changeset 0 f979ecb2b13e
child 5 42814f902fe6
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/calendarui/editors/src/calenunifiededitor.cpp	Tue Feb 02 10:12:19 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,3417 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+*  Description : Class description for unified editor
+// user includes
+#include "calenunifiededitor.h"
+#include "CalenDefaultEditors.hrh"
+#include "calenglobaldata.h"
+#include "calenunifiededitorcontrol.h"
+#include "calendbfield.h"
+#include "calenlocationutil.h"
+#include "CalenEntryUpdater.h"
+#include "CalenEditorDataHandler.h"
+#include "calenentryutil.h"
+#include "calensend.h"
+#include "CalenDescription.h"
+#include "calenattachmentinfo.h"
+#include "calenattachmentmodel.h"
+#include "CleanupResetAndDestroy.h"
+#include "CalendarPrivateCRKeys.h"
+// system includes
+#include <coemain.h>
+#include <eikdialg.h>
+#include <bacntf.h>
+#include <eikspane.h>
+#include <akntitle.h>
+#include <aknnavi.h>
+#include <eikcapc.h>
+#include <StringLoader.h>
+#include <featmgr.h>
+#include <hlplch.h>
+#include <AknQueryDialog.h>
+#include <AknUtils.h>
+#include <AknIconUtils.h>
+#include <aknlayoutscalable_apps.cdl.h>
+#include <eikrted.h>
+#include <txtrich.h>
+#include <aknnotewrappers.h>
+#include <sysutil.h>
+#include <ErrorUI.h>
+#include <EPos_CPosLandmark.h>
+#include <lbsposition.h>
+#include <calentry.h>
+#include <CalenDefaultEditorsData.rsg>
+#include <Calendar.rsg>
+#include <calenagendautils.h> // Need to conform the access.
+#include <calrrule.h>
+#include <calendateutils.h>
+#include <CalenInterimUtils2.h>
+#include <centralrepository.h>
+#include <calencommands.hrh>            // Calendar commands
+#include <calencontext.h>
+#include <caleninstanceid.h>            // TCalenInstanceId
+#include <calenservices.h>
+#include <calcalendarinfo.h>
+// debug
+#include "calendarui_debug.h"
+const TInt KCalenMaxELAFTextEditorLength(160);
+const TInt KCalenMaxAPACTextEditorLength(70);
+// Custom id for command to close form without any checks.
+// We need just to close form without saving, when entry is deleted from options menu
+const TInt KCalenButtonIdCloseForm(-400);
+_LIT(KComma, ",");
+_LIT(KAttachmentSeparator,"; ");
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCalenUnifiedEditor* CCalenUnifiedEditor::NewL( CCalEntry& aEntry,
+                                                const TAgnEntryUiInParams& aParams,
+                                                MAgnEntryUiCallback& aCallback,
+                                                TAgnEntryUiOutParams& aOutParams,
+                                                CalCommon::TRecurrenceRange aRepeatType)
+    {
+    CCalenUnifiedEditor* self = 
+        new (ELeave) CCalenUnifiedEditor( aEntry, aParams, aCallback, aOutParams, aRepeatType );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    return self;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCalenUnifiedEditor* CCalenUnifiedEditor::NewL( CCalEntry& aEntry,
+                                                const TAgnEntryUiInParams& aParams,
+                                                MAgnEntryUiCallback& aCallback,
+                                                TAgnEntryUiOutParams& aOutParams )
+    {
+    CCalenUnifiedEditor* self = 
+        new (ELeave) CCalenUnifiedEditor( aEntry, aParams, aCallback, aOutParams );
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    return self;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::~CCalenUnifiedEditor
+// Destructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    if( iGlobalData )
+        {
+        iGlobalData->Release();
+        }
+    // Remove default status pane
+    if( iNaviContainer )
+        {
+        iNaviContainer->Pop();
+        iNaviContainer = NULL;
+        }
+    if( iIdle )
+        {
+        delete iIdle;
+        }
+    iCoeEnv->RemoveFepObserver( *this );
+    if( iServices )
+        {
+        iServices->CancelNotifications( this );
+        }
+    delete iLocaleChangeNotifier;
+    delete iOriginalCalEntry;
+    delete iEditorDataHandler;
+    delete iEntryUpdater;
+    delete iUnifiedEditorControl;
+    iCollectionIds.Reset();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::CCalenUnifiedEditor
+// Default constructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCalenUnifiedEditor::CCalenUnifiedEditor( CCalEntry& aEntry,
+                     const TAgnEntryUiInParams& aParams,
+                     MAgnEntryUiCallback& aCallback,
+                     TAgnEntryUiOutParams& aOutParams,
+                     CalCommon::TRecurrenceRange aRepeatType )
+                : iEditedCalEntry( aEntry ), iEntryUiInParams( aParams ), 
+                iEntryUiCallback( aCallback ), iEntryUiOutParams( aOutParams ),
+                iRepeatType( aRepeatType ), iEntryType( aEntry.EntryTypeL() ),
+                iHasChosenRepeatType( ETrue ), iIgnoreFirstLocaleChange( ETrue ),
+                iCurrentDurationDay( 0 ), iTwoSeconds( 2 )
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::CCalenUnifiedEditor
+// Default constructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCalenUnifiedEditor::CCalenUnifiedEditor( CCalEntry& aEntry,
+                     const TAgnEntryUiInParams& aParams,
+                     MAgnEntryUiCallback& aCallback,
+                     TAgnEntryUiOutParams& aOutParams )
+                : iEditedCalEntry( aEntry ), iEntryUiInParams( aParams ),
+                iEntryUiCallback( aCallback ), iEntryUiOutParams( aOutParams ),
+                iRepeatType( CalCommon::EThisAndAll ),
+                iEntryType( aEntry.EntryTypeL() ),
+                iHasChosenRepeatType( EFalse ),
+                iIgnoreFirstLocaleChange( ETrue ),
+                iCurrentDurationDay( 0 ), iTwoSeconds( 2 )
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::ConstructL
+// Second phase construction
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::ConstructL()
+    {
+    // Construct dialog
+    CAknDialog::ConstructL( R_CALEN_UNIFIED_EDITOR_MENUBAR );
+    // Take a timestamp of the editors opening time - 2 seconds
+    // We use this to compare against the last database change time
+    // to determine if the current entry has been deleted through
+    // another CCalSession
+    iTimeStamp.UniversalTime();
+    iGlobalData = CCalenGlobalData::InstanceL( iEntryUiInParams.iCalSession );
+    iOriginalCalEntry = CCalenUnifiedEditor::CreateCopyL( iEditedCalEntry );
+    // Setup title and status panes
+    CEikStatusPane* sp = iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->StatusPane();
+    CAknTitlePane* tp = static_cast<CAknTitlePane*>( sp->ControlL( TUid::Uid(EEikStatusPaneUidTitle) ) );
+    HBufC* titleText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_CALE_UNIFIED_EDITOR_TITLE, iCoeEnv );
+    tp->SetTextL( *titleText );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( titleText );
+    // Put default, empty Status Pane.
+    iNaviContainer = static_cast<CAknNavigationControlContainer *>( sp->ControlL(TUid::Uid(EEikStatusPaneUidNavi) ) );
+    iNaviContainer->PushDefaultL();
+    // Connect to services, and register for notifications of
+    // changes to the database.
+    TInt services( iEntryUiInParams.iSpare );
+    iServices = reinterpret_cast< MCalenServices* >( services );
+    RArray<TCalenNotification> notificationArray;
+    notificationArray.Append( ECalenNotifyEntryDeleted );
+    notificationArray.Append( ECalenNotifyInstanceDeleted );
+    notificationArray.Append( ECalenNotifyDeleteFailed );
+    notificationArray.Append( ECalenNotifyEntryInstanceViewCreated );
+    notificationArray.Append( ECalenNotifyExternalDatabaseChanged );
+    notificationArray.Append( ECalenNotifyMapClosed );
+    notificationArray.Append( ECalenNotifyAttachmentAdded );
+    notificationArray.Append( ECalenNotifyAttachmentRemoved );
+    notificationArray.Append( ECalenNotifyCalendarFileDeleted );
+    iServices->RegisterForNotificationsL( this, notificationArray );
+    notificationArray.Reset();
+    GetAllCollectionidsL(iCollectionIds);
+    iEditorDataHandler = CCalenEditorDataHandler::NewL( iEditedCalEntry,
+                                               iEntryUiInParams.iInstanceDate,
+                                               IsCreatingNewEntry(),
+                                               MaxTextEditorLength(),
+                                               *iServices , iCollectionIds);
+    iEntryUpdater = CCalenEntryUpdater::NewL( *iServices , iCollectionIds);
+    //iServices->EntryViewL(iServices->Context().InstanceId().iColId);
+    iUnifiedEditorControl = CCalenUnifiedEditorControl::NewL( *this,*iServices );
+    isReplaceLocation = EFalse;
+    iIdle = CIdle::NewL( CActive::EPriorityUserInput );
+    iIdle->Start( TCallBack( KeyCallBack, this) );
+    iCoeEnv->AddFepObserverL( *this );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::ExecuteViewL
+// Dummy implementation. Use ExecuteLD() instead.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CCalenUnifiedEditor::ExecuteViewL( RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& /*aEntries*/,
+                                        const TAgnEntryUiInParams& /*aInParams*/,
+                                        TAgnEntryUiOutParams& /*aOutParams*/,
+                                        MAgnEntryUiCallback& /*aCallback*/ )
+    {
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::SetHelpContext
+// Sets the help context.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::SetHelpContext( const TCoeHelpContext& /*aContext*/ )
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::HandleNotification
+// Handles calendar notifications
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::HandleNotification( TCalenNotification aNotification )
+    {
+    switch( aNotification )
+        {
+        case ECalenNotifyExternalDatabaseChanged:
+            {
+            iLastDbChangeNotification.UniversalTime();
+            }
+            break;
+        case ECalenNotifyEntryDeleted:
+            {
+            iEntryUiOutParams.iAction = MAgnEntryUi::EMeetingDeleted;
+            PIM_TRAPD_HANDLE( CloseFormWithoutActionsL() );
+            }
+            break;
+        case ECalenNotifyInstanceDeleted:
+            {
+            iEntryUiOutParams.iAction = MAgnEntryUi::EInstanceDeleted;
+            PIM_TRAPD_HANDLE( CloseFormWithoutActionsL() );
+            }
+            break;
+        case ECalenNotifyMapClosed:
+            {
+            // User has closed the map, store/update necessary details
+            PIM_TRAPD_HANDLE( UpdateLocationInfoToFormL() );
+            }
+            break;
+        case ECalenNotifyDeleteFailed:
+            {
+            iEntryUiOutParams.iAction = MAgnEntryUi::ENoAction;
+            }
+            break;
+        case ECalenNotifyAttachmentAdded:
+        case ECalenNotifyAttachmentRemoved:    
+            {
+            // TODO: Uncomment this when enabling attachment support
+            PIM_TRAPD_HANDLE( UpdateAttachmentInfoToEditorL() );
+            }
+            break;
+        case ECalenNotifyEntryInstanceViewCreated:
+            break;
+        case ECalenNotifyCalendarFileDeleted:
+            {
+            TPtrC fileNamePtr = iServices->Context().GetCalendarFileNameL();
+            if(!fileNamePtr.CompareF(iUnifiedEditorControl->GetCalendarNameForEntryL()))
+                {
+                DisplayErrorMsgL( CCalenEditorDataHandler::EFormErrDbConflictEntryDeleted );
+                iEntryUiOutParams.iAction = EMeetingDeleted;
+                TryExitL( KCalenButtonIdCloseForm );
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::InsertFieldL
+// Inserts dialog line (form field) defined by aResourceI
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::InsertFieldL( TInt aResourceId, TInt aControlId,
+                                        TInt aPrevControlId )
+    {
+    CCoeControl* prevControl = Control( aPrevControlId );
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG( prevControl, User::Invariant() );
+    TInt pos = FindLineIndex( *prevControl );
+    pos = pos + 1;
+    InsertLineL( pos, aResourceId );
+    // We need to activate line, otherwise drawing doesn't work correctly
+    Line( aControlId )->ActivateL();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::HasField
+// Check for field exists in unified editor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CCalenUnifiedEditor::HasField( TInt aField )
+    {
+    return ControlOrNull( aField ) != NULL;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::UpdateFormL
+// Update form. You can force update of form with this,
+// if you modify some of the field values dynamically. 
