changeset 18 c198609911f9
child 23 fd30d51f876b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/calendarui/views/src/calendayviewwidget.cpp	Fri Apr 16 14:57:40 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,999 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: CalenDayViewWidget implementation
+// System includes
+#include <QStandardItemModel>
+#include <QGraphicsSceneEvent>
+#include <hbi18ndef.h>
+#include <hbextendedlocale.h>
+#include <hbgroupbox.h>
+#include <hbmenu.h>
+#include <hbaction.h>
+#include <hbmainwindow.h>
+#include <hbstyleloader.h>
+#include <hbdatetimepicker.h>
+#include <hbdialog.h>
+#include <agendautil.h>
+#include <noteseditor.h>
+// User includes
+#include "calendayviewwidget.h"
+#include "calencommon.h"
+#include "calendayview.h"
+#include "calendocloader.h"
+#include "calenservices.h"
+#include "calencontext.h"
+#include "calendateutils.h"
+#include "CalenUid.h"
+#include "caleneventlistviewitem.h"
+// Constants
+static const QString singleSpace(" ");
+static const QString newLine("\n");
+static const QString customLayout("custom");
+static const char *stretchLayout("stretchItem");
+// TODO: Replace with actual image names later
+static const QString toDoIcon("qtg_small_todo");
+static const QString reminderIcon("qtg_mono_alarm");
+static const QString locationIcon("qtg_mono_location");
+static const QString repeatIcon("qtg_mono_repeat");
+static const QString allDayIcon(":/qgn_indi_cdr_meeting_layer0.svg");
+static const QString exceptionIcon(":/qtg_mono_exception.png");
+static const int singleColumn(1);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::CalenDayViewWidget
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CalenDayViewWidget::CalenDayViewWidget(MCalenServices &services,
+                                       CalenDocLoader *docLoader) :
+    // Construct the list view prototype
+    mListViewPrototype = new CalenEventListViewItem(this);
+    // Create the list model
+    mListModel = new QStandardItemModel(this);
+    // Register the custom docml and css to provide our own style to the list items
+    HbStyleLoader::registerFilePath(":/");
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::~CalenDayViewWidget
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    if (mListViewPrototype) {
+        delete mListViewPrototype;
+        mListViewPrototype = NULL;
+    }
+    if (mListModel) {
+        // Do not delete the model since its owned by the view
+        mListModel->clear();
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::setupWidget
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenDayViewWidget::setupWidget(CalenDayView *view)
+    // Store the view for future reference
+	mView = view;
+	if (!mDocLoader) {
+	    // Nothing much can be done. Simply return
+	    return;
+	}
+	// Initialize the child widgets
+	initChildWidgets();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::showWidget
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenDayViewWidget::showWidget()
+    // Get the date for which this view has been launched
+    mDate = mServices.Context().focusDateAndTimeL();
+    // Set the heading text
+    setHeadingText();
+    // Get the instance list
+    getInstanceList();
+    // Load the appropriate section based on the number of events for the day
+    if (0 == mInstanceArray.count()) {
+        // There are no entries for the day
+        // Load and show the empty list section
+        bool loadSuccess = false;
+        // Hide the list which shows the events
+        mEventsList->hide();
+        // Show the empty list text
+        mEmptyListLabel->show();
+        // Get the current device orientation
+        int orientation = mServices.MainWindow().orientation();
+        if (Qt::Vertical == orientation) {
+            mDocLoader->load(CALEN_DAYVIEW_XML_FILE, "emptyList", &loadSuccess);
+        } else {
+            mDocLoader->load(CALEN_DAYVIEW_XML_FILE, "emptyLandscape", &loadSuccess);
+        }
+        if (!loadSuccess) {
+            qFatal("calendayviewwidget.cpp : Unable to load empty list section");
+        }
+    } else {
+        // Hide the empty view label
+        mEmptyListLabel->hide();
+        // Show the events list
+        mEventsList->show();
+        // There are one or more events. Load the non-empty section
+        bool loadSuccess = false;
+        mDocLoader->load(CALEN_DAYVIEW_XML_FILE, "nonEmptyList", &loadSuccess);
+        if (!loadSuccess) {
