--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/calendarengines/agnversit2/src/AgnVersit2Exporter.cpp Tue Feb 02 10:12:19 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1987 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: This file contains iCal exporter implementation.
+* Converts symbian agenda entries to iCal data.
+// Class include.
+#include "AgnVersit2Exporter.h"
+#include "calendarengines_debug.h"
+// Agenda includes.
+#include <calalarm.h> // CCalAlarm
+#include <calcategory.h> // CCalCategory
+#include <calentry.h> // CCalEntry
+#include <calrrule.h> // TCalRRule
+#include <caluser.h> // CCalUser
+#include <vtzrules.h> // CVTzActualisedRules
+// Versit includes.
+#include "ICal.h" // CICal
+#include "ICalComponent.h" // CICalComponent
+#include "ICalKeyWords.h" // Literals used during export
+#include "ICalProperty.h" // CICalProperty
+#include "ICalValue.h" // CICalValue
+#include "ICalBase.h" // TICalMethod
+// AgnVersit2 includes.
+#include "AgnVersit2StringProvider.h" // CAgnVersit2StringProvider
+#include "AgnExternalInterface.h" // TAgnEntryExport
+// Constants for timezone RRULE
+_LIT(KRRuleByMonthDay, ";BYMONTHDAY=");
+_LIT(KRRuleByDayPlus, ";BYDAY=+");
+_LIT(KRRuleByDayPlusOne, ";BYDAY=+1");
+_LIT(KRRuleByDayMinusOne, ";BYDAY=-1");
+//iCalendar version number
+// Maximum characters in a GEO value should be 11 = -NNN.NNNNNN
+const TUint KGEOMaxWidthOfGeoValue = 11;
+/** A semi-colon character. */
+const TUint KAgnVersitTokenSemiColonVal =';';
+// Constant integer values
+const TInt KMaxOffsetMinutes = 720; //12 hours * 60 minutes
+const TInt KMinOffsetMinutes = -720; //-12 hours * 60 minutes
+const TInt KSecondsInOneMinute = 60;
+const TInt KInitialRRuleLength = 150; //RRule line length
+const TInt KMaxBufLength = 80; //Max time zone name length
+Constructs a new CAgnVersit2Exporter and returns it.
+@param aObserver Application interface for error reporting.
+@param aWriteStream Stream to write output to.
+@param aStringProvider localisable string resources
+@return The new CAgnVersit2Exporter
+CAgnVersit2Exporter* CAgnVersit2Exporter::NewL(CAgnVersit2StringProvider& aStringProvider)
+ {
+ CAgnVersit2Exporter* self = CAgnVersit2Exporter::NewLC(aStringProvider);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+Constructs a new CAgnVersit2Exporter and returns it.
+A pointer to the new object is left on the cleanup stack.
+@param aObserver Application interface for error reporting.
+@param aWriteStream Stream to write output to.
+@param aStringProvider localisable string resources
+@return The new CAgnVersit2Exporter
+CAgnVersit2Exporter* CAgnVersit2Exporter::NewLC(CAgnVersit2StringProvider& aStringProvider)
+ {
+ CAgnVersit2Exporter* self = new (ELeave) CAgnVersit2Exporter(aStringProvider);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ iTzNameArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+ iTimeZoneArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+ }
+Exports an array of calendar entries to a single iCalendar
+@param aEntries array of entries to export.
+@param aFlags not used.
+void CAgnVersit2Exporter::ExportL( RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aEntries,
+ RWriteStream& aWriteStream,
+ TUint aExportFlags,
+ MAgnExportObserver& aObserver )
+ {
+ //We are exporting more than one entry to a single iCalendar.
+ //Clear the time zone arrays, otherwise if this function is called twice
+ //components in this iCalendar may reference timezone components in a preceding
+ //iCalendar.
+ iTzNameArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+ iTimeZoneArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+ iExportProperties = aExportFlags;
+ iObserver = &aObserver;
+ ASSERT( aEntries.Count() > 0 );
+ CICal* cal = AddICalLC(*aEntries[0]);
+ TInt entryCount = aEntries.Count();
+ TRAPD(err,
+ for (TInt x = 0; x < entryCount; ++x)
+ {
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportTzRules)
+ {
+ AddTimezoneL(*cal, *aEntries[x]);
+ }
+ AddComponentL(*cal, *aEntries[x]);
+ }
+ ); //End TRAP
+ User::LeaveIfError(err);
+ cal->ExternalizeL(aWriteStream);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cal);
+ }
+Exports a given calendar entry.
+@param aEntry entry to export.
+@param aFlags not used.
+void CAgnVersit2Exporter::ExportL( const CCalEntry& aEntry,
+ RWriteStream& aWriteStream,
+ TUint aExportFlags,
+ MAgnExportObserver& aObserver )
+ {
+ //If we are exporting a single iCalendar per entry, we want to include the timezone
+ //even if we have previously encountered it. We do this by clearing the time zone
+ //name array
+ iTzNameArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+ iTimeZoneArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+ iExportProperties = aExportFlags;
+ iObserver = &aObserver;
+ CICal* cal = AddICalLC(aEntry);
+ TRAPD(err,
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportTzRules)
+ {
+ AddTimezoneL(*cal, aEntry);
+ }
+ AddComponentL(*cal, aEntry);
+ );
+ User::LeaveIfError(err);
+ cal->ExternalizeL(aWriteStream);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cal);
+ }
+@param aObserver Application interface for error reporting.
+@param aWriteStream Stream to write output to.
+@param aStringProvider localisable string resources
+CAgnVersit2Exporter::CAgnVersit2Exporter(CAgnVersit2StringProvider& aStringProvider) :
+ iStringProvider(aStringProvider)
+ {
+ }
+Internal construction.
+void CAgnVersit2Exporter::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iTimezoneIndex = KErrNotFound;
+ }
+Creates a new CICal*, adds any properties and returns it. The new object is
+left on the cleanup stack.
+ICalendar components can have the following properties:
+ PRODID: This is fixed for all exports from this device.
+ VERSION: Should only ever be 2.0 for iCalendar v1 (vCalendar 2).
+ METHOD: Member data from aEntry.
+@param aEntry entry to export.
+@return newly created CICal*.
+CICal* CAgnVersit2Exporter::AddICalLC(const CCalEntry& aEntry) const
+ {
+ CICal* cal = CICal::NewLC();
+ cal->AddPropertyL(KICalProdId, iStringProvider.StringL(EICalProdIdValue));
+ cal->AddPropertyL(KICalVersion,KICalVersionNumber);
+ switch (aEntry.MethodL())
+ {
+ case CCalEntry::EMethodPublish :
+ cal->AddPropertyL(KICalMethod, KICalPublish);
+ cal->SetMethodL(CICal::EMethodPublish);
+ break;
+ case CCalEntry::EMethodRequest :
+ cal->AddPropertyL(KICalMethod, KICalRequest);
+ cal->SetMethodL(CICal::EMethodRequest);
+ break;
+ case CCalEntry::EMethodReply :
+ cal->AddPropertyL(KICalMethod, KICalReply);
+ cal->SetMethodL(CICal::EMethodReply);
+ break;
+ case CCalEntry::EMethodAdd :
+ cal->AddPropertyL(KICalMethod, KICalAdd);
+ cal->SetMethodL(CICal::EMethodAdd);
+ break;
+ case CCalEntry::EMethodCancel :
+ cal->AddPropertyL(KICalMethod, KICalCancel);
+ cal->SetMethodL(CICal::EMethodCancel);
+ break;
+ case CCalEntry::EMethodRefresh :
+ cal->AddPropertyL(KICalMethod, KICalRefresh);
+ cal->SetMethodL(CICal::EMethodRefresh);
+ break;
+ case CCalEntry::EMethodCounter :
+ cal->AddPropertyL(KICalMethod, KICalCounter);
+ cal->SetMethodL(CICal::EMethodCounter);
+ break;
+ case CCalEntry::EMethodDeclineCounter :
+ cal->AddPropertyL(KICalMethod, KICalDeclineCounter);
+ cal->SetMethodL(CICal::EMethodDeclineCounter);
+ break;
+ case CCalEntry::EMethodNone :
+ // fall through...
