changeset 18 c198609911f9
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pimappsupport/chinesecalendaralg/originalsrc/AstronomicalCal.cpp	Fri Apr 16 14:57:40 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1090 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Implementation of the TAstronomicalCalendar class.
+// System includes
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32math.h>
+// User includes
+#include "calconv.h"
+#include "calconvAstronomicalCal.h"
+// Constants
+const TReal KCoeff19th[] =
+	{
+	-0.00002,
+	0.000297,
+	0.025184,
+	-0.181133,
+	0.553040,
+	-0.861938,
+	0.677066,
+	-0.212591,
+	};
+const TReal KCoeff18th[] =
+	{
+	-0.000009,
+	0.003844,
+	0.083563,
+	0.865736,
+	4.867575,
+	15.845535,
+	31.332267,
+	38.291999,
+	28.316289,
+	11.636204,
+	2.043794,
+	};
+const TInt KCoeffs[] =
+	{
+	403406,
+	195207,
+	119433,
+	112392,
+	3891,
+	2819,
+	1721,
+	0,
+	660,
+	350,
+	334,
+	314,
+	268,
+	242,
+	234,
+	158,
+	132,
+	129,
+	114,
+	99,
+	93,
+	86,
+	78,
+	72,
+	68,
+	64,
+	46,
+	38,
+	37,
+	32,
+	29,
+	28,
+	27,
+	27,
+	25,
+	24,
+	21,
+	21,
+	20,
+	18,
+	17,
+	14,
+	13,
+	13,
+	13,
+	12,
+	10,
+	10,
+	10,
+	10,
+	};
+const TReal KMulti[] =
+	{
+	4.721964,
+	5.937458,
+	1.115589,
+	5.781616,
+	5.5474,
+	1.512,
+	4.1897,
+	1.163,
+	5.415,
+	4.315,
+	4.553,
+	5.198,
+	5.989,
+	2.911,
+	1.423,
+	0.061,
+	2.317,
+	3.193,
+	2.828,
+	0.52,
+	4.65,
+	4.35,
+	2.75,
+	4.5,
+	3.23,
+	1.22,
+	0.14,
+	3.44,
+	4.37,
+	1.14,
+	2.84,
+	5.96,
+	5.09,
+	1.72,
+	2.56,
+	1.92,
+	0.09,
+	5.98,
+	4.03,
+	4.47,
+	0.79,
+	4.24,
+	2.01,
+	2.65,
+	4.98,
+	0.93,
+	2.21,
+	3.59,
+	1.5,
+	2.55,
+	};
+const TReal KAdd[] =
+	{
+	0.01621043,
+	628.30348067,
+	628.30821524,
+	628.29634302,
+	1256.605691,
+	1256.60984,
+	628.324766,
+	0.00813,
+	1256.5931,
+	575.3385,
+	-0.33931,
+	7771.37715,
+	786.04191,
+	0.05412,
+	393.02098,
+	-0.34861,
+	1150.67698,
+	157.74337,
+	52.9667,
+	588.4927,
+	52.9611,
+	-39.807,
+	522.3769,
+	550.7647,
+	2.6108,
+	157.7385,
+	1884.9103,
+	-77.5655,
+	2.6489,
+	1179.0627,
+	550.7575,
+	-79.6139,
+	1884.8981,
+	21.3219,
+	1097.7103,
+	548.6856,
+	254.4393,
+	-557.3143,
+	606.9774,
+	21.3279,
+	1097.7163,
+	-77.5282,
+	1884.9191,
+	2.0781,
+	294.2463,
+	-0.0799,
+	469.4114,
+	-0.6829,
+	214.6325,
+	1572.084,
+	};
+const TReal KMuArray[] =
+	{
+	-0.40720,
+	0.17241,
+	0.01608,
+	0.01039,
+	0.00739,
+	-0.00514,
+	0.00208,
+	-0.00111,
+	-0.00057,
+	0.00056,
+	-0.00042,
+	0.00042,
+	0.00038,
+	-0.00024,