+            qFatal("calendayviewwidget.cpp : Unable to load non-empty list section");
+        }
+        // Now populate the list with the events
+        populateListWidget();
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::orientationChanged
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenDayViewWidget::orientationChanged(Qt::Orientation orientation)
+    // Load the appropriate section based on the number of events for the day
+    if (0 == mInstanceArray.count()) {
+        // There are no entries for the day
+        // Load and show the empty list section
+        bool loadSuccess = false;
+        // Hide the list which shows the events
+        mEventsList->hide();
+        // Show the empty list text
+        mEmptyListLabel->show();
+        if (Qt::Vertical == orientation) {
+            mDocLoader->load(CALEN_DAYVIEW_XML_FILE, "emptyList", &loadSuccess);
+        } else {
+            mDocLoader->load(CALEN_DAYVIEW_XML_FILE, "emptyLandscape", &loadSuccess);
+        }
+        if (!loadSuccess) {
+            qFatal("calendayviewwidget.cpp : Unable to load empty list section");
+        }
+    } else {
+        // Hide the empty view label
+        mEmptyListLabel->hide();
+        // Show the events list
+        mEventsList->show();
+        // There are one or more events. Load the non-empty section
+        bool loadSuccess = false;
+        mDocLoader->load(CALEN_DAYVIEW_XML_FILE, "nonEmptyList", &loadSuccess);
+        if (!loadSuccess) {
+            qFatal("calendayviewwidget.cpp : Unable to load non-empty list section");
+        }
+        handleListItemStretching(orientation);
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::handleLocaleChange
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenDayViewWidget::handleLocaleChange()
+    if(mListViewPrototype) {
+        HbExtendedLocale locale = HbExtendedLocale::system();
+        HbExtendedLocale::TimeStyle timeStyle = locale.timeStyle();
+        if (HbExtendedLocale::Time12 == timeStyle) {
+            mListViewPrototype->setTimeFormat12Hr(true);
+        } else {
+            mListViewPrototype->setTimeFormat12Hr(false);
+        }
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::setContextFromHighlight
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenDayViewWidget::setContextFromHighlight(AgendaEntry entry)
+    if (entry.isTimedEntry()) {
+        // Timed entry.
+        QDateTime start = entry.startTime();
+        // start.setDate(;
+        mServices.Context().setFocusDateAndTimeAndInstanceL(start,
+                                                            TCalenInstanceId::create(entry),
+                                                            KCalenDayViewUidValue);
+    } else {
+        // Untimed entry.
+        if (CalenDateUtils::onSameDay(TCalenInstanceId::create(entry).mInstanceTime,
+                                      mDate)) {
+            mServices.Context().setInstanceIdL(TCalenInstanceId::create(entry),
+                                               KCalenDayViewUidValue);
+        } else {
+            // Multi-day untimed note (either multi-day day note or weird todo).
+            // Focus on the instance and set the focus time to the highlighted day.
+            mServices.Context().setFocusDateAndTimeAndInstanceL(mDate,
+                                                                TCalenInstanceId::create(entry),
+                                                                KCalenDayViewUidValue);
+        }
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::initChildWidgets
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenDayViewWidget::initChildWidgets()
+    // Get the pointer to the events list
+    mEventsList = static_cast<HbListView*> (mDocLoader->findWidget(CALEN_DAYVIEW_LISTWIDGET));
+    if (!mEventsList) {
+        qFatal("calendayviewwidget.cpp : Unable to find the events list");
+    }
+    // NOTE: Layout name MUST be same as the name mentioned in the css
+    mEventsList->setLayoutName(customLayout);
+    // TODO : remove this line after gestures are available
+    mEventsList->installEventFilter(mView);
+    // Connect to the long press and activation signals
+    connect(mEventsList, SIGNAL(longPressed(HbAbstractViewItem*, const QPointF&)),
+            this, SLOT(itemLongPressed(HbAbstractViewItem*, const QPointF&)));
+    connect(mEventsList, SIGNAL(activated(const QModelIndex&)), this,
+            SLOT(itemActivated(const QModelIndex&)));
+    // Get the pointer to label from the loader.