+ default :
+ //Add MEHTOD:PUBLISH as default if no method exists
+ //needed by outlook
+ cal->AddPropertyL(KICalMethod, KICalPublish);
+ cal->SetMethodL(CICal::EMethodPublish);
+ break;
+ }
+ return cal;
+ }
+// =====================
+Exports an agenda Anniversary to an iCalendar component.
+@param aAnniv component to add to.
+@param aEntry Entry containing information about the anniversary.
+void CAgnVersit2Exporter::AddAnnivL(CICalComponent& aAnniv, const CCalEntry& /*aEntry*/) const
+ {
+ //Add 'X-PARAM' identifier
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportXProp)
+ {
+ aAnniv.AddPropertyL( iStringProvider.StringL(EICalXParamType),
+ iStringProvider.StringL(EICalXParamAnniversary) );
+ }
+ }
+Adds an alarm to a component.
+RFC 2445 states that an alarm MUST have an ACTION and TRIGGER property. We can
+retrieve the trigger property value from the alarm offset, but Agenda does not
+support the ACTION property.
+An alarm is defined as:
+ (audioprop / dispprop / emailprop / procprop)
+where audioprop / dispprop / emailprop and procprop are all values of the
+ACTION property.
+An ACTION property value of AUDIO only requires an additional TRIGGER property,
+all other properties are optional. To comply with RFC 2445, all alarms will be
+exported with the following property:
+as to set ACTION to any other value would require more properties, which we do
+not have values for.
+@param aComponent Component to add the VALARM component to
+@param aEntry Entry to extract ALARM information from
+void CAgnVersit2Exporter::AddAlarmL(CICalComponent& aComponent, const CCalEntry& aEntry) const
+ {
+ CCalAlarm* alarm = aEntry.AlarmL();
+ if (alarm)
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PushL(alarm);
+ CICalComponent& component = aComponent.AddComponentL(CICalBase::EICalAlarm);
+ CICalValue* triggerVal = CICalValue::NewLC();
+ triggerVal->SetDurationL(TTimeIntervalSeconds(-alarm->TimeOffset().Int() * KSecondsInOneMinute));
+ CleanupStack::Pop(triggerVal);
+ component.AddPropertyL(KICalTrigger, triggerVal); //Pass ownership
+ component.AddPropertyL(KICalAction, KICalAudio);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(alarm);
+ }
+ }
+Adds an appointment to a component.
+@param aAppt Component to add the appointment to.
+@param aEntry Entry to extract the appointment information from.
+void CAgnVersit2Exporter::AddApptL(CICalComponent& aAppt, const CCalEntry& aEntry) const
+ {
+ //Add 'DTEND' property
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportDtEnd)
+ {
+ TCalTime time(aEntry.EndTimeL());
+ if (time.TimeUtcL() != Time::NullTTime())
+ {
+ AddDateTimePropertyL(aAppt, time, KICalDtend);
+ }
+ }
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportStatus)
+ {
+ //Add 'STATUS' property
+ switch (aEntry.StatusL())
+ {
+ case CCalEntry::ETentative:
+ aAppt.AddPropertyL(KICalStatus, KICalTentative);
+ break;
+ case CCalEntry::EConfirmed:
+ aAppt.AddPropertyL(KICalStatus, KICalConfirmed);
+ break;
+ case CCalEntry::ECancelled:
+ aAppt.AddPropertyL(KICalStatus, KICalCancelled);
+ break;
+ case CCalEntry::ETodoNeedsAction : // not supported, fall through
+ case CCalEntry::ETodoCompleted : // not supported, fall through
+ case CCalEntry::ETodoInProcess : // not supported, fall through
+ default:
+ //Do not add a status property
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //Add 'X-PARAM' identifier
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportXProp)
+ {
+ aAppt.AddPropertyL( iStringProvider.StringL(EICalXParamType),
+ iStringProvider.StringL(EICalXParamAppointment) );
+ }
+ }
+Adds a component to aICal. The type of component added is determined by the
+value of aEntry.EntryTypeL(). Generic properties (valid in both VEVENT and
+VTODO components) are added first, followed by type specific properties.
+@param aICal CICal object to add the component to.
+@param aEntry CCalEntry containing information about the component.
+void CAgnVersit2Exporter::AddComponentL(CICal& aICal, const CCalEntry& aEntry) const
+ {
+ //Add the component
+ CICalBase::TICalComponentType type(CICalBase::EICalEvent);
+ switch (aEntry.EntryTypeL())
+ {
+ //The agenda types all map to an iCalendar 'VEVENT' component
+ case CCalEntry::EAppt :
+ // fall through...
+ case CCalEntry::EEvent :
+ // fall through...
+ case CCalEntry::EReminder :
+ // fall through...
+ case CCalEntry::EAnniv :
+ {
+ type = CICalBase::EICalEvent;
+ break;
+ }
+ case CCalEntry::ETodo :
+ {
+ type = CICalBase::EICalTodo;
+ break;
+ }
+ default :
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported); //For now at least
+ break;
+ }
+ CICalComponent& comp = aICal.AddComponentL(type);
+ //Add 'ATTENDEE' properties
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportAttendee)
+ {
+ AddAttendeePropertiesL(comp, aEntry);
+ }
+ //Add 'ORGANIZER' property
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportOrganizer)
+ {
+ AddOrganizerPropertyL(comp, aEntry);
+ }
+ //Add 'LOCATION' property.
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportLocation)
+ {
+ AddTextPropertyL(comp, aEntry.LocationL(), KICalLocation);
+ }
+ //Outlook puts TRANSP here. The default value is 'OPAQUE'.
+ //Add 'SEQUENCE' property. The default value is '0', so
+ //the property is only added if there is a value.
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportSequence)
+ {
+ TInt sequence = aEntry.SequenceNumberL();
+ if (sequence != 0)
+ {
+ AddIntegerPropertyL(comp, aEntry.SequenceNumberL(), KICalSequence);
+ }
+ }
+ //Add 'UID' property
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportUID)
+ {
+ CICalValue* uidVal = CICalValue::NewLC();
+ uidVal->SetBinaryL(aEntry.UidL());
+ CleanupStack::Pop(uidVal);
+ comp.AddPropertyL(KICalUid, uidVal); //Pass ownership
+ }
+ TCalTime time;
+ //Check if DTSTAMP exist
+ if( aEntry.DTStampL().TimeUtcL() != Time::NullTTime() )
+ {
+ time = aEntry.DTStampL();
+ }
+ else //If not use current time
+ {
+ TTime currentTime;
+ currentTime.UniversalTime();
+ time.SetTimeUtcL( currentTime );
+ }
+ //Add 'DTSTAMP' property
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportDtStamp)
+ {
+ AddUtcDateTimePropertyL(comp, time.TimeUtcL(), KICalDtstamp);
+ }
+ //Add 'CATEGORIES' properties
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportCategory)
+ {
+ AddCategoriesPropertyL(comp, aEntry);
+ }
+ //Add 'DESCRIPTION' property.
