--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/clock2/clockui/uilayer/clkdatetimeview/inc/clkdatetimeview.h Tue Feb 02 10:12:19 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,958 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: This is the header file for the CClkDateTimeView class.
+// System includes
+#include <aknview.h>
+#include <e32def.h>
+#include <eiklbx.h>
+#include <aknlists.h>
+#include <coecntrl.h>
+#include <eiklbo.h>
+#include <bacntf.h>
+#include <ConeResLoader.h>
+#include <tzlocalizationdatatypes.h>
+// User includes
+#include "clkmdlobserver.h"
+// Constants
+const TInt KMaxItemLength( 128 );
+const TInt KMaxValueLength( 64 );
+const TInt KNotiferPriority( CActive::EPriorityIdle );
+const TUid KMainViewId = { 1 };
+const TUid KClkDateTimeViewId = { 10 };
+// Forward declaration
+class CClockAppUi;
+// Literals
+_LIT( KRESOURCE, "z:\\resource\\apps\\clock.rsc" );
+_LIT( KHardCodedAlarmTone, "z:\\resource\\sounds\\simple\\clock.rng" ); // Unused variables but kept to preserve BC.
+* @class TClkDateTimeInfo
+* @brief Class containing date and time information.
+class TClkDateTimeInfo
+ {
+ public: // Data
+ /**
+ * @var iTime
+ * @brief The time.
+ */
+ TTime iTime;
+ /**
+ * @var iDateFormat
+ * @brief The current date format.
+ */
+ TDateFormat iDateFormat;
+ /**
+ * @var iDateSepar
+ * @brief The current date separator.
+ */
+ TInt iDateSepar;
+ /**
+ * @var iTimeFormat
+ * @brief The current time format.
+ */
+ TTimeFormat iTimeFormat;
+ /**
+ * @var iTimeSepar
+ * @brief The current time separator.
+ */
+ TInt iTimeSepar;
+ /**
+ * @var iClockFormat
+ * @brief The current clock format.
+ */
+ TClockFormat iClockFormat;
+ /**
+ * @var iGMTOffset
+ * @brief The current gmt offset.
+ */
+ TTimeIntervalSeconds iGMTOffset;
+ /**
+ * @var iNITZ
+ * @brief Holds the Nitz plugin state.
+ */
+ TBool iNITZ;
+ };
+* @enum TClkDateTimeViewPanic
+* @brief The CClkDateTimeView panic codes.
+enum TClkDateTimeViewPanic
+ {
+ EClkDateTimeViewBadLocale,
+ EClkDateTimeViewBadCommandId,
+ EClkDateTimeViewBadItemIndex
+ };
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+// Function prototypes
+GLREF_C void Panic( TClkDateTimeViewPanic aPanic );
+#endif // _DEBUG
+// Forward declarations
+class CClkDateTimeViewContainer;
+class CClkUiClkSrvModel;
+class CClkUiMdlIntermediateObserver;
+class CEnvironmentChangeNotifier;
+class CDRMHelper;
+class CClkDateTimeViewExtension;
+class RConeResourceLoader;
+class CTzId;
+// Class declaration
+* @class CClkDateTimeView
+* @brief Common "Date & Time" settings view class. This is a dynamic link library which,
+* provides APIs for using the common Date and Time Settings view.
+* The Clock and General Settings applications make use of this.
+* @dll clkdatetimeview.dll
+class CClkDateTimeView : public CAknView,
+ public MEikListBoxObserver,
+ public MClkModelObserver
+ {
+ public: // Constructors and destructor
+ /**
+ * @brief Two-phased constructor, returned value is also kept on the CleanupStack
+ * @param aViewId Id of a view which is changed to,
+ * when Back softkey is pressed. It is ignored when aClockUse is ETrue.
+ * @param aClockUse ETrue means Clock application uses this.
+ * EFalse means any application except Clock uses this.
