changeset 0 f979ecb2b13e
child 12 38571fd2a704
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pimappservices/calendar/server/inc/agsentrymodel.h	Tue Feb 02 10:12:19 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __AGSENTRYMODEL_H__
+#define __AGSENTRYMODEL_H__
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include "agsver.h"
+#include <calattachmentmanager.h>
+#include <calchangecallback.h>
+#include <calentry.h>
+#include "calinstanceviewimpl.h"
+#include <f32file.h>
+class CAgnAlarm;
+class CAgnAttachment;
+class CAgnAttachmentFile;
+class CAgnAttachmentIndex;
+class CAgnCalendarConverter;
+class CAgnCategoryIndex;
+class CAgnContent;
+class CAgnEntry;
+class CAgnEntryManager;
+class CAgnModelStreamIdSet;
+class CAgnRptDef;
+class CAgnServerSession;
+class CAgnServFile;
+class CAgnSimpleEntryTable;
+class CAgnInstanceInfo;
+class CCalAsyncDelete;
+class CStreamStore;
+class RFile;
+class TAgnChangeFilter;
+class TAgnEntryIter;
+class TAgnFilter;
+class TAgnInstanceExtractor;
+class TAgnSortInstance;
+class TFindInstanceParams;
+class CAgnTzRuleIndex;
+class CAgsInstanceIteratorMgr;
+// function pointer used in text matching 
+typedef TInt (*MatchTextFnPtr)(const TDesC& aTextField, const TDesC& aSearchText);
+/** This class represents details of a database change to be notified to clients. 
+Most of this information is used for filtering.
+struct TAgnChange
+	{
+	// The start and end time of the entry affected
+	TTime							iStartTimeOfEntryUtc;
+	TTime							iEndTimeOfEntryUtc;
+	// The repeat rule of the entry affected (NULL if there isn't one)
+	const CAgnRptDef*				iRepeatRule;
+	// If the operation is an update, the start and end time of the original entry
+	TTime							iOriginalStartTimeUtc;
+	TTime							iOriginalEndTimeUtc;
+	// If the operation is an update, the repeat rule of the original entry (NULL if there isn't one)
+	const CAgnRptDef*				iOriginalRepeatRule;
+	// The type of operation
+	MCalChangeCallBack2::TChangeType	iOperationType;
+	// The type of entry
+	CCalEntry::TType				iEntryType;
+	// The id of the entry
+	TCalLocalUid					iEntryId;
+	// The session which made the operation (not owned)
+	CAgnServerSession*				iSession;
+	TInt64							iFileId;
+	};
+/** The server-side model to control access to entries.
+This class contains the main functionality for adding, updating, deleting and fetching entries, and 
+searching for instances.
+It is responsible for change notification, queuing alarms, building the entry indexes, opening calendar files, 
+and carrying out roll-back if an error occurs.
+CAgnEntryModel references other server-side classes which are used for various functions:
+- CAgnEntryManager takes responsibility for all file-reading and file-writing operations, e.g. adding an entry 
+to the calendar file.
+- CAgnServFile is used to control higher level file access operations, e.g. opening a file.
+- CAgnSimpleEntryTable contains the entry indexes. CAgnCategoryIndex and CAgnAttachmentIndex contain
+other indexes for controlling category and attachment data.
+- TAgnInstanceExtractor is used for all instance searching operations, including finding alarmed instances when 
+queuing alarms.