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportDescription)
+ {
+ AddTextPropertyL(comp, aEntry.DescriptionL(), KICalDescription);
+ }
+ //Add 'SUMMARY' property
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportSummary)
+ {
+ AddTextPropertyL(comp, aEntry.SummaryL(), KICalSummary);
+ }
+ //Add 'PRIORITY' property
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportPriority)
+ {
+ TInt priority = aEntry.PriorityL();
+ //Pirorites are saved always in vcal format
+ //so they are mapped the following way
+ //vCal 1 = iCal 1
+ //vCal 2 = iCal 5
+ //vCal 3 = iCal 9
+ if (priority != 0) // Zero priority is default
+ {
+ if( priority == 1 )
+ {
+ }
+ else if( priority == 2 )
+ {
+ priority = 5;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ priority = 9;
+ }
+ AddIntegerPropertyL(comp, priority, KICalPriority);
+ }
+ }
+ //Add 'CLASS' property
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportClass)
+ {
+ AddClassPropertyL(comp, aEntry);
+ }
+ //Check if last modified date exist
+ if( aEntry.LastModifiedDateL().TimeUtcL() != Time::NullTTime() )
+ {
+ //update time with it otherwise set CREATED and LAST-MODIFIED to
+ //current time
+ time = aEntry.LastModifiedDateL();
+ }
+ //Add 'CREATED' property with current system time.
+ //time should be set to 'now' in UTC if not already.
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportCreated)
+ {
+ AddUtcDateTimePropertyL(comp, time.TimeUtcL(), KICalCreated);
+ }
+ //Add 'LAST-MODIFIED' property
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportLastModified)
+ {
+ AddUtcDateTimePropertyL(comp, time.TimeUtcL(), KICalLastmodified);
+ }
+ //Add 'RECURRENCE-ID' property
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportRecurrenceId)
+ {
+ time = aEntry.RecurrenceIdL();
+ if (time.TimeUtcL() != Time::NullTTime())
+ {
+ CICalProperty& recurProp = AddDateTimePropertyL(comp, time, KICalRecurrenceId);
+ switch (aEntry.RecurrenceRangeL())
+ {
+ case CalCommon::EThisAndFuture:
+ {
+ recurProp.AddPropertyParamL(KICalRange,KICalThisAndFuture);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CalCommon::EThisAndPrior:
+ {
+ recurProp.AddPropertyParamL(KICalRange,KICalThisAndPrior);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Add 'EXDATE' properties
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportExDate)
+ {
+ AddExceptionDatePropertyL(comp, aEntry);
+ }
+ //Add 'RDATE' property
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportRDate)
+ {
+ AddRDatePropertyL(comp, aEntry);
+ }
+ //Add 'RRULE' property
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportRRule)
+ {
+ AddRRulePropertyL(comp, aEntry);
+ }
+ //Add 'VALARM' component
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportAlarm)
+ {
+ AddAlarmL(comp, aEntry);
+ }
+ //Add 'DTSTART' property
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportDtStart)
+ {
+ time = aEntry.StartTimeL();
+ if (time.TimeUtcL() != Time::NullTTime())
+ {
+ AddDateTimePropertyL(comp, time, KICalDtstart);
+ }
+ }
+ //Add type specific properties
+ switch (aEntry.EntryTypeL())
+ {
+ case CCalEntry::EAppt:
+ AddApptL(comp, aEntry);
+ break;
+ case CCalEntry::EEvent:
+ AddEventL(comp, aEntry);
+ break;
+ case CCalEntry::EReminder:
+ AddReminderL(comp, aEntry);
+ break;
+ case CCalEntry::EAnniv:
+ AddAnnivL(comp, aEntry);
+ break;
+ case CCalEntry::ETodo:
+ AddTodoL(comp, aEntry);
+ break;
+ default:
+ //Nothing more to add
+ break;
+ }
+ // Add GEO
+ CCalGeoValue* geoValue = aEntry.GeoValueL();
+ // Check that the GEO values are not NULL
+ if(geoValue)
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PushL(geoValue);
+ TReal geoLatitude;
+ TReal geoLongitude;
+ // Extract latitude and longitude values
+ // Check if it returns EFalse
+ geoValue->GetLatLong(geoLatitude,geoLongitude);
+ // Convert the geo values from numbers to string
+ // Create GEO string buffer to be constructed from a latitude, delimiter and a longitude value
+ TBuf<KGEOMaxWidthOfGeoValue*2+1> geoString;
+ TBuf<KGEOMaxWidthOfGeoValue> geoLatString;
+ TBuf<KGEOMaxWidthOfGeoValue> geoLongString;
+ // Maximum width of a GEO value and max number of decimal places
+ TRealFormat geoFormat(KGEOMaxWidthOfGeoValue,KCalGEOMaxDecimalPlaces);
+ _LIT(KGeoStringFormat,"%S%c%S");
+ // Ensure correct conversion from stored numeric values to descriptors
+ if((geoLatString.Num(geoLatitude,geoFormat)>0) && (geoLongString.Num(geoLongitude,geoFormat)>0))
+ {
+ geoString.AppendFormat(KGeoStringFormat,&geoLatString,KAgnVersitTokenSemiColonVal,&geoLongString);
+ // Add the GEO property
+ AddTextPropertyL(comp,geoString,KICalGeo);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(geoValue);
+ }
+ }
+Adds the information stored in aEntry to aEvent
+@param aEvent CICalComponent& to add the agenda information to.
+@param aEntry CCalEntry& containing the agenda information to export.
+void CAgnVersit2Exporter::AddEventL(CICalComponent& aEvent, const CCalEntry& aEntry) const
+ {
+ //Add 'DTEND' property
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportDtEnd)
+ {
+ TCalTime time(aEntry.EndTimeL());
+ if (time.TimeUtcL() != Time::NullTTime())
+ {
+ AddDateTimePropertyL(aEvent, time, KICalDtend);
+ }
+ }
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportStatus)
+ {
+ //Add 'STATUS' property
+ switch (aEntry.StatusL())
+ {
+ case CCalEntry::ETentative:
+ aEvent.AddPropertyL(KICalStatus, KICalTentative);
+ break;
+ case CCalEntry::EConfirmed:
+ aEvent.AddPropertyL(KICalStatus, KICalConfirmed);
+ break;
+ case CCalEntry::ECancelled:
+ aEvent.AddPropertyL(KICalStatus, KICalCancelled);
+ break;
+ case CCalEntry::ETodoNeedsAction : // not supported, fall through
+ case CCalEntry::ETodoCompleted : // not supported, fall through
+ case CCalEntry::ETodoInProcess : // not supported, fall through
+ default:
+ //Do not add a status property
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //Add 'X-PARAM' identifier
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportXProp)
+ {
+ aEvent.AddPropertyL( iStringProvider.StringL(EICalXParamType),
+ iStringProvider.StringL(EICalXParamEvent) );
+ }
+ }
+Adds an agenda-style Reminder to the specified component.
