changeset 0 f979ecb2b13e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pimappservices/calendar/tsrc/tCal_UndatedToDo.cpp	Tue Feb 02 10:12:19 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1040 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "caltestlib.h"
+#include <calentry.h>
+#include <calentryview.h>
+#include <calinstance.h>
+#include <calinstanceview.h>
+#include <caliterator.h>
+#include <calprogresscallback.h>
+#include <calrrule.h>
+#include <calsession.h>
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <tz.h>
+RTest test(_L("tcal_undatedtodo"));
+_LIT(KCalendarFile, "tcal_undatedtodo");
+_LIT(KDateFormat, "%02d:%02d %02d/%02d/%04d\0");
+class CTestApp : public CBase
+	{
+	static CTestApp* NewL();
+	~CTestApp();
+	void DoTestsL();
+	void ConstructL();
+	void TestTodoSortOrderL(const CalCommon::TCalTimeRange& aSearchRange);
+	void TestFindInstanceNonRepeatingTodoL();
+	void TestFindInstanceRepeatingTodoL();
+	void TestNextInstanceL();
+	void CreateAndTestNonRptTodoL(const TTime& aStartTime, const TTime& aEndTime, const TTime& aCompletedTime, const CalCommon::TCalTimeRange& aTimeRange, TBool aExpected);
+	CCalEntry* CreateTodoLC(const TTime& aStartTime, const TTime& aEndTime, const TTime& aCompletedTime);
+	void CreateAndTestRptTodoL(const TTime& aStartTime, const TTime& aEndTime, const TTime& aCompletedTime, TCalRRule::TType aRepeatType, TInt aInterval, TInt aCount, const CalCommon::TCalTimeRange& aTimeRange, RArray<TTime> aExpectedLocalInstanceTimes);
+	CCalEntry* CreateRepeatingTodoLC(const TTime& aStartTime, const TTime& aEndTime, const TTime& aCompletedTime, TCalRRule::TType aRepeatType, TInt aInterval, TInt aCount);
+	void PrintDetailsInstancesL(const RPointerArray<CCalInstance>& aInstanceList);
+	HBufC* TimeBufLC(const TTime& aLocalTime);
+private: // member data
+	CCalTestLibrary* iTestLib;
+	CCalEntryView* iEntryView;		// not owned
+	CCalInstanceView* iInstanceView;// not owned
+	TTime iToday;
+	};
+CTestApp* CTestApp::NewL()
+	{
+	CTestApp* app = new (ELeave) CTestApp();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(app);
+	app->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(app);
+	return app;
+	}
+	{
+	delete iTestLib;
+	}
+void CTestApp::ConstructL()
+	{
+	iTestLib = CCalTestLibrary::NewL();
+	iTestLib->ReplaceFileL(KCalendarFile());
+	iTestLib->OpenFileL(KCalendarFile());
+	iInstanceView = &iTestLib->SynCGetInstanceViewL();
+	iEntryView = &iTestLib->SynCGetEntryViewL();
+	iToday.HomeTime();
+	}
+HBufC* CTestApp::TimeBufLC(const TTime& aLocalTime)
+	{
+	TBuf<17> timeBuf;
+	TDateTime localDateTime = aLocalTime.DateTime();
+	timeBuf.AppendFormat(KDateFormat,
+							localDateTime.Hour(),
+							localDateTime.Minute(),
+							localDateTime.Day() + 1, 
+							static_cast<TInt>(localDateTime.Month()) + 1, 
+							localDateTime.Year());
+	return timeBuf.AllocLC();
+	}
+void CTestApp::PrintDetailsInstancesL(const RPointerArray<CCalInstance>& aInstanceList)
+	{
+	const TInt KInstanceCount(aInstanceList.Count());
+	if (KInstanceCount == 0)
+		{	
+		test.Printf(_L("No instances found!"));
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		test.Printf(_L("%d instances found"), KInstanceCount);
+		// print the entry details
+		if (aInstanceList[0]->Entry().EndTimeL().TimeLocalL() != Time::NullTTime())
+			{
+			// get the instance and entry due dates as strings	
+			HBufC* entryEndTimeBuf = TimeBufLC(aInstanceList[0]->Entry().EndTimeL().TimeLocalL());
+			// does entry have start time?
+			TCalTime entryStartTime = aInstanceList[0]->Entry().StartTimeL();
+			if (entryStartTime.TimeLocalL() == Time::NullTTime())
+				{
+				test.Printf(_L("Entry due date := %s"), entryEndTimeBuf->Ptr());
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// get the instance and entry start times as strings
+				HBufC* entryStartTimeBuf = TimeBufLC(aInstanceList[0]->Entry().StartTimeL().TimeLocalL());
+				test.Printf(_L("Entry start and due date := %s - %s"), entryStartTimeBuf->Ptr(), entryEndTimeBuf->Ptr());
+				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entryStartTimeBuf);
+				}
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entryEndTimeBuf);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			test.Printf(_L("undated entry"));
+			}
+		}
+	for (TInt i(0) ; i < KInstanceCount ; ++i)
+		{	
+		if (aInstanceList[i]->Entry().EndTimeL().TimeLocalL() != Time::NullTTime())
+			{
+			// get the instance and entry due dates as strings	
+			HBufC* instanceEndTimeBuf = TimeBufLC(aInstanceList[i]->EndTimeL().TimeLocalL());
+			// does entry have start time?
