changeset 18 c198609911f9
child 26 a949c2543c15
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/clock/clockui/clockviews/src/clockalarmlistmodel.cpp	Fri Apr 16 14:57:40 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* Definition file for class ClockAlarmListModel.
+// System includes
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <QTimer>
+#include <QStandardItemModel>
+#include <QStandardItem>
+#include <HbIcon>
+// User includes
+#include "clockalarmlistmodel.h"
+#include "alarmclient.h"
+#include "timezoneclient.h"
+#include "clockalarmlistitemprototype.h"
+#include "clockappcontrollerif.h"
+#include "settingsutility.h"
+// Constants
+const int KOneHourInMinute(60);
+const int KOneMinuteInSecons(60);
+const int KSecondsInOneDay(24 * 60 * 60);
+	\class ClockAlarmListModel
+	This is the source model class for the clock main view. This owns
+	a QStandardItemModel which is a model for the data containing alarms.
+ */
+	Constructor.
+	\param parent Parent of type QObject.
+ */
+		ClockAppControllerIf &controllerIf, QObject *parent)
+ mSourceModel(0),
+ mAppControllerIf(controllerIf)
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockAlarmListModel::ClockAlarmListModel -->";
+	// Construct the source model.
+	mSourceModel = new QStandardItemModel(0, 1, this);
+	// Register to listen to the alarm state changes.
+	mAppControllerIf.alarmClient()->startListener();
+	connect(
+			mAppControllerIf.alarmClient(), SIGNAL(alarmStateChanged(int)),
+			this, SLOT(updateSourceModel(int)));
+	connect(
+			mAppControllerIf.timezoneClient(), SIGNAL(timechanged()),
+			this, SLOT(updateRemainingTime()));
+	// Start a timer. For updating the remaining alarm time.
+	mTickTimer = new QTimer(this);
+	connect(
+			mTickTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
+			this, SLOT(updateRemainingTime()));
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockAlarmListModel::ClockAlarmListModel <--";
+	Destructor.
+ */
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockAlarmListModel::~ClockAlarmListModel -->";
+	if (mSourceModel) {
+		delete mSourceModel;
+		mSourceModel = 0;
+	}
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockAlarmListModel::~ClockAlarmListModel <--";
+	Populates the source model & starts the timer for 1 minute.
+ */
+void ClockAlarmListModel::populateModel()
+	// Populate the model in a different thread.
+	QTimer::singleShot(1, this, SLOT(populateSourceModel()));
+	Returns the source model to be used with clock main view.
+	\return QAbstractItemModel
+	\sa QAbstractItemModel, HbListView.
+ */
+QAbstractItemModel *ClockAlarmListModel::sourceModel()
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockAlarmListModel::sourceModel -->";
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockAlarmListModel::sourceModel <--";
+	return mSourceModel;
+	Populates the source model.
+ */
+void ClockAlarmListModel::populateSourceModel()
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockAlarmListModel::populateSourceModel -->";
+	// Clear the model if it has any data already.
+	mSourceModel->clear();
+	mSourceModel->setColumnCount(1);
+	QList<AlarmInfo> alarmInfoList;
+	// Get the list of pending clock alarms.
+	mAppControllerIf.alarmClient()->getAlarmList(alarmInfoList);
+	// First create a list of alarms with the order of active & inactive alarms.
+	AlarmInfo alarminfo;
+	for (int index = 0; index < alarmInfoList.count(); index++) {
+		alarminfo = alarmInfoList[index];
+		if (Enabled == alarminfo.alarmStatus) {
+			// Append alarm into the source model.
+			appendAlarmToModel(alarminfo);
+		}
+	}
+	for (int index = 0; index < alarmInfoList.count(); index++) {
+		alarminfo = alarmInfoList[index];
+		if (Disabled == alarminfo.alarmStatus) {
+			// Append alarm into the source model.
+			appendAlarmToModel(alarminfo);
+		}
+	}
+	if (0 < getActiveAlarmCount() && !mTickTimer->isActive()) {
+		// Start the Timer for 1 minute.
+		mTickTimer->start(60000 - 1000 * QTime::currentTime().second());
+	}
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockAlarmListModel::populateSourceModel <--";
+	Calculates the remaining time for the given alarm.
+	\param alarmInfo AlarmInfo containing the active alarm.
+ */
+QString ClockAlarmListModel::calculateRemainingTime(AlarmInfo alarmInfo)
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockAlarmListModel::calculateRemainingTime -->";
+	QDateTime currentDateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+	QDateTime alarmTime = QDateTime(
+			alarmInfo.alarmDateTime, alarmInfo.nextDueTime);
+	QString timeNote;
+	// TODO: method getRemainingSeconds is used since secsTo API is
+	// not returning the proper value.