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::UpdateFormL()
+    {
+    UpdatePageL(ETrue);
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CreateCopyL
+// Create a copy of the given entry.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCalEntry* CCalenUnifiedEditor::CreateCopyL( CCalEntry& aOther )
+    {
+    HBufC8* guid = aOther.UidL().AllocLC();
+    CCalEntry* entry;
+    if( aOther.RecurrenceIdL().TimeUtcL() != Time::NullTTime() )
+        {
+        entry = CCalEntry::NewL( aOther.EntryTypeL(), guid,
+                                 aOther.MethodL(),
+                                 aOther.SequenceNumberL(),
+                                 aOther.RecurrenceIdL(),
+                                 aOther.RecurrenceRangeL() );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        entry = CCalEntry::NewL( aOther.EntryTypeL(), guid,
+                                 aOther.MethodL(),
+                                 aOther.SequenceNumberL() );
+        }
+    CleanupStack::Pop( guid ); // ownership was passed
+    CleanupStack::PushL( entry );
+    aOther.DescriptionL();  // make sure entry is fully loaded
+    entry->CopyFromL( aOther );
+    entry->DescriptionL();  // make sure entry is fully copied
+    CleanupStack::Pop( entry );
+    return entry;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::OkToExitL
+// Handles exiting of the unified editor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CCalenUnifiedEditor::OkToExitL( TInt aButtonId )
+    {
+    TBool isExitForm( ETrue );
+    TBool active = EFalse;
+    TCalCollectionId colId = iEditorDataHandler->CurrentDbCollectionId(); 
+    VerifyCollectionIdL(colId);
+	TInt newCtrlId=IdOfFocusControl();
+    switch ( aButtonId )
+        {
+        case EAknSoftkeyChange:
+            {
+            isExitForm=EFalse;
+            // to Handle MSK key 'Change'
+			if(newCtrlId == ECalenEditorEventType || newCtrlId == ECalenEditorRepeat
+			                                      || newCtrlId == ECalenEditorDBName
+			                                      || newCtrlId == ECalenEditorPriority)
+				{
+	            CEikCaptionedControl* line=CurrentLine();
+	            TInt type=line->iControlType;
+	            TBool isPopUp=( type && EAknCtPopupField ) || ( type == EAknCtPopupFieldText );
+	            if (isPopUp)
+	                {
+	                CAknPopupField* ctrl = static_cast<CAknPopupField*>( line->iControl );
+	                ctrl->ActivateSelectionListL();
+	                }
+				}
+			else if( newCtrlId == ECalenEditorReminder ) 
+                {
+                if( iUnifiedEditorControl->IsAlarmActiveInForm() )
+                    { 
+                    SetAlarmFieldOnOffL( EFalse );           
+                    active = EFalse;
+                    } 
+                else
+                    {
+                    SetAlarmFieldOnOffL( ETrue );                
+                    active = ETrue;
+                    }
+                iUnifiedEditorControl->CheckAlarmActive( active );
+                TryChangeFocusToL( ECalenEditorReminder );
+                }
+            else if( newCtrlId == ECalenEditorAllDayItem )
+                {
+                if( iUnifiedEditorControl->IsAllDayEvent() )
+                    {
+                    SetAllDayFieldL( EFalse );
+                    active = EFalse;
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    SetAllDayFieldL( ETrue );
+                    active = ETrue;
+                    }
+                iUnifiedEditorControl->SetAllDayEvent( active );
+                }
+            break;
+            }
+        case EAknSoftkeyOptions:
+            {
+            DisplayMenuL();
+            isExitForm = EFalse;
+            break;
+            }
+        case KCalenButtonIdCloseForm:
+            {
+            // Do nothing, just close.
+            // This is called when entry is deleted
+            // via menu or clearing texts
+            isExitForm = ETrue;
+            break;
+            }
+        case ECalenCmdCloseDialog:
+             {
+             // Forced close of the dialog when calendar is reopened from the 
+             // command line.  We do not want to update calendars stored focus
+             // in case we override any command line parameters
+             // Intentional fall through to EEikBidCancel below
+             iEntryUiOutParams.iAction = ENoAction;
+             iEntryUiOutParams.iSpare = 0;
+             // Fall through...
+             }
+         case ECalenEditSeries:
+         case ECalenEditOccurrence:
+         case EAknCmdExit:
+         case EEikBidCancel:
+             {
+             // EEikBidCancel is called when Red End key is pressed or
+             // MMC card is taken out or application is killed via Swap Window
+             // EAknCmdExit is called, when user selects Options->Exit
+             //   (see OnCmdExit)
+             // At this point, CAknShutter fires us EEikBidCancel key events
+             // offering it to our dialog control. Firing key events continues
+             // until our dialog is closed, which is detected by FW.                    
+             // Entry can't be stored if EntryView does not exist. 
+             // Will exit and lose some data if entry was really edited.
+             if( iServices->EntryViewL(colId) )
+                 {
+                 PIM_TRAPD_HANDLE( TryToSaveNoteOnForcedExitL() );
+                 }
+             break;
+             }
+         case EAknSoftkeyDone:
+             {
+             // Need an entry view before starting to
+             // handle the done button. 
+             if( iServices->EntryViewL(colId) )
+                 {
+                 isExitForm = HandleDoneL();
+                 }
+             else
+                 {
+                 // The entry view has not been constructed yet
+                 //iCreatingEntryView = EFalse;
+                 isExitForm = EFalse;
+                 } 
+             }
+             break;
+         case ECalenGetLocation:
+        	{
+        	// Issue command to framework to launch the map
+        	isExitForm=EFalse;
+        	ReadPlaceFromEditorL(); // to remove any picture characters in location string
+            TBuf<ECalenAbsoluteMaxTextEditorLength> location;
+            GetEdwinText(location, ECalenEditorPlace);
+            CCalGeoValue* geoValue = iEditorDataHandler->Entry().GeoValueL();
+            if(geoValue)
+                {
+                CPosLandmark* landmark = CPosLandmark::NewL();
+                landmark->SetLandmarkNameL(location);
+                TReal latitude;
+                TReal longitude;
+                geoValue->GetLatLong(latitude, longitude);
+                TPosition position;
+                position.SetCoordinate(latitude, longitude);
+                landmark->SetPositionL(position);
+                delete geoValue;
+                MCalenContext& context = iServices->Context();
+                context.SetLandMark(landmark);
+                }
+            else if(location.Length())
+                {
+                CPosLandmark* landmark = CPosLandmark::NewL();
+                landmark->SetLandmarkNameL(location);
+                MCalenContext& context = iServices->Context();
+                context.SetLandMark(landmark);
+                }
+            iServices->IssueCommandL(ECalenGetLocation);
+        	}
+            break;
+         default:
+             isExitForm = EFalse;
+             break;
+        }
+    return isExitForm;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::OfferKeyEventL
+// Handles key events
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TKeyResponse CCalenUnifiedEditor::OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
+                                                  TEventCode aType )
+    {
+    TBool isMapIconHandled = EFalse;
+    TKeyResponse keyResponse( EKeyWasNotConsumed );
+    TInt ctrlid=IdOfFocusControl();
+    /* If KeyCallBack has not been called after construction 
+     * (= initialization of iIdle) call it now to 
+     * handle key event queue.
+     */
+    if ( iIdle )
+        {
+        KeyCallBack( this );
+        }
+    if ( aType == EEventKey )
+        {
+        switch ( aKeyEvent.iCode )
+            {
+            case EKeyOK:
+                // TODO: Uncomment this when enabling attachment support
+                if(ctrlid == ECalenEditorAttachment)
+                    {
+                    if(Edited().AttachmentCount() || iServices->GetAttachmentData()->NumberOfItems())
+                        {
+                        iServices->IssueCommandL( ECalenViewAttachmentList );
+                        }
+                    }
+                break;
+            case EKeyEscape:
+                // Calendar relaunched from cmd line - close viewer
+                // NOTE: This was changed from EAknCmdExit to ECalenCmdCloseDialog since launching
+                // the calanedar from cmd line or opening missed alarm view while calendar editor is
+                // opened is closing the application.
+                TryExitL( ECalenCmdCloseDialog );
+                keyResponse = EKeyWasConsumed;
+                break;
+            case EKeyEnter: // For Enter key
+				{
+				keyResponse = CAknForm::OfferKeyEventL(aKeyEvent,aType); // Let framework handle the key event
+				// when enter key is pressed on subject line or on location line, call AddPictureL to recalculate the map icon position properly
+				// as location field could habe moved up or down
+				if(ctrlid == ECalenEditorPlace || ctrlid == ECalenEditorSubject)
+					{
+					CCalGeoValue* geoValue = iEditorDataHandler->Entry().GeoValueL();
+					if(geoValue)
+						{
+						isMapIconHandled = ETrue;
+						AddPictureL();
+						delete geoValue;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				break;
+			case EKeyDelete:
+				{
+				if(ctrlid == ECalenEditorPlace)
+					{
+					CCalGeoValue* geoValue = iEditorDataHandler->Entry().GeoValueL();
+					if(geoValue)
+						{
+						CEikRichTextEditor* locationControl = static_cast<CEikRichTextEditor*>(Control(ECalenEditorPlace));
+						CRichText* text = locationControl->RichText();
+						TPtrC ptr = text->Read(0,text->DocumentLength());
+						TInt pos = ptr.Locate(TChar(CEditableText::EPictureCharacter));
+						if(locationControl->CursorPos() == pos)
+							{
+							isMapIconHandled = ETrue;
+							keyResponse = EKeyWasConsumed;
+							delete geoValue;
+							break;
+							}
+						delete geoValue;
+						}
+					}
+					keyResponse = CAknForm::OfferKeyEventL(aKeyEvent,aType); // Let framework handle the key event
+				}
+				break;
+			case EKeyBackspace:  // For back space character
+				{
+				if(ctrlid == ECalenEditorPlace)
+					{
+					CCalGeoValue* geoValue = iEditorDataHandler->Entry().GeoValueL();
+					if(geoValue)
+						{
+						CEikRichTextEditor* locationControl = static_cast<CEikRichTextEditor*>(Control(ECalenEditorPlace));
+						CRichText* text = locationControl->RichText();
+						TPtrC ptr = text->Read(0,text->DocumentLength());
+						TInt pos = ptr.Locate(TChar(CEditableText::EPictureCharacter));
+						TInt curpos = locationControl->CursorPos();
+						// When only one visible character is there and picture byte is there at second position, then
+						// empty the location field and redraw the map icon
+						if(text->DocumentLength() <= 2) 
+							{
+							TBuf<1> newLocation;
+							SetEdwinTextL(ECalenEditorPlace, &newLocation);
+							keyResponse = EKeyWasConsumed;
+							delete geoValue;
+							isMapIconHandled = ETrue;
+							AddPictureL();
+							break;
+							}
+						//  when cursor position is at the end, then since, picture byte is at the end
+						// delete last but one character (for user, it looks as if last visible character is being deleted)
+						// and redraw the icon
+						 else if( curpos == pos + 1)
+							{
+							text->DeleteL(text->DocumentLength() - 2,1);
+							AddPictureL();
+							locationControl->SetCursorPosL(curpos - 1, EFalse);
+							isMapIconHandled = ETrue;
+							keyResponse = EKeyWasConsumed;
+							delete geoValue;
+							break;
+							}
+						delete geoValue;
+						}
+					}
+				// This is to handle backspaces in subject field when there nore that one lines,
+				// location field will move up, hence, need to redraw the map icon
+				else if(ctrlid == ECalenEditorSubject)
+					{
+					keyResponse = CAknForm::OfferKeyEventL(aKeyEvent,aType);
+					CCalGeoValue* geoValue = iEditorDataHandler->Entry().GeoValueL();
+					if(geoValue)
+						{