+@param aReminder Component to add the reminder to.
+@param aEntry CCalEntry containing details of the reminder.
+void CAgnVersit2Exporter::AddReminderL(CICalComponent& aReminder, const CCalEntry& /*aEntry*/) const
+ {
+ //Add 'X-PARAM' identifier
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportXProp)
+ {
+ aReminder.AddPropertyL( iStringProvider.StringL(EICalXParamType),
+ iStringProvider.StringL(EICalXParamReminder) );
+ }
+ }
+Adds a Timezone component to the specified CCalEntry.
+@param aICal CICal object to add the component to.
+@param aEntry CCalEntry containing information about the Timezone.
+void CAgnVersit2Exporter::AddTimezoneL(CICal& aICal, const CCalEntry& aEntry)
+ {
+ iTimezoneIndex = KErrNotFound;
+ CTzRules* tzRules = aEntry.TzRulesL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(tzRules);
+ if (!tzRules || tzRules->Count() < 1)
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tzRules);
+ return;
+ }
+ TInt minimumMinutes = KMaxOffsetMinutes;// TInts to store the maximum and minimum UTC offset
+ TInt maximumMinutes = KMinOffsetMinutes;// to get a human readable name for TZID
+ TInt count = tzRules->Count();
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ TTzRule& singleRule = (*tzRules)[i];
+ if (singleRule.iNewLocalTimeOffset < minimumMinutes)
+ {
+ minimumMinutes = singleRule.iNewLocalTimeOffset;
+ }
+ if (singleRule.iNewLocalTimeOffset > maximumMinutes)
+ {
+ maximumMinutes = singleRule.iNewLocalTimeOffset;
+ }
+ if (singleRule.iOldLocalTimeOffset < minimumMinutes)
+ {
+ minimumMinutes = singleRule.iOldLocalTimeOffset;
+ }
+ if (singleRule.iOldLocalTimeOffset > maximumMinutes)
+ {
+ maximumMinutes = singleRule.iOldLocalTimeOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ // Now we've got the max and minimum values, store these in the TzId text field
+ // iTimeZoneName allocates a new HBufC, but either deletes it or transfers ownership
+ // to iTznamesArray
+ HBufC* timeZoneName = HBufC::NewLC(KMaxBufLength);
+ timeZoneName->Des().Copy(iStringProvider.StringL(EICalTzidUtc));
+ //Convert minutes to hours
+ const TInt KConversionMul = 10;
+ const TInt KConversionDiv = 6;
+ // Number of digits to store time in
+ const TInt KTimeWidth = 4;
+ TInt minimumHours = minimumMinutes * KConversionMul / KConversionDiv; // convert to HHMM format
+ if (minimumHours < 0)
+ {
+ minimumHours =- minimumHours;
+ timeZoneName->Des().Append(iStringProvider.StringL(EICalTzidMinus));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ timeZoneName->Des().Append(iStringProvider.StringL(EICalTzidPlus));
+ }
+ timeZoneName->Des().AppendNumFixedWidth(minimumHours, EDecimal, KTimeWidth);
+ timeZoneName->Des().Append(iStringProvider.StringL(EICalTzidStandard));
+ //Add a slash seperator
+ timeZoneName->Des().Append(iStringProvider.StringL(EICalTzidSlash));
+ timeZoneName->Des().Append(iStringProvider.StringL(EICalTzidUtc));
+ TInt maximumHours = maximumMinutes * KConversionMul / KConversionDiv; // convert to HHMM format
+ if (maximumHours < 0)
+ {
+ maximumHours =- maximumHours;
+ timeZoneName->Des().Append(iStringProvider.StringL(EICalTzidMinus));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ timeZoneName->Des().Append(iStringProvider.StringL(EICalTzidPlus));
+ }
+ timeZoneName->Des().AppendNumFixedWidth(maximumHours, EDecimal, KTimeWidth);
+ timeZoneName->Des().Append(iStringProvider.StringL(EICalTzidDaylight));
+ // The time zone name should now read: "UTC +HHMM (Standard) / UTC +HHMM (Daylight)".
+ // Check if we have already used this timezone in this iCal. If we have,
+ // we reuse this string but don't output the timezone again.
+ TInt tzCount = iTzNameArray.Count();
+ for (TInt x = 0; x < tzCount; ++x)
+ {
+ if ((iTzNameArray[x])->CompareC(*timeZoneName) == 0)
+ {
+ //Already used this timezone
+ iTimezoneIndex = x;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(timeZoneName);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tzRules);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ //Add the 'VTIMEZONE' component
+ CICalComponent& timezone = aICal.AddComponentL(CICalBase::EICalTimeZone);
+ timezone.AddPropertyL(KICalTzid, *timeZoneName);
+ for (TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ++ii)
+ {
+ TTzRule& singleRule = (*tzRules)[ii];
+ // Set the DAYLIGHT/STANDARD field based on whether the
+ // time zone rule shifts time forwards or backwards
+ CICalComponent& tzProp = singleRule.iNewLocalTimeOffset < singleRule.iOldLocalTimeOffset ?
+ timezone.AddComponentL(CICalBase::EICalStandard) :
+ timezone.AddComponentL(CICalBase::EICalDaylight);
+ // -DTSTART (Required)
+ CICalValue* dtstart = CICalValue::NewLC();
+ TTime startTime = singleRule.iFrom.iTime;
+ //Check whether the year is 0, if so set it to 1970
+ if( !startTime.DateTime().Year() )//Year == 0000
+ {
+ TDateTime dateTime = startTime.DateTime();
+ dateTime.SetYear( 1970 );
+ startTime = dateTime;
+ }
+ // DTSTART in a VTIMEZONE must always be in local time (with no TZ identifier).
+ dtstart->SetDateTimeL(startTime,CICalValue::ESpecifiedTimeZone);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(dtstart);
+ tzProp.AddPropertyL(KICalDtstart, dtstart); //Pass ownership
+ // -RRULE (optional)
+ CICalValue* tzRrule = CICalValue::NewLC();
+ HBufC* ruleText = HBufC::NewLC(KMaxBufLength);
+ ruleText->Des().Copy(KRRuleFreqYearly);
+ TInt monthNum = singleRule.iMonth + 1;
+ switch (singleRule.iDayRule)
+ {
+ case ETzFixedDate :
+ {
+ // e.g. 11th October
+ // This won't get imported by Outlook, but it's the only way of exporting it.
+ // It can't be converted to a week of the month.
+ ruleText->Des().AppendNum(monthNum);
+ ruleText->Des().Append(KRRuleByMonthDay);
+ ruleText->Des().AppendNum(singleRule.iDayOfMonth);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ETzDayAfterDate :
+ {
+ // e.g. first Sunday after 8th October
+ // To get this to a format understood by Outlook, we have to convert the day of
+ // month into a week number. If the day of the month is greater than 21, the week
+ // could cover multiple months (and possibly years), so we export using BYMONTHDAY.