+			TCalTime entryStartTime = aInstanceList[i]->Entry().StartTimeL();
+			if (entryStartTime.TimeLocalL() == Time::NullTTime())
+				{
+				test.Printf(_L("Instance %d due date := %s"), i + 1, instanceEndTimeBuf->Ptr());
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// get the instance and entry start times as strings
+				HBufC* instanceStartTimeBuf = TimeBufLC(aInstanceList[i]->StartTimeL().TimeLocalL());
+				test.Printf(_L("Instance %d start and due date := %s - %s"), i + 1, instanceStartTimeBuf->Ptr(), instanceEndTimeBuf->Ptr());
+				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(instanceStartTimeBuf);
+				}
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(instanceEndTimeBuf);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			test.Printf(_L("undated"));
+			}
+		// display the completed time if the is one
+		TTime completedTimeLocal = aInstanceList[i]->Entry().CompletedTimeL().TimeLocalL();
+		if (completedTimeLocal != Time::NullTTime())
+			{
+			HBufC* completedTimeBuf = TimeBufLC(completedTimeLocal);
+			test.Printf(_L("Completed time = %s"), completedTimeBuf->Ptr());
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(completedTimeBuf);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			test.Printf(_L("incomplete"));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+CCalEntry* CTestApp::CreateTodoLC(const TTime& aStartTime, const TTime& aEndTime,  const TTime& aCompletedTime)
+	{
+	HBufC8* guid = NULL;
+	CCalEntry* entry = iTestLib->CreateCalEntryL(CCalEntry::ETodo, guid);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(entry);
+	TCalTime calStartTime;
+	calStartTime.SetTimeLocalL(aStartTime);
+	TCalTime calEndTime;
+	calEndTime.SetTimeLocalL(aEndTime);
+	entry->SetStartAndEndTimeL(calStartTime, calEndTime);
+	if (aCompletedTime != Time::NullTTime())
+		{
+		TCalTime calTime;
+		calTime.SetTimeLocalL(aCompletedTime);
+		entry->SetCompletedL(ETrue, calTime);
+		}
+	return entry;
+	}
+CCalEntry* CTestApp::CreateRepeatingTodoLC(const TTime& aStartTime, const TTime& aEndTime, const TTime& aCompletedTime, TCalRRule::TType aRepeatType, TInt aInterval, TInt aCount)
+	{
+	HBufC8* guid = NULL;
+	CCalEntry* entry = iTestLib->CreateCalEntryL(CCalEntry::ETodo, guid);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(entry);
+	TCalTime calStartTime;
+	calStartTime.SetTimeLocalL(aStartTime);
+	TCalTime calEndTime;
+	calEndTime.SetTimeLocalL(aEndTime);
+	entry->SetStartAndEndTimeL(calStartTime, calEndTime);
+	TCalRRule rRule(aRepeatType);
+	rRule.SetDtStart(calEndTime);
+	rRule.SetInterval(aInterval);
+	rRule.SetCount(aCount);
+	switch (aRepeatType)
+		{
+		case TCalRRule::EWeekly:
+			{
+			RArray<TDay> days;
+			CleanupClosePushL(days);
+			days.AppendL(aEndTime.DayNoInWeek());
+			rRule.SetByDay(days);
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&days);
+			}
+			break;
+		case TCalRRule::EMonthly:
+			{
+			RArray<TInt> monthDays;
+			CleanupClosePushL(monthDays);
+			monthDays.AppendL(aEndTime.DayNoInMonth());
+			rRule.SetByMonthDay(monthDays);
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&monthDays);
+			}
+			break;
+		case TCalRRule::EYearly:
+			{
+			RArray<TMonth> months;
+			CleanupClosePushL(months);
+			months.AppendL(aEndTime.DateTime().Month());
+			rRule.SetByMonth(months);
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&months);
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+	entry->SetRRuleL(rRule);
+	if (aCompletedTime != Time::NullTTime())
+		{
+		TCalTime calTime;
+		calTime.SetTimeLocalL(aCompletedTime);
+		entry->SetCompletedL(ETrue, calTime);
+		}
+	return entry;
+	}
+void CTestApp::TestTodoSortOrderL(const CalCommon::TCalTimeRange& aSearchRange)
+	{
+	RPointerArray<CCalEntry> entryArray;
+	CleanupClosePushL(entryArray);
+	// Create 3 TODOs 2 days in the past
+	// with different priorities
+	entryArray.AppendL(CreateTodoLC(iToday - TTimeIntervalDays(2), iToday - TTimeIntervalDays(2), Time::NullTTime()));
+	entryArray[entryArray.Count() - 1]->SetPriorityL(4);
+	entryArray.AppendL(CreateTodoLC(iToday - TTimeIntervalDays(2), iToday - TTimeIntervalDays(2), Time::NullTTime()));
+	entryArray[entryArray.Count() - 1]->SetPriorityL(2);
+	entryArray.AppendL(CreateTodoLC(iToday - TTimeIntervalDays(2), iToday - TTimeIntervalDays(2), Time::NullTTime()));
+	entryArray[entryArray.Count() - 1]->SetPriorityL(3);
+	// Create 3 TODOs 1 day in the past
+	// with different completed times
+	entryArray.AppendL(CreateTodoLC(iToday - TTimeIntervalDays(1), iToday - TTimeIntervalDays(1), iToday - TTimeIntervalDays(1) - TTimeIntervalMinutes(4)));
+	entryArray.AppendL(CreateTodoLC(iToday - TTimeIntervalDays(1), iToday - TTimeIntervalDays(1), iToday - TTimeIntervalDays(1) - TTimeIntervalMinutes(2)));
+	entryArray.AppendL(CreateTodoLC(iToday - TTimeIntervalDays(1), iToday - TTimeIntervalDays(1), iToday - TTimeIntervalDays(1) - TTimeIntervalMinutes(7)));
+	// Create 2 undated TODOs
+	entryArray.AppendL(CreateTodoLC(Time::NullTTime(), Time::NullTTime(), Time::NullTTime()));
+	entryArray.AppendL(CreateTodoLC(Time::NullTTime(), Time::NullTTime(), Time::NullTTime()));
+	// Create 2 undated TODOs
+	// with completed times
+	entryArray.AppendL(CreateTodoLC(Time::NullTTime(), Time::NullTTime(), iToday - TTimeIntervalMinutes(4)));
+	entryArray.AppendL(CreateTodoLC(Time::NullTTime(), Time::NullTTime(), iToday - TTimeIntervalMinutes(7)));
+	// Create a TODO in the future