+						AddPictureL();
+						isMapIconHandled = ETrue;
+						delete geoValue;
+						}
+					break;
+					}
+				}
+            case EKeyLeftArrow:
+            case EKeyRightArrow:
+                {
+                if( ECalenEditorEventType == IdOfFocusControl() )
+                    {
+                    keyResponse = EKeyWasConsumed; 
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    keyResponse = CAknForm::OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );    
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            default:
+                {
+                keyResponse = CAknForm::OfferKeyEventL(aKeyEvent,aType); 
+                if(!isMapIconHandled)
+                    {
+                    if((ctrlid == ECalenEditorPlace) || (ctrlid == ECalenEditorSubject))
+                        {
+                        CCalGeoValue* geoValue = iEditorDataHandler->Entry().GeoValueL();
+                        if(geoValue)
+                            {
+                            isMapIconHandled = ETrue;
+                            AddPictureL();
+                            delete geoValue;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    // For handling geokeys on corolla hardware
+	// For Add location hard key
+	if( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyApplication1C && aType == EEventKeyUp )
+		{
+		if(CCalenLocationUtil::IsMapProviderAvailableL())
+			{
+			TryChangeFocusToL(ECalenEditorPlace);
+			ReadPlaceFromEditorL(); // to remove any picture characters in location string
+			TBuf<ECalenAbsoluteMaxTextEditorLength> location;
+			GetEdwinText(location, ECalenEditorPlace);
+			CPosLandmark* landmark = NULL;
+			if(location.Length())
+				{
+				landmark = CPosLandmark::NewL();
+				landmark->SetLandmarkNameL(location);
+				}
+				CCalGeoValue* geoValue = iEditorDataHandler->Entry().GeoValueL();
+				if(geoValue)
+					{
+					if(!landmark)
+						{
+						landmark = CPosLandmark::NewL();
+						}
+					TReal latitude;
+					TReal longitude;
+					geoValue->GetLatLong(latitude, longitude);
+					TPosition position;
+					position.SetCoordinate(latitude, longitude);
+					landmark->SetPositionL(position);
+					delete geoValue;
+					}
+				MCalenContext& context = iServices->Context();
+				context.SetLandMark(landmark);	
+			iServices->IssueCommandL(ECalenGetLocation);
+			keyResponse = EKeyWasConsumed;
+			}
+		}
+	// For Show location hard key
+	else if( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyApplication1B && aType == EEventKeyUp )
+		{
+		ReadPlaceFromEditorL();
+		TBuf<ECalenAbsoluteMaxTextEditorLength> location;
+		GetEdwinText(location, ECalenEditorPlace);
+		if(CCalenLocationUtil::IsMapProviderAvailableL())
+			{
+			TryChangeFocusToL(ECalenEditorPlace);
+			MCalenContext& context = iServices->Context();
+			CCalGeoValue* geoValue = iEditorDataHandler->Entry().GeoValueL();
+			if(geoValue)
+				{
+				CPosLandmark* landmark = CPosLandmark::NewL();
+				landmark->SetLandmarkNameL(location);
+				TReal latitude;
+				TReal longitude;
+				geoValue->GetLatLong(latitude, longitude);
+				TPosition position;
+				position.SetCoordinate(latitude, longitude);
+				landmark->SetPositionL(position);
+				context.SetLandMark(landmark);
+				iServices->IssueCommandL(ECalenShowLocation);
+				delete geoValue;
+				}
+			else if(location.Length())
+				{
+				CPosLandmark* landmark = CPosLandmark::NewL();
+				landmark->SetLandmarkNameL(location);
+				context.SetLandMark(landmark);
+				isReplaceLocation = ETrue;
+				iServices->IssueCommandL(ECalenGetLocation);
+				}
+			keyResponse = EKeyWasConsumed;
+			}
+		}
+		// Swallow all other keyevents to prevent the active container processing them.
+    keyResponse = EKeyWasConsumed;
+    return keyResponse;    
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::HandleCompletionOfTransactionL
+// Is called when fep transaction has been completed. If this
+// happens before key event queue has been simulated, events in 
+// key buffer must be ignored. If key events are simulated after this
+// result is duplicate characters or wrong order of characters.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::HandleCompletionOfTransactionL()
+    {
+    if( iIdle )
+        {
+        delete iIdle;
+        iIdle = NULL;
+        iServices->ResetKeyEventQueue();/*ignore all events*/
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::KeyCallBack
+// Handles key events in key event queue
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CCalenUnifiedEditor::KeyCallBack( TAny *aSelf )
+    {
+    CCalenUnifiedEditor *self = static_cast<CCalenUnifiedEditor*>( aSelf );
+    delete self->iIdle;
+    self->iIdle = NULL;
+    TKeyEvent event;
+    TEventCode type;
+    while( self->iServices->GetQueuedKeyEvent( event, type ) )
+        {
+        TRAPD(err,
+              self->iCoeEnv->SimulateKeyEventL( event, type );
+              );
+        if ( err != KErrNone )
+            {
+            CEikEdwin* edwin = static_cast<CEikEdwin*>( self->Control( self->IdOfFocusControl() ) );
+            edwin->CancelFepTransaction(); // indispensable to avoid crash
+            self->iCoeEnv->HandleError( err );
+            }
+        }
+    return EFalse;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  CCalenUnifiedEditor::LocaleCallback
+//  This function is called when a locale(or today) is changed.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CCalenUnifiedEditor::LocaleCallback( TAny* aThisPtr ) // A CCalenFormBase pointer
+    {
+    CCalenUnifiedEditor* unifiededitor = static_cast<CCalenUnifiedEditor*>( aThisPtr );
+    if( unifiededitor->iIgnoreFirstLocaleChange )
+        {
+        // Ignore the first locale change so we don't rebuild for no reason.
+        unifiededitor->iIgnoreFirstLocaleChange = EFalse;
+        return EFalse;
+        }
+    return unifiededitor->HandleLocaleChange( unifiededitor->iLocaleChangeNotifier->Change() );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  CCalenUnifiedEditor::HandleLocaleChange
+//  CCalenUnifiedEditor::LocaleCallback() methods calls this method
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CCalenUnifiedEditor::HandleLocaleChange( TInt aChange )
+    {
+    PIM_TRAPD_HANDLE( DoHandleLocaleChangeL( aChange ) );
+    return FALSE;    
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  CCalenUnifiedEditor::DoHandleLocaleChange
+//  HandleLocaleChange calls this function
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::DoHandleLocaleChangeL( TInt aChange )
+    {
+    if( aChange & EChangesSystemTime )
+        {
+        // System time zone change.  Recreate the handler, so that
+        // the new local time is shown in the viewer.
+        if( !IsCreatingNewEntry() )
+            {
+            if( !iEditorDataHandler->IsEditedL() )
+                {
+                delete iEditorDataHandler;
+                iEditorDataHandler = NULL;
+                iEditorDataHandler = CCalenEditorDataHandler::NewL( iEditedCalEntry,
+                                                  iEntryUiInParams.iInstanceDate,
+                                                  IsCreatingNewEntry(),
+                                                  MaxTextEditorLength(),
+                                                  *iServices ,iCollectionIds);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                iEditorDataHandler->ResetOriginalDataL();
+                }
+            }
+        iUnifiedEditorControl->SetDataToEditorL();
+        }
+    if ( aChange & EChangesLocale )
+        {
+        iUnifiedEditorControl->ReadDataFromEditorL( ETrue );
+        iUnifiedEditorControl->UpdateLinesOnLocaleChangeL();
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::PreLayoutDynInitL
+// Initializes the dialog's controls before the dialog is sized
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::PreLayoutDynInitL()
+    {
+    iUnifiedEditorControl->MakeUnifiedEditorL();
+    // Hides Entry type and Calendar Field for exceptional entry/single
+    // instance of recurrent entry.
+    HideFieldsForEditSingleInstance();
+    TRACE_EXIT_POINT;         
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::PostLayoutDynInitL
+// Initializes the dialog's controls after the dialog has been sized 
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::PostLayoutDynInitL()
+    {
+    SetEditableL(ETrue);
+    CCalGeoValue* geoValue = iEditorDataHandler->Entry().GeoValueL();
+	if(geoValue)
+		{
+		AddPictureL();	
+		delete geoValue;	
+		}
+    TCallBack callback( LocaleCallback, this );
+    iLocaleChangeNotifier =
+        CEnvironmentChangeNotifier::NewL( EActivePriorityLogonA, callback );
+    iLocaleChangeNotifier->Start();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::HandleControlStateChangeL
+// IHandles a state change in the control with id aControlId.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::HandleControlStateChangeL( TInt aControlId )
+    {
+    iUnifiedEditorControl->HandleControlStateChangeL( aControlId );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::PrepareForFocusTransitionL
+// Tries to change focus to the specified line.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::PrepareForFocusTransitionL()
+    {
+    CEikDialog::PrepareForFocusTransitionL();
+    iUnifiedEditorControl->PrepareForFocusTransitionL( IdOfFocusControl() );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::ActivateL
+// Try to change item focus here 
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::ActivateL()
+    {
+    CAknForm::ActivateL();
+    TryChangeFocusToL( ECalenEditorSubject );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::ProcessCommandL
+// Handles editor menu commands
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId )
+    {
+    HideMenu();
+    switch( aCommandId )
+        {
+        case ECalenCmdCancel:
+            OnCmdCancelL();
+            break;
+        case ECalenDeleteCurrentEntry:
+            OnCmdDeleteNoteL();
+            break;
+        case EAknCmdExit:
+            OnCmdExitL();
+            break;
+        case EAknCmdHelp:
+            OnCmdHelpL();
+            break;
+        case ECalenSend:
+            OnCmdSendL( aCommandId );
+            break;
+        case ECalenGetLocation:
+          {
+            ReadPlaceFromEditorL(); // to remove any picture characters in location string
+        	TBuf<ECalenAbsoluteMaxTextEditorLength> location;
+    		GetEdwinText(location, ECalenEditorPlace);
+        	CCalGeoValue* geoValue = iEditorDataHandler->Entry().GeoValueL();
+        	if(geoValue)
+        		{
+        		CPosLandmark* landmark = CPosLandmark::NewL();
+        		landmark->SetLandmarkNameL(location);
+        		TReal latitude;
+				TReal longitude;
+				geoValue->GetLatLong(latitude, longitude);
+        		TPosition position;
+        		position.SetCoordinate(latitude, longitude);
+        		landmark->SetPositionL(position);
+        		delete geoValue;
+        		MCalenContext& context = iServices->Context();
+        		context.SetLandMark(landmark);
+        		}
+        	else if(location.Length())
+        	    {
+        	    CPosLandmark* landmark = CPosLandmark::NewL();
+                landmark->SetLandmarkNameL(location);
+                MCalenContext& context = iServices->Context();
+                context.SetLandMark( landmark );
+                }
+                iServices->IssueCommandL( ECalenGetLocation );
+            } 
+          break;
+        case ECalenCmdAddAttachment:
+            {
+            // TODO: Uncomment this when enabling attachment support
+            iServices->IssueCommandL( ECalenAddAttachment );
+            }
+            break;
+        case ECalenCmdViewAttachmentList:
+            {
+            iServices->IssueCommandL(ECalenViewAttachmentList);
+            }
+            break;
+        case ECalenCmdRemoveAttachment:
+            {
+            // TODO: Uncomment this when enabling attachment support
+            TInt attachmentCount = iServices->GetAttachmentData()->NumberOfItems();            
+            if(Edited().AttachmentCount() || attachmentCount)
+                {                                
+                iServices->IssueCommandL( ECalenRemoveAttachment );                               
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            {
+            if( iUnifiedEditorControl->Description() )
+                {
+                iUnifiedEditorControl->Description()->ProcessCommandL( aCommandId );
+                } 
+            }
+            // NOP, pass command through (for FEP etc.)