+ const TInt KLastPossibleDayOfMonth = 21;
+ if (singleRule.iDayOfMonth > KLastPossibleDayOfMonth)
+ {
+ ruleText->Des().AppendNum(monthNum);
+ ruleText->Des().Append(KRRuleByMonthDay);
+ ruleText->Des().AppendNum(singleRule.iDayOfMonth);
+ ruleText->Des().Append(KRRuleByDayPlusOne);
+ ruleText->Des().Append(DayFromInt(singleRule.iDayOfWeek));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Equivalent to FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=?;BYDAY=+n?
+ ruleText->Des().AppendNum(monthNum);
+ ruleText->Des().Append(KRRuleByDayPlus);
+ ruleText->Des().AppendNum(WeekNumFromDayOfMonth(singleRule.iDayOfMonth));
+ ruleText->Des().Append(DayFromInt(singleRule.iDayOfWeek));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case ETzDayBeforeDate :
+ {
+ // e.g. Sunday before 8th October
+ // To get this to a format understood by Outlook, we have to convert the day of
+ // month into a week number. If the day of the month is less than 8, the week
+ // could cover multiple months (and possibly years), so we export using BYMONTHDAY.
+ const TInt KFirstPossibleDayOfMonth = 8;
+ if (singleRule.iDayOfMonth < KFirstPossibleDayOfMonth)
+ {
+ ruleText->Des().AppendNum(monthNum);
+ ruleText->Des().Append(KRRuleByMonthDay);
+ ruleText->Des().AppendNum(singleRule.iDayOfMonth);
+ ruleText->Des().Append(KRRuleByDayMinusOne);
+ ruleText->Des().Append(DayFromInt(singleRule.iDayOfWeek));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Equivalent to FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=?;BYDAY=+n?
+ ruleText->Des().AppendNum(monthNum);
+ ruleText->Des().Append(KRRuleByDayPlus);
+ ruleText->Des().AppendNum(WeekNumFromDayOfMonth(singleRule.iDayOfMonth));
+ ruleText->Des().Append(DayFromInt(singleRule.iDayOfWeek));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case ETzDayInLastWeekOfMonth :
+ {
+ // e.g. last Sunday in October
+ // Equivalent to FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=?;BYDAY=-1?
+ ruleText->Des().AppendNum(monthNum);
+ ruleText->Des().Append(KRRuleByDayMinusOne);
+ ruleText->Des().Append(DayFromInt(singleRule.iDayOfWeek));
+ break;
+ }
+ default :
+ User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+ break;
+ }
+ tzRrule->SetRecurrenceRuleL(*ruleText);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(ruleText);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(tzRrule);
+ tzProp.AddPropertyL(KICalRRule, tzRrule); //Pass ownership
+ // -TZOFFSETFROM (Required)
+ CICalValue* tzOffsetFrom = CICalValue::NewLC();
+ tzOffsetFrom->SetUtcOffsetL(
+ TTimeIntervalSeconds(singleRule.iOldLocalTimeOffset * KSecondsInOneMinute) );
+ CleanupStack::Pop(tzOffsetFrom);
+ tzProp.AddPropertyL(KICalTzoffsetfrom, tzOffsetFrom); //Pass ownership
+ // -TZOFFSETTO (Required)
+ CICalValue* tzOffsetTo = CICalValue::NewLC();
+ tzOffsetTo->SetUtcOffsetL(
+ TTimeIntervalSeconds(singleRule.iNewLocalTimeOffset * KSecondsInOneMinute) );
+ CleanupStack::Pop(tzOffsetTo);
+ tzProp.AddPropertyL(KICalTzoffsetto, tzOffsetTo); //Pass ownership
+ }
+ iTzNameArray.AppendL(timeZoneName); //Transfer ownership
+ iTimeZoneArray.AppendL(tzRules); //Transfer ownership
+ iTimezoneIndex = iTimeZoneArray.Count() -1;
+ CleanupStack::Pop(timeZoneName);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(tzRules);
+ }
+Adds properties specific to VTODO to the specified component.
+@param aTodo VTODO component to add properties to.
+@param aEntry CCalEntry containing details of the TODO.
+void CAgnVersit2Exporter::AddTodoL(CICalComponent& aTodo,const CCalEntry& aEntry) const
+ {
+ TCalTime time(aEntry.EndTimeL());
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportDtEnd)
+ {
+ if (time.TimeUtcL() != Time::NullTTime())
+ {
+ //Add 'DUE' property
+ AddDateTimePropertyL(aTodo, time, KICalDue);
+ }
+ }
+ //Add 'COMPLETED' property
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportCompleted)
+ {
+ time = aEntry.CompletedTimeL();
+ if (time.TimeUtcL() != Time::NullTTime())
+ {
+ //Add 'COMPLETED' property
+ AddDateTimePropertyL(aTodo, time, KICalCompleted);
+ }
+ }
+ //Add 'STATUS' property
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportStatus)
+ {
+ switch (aEntry.StatusL())
+ {
+ case CCalEntry::ECancelled :
+ aTodo.AddPropertyL(KICalStatus, KICalCancelled);
+ break;
+ case CCalEntry::ETodoNeedsAction :
+ aTodo.AddPropertyL(KICalStatus, KICalNeedsAction);
+ break;
+ case CCalEntry::ETodoCompleted :
+ aTodo.AddPropertyL(KICalStatus, KICalCompleted);
+ break;
+ case CCalEntry::ETodoInProcess :
+ aTodo.AddPropertyL(KICalStatus, KICalInProcess);
+ break;
+ case CCalEntry::ETentative : // not supported, fall through
+ case CCalEntry::EConfirmed : // not supported, fall through
+ default :
+ //Do not add a status property
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //Add 'X-PARAM' identifier
+ if (iExportProperties & KAgnExportXProp)
+ {
+ aTodo.AddPropertyL( iStringProvider.StringL(EICalXParamType),
+ iStringProvider.StringL(EICalXParamTodo) );
+ }
+ }
+// ======================
+Adds 'ATTENDEE' properties to aComponent from aEntry
+@param aComponent component to add the ATTENDEE property to
+@param aEntry entry to extract ATTENDEE information from
+void CAgnVersit2Exporter::AddAttendeePropertiesL( CICalComponent& aComponent,
+ const CCalEntry& aEntry ) const
+ {
+ const RPointerArray<CCalAttendee>& attendees = aEntry.AttendeesL();
+ const TInt count = attendees.Count();
+ CCalAttendee* attendee = NULL;
+ CICalValue* val = NULL;
+ for (TInt x = 0; x < count; ++x)
+ {
+ /** Can't add the following property parameters due to no equivalence:
+ * (";" dirparam) / (";" languageparam) / (";" cutypeparam) /
+ * (";"memberparam) / (";" deltoparam) / (";" delfromparam)
+ */
+ attendee = attendees[x]; //Not taking ownership
+ val = CICalValue::NewLC();
+ val->SetTextL(attendee->Address());
+ //Add a property for each ATTENDEE
+ CleanupStack::Pop(val);
+ CICalProperty& attProp = aComponent.AddPropertyL(KICalAttendee, val); //Pass ownership
+ //Add 'CN' property parameter
+ TPtrC commonName(attendee->CommonName());
+ if (commonName.Length() > 0)
+ {
+ attProp.AddPropertyParamL(KICalCn, commonName);
+ }
+ //Add 'ROLE' property parameter
+ TPtrC roleName(RoleFromEnum(attendee->RoleL()));
+ if (roleName.Length() > 0)
+ {
+ attProp.AddPropertyParamL(KICalRole, roleName);
+ }
+ //Add 'RSVP' property parameter
+ // Default is FALSE so don't add a value if this is the case
+ if (attendee->ResponseRequested())
+ {
+ CICalValue* rsvpVal = CICalValue::NewLC();
+ rsvpVal->SetBooleanL(ETrue);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(rsvpVal);
+ attProp.AddPropertyParamL(KICalRsvp, rsvpVal);
+ }
+ //Add "SENT-BY" property parameter
+ TPtrC sentBy(attendee->SentBy());
+ if (sentBy.Length() > 0)