+ * @return CClkDateTimeView* Constructed CClkDateTimeView object.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static CClkDateTimeView* NewLC( TUid aViewId, TBool aClockUse = EFalse );
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C ~CClkDateTimeView();
+ public: // Functions from base classes
+ /**
+ * @brief From CAknView. Returns this view Id.
+ * @return TUid The view id.
+ */
+ TUid Id() const;
+ /**
+ * @brief From MEikCommandObserver. Handles commands.
+ * @param aCommandId It is the value of the command to be handled in the setting.
+ */
+ void HandleCommandL( TInt aCommandId );
+ /**
+ * @brief From MClkModelObserver. Called when the model is changed.
+ * @param aNotification The cause of the notification.
+ */
+ void HandleUpdateL( TInt aNotification );
+ /**
+ * @brief From CCoeAppUi. Called when the application switches from foreground to background and vice versa.
+ * @param aForeground ETrue if foreground, EFalse if sent to background.
+ */
+ void HandleForegroundEventL( TBool aForeground );
+ /**
+ * @brief From MEikMenuObserver. Intialize the menu dynamically.
+ * @param aResourceId The resource id for the option popup menu
+ * @param aMenuPane The dynamic menupane to delete the help cmd from the menu
+ */
+ void DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
+ public: // New functions
+ /**
+ * @brief Moves the current item to the top of the list items.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void InitCurrentItem();
+ /**
+ * @brief Handle options changed by system.
+ * @param aChange It indicates a cause of the change.
+ */
+ void HandleSettingsChangeL( const TInt aChange );
+ /**
+ * @brief Increments the current list item to handle the task swapping event.
+ */
+ void IncCurrentItem();
+ /**
+ * @brief Decrements the current list item to handle the task swapping event.
+ */
+ void DecCurrentItem();
+ /**
+ * @brief Gets a flag meaning that Clock application is using.
+ * @return ETrue means the ClockApp uses this object.
+ * EFalse means the ClockApp doesn't use this object.
+ */
+ TBool IsClockInUse() const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Gets a previous view id.
+ * @return TVwsViewId
+ */
+ TVwsViewId PrevViewId() const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Handles a softkey event "Change".
+ * @param aItemId The current item id of the settings list box.
+ */
+ void HandleChangeCmdL(const TInt aItemId);
+ /**
+ * @brief When an alarm tone / snooze time is changed , through general settings, it gets updated in the clock settings.
+ * @param aId Id which has changed
+ * @param aNewValue Update cenrep value
+ */
+ void UpdateDTViewL( TUint32 aId, const TDesC16& aNewValue );
+ /**
+ * @brief Returns the string "Off" when aStrVal is EFalse and string "On" when aStrVal is ETrue.
+ * Called from extension when the automatic time update page has to be modified dynamically.
+ * @param aStrVal
+ * @return The string containing the value "Off"
+ */
+ HBufC& GetAutoTimeUpdateStr( TBool aStrVal );
+ /**
+ * @brief Returns the application's appui.
+ * @return CClockAppUi The pointer to the clock application ui.
+ */
+ CClockAppUi* ClockApplicationUi();
+ protected: // Functions from base classes
+ /**
+ * @brief From CAknView. Activates this view.
+ * @param aPrevViewId The view id for the view from where the date time view setting called.
+ * @param aCustomMessageId Not used for the implementation.
+ * @param aCustomMessage Not used for the implementation.
+ */
+ void DoActivateL( const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId, TUid aCustomMessageId, const TDesC8& aCustomMessage );
+ /**
+ * @brief From CAknView.Deactivates this view.
+ */
+ void DoDeactivate();
+ /**
+ * @brief From MEikListBoxObserver. Handles an event happend in aListBox.
+ * @param aListBox The pointer to the ListBox in date time setting view.
+ * @param aEventType The type of the event on the ListBox.
+ */
+ void HandleListBoxEventL( CEikListBox* aListBox, TListBoxEvent aEventType );
+ protected: // New functions
+ /**
+ * @brief Performs the 2nd phase of two-phase construction.
+ * @param aViewId Id of a view which is changed to, when Back softkey is pressed. It is ignored when aClockUse is ETrue.