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+//Single click integration
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::HandleDialogPageEventL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::HandleDialogPageEventL( TInt aEventID )
+    {
+    CAknForm::HandleDialogPageEventL( aEventID );
+    if ( aEventID == MEikDialogPageObserver::EDialogPageTapped )
+        {
+        TInt focusControl( IdOfFocusControl() );
+        if ( focusControl == ECalenEditorAttachment
+                || focusControl == ECalenEditorDescription )
+            {
+                switch ( focusControl )
+                    {
+                    case ECalenEditorAttachment:
+                        {
+                        if(Edited().AttachmentCount() || iServices->GetAttachmentData()->NumberOfItems())
+                            {
+                                ProcessCommandL( ECalenCmdViewAttachmentList );
+                            }
+                        else
+                            {
+                                ProcessCommandL( ECalenCmdAddAttachment );
+                            }
+                        break;
+                        }
+                    case ECalenEditorDescription:
+                        {
+                        CEikEdwin* edwin = static_cast<CEikEdwin*>( Control( focusControl ) );  
+                        if ( edwin && edwin->Text()->DocumentLength() == 0 )
+                            {
+                                ProcessCommandL( ECalenCmdAddDescription );
+                            }
+                        else
+                            {
+                                ProcessCommandL( ECalenCmdShowDescription );
+                            }
+                        break;
+                        }
+                    default:
+                        {
+                        break;
+                        }
+                    }
+            }
+        else if ( focusControl == ECalenEditorAllDayItem )
+            {
+            // Tap on AllDay field, Switch the status of AllDay field  
+            iUnifiedEditorControl->SetAllDayEvent(
+                    !( iUnifiedEditorControl->IsAllDayEvent() ) );
+            }
+        else if ( focusControl == ECalenEditorReminder )
+            {
+            TBool active;
+            if( iUnifiedEditorControl->IsAlarmActiveInForm() )
+                { 
+                SetAlarmFieldOnOffL( EFalse );           
+                active = EFalse;
+                } 
+            else
+                {
+                SetAlarmFieldOnOffL( ETrue );                
+                active = ETrue;
+                }
+            iUnifiedEditorControl->CheckAlarmActive( active );
+            TryChangeFocusToL( ECalenEditorReminder );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  CCalenUnifiedEditor::HandleResourceChange
+//  Handdles the resource change
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::HandleResourceChange( TInt aType )
+    {
+    if( aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch )
+        {
+        CAknForm::HandleResourceChange( aType );
+        }
+    CCoeControl::HandleResourceChange( aType );
+    CCalGeoValue* geoValue = NULL;
+	TRAP_IGNORE(geoValue = iEditorDataHandler->Entry().GeoValueL());	
+	if(geoValue)
+		{
+		TRAP_IGNORE(AddPictureL());	
+		delete geoValue;	
+		}
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::DynInitMenuPaneL
+// Dynamic initialistaion of menu pane
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::DynInitMenuPaneL( 
+        TInt aResourceId, 
+        CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane )
+    {
+    TInt ctrlid=IdOfFocusControl();
+    switch ( aResourceId )
+        {
+            {
+            // Here we have to call other classes DynInitMenuPaneL
+            // in that order that we want items to appear!
+            if( ctrlid == ECalenEditorDescription )
+                {
+                iUnifiedEditorControl->Description()->DynInitMenuPaneL( 
+                        aResourceId, 
+                        aMenuPane );
+                }
+            // TODO: Uncomment this when enabling attachment support
+            if( ctrlid == ECalenEditorAttachment )
+                {
+                aMenuPane->AddMenuItemsL( R_CALEN_EDITOR_ATTACHMENTS_MENUPANE );
+                if( !EntryHasAttachments() )
+                    {
+                    aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( ECalenCmdRemoveAttachment );
+                    }
+                }
+            aMenuPane->AddMenuItemsL( R_CALEN_UNIFIED_EDITOR_DEFAULT_MENUPANE );
+            if( ( ctrlid != ECalenEditorPlace ) || 
+                    ( !CCalenLocationUtil::IsMapProviderAvailableL() ) )
+                {
+                aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( ECalenGetLocation );
+                }
+            if( IsCreatingNewEntry() )
+                {
+                // Always remove the `Discard Changes' option from the menu-
+                // pane when a new entry is being created.
+                aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( ECalenCmdCancel );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                // While editing, first check if any of the fields have changed.
+                // Then check if the entry type field has changed.
+                if( !EditorDataHandler().IsEditedL() )
+                    {
+                    if( !EditorDataHandler().IsEntryTypeEdited() )
+                        {
+                        aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( ECalenCmdCancel );
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            if( !FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdHelp ) )
+                {
+                aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( EAknCmdHelp );
+                }
+            if( ctrlid != ECalenEditorPeople )
+                {
+                aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( ECalenCmdAddPeople );
+                }
+            TryInsertSendMenuL( aResourceId, aMenuPane );
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            {
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::OnCmdCancelL
+// Handles cancel command.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::OnCmdCancelL()
+    {
+    CAknQueryDialog* dlg = CAknQueryDialog::NewL();
+    if( dlg->ExecuteLD( R_CALEN_CANCEL_CHANGES_QUERY ) )
+        {
+        CloseFormWithoutActionsL();
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::OnCmdDeleteNoteL
+// Handles delete command.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::OnCmdDeleteNoteL()
+    {
+    TryToDeleteNoteL( ETrue );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::OnCmdSendL
+// Handles the send command. This function differs from the ViewerBase version
+// in that the ViewerBase does not attempt to save or delete the entry first.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::OnCmdSendL( TInt aCommandId )
+    {
+    // Show menu to user 
+    // CCalenSend handles selection internally, so we don't get anything in return
+    iGlobalData->CalenSendL().DisplaySendCascadeMenuL();
+    // Try to send
+    if ( iGlobalData->CalenSendL().CanSendL(aCommandId) )
+        {
+        TBool canSend(ETrue);
+        const TBool continueOnError = EFalse;
+        iUnifiedEditorControl->ReadDataFromEditorL( continueOnError );
+        CCalenEditorDataHandler::TAction action =
+            EditorDataHandler().ShouldSaveOrDeleteOrDoNothingL();
+        if(  action == CCalenEditorDataHandler::EActionSave )
+            {
+            canSend = TryToSaveNoteL();
+            }
+        if ( canSend )
+            {
+            iGlobalData->CalenSendL().SendAsVCalendarL( aCommandId, EditorDataHandler().Entry() );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::OnCmdHelpL
+// Handles help command.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::OnCmdHelpL()
+    {
+    if( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdHelp ) )
+        {
+        HlpLauncher::LaunchHelpApplicationL(
+            iCoeEnv->WsSession(),
+            static_cast<CCoeAppUi*>( iCoeEnv->AppUi() )->AppHelpContextL() );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::OnCmdExitL
+// Handles exit command.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::OnCmdExitL()
+    {
+    TryExitL( EAknCmdExit );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::TryToDeleteNoteL
+// Deletes the note from agenda.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::TryToDeleteNoteL( TBool /* aIsViaDeleteMenu */ )
+    {
+    if (IsCreatingNewEntry())
+        {
+        iEntryUpdater->TryDeleteInstanceWithUiL( EditorDataHandler().Entry() ,
+                                        EditorDataHandler().InstanceDateTime() ,
+                                        *iServices );
+        }
+    else 
+        {
+        // FIXME. With new MAgnEntryUi we could use MAgnEntryUi::EInstanceDeleted
+        iEntryUpdater->TryDeleteInstanceWithUiL( EditorDataHandler().Entry() ,
+                                    EditorDataHandler().InstanceDateTime() ,
+                                   iRepeatType, *iServices );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::TryInsertSendMenuL
+// Inserts the send menu, if needed.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::TryInsertSendMenuL( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane )
+    {
+    // Only insert if there is some summary (or location)
+    if( !EditorDataHandler().AreTextFieldsEmptyL() )
+        {
+        // Insert Send menu item
+        iServices->OfferMenuPaneL( aResourceId, aMenuPane );
+        }
+    else
+        {// Delete Send Menu item if exists
+        aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( ECalenSend );
+        }    
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::CloseFormWithoutActionsL
+// Closes the form. We have to do it via dialog's exit mechanism
+// with custom id (KCalenButtonIdCloseForm).
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::CloseFormWithoutActionsL()
+    {
+    TryExitL( KCalenButtonIdCloseForm );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::CreateCustomControlL
+// Returns a new custom control.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+SEikControlInfo CCalenUnifiedEditor::CreateCustomControlL( TInt aControlType )
+    {
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aControlType==ECalenCtDescriptionField, User::Invariant() );
+    return iUnifiedEditorControl->Description()->CreateFieldL();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::ConvertCustomControlTypeToBaseControlType
+// This method has to be implemented, otherwise custom components do not work with forms.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    CCalenUnifiedEditor::ConvertCustomControlTypeToBaseControlType( TInt aControlType ) const
+    {
+    if( aControlType == ECalenCtDescriptionField )
+        {
+        return MEikDialogPageObserver::EEdwinDerived;
+        }
+    return MEikDialogPageObserver::EUnknownType;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::AskRepeatingNoteQueriesL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCalenEditorDataHandler::TError CCalenUnifiedEditor::AskRepeatingNoteQueriesL(
+    CalCommon::TRecurrenceRange& aRepeatType )
+    {
+    CCalenEditorDataHandler::TError error = CCalenEditorDataHandler::EFormErrNone;
+    switch( GetEntryType() )
+        {
+        case CCalEntry::EAnniv:
+            {
+            if ( ShouldQueryForStartDateChange() )
+                {
+                // Query for StartDate change
+                error = QueryStartDateChangeL();
+                }
+            TRACE_EXIT_POINT;
+            return error;
+            }
+            //break;           
+        case CCalEntry::EAppt:
+            {
+            if ( ShouldQueryForStartDateChange() )
+                {
+                if ( EditorDataHandler().IsStartDateChanged() )
+                    {
+                    TRACE_EXIT_POINT;
+                    // Query for StartDate change
+                    return QueryStartDateChangeL();
+                    }
+                }
+            if( iHasChosenRepeatType )
+                {
+                // Don't ask the "this/series" question when we have chosen already.
+                return error;
+                }
+            TRACE_EXIT_POINT;
+            return iUnifiedEditorControl->AskRepeatingNoteQueriesL(aRepeatType);
+            }
+            //break;
+        case CCalEntry::ETodo:
+        case CCalEntry::EEvent:
+            {
+            TRACE_EXIT_POINT;
+            return error;
+            }
+            //break;  
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+	return error;
+    }
+TBool CCalenUnifiedEditor::ShouldQueryForStartDateChange()
+    {
+    TBool shouldQuery = EFalse;
+    // For Meeting entry type.
+    if( GetEntryType() == CCalEntry::EAppt )
+        {
+		shouldQuery = ! IsCreatingNewEntry() &&
+            ( Edited().IsRepeating() && EditorDataHandler().Original().IsRepeating() );
+        }
+    // For Anniversary enty type
+    if( GetEntryType() == CCalEntry::EAnniv )
+        {
+        shouldQuery = ! IsCreatingNewEntry();
+        }
+	return shouldQuery;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::QueryStartDateChangeL
+// If the entry is repeating, and the edited start date is different from the
+// original start date, prompt the user and ask if they are sure they want to
+// change the start date of the repeating entry.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCalenEditorDataHandler::TError CCalenUnifiedEditor::QueryStartDateChangeL()
+    {
+    TTime oldStartDate = EditorDataHandler().Original().StartDateTime();
+    TTime newStartDate = Edited().StartDateTime();
+    // The "Are you sure you want to change start date of repeating note?"
+    // query should only be shown for repeating notes.