+	-0.00007,
+	0.00004,
+	0.00004,
+	0.00003,
+	0.00003,
+	-0.00003,
+	0.00003,
+	-0.00002,
+	-0.00002,
+	0.00002,
+	};
+const TInt8 KOmegaArray[] =
+	{
+	0,
+	1,
+	0,
+	0,
+	1,
+	1,
+	2,
+	0,
+	0,
+	1,
+	0,
+	1,
+	1,
+	1,
+	0,
+	0,
+	0,
+	0,
+	0,
+	0,
+	0,
+	0,
+	0,
+	0,
+	};
+const TInt8 KXiArray[] =
+	{
+	0,
+	1,
+	0,
+	0,
+	-1,
+	1,
+	2,
+	0,
+	0,
+	1,
+	0,
+	1,
+	1,
+	-1,
+	2,
+	0,
+	3,
+	1,
+	0,
+	1,
+	-1,
+	-1,
+	1,
+	0,
+	};
+const TInt8 KGammaArray[] =
+	{
+	1,
+	0,
+	2,
+	0,
+	1,
+	1,
+	0,
+	1,
+	1,
+	2,
+	3,
+	0,
+	0,
+	2,
+	1,
+	2,
+	0,
+	1,
+	2,
+	1,
+	1,
+	1,
+	3,
+	4,
+	};
+const TInt8 KZetaArray[] =
+	{
+	0,
+	0,
+	0,
+	2,
+	0,
+	0,
+	0,
+	-2,
+	2,
+	0,
+	0,
+	2,
+	-2,
+	0,
+	0,
+	-2,
+	0,
+	-2,
+	2,
+	2,
+	2,
+	-2,
+	0,
+	0,
+	};
+const TReal KIotaArray[] =
+	{
+	299.77,
+	251.88,
+	251.83,
+	349.42,
+	84.66,
+	141.74,
+	207.14,
+	154.84,
+	34.52,
+	207.19,
+	291.34,
+	161.72,
+	239.56,
+	331.55,
+	};
+const TReal KChiArray[] =
+	{
+	0.107408,
+	0.016321,
+	26.641886,
+	36.412478,
+	18.206239,
+	53.303771,
+	2.453732,
+	7.306860,
+	27.261239,
+	0.121824,
+	1.844379,
+	24.198154,
+	25.513099,
+	3.592518,
+	};
+const TReal KNuArray[] =
+	{
+	-0.009173,
+	0,
+	0,
+	0,
+	0,
+	0,
+	0,
+	0,
+	0,
+	0,
+	0,
+	0,
+	0,
+	0,
+	};
+const TReal KLamdaArray[] =
+	{
+	0.000325,
+	0.000165,
+	0.000164,
+	0.000126,
+	0.00011,
+	0.000062,
+	0.00006,
+	0.000056,
+	0.000047,
+	0.000042,
+	0.00004,
+	0.000037,
+	0.000035,
+	0.000023,
+	};
+const TInt  KInitOne				= 1;
+const TInt KHoursInDay				= 24;
+const TInt KMinsInHour				= 60;
+const TInt KSecsInMin				= 60;
+const TInt KDaysInGregHundredYears	= 36525;
+const TReal KMeanDaysInGregYear		= 365.25;
+const TInt  KSquared				= 2;
+const TInt  KCubed					= 3;
+const TInt  KQuad					= 4;
+const TInt K360Degrees				= 360;
+const TReal KDegreesToRadians		= 0.017453292519943296; //(KPi/180);
+const TInt  KNumElementsCoeff19th	= 8;
+const TInt  KNumElementsCoeff18th	= 11;
+const TInt  KNoOfPeriodicTerms		= 50;
+const TInt  KMaxCorrectionValues	= 24;
+const TReal KMonthsInTropicalYear	= 12.3685;
+const TInt  KMaxAdditionalValues	= 14;
+// Construction/Destruction
+// Class:       TAstronomicalCalendar
+// Function:    TAstronomicalCalendar
+// Arguments:   None
+// Comments:    Constructor
+// Return:      None
+	{
+	}
+// Class:       TAstronomicalCalendar
+// Function:    UniversalFromLocal
+// Arguments:   TReal , TInt 
+// Comments:    Universal time is used for time keeping purposes.
