changeset 0 f979ecb2b13e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pimappservices/calendar/tsrc/tcal_calendarinfo.cpp	Tue Feb 02 10:12:19 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,960 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "caltestlib.h"
+#include "caltestoom.h"
+#include <calsession.h>
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <calcalendarinfo.h>
+#include <calcalendariterator.h>
+#include <calentry.h>
+#include <calentryview.h>
+#include <calalarm.h>
+#include <asclisession.h>
+#include <asshdalarm.h>
+RTest test(_L("tcal_calendarinfo"));
+_LIT8(KGUID,  "A_Global_UID");
+_LIT8(KGUID1, "A_Global_UID1");
+_LIT8(KGUID2, "A_Global_UID2");
+_LIT8(KGUID3, "A_Global_UID3");
+_LIT(KCalendarFile, "tcal_calendarinfo");
+_LIT(KCalendarFileExpected, "c:tcal_calendarinfo");
+_LIT(KCalendarFilePrivatePath, "c:\\private\\10003a5b\\tcal_calendarinfo");
+// calendar info values
+_LIT(KCalendarName, "Calendar");
+_LIT(KCalendarDescription, "This is a calendar");
+const TRgb KCalendarColor(0xD7, 0x10, 0x01, 0xFF);
+const TBool KCalendarEnabled(ETrue);
+_LIT8(KPropertyTimeKey, "time");
+const TTime KPropertyTimeValue(TDateTime(2007, EMarch, 5, 12, 30, 0, 0));
+_LIT8(KPropertyStringKey, "string");
+_LIT8(KPropertyStringValue, "Here is some 8 bit text.");
+_LIT8(KPropertyIntKey, "int");
+const TInt KPropertyIntValue(34);
+class CTestManager : public CBase, public MCalTestOomCallBack
+	{
+    enum
+        {
+        EOomTestCaseCreateCalFileWithInfo,
+        EOomTestCaseSetInfoOnFileWithoutInfo,
+        EOomTestCaseUpdateInfo,
+        EOomTestCaseFetchInfo,
+        EOomTestCaseIterateOverAllInfo,
+        EOomTestCaseLast
+        };
+	static CTestManager* NewLC();
+	~CTestManager();
+	void RunTestsL();
+	CTestManager();
+	void ConstructL();
+	static void CleanupDeleteCalFile(TAny* aRef);
+private: // from MCalTestOomCallBack
+	void OomTestL(TType aType, TInt aFailAt);
+	void AddEntryWithAlarmL(const TTime& aStartTime, TInt aAlarmMinutes, HBufC8* aGuid, TBool aFloating);
+private: // tests ...
+    void TestCreateFileWithMetaDataL();
+    void TestSetMetaDataL();
+    void TestGetMetaDataL();
+    void TestGetAllMetaDataL();
+    void TestOomL();
+    void TestAlarmStatusChangeL();
+    void TestAlarmStatusWithAgendaShutDownL();
+    void TestSetAndUpdatePropertyL();
+    void TestGetPropertyL();
+    void TestRemovePropertyL();
+    void TestReplaceMetadataL();
+	CCalTestLibrary* iTestLibrary; // need a connection to a session to create a CCalEntry
+	TCalFileId iFileId;
+	RASCliSession      iAlarmServer;
+	TInt iOomTestCase;
+	};
+CTestManager* CTestManager::NewLC()
+	{
+	CTestManager* self = new (ELeave) CTestManager;
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	// CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return (self);
+	}
+	{
+	}
+void CTestManager::ConstructL()
+	{
+	iTestLibrary = CCalTestLibrary::NewL();
+	test.Printf(_L("Make sure the file is deleted when we start the test"));
+	TRAP_IGNORE(iTestLibrary->GetSession().DeleteCalFileL(KCalendarFile));
+	User::LeaveIfError(iAlarmServer.Connect());
+	}
+	{
+	delete iTestLibrary;
+	iAlarmServer.Close();
+	}
+void CTestManager::CleanupDeleteCalFile(TAny* aRef)
+    {
+    CCalSession* session = static_cast<CCalSession*>(aRef);
+    TRAPD(error, session->DeleteCalFileL(KCalendarFile));
+    if (error != KErrNone)
+        {
+        test.Printf(_L("There was a problem deleting the file! %d"), error);
+        }
+    delete session;
+    }
+void CTestManager::TestSetAndUpdatePropertyL()
+    {
+    test.Next(_L("Test setting some properties"));
+    test.Printf(_L("create some meta data"));
+    CCalCalendarInfo* calendarInfo = CCalCalendarInfo::NewL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(calendarInfo);
+    test.Printf(_L("Add some properties to the metadata"));
+    TTime now;
+    now.HomeTime();
+    TPckgC<TTime> timePckg1(now);
+    calendarInfo->SetPropertyL(KPropertyTimeKey, timePckg1);
+    TPckgC<TInt> intPckg1(KPropertyIntValue + 1);
+    calendarInfo->SetPropertyL(KPropertyIntKey, intPckg1);
+    calendarInfo->SetPropertyL(KPropertyStringKey, KPropertyStringValue);
+    test.Printf(_L("Create a calendar file with the metadata"));
+    iTestLibrary->GetSession().CreateCalFileL(KCalendarFile, *calendarInfo);