+    if ( iRepeatType == CalCommon::EThisAndAll
+        && ! CalenDateUtils::OnSameDay( oldStartDate, newStartDate ) )
+        {
+        CAknQueryDialog* queryDlg = CAknQueryDialog::NewL();
+        TInt answer = queryDlg->ExecuteLD( R_CALEN_REPEAT_NOTE_START_CHANGED );
+        if (!answer) // Answer "No"
+            {
+            TRACE_EXIT_POINT;
+            return CCalenEditorDataHandler::EFormErrCancelSaveRepNoteWhenStartChange;
+            }
+        }
+    return CCalenEditorDataHandler::EFormErrNone;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::IsCreatingNewEntry
+// Returns ETrue if the entry has just been created, EFalse if the entry
+// already existed in agenda.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CCalenUnifiedEditor::IsCreatingNewEntry() const
+    {
+    return iEntryUiInParams.iEditorMode == MAgnEntryUi::ECreateNewEntry;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::MaxTextEditorLength
+// Returns the maximum length the text editor can be.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CCalenUnifiedEditor::MaxTextEditorLength() const
+    {
+    switch ( AknLayoutUtils::Variant() )
+        {
+        case EEuropeanVariant:
+            {
+            TRACE_EXIT_POINT;
+            return KCalenMaxELAFTextEditorLength;
+            }
+        case EApacVariant:
+            {
+            TRACE_EXIT_POINT;
+            return KCalenMaxAPACTextEditorLength;
+            }
+        }
+    return 0;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::EditorDataHandler
+// Returns the editor data handler.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCalenEditorDataHandler& CCalenUnifiedEditor::EditorDataHandler()
+    {
+    return *iEditorDataHandler;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::Edited
+// Returns the data being edited.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCalenEntryUtil& CCalenUnifiedEditor::Edited()
+    {
+    return iEditorDataHandler->Edited();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::Original
+// Returns the original data.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const CCalenEntryUtil& CCalenUnifiedEditor::Original() const
+    {
+    return iEditorDataHandler->Original();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::SetEditorTextL
+// Sets editor text
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::SetEditorTextL( TInt aControlId, const TDesC* aDes )
+    {
+    SetEdwinTextL( aControlId, aDes );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::ReadSubjectFromEditorL
+//  Reads subject field from unified editor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::ReadSubjectFromEditorL()
+    {
+    TBuf<ECalenAbsoluteMaxTextEditorLength> editorText;
+    GetEdwinText( editorText,ECalenEditorSubject );
+    Edited().SetSummaryL( editorText );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::ReadPlaceFromEditorL
+// Reads "Place" item from unified editor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::ReadPlaceFromEditorL()
+    {
+    // Location
+    TBuf<ECalenAbsoluteMaxTextEditorLength> location;
+    GetEdwinText(location, ECalenEditorPlace);
+    TInt pos = location.Locate(TChar(CEditableText::EPictureCharacter));
+    while(pos != KErrNotFound)
+        {
+        location.Delete(pos, 1);
+        pos = location.Locate(TChar(CEditableText::EPictureCharacter));
+        }
+    Edited().SetLocationL( location );
+    SetEdwinTextL( ECalenEditorPlace, &location );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::SetEntryType
+// Sets the unified editor's entry type
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::SetEntryType( CCalEntry::TType aEntryType )
+    {
+    iEntryType = aEntryType;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::GetEntryType
+// Gets unified editor entry type
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCalEntry::TType CCalenUnifiedEditor::GetEntryType()
+    {
+    return iEntryType;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::EditorFields
+// Access to the unified editor's fields
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCalenUnifiedEditorControl& CCalenUnifiedEditor::EditorFields()
+    {
+    return *iUnifiedEditorControl;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::SetAlarmFieldOnOffL
+// Set alarm field on or off
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::SetAlarmFieldOnOffL( TBool aOnOff )
+    {
+    HBufC* String;
+    CEikEdwin* alarmFieldText =( CEikEdwin* )Control( ECalenEditorReminder );
+    if( aOnOff )
+        {
+        // load string 'ON'
+        String = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_ALARM_ACTIVE, iCoeEnv );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // load string 'OFF'
+        String = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_ALARM_OFF,iCoeEnv );
+        }
+    // set Alarm field string as 'ON'/'OFF'
+    alarmFieldText->SetTextL(String);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(String);
+    } 
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::SetAllDayFieldL
+// Set alarm field on or off
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::SetAllDayFieldL(TBool aYesNo)
+    {
+    HBufC* String;
+    CEikEdwin* allDayFieldText =( CEikEdwin* )ControlOrNull( ECalenEditorAllDayItem );
+    if( aYesNo )
+        {
+        // load string 'YES'
+        String = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_ALLDAY_EVENT_YES,iCoeEnv );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // load string 'NO'
+        String = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_ALLDAY_EVENT_NO,iCoeEnv );
+        }
+    if( allDayFieldText )
+        {
+        // Set AllDay field text as 'YES'/'NO'
+        allDayFieldText->SetTextL( String );
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( String );
+    } 
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::IdOfFocusedControl
+// For getting Id of the focused control
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CCalenUnifiedEditor::IdOfFocusedControl()
+    {
+    return IdOfFocusControl();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::HandleDoneL
+// Handle pressing of Done (LSK). Entry is saved or deleted, or if not edited
+// nothing is done.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CCalenUnifiedEditor::HandleDoneL()
+    {
+    const TBool continueOnError = EFalse;
+    iUnifiedEditorControl->ReadDataFromEditorL( continueOnError );
+    TEntryExistenceStatus status = EntryStillExistsL();
+    TTimeIntervalDays aDay(0);
+    if( iCurrentDurationDay<aDay )
+        {
+        DisplayErrorMsgL( CCalenEditorDataHandler::EFormErrStopTimeEarlierThanStartTime );
+        return EFalse;
+        }
+    if ( status == EEntryOk )
+        {
+        TTime startDate = Edited().StartDateTime();
+        TTime endDate = Edited().EndDateTime();
+        if( startDate == CalenDateUtils::BeginningOfDay( startDate ) &&
+                endDate == CalenDateUtils::BeginningOfDay( endDate ) )
+            {
+            if( CCalEntry::EAppt == Edited().EntryType() && startDate != endDate )
+                {
+                Edited().SetEntryType( CCalEntry::EEvent );
+                }
+            }
+        switch ( EditorDataHandler().ShouldSaveOrDeleteOrDoNothingL() ) 
+            {
+            case CCalenEditorDataHandler::EActionSave:
+                {
+                TRACE_EXIT_POINT;
+                return TryToSaveNoteL();
+                }
+            case CCalenEditorDataHandler::EActionDelete:
+                {
+                TryToDeleteNoteL( EFalse );
+                TRACE_EXIT_POINT;
+                // don't exit from the editor dialog here
+                // wait for the delete success/ delete failed notification
+                // exit from CCalenFormBase::HandleNotification( aNotification );
+                // return ETrue;
+                return EFalse;
+                }
+            case CCalenEditorDataHandler::EActionNothing:
+                {
+                TRACE_EXIT_POINT;
+                return ETrue;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        if( status == EEntryModifiedByAnotherProcess )
+            {
+            // Entry no longer exists. Show an error message then return to the viewer.
+            DisplayErrorMsgL( CCalenEditorDataHandler::EFormErrDbConflictEntryModified );
+            // Other process may have changed start day/time.
+            // FIXME
+            // Assumes the entry view is not null
+            CCalEntry *newEntry = NULL;
+            for(TInt i = 0 ; i < iCollectionIds.Count() ; i++)
+                {
+                newEntry = ( *( iServices->EntryViewL(iCollectionIds[i]) ) )
+                                                                .FetchL( iOriginalCalEntry->LocalUidL() );
+                }
+            if(newEntry)
+                {
+                CleanupStack::PushL( newEntry );
+                iEntryUiOutParams.iNewInstanceDate = newEntry->StartTimeL();
+                iEntryUiOutParams.iSpare = (TUint32) newEntry->LocalUidL();
+                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(newEntry);
+                iEntryUiOutParams.iAction = EMeetingSaved;
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            if( status == EEntryDeletedByAnotherProcess )
+                {
+                // Entry no longer exists. Show an error message then close the form.
+                DisplayErrorMsgL( CCalenEditorDataHandler::EFormErrDbConflictEntryDeleted );
+                iEntryUiOutParams.iAction = EMeetingDeleted;
+                }            
+            }
+        return ETrue;
+        }
+    // All cases should be handled above
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( EFalse, User::Invariant() );
+    return EFalse;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CheckSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL
+// Checks if the Flash File System storage will fall below critical level. 
+// If there is not enough space, display an error message and return EFalse.
+// Return ETrue otherwise.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CCalenUnifiedEditor::CheckSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL()
+    {
+    // FIXME: Could be moved to commonui 
+    TBool retcode(EFalse);
+    if ( SysUtil::FFSSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL( &( iCoeEnv->FsSession() ) ) )
+        {
+        CErrorUI* errorUi = CErrorUI::NewLC();
+        errorUi->ShowGlobalErrorNoteL( KErrDiskFull );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( errorUi ); 
+        retcode = ETrue;
+        }
+    return retcode;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::TryToSaveNoteL
+// Save form data. Return ETrue if saving is successful, EFalse otherwise.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CCalenUnifiedEditor::TryToSaveNoteL()
+    {
+    if( CheckSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL() )
+        {
+        return EFalse; 
+        }
+    // Check if location field is edited manually
+    CheckManualEditionOfLocationL();
+    CCalenEditorDataHandler::TError error = CCalenEditorDataHandler::EFormErrNone;
+    if( ( !iHasChosenRepeatType && ! EditorDataHandler().IsChildL() ) || 
+         (iHasChosenRepeatType && iRepeatType == CalCommon::EThisAndAll ) )
+        {
+        // Check for the errors, with the entered data
+        error = EditorDataHandler().CheckErrorsForThisAndAllL();
+        }
+    else if( EditorDataHandler().IsChildL() || iRepeatType == CalCommon::EThisOnly )
+        {
+        // Check for the errors, for editing Child entry.
+        error = EditorDataHandler().CheckErrorsForThisOnlyL( ParentEntryL(), *(iServices->InstanceViewL(iCollectionIds) ));
+        }
+    if ( error == CCalenEditorDataHandler::EFormErrNone )
+        {
+        error = AskRepeatingNoteQueriesL(iRepeatType);
+        if(error == CCalenEditorDataHandler::EFormErrNone)
+            {
+             iHasChosenRepeatType = ETrue;
+            }
+        }
+    if ( error == CCalenEditorDataHandler::EFormErrNone ) 
+        {
+		ModifyDbField();//default calendar code
+        EditorDataHandler().WriteChangesToEntryL( iRepeatType );
+        TCalTime newInstanceStartDate, newInstanceEndDate;
+        CalculateNewInstanceStartAndEndDateL( newInstanceStartDate, newInstanceEndDate );
+        TInt saveErr( 0 );
+        TBool dbChange = iEditorDataHandler->IsCalendarEditedL();
+        if( iEditedCalEntry.EntryTypeL() != Edited().EntryType() || dbChange )
+            {
+            // If calendar EntryType is changed,
+            // Entry should be re-created with new EntryType and Save.
+            saveErr = TryToSaveEntryWithEntryChangeL( EFalse );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            TRAP( saveErr, iEntryUpdater->UpdateInstanceL( 
+                       EditorDataHandler().Entry(),
+                       *iOriginalCalEntry,
+                       EditorDataHandler().InstanceDateTime(),
+                       iRepeatType,
+                       newInstanceStartDate,
+                       newInstanceEndDate,
+                       iUnifiedEditorControl->GetCalendarNameForEntryL() ) );
+            iEntryUiOutParams.iSpare
+                    = (TUint32) EditorDataHandler().Entry().LocalUidL();
+            }
+        if ( saveErr != KErrNone )
+            {
+            iEikonEnv->ResolveError( saveErr );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            iEntryUiOutParams.iAction = MAgnEntryUi::EMeetingSaved;
+            iEntryUiOutParams.iNewInstanceDate = newInstanceStartDate;
+            }
+        return ETrue;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // If save error occurs, display error message.
+        DisplayErrorMsgL( error );
+       // HandleErrorL(error);
+        return EFalse;
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::TryToSaveEntryWithEntryTypeChangeL
+// Save form data. Return EErrNone if saving is successful, error value otherwise.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CCalenUnifiedEditor::TryToSaveEntryWithEntryChangeL( TBool aForcedExit)
+    {
+    CCalEntry* entry;
+    //Get the guid from original entry and set it to new entry.