+	// int remianSecs = currentDateTime.secsTo(alarmTime);
+	int remainSecs = getRemainingSeconds(alarmTime);
+	QDateTime timeLeft(QDate(2009,1,1), QTime(0,0)); //do -1 for day always.
+	QDateTime temp = timeLeft.addSecs(remainSecs);
+	int hourleft = temp.time().hour();
+	int minleft = temp.time().minute();
+	int secleft = temp.time().second();
+	int dayleft = - 1;
+	if (dayleft >= 1) {
+		hourleft += (dayleft * 24);
+	}
+	QString formatTimeNote;
+	if (hourleft <= 48) {
+		switch (hourleft) {
+			case 1: {
+				if (1 == minleft) {
+					formatTimeNote =
+						hbTrId("txt_clock_main_view_setlabel_in_1hr_2min");
+				} else {
+					formatTimeNote =
+						hbTrId("txt_clock_main_view_setlabel_in_1hr_2mins");
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+			default: {
+				if (1 == minleft) {
+					formatTimeNote =
+						hbTrId("txt_clock_main_view_setlabel_in_1hrs_2min");
+				} else {
+					formatTimeNote =
+						hbTrId("txt_clock_main_view_setlabel_in_1hrs_2mins");
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		timeNote = formatTimeNote.arg(
+				QString::number(hourleft), QString::number(minleft));
+	} else {
+		formatTimeNote = hbTrId("txt_clock_main_view_setlabel_in_1days");
+		timeNote = formatTimeNote.arg(QString::number(dayleft));
+	}
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockAlarmListModel::calculateRemainingTime <--";
+	return timeNote;
+	Gets remaining seconds to the alarm time from current date time.
+	\param alarmDateTime reference to the alarm date time.
+	\return int returns the remaining seconds calculated.
+ */
+int ClockAlarmListModel::getRemainingSeconds(QDateTime &alarmDateTime)
+	int remainingSeconds;
+	QDateTime currentDateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+	int currentTimeInSec =
+			(currentDateTime.time().hour()
+					* KOneHourInMinute * KOneMinuteInSecons)
+			+ (currentDateTime.time().minute() * KOneMinuteInSecons)
+			+ currentDateTime.time().second();
+	int alarmTimeInSec =
+			alarmDateTime.time().hour() * KOneHourInMinute * KOneMinuteInSecons
+			+ alarmDateTime.time().minute() * KOneMinuteInSecons
+			+ alarmDateTime.time().second();
+	int dayInterval =
+ -;
+	if (dayInterval) {
+		alarmTimeInSec += (dayInterval*KSecondsInOneDay);
+	}
+	remainingSeconds = alarmTimeInSec - currentTimeInSec;
+	return remainingSeconds;
+	Slot which Updates the source model with the given alarm `id'.
+	The alarm could be newly added or deleted or have undergone a status change
+	or have just been modified.
+	\param id of alarm, identifies the alarm which was changed.
+ */
+void ClockAlarmListModel::updateSourceModel(int alarmId)
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockAlarmListModel::updateSourceModel -->";
+	Q_UNUSED(alarmId)
+	int alarmInfoCount;
+	int modelCount;
+	bool newAlarm = false;
+	bool alarmDeleted = false;
+	// Get the list of pending clock alarms from server.
+	QList<AlarmInfo> alarmInfoList;
+	mAppControllerIf.alarmClient()->getAlarmList(alarmInfoList);
+	modelCount = mSourceModel->rowCount();
+	// First create a list of alarms with the order of active & inactive alarms.
+	QList<AlarmInfo> alarmDisplayList;
+	AlarmInfo alarminfo;
+	for (int index = 0; index < alarmInfoList.count(); index++) {
+		alarminfo = alarmInfoList[index];
+		if (Enabled == alarminfo.alarmStatus
+				&& Notified != alarminfo.alarmState) {
+			// Append only active alarms to the alarmDisplayList.
+			alarmDisplayList.append(alarminfo);
+		}
+	}
+	for (int index = 0; index < alarmInfoList.count(); index++) {
+		alarminfo = alarmInfoList[index];
+		if (Disabled == alarminfo.alarmStatus) {
+			// Append only active alarms to the alarmDisplayList.
+			alarmDisplayList.append(alarminfo);
+		}
+	}
+	alarmInfoCount = alarmDisplayList.count();
+	AlarmInfo alarmInfo;
+	int index = 0;
+	if (alarmInfoCount > modelCount) {
+		// If alarm count from server is more than in model then, a new alarm
+		// has been queued into server.
+		newAlarm = true;
+	} else if (alarmInfoCount < modelCount) {
+		// If alarm count from server is less than in model then, an alarm
+		// has been deleted from server.
+		alarmDeleted = true;
+	}
+	if (0 < modelCount) {
+		int maxCount = 0;
+		if (newAlarm) {
+			maxCount = modelCount;
+		} else if (alarmDeleted) {
+			maxCount = alarmInfoCount;
+		} else {
+			maxCount = alarmInfoCount;
+		}
+		// Update the alarm details.