+    test.Next(_L("Test updating some of the metadata properties"));
+    TPckgC<TTime> timePckg2(KPropertyTimeValue);
+    calendarInfo->SetPropertyL(KPropertyTimeKey, timePckg2);
+    TPckgC<TTime> intPckg2(KPropertyIntValue);
+    calendarInfo->SetPropertyL(KPropertyIntKey, intPckg2);
+    test.Printf(_L("Open the file"));
+    iTestLibrary->GetSession().OpenL(KCalendarFile);
+    test.Printf(_L("Set the calendar info"));
+    iTestLibrary->GetSession().SetCalendarInfoL(*calendarInfo);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(calendarInfo);
+    }
+void CTestManager::TestGetPropertyL()
+    {
+    test.Next(_L("Test fetching the metadata"));
+    // fetch the calendar info from the session
+    CCalCalendarInfo* calendarInfo = iTestLibrary->GetSession().CalendarInfoL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(calendarInfo);
+    test.Printf(_L("Fetch the property keys"));
+    CDesC8Array* propertyKeys = calendarInfo->PropertyKeysL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(propertyKeys);
+    test.Printf(_L("Test that there are only three properties"));
+    test(propertyKeys->Count() == 3);
+    test.Printf(_L("Test that all three property keys are found"));
+    TInt pos(KErrNotFound);
+    test(propertyKeys->Find(KPropertyTimeKey, pos, ECmpNormal) != KErrNotFound);
+    test(propertyKeys->Find(KPropertyIntKey, pos, ECmpNormal) != KErrNotFound);
+    test(propertyKeys->Find(KPropertyStringKey, pos, ECmpNormal) != KErrNotFound);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(propertyKeys);
+    test.Printf(_L("Test that the time property is set to the correct value"));
+    TTime time;
+    TPckgC<TTime> timeBuf(time);
+    timeBuf.Set(calendarInfo->PropertyValueL(KPropertyTimeKey));
+    time = timeBuf();
+    test(time == KPropertyTimeValue);
+    test.Printf(_L("Test that the int property is set to the correct value"));
+    TInt intVal;
+    TPckgC<TInt> intBuf(intVal);
+    intBuf.Set(calendarInfo->PropertyValueL(KPropertyIntKey));
+    intVal = intBuf();
+    test(intVal == KPropertyIntValue);
+    test.Printf(_L("Test that the string property is set to the correct value"));
+    test(calendarInfo->PropertyValueL(KPropertyStringKey).Compare(KPropertyStringValue) == 0);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(calendarInfo);
+    }
+void CTestManager::TestRemovePropertyL()
+    {
+    test.Next(_L("Test that we can remove a property from the properties"));
+    test.Printf(_L("Fetch the calendar info"));
+    CCalCalendarInfo* calendarInfo = iTestLibrary->GetSession().CalendarInfoL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(calendarInfo);
+    test.Printf(_L("We should have 3 property keys before removing one"));
+    CDesC8Array* array = calendarInfo->PropertyKeysL();
+    test(array->Count() == 3);
+    delete array;
+    test.Printf(_L("Remove the property by key"));
+    calendarInfo->RemovePropertyL(KPropertyTimeKey);
+    test.Printf(_L("We should now have 2 properties after removing one"));
+    array = calendarInfo->PropertyKeysL();
+    test(array->Count() == 2);
+    delete array;
+    test.Printf(_L("Set the calendar info"));
+    iTestLibrary->GetSession().SetCalendarInfoL(*calendarInfo);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(calendarInfo);
+    calendarInfo = iTestLibrary->GetSession().CalendarInfoL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(calendarInfo);
+    test.Printf(_L("Test that there are now only two keys"));
+    CDesC8Array* propertyKeys = calendarInfo->PropertyKeysL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(propertyKeys);
+    test(propertyKeys->Count() == 2);
+    test.Printf(_L("Test that the correct two property keys are found"));
+    TInt pos(KErrNotFound);
+    test(propertyKeys->Find(KPropertyIntKey, pos, ECmpNormal) != KErrNotFound);
+    test(propertyKeys->Find(KPropertyStringKey, pos, ECmpNormal) != KErrNotFound);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(propertyKeys);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(calendarInfo);
+    }
+void CTestManager::TestReplaceMetadataL()
+    {
+    _LIT8(KDifferentKey, "different key");
+    _LIT8(KDifferentValue, "different value");
+    test.Next(_L("Test that we can replace the metadata"));