+    mHeadingLabel = qobject_cast<HbGroupBox*> (mDocLoader->findWidget(CALEN_DAYVIEW_HEADING));
+    if (!mHeadingLabel) {
+        qFatal("calendayviewwidget.cpp : Unable to find heading widget");
+    }
+    // Get the pointer to the empty view label
+    mEmptyListLabel = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (mDocLoader->findWidget("noEventsLabel"));
+    if (!mEmptyListLabel) {
+        qFatal("calendayviewwidget.cpp : Unable to find empty list label");
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::populateListWidget
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenDayViewWidget::populateListWidget()
+    // Recycle the list items so that only needed rows
+    // are added or removed
+    if (mInstanceArray.count() == 0) {
+        // Reset the list
+        mEventsList->reset();
+        // Clear the model to ensure it does not have any old items
+        mListModel->clear();
+        return;
+    } else if (mInstanceArray.count() > mListModel->rowCount()) {
+        // There are more events than the number of items
+        // in the list. Add more rows
+        mListModel->insertRows(0, mInstanceArray.count() - mListModel->rowCount());
+    } else if (mInstanceArray.count() < mListModel->rowCount()) {
+        // There are less number of events than the number
+        // of items in the list. Remove the extra rows
+        mListModel->removeRows(0, mListModel->rowCount() - mInstanceArray.count());
+    }
+    mListModel->setColumnCount(singleColumn);
+    // Add all the events to the list
+    for (int index = 0; index < mInstanceArray.count(); index++) {
+        // Get each of the entry details
+        AgendaEntry entry = mInstanceArray[index];
+        // Create a list item for each entry
+        createListItem(index, entry);
+    }
+    // Add the item on to the list widget
+    mEventsList->setModel(mListModel, mListViewPrototype);
+    // Now get the item to scroll to
+    int scrollToIndex = getIndexToScrollTo();
+    if (mListModel->rowCount() > 0) {
+        // Scroll to the index only if index is valid
+        mEventsList->scrollTo(mListModel->index(scrollToIndex, 0));
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::getInstanceList
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenDayViewWidget::getInstanceList()
+    // Clear the previous instance list
+    mInstanceArray.clear();
+    // Check if the date is valid
+    if (!CalenDateUtils::isValidDay(mDate)) {
+        mDate = CalenDateUtils::today();
+    }
+    // Set the filter flags to fetch all relevant entries
+    AgendaUtil::FilterFlags filter = AgendaUtil::FilterFlags(AgendaUtil::IncludeAnniversaries |
+                                                             AgendaUtil::IncludeAppointments | 
+                                                             AgendaUtil::IncludeEvents |
+                                                             AgendaUtil::IncludeReminders |
+                                                             AgendaUtil::IncludeIncompletedTodos);
+    // Fetch the instance list from the agenda interface
+    mInstanceArray = mServices.agendaInterface()->createEntryIdListForDay(mDate, filter);
+    if (0 == mInstanceArray.count()) {
+        // There are no events to populate
+        // Hide the events list
+        mEventsList->hide();
+        // Show the empty list text
+        mEmptyListLabel->show();
+        // Inform the view about the change
+        mView->hasEvents(false);
+        return;
+    } else {
+        mView->hasEvents(true);
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::setDateToLabel
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenDayViewWidget::setHeadingText()
+    {
+    // Format the date as per the device locale settings
+	HbExtendedLocale systemLocale = HbExtendedLocale::system();
+	// Get localised name of the day from locale
+	QString dayString = systemLocale.dayName(;
+	// Append a single space
+	dayString.append(singleSpace);
+	// Set the heading
+	// Append the date which is formatted as per the locale
+	mHeadingLabel->setHeading(hbTrId(
+				"txt_calendar_subhead_1_2").arg(dayString).arg(
+				systemLocale.format(, r_qtn_date_usual_with_zero)));
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::createListItem
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenDayViewWidget::createListItem(int index, AgendaEntry entry)
+    if (index < 0 || entry.isNull()) {
+        // Not a valid index or entry. Dont do anything
+        return;
+    }
+    // Check if the entry is a timed entry
+    // TODO: Right now, only appointment/meeting type is being handled
+    // Handle other timed entry types like reminder etc
+    if (entry.isTimedEntry()) {
+        // Get the text and icon data for the entry
+        addTimedEventToList(index, entry);
+    } else {
+        addNonTimedEventToList(index, entry);
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::addTimedEventToList
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenDayViewWidget::addTimedEventToList(int index, AgendaEntry entry)
+    // Create text and icon list to set to the model
+    QVariantList textData;
+    QVariantList iconData;
+    bool twoLines = false;
+    /**
+     * IMPORTANT NOTE: All the text and icon items must be
+     * inserted into the variant list in a specific order.
