changeset 18 c198609911f9
child 26 a949c2543c15
child 45 b6db4fd4947b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/clock/clockui/clockviews/src/clockmainview.cpp	Fri Apr 16 14:57:40 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* Definition file for class ClockMainView.
+// System includes
+#include <QGraphicsItem>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <HbInstance>
+#include <HbLabel>
+#include <HbAbstractViewItem>
+#include <HbMenu>
+#include <HbAction>
+#include <HbListView>
+#include <HbNotificationDialog>
+#include <HbStyleLoader>
+// User includes
+#include "clockmainview.h"
+#include "clockdocloader.h"
+#include "clockappcontrollerif.h"
+#include "alarmclient.h"
+#include "clocksettingsview.h"
+#include "clockcommon.h"
+#include "clockalarmeditor.h"
+#include "settingsutility.h"
+#include "timezoneclient.h"
+#include "clockalarmlistitemprototype.h"
+#include "skinnableclock.h"
+#include "clockalarmlistmodel.h"
+	\class ClockMainView
+	The main view of the clock application.
+ */
+	Constructor.
+	\param parent The parent of type QGraphicsWidget.
+ */
+ClockMainView::ClockMainView(QGraphicsItem *parent)
+ mAlarmList(0),
+ mSelectedItem(-1)
+	qDebug("clock: ClockMainView::ClockMainView() -->");
+	qDebug("clock: ClockMainView::ClockMainView() <--");
+	Destructor.
+ */
+	qDebug("clock: ClockMainView::~ClockMainView() -->");
+	if (mDocLoader) {
+		delete mDocLoader;
+		mDocLoader = 0;
+	}
+	if (mAlarmListModel) {
+		delete mAlarmListModel;
+		mAlarmListModel = 0;
+	}
+	qDebug("clock: ClockMainView::~ClockMainView() <--");
+	Called by the ClockViewManager after loading the view from the docml.
+	The initializaion/setup of the view is done here.
+	\param controller The ClockAppController object.
+	\param docLoader Pointer to ClockDocLoader object.
+ */
+void ClockMainView::setupView(
+		ClockAppControllerIf &controllerIf, ClockDocLoader *docLoader)
+	qDebug("clock: ClockMainView::setupView() -->");
+	mDocLoader = docLoader;
+	mAppControllerIf = &controllerIf;
+	mTimezoneClient = controllerIf.timezoneClient();
+	mSettingsUtility = controllerIf.settingsUtility();
+	mAlarmClient = controllerIf.alarmClient();
+	// Create the model.
+	mAlarmListModel =  new ClockAlarmListModel(*mAppControllerIf, this);
+	connect(
+			mAlarmListModel, SIGNAL(changeAlarmListDisplay()),
+			this, SLOT(handleAlarmListDisplay()));
+	QList<AlarmInfo> alarmInfoList;
+	// Get the list of pending clock alarms.
+	mAlarmClient->getAlarmList(alarmInfoList);
+	QList<AlarmInfo> displayInfoList;
+	AlarmInfo alarmInfo;
+	for (int index = 0; index < alarmInfoList.count(); ++index) {
+		alarmInfo = alarmInfoList[index];
+		if (Notified == alarmInfo.alarmState) {
+			continue;
+		}
+		displayInfoList.append(alarmInfo);
+	}
+	int alarmCount = displayInfoList.count();
+	connect(
+			mTimezoneClient, SIGNAL(timechanged()),
+			this, SLOT(updatePlaceLabel()));
+	connect(
+			mTimezoneClient, SIGNAL(timechanged()),
+			this, SLOT(updateDateLabel()));
+	connect(
+			mTimezoneClient, SIGNAL(timechanged()),
+			this, SLOT(updateClockWidget()));
+	HbMainWindow *window = hbInstance->allMainWindows().first();
+	bool loadSuccess = false;
+	Qt::Orientation currentOrienation = window->orientation();
+	// Get the "No alarm set" label.
