitOnDialogFlag( EFalse ); // for making iisexitondialogclose EFalse.
- TUid defView = iSetting->DefaultView();
- // unload all plugins
- iCustomisationManager->DisableAllPluginsL();
- ActivateViewOnFakeExitL(defView);
- // Though the current view is active view, there is no need to issue a callback as we are exiting the whole application.
- if( iRemovedActiveView )
- {
- if( !iViewRemovalCallback )
- {
- TCallBack callback( RemoveDeActivatedView, this );
- iViewRemovalCallback = new( ELeave ) CAsyncCallBack( callback,
- CActive::EPriorityStandard );
- }
- iViewRemovalCallback->CallBack();
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::HandleSettingsChangeNotificationL
-// Handles ECalenNotifySettingsChanged notification
+// CalenViewManager::HandleCommandL
+// Handles view manager commands.
+// @return ETrue if command is handled, EFalse otherwise
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::HandleSettingsChangeNotificationL()
- {
- if( iController.IsFasterAppFlagEnabled() )
- {
- TUid newViewUid = iSetting->DefaultView();
- if(IsNativeView(newViewUid))
- {
- TUid oldViewUid = CurrentView();
- if( newViewUid.iUid != oldViewUid.iUid )
- {
- RequestActivationL( newViewUid );
- }
- }
- // If the plugins are activated using general settings.
- // unload all plugins.Only load the plugins when application
- // comes to foreground
- const RArray<TUid>& plugins = CustomisationManager().ActivePlugins();
- if(plugins.Count())
- {
- // unload all plugins
- iCustomisationManager->DisableAllPluginsL();
- }
- }
- if( iRemovedActiveView )
- {
- // If the active view has been disabled, the next view in
- // the view cycle list is activated and the current view
- // is removed asyncronously.
- CycleNextViewL();
- if( !iViewRemovalCallback )
- {
- TCallBack callback( RemoveDeActivatedView, this );
- iViewRemovalCallback = new( ELeave ) CAsyncCallBack( callback,
- CActive::EPriorityStandard );
- }
- iViewRemovalCallback->CallBack();
- }
- else if(iCustomisationManager->HiddenView(iCurrentViewId.iViewUid))
- {
- // Get the uid of the plugin view that is hiding the current view
- TUid viewUid = iCustomisationManager->GetReplacePluginViewIdL(iCurrentViewId.iViewUid);
- // update the view cycle index before activating the plugin view
- iViewCycleIndex = iViewInfoArray.Find( viewUid,
- CCalenViewInfo::ViewInfoIdentifier );
- RequestActivationL(viewUid);
- }
- else
- {
- StartActiveStepL();
- }
- }
+TBool CalenViewManager::HandleCommandL(const TCalenCommand& command)
+ TBool commandUsed(EFalse);
+ switch (command.Command()) {
+ case ECalenMonthView:
+ removeDayViews();
+ // Add month view to mainwindow.
+ mController.MainWindow().addView(mCalenMonthView);
+ mCurrentViewId = ECalenMonthView;
+ activateCurrentView();
+ break;
+ case ECalenDayView:
+ // Remove month view from mainwindow.
+ mController.MainWindow().removeView(mCalenMonthView);
+ mCurrentViewId = ECalenDayView;
+ // Add day view to mainwindow.
+ mController.MainWindow().addView(mCalenDayView);
+ mController.MainWindow().addView(mCalenDayViewAlt);
+ activateCurrentView();
+ break;
+ case ECalenEventView:
+ launchEventView();
+ break;
+ case ECalenLandscapeDayView:
+ mCurrentViewId = ECalenLandscapeDayView;
+ activateCurrentView();
+ break;
+ case ECalenStartActiveStep:
+ activateCurrentView();
+ break;
+ case ECalenShowNextDay:
+ showNextDay();
+ break;
+ case ECalenShowPrevDay:
+ showPrevDay();
+ break;
+ }
+ return commandUsed;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::HandleEntryDeleteNotificationL
-// Handles ECalenNotifyEntryDeleted and ECalenNotifyInstanceDeleted
-// notifications
+// CalenViewManager::HandleNotification
+// Handles notifications.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::HandleEntryDeleteNotificationL()
- {
- if(iCurrentViewId.iViewUid == KUidCalenEventView)
- {
- // Activate the previous view when an event is deleted from
- // the event view
- if(iPreviousViewId.iViewUid != KNullUid)
- {
- RequestActivationL(iPreviousViewId.iViewUid);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // refresh the current view
- StartActiveStepL();
- }
- }
+void CalenViewManager::HandleNotification(
+ const TCalenNotification notification)
+ switch (notification) {
+ case ECalenNotifySystemLocaleChanged:
+ case ECalenNotifyExternalDatabaseChanged:
+ case ECalenNotifyDialogClosed:
+ case ECalenNotifyMultipleEntriesDeleted:
+ case ECalenNotifyEntrySaved:
+ case ECalenNotifyEntryDeleted:
+ case ECalenNotifyInstanceDeleted:
+ case ECalenNotifyEntryClosed:
+ case ECalenNotifySettingsClosed:
+ mController.Services().IssueCommandL(ECalenStartActiveStep);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::HandleEntryClosedNotificationL
-// Handles ECalenNotifyEntryClosed notification
+// CalenViewManager::settingsView
+// Returns the settings view
+// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::HandleEntryClosedNotificationL()
- {
+CalenSettingsView* CalenViewManager::settingsView()
+ return mSettingsView;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenViewManager::handleViewingCompleted
+// Slot to handle signal viewingCompleted by the agenda event viewer
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenViewManager::handleViewingCompleted(bool status)
+ qDebug() <<"calendar: CalenViewManager::handleEditingCompleted -->";
- // reset tha flag iAvoidRepopulation to refresh the view.