+    test.Printf(_L("create some new metadata"));
+    CCalCalendarInfo* calendarInfo = CCalCalendarInfo::NewL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(calendarInfo);
+    test.Printf(_L("Add a property to the metadata"));
+    calendarInfo->SetPropertyL(KDifferentKey, KDifferentValue);
+    test.Printf(_L("set the metadata"));
+    iTestLibrary->GetSession().SetCalendarInfoL(*calendarInfo);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(calendarInfo);
+    test.Printf(_L("fetch the metadata"));
+    calendarInfo = iTestLibrary->GetSession().CalendarInfoL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(calendarInfo);
+    test.Printf(_L("Test that there is only the one new key"));
+    CDesC8Array* propertyKeys = calendarInfo->PropertyKeysL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(propertyKeys);
+    test(propertyKeys->Count() == 1);
+    test.Printf(_L("Test that the correct two property keys are found"));
+    TInt pos(KErrNotFound);
+    test(propertyKeys->Find(KDifferentKey, pos, ECmpNormal) != KErrNotFound);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(propertyKeys);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(calendarInfo);
+    }
+@SYMPreq					CR1985
+@SYMTestCaseDesc			Test that we can create a file with metadata.
+@SYMTestPriority            1
+@SYMTestType                CIT
+@SYMTestStatus 				Implemented
+@SYMTestActions 			1. Create a calendar info instance and set some values on it
+							2. Create a file and specify that the calendar info is associated with it
+@SYMTestExpectedResults		The calendar file should be created and the metadata set on it. 
+void CTestManager::TestCreateFileWithMetaDataL()
+    {
+    test.Next(_L("Test that a file can be created with meta data"));
+    test.Printf(_L("Make sure the file is deleted when we start the test"));
+    TRAP_IGNORE(iTestLibrary->GetSession().DeleteCalFileL(KCalendarFile));
+    CCalCalendarInfo* calendarInfo = CCalCalendarInfo::NewL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(calendarInfo);
+    test.Printf(_L("Set some properties on the meta data"));
+    calendarInfo->SetNameL(KCalendarName);
+    calendarInfo->SetDescriptionL(KCalendarDescription);
+    calendarInfo->SetColor(KCalendarColor);
+    calendarInfo->SetEnabled(KCalendarEnabled);
+    test.Printf(_L("Use the create cal file overload method that takes calendar info"));
+    iTestLibrary->GetSession().CreateCalFileL(KCalendarFile, *calendarInfo);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(calendarInfo);
+    }
+@SYMPreq					CR1985
+@SYMTestCaseDesc			Test that we can set metadata on a file that already exists.
+@SYMTestPriority            1
+@SYMTestType                CIT
+@SYMTestStatus 				Implemented
+@SYMTestActions 			1. Create a file without metadata
+							2. Create a calendar info instance and set some values on it
+							2. Set the calendar info is associated with it
+@SYMTestExpectedResults		The calendar file should be created and the metadata set on it. 
+void CTestManager::TestSetMetaDataL()
+    {
+    test.Next(_L("Test that you can set meta data on a file that already exists"));
+    test.Printf(_L("Make sure the file is deleted when we start the test"));
+    TRAP_IGNORE(iTestLibrary->GetSession().DeleteCalFileL(KCalendarFile));
+    test.Printf(_L("Create the cal file without meta data"));
+    iTestLibrary->GetSession().CreateCalFileL(KCalendarFile);
+    test.Printf(_L("open the file"));
+    iTestLibrary->GetSession().OpenL(KCalendarFile);
+    iTestLibrary->GetSession().FileIdL(iFileId);
+    test.Printf(_L("create the meta data object"));
+    CCalCalendarInfo* calendarInfo = CCalCalendarInfo::NewL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(calendarInfo);
+    test.Printf(_L("Set some properties on the meta data"));
+    calendarInfo->SetNameL(KCalendarName);
+    calendarInfo->SetDescriptionL(KCalendarDescription);
+    calendarInfo->SetColor(KCalendarColor);
+    calendarInfo->SetEnabled(KCalendarEnabled);
+    test.Printf(_L("Set the meta data on the file"));
+    iTestLibrary->GetSession().SetCalendarInfoL(*calendarInfo);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(calendarInfo);
+    }
+@SYMPreq					CR1985
+@SYMTestCaseDesc			Test that we are able to fetch metadata that has been set on a file.