+		for (; index < maxCount; index++) {
+			alarmInfo = alarmDisplayList[index];
+			QModelIndex modelIndex = mSourceModel->index(index,0);
+			if (modelIndex.isValid()) {
+				updateAlarmDetails(modelIndex, alarmInfo);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (newAlarm) {
+		emit changeAlarmListDisplay();
+		alarmInfo = alarmDisplayList[index];
+		appendAlarmToModel(alarmInfo);
+	}
+	if (alarmDeleted) {
+		QModelIndex modelIndex = mSourceModel->index(index, 0);
+		if (modelIndex.isValid()) {
+			mSourceModel->removeRow(modelIndex.row());
+		}
+		// If alarm count is "0" then hide the alarmlist in the view.
+		if (0 == mSourceModel->rowCount()) {
+			emit changeAlarmListDisplay();
+		}
+	}
+	if (0 < getActiveAlarmCount()) {
+		if (!mTickTimer->isActive()) {
+			// Start the Timer for 1 minute.
+			mTickTimer->start(60000 - 1000 * QTime::currentTime().second());
+		}
+	} else {
+		if (mTickTimer->isActive()) {
+			// Stop the timer if no more active alarms are present.
+			mTickTimer->stop();
+		}
+	}
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockAlarmListModel::updateSourceModel <--";
+	Slot which Updates the remaining time field in the alarms list for all the
+	alarms.
+ */
+void ClockAlarmListModel::updateRemainingTime()
+	// Get the list of pending clock alarms from server.
+	AlarmInfo alarmInfo;
+	for (int row = 0; row < mSourceModel->rowCount(); row++) {
+		// Get the data for the alarm.
+		QList<QVariant> alarmData =
+				mSourceModel->index(row, 0).data(AlarmDetails).toList();
+		int alarmId =<int>();
+		int error = mAppControllerIf.alarmClient()->getAlarmInfo(
+				alarmId, alarmInfo);
+		if (-1 != error) {
+			if (Enabled == alarmInfo.alarmStatus) {
+				// Get the model index.
+				QModelIndex mdlIndex = mSourceModel->index(row, 0);
+				if (Notified != alarmInfo.alarmState) {
+					QStringList displayStringList =
+							getDisplayStringListforAlarmItem(alarmInfo);
+					mSourceModel->setData(
+							mdlIndex, displayStringList, Qt::DisplayRole);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Start the Timer for 1 minute.
+	mTickTimer->start(60000);
+	Returns the stringList to be set for "displayRole" for the alarm item.
+	\param alarmInfo AlarmInfo containing the alarm.
+	\return QStringList contains the stringList to be set.
+ */
+QStringList ClockAlarmListModel::getDisplayStringListforAlarmItem(
+		AlarmInfo alarmInfo)
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockAlarmListModel::getDisplayStringforAlarmItem -->";
+	QStringList displayStringList;
+	QString timeString;
+	if (Snoozed == alarmInfo.alarmState) {
+		timeString = alarmInfo.nextDueTime.toString(
+				mAppControllerIf.settingsUtility()->timeFormatString());
+	} else {
+		timeString = alarmInfo.origAlarmTime.toString(
+				mAppControllerIf.settingsUtility()->timeFormatString());
+	}
+	QStringList stringList = timeString.split(" ");
+	QString time;
+	time.append(stringList[0]);
+	if (stringList.count() > 1) {
+		time.append("\n");
+		time.append(stringList[1]);
+	}
+	displayStringList.append(time);
+	if (Enabled == alarmInfo.alarmStatus) {
+		QString remainingTime = calculateRemainingTime(alarmInfo);
+		displayStringList.append(remainingTime);
+	} else {
+		displayStringList.append(QString(" "));
+	}
+	QString alarmDescription = alarmInfo.alarmDesc;
+	displayStringList.append(alarmDescription);
+	QString repeatTypeString;
+	// The repeat type string.
+	if (Daily == alarmInfo.repeatType) {
+		repeatTypeString.append(hbTrId("txt_clock_main_view_dblist_daily"));
+	} else if (Workday == alarmInfo.repeatType) {
+		repeatTypeString.append(
+		    hbTrId("txt_clock_main_view_dblist_daily_val_workdays"));
+	} else if (Weekly == alarmInfo.repeatType) {
+		repeatTypeString.append(hbTrId("txt_clock_main_view_setlabel_every_1"));
+		repeatTypeString =
+			repeatTypeString.arg(alarmInfo.alarmDateTime.toString("dddd"));
+	} else {
+		if (QDate::currentDate() == alarmInfo.alarmDateTime) {
+			repeatTypeString.append(
+			    hbTrId("txt_clock_main_view_dblist_daily_val_today"));
+		} else {
+			repeatTypeString.append(
+					alarmInfo.alarmDateTime.toString("dddd"));
+		}
+	}
+	displayStringList.append(repeatTypeString);
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockAlarmListModel::getDisplayStringforAlarmItem <--";
+	return displayStringList;
+	Appends an alarm to the source model.