+	mNoAlarmLabel = qobject_cast<HbLabel *> (
+			mDocLoader->findWidget(CLOCK_NOALARMLABEL));
+	// Get the alarm's list.
+	mAlarmList = qobject_cast<HbListView *> (
+			mDocLoader->findWidget(CLOCK_ALARMLIST));
+	connect(
+			mAlarmList, SIGNAL(activated(const QModelIndex &)),
+			this, SLOT(handleActivated(const QModelIndex &)));
+	connect(
+			mAlarmList,
+			SIGNAL(longPressed(HbAbstractViewItem*, const QPointF&)),
+			this,
+			SLOT(handleLongPress(HbAbstractViewItem*, const QPointF&)));
+	HbStyleLoader::registerFilePath(CLOCK_VIEWS_STYLE_PATH);
+	setmodel();
+	// Load the correct section based on orientation.
+	if (Qt::Vertical == currentOrienation) {
+		mDocLoader->load(
+				&loadSuccess);
+	} else {
+		mDocLoader->load(
+				&loadSuccess);
+	}
+	if (loadSuccess) {
+		if (0 == alarmCount) {
+			hideAlarmList(true);
+		} else {
+			hideAlarmList(false);
+			mAlarmListModel->populateModel();
+		}
+	}
+	// Get the toolbar/menu actions.
+	mRefreshMainView = static_cast<HbAction *> (
+			mDocLoader->findObject("alarmsAction"));
+	mRefreshMainView->setCheckable(true);
+	mRefreshMainView->setChecked(true);
+	connect(
+			mRefreshMainView, SIGNAL(changed()),
+			this, SLOT(refreshMainView()));
+	mDisplayWorldClockView = static_cast<HbAction *> (
+			mDocLoader->findObject("worldClockAction"));
+	connect(
+			mDisplayWorldClockView, SIGNAL(triggered()),
+			this, SLOT(displayWorldClockView()));
+	mAddNewAlarm = static_cast<HbAction *> (
+			mDocLoader->findObject("newAlarmAction"));
+	connect(
+			mAddNewAlarm, SIGNAL(triggered()),
+			this, SLOT(addNewAlarm()));
+	if (Qt::Vertical == currentOrienation) {
+		// Remove toolbar item's texts as only icons are shown.
+		// TODO to use text ids from ts file.
+		mRefreshMainView->setText(tr(""));
+		mDisplayWorldClockView->setText(tr(""));
+		mAddNewAlarm->setText("");
+	} else if (Qt::Horizontal == currentOrienation) {
+		// Display toolbar item's texts
+		// TODO to use text ids from ts file.
+		mRefreshMainView->setText(tr("Alarms"));
+		mDisplayWorldClockView->setText(tr("World clock"));
+		mAddNewAlarm->setText("New alarm");
+	}
+	mSettingsAction = static_cast<HbAction *> (
+			mDocLoader->findObject("settingsAction"));
+	connect(
+			mSettingsAction, SIGNAL(triggered()),
+			this, SLOT(openSettings()));
+	mDayLabel = static_cast<HbLabel *> (
+			mDocLoader->findObject("dateLabel"));
+	mPlaceLabel = static_cast<HbLabel *> (
+			mDocLoader->findObject("placeLabel"));
+	mClockWidget = static_cast<SkinnableClock *> (
+			mDocLoader->findObject("clockWidget"));
+	// Update the date info.
+	updateDateLabel();
+	// Update the place info.
+	updatePlaceLabel();
+	// Update clock widget display.
+	updateClockWidget();
+	// Connect to orientation change and load appropriate section.
+	connect(
+			window, SIGNAL(orientationChanged(Qt::Orientation)),
+			this, SLOT(checkOrientationAndLoadSection(Qt::Orientation)));
+	qDebug("clock: ClockMainView::setupView() <--");
+	Slot which gets called for the status change of the alarm i.e for
+	active/inactive.
+	\param row contains the row number of the alarm in the alarm list
+ */
+void ClockMainView::handleAlarmStatusChanged(int row)
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::handleAlarmStatusChanged -->";
+	// Get the data for the alarm.