+ {
+ attProp.AddPropertyParamL(KICalSentBy, sentBy);
+ }
+ //Add PARTSTAT property parameter
+ TPtrC participationStatus(StatusFromEnum(attendee->StatusL()));
+ if (participationStatus.Length() > 0)
+ {
+ attProp.AddPropertyParamL(KICalPartStat, participationStatus);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Adds 'CATEGORY' properties to aComponent from aEntry
+@param aComponent component to add the CATEGORY property to
+@param aEntry entry to extract CATEGORY information from
+void CAgnVersit2Exporter::AddCategoriesPropertyL( CICalComponent& aComponent,
+ const CCalEntry& aEntry ) const
+ {
+ //CategoryListL is not const so we need a non-const CalEntry to call it
+ CCalEntry& nonConstEntry = const_cast<CCalEntry&>(aEntry);
+ const RPointerArray<CCalCategory>& categories = nonConstEntry.CategoryListL();
+ const TInt count = categories.Count();
+ if (count)
+ {
+ CICalProperty& catProp =
+ aComponent.AddPropertyL(KICalCategories, CategoryStringL(*categories[0]));
+ for (TInt x = 1; x < count; ++x)
+ {
+ catProp.AddValueL(CategoryStringL(*categories[x]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Adds a CLASS property to the specified component
+@param aComponent component to add the CLASS property to
+@param aEntry entry to extract CLASS information from
+void CAgnVersit2Exporter::AddClassPropertyL( CICalComponent& aComponent,
+ const CCalEntry& aEntry ) const
+ {
+ CCalEntry::TReplicationStatus repStatus = aEntry.ReplicationStatusL();
+ TPtrC status(ClassStringL(repStatus));
+ if (status.Length() > 0)
+ {
+ // Only add the CLASS property if it is not the default, 'PUBLIC'.
+ if (status.CompareF(KICalPublic) != 0)
+ {
+ aComponent.AddPropertyL(KICalClass, status);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Adds 'EXDATE' property to aComponent from aEntry
+@param aComponent component to add the EXDATE property to
+@param aEntry entry to extract EXDATE information from
+void CAgnVersit2Exporter::AddExceptionDatePropertyL( CICalComponent& aComponent,
+ const CCalEntry& aEntry ) const
+ {
+ RArray<TCalTime> exDates;
+ CleanupClosePushL(exDates);
+ aEntry.GetExceptionDatesL(exDates);
+ const TInt count = exDates.Count();
+ if (count)
+ {
+ CICalValue* val = CICalValue::NewLC();
+ val->SetDateTimeL(exDates[0].TimeUtcL(), CICalValue::EUtcTime);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(val);
+ CICalProperty& prop = aComponent.AddPropertyL(KICalExdate, val); //Pass ownership
+ for (TInt x = 1; x < count; ++x)
+ {
+ val = CICalValue::NewLC();
+ val->SetDateTimeL(exDates[x].TimeUtcL(), CICalValue::EUtcTime);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(val);
+ prop.AddValueL(val); //Pass ownership
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&exDates);
+ }
+Adds an integer value to a given component
+@param aComponent component to add the integer value to
+@param aInt integer to be added
+@param aProperty current property
+void CAgnVersit2Exporter::AddIntegerPropertyL( CICalComponent& aComponent,
+ TInt aInt,
+ const TDesC& aProperty ) const
+ {
+ CICalValue* val = CICalValue::NewLC();
+ val->SetIntegerL(aInt);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(val);
+ aComponent.AddPropertyL(aProperty, val); //Pass ownership
+ }
+Adds an 'ORGANIZER' property to aComponent from aEntry
+@param aComponent component to add the ORGANIZER property to
+@param aEntry entry to extract ORGANIZER information from
+void CAgnVersit2Exporter::AddOrganizerPropertyL( CICalComponent& aComponent,
+ const CCalEntry& aEntry ) const
+ {
+ CCalUser* organizer = aEntry.OrganizerL();
+ if (organizer)
+ {
+ /** Can't add the following property parameters due to no equivalence:
+ * (";" dirparam) / (";" languageparam)
+ */
+ CICalValue* orgVal = CICalValue::NewLC();
+ orgVal->SetTextL(organizer->Address());
+ CleanupStack::Pop(orgVal);
+ CICalProperty& orgProp = aComponent.AddPropertyL(KICalOrganizer, orgVal); //Pass ownership
+ //Add 'CN' property parameter
+ TPtrC commonName(organizer->CommonName());
+ if (commonName.Length() > 0)
+ {
+ orgProp.AddPropertyParamL(KICalCn, commonName);
+ }
+ //Add "SENT-BY" property parameter
+ TPtrC sentBy(organizer->SentBy());
+ if (sentBy.Length() > 0)
+ {
+ orgProp.AddPropertyParamL(KICalSentBy, commonName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Adds a text value to a given component
+@param aComponent component to add the text value to
+@param aText text to be added
+@param aProperty current property
+void CAgnVersit2Exporter::AddTextPropertyL( CICalComponent& aComponent,
+ const TDesC& aText,
+ const TDesC& aProperty ) const
+ {
+ if (aText.Length() > 0)
+ {
+ aComponent.AddPropertyL(aProperty, aText);
+ }
+ }
+Adds 'RDATE' property to aComponent from aEntry
+@param aComponent component to add the RDATE property to
+@param aEntry entry to extract RRULE information from
+void CAgnVersit2Exporter::AddRDatePropertyL( CICalComponent& aComponent,
+ const CCalEntry& aEntry ) const
+ {
+ RArray<TCalTime> rDates;
+ CleanupClosePushL(rDates);
+ aEntry.GetRDatesL(rDates);
+ const TInt count = rDates.Count();
+ if (count)
+ {
+ //Must create a property with a value
+ CICalValue* val = CICalValue::NewLC();
+ val->SetDateTimeL(rDates[0].TimeUtcL(), CICalValue::EUtcTime);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(val);
+ CICalProperty& prop = aComponent.AddPropertyL(KICalRdate, val); //Pass ownership
+ for (TInt x = 1; x < count; ++x)
+ {
+ val = CICalValue::NewLC();
+ val->SetDateTimeL(rDates[x].TimeUtcL(), CICalValue::EUtcTime);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(val);
+ prop.AddValueL(val);
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&rDates);
+ }
+Adds 'EXDATE' property to aComponent from aEntry
+@param aComponent component to add the EXDATE property to
+@param aEntry entry to extract EXDATE information from
+void CAgnVersit2Exporter::AddRRulePropertyL( CICalComponent& aComponent,
+ const CCalEntry& aEntry ) const
+ {
+ TCalRRule rule;
+ if (aEntry.GetRRuleL(rule))
+ {
+ HBufC* ruleVal = HBufC::NewLC(KInitialRRuleLength);
+ TPtr ruleValPtr(ruleVal->Des());
+ //Add 'FREQ'
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalFreq);
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalEquals);
+ switch (rule.Type())
+ {
+ case TCalRRule::EDaily:
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalDaily);
+ break;
+ case TCalRRule::EWeekly:
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalWeekly);
+ break;
+ case TCalRRule::EMonthly:
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalMonthly);
+ break;
+ case TCalRRule::EYearly:
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalYearly);
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+ }
+ }
+ // Add 'UNTIL' or 'COUNT'. Not both.