+@SYMTestPriority            1
+@SYMTestType                CIT
+@SYMTestStatus 				Implemented
+@SYMTestActions 			1. Open a file with metadata
+							2. fetch the properties of the metadata
+@SYMTestExpectedResults		The metadata should be there and the properties should have the correct values.
+void CTestManager::TestGetMetaDataL()
+    {
+    test.Next(_L("Test that you can set meta data on a file that already exists"));
+    test.Printf(_L("open the file"));
+    iTestLibrary->GetSession().OpenL(KCalendarFile);
+    iTestLibrary->GetSession().FileIdL(iFileId);
+    test.Printf(_L("get the meta data"));
+    CCalCalendarInfo* calendarInfo = iTestLibrary->GetSession().CalendarInfoL();
+    if (calendarInfo)
+        {
+        test.Printf(_L("There is meta data so test that is set correctly"));
+        CleanupStack::PushL(calendarInfo);
+        test(calendarInfo->FileNameL().Compare(KCalendarFileExpected) == 0);
+        test(calendarInfo->NameL().Compare(KCalendarName) == 0);
+        test(calendarInfo->DescriptionL().Compare(KCalendarDescription) == 0);
+        test(calendarInfo->Color() == KCalendarColor);
+        test(calendarInfo->Enabled() == KCalendarEnabled);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(calendarInfo);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        test.Printf(_L("There is no meta data"));
+        test(EFalse);
+        }
+    }
+@SYMPreq					CR1985
+@SYMTestCaseDesc			Test that we can fetch metadata for all files through the calendar iterator.
+@SYMTestPriority            1
+@SYMTestType                CIT
+@SYMTestStatus 				Implemented
+@SYMTestActions 			1. Have 1 file that has metadata set on it
+							2. Have many other files that do not have metadata (calendar files from other tests). 
+							3. Create a calendar iterator
+							4. iterate through all calendars fetching metadata of it exitsts
+@SYMTestExpectedResults		Only one file should have valid metadata and it should have the correct values.
+void CTestManager::TestGetAllMetaDataL()
+    {
+    test.Next(_L("Test iterating through all meta data set on the calendar server"));
+    test.Printf(_L("create the iterator"));
+    CCalCalendarIterator* calendarIterator = CCalCalendarIterator::NewL(iTestLibrary->GetSession());
+    CleanupStack::PushL(calendarIterator);
+    CDesCArray* calFiles = iTestLibrary->GetSession().ListCalFilesL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(calFiles);
+    test.Printf(_L("Test the meta data count is the same as the list calendar info count"));
+    const TInt KCalendarInfoCount = calendarIterator->Count();
+    const TInt KListFilesCount = calFiles->Count();
+    test(KCalendarInfoCount == KListFilesCount);
+    test.Printf(_L("Iterate through the calendar info collection"));
+    TInt validCount(0);
+    TInt totalCount(0);
+    for (CCalCalendarInfo* calendarInfo = calendarIterator->FirstL();
+            calendarInfo != NULL ;
+            calendarInfo = calendarIterator->NextL())
+        {
+        CleanupStack::PushL(calendarInfo);
+        test.Printf(_L("File %d = %S\n"), ++totalCount, &calendarInfo->FileNameL());
+        if (calendarInfo->IsValid())
+            {
+            test.Printf(_L("The file is valid so test that the properties are as expected"));
+            ++validCount;
+            test(calendarInfo->FileNameL().Compare(KCalendarFileExpected) == 0);
+            test(calendarInfo->NameL().Compare(KCalendarName) == 0);
+            test(calendarInfo->DescriptionL().Compare(KCalendarDescription) == 0);
+            test(calendarInfo->Color() == KCalendarColor);
+            test(calendarInfo->Enabled() == KCalendarEnabled);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            test.Printf(_L("The file is invalid, but make sure it is one of the files from ListCalFilesL"));
+            TInt pos(KErrNotFound);
+            TInt findError = calFiles->Find(calendarInfo->FileNameL(), pos);
+            test(findError == KErrNone);
+            // Remove the file from the list so that we test we don't get duplicates
+            calFiles->Delete(pos);
+            }
+        test.Printf(_L("Test that the CurrentL API works"));
+        CCalCalendarInfo* currentCalendarInfo = calendarIterator->CurrentL();
+        CleanupStack::PushL(currentCalendarInfo);
+        test(currentCalendarInfo->IsValid() == calendarInfo->IsValid());
+        test(currentCalendarInfo->FileNameL().Compare(calendarInfo->FileNameL()) == 0 );
+        if (currentCalendarInfo->IsValid())
+            {
+            test.Printf(_L("The info is valid so test that all the other properties are the same"));
+            test(calendarInfo->FileNameL().Compare(KCalendarFileExpected) == 0);
+            test(calendarInfo->NameL().Compare(KCalendarName) == 0);
+            test(calendarInfo->DescriptionL().Compare(KCalendarDescription) == 0);
+            test(calendarInfo->Color() == KCalendarColor);
+            test(calendarInfo->Enabled() == KCalendarEnabled);
+            }
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(currentCalendarInfo);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(calendarInfo);
+        }
+    test.Printf(_L("Test that we only found one file with valid meta data"));
+    test(validCount == 1);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(calFiles);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(calendarIterator);
+    }
+@SYMPreq					CR1985
+@SYMTestCaseDesc			Test that all the metadata APIs work under OOM conditions.