+ * @param aClockUse ETrue means Clock application uses. EFalse means any application except Clock uses.
+ */
+ void ConstructL( TUid aViewId, TBool aClockUse );
+ private: // New functions
+ /**
+ * @brief Returns the index of the country.
+ * @param aGroupId The groupid of the selected city.
+ * @param aCountryList Pointer to the list of the Countries.
+ * @return TInt The index of the country in the list box for a given group id.
+ */
+ TInt IndexOfCountry( TInt aGroupId, CTzLocalizedCityGroupArray* aCountryList );
+ /**
+ * @brief Reads the resources for settings list.
+ */
+ void GetResourcesL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Makes the list box items.
+ */
+ void PopulateListBoxL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Updates the list box items.
+ * @param aItemId An item id of the listbox.
+ */
+ void UpdateListBoxL(TInt aItemId);
+ /**
+ * @brief Updates all items.
+ */
+ void UpdateAllL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Updates the date and the time.
+ * @param aTime The new time.
+ * @return error code
+ */
+ TInt SetDateTimeL(TTime& aTime);
+ /**
+ * @brief Updates the Workdays values.
+ */
+ void SetWorkDays();
+ /**
+ * @brief Updates the date format.
+ */
+ void SetDateFormat();
+ /**
+ * @brief Updates the date separator.
+ */
+ void SetDateSeparator();
+ /**
+ * @brief Updates the time format.
+ */
+ void SetTimeFormat();
+ /**
+ * @brief Updates the time format.
+ */
+ void SetTimeSeparator();
+ /**
+ * @brief Updates the clock type.
+ */
+ void SetClockType();
+ /**
+ * @brief Gets the currently active protocol.
+ */
+ void GetActiveProtocolL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Gets the device's setting values.
+ */
+ void SettingsL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Makes the date item in the list box.
+ */
+ void MakeDateItemL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Makes the time zone item in the list box.
+ */
+ void MakeZoneItemL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Makes the date format item in the list box.
+ */
+ void MakeDateFormatItem();
+ /**
+ * @brief Makes the date separator item in the list box.
+ */
+ void MakeDateSeparItem();
+ /**
+ * @brief Makes the time item in the list box.
+ */
+ void MakeTimeItemL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Makes the time format item in the list box.
+ */
+ void MakeTimeFormatItem();
+ /**
+ * @brief Makes the time separator item in the list box.
+ */
+ void MakeTimeSeparItem();
+ /**
+ * @brief Makes the automatic time update setting item in the list box.
+ */
+ void MakeAutomaticTimeUpdateItem();
+ /**
+ * @brief Makes the Workdays item in the list box.
+ */
+ void MakeWorkDaysItemL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Makes the clock control type item in the list box.
+ */
+ void MakeClockTypeItem();
+ /**
+ * @brief Makes the clock alarm tone item in the list box.
+ */
+ void MakeClockAlarmToneItem();
+ /**
+ * @brief Makes the clock snooze time item in the list box.
+ */
+ void MakeClockSnoozeTimeItemL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Deletes the buffers used for the list box resources.
+ */
+ void DeleteResourceBuf();
+ /**
+ * @brief Gets the date format of the device.
+ * @return TInt The enum const for respective dateformat
+ */
+ TInt DateFmt();
+ /**
+ * @brief Handles a back softkey command.
+ */
+ void HandleBackCmdL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Handles a Workdays command.
+ */
+ void HandleWorkDaysCmdL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Handles a date command.
+ */
+ void HandleDateCmdL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Handles a date format command.
+ */
+ void HandleDateFrmtCmdL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Handles a date separator command.
+ */
+ void HandleDateSeparCmdL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Handles a time command.
+ */
+ void HandleTimeCmdL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Handles a zone command.
+ */
+ void HandleZoneCmdL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Handles a time format command.
+ */
+ void HandleTimeFrmtCmdL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Handles a time separator command.
+ */
+ void HandleTimeSeparCmdL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Handles the automatic time update command.