+	\param alarmInfo AlarmInfo containing the alarm.
+ */
+void ClockAlarmListModel::appendAlarmToModel(AlarmInfo alarmInfo)
+	// Append only pending alarms to the model.
+	if (Notified != alarmInfo.alarmState) {
+		QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem();
+		QStringList displayStringList =
+				getDisplayStringListforAlarmItem(alarmInfo);
+		item->setData(displayStringList, Qt::DisplayRole);
+		// The repeat icon.
+		QList<QVariant> displayiconList;
+		if (Weekly == alarmInfo.repeatType ||
+				Daily == alarmInfo.repeatType ||
+				Workday == alarmInfo.repeatType) {
+			displayiconList.append(HbIcon(":/clock/alarm_repeat"));
+		} else {
+			displayiconList.append(QVariant());
+		}
+		item->setData(displayiconList, Qt::DecorationRole);
+		// The status.
+		if (Enabled == alarmInfo.alarmStatus) {
+			item->setData(QString(":/clock/alarm_active"), AlarmIcon);
+		} else {
+			item->setData(QString(":/clock/alarm_inactive"), AlarmIcon);
+		}
+		// If the alarm is snoozed.
+		if (Snoozed == alarmInfo.alarmState) {
+			// TODO : Change the alarm icon also to alarm snooze icon
+		}
+		// The model for the list item will have:
+		// 1. Id of the alarm that the list item represents.
+		// 2. The repeat type of the alarm (Recurrence type).
+		// 3. TAlarmStatus value.
+		QList<QVariant> alarmData;
+		alarmData.append(alarmInfo.alarmId);
+		alarmData.append(alarmInfo.repeatType);
+		alarmData.append(alarmInfo.alarmStatus);
+		item->setData(alarmData, AlarmDetails);
+		mSourceModel->appendRow(item);
+	}
+	Updates the alarm details in the source model with updated 
+	details from server.
+	\param item Contains the alarm to be updated.
+	\param alarmInfo AlarmInfo containing the alarm.
+ */
+void ClockAlarmListModel::updateAlarmDetails(
+		QModelIndex modelIndex, AlarmInfo alarmInfo)
+	if (Notified != alarmInfo.alarmState) {
+		QStringList displayStringList =
+				getDisplayStringListforAlarmItem(alarmInfo);
+		mSourceModel->setData(
+				modelIndex, displayStringList, Qt::DisplayRole);
+		// The repeat icon.
+		QList<QVariant> displayiconList;
+		if (Weekly == alarmInfo.repeatType ||
+				Daily == alarmInfo.repeatType ||
+				Workday == alarmInfo.repeatType) {
+			displayiconList.append(HbIcon(":/clock/alarm_repeat"));
+		} else {
+			displayiconList.append(QVariant());
+		}
+		mSourceModel->setData(
+				modelIndex, displayiconList, Qt::DecorationRole);
+		// The status.
+		if (Enabled == alarmInfo.alarmStatus) {
+			mSourceModel->setData(
+					modelIndex, QString(":/clock/alarm_active"), AlarmIcon);
+		} else {
+			mSourceModel->setData(
+					modelIndex, QString(":/clock/alarm_inactive"), AlarmIcon);
+		}
+		// If the alarm is snoozed.
+		if (Snoozed == alarmInfo.alarmState) {
+			// TODO : Change the alarm icon also to alarm snooze icon
+		}
+		// The model for the list item will have:
+		// 1. Id of the alarm that the list item represents.
+		// 2. The repeat type of the alarm (Recurrence type).
+		// 3. TAlarmStatus value.
+		QList<QVariant> alarmData;
+		alarmData.append(alarmInfo.alarmId);
+		alarmData.append(alarmInfo.repeatType);
+		alarmData.append(alarmInfo.alarmStatus);
+		mSourceModel->setData(modelIndex, alarmData, AlarmDetails);
+	}
+	Returns the number of active alarms present in the model.
+	\return int number of active alarms present in the model.
+ */
+int ClockAlarmListModel::getActiveAlarmCount()
+	int activeAlarmCount = 0;
+	for (int index = 0; index < mSourceModel->rowCount(); index++) {
+		// Get the data for the alarm.
+		QList<QVariant> alarmData = mSourceModel->
+				index(index, 0).data(AlarmDetails).toList();
+		if (Enabled ==<int>()) {
+			activeAlarmCount++;
+		}
+	}
+	return activeAlarmCount;
+// End of file	--Don't remove this.