+	QList<QVariant> alarmData =
+			mAlarmListModel->sourceModel()->index(row, 0).data(
+					AlarmDetails).toList();
+	int alarmStatus =<int>();
+	mSelectedItem = row;
+	if (-1 < mSelectedItem) {
+		QList<QVariant> alarmData =
+				mAlarmListModel->sourceModel()->index(
+						mSelectedItem, 0).data(AlarmDetails).toList();
+		int alarmId =<int>();
+		QString displayNote;
+		// Activate or deactivate the alarm depending on the alarm status.
+		// Display the NotificationDialog with appropriate message.
+		if (!alarmStatus) {
+			mAlarmClient->toggleAlarmStatus(alarmId, Disabled);
+			displayNote.append(hbTrId("txt_clock_main_view_dpopinfo_alarm_deactivated"));
+			HbNotificationDialog::launchDialog(displayNote);
+		} else {
+			mAlarmClient->toggleAlarmStatus(alarmId, Enabled);
+			displayNote.append(hbTrId("txt_clock_main_view_dpopinfo_alarm_activated"));
+			HbNotificationDialog::launchDialog(displayNote);
+		}
+		mSelectedItem = -1;
+	}
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::handleAlarmStatusChanged <--";
+	Slot which gets called when `Alarm' action is triggered from the view
+	toolbar. This is responsible for reloading the content of the main view.
+ */
+void ClockMainView::refreshMainView()
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::refreshMainView -->";
+	mRefreshMainView->setChecked(true);
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::refreshMainView <--";
+	Slot which gets called when `World clock' action is triggered from the view
+	toolbar. This is responsible for launching the world clock.
+ */
+void ClockMainView::displayWorldClockView()
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::displayWorldClockView -->";
+	mAppControllerIf->switchToView(WorldClock);
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::displayWorldClockView <--";
+	Slot which gets called when `New alarm' action is triggered from the view
+	toolbar. This is responsible for launching the editor to create a new alarm.
+ */
+void ClockMainView::addNewAlarm()
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::addNewAlarm -->";
+	ClockAlarmEditor *alarmEditor = new ClockAlarmEditor();
+	alarmEditor->showAlarmEditor();
+	connect(
+			alarmEditor, SIGNAL(alarmSet()),
+			this, SLOT(handleAlarmSet()));
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::addNewAlarm <--";
+	Slot which gets called when `Settings' action is triggered from the view
+	menu. This is responsible for launching the settings view.
+ */
+void ClockMainView::openSettings()
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::openSettings -->";
+	// Create the settings view.
+	ClockSettingsView *settingsView = new ClockSettingsView(this);
+	settingsView->loadSettingsView();
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::openSettings <--";
+	This slot handles the 'activated' signal of the alarm list. Opens the
+	alarm editor to edit the alarm.
+	\param index the modelIndex in the list which has been tapped.
+ */
+void ClockMainView::handleActivated(const QModelIndex &index)
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::handleActivated -->";
+	// Get the data for the alarm.
+	int row = index.row();
+	QList<QVariant> alarmData =
+			mAlarmListModel->sourceModel()->index(row, 0).data(
+					AlarmDetails).toList();
+	int alarmId =<int>();
+	// Construct the alarm editor.
+	ClockAlarmEditor *alarmEditor = new ClockAlarmEditor(alarmId);
+	alarmEditor->showAlarmEditor();
+	connect(
+			alarmEditor, SIGNAL(alarmSet()),
+			this, SLOT(handleAlarmSet()));
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::handleActivated <--";
+	This slot handles the 'longpressed' signal of the alarm list. Opens the
+	context menu.
+	\param item The item in the list which has been long pressed.
+	\param coords The position where mouse was pressed.
+ */
+void ClockMainView::handleLongPress(
+		HbAbstractViewItem *item, const QPointF &coords)
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::handleLongPress -->";
+	AlarmInfo alarmInfo;
+	// Save the item row number where the long press was made.
+	mSelectedItem = item->modelIndex().row();
+	// Get the data for the alarm.