+//				It is given as a fraction on a solar day
+// Return:      Universal time
+TReal TAstronomicalCalendar::UniversalFromLocal(const TReal& aTime,const TReal& aZone) const
+	{
+	return (aTime - (aZone / (KHoursInDay * KMinsInHour)));
+	}
+// Class:       TAstronomicalCalendar
+// Function:    LocalFromUniversal
+// Arguments:   TReal , TInt 
+// Comments:    Universal time is used for time keeping purposes.
+//				It is given as a fraction on a solar day
+// Return:      Local time
+TReal TAstronomicalCalendar::LocalFromUniversal(const TReal& aTime, const TReal& aZone) const
+	{
+	return (aTime + (aZone / (KHoursInDay * KMinsInHour)));
+	}
+// Class:       TAstronomicalCalendarL
+// Function:    EphemerisCorrection
+// Arguments:   TReal 
+// Comments:    Astronomical calculations are performed using
+//				Ephemeris time that is not affected by nutation
+//				and aberation. 
+// Return:      Correction value
+void TAstronomicalCalendar::EphemerisCorrection(const TReal aJulianDay, TReal& aCorrection) const
+	{
+	TGregorianCalendar greg(aJulianDay);
+	TArithmeticalDate gregDate;
+	TInt year;
+	TReal theta;
+	TReal x;
+	aCorrection = 0;
+	// get the value for the year
+	greg.GetDate(gregDate);
+	year = gregDate.iYear;
+	// get theta value
+	PopulateTheta(theta,year);
+	// get x value
+	EphemerisCorrPopX(year, x);
+	// perform ephemeris correction
+	if((year >= 1988) && (year <= 2019))
+		{
+		aCorrection = ((year - 1933) / (KHoursInDay * KMinsInHour * KSecsInMin));
+		}
+	else if((year >= 1900) && (year <= 1987))
+		{
+		GetPoly(KCoeff19th,theta,KNumElementsCoeff19th,aCorrection);
+		}
+	else if((year >= 1800) && (year <= 1899))
+		{
+		GetPoly(KCoeff18th,theta,KNumElementsCoeff18th, aCorrection);
+		}
+	else if((year >= 1620) && (year <= 1799))
+		{
+		TReal result;
+		result = year - 1600;
+		Math::Pow(result,result,KSquared);
+		result = 196.58333 - (4.0675 * (year - 1600)) + 0.0219167 * result;
+		aCorrection = result / (KHoursInDay * KMinsInHour * KSecsInMin);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TReal result;
+		Math::Pow(result,x,KSquared);
+		result = (result / 41048480) - 15;
+		aCorrection = result / (KHoursInDay * KMinsInHour * KSecsInMin);
+		}
+	}
+// Class:       TAstronomicalCalendar
+// Function:    PopulateTheta
+// Arguments:   TReal&
+// Comments:    Determines the constant for theta
+//				This function is used for the ephemeris correction
+// Return:      None
+void TAstronomicalCalendar::PopulateTheta(TReal &aTheta,TInt aYear) const
+	{
+	TGregorianCalendar greg;
+	TArithmeticalDate gregDate1;
+	TArithmeticalDate gregDate2;
+	gregDate1.iDay = KCalConvFirstDay;
+	gregDate1.iMonth = EJanuary + KCalConvMonthOffsetByOne;
+	gregDate1.iYear = 1900;
+	gregDate2.iDay = KCalConvFirstDay;
+	gregDate2.iMonth = EJuly + KCalConvMonthOffsetByOne;
+	gregDate2.iYear = aYear;
+	aTheta = greg.GregDateDiff(gregDate1,gregDate2) / KDaysInGregHundredYears;
+	}
+// Class:       TAstronomicalCalendar
+// Function:    EphemerisCorrPopX
+// Arguments:   TReal&
+// Comments:    Determines the constant for x
+//				This function is used for the ephemeris correction