+    HBufC8* guid = iOriginalCalEntry->UidL().AllocL();
+    if( iEditedCalEntry.RecurrenceIdL().TimeUtcL() != Time::NullTTime() )
+        {
+        entry = CCalEntry::NewL( Edited().EntryType(), 
+                                 guid,
+                                 iEditedCalEntry.MethodL(),
+                                 iEditedCalEntry.SequenceNumberL(),
+                                 iEditedCalEntry.RecurrenceIdL(),
+                                 iEditedCalEntry.RecurrenceRangeL() );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        entry = CCalEntry::NewL( Edited().EntryType(),
+                                 guid,
+                                 iEditedCalEntry.MethodL(),
+                                 iEditedCalEntry.SequenceNumberL() );
+        }
+     //   CleanupStack::Pop( guid ); // ownership was passed
+    CleanupStack::PushL( entry );
+    iEditedCalEntry.DescriptionL();  // make sure entry is fully loaded
+    entry->CopyFromL(iEditedCalEntry, CCalEntry::EDontCopyId);
+    entry->DescriptionL();  // make sure entry is fully copied
+    TCalTime newInstanceStartDate, newInstanceEndDate;
+    CalculateNewInstanceStartAndEndDateL( newInstanceStartDate, newInstanceEndDate );
+    entry->SetStartAndEndTimeL( newInstanceStartDate, newInstanceEndDate );
+    if(iEditedCalEntry.EntryTypeL() != GetEntryType())
+        {
+        if( entry->EntryTypeL() == CCalEntry::EAnniv )
+            {
+            // Set yearly rule to Anniversary entry, to create Annaiversary instance yearly 
+            TCalRRule rrule( TCalRRule::EYearly );
+            TCalTime startDate;
+            rrule.SetDtStart( newInstanceStartDate );
+            rrule.SetInterval( 1 ); // once a year
+            entry->SetRRuleL( rrule );
+            }
+		}
+    if(!IsCreatingNewEntry())
+        {
+        iServices->EntryViewL(iEditorDataHandler->PreviousDbCollectionId())
+                                                ->DeleteL(*iOriginalCalEntry);
+        }
+    TInt saveErr( KErrNone );
+    if( aForcedExit )
+        {
+        iEntryUpdater->UpdateInstanceL( 
+                *entry,
+                *iOriginalCalEntry,
+                EditorDataHandler().InstanceDateTime(),
+                iRepeatType,
+                newInstanceStartDate,
+                newInstanceEndDate,
+                iUnifiedEditorControl->GetCalendarNameForEntryL() );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        TRAP( saveErr, iEntryUpdater->UpdateInstanceL( 
+                   *entry,
+                   *iOriginalCalEntry,
+                   EditorDataHandler().InstanceDateTime(),
+                   iRepeatType,
+                   newInstanceStartDate,
+                   newInstanceEndDate,
+                   iUnifiedEditorControl->GetCalendarNameForEntryL() ) );
+        }
+    iEntryUiOutParams.iSpare = (TUint32) entry->LocalUidL();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry);
+    return saveErr;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::TryToSaveNoteOnForcedExitL
+// Try to save note when editors are forced to exit.
+// This can happen when the user presses the red key, power off, Options->Exit,
+// or in out-of-memory situations.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::TryToSaveNoteOnForcedExitL()
+    {
+    if( EntryStillExistsL() == EEntryOk )
+        {
+        if( CheckSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL() )
+            {
+            TRACE_EXIT_POINT;
+            return;
+            }
+        // Check if location field is edited manually
+        CheckManualEditionOfLocationL();
+        const TBool continueOnError = ETrue;
+        iUnifiedEditorControl->ReadDataFromEditorL( continueOnError );
+        CCalenEditorDataHandler::TAction action =
+            EditorDataHandler().ShouldSaveOrDeleteOrDoNothingL();
+        if( iHasChosenRepeatType && iRepeatType == CalCommon::EThisAndAll ) 
+        {
+        // Check for the errors, with the entered data
+            if ( EditorDataHandler().CheckErrorsForThisAndAllL() != KErrNone )
+                return;
+        }
+        if ( action == CCalenEditorDataHandler::EActionSave )
+            {
+            EditorDataHandler().ForceValidValuesL( iHasChosenRepeatType? iRepeatType 
+                                                                                  : CalCommon::EThisAndAll );
+            ModifyDbField();//Default Calendar code
+            EditorDataHandler().WriteChangesToEntryL( iHasChosenRepeatType? iRepeatType
+                                                                                  : CalCommon::EThisAndAll );
+            TCalTime newInstanceStartDate, newInstanceEndDate;
+            CalculateNewInstanceStartAndEndDateL( newInstanceStartDate, 
+                                                                    newInstanceEndDate );
+            TBool onDbChange = iEditorDataHandler->IsCalendarEditedL();
+            if( iEditedCalEntry.EntryTypeL() != GetEntryType() || onDbChange)
+                {
+                TryToSaveEntryWithEntryChangeL( ETrue );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                iEntryUpdater->UpdateInstanceL( EditorDataHandler().Entry(),
+                                                   *iOriginalCalEntry,
+                                                   EditorDataHandler().InstanceDateTime(),
+                                                   iRepeatType,
+                                                   newInstanceStartDate,
+                                                   newInstanceEndDate,
+                                                   iUnifiedEditorControl->GetCalendarNameForEntryL() );
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            if ( action == CCalenEditorDataHandler::EActionDelete )
+                {
+                // FIXME, should we write date/time changes to entry?
+                if ( !IsCreatingNewEntry() )
+                    {				
+                    if( iHasChosenRepeatType && iRepeatType == CalCommon::EThisOnly )
+                        {					
+                        iEntryUpdater->DeleteInstanceL( EditorDataHandler().Entry(), EditorDataHandler().CalenInstanceId() );
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {						
+                        iEntryUpdater->DeleteEntryL( EditorDataHandler().Entry(), EditorDataHandler().CalenInstanceId() );
+                        }
+                    }
+                }            
+            }            
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::CalculateNewInstanceStartAndEndDateL
+// Calculate the new start and end time and date of the instance.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::CalculateNewInstanceStartAndEndDateL( TCalTime& aNewInstanceStartDate,
+                                                             TCalTime& aNewInstanceEndDate )
+    {
+    // Use floating time for non-timed entries 
+    if (EditorDataHandler().UseFloatingTimeL())
+        {
+        aNewInstanceStartDate.SetTimeLocalFloatingL( EditorDataHandler().Edited().StartDateTime() );
+        aNewInstanceEndDate.SetTimeLocalFloatingL( EditorDataHandler().Edited().EndDateTime() );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        aNewInstanceStartDate.SetTimeLocalL( EditorDataHandler().Edited().StartDateTime() );
+        aNewInstanceEndDate.SetTimeLocalL( EditorDataHandler().Edited().EndDateTime() );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::DisplayErrorMsgL
+// Display the given error message.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::DisplayErrorMsgL( const TInt& aError )
+    {
+    TBool toContinue( ETrue );
+    TInt resourceId( -1 );
+    switch ( aError )
+        {
+        case CCalenEditorDataHandler::EFormErrStopTimeEarlierThanStartTime:
+            {
+            resourceId = R_QTN_CALE_INFO_NOTE_ENDS_BEFORE;
+            break;
+            }
+        case CCalenEditorDataHandler::EFormErrAlarmTimeLaterThanNote:
+            {
+            resourceId = R_QTN_CALE_LATER_DATE;
+            break;
+            }
+        case CCalenEditorDataHandler::EFormErrAlarmTimePast:
+            {
+            resourceId = R_QTN_CALE_NOT_EXPIRED;
+            break;
+            }
+        case CCalenEditorDataHandler::EFormErrAlarmDateTooManyDaysBeforeNote:
+            {
+            resourceId = R_QTN_CALE_DATE_ALARM_PAST;
+            break;
+            }
+        case CCalenEditorDataHandler::EFormErrRepeatUntilEarlierThanNote:
+            {
+            resourceId = R_QTN_CALE_INFO_REPEAT_INVALID;
+            break;
+            }
+        case CCalenEditorDataHandler::EFormErrDbConflictEntryModified:
+            {//"Calendar database conflict. This entry has been modified by another application."
+            DisplayErrorMsgInNoteDlgL( R_QTN_CALE_NOTE_DB_MODIFIED );
+            toContinue = EFalse;
+            break;
+            }
+        case CCalenEditorDataHandler::EFormErrDbConflictEntryDeleted:
+            {//"Calendar database conflict. This entry has been deleted by another application."
+            DisplayErrorMsgInNoteDlgL( R_QTN_CALE_NOTE_DB_CONFLICT );
+            toContinue = EFalse;
+            break;
+            }
+        case CCalenEditorDataHandler::EFormErrDurationGreaterThanRepeatInterval:
+            {
+            DispalyErrorMsgByRepeatTypeL();
+            toContinue = EFalse;
+            break;
+            }
+        case CCalenEditorDataHandler::EFormErrOverlapsExistingInstance:
+            {
+            resourceId = R_QTN_CALE_NOTE_CHILD_OVERLAP;
+            break;
+            }
+        case CCalenEditorDataHandler::EFormErrOutOfSequence:
+            {
+            resourceId = R_QTN_CALE_NOTE_CHILD_OUT_OF_SEQUENCE;
+            break;
+            }
+        case CCalenEditorDataHandler::EFormErrInstanceAlreadyExistsOnThisDay:
+            {
+            resourceId = R_QTN_CALE_NOTE_CHILD_SAME_DAY;
+            break;
+            }
+        default:
+            {
+            toContinue = EFalse;
+            }
+        }
+    if( toContinue )
+        {
+        CAknInformationNote* dialog = new ( ELeave ) CAknInformationNote();
+        HBufC* buf = StringLoader::LoadLC( resourceId, iEikonEnv );
+        dialog->ExecuteLD( *buf );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::ParentEntryL
+// Returns the parent entry of the entry being edited.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCalEntry& CCalenUnifiedEditor::ParentEntryL()
+    {
+    TCalCollectionId colId = iEditorDataHandler->CurrentDbCollectionId(); 
+    VerifyCollectionIdL(colId);
+    if( iFetchedEntries.Count() == 0 )
+        {
+        iServices->EntryViewL(colId)
+                    ->FetchL( EditorDataHandler().Entry().UidL(), iFetchedEntries );
+        }
+    return *iFetchedEntries[0];
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::DisplayErrorMsgInNoteDlgL
+// Display conflict error message.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::DisplayErrorMsgInNoteDlgL( TInt resourceId )
+    {
+    CAknNoteDialog *note = new(ELeave) CAknNoteDialog( CAknNoteDialog::EWarningTone,
+                                                       CAknNoteDialog::ENoTimeout );
+    HBufC* buf = StringLoader::LoadLC( resourceId, iEikonEnv );
+    note->SetTextL( *buf );
+    note->ExecuteLD( R_CALEN_DB_CONFLICT_DIALOG );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::DisplayErrorMsgByRepeatTypeL
+// Display conflict error message.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::DispalyErrorMsgByRepeatTypeL()
+    {
+    TTimeIntervalDays dur = Edited().EndDateTime().DaysFrom( Edited().StartDateTime() );
+    CAknInformationNote* dialog = new (ELeave) CAknInformationNote();
+    TInt resourceId( -1 );
+    TBool toContinue( ETrue );
+    // to find total num of days entry span . 
+    TInt numDaysEntrySpan = dur.Int() + 1 ; 
+    switch( Edited().RepeatType() )
+        {
+        case ERepeatDaily:
+        case ERepeatWorkdays:
+            {
+            }
+            break;
+        case ERepeatWeekly:
+            {
+            }
+            break;
+        case ERepeatBiWeekly:
+            {
+            }
+            break;
+        case ERepeatMonthly:
+            {
+            }
+            break;
+        case ERepeatYearly:
+            {
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            toContinue = EFalse;
+        }
+    if( toContinue )
+        {
+        HBufC* buf = StringLoader::LoadLC( resourceId,numDaysEntrySpan, iEikonEnv );
+        dialog->ExecuteLD( *buf );        
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dialog );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::EntryStillExistsL
+// Checks the entry still exists in the database. If the entry has been
+// removed or modified, the appropriate action is returned.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCalenUnifiedEditor::TEntryExistenceStatus CCalenUnifiedEditor::EntryStillExistsL()
+    {
+    TEntryExistenceStatus status = EEntryOk;
+    // Check to see if the entry open in the editor still exists
+    if ( iLastDbChangeNotification >= iTimeStamp )
+        {
+        // The database was changed through another session while the editor was open.