+ * @param aDraw ETrue means this redraws the time update item.
+ * EFalse means this doesn't redraw the time update item.
+ */
+ void HandleAutomaticTimeUpdateCmdL( TBool aDraw = ETrue );
+ /**
+ * @brief Handles a clock type command.
+ */
+ void HandleClockTypeCmdL();
+ /**
+ * @brief opens file list resource reader.
+ * @param aResourceLoader Used to open the required resource file
+ */
+ void OpenFileListResourceLC( RConeResourceLoader& aResourceLoader );
+ /**
+ * @brief Handles a clock alarm tone command.
+ */
+ void HandleClockAlarmToneCmdL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Handles a clock alarm snooze command.
+ */
+ void HandleClockSnoozeTimeCmdL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Shows a popup setting page.
+ * @param aItemArray containing setting items.
+ * @param aIndex an index of initial item.
+ * @param aLabel a text of label.
+ * @return an index of selected item.
+ */
+ TInt QueryPopupSettingPageL( CDesCArray& aItemArray, TInt aIndex, const TDesC& aLabel );
+ /**
+ * @brief Callback when enviroment changed.
+ * @param aThis This class.
+ * @return TInt ETRUE or EFALSE
+ */
+ static TInt DoNotiferCallbackL( TAny* aThis );
+ /**
+ * @brief Displays confirmation note saying Automatic time update will be switched off.
+ */
+ void ShowAutomaticTimeUpdateOffNoteL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Callback every interval time.
+ * @param aThis This class.
+ * @return TInt ETRUE or EFALSE
+ */
+ static TInt TimerCallback( TAny* aThis );
+ /**
+ * @brief Deletes ProfileApp's resource file.
+ * @param aThis This class.
+ */
+ static void DeleteResFile(TAny* aThis);
+ /**
+ * @brief Removes registration of protected (automated) content. This means that unless some other application uses same media, no expiration notes are shown.
+ * @param aFile Full filename of the media.
+ */
+ void UnRegisterSound(const TFileName& aFile);
+ /**
+ * @brief Append the item in the list box.
+ * @param aDes The descriptor in the ListBox of date & time view
+ */
+ void AppendToItem(const TDesC& aDes);
+ /**
+ * @brief Insert the item in List box.
+ * @param aDes Descriptor to be inserted
+ */
+ void InsertToItem(const TDesC& aDes);
+ /**
+ * @brief Unregister and reregister the phone to network when NITZ turned ON.
+ */
+ void UnregisterAndReregisterL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Make the GMT String to be displayed in DateTimeView.
+ * @param aUtcOffset Offset from UTC
+ */
+ void MakeGmtOffsetStringL(TInt aUtcOffset);
+ /**
+ * @brief Displays the list of zones and selects.
+ * @param nitz is ETrue is nitz is activated and EFalse if it is not activated
+ */
+ void SelectZoneL(TBool nitz);
+ /**
+ * @brief Constructs the GMT string to be displayed in
+ * DateTimeView list.
+ */
+ void ConstructGmtStringL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Tells whether DST is in effect for the time zone.
+ * @param aTimeZoneId Provides the Timezone id
+ * @return TBool ETrue if Dst is on and EFalse if Dst is off
+ */
+ TBool IsDstOnL(TInt aTimeZoneId);
+ /**
+ * @brief Shows information note if alarms exists
+ */
+ void ShowAlarmExistNoteL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Gets the offset with DST for the given timezone id.
+ * @param aDstOffset This will contain the DST offset obtained from the rules.
+ * @param aTzId The timezone id of zone for which we need the DST offset.
+ */
+ void GetOffSetWithDstL( TInt32& aDstOffset, const CTzId& aTzId );
+ /**
+ * @brief Checks if the DST changes will happen in the next 7 days.
+ * Will show an information note to the user in that case.
+ * @return TBool ETrue if remaining time note has to be displayed.
+ */
+ TBool CheckForDSTChangesL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Resets the network and activates the plugin selected by the user.
+ * @param aPluginId The Id of the plugin to activate.