+     * If not, chaos will set it!!!
+     * On a more serious note, the mesh layout depends on the
+     * fact that the icons and text data will be added in a
+     * particular order. If one of the items go missing, the
+     * layout might get messed up. Also in case a particular item
+     * is not required to be added in the middle of the list, an
+     * empty QVariant must be added to indicate to the list view
+     * that the item must be removed from the layout.
+     * Do not mess with the order in case you are not sure what
+     * you are exactly doing.
+     */
+    // The first icon to show to-do or all day should not be shown
+    // Append empty data to the icons list
+    iconData << QVariant();
+    // Check if alarm is enabled for the entry       
+    if (entry.alarm().isNull()) {
+        // Insert a blank icon. Else the next icon
+        // will get replaced in this icon's position
+        iconData << QVariant();
+    } else {
+        iconData << HbIcon(reminderIcon);
+    }
+    // Check if the entry is recurring
+    if (entry.isRepeating()) {
+        iconData << HbIcon(repeatIcon);
+    } else if (!entry.recurrenceId().isNull()) {
+        // This is an exceptional entry
+        iconData << HbIcon(exceptionIcon);
+    } else {
+        // Insert a blank icon. Else the next icon
+        // will get replaced in this icon's position
+        iconData << QVariant();
+    }
+    HbExtendedLocale locale = HbExtendedLocale::system();
+    // Get the start time and format as per the locale
+    QTime eventStartTime = entry.startTime().time();
+    QString eventTime = locale.format(eventStartTime, r_qtn_time_usual_with_zero);
+    // Get the event end time
+    QTime eventEndTime = entry.endTime().time();
+    if (eventStartTime < eventEndTime) {
+        // Raise the flag to indicate that the list item
+        // would wrap to two lines
+        twoLines = true;
+        // Append '-' to indicate an end time is present
+        eventTime.append("-");
+        // Append new line to wrap to next line
+        eventTime.append(newLine);
+        // Event is a not a zero duration meeting
+        // Only in this case, append the end time
+        eventTime.append(locale.format(eventEndTime, r_qtn_time_usual_with_zero));
+    } else {
+        // Append new line to wrap to next line
+        eventTime.append(newLine);
+    }
+    // Add the event time to the text list
+    // This MUST be the first item to be added to the list 
+    textData << eventTime;
+    // Get the entry subject
+    QString subject = entry.summary();
+    if (subject.isEmpty() || subject.isNull()) {
+        // No subject. Add "(No subject)" text
+        subject.append(hbTrId("txt_calendar_dblist_unnamed"));
+    }
+    // Add the subject to the text list
+    // This MUST be the second item in the list
+    textData << subject;
+    // Check if the entry has location
+    // TODO: This must change to check for geo-location
+    // This MUST be the third item in the list
+    if (entry.location().isEmpty()) {
+        // Insert a blank icon. Else the next icon
+        // will get replaced in this icon's position
+        iconData << QVariant();
+        if (twoLines) {
+            /**
+             * NOTE: If the primary text is wrapping to two
+             * lines, then the location must be set as blank
+             * since the bottom of the list item is anchored to
+             * the bottom of the secondary text. Else the bottom
+             * of the list will overlap on the primary text
+             */
+            textData << singleSpace;
+        } else {
+            /**
+             * Else, set the secondary text to empty to indicate
+             * to the list view to remove the item itself and 
+             * shrink its size to a single line size
+             */
+            textData << QVariant();
+        }
+    } else {
+        // TODO: Location icon must be shown
+        // only if valid geo-coordinates are present
+        // iconData << HbIcon(locationIcon);
+        textData << entry.location();
+    }
+    // Get the list model index and set the text and icon data
+    QModelIndex listIndex = mListModel->index(index, 0);
+    mListModel->setData(listIndex, textData, Qt::DisplayRole);
+    mListModel->setData(listIndex, iconData, Qt::DecorationRole);
+    // Disable item stretching by removing the dynamic property
+    HbListViewItem *listViewItem = static_cast<HbListViewItem*>
+                                        (mEventsList->itemByIndex(mListModel->index(index, 0)));
+    if (listViewItem) {
+        listViewItem->setProperty(stretchLayout, false);
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::addNonTimedEventToList
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenDayViewWidget::addNonTimedEventToList(int index, AgendaEntry entry)
+    QVariantList textData;
+    QVariantList iconData;
+    /**
+     * IMPORTANT NOTE: All the text and icon items must be
+     * inserted into the variant list in a specific order.