+@SYMTestPriority            1
+@SYMTestType                CIT
+@SYMTestStatus 				Implemented
+@SYMTestActions 			1. Call all new APIs under OOM conditions
+@SYMTestExpectedResults		APIs should be transactional and fail without panicking.
+void CTestManager::OomTestL(TType aType, TInt aFailAt)
+    {
+    test.Printf(_L("Oom test callback %d %d\n"), aType, aFailAt);
+    // create file with calendar info
+    CCalSession* session = CCalSession::NewL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CleanupDeleteCalFile, session));
+    TRAPD(err, session->DeleteCalFileL(KCalendarFile));
+    if (err != KErrNotFound)
+        {
+        User::LeaveIfError(err);
+        }
+    CCalCalendarInfo* info = CCalCalendarInfo::NewL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(info);
+    info->SetNameL(KCalendarName);
+    info->SetDescriptionL(KCalendarDescription);
+    info->SetColor(KCalendarColor);
+    info->SetEnabled(KCalendarEnabled);
+    switch (iOomTestCase)
+        {
+        case EOomTestCaseCreateCalFileWithInfo:
+            {
+            session->CreateCalFileL(KCalendarFile, *info);
+            }
+            break;
+        case EOomTestCaseSetInfoOnFileWithoutInfo:
+            {
+            // create file without calendar info and then set
+            session->CreateCalFileL(KCalendarFile);
+            session->OpenL(KCalendarFile);
+            session->SetCalendarInfoL(*info);
+            }
+            break;
+        case EOomTestCaseUpdateInfo:
+            {
+            // create cal file with impl and then update it
+            session->CreateCalFileL(KCalendarFile, *info);
+            session->OpenL(KCalendarFile);
+            session->SetCalendarInfoL(*info);
+            }
+            break;
+        case EOomTestCaseFetchInfo:
+            {
+            session->CreateCalFileL(KCalendarFile, *info);
+            session->OpenL(KCalendarFile);
+            // get calendar info
+            CCalCalendarInfo* fetchedInfo = session->CalendarInfoL();
+            CleanupStack::PushL(fetchedInfo);
+            // check that all the details are correct
+            test(fetchedInfo->FileNameL().Compare(KCalendarFileExpected) == 0);
+            test(fetchedInfo->NameL().Compare(KCalendarName) == 0);
+            test(fetchedInfo->DescriptionL().Compare(KCalendarDescription) == 0);
+            test(fetchedInfo->Color() == KCalendarColor);
+            test(fetchedInfo->Enabled() == KCalendarEnabled);
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fetchedInfo);
+            }
+            break;
+        case EOomTestCaseIterateOverAllInfo:
+            {
+            session->CreateCalFileL(KCalendarFile, *info);
+            // Iterate through the calendar info
+            CCalCalendarIterator* calendarIterator = CCalCalendarIterator::NewL(*session);
+            CleanupStack::PushL(calendarIterator);
+            for (CCalCalendarInfo* calendarInfo = calendarIterator->FirstL();
+                    calendarInfo != NULL ;
+                    calendarInfo = calendarIterator->NextL())
+                {
+                CleanupStack::PushL(calendarInfo);
+                if (calendarInfo->IsValid())
+                    {
+                    test(calendarInfo->FileNameL().Compare(KCalendarFileExpected) == 0);
+                    test(calendarInfo->NameL().Compare(KCalendarName) == 0);
+                    test(calendarInfo->DescriptionL().Compare(KCalendarDescription) == 0);
+                    test(calendarInfo->Color() == KCalendarColor);
+                    test(calendarInfo->Enabled() == KCalendarEnabled);
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    // the filename should not be that of the file we expect to have metadata
+                    test(calendarInfo->FileNameL().Compare(KCalendarFileExpected) != 0);
+                    }
+                CCalCalendarInfo* currentCalendarInfo = calendarIterator->CurrentL();
+                CleanupStack::PushL(currentCalendarInfo);
+                test(currentCalendarInfo->IsValid() == calendarInfo->IsValid());
+                test(currentCalendarInfo->FileNameL().Compare(calendarInfo->FileNameL()) == 0 );
+                if (currentCalendarInfo->IsValid())
+                    {