+ */
+ void ActivateAllPluginL();
+ /**
+ * @brief Checks if the alarm tone selected by the user exists. If not, it
+ * displays an information note to the user.
+ */
+ void CheckAlarmToneExistsL();
+ private: // Data
+ /**
+ * @var iSrvMdl
+ * @brief The clockserver model.
+ */
+ CClkUiClkSrvModel* iSrvModel;
+ /**
+ * @var iModelObserver
+ * @brief The clockserver observer object.
+ */
+ CClkUiMdlIntermediateObserver* iModelObserver;
+ /**
+ * @var iContainer
+ * @brief The container object.
+ */
+ CClkDateTimeViewContainer* iContainer;
+ /**
+ * @var iExtension
+ * @brief The CClkDateTimeViewExtension object.
+ */
+ CClkDateTimeViewExtension* iExtension;
+ /**
+ * @var iTimer
+ * @brief The periodic timer to keep the ui time updated.
+ */
+ CPeriodic* iTimer;
+ /**
+ * @var iOffset
+ * @brief The resource file offset.
+ */
+ TInt iOffset;
+ /**
+ * @var iDate
+ * @brief String holder for the string "Date"
+ */
+ HBufC* iDate;
+ /**
+ * @var iDateFrmt
+ * @brief String holder for the string "Date Format"
+ */
+ HBufC* iDateFrmt;
+ /**
+ * @var iDateSepar
+ * @brief String holder for the string "Date Format"
+ */
+ HBufC* iDateSepar;
+ /**
+ * @var iTime
+ * @brief String holder for the string "Time"
+ */
+ HBufC* iTime;
+ /**
+ * @var iZoneString
+ * @brief String holder for the string "Date Format"
+ */
+ HBufC* iZoneString;
+ /**
+ * @var iZone
+ * @brief String holder for the string ""
+ */
+ HBufC* iZone;
+ /**
+ * @var iTimeFrmt
+ * @brief String holder for the string "Time Format"
+ */
+ HBufC* iTimeFrmt;
+ /**
+ * @var iTimeSepar
+ * @brief String holder for the string "Date Format"
+ */
+ HBufC* iTimeSepar;
+ /**
+ * @var iClockType
+ * @brief String holder for the string "Date Format"
+ */
+ HBufC* iClockType;
+ /**
+ * @var iAbbrev24H
+ * @brief String holder for the string "Date Format"
+ */
+ HBufC* iAbbrev24H;
+ /**
+ * @var iAbbrev12H
+ * @brief String holder for the string "Date Format"
+ */
+ HBufC* iAbbrev12H;
+ /**
+ * @var iLocalTime
+ * @brief String holder for the string "Date Format"
+ */
+ HBufC* iLocalTime;
+ /**
+ * @var iAnalog
+ * @brief String holder for the string "Date Format"
+ */
+ HBufC* iAnalog;
+ /**
+ * @var iDigital
+ * @brief String holder for the string "Date Format"
+ */
+ HBufC* iDigital;
+ /**
+ * @var iTone
+ * @brief String holder for the string "Clock Alarm Tone"
+ */
+ HBufC* iTone;
+ /**
+ * @var iDST
+ * @brief String holder for the string ""
+ */
+ HBufC* iDST;
+ /**
+ * @var iDSTOn
+ * @brief String holder for the string ""
+ */
+ HBufC* iDSTOn;
+ /**
+ * @var iDSTOff
+ * @brief String holder for the string ""
+ */
+ HBufC* iDSTOff;
+ /**
+ * @var iTimeZone
+ * @brief String holder for the string "Timezone"
+ */
+ HBufC* iTimeZone;
+ /**
+ * @var iGMTPrefixTxt
+ * @brief String holder for the string "GMT"
+ */
+ HBufC* iGMTPrefixTxt;
+ /**
+ * @var iAutomaticTimeUpdateOn
+ * @brief String holder for the string "Network time"
+ */
+ HBufC* iAutomaticTimeUpdateOn;
+ /**
+ * @var iAutomaticTimeUpdateOff
+ * @brief String holder for the string "Off"
+ */
+ HBufC* iAutomaticTimeUpdateOff;
+ /**
+ * @var iAutomaticTimeUpdateString
+ * @brief String holder for the string "Network Operator Time"
+ */
+ HBufC* iAutomaticTimeUpdateString;
+ /**
+ * @var iIsClockInUse
+ * @brief Indicates wheather clock is in use or not.