+	entryArray.AppendL(CreateTodoLC(iToday + TTimeIntervalDays(2), iToday + TTimeIntervalDays(2), Time::NullTTime()));	
+	TInt success(0);
+	iEntryView->StoreL(entryArray, success);
+	test(success == entryArray.Count());
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entryArray.Count());
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&entryArray);
+	RPointerArray<CCalInstance> instanceArray;
+	CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(instanceArray);
+	iInstanceView->FindInstanceL(instanceArray, CalCommon::EIncludeAll, aSearchRange);
+	test.Printf(_L("Test we found the expected number of instances!"));
+	//test(instanceArray.Count() == 11);
+	const TInt KInstanceCount(instanceArray.Count());
+	for (TInt i(0) ; i < KInstanceCount ; ++i)
+		{
+		TDateTime dt = instanceArray[i]->Time().TimeLocalL().DateTime();
+		test.Printf(_L("the time of instance [%d] = %d:%d %d/%d/%d: \n"), i, dt.Hour(), dt.Minute(),dt.Day() + 1, dt.Month() + 1, dt.Year());
+		}
+	test.Printf(_L("Test the times of the todos"));
+	test(instanceArray[0]->Time().TimeLocalL() == iToday - TTimeIntervalDays(2));
+	test(instanceArray[1]->Time().TimeLocalL() == iToday - TTimeIntervalDays(2));
+	test(instanceArray[2]->Time().TimeLocalL() == iToday - TTimeIntervalDays(2));
+	// completed todos are sorted by completed time
+	test(instanceArray[3]->Time().TimeLocalL() == iToday - TTimeIntervalDays(1) - TTimeIntervalMinutes(7));
+	test(instanceArray[4]->Time().TimeLocalL() == iToday - TTimeIntervalDays(1) - TTimeIntervalMinutes(4));
+	test(instanceArray[5]->Time().TimeLocalL() == iToday - TTimeIntervalDays(1) - TTimeIntervalMinutes(2));	
+	// due date should be Time::NullTTime but instance time should be set to completed time
+	test(instanceArray[6]->Entry().EndTimeL().TimeLocalL() == Time::NullTTime());
+	test(instanceArray[7]->Entry().EndTimeL().TimeLocalL() == Time::NullTTime());
+	test(instanceArray[6]->Time().TimeLocalL() == iToday - TTimeIntervalMinutes(7));
+	test(instanceArray[7]->Time().TimeLocalL() == iToday - TTimeIntervalMinutes(4));
+	test(instanceArray[8]->Entry().EndTimeL().TimeLocalL() == Time::NullTTime());
+	test(instanceArray[9]->Entry().EndTimeL().TimeLocalL() == Time::NullTTime());
+	test(instanceArray[10]->Time().TimeLocalL() == iToday + TTimeIntervalDays(2));
+	test.Printf(_L("Test the priority of the todos"));
+	test(instanceArray[0]->Entry().PriorityL() == 2);
+	test(instanceArray[1]->Entry().PriorityL() == 3);
+	test(instanceArray[2]->Entry().PriorityL() == 4);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&instanceArray);
+	}
+void CTestApp::CreateAndTestNonRptTodoL(const TTime& aStartTime, const TTime& aEndTime, const TTime& aCompletedTime, const CalCommon::TCalTimeRange& aTimeRange, TBool aExpected)
+	{
+	iTestLib->CleanDatabaseL();
+	// Create and store entry
+	RPointerArray<CCalEntry> entryArray;
+	CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(entryArray);
+	CCalEntry* todo = CreateTodoLC(aStartTime, aEndTime, aCompletedTime);
+	entryArray.AppendL(todo);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(todo);
+	TInt numSuc;
+	iTestLib->SynCGetEntryViewL().StoreL(entryArray, numSuc);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&entryArray);
+	// find the todo
+	RPointerArray<CCalInstance> instanceList;
+	CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(instanceList);
+	iTestLib->SynCGetInstanceViewL().FindInstanceL(instanceList, CalCommon::EIncludeAll, aTimeRange);
+	PrintDetailsInstancesL(instanceList);
+	if (aExpected)
+		{
+		// We are expecting an instance so test it
+		test(instanceList.Count() == 1);
+		// test the entry times
+		if (aEndTime != Time::NullTTime())
+			{
+			// dated
+			test(instanceList[0]->Entry().EndTimeL().TimeLocalL() == aEndTime);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// undated
+			test(instanceList[0]->Entry().StartTimeL().TimeLocalL() == Time::NullTTime());
+			test(instanceList[0]->Entry().EndTimeL().TimeLocalL() == Time::NullTTime());
+			}
+		// test the instance times
+		if (instanceList[0]->Entry().CompletedTimeL().TimeLocalL() == Time::NullTTime())
+			{
+			// incomplete
+			if (aEndTime != Time::NullTTime())
+				{
+				// the todo is dated
+				// the instance due date should always be the same as the entry due date 
+				test(instanceList[0]->EndTimeL().TimeLocalL() == aEndTime);
+				if (aStartTime != Time::NullTTime())
+					{
+					// The entry has a start time so the instance should have the same start time
+					test(instanceList[0]->StartTimeL().TimeLocalL() == aStartTime);
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					// The entry was not stored with a start time
+					// so the instance start time should be the same as the due date
+					test(instanceList[0]->StartTimeL().TimeLocalL() == instanceList[0]->EndTimeL().TimeLocalL());
+					}
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// The todo is undated
+				// so test that the start and end times are the same and that they are set as some time today
+				test(instanceList[0]->StartTimeL().TimeLocalL() == instanceList[0]->EndTimeL().TimeLocalL());
+				test(instanceList[0]->StartTimeL().TimeLocalL() != Time::NullTTime());
+				test(instanceList[0]->StartTimeL().TimeLocalL().DaysFrom(iToday).Int() == 0);
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// complete
+			test(instanceList[0]->StartTimeL().TimeLocalL() == instanceList[0]->Entry().CompletedTimeL().TimeLocalL());
+			test(instanceList[0]->EndTimeL().TimeLocalL() == instanceList[0]->Entry().CompletedTimeL().TimeLocalL());