+ // Try UNTIL first as the COUNT implementation has issues.
+ TCalTime untilTime = rule.Until();
+ if (untilTime.TimeUtcL() == TCalTime::MaxTime())
+ {
+ // "UNTIL" returns the maximum date that Agenda can handle, so let's assume that it
+ // repeats "forever". In this case we do not export a value for either UNTIL or COUNT.
+ // Do nothing...
+ }
+ else if (untilTime.TimeUtcL() != Time::NullTTime())
+ {
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalSemiColon);
+ // Add the 'UNTIL'
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalUntil);
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalEquals);
+ CICalValue* val = CICalValue::NewLC();
+ // iCalendar spec states 'UNTIL' should be in UTC
+ val->SetDateTimeL(untilTime.TimeUtcL(), CICalValue::EUtcTime);
+ ruleValPtr.Append(val->TextL());
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(val);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TInt countNum = rule.Count();
+ if (countNum != 0)
+ {
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalSemiColon);
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalCount);
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalEquals);
+ // APINOTE: COUNT seems to be divided by interval during aEntry.GetRRuleL call.
+ // APINOTE: It also seems to be count left (from now) rather than count from DTSTART.
+ // APINOTE: In either case UNTIL will always be valid with the current API, so COUNT will never be used.
+ countNum *= rule.Interval();
+ ruleValPtr.AppendNum(countNum);
+ }
+ // Else neither is present event repeats forever.
+ }
+ //Add 'INTERVAL' if present
+ TInt interval = rule.Interval();
+ if (interval > 1) // "1" is the default, so don't bother exporting it.
+ {
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalSemiColon);
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalInterval);
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalEquals);
+ ruleValPtr.AppendNum(rule.Interval());
+ }
+ //Add 'BYMONTHDAY' if present
+ if(rule.Type() == TCalRRule::EMonthly)
+ {
+ RArray<TInt> monthDays;
+ CleanupClosePushL(monthDays);
+ rule.GetByMonthDayL(monthDays);
+ TInt count = monthDays.Count();
+ if (count > 0)
+ {
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalSemiColon);
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalByMonthDay);
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalEquals);
+ for (TInt x = 0; x < count; ++x)
+ {
+ //Add 1 the month day ( 0 = 1).
+ ruleValPtr.AppendNum( monthDays[x] + 1 );
+ if (x < count - 1)
+ {
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalComma);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&monthDays);
+ }
+ //Add 'WKST'. Agenda only supports 'WKST' if 'FREQ=WEEKLY'
+ if (rule.Type() == TCalRRule::EWeekly)
+ {
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalSemiColon);
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalWkSt);
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalEquals);
+ ruleValPtr.Append(DayFromTDay(rule.WkSt()));
+ }
+ //Add 'BYDAY'
+ if ( rule.Type() == TCalRRule::EYearly ||
+ rule.Type() == TCalRRule::EMonthly ||
+ rule.Type() == TCalRRule::EWeekly )
+ {
+ RArray<TDay> days;
+ CleanupClosePushL(days);
+ RArray<TCalRRule::TDayOfMonth> daysOfMonth;
+ CleanupClosePushL(daysOfMonth);
+ rule.GetByDayL(days);
+ rule.GetByDayL(daysOfMonth);
+ TInt daysCount = days.Count();
+ TInt daysOfMonthCount = daysOfMonth.Count();
+ if (daysCount > 0 || daysOfMonthCount > 0)
+ {
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalSemiColon);
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalByDay);
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalEquals);
+ }
+ if (daysCount > 0)
+ {
+ for (TInt x = 0; x < daysCount; ++x)
+ {
+ ruleValPtr.Append(DayFromTDay(days[x]));
+ if (x < daysCount - 1)
+ {
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalComma);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (daysOfMonthCount > 0)
+ {
+ for (TInt x = 0; x < daysOfMonthCount; ++x)
+ {
+ ruleValPtr.AppendNum(daysOfMonth[x].WeekInMonth());
+ ruleValPtr.Append(DayFromTDay(daysOfMonth[x].Day()));
+ if (x < daysOfMonthCount - 1)
+ {
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalComma);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&daysOfMonth);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&days);
+ }
+ //Add 'BYMONTH'. Agenda only supports 'BYMONTH' if 'FREQ=YEARLY'
+ if (rule.Type() == TCalRRule::EYearly)
+ {
+ RArray<TMonth> theMonths;
+ CleanupClosePushL(theMonths);
+ rule.GetByMonthL(theMonths);
+ TInt monthsCount = theMonths.Count();
+ if (monthsCount > 0)
+ {
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalSemiColon);
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalByMonth);
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalEquals);
+ for (int i = 0; i < monthsCount; i++)
+ {
+ TInt monthNum = (TInt)(theMonths[i] + 1); // TMonth is offset from 0
+ ruleValPtr.AppendNum(monthNum);
+ if (i < monthsCount - 1)
+ {
+ ruleValPtr.Append(KICalComma);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&theMonths);
+ }
+ CICalValue* val = CICalValue::NewLC();
+ val->SetTextL(ruleValPtr);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(val);
+ CICalProperty& prop = aComponent.AddPropertyL(KICalRRule,val); //Pass ownership
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(ruleVal);
+ }
+ }
+Adds a date-time property to the passed component. Outputs in Local time if
+possible, UTC otherwise.
+@param aComponent component to add the property to.
+@param aUtcTime time in UTC.
+@param aProperty property to add.
+@return property resulting from adding the date-time.
+CICalProperty& CAgnVersit2Exporter::AddDateTimePropertyL(CICalComponent& aComponent,
+ const TCalTime& aTime, const TDesC& aProperty) const
+ {
+ // Check if we have a local time zone name - output in this timezone if we do
+ if ((iTimezoneIndex != KErrNotFound) && (iTimezoneIndex < iTzNameArray.Count()))
+ {
+ CICalValue* val = CICalValue::NewLC();
+ TTime timeCopy(aTime.TimeUtcL());
+ ASSERT(iTimeZoneArray.Count() >= iTimezoneIndex + 1);
+ iTimeZoneArray[iTimezoneIndex]->ConvertToLocalL(timeCopy);
+ val->SetDateTimeL(timeCopy, CICalValue::ESpecifiedTimeZone);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(val);
+ CICalProperty& prop = aComponent.AddPropertyL(aProperty, val); //pass ownership of val
+ prop.AddPropertyParamL(KICalTzid,*iTzNameArray[iTimezoneIndex]);
+ return prop;
+ }
+ else if(aTime.TimeMode() == TCalTime::EFloating)
+ {
+ // If the CalTime was a floating time when it was created, output in floating time.
+ return AddFloatingDateTimePropertyL(aComponent, aTime.TimeLocalL(), aProperty);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Otherwise output in UTC
+ return AddUtcDateTimePropertyL(aComponent, aTime.TimeUtcL(), aProperty);
+ }
+ }
+Adds a date-time property to the passed component. Forces UTC.