- iAvoidRepopulation = EFalse;
- // if previous view is native view activate that view
- // otherwise commandlauncher will handle
- if(iPreviousViewId.iViewUid != KNullUid)
- {
- // if iPreviousToDayView is active activate the day view with "Back" cba.
- if(iPreviousToDayView.iViewUid!=KNullUid)
- {
- RequestActivationL(iPreviousViewId.iViewUid, KUidCalenShowBackCba);
- }
- else
- {
- if( !iController.GetExitOnDialogFlag() )
- {
- RequestActivationL(iPreviousViewId.iViewUid);
- }
- }
- }
- // reset tha flag iAvoidRepopulation to avoid the repopulation.
- iAvoidRepopulation = ETrue;
- }
+ Q_UNUSED(status)
+ // Cleanup.
+ mCalenEventViewer->deleteLater();
+ mController.Services().IssueNotificationL(ECalenNotifyEntryClosed);
+ qDebug() <<"calendar: CalenViewManager::handleEditingCompleted <--";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::HandleSystemTimeChangeNotificationL
-// Handles ECalenNotifySystemTimeChanged notification
+// CalenViewManager::handleEditingStarted
+// Slot to handle signal editingStarted by the agenda event viewer
+// (other items were commented in a header).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::HandleSystemTimeChangeNotificationL()
- {
- if( iController.IsFasterAppFlagEnabled() )
- {
- //Set the context whenever system time is changed
- TUid newViewUid = iSetting->DefaultView();
- MCalenContext& context = iController.Services().Context();
- TCalTime focusTime = context.DefaultCalTimeForViewsL();
- context.SetFocusDateAndTimeL( focusTime,
- TVwsViewId( KUidCalendar, newViewUid ));
- // reset tha flag iAvoidRepopulation to refresh the view whenever
- // system time is changed
- iAvoidRepopulation = EFalse;
- if(IsNativeView(newViewUid))
- {
- // activate the default view in background
- RequestActivationL( newViewUid );
- }
- // set the flag iAvoidRepopulation to avoid repopulation
- iAvoidRepopulation = ETrue;
- }
- else
- {
- // refresh the current view
- StartActiveStepL();
- }
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::IconsL
-// Create a CCalenIcons object if neccessary and return a reference
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCalenIcons& CCalenViewManager::IconsL()
- {
- if (!iIcons)
- {
- // Icons
- iIcons = CCalenIcons::NewL();
- }
+void CalenViewManager::handleEditingStarted()
+ qDebug() <<"calendar: CalenViewManager::handleEditingStarted -->";
+ mController.IssueCommandL(ECalenEditEntryFromViewer);
+ qDebug() <<"calendar: CalenViewManager::handleEditingStarted <--";
- return *iIcons;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::GetNextViewIconL
-// Gets next view icon
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CGulIcon* CCalenViewManager::GetNextViewIconL()
- {
- // Set the view cycle index based on the newly activated view,
- // if the view is in the cycle array.