+// Return:      TReal - ephemeris constant
+void TAstronomicalCalendar::EphemerisCorrPopX(const TInt aYear, TReal& aEmphCorr) const
+	{
+	TGregorianCalendar greg;
+	TArithmeticalDate gregDate1;
+	TArithmeticalDate gregDate2;
+	gregDate1.iDay = KCalConvFirstDay;
+	gregDate1.iMonth = EJanuary + KCalConvMonthOffsetByOne;
+	gregDate1.iYear = 1810;
+	gregDate2.iDay = KCalConvFirstDay;
+	gregDate2.iMonth = EJanuary + KCalConvMonthOffsetByOne;
+	gregDate2.iYear = aYear;
+	aEmphCorr = 0.5 + greg.GregDateDiff(gregDate1,gregDate2);
+	}
+// Class:       TAstronomicalCalendar
+// Function:    GetPoly
+// Arguments:   TReal& , CArrayFixFlat<TReal>& , TReal&
+// Comments:    performs the following calculation
+//										 2
+//				SIGMA (Array[i] * Operand )
+//				   i
+// Return:      TReal - result of above calculation
+void TAstronomicalCalendar::GetPoly(const TReal* aArray,const TReal& aOperand, TInt aCount, TReal& aResult) const
+	{
+	TInt count;
+	TReal poly;
+	aResult = aArray[0];
+	for(count = KInitOne; count < aCount; count++)
+		{
+		Math::Pow(poly,aOperand,count);
+		aResult += aArray[count] * poly;
+		}
+	}
+// Class:       TAstronomicalCalendar
+// Function:    EphemerisFromUniversal
+// Arguments:   None
+// Comments:    converts ephemeris time to universal time
+// Return:      TReal - universal time
+void TAstronomicalCalendar::EphemerisFromUniversal(const TReal& aJulianDay, TReal& aCorrectedJD) const
+	{
+	TReal emphCorr;
+	EphemerisCorrection(aJulianDay, emphCorr);
+	aCorrectedJD = aJulianDay + emphCorr;
+	}
+// Class:       TAstronomicalCalendar
+// Function:    UniversalFromEphemeris
+// Arguments:   None
+// Comments:    Converts universal time to ephemeris time
+// Return:      TReal - ephemeris time
+TReal TAstronomicalCalendar::UniversalFromEphemeris(const TReal& aJulianDay) const
+	{
+	TReal result;
+	EphemerisCorrection(aJulianDay, result);
+	return (aJulianDay - result);
+	}
+// Class:       TAstronomicalCalendar
+// Function:    j2000
+// Arguments:   None
+// Comments:    Julian day value of January 1st 2000
+// Return:      TReal - see comment
+void TAstronomicalCalendar::j2000(TReal& aJ2000) const
+	{
+	TGregorianCalendar greg;
+	TArithmeticalDate date;
+	date.iDay = KCalConvFirstDay;
+	date.iMonth = EJanuary + KCalConvMonthOffsetByOne;
+	date.iYear = 2000;
+	aJ2000 = KCalConvPointFive + greg.GregToJulianDay(date);
+	AdjustJDToNoon(aJ2000);
+	}
+// Class:       TAstronomicalCalendar
+// Function:    JulianCenturies
+// Arguments:   None
+// Comments:    Number of centuries before or after January
+//				1st 2000 (Gregorian)
+// Return:      TReal - centuries and fraction thereof
+void TAstronomicalCalendar::JulianCenturies(const TReal& aJulianDay, TReal& aJC) const
+	{
+	TReal emph;
+	TReal julian2000;
+	EphemerisFromUniversal(aJulianDay,emph);
+	j2000(julian2000);
+	aJC = ( emph- julian2000) / KDaysInGregHundredYears;
+	}
+// Class:       TAstronomicalCalendar
+// Function:    SolarLongitudeL
+// Arguments:   TReal&
+// Comments:    calculates the longitude of the sun at 
+//				any give Julian Day value.