+@param aComponent component to add the property to.
+@param aUtcTime time in UTC.
+@param aProperty property to add.
+@return property resulting from adding the date-time.
+CICalProperty& CAgnVersit2Exporter::AddUtcDateTimePropertyL(CICalComponent& aComponent,
+ const TTime& aUtcTime, const TDesC& aProperty) const
+ {
+ CICalValue* val = CICalValue::NewLC();
+ val->SetDateTimeL(aUtcTime,CICalValue::EUtcTime);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(val);
+ CICalProperty& prop = aComponent.AddPropertyL(aProperty, val); //pass ownership of val
+ return prop;
+ }
+Adds a date-time property to the passed component. Forces floating.
+@param aComponent component to add the property to.
+@param aUtcTime time in floating time.
+@param aProperty property to add.
+@return property resulting from adding the date-time.
+CICalProperty& CAgnVersit2Exporter::AddFloatingDateTimePropertyL(CICalComponent& aComponent,
+ const TTime& aFloatingTime, const TDesC& aProperty) const
+ {
+ CICalValue* val = CICalValue::NewLC();
+ val->SetDateTimeL(aFloatingTime,CICalValue::EFloatingTime);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(val);
+ CICalProperty& prop = aComponent.AddPropertyL(aProperty, val); //pass ownership of val
+ return prop;
+ }
+// ================
+Helper function to convert between a CCalEntry::TReplicationStatus stored in
+agenda and a spec-compliant descriptor
+@param aStatus agenda representation of CLASS
+@return Descriptor representation of CLASS
+const TDesC& CAgnVersit2Exporter::ClassStringL(const CCalEntry::TReplicationStatus aStatus)
+ {
+ switch (aStatus)
+ {
+ case CCalEntry::EOpen :
+ return KICalPublic;
+ case CCalEntry::EPrivate :
+ return KICalPrivate;
+ case CCalEntry::ERestricted :
+ return KICalConfidential;
+ default :
+ User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+ break;
+ }
+ return KNullDesC;
+ }
+Helper function to convert between a category stored in agenda and a
+spec-compliant descriptor
+@param aCategory category to extract data from
+@return Descriptor representation of category
+const TDesC& CAgnVersit2Exporter::CategoryStringL(const CCalCategory& aCategory) const
+ {
+ switch (aCategory.Category())
+ {
+ case CCalCategory::ECalAppointment :
+ return iStringProvider.StringL(EICalAppointment);
+ case CCalCategory::ECalBusiness :
+ return iStringProvider.StringL(EICalBusiness);
+ case CCalCategory::ECalEducation :
+ return iStringProvider.StringL(EICalEducation);
+ case CCalCategory::ECalHoliday :
+ return iStringProvider.StringL(EICalHoliday);
+ case CCalCategory::ECalMeeting :
+ return iStringProvider.StringL(EICalMeeting);
+ case CCalCategory::ECalMiscellaneous :
+ return iStringProvider.StringL(EICalMisc);
+ case CCalCategory::ECalPersonal :
+ return iStringProvider.StringL(EICalPersonal);
+ case CCalCategory::ECalPhoneCall :
+ return iStringProvider.StringL(EICalPhoneCall);
+ case CCalCategory::ECalSickDay :
+ return iStringProvider.StringL(EICalSick);
+ case CCalCategory::ECalSpecialOccasion :
+ return iStringProvider.StringL(EICalSpecial);
+ case CCalCategory::ECalTravel :
+ return iStringProvider.StringL(EICalTravel);
+ case CCalCategory::ECalVacation :
+ return iStringProvider.StringL(EICalVacation);
+ case CCalCategory::ECalExtended :
+ return aCategory.ExtendedCategoryName();
+ default :
+ User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+ break;
+ }
+ return KNullDesC;
+ }
+Converts from a TCalRole defined in CCalAttendee into a spec-compliant
+@param aRole TCalRole enumeration to convert from.
+@return Descriptor containing the equivalent text.
+const TDesC& CAgnVersit2Exporter::RoleFromEnum(CCalAttendee::TCalRole aRole)
+ {
+ switch (aRole)
+ {
+ case CCalAttendee::EReqParticipant :
+ return KICalReqParticipant;
+ case CCalAttendee::EOptParticipant :
+ return KICalOptParticipant;
+ case CCalAttendee::ENonParticipant :
+ return KICalNonParticipant;
+ case CCalAttendee::EChair :
+ return KICalChair;
+ default :
+ break;
+ }
+ return KNullDesC;
+ }
+Converts from a TCalStatus defined in CCalAttendee into a spec-compliant descriptor.
+@param aStatus TCalStatus enumeration to convert from.
+@return Descriptor containing the equivalent text.
+const TDesC& CAgnVersit2Exporter::StatusFromEnum(CCalAttendee::TCalStatus aStatus)
+ {
+ switch (aStatus)
+ {
+ case CCalAttendee::EAccepted :
+ return KICalAccepted;
+ case CCalAttendee::ETentative :
+ return KICalTentative;
+ case CCalAttendee::EConfirmed :
+ return KICalConfirmed;
+ case CCalAttendee::EDeclined :
+ return KICalDeclined;
+ case CCalAttendee::ECompleted :
+ return KICalCompleted;
+ case CCalAttendee::EDelegated :
+ return KICalDelegated;
+ case CCalAttendee::EInProcess :
+ return KICalInProcess;
+ case CCalAttendee::ENeedsAction :
+ // Needs action is the default so fall through and set a null descriptor
+ default :
+ break;
+ }
+ return KNullDesC;
+ }
+Helper function to convert from a TUint8 as defined in vtzrules.h into a
+spec-compliant descriptor, such as MO, TU etc.
+@param aDayInt Day number to be converted.
+@return Descriptor containing the converted day.
+const TDesC& CAgnVersit2Exporter::DayFromInt(TUint8 aDayInt)
+ {
+ switch (aDayInt)
+ {
+ case 0 :
+ return KICalMonday;
+ case 1 :
+ return KICalTuesday;
+ case 2 :
+ return KICalWednesday;
+ case 3 :
+ return KICalThursday;
+ case 4 :
+ return KICalFriday;
+ case 5 :
+ return KICalSaturday;
+ case 6 :
+ return KICalSunday;
+ default :
+ break;
+ }
+ return KNullDesC;
+ }
+Helper function to convert from a TDay into a spec-compliant descriptor, such
+as MO, TU etc.
+@param aDay TDay to be converted.
+@return Descriptor containing the converted day.
+const TDesC& CAgnVersit2Exporter::DayFromTDay(TDay aDay)
+ {
+ switch (aDay)
+ {
+ case EMonday :
+ return KICalMonday;
+ case ETuesday :
+ return KICalTuesday;
+ case EWednesday :
+ return KICalWednesday;
+ case EThursday :
+ return KICalThursday;
+ case EFriday :
+ return KICalFriday;
+ case ESaturday :
+ return KICalSaturday;
+ case ESunday :
+ return KICalSunday;
+ default :
+ break;
+ }
+ return KNullDesC;
+ }
+TInt CAgnVersit2Exporter::WeekNumFromDayOfMonth(TInt aDayOfMonth)
+ {
+ return ((aDayOfMonth - 1) / 7) + 1;
+ }
+//End of file.