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		test(instanceList.Count() == 0);
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&instanceList);
+	}
+void CTestApp::CreateAndTestRptTodoL(const TTime& aStartTime, const TTime& aEndTime, const TTime& aCompletedTime, TCalRRule::TType aRepeatType, TInt aInterval, TInt aCount, const CalCommon::TCalTimeRange& aTimeRange, RArray<TTime> aExpectedLocalInstanceTimes)
+	{
+	iTestLib->CleanDatabaseL();
+	// Create and store repeating todo entry
+	RPointerArray<CCalEntry> entryArray;
+	CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(entryArray);
+	CCalEntry* rptTodo = CreateRepeatingTodoLC(aStartTime, aEndTime, aCompletedTime, aRepeatType, aInterval, aCount);
+	entryArray.AppendL(rptTodo);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(rptTodo);
+	TInt numSuc;
+	iTestLib->SynCGetEntryViewL().StoreL(entryArray, numSuc);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&entryArray);
+	// find the todo
+	RPointerArray<CCalInstance> instanceList;
+	CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(instanceList);
+	iTestLib->SynCGetInstanceViewL().FindInstanceL(instanceList, CalCommon::EIncludeAll, aTimeRange);
+	PrintDetailsInstancesL(instanceList);
+	test(instanceList.Count() == aExpectedLocalInstanceTimes.Count());
+	for (TInt i(0) ; i < instanceList.Count() ; ++i)
+		{
+		test(instanceList[i]->EndTimeL().TimeLocalL() == aExpectedLocalInstanceTimes[i]);
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&instanceList);
+	}
+void CTestApp::TestFindInstanceNonRepeatingTodoL()
+	{
+	// set up a search range +- 10 days from now
+	TCalTime startDateTime1;
+	startDateTime1.SetTimeLocalL(iToday - TTimeIntervalDays(10));	
+	TCalTime endDateTime1;
+	endDateTime1.SetTimeLocalL(iToday + TTimeIntervalDays(10));
+	CalCommon::TCalTimeRange timeRangeWithToday(startDateTime1, endDateTime1);
+	TCalTime startDateTime2;
+	startDateTime2.SetTimeLocalL(iToday + TTimeIntervalDays(1));	
+	TCalTime endDateTime2;
+	endDateTime2.SetTimeLocalL(iToday + TTimeIntervalDays(20));
+	CalCommon::TCalTimeRange timeRangeAfterToday(startDateTime2, endDateTime2);
+	TCalTime startDateTime3;
+	startDateTime3.SetTimeLocalL(iToday - TTimeIntervalDays(20));	
+	TCalTime endDateTime3;
+	endDateTime3.SetTimeLocalL(iToday - TTimeIntervalDays(1));
+	CalCommon::TCalTimeRange timeRangeBeforeToday(startDateTime3, endDateTime3);
+	// completed todos
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Completed todo with completion date before the time range (due before)--"));
+	CreateAndTestNonRptTodoL(Time::NullTTime(),
+						timeRangeWithToday.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2), // due before
+						timeRangeWithToday.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2),
+						timeRangeWithToday,
+						EFalse);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Completed todo with completion date before the time range (due inside)--"));
+	CreateAndTestNonRptTodoL(Time::NullTTime(),
+						timeRangeWithToday.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(2), // due inside
+						timeRangeWithToday.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2),
+						timeRangeWithToday,
+						EFalse);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Completed todo with completion date before the time range (due after)--"));
+	CreateAndTestNonRptTodoL(Time::NullTTime(),
+						timeRangeWithToday.EndTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(2), // due after
+						timeRangeWithToday.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2),
+						timeRangeWithToday,
+						EFalse);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Completed todo with completion date after the time range (due after)--"));
+	CreateAndTestNonRptTodoL(Time::NullTTime(),
+						timeRangeWithToday.EndTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(2), // due after
+						timeRangeWithToday.EndTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(2),
+						timeRangeWithToday,
+						EFalse);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Completed todo with completion date after the time range (due inside)--"));
+	CreateAndTestNonRptTodoL(Time::NullTTime(),
+						timeRangeWithToday.EndTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2), // due inside
+						timeRangeWithToday.EndTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(2),
+						timeRangeWithToday,
+						EFalse);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Completed todo with completion date after the time range (due inside)--"));
+	CreateAndTestNonRptTodoL(Time::NullTTime(),
+						timeRangeWithToday.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2), // due before
+						timeRangeWithToday.EndTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(2),
+						timeRangeWithToday,
+						EFalse);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Completed todo with completion date inside the time range (due before)--"));
+	CreateAndTestNonRptTodoL(Time::NullTTime(),
+						timeRangeWithToday.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2), // due before
+						timeRangeWithToday.EndTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2),
+						timeRangeWithToday,
+						ETrue);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Completed todo with completion date inside the time range (due after)--"));				
+	CreateAndTestNonRptTodoL(Time::NullTTime(),