+// Return:      TReal - longitude
+void TAstronomicalCalendar::SolarLongitude(const TReal& aJulianDay, TReal& aTheta) const
+	{
+	TReal centuries;  // Julian centuries
+	TReal longitude;  // longitude
+	TReal aberration;
+	TReal nutation;
+	// get the julian centuries
+	JulianCenturies(aJulianDay,centuries);
+	// get the longitude
+	GetLongitude(centuries, longitude);
+	Aberration(centuries,aberration);
+	Nutation(centuries,nutation);
+	aTheta = (longitude + aberration + nutation);
+	aTheta = (aTheta / KPi) * 180;
+	Mod(aTheta,aTheta,K360Degrees);
+	}
+// Class:       TAstronomicalCalendar
+// Function:    Nutation
+// Arguments:   TReal &
+// Comments:    corrects for changes in celestial longitude
+//				and latitude caused by the gravitational pull
+//				of the sun and moon on the earth.
+// Return:      TReal - correction value
+void TAstronomicalCalendar::Nutation(const TReal &aJulianCenturies, TReal& aNutation) const
+	{
+	TReal a;
+	TReal b;
+	a = 124.9 - (1934.134 * aJulianCenturies) + (0.002063 * aJulianCenturies * aJulianCenturies);
+	a *=KDegreesToRadians;
+	Math::Sin(a,a);
+	b = 201.11 + (72001.5377 * aJulianCenturies) + (0.00057 * aJulianCenturies * aJulianCenturies);
+	b *= KDegreesToRadians;
+	Math::Sin(b,b);
+	aNutation = (-0.0000834 * a) - (0.0000064 * b);
+	}
+// Class:       TAstronomicalCalendar
+// Function:    Aberration
+// Arguments:   TReal &
+// Comments:    This function makes a correction for the 
+//				movement of the earth (the apparent movement
+//				of the sun) in the time taken for light to 
+//				travel to earth.
+// Return:      TReal - correction in radians
+void TAstronomicalCalendar::Aberration(const TReal &aJulianCenturies, TReal& aAberration) const
+	{
+	aAberration = 177.63 + (35999.01848 * aJulianCenturies);
+	aAberration *= KDegreesToRadians;
+	Math::Cos(aAberration,aAberration);
+	aAberration = (0.0000017 * aAberration) - 0.0000973;
+	}
+// Class:       TAstronomicalCalendar
+// Function:    GetLongitude
+// Arguments:   TReal&
+// Comments:    calculates the longitude component of the 
+//				solar longitude calculation.
+//				This function is used by the SolarLongitudeL 
+//				function.
+// Return:      TReal - longitude
+void TAstronomicalCalendar::GetLongitude(const TReal& aC, TReal& aLongitude) const
+	{
+	TInt count;
+	aLongitude = 0;
+	// get longitude
+	for(count = 0;count < KNoOfPeriodicTerms;count++)
+		{
+		TReal temp;
+		temp = (KMulti[count] + (KAdd[count] * aC));
+		// convert to radians for the Sin function
+		Math::Sin(temp,temp);
+		temp = KCoeffs[count] * temp;
+		aLongitude += temp;
+		}
+	aLongitude = 4.9353929 + (628.33196168 * aC) + (0.0000001 * aLongitude);
+	}
+// Class:       TAstronomicalCalendar
+// Function:    DateNextSolarLongitudeL
+// Arguments:   TReal , TReal
+// Comments:    
+// Return:      TReal
+TReal TAstronomicalCalendar::DateNextSolarLongitude(const TReal& aJulianDay,const TReal& aDegrees) const
+	{
+	TReal next;
+	TInt nextInt;
+	TReal upperLimit;
+	TReal lowerLimit;
+	TReal testDate;
+	// get next
+	SolarLongitude(aJulianDay,next);
+	next/= aDegrees;
+	Ceiling(nextInt,next);
+	next = nextInt * aDegrees;
+	Mod(next,next,K360Degrees);
+	// this is designed to define a range (aJulianDay -> UpperLimit) 
+	// that will allow the sun to pass though aDegrees once and once only
+	upperLimit = aJulianDay + ((aDegrees / K360Degrees) * 400);
+	lowerLimit = aJulianDay;
+	for(testDate = (upperLimit + lowerLimit) / 2;
+		(upperLimit - lowerLimit) >= 0.00001;
+		testDate = (upperLimit + lowerLimit) / 2)
+		{
+		TReal solLong;
+		SolarLongitude(testDate, solLong);
+		if(next == 0)
+			{
+			if(solLong <= aDegrees)
+				{
+				upperLimit = testDate;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				lowerLimit = testDate;
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			if(solLong >= next)
+				{
+				upperLimit = testDate;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				lowerLimit = testDate;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	return testDate;
+	}
+// Class:       TAstronomicalCalendar
+// Function:    NewMoonAtOrAfter
+// Arguments:   TReal& 
+// Comments:    Calculates the time of the new moon by deturmining
+//				the sums of periodic terms.