+     * If not, chaos will set it!!!
+     * On a more serious note, the mesh layout depends on the
+     * fact that the icons and text data will be added in a
+     * particular order. If one of the items go missing, the
+     * layout might get messed up. Also in case a particular item
+     * is not required to be added in the middle of the list, an
+     * empty QVariant must be added to indicate to the list view
+     * that the item must be removed from the layout.
+     * Do not mess with the order in case you are not sure what
+     * you are exactly doing.
+     */
+    // The first column text has to be empty
+    textData << QVariant();
+    // Get the entry subject
+    QString subject = entry.summary();
+    if (subject.isEmpty() || subject.isNull()) {
+        // No subject. Add "(No subject)" text
+        subject.append(hbTrId("txt_calendar_dblist_unnamed"));
+    }
+    // Add the subject to the text list
+    // This MUST be the second item in the list
+    textData << subject;
+    // Get the entry type
+    AgendaEntry::Type entryType = entry.type();
+    if (entryType == AgendaEntry::TypeAnniversary) {
+        // Nothing to do as of now as anniversary events
+        // cannot be created
+        // TODO: To be handled in case of sync
+    } else if (entryType == AgendaEntry::TypeEvent) {
+        // This is an all day event
+        // Append the all-day icon
+        iconData << HbIcon(allDayIcon);
+        // Check if alarm is enabled for the entry       
+        if (entry.alarm().isNull()) {
+            // Insert a blank icon. Else the next icon
+            // will get replaced in this icon's position
+            iconData << QVariant();
+        } else {
+            iconData << HbIcon(reminderIcon);
+        }
+        // Check if the entry is recurring
+        if (entry.isRepeating()) {
+            iconData << HbIcon(repeatIcon);
+        } else {
+            // Insert a blank icon. Else the next icon
+            // will get replaced in this icon's position
+            iconData << QVariant();
+        }
+        // Append the location
+        if (!entry.location().isEmpty()) {
+            textData << entry.location();
+            // TODO: Location icon must be shown
+            // only if valid geo-coordinates are present
+            // iconData << HbIcon(locationIcon);
+        } else {
+            textData << singleSpace;
+        }
+    } else if (entryType == AgendaEntry::TypeTodo) {
+        // Append the to-do icon
+        iconData << HbIcon(toDoIcon);
+        // Get the due date
+        QDateTime dueDate = entry.endTime();
+        // Append the date first
+        QString dueDateString(hbTrId("txt_calendar_dblist_val_due_on_1"));
+        QString dueText;
+        dueText.setNum(;
+        dueText.append(singleSpace);
+        // Append the month name next
+        HbExtendedLocale locale = HbExtendedLocale::system();
+        QString month = locale.monthName(;
+        dueText.append(month);
+        dueText.append(singleSpace);
+        // Append the year
+        QString year;
+        year.setNum(;
+        dueText.append(year);
+        textData << dueDateString.arg(dueText);
+        // Check if alarm is enabled for the entry       
+        if (entry.alarm().isNull()) {
+            // Insert a blank icon. Else the next icon
+            // will get replaced in this icon's position
+            iconData << QVariant();
+        } else {
+            iconData << HbIcon(reminderIcon);
+        }
+        // Check if the entry is recurring
+        if (entry.isRepeating()) {
+            iconData << HbIcon(repeatIcon);
+        } else {
+            // Insert a blank icon. Else the next icon
+            // will get replaced in this icon's position
+            iconData << QVariant();
+        }
+    }
+    // Get the list model index and set the text and icon data
+    QModelIndex listIndex = mListModel->index(index, 0);
+    mListModel->setData(listIndex, textData, Qt::DisplayRole);
+    mListModel->setData(listIndex, iconData, Qt::DecorationRole);
+    // Enable item stretching by adding the dynamic property
+    HbListViewItem *listViewItem = static_cast<HbListViewItem*>
+                                        (mEventsList->itemByIndex(mListModel->index(index, 0)));
+    Qt::Orientation orientation = mServices.MainWindow().orientation();
+    // Apply stretch only for landscape orientation