+						timeRangeWithToday.EndTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(2), // due after
+						timeRangeWithToday.EndTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2),
+						timeRangeWithToday,
+						ETrue);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Completed todo with completion date inside the time range (due inside)--"));		
+	CreateAndTestNonRptTodoL(Time::NullTTime(),
+						timeRangeWithToday.EndTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2), // due inside
+						timeRangeWithToday.EndTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2),
+						timeRangeWithToday,
+						ETrue);
+	// incomplete todos
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--incomplete dated todo with start and due date before time range--"));
+	CreateAndTestNonRptTodoL(timeRangeWithToday.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2), // before
+						timeRangeWithToday.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2),
+						Time::NullTTime(),
+						timeRangeWithToday,
+						EFalse);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--incomplete dated todo with only due date before time range--"));			
+	CreateAndTestNonRptTodoL(Time::NullTTime(), // no start date
+						timeRangeWithToday.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2), // only due date before
+						Time::NullTTime(),
+						timeRangeWithToday,
+						EFalse);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--incomplete dated todo crossing the start time of the search range--"));	
+	CreateAndTestNonRptTodoL(timeRangeWithToday.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(1), 
+						timeRangeWithToday.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(1), // crossing the start time
+						Time::NullTTime(),
+						timeRangeWithToday,
+						ETrue);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--incomplete dated todo with start and due date inside the search range--"));
+	CreateAndTestNonRptTodoL(timeRangeWithToday.EndTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2),
+						timeRangeWithToday.EndTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2), // totally inside
+						Time::NullTTime(),
+						timeRangeWithToday,
+						ETrue);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--incomplete dated todo with only due date inside the search range--"));	
+	CreateAndTestNonRptTodoL(Time::NullTTime(), // no start date
+						timeRangeWithToday.EndTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2), // only due date inside
+						Time::NullTTime(),
+						timeRangeWithToday,
+						ETrue);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--incomplete dated todo crossing the end of the search range--"));
+	CreateAndTestNonRptTodoL(timeRangeWithToday.EndTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(1), 
+						timeRangeWithToday.EndTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(1), // crossing the end of the range
+						Time::NullTTime(),
+						timeRangeWithToday,
+						ETrue);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--incomplete dated todo with start and due date after the search range--"));
+	CreateAndTestNonRptTodoL(timeRangeWithToday.EndTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(2),
+						timeRangeWithToday.EndTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(2), // totally after range
+						Time::NullTTime(),
+						timeRangeWithToday,
+						EFalse);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--incomplete dated todo with only due date after the search range--"));					
+	CreateAndTestNonRptTodoL(Time::NullTTime(), // no start date
+						timeRangeWithToday.EndTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(2), // only due after
+						Time::NullTTime(),
+						timeRangeWithToday,
+						EFalse);
+	// undated todos
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--undated todo (completed before search range)--"));
+	CreateAndTestNonRptTodoL(Time::NullTTime(),
+								Time::NullTTime(),
+								timeRangeWithToday.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2),// before
+								timeRangeWithToday,
+								EFalse); 
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--undated todo (completed inside search range)--"));
+	CreateAndTestNonRptTodoL(Time::NullTTime(),
+								Time::NullTTime(),
+								timeRangeWithToday.EndTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2), // during
+								timeRangeWithToday,
+								ETrue);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--undated todo (completed after search range)--"));
+	CreateAndTestNonRptTodoL(Time::NullTTime(),
+								Time::NullTTime(),
+								timeRangeWithToday.EndTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(2), // after
+								timeRangeWithToday,
+								EFalse);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--undated todo (incomplete)--"));
+	CreateAndTestNonRptTodoL(Time::NullTTime(),
+								Time::NullTTime(),
+								Time::NullTTime(), // incomplete
+								timeRangeWithToday,
+								ETrue);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n----Test undated todos are not found when search range does not include today--"));
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Search for undated todos after today--"));
+	CreateAndTestNonRptTodoL(Time::NullTTime(),
+								Time::NullTTime(),
+								Time::NullTTime(), // incomplete
+								timeRangeAfterToday,
+								EFalse);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Search for undated todos before today--"));