+// Return:      TReal - time of new moon
+TReal TAstronomicalCalendar::NewMoonAtOrAfter(const TReal& aJulianDay) const
+	{
+	TReal jDReal = aJulianDay;
+	TReal result;
+	TInt jD;
+	AdjustJDFromNoon(jDReal);
+	Floor(jD,jDReal);
+	TGregorianCalendar greg(jDReal);
+	AdjustJDToNoon(jDReal);
+	TArithmeticalDate date;
+	TInt approx;
+	TInt error;
+	TReal gamma;
+	TReal temp;
+	TInt count;
+	// get date
+	greg.GetDate(date);
+	// get Gamma
+	gamma = date.iYear + (greg.DayNumber(date) / KMeanDaysInGregYear) - 2000;
+	// get approx
+	temp = gamma * KMonthsInTropicalYear;
+	Floor(approx,temp);
+	approx--;
+	// get error
+	error = 0;
+	for(count = approx;NewMoonTime(count) < aJulianDay;count++)
+		{
+		error++;
+		}
+	// calc return
+	result = NewMoonTime(approx + error);
+	return result;
+	}
+// Class:       TAstronomicalCalendar
+// Function:    NewMoonTime
+// Arguments:   TInt
+// Comments:    This function is used as part of the calculation
+//				for NewMoonAtOrAfter()
+// Return:      TReal - derived value
+TReal TAstronomicalCalendar::NewMoonTime(TInt aTime) const
+	{
+	TReal newMoonTime;
+	TReal kappa;
+	TReal jde;
+	TReal epsilon;
+	TReal solarAnomaly;
+	TReal lunarAnomaly;
+	TReal moonArgument;
+	TReal omega;
+	TReal correction;
+	TReal additional;
+	TReal temp;
+	TInt count;
+	// get Kappa
+	kappa = aTime / 1236.85;
+	// get jde
+	jde = 2451550.09765;
+	temp = KMeanSynodicMonth * 1236.85 * kappa;
+	jde += temp;
+	Math::Pow(temp,kappa,KSquared);
+	jde += temp * 0.0001337;
+	Math::Pow(temp,kappa,KCubed);
+	jde -= temp * 0.00000015;
+	Math::Pow(temp,kappa,KQuad);
+	jde += temp * 0.00000000073;
+	// get epsilon
+	epsilon = 1 - (0.002516 * kappa);
+	Math::Pow(temp,kappa,KSquared);
+	epsilon -= temp * 0.0000074;
+	// get solar anomaly
+	solarAnomaly = 2.5534 + (29.10535669 * 1236.85 * kappa);
+	Math::Pow(temp,kappa,KSquared);
+	solarAnomaly -= temp * 0.0000218;
+	Math::Pow(temp,kappa,KCubed);
+	solarAnomaly -= temp * 0.00000011;
+	// get lunar anomaly
+	lunarAnomaly = 201.5643 + (385.81693528 * 1236.85 * kappa);
+	Math::Pow(temp,kappa,KSquared);
+	lunarAnomaly += temp * 0.0107438;
+	Math::Pow(temp,kappa,KCubed);
+	lunarAnomaly += temp * 0.00001239;
+	Math::Pow(temp,kappa,KQuad);
+	lunarAnomaly -= temp * 0.000000058;
+	// get moon argument
+	moonArgument = 160.7108 + (390.67050274 * 1236.85 * kappa);
+	Math::Pow(temp,kappa,KSquared);
+	moonArgument -= temp * 0.0016341;
+	Math::Pow(temp,kappa,KCubed);
+	moonArgument -= temp * 0.00000227;
+	Math::Pow(temp,kappa,KQuad);
+	moonArgument += temp * 0.000000011;
+	// get omega
+	omega = 124.7746 + (-1.5637558 * 1236.85 * kappa);