+    if (listViewItem) {
+        if (Qt::Horizontal == orientation) {
+            listViewItem->setProperty(stretchLayout, true);
+        } else {
+            listViewItem->setProperty(stretchLayout, false);
+        }
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::handleListItemStretching
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenDayViewWidget::handleListItemStretching(Qt::Orientation orientation)
+    if (mInstanceArray.count() == 0) {
+        // Nothing much to do. Simply return
+        return;
+    }
+    for(int index = 0; index < mInstanceArray.count() ; index ++) {
+        AgendaEntry entry = mInstanceArray[index];
+        if (!entry.isNull()) {
+            AgendaEntry::Type eventType = entry.type();
+            switch(eventType) {
+                // Apply the stretching to only to-do's,
+                // anniversary and all-day event types
+                case AgendaEntry::TypeTodo:
+                case AgendaEntry::TypeEvent:
+                case AgendaEntry::TypeAnniversary:
+                {
+                    // Get the list view item corresponding to the index
+                    HbListViewItem *listItem = static_cast<HbListViewItem*>
+                                                (mEventsList->itemByIndex(mListModel->index(index, 0)));
+                    if (listItem) {
+                        if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal) {
+                            // Set a dynamic property to indicate that this list item
+                            // must be stretched in landscape.
+                            // NOTE: Property name MUST match the name specified in
+                            // css file, else wierd things might happen
+                            listItem->setProperty(stretchLayout, true);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                    break;
+                default:
+                {
+                    HbListViewItem *listItem = static_cast<HbListViewItem*>
+                                                (mEventsList->itemByIndex(mListModel->index(index, 0)));
+                    if (listItem) {
+                        listItem->setProperty(stretchLayout, false);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::getIndexToScrollTo
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int CalenDayViewWidget::getIndexToScrollTo()
+    int scrollIndex = 0;
+    TCalenInstanceId instanceId = mServices.Context().instanceId();
+    if (instanceId == TCalenInstanceId::nullInstanceId()) {
+        // If the instance is not set, then scroll to zero index
+        return scrollIndex;
+    }
+    for (int index = 0 ; index < mInstanceArray.count() ; index++) {
+        AgendaEntry entry = mInstanceArray[index];
+        if ( == instanceId.mEntryLocalUid) {
+            // Match found.
+            scrollIndex = index;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return scrollIndex;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::createNewEvent
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenDayViewWidget::createNewEvent()
+    // Issue a command to launch editor to create
+    // a new event
+	mServices.IssueCommandL(ECalenNewMeeting);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::editEntry
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenDayViewWidget::editEntry()
+    // Check if the selected index is valid
+    if (mSelectedIndex < 0 || mSelectedIndex > mInstanceArray.count()) {
+        return;
+    }
+    // Get the entry details first
+    AgendaEntry entry = mInstanceArray[mSelectedIndex];
+    if (AgendaEntry::TypeTodo == entry.type()) {
+        // Launch the to-do editor
+        mNotesEditor = new NotesEditor(mView);
+        mNotesEditor->edit(entry);
+        connect(mNotesEditor, SIGNAL(editingCompleted(bool)), this, SLOT(noteEditingCompleted(bool)));
+    } else {
+        // Set the context
+        setContextFromHighlight(entry);
+        // Issue a command to launch the editor to edit this entry
+        mServices.IssueCommandL(ECalenEditCurrentEntry);
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::viewEntry
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenDayViewWidget::viewEntry()
+    // Get the entry details first
+    AgendaEntry entry = mInstanceArray[mSelectedIndex];
+    // Set the context
+    setContextFromHighlight(entry);
+    // Launch the event viewer.