+	CreateAndTestNonRptTodoL(Time::NullTTime(),
+								Time::NullTTime(),
+								Time::NullTTime(), // incomplete
+								timeRangeBeforeToday,
+								EFalse);
+	}
+void CTestApp::TestFindInstanceRepeatingTodoL()
+	{	
+	RArray<TTime> expectedLocalInstanceTimes;
+	CleanupClosePushL(expectedLocalInstanceTimes);
+	const TTime KArbitraryTime(TDateTime(2006, ENovember, 22, 11, 30, 0, 0));
+// set up a search range +- 10 days from (11:30 23 November 2006)
+	TCalTime startDateTime;
+	startDateTime.SetTimeLocalL(KArbitraryTime - TTimeIntervalDays(10));	
+	TCalTime endDateTime;
+	endDateTime.SetTimeLocalL(KArbitraryTime + TTimeIntervalDays(10));
+	CalCommon::TCalTimeRange timeRange(startDateTime, endDateTime);
+// Create repeating todos of all different repeat types
+	// Make sure instances of all repeat types have instances before, after, in and on the time range
+	// 1. With and without a completed date set
+	// 2. With and without a start date
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Testing Daily Repeats--"));
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--incomplete with start date and due date set--"));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.Reset();
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(1));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(6));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(11));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(16));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(21));
+	CreateAndTestRptTodoL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(6), // The middle of the first instance is 5 days before
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(4),
+							Time::NullTTime(), // incomplete
+							TCalRRule::EDaily,
+							5, // interval
+							8, // count
+							timeRange,
+							expectedLocalInstanceTimes);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--incomplete with only due date set--"));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.Reset();
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(1));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(6));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(11));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(16));
+	CreateAndTestRptTodoL(Time::NullTTime(), // without start date
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(4),
+							Time::NullTTime(), // incomplete
+							TCalRRule::EDaily,
+							5,
+							7,
+							timeRange,
+							expectedLocalInstanceTimes);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Complete with only due date set--"));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.Reset();
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(1));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(6));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(11));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(16));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(21));
+	CreateAndTestRptTodoL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(6),
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(4),
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(2), // complete inside
+							TCalRRule::EDaily,
+							5,
+							7,
+							timeRange,
+							expectedLocalInstanceTimes);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Complete with only due date set--"));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.Reset();
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(1));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(6));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(11));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(16));
+	CreateAndTestRptTodoL(Time::NullTTime(), // without start date
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(4),
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(2), // complete outside
+							TCalRRule::EDaily,
+							5,
+							7,
+							timeRange,
+							expectedLocalInstanceTimes);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Testing weekly Repeats--"));
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Complete with only due date set--"));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.Reset();
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(3));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(10));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(17));
+	CreateAndTestRptTodoL(Time::NullTTime(), // without start date
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(4),
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2), // complete outside
+							TCalRRule::EWeekly,
+							1,
+							7,
+							timeRange,
+							expectedLocalInstanceTimes);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Complete with start and due date set--"));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.Reset();
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(3));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(10));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(17));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(24));
+	CreateAndTestRptTodoL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(9),
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(4),
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2), // complete outside
+							TCalRRule::EWeekly,
+							1,
+							7,
+							timeRange,