+	QList<QVariant> alarmData =
+			mAlarmListModel->sourceModel()->
+			index(mSelectedItem, 0).data(AlarmDetails).toList();
+	int alarmId =<int>();
+	mAlarmClient->getAlarmInfo(alarmId, alarmInfo);
+	// On long press we display item specific context menu.
+	HbMenu *itemContextMenu = new HbMenu();
+	// Add the delete action to the context menu.
+	HbAction *deleteAction = itemContextMenu->addAction(
+	    hbTrId("txt_clk_main_view_menu_delete_alarm"));
+	connect(deleteAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(deleteAlarm()));
+	// Show the menu.
+	itemContextMenu->exec(coords);
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::handleLongPress <--";
+	This slot handles the deletion of the alarm from the server.
+ */
+void ClockMainView::deleteAlarm()
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::deleteAlarm -->";
+	if (-1 < mSelectedItem) {
+		// Get the data for the alarm.
+		QList<QVariant> alarmData = mAlarmListModel->sourceModel()->
+				index(mSelectedItem, 0).data(AlarmDetails).toList();
+		int alarmId =<int>();
+		mAlarmClient->deleteAlarm(alarmId);
+		mSelectedItem = -1;
+	}
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::deleteAlarm <--";
+	Updates the day and date in the day label.
+ */
+void ClockMainView::updateDateLabel()
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::updateDateLabel -->";
+	// Get the current datetime.
+	QDateTime dateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+	// Get the day name.
+	QString dayName = dateTime.toString("dddd");
+	// Get the date in correct format.
+	QString currentDate = mSettingsUtility->date();
+	// Construct the day + date string.
+	QString dayDateString;
+	dayDateString+= dayName;
+	dayDateString += " ";
+	dayDateString += currentDate;
+	mDayLabel->setPlainText(dayDateString);
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::updateDateLabel <--";
+	Updates the zone info in the place label.
+ */
+void ClockMainView::updatePlaceLabel()
+	qDebug() << "clock: MainViewWidget::updateClockZoneInfo -->";
+	// Get the current zone info.
+	LocationInfo currentZoneInfo = mTimezoneClient->getCurrentZoneInfoL();
+	// Construct the GMT +/- X string.
+	QString gmtOffset;
+	int utcOffset = currentZoneInfo.zoneOffset;
+	int offsetInHours (utcOffset/60);
+	int offsetInMinutes (utcOffset%60);
+	// Check wether the offset is +ve or -ve.
+	if (0 < utcOffset) {
+		// We have a positive offset. Append the '+' character.
+		gmtOffset += tr(" +");
+	} else if (0 > utcOffset) {
+		// We have a negative offset. Append the '-' character.
+		gmtOffset += tr(" -");
+		offsetInHours = -offsetInHours;
+	} else {
+		// We dont have an offset. We are at GMT zone.
+	}
+	// Append the hour component.
+	gmtOffset += QString::number(offsetInHours);
+	// Get the time separator from settings and append it.
+	QStringList timeSeparatorList;
+	int index = mSettingsUtility->timeSeparator(timeSeparatorList);
+	gmtOffset +=;
+	// Append the minute component.
+	// If minute component is less less than 10, append a '00'
+	if (0 <= offsetInMinutes && offsetInMinutes < 10) {
+		gmtOffset += tr("00");
+	} else {
+		gmtOffset += QString::number(offsetInMinutes);
+	}
+	// Append space.
+	gmtOffset += tr(" ");
+	// Append GMT sting.
+	gmtOffset += hbTrId("txt_common_common_gmt");
+	// Append space.
+	gmtOffset += tr(" ");
+	// Append DST info.
+	if (currentZoneInfo.dstOn) {
+		gmtOffset += hbTrId("txt_common_setlabel_dst");
+	}
+	// Update the labels with the correct info.