+    mServices.IssueCommandL(ECalenEventView);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::deleteEntry
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenDayViewWidget::deleteEntry()
+    // Check if the selected index is valid
+	if (mSelectedIndex < 0 || mSelectedIndex > mInstanceArray.count()) {
+		return;
+	}
+	// Get the entry details
+	AgendaEntry entry = mInstanceArray[mSelectedIndex];
+	// Set the context
+	setContextFromHighlight(entry);
+	// Issue the command to delete the entry
+	mServices.IssueCommandL(ECalenDeleteCurrentEntry);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::markAsDone
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenDayViewWidget::markAsDone()
+    // Check if the selected index is valid
+    if (mSelectedIndex < 0 || mSelectedIndex > mInstanceArray.count()) {
+        return;
+    }
+    // Get the entry details
+    AgendaEntry entry = mInstanceArray[mSelectedIndex];
+    // Check again if the event is of type to-to
+    if (AgendaEntry::TypeTodo == entry.type()) {
+        // Set the status of the to-do as completed
+        entry.setStatus(AgendaEntry::TodoCompleted);
+        // Update the completed date and time
+        entry.setCompletedDateTime(mDate);
+        // Update the entry in the database
+        AgendaUtil agendaUtil;
+        agendaUtil.setCompleted(entry, true, mDate);
+		mServices.IssueCommandL(ECalenStartActiveStep);
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::itemLongPressed
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenDayViewWidget::itemLongPressed(HbAbstractViewItem* listViewItem,
+                                         const QPointF& coords)
+    // Update the selection index first
+    mSelectedIndex = listViewItem->modelIndex().row();
+    if (mSelectedIndex < 0 || mSelectedIndex > mInstanceArray.count()) {
+        // Invalid index
+        return;
+    }
+    AgendaEntry entry = mInstanceArray[mSelectedIndex];
+    // Create new menu.
+    HbMenu *contextMenu = new HbMenu();
+    // Add the open option
+    HbAction *openAction = contextMenu->addAction(hbTrId("txt_common_menu_open"));
+    connect(openAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(viewEntry()));
+    // Check the type of event
+    if (AgendaEntry::TypeTodo == entry.type()) {
+        // Add an option to mark the note as complete
+        HbAction *completeAction = contextMenu->addAction(hbTrId("txt_calendar_menu_mark_as_done"));
+        connect(completeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(markAsDone()));
+    }
+    // Add the edit option
+    HbAction *editAction = contextMenu->addAction(hbTrId("txt_common_menu_edit"));
+    connect(editAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(editEntry()));
+    // Add the delete option
+    HbAction *deleteAction = contextMenu->addAction(hbTrId("txt_common_menu_delete"));
+    connect(deleteAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(deleteEntry()));
+    contextMenu->setDismissPolicy(HbMenu::TapAnywhere);
+    // Show context sensitive menu. 
+    // Param const QPointF& coordinate - is a longpress position.
+    contextMenu->exec(coords);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::itemActivated
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenDayViewWidget::itemActivated(const QModelIndex &index)
+    // Update the selection index first
+    mSelectedIndex = index.row();
+    // Check if the selected index is valid
+    if (mSelectedIndex < 0 || mSelectedIndex > mInstanceArray.count()) {
+        return;
+    }
+    // Open the event for viewing
+    viewEntry();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::itemActivated
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenDayViewWidget::noteEditingCompleted(bool status)
+    Q_UNUSED(status);
+    // Delete the notes editor instance
+    mNotesEditor->deleteLater();
+    // We need to refresh the list since user
+    // might have marked the to-do as complete or
+    // edited it or deleted it. So get the instance
+    // list again
+    if (status) {
+        mServices.IssueCommandL(ECalenStartActiveStep);
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::goToToday
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenDayViewWidget::goToToday()
+    // First check if we are not already
+    // showing today's agenda
+    if (mDate == CalenDateUtils::today()) {
+        return;
+    }
+    // Set the context for the current day
+    mServices.Context().setFocusDateL(CalenDateUtils::today(), KCalenDayViewUidValue);
+    // Issue a command to re-populate the entire view
+    mServices.IssueCommandL(ECalenStartActiveStep);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CalenDayViewWidget::deleteEntries
+// Rest of the details are commented in the header
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CalenDayViewWidget::deleteEntries()
+    // TODO: Show a checklist to allow multiple delete
+// End of file	--Don't remove this.