+        // Search for our entry to check it still exists.
+        CCalEntry* dbEntry = NULL;
+        for(TInt i = 0 ;i < iCollectionIds.Count() ; i++)
+            {
+            //check the exsists in one of the calendars
+            PIM_TRAPD_HANDLE( ( dbEntry = iServices->EntryViewL(iCollectionIds[i])
+                                               ->FetchL( iOriginalCalEntry->LocalUidL() ) ) );
+            if(dbEntry)
+                {
+                break;
+                }
+            }
+        // I would have thought we could check for KErrNotFound here, but we just get a NULL
+        // entry returned if it doesn't exist anymore.
+        if ( !dbEntry )
+            {
+            // The entry we are editing has been deleted.
+            status = EEntryDeletedByAnotherProcess;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            CleanupStack::PushL( dbEntry );
+            //Check the last modified time of the entry we retrieved from the database
+            if ( dbEntry->LastModifiedDateL().TimeUtcL() >= iTimeStamp )
+                {
+                // This entry has been modified in some way, but not by us.
+                // Abandon our changes
+                status = EEntryModifiedByAnotherProcess;
+                }
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dbEntry );
+            }
+        }
+    return status;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::UpdateLocationInfoToFormL
+// Updates the user selected landmark details into current meeting editor form 
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::UpdateLocationInfoToFormL()
+    {
+	// Get location details from context
+	MCalenContext& context = iServices->Context();
+	CPosLandmark* landmark = context.GetLandMark();
+	TBuf<ECalenAbsoluteMaxTextEditorLength> locationInfo;
+	GetEdwinText(locationInfo, ECalenEditorPlace);
+	if(landmark) // If user has selected location from Map
+		{
+		TBuf<ECalenAbsoluteMaxTextEditorLength> location;
+		GetEdwinText(location, ECalenEditorPlace);
+		CCalGeoValue* geoValue = iEditorDataHandler->Entry().GeoValueL();
+		if(geoValue || isReplaceLocation)
+			{
+			isReplaceLocation = EFalse;
+            HandleEntryWithGeoValueEditionL(landmark);
+            delete geoValue;	
+			}
+		else if(locationInfo.Length() && !isReplaceLocation)
+		    {
+		    HandleEntryWithLocationEditionL(landmark);
+		    }
+		else // This is the new entry being created and nothing is there in location field
+			{
+			isReplaceLocation = EFalse;
+			StoreLocationDetailsToEntryL(landmark);
+			AddPictureL(0);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::HandleEntryWithGeoValueEditionL
+// Shows suery to the user to replace gthe exisitng saved address
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::HandleEntryWithGeoValueEditionL(CPosLandmark* landmark)
+	{
+	// User is tyring to update the location field of an entry which 
+	// already has location text as well as geo coordinates
+	TPtrC locationName;
+	landmark->GetLandmarkName(locationName);
+	TInt userResponse = ShowLocationReplaceNoticeL(locationName);
+	if(userResponse)
+		{
+		StoreLocationDetailsToEntryL(landmark);
+		AddPictureL();
+		}
+	}
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::HandleEntryWithLocationEditionL
+// Shows suery to the user to replace gthe exisitng saved address
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::HandleEntryWithLocationEditionL(CPosLandmark* landmark)
+    {
+    // User is tyring to update the location field of an entry which 
+    // already has location text as well as geo coordinates
+    TBuf<ECalenAbsoluteMaxTextEditorLength> locationInfo;
+    GetEdwinText(locationInfo, ECalenEditorPlace);
+    TPtrC landmarkname;
+        landmark->GetLandmarkName(landmarkname);
+    RPointerArray<HBufC> locationStrings;
+    HBufC* oldLocation = HBufC::NewL(MaxTextEditorLength());
+    oldLocation->Des().Copy(locationInfo);
+    HBufC* oldNewLocation = HBufC::NewL(MaxTextEditorLength());
+    TBuf<2*ECalenAbsoluteMaxTextEditorLength> combLocation;
+    combLocation.Append(locationInfo);
+    combLocation.Append(KComma);
+    combLocation.Append(landmarkname);
+    oldNewLocation->Des().Copy(combLocation.Left(MaxTextEditorLength()));
+    HBufC* newLocation = HBufC::NewL(MaxTextEditorLength());
+    newLocation->Des().Copy(landmarkname);
+    locationStrings.Append(oldNewLocation);
+    locationStrings.Append(newLocation);
+    locationStrings.Append(oldLocation);
+    TInt userResponse = CCalenLocationUtil::ShowLocationAppendOrReplaceL(locationStrings);
+    locationStrings.ResetAndDestroy();
+    if(userResponse == KErrCancel)
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    switch(userResponse)
+        {
+        case 0:
+            {
+            landmark->SetLandmarkNameL(combLocation.Left(MaxTextEditorLength()));
+            }
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            {
+            landmark->SetLandmarkNameL(landmarkname);
+            }
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            {
+            landmark->SetLandmarkNameL(locationInfo);
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+        StoreLocationDetailsToEntryL(landmark);
+        AddPictureL(0);
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::StoreLocationDetailsToEntryL
+// Stores landmark details and displays selected location details on the 
+// currently shown editor form
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::StoreLocationDetailsToEntryL(CPosLandmark* landmark)
+	{
+	TLocality position;
+    landmark->GetPosition(position);
+    TBuf<ECalenAbsoluteMaxTextEditorLength> existingLocationInfo;
+    GetEdwinText(existingLocationInfo, ECalenEditorPlace);
+     //Store the geo coordinates
+    CCalGeoValue* geoValue = CCalGeoValue::NewL();
+    geoValue->SetLatLongL( position.Latitude(), position.Longitude() );
+    EditorDataHandler().Entry().SetGeoValueL( *geoValue );
+    delete geoValue;
+    TBuf<ECalenAbsoluteMaxTextEditorLength> locationDetails;
+    TPtrC landmarkname;
+    landmark->GetLandmarkName( landmarkname );
+    locationDetails.Append( landmarkname );
+    TPtrC landmarkDesc;
+    landmark->GetLandmarkDescription( landmarkDesc );
+    if( landmarkDesc.Size() )
+        {
+        locationDetails.Append( KComma );
+        locationDetails.Append( landmarkDesc );
+        }
+    Edited().SetLocationL( locationDetails.Left( MaxTextEditorLength()) );
+    TPtrC location = Edited().Location().Left( MaxTextEditorLength() );
+    EditorDataHandler().Entry().SetLocationL( location );
+	SetEdwinTextL(ECalenEditorPlace, &location);
+	if(existingLocationInfo.Length())
+        {
+        ShowAddressUpdatedNoticeL();
+        }
+	PreLayoutDynInitL();
+	}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::ShowLocationReplaceNoticeL
+// Function to query user whether to replace or keep existing location details
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CCalenUnifiedEditor::ShowLocationReplaceNoticeL(TPtrC aLocationName)
+	{
+	CAknQueryDialog *dialog = CAknQueryDialog::NewL( );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( dialog );
+    TBuf<ECalenAbsoluteMaxTextEditorLength> location;
+    TChar quote = '"';
+    location.Append(quote);
+    location.Append(aLocationName);
+    location.Append(quote);
+    CEikonEnv* eikEnv = CEikonEnv::Static();
+     HBufC* prompt = StringLoader::LoadLC( resID, location, eikEnv );
+	dialog->SetPromptL( *prompt );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( prompt );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( dialog );
+	return dialog->ExecuteLD( R_CALEN_LOCATION_REPLACE_NOTE );
+	}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::ShowAddressUpdatedNoticeL
+// Displays "Address Updated" transient notice
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::ShowAddressUpdatedNoticeL()
+    {
+    HBufC* buf = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_CALEN_QTN_ADDRESS_UPDATED, CEikonEnv::Static() );
+    CAknConfirmationNote* dialog = new( ELeave ) CAknConfirmationNote();
+    dialog->ExecuteLD(*buf);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );     
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  CCalenUnifiedEditor::CheckManualEditionOfLocationL
+//  Checks if user has edited location field manually
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::CheckManualEditionOfLocationL()
+    {
+    CCalEntry& entry = EditorDataHandler().Entry();
+    CCalGeoValue* geoValue = entry.GeoValueL();
+    if( !geoValue )
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    delete geoValue;
+    TPtrC entryLocation = entry.LocationL();    
+    TBuf<ECalenAbsoluteMaxTextEditorLength> location;
+    location.Copy(Edited().Location());
+    if( entryLocation != location )
+        {
+        // USer has manually edited the location field
+        TInt response = ShowLocationChangeNoticeL();
+        if( !response )
+            {
+            // Clear the geo coordinates for the entry
+            entry.ClearGeoValueL();
+            Edited().SetLocationL( location );
+            EditorDataHandler().Entry().SetLocationL(location);
+            SetEdwinTextL(ECalenEditorPlace, &location);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            EditorDataHandler().Entry().SetLocationL(location);   
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  CCalenUnifiedEditor::ShowLocationChangeNoticeL
+//  Queries user whether to keep the exisiting coordianates or not
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CCalenUnifiedEditor::ShowLocationChangeNoticeL()
+    {
+    CAknQueryDialog *dialog = CAknQueryDialog::NewL( );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( dialog );
+    HBufC* prompt;
+    prompt = StringLoader::LoadLC( resID, iCoeEnv );
+    dialog->SetPromptL( *prompt );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( prompt );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( dialog );
+    return dialog->ExecuteLD( R_CALEN_GEOVALUES_REMOVAL_NOTE ); 
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::UpdateAttachmentInfoToEditorL
+// Update attachment info to editor whenever an file is selected
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::UpdateAttachmentInfoToEditorL()
+    {
+    const TDesC& emptyText = KEmpty;
+    SetEdwinTextL(ECalenEditorAttachment, &emptyText);
+    TInt attachmentCount = iServices->GetAttachmentData()->NumberOfItems();
+    if( attachmentCount )
+        {
+        RPointerArray<CCalenAttachmentInfo> attachmentInfoList;      
+        iServices->GetAttachmentData()->GetAttachmentListL(attachmentInfoList);
+        TInt attachmentLength(0);
+        for( TInt index =0; index<attachmentCount; index++ )
+            {
+            if(index>0)
+                {
+                attachmentLength++;
+                }
+            CCalenAttachmentInfo* attachmentInfo = attachmentInfoList[index];
+            TParsePtrC fileNameParser( attachmentInfo->FileName() );
+            attachmentLength += fileNameParser.NameAndExt().Length();
+            }
+        // Additional space is for appending "; " after each attachment to separate multiple attachments
+        HBufC* attachmentNames = HBufC::NewLC( attachmentLength + 
+                                             ( attachmentCount - 1 ) * KAttachmentSeparator.iTypeLength );
+        CleanupStack::Pop( attachmentNames );
+        TPtr ptr( attachmentNames->Des() );
+        for( TInt index=0; index<attachmentCount; index++ )
+            { 
+            if( index>0 )
+                {
+                ptr.Append( KAttachmentSeparator );
+                }
+            CCalenAttachmentInfo* attachmentInfo = attachmentInfoList[index];
+            TParsePtrC fileNameParser( attachmentInfo->FileName()) ;
+            ptr.Append( fileNameParser.NameAndExt() );
+            }
+        SetUnderLineForAttachmentL( EUnderlineOn );
+        SetEdwinTextL( ECalenEditorAttachment, &ptr );
+        delete attachmentNames;
+        attachmentInfoList.Close();
+        UpdateFormL();
+        }
+    // Update the attachment cound in editedentryutil as attachment would have added or deleted
+    CheckForAttachmentsInEditorL();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::SetUnderLineForAttachmentL
+// Sets the undeline for the attachment field's text
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::SetUnderLineForAttachmentL( TFontUnderline aUnderLine )
+    {
+    CEikRichTextEditor* attachmentControl = static_cast<CEikRichTextEditor*>(
+                                                Control( ECalenEditorAttachment ) );
+    TCharFormat charFormat;
+    TCharFormatMask charFormatMask;
+    charFormatMask.SetAttrib( EAttFontUnderline );