+@see CAgnEntryModel 
+class CAgnEntryModel : public CBase
+	{
+	friend class CAgnCalendarConverter; // to allow access to UpdateIndexL
+	enum TUpdateIndex
+		{
+		EAdd,
+		EDelete,
+		EUpdate,
+		EBuildIndex
+		};
+// construction / destruction
+	static CAgnEntryModel* NewL(CAgnServFile* aAgnServerFile);
+	~CAgnEntryModel();
+// file operations
+	void OpenL(CStreamStore& aStore, const TStreamId& aModelStreamId);
+	TStreamId CreateL(CStreamStore& aStore);
+	const TInt64& GetFileIdL();
+	const TDesC& FileName() const;
+	void CommitL();
+	void Rollback();
+	void CommitAndNotifyDeletesL(TAgnChangeFilter& aChangeFilter);
+// build indexes
+	void ResetIndexes();
+	TInt DoIndexBuildStepL(); // return percentage complete
+	void BuildIndexCompleteL();
+	TBool AreIndexesBuilt() const;
+	TBool StreamsAreEmpty() const;
+// queueing alarms
+	void NextAlarmForServerL(const TTime& aNow,CArrayFixFlat<TAgnSortInstance>& aAlarmedIds);
+	void NextFewAlarmsForServerL(const TTime& aStartDateTime,const TTime& aEndDateTime,CArrayFixFlat<TAgnSortInstance>& aAlarmedIds,const TInt aMaxNumberOfAlarms);
+	void FindAndQueueNextFewAlarmsL();
+	void SetUpdateAlarmL(TBool aUpdateAlarm);
+	void DeleteAlarmsAndRequeueSessionAlarmL();
+// SyncML requirements
+	void GetEntryUidsSinceDateL(const TTime& aTime, RArray<TCalLocalUid>& aUniqueIdList); // find entries modified since a certain time
+// access entry's attributes which are not stored with entries
+	HBufC* RestoreTextL(const TStreamId& aStream);
+	CAgnContent* RestoreAlarmActionL(const TStreamId& aStream);
+// entry operations
+	TAgnEntryId StoreL(CAgnEntry& aEntry, TAgnChangeFilter* aChangeFilter);
+	void UpdateEntryL(CAgnEntry& aNewEntry, TAgnChangeFilter* aChangeFilter, TBool aDeleteChildren);
+    void DeleteEntryL(CAgnEntry& aEntry, TBool aCascadeDelete, TAgnChangeFilter* aChangeFilter);
+// fetching entries
+	const CAgnSimpleEntry* GetSimpleEntryFromIndexes(const TAgnEntryId& aId);
+	const CAgnSimpleEntry* GetSimpleEntryFromIndexes(TCalLocalUid aId);
+	CAgnEntry* FetchEntryL(const TAgnEntryId& aId) const;	
+	CAgnEntry* FetchEntryL(TCalLocalUid aId) const;
+	CAgnEntry* FetchEntryL(const TDesC8& aGuid) const;
+	void FetchEntriesL(const TDesC8& aGuid, RPointerArray<CAgnEntry>& aList) const;
+// instance searching
+	void FindInstancesL(CArrayFix<TAgnSortInstance>& aInstances, const TFindInstanceParams& aParameters);
+	void NextPossibleInstancesL(CArrayFix<TAgnSortInstance>& aInstances, const TFindInstanceParams& aSearchParams) const;
+	void PreviousPossibleInstancesL(CArrayFix<TAgnSortInstance>& aInstances, const TFindInstanceParams& aSearchParams) const;
+	void LogInstanceSearchL(const TFindInstanceParams& aParameters, const CArrayFix<TAgnSortInstance>& aInstances) const;
+// used by extractors when searching
+	TBool MatchFullEntryL(const TAgnEntryId& aEntryId, const TFindInstanceParams& aSearchParams);
+	TBool MatchSearchTextL(CAgnEntry& aEntry, const TDesC& aSearchText, const TAgnFilter& aFilter);
+	static TBool CheckStartAndEndDateOverlap(const TAgnSortInstance& aInstance, const TFindInstanceParams& aSearchParams);
+// notifications
+	void NotifyChangeL(const CAgnServerSession& aSession, CAgnEntry* aEntry, MCalChangeCallBack2::TChangeType aChangeType, CAgnInstanceInfo* aOriginalEntry);
+	void NotifyPublishAndSubscribeL(TAgnChangeFilter& aChangeFilter);
+// Attachments
+	TInt TransferAttachmentFileToServerL(RFile& aFile, TCalLocalUid aLocalUid, TInt aAttachmentIndex);
+	void OpenAttachmentFileL(RFile& aFile, TInt aAttachmentIndex) const;
+	HBufC* GenerateFilenameLC(const TDesC& aDrive, const TDesC& aFileName);
+	HBufC* GenerateRandomFilenameLC(const TDesC& aDrive);
+	void UpdateAttachmentDetailsL(TCalLocalUid aLocalUid, TInt aAttachmentIndex, const TDesC& aFileName, TInt aAttachmentSize);
+	void UpdateAttachmentDetailsOnCopyL(TCalLocalUid aLocalUid, TInt aAttachIndex, const TDesC& aFileName);
+	void CreateNewFileL(RFile& aFileHandle, const TDesC& aFileName);
+	const RArray<TCalLocalUid>* GetEntriesWithAttachment(TUint32 aAttachmentUid) const;
+	void GetSortedAttachmentsL(RArray<TUint32>& aAttachmentIds, CCalAttachmentManager::TSortOrder aSortOrder);
+	CAgnAttachment* FetchAttachmentByIdL(TUint32 aAttachUid);
+	TInt MoveFileToServerL(TCalLocalUid aLocalUid, TInt aAttachmentIndex);
+// Accessor functions
+	CAgnCategoryIndex& CategoryIndex() const;
+// Miscellaneous
+	const TDesC8& GetEntryGuidL(CAgnEntry& aEntry) const;
+	void SetBufferedDeleting(TBool aSetting);	
+	void FlushL();
+	void RestoreCategoriesL();
+	CCalAsyncDelete* CreateAsyncDeleteL(TAgnChangeFilter& aChangeFilter);
+	TAgnEntryIter* CreateEntryIterL() const;
+	TTime TzRulesLastModifiedDateL();
+	void CheckTzDbModificationL();
+	void HandleTzRulesChangeL(const TTime& aTime);
+// Calendar file conversion operations
+	void LoadNewStreamStoreL(CStreamStore& aStore, const TStreamId& aModelStreamId, CAgnEntryManager& aEntryManager, CAgnTzRuleIndex& aTzRuleIndex);
+// Alarm accessor
+   CAgnAlarm& Alarm();
+//methods for cached index file
+	TBool IsIndexFileDirty() const;
+	void  MarkIndexFileAsDirtyL();
+	TBool DoLoadIndexFile();
+	TBool LoadIndexFileL();
+	void  SaveIndexFileL();
+	TBool GenerateIndexFileName(TFileName& aFileName);
+	TCalCollectionId CollectionId() const;
+	const CAgnServFile& AgnServFile();
+	void ConstructL(CAgnServFile* aAgnServerFile);
+// file functions
+	void Reset();	
+	void DoOpenL(const TStreamId& aId);
+	void ExternalizeNextUidValuesL() const;
+	void ExternalizeNextUidValuesL(CStreamStore& aStore, const TStreamId& aStreamId) const;
+	void InternalizeNextUidValuesL();
+	void ExternalizeEntryManagerL() const;
+	void InternalizeEntryManagerL();
+	void ExternalizeFileIdL(CStreamStore& aStore, const TStreamId& aStreamId) const;
+// entry operations
+	TAgnEntryId AddEntryL(CAgnEntry& aEntry);
+	TAgnEntryId DoAddEntryL(CAgnEntry& aEntry);
+   	void DoDeleteEntryL(CAgnEntry& aEntry);
+	void DoUpdateEntryL(CAgnEntry& aEntry, CAgnEntry* aOldEntry);
+	void DoUpdateAttachmentsL(CAgnEntry& aEntry, CAgnEntry& aOldEntry);
+	CAgnEntry* FetchEntryL(const TDesC8& aGuid, const TAgnCalendarTime& aRecurrenceId) const;
+	void MoveAttachmentToDriveL(CAgnAttachmentFile& aFileAttachment, CAgnAttachmentFile& aNewFileAttachment);
+	void DoCommitL();
+// parent-child functionality
+	TAgnEntryId AddChildEntryL(CAgnEntry& aChild, CAgnEntry& aParent);
+	TAgnEntryId AddRepeatingChildEntryUpdateParentRuleL(CAgnEntry& aParentEntry, CAgnEntry& aRepeatingChild);
+	TAgnEntryId AddNonRepeatingChildEntryUpdateParentExceptionsL(CAgnEntry& aParentEntry, CAgnEntry& aNonRepeatingChild);
+	TBool EntryHasNoChildrenAndNoValidInstancesL(CAgnEntry& aEntry) const;
+	TInt EntryHasRepeatingChildrenL(const CAgnEntry& aParentEntry);
+	void DeleteNonRepeatingChildrenOutsideRangeL(const CAgnEntry& aParentEntry, const TAgnCalendarTime& aRecIdUtc, CalCommon::TRecurrenceRange aRange);
+ 	void DeleteChildrenL(CAgnEntry& aParent);
+	void UpdateParentL(CAgnEntry& aChild);
+    CAgnEntry* FindChildFromParentL(const CAgnEntry& aParent, const TAgnCalendarTime& aRecurrenceId) const;
+// entry properties stored in separate streams
+	TStreamId StoreTextL(const TDesC& aText);
+	void UpdateTextL(const TDesC& aText, const TStreamId& aStream);
+	void DeleteTextStreamL(const TStreamId& aStream);
+	TStreamId StoreAlarmActionL(const CAgnContent& aAlarmAction);
+	void UpdateAlarmActionL(const CAgnContent& aAlarmAction, const TStreamId& aStream);
+	void DeleteAlarmActionStreamL(const TStreamId& aStream);
+	TStreamId WriteDescriptorToStreamL(const TDesC& aString);
+	void StoreExternalAttributesL(CAgnEntry& aEntry);
+	void DeleteExternalAttributesL(CAgnEntry& aEntry);
+	void UpdateExternalAttributesL(CAgnEntry& aEntry);
+// used when text searching
+	TBool MatchSearchTextL(MatchTextFnPtr aMatchTextFunction, CAgnEntry& aEntry, const TDesC& aSearchText, const TAgnFilter& aFilter);
+	static TInt MatchExactText(const TDesC& aTextField, const TDesC& aSearchText);
+	static TInt MatchFoldedText(const TDesC& aTextField, const TDesC& aSearchText);
+// accessor functions	
+	CStreamStore& StreamStore() const;
+// alarm queuing
+	void CreateAlarmForServerL();	
+	void UpdateAlarmListL(CArrayFixFlat<TAgnSortInstance>& aAlarmedIds,CArrayFixSeg<TAgnSortInstance>& aDayInfoList, const TTime& aNow);
+	void AddToAlarmListL(CArrayFixFlat<TAgnSortInstance>& aAlarmedIds,CArrayFixSeg<TAgnSortInstance>& aDayInfoList, const TTime& aStartDateTime,
+					const TTime& aEndDateTime, const TInt aMaxNumberOfAlarms);
+// notification
+	void NotifyingL(MCalChangeCallBack2::TChangeType aChangeType, CAgnEntry& aEntry, CAgnInstanceInfo* aOriginalEntry);
+	void NotifySessionsOfChangeL(const TAgnChange& aChange);
+// index updates
+	void UpdateIndexL(CAgnEntry& aEntry, CAgnEntry* aOldEntry, TUpdateIndex aUpdateIndex);
+	void AddEntryToIndexesL(CAgnEntry& aEntry);
+// rollback functions
+	void AppendRollbackArrayL(const CAgnEntry& aEntry, TBool aAdd);
+	void ResetRollback();
+	void RollbackIndexesL();
+// Miscellaneous
+	TInt TransferFileFromClientL(RFile& aAttachfileHandle, CAgnAttachmentFile& aAttachFile, CAgnEntry& aEntry, TBool aIsSameDrive);
+	TInt DoMoveFileToServerL(TCalLocalUid aLocalUid, TInt aAttachmentIndex);
+	void CopyAttachmentFileToDifferentPlaceL(CAgnEntry& aEntry);
+	TBool IsAttachmentFileFromSameSessionL(const TDesC& aAttachmentFile);	
+	TInt									iNumStreamsProcessed; 
+	CAgnModelStreamIdSet*					iModelStreamIdSet;
+	CAgnEntryManager* 						iEntryManager;
+	CAgnAlarm*								iAlarm;
+	TUint									iNextLocalUidValue;
+	TUint									iNextAttachmentUid;
+	TAgnInstanceExtractor*                  iExtractor;
+	CAgnSimpleEntryTable*					iSimpleEntryTable;
+	CAgnCategoryIndex*						iCategoryIndex;
+	CAgnAttachmentIndex*					iAttachmentIndex;
+	CAgnTzRuleIndex*						iTzRuleIndex;	
+	TInt64									iFileId;
+	CAgnServFile* 							iAgnServerFile;	//not owned
+	TBool									iUpdateAlarm;
+	TAgnChangeFilter*						iChangeFilter;//not owned
+	RArray<TAgnEntryId> 					iAddRollbackArray;
+	RPointerArray<CAgnEntry> 				iDeleteRollbackArray;
+	CAgnCalendarConverter*                  iCalConverter;
+	TInt									iOperationsCounter;
+    RFile									iAttachmentFileHandle;
+	RFs										iFs;
+	TBool  									iIndexFileIsDirty;
+	TBool  									iIndexFileIsPresent;
+	CAgsInstanceIteratorMgr*				iInstanceIteratorMgr;
+	};