- TInt index = iViewInfoArray.Find( iCurrentViewId.iViewUid, CCalenViewInfo::ViewInfoIdentifier );
- if( index != KErrNotFound )
- {
- iViewCycleIndex = index;
- TInt nextVwIndex = iViewCycleIndex;
- do
- {
- nextVwIndex = ( nextVwIndex + 1 )%(iViewInfoArray.Count());
- }while( iViewInfoArray[nextVwIndex]->CyclePosition() == CCalenView::ENoCyclePosition );
- // Get the next view icon
- CCalenView* nextview = static_cast<CCalenView*>( iAppUi.View( iViewInfoArray[nextVwIndex]->ViewUid() ) );
- return( nextview->ViewIconL() );
- }
- return NULL;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::SetRepopulation
-// Resets the flag iAvoidRepopulation to activate the view.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::SetRepopulation(TBool aRePopulate)
- {
- // to prevent the display of blank view,
- // set the iAvoidRepopulation to EFalse,
- // so that view is populated properly
- iAvoidRepopulation = aRePopulate;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::CalenToolbar
-// Returns calendar toolbar
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCalenToolbarImpl* CCalenViewManager::CalenToolbar()
- {
- return iToolbar;
- }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenViewManager::handleEditingCompleted
+// Slot to handle signal editingCompleted by the agenda event viewer
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenViewManager::handleEditingCompleted()
+ qDebug() <<"calendar: CalenViewManager::handleEditingStarted -->";
+ mController.Services().IssueNotificationL(ECalenNotifyEditorClosedFromViewer);
+ qDebug() <<"calendar: CalenViewManager::handleEditingStarted <--";
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::ReloadAllPluginsL
-// Reload all plugins
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::ReloadAllPluginsL()
- {
- // load all plugins
- iCustomisationManager->DoPluginLoadingL();
- UpdatePluginListL();
- // only activate plugin view if it is default view
- TUid defaultViewUid = iSetting->DefaultView();
- if(!IsNativeView(defaultViewUid))
- {
- iAvoidRepopulation = EFalse;
- // Find the default view in the view cycle list
- TInt position = iViewInfoArray.Find(
- defaultViewUid, CCalenViewInfo::ViewInfoIdentifier );
- if( position != KErrNotFound )
- {
- TVwsViewId targetViewId( KUidCalendar, defaultViewUid);
- RequestActivationL(targetViewId);
- iViewCycleIndex = position;
- }
- else
- {
- // if plugin providing default view is already uninstalled
- // activate month view as default view
- CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidCalendar );
- CleanupStack::PushL(repository);
- TInt tmp( static_cast<TInt>( KUidCalenMonthView.iUid ) );
- TInt position = iViewInfoArray.Find( KUidCalenMonthView, CCalenViewInfo::ViewInfoIdentifier );
- User::LeaveIfError( repository->Set( KCalendarDefaultStartView, tmp ) );
- iAppUi.SetDefaultViewL( *iAppUi.View( KUidCalenMonthView ) );
- TVwsViewId targetViewId( KUidCalendar, KUidCalenMonthView);
- RequestActivationL(targetViewId);
- iViewCycleIndex = position;
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(repository);
- }
- }
- else // If default view is native view, then activate it
- {
- iAvoidRepopulation = EFalse;
- // In case of launching missed event view or missed alarms view, there
- // is no need to activate default view.
- if( ( iCurrentViewId.iViewUid.iUid != KCalenMissedEventViewUidValue ) &&
- ( iCurrentViewId.iViewUid.iUid != KCalenMissedAlarmsViewUidValue ) )
- {
- // Find the default view in the view cycle list
- TInt position = iViewInfoArray.Find(
- defaultViewUid, CCalenViewInfo::ViewInfoIdentifier );
- if( position != KErrNotFound )
- {
- TVwsViewId targetViewId( KUidCalendar, defaultViewUid);
- RequestActivationL(targetViewId);
- iViewCycleIndex = position;
- }
- }
- }
- }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenViewManager::handleDeletingStarted
+// Slot to handle signal deletingStarted by the agenda event viewer
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenViewManager::handleDeletingStarted()
+ qDebug() <<"calendar: CalenViewManager::handleEditingStarted -->";
+ mController.IssueCommandL(ECalenDeleteEntryFromViewer);
+ qDebug() <<"calendar: CalenViewManager::handleEditingStarted <--";
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::GetPreviousViewUid
-// Rest of the details are commented in header.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TUid CCalenViewManager::GetPreviousViewUid()
- {
- return iPreviousViewId.iViewUid;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::IsNativeView
-// Check for native view
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CCalenViewManager::IsNativeView(TUid aViewUid)
- {
- if( (aViewUid == KUidCalenMonthView)||
- (aViewUid == KUidCalenWeekView) ||
- (aViewUid == KUidCalenDayView) ||
- (aViewUid == KUidCalenTodoView) )
- {
- return ETrue;
- }
- return EFalse;
- }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenViewManager::handleDeletingCompleted
+// Slot to handle signal deletingCompleted by the agenda event viewer
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenViewManager::handleDeletingCompleted()
+ qDebug() <<"calendar: CalenViewManager::handleEditingStarted -->";
+ mController.Services().IssueNotificationL(ECalenNotifyEntryDeleted);
+ qDebug() <<"calendar: CalenViewManager::handleEditingStarted <--";
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenViewManager::ActivateViewOnFakeExitL
-// Check for native view
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenViewManager::ActivateViewOnFakeExitL(TUid aDefView)
- {
- if(IsNativeView(aDefView))
- {
- // activate the view in background
- RequestActivationL( aDefView, KCalenHideInBackGround, KNullDesC8() );
- }
- else
- {
- RequestActivationL( KUidCalenDummyView, KCalenHideInBackGround, KNullDesC8() );
- }
- // set the flag to avoid repopulation when application is
- // opened after faster exit
- iAvoidRepopulation = ETrue;
- // set the context
- MCalenContext& context = iController.Services().Context();
- TCalTime focusTime = context.DefaultCalTimeForViewsL();
- context.SetFocusDateAndTimeL( focusTime,
- TVwsViewId( KUidCalendar, aDefView) );
- }
-// End of file
+// End of file --Don't remove this.