+                    test(calendarInfo->FileNameL().Compare(KCalendarFileExpected) == 0);
+                    test(calendarInfo->NameL().Compare(KCalendarName) == 0);
+                    test(calendarInfo->DescriptionL().Compare(KCalendarDescription) == 0);
+                    test(calendarInfo->Color() == KCalendarColor);
+                    test(calendarInfo->Enabled() == KCalendarEnabled);
+                    }
+                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(currentCalendarInfo);
+                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(calendarInfo);
+                }
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(calendarIterator);
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        };
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(info);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(session);
+    }
+void CTestManager::TestOomL()
+    {
+    // make sure the agenda is not running when we start
+    iTestLibrary->CloseAgendaServer();
+    iTestLibrary->ConnectAgendaServerL();
+    for (iOomTestCase = 0 ; iOomTestCase < EOomTestCaseLast ; ++iOomTestCase)
+        {
+        test.Printf(_L("Oom test case %d"), iOomTestCase);
+        test.Printf(_L("Test the client side"));
+        TRAP_IGNORE(iTestLibrary->GetSession().DeleteCalFileL(KCalendarFile));
+        CalTestOom::OutOfMemoryTestL(*this, MCalTestOomCallBack::EClient, iTestLibrary->GetSession());
+        test.Printf(_L("Test the server side"));
+        TRAP_IGNORE(iTestLibrary->GetSession().DeleteCalFileL(KCalendarFile));
+        CalTestOom::OutOfMemoryTestL(*this, MCalTestOomCallBack::EServer, iTestLibrary->GetSession());
+        }
+    }
+void CTestManager::AddEntryWithAlarmL(const TTime& aStartTime, TInt aAlarmMinutes, HBufC8* aGuid, TBool aFloating)
+    {  
+    TDateTime dt = (aStartTime - TTimeIntervalMinutes(aAlarmMinutes)).DateTime();
+    test.Printf(_L("Adding alarmed entry, alarm set to: %d/%d/%d, %d:%d\n"),
+                dt.Day()+1, dt.Month()+1, dt.Year(), dt.Hour(), dt.Minute());
+    HBufC8* guid = aGuid;        
+    if (!guid)
+        {
+        guid = KGUID().AllocLC();
+        }
+    CCalEntry* entry = CCalEntry::NewL(CCalEntry::EAppt, guid, CCalEntry::EMethodNone, 0);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(guid);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(entry);
+    TCalTime calStartTime;
+    TCalTime calEndTime;    
+    if (aFloating)
+        {
+        calStartTime.SetTimeLocalFloatingL(aStartTime);
+        calEndTime.SetTimeLocalFloatingL(aStartTime + TTimeIntervalHours(1));
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        calStartTime.SetTimeLocalL(aStartTime);
+        calEndTime.SetTimeLocalL(aStartTime + TTimeIntervalHours(1));
+        }        
+    entry->SetStartAndEndTimeL(calStartTime, calEndTime);    
+    CCalAlarm* alarm = CCalAlarm::NewL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(alarm);
+    alarm->SetTimeOffset(aAlarmMinutes);
+    entry->SetAlarmL(alarm);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(alarm);
+    RPointerArray<CCalEntry> entriesToStore;
+    CleanupClosePushL(entriesToStore);    
+    entriesToStore.AppendL(entry);    
+    TInt entriesStored = 0;
+    iTestLibrary->SynCGetEntryViewL().StoreL(entriesToStore, entriesStored);
+    test(entriesToStore.Count() == entriesStored);    
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //&entriesToStore, entry
+    }
+@SYMTestCaseID              PIM-TCAL-CALENDAR-INFO-0006
+@SYMPreq                    CR2066
+@SYMTestCaseDesc            Test that alarm status changes is consistent with agenda shut down.
+@SYMTestPriority            1
+@SYMTestType                CIT
+@SYMTestStatus              Implemented
+@SYMTestActions             1. Create a calendar file and set the metadata
+                            2. Create a few alarmed entries
+                            3. Get the alarm details
+                            4. Close agenda server
+                            5. Open agenda and check the alarm status
+                            6. Disable calendar and check the alarm status
+@SYMTestExpectedResults     Alarms should be enabled when calendar metadata is enabled. Alarms 
+                            should be disabled when calendar metadata is disabled.