+ */
+ TBool iIsClockInUse;
+ /**
+ * @var iViewId
+ * @brief View id of the view, that has launched datetime view.
+ */
+ TUid iViewId;
+ /**
+ * @var iPrevViewId
+ * @brief View id.
+ */
+ TVwsViewId iPrevViewId;
+ /**
+ * @var iNotifier
+ * @brief The CEnvironmentChangeNotifier object.
+ */
+ CEnvironmentChangeNotifier* iNotifier;
+ /**
+ * @var iDateFrmtItemLists
+ * @brief Array of date format items.
+ */
+ CDesCArrayFlat* iDateFrmtItemLists;
+ /**
+ * @var iDateSeparItemLists
+ * @brief Array of date separator items.
+ */
+ CDesCArrayFlat* iDateSeparItemLists;
+ /**
+ * @var iTimeSeparItemLists
+ * @brief Array of time separator items.
+ */
+ CDesCArrayFlat* iTimeSeparItemLists;
+ /**
+ * @var iSoundOffTxt
+ * @brief String holder for string "Off".
+ */
+ HBufC* iSoundOffTxt;
+ /**
+ * @var iDefaultToneTxt
+ * @brief String holder for string "Default tone"
+ */
+ HBufC* iDefaultToneTxt;
+ /**
+ * @var iToneListHeader
+ * @brief String holder for string "Select tone:"
+ */
+ HBufC* iToneListHeader;
+ /**
+ * @var iGMTString
+ * @brief String holder for the gmt string
+ */
+ HBufC* iGMTString;
+ /**
+ * @var iListItemCount
+ * @brief Holds the number of items in the settings list.
+ */
+ TInt iListItemCount;
+ /**
+ * @var iDRMHelper
+ * @brief The CDRMHelper object.
+ */
+ CDRMHelper* iDRMHelper;
+ /**
+ * @var iItem
+ * @brief This will hold the list item.
+ */
+ HBufC* iItem;
+ /**
+ * @var iItemList
+ * @brief The list of settings items.
+ */
+ MDesCArray* iItemList;
+ /**
+ * @var iItemArray
+ * @brief
+ */
+ CDesCArray* iItemArray;
+ /**
+ * @var iMenuChange
+ * @brief Used to control Menu event.
+ */
+ TBool iMenuChange;
+ /**
+ * @var iCurrentItem
+ * @brief The current list item index.
+ */
+ TInt iCurrentItem;
+ /**
+ * @var iNumOfItemsInView
+ * @brief The total number of list items in the list.
+ */
+ TInt iNumOfItemsInView;
+ /**
+ * @var iTopItem
+ * @brief The index of top list item.
+ */
+ TInt iTopItem;
+ /**
+ * @var iDateTimeInfo
+ * @brief The date time information.
+ */
+ TClkDateTimeInfo iDateTimeInfo;
+ /**
+ * @var iAlarmToneName
+ * @brief The filename of the alarm tone selected currently.
+ */
+ TFileName iAlarmToneName;
+ /**
+ * @var iDefaultAlarmToneName
+ * @brief The filename of the default tone.
+ */
+ TFileName iDefaultAlarmToneName;
+ /**
+ * @var iValue
+ * @brief Buffer to hold the item value.
+ */
+ TBuf< KMaxValueLength > iValue;
+ /**
+ * @var iDummy
+ * @brief Not used any more but kept to preserve BC
+ */
+ TAny* iDummy;
+ /**
+ * @var iResourceOffset
+ * @brief The offset of the UI resource.
+ */
+ TInt iResourceOffset;
+ };
+// End of File