+							expectedLocalInstanceTimes);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Incomplete with only due date set--"));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.Reset();
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(3));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(10));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(17));
+	CreateAndTestRptTodoL(Time::NullTTime(), // without start date
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(4),
+							Time::NullTTime(), // incomplete
+							TCalRRule::EWeekly,
+							1,
+							7,
+							timeRange,
+							expectedLocalInstanceTimes);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Incomplete with start and due date set--"));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.Reset();
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(3));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(10));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(17));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(24));
+	CreateAndTestRptTodoL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(9),
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(4),
+							Time::NullTTime(), // incomplete
+							TCalRRule::EWeekly,
+							1,
+							7,
+							timeRange,
+							expectedLocalInstanceTimes);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Testing monthly Repeats--"));
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Complete with start and due date set--"));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.Reset();
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(2));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(2) + TTimeIntervalMonths(1));
+	CreateAndTestRptTodoL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalMonths(1) - TTimeIntervalDays(20),
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalMonths(1) + TTimeIntervalDays(2),
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(4), // complete before
+							TCalRRule::EMonthly,
+							1,
+							4,
+							timeRange,
+							expectedLocalInstanceTimes);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Complete with only due date set--"));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.Reset();
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(2));
+	CreateAndTestRptTodoL(Time::NullTTime(),
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalMonths(1) + TTimeIntervalDays(2),
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(4), // complete before
+							TCalRRule::EMonthly,
+							1,
+							4,
+							timeRange,
+							expectedLocalInstanceTimes);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Incomplete with start and due date set--"));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.Reset();
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(2));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(2) + TTimeIntervalMonths(1));
+	CreateAndTestRptTodoL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalMonths(1) - TTimeIntervalDays(20),
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalMonths(1) + TTimeIntervalDays(2),
+							Time::NullTTime(), // incomplete
+							TCalRRule::EMonthly,
+							1,
+							4,
+							timeRange,
+							expectedLocalInstanceTimes);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Incomplete with only due date set--"));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.Reset();
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(2));
+	CreateAndTestRptTodoL(Time::NullTTime(),
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalMonths(1) + TTimeIntervalDays(2),
+							Time::NullTTime(), // incomplete
+							TCalRRule::EMonthly,
+							1,
+							4,
+							timeRange,
+							expectedLocalInstanceTimes);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Testing yearly Repeats--"));
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Complete with only due date set--"));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.Reset();
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(2));
+	CreateAndTestRptTodoL(Time::NullTTime(),
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalYears(1) + TTimeIntervalDays(2),
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2), // complete before
+							TCalRRule::EYearly,
+							1,
+							3,
+							timeRange,
+							expectedLocalInstanceTimes);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Complete with start and due date set (across start of range)--"));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.Reset();
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(2));
+	CreateAndTestRptTodoL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalYears(1) - TTimeIntervalDays(2),
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalYears(1) + TTimeIntervalDays(2),
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2), // complete before
+							TCalRRule::EYearly,
+							1,
+							3,
+							timeRange,
+							expectedLocalInstanceTimes);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Complete with start and due date set (inside range)--"));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.Reset();
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(4));
+	CreateAndTestRptTodoL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalYears(1) + TTimeIntervalDays(2),
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalYears(1) + TTimeIntervalDays(4),
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2), // complete before
+							TCalRRule::EYearly,
+							1,