+void CTestManager::TestAlarmStatusWithAgendaShutDownL()
+    {
+    test.Next(_L("Test the alarm status while closing and re-opening agenda"));
+    test.Printf(_L("Make sure the file is deleted when we start the test"));
+    iTestLibrary->DeleteFileL(KCalendarFile);      
+    iTestLibrary->CreateFileL(KCalendarFile);
+    iTestLibrary->OpenFileL(KCalendarFile);
+    CCalCalendarInfo* calendarInfo = CCalCalendarInfo::NewL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(calendarInfo);
+    test.Printf(_L("Set some properties on the meta data"));
+    calendarInfo->SetNameL(KCalendarFile);
+    calendarInfo->SetDescriptionL(KCalendarDescription);
+    calendarInfo->SetColor(KCalendarColor);
+    calendarInfo->SetEnabled(KCalendarEnabled);
+    test.Printf(_L("Set the meta data on the file"));
+    iTestLibrary->GetSession().SetCalendarInfoL(*calendarInfo);
+    const TInt offSet = 30;// alarm offset is 30 seconds
+    TTime alarmTime(TDateTime(2009, EJuly, 5, 12, 0, 0, 0));
+    iTestLibrary->PIMTestServer().SetHomeTime(alarmTime - TTimeIntervalSeconds(offSet)); 
+    HBufC8* guid1 = KGUID1().AllocLC();
+    AddEntryWithAlarmL(alarmTime, 0,  guid1, EFalse); 
+    HBufC8* guid2 = KGUID2().AllocLC();
+    AddEntryWithAlarmL(alarmTime + TTimeIntervalSeconds(offSet), 0,  guid2, EFalse); 
+    HBufC8* guid3 = KGUID3().AllocLC();
+    AddEntryWithAlarmL(alarmTime + TTimeIntervalMinutes(offSet), 0,  guid3, EFalse); 
+    TAlarmId alarmId;
+    TASShdAlarm alarm;
+    iAlarmServer.GetNextDueAlarmId(alarmId);
+    iAlarmServer.GetAlarmDetails(alarmId, alarm);
+    test(iAlarmServer.AlarmCountByState(EAlarmStateQueued) == 1);
+    test.Printf(_L("Calendar server shut down\n")); 
+    iTestLibrary->CloseAgendaServer();    
+    // Three alarm should be queued
+    test(iAlarmServer.AlarmCountByState(EAlarmStateQueued) == 3);
+    iTestLibrary->OpenFileL(KCalendarFile());    
+    test(iAlarmServer.AlarmCountByState(EAlarmStateQueued) == 3);
+    iTestLibrary->SynCGetEntryViewL();//force the entry view is build so that the alarms will be deleted.
+    test(iAlarmServer.AlarmCountByState(EAlarmStateQueued) == 1);
+    test.Printf(_L("Wait for an alarm to notify\n")); 
+    test(iTestLibrary->WaitForAlarmEvent(KNullAlarmId, EAlarmChangeEventState, EAlarmStateNotifying, offSet*1000000));
+    // One alarm should be queued
+    test(iAlarmServer.AlarmCountByState(EAlarmStateQueued) == 1);
+    iAlarmServer.GetNextDueAlarmId(alarmId);
+    iAlarmServer.GetAlarmDetails(alarmId, alarm);
+    TAlarmStatus status;
+    iAlarmServer.GetAlarmStatus(alarmId, status);
+    test.Printf(_L("Check the alarm status - it should be enabled\n")); 
+    test(status == EAlarmStatusEnabled);
+    test.Printf(_L("Disable calendar metadata\n")); 
+    calendarInfo->SetEnabled(EFalse);
+    iTestLibrary->GetSession().SetCalendarInfoL(*calendarInfo);
+    iAlarmServer.GetAlarmDetails(alarmId, alarm);
+    iAlarmServer.GetAlarmStatus(alarmId, status);
+    test.Printf(_L("Check the alarm status - it should be disabled\n")); 
+    test(status == EAlarmStatusDisabled);
+    // Restore settings back to how those were before start of the test
+    iTestLibrary->CleanDatabaseL();
+    TTime now;
+    now.HomeTime();
+    iTestLibrary->PIMTestServer().SetHomeTime(now);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(calendarInfo);
+    }
+@SYMTestCaseID              PIM-TCAL-CALENDAR-INFO-0007
+@SYMPreq                    CR2066
+@SYMTestCaseDesc            Test that alarm status changes with calendar metadata.