+	mPlaceLabel->clear();
+	if (mTimezoneClient->timeUpdateOn()) {
+		mPlaceLabel->setPlainText(
+				currentZoneInfo.countryName + tr(" ") + gmtOffset);
+	} else {
+		mPlaceLabel->setPlainText(
+				currentZoneInfo.cityName + tr(", ")
+				+ currentZoneInfo.countryName + tr(" ") + gmtOffset);
+	}
+	qDebug() << "clock: MainViewWidget::updateDayDateInfo <--";
+	Updates the clock widget display.
+ */
+void ClockMainView::updateClockWidget()
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::updateClockWidget -->";
+	mClockWidget->updateDisplay(true);
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::updateClockWidget <--";
+	Slot to either hide or show the alarmlist.
+ */
+void ClockMainView::handleAlarmListDisplay()
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::handleAlarmListDisplay -->";
+	// Get the list of pending clock alarms from server.
+	QList<AlarmInfo> alarmInfoList;
+	QList<AlarmInfo> displayInfoList;
+	AlarmInfo alarmInfo;
+	mAlarmClient->getAlarmList(alarmInfoList);
+	for (int index = 0; index < alarmInfoList.count(); ++index) {
+		alarmInfo = alarmInfoList[index];
+		if (Notified == alarmInfo.alarmState) {
+			continue;
+		}
+		displayInfoList.append(alarmInfo);
+	}
+	if (mHideAlarmList) {
+		hideAlarmList(false);
+	} else {
+		if (0 == displayInfoList.count() &&
+				0 == mAlarmListModel->sourceModel()->rowCount()) {
+			hideAlarmList(true);
+		}
+	}
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::handleAlarmListDisplay <--";
+	Sets the model to the alarm list.
+ */
+void ClockMainView::setmodel()
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::setmodel -->";
+	// Set the model.
+	if (mAlarmList) {
+		mAlarmList->setModel(mAlarmListModel->sourceModel());
+		ClockAlarmListItemPrototype *listItemPrototype =
+				new ClockAlarmListItemPrototype(this);
+		mAlarmList->setItemPrototype(listItemPrototype);
+		mAlarmList->setLayoutName("layout-alarmlist");
+	}
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::setmodel <--";
+	Hides the alarmlist in the main view.
+	\param hide 'true' if alarm list is to be hidden.
+ */
+void ClockMainView::hideAlarmList(bool hide)
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::hideAlarmList -->";
+	if (hide) {
+		mNoAlarmLabel->show();
+		mAlarmList->hide();
+		mHideAlarmList = true;
+	} else {
+		mAlarmList->show();
+		mNoAlarmLabel->hide();
+		mHideAlarmList = false;
+	}
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::hideAlarmList <--";
+	Slot to check the orientation & load the appropriate section.
+	\param orientation contains the current orientation of the window.
+ */
+void ClockMainView::checkOrientationAndLoadSection(
+		Qt::Orientation orientation)
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::checkOrientationAndLoadSection -->";
+	bool success;
+	// If horizontal, load the landscape section.
+	if (Qt::Horizontal == orientation) {
+		mDocLoader->load(
+				&success);
+		// Display toolbar item's texts
+		// TODO have to use text ids from ts file.
+		mRefreshMainView->setText(tr("Alarms"));
+		mDisplayWorldClockView->setText(tr("World clock"));
+		mAddNewAlarm->setText("New alarm");
+	} else {
+		mDocLoader->load(
+				&success);
+		// Remove toolbar item's texts as only icons are shown.
+		// TODO have to use text ids from ts file.
+		mRefreshMainView->setText(tr(""));
+		mDisplayWorldClockView->setText(tr(""));
+		mAddNewAlarm->setText("");
+	}
+	if(success) {
+		QList<AlarmInfo> alarmInfoList;
+		// Get the list of all clock alarms.
+		mAlarmClient->getAlarmList(alarmInfoList);
+		if (0 == alarmInfoList.count()) {
+			hideAlarmList(true);
+		} else {
+			hideAlarmList(false);
+		}
+	}
+	qDebug() << "clock: ClockMainView::checkOrientationAndLoadSection <--";
+// End of file	--Don't remove.