+    charFormat.iFontPresentation.iUnderline = aUnderLine;
+    attachmentControl->ApplyCharFormatL( charFormat,charFormatMask );
+    attachmentControl->HandleTextChangedL();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::GetAttachmentNamesString
+// Merges individual attachment names into a single string
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::GetAttachmentNamesString( RPointerArray<HBufC>& aAttachmentNames,
+                                                    HBufC& aAttachmentNamesString)
+    {
+   TInt attachmentCount = aAttachmentNames.Count();        
+   TPtr ptr( aAttachmentNamesString.Des() );
+   for( TInt index=0; index<attachmentCount; index++ )
+       { 
+       if( index>0 )
+           {
+           ptr.Append( KAttachmentSeparator );
+           }
+       ptr.Append( aAttachmentNames[index]->Des() );
+       }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::CheckForAttachmentsInEditorL
+// Check for attachments in editor,if present save the attachment count which is
+// used while saving the attachments to the calentry
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::CheckForAttachmentsInEditorL()
+    {
+    TInt attachmentCount = iServices->GetAttachmentData()->NumberOfItems();
+    Edited().SetAttachmentCount( attachmentCount );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::SetAttachmentNamesToEditorL
+// Set attachment names to the editor,if entry is already having the attachments
+// and is being opened in editor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::SetAttachmentNamesToEditorL()
+    {
+    TInt attachmentCount = Edited().AttachmentCount();
+    if( attachmentCount )
+        {
+        RPointerArray<HBufC> attachmentNames;
+        Edited().AttachmentNamesL(attachmentNames);
+        TInt attachmentCount = attachmentNames.Count();
+        TInt attachmentLength(0);
+        for( TInt index =0; index<attachmentCount; index++ )
+            {
+            if(index>0)
+                {
+                attachmentLength++;
+                }
+            attachmentLength += attachmentNames[index]->Length();
+            // We need two extra spaces for adding "; " between multiple attachments
+            attachmentLength += KAttachmentSeparator.iTypeLength;
+            }
+        HBufC* attachmentNamesString = HBufC::NewLC( attachmentLength );
+        CleanupStack::Pop( attachmentNamesString );
+        GetAttachmentNamesString(attachmentNames, *attachmentNamesString);
+        SetUnderLineForAttachmentL( EUnderlineOn );
+        SetEdwinTextL( ECalenEditorAttachment, attachmentNamesString );
+        // Cleanup
+        delete attachmentNamesString;
+        attachmentNames.ResetAndDestroy();
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::EntryHasAttachments
+// check whether the entry has attachments or not
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CCalenUnifiedEditor::EntryHasAttachments()
+    {
+    TBool attachmentExists(EFalse);
+    TInt attachmentCountFromModel = iServices->GetAttachmentData()->NumberOfItems();
+    if( Edited().AttachmentCount() || attachmentCountFromModel )
+        {
+        attachmentExists = ETrue;
+        }
+    return attachmentExists;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenController::GetAllCollectionidsL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::GetAllCollectionidsL(
+                                           RArray<TInt>& aCollectionIds)
+    {
+    RPointerArray<CCalCalendarInfo> calendarInfoList;
+    CleanupClosePushL(calendarInfoList);
+    iServices->GetAllCalendarInfoL(calendarInfoList);
+    for(TInt index=0;index<calendarInfoList.Count();index++)
+        {
+        aCollectionIds.Append( iServices->SessionL( 
+               calendarInfoList[index]->FileNameL() ).CollectionIdL() );
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&calendarInfoList);
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From CEikDialog
+// We will hit this event each time a line has changed in the form
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::LineChangedL( TInt /* aControlId */ )
+    {
+    CCalGeoValue* geoValue = iEditorDataHandler->Entry().GeoValueL();
+	if(geoValue)
+		{
+		AddPictureL();	
+		delete geoValue;	
+		}
+    SetMskFromResourceL();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Update CBA with corresponding MSK button.
+// This function is e.g. called from HanleControlEvent()
+// Will issue HandleControlStateChangeL() call.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::SetMskFromResourceL()
+    {
+    CEikButtonGroupContainer&  cba = ButtonGroupContainer ();
+        TInt resid=0;
+        TInt ctrlid=IdOfFocusControl();
+        switch( ctrlid )
+            {
+            // for these fields we use change button
+            case ECalenEditorReminder:    /* fall through... */
+            case ECalenEditorRepeat:     /* fall through... */
+                resid=R_CALEN_MSK_CHANGE_CBA;
+                break;
+            // for description field it is open
+            case ECalenEditorDescription:
+               // resid=R_CALEN_MSK_OPEN_CBA;
+               // break;
+            // for location field
+            case ECalenEditorPlace:
+                if(CCalenLocationUtil::IsMapProviderAvailableL())
+                    {
+                    resid = R_CALEN_MSK_FROMMAP_CBA;    
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    resid=R_CALEN_MSK_EMPTY_CBA;    
+                    }
+                break;
+            // otherwise use empty MSK
+            case ECalenEditorSubject:            /* fall through... */
+            case ECalenEditorReminderDate:    
+            case ECalenEditorReminderTime:    /* fall through... */
+            case ECalenEditorEndDate:          /* fall through... */
+            case ECalenEditorEndTime:
+            case ECalenEditorDueDate:
+            case ECalenEditorStartDate:
+            case ECalenEditorStartTime:
+            case ECalenEditorBirthDayYear:                
+            default:
+                resid=R_CALEN_MSK_EMPTY_CBA;
+                break;
+            case ECalenEditorRepeatUntil:      
+			case ECalenEditorAllDayItem:
+			case ECalenEditorEventType:
+			case ECalenEditorDBName:
+			case ECalenEditorPriority:
+            }
+        // set desired CBA
+        cba.SetCommandSetL(resid);
+        cba.DrawNow();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::VerifyCollectionId
+// Verify if the collectionid exsists in the array of collecteids
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::VerifyCollectionIdL(const TCalCollectionId aColId)
+    {
+    TInt errVal = KErrNotFound;
+    errVal = iCollectionIds.Find((TInt)aColId);
+    User::LeaveIfError(errVal);
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::ModifyDbField
+// modifies the DB filed in cenrep if user has edited it.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::ModifyDbField()
+    {
+    if(IsCreatingNewEntry())
+        {                
+        RPointerArray<CCalCalendarInfo> calendarInfoList; 
+        iServices->GetAllCalendarInfoL(calendarInfoList);
+        CleanupClosePushL( calendarInfoList );
+        TInt pos = iUnifiedEditorControl->GetCalendarIndexForEntryL();
+        TPtrC  lastUsedCalendarName = calendarInfoList[pos]->FileNameL();
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &calendarInfoList );
+        CRepository* cenRep = CRepository::NewLC(KCRUidCalendar); 
+        User::LeaveIfError( cenRep->Set( KCalendarLastUsedCalendar, lastUsedCalendarName ) );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cenRep );
+        }       
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::HideFieldsForEditSingleInstance
+// Hides Entry type and Calendar Field for exceptional entry/single
+// instance of recurrent entry.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::HideFieldsForEditSingleInstance()
+    {
+    if( !IsCreatingNewEntry() )
+        {
+        if((CalenAgendaUtils::IsRepeatingL(*iOriginalCalEntry) 
+                && iRepeatType == CalCommon::EThisOnly)
+                || iOriginalCalEntry->RecurrenceIdL().TimeUtcL() != Time::NullTTime())
+            {
+            //Hides Entry Type Filed            
+            CCoeControl* entryTypeControl = ControlOrNull( ECalenEditorEventType );
+            if( entryTypeControl )
+                {
+                DeleteLine(ECalenEditorEventType);
+                }
+            //Hides All Day Event Field
+            CCoeControl* allDayEventControl = ControlOrNull( ECalenEditorAllDayItem );
+            if( allDayEventControl )
+                {
+                DeleteLine(ECalenEditorAllDayItem);
+                }
+            //Hides Calendar Field
+            CCoeControl* calendarControl = ControlOrNull( ECalenEditorDBName );
+            if( calendarControl )
+                {  
+                DeleteLine(ECalenEditorDBName);
+                }       
+            //Hides Repeat Field
+            CCoeControl* repeatControl = ControlOrNull( ECalenEditorRepeat );
+            if( repeatControl )
+                {
+                DeleteLine(ECalenEditorRepeat);
+                }            
+            //Hides Repeatuntil Field
+            CCoeControl* repeatUntilControl = ControlOrNull( ECalenEditorRepeatUntil );
+            if( repeatUntilControl )
+                {       
+                DeleteLine(ECalenEditorRepeatUntil);
+                }            
+            }
+        }
+    UpdateFormL();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalenUnifiedEditor::AddPictureL
+// Adds Map icon onto the editors
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalenUnifiedEditor::AddPictureL(TInt isNotFirstTime)
+    {
+    // Instantiate CMapIconPicture object 300x300 twips in size
+    CEikRichTextEditor* locationControl = static_cast<CEikRichTextEditor*>(Control(ECalenEditorPlace));
+    CRichText* text = locationControl->RichText();
+    if(isNotFirstTime)
+        {
+        TPtrC ptr = text->Read(0,text->DocumentLength());
+        TInt pos = ptr.Locate(TChar(CEditableText::EPictureCharacter));
+        if(pos != -1) // If picture found, delete it so that it cna be drawn at new place
+            {
+            TRAP_IGNORE(text->DeleteL(pos,1));
+            }
+        }
+    // Get the rect of the caption of ECalenEditorPlace control
+    CEikLabel* label = this->ControlCaption(ECalenEditorPlace);
+    TRect rect = label->Rect();
+    CMapsIconPicture* picture = new( ELeave )CMapsIconPicture(/* TSize( 300, 300 )*/ *iServices, rect );
+    CleanupStack::PushL(picture);
+    //Prepare the picture header, which will be inserted into the rich text
+    TPictureHeader header;
+    header.iPicture = TSwizzle<CPicture>(picture);
+    // Position where we insert picture is not valid as it always draws icon depending the rect we provide
+        text->InsertL(text->DocumentLength(), header);
+    locationControl->HandleTextChangedL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop(); // picture
+    Control(ECalenEditorPlace)->DrawNow();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMapsIconPicture::CMapsIconPicture
+// C++ Constructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMapsIconPicture::CMapsIconPicture( MCalenServices& aServices, TRect aRect ) 
+: iServices( aServices ), 
+  iRect( aRect ) 
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMapsIconPicture::ExternalizeL
+// Pure virtual from CPicture, intentionally empty.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMapsIconPicture::ExternalizeL( RWriteStream& /*aStream*/ ) const 
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMapsIconPicture::GetOriginalSizeInTwips
+// Convert size to twips
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMapsIconPicture::GetOriginalSizeInTwips( TSize & /* aSize */ ) const 
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMapsIconPicture::Draw
+// Draw funtion to draw the map icon
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMapsIconPicture::Draw( CGraphicsContext& aGc, 
+                             const TPoint& /* aTopLeft */,
+                             const TRect& /* aClipRect */,
+                             MGraphicsDeviceMap* /* aMap */) const
+    {
+    aGc.Reset();
+    // Create the icon
+    CGulIcon* icon = NULL;
+    PIM_TRAPD_HANDLE( icon = iServices.GetIconL( MCalenServices::ECalenMapIcon ) );   
+    TAknLayoutRect icon_layout_rect;
+    icon_layout_rect.LayoutRect( iRect, AknLayoutScalable_Apps::field_cale_ev_pane_g1( 0 ).LayoutLine() );
+    TRect area = icon_layout_rect.Rect();
+    AknIconUtils::SetSize( icon->Bitmap(), area.Size() );
+    aGc.DrawBitmapMasked( area, icon->Bitmap(), area.Size(), icon->Mask(), ETrue );
+    delete icon;
+    }
+// End of file