+	Math::Pow(temp,kappa,KSquared);
+	omega += temp * 0.0020691;
+	Math::Pow(temp,kappa,KCubed);
+	omega += temp * 0.00000215;
+	// convert to radians for the Sin function
+	omega *= KDegreesToRadians;
+	Math::Sin(correction,omega);
+	correction = -0.00017 * correction;
+	for(count = 0; count < KMaxCorrectionValues;count++)
+		{
+		TReal tempCorrection;
+		TReal epsilonToTheOmega;
+		tempCorrection = (KXiArray[count] * solarAnomaly) + 
+						(KGammaArray[count] * lunarAnomaly) +
+						(KZetaArray[count] * moonArgument);
+		// convert to radians for the Sin function
+		tempCorrection *= KDegreesToRadians;
+		Math::Sin(tempCorrection,tempCorrection);
+		Math::Pow(epsilonToTheOmega,epsilon,KOmegaArray[count]);
+		tempCorrection = KMuArray[count] * epsilonToTheOmega * tempCorrection;
+		correction += tempCorrection;
+		}
+	for(count = 0,additional = 0;count < KMaxAdditionalValues;count++)
+		{
+		TReal addnTemp;
+		Math::Pow(addnTemp,kappa,KSquared);
+		addnTemp = KIotaArray[count] + (KChiArray[count] * aTime) +
+					(KNuArray[count] * addnTemp);
+		// convert to radians for the Sin function
+		addnTemp *= KDegreesToRadians;
+		Math::Sin(addnTemp,addnTemp);
+		addnTemp = KLamdaArray[count] * addnTemp;
+		additional += addnTemp;
+		}
+	// calculate result
+	newMoonTime = jde + correction + additional;
+	newMoonTime = UniversalFromEphemeris(newMoonTime);
+	return newMoonTime;
+	}
+// Class:       TAstronomicalCalendar
+// Function:    NewMoonBefore
+// Arguments:   
+// Comments:    
+// Return:      
+TReal TAstronomicalCalendar::NewMoonBefore(const TReal &aJulianDay) const
+	{
+	TReal result;
+	result = NewMoonAtOrAfter(aJulianDay);
+	result-=45;
+	result = NewMoonAtOrAfter(result);
+	return result;
+	}
+// Class:       TAstronomicalCalendar
+// Function:    AdjustJDToNoon
+// Arguments:   TReal&
+// Comments:    This function corrects for the fact that the
+//				julian day starts at noon however the julian
+//				day held in the base class starts on the 
+//				preceeding midnight.
+// Return:      None
+void TAstronomicalCalendar::AdjustJDToNoon(TReal &aJulianDay) const
+	{
+	aJulianDay -= KCalConvPointFive;
+	}
+// Class:       TAstronomicalCalendar
+// Function:    AdjustJDFromNoon
+// Arguments:   TReal&
+// Comments:    This function corrects for the fact that the
+//				julian day starts at noon however the julian
+//				day held in the base class starts on the 
+//				preceeding midnight.
+// Return:      None
+void TAstronomicalCalendar::AdjustJDFromNoon(TReal &aJulianDay) const
+	{
+	aJulianDay += KCalConvPointFive;
+	}