+@SYMTestPriority            1
+@SYMTestType                CIT
+@SYMTestStatus              Implemented
+@SYMTestActions             1. Create a calendar file and add metadata to it
+                            2. Add an alarmed entry
+                            3. Check the status of the alarm
+                            4. Disable calendar and check alarm status
+@SYMTestExpectedResults     Alarm status should be enabled/disabled depending on calendar metadata status.
+void CTestManager::TestAlarmStatusChangeL()
+    {
+    test.Next(_L("Test the change in alarm status with respect to calendar status"));
+    test.Printf(_L("Make sure the file is deleted when we start the test\n"));
+    iTestLibrary->DeleteFileL(KCalendarFile);
+    iTestLibrary->CreateFileL(KCalendarFile);
+    iTestLibrary->OpenFileL(KCalendarFile);
+    CCalCalendarInfo* calendarInfo = CCalCalendarInfo::NewL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(calendarInfo);
+    test.Printf(_L("Set some properties on the meta data\n"));
+    calendarInfo->SetNameL(KCalendarFile);
+    calendarInfo->SetDescriptionL(KCalendarDescription);
+    calendarInfo->SetColor(KCalendarColor);
+    calendarInfo->SetEnabled(KCalendarEnabled);
+    test.Printf(_L("Set the meta data on the file\n"));
+    iTestLibrary->GetSession().SetCalendarInfoL(*calendarInfo);
+    TTime time(TDateTime(2008, EJuly, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0));     
+    iTestLibrary->PIMTestServer().SetHomeTime(time); 
+    HBufC8* guid1 = KGUID1().AllocLC();
+    test.Printf(_L("Add an alarmed entry\n"));
+    AddEntryWithAlarmL(time + TTimeIntervalSeconds(2), 0,  guid1, EFalse); 
+    TAlarmId alarmId;
+    TASShdAlarm alarmDetails;
+    iAlarmServer.GetNextDueAlarmId(alarmId);
+    iAlarmServer.GetAlarmDetails(alarmId, alarmDetails);
+    TAlarmStatus status;
+    iAlarmServer.GetAlarmStatus(alarmId, status);
+    test.Printf(_L("Check if the status of the alarm is enabled\n"));
+    test(status == EAlarmStatusEnabled);
+    calendarInfo->SetEnabled(EFalse);
+    test.Printf(_L("Disable the meta data on the file\n"));
+    iTestLibrary->GetSession().SetCalendarInfoL(*calendarInfo);
+    iAlarmServer.GetAlarmDetails(alarmId, alarmDetails);
+    test.Printf(_L("Get alarm status - alarm should be disabled\n")); 
+    TRAPD(err, iAlarmServer.GetAlarmStatus(alarmId, status));
+    test(err == KErrNone);
+    test(status == EAlarmStatusDisabled); 
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(calendarInfo);
+    time.HomeTime();
+    iTestLibrary->PIMTestServer().SetHomeTime(time);    
+    iTestLibrary->CleanDatabaseL();
+    }
+void CTestManager::RunTestsL()
+	{
+	TestSetAndUpdatePropertyL();
+    TestGetPropertyL();
+    TestRemovePropertyL();
+    TestReplaceMetadataL();
+    TestCreateFileWithMetaDataL();
+    TestSetMetaDataL();
+    TestGetMetaDataL();
+    TestGetAllMetaDataL();
+    TestAlarmStatusChangeL();
+    TestAlarmStatusWithAgendaShutDownL();
+    TestOomL();    
+	}
+static void DoTestL()
+	{
+	CTestManager* testManager = CTestManager::NewLC();
+	TPerformanceTimer timer(test);
+	timer.Start();
+	// Run the test suite
+	testManager->RunTestsL();
+	timer.Stop();
+	test.Printf(_L("Done\n"));
+	// printout performance time
+	timer.PrintOut();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(testManager);
+	}
+TInt E32Main()
+    {
+	test.Start(KCalendarFile);
+	test.Title();
+	CTrapCleanup* trapCleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
+	if (!trapCleanup)
+		{
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new CActiveScheduler();
+	if (!scheduler)
+		{
+		delete trapCleanup;
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	CActiveScheduler::Install(scheduler);	
+	TRAPD(ret, DoTestL());
+	if (ret != KErrNone)
+	    {
+	    test.Printf(_L("test failed with %d"), ret);
+	    }
+	test(ret == KErrNone);
+	delete scheduler;
+	delete trapCleanup;	
+	test.End();
+	test.Close();
+	return (KErrNone);
+    }