+							3,
+							timeRange,
+							expectedLocalInstanceTimes);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Complete with start and due date set (across end of range)--"));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.Reset();
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.EndTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(2));
+	CreateAndTestRptTodoL(timeRange.EndTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalYears(1) - TTimeIntervalDays(2),
+							timeRange.EndTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalYears(1) + TTimeIntervalDays(2),
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2), // complete before
+							TCalRRule::EYearly,
+							1,
+							3,
+							timeRange,
+							expectedLocalInstanceTimes);
+	test.Printf(_L("\n--Complete with start and due date set (across whole range)--"));
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.Reset();
+	expectedLocalInstanceTimes.AppendL(timeRange.EndTime().TimeLocalL() + TTimeIntervalDays(2));
+	CreateAndTestRptTodoL(timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalYears(1) - TTimeIntervalDays(2),
+							timeRange.EndTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalYears(1) + TTimeIntervalDays(2),
+							timeRange.StartTime().TimeLocalL() - TTimeIntervalDays(2), // complete before
+							TCalRRule::EYearly,
+							1,
+							3,
+							timeRange,
+							expectedLocalInstanceTimes);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&expectedLocalInstanceTimes);
+	}
+void CTestApp::TestNextInstanceL()
+	{
+	// create TCalTime for a day after today
+	TCalTime today;
+	today.SetTimeLocalL(iToday + TTimeIntervalDays(1));
+	RPointerArray<CCalEntry> entryArray;
+	CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(entryArray);
+	// create a todo that is 20 days in the future
+	CCalEntry* entry = CreateTodoLC(iToday + TTimeIntervalDays(20),
+									iToday + TTimeIntervalDays(20),
+									Time::NullTTime());
+	HBufC* entryDueTimeBuf = TimeBufLC(entry->EndTimeL().TimeLocalL());			
+	test.Printf(_L("Adding an entry with due time := %s"), entryDueTimeBuf->Ptr());
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entryDueTimeBuf);
+	entryArray.AppendL(entry);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(entry);
+	TInt numSuc;
+	iTestLib->SynCGetEntryViewL().StoreL(entryArray, numSuc);
+	entryArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+	TCalTime nextTime = iTestLib->SynCGetInstanceViewL().NextInstanceL(CalCommon::EIncludeAll, today);
+	HBufC* nextTimeBuf = TimeBufLC(nextTime.TimeLocalL());
+	test.Printf(_L("Original NextInstanceL(), from tomorrow := %s"), nextTimeBuf->Ptr());
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(nextTimeBuf);
+	CCalEntry* todo = CreateTodoLC(Time::NullTTime(),
+									Time::NullTTime(),
+									Time::NullTTime());
+	entryArray.AppendL(todo);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(todo);
+	iTestLib->SynCGetEntryViewL().StoreL(entryArray, numSuc);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&entryArray);
+	TCalTime nextTime2 = iTestLib->SynCGetInstanceViewL().NextInstanceL(CalCommon::EIncludeAll, today);
+	HBufC* nextTime2Buf = TimeBufLC(nextTime.TimeLocalL());
+	test.Printf(_L("NextInstanceL() with undated todo added, from tomorrow := %s"), nextTime2Buf->Ptr());
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(nextTime2Buf);
+	test(nextTime.TimeLocalL() == nextTime2.TimeLocalL());
+	}
+void CTestApp::DoTestsL()
+	{
+	// Set up time range for +- 10 days
+	TCalTime startDateTime;
+	startDateTime.SetTimeLocalL(iToday - TTimeIntervalDays(10));	
+	TCalTime endDateTime;
+	endDateTime.SetTimeLocalL(iToday + TTimeIntervalDays(10));
+	CalCommon::TCalTimeRange timeRange(startDateTime, endDateTime);
+	// Set up time range for min max time
+	TCalTime minCalTime;
+	minCalTime.SetTimeUtcL(TCalTime::MinTime());
+	TCalTime maxCalTime;
+	maxCalTime.SetTimeUtcL(TCalTime::MaxTime());
+	CalCommon::TCalTimeRange timeRangeMinToMax(minCalTime, maxCalTime);
+	test.Next(_L("Test that todos are sorted in the correct order (with time range +- 10 days)"));
+	iTestLib->CleanDatabaseL();
+	TestTodoSortOrderL(timeRange);
+	test.Next(_L("Test that todos are sorted in the correct order (with time range min at max time)"));
+	iTestLib->CleanDatabaseL();
+	TestTodoSortOrderL(timeRangeMinToMax);
+	test.Next(_L("Test all types of non-repeating todos are returned correctly"));
+	iTestLib->CleanDatabaseL();
+	TestFindInstanceNonRepeatingTodoL();
+	test.Next(_L("Test all types of repeating todos are returned correctly"));
+	iTestLib->CleanDatabaseL();
+	TestFindInstanceRepeatingTodoL();
+	test.Next(_L("Test NextInstanceL with and without an undated todo"));
+	iTestLib->CleanDatabaseL();
+	TestNextInstanceL();
+	}
+static void doMainL()
+	{
+	CTestApp* app = CTestApp::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(app);
+	app->DoTestsL();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(app);
+	}
+TInt E32Main()
+	{
+	test.Start(_L("@SYMTESTCaseID:PIM-TCAL-UNDATEDTODO-0001 tCal_Instance"));
+	test.Title();
+	CTrapCleanup* theCleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
+	CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new(ELeave)CActiveScheduler;
+	CActiveScheduler::Install(scheduler);
+	TRAPD(ret,doMainL());
+	delete scheduler;
+	test(ret == KErrNone);
+	delete theCleanup;	
+	test.End();
